The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, July 18, 1874, Image 4

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A Hkmkdv »on Ijoohkxbhk.—In ft «ums
of looqunc** of tlio bowel* in a homo WO
would giro half nu ounoo of prepared
chalk nnd half nti ounce of ground gin
ger in tho feed onoo ft day. A* indiges
tion in probably tho cause, tho food
should l»o caiofully selected, and wliat
grain in given should ho ground. An
ounoo of salt should ah., »;«> given in
tho food daily.
Hrr. an Gurus and Dnr Fodder.—
An oiohnngo gives in its experience in
using ryo as n green Hummer feed, and
pronounces it as excellent food if cut
when coming into ear. This ban been
lined both for horses and cows. The
journal add* : " To fowl ryo that Ima
been cut ripe, wo would thresh it, grind
the grain along with corn or oats, cut
the straw in a fodder-cutter, moisten it
with wntcr, sprinklo u handful of nnlt
and three-quartom of tho ground feed
upon a large pailful of tho moist out
straw. This mnkes a very good food
for an ordinary sized horse when work
ing moderately.”
Horn—Hots aro tho larrm of tho
horso gad-fly (Jf*frun cquut), and are in
n condition exactly equivalent to that
of tho caterpillar of a moth or butter
fly. They therefore can not brood or
reproduce themselves in fho stomach of
a homo, being iinperfect'iuseots and in
capable of breeding. It is oosirr to
prevent their proaenoo in the horse’s
stomach thau to get rid of them. If the
yellow nits or eggs which may bo seen
' '.July
ter, or scraped off with the edge of a
knife, the horso can not lick them off
and oarry them to their toinfmrary rest
ing place. Every farmer should learn
animals with which ha comen in contact;
then ho would
contend with is the "cowy ,f or animal
odor that appear in freshly drawn milk.
or two rows of holes. Tho milk is
Iiolrn. It atnrta in atrramn, but Vforn
it goto down morn than a foot or fUtoon
inolii’a it ia anj.aratnil into dropn anil all
aired. Well, tvn all know wliat a ilo-
oilnrlHir pura air ia. Alnmat any
mnnt whioli will aorvo tho pnrpoio very
wall, nr if In. nnn't ilo it hinmnlf In, nun
go to tho tinman mill gat him to punch
nolon in tliu liottom of a pall ami liiiug
it ui) over a can or other vessel, so that
in dropping down through the air it
will he thoroughly aerated. Hut it
plant the little wild flowora and ovor-
E reen shrubs, such as rhododendrons,
alrmas, hollies, wintergreous— not for
getting the trailing arbutus. To these
may be added our wild ferns, mocoasin
flowors, pitcher-plants, and other beau
tiful denizens of tho woods. Many of
these ore difficult to transplant by ordi
nary mothods, but can l>e safely re
moved during the winter months when
there is no snow upon tho ground.
Take an old ax and with It chop out a
ball of earth containing the roots of
the plants, and carry the whole home
and set out carefully. A little unfrozen
soil cun usually be obtained to put
around nnd over the clump of roots
hen again set out. Even larger ever
greens from the woods and Helds may
also bo removed with comparative safety
in tho same way. Hut do not forget
the little rustic retreat wlir?re delicate
ild flowers seem to find a most
genial home, remembering that " a
old plant is tho ivy green.”- Rural
"no- Yorker.
MiH« Kf.i,AMKot;s.—If a little lime is
dissolved in tho water applied to the
soil, nearly every species of worm that
is found will bo killed, and tho plants
not injured. Tobaooo will also destroy
most kinds of worms ; but lime is pre
ferable, because it aids in dissolving
the plant-food in the soil, thereby stim
ulating growth. Watering the plants
with lime-water, once a week, will bo
sufficient to kill tho worms in Die soil
d stimulate growth. artielos of steel after they
tve been thoroughly cleaned with iin-
icked lime will preserve them from
st. The coils of piano-wires thus
sprinkled will keep from rust many
years. Table knives whioli are notin
constant u o ought to bo put in a cose
in which sifted quicklime is placed
about eight inches deep. They should
mry material uat.l in photo-
Lot tho IIrat coat dry, ami
again. Attor planting thoallp,
npmeut will tnko piano vary
promptly. Tllla method ia aal.l to lm
particularly olHoaolona in womly alipa,
ami In auooood mill in aoiona of tho
r flight succor
of this
tho ah-' 0 *"Thla f 'ainip 1 n ror
preferaiilo to collodion or e
Extraordinary stories aro
emlnliccnrei of the Kartli»|UaUr In th®
Mliiliilppl Viliry.
Tho oomet of 1811, of whioh so little
is l)con said, attracted great attention
in tho United Matos, and was of extra
ordinary brilliancy. It was attended
by somo very remarkahlo convul
sions of nature, and it was said
at tho time that it reached a point
within -10,000 miles of the surface of
tho sun. It was visible for tho first
time on tho 7th of September, 1811,
sud its situation was calculated by
Professor Wood, of William and Mary
college, Virginia, to bo in the same lino
with the polar star. Tho diameter of
its body, exclusive of tail, appeared to
bo one fourth of the moon. From this
timo to tho 21st of September, its dis
tance from tho sun increased, as well
as its brightness and tail. The comet
was sup|K)sed to have passed its peri
helion iHitween tho 4th and 12th of the
month witli tho amazing velocity of
100,000 miles per hour. It could bo
plainly seen in tho evening during tho
month of October. Prior to its np-
aranoe there woie unusual commo
tions in tho earth and tho atmosphere
variety of ways. A severe shock
of earthquake was felt in Virginia.
Both tho American and European sea-
coasts, as woll as mnny parts of tho in
terior of those continents, were unusu-
all harrassed by tromendous hurricanes
and storms of rain and hail, and a
strange agitation of the atmosphere
noticed. Hut the most remarkable
phenomenon attending the comet of
in!, 1 rt, t !:v , an r oy'!!rt,':,;'Mi^,ppi,
which (lnatroyod nearly 20(1 milca«(
‘ The leare* irere for the healing of the nation*.'
A Valuable Medicinal fltrb.
lly II. V. Piero*. M. I)., of tho World’s Dis- ! lately sprung
penaary, Hnffalo, Now York. j country in tin
Kmart Wood, eomotlmos railed Water Popper,
hut’known to botanists as Polygonum Punr-
latum, is a well known, vory common and
inodoHt little plant found growing in ditchos,
low gronn *
The " Scalpers’’ and their Trade.
A new and thrifty trade seems to have
ip in various parts of the
country in the shape of selling railroad
tickets at second-hand. It is said that
thoro aro now some forty offices in this
conntry where tickets over any road,
oim nbw
rid.* among rabmh’aM.hont hr«i"i I loading from the city in which the office
ud water courses, floworh.g in Aiigui
iot>l«tnl>or. In many MOCtloiiH of thine
t Is a doHorvodljr highly eiitcomod family
id v. Tho Indians also mako great uso of this
:»lant for tho cure of various dheoaos. lint
iieitlior tho Indians nor tho whites learned
ins-tenth of tho value of this modest littln
need, as they had no method of extracting its
irirtur.-s without the application of heat, which
imdn i
of its propertio*, and usually
from tho dried herb, that had been
hand for a long timo until it had l
most of Its medical properties. No odu
chemist had over tried to make an analysis of
tho plant and produce an extract from it n
. ..» a roM process.
iiontifle pnncipli
having Itecomo convinced of ’ tho wontlorli viitnos of this littlo wood, lnvestigi
ted its proportion and made an extract froi
the fresh herb, by a cold tirocoss- usimr n
beat at all. I.
and volatile propertiei
1 is locate*!, may bo bought at rates lower
untry than the company’s. No partiality in
shown. Thin is how it works, tickets
of every road being on hand : A person
in New York wishing to go to Cincinnati
can buy a ticket for 820. Because of
competition, a ticket from New York to
Chicago, via Cincinnati, can be had for
822. The fare from Cincinnati to Chi
cago is Hoppose the Chicago ticket
d is purchased, the ho’der of it is not com
| polled to visit Chicago. On reaching
j Cincinnati he stops. lie lias paid out
, 82 more than ho need to have done, but
he has in possession a ticket whioh at
any time will take him to Chicago, and
vms- using no which is thus equivalent to An
its juices oils ojfloa j n Cincinnati will pay him 87 for
the long dried herb and by the ap-
tlon of boat, ill
ios, I reasoned that it
spared, by a cold pro
oys n
amTtllo ynlluwm' then
anil planed over a lira, wli
oatofnlly atlrm.1 until thn
alanoo ia jnat on tin. point of entohing
flro, when tho volk will yield nearly two
Ilia of oil. ft ia in gonoral
oommon lifo ami ooatly oliarm of Dul
monioo’n ami 1'nrkar'a, nan lm mnifn in
porfnotion in any kitofum. l>.y thn oao of
vary ainipln npparatim c,.mealing of a
aliarp blailo act nlnotlng in a won,Inn
trongli with a narrow afit in thn bottom,
two wire scrotum or sieves, and a com-
nutting mmihiou, aoak tlmm in nolit
walor for two lmura atlr oommon
tablo Halt into tho watnr, onn Inaapmin-
ful to a quart, ami allow tlmm to ronmin
in tin, brim, half an hour longer. four
tliora upon tin, Bnreoii to ilrnln ami put
on a apiilnr with a pound ol olnnr Inril
ovor a brink flro. Wino tho aliond po-
tatona dry oil a town!, wait mil ,1 tlm
;,r n r.O^
like a small son in a white squall, and
now tho cook shows the artistic soul,
which every votary of that noblest of
the arts must possess to bo worthy of
tho name. Patient and calm, with
steady and incessant motion of the
skimmer she prevents adhesion of any
too affectionate slices, and watches oure-
fully for the tender blush of browu-
nosH to appear. Slowly it creeps and
deepens until it rivals the fragrant
Havana. Haste then takes tho place of
caution, lost any martyrs buijj for the
perfection of tho others ; and they must
bo quickly spread upon another sieve
to draiu until dry and grcasoless enough
, when propel
, . . . „ ... . . and from tli
freshly driod herb, prove a wonderfully afflei
cions ami potent remedy for human «tifforin|
And I can annum thn |>nople, upot my liono
preparing it, my mont >
tliis ticket, and await a purchaser
Again : Tickets are often purchased at
the offices of railroad companies, which,
for uuseen reasons, are not nsed, and
those oo»no in to swell tho business of
tho brokers’ offices.
I ha
found it t<
steeping in water could not bring out at all.
principle*. With
tabling all tle-ne incdiral pr
Is ft recent letU*r to Messrs,
ton A Co.. Capt. K. W. Whittemor
fantry, U. H. A., thus apeak* of th
j ton Sewing Machine:
wing machin
s, 15th In-
i Iteming-
(trahii Annual Drmg,
Nashville, July 27,1874,
30,000 TICKETS,
- ^ A! "’ — . , QUICK and EASY,
Every One a Prize ! cheap and clean.
i gunn, I nhall v
n the popular way of
.'l Prizes, on
1 Prize of
I Prize of.
J Prize of
SfSSfe ,
ody—bwiiliM limy no fUvnr »uj nu.lify It >■
U Thf)' nrt rhtapcsl to buy.
Tlit'V arr tint lo ntr.
(/) Tlirv Uikr tvtulr uiut quirkly.
D Tlirir operation it prrfrrL
Thry have nlwuyi a pood droll.
< Thry nrr inmlt of tlir ts'.st intilrriol.
Thry road nrrfreUf.
O Thry require hut little furl.
Thry nrr ter) low prired.
UI Thry arr rati I y mannprd.
TZ They nrr tolled lo ill loealiUet.
CD Rvrry tlovr piurnntrrd lo piu inlltfit’u
wiili emne great name, and told tint people
the hi-rU of which it wbh composed wore
will) thn eflluvift
to have undergone
unfit for use; that
thn bod of tho Mississippi was thrown
podotho navigation: that
that had lately made its
largo q'liantily of |
fad that lierolufuio they'have had only a very ; n A u
covered with several
of fine whito sa
b en protruded upward ^ ^
with wate
which tiie terrified
.r the fairest lingers,
> melt nwav like tho
the fallen leaves
Wurn TO Otrr Ouakh FOR 1
those farmers who have a pet theory oh
tho subject now hold that it is best to
t hortmgh ly^h^ is'hl oa^'n o ^d ou l)
arose from the notion the tailor the
ger being that, if any dampness
luaincd, heat or mould woul.l surely
ruin tho crop
ttiming to the ground
into the surrounding
of its nutritious prop
ho good for the land, but it is not goo'
for the stock
them. The object of the lmy-umk
should be to out his crop just when
is at its fullest vigor, when the stal
are tender and juiev, aud before thov
have begun to stifron for
irt. By the) way tho court is
im ass, ‘so to speak.' as regards law.
* ig the whole trial Taylor’s nerves
taxed to tho utmost to keep from
Ring sngrv at tho rulings of tho
against him, when he knew he
right. Finally when tlm judge
made a fearful ruling, Taylor sprang to
his feet, his face fairly blazing with
' got out or the way, h
death. Taylor ahri ked with
dirow up tins case. I will nut
ioo before such a court. By G—el
you might as well oxpoob a Hindoo to
keep track of the midnight marches of
the solar system as fen- me to leoep track
of tho rulings of this court, and tlm pet
tifogging of these attorneys. Got
of m.v way.’ (The last
and clung to his coat-tails, crying that
she would have no other attorney. Tay
lor tore himself loose and strode out of
tlm room, tho crowd purtiug like tlm
waters of tho Bed Hen (I think that was
tho sea-1 am a little mixed on scrip-
geography], when Mosoa lied from
n.ij’ri'h.’i'ln All'pitr!’* o'/ North Aiik-mcv am] Ltoxl Katmaiooh. wbh
known as^Smart-Weed. I Miovn that Hod laaoeolp, wlllapawlUy r*-
Order Without Delay.
Tickets $5; II for $50.
Address J. It. OOLLADAY,
Howling (Irecn, Ky.,
Sewing 1 Machine.
Modal for Progress,’ 1
tirnly succcMitfiil. It am>kto<l lltn vomiting iq a»t*tioh lin-raas la a iiMirless Inrld
ami purging in s short time ami without 'ho M .. D0# .. b ussfeensrd seslnst
aid of other mtdioine entirely restorevl the 'it- , 1 M ,n " ^ ^
Wk; .inassk's 1 7
Hmail Weed e-pialrd. yet I l.svo used all tlio j Y * uu »
ss.sar n..’^
null tlm Kmart Woed in making my Kxlract- “on, etc., In ItaMaU, Uui
Imuru tlio UMno (Compound Kxtract of Knurl S"*.h«r. It will an what
.•jSJS r ~c».r. K a,
'ae'ilto ilr ehroido. BROWN’S VKRMIKOOR lt)MFITS lieafiliVaVltMaity'*i*!w n™»
oiiiiHixl i/riuit ilmniiire Hut it was in
the West. Indus ami Month America
that tlio heaviest calamities occurred.
Tho city of Oara
dotroyed by an
12,000 of tho inhabitants killed. A tor-
to you a momont, Mr. Taylor.' Taylor
replied : ' Von know your riglila, air;
p.o may Hno m« aa mneli aa y< u pluaao,
1. rat tlio homo
amino tlm harnoaa onrofnUv, tlrat on ono
»i,lo ami then on tho other, upon king on-
(Vmrugiugly whilo doing thon jump
into tlm wagon and giro tlio word go ;
goo,wall' Im will obey.
2 A trumsUw in Maine aavs ho ran
atari tho worst balky horso \.v taking
him out of tlio almfts aud making him
go round iu a oirolo till lm ia giddy,
tho 11 rot dunoo of thin sort doesn't
and shut olV Ilia wind until ho
go, aud thou lo him go.
1. Tho brain of tlio horso boo
lumoua in so short a time,
ision was that the comet
* of all the trouble in 1811.
) of the meteor
as ai^oducat^Ta^sk^^ pi»«-
ticiil ohomist, lhavo dovietnl a superior pro-
my Comnonud V.
. .
I particu «rlv u.o.ll |.iil.lw i
gravel, and to treak up tho cold stage of fever
- “Sip
Wttklf Si
For tho Next Half Year.
Tnrrnnt’* Kdrrtr'rrnl Scllzrr A|>fririil.
Wild Flowk
I-very garden of buy pretense to
should lmve its little nooks aud e
for small, wild ami exotic plants. These ! „ . ollt
spots should not be models of neatness j * '
wort, mvrt’le. and our Amcrienn
may be eucouraged to ramble in 'all
their native freedom. Of course, large
trees should be near, to coat a shade, *i w is feelingly alluded to in the loeaU stated that of the e
aud partly hide it all, but amomg the . oolumus of tho St. Louis pres- as ” an-1 killed not one exett
interstice)) between the large object, other floater found.” | pounds m weight as a
- \ dead body found iu
life, as
Cape Coast
The most curious relic of the Ash an-
.... rampaigu brought home' bv tlm now.
v-roturu.'il troops is a Capo Coast bull,
« perfect kitten of tho species. He is
Aeseribe.l as not so tall as an umbrella,
nml, judging Iron, his build aud nelivi-
ty, might be as safely trusted to peram-
l-ulate the fragile groves of a orcokc ry ! "' fl |L'* 1 ; aat be most dooile dog. He J ui ,u° ‘e
was allowed to be loose on tho deck,
and was the pet and plaything of the
crew, who leased him until he ran at
and butted them ns tho goat does.
tlm h wse'h Twelve of these animals were shipped
tlm horse s ear ^ (o0( , „„ „, 0 Vl ,_ rnge , „„ J some
idea nnv be formed of iliis renreseuta-
the Missis- ; five Lilipntian “live beef,” when it is
he e even that were
exceeded forty
our is hoavv ami lower. Superfine
ami ptate, #5.00^5.40 ; extra Ohio,
; St. L mis. $6.10Ta''ll. Wheat heavy
•r. No. 2 spring, tl.3Dal.32. Ityo quiet
1.06<S>1.10. (lorn heavy ami lower,
tiou all tho diiH»*i*cn wlieroin it will ho found '''V* Oate a phado l*ettfr. fHVh lin Sugar
r.3r tea.VA'sri'te $72 w
Greenwood Seminary. 7 7 "' - ' : , ’ '.K
y.vS.r.-sr.*-. *" i Lebanon Business College
I and Telegraph Institute.
No. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Lonis, Ho.,
; A fe
mo»tTrio“ , relio’M 8 'tho A,ban- S ZTT. uS'UX 'm Flour dud „“.omm j'*’Tvhr.t fair dr-
npaign brought home by the new. money Will ho prmnptl refunded. Allow me maiul, but at lower ratee. ltod. $1.10 : new --
tiKot’of Smart Weed, i» a nafe remodv in all
oaw». which cannot bopoidof many mediolues
put up for nate to tho people. So liarmten • it)
it, ihat itmav he givenin small donee of five
V. M*mm jHuk in fair demand at
r’S Ssr-nS&lffl:
, ti'Vc; clear rib aidoi*, U'vC; clear
• 18.23. Lard
ii a .'<smxc-
Shouldore, fiVi clear rib »idoa, a‘ v c:
.’fertitMJoWIW t X'S'X’ttn'
W. 'sspfj'n-T;
Flour qnirt. XX, i5.60; XXX. jil.00^7.00 ;
92L c. Hay—Prime in waiohouee, $24. Mena
pork firm at $21(821.25. Dry ealt m at ocam
wttuts 1 o kuo'v miiiii to ao wim mui Shoulders, 71 *>*. Iiacon iu better demand an
pocket, lie it) afraid of a pistol, the firmer S*.,.older-. S>,V : clear nh sides, lo;-..
raVi-rir ,oba r h ?\%"
bap al8 ° " 8ea 88 H 0081
— A l>« Cros!
uftoU with
Wttutb to know wliat. to do with thut