Newspaper Page Text
W, S, D. WIKLE & CO., Proprietors,
Mrn. Hwyer, who killed her three
children in Brooklyn a few weoks ago. haa been
committed to the Ponghkoeiwio asylum.
In the Welmwken fire the total mini
ber of barrels of oils burned was 85,000 am
about 60,000 barrel* of naptha. Watson, the
book-keeper of the Erio company, estimate*
thM two mi'iions will cover the total 1.
Passengers from the west rejKirt the
The Full man Car Works at Detroit
ar* at present engaged upon an order from
/hs Austrian government for palace earn.
The grasshopper destruction allects
about «m>-tenth part of Minnesota and ono-
thirteonth of the population. Crops outside
of tliis area promise abuudan
Lake Winnebago stopped the fire at
Oshkosh, Wis., last week. S 1X hundred build
ing wero burned, and 3,000 people made homo-
Jess. Loss * 1.000.000. Insurance, *160,1
Gen. Sheridan has forwarded through
*Oen. Sherman a request to bo allowod to m
tho Gth cavalry for offensive operations against
the Indians, and udvocaling gonerallv an of
fensive jKillcv as more effective and n
.economical than a defensive one.
At a meeting recently held in Ch
go, of tho general su)>eriutondontfl and general
freight agents of all the railroads leading t
the Bsuthwest, ii was decided not to pool th
ownings, btn to advance 'ho present frclgh
an tli»
AU opposition between tlio companies is now
obviated and high rates can ho obtained.
A national soldiers’ reunion is an
nounced to be held in a forest camp of 100
acres, near Caldwell, Ohio, on the 17th and
18th days of Hopteinber, to celebrate the
of An
among tho speakers announced aro Gen. Goo.
W. Morgan, Senators Sherman end Thurman,
<leus. Logan and Banks. Tho convention is to
i* kept clear of politics.
Tho following are tho amounts of iu-
suranco on tho property destroyed in the
great firo at Oshkosh, Wis., as given l»v the
different agotio .<• . In Wisconsin companies,
$30,600; I>| other companies, mostly eastern,
$733,960. The aggregate loss is now given a*
*800,000, in round numbers. Tho number of
buHinesu houses destroyed was about 100, and
of residences, 500.
Gen. Pope ban written a letter to tho
r of K(
frontier of Kansu* is lined with troop* and it
eoeius Impossible that tho Indians can do any
damage. Gen. rope says in relation to the
trading Anns at Dodge City, who, in violation
of law and to tho incalculable injury of Urn
peacoful and hnnout »..i /.«..*iei set
tlors of Kansas. o-Oablislind trading posts or
xather grog-shops in tho pan-haudlo or Texas
to trade with the buffalo hunters and mllians
who ha' o invade*! the Indian country
and committed violent mid inexcusable
•outrages upon tho Indians, ho lias no word
of sympathy vr concern, and if ho should
Bond troops to tho locality of those unlawful
trading establishments it would ho to break
them up, and not to protoct them. Ho says : To
the unscrupulous and illegal transactions of
these i>oo[Jo tho murders of innocent settlors
on tho frontier aro largely attributed, and they
ought to he punished and not protected.
A cotton cxchaugn has been formed
by tho dealers of Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Goldsmith Maid’s Lent time at. East
Baglimn w»h 2:16— the fastest trotting tin
A negro and his wife were killed by
lightning in I.a Fourohe Parish, Louisiana,
last week.
Tho special committee of investign
tion appointed to visit Arkansas, Judge Po
land, chairman, aro oxpeoted to leave Little
Rock this month.
The corn crop iu southern Georgia is
About made, and the yield will bo abundant.
Tho incessant wot weather lias materially in
jured cotton in many of tho lower counties.
John B. Bruno, twelve years old,
hanged himself at his father's house in Hat
din county, Ky., last week. His father had
refused to buy him a now saddle.
At Berni, Ky., last Monday, a man
named James Walkhean idiot and fatally
wounded Miss Margaret Painter. The cause
for the murder is not known.
At Crab Orchard, Ky., last Saturday.
It s
boy was soiling
apples and the man grabbed at the basket
when tho hoy struck at him with tho knife
eovoring an artery.
An alligator weighing 250 pounds, and
measuring nine and a-half feet in length, was
caught near Marion court-house, 8. C., last
week. It was shipped to the zoological gar
den at Fairmonnt park. Philadelphia.
Two men named Burlison and llasain,
in Prairie county, Ark., got into a difficulty on
Tuesday, in which the former was stabbed
and killed by tho latter. Boon aftei some un
known person shot and killed Burlison.
About thirty Indians attacked J. C.
Laving’s rancho fifteen miles front Jacks-
boro, Texas, last week. After a severe fight
with fifteen whites, the Indians lied, taking
several lioraes. John Heath, white, was
One thousand men are at work on the
Cincinnati Southern in Scoit county, Ky.. and
tho force is increasing a* rapidly as possible,
tho contracto rs employing white laborers al
vei v.
A lumber train on the air-line rail
road fell through the troBtle work of the
Peachtree creek bridge, four or five miles
from Atlanta. One colored man was killed
outright and six other., seriously injured. The
wounded wei >brought to this city.
Tho effect of the reduction of the
rates on package envelopes, from ten to eight
cents, is shown iu tho increase of sales. There
were 138,815,500 stamped envelopes sold by
tho postoffice department through tho post
masters, an increase over the preceding year
of about 600,000.
There are at present fifty-eight to-
bare , factories in Richmond, working on full
time, and employing on au average about 100
hands each. Of cigar manufactories there
arg 41 in operation iu Richmond, but the num
ber of hands employed bears no comparison
with those in tho tobacco factories.
Daniel Mathenoy was allot iu hia own
Btoro at Harrodebnrg, Ky., last week, by
James Slongliton. It is alleged that a crim
inal intimacy existed between his wife and
Mathenoy, which the latter admitted, and
Stoughton drew a revolver and shot him, In
flicting a fatal wound. Tiio entire Barred*-
burg bar volunteered to defend Stoughton.
Major Waltz, of Now Orleans tolc-
graphs that supplies from tho United States
government will render further contributions
fortho relief of tho overt!owod unnecessary.
For donations received, tho onmmittoo of re
lief returns tho most cordial thanks. A re
port of their operations will lie published
about Sept. 1, by direction of tho general re
lief eommittoo.
Tho exnminntiou of tho young mou
who received permits to report for admission
into the naval academy as cadet engineers
takes place on tho 15th, tfltli and 17th of Sep
tember instead of any Unto between tho 15th
and 21st, as heretofore. This will he a oorn-
potitial examination. Tho recent act of con
gress permits tho appointment of twonty-flvo
cadet engineers annually.
Marks Lovy, a peddler, aroused over
to Crittenden county, Ark , last week, to ped
dle and was seized by a party of negroes who
stripped him, after capturing Ids pack, and
carrying him into a donao wood tied him to a
troo and left him there to die. llo remained
there twenty-four hours, during which ho was
bitten by a snake. He succeeded iu getting
loosobut wandered in tho forest two days,
living upon berries, before ho readied the sot •
During a game of haao ball ni Mem
phis, la»t week, a negro man who was iu tho
way of Peter Matli tho catcher, was ordered
out of tho way, to which ho responded with an
oatli and drawing a pistol fired at Math, who
ran to Ids coat and getting a pistol returned
the fire. Home half dozen shots were Hied in
tho moloo that ensued, tho negro firing at
other members of tho club. Finally ho wns
shot in tho hack and then beaten terribly.
Tho ropublionuH have dofoatoil tho
rartists in an engagement uoar Bllboa.
Tito furnishing drought in India hna
been followed by disastrous rains.
Dookory haa boon condemned to
dontli at Havana, with a hope of pardon.
The oarlista aro ahooting Homo cor
respondents as spies in order to got rid of tho
Monsignor Do Morode, archbishop of
Mltyleue, and privato chaplain of tho pope, iH
Tho Giirlietn liavo ordered one repub
lican shot for every shell tlrod by tho Hoot off
Tlw* ro|mhlioa*i« liavo Again 1)0011 BUO-
ocssful in an ongagomont with tho on
near Billion.
Tho Genova award cimmisBionors,
appointed under tho rooont act, moot in Wash
ington, July 22d.
The cat-lists nro trying to drivo away
foreign rorrospondontH by shooting thorn as
spies. Many Gormans liavo already withdraw
from their lines.
Tho governments of Austria nud Rttaaia
havn agreed to open negotiations with the
Sublime Porte, looking to a recognition til
lopendoiioo of Roumania by Turkey.
A private diapatoh anya Prinoo Bis-
irek was greeting a small assembly when he
was shot st by Edward Kullman. The bullet
wounded him in tho hand at tho moment ho
was touching his hat.
A (lispr.tch from St. Potoraburg de
nies that the young Duke Nicholas, who stole
Ids mother's diamonds, lias been sentenced to
banishment, but says his cavo is still ponding
before the emperor.
John Mitchell, tho famous oxilo ia
about to return to Ireland to he a candidate
for the British parliament. Nearly *10,(KM)
have been collected in this country and
Ireland to defray Mitchell's expenses.
Tho famine in India ia subsiding.
The numhor of natives new employed on tho
relief works is 800,000, or 1,000,800 less than
threo weeks ago. Half a million persons aro
still subsisting on tho charity of tho govern
ment and the public.
Madrid jotirnala atafo that oarlista
liavo seized a mini ber of men, women and
children on the Cantabrian coast and Biscay,
numbering in all.1,600 porsonH, and hold thorn
ns hostages, to bo shot in caso of an attack by
the republicans.
It is aaid tho Brussels congress on
international law, after formal opening and
organization, will appoint committios and
suspend its general sitting. Baron Jamini,
the Russian representative in tho congress
will probably bo ciioaou president.
While Prince Bismarck was driving
in the country lust week, he was fired at by a
young man, and the hall grazed his wrist.
Tho wound is insignificant. Tho would-be
assassin was arrested. There is 'ntonso ex
citement in Berlin over tho attempt on Bis
marck's life.
A letter from Havana dated July 4
says : T ero is a great deal of sickness pro-
vailing here. Many fatal cases of small pox
and yellow fever have occurred. Public
places for vaccination have been established
throughout the city. Business is very dull.
Only about a hundred boxes of sugar wore
sold during this week.
The eurlists abandoned the Beige of
Puycerda a'ter a second assault In which they
were repulsed. Tho carlists besieging Cu
enca have occupied houses in the suburbs of
the city. Reinforcements for tho bosioging
•epnblicans have arrived from Madrid and the
:ity is being energetically defended. Mar-
ibal Serrano has deferred Ids trip to Lagranjo
until the carlists are driven from Cuonca.
Various accounts agree that Bis
marck’s escape was miraculous. His hand
was touching his hat when wounded. His
coachman fearing a second shot struck the
would-be assassin across tho face. A number of
police have been sent to Kissengen to protect
Bismarck from a repetition of tho attack.
Evidence has been uiscovered betokening a
A special from Berlin says Kullman
hconsidered a mere tool, iiautfaler, the priest
arrested, belongs to tho village of Walcbzo,
in the Austrian Tyrol. Ho checked Bismarck's
horses by stepping in front at the critical mo
ment. The Berlin press declare the attempt
ed assassination proves tho necessity of re
pressing ultraraontaino teachings.
An oftloinl uoto is published in Paris,
warning agriculturists and others against em
igrating without making Inquiry of tho admin
istration in voforonco thereto. It is stated in
a nolo that tills course i* taken because a num
ber of immigrants liavo made application to
tho government for assistaroo to enable them
to return to Franco, particularly from Phila
delphia, where tho promises held out by im
migration agents liavo not boon realized.
Dispatches from Spain report that
Gen. Zabella has removed bis headquarters
from Hafalla to Logrange. Gen. Morionos is
also retiring toward tin* river Ebro. Sickness
is prevalent among tho national troops. It is
anticipated that active operations will bo post
poned three weeks Tho main body of tho
carllat army have entered Biscay and threaten
to stop the navigation of the river Nervlou.
H. J. Jewett has boon olootod pres
ident of Erie, vico Watson, resigned.
McGrath, tho owner of Tom Bowl
ing, foam tho homo will never lie aide to ap
pear on tho track again.
I ho attorney general has directed tho
United Htates attorney for tho western district
of New York to tnko an appeal in tho case of
tho Now York Oontraland Hudson river rail
road company against United States Internal
llevonuo Collector Briley.
The question of a legal separation of
Mr. and Mrs. Tilton is now in tho hands of
Mr. N. B. Marz, formerly Judgo of tho court
of appeals. Judgo Marz is tho stepfather of
Mrs. Tilton, and has boon hor husband's in-
tiniato frioiul for many years.
Treasurer Spinner has threatened to
tender bin resignation in caso his vlows regard
ing tho manngomont or the bureau tinder his
charge are not approved by thoao higher in
authority. (Ion. Spinner's dissatisfaction
grows out of a oonlllot betwoon himself and
other prominent officers of tho treasury with
roferonca to tho appointment of clerks in his
own bureau.
Tho suspension of tho freedmnn's pav
ings institution, which retains saving of money
of industrious colored persons, is tho chief
subject of conversation nmopg thorn. Three
deaths liavo romiltod Indirectly from (ho sus
pension, tlio victims being women who went
into a wild stato of imbecility and oollapso at
tho loss of tholr savings.
Tho hand ball match for ono thou
sand dollars and tlio championship of Amer
ica, between James O'Brion and Jbiiioh Fur-
ron, of Chicago, and Jamos Dunn and James
Casey, of Brooklyn, took place last week, and
resulted in favor of Brooklyn by a score of
81 to 74. Chicago had tho gaino in their own
hands until Farron booarao oxlmu»i*»l by
Ono of tho 1adieu employed ns count
er in the national hank redemption division
of tlio treasury department lias discovered
among tlio notes sent for redemption ono of
tlio conutoi foil 9500 hills, originally discovered
ai the tronHiiry about a year ago. It was ts>
perfect that several of the most experienced
clorks in tho treasury office thought it genu
ine, but upon reference to tlio engraving and
printing division it was pronounced counter
Tho navy department will not ordor
north this summer the voshoIsiiow in tlio Gulf
of Moxieo and cruising iu tho waters adjacent
to tho West Indies, but (hoy will all remain
about tholr present stations so that, iu caso of
any necessity for their presence iu Gillian wa
ters or olsowhoro in that latitude it will not bo
necessary to lit out and send vessels from I lie
north to that quarter.
Ofileorfl of the chief railway compa
nies recently, agreed to greatly reduce tho
number of ticket agencies, in fact to abolish
all beyond tlio regular offices established by
tho companies. It was agreed that those lat
ter meet all the requirements of tho traveling
public, and tlist the commission paid otlior
agonlH, and tlio additional oxpoiiso iu priming
and advertising, wore useless, and they
brought no inernnso in business, and the
risk mil in tho circulation of so many tickets
was very groat.
Tho treasurer has decided that tho
national hanks will ho permitted to makegood
tlio amounts charged to tho tlvo per cent,
fund, for tlio redemption of tholr notes, by the
reiiiittauco of uatioual hank notes, lhUS*Having
tlio oxpoiiso of remitting legal tender notes
from tlio treasury department in return for
bank notes redeemed, and of tho return of
legal tondors by hanks to make good tho five
percent, fund. Tlio first deposit of fivo per
cent, must, however, ho made in legal tondors
in all cases.
Advices from Washington stnto that
Secretary Bristow announces ail explanation
of tlio terms upon which tho live pnr cent,
feuded bonds aro offered for proposals, that
all interest on tlio bonds accrued to the date
of subscription, and in addition thereto all
interest that will liavo accrued up to three
months thereafter must bo paid by tlio sub
scribers whoso bids are adopted, and must lie
calculated iu all settlements, together witli
tlio payment at tho tiino of subscription or
at any time within tin oo months theroaf-
Political affairs in Franco aro still in
a critical condition. On the 6th inet. tlio as
sembly passed the municipal doctoral bill.
The eommittoo of parliamentary initiative on
the same day rejected M. De Lardiofouoauld s
monarchical proposition. Tho assembly ses
sion on the 8th was one of intense excitement.
A motion expressing great regret over the
suspension of the journal V Union by the
government was rejected by a vote of 379 to
80, tbe Left generally abstaining from voting.
Thereupon M. Paris, of tho Right centre,
moved a resolution to energetically uphold tlio
septennial powers of President M'Mahon,
and, reserving tlio questions submitted to tlio
committee on constitutional bills, pass to tho
the order of tho day. Gencrul Do Cissey,
minister of war, announced that tho govern
ment identified itsolf witli the motion. The
resolution was voted down by 831 yeas to 363
nays. Tho ministry immediately tendered
their resignations, but they were not received.
On the 9th President M'Mahon soul a mes
sage to tlio assembly firmly insisting upon tlio
obligation of following up the law of Novem
ber last, on which tho soptennate is founded,
by the legislation necessary to complete it.
They cannot, if they would, ho insists, revoke
the powers intrusted to him under that law.
M. Raoul Duval moved the dissolution of the
.ssembly, and the motion was referred to a
'i’llk mtiixlN ok clouds.
tUiiik ( iji tuy t
f tmi nlihod gold
«h caught on tlio 'eryal
holiday l* doim;
ful landjti
I catch a Blnnpso of Inuring oves,
through my earthly trials and cares.
While a mother's touch dlqiclH my MrIix
And wipes away my tea)*.
With leave* of balm front the healing Mrcami
Or the beautiful land of (bream* 1
A, iJ i
ullfitl land of dreams !
vliimoH of liliiiddcKpalr
Of tho beautiful laud or dream*!
The fear of Urn Lord I* tl|<> earliest shoo
Tho Irish It wo achieved a groat
lobrity in tho matter of Imlltj and blun
ders. By the uninitiated, these aro
terms which aro constantly ebnfonudod;
but, when they aro looked into, it will
bo soon thd!o in the greatest. difference
between. Blundering arifios from stu
pidity, and tho stupid are a race who
are found all over tho world ; but tho
bull—a peculiarity that belongs exclu
sively to Ireland--is always connected
with thought, and originates in tho
imaginative power of its people. T‘
not at all a dill absurdity which no —
can comprehend -it is always compre
hensible, even when it is most confused.
It proceeds, not from tho want, but tho
supornbuudnnoo of ideas, which crowd
on oiioh other ho fast in an' Irishmnu’s
pericranium Hint they got jammod to
gether, ho to speak, in tho doorway of
hin speech, ami can only tumhlo out in
their ordinary disorder.
Confusion may, indeed, ho oalled a
national characteristic. It pervades all
Irish history. Tf the stream of tlio
latter in oarly days Iiiih its glean
bright tranquillity, sorely troubled doos
it become uh it desoonds tho steOps of
time, till, kh it flows on iu lutor ages, it
ouoountorH obstructions, political and
religious, which give it a turmoil aud
perplexity that wo oaunot survey with
out deploring, Ah with tho uffldrs of
unhappy Ireland, so bus "it hvrfr boon
with its peasantry. Public and social
disorders have communicated a jar to
tho brain of Pat; and, if ho oau bo uo-
oiiHod now and then iff being a little
erratic in his sayings and doings, ho
can at least console himself by pointing
to a long histories! authority. Ho may
say :
" Arralt ! now, why wouldn't I be
fused ? Wasn't all of us oonftised, aud
from tho airliost linn s, and isn’t a man
to be consistent V Would you have him
turn his coat when scarcely a rag of it
is left him ?”
A good example of a bull may bo
cited in tho case of tho two Irishmon,
who, fancying that they know each
other, crossed tho street to shake hands.
On discovering their error.
“ I hog your pardon 1" cried the ono.
"Oil, don’t mention it," said the
other. “ I L'h a mutual miutako ; you
see, 1 thought it was you, and you
thought it was me, und, after all, it was
neither of us 1"
A good pendant to t his is told of t wo
frienda who met, umb referred to tho
illness of a third.
“ Poor Michael Hogan 1 Faith, I’m
afraid lie's going to die 1”
"And why should he die?"
"Oh, ho s so thin l You're thin
enough, and I 'in thin —but, by my
how], Michael Hogan is thinner than
both of uh put together 1"
A bull is sometimes produced by tho
false use of a word, as in tho ease of an
Irish watchman giving evidence at u
police pfiloo:
" What is this man’s offence?"
" Ho was disorderly, your worship,
in the st rates, lust night.”
" And did you givo him warning be
fore yon tork him into custody?”
" I did, your worship. I said to him,
Misparso I* "
Again, a bull may bo occasioned by a
confusion of identities, ns when it
said of an ugly man that lie was hand
some whon au infant, but ho was un
luckily changed at nurse; or it was
shown In tlio fervor of a girl who, de
siring her lover’s miniature, ntul he fear
ing it might lead to a discovery-—
"Oh, it needn’t." she exclaimed,
"I’ll tell the painter not to make it
liko yon 1"
And again, a bull may bo owing to a
limited amount of knowledge t ns in the
cuso of an old woman going to tlio
chandler’s for a farthing candle, and
being told it was raised to a half-penny
on account of the Russian war:
" Bad luck to them !" she exclaimed;
"and do they fight by candle-light?"
Apart, however, from all of these,
the ordinary saying of the Irish have
an imaginative quality which is just ns
characteristic, and not at all confusing.
As, for instance, when they say of a
man who is irretrievably ruined :
"Saltpetre wouldn’t save him, and
that is a strong pickle ; ’’ or when they
would advise another to avoi 1 arrest :
"B.'joff while your shoes aro good!”
or, as they delicately say of an elderly
lady, whose number of years they for
bear to mention : "A kitten of hor ago
wouldn’t piny with a cork."
And apart from all these again, is tho
genuine humor ol tho Irish, which has
nothing of tho bull in it whatever, but,
on the contrary, tho clearest notions,
and very ofton the shrewdest sense. I
will only cite a couple of instances,
which will not bo the less welcome if
they happen to liavo been heard before.
A gentleman seeing an Irishman
staggering homeward from a fair, and
observing to him :
" Ah, Darby, I’m afraid you’ll find
the road you're going is rather a longer
one than you think.”
"Hnre, your honor," he replied, " It’s
not tho length of tho road I care about,
it's tho breadth of it is destroyin’ mo.”
And again, in the Bog of Aughrim,,
in tho last century, plenty of gun bar
rels used to bo found as n memento of
its great buttle, and there wns a black
smith who dug them up in order to
make use of thoir material. On ono
oeonsiou ono of them exploded iu his
furnace, when ho exclaimed :
“ Bad luck to your love of murthev
isn’t tlio battle of Aughrim out of you
yot?” _
A Chinese Theatre In ’Frisco.
The Han Francisco Ohrouiolo de
scribes tho opening of tho now Sing
Ting Yuen theatre iu that city ns fol
lows : " About 1,800 porsons wore pres
ent duriug tho performance, which
lasted from half-past, sovon in tho even
ing until half-past two Sunday morn
ing. Many Americans, among whom
wore a few ladies, took advantage of the
occasion to witness tho Ohineso play,
but uouo except tho celestial visitants
stayed until tho Inst scene of tho pro
longed drama wits finished. The cos-
tiimos wore gorgeous beyond dosorq:
tion, and all mado especially for tiso ol.
tho opening night. The stage presented
tho usual characteristics. There wore
t-he customary perpendicular legends
upon tlio soono behind that olosod view,
which every ono will presume to bo
wise saws from Oonluoius until ho
told the contrary on very good author
ity. Tho property-man kept his traps
on ono corner of tho stage in sight of
tho mtdionoo, brought forward articles
of dross or furniture when they were
wanted, and restored them to their
nook when thoy were no longer needed.
When not busy he mado tea and drunk
it before everybody—tlio play all tho
while progressing— and ovon summoned
some of his companions from tho
dionoo to imbibe tho refreshing bevor-
ago with him in a convivial way. Ev-
rything was iu tho freest and easiest
style. Tho audienco smoked cigars
and cigarottoH, and the musicians who
played tho exhilarating yoo-hin and
clashed tho deafening cymbals inhulod
m anwhilothodolioious fumes of opiui
Tho orohestrn was composed, beside
the yoo-hin, of tho tion salt, tho sam-
tion, the tong-koo, and ono or two other
pieces of melodious strains whoso names
not known to tho average Amer
ican. Tho reporter sat in the
topmost gallory, betwoon a Chinaman
who was nursing his big too in the in
tervals of his dramatic rapture and a
dirty Celestial who understood enough
‘ Melioau’ to explain the goneral drift
aud tonor of tho play. Tho plot of tho
play had tho usual deviations towards
immorality, with royal wars enough to
satisfy tho most bloody-minded specta
tor, und now and then a domestic epi
sode iu which tho scandalous elomonf
wits not lacking. A husband and wife
lor instabeo, appeared upon tho scone,
the former aooompanied by two cows—
represented by small Chinamen with
boast's heads. The wife lias lofty aspi
rations and does not like hor lingo lord
because of his devotion to agricultural
pursuits. Enter tho heavy villiuu in
the guise of an invalid, as a dostroyor
of tho folioity of tho hearthstone. He
guts access io the discontented wife,
and elopes with her. Enter husband
‘th two cows—which ho instructs to
re in harmony, and on the green
grass, otherwise matting. Ho falls
asleep, and they light it out on that
lino. Enter a vile robber in miserable
s. He gathers tho two cows by tho
horns aud is making off with them,
whon tho owner awakes and rosottoH his
property. Exit husband. Enter gay
’ocolver with recreant wife. Emaneiat-
d thief heats tho gay deceiver, and
secures the unfaithful haggago to him
self. Bu-eutor deserted husband, ro-
rs his wife, and finally puts hor to
death with unhoard of tortures. After
having expired ill agony, tlio faithless
fo deliberately gets up and coolly
walks off tho stage. Another general
and so on, ah libitum. Tlio thon-
s a largo and convenient building,
erected for tho purpose; and is said to
liavo cost $50,000. The seating is am
ple, and the means for ontraneo and
it quite sufileient for the wants of the
A Small Line of' Hnmplcx.
A member of tho Saginaw county bar
as recently in ono of our thriving in
terior towns ou professional business.
In the oflloo of tlio hotel ho was no-
costed by a very ngroenblo gentleman,
evidently of the genus drummer, who
wanted to know “ where he was from.”
Tho legal gentleman not exactly relish
ing tho stranger’s familiarity, answered
shortly, "From Detroit.” The next
question was, " For what house are you
traveling?” "For my own.” “ Yon
! May I ask your namo?" "You
may,” Pause—enjoyable to tho law
yer, embarrassing to tho other. “ Well
(desperately), what is your namo?”
".Tones.” "What lino nro you in?”
"I don’t understand you, sir.” "What,
•o you selling?” (impatiehtl)).
Drains ” (oooly). Tho drummer saw
In’s opportunity, and looking at tliooth-
from head to foot, ho said slowly,
Well, you appear to carry a d—d
small lino of samples.” Blnokstone
says ho owes that drummer one.—De-
troll Journal of Commerce.
Tire Virginia City Enterprise says :
As tho i) o’clock train left town last
night, tho inevitable 1 Inst mun’ mado
hin appearance at tho corner of Union
und O. streets. Ho had no more than
marked tho train moving away, and got
his mouth into swearing shape, before
both heels flew, and ho took a seat upon
the cold, cold ground, with snob em
phasis that his plug hat bounded sev
eral feet in the air. Tn trying to save
his hat his valise escaped, and wont
shooting down .the steep cross-street.
Ho sat a moment and gnzod at tho re
treating train, tho Inst car of whioli was
ust crossing tiro lower part of tlio street
n which he was seated, when lie made
a few profane remarks, which may bo
thus represented : ‘ 1-1-1—!—!—!—I—1-- ?’
but nothing that could bo called good
square Washoe swearing, until he got
up and began cleaning bis ovorcoat
pocket of pieces of broken bottles and
whisky-soaked tobacco and other debris.
as then that lie got down to his
work.” -
Tub Austrain expedition which sailed
for tho Polar seas t*o years ago has not
l.63n heard from since, and tho scien
tific people are turning themselves into
interrogation points,
Kruuloln llisiiiark’s Lovo Affair.
In a number of tho Boorscm Courier,
of Berlin, an incident is related of Prince
Bismarck’s domestic life, which is un
commonly interesting. Most people who
road the nowspapors have hoard of the
great chancellors daughter. Tho young
lady, though uot beautiful, is amiable
and accomplished, and nooustomod to
tho homage of the high society in which
she movof. With her father she has
boon a great favorite ever since she grew
up. When iu Berlin, ho has boon wont
to Rpond with hor whatever leisure mo
ments he Gould snatch from his labori
ous occupations, aud in the country his
idle hours have been usually passed in
hor sooioty. Tho prinoo observed! with
oonooru that his daughter repollod all
proposals of ranrriago made to hor.
Though wooed by the most eligible
suitors, among tho heirs of tho richest
families, members of the most ancient
nobility, goutlomon filling the highest
ollloinl positions, even a prinoo — tho
young lady doolinod thou all. After
brooding a long time over tho possible
reasons of his daughter's oondnot, tho
chancellor, behoving at hist that he had
fathomed tho seoret of her soverity,
opened his heart to hor on tho subject,
lie told hor that ho felt sure that she
must, have become profoundly attnobod
to some person inforior to herself in
position and wealth. lie then hogged
her to mention t lio name of tho man to
whom she had givou hor heart, as ho,
hor father, was rich enough to change
tho conditions which might scorn to
render hor lover an ineligible match.
With flowing tears tho lady confessed
that she did ohorish such an affootion as
hor father suspootod, an affection that
was returned, but that her lover was a
simple lioutonant in the army. The
next day tho lieutenant appeared in the
presence of the father. Tlio chancellor
hardly gave him time to speak before
saying, "I know why it scorns to you
impossible to become my son-in-law:
notwithstanding tho difference of social
position your wish shall bo accomplished.
Though I do not know you, tho lovo of
my daughtor is to me sufficient guaran
tee of your worth." But instead of tho
joyful thanks which the prinoo naturally
expected, ho rcooivoil a reply of tho fol
lowing tenor : “ I thank you for your
goodness, but this union is impossible.
1 belong to an old Catholic family. I
cannot, tnko homo as my wife tho daugh
ter of him whom my family regard as an
enemy of the ohuroli, whom I myself
am almost compelled to look upon as
such.” Tho ofllcer t-Uon sadly took his
departure, leaving tho nhanoellor utter
ly confounded, who bad littlo antici
pated such n rejection of his condescen
sion. llnviug summoned lm daughter,
tho chancellor told hor that tho officer
wholly refused hor hnnd and that she
must forgot him. Tho (laughter, be
coming paler than ever, replied: "He
is too honorable to deny his religious
fail}). I will not ask him such a sacri
fice, and if ho desires it I—loss believ
ing than ho—will adopt his religion, to
render our marriage possible.’’ The
father saw his ohild oooomo more incon
solable from day to day, and at length
he was thrown into u stato of fearful
excitement, which was not without con-
qiionoo. Ho things stand at present.
. Nose Paint.
A former Brooklyn snloon-koopor,
who lias been converted by tho Quaker
ladios, 1ms printed tho reoipes ho usod
to keep seoret. Ho says bourbon or
rye whisky is manufactured from high-
winos, commonly called fusil-oil whis
ky, mado to-day and drank throe days
after. It also contains vinegar, syrup,
oil of bourbon, French coloring, blue-
stone, and other poisonous ohemionls.
It costs from 1)0 cents to $1 a gallon, aud
retails for $5 and $0 a gallon.
Oognno brandy is mado from French
cologne spirits, burnt sugar, oil of
cognac, vinegar bluestono, Jamaica
rum, honoy syrup, port wine, French
coloring, alum, and aloes. It costs $2
a gallop, and retails from $0 to $15 a
Irish or Hootch whisky is mado from
Canada wighwinos, or new distilled
whisky, ono wook old, saltpeter, flno
suit, essence of oil of Hootch or Irish
whisky, fusil oil, syrup, bluestono, Ht.
Croix rum, somo imported Irish or
Scotch whisky for flavor. It costs $1.50,
and retails for $0 a gallon.
What sells for tho best old Hollnnd
ii is mado from French spirits, water,
oil of junipor syrup, white wine vine
gar, bluestono, Now England rum,
peach pips, with some importod gin for
Old Tom gin is mado from tho same
ingredients, but double syrup is ndded
to malio it sweeter. Jt costs $1.25 n gal
lon and retails for $5. It is also bot
tled as a medicine und sold for tho kid
ney disease.
•Jamaica and Ht. Croix rum is mado of
double refined liighwincs, French col
oring, oil of rum, fusil oil, vinegar,
bluestono, burnt sugar, molasHes svrup,
with some imported Jamaica, Oulia, or
Ht. Croix rum for flavor, alum, aloes,
and prune juice.
Btook-ale or porter is diluted with oil
of vitriol, strychnine, and aqua fortis,
to mako it keep. New alo is diluted
with oil of vitroil and damaged molas
ses. Lager beer containing a littlo malt,
plenty of water, some inferior hops,
resin, tar, saleratus, soda, with four
different ehemiculs to make it keep af
ter browing.
Au ex-liquor doulor said that fluids
sold over two-thirds of tho burs in New
York and Brooklyn aro compounded ns
Mount Araiiat has been encroached
upon by journalistic enterprise, and
a newspaper, Whiffs from Arnrat, has
boon established by tho American pil
grims at the very foot of the mountain.
The paper contains somo local topics,
( tho price of girls as wives in the
Ameniun villages, varying from £2 to
£10, and disonsses the peasant notion
that tho world rests on a large ox which,
being irritated by a fly, tosses its head
and thus causes earthquakes.
There is another big streak of light
tho Houth Carolina mirk. In spite
of all the thieving and rowing and or
ganized anarchy, tho number of schools
in the state ran up within four years
from 034 to 1919, and of school-children
from 30,000 to nearly 77,000. There is
encouragement in these figures, and
my h
Sunday-school teacher—'"Anno, what
must one do in ordor to bo forgiven ? ”
Anua—" no must sin 1 ”
Jt is painful to hear an ungodly man
remark during tho hoatod torm that
"it’s uh hot as ginger,” whon everybody
kuows that he moans something elso.
At 9 o’clock at night, when you soo
the big dippor with tho handle townrd
you, and tho tail of the comob in tlio
bowl, it is about tiino to tako a drink.
Tin? startling declaration is mado by
au English writor that tho wliolo civil
ized world, " regarded in a mass, is liv
ing beyond its moans.”
Said Young Amorioa to his papa:
Pa, bo you a Britisher ? " “ Yes,
I was born in England.”
wo whipped you,” retorted the
" Yics, sir,” said a Michigan Fourth
of July orator, “ Putnam wont right
into the wolf’s den, dragged her out,
and the independence of Amerioa was
Tun Virginia youth who wouldn’t
enter college boonuso tho faculty
wouldn’t lot him bring bis throd conch
dogs along, struck a strong blow at tlio
very roots of despotism.
An eastern paper contained no edito
rial and only one local item for four
days, on account eff repairs to tho office.
Tho " repairs” consisti d of putting a
look on a door aud washing tho win
It is proposod to plant tho Han Joa
quin valley, Cal., with tho eucalyptus
or blue gum trees. For a length of two
hundred milos, and with a width vary
ing from forty to fifty miles, the bottom
islovol and almost treoloss.
CinooMBTANOks alter oases. For in
stance, whon a Virginian arose in
church and said : "Hero’s a hundred
dollar bill for tho old boss behind the
pulpit!” no ono thought of having him
put out.
Littlk Pouoiopo Marrowfat is a child
who is koouly alivo to what in going on
about hor. Wiping tho molasses
from her mouth, at tlio breakfast table,
the other morning, sho sweetly said :
" If I should over die of hydrophobia,
,, you won’t lot cm out outmy liver,
ill you 1”
Tun acme has boon reached iu tlio
pathos of titles by a music publisher,
who lias produced a touching piece of
mow-sick under tlio pathetic namo of
"Mother Bring My Littlo Kitten.”
Wo propose getting out a companion
niooo, "Daddy, liavo you Drownocl
tho Puppies ? ”
PnupE OonztNP doesn’t dross liko her
brothers of the bar,” says the Chicago
Tribune, by way of commencing an item.
That's undoubtedly true; she dresres
by patting on her clothes over hor head,
whilo they don’t, and, what’s more,
they can’t. But what business is it of
tho Tribnno’s, anyhow?
" My spirits is crushed, Jane, crush
ed,” sobbed Mrs. Marrow at to Mrs.
Quoggs. "That lovoly bowquotto—
you remorabar—which it was I, Mar-
gory Marrowfat, us sont it to Mrs.
Hpuyen’s funeral. Well, the oard got.
lost, and nobody knowod as who it
came from." And hero her great an
guish slopped ovor afresh.
in Iowa, aooordiug to Tho Bur
lington Ilawkoyo, died reoontly who
has taken his county paper for twelve
years without paying for it. Upon tho
day of iiis burial tho kind-hearted, for
giving ediior callod to see him for tlio
last time, and stuffed a linen duster and
a couple of palm loaf hats in hiu cofila.
He was preparing him lor a warmer cli
Rkokntly, at a church fair on Ida
Hill, a largo and frosted cake wns of
fered to tho person who should guess
nearest to tlio correct weight, at ton
cents a guess. Tlio pastor urged a
young lawyer to invost a dimo. Tho
practitioner replied, "I’ll play you a
game of ouokur to soo who gets tho
oalie, but I don’t understand tho other
In tho days of old Rome,” says a
writor in Bolgravin, "when a senator
was reputed of groat wealth, ho would
recoivo a kind permission from tlio stato
to undertake the making of a new road
or other public improvement. Often,
indeed, as a means of perpetuating his
name and fame t.o posterity, lie would
voluntarily undertake somo magnificent
work of tlio kiud. It is a pity that wo
oannot deviBO tho means of bringing to
pass a noble emulation on the part of
tlio ownors of enormous fortunes to dis
tinguish themselves as magnificent and
splendid, not ho much in feast and fur
niture and equipages, ns in public im
provements—colonnades, jiicture-galler-
ies, statues—dovoted to tho good of
thoir follow-oitizons.”
is a safe remedy for in
sects of every kind of plant except sal
ads, cabbages, or any other plants tho
folingo of which is to bo eaten. Ono part
of tlio green provided it bo pure, mixed
with twenty parts of flour, is sifted up
on tho foliage when wet with dew, from
any convenient tin box with perforated
cover. For small operations a wide-
nioutiied bottle liko a quinine. bottle
with muslin or otlior open fabric tied
ovor the mouth will servo. Keep to
ti e windward and avoid breathing
tlio dust, and keep tho poipon always
where no accident can occur. It is
found that tho poisou is so neutralized
in the soil that no danger can arise from
its being introduced into the system of
the plant.
A Whitehall (N. Y.) paper tells a
story of a littlo boy of that town who
felt something crawling on his baud,
after that band, and a part of tlio arm,
had been amputated. Tho limb was
dug up from the ground in whioh it had
been buried, and a largo worm was dis
covered in the palm of the hand. The
arm wns then put in a jar of alcohol,
and it being necessary to crowd it in,
the youth absolutely shrieked with
pain. Ho afterward complained of a
cramped feeling, and said that tho little
finger and one next to it were growing
together. Ou looking at the jar again,
tho fingers wore found to be in a posi
tion whioli would have produced the
sensation described, had tho amputated
part of the arm been still adhering to
the upper portion. Such sensations are
by no meana unprecedented, though it
is rare to find them 90 strongly marked.