The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, July 25, 1874, Image 3

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THE RECORD. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1874. CHURCH DIRECTORY. It a i rm ('in' non.—Regular Service!* *, 1 f*( and 8d Stttldtfl in each nmni h. Uev. Court ney Drown. I'utor. Sabbath-school at 9 o'clock, A. M. Mkthouist Citt’RCH.—Services at 11 o’clock, a. ii- and 8 o'clock, r. h. every Sabbath; Rev. Wm. H. LaPrade, Pastor. 8abbath-school at 0 o’clock, a. m. Prbsbttbrian Cnt-RCti.—Services 1st and 3d Sabbath every month. Rev. 11. F. Taylor, Pastor, Sabbath-school at 9 o’clock, Masonic. Calrdoxia Lonox, No. 121. F- A A. M — Regular communication, the 3d Friday night in each month. J. S. Sti-bbs, W. M. N. M. Wright, Secretary. t• ood Templars. Ckdab Valley Lodge, No, 803. 1. 0. G. T.--Meets every Friday night (except 3d Friday,) C. 0. James, W. C. T. J. M. Harris, Secretary. Grange. Cotqrtrr Gramoi-, No, 20—Regular meet ings Saturday before the third Sabbath In each month. LOCAL ITEMS. Our Agent*. John S. Vann, l’riora Station. E. P. Fcatheraton, I.lmo Branch. It. 8. Fattillo, Taylorsville. ? rr? i} Waxtkd.—A smart, intelligent boy about 1H yeare old, with a fair English ed ucation, to learn the Printing business, lie must be a boy of good oharactir, and not afraid of work. None other need ap ply. A resident of town preferred. Remember—Oar terms aro strictly cash in advance, and wo shall expect all who have subscribed to pay their subscrip tion after this, our first issue. Wo desire to be prompt in all our deal - lags, but unless our patrons pay us prompt ly, it will bo impossible for us to meet our liabilities promptly. CoiuiEsroNDENTH Wanted—Wc wish to make arrangements with n proper person Rt every post office and in every neighbor hood in the county, to act ns n regular local reporter and agent to reacive subscriptions, to whom n liberal commission will be given. NiEdles for nil kinds of Sewing machines; Singer, 7<’i cts per dozen—all oth ers 90 cents. Will semi needles by mail on receipt of price. W. II. WIKLE. Cartcrsville, Ga. Durham Smoking Tobaco (Black well's) at Burbank A Co’s. Miss Williams, daughter of Coflco Williams, died of brain fevor, on Thursday evening of last- week. Mr. J. C. Allou is making the wel kin ring tit the St. Charles hotel with his capital corps of carpotiiers. All me uico men, and nice work tho result. The Methodist, catching tho inspi ration from tho Presbyterian brethren, aro going to have a line steeple on their church. Follow suit, brother Baptists—upward is our motto. Col. Vaudevonder, of Prior's Station, was iu town on lust Wednesday. The Colonel is one of our best citizens, and a model farmer. Things all quiet iu his section. We have been informed by Mr. Featberstouo, of Lima Brunch, that wheat in that section is turning out splendidly—ten to 22 bushels to tho acre. To the Guano Kits. — For the largest and finest melon left at this oflico during the season, wo will give one year’s subscription to tho Recoud ; second best, six months’ subscription. New Post-office.—A post-office has recently been established at ICsoin Hill, iu this county, W. P. West post- muster. They gut three mails a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays uml Saturdays. Notwithstanding the political moot ing held at the Court House on Tues day was presided over by a Hog(g), and had a Bi(y)rd toilet as Secretary, they Pace(d) through the business on time, and made (W)right resolves. Tom. Carroll, of this county, was bitten one day last week, by a high land mocasin, while hauling fodder. Tho snake was cousealcd iu a bundle of fodder. Ho was not 'considered entirely out of danger, at last accounts Wo are under obligations to Mr. Robert Whitehead fjr the largest and tinest watermelon wo have seen this season. May lie “live long and bros- ptr,’’ oud always remember the printer. O I C an advertisement, in another column of this paper, of Prof. Han ger, who hat recently come among us and proposec to do all kinds plain and ornamentul painting, on short notice and at very low prices. Give him a trial, Isham Denton was arraigned before Justice McClain, on Wednesday last, for assuult, with intent to murder, and carrying consealed weapons. Isham, was discharged ou the first charge and bound over on the second. Esqrs Turner and Richardson represented the defendant, and Eaqr Janes the prosecution. We aro told that Dr. Reese was do- livorod of a master speech ou “ Town Government,*’ at last Buchannu Court, and Dr. Thompson made a forciblo nrgumout against ingrutitudo of pa tients. Wo would like very much to lay theso documents beforo tho pub lic. Can’t tho gentlemen bo prevailed upon to furnish us a copy ? Bitten uy a Squirrel.—Mr. W. C. Knight, our clover and accommodat ing post-master, has a very badly swollen baud and arm, caused from tho bite of a pet squirrel. It is so bad that ho is unable to attend to busi ness. Hu has our sympathies. Dr. Thompson was also bitten on tho lin ger by tho same squirrel, about tho same time, but it bad no moro effect on him than a pin scratch, which lie atributea to the fact that ho applied “Thompson's Linimont’’ to tho wouud soon after it was douo. Mr. W. P. Wost has consented to act ns agent for tho Record at Esoiu Hill. Ho will take wheat or any other country produce in payment for sub scription. This arrangement gives all an opportunity to pay for their paper without tho money. Every family in the county should have their county paper, and by this arrange ment every one who will can pay for it Old Georgia Anti-Dispeptio Bitters,, for sale at But hauk k Co’s Drug Store Wo aro gratified to Announce tho advent in our midst of Mr. David Axo, rocently of Romo, who supplies a want long felt—a Furniture and Up holstery establishment, lie comes to us well recommended, and Booms to bo an industrious, energetic, business man—just the kind to succeed ; and then ho staris out right—advertises his business in tho Record. Road his advertisement, and then givo him a trial. Wo wish him much success. Many of our first subscribers—near ono hundred—have not paid their sub- oription. Two dollars iH a small sum, it is true, but ono hundred timos that amount would help us amazingly, just now. Any of our subscribers who prefer it, can pay us iu chickens, oggs, fresh butter, wheat, or any other sala ble country produce, at market prices, and thoso who are not subscribers, but wish to bo, can pay their sub- scriptiou iu produce. Personal.—Wo bad tho pleasure of a call, on last Tuesday, from M\ W. P. West, Postmaster at Ksom Hill. Ho is a vory plcnsiilll, social and in telligent gentleman. Ho and bis brotboJ, T. J. Weal, aro merchandis ing, and doing a large country busi ness, selling near $15,000 worth of goods a year, which would iudicato that they aro first-class business men, and also that they sell at short profits. They buy their goods for cash, aud si 11 exclusively for cush and barter, paying tho highest market prices for country produce. Wo wish thorn prosperity. Mr. J. H. Casey, of this couuty, givo as a call lust Monday. He reportn crops good in his section. Tho yield of wheat on thirty acres of Mr. Casey’s this year, withiot any kind of fertilizer, was fivo hundred and fifty bushels—an indication that Mr. C. has good laud and knows what to do with it and how to keep it good. Wo believo that, taking into consideration the improve ment of tho land by seeding in whent, cost of production, etc., that Mr. C’s thirty acres of wheat, even at ono dollar per bushel, will muko more clear money than the same numbor of unfertilized acres in cotton. Mr. Kittles, a teamster for Chero kee Iron Works, killed, ou Friday of last week, a rattlo snake measuring over six feet in length and six inches in diameter, with twouty-ono rattles and a button—so we were informed. It was killed noar the road betwoen this place and Prior’s Station. This is a very ordinary snake compared with oue that Steelman killed soino years ago, over in Haralson, we be lieve, that measured nineteen inches betiwen the. eyes. Judge Barber related this Steelman snake story to us, with tho promise from us thut his name should not be used in connection with it, and wo intend to keep our prom ise. Fine Wheat.—Mr. N. F. Cobb had a three acre patch of wheat, this year, that produced seventy-one bushels! No fertilizer of any kind was used, and no extra pains in putting in last fall. Seed wheat and planting cost, say $10 ; interest ou land counterbal- ced by improvement from seeding, so interest is 00 ; cutting, threshing and getting to market, say $25 ; total, $35 ; 71 bushels wheat at $1 per bushel, $71, leaving a eleur profit of $36, or $12 to the acre, and land better than last year. Who says it will not pay to raise wheat ? Show us a man who raises wheat, corn, oats and bacon to sell, and we will show you one who has money to loan to tho cotton planter—provided ho gives good security. As wo go press, wo learn that all the bonrdora at Hotel Do Giles, took their flight last night. Thoy wont by way of tho roof, and it is supposed tlioy wore assisted from outside. Their namoB are Ned Lnrkiu, Isham Deutou, Duds Chisolom, Enis Whitehead and * Nathan Stono. All colored. County Court —J algo Janes con vened his court ou Monday last-, to dispenso justico according to law. Nat Husky and Ned Larkin wore found guilty twonty-fivo dollars worth aud costs. Nod Larkin proposes to tako his out at tho St. Giles hotel, at tho rato of $12 50 per month. Nat Husky was turned over to bailif Hampton, from whom ho made bis escapo to tho criminal’s siuccure— across the lino, wo supposo. Theso escapes ought to bo avoided. Three others joined iu ono bill wore convicted and tho case goes by cortiornri to the Superior Court. Many civil cases wero judgmentod without litigation. Tho Court adjournod Tuesday after noon, until 3d Monday in August. Tho County Court will bo iu session at Rookmart next Monday. Polk County is ono of tho richest counties in tho Stato, and has loss mail facilities than almost any other county. Cedartown, tho capital of tho county, with a population of ovor 1200, and situated iu tho richest and most populous valley in tho State, aud only so von miles from tho railroad, is restricted to two mails a week from tho railroad, and not a single mail across tho county. Wo don’t know whothcr this is tho fault of tho Gov ernment authorities, or whuthur our citizens have failed to uso proper en ergy in bringing tho subject, iu its t rue light, before tho Post Office Department. Lot that bo ns it may, wo believo tho people of Cedartown justly entitled to a daily mail from Cave Spring or Prior’s; and tho citi zens of Buchanan and tho country between that place aud this, nood mail facilities, aud a route should be estab lished between tho two placos. Our citizens aro now getting up petitions for theso routes, and wo do hope it will bo grunted. A Sad and Fatal Accident.—It is our painful task to record tho douth of Molvilio Ledbottor, which occurred on last Thursday afternoon. Tho following aro tho particulars of this sad occurrence, so far us wo aro ablo to learn them : Molvilio hud gone out with his gnu for the purpose of minding tho crows from a melon patch. His dinner was sent to him at noon, but not returning at dark, search was made for him, when lie was found lying dead noar a fence, ou which it is supposed ho had boon sitting. His gun was near him, with ono barrel empty. Tho suppo sition is, that in nttouipling to get off tho fence, ho had struck tho ham mer agaiust a rail, causing tho dis charge of ono barrel. Shot had pene trated each eyo, and ono botwooii tho oyos, bosidos others iu different por tions of his head and fuco. An in quest was hold on Thursday night, by Esqr. McClain, and virdict render ed in accordance with above facts— that his death was caused by the uc cidtnlal discharge of his own gun. Melville wus about nineteen yours old, was living with his mother on a farm near town, aud a brother to Dr. L. d. Ledbottor, of this placo, who left home on a visit to middle Georgia the first of this week. Wolville was a sober, steady, good boy, aud his death has cast a gloom over this entire com munity. His grief stricken mother aud family have our tendorost sym pathies in this sad bereavement. Extensive preparations are going on for the Grangor-Sabbath-Scliool- Good - Templar - Farmer’s - Club-Co!- quitt-Alston pic uio on tho first .Satur day in August. Tho committee moot often, and tho singing is practiced reg ularly. .Success to it. Programme lor Celebration on Saturday, Angus! 1st. The Committees from tho Grunge, Farmer’s Club, Good Templars aud the three Sabbath Schools, met at the residence of Mr. T. M. Pace Monday evening. July 20 cb. Dr. J. L. Branch was called to tho Chair, and W. N. Griffeth requested to net us Secre tary. Tho following programme was adopted for the first of August : Tho members of the Grunge, Farm er’s Club, Good Templars and Sub bath School^, local and visiting, will meet in the grove at tho Baptist Church, at 8 o’clock, Saturday morn ing, August 1st, with regalias. The procession will form in tho fol lowing order, and march to the grove near Poek’s ford. (Tho Sabbath Schools will unite as one school, and bo formed as the marshals may think best): 1. Grangers, local and visiting. 2. Farmer’s Club. 3. Good Templars. 4. Sabbath Schools. After reaching the grove the follow ing will bo tho programme for tho forenoon : L Prayer. 2. Song, by Grangers. 3. Spooob, by Gon. A. H. Colquott. 4. Song, by Grangers. 5. Spooob, by Col. R. A. Alston. 0. Song, by Grangers. 7. Diuuor. Tho afternoon oxercisos will opou iib follows : 1. Song, by Good Templars. 2. Spooob, by Rev. L. R. G warily. 3. Song, “Happy Greeting.” 4. Sabbath School address. 5. Song, “Away, away.” (». Sabbath School address. 7. Song, “Como unto mo.’’ 8. Sabbath School address. 0. Song. Tho Sabbath School addrossos will bo liiuitod to 15 minutes. All tlio citizens of the county who aro interested iu any of tho above or ganizations aro most respectfully re quested to moot with us and bring their baskets of provisions. Tho Secretary was requested to fur- nidi a copy of tho above programme to tho Record for publication. There being no further business tho committoo adjourned. J. L. BRANCH, Oli’ui. W. N. Giuffeth, Sec. SUN ID A V KKATHNCf. Tlie Reward of Envy. In ono of tho cities of ancient Greece, a man had been victorious in the public games, and his follow citi zens lmd reared a statute to his mem ory. Ono of bis rivals, envying him bis victory and liiH fame, went forth night after night, seeking to destroy tho monument. After repeated efforts, lie removed it from its pedestal aud it foil; but in bis haste, ho forgot to provido for his own safety, and was crushed bunoutli the falling mass. Iu this story wo find an illustration of tho working of envy. Many a muu in seeking to destroy his follow, has destroyed himself. ' Thu higher tho gallows built for Mordooai, tho highur Hainan who builds it, will hang lit Iasi. Tho Grout God res* rves to him self tho right to rebuke, to elmston, and to punish. “Vuugeanoo is mine I will repay saitli the Lord," and by ten thousand instances God manifests llis displeasure toward those who as sume to exercise His porogutivos of judgment and of pimisliiiioul. The downfall of many a wicked man dittos from the time when he seeks lo destroy someone who is moro right eous than ho. Sins which huvoslum- bered unseen and unknown, at the bidding the righteous God stand forth to public view; and lie who thought himself secure in his iuiquity, fortified by all tho arts of craft and crookedness, finds himself iu one mo ment stripod of his hypocritical cov ering, his character revealed, his refuges of lies swept away, and him self exposed not only to the wrath of God. but Li Uio MOOl'Q Of 111011 WUUNO praise uud honor lie lias loved so well. Lot the onvious tako heed, and be ware how they seek tho downfall of others. God can punish evil men without their aid, and if they prusimie lo lift their Imuds against those that Ho is chastening, or to pour tho vials of their wrath upon the drooping head of tho man who iu penitence be wails his own sins and faults, tho day of their triumph may bo the day of their doom; their violent dealings shall come down upon their own heads; and into the pit which they have digged for others they themselves shall fall and perish.—The Christian. I low to Make Mischief. Keep your eyo on your neighbors. Tako care of them, bo not let them stir without watching. They may do something if you do. To be suro, you never know thorn to do anything vory bad, but it may bo on your ac count they have not. Perhaps if it had not boon for your kind care, tlioy might have disgraced themselves a long timo ago. Therefore do not re lax any effort to keep them whore they ought to bo. Never mind your own business—that will take care of itself. There is a man passing along—he is looking over tho fence—bo suspicious of him; perhaps ho contemplates steal ing, some of these dark night*; there is no knowing what queer fauciesmay have got into his head. If you find any symptoms of any ono passing out of tho path of duty, tell every ono else what you see, and be particular to see a groat many. It is a good way to circulate such tilings, though it may uol benefit yourself or any ono olso particularly. Do keep something going—silonce is a dread ful tiling; though it is said there was silence iu heaven for Lho space of half au hour, do not let any hucIi thing oc cur on earth; it would bo Luo much for this mundane sphere. If after all your watchful earo you can not see anything out of tho way in any one, you may be suro it is not because they have not done anything bad; per haps iu an unguarded moment you lost sight of them. Throw out hints that they are no better than they should bo; that jou should not won der if tho people found out what they were uftcr a little while, then they may not hold their heads so high. Keep it going, and some one olso may tako tho hint, and begin to help you along after a while; then there will bo musio and everything will work with a charm. Legal Advertisements. l*olk Comity Shorin' Males. W ILL bo hoM beforo lho Court Ilouao door, in Cedartown, Polk county, Ga. on lho first Tuesday In August next, with in tho legal hours of sale, lho follownig properly, to-wil: Also, nt .sumo lime and place, lots of land Nos. 048 iu 2d dial. 4th hoc and 1240 in 3d dlst. and 4 lit soul Ion of Polk county, ns lho property of 11 Qravloy, lo satisfy two Jus doc Courl il fas Issued from tho 1076th district, G. M., in favor of Simon Mavkca, vs said Gravloy. Levy made aud returned lo mo by a Constable. 1 Also, lit tho Hamo Him* nmt placo, lots of land Nos. 700, 020, 080 and 031. in tho 2d district and 4th sect ion of Haiti county, by virtue ora 11 fa from Folk Superior Court in favor of James F. Tlmborlako, vh F T J arch, maker, ami W 1’ Wood, endorsor. an tho property of said W l* Wood. E. W. CLEMENTS, Shoriff. July ll-4w. Notice. 1 hereby givo notice that from anti after thin dale, my oflloial advertising i« changed from lho llookmnrt Reporter to tho Cedar- town Record. 13. W, CLEMENTS, Shorilf Polk comity. G eorgia, polk county."—Whoroiuq Sold in A. Adams, Administratrix on tho estate of Temperance 8ilvy, doo’d, has made application, in duo form of law, for dismission from Haiti administration, repre senting iu her petition that hIiu Ims fully adminiHlorod Haul oHtato. This is, therefore to cite and admon ish nil persons concerned, kindred anti creditors, to appear at my olliee ns roqulrod by law, to show cause if any they have, why said administratrix should not reeolvo let ters of dismission, on the first Monday in October next. Given under my hand, this llh day of July, 1871. July II * JOEL 11UEWRE, Ord'y. pKORGIA, POLK COUNTY-Whoroas, VT J 1) Smith has made application for permanent letters of administration on tho estate of Allen Mathews, Into of said county, deceased. This 1h, therefore, to notify all persons oonoernod to bound appear at my ollioowith in the time proscribed by law. to show ohuho, if any they Iiavo, why said loiters should not bo granted. Given under my hand and olli- elal signature, this July 0,1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord'y P KOlvGIA, POLK 00.—Whereas W. C. VX Knight, Administrator on the estate of •Iantes Carter, late of said comity deceased, has made application for leave io soil the land belonging to Nui*l deceased. Those aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons Gonoarnod, to bo nml appear at my oflico within tho time proscribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why leave to sell said land should not lie granted. Given under my blind ami ollieiul signature, thin «th July, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Oilr’y pKORGIA, POLK COUNTY- Whereas, "T M W Gray having made application for letters of administration on the estate of Enolitns Marled, late of said county, dec’ll, Thoso aro, therefore, lo cite and admonish all persons concerned, to he and appear at my ollioo cm lho first Monday in August next, to show online, if any they have,.why said letters should not he granted to appli cant in said ease. Given under my hand and official signalure, this tho llth dav of July, 187 H JOEL BREWER, Ord'y PKORGIA, l'OLK COUNTY—Balllo A. ' 1 Childers had made application, iu due form or law, ro.’ auuHnu.rM.Wm on Ilia es tate of Jane W. Childers, Into of said coun ty, deceased. These are, therefore, lo cite all persons oonoernod to appear at my ollioo within tho time proscribed by law, to show ouii.ho, if any thoy have, why said letters of uqinid- istratiou should not be granted. Given under my hand aud ollieial signa ture, this July 0, 187 I. july 11-301 JCTBL BREWER, Ord’y. / 1 EOI1GIA POLK COUNTY.—'WhoroaH, VX W ('. K'light, administration on the ci tato of W M »V A J Youngblood, late of said county, deceased, has made application for luovo to sell all (lie roitl estate of said doo’d. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all persons coucepnod, lo bo and appear at. my ollioo on the first Tuesday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why leave to soil said estate should not he grant ed. Given under my hand and ollieial sig nature, this July II, 187 I july ll-lw JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. AdmiiiiHtrator’s Salr. p EOIIUIA, POLK COUNTY.—Will he vX sold, tin Saturday, tho hist., hot ore lho Court House door, in Cedartown, under an order granted by tho Court of Ordinary of said county, to-witi Throe head of horses, one oow and calf, ono now I wo Itorso wag on, two buggies ami harness, and other ar ticles too tedious to inoiilicn, belonging to the estate of W. M & A J Youngblood, late of said county, deceased. Hold for the ben efit of Lho heirs and creditors of said doo’d. Terms made known on day of sale. July 7, 1874, W. C. KNIGHT, Adm’r. Notice to Debtors & Creditors. pGOUOIA POLK COUOTY—All persons VX indebted to the estate of W. M. & A. J. Youngblood, Into of said of county, dco'd, aro hereby notified to make Immediate pay ment; and those having elalins against said estate, will present them, properly made out, within tho time proscribed by law, to the undersigned. This July 10, 1874. july U-Gw W. C KNIGHT, Adm’r Notice to Debtors and Creditors A LL persons indebted to the Estate of James Carter, late of Poik county, de ceased, arc hereby notified to make imme diate payment; and all persons having claiips against said estate will present them to tho undersigned, proporly attested, with in the timo prosoribod by law. Juno 20, 1874. W- C. KNIGHT, liw Adm’r Slieriti’ Sale I'or September. W ILL 1)0 sold, before the Court House door, in Cedartown, Polk Couuty, Ga. on tho first Tuesday in Scptoinbor noxt, within the legal hours of sulo, the following property: (Joe portable Steam Haw Mill, with on- gino, boiler and fixtures complete, by vir tue of two morlgago Ii fas, issued from Polk Superior (Join t, iu faVor of David Garrison, vs John 11 Kussoil, as property of John H Russell. july 11 —8t E W CLEMENTS, Sheriff p BORGIA, POLK COUNTY—Notice is vX hereby given that from and after this date a portion of my Ollieiul Advertising will be done in this, tho Cedartown Record. June 21, 1874. JOEL BREWER* Ord’y. PUNTER’S H0m t Opened, A Boot and Shoe (OPPOSITE huff’s NEW liUILDINO) G'lierry St. between 3tl ami 4tli, MACON, GEORGIA. Shop, on tiio corner of Prior and Oollugo streets, near 8t Charles hotel. Our terms arc Cash, and no work shall ho delivered until paid for. Work douo with dispatch and at small oust. Patronago solicited. Vory respectfully, J. W. Hour. tic. Co. Juno 20th, 1874. J. //. BREMER, - - - Proprietor. Accommodations First-class. Terms reasonable Lot ofland No. 242, 21st district and 3d section of Polk county, as the property of John G. Wells, to satisfy a lax Ii fa for Bin la and county tuxes I'or 1873; issued by John I G. West, tax collector. Levy made and rc- • turned to me by C. P, Gordon, C. C. IL . T H % n E © O U D, A Twenty-Eight Column Paper, DEVOTED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND MIN ERAL RESOURCES OF THE FAMOUS CEDAR VALLEY, AND TO CHOICE LIT ERATURE AND N E W [H The llmmnn will labor for the develop ment of tho boundless resources, both min eral and Agricultural, of llila highly favor ml soot ion. It will labor for the good of The Whole People- And will endeavor to disseminate aknowl- odgo which will invito capital and labor to assist iu const mol ing tin independent fu ture. ITS O I It O U Vi A T I C) N Will be steadily and permanently pushed forward until It roaches all parts of the country, and its subscription list, ill point of number, will boar a favorable comparison with that of any weekly newspaper in this section] It will look afLor lho interests of its .A.clvorfciNing' Patrons and endeavor to make their favors profita ble. To its subscribers it will seek to bo 5 WELCOME VISITOR, furnishing them with tho latest and fresh est news, choiua miscellaneous articles and general intelligence. Holioiting tho favors aud confiding its interests to the patronage of a generous public, Tilk Rkuoum fools assured of a lib eral support and un enduring prosperity. T E R M ,S : Ono Copy, ono year 83 00 Ono Copy, six months, $1 00 To Clubs of Ten, one year $L 50 Invariably in Advance. Address all Communications to Tub Kbcoud, Cedartown, Ga. W. 8. 1). WIKLE & 00., Publishers & Prop’rs. JuneJ7 • Real Estate Agency, T L HR undersigned respect fully announce lo t lie public that I boy htivo for mod n co partnership under the firm mpnoiind stylo of THOMPSON & WIKLE, For the purpose of trnnsnofing a gonoral business in Real Batata in I'olk and adjoin itlg con lilies. We will Buy, Roll and Rent Farms, Wild Lands, llusidonuos, Sterns nml all kinds of Realty, Property placed In our hands will bo llh i orally advertised, and no ohargo will ho made if wo fail to dispose of it as’ stipulated, hut if tho party placing property in our hands disposes of lho sumo beforo tho oxpi- ration of tho Hlipulalod Hint, wo shall ohargo tho sumo as If wo had disposed of tho proporly. Every ono having realty la soil or rout, and all desiring to buy or ront realty is re quested to call upon or wrilo to ustitul louri| our terms IVY P. THOMPSON, W. 8. D. WIKLE. PULTON HOUSE, T. M. ANDERSON, Into of lloiuo, Ga. with F. C O li K A, Corner Loyd and Wall sis. near Union Pas senger Depot, ATLANTA, : ; : GEORGIA. M EALS ami Lodging por Day $2 00; sin gle meal, fit) cents, First-class table and good rooms, hMA,. Saloon In bascinont furnishe l with pure Liquors, Finn Wines, Boor lino Sugars, july 11 STATE NEWS. W. H. Wikle & do, (JurtOFHvillc, - -2B Georgia, DKALKim IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, NOTIONS, NOVELTIUS, (JAM US, FANCY CONFECTIONERIES. like., Etc. T X AKB Subscription for any Book or Pe riodical published ill tho United States, at Publishers lowest prioos.] NEEDLES For all kinds of Sowing Machines, also fur nish Attnohniunls, Oils, etc. Will send Noodles by mail, to any addross, on reooipt of prion. Singer, 76 eonts per dozen ; all others 90 cents. Purlins would do well lo consult us boforo buying goods from ped dlers, or sonding North to tho various swindlors nml humbugs. Any goods not in stock will bo furnishod at short notion. juno 20-tf TIIA V E L IT It’S GUI PR. Romo Railroad Company. CHANGE OF 80BDULE, O N and after Monday, Juno 1st, 1874 double daily trains will bo resumed ou this road uud run ns follows: DAII.Y PABHKMaKa Arrlvo alTomo'us't.* m } 0100 l ,t r.i.nvcH Homo „t 6 30 p. m. ) „ „ Arrive at Homo at 10-10 p m \ JjVOry Uay * Each train will makn oloso oonneotiou at Kingston with Wostern and Atlantia Railroad trains bound for Chattanooga and Atlanta. W. S. COTHRAN, Pres. JOHN C. PRINTUP, Tlokot Agont. “THE KENNHSAW ROUTE,” Western & Atlantic Railroad and Connections. 80IIKDULB IN UKFEOT MAY 25. NOItTII WAIID—NO. 1. Leaves ATLANTA Arrive at Cartorsvillo Arrive at Kingston Arrivo at Dalton Arrive at CHATTANOOGA NUMiir.ii 3. Loaves ATLANTA Arrives at Cartorsvillo Arrives at Kingston Arrives at Dalton Arrives at CHATTANOOGA NUMIIKH 11. Leaves ATLANTA Arrives at. Cartorsvillo Arrivos at K ingston Arrives at DALTON SOUTHWARD NO Loaves CHATTANOOGA Arrives at Dalton Arrivos at Kingston Arrivos at Cartorsvillo Arrivos at ATLANTA hum nun 5. Leaves CHATTANOOGA 3.46 a m Arrivos at Dalton 8.00 a m Arrivos at Kingston 10.12 a m Arrives at Cartorsvillo 10.61 a ra Arrives at ATLANTA 1.43 p m 10.30 p. m. 12 80 a. in. 1.03 a. m. 8.00 a. m. 5.00 u. m. 8.80 a. m. 11.03 a. m. 11 45 a. m. 2 01 p. m. 4.28 p. m. 0.00 p. m. 8; 16 p. m. 8.48 p. m. 10.30 p. m. 3.15 p. in '6.35 p. m 7.44 p. m 8.Ill p. ni 19.45 p. m