The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, August 01, 1874, Image 2
THE RECORD. OEDAIITOWN, OA., AUGUST 1, H74 CfcDAirrowN Ga. July $2d f 1874. In accordant* with too rocornondn* lion of ilio Democratic meeting of jreiitordajr, tbo Democrat* of the county aro onrncwtly reqtimtod to n«- •emtilo nt tho Court Houw, in Codnr- towu ai 12 o’clock m. t on tho 18lh of Anguat for iho purpose* raoomendod iu Unit primary mooting, m well ai sny other basin* bh that may logiti xoately cone be faro it. T. M. PACE. Chairman Dcm Ex Com Poik County. Prom Waulftingtou. I’ho negotiation* for tho now five l>er cent, loan which have bocu pro- grt-ueiug for several days will proba bly bo concluded very soon, and tho Secrotary of tho Treaaury in quite con fident it will result in disponing of tho entiro Balance of tho Uvo per cent, bonds authorized by law. Treasurer Spinner had an intervjfUr with with Secretary Bristow, ancl it is understood tho differences existing botwnctn tboir respective branches have boon amicably adjusted, Gonernl Spinner retaining oxclusivo control of tho appointrnonts iu bis department! Tho Secretary of tho Treasury says tbore is nothing uow to report iu re gard to tho subscriptions to the uow five per cents, other than that tho amount of bids exceeds ton million, aud that negotiations for further amounts uvo still pending. A Convention of lit* Weekly Press* That Princo of good fellowjyChar lie McGregor, of the Warrnuton Clip por, suggests tho colling a convention of tho country press of Georgia, to meet iu Atlanta during tho couiiug fall. Wo sccoud tho motion. Lot utt have a rousing meeting of iho weekly press of tho State, and sco if this “patent outside’’ question can’t bo amicably and honorably settled. What wo saw, felt and “tasted 'on tho Con* slitution excursion has given iih a sort of ‘hankerin' to sco all tho newspapor men iu Georgia together at once. Let tho thing bo canvassed among tho newspapers, and tho day appointed, and wo think tlitro will do a general turn-out. Who will name an appro priate day for tho mooting ? Wo indorse tho ubovo from tho Gainesville Engle, and as tho propo sition conn h from thoso who have dis regarded tho rules and regulations of tho Georgia Press Association, wo shull favor their entire control uud management of tho new lav-out. Tho truth is, tho city audios have not touted fair with the country fol lows. Tho country press ran do bet ter in » w.jueut** «.Anti wo aro gtud In see tho iimmigeinunl spring from tho quarter it does.—Al bany Nows. Wo are glad to moo that somo of tho ‘‘Press Association" editors aro coming to tboir bouhcb on the question of tho so-rollod “patent outsides.” Wo nro iu favor of tho proposed con vention, and would suggest thut a day during Pair week uext full would bo u good time. TunnesMoo justly lays claim to tho champion snako story. Tho Mur freesboro (Tontu) Ntm gives an ac count of u young lady living uoar Christiana, who had boon ill for four yoars, and on tho night of tho 20th of Juuo sho was found in a strangling condition, and, a physician being monod, ho pulled from her month a snako twouty-threo inchos long and two-thirds 41 of an inch iu diameter. Tho uttcuding physician sustains tho uowspapor account with a statement of tho cane given upon his profession nl honor. Before thinly crediting tho story, wo would like to boo a stutu rnout regarding tho professional turn or of tho physician. A correspondent of theVioksburg Herald gives an account of a uow in vention now iu practical operation in tho Mountain CottoA Mills, near Bil- tou Station, on tho Memphis and Charleston Railroad, which, if it proves to bo nil that is represented must have u nioro important effect upon tho production and manufacture of cotton than even Whitney's cotton gin 1ms hod. It dooH away with tho ordinary*process of ginning, convert ing tho cotton jubt as it ia lulteu from tho field iuto thread of a supt rior quality. It costs only $250, and is attached to tho ordinary curd stand. It is said that specimens of thrond made by this machine has been sent nearly all tho Northern manufactures, and have boon pronounced stronger aud mora Illations tlmu that spun by tho ordinary method. It is claimed that a tine id spun by this menus will sustain fully one-third more weight tbau a thread of samo sizu made of potion that has pissed through tho process of compression and the com plicated machinery of cotton mills. The groat importance of tho inven tion, however, consists in the fact that by its cheapness aud simplicity it may bo introduced into common use, aud tho natural result will ho to transfer tho whole work of cottou spinning from tho wuuufuctoiies to tho o- tton fields, thus i dieting a great saving iu tho cost of packing aud truusportu- tiou, aud iu other expenses. “I suppose,*’ said a quack, while feeling tho pulse of his patieut, ‘that you thiuk mu a humbug?” “Sir/’ re plied the mao, “1 perceive you can discover a mau’s thoughts by your touch,’’ [Communicated] Dr. Wm. II. FELTON. The 18th day of August neifc has been fixed upon to nominate a candi dal for tho Legislature) and to elect delegates to tho Congressional Con vention* It is highly important that the maos of tho people bo well represented in each. Tboir interests and welfare aro at stake. If they wish to havo honest and capahlo men—men un selfish, patriotio and trua to tho in terest of tho living and the memory of tho dead, lut thorn coino out apd sec that no man is chosen becanao ho is a favorite of a small caous, and a still smaller tiny. Hinge aro gonornly ms do up of inon who seek tho promo tion of their own selfish ambition, and who select only such men as aro sub servient to tho interost of tho ting. It is high time that tho poopfe woro being aroused from tboir lethargy, and that they corao forward and soo to it that men ho selected for tboir patriotism, tboir ability uud fitness, and that they aro exempt from tho po litical rings that havo made bur na tional Capital a synonym for fraud and dishonesty tho world over. Dr. Wm. II. Felton, of Bartow county, has ntiuoucod himself a dem ocratic candidate for Congress—and who is inoro Hit aud able. Ho is no professional polititian; has nover spec ulated in tho spoils of office, nor gone urtHlfld hunting up a few dele gatus who would nominate him. Ho is identified in interest with tho pooplo. All his sympathies aro with them. Ho has felt their burdens and ahurud their hardships. If tboy wish to briug order out of chaos, lesson the burdens of taxation, drive tho money changers from tho halls of Congress, “let a great gulf ho placed between tho pooplo and Kings and Cliques, who put forward ineti who havo no sympathy and inter est with thorn.’’ Let tho watchword bo honesty aud exemption from polit ical intrigue and ring masters. Lot truth and virtuo prevail. Anti-Ring. Wo publish tho following in justice to Mr. Trammell : Dai.tjn, Ga., July 27, 1874. Mr. EditorIn your iaauo of tho 25thlust I find tho following : 41 1., N. Trnimnoll, candidate for (’on- groan, publishes In tho Georgia Common wealth tho contract between klinsslf and the llruniwiok Albany railroad Company, whereby he obligated himself lo labor to nrovunt any legislation dotrimontut lo iho tuL.-l. 1, t-n.Uug »« UU« it way its chartered lights or iutorfero wii Iho endorsement of ltn bond* by tho Sint for which sorvioo, if successful, ho was i receive $5000 from tho company in tho first coniruol. and $2,000 iu tho second. Mr. Trammell thinks his duties as a legislator did not prevent or make It iinpropor to rc- oolvo a feu for services in the legislative hall, In addition to a por diem. Tho poo- plo must judge of this luultcrfor themselves. Tho above notice of my card docs ino a wry groat injustice and a griev ous wrong, which I cannot boliovo was intended, and which I ask you to correct. I was not a member of tho legislature at tho liino tho contract abovo alluded to was made. A care ful reading of my cud, with ordinary underst tudiug of tho history of tho times,could not have failed to conviuo tho fninniuded render of this fact. I was sworn in anil took my seat us a member of tho legislature tho first of Novombar, 1871. Tho contract til- ludod to, as sluiwu by date aud prov en by tho sworn cortifioato, was made tho Oth day of November, 18(10. Tho additional coutrnct was made in 1870. The whole matter was settled Romo twelve months before I became a inembo?of tho legislature. This contract was not miulo to lob by a radical legislature. The legis lature at that time was largely Dem ocratic. 'ibis contract was made long before there had been any irreg ularities charged in the management of, or odium had attached to, that en terprise. It was made when the li. & A. R. R. was looked to by thous ands of the best citizens of Georgia as tho oi ly relief from tho oppressions of ilio Central Railroad. It was made not to advocate tho passage of any bill, but, to prevent the repeal of tho act of 1800. See nets p. 1411. It has been tukou advantage of by tho bond ring of New York and used to my in jury, because I stood by tho puoplu of my State and against them and their fraudulent bonds, as the journals will abundantly testify, from tho day l took my seat until tho day of tho final adjournmout of tho Senate. I fully vindicated myself against this attack made by tho bond ling and their allies in 1872, and was re-elected President of tho Senate by tho unanimous vote of a Sum to acquainted with all the fuots. It is thought by some to be improper for tin attorney to take fuss in matters pending before tho legislature. Is there ono of my opponents who is an attorney that will say ho has not takou such fees,? “Let him that is not guilty cast tho first stoue.” Respectfully, L. N. Tuammell. STATE NEWH. Noar Yellow rivor bridge, in Now- ton county, Saturday, tho 18tb, a ne gro boy numed Torroll Clurk, was run over and killed by tho down priasou- gor night train on tbo Goorgia Rail road. Tbo Griffon Mescnger says that J. O. Freeman, tho consort of tho ne groes, has deeded his ptoporty to liis son, notwithstanding tbo fact thut he is ou tho bouds of soverul Federal office-holders. Dr. Myers lias resigned tho Presi dency of tho Wesleyan College). Prof. Bass will succeed him. Change to bo miulo uoxt January. Mr. Duuiol - Weaver, of Lumpkin county, has twenty acres in corn which, competent judges say will make fifty bushels per acre. The* Mountain Signal says; Mr' Anderson McDonald, of Lumpkin county, has gathered from a quarter of an acre, planted in onions, nine and a half bushels of buttons aud twonty five bushclo of large, fiuo on ions, and has on tho somo ground planted sixteen hundred cabbage plants. Estimating Iho onion sets nt six dollars per bushel, and onions at ono dollar por bushel, makes the value of tho crop already gathered, $88 10. At ten cants ti head, tits cabbage crop yet to como, will yield $100, making tho total product of this quarter of an acre $210 50. Somo men aro born to misfortune. At a fourth of July pio uie a Coving ton chap got his cyo pummcled for spoaking to nnothor fellow’s girl, and when ho tearfully oxplninud that “he’d knowod hor for thoso past thirty yoara,” hn got all his hair pulled out. Tho Bruiubridgo Democrat says: Flattering report i of the crops come to ns from all parts of tho county, Tho corn crop is pronounced tho best since tho war. Cottou is doing well. Very few caterpillars lmvo bueu soon, and it is hoped that no dumngo will bo dono by thon\ Dr. Bull and son, on trial in Macon the past few days, for murdoving W. I). Mitchell on tho highway, havo boon acquitted. Hon. A. II. Stophona will not bo candidate for rc-olootion to Con gre.-s next election. A school boy being requested to write a composition upon the subject of “pius/’ produced tho following: "Fins ate very useful. They have saved a groat many men, women and children—in fact whole families.' “How bo?*‘ Ubked the puzzeled teacher. And the boy replied: “Why, by uot swallowing them.’’ This matches the story »f the other boy who defined suit as ‘the stuff that makes potatoes | timto bad when you dont put ou To the Voters of the 7th Coii- IfrcHHioiiul District. Fr.u.ow Citizens :—Next Novombe you will have to select at tho “bullet box” squib ono to represent you iu Uk 44th Congress of tho United Status, Tho object of this communication is to an nounco myself a Democratic candidate for that high and rettpoilsi bio position, anil to solicit your suf- frugo for tho same. 1 make (his * announcement, only anxious that, if oloctod, 1 may tbily reprosout a District whoso citi zens are characterized by their indus try, intelligence, virtuo and patriotism. I am no professional politician ; I havo noycr speculated in the spoils of office ; >ot, iu common with the pro ducing olussos of my native Statu, I havo been practically familiar with tho losses, privations and pecuniary bur dens entailed upon us by Mich politi cal mandgmuout. 1 havo B**\m every legitimate igdustry of our State de pressed—public improvements sus- uudod —merchants embarrassed— ‘armors, mechanics and tftauufuoUtrors iduoed to tho greatest straits, com pelled to economise even in the nec essaries of life—and yet, in this gen eral doimiudon, our politicians havo controlled tho public funds with reck less i xtrnvugauoe. Our legislative bodies, both State and National, havo iu many cast's, acted as if tlioru was mb gulf,” fixed between them uud tho jieoptc, and as if tho ouly bimnoRS of tho producing classes was neol by their labor* the expendi tures of their legislature. Much of this 1ms been caused by tho indiffer- and apathy of the people in se lecting their representatives. They havo entrusted this duty almost en tirely to a few citizens, who, in “euu- setubled, authoritatively pre scribe the men ami metmn'es that tiro to bo sustained. Often, under this ‘individual guidance," men are placed in power who aro greatly removed the necessities, tho labors and sufferings of the people. In this peuiling election I submit my claims to you, my fellow citizous, entiro body, ami can only assure you, if chosen ns your represent a tivu in Congress, that every iflort of 1113 life shall bo devoted to your interests uud prosperity. 1 will servo with es pecial reforcuco to tho development r immediate wealth, and assist, ary practical way, tho productive industries of tho country, remember ing that every dollar which finds its way unlawfully into tho pockois of your public servants, or is squandered by unconstitutional and extravagant legislation, is so much loss to tho producers of tho land. Wo must retrenchmerit and economy iu our National Congress, or in a few years tho wealth of tho States will be in tho bunds of thoso who enjoy “official patronage," while tho pooplo will be inevitably impoverished. Let tho people look well to their i\ pre^euta li ves hi Congress. Aro they identified in interest and life wub tho pooplo? Do all their antecedents guarantee future exemption from tho corrupt political "rings” that havo made our National Capital a syno. yiu for fraud and fiishouesty tho world ovo A few yours ago tho simple uamo i f Democrat or. Whig was sufficient evident*) that its effici d represontnt was above intention —undiluted ; that ho stood with clean bauds amid tho blandishments of opjsjrUtnily. Alas! modern experience lms taught us that political nomenclature is no longer a guide to personal honesty, or security for public integrity. While I mn a Democrat, at the sarno time I ask no voter to receive that fact ns proof that, if elected, I would deal justly with tho pooplo, for I might como before you with the en dorsement of a hundred Democratic Conventions, and unless there was behind all that endorsement tho broad collateral of “personal character,” the people would have no security for my ofl’c al conduct. In this c ihviiBH I make issue with’ no man. I wage war with no open ing aspirant for this office. I intend simply to discuss before you, in your respective counties, tho questions in teresting und important to the hon est voters of tho District, and refer tho result to the ballot box. W. H. Fei.ton. Bartow County, July 22, 1874. Seeing a Point.—A boy returned h jiil from school ono day with the re port thut bis scholarship lmd fallen below the usual average. “Well/’said thojfather, ‘ youv\i fallen behind this month, havo you?" “Yes air." “How lid that happen?” Tho father know if tho son did not. The old gent Ionian bad obsorved soveru! cheap novels scat tered about the house, but had uot thought it worth while lo any anything until a fitting opportunity should offer itself. A basket of apples stood on tho floor, and he said: “Empty those apples, and take the but-kot aim bring it to mo half full of chips; “and now,” ho continued "put those tipples back into tho basketWhen half tho ap ples woro replaced, tho son said: “Father, they roll off; I can’t put in any more.” “Put thorn in, I tell you.’ “But, father, I can’t put them in.” "Put thorn iu 1 No, of oouno you can’t put thorn iu. Du you expect to fid tho basket half full of chips, and the fill it with apples? You Maid you d! not know why you fell behind ut school, and l will toll you. Your mind is like the basket; il will not hold moro limn so much, aud here you have been for tho past mouth filling it up with rubtLsIi—worthlwn cheap novels.’’ Thu boy turned on his hi el and whistled, amj said “Wliow ! I tho poiut." The latest crop reports from Great Britain indicate I l ut there will bo unusual demand hr ^jncrioau grain this year. List year this country supplied England With a little over 70,000,000 bifslu Is of corn, and 80, 000,000 bmfn Is of oats uml barly. Tho demand for tlio present youf will greatly excel those figures, and fortu nately wo can fill all orders, aud havo an abundance left Marccllus M. Mauck, Contraotor & Painter, CEDARTOWN, CA. TS now permanently located, and* S* pre X pared In da Homo l'ninting, Graining, Gl uing and Paper Hanging wiih prompt- noiH, noatneim and dispatch, and in tho moat durable manner. Will furnUli mate rial of tlie bcit quality at low fig' over desired. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed or no money required. Work soliolled itry. Hofei A. West, J. G. Allen, J. O. Waddell IT LE ADS TO IIA I*KIN ESS. A 1100N TO Till: Tho Whole Race of Woman DR. J. DRADt'TKLD'S Fumule Itcgfuliitoi’. nil Irritation of Kidney: relievo Coattvonoss; purif tone and strength to tl clem-skin, imparting a ro 10k, and ohcrfuluesa to tl a cure in all tho abovo di no is in Chills ami Kovi cure themselves of all t without revealing theircoi er«on. which is always me • pride and modesty, ended by iho be t physloin plaint to drying t It h n I.aOuaxcb Ga . ' HU A DFlKl.l) A CO., liras I take pleasure in arch 28d, IS Glantft Gu. staling that Hradfu'bls FKMA1.K 11 GO L’l. A TO It, 1 consider it the best combination over j ton tognther for tbo diseases for which 1 ided. 1 havo beei id In dom iv that I Stiff Cl ng ft* 1 ales, aud can but hope tits 1 our whole land, who ipy way peculiar 10 tl to procure a bottle, tit ay not only y lady suffering in may be abb suffering* 1 that they may bo restored to health strength’ With my kindest regard*. I respcotftdly, W. 11. FKKRKLL. M. I>. Near Mauikita, Ga. March 21. 1ST* MESSRS. WM ROOT A: SON.— V Sira: Some mouth* ago 1 bought a bo of Brudfleld’s FGMAl.E REGULATOR from you, and have used it in my fan with the utmost satisfaction, and havo 1 omen .led it to three other families, 1 they have found il just what it was ree inonded. The females who have used y REGULATOR, are in perfect health. « are able to attend to their household du and we cordia’y commend it to tho public. A'otirs respectfully, REV- H. U. JOHNSON. Wo could add n thousand other certifi- ates; but wo consider tho above amply suf- New Advertisements. Ranger & Landrum, Cedartown, - - Ceorgia, JJOtJSE, Sign .nil Orn.m.nlul PAINTERS! Paper ganging, Glazing and all styles of Fancy Painting done in tho neatest slylo of from a Lawyer's sign to a Mammoth Care. .Shop on Spring strset, next door to Bakery. aug 1 TO T H K CITIZENS OF CEDARTOWN AND POLK COUNTV. I?HE Subscriber desircr to solicit the at tention of the citizens of Cedartown and nrrounding vicinity, that I am prepared to Remodel Old Furniture d make it look like now. All kinds of CUSHIONS made for Pews, Lounge*, Sofas and Chairs. Prot Carpets cut and made to fit bed. A N O P Y S aribiis styles, Windows trimmed latest ftyles with Damask and Lace. All lylns of Iho Finest FURNITURE 'dared; Lounges mada to older; a fine lot of Reps on hand for nil kinds of Cush- ions. Cane CHAIRS RESEATED d made strong. Ladles, your especial motion is called to my stock of RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES, Tilt best, neatest and most accommodating Mliade manufactured. Also, OliilcIa*on 9 M 1 lutfL r ieH very stylo; coll and see. I.ibraries, Hook Cases, Secretaries and Bureau* had nt short notice. Office opposite Pits'office. Very Respectfully, July 25 8m DAVID AXE. AUCTION. CHE II soil, it 10 o'clock, A. M., on tbo 10th da; of August, 187 I, "WA-TB Ft POWER, illi 100 feel front of land, running back t 10 centro of Cedar Creek, nuiiable for 1 Grist Mill. Also, ono 43 inch 1 urbbn ntcr Wheel, and about 8000feet of framed id unframed lumber. Terms to be made lown on the .lay of sale. Ily Cedartown, PICTURES! - PICTURES! B. O. Wilkes, PHOTOGRAPHER ar<r Rtffif'n Drug Store, Codnrtown, Ceorgia. A LL kinds of Pictures taken in the bes styKof the nrt, and at tho very lowes Copying old pictures a specialty. WAlVTliO, B v ivo. Active Agents, to solicit Insurance. Rueincs* light anti profitable. Apply to . O. RANDALL, Gadsden. Ala. -W [Oldtst Ettabluktd Boast in Tuicn.) A. HUNTINGTON, Pryor Street, South tide Court Ifoutt Sjua General Merchandise W. C. Barber, REAL ESTATE AG’T Hockmnrt, Ga. W ILL sell or buy Wild or Improved Lands in any portion of the county. Having been a citizen of Polk county for many years, and being thoroughly posted in the Location, Value, etc , of Lands in ev ery section, feel confident that it will be to the interest of parties having lands to sell, to plaoe them in my hands; and those wish ing to purchase Lands can always be ac commodated. | will be in Cedartown on the 1st Tuesday in each month, for tbo pur. pose of transacting business in my line. June 20 JOHN MKRllYMAN & CO'S DISSOLVED RONES CASH STORE. •J. S. Stubbs & Co., CEDARTOWN, OA„ constantly on hand a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Boots and Shoes; also a line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND FACTORY GOODS. Cash buyers will find it to their interest 1 examine our goods and prices before purchasing. VXl. Hole agents for the sale of the cele brated “ Watts Plows" and fixtures, in Polk ounty. june 2D—tf CEDARTOWN .ivery, Sale and Feed Stable, Alain Street, Cedartown, Ga rjRlCP.8 down to suit the times. Good L Stock, Vehicles, and Careful Drivers Iways on hand. Special attention given to the care stock left in onr charge. LUMPKIN A McCONNELL' Cherokee Iron Comp'y Store. IF YOU WANT DRY Q-OOIDS SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, CARS, Or any article generally kept in A FIRST CLASS STORE, At Prices to suit tho Closest Buyers, you ill make it greatly to your advantage by tiling at the above named store. J»°« BARBER & WOOD CEDARTOWN, GA. ESPECTFULI.Y call the attention of ‘unify « Professional Cards. J. K. B A K B E R , Notary Public AND ATTORNEY AT* LAW, Cedartown, Ga. P ARTICULAR attention given to taking Depositions and collection of clamis. A. RICHARDSON. 3. A. BLAXCC, BLAME It RICHARDSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cedartown, Ga. O FFICE in Court House. • june 20 KING K JANES, ATTORNEYS ATLAW Cedartown, Ga. O FFICE in Court House. « june 20 W. F. TURNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cedartown, Ga. O FFICE.oTcr Dr. Reece's Drug Store.T| june 20 IVY F. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, CEDARTOWN, OA. QFFICE-East * WOFFORD Be MILNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cartcrsville, Ga. QFFICE in Bank Building. june 20 okn. w. t. worroao, Jon.s it. wiklk. WOFFORD At. WIKLB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate Agents. C.4 It TBRS VILLE OA. R. R. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Cedarto b’.v, a a. FFICE over Dr. Reese's Drug Store. O Drs. Liddell &. Richardson, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Ccdurtown, Ga. Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Cedartown, Gn. O FFICE at residence, on I*?yor ftreef. juno 20. tioiei 1 pn of of i For full part iota! ami certificates of reader is refered l the bottle, Manufactored 1 All \ , history of diseases, voudorful cures, the 1 he wrapper around ad sold by HU AD FI ELD A Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all Druggists. July 31, 1874. Opened, A Boot and Shoe Shop, on tho corner of Prior and College streets, near St Charles hotel. Our terms are (\uA, and no work shall bo delivered until paid foj*. Work dono with dispatch and at small cost. Patronage solicited. Vc J June 2Gth, 1874. PATAP8CO 017 A NO CO. and other standnrd Fertilizer*. Baggiii" and Ties Virginia Salt and Plaster Compa ITlf increased facilities for doing business and obtaining goods, my long.ex perience in business, makes me confident that iny 8tock, Terms and Prices, will com pare favorably with thoso of any other house in Town. I defy good, healthy bus- Iness competition. An inspcoticyi of my Goods and Prices is earnestly desired. Grateful for post favors, and the generous patronage of Polk and adjoiuing counties so liberally bestowed for iho past nine years, I shall strive to merit a continuance of tho N. B— Liberal advances made on grow- ing crops. During the coming cotton sea son I shall, a* in tho past, strive to bui’.d up and increase a homo cotton and produce market, having already perfected arrange ment© for increasing my facilities for buy. ing and storing cotton. june20-lv Selma, Rome 6c Dalton R. R. Trains on this Road will run as follows : GOING NORTH. Leave Selma 7.2o a m Arrive at Prior's 5.48 p m “ Dalton 9,45 p m Making close connection at Dalton with ETV & Ga R R., and W & A R R for all Eastern and Western cities aud the Vir ginia Springs. GOING SOUTH* Leave Dalton 5*45 p m Arrive at Prior’s 10.12 pm Arrive at Selma 8.30 a m Leaving Dalton ior Solma upon arrival of E T V «Sc Ga 11 R and W & A R ll traius. ! JNO. B. i’FCK, Gen. Supt. j VV. S. MAYNARD. Asst. Supt. RAY KNIGHT, G. P. & T* Agt. • DRY GOODS, ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS, Boot*. Shoos, Wool *Sc» Fur Hats, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal, FLOUR and BACON - . Which wo will sell ns cheap as any one iu town for tho CASH. Call and examine before purchasing. june 20 T, F. BURBANK it CO., Cedartown, - - Ceorgia, PK.VLF.ns IN Dr. L. 8. LEDBETTER, SURGEON DENTIST Cedartown, Gn. A. L. DAVIS, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils VARNISHES, KEROSENE, LAMPS. Everything Fresh and Pure! A COMPLETE AND CHOICE LINK OP PERFUMER Y, LILY WHITE, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. GENUINE GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE Always on hand. Tooth, Hair aud Nail Brushes, Combs, etc. Buying for Cash, we arc prepared to sell .a low as the lowest. SxtiT Give us a call and see for yourselves* june 20-ly Watchmaker and Jeweler, Codartown, Ga. W ORK dot.* promptly and satisfactorily All work warranted Twelve Month*. Repairing fine watches a specialty. All kinds of Jewelry and Watches and Clocks kept for sale. juoe20-ly •JOHN C. ALLEN,! Practical Mechanic & Builder, CEDARTOWN, GA., W OULD respectfully asnouncc to tbo public that he is fully prepared to furnish Mutoriul and Erect Buildings vl grades, on short notice ant t approved plans. Particular en to making and trimming COFFINS, REPAIRING FURNITURE, &.c. Those desiring work of anv kind in his line would do well to call on him at the St. Charles Hotel. Shop fronting Court House s 1 uarc * june 20-1 y NEW BARBER SHOP. rpHE undersigned has located in Cedar- JL town for the purpose of carrying on the business in all its branches. If you want “A CLOSE SHAYE” a shampoo or hair cut, giro mo a call an,l I Will guarantee satisfaction. june 20 ALFRED EVANS.