The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, August 08, 1874, Image 1

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THE CEDARTOWN RECORD. W, S, D. WIKLE & 00., Proprietors, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1874. VOLUME I. NUMBER 8. NEWS OF THE WEEK. EAST. The People’B Firo Insurance company of 1‘UUborK l>on mtspotulod. The oentennial oommisaion issues an addreM to the i>eople of the United Statos calling for additional fnnda. A Philadelphia dispatch says Iho ex amination of members of Iho bankrupt firm of Jay Cooko A- Co., has net resulted in any important dteolonmca. John J. Graham's infant died in New York, la»t week from "wal nutrilitlon." The physician railed to attend the child when dy ing writes to the hoard of hoalth as follows : •• I com icier hit .which ho apparent ptt Habscriptio i victim to r system of baby avails ho extensively In many ily find illegitimate children i»n ami ignorant women, for rose of canning their death " t to tho relief fund for ha late I'ittshurg Hood are WEST. Oolumbna, O,, reports roporty deal roved by Iho st ’ It is estimated tltat. not eraoiiH wero killo l l.y Ughtn ioh valuable of last wook. a than forty Sarnia, in ( torm in which rcro struck l»y 1 )nta A great many grasshoppers Itavo ap prehended. rigilanoo committee gf about oi hundred men have been formod at Welllngi and other points in Kansan for hanging hor thieves. Three men, named llasbrook, Brook and Ghnrlio Smith wero hung near Wellington last week, and made confessions esota the grasshoppers hnvo undoubtedly destroyed a million and a half hu-hels of wheat, and are liable to destroy an other half million bushels. Tho whost crop uglily Bill ,y-!lvo nillioi huahels Barley, ryo and oats promise well Agents of foreign insurance compa nies at Chicago, havo received i istnicti ns by cable. The Hoottiuh Uommewolal lisa •!< cidod to withdraw, and i's agent will lake no more risk-*. Tho London Asauranoa, North British, Commercial Union, QdOen, Laura shire ami Imperial, all English companies, havo instructed their agonts to raise their rales to fifty por cent. Tho Liverpool, London and (llobo havo not sent any orders. A Fort Sill letter of tho lflth states, that on tho 14th tho wood camp of Mr. Evans, thirteen miles from tho fort, wan attacked by Indians. A small detachment of United Htalo ndon abo ed, - head rapelli. the nd, fill) of i body of a w hite man was rows and Ids head scalped. A Minnesota dispatch says tho gra hoppers arc rapidly moving eastward in nr ads, and will doubtless reach Wisconsin. ( perhaps, Illinois, before the Hying seasor past. They aro reported very abundant a number of points far east of the forr scenes of llioir activity. All damage the l minors can do is to deposit eggs, which ' hatch out J. A. Brant, a much rospeotod young in, residing at Baris, Ky., son of a hanker mmittod suicide last week while returning from a ball, by shooting himself with a pistol, au-e unknown. A special from Fort Union, Now Mox- •o. trays a hand of fifty Kiowaa and Comanoho Indians killod flvo men near the month of Ute reek, twenty miles south of Fort llasom, on The next election is a very important no iu Alabama, as tho Mk years ofilco holders ro all to Ira chosen Judges of probate, gov- rnor, lieutenant governor, treasurer, anil tho leiuhers of tho lower house or tho general MBomhly. An attempt wits made last week by a mb of negroes at Austin, Miss., to lynch forgo It. Smith, who a fow weeks sines killed negro in a difficulty, and but for tho prompt, oclsivo action of the sheriff who agreed to ut Smith in Jail, ho would havo boon hung. Tho cotton oatorpillara havo made ieir appearance in force In Orangoburg junty, S. O. In the iutorior of tho state as ell ns on Iho coast the. unfavorable weather nd la'eness of tho crops make planters up- rehonsivo that tho worm will do serious harm. Tho big cud of iho horn of plenty coins to rest in the state of Alabama this ear. The most pleasing reports relative the it look stats. It is believed that i supply will h autumn. Tho houso of gallic the light 11 is i daugoi John Hinglcr, ucai Tonn., burned Hundaj t/o children and Mrs iy bt The Is bollovod be the’work of a negro with whom Mr. Ligon had a difficulty about sotno work. Ono stroke of lightniug killod six persons In Woodford county last wook, viz: Mr. Mindy and wife. Mr. Blank, wifo and daughter, and a colored mau living In tho same the lightning ny pc ral K< Tho White rive o following : “ w. M. Barker, who live. Adams, t f an a Darn to tho ground. (Ark.) Jonmul has are informed by Gant. J. In Arkanaaa county, noar iiidlHCiinduatu slaughter near HI Charles, thirty miles csday last, and tho finding of their bodies in what is known as Hitching bay, and Whlto river, on tho following day. There is no clue to the perpetrators' of thin foul iced, or tho causes which led to it. Tho * of only of the i the vlct Espii s aro kno< Alford and rd of eughiec od by tho pr ror reclaiming tho Mississippi river, during the Newport, It. I., distribute.! ed lands along 111 [strict of Mississippi to Capt. Bo: istrict of Arkansas and Mlssou . Heckler. Gen. 11. L. Abbott) > tho duty of investigating the ci The district Of Lou- Edgar fTorbort j ill Capt. Bougantd; th jd of 187* Hoods. lotted that the German goverimiont is making trenuous endeavors to stop supplies of woap* ms and monoy being sent to the Oarlitfts, and has called Iho attention of tho Versailles gov- ituont to tho subject. ri’.e Loudon Post reports that Iho German government Is actively engaged In ne gotiations aiming at tho suppression of the carlist insurrection. It has exoliangod opiu- ons with tho Russian government, but tho Yar is opposed to interference. Germany is tow trying to bring about a concurrence of he groat powers in recognition of the Spanish •o public. Tho German squadron now oft’ Ryo, England, has boon ordered to cruise off tho lorthern coast of Hpain, and that those orders roro given consequence of tho shooting of 'apt. Buhnido, a German nowspapor oorro- pomleut and other German mil) joe La by the arlists. Cubans in Now York havo received lows by way of Havana to tho effect that Galra, tho negro captain, at the head of email ed negroes, is in tho neighborhood of Oionfngos, wrecking plantations and enlisting slaves and coolies iu the patriotic ranks. A general uprising of tho negroes under Gabo is daily expected. It in understood that a majority of tho delegates to tho international congress favor tho exclusion of all points relating to naval warfare, and a strict adherence to matters strictly connected with tho amelioration of MISCELLANEOUS. Bristow consents that Spinner shall avo (ho selecting of his own clerks. There lmvo been about ono thousand ippliot IIS fn offici infer tho .list mission. Oarlottu F. Shut well or Mrs. Gon. Roddy, us she claims to he, bus been discharg ed from tho Tombs on hor parole. The aggregate amount duo tho clerks of the Into hoard of public works, including i" Oiigim ndor tho supe .dent of prope Baron Soli war/. Sunburn, now envo, extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, o Austria, to the United Htaton, bus arrive. Tho baron was dlrector-gonoral of tho lal Vienna intc Mr. l’t ml exposition. io McGrath, says that Tom Iho turf mill c ruined for Ids r THE HAUNTING FACE. l’.'biiU.l'a'reyul'iImmW where*thouIn M"to ** hunt Hi" uorRisrn lights oVr^orimr^ high ; AN OLD LAWYER'S STORY. A groat, many yenrs ago, whilo 1 was comparatively a young man, and still unmarried, I resided in a certain oity of Founsylvania, and enjoyed the reputa tion of being tho cleverest lawyer-ever known Micro, It is not for mo to say tho praise waa merited, but I certainly found myself able to discover loop holes of escape for thoso whom I do- feuded, which surprised evon - my fellow lawyers. 1 possessed by nature thoso qualities which would havo made mi cxcollont detective, and I was a thorough student of tho law. There mystory about it, but among tho duly of oolle tho departments Thu hoard adjonr thop A dangerous counterfeit having ap peared on tho five dollar notes of tho Traders National hank of Ghiujigu, the treasury de partment offers onu-half per coni, premium, for tho tot urn of tho gonuino llvo dollar notes of Hint hank to Iho department for destruc tion. Tho attention of batik offieors la espo- dally onllod to Iho necessity of retiring ilioso notes, which will entirely prevent tho oireuln- tion of counterfoils. Tho bids for Iho five per cent, funded loan forwarded from Now York, representing thoso filo.l by foreign hankers for European markets as well as thoso for domestic hold ings, will aggregate not less than ♦HO,0(H),000. The largo l.Hs will oomo from syndicates wide i havo boon formed, tho principal ono representing a combination of German bank- h of thoso hills will ho attached as the reports come in from tho various states, j ors, and to each of those hid The following in u telegram of Gov. a condition lliattho bidders Ames, of Miss., to tho president in relation to j «> tho Vicksburg trouble: i to I f tho loi ould he tho . clunk) > a call in that if the of ad other year. Is otlior ow absolutely will c A dispatch from Eureka, Novoda, says bio own, killing twenty persons ;roat destruction of property ipout croMcd the Central Pa ween Humboldt, Wools and 'J rat tho track. Tho west bound icked :.d five pa i lunie of watci of tho t n is located. Tho ■s flooded in tor othe ion of nffi id cavalry ed that a i This is lumber of pio< to that city, i id nrgauiznd ii osed to Ira the olitical controv side tho damoc tho whites, claim that they fei ®d by frauds on th republicans, consisting mainly of blacks, claim they fear frauds and also violenco on tho part of tho democrats. At ono time collision and Mood- shed were feared by all. Now, not by repub licans, but by democrats, it is disbeliovod, on ly liocauso they liavo become masters of t ho situation. It is thoy, also, who opposo tho presence of troops at this time. Of tho cause of this lamentable stato of affairs, it is now useless to speak. I only sock poaco and pro tection for all. Can there be any serious ob ject ionH why troopa should not Ira there ? No harm can result, for troops tlii T lie y livet in tu . Ever ntes by tho fearful rush of water constantly increasing iu violonco, depth and impetnoeity. Thopooploof that portion of tho place wore hemmed in every moment. Houses were torn from their foundations and swept away with their occupants. Hop lino formed of brave i .lashed into tho torrer Only a fow women a The body of ono, Mrs. Bray, was recovered. Itodger Itobenott, reporter of tho Sentinel, is among tho drowned. Tho Sentinel office was (swept away. Bodies aro being brought to tho court house as fast as recovered. Three Chi- tlian compensate f< I ,lo not seo, to r Will it not Ira th troops there forany , who tin od and a -ny lives'. Tl*i wept away. All tho harm which ult from such p least of ovils to ! morgency? Aliiei oply has l>c< Negotiations for tho 5 per cent, fund- od loan wore concluded by lira secretary or tho treasury IshI wook, with August Belmont A* Go., on behalf of N. M. Rothschild A- Hons, of London, and J. and W. Hallgman A Go., on holtalf (»r thoniHolvuH and MBbolatoH. Thoso parties made an absolute subscription of ♦45,- 000,000, coupled with tho option of taking iho within six imaiiule lontlis. of tliu lo; f tint , to ho paid nt to On Tho following Aines : Washington 1). C.. July 31-Hon. A. Amoi Jackson, Miss.: The contents of your dii patch havo boon submitted to the proslden declines to move troopa except under strictly in accordance with the terms < ranstitution. W. W. Bki.knAt-, Bec'y of War. parts of tho town were involved. The danc houses and other places of amusement nr gone. Tho flood lasted only half an horn The total loss of lifo Is not yet known. It i believed It will reach twenty-flvo or thirty. SOUTH. t The debt of Mississippi is about 83,- 400.000. The cotton worm has appeared in Limeston : county, Toish. Gen. A. W. Bishop was installed pres ident of tho Arkansas industrial university at a lata meeting of the tm»t«OH. r Gen. Beauregard has left tho United Btates for South America, to accept the ap- poiutmout recently tendered him there. Information rom Austin, Texas, states that the Indiana visited tho town of Sansab* and carried off a large number of horses and raulee. In twenty ont of twenty-seven dis tricts in fOutheantem Maryland, majorities wore given, at the elections held last week, against the salo of liquors. The oppearsuco of tlie caterpillar in the fields around Belma, Opelika and Tus- keega la noted with gloomy forebodings by tho farmers of those sections. FOREIGN. Tho king of Ashantee has paid a further installment of £0.000 to Oreat Britain as war indemnity. It is reported the carlists have shot 235 prisoners who wero captured from Gen. Novalla's colume in Catallena. A carliat magazine exploded last week at Quaza. Thirty men wero killod and a largo number wounded. The catholic bishop of Posen receives fifteen months imprisonment for violating the ejcloriastical laws of Germany. Ten columns of the republican troops which were marching to tho relief of Olat, havo met with a repulse from the cariist, suf fering heavy losses. A terrible disaster is reported in a dispatch from Madrid. An avalanche of rocks suddenly descended upon a town in the moun tains of Navarro, crushing to death more than two hundred people. Austria reports a fearful storm in Mo ravia. In ono village only fourteen persons escaped with their lives. In another sixty- four honscs were demolished and only a few inhabitants escaped. i A special from Berlin says it is re- i is tvkon at po for in coin or 6-20 bonds, tho parties to re ceive one-quarter of one por cent, commission, and to defray all tho expenses of tho transac tion, Including delivery of tho bonds. No doubt exists at the treasury department of tho ability of tliosn bankers to place the en tire loan. Tho treasury department him issued tho following : By virtue of authority given by act of congress, approvod July 11, 1H70, entitled an sot lo authorize tho refunding of tho national debt, I horoby give notice that tho principal and accrued Interest of the bonds hcroinhelow designated, as follows: Bonds known as 5-20 bonds will ho paid at tho treas ury of the United Btalos in tho city of Wash ington, on and after the IhL of November, 1874, and that interest on said bonds will cease on that date ; that is to say, coupon bonds known a H tho third series, act of Feb. 25, 1802, dated May I, 1802; coupon bonds, ♦50, Nos. 12.201 to 14,500, both inclusive!; *100, Nos. 38.201 to 45.1(H), both inclusive; ♦500, Nos. 10,401 to 28,700, lrath inclusive ; ♦1,000, Nos. 47.301 to 70,200, both inclusive ; total, ♦2,000,- 000. Registered bonds, ♦50, Nos. 1.101 to 1,- 750, both inclusive; ♦1,00 Nos. 12.701 to 13,- 300, both inclusive ; $500, Nos; 0,401 to 7,700, both inclusive; $1,000, Nos 20,107 to 81,000, both inclusive; $5,000, Nos. 8,304 to 9,800, both inclusive; 10,000, Nos. 10,518 to 11,750, both Inclusive; total. $5,000,000 ; grand total, $25,000,000. The interest due on Nev. 1 on tho registered bonds embraced in tho call will he paid with tho principal of tho bonds. More Certain than Philosophical. —One of tho 6tudentB at Davidson College, who was too lazy to do any thing right, was in tho habit of cleaning out his lamp chimney by running finger down it as far he could and twist ing it around. After ho had cleaned it ont in this partial manner, one day not long ago, a fellow student took it up and carried it to the residence of one of the Professors, with the inquiry, “ Why is it that this chimney is smoked np to this point and no farther ?" The learn ed gentleman entered it to an elaborate scientific explanation of why it was, arguing with groat lucidness, and citing various authorities to show the correct ness of his reasoning. When he bad finished, the student said to him, “ No, sir, you are wrong.” “ Why is it, then?” inquired the Professor. “Because Iho fellow’s finger wasn’t long enough to reach any farther,” replied the student There art nut churclu hero were 1 iow ninety-eight protest- n Mexico, flvo years ago i than six. tho more ignorant clnasos 1 had gained a repntatio i for more than limnnii knowledge. Pei Imps it was not polite for them to say that the devil helped, but they did. However, T began to tell you about Mine. Muttenu. She was tin old lady, who owned a little lion ho in the suburbs of the oity, Sho herself waa of American birth, but her lumbaml had boon a Frenchman, and ao Die title inudume hud been bo- a towed upon hor. Sho waa now u widow, and her daughter Gabrielie and her son Henri were her only living rel ativea. Her income waa but aleilder, mid she eked it out by taking n few boavflava, ganamlly utniuly old pfioplo who lial known hor for many years. Thoso respected and liked her; but the city generally had a prejudice against her. There had beon two sudden deaths in her house. Enoli time the viotim wim a hIranger who came at night, and was found dead in Ids bed in the morn ing. . Each time the jury was divide! -somq believing that, strangulation had beon the causes of death, some that the man had died in a lit. It wim a terrible thing that two suuh deaths ahould have r ecurrnd beneath lier roof. Madamo's friends nittied hor, Tho real, of the littlo world hinted that these wero strangera, and their trunks, with no one knew how ranch money and other valuable property, remained in madamo's possession. No ono said she was a murderess, lull every one said it waa " very si range," in an odd toao, and no ono aince tlmt second death had visited Miji't. Muttenu. I myself—perhaps beoauso I had ad mired her a great deal, and her daugh ter lntioli more-had always insisted that it was merely a coincidence, and tlmt in a woild in which apoplexy and heart disease wore so common, it was no such marvel that two men should liavo met such sudden deaths iu tho same house. J'ut my faith iu this theo ry was shaken when ono morning it was published ovor the oity that another transient, boarder had been found dead in Mmo. Mutt can's house, and that she was arrested on suspicion of having murdered him, hia watch and chain having been found in her possession. Before I had recovered from the shook of this terrible piece of nows, a message came to rao from Mmo. Mat- teuu. She desired to see me. Of course I went to her at once. Hlie had beon taken to prison and I found lier in a little room with a barred window, and an inHiifTlcioiit tiro upon tho hearth. The logs had burnt iu two upon tho andirons, nml the white ashes wero Hoat’ored over the hearth. Almost in them sat Mmo. Matteau, widow’s dress of sombre black. Hhc was chilly with grief and excito- raent, and had diawu her chair close to the firo. She shook violenMy from head to foot, and her face was deadly pale i she turned it toward mo and hold oi where hand. “ Oli, thank heaven, you have come she said ; “ I know you can save mo. Is it not horriblo? How could I kill a man ? Why should I ? Why do poo- pie come to my houso to die? To die horribly, with black facoa and starting eyes, ns if somebody lmd choked them? Ugh !—and he was a pretty young man tho night before. Ob, good heaven, how horriblo 1” I sat down behind her. I took lier hand. “ Mine. Matteau,” I suid, “ bo colm ; collect youraolf. As your lawyer I must know all. Toll mo, from first to lust, what happened—what was said, what was done. If you—” I paused ; her black eyes had flashed upon me. I could not ask her whether she had any confession to make. I saw that she had not. Unless she was tho best actress who ever lived. Mine. Mat teau was innocent of any crime. “If you liavo any suspicions," I ad ded, “ tell them all to me.” “There is no one to suspect," sobbed tho poor woman. “In the house were Gubrielle, my daughter, whom you have seen ; old Hannah, the cook ; Mr. and Mrs. Beau champ, friends of my poor dear hus band in his boyhood—the best, kindest peoplo; Mr. Gray, a very old man, too feeble lo leave the house; poor, de formed Miss Gorman, acd the librarian, Mr. BaHsford. Nono of those would murder a mouse. Hoo how kind they aro; they remain in my houso; they sona me word that thoy have no doubt of mo. Oh, how can anybody ?" “ And ibis man who—" I began. “ Yes," said Mine. Matteau. “ l will toll you; bo was fair, young, baud- somoly dressed ; lie asked Mr. Bussford at the depot if ho knew of any ono who oould nocommodato him. Mr. Bass- ford brought him homo. My only empty room was tho one in which thoso other two strangers died. I could not boar to put him thoro, but Mr. Hans ford laughed nt me. Wo lmd supper afterward. IIo talked a long while to Qabriollo. It was late when ho rotirod —Into for a quiet household. Hauimli had made his firo. Sho can « and told us that she had done so. He said good night. “After ho had gone wo found that ho had left his watch on tho table. Ho wore it only with a bunoh of souls, and ho had been setting it by tho clook, and showing it (o us as something very handsome. I knocked at his door to restore it to him. fie lmd not left us but fifteen minute ; before; but ho must have bson asleep already, for ho made no answer. Hu I kept, it for the night, and wore it down to breakfast next morning. As I onino down I met a gentleman in tho hall. Ho inquired for Mr. Gleu. That was tho now ooinm’s namo. 1 sent Hannah to wake him. Who had u key that would opon tho door, nml used it. The next tliiug I know wo wore all in the room and tho windows wero wido open, and tho doc tor had been sont for; and tho young mail who had called was screaming that his brother had beon choked to death ; and there was the uitiuost, nml they ar rested me. Tho brother said tho first thing to be noticed was that I wore Mr, (Hen’s watch nml seals. I had forgot ten it iu my terror.” “ Hannah lmd a hoy to tho room ?" I suid. “Yes; at least, it was a key that would open it,. It was tho key to Mr. Hansford's door. Hlio knocked the other out with a stick nml put that in." “Tho people Who wero there on tlmt, night wore your hoarders when tho oth er mou wore found dotul," I oskod. “Oil, yes!” “And Hannah was there also?" “All my married lifo Hannah has lived with t tighter ovorse • absence?" child, with your hntiHo- nammli’i hold in y “Yes, po help." J thought a littlo while. “Madame," 1 said, “thoro is some st range mystery in the affair. I. do not despair of proving your ontir oono). Meanwhile, bo as calm ns pos sible, and endeavor to remember every thing oonuectod with tho sudden deaths (hat iWvo oooumm Hi yrttir house. The incident, that seems tho loust, important may really bo of the most immense value." Ho I left and went, homo. Btrange enough, mi tho way I met the doctor who had beon called in. He was a dull, heavy sort of a person, considerably given to beer drinking, and my opinion of his ability wart not very great. How ever, I questioned him on the subject, and he replied ; “ Well, you see, T don’t say tho old woman murdered him. if site did, I should say it was by sitting on him, or smothering him with tho bolsters. I suppose the cause of his death xvtiH as phyxia. Well, then, wlmt is asphyxiu? wiiy, too little breath to keep ono liv ing. Mu died because ho was short, of breath. I wash my hands on that mat ter. Only there’s the watch that looks dark." I had learned nothing from tho doc- Tho ooronor lived noar mo. IIin jury had been twelvo of the most, ignor- t men iu town. This is all ho told me. “Ho wan smothered, that, nmn was, were the other two. Mon don’t sinothor themselves. Wo made it in scrutable Providence t’other time. Wo make it murdor this time. That there watch, you know." Thus, without any new light, I went home and formed my plans. There was but, one way in which to penetrate Iho mystery. I must enter the house; I must see the peoplo there; I must penetrate to tho room in which these men had died so suddenly, and I must not be know in my real character. That Mmo. Matteau was innocent I fully be lieved, but that some one was guilty I made no doubt. It might be the libra rian, Mr. Bassford, whoso key fitted iho dead man’s door. It, was possible; but no, I would not harbor a mad su perstition. Thmo could bo no super mil oral power beneath wliioh human being dropped and died. Death as it came to us all was mysterious enough. What had been said to mo by a womun, who would havo been a spiritualist had she lived to-day, was a more absudity. “ I believe that, thoro is some horrible unseen thing in the room," she said, “some awful shapeless spirit, that when it is locked in with the viotim murders Let others believe what thoy will I believe that. Tho words haunted me, blit I laughed at them, of course. Whatever it would try to know. I had a plan. At dusk I went into my bedroom my self. I came out a strange man. J a white wig, a pair of green gog gles and an overcoat, the tails of wnioh reached to my heels. J had a mufllor about my throat, and a littlo hunch on of my shouldors. I carried a thick caue, and stooped a groat deal as I walked. In my hands I carried a car pet-bag. and in my bosom a pair cf pis tols, well loaded. As I passed out into the street tho early moon was just rising ; she lit mo on my way to the door of Mmo. Mat- tenu’s houso. It xvas opened for me when I knocked, by old Hannah. Her eyes were red and swoll n. Then I told her tlmt I was a stranger, and lmd received Mine. Mat- teau’s address from a gentleman iu Now York, and desired to stay all night under her roof. Bhe shook her head. “I don’t think you can," sho said. “The lady is away from home. Besides we are in trouble here. I don’t think Mits Gabriel I a would—’’ But here Miss Gabriel la herself ap peared. “lam on old man, miss," I said, | “and as you see, quite infirm. I dread another stop. I should take it as a kinduoBs if you would nooommodato mo, and T will pay you any price you ask." Miss Gabrielie looked at Hauimli. “ Wo have only ono room," she said, and tlmt—” I ended the quostion of'my slay by bogging lo be taken to it. “ You will lmvo snppor, sir ?" asked tho girl. But I declared tlmt I had eaten, and only wautod rest, lior r ply was ; “ Hannan, show the gentleman to the blue room aud make a fire. iu the bluo room, tho soouo of tho three sudden doaths or murders. Tt was a stntdl apartment, painted bluo, It lmd also bluo window curtains, and a blue silk coverlet on tho bod ; a neat striped carpet, a sot of old mahogany furniture, and a very handsome ewer and a basin of ooBtly Miina. It was at that time almost a universal custom to burn wood. In this room, however, is q sintdl coal firo. I alluded to this Hauimli came iu with the houIiIc. “ Yes, sir," she suid. “Misses does burn coals. Her son is a olerk hr tho like at thu new minoB at Muuoli Ob link, and ho sends it cheap to her ; but it’s u nasty, dirty-smelling thing, and I hate Now it’s built and lit, ’twill warm u fifteen minutes. It takes longer tlian wood.” She went out of the door and camo Imok iu a minute with a little tray on which stood a pot and a cup aud saucer, also a bowl and a tiny pitohor, and some thing in a napkin. “ Miss scut a bit. ami a sip, said she, ' Tea rests us old folks mightily. Goo! night." “Good night," T said, “I oxpoot I shall sloop soon ; I must bo up very early, though, for I lmvo bills to pay. I lmvo some hundreds of dollars with to pay oul to-morrow, and its in this bag.” Hhc looked nt me in a quoor sort of u way and liugerid bosido mo. At last she spoke : “ Look ye, sir ; l think that old folks of your ago do wrong to look doors on thomHolvuH. You might lie ill nt night, an! who’d get into you ? Leave your door unlocked.” Was it this womnu’s praotioo to bog travelers who stopped with hor mistress not to look the doors V Was there some baneful portion iu tho oup sho had given me? It was an innaoont-looking oup enough—nu old-fashioned nlmfr oov orud with little gilt springs. Tho te was flagrant Hyson ; but the suspicion tlmt had cropt into my mind had tainted it. I fancied a strange color, a curious smell. I put it from me and would not havo tasted it for a kingdom. I had not intouded to sleep, and J did not undress myself. I merely removed my (Kngnino, nml nut down lmniilo tho table with iny pistols beside mo. Tlmt some attempt might bo shortly made to murder mo I foil, to bo possible. I thought of ail the old tales Ilmd heard of trap doors, aud sliding panels, and rot eutraucas to travolois rooms. I s not a coward, but I felt strangely nervous, and singularly enough fora iu my perfect health my bauds growing cold, and my f«et wore lumps of ice, while my head was burn ing hot. Fifteen minutes Iiml passed lmd the .•o was kindled, but tho room was not arm. Tho bluo fiamos struggled among the bluok coals, and (lung forked tongues tipped with yellowish tints, into the room. Thoro was nothing olieorful about the stove, though it was of tlmt open style now called Franklin. Yet I drew a chair toward it from lmbit. and sat with my foot upon tho hearth. 1 do not know how long I sat thoro. Buddonly J. became awaro that I was not myself. I was losing my souses. If unseen hands had boon clasped about ra.Y nook, and an un seen knee born pressed against my cheat, ray sensations could not havo beon different. A thought of tho evil spirit which my friend lmd suggested faintly jtriigglod into my mind As T staggorod to my HAYINGS AND DOINGS. The passenger train between Oolum- # bus aud Macon, Go., took in $1.10 dur ing a recent trip, and yet thoso bloated tailroiuls talk of lmrd times. Mrs. OhoouHHH wot her foot fclio other morning by going ont iuto tho dowy grass. Slio now appreciates tho maxim 'givo tho dovil his dew.” An Iowa editor rocontly announced that a certain patron of his'was “ thiev ing as usual." Ho claims that ho wroto " thriving.” Any nristoorntio woman at Capo May would prefer to die rather than bo roll ed on a barrel on tlio boaoli in tho hopo of reHimeitatiug hor. Tub Protestants appear to bo making headway in Mexico. Five yoars ago they had less than six ohnronos thoro, aud they now havo ninoty-oight. Tun Turkish government has formal ly statod to tho Unite 1 Btates Minister that it intends adhoring to its recent prohibition of the sales of Bibles in Turkey. Patrick,” said tho prioHt., “how much liny did you steal?” “ Well, I may as well confess to your rivoronoo for Iho whole stack, for I am going af- tho balance of it to-night." ’atiietici appeal from a Chicago ex its driver during tho fire: “Do yon want lo soo your family beggared boloro your face? Wulco up and bo a man ! I'll save you for fifty dollars !" A PmiiADtti.i’iUA girl called a young mau a thief, and when requested by Uio rant hot oT the ooonHod to prove the charge, said lie had stolen aovoral UipscB from her. to music, nothing no powerfully tends to soothe tho savage breast os to 3 tho young nmn who parts his hair the middle shoving a baby-wngon on Sunday. Out on a Fowl,— I'lio hall untile Whizzing rod-hot through tho air Tho fioldam all looked for a fly, It Just, lipped tho hat, hut Barnoy was thoro And look It in undor Ida eyo. The great, wostoril railway company of England has abandoned, the broad for the narrow gauge. Tho ohnngo of guage of the wliolo lino xvas effected in three days, and with it ends tho broad- gunge system in Great Britain. Tins poison of tho viper is said'to^bo | an antidoto to tho poison of a mad dog. All tlmt is neocBsary, tbereforo, to in sure sttfoty in hydrophobia days is to carry a vipor in your pockety and apply its fangs to your log every time you are bitten by a mad dog. Thoremody is 'raplo and probably oertain. Tun first external revolution of tho dry rot in man is a tendency to lnrk' and lounge ; to bo at tho atroot oornors without intelligent reasons ; to bo go- (ntf (inrif/mro mat; (o Im align) many plaoes rather tlmn any; to do nothing tangible, but to lmvo intention performing a number of tangiblo Jus, to-morrow or the day after.— Charles Dhkentt. A Totwa man who was recently tried in London, Eng and/for tho murder of Ills aunt by hanging hor, was acquitted, although he declared tho net to havo boon his. Tho jury took tho ground that finding his rolativo, who had com mitted suicide, bunging iu tho house when ho entered, the shook uITeotod Ills mind and led him to imagine that ho had inurdvYod hor. Great thoughts and books sometimes disappear for generations, and turn up again unexpectedly, like messages drop ped in tho sea, and carried to fur off shores.—The ocean of timo 1ms hidden currants as well us that of space, and a curious history of them might bo writ- from tho re-appoaranoep. Thoy help us to bidiovo that no true word or deed is finally lost, and that a timo it coming when, in this Benso, also, the shall givo up tho dead which are in it, Homrrody told us tho otlior day that if you will put a littlo syrup and water in a bowl and sot tho bovl on your ta ble, with a small pioco of wood extend ing from tho table to the rira of the 1)0wl, to serve as a sort of bridge, you catch fill tho roaches in tho neigh borhood in a single night. We tried it. The roaches went to the syrup and wu ter by companies, battalions and brig ades, but when you gave them a small scare they shot up tho sides of that bowl faster than a lightning express train can truvol an np-grado of throe- feet to tho mile. A more diabolical fraud upon a confiding and unprotected orphan was never perpetrated. While I was in Europe, I stood in a grand cathedral, admiring tho paintings and statuary, when a friend called at- tention to tho dome overhead. I looked into tho room. It had boon kindled upward to tho coiling far abovo us, but wood-fire wou’d have been at the could seo only a cloud like hue. Boon, nito tguorant I however, tho confusion vanished, and feet a noise like tho roaring of a soa was in my ear. The flames of a oandle turuod to a great yellow blue. I barely retained strength enough to stagger to the window and iling it open. Tho fresh, cold winter air rushed iu at it. It gave mo intense p in, but it relieved mo. Iu a moment more I xvas able to clamber out of it upon tho shed below. Thoro I remained until tho day dawn. With my returning senses tho truth came to rao. That which had murdered tho three men who slept before mo the blue olmmber was nothing more less than tho coni stove. It was provided with what is called a damper, and this being caught nor which olosod it sont the poisonous hour of retiring, by c of the danger possible from coal gas, and they had slept never to awaken. Had I thrown myself upon the bed, I also should lmvo been found dead at daylight, in all probability. As for the fact that neither doctor nor oorom r discovered the truth, I have bat to say that thoy were not deeply scien tific men. Of course I rejoiced tho household by my discovery next morning, and equally, of course, Mmo. Muttenu, who was not only freed from suspicion, but became the object of universal sympa thy. Bhe was always grateful to me, and she proved her gratitude by giving wlmt I soon asked for, tho haud of hor daughter Gabrielie in marriage. Perhaps love is never so potont a t when it seizes upon thoso who have passed the primo of life. Tho choice made is then likely to be thoroughly suited to tho nature of tho man; and any intellectual gifts on tho part of the woman aro likely to bo more attractive to a man of this age than to a younger person. Besides, there is a feeling that as life is not likely to bo vory long, this late love is the last thing to be dung to; and that after it, should it bo lost, all will bo desolation.—Arthur Helps* A Pennsylvania man has in his pos session a cigar seventy-iwo years old but if he thinks tho papers are going to nominate him for Governor on that account ho will bo disappointed. Tho timo has gone by when a cigar seventy- two years old will got up a tidal wave. angelic fuoos wore looking down upon us from every part of the magniti- oont dome. It was a beautiful thought of the urtist. And so tho eloud of wit nesses gaze lovingly down upon every worker of Christ. Sometimes I see only olouds about me, but thoy melt away, and I can bohold tho saints, tho loved gone before mo, with looks of encour agement and affection, filling ‘the hoav- ons around and above mo.—Bishop Shop non. The charming princess of Wales is very high church in her notions, and she goes on Sundays when she is in town to a fashionable oharoh where the ritual is vory ornate. The other day when she entered tho church a littlo lute all tlio congregation stood up to reoeive her. The next Sunday sho oamo a littlo early, bnt the congregation, in stead of attending to their prayers, per formed tho same homage to her. This annoyed lior, aud she arranged with tho clergyman for revenge. Last Sunday, just before hor arrival, the clergyman, without his surplice, appeared in front of his astonished congregation, and in formed them that they were “ requested not to riso from their seats before the entrance of tho clergymen and tho choir." Ho had barely time to make liis escape when the lady with a com panion entored. It is pleasant to be ablo to add that the congregation proved amenable to discipline, and that the two ladies were allowod to slip into their seats without being annoyed by mis placed demonstrations.