The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, August 08, 1874, Image 4

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^ » OUBlurs 1KD HOIEK riFIO. Urplrctiso Power op Flame.— lie- .©•ul experiment* by M. 8>rol provo that oarlnn roUinn it* refl toting capaoitr even at tlio higlicat temperature*. A auoboim beoomoii refl acted by diffusion id<1 is polariz'd in exooUy * the tamo mannor, whether it fall upon n brilliant fl »mo or upon smoko. Tim Lamtut Ijoookotive in the Would.—Tho Ur goat looomoliro in Uio world is tho " Founnylvania,” on tho Philadelphia and Heading railroad. Tho principal dimenaioni of thin engine are as follows : Diameter of oyl indent, 20 inches ; length of ntroke, 20 inches ; number of driving wheels, 12 ; dUmo- tor of drivera, 4 foot; and tho weight of the engine n’ouu ia 00 tone. OiiANriKfi in Pnnau,—R«v. Mr. O.'d father writea of changes in Persia: 41 Times of weighty moment arc now balancing in the religious and political soaios of Pcraia. Linos of tolograph already checker it. Btron Bsttter and his enmpany of onglnoera from England art now anrveylngu railway from ftesht to Teheran and Bander H joxlmr. Tliero in mnoh inquiry after sobools, and dill* genoo to loam. Tho Hhah ia taking wjao moainres for tho good of liin subjects—in a word, Persia is awaken- ihg to the demands of tho ago. piurmo* aud Its Iiavaoiw.— 1 The Liberty (Miss.) Herald has tlio follow* ing in referonoo to the ravages of the oharbnn in Amlto county, Miss., and tho pariah of East Feliciana, in Lmtsi. ana? "Them is cmstcrnatlou among the planters In tho southern and tho south-west portion of the ojunty on aooonnt of tho ravages of tlio chorbon. • It Is gradually extending all over (lie county, and is carrying liavoo to horaoe and catllo all along its path. A large nnmber of vnlnnhlo horses a have been killed bv it, ami oltliougli in moat cases it readily ylolds to treatment, if applied •non enough, it. is so rapid in iU course that it generally proves fatal boforo a remedy oan bo obtained and applied. Wo woro conversing with u very Intel ligent gentleman from Fist Feliciana pariah, La,, a few days ago, and lie in forma us (hat certainly ns many as tlireo hundred, and lie believes four hundrod, mules and horses have boon* killed by oharbon in that parish since spring." w CHamumc Tihjatoent or tiir Aord,— Mr, lubershon, in a clinical looturu at Oily*s Hospital, London, referring to tho oano of an old man, remarked : “ Tho man died simply from the shook produced by coming out into the cold and fog, which, though only an lncnn- vontence to us, was anfllolent to lead to a fatal result on one whoso circulation had beonmo en f eobled, and whom vital force had so nearly lost its power. I am romtndod by thin case of an in stance of longevity communicated to me by a gentleman the other day. His mother, who dio.l at tho ago ‘of one hundred and two, during tlio winter months * had refused to got up, saying that Him was only warm in bed,’ 1 have no doubt that it was owing to this uniform, warm tonineraturo that siio livo.l wo long, and I mention tlio in* . stance as a recommendation for you, when yon lmvc to presnrib • for old poo- plo, to advise that they bo kept wurin. ion should also look e.irofullv after their nonrishmout. Old people ban not cHt largo meals; therefore they must take them more frequently. Many old people will wake up abbot three or four o'clock in tho morning. It is u good plan that thoy should havo some nour ishment then ; otherwise tlio interval hoi«’.**>,» tho night and morning meals is too long for their deoliuing strength. It is by osro in such miaul lie that we may prolong tho life of tho aged." ITyDitOPnoniA. —Tlio board of health of New York, roforrlog to an ordinance requiring dogs to bo muzzled during tho hot months, state that hydrophobia is imparled only by inoculation, and that a rabid animal may givo tho dis- enso through a motalio muzzle as easily as if, tho obstruction did not exist. Hydrophobia occurs in tho coldest as woll as tho hottest weather, and with, perhaps, greatest froquouoy during the spring montiiM. Male dogs are more apt to bo nlTected than females, and the condition of the animal, whether house- hold put or vagrant, 1ms no inlluonco on takingol tlio malady. Owing (oaporlion of the deadly saliva being retained by tho clotlipa of tho person bitten, it found that only flvo to twenty por cent, of those thus Injured become inooulalod. An eminent veterinary surgeon of this city gives tho following symptoms bv which tho appronoh of raliicU in the dog may bo rooognieed : When the period of inoculation is passod (throe to seven woeka), tlio ntdmnl becomes rest less and watchful. It shuns tho light and its bark changes to u kind of n howl, Tho skin shrinks and tightens, tho head 1h depressed, and mucin ap pears a* tho mouth and nostrils. 'Nerv ous symptoms are very prominent, and the whole nipoot of tho animal denotes an tIUUsnal condition. Dogs or oats tliua suffering should ho immediately destroyed. Fiiksu Mutton vs Baltkii Mkath ron Bi’MMitn.—Farmers, as a rule, eat too much silted meat both in wiuter and I summer. There ia certainly no reason I whatever why this should lio tho ease during six months of the year, and no valid reason, exoopt prejudice, why fresh moat should not ho used iu sum- iner to n far greater extent that it is. .« ho real reason is a groundless preju dice HRiiiust the uso of mutton, and most uu'riuouH, ee momioal and health ful of moats. It i H true there ia u sin gle disability oonneoted with the raising of nlioop either aa wool or mutton, auu that 18 tho number of worthless curs with which our villages, and indeed, many of our farms abound ; but this would be easily cured if mnro or less 1 sheep were bred on every farm, since it would then bo to tlio interest of every 1 farmer not only either to kill or educate the farm dogs, but also to wage unre Ion ting war upon those not educated to understand tho rights of property. One i of the principal objections to the use of mutton among farmers, wu believe is I the taste of the meat will contract from i the wool, if not properly dresso l This is easily avoided. All that is needed is ! to blood, skiu and disembowel ns quickly ns possible, keeping the wool from eontaot with tho flesh ; wash thoroughly by dashing water inside the carcass, and cool os soon as may be. A small sheep, fat, weighing sixty to eighty pounds, may emilyb.i consumed bv an ordiunry sired family before it gets 1 tainted, except in the very hottest weather ; if larger, it mnv bo divided with o neighbor, to bR*»turned in kind, or sold if tho neighbor does not keep sheen. A small flock of sheep may oa- sily be taught to heed and he driven to , aud from the posture with milch o »ws. ' The wool will fully pay for the care be stowed, and tho mutton nmv be consid-! ored clear gain ; aud, certainly, uo one will deny, once having eaten a meal of ' well-fed mutton, t hat it is infinitely snpo- j rlor to eitlior salted pork or bacon. Even when placed in com]>etition with ham, either sliced or boiled whole, mut ton will undoubtedly compare favora bly with it, at lewst for a change.— IFoafern Ultra/ AnTiFiciAfi Hatciunu op Hrr.RwonuH' Eaos.—A very curious discovery has beau communicated hr Husani, an Ital ic sciential, to the French aooiely of agifeultnrlots, to tho offer* that the hatching of > ilk worms’ egga may be ar tificially hastened by motion' Tho process consists essentially in brushing the egga vigorously for ten or twelvo minutes with a moderately hard brush, made, preferably of coarse grass. In less than fifteen days tho eggs thus treated will batch out with a product as healthy as that obtainod in tho usual way. A small proportion of tho eggs may provo rofrnotory to thin novel treat ment, and yet in the spring even theso will hatch out earlier than theso which have been loft to tliotnaclvns. Husani performed a series of experiments upon about fonr-flfths of nu ounce of silk worms’ egffs, beginning on the 1st of August. They woro brushod for ten or twelve minutes daily, and only about one-tenth of tho whole number were lost. Tho first hatchings occurred, on tlio 14th of tlio month, and woro atio- reeded by ol hers for seventy-two consec ativo days, tho largest number hatched on the ninth da; following August 14th giving 112 worms. After thin dnto the li'itohingH decreased. From August 17th to Heptember 1st 012 worms woro hatched out. From August 14tli to November 14th 1.200 were horn. Those which came out during the first flftern days were raised and prospered per fectly. Although it was found that tho worms earliest hatched wero not by any moans the healthiest. No satisfactory hypothesis has yet been proposed to no- count for tho curious effect thus produ ced by friotion upon theso fggH ; but now experiments nro in course of execu tion, and inny lead to nomotliing more definite. Probably the discovery will lio found to have important practical bon rings ; but much remains to bo (lone in order to rondor it available. lion About Tho Trot ing Turf? There hss boon a marked falling off thin year in tho entries for tho purses advertised by Oievoland. Buffalo and Springfield. Tho tolegrnli roports tho tmmhor of entries roooivod as ‘follows : For tlio nlno purses tor trotters at Oievoland, nmomiting to thirtj-'.hrco thousand dollars, sixty-four nomina tions are made, wnioh, at ton per omit., swells the entrntiee monoy to $22,400. leaving $10,(100 to bo provided for out of tho gate money and pool receipts. Tho nine purses ndvorlisod by tho Buffalo Park Association, aggregating $51,000, havo called out. Hovennty-tlireo entries, which, at ton per omit., makes the tax on owners and drivers amount t) $30,540, leaving $14,550 to bo gath ered from the gate and other roooipts. Last year tho eight purses, amounting to $07,000, had eighty-flvo nomination 1 *. The money received in nntraneo foes was $01,550, leaving $5,050 to bo pro vided for tho purchasers of admisaion tickets. Tlio eight purses advertised by Springfield this year foot up 815,- 000. The outrun are sixty-two, and the entrance fees $011,050. Tho difference botwocn the money paid out by til Ataoolation, and the money paid in by Ilia owneri of horses is $11,050. Lint your the purses given by Bpiinglleld aggregnt tul $08,000, and the nominations counted one hundred and flftoon. Tho entrance feen were $40,400, or $11,000 more than tlio total of tho purses. Tho Iob.1 to Mm Hampden Park Association tins year, cih compared with tlio snooesa of last, is just $22,050. Tho figures, jvo imngiiio, nro suflloioutly striking to impress ono at a glance. — Turf, Meld and Minn. • llow Much Ho lVo Owo l Tho New York Shipping Garotte nays : Wo have boon accustomed to consider Something About C'loiul-hnrsfs. Within tho last tow years tho break ing of waterspouts-if that is a proper nanio for the phenomenon —liko that wldeli desolated n town in Nevada last week, lias been frequently noticed. Nor is itronfiued to mountainons districts. A few years ago a water-spout, or the bursting of a cloud, caused very seri ous damage near tho hridgo of tho Chi cago and Northwestern railway across tho Rock river, throo miles west of Dixon; and. n similar disaster also befell tho sarno road a few miles east of Dixon. Thcro is an nbundunce of ovidenee in moat parts of the country that thoy have occurred in all of its past history. Es pecially is this truo along tho lino of tho Pacific railway. Broad beds of streams perfectly dry nro common in tho Black Hills and Rocky Mountain districts, which show plainly tho action of terrible torrents not many years pre vious. Experienced railway-men have given it as thoir opinion that sufllcient allowance is not tnado in tho construc tion of our roads to let off tlio water in ■noh eases. A similar disaster occurred In aoutherp Minnesota recently, where very considerable damage was done, and a few years since, tlio president of tho Mioliiguu Houthcrn railway and many passengers came near losing their lives, not tar from Mishawaka, from the same causo. Bovcrnl persons in tlio car next to thorn wero drowned. Homo years earlier, a portion of the ty of Denver, California, was sub merged in the night time by a flood coming down tho valley of ('berry oreek, of which tho inhabitants had had no previous warning. A oloml had burst on tho side of tho mountain so far distant tlmt no sign ol its oxistc could bo discerned, and spilled its ‘"I" }* 10 »«!" valley of OU. v . J" ultl „ creek. Ibis oreek had been dry for ! F»vorlt« proscription many years—so dry that its bed had t«r *1. been surveyed and laid off in town lots wa«l, - •>lsln:* A SlMinmoth Dispensary. From /V SI. Jsrui* Itrjwhtiran. “Among the notable physicians of this coun try. I)r. It. V. Pierce, of buffalo, N. V., Mamie (loqerverily high. Ho imn obtained professional ominonoo tl.rough strictly legitimate means, and fully 'deserves tho enviable ropu'atlon which ho enjoys. A thorough and careful preparation for ills calling a d extensive read ing. during along and unusually large practico, havo made him extraordinarily successful in bin private practice, and gained tho commen dation oven of his profess onal brethren. JJy devoting his attention mainly to certain spe cialties ho lias l»oon rewarded iu a very groat degroe, and in those linos is rocognizcd as a leader. Not a few of his preparations com- |K>unded fur these special cases havo Peon adopted and are used in their private practice by physicians throughout tlio country, and his namphlotn aud larger works upon theso sub jects havo been welcomed as valuable addi tions to medical literature, and placed among the regular text-books of many medical schools. Acknowledgment of the services which he has performed for medical science has Loan mad > by | resent at Ions of degrees from two of the llrat medical Institutions of tho land, and by the translation of several of his works into fiertnan, Hpaniah ami other foreign languages. Tho increasing demand for ids specifics sometime since necessitated tho oponlug of a regular dispensary for thoir preparation, and from a small beginning the nusiunss of this establishment has now grown to mammoth proportions. Tims during the. tlireo months ending March 31, 1874. tlio sum expended for postage alone, not to speak of that paid on newspapers, amounted to ♦2.080.70. Over a htiuurtd persons are em ployed in the various departments, and a corps of able and skilled physicians are re tained as an advisory board in difficult cases. Klsewhnro in tho ItopUblican a whole page is dovotod to a communication from Dr. Pierce, something of tlio history ami de tails of lids vast establishment, which will be found not uninteresting reading." If you would patronize medicines scien ill- rally prepared by a skilled physician and chemist, nee Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines. 0 Ooldeu Medical Discovery is nutritious, tonic, 0 alterative, or blood cleansing, and an un- I equaled rough remedy; Pleasant Purgative at flherrv >»rg«r than mustard send, i ynerry constitute an agreeable and reliable phjsln: I Favorite Prescription-- an minqu«bd remedy nry Mint its bed had 'for dohilitated females; Extract of Hinart- nody for pain, Isiwel t and built upon, oonstitutincr, indeed, \ "> "nequaled liniment for both ZnrL c “'tZ 1 " k « thi r k r , V, r\ H °' i Denyor. Tho flood strnok tllO town j the greatest sieclllo for Catarrh and “cold in shortly nftor midnight, and in an in- j head," avar given to the public, slant of tinio swept Off every vestige of human habitation and handicraft in , Tho Best Bowinc Mackino. tho old bo 1 of tho oreek and adjacent, » r , „ , , . . , thnrotu, ilcntrorlng .nan, livn, 1..1 » Jtrgo amount of proj)erly, which was will do n greater variety of work, with ir™ hurled into tlio HotlMi I'latte, which lat- i noise and physical exertion, than any iu the lor stream was raised sovtrnl foot in a I iM *° ►1'iinlo that a child can man- ! ago it, and so durable that wo can see no reason why ono, with ordinary care, should not ) desire to call especial altcn- fow minutes. , , Probnlilr notl.inR run In done to [LV'il i.r.tfm,. ward ofi tho cnlnniilies that often ro- This point wo destro to call espr suit from “oloud'burstn ” or water- hon to. The Tteinington Is mad* l»y the Item- spouts, but tfioy nro worthy of careful I "'«**>''Arms r..., of iUou. N. Y., whoso clouds, by which people whose homes may be located in tho valley liablo to inundation may bo warned in time to roach a place of safety. The phenome non of a cloud burst consists of the sudden, perhaps instantaneous, con densation of a vast quantity of warm moisture in tho ntmos|ilicre by coming in contact with tho oolil side of a mount ain, or with a current of cold Air. It is not improbable that tho awful disaster Tim company desire sue at Pittsburg oil Saturday was identical ,n ll,n w in its nature with the cloud-bursts of , Colorado Arizona, and Nevada.— (-/*/ . .-mpluyes arc certain of fair and liberal fgq/o JrWUHC. | iiient. Write to llomingtou Arms Company, deed, any hut the very heat. Quality is what thoy priuo themselves upon, for it was thoir capital at tbs beginning. The same rigid ban- omy that they bold to in tbs manufacture of arms, they havo carried into ilieii* sewing ma chine. They nro made of thn boat material attainable, aud iu labor nr expaune ia spared to flnlMi them iu such a wav a* to mako them do a great deal more than in el aimed for thorn. 'Jim name “ Uomiuglmi" ia a diffident guaran tee to any ono who knows tlio company. Tim company d* airo •genie in every county say that tho int ftm?r Tlio Rojnl I'aiiiily. Ilion, Now York. Am . i ovidonoo of the popularity of Tlio Tjondon Hoturdn, U.viow nay B :, i wl „ r ., (i.mblo’. l'„,. „„„ y r ' , ° ■ V’i'", 1 ' I BO...I ...ll.orll, II.U ,uh u wr.oTomio^h r ; t w.1;? “ n Ao«: ^; r " ,,n ^r dre v oomnx.ll, ponplo Iwgan to l,n,c " !“* *** ty or .l< million look 11,1011 them no o d.ollnot olnot from IJ , “ r - ""I 1 '• prordo. All ll,ro., B i tho Bix . |‘■"“h-B ; * Ur- A .....orior .rti,d. f.,11 tccuth and seventeenth ooutnrics t| l0 . W0, Kht tolls in tiu» end. boro; f K.'nmIill 't\la r“U-l’i''"’", . "’""i 1 . I'^tUnd wom.11 obosea bor Eliaubolli, cm,Id not bo to bo !v 1m.,7!11 ■ .'m"iV#'".l F "”” * in y royal family nl. all. Between Henry ! 1 1 Jut f* . ,u *° fc ho water. \\ hen tho Fourth and George tho First six 1,0 ooirms out his face is washed, Ins ivereigns only wero tho falhera of a Pfinco of Wales ; two i f t limn, it. may noted, wero tho fathei’s of two Princes of Wales. And in all tlmt time Charles the First, ns Prinoo of Wales, and Jamoa 111** Soooml, as Duke ol York, mother does not know him, and he saved. Wantrd —100,000,000 Men.—Apply i a situation ut tho nearest gouts' fuminhiiig Iom). 1'hoy will ongage you by your paving lie prico of a Ih»x or morn of Klmwood (;ollare, wore tho only son or brother of a king 1 "’hioh you can tako home with y tiled young or succeeded young. Through tho whole sixteenth century ! * Loro were crowds of people w ho hull contingent claims to tho crown, but ! they wero not people whom any body would lmvo called royal. Tho* ' royal That debt is now $2,147,725,277. But the aggregate of ail the debts of tho oonutry, state, county and mnniolpal, added to the national debt, may bo n Idod tip as follows : National debt $2,140,725,277 Hnud» to latlway oauipanUiH OMMItflU loturoat on humic 18.517,743 Unsotllod liabklitlcH, ostlmatml. 250,000,000 Htatu and municipal 1,000,000,000 bnaus, etc , t»v national banka.. 014,283,801 bonus, etc., by siato hanks, otc. 51-1,081,000 boat), etc., by same in twenty- eight statcM, cto., oillmatod 1,600,000,000 Individual.! to oaoli other, oati- luatcd 2,000,000,000 Funded, oto., of railrqadH 1,511,518,014 Making a total or ♦0,032,870,027 Thin is equal to $218 per capita for tho entire population ; hut, of course, it does not bear equally on nil. The nation also owes, according to recent cstimAtoR, not less than $250,000,000 on ncoouut of uusetMod claims pending bo- iltlier Bo to HIvnrMdo Water Ouro, Hamilton, III. MAilKBT REPORTS. roitAOoo— M I.11K*, common.. | S IM >4 bus**, good I 3.1 oiimiiion. . a i.n ,.i I- af. mMInm.... 7 o,i ii Igood to Hno h no i.i W1IRAT - * IlM and Aml^r ? family,' uh a working institution, really lakes a leap from tho son of Henry tho Fourth to tho son aud grandson of Georgo tho First—is it too bitter n sur- oniim to say from John Duke of Red- ford to Frederick Prince of Wales? Between these there was only a prinoo ! hay—Timothy...!;." or prinoosa now and then. It was no I owrbko wciificr, 11.™, Umt Ml.™ U,o faintly began again they started ou . orange quite now terms. And, after all, « > S5n' M, w ono has over (old us what is tho royal nAcoU—a|V*r bV,uV.'*. family. No ono lias yot been fnrthor ouKEMK-'niob**. olT tllO (( roignlug sovereign than first ! rt00B KltSffj£|‘ 1 y , • WOO!— 1 l-MKwani.M. ... JubtTakkn ids Birrnns.—Wo heard nnwMi.. seedy - looking individual with WHISKY- -Old Ofiurbon.,.. foro ongress, the dopartmenta or the 'alarmingly red nose rem ink to a brother Hcot'ch Mi'a'j'riahV.'! courts. On tho greater part of this soaker that ho had “just lmd his bit i POTATOEH-irtah, ybbf." *- paid ou an average rato \ tors, but. ho did not mind taking an-1 bqrrON-Mi.VdYinir'. nt. It is impossible j other nip." His remaik suggested n OoodOrdtuary" . debt interest i of nhout six p to ascertain how much of this indebted-1 train of’ reflection, ness is hold abroad. Bonds are sent asked ourselves, that tho word “ bit- NmhTiiit. abroad and others nro sent homo at j tors" had grown to bo a synonym for fbonn—Nnnerflne short intervals. Aside from tho na- | gin, wh'flky, rum, and other alcoholic tioual debt, most of tlio claims repro-1 stimulants, to wliioh it was applied in- j cornintAT^aaoVixi!!’...! sent material imnrovemeuts, although I diroriminntely. Bitters, wo reasoned, 5° ttS nearly eighty millions of tho national suggostod tho idea of a healthful tonic', OATK- V»rio*i debt represents tho principal and inter-! not of a poisonous stimulant; something "'iikat'. ........ cat on railroad bonds which have been invigorating to tlio system, not an oleo- biian^* loanod, aud for which thcro is already ! holio irritant, full of fusel oil, produc- peanuts'. nominal securitioB. ing present intoxication and ultimate bAOON—oioarauiwi.'." .** irsanity, idiocy, or premature death. HjS~ 8ng#r Bulls not Irish. ' Moreover, our idea of bitters was totally butter It m a Sooloh woman win. uU that I ‘"•‘oonoUahl® will, " R in cooktails. " the butoher oil,™ town only killed ' " ,m »..A .. i._ half n boast nt u time ; it was a Dutch man who said that a pig had no marks on its ears except a short tail ; and it was a British magistrate, who, being ,u .7} mi - . told bv a vagabou 1 that he was not mar- I wngeanoB. WQ ineutioned this OOTTON-Inrarior.', responded, ■■Timf.i „ Rood tiling I' r0 , w .™' to „ friend, lie n.ived it by o^nr. f Jr your wife." It was an F.uglish re- ’■ ” h. v » don t you know porter who stated, at a meeting of tlio that T of tbo8 ,° bl , tlors “dv.-rlised Ethnological 8 icioty there war exhib 1 romed,t>a ftro nnlv l,r “ n, ■ ,n ma\tc punohes," and “brandy smashes," I'WtXHr-tJn'wMhM .. which, wo are informed, are sweetened Tab waxiuni.. .. will, »ug«r, and rendered ilonbly injur- wmsK K25SS.i«j tons with esseuces oolored by mt'ans of K ur.n « mineral polaon. This wna bitter-sweet atoHHTt.-Bs 1 ' 10n,n,,r ' I Ordinary.. * Middling .. itod “ea-itsof tlie skull of an individ- niceties aro only drams iu disguise. Topers know it, if y« u do not. 1 mud exception, however," ho ad- uni at different periods of adult life, to one exception, uowover, ho ad- show the changes produced in ten ded. and that s Dr. M alker s Califor- years." thomrh Dean Swift ccrtsinlv n‘ft Yulegar Bitters; there wu t a par- ftcxv Orleans. years,” though Dean Swift certainly mentions two skulls preserved in Ire- laud, one of a pet son when ho was a boy, and tho other of tho same person when ho grew to be a man, Portuguese tiolo of alcohol or fermented liquor in oats ' it, and it is tho best vegetable tonic mid hay..... rltorstivo in Ainerio,.'- - gam* Mn. J. Hanauku, of London, laud.'. lfalQnlte so Pant, NIr. Jonrst—A horn, doctor la Philadelphia wax caught changing the eelt-bralrd Mexican Mnrlang liniment Into other hot tire, and naleg It as hie own rrelp*. Ilonretr la alwaja the beet pollrjr. Three medicine men like to follow up each feUowt. It mred the lame borxe nil the tame; bat It damaged tte Doctor 1 * repnta- tlou, and beneflted the proprietor In proportion. We havo heard of ao many Rhrmnatlo jieraona and lam« lioraee being cured by the Mnatang Liniment that we advise every honaekeeper, liveryman and planter to Invest In a 60 et. or a |t,00 txittlr, against aorldent. Reware of oonnterfHU. It la wrapped in e eteel engraving, slgnod •* O. W. Westbrook, Obemlat." Tlio |,adlr*i Noroele I'lnh, of New York, rooantly changed their dlacnaalona from WomanR suffrage to Hair preperation* and Pimple Rentab- era. They declared that where netnre had not en dowed them with beauty, tt wma their right—yen, tliel r duty—to aeek It where they could. So they all voted that Magnolia Ilalm overcame HallownaM, Rough Skin and ningmarka, and gave the complex ion a moat (Boroelan) and marblo-tlke ( •earanoe (danger) *i * 4“‘" * * ,yor ron*a Kethelroti made doubt); end that and awful pret*y, and moreover presented It from ’* the proprietors of theM articles alatera an Invoice, they are not turning f It Pi 1 ClOfl l**’ r '!•>' *t homn. Term* fri-e AiMm-m urn STIHMIN A • Portland, Maine. M oney* Mnklnir Kniplny-iiien'. Res: ever Ofll*re<l. AlMiliU kl. .N. I.DV'aU,, kilt*, r* $1 *1 to RIIO tier il%T made bv agents eeillug the American Q ilHug inacli'e, einhrolderlux A liming marh'eAotner nov i'es.Il.l) Hrln Al‘o AlUntnOa I’Kll DAY rornmlADloii nr |Jlla week HOOK - v Aodn m Im. HON A PA ItTK. I D'.plIojvhv *>»' F’ltH < ' ItSON;. I.-.I whl Nnd III J">Klls* V >r iinayl vmiln Ml III nry* Amctemy, JL l'». • \Ve«lne*)liir, Kept. ‘Jill 1 to their advan Hilldlee ex ii-Milve Ch II et.rt Mi • Imn'm! Engineer Ing. 'I lie Clasylc* end Prigueh Ihnrotnrli 1 v t.ughi, lor clr ularn apply to( ol 1 l»eo. Hyatt, President. If. SICilM A fO. Tl^llroadway, jirw Hewing Machines Sample dntr any |M>«t o'** lAiU VI “end D cenle and the addrevs of Sve Per- nil II -..ii end rrr-lv» by mei| a lU-entlrm ' tiro- lino, *la*7i9 north |l./v» and full I Met t ur- - unrl lions to cleer f?" n day. A'hlrt***. HU I I .t Co l<x Houth *th St.. 1‘hlla . Pa. A n\-* nna v i*.-• Am.i e« nt* over I.Mu pap«-rx,«. I % l«lw«I nto 7 su» dtvls- tun*. Henil ^ i t-iii eiamp Map alio* log l<u-sllnn of peti r*. with combined xml M-nerate Uei*. g'v e, Ba ft NOH ft, IH Monroe elm I. Chlcaso. III. * FIVE MYSTERIOUS PICTURES. Piirrirng 7 Prohtems. Y 11V.K.'TO A I.L*' Adtr'p**. With ileiiip. A DA Ms A t?f)., 4 Pearl ntreel, lloston, DAI'DHTKItN CtlhhKUN, Harrod* urg. Ur. 1 Hill Nixxliili Im guie Nb|itr mhrr *40, I N74. Alt lirancbee tnuglii thoroughly and pre.-ili aily. No public i-xhllil ions All Natural Helen) e* taught ex|>erinii-iilaMy or by )>tMerv4tion l.n.ii*-) *p)-.-iuil v 11Him-1 iii Normal or leacher* Taxidermy taught. Music I.mguagi-n and Pa'nt log et mixterale price*.* well fiiinlsticl flt'ENT You Can Mako $150 LOOK SSSrHfHS! ■'iiiall rapl ul needed, l.xrge protlis HERE! v Bethel College, SAVE MONEY! PAINTS, reedy-mlted; BASH. DOORiL IH.Il/lW.'II.UK; DON’T BUY UNTIL YOU HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED QUH NEW IttNHK.I.I.VII.I.K, KY. JUATION IIKALTIIV-. 11 )A It la KmUiwment. 9 4do,onn. Kentnckr Military Mile! rPWKNI V-N I N III ACAIlKMIO Y K A It WILL i riser Mn'iuv i MOUNT AUBURN INSTITUTE louiio to tl I* Pr>->.|4|ent..y. It NKWkl.l., Pit. U. N. It -Hoarderi im-l nt ile|xit* on due ooilre Greenwood Seminary. (A BOAROING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES ) qiJHi lALTIICNt Knglleh. M^Ui-matlia. all siruineutal » i rawing, Palntlnt tor^gai RICH FARMING LANDS I N N K It It Ah K A . NOW FOR 8ALE VERY CHEAP. Tm Venn Cmllt, Intern! Duly Nis 1'rr Cent. Sond for 11 Tho Pionoor," rati-rl paper, containing the A NKVV .NU Ill-.It Jnxl puli haniDoii'u Illustrated it. Mail*il free to all I’.. O. K. DAVIS, laud .. UM XII*. N K till ** K X. ■ •mnilsaloner O. WATERS’ CONCERTO ORGANS me thr mo-i houtlhd io ityIr .i il perfenifn t{»t peculta^ly • mint rharinliiK A* we have 12 GOOD REASONS why they wll do yonr work QUICK and EASY, CHEAP and CLEAN. Ill Tliry art rlimpnl to bnj. Tliry nrr btil to uir. CO Tiny b.ikr tvrnlr mil quirklr. D Thnr oprration i» perfect. Tlity havt nlwny) a food draft. < Tliry are mailr of the beat nrattrial. Thry rnail prrftrlly. O Tliry rri|Uire bill little fuel. Tliry art vrry low priced. IU Tliry orr ronly maimfnl. M Tliry orr mllril la oil loealitln. Kvrry More firarantrnl lo -ire nillifot’e SOLD BY EXCELSIOR MANU'FG GO., WAUKESHA WATER, Mineral Rock Spring, CURES Dropsy, Dlltbetns, Oruvel, Dys- trill)- ivoihIi-'fill What) l\r«-t II ha* .... sy*n ni It Is now b*tng Kli>p|«>d at lh» lolluwliig l arrel. 4«i gal , |l!; half do.. 67; drinlj«ihiis and Jug* M rents p«-r g»i . paokaR* ntra; hot tie* i< ( t* i 6- ‘"I l M ' r do* Minify mu»l a< r unpsiiy the order esi- pi to nur reguUr aiilhxrtcfil ast'ii'. Inqulrsnf ymir ilruggl*! f r \Vauke*|i« Mlmral Itm-k Hi,ring \s r 4ter. Ad ln**H, l f Dl.lM A: lo. Wauke*ba. Wls., for oritei* for the srnta r ur ftr rlrcuLtni. Waukesha, 1 >f Diet you *int me. li may he owing tooth • .u*i * opi-taimg at Uie shnu-time, wlib-1) haaalUi I'UllK, July t iast *ls nr rlgh iiu.iiihs I tl | V * l,r , h,l, | W 1 fhe kidney muMIver greatly liuprovi>.t. and now I fee* IhW water "in* be. ii a great Ijvnerti In more tvays than one If I rviniliiiu- lo use the wali-r, I am riynaitent that It w ill i-nW-l a I--rin:xtt111 cure The e.oro ship me lothl.rii) auxih -r hslftia ri-l of tlie water at uiu-e ttully yours, (TtAltLKH J. HMt Til Manhattan, Ksimu*. , ( U^(‘. Oun A t jo.: THs ts lo i-ertir complaints. iMirdtring on t >'^llr gnt'a diairaae. i g oil All the time there was.inaniules of athunien \Vauke*liu Wale Iji*i Pel mar) I thought I live inliuii-. a:ul while 1 was drinking It I received funr ijailons from a friend m ^llllnoi* In a few >• barrels umt r e water my health Is tyetter I writing Without^destroying its "I " H ^IIARlJw RARNf.H. THE REMINGTON W0Rk s pot* Ac OrohoHt mtlfine Frrm h eases, mnilr, 11 it if *-ii ni li I lie |inrlty gn »i voliimr -if tone. Nullable/"-' parlnr, rhurcli or iiiitalr bnlt- WATKB8 1 N*w Sutale I’IjVNOS OHC+AN.- Kirnt Mower <m.f u flue alnaliiK u i«. oil inotlerii I in |irov r mens a, nixi beat piano* mode. These organs a nuns ore warranlril/ur tl » rnis. l»rlr tinuely low for enali, or pm t moutlily or <|nartrrl» tinyuirut* 'mil lustruiueuta falten In ex- .) U r nl * svnntcil in every enuuty i liberal rllsrnuut n 'r. M's r/f-it t'ki’i ’ cat aloo 'vKs'yin iu*t vr * IIOItAt-R WATKIW .V HON l llroarlxvay, N. Y. **. O. ttm 350T. The Wise .lieu of the Land. ... *•»-.— -, Ui t |, w Jtinge, use .tally, yspepala, nick lleadaclir am. vomv*. MMUhuril, In Rlluui* Attacks, l.lvcr Complain:- matte Affis'tlons, Nature's own Remedy, Tarrant's Kffrrvrsrrnl Srlbrr Aperient, a* tin* best and molt reliable medicine ever offered to the people tor the above claas of d!*e*M tnir.-lng t>*t»e. its brother- aud slaters, its aud KT-tud pareuta, will a t Nnd this plea*a eity well ada|ite«l for t: For sale by all druggists of illrea-O- 1 slaters. Its patent* r different complaint*. which r^rd !“ d ' T "X: 1 l R i,'“ 0 ailrowiu'il man mUt bo Mcngfcit w'h™ ^ pi.w! by ps, or Z r a ,m ?f c ‘’ ini ,“ ut ,n y* through«... h<.«t™ oi™„bi, CiscnrL'Jwhc" AZSlX i v° c h z f ~ ing his I oil » largo ..ono /.r 6, ^ 0 “a^”!Lo‘ . SSto: V i tel, “ ,°" 0 i ™'v f , "V‘ ,r n i ilucoil oithor white, r ,/orcd, or ohromo- gSJSrgS.™- for 1’vo stuff.',I lj'wife'hiv '^°II w ..“l,! priutotl. thoy may lm useil ns tsblo- imis-s„ B ,rcii^o. womau or ohihl iu this house, who lttw arrivvil at the ago of fifty years, but ; yon expect to uso .,«.•» w »» huwohiu tv, wliat has folt tho truth thundering ii n staudiug orcler to the university ' orewa at Saratoga. I o.mic oihwm. NASHVILLE -®«i (B. A S.' Businoss Gollogo, and Tclograph Institute. AAHUVl-LLfc.. 1H.N.N. ’ S^LeiifliiCoUeiiK'^ai 10 d menu In husliicsr t hunt times. uiixlern Imnrove* Hales to suit the Tito Drniul IIevolution in Medical TnCATMKNr, which was commenced iu 1S60, la etlll In priVTiN^*. Nothing enu stop It, for tt ia bounded on the principle, now universally acknowledged, You must not llirt With the girls if Ihst ph>*i. sl Vigor l* the most formidable antagon- StHVessfu 1V *’T ail human ailments, aud experience l as Aowu through their minds for centuries.” SITUATIONS GUARANTEED to WO I III J- ncm*Ten *''r llU*i ; l , ' S ' ‘ \‘ Dr. TUTT'S HAIR DYE Po*- esses quail ties that no other dye doe*. Iu of feet Is Insiantai.eoos and II Is so natural that It cannot be detected. It Is harmless and easily an nlleil.and Is Lu general use among.the fashionable halrdreasera In every largo city. Price fl.OQ a box Sold everywhere. Offloe. U Murray at., New York. THE NEW IMPROVED REMINGTON Sewing- Machine. AWAHUKD Tho “Medal for Progress,” AT V1BKNA, 1873. THK ItlHIUUT OH1IK* "V •• Mkdal" awahdxd at A FKW (iOOl) UK ' MORN t 1. —A A'rw /nxtniUm TnoaoronLT T*kt«d nd secured by Letters Patent. U. Makes a jicrfrc/ LOOK srtTcir. alike on ooth sides, on nil Arfiufr nf good*. 3. — HdnsLioht Smooth,NotsKtjeaa and Rap -fxsf comfcfrui/ioa of qnalltles. 4. — DuraBLK-Ruiu for Yrart without Repairs 5. — ll’i/i (to <UI rnrirUrirf ICor* amt FnnryStUcA- tnp In a superior manner. O.- Is Jfotl Jfrulty Monaged by the o|>entor. Drop |M, which intvrfj uni/orm lmpt\ of fife A at any tyxeri. Has our new 77irrad ControUti which allows easy movement ot ueed'e-bar and Armory, 11‘on, X. Y. flew York Offlcr ( Mo. ft .'ladlaon Square, Kurd's Ilullil- lu«. HHAKCI1 OKFICKSi ‘18 V Mtate el.. ClilcAgu. 111.i *471) Superior at., Clewelanri, Ohio.; 181 Fourth at., Cincinnati, Oq 406 Mnln at.. IlutYalo.'N. Y.| 3351 Washington •tm lloston, .Man. t 810 Cheitnnt at.. Pltllntlelplila, Pa.; lO Sixth at.. Pitts burgh, I'n. • DOBcse von WJJ°«* l -’ BT j^RICDEOERICIC aCO Require# 0€9c 8ta>, ft bnt two hales o : ih--r hty or 'vSnVvfl cotton w thont tramp- L Ins or t topping. /fllKJ*? Thirty wumof - P er 1 •' • — pcKPtiwi SAiM( fits 4 ii) N is W.\ T F'.li-Men or women. 134 » XY week or f ion firf lied. irrret /rm. Write at ouce to Co WEN A CO., 8th street, New York, l)r..1. Walker's Callt'ornln v ‘>|- *i?ar BittPi's aro a purely V<»ceUv.»lo preparation, mn«U» chiefly from the na live lierl>8 found on tho lower range* of he Sierra Nevada mountains of Cnllfor- da, tho tr.edlciiml nroiiortlea of which ue extracted therefrom without the nao •f Alcohol. Tlio question \s nlma- daily asked, “What ia the cause of thn unparalleled uncccss of Yinboah l>n- rKiwf” Our nnsaer is, that they renin. • tho cauftc of disease, nnd tho patient r • •over* his health. 'I’hey nro tlio great blootl purifier anti a life-giving principle. \ perfect Boiiovatnr and Invigorator if tlio HVHtem. Never before in the history of tho world law a niwlleine heer* compounded po>u ing tho remark alia* qualities of VlWBflAR l!lTTK»a 111 lie lllDg the sick of every dwea-o man ia heir to. They are ft gentle Purgative ns well as a Tout relieving Congestion or Iuflatumatiou .. tho I.ivi r and Visceral Organa, in Bilk*’** The proportitni of Dn. Waj.xf.k^ VIXKUAB itlTTKRH nru Aponeiit. Dlanlloretie Carniinntive, NntritioiH, Laxative, Diuretli Stbliitive, Counter-Irritant, .Sudorific. A Has* *ivo. nnd Anti-Blliou*. umiomi l UoiLsaiDIH proclaim Vin . roar Bittern the moat wonderful In- vigurant Umt ever sUHtftiuud tho sinking system. No Person can tako those Hitt on according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their Vnos are doL do* atroyeil l*y mineral poison or other meana, and vital organa wanted bo' ond repair Bilious, Remillcnf and lutor* miftenf revors, which are RO preva lent in the valleys of our great riven throughout the United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinoi'j, Tennessee, (Uimbcrland, Arkan- saa, lted, Colorado. Brnxoa, Bio Gmndo, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah. Ro anoke, .fames, nnd many othors, with their vast tributarlofl, throughout our entire country (luring the Summer and Autuian. and remarkably »<* during aoa- aoii8 of unusual heat and dryness, aro Invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of tlio stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, u purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is cHs iitially necessary. There la no cathartic for tlio purpoao equal to Dr. .1 Walker's Yinkcau Bittbiw, as thov will apt eddy remove tlio dark- colored viscid iq,liter with which tho bowels are loaded, at tlio sumo tinio stimulating the accretions of tlio liver, and generally restoring tho lioalthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the hotly against disease by purifying nl) its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No ipidemic can tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or indigestion, Head ache, Fain in tho Shoulders, Couglin, Tightness of tne ( M .‘*«t, Dizziness. Sour Eructations of tho stomach, Bad Taste in tho Monti). Bilious Attacks, Palpita- tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tlio Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kid neys, anti a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a bettor guaratitoo of its merits than a icngthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Fry si pel as, Swelled Noct r Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Morcnrial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes. etc. In these, as in all other constitutional I)in- oase*, Walker’s Vikboau Hitters havo shown their great curative powers in tho most obstinate nnd intractable cooes. For Inflnniinfltory nnd Chronic Khciimafism. Gout, Bilious, Komit- tent and Intermittent Fevers, Discuses of the Blood, I.iver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated blood. Mechanical Discuses.--Persons en gaged. in Paints and Minorals, such as l'!uml»ers, Type-setters, Gold-beaten, and Miners, ns they advance In life, uro snhjec' to paralysis of the Bowels. To guitn: against this, tako a dose of Walker's Vin kuar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Kruptlons, Tet ter. Salt-Ilheum, Blotchea, 8polR, Pimples, Pustules, linils. Carhuncl<->, King-worms, Scald-head, Sore Rye-*. Kiv-ipelni. Itch, Scurfa, Qiioolorntion* of th*- Skin, Humors and Discasca tif the Skin of whatever name or natuje, aro literally dug up and carried out of the nystetn in u short time hy tbo u^o of theae Bitters. Pin, Tilin', mill oilier Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed nnd removed. No system of medicine, uo vermifuges, no nn- tholmiuitics will free the system from worms like these Hitters. For Ki-iiiiiIo ('oiii|ilnIii(s, in young or old, marrieii or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Clpunsotho Vitiated Blood when ever yon find its impurities banting through the skin iu Pimple.*, Eruptions, ur Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish iu the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; vour feelings will tell you when. Keep the oiOOu iiare, and the health of the system will follow. it. ii. McDonald a co., I>ni>:v*l*t* andGrn. AgU. 3an KrmrUoo, California, and oor. of W'luhinirton and Charlton Su.. N Y. 8ol«l bj* nil Dmu-l.t* mill Drulrrs. £1 BTRN’S jPookct Photoscopo. i le r *' - m ~ * -' r7ri7 Tl ^>.onry,^ *bod.iy |n' cloth, ^foreign i Idwi-u. flower* au'd pianta; to detec ala, finene** of wood-imt'n: to declpner oibrrwiae Ueqlbls; and for the in-i.-ct on < mineral*, etc. ( *e(ul for ever-body. convex ) en*. IS Inchea In il atneier Moi leather, and carr ed I Illnatrated rlrcular* and terma’rrw* e vidaTw**^ *- Rvuv n q ox ) f«, N e W York * nice, N Hlate where you *aw this. Price i j..^YRN, P. i AGENTS WANTED for th* new book. “TeUItJlU” A Lllf'» f ip--iinfe la Monnetil.m or Salt I.U* City. With aa f XR STOXt. It nru-nn r U T*» f ‘ * WtB ** r thrtlifnVth»n r ,,u 8o*»o» ^en.V^CArnOM. 'Wl'y.hw • »i I.Tmor»t*cTi*'» hy IUHRIF.t'uKIC)?' ■ pUta to det*il. d-ltca.. aOTwnTVrVuuSliisio co' ."ci«aaa»U.7 THI8 PRINTING INR^T/^L'-on ^ OO.. Harper's bulMln*. New York. It la ft.r aalr or the Hnuthern New*pa;>er Union. Nashville, id WI). aad 2V b. pacKaae*. Also a full aasortutenl at ' wming t * name of th'n |>a|>er. Send a to MlvertiAcr* please mcntloc WS A DVKItTlsKRS! send *5 cl.*, to (J km 1 £wi«?o c >-~ r,, - r '*•'* paP*re, a * lowing cost of ud»ertUlng