Newspaper Page Text
Tim danger of tiring chloroform to
alleviato t)io pain in on so of hoftdAohe
, oc toothache, as in often done, in shown
bv a sad accident occurring in Lmtis-
▼flip. A Voting girl, suffering from
headache, Iwioiitne no affected 1>y oblo-
roform ns to bo unable to romovo the
bottle, and she wan found dead with
tho bottlo 1 jivfr on her breast.
A Novicl uno of tho telegraph in noon
to bo put into operation in Now York.
Tho court-root; a in tho city aro to Y)o
telegraphically eonnooted with tlio
offices of tho loading lawyers, and by
thin monnn tho ntato of tho calendar
and the program* of trials can Y>o an-
nounccd to tho lawyors, and tho latter
summoned when wuntod. Tho tele
graph in thin' respect promises to be
onlto nn useful ns it is on Mio stock ox-
change or in bnriness crolon, •
Hoohack Tow ski-.—In tho oonlrnl
aoction of tho TTobnao Tunnel tho bench
has all boon removed and fifty work-
mon discharged, In tho oast-end sco-
tion 2,500 foot of twelvo-inoh Hootch
drain pipe ban boeu laid and covered.
Tho excavation Imn Won mode for
thfrty-nfno foot of brick aroh, which In
to bo bnilt nt a point nhont a milo from
the eastern portal, and tho laying of
lir ok will bo oommenoed thin weok.
All crons ties neodod botwoon tho oast
ond central shaft havo boon deliver d,
and It in bolfovod that tho track will ho
laid in tho month of Amnmt.
Tbjc French Bishop of Canton ban
hist nont to tho Jardin d'Aeolimation, nt
Paris, a plnnt whoso flower changes
color three tirnon a dny. It ia spoken
of os another wonderful ovidonco of
Ohlnono art in loading nature out of her
her onntomary paths. Tt hi not moro
romarkable than a floral freak of South
ern Australia, a bountiful flower, simi
lar to our well-known morning-glorv,
with flvo slroaka of color on its bell*
shaped oalyx. In tho oarly morning
.tho oolor streaks am pale Yfliio. Toward
noon tlioy turn to a rich purple tint,
whioh changes to n light pink during
tho aftornoon. Ah tho day deolinos, tho
oolor fsdoa, disappearing entirely after
sunset, when tho flower olonos and dies,
A oomiRBuoNonNT of Land and Water
oalls attention to tho singular preva
lence of blindness in salmon itf tho
York Rivor, which flows into tlio Oulf
of 8t, Lawronoc at G.twpe, tho oxtromo
eastward poiht of Canada proper. In
Homo iimtaiioos flsli havo hern taken that
arc totally blind, both eyos being cov
ered with a hard, opnqtio soalo, whilo in
others ono oyo only is thus nffootod ;
again. Horne havo thoir eyes apparently
sloughing away. Ho oomploto is tlio
blindness that a man may drop down in
a hark oanoo right over tho fish, and
chip him out with a gnff. Tho York
Diver is n very olonn-bottomod and oloar
stream, and it is now a frequent ooour-
rnnoo to observe a largo flsh lying in
precisely tho samo spot nt tho tail of a
pool, seldom in tho strong water, day
after day, and novor stirring, though a
fly bn pimned over and under Ids nose.
The number of these flsli is apparently
on tho iuoreaso every year. They aro
nil from twenty-two to twenty-eight
ponds weight, and havo a dull, white
appoaronoo, though in fair ooudltion.
Many seem to ho old flsh.
That orows and othor species of birds
have little fear of man when 1
armod is a familiar fact-, and suggests
that they fear him becauno of the
weapons ho oarrles. Tu Hootlatid, whore
shooting was prohibited on Sunday,
mows and rooks wore gentle and fed
around buildings without ooQoorn.
Hiugularly enough, tho same thing was
obsorvod of animals by Dr. Triatrnm
when traveling in the wilderness of
Moab, where tho sound of tho gun is
quito rare. Ho says : “ Wo wore struok
with tho sagacity whioh all the wild nni-
mniN showed in tho mutter of flro-nrms,
little familiar us tlioy onn bo wi h them
boro. As it wan Hundn.v, wo strollod or
sat down among tt?o ruins without our
fowling plooos, and woro oonsoquoutlv
objects of inqiflurouoo. A line fox sat
and looked at us a dor.on times among
tho rttoiiedieaps, and just'walked away,
keeping almost within gunshot nil tho
afternoon. The Hakkr fuloon sut odmly
on his favorite poroli, niul allowed us to
rooonnoitcr him ou Buudny, while the
eaglo, owls, sand grouse and partridge
showed a similar contempt for uunrmod
Good Bbhf Oiikapku Tuan Poon
In market quotations of our wtntoni
towns, wo And cattle quoted something
like this : Good shipping steers, $.'1.50
to $0.50; butchers’ stock, $3.50 to$4 50,
Now why is it that, living as wesferr
people do, whoro so many oattlo arc
bred, they should oat so uiiieli poor
hoof V Tt. is 1> 'oausc such quotations as
tho above indicate that tlio poor beef is
ohoapost. But this is not true. A well-
fatted animal, weighing 1,400 to 1,000
lbs., of small bone and flue quality, will
givo us more ontahlo meat for the same
money at $0.00 por hundred, than a
thin, ooarse-bonod old now or steer,
weighing from 000 to 1,100 lbs., at, $0.50
to $4.50 per 100. This was illustrated
not long siuoo by an investigation made
int i t,lio management of ono of our
western state prisons. It was ahargod
that tlio prisoners had better beef than
tho people of the city. This tho super
intendent did not deny, for ho said hin
purpose had always been to buy the
best oattlo in tho market.; and wo un
derstand that ho actually demonstrated
by tho accounts and figures carefully
kept of purchases, the gross and not
weights, etc., that he saved money to
the stato by the practice—Zriv; Stock
An eminent German nnrgoou, Dr.
Knestor, has Wen conducting a series
of experiments coucerniug tlio action
of but lots used in modern warfare from
which he has derived several important
results. In tho first plaoo lie 1ms dis
proved the commonly accepted medico
legal dogma, “that gunshot wounds
are more ex*onaive in the living body
than iu tho dead, and that this affoids a
menus of distinguishing whether tlio
injury has been inflicted during life or
after death ; ” the character of tho
wounds being similar in living and dead
animals with all tho arum tried by him,
including tho ordinary muzzle-loading
rifle, with conical ball, the needle-gun,
Ohaasopot, Manser and Henry Martini
rifles. Secondly, tlio well-known cir
cumstance that m gunshot wounds from
tho more powerful modern rifles the
aperture of entrance is small while that
of the exit is of frightfully largo di- !
mensious is shown to depond not on the I
melting of the missile, but on tho fact j
that a soft lead ball when discharged
from a short distance is brokeu up on
entering tho tissues iuto a multitude of
Hinall fragments (about ouo-lutlf of its
substance being thus subdivided) which '
act like a o large of shot, lacerating tho
textures in all directions. Tim oxteut 1
of destruction is “ inverse ratio to the
distance and in direct relation with tho
initial velocity of tho bullet.” This
mechanical subdivision only* oocnrs in
soft lead bullets, the hard balls used I
Thoy present a curious appearance,
ting and clawing at each other, i
with the Ifenrr-Martini rifle (made of
an amalgam or load and tin) infliotiog a
simpler wound with little shattering.
This leads Dr, Knot ter to exonerate
the I'ronoh from tho chargn sometimes
made against them of employing ex
plosive bullets dnring the lote cam
paign ; whilo he urges tho Geneva con
vention to nso evory effort to obtain no
international verdict against tho horri-
bio jjintohery caused by the uso of soft
load m{Mills, which act preoisoly os
expldsivo oros would,
Tnu process of canning lobsters nt
Mount Desert is thus described : “The
fsototy nt Houth-west Harbor, Monut
Desert, when running at full capaoity,
put up 25,000 cans « week, employing
about fifty hands. Until within a short
timo plenty of lobsters havo boon taken
about tlio harbor, but now smacks aro
used, whioh cruise around and purchase
of various parties. Tho price paid at
thUl timo is al>out $1 per hundred lbs.
Tho smacks bring in 10,000 or 12,000
pounds at a time. Tho vessels aro built
with two decks, with perforated bot
toms. so (hat tho flsh aro^prcBervcd alive
and fresh in thrif native eloment. Upon
tho arrival of tho smacks tho lohstors
dumped upon the wharf in bigpiles.
i, hi
w >y aro then dlppi
out, hrokon up and tlio moat taken out
for canning. Tho big claws and tails
aro tho only parts used. The cans con
tain ono pound. A liquor is mado of
tlio oontonts of tho body of the lobster,
strained and prepared with salt andoa.v-
onno popper, ana n small portion put in
eaoli onn. After soldering tho enns aro
boiled two hours and a half, when thoy
nro taken out, n little hole mode in tho
top to let tho steam ont, then tightly
sealed and boiled again. Tho cans aro
then varnished, labelled, and boxed for
market. Lobsterr* nro not now very
plenty, and aro rather small. Tho par
ties who sot tho nets on 11 out tho largo
ones for Boston and othor mnrkots."
Boh,kp OoitH pon Poultry.—In tho
brooding of poultry ns in all othor t>«xr-
suite, n little care and forethought inva
fifthly return an apparently dispropor
tionate result. In tho rearing of poul
try, whoro tho expenditure of each fowl
is small and tho material provided com
paratively inexpensive, wo nro opt to
overlook tlio small wastes whioh occur
in tlio transformation of tho diflorent
grains into poultry, but which aggre
gate quite a rospootnblosum.
Tho opinion that corn is very nourish
ing food for fowla is so universal that no
further thought is given to the mat
ter. If any ono should suggest' that
corn would bo easier of digestion if
soaked or boiled, ho would very
likoly receive tlio answer that corn was
not hard to digont for birds that iiwnl-
low atones and othor hard substances
without detriment. A moment’s thought,
however, will convince that tlio mill
stone n and the grist are very different
things, and feeding hard grain, although
not exactly liko fending the mill stones
with pebbles, bear* a certain likeness
to it. Tho troublo attendant
preparation of food, if it is to bo aookod,
may iudood Hoorn very disproportionate
to the advantage to ho derived from
such treatment; but, in reality, littlo
timo Hood bo spent, as before going the
rounds of tho nest a littlo hot water
may bo poured ovor the oorn, a tight
eovor put on the kettle, and tlio wliolo
planed on tho stovo, where, by tho timo
your rounds nro completed, tho corn
will havo booomn steamed and mellow
and Havo lost none of its good <junlit.
Remember that each lien has a certain
amount of animal foroo to bo expended
overy day in Homo dirootion, and tlio
less she Inis to give to digest lior food
the more sho will have to givo to ho ox-
ponded in egg-producing. The advan
tages of warm food iu winter, when
much food goon toward producing ani
mal heat to withstand the cold, nro two
fold—tho diroot notion of tho warmth
and the slower notion of tlio food itself,
to say nothing of tho fact i hat tlio con
tents produo. d by nourishing food will
remit in moro eggs, for a hen thor
oughly at homo will lay moro eggs than
a discontented ouo. Wo have performed
this experiment, ourselves, and know
that feeding boiled corn dons pay; and
it is us a result of experience that
offer this plan to our friomla.—
PrcBorvintr Butter.
Only a few families know how to
keep fresh butter sweet and finely fla-
vorod for any length of time, whether
they make or purohaso it. llenco with
stioli there is a necessity of speody con
sumption, or having to eat nr. inferior
article. ARnumiug that tho oroniu wns
good, the buttermilk properly worked
out of tlio now butter, and pure salt
UFod, how is nice fresh butter to bo pre
served iu this stare? Ausivcr : By ex
cluding the air and keeping it iu a cool
place. Pack now butter in sound stouo
jars or crocks wet with strong brino ;
and bo sure to keep the brine an inch or
two over tlio butter to exclude atmos
pheric air.
If the crook stands in oold spring
water, in u spring house or a cool oellar,
the butter will not boooiuo rancid in
Boverol mouUis, finely Uavorcd butter
put up in this manner sells in New York
at this timo at from 05 to 75 cents a
Tho prnol ioo of having bo much dam
aged or iuferior butter ih a groat mis
take which ought to ho corroded partly Mlm '
by manufacturers, nud partly by deal
ers and consumers. In the flrst place,
lows should have plonty of greou fresh
feed like grass, clover, green oorn, oow-
pens or millet, to yield sweet butter. A
at end v supply of rich yellow milk iu
In tho south, corn forago will lie our
main dependence, ns wo can raise it
‘nrly and late in tho season by taking
pains; aud it makes excellent hay when
all the nutriment iu tho grain is re
tained in Mm blade or stalk. There are
quo thousand milliou pounds of
the shape of pork and bacon
consumed iu the United States evory
year, and the teudeuoy is to substitute
butter for this hog’s grease. Tlio cow
is a better, and a more economical mu*
ohiuo to extract oil from plants with
her capacious stomach than any swiuo.
Houee tho rapid iuoreaso of weil organ-
d butter factories and of dairy cows.
In loss than three days’time tho oow
enables us to truusform a com shuck,
R f ftml stalk iuto healthy human blood.
No hog can do as much,
Ann grapes which are not suitable for
maket or table nse slioald be left on the
vino nntil thoroughly ripe before mak
ing them into wine.
Animate will fatton hotter in company
than in isolation. Remember this; if
thoy are alone, they will lose not a few
pounds of flesh in pining for company.
To on nn bloody milk in cows, give
ono tablespoonful of sulphur in a little
bran once a dny. If a very bad oase,
givo twice a day; in dry bran, of course.
If now-bom calros aro troubled with
bleeding at tho naval, it may generally
bo stopped by fastening a string around
tho cord which hangs suspen led from it.
Let your stable bo light, dry and
well ventilated. Dark stables help to
bring on blindness. Moisture and bad
ventilation onootirago glanders, farcy,
and many other diseases.
At a great trial of farm implements,
the orowd had for a drink in the field
buckets of cold water with oat-meal
stirred in, whioh wn* found to be both
victuals and drink, and exceedingly re
Rfcpoimi from northern Indiana hIjows
a very had condition of things. Pears
and apples will bo far below tlio aver
age. Gropes aro reported jimt fair,
being good in quality, although not a
very largo orop. •
No department of farming in morn
plrnnaiit and profltablo than that of
raising r>took. Tho farm is constantly
growing richer and bettor where stock
is kept in largo numbers.
In dealing with animals, untimely or
unreasonable whipping, angry or bois
terous words nro always out of nlaeo—
always do moro harm than ‘good. Tho
dullest animal appreciates kindness.
Tho most celebrated horso-tnmer in this
country is said to havo made those
words his motto : “ Firmness and
kindness,” and ho never friled of suc
Mn. J. Habbis, of Roolicr, Now York,
says, iu tho American Agriculturist,
jerks, and pulls herself up tho enor
mous trank almost as fast as a man will
olimb a ladder.
The heat of summer, as well as the sudden
changes of temperature Incident to autumn,
coupled with tho use of unripe vegetables aud
fruits and other unwholesome articles of food,
result overt season in producing much suffer
ing from dinnim-s, dysentary, cholera morbus,
colic and Ollier derangements of the nlnuuch
aud bowels. A remedy that will promptly re
lievo these sufferings aud restore tone aud
normal action to tho relaxed aud debili’ated
alimentary canal, is surely a boon to the afflict
ed. *Dr. It. V. Pierce, whone Family Medicines
havo acquired a world-wide reputation, by long
study aud careful chemical experiments baa
succeeded in extracting, by a cold process,
from ttnart-weed, or wator pepper, that mod
est little plant soon in wet grounds by the
roadside aud in neglected grounds and pastuie
fields, a remedial principal which, when skillful
ly combined with the extract of Jamaica ginger
and other pleasant modifying agents, in what
ho calls his Compound Extract of Hmart-Weed,
forms a most reliable specific for all auch do-
rangcgisnts and sufferlN " J
table BffBOWM&JgW** F ALL kinds,
lugs. It is pleasant and
take, yet powerful td cure. Its won
derful efficacy Is a further confirmation of tl e
Doctor's idea that Ood has caused to glow in
each cliiftate and region, those medicinal plant
Dyudlcale The Kc
Tail IT.
Tho resolutions and minutes of the
recont mooting of railroad men, at Sara
toga, have been taken to Indianapolis
by tho secretary and a copy is not to be
obtained. Tho railroad men state it is
not true that the meeting was called
for the purpose of oombining. against
tho grangers or any other interest.
Thoy say that the object was simply tho
development of their respective reads
and thoir abolition of tho system of
under-cutting and litigation which lias
proved so expensive to all. The confer
ence will soon bo resumed and tho bus
iness introduced nt tlio previous meet
ing be brought to a oloso.
The freight agents report that the
notion of the railroad officials has sim
plified their work materially. Hereto
fore there was such competition to pro
cure freights, there was no pretense of
preserving nominal rates. By a grad
ual process of cutting down, tho rates
had been reduced from 20 to 40 per
cent., while special rates woro made
with largo shippers. The following are
the now rates agreed upon. Chicago,
$75 for first class, $70 for second class,
$00 for third class $45 for fourth class,
$35 for fifth class. Indianapolis, 871,
$00, $57 $43, $33. Cincioinatti. $70,
$01, $55, $41, $12. Ht. Louis, $07, |$01,
$70, $01, $40. Louisville, $80, $81, $71,
$55,844. Evansville, $88.$80,$08, $51, - . . . tl . ,
$10. Memphis, $1.15. $108, $04, $72, I JiTt*iV^yrorA"^!
$50. New Orleans, $144, $35, $118. planter to Invert In* Wet. r<r«»l.6o bout* •*»!?•}
$00, $71. Tlu-so rates it is stated will Bewtr* of £ ^Jltbrook!
bo rigidly adhered to except possibly ob«mi«t. a
in oases of a few large shippers. No
rebates or drawbacks will bo allowed.
Passenger rates havo not been changed.
those plan
for tlio healing of tlio
understand thoM) wa have i
tor'# Extract of Smart-Weed
gists generally.
OPENS SEPT. 16. 1874.
Tho Best Opportunity now Offbred for PRODUCER and CON
SUMER to Meet and Exchange Views.
I nULL KHEIGHT one war on Articles for Exhibition. Excnralon rslea on all JDllrosd* aud
1 onnoctiona entering iho dtr. Ship Artleh ■ for Exhibition now. and aat for Excursion Ilckeis
to NaxhvlUe in luxtrlal Kxposition.
Exposition will Continue until October 17, 1874.
The Doc-
i sold by drug-
Qo to Riverside WaJor Ouro, Hamilton, Ill. j
Sfol Quite no Pnat, Mr. Jowee!—Abor**w
•»ctor In niilailelpbla wax caught changing tba
tUbrated Mexican Mustang liniment Into other
stUtt, and ualag It aa bU own recipe. Honest?
alwara the beet policy. Tbeaa tnadtein* men like
• follow up such fallows. It cured tba lams homo
1 tho earn*; but It damaged ti.a Doctor*repute-
on, and benefited the proprietor In pmporUon.
Until you bay*
otm 3STBW
Manners In Iceland.
Manners arc simple in Iceland, as in
deed in all the Scandinavian countries ;
Hint’wo Inlk nhont rnluinK wlicnt enough ' n ‘| ,lln ,l “l , ' lsr '“> ro 'woamw th
fnp tho .vnrhl hut. nnn ..i.ti„ n ■» roally no dmtluotion of rank., I
vn pppt
is increasing so rapidly that tho time
will soon oorao when it will wax our
skill to raise wheat enough for our
selves. Wo shall do it, of course, but
wo shnll havo to farm better than many
of us do now. And lie is tho wise man
who is getting his laud oloaner and
Mansfield, tho celebrated statisti
cian, lias demonstrated that within tho
lust twolvo years tho monoy value of tho
tlio annual yield of farm products in
Ohio has increased fifty millious of
dollars, and that t he producing capacity
of tlio farms lias iiiurca ed. The infer
ence is that the farmers of Ohio havo i probab' 1
mode great progress iu business man- I
uuu ‘
body is rich, and hardly anybody ab
jectly poor ; everybody has to work for
himself, mid works (uxoept to ho sure, a
fow storekeepers in Reykjavik, and at
ono or two spots on tho coast) with his
own bunds. Wealth would not raiso a
man above his follows, and there nro
indeed no means of employing it except
in supplying ii house with what would
be thought in Knghuid indispensable
comforts. Wealth, therefore, is not
greatly coveted (although the Icelander
likos a good bargain, especially in
horseflesh), and nn air of cheerful con
tentment reigns. The farm servant
soared * * ~
!v differs from the farmer, aud
>ly, if n stendy fellow, ends by
HRomct, uml I,we, whileree!i»lnggooil I UeVet™ 11 hl™«Tr'''■The?,!'-’
profit., kept thoir form, np to tho L™.*," L7. .
A Pf
r fertility.
Fatal Absinthe,
correspondent say
"P t0 th " | ot ronpeot, «nvo Uo'iro^to'thohl.lioponcl
__ i Hira to a priest ; not oven such a title
i Mf; or Mrs, or Fsqnire. If you go to
i call for a lady yon tap at the door nud
Tho I ,lMk if or Valerdr
othor dav I saw u sad sight on tho 7 0,l i m *° $ lvo * K ‘. r * U R nnmo, Injib-
Ohamps Elysoos, and which, with all my Jor , . Tliorvaldsflottir, ‘or Eiriksdotnir,
experienoes of Parisian life, I never saw or Djarnardottir (as tho case may he,)
in this city before. It wns a party of i f ‘! r U>cro is no title of politeness to np-
tlireo porsoiiH, two meu and a woman i Y’v* ^ or nftna ®» moroovor, is her own
“ well—nay, oven handsomolv--dreHs. ! nnmo, unohangod from birth to death ;
nay, oven lmndRotuoly
od, and all three iu a reeling, beastly !
state of intoxication, Tho men wont
staggering along, disputing and gestic
ulating after tho manner of drunk
Th* Lailln* Moroal* Clnh, of N«w York,
f*MDlly changed their dlKcuaalons from Woman*
•affrage to Hair preparations and Plmpl* Danish- j
ers. They declared (hat where nature had not en- j
dowed them with beanty, tt wa* their right—ye*, |
Utelr duty—to seek It where they oonid. So they all
voted that Magnolia Helm overcame Balkpwneee, I
Rough Skin and Rlngmarks, and gave th* eomplex- !
ion a most dittingut (Soroatau) aad inarble-llke ap
pearance (clarijferoua to men, no doubt); and that
Lyon* Rathalr.-m made the hair grow thick, soft
and awful pretty, and moreover prevented U^from
d'ld^no? eoud the sUters’an"nvoloe, they ere not :
The Urnml llevolutlun nr Mxbicji j
Tbxatmrnt, which wm commenced In taflO, le still ;
in progreee. Nothing can slop It, fo .. t
on the principle, now uulvemall ackn
that phyelcal vigor Ir the most ^mldable
l)p. J. Wulker'8 Culiforniu Via-
‘2311* Hillers are a purely Vegetable
j reparation, made chiefly from the na
ive herbs found on tlio lower ranges of
lie Sierra Nevada mountains of t'alifor-
ii i, tlio mbdlrlnal woportic* of which
no extracted therefrom without tho
i Alcohol. Tho oticstion Is o!n::wt
laily askod. “Whit Is tho enuao of tho
■mparalleU'd .success of Vi.vkoak 11m-
n:it8 f” Oar answer is, that they reino e*
ho cause of dlscoso, and tho patiout re-
.•overs his health. They aro the great
:flood purifier nml a life-giving principle,
v perfect Renovator nml lnvlgorator
>f the
that Pi.a
1 him
Of the 1
rul«‘il in,
1.1 ha.
I'AINTH. reaily-mlv
The pi operfies of D
:• Irritant, Sudorific. AlU
for as there are no suruarnes or fara
Iy names among tlio Icelanders, but ;
inly Christian iiarpes, there is no ren- ;
ion for a wifo nhsnmitig her huahand’H |
;1 she is Thorvaldsdott
men generally, now mid then stopping ,M “» h1j ° is Thorvaldsdottir iiftor
to hail the passing iinocoupied carriages, J 10 i inurrisgo with (ludmuudr just aa
not ono of which would oonsont to stop j “Oforo, whilo her children aro Gud-
for th
in company, „.„. wutll| . „„ u ., ■ - — —
ly at the arm of one of lior companions, 1 J, ' ron,on , |‘ little supprin-
anil at other times slopping to address ! U,R *° “ D< * t * ,Ht H * !r ) ’ H any other rc-
thom iu words of tipsy remonstrance. ! treated fts nn iuferior, not usually
She wits humlsoinoly dressed in a eon* j down to the tablo with the men
tmuo of blank silk and oashuiero, trim- | , 0 fftiBily, but wailing on them and
mod with jet, while her companions separately. ^Otherwise, _how-
woro high liats, brondeloth suits, i
kid gloves. F
their minds to ..
oult font for anybody to attempt t<.
couto in tho full pos' ession of their
senses, no dense is the throng of pass
ing oarringos aud so rapidly nro they
driven, but the drunken trio got across
somehow, nnd disappeared ninong the
crowd of proiueiiaders. Saoh is n spec
imen of tho changes wrought by the
lapso of it few yours in tho manners and
customs of this people. Before the in-
trod notion of absinthe, who over saw a
drunken person in tho streets of Paris?
Now who is it that does not see them ?
Not drunkenness iu rags nlouo, but
with goodly apparel and
clutching wild-
mn, iironaeioMi suits, and I r’«oom snflleiently well off,
finally the party made up I "*11 rights of property, aud rid-
) orosn the street, a diffi I ,nR Vll 'oronsly about the country whoi-
* * ' over they will; and wo could not hoi r
that there was any movement for their
mancipation, or indeed for social
druukeiin o j
miou of ought-to bo rospeota\)ility.”
Patrons of Husbandry.
Wo give below the number of subor
dinate granges iu the different states of
the union on the 1st of Juno, as shown
by the official records of the national
grunge :
. -K’o i:
Now Jorsoi
Now York.
Montana ..
Now Haiupslurc
Making in tho aggregate 19,402 sub
ordinate granges on tlio first day of
Juno. Granges are being organized nt
tho average ruto of twonty-flvo per day,
which, up to the present, would swell
tho number to 20,000. These granges
form of any kind, though to bo
imperfect Knowledge of tho language
restricted our inquiries. Iu ono regurd,
tho women of Iceland have obtained it
completer equality than their sisters in
ooutuieutal Europe.—Thoy receive ex
act y tho satno education ns tho men do.
There nro no schools in tho island
naturally, as families live mostly a
dozen miles apart; and instruction is
therofore given by tho father to his sons
and daughters uliko and together, the
priest, whoro there is u priest, some
times adding n littlo Latin or Danish,
Thus the girl learns all her parents can
touch her, nml is ns good an arithme
tician, aud as familiar with tho Sagas
us her brothers.—OomkiU Magazine.
Thk SlcKPricAL Convinced,—Every
advance in medicine, every now remedy
has encountered an opposition, which is
tho test of truth. Galon and Jenner only
were believed when thoy had proved , n „
^ against opposition. But | Maie and 1 omalo College
a DVFiiTuvitu| tn 1 1 acfv p ituw
or KitH Cured.
! vnT Mi”’>4 "1‘ 1 v’f.?. ! M 7 ,L ’ 7'“,“ r a 1 vVn
W.H.HID0L8 & CO.,
V('*a”wife'hpmIu a . , ur.?,!iSu*w
You Can Make $150
Lv„ , .! 1 *aw:r;a,r
KA.IIItllMIM,^ ^
&a we hnve 12 0OOU KKASONS why they wi j
do your work
■ ||| Thry are rlirn|i»l la bay.
■■■ They are best to uee.
CO They take etenlv ami qalekli.
D Their operation Is perfrrl
Thry have nlwayi a food ilratL
< Thry are matte of the brat material.
They road perfeellr.
O Thty require but little fuel.
They are very low prlted.
|U They are taitly maaated. ,
M Tliey are luilrd to all localillea.
Portable Family Sewing Machine,
of «ny In the market Makes the Moat Donbla
BUteh, with Strength, Capacity, aud Speed.
Equal to any, regardJeM of coat.
Beckwith Rowing Bfachlno Co,- o« • n /r * •
802 BROADWAY, NIW YORK. OOWlllg 1 jVLaCillll6.
Arenta wasted everywhere. Bead for Samples °
end Circular a, , AWARDED
Tho “Medal for Process,”
the remington yyoR Ks
Buslnoas Collogo, and
Telegraph Institute,
(B. A S.) Busi noss College,
ondiTelegraph ,n8tltuto »
No 8fwing Machine Received a Higher Medal.
thoir disoovci w rr
in8. and benefits aiways !
make believers. No incredulity can !
stand the silent argument of good re- i
suits. When Dr. Walke ' ‘ * 1
suits. When Dr. Walker proclaimed!'-""- ai. raonir uL
that he hail uroduood from the medicinal : j^ou' p^avt r, morlifs h, "paU l to7“beVI’n •I’fJr
herbs of California an elixir that would ! *o»*»*» In •'•■ptnni.rr. i hhy a handlk.
shook the
Bitters is
of till’
elixir that would
rate the sinking system and cure
tho standard restorative ' ,N nebrahka,
world, Tho truth «mid | NOW FOR 8ALE VERY CHEAP.
not bo rousted. Under the operation of ! t„.. v n n« i . , n , ,,
dy, dyspeptics regained ^ \rnrs Credit, Interest Only Six Ter (enk
p** '' ‘.V- 'm Vi 1 *" 1 * ‘ 1 •
ltemwly”' ll ° n *' iN * lur ®‘ a """ K r " ftt l “’ d *'>-»!
^ TnrranCs Faffervcsrent Sellier Aperient,
Bethel College,
^ Send for 11 The Pioneer,”
health, upprlito and’ streuglh, tho bil
ious niul onnotipated woro rolievi-d of
every distressing symptom ; the con
sumptive aud rheumatic rapidly recov
ered ; intermittent and remittent fevers
were broken up ; the taint of scrofula
wan eradicated! Who could gainsay
.... -v.,»v. v . *uwio KrouRCH facts like those ? Not even the faculty.
- Jrag». number fifty voters, ami Skepticism was routed. All doubts its
it requires no figuring to show that to- I t( J of the Bitters to tho that
day there ore in the United States 1. 06 m first rank of modern modi-
1,000,000 voters who are patrons of bus- ' 01UPS we T e 6 V < * nco ‘l, and this wonderful
bandry, preparation is to-day the most popular ..
: tomo ' olturative and blood dapuront I For the Next Half Yeai’
Indian Tree-ellmbiug. cver advertised in America. In oom-
mon with other journalists, wo aro free
In South America evmi tho weakest ! o»»r testimony to this remedy. It
may be, not uncommonly, seen pluck- , a dou^st-io medicine, and no house-
iug the fruit at tho tree tops. It the Hold should bo without it.
bark is so smooth aud slippery that — m__ T ~r7—i 7 a
they cannot go i limbing, they use other I ^ llTe formed ft untver
means. Thoy make a hoop of wild 1 f, ul ! mnop for ! ho P nr P° 80 of ^‘ling
viiuvs, and piiltiug their feet inside t*)” . , tl ;i 1 indiBe , nt
they use it us n support in olimbiue, ■ T , , 1 ,^, °'. or V 01 ? P"P ll8 m ll >0
The negro of tho w, ,t comt of \fricn : Adrainople, Smyrna, Bagdad,
makes a larger hoe . round the trees ' ina 1,1 Morooco nnd ltl ' 1 S nuil '-
aud geU ins,do of it aud j.nks it up thi I TllK ,, Ktst0 o( u, e late ohief Jugtic6
will amount to
estate owes J.
itly advanced on
Judge Chase’s
25 MdVilnE!?wSoVrlu‘,1
WILL r.W FOB THE Memphis. Tenn., Aug. 24, 1874 , 20,000 Tickets! 1,500 Frizes!
Whole Ticket*, St!; Halves, SI ; Five nr.d a Holf, 810. All orders must bo
dressed to J. R. OOLLADAY, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
■ pa per. w hi cfTi i o Vn t ell 1 (re?t la tr
erolsod . .
red long a d deeply
d ’ Urd iV.„e' ! i ni ' liv " K ' mwi iu Australia climb the, ua0D
1 ? 1 I ? n T * roes after opossums. Where tho they lSvs
to what ho [ bark ia rough they chop holes with a |
tent LCoBMrt d gumtM
Lunin n *Zn “ K ,' L
W ATER8' T*ixilVmrmonio,
te Ox«chostrai ORGANS -
*»«s* l»l*noa made?^Tnese*ornn« >< anrf'nl-
»noi ore warranted for 6 veers. Prices ex-
ti emely low/or cash, or part rash nml bal
ance in monthly or ijuarierlv payments.
3 fteS e rn«nliiJ frderfcue* city “orHowl'.
0 A Vw^StoryF/aaiV T»*.ve':'u'n' aitk'-h* d”‘ 3 '°
min. A liberal di»i
1.tile ;r«SdT**•?§T A "*-‘" i,h
“iMoumtoh o'f'course i „"". d '•“»« ' ‘r “ «*■>»Mary
ay/Viiguiit 'iith’, IsT'i. 1 ' vy I Vsvlm'aiw.!
p^nt. a?a"aum^ t ^rV 1 eb PUb nd < i ? r w*. "* ‘i
no one arose.’’
Of course I against tlio tree and grasping tiio ,
i her hands, she hitches it up by i iruth,’
Dr. TUTTS HAIR DYE W - G - PRICE ? Agent, No. 47 S. College St., NashviHe, Teaneseee
lmd r little lamb, a generally ndmittea u^i^generataNuowibeaibion'i'.
irnlli ” e ' hairaresiiers In every large city. Price J1.U0 a box
bold everywhere. Offloe.ll Murray at., New York.