The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, September 05, 1874, Image 2
THE RECORD. CEDARTOWN, OA., HRPT. ft, 1874. I'roM CalliMft-TnMMCll NoMlvatcft. We learn from prirate sources, that Hod. L. N. Trammel wa* Dominated at (bo Calhoun oovontiou, on tbo 17th ballot. Stick a Pin flevc. Tlio reunite of the Augusta cotton factory enterprise, *nya the Now York Biid, are each aa to enoourage the Bout hern people (o farther effort* in manufacturing. Tbo dependence of tho South on the North for manufac tured product* wa* ahown strikingly during tho war, when, with cotton in abundance, the wealthiest citiisena worn obliged to purchase nt enormous gold price* clothing brought over in blockado runners, while tho poorer classes wore the roughest of home- spun. Binoo tho war several praise worthy effort* bavo boon made by Southern capitalist* to make their sec tion independent. Tho moat success ful enterprises is tho Augusta cotton factory, atarted soon aftor tho war. Only silty tnousand dt liars were ever paid in, and the company ha* paid out in dividends $1,008,000, bos prop erty $1,200,000 at tho lowest calcula tion, and a surplus of $205,800. Du ring tho fiscal year just ended, the oompany hove expended $550,000 for now machinery and for tbo enlargo- n.ei t <1 lid improvement of tlio build* dings. .Yet Georgia only consumes 25,000 bales of cotton in ber mills, about one twontioth part of ber own crop, while most of tlio other Bouth- ern States are without cotton mills, and have to send their wbolo crop elsewbero to be manufactured. Newport Life. A marked linoament in the social faoo of Newport is that it* dissipation* are home-mado. The plaoo imports nothing but its visitors, and most of tboso are rogular enough to be thought domiciled. It has uo rscos. Tho gsyetios are strictly social, and yet abundant. Thoro aro two dubs, tbo Newport and Casino, and they givo ladies’ receptions from time to timo. Masouliuo exolusivonoss is not encouraged; on the oontrsry, every ef fort is mado to suppross it. Enter tainments thoro are many. Besides picnic and boating pnrtios, horseback riding (aomo of tho Indies sit a steed liko Dianna Vernon,) bathing, driving to all points, and wnndoring on tho cliffs, thoro aro indoor amusements without ond. Dinner-giving is a spe cialty of tho plaoo, and fish, and fowl, and vegotabels may bo had so frosh that they would thrill tho heart of tho Now England houso-wifo. Cullman, tho German town fifty milos nlmvo Birmingham, ou tho North and South Alabama R iilroad, haa’iit a negro in it. The place ha* 1700 souls, of which number there aro two hundred Americium, the re maining fifteen hundred are Germans. Tho towu is only twolvu mouths old. The white settlers there are a work ing people, and they hove uo “wards of the nation” there to live off the kitchen ; nor aro any carpet-baggers or soalawags in this happy village. East Tennessee between this end the .Cumberland Mountain* the telesoope would only tell. I could not com mand one, but a* far a* the nnkod eye could reach, the different valleys and their corresponding range* of knobs aro plainly seen for mile* and mile*, throng!) mountains rising in their grandeur until tho view is Tost in diaUnoo. There is anothor point oallod North Point which commands a fiow of all tb* country north and we«t to tlio great Cumberland range. No one can visit these throe points and not regard them as emblematic of throe stages of life. Tbo morning sun rise* in his glory and grandeur and fills the yonlhfnl heart with it* hopes and aspirations, snd after a few years toil and battling with the cares of lifo, at last wbilo lingering npon tho wostern slope, we tako ono anxious look towAras the promised land and our sun sets to rise no moro. The hotel hero is a structure of no ordinary dimensions—built more in view of utility and oomfort than for or nament I regard it as having noth ing surplus, nor does it lack anything to fill the demands. Tho hotel is in the shapo of a “T,” about 100 by 40 feet in front with an L of 50 feet— the two upper stories have each a ball of ten feet through the centre each way, and the main front has a porch its length and across each end suffi cient for five hundred persons to prom enade nt the same time. Tho rooms sre well ventilated and tho large din ing room in the basement story well reached by two flights of stairs. The fare is excellent and the tables well attended, Mrs. Msgill attending and superintending in person. The place is reached by a daily lino of backs from Mouse Creek, kept by the pro prietor. Through tbo ostublisbraerit of a post office oallod White Cliff Springs, the guests have tho facility of a daily mail. L. R. Hobot. Binging Convention. Mr. Editor :—I liavo just returnod from a Musical Convention, at Floyd’s Crook church, in tho north-oast corner of this oouuty, noar Stllosboro. It commenced on Friday, 21st August, and orgauizod by electing L. M. Pur- kor, of Paulding county, President, Beborn Edwards, of Bartow, Vico President, J. M. Harris, of Polk, Sec retary, and Thadou* Hawkins Assist ant Secretary. Tbo business of tbo Convention was attended to nt intervals, between the music lessons, and every thing connected with the mooting was per fectly harmonious and delightful, es pecially to thoso who are fond of good singing. The congregation tho first day was unexpectedly largo. On Sat urday wo had a orowdod house, and Sunday not moro than half tho poo- plo could got liouso room, notwith standing, tho bout of order prevailed. A musical convention is always in teresting, but this ouo was rendered doubly so by tho prosouce of Prof. Win. Walkor, of Spartenburg, S. O., author of “S mtliorn Harmony” aud “Christian Harmony.” Prof. Walker ib engaged iu touching a Normal [oOVMtrmCATKD.] Mr. Editor/—Last week your readers were ea Certain ad by a communication writ ten in the interrogatory etyle peculiar to sen ator Brook, and signed "Democrat." I sup pose he bae been studying’Mr. Brook’s Sen atorial speeehea, or at least his efforts be forejuries. In thir, however, I may be mistaken, aa the minds of great men often run in the same channel. If the author of thia communication bad desired to put him self before the peoplo in a proper light, be would have used a suitable prefix and signed "bogus-Democrat." Ha presumes to insinuate that I am "anx ious to have a man of Radical procllvlt’e* from another part of the oounty elected to tho legislature." Nothing could be more unfounded in fast. I do not know that the gentleman alluded to (who lives near Van Wort) Is or would bo a candidate for the legislature, nor have I entertained an idea of supporting him should he put himself before the people in that capacity. I will say, however, that I have known his man of Radical proclivities, long snd well, and I know him to be not only a man, but a gen tleman of intelligence—of fine business qualifications, and upright and honorable in bis dealings with bis fello'w man. The al lusion to this man was for tho purpose of creating the impression that I am likely to go over to the Radicals. "Democrat" had better clear up, or rather oover up, his own reoord before he tries lo road me out of the Domocratlo party. It don’t belong to him, his olique or the ring. He had better first get forgiveness for (bo politiosl sin he eommiUed in publioly rejoicing on tho streets of Cedartown in tha election to the legislature of a Radical in an adjoining oounty over a good, true and tried democrat. If his memory had not been very short, be would have known that I did not allude to Colonels Printup, Bass or Dabney. Nor did I accuse Waddell, Voung and Tram mell of sacrificing their personal honor In this race to get the nomination, but I don’t doubt that they made any number of "prom ises” and trades, and I do know that thoy each have made deip< r.ito efforts to sooure the nomination. I did give It as my opinion that Young had had his aharo, and ought to bo sat isfied. Waddell, with all his abili ty, is not the man for tho times, and Tram mell Is not enough of an Aaron to hold up the great arms of this Government. We aro now in the midst of tho wilderness, and very much In need of some great man to load us to the premised land. If these three men had remained quiot in their homos, does any "sane man" suppose that either would be ‘•called-’' This (before the nomination) "is a race botwoon Democrats;" but In all candor, bavo I not as inuoh right to select my Dem ocrat as Mr. "Democrat” has his without boing read out of the party by him ? You see tho Ring spirit rise up here—condemn and denounce evory body who don’t fall In at I ho command. Whenover we desire to select from tho Democratic ranks her best and ablest men to hear her banner aloft to triumph and glory, tho "olique" ories out you "oattso a split in the Domocratlo party,” and why? Because our best, truest and ablest inon don’t belong to "it,” and hence they see their sort would bo left out. I have an abiding oonfidenoo in the honesty and integrity of tho people, and believe, if let alone, they will do riyht. I am not a "disappointed man." 1 am abundantly satisfied with tho nomination of Judge Wm. M. Hutchins. Hois a good Buliooi, I tkiuk in Qonlou county. Ho ’ ^ when ho was nominal ed, I believe the peo- THOMPSON A WIKL.E, Real Estate Agents, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, Are now offering the following desirable PROPERTY FOR SALE. All within the corporate limits of Cedar- town. H. O. CrlfTIn Residence. Good new honse, containing five rooms, nicely plastered snd finished, situated on Cedar street, within two hundred yards of big spring, and less than 1-4 mile of Court House. The house has three (ire places and throe closets. About two acres in lot. This place will be sold at a great bargain. Dr. Reeta Residence, On Cedar street and near the spring This is the most desirably located, and one of the most beautiful reeideneos in town. The house Is two stories, Qotbio style, six bed-rooms,dining room, kitchen and pan- try, all well finished. Five acres in lot. This Is a rare opportunity for a great bar- grin. •tor* House and Lot, Known as the Reeae Drug Store. Lot thirty feet front, running back one hundred and thlrtjr-two feet, on which is a two story framed store house. Qood business loca tion. The best bargain yet offered. ALSO, A stook of Drugs and Fixtures. Stock Fresh and pure. Legal Advertisements. C l KOROIA POLK COLNTY.- 7 Morton has applied for ei -Archibald eruption of d valuation of Homestead, aud 1 will pass upon the same at 11 o’clock, A. M., on the 7th day of September next, at my office. This the Mlh day of An*"-*. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. Crabb has applied for Exemption of Personalty and setting spart snd valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the sam»at 11 o'clock, a. m , on tho 1 Ith day of September, 1871, at my office, thia 81st day of August, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. While Cliff N|»ili»*a. August 25. 1874 Eoiron Gidaiitown Ruoord : Finding myself upon this romantio aud elovatod Bpot with tho lulsim* of a fuw moments, I drop you a fuw lim* relativo to thin now and growing wa tering placo, hoping it may not lie un interesting to your reader*, many of whom may yet this season desire to set k a watering place in the mountains of East Tennossoe. Whlto Cliffs takes its name from a per|>eudiculur cliff of Hand stono that rises 1200 to 1600 feet above tho surrounding level, and presents a most beautiful whit4\.app« arauc, which cun he seen from a distance of many milos, and is a noted point from its mention in a treaty botwouu the Gene ral Government and the Ohorokeo In dians. We roAohthe summit of White Cliff a few hundred yards from tho Hotel, in a southornly iirootion. From this spur of tho Cbilhowoo mountain, we have a magnificent view of tho valleys and mountains to the south aud east for miles. Tho Telescope would bo of but little uso from this point, us tho naked eyo can embrace tbe eutiro scope uutil tho comb of tho great Chilhowto range bouuds tho right beneath the eastern horizon. At ouo view here we em brace thousands and thousands of a- cres of laud, the covos and valley, dot tod with farms, orchards, gardens, streams aud rivulets over a thousand foot below ua—tho entire country look iug as level as a house floor. Thou beyond in regular rnngt tains rise until our vi< the smoke and distance. Thoro is thou a pomt not over a j quarter to the uorib-oust a view u tiled “Blu:k Cliff.” Tins comma .dN ; lowiriu the nmth and north «u*t, which f.r birrpurtsiB anything iliut my eyes ever beueid. 1 have re. d pice* - dirciiplive l-uLuil tail riiort •! Ibi urrivod at tho convon.iou Saturday morniug, and was made tho presiding officer, tho President elect resigning. Hu was the right man in the right place, lie gave several short leoturos aud Hpokn of tho ueeuusily of uormal singing schools. Tho people of that community aro making an effort for a normal school nt Slilushoro, lo be taught by Prof. Walker, in Decem ber next. Thu peoplo aronud Floyd's Creek churoh, taken altogether, must be the best peoplo iu fifteen Stales. I have visited them several .times during the last three yours, one to throe days at n time, auk 1 don’t remember to have heard an oath, or an indecent expres sion from any ono. A kinder, more social, more liospitahlo people, in my humble opinion, can uot bo found. Ill their in eieuuiHO ono with another, seems t • be perfectly harmonious. 1< would taken stranger a long time to distinguish tbo itch from the poor, if he see them ouly at their public gut ti ering*. They aro all bro hors and sister*. It is a community of wliitos, with very few exceptions. In throe days I think I saw but three 15th uuiuudmeuts. There is, however, family of bluoks iu the midst of them who, so far as I could see, were equal, socially, to any of tho whites. I had tho houor to he tho guest of this family duriug my sojourn, and I am bouud to say I never was better outerteiuod by any white family. I do not wish you to think that 1 am a Radical, or that I am iu favor af the “swivil rights/ for tho blacks are as from being 15th amendments as you or I. I attribute the good feelings of tho peoplo toward each other, to tho fact that they have a singiug socioty which continues from y oar to yoar mooting from ouo to throe timos mouth wiutor and surnmor. Thoy are the moun- j r , gularly orgauizod, liuviug President, is lost iu i yj co p ro8 jjout aud Seoritarv, who are ’ electivo auuually. This socioty is com posed, not of a ftw of the lower class, but of rich and poor, old aud young, plo (not tlio ring) mailo * wiee selootlon. Nominations, when gotten up fairly, and proporly conducted, often result In good, 1 should bo supported Hut when gotten up In tho interest of * few, and for tho promotion of a aelfiah ambition, they im measurably damage the party and often result in defeat. I verily believe these Rings and CUquos have dono more to de feat tbo demooratio party than all jhe rad ical powers combined. Wire working, manipulation, fixing up delegations, and, the disastrous rosulta that liavo follow ed have caused tlio peoplo to look upon nomi nations with apprehension and distrust. And hero thoy came out on tho "18th" aud did uot nominate a “Ring" man. There may liavo boeu two hundred and eighty seven votes oast that day, but will say that the half of them belonged to the Ringt When l wroto be fore that only one liundrod and twenty ono votus were pollod, I was writing about tho Ring and its strength in that meeting, and l now boliovc that I gave them more strength than they actually had. "Detn* II his personal 'appeals, "I would take it at a very great personal favor if you would vote.for me," did not get that number. He oloses his wonderful question letior by saying "bo careful Anti-King; you watohed.” If he ^intended this as a threat, and by it to intlmidato mo from an pression of my opiuious, and from advo cating principles of right and justice, 1 can assure him ho is very badly mistaken in his man. Thero is nothing iu my political course I wish to conceal. Whenover the timo comes, and men will proolaiin their political opiuions from the houso tops; whenever the peoplo aro thoroughly arroused to tho realisation of the importance of political virtue tegrity; then will tho sky brighten and better and happier days bo in store for this people. Since writing the foregoing l hoar that the Hon. L. N. Trammell has been nomina ted. Can Democrat oqnsciontiouly sup port him T Dark clouds overshadow the political ftiture. tn this day of our country’s trial? wo ueed men of great ability and inoral courage to stay tho tido of ruin and humil iation that threatens to engulf us. The oItII rights hill and other iniquities t on us. Wo noe-t our representative meu who had rathor bo "right" than be. President; men of intellectual power and doer, In Cedartown, Polk county, (la., between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In October next, the following property, levied on for town taxi Also, town lot In Cedartown, No. not known, hut known as the old brick store, on oorner of street opposite Cherokee Iron Company's 8tore, as the property of M A Chisolm, to satisfy a tax ft fa for town tax, Mayor and Council, W August 17, 1874. Iload Notioe. G eorgia, polk county—whereas, J. c. Davis, James F. Hitchcock, Win. M. Tripp and others, have applied to the Court of Ordinary df said county, for an order establishing a private way as a Publio Road of seoond grade, or 20 feel wide, leav ing the Van Wort and Cartcrsville Road near Andy Davis’ residence, in tho 107ftd district, O. M., and running a Mouth-East direction to tbelineof Paulding bounty, and said road having been worked out ami re turned under oath according to law, by Jas F. Hitchcock, Wm. L. Crow and J. N. Brock, and that the same was of great pub lic utility, eto. Therefore all persons hav ing objections to said private way being established as a Publio Road, second grade, nty feet wide, will file the same as the law directs, at tho next term of the court of Ordinary for said county for conn ty purposes, to be held on the third Mon day in September next, or forever aftor he ,pped, Ac. Given under my hand and New Advertisements. Will tarnish all Material at 60 CBNT8 PER 8QUARE OP 100 PEET 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE A No. 1 Orainer, Painter and Paper Hanger. Reference, my work. All Styles of Faney Sign Painting done. Will refer to work done at Rome 8even years ago. CITIZENS OF CEDARTOWN! If you want painting done well and very cheap, give me a trial and I know I can please you all. I don't work any thing but the best material, and will prove ite quail- M. Apply at the FURNITURE HOUSE, Oppoaite the Poet-Office. Window Shade* of the beet manufacture, all sites, and tbe beet bhade in use. All alyleo of FURNITURE REPAIRED And Cushion* of every deeoription made order. Cain CHAIRS RESEATED II oumo Painting. Contracts of every style in Town and Country, taken at the above figures. Respectfully, July 26 8m DAVID AXE. C, H. RANGER & CO. OfFERH his profession to the cititens of CEDARTOWN Painting Buslines** PAPER HANGING, CALCIMININQ tnd all styles of Room Coloring and Fancy Paintings. All work guaranteed or no charge, at the annexed prices. We furnish the best stook. Each Coat, for Stock and Work, 60 cents. If furnished by other parties, per Marshal's Sales for October. Or by Job at reasonable prioes for cash, or half time till Christmas, on responsible parties. Give me a call. Shop No. 100, Main street, next door to Barber Hbop, CEDARTOWN, GA. sept 6-6 m E CLEAVELAND, Fashionable Tailor, MAI* 8TBIKT Cedartown, Ca. A LL orders in my line promptly filled, and in a style not to be excelled by the best. Fits guarnateed, and all work war ranted. Try me and bo convinced. Espe cial attention paid to renovating and re pairing; alsp cutting for ladios to make up. aug. 20 WINTERS & NELSON, WHOLERAI.E DEALERS IN PIANOS, ORGANS MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, 8m.ll Inatrumentj, String ud Sheet Music, dulLra. for the Celebrated Peters, Webb & Co, and Hardman Pianoa AND THE GREAT NEW ENGLAND COS CABINET ORGANS. These we claim are the VERY BE8T, and Tor Testimonials, Catalogues and specia^ 'erms apply to Winters Sc IVelson, 814 Market street, i HATTANOOOA, TETSIT-r. Old instr nmen ts taken in exchange for new c nopt 5. i prices to Cash Customers. CEDARTOWN Livery, Sale and Peed Stable, Main Street, Cedartown, Ga• P RICES down to suit ths times. Good Htock, Vehicles, and Careful Drivers j always on hand. Special attention given to the care cf stook left in our charge. Lumpkin a McConnell* Professional Cards. Cherokee Iron Comp'y Store. if you WANT IDIR/ST GOODS SHOES, CLOTHING, HATa CAPS, Or any artiole generally kept in A FIRST CLASS STORE At Prices to salt tho Closest Buyers, you will make it greatly to your advantage by calling at the above named store. June 27-ly J. It. BARBER, Notary Public AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cedartown. Ga. A. nLANCS, A. RICHARDSON. BLANCH «l RICHARDSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cedartown, Ga. ^^FFICE in Court House. KING * JANES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cedartown, Ga. O FFICE in Court House. June 20 W. F. TURNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cedartown, Ga. O FFICE over Dr. Reece's Drug Store. June 20 Iiond IVotic©. C l EOHGIA. POLK COUNTY.—Whe X John T Prior, J M. Prior, L B. 8t*no P. Vandovender snd others, hnvo applied i he Court of Ordinary of said oounty, fur in order establishing as a Public Road the private way running along the l ight of wav of the Selina. Romo and Dalton Railroad, from whero the public road leading from Cedartown to Jacksonville crosses said Railroad, to Priors Station in said oounty. Therefore, all; persons concerned aro hereby tiotified to bo and appear at tbe next term of tho Uourt of Ordinary, of said nty, to ho hold on the third Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said private way should not bo made a Publio Road, or forever after be estopped, Ao. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this August 17th, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. TC.on.fl Notice. G EORGIA, POLK COUNTY—Whereas, J M Prior, W F Namiers, P. BUnkin- hliip in*! many other ailitcns, have applied o tho Court of Ordinary of said county for in order discontinuing the publio road of weuty feet wide, or second grade, leading from Pledgors A Mile's mill, intersecting tho Cedartown and Prior Station road near ■esidenco of W F Handers, in said coun ty. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to bo and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary for said ty, foy oounty purposes, to bo held on third Monday in September next, to show cause, if auy they have, why said pub lio road should not be discontinued as such, in terms of the law, and in default to ever after be estopped, Ac. Given under my hand and offioial signa ture, this August the 17th, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y (Oldest Established House in TWn.) A. HUNTINGTON, Pryor Strtet, South tide Court House Square Cedartown. Ga. General Merchandise. JOHN MERRYMAN Ac CO’S DI88OLVED BONES, PATAP8CO OU A NO CO. fid other standard Fertilisers. Bagfipng anil Ties, Virginia Salt and Plaster Company. W, S. Iloge, executor of R. VV. lloge, deceased, has mado application, in duo form of law, for letters of dismission from his executorship, representing in his peti tion that he has fully executed his trust. Therefore all persons concerned will be and appear at a Court of Ordinary to be hold in and for laid county, on tho first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of dismission should not be granted to said applicant, and he be fully discharged from his said trust. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this 17th day of July, 1874. tnovl JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. rrr; I otnlitiu west of the Obilhoweo and how farovor | utile and female; aud I must say I J prowess, who can lift our State from the never BttW more biotherly love mmfes- j mire of degradation and humiliation to the t«d among tho motubers of any church ’ Proud pre-eminanco she once occupied ... n- Wm u. Felton is the man. We have ability, and believo with his great intillectual powers, he will bo ablo to ride the storm and direot the whirlwind. ,,-u nwoug tha mombara of thia Ur ; " . .. ... , unbounded confidence So it )*>, ho it over will bo id th poople moot togatker to . hWOv w bOllga of Ziou. J. M. H G eorgia, polk county —whereas, Soletia A. Adams, Administratrix on tho estate of Temperance Silvy, dec’d, has made application, in due form of law, for dismission from said administration, repre senting in her petition that she has fully I administered said estate. This is, therefore to cite and adrnon- j ish ail persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to appear at my office as required by law, to show causo if any they have, why said administratrix should not reecivc let ters of dismission, on the first Monday i. October r ITH increased facilities for doing business and obtaining goods, my long perience in business, makes me confident that my Htock, Terms and Prices, will ■ pare favorably with those of any other house in Town. I defy good, healthy bus iness competition. An inspection of my Goods and Prices is earnestly desired. Grateful for paet favors, and the generous patronage of Polk and adjoining counties so liberally bestowed for the past nine years, I shall strive to merit a continuanoe of the N. B-—Liberal advances made on grow ing crops. During the coming cotton sea son I shall, as in the past, strive to build up and increase a home cotton and produce market, having already perfected arrange- monte for increasing my facilities for buy- ing and storing cotton, June20-lr- BARBER & WOOD CKDARTOWy, GA. R ESPECTFULLY call the attention of the publio to the fact that we hav Stock aud are constantly receiving, DRY GOODS, AM. KINDS OF NOTIONS, Boots, Shoes. Wool &. Fur Hats, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal, FLO XT JR. and BAOON - . Which we will sell aa cheap as any one i town for the CA8II. Gall and examine before purchasing. june 20 PICTURES I - PICTURES 1 B. C. Willies, PHOTOGRAPHER, otter Reese's Drug Store, Cedartown, Georgia. Marcellus M. Mauck, Contractor & Painter, CEDARTOWN, CA. Selma, Rome St Dalton R. R. Trains on this Road will run as follows GOING NORTH. Lsive belma 7.26 a t Arrive at Prior’s 6.48 p n " Dalton 0,45 p t Making elose connection at Dalton with E T V At Ga R R., aud W 4 A R R for all Eastern and Western eities and tbe Vir ginia Springs. GOING SOUTH- Leave Dalton 5.45 p Arrive at Prior’s 10.12 p Arrive at Selma 8.80 a M. STANTON, Gen. Supt. W. 8. MAYNARD, Asst. Hupt. RAY KNIGHT, G. P. Ac T- Agt. CASH STORE. 1 8 now permanently located, and is pre pared to do House Painting, Graining, Gluing and Paper Hanging with prompt ness, neatness and dispatch, and in th< most durable manner. Will furnish mate rial of the best quality at low figures when- ever desired. Perfect satisfaction guaran- | teed or no money required. Work solicited j in town and couutry. Reference: A. G. t Wost, J. C. Allen, J. 0. Waddell. Given under my band, this cant in said G eorgia, polk county—whereas, M W Gray having made application for letters of administration on the estate of Euclitus Marbit, late of said county, dec’d, Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office on tho first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to appli- •T. S. Stubbs & Co., CEDARTOWN, GA., e j^EEP constantly on hand a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Boots and Shoes also a line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND FACTORY GOODS. June 20 IVY F. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, CEDARTOWN, GA. O FFICE—East side Court House square. june 20 WOFFORD It MILNER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Carteravftlle, Ga. ^^FFICE in Bank Building. june 20 w. t. worroan, joiih 11. whelk. WOFFORD L WIKLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate Agente. CARTERSV1LLE OA. R. R. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, CEDARTOWN, GA. O FFICE over Dr. Reese’s Drug Store. june 20 Drs. Liddell & Richardson, PHYSICIANS Si SURGEONS, Cedartown, Ga. M AY be found in their office at all hours when not professionally engaged. june 20 Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Cedartown, Ga. O FFICE at residenoe, on Pryor Mreet. June 20. Dr. L. 8. LEDBETTER, SURGEON DENTIST Cedartown, Ga. /"\FFERS his professional services lo the Lr citixens of Cedartown and vicinity. -A.. L. DAVIS, b Watchmaker and Jeweler, Cedartown, Ca. W ORK done promptly and satisfactorily All work warranted Twelve Months. Repairing fine watches a specialty. All kinds of Jewelry and Watches and Clocks kept for sale. june20-1y NEW BARBER SHOP. T HE undersigned has located in Cedar town for the purpose of carrying on the business in all its branches. If you want under my hand Cash buyers will find it to their interest M A flT nCtT? QTT A TTP” to examine our goods and prices before .CL V J I A In »i jjJjJi Y Xl purchasing. . Sole agents for tbe sale of the cele- a “kampoo or hair cut, give me a call and I , b W.«irw and fixtures, in Pott i j August, 1874. JOEL BREWBR, Ord’y j county, ALFRED EVANS, i