The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, September 12, 1874, Image 2

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CEDARTOWN, GA., HRPT. 12, 1874.
»r. Wm« II. I^o 1 ton,
At a primary mooting held in Bar
tow county on the 5th inet Dr. Thou.
Baker and Thomas Tumlio were re
nominated for the LegiaUtnro.
Ex-Got. Joseph E Brown is ont in
a loiter condemning the Civil Rigbta
iniquity in langtiago too plain to be
be misunderstood. Ho also give* a
frank and brief history of his political
oourso since tho war and refnsos to
act any fnrther with the Radicals, end
calls for a Democratic victory.
Tho Lagrange Reporter says:
'♦Hon L N. Trammell was n6raiiia-
ted for oongross in the Seventh Do-
strict last Wednesday, on tho seven
teenth ballot. We may be mistakon,
but we think tho oonvontion might
have done better."
So we, and so the people, will say.
Yellow fever has appeared in Pon-
saoola, and somo unoasinnas begins to
-be felt in the citties of Alubaron. Two
men died from its deadly effects in
Pensaoola last Saturday, and one
now caao appeared on Sunday. The
Montgomery News nrges immediate
preventive action by its municipal au
A oorrospondont of tho Humtnor-
villo Gazetto says that Dr. Felton
addressed tho pooplo of Wulkor oonn-
at LaFnyotte, last week, who woro
well pleased with him. Tho same cor
respondent says that Felton will re
ceive many votes in Walker—that
strong men and strong Democoats
will support him.
Tho Roukmart Reporter, of last
wook, informs its readers what tho
taxoe of this year will bo ono hun
dred and fifty per cent, on tho Stato
tax, and altogether $12 CO on tho
thousand. Tho Roportor thinks tho
taxoe should have boon much lighter,
aud osea ns argument tho fuct that
"thoro is a largo amount of fuuds on
hand for both goneral county poupos-
os and jury fund."
Now, lot us seo wlmt that large,
amount is. The grand jury of first
woek reported fuuds for county pur
poses, $128 11, jury fund $1,24108,
bridgo fund, $855 00. Paid out for
county purposes fiist woek of oourt,
general fund, $204 57; jury fund,
$580 05, leaving a balance on hand
for OQunty purposes of $188 GO, and of
jury fund $710 08. It will bo soon
that tho first woek of oourt cost tho
county, ou general fund, $204 57, leav
ing on hand oply $183 GO—not enough
to pay expenses for second wook.
First woek tho jury fund was roduood
$530 05, leaving in the treasury ouly
$710 08, aud if Second week cost sumo
as first, only $170 13 of that fund now
romaius in troosury. Aud it must bo
romombored that wo huvo an adjourn :
od term of oourt noxt mouth, of at
least ono wook, which will loavo tho
county considerably iu debt on these
two funds. Tho bridge fund is ouly
$855 OG. The grand jury rooommoml
tho building of thnw now bridgos and
the repairing of somo old ones —and
wo boliovo thoir recommendation
should bo compliod with—which will
leave tha county in debt ou that fund.
Wo agree with tho Roportor that
tho nssossmont scorns to bo protty
high, and aro in favor of a reduction
in tho futuro, if it can bo douo with
out dotrimont to tho interests of tho
oouuty, nml will favor any legitimate
plan for tho reduction of taxes.
We aro not familiar with tho provi-
expenditures of our oouuty offi
cials, and kuow nothing of the "ox:
travagant expenditures'' tho Reporter
refers to.
Our main objoot in this article is to
show that thoro is not a large amount
of fuuds in tho county troasury, ac
cording to our estimate of a largo
Troops to l»e Distributed over
the Southern States
Ordors woro issued on tho 5th, from
tho War Dopartiuout for troops to be
distributed throughout several of the
Southern States. Tno following is
tho ordor of tho distribution : Eight
companies of tho Socoud Infnutry, iu
Alabama, six iu Georgia, and one in
Tonuorsoo. Tho entire Third Infant,
ry at Holly Springs, Miss. Three
companies of tho Sixtoouth Iufautry
iu Keulucky, two iu Kuusna, aud ouo
iu Mississippi, ouo iu Lousiann, aud
ouo iu Touuosseo. Eight companies
of the Eighteenth Iufuntry iu South
Carliua, and ouo m Virginia. Six
companies of the Second Artillery iu
North Carolina, ouo in Virginia, and
four iu Maryland; mukiug tho whole
number of troops South about twvniy-
tivo hundred.
Somo of tlmt bacon for vhe “over
flowed districts ' is to Iv sent up into
the mountains .f Alabama! The
Montgomery Advertiser says that for
ty thousand pomuis of it reached Cn-
lera, by tho South and North Rail
road, on Thursday night.
When wo oommoneod tho publica
tion of tho Raconn, wo announced our
independoncy of all political rings,
factions or cliques, and that our pa
per would bo devoted to tho advoca
cy of ©vory measure and enterprise
that would onuro to tho intorost of
Polk and surrounding countios, and
take no intorost in tho political con
tests of the day, furthor than to advo
cate correct principles and tho soloc-
tion of good and honest men to office.
Our renders know bow much com
plaint baa boon modo recently against
dishonest and incapable office holders.
Groat ovils havo boon inflicted upon
the country by bod mon boing put in
to high and rosponsiblo positions.
Nominating convontions aro usually
gotten up by designing politicians,
for their own iptorost, and thoir nom
ination socurod by trickory, trados and
log-rolling, and evory ono of tho party
who havo tbo manliness and indo-
pendonco to rofuse to support such
nominees, howover disreputable tboir
character may bo, or dishonorable the
means rosorted to for securing tho
nomination, aro dononncod as disor
ganizes, Radicals and Scalawags, and
tho party lash applied so vigorously
that tho nomineo usually secures his
election, and tho peoplo continuo to
murmur against dishonest and cor
rupt offico-holdors. Xf tho pooplo
want honesty in offico-holdors. they
must apply tho rotnody themselves.
Whon a man is presented for a high
and rosponsiblo offico, whoso integrity
and voracity is unimpcaohablo and
abovo suspicion, and who entertains
correct principles, lot all thoso who
want honesty in an offico-holdor sup
port suoh a man, and they will no lon
ger havo cause to ooinp lain.
Behoving that tho peojde want to
solid an honost man to tho noxt Con-
gross, wo placo at our mast hoad to
day tho namo of Dr. Wm. H. Felton,
of Bartow, for that position. Ho is
an independent Democratic candidato,
uominatod by no political clique, but
brought out by tho voico of tho honost
yeomanry of tho country. Ho fills
ovory requisite of Thomas Jefferson
for an offico-holdor. Ho is honost,
faithful and cnpnblo. Should ho bo
sont to Cougross ho would soon rauk
with tbo ablest and bust men of that
body. While bo is no politician thoro
is no man in this district hotter post-
oil in tho political history of this
country. A man of finishod educa
tion, and ono of tho finest orators in
the Stato. Ovor twenty yoars ago,
whon ho was quito a young man, tho
pooplo of Cass (now liartow) sont
him to tho logislaturo, whore ho was
considered ono of tho ablest mon in
that body.
If tho pooplo want to vote for a
man who is known to bo scrupulously
honost in ovory relation of life, and
possessed of the highost ordor of tal-
onts, thoy will havo suoh an opportu
nity. Will they do it? Wo boliovo
thoy will.
For pursuing this oourso wo may
oxpeot to bo held up as disorgauizors
by all those who havo au axo to grind.
Bo it bo. If it is treason to advoOato
tho oloction of ouo of tho ablest, pur
est and host mon in this congressional
district to a scat iu Cougross, rnuko
t bo most of it.
Mr Editor—I not loo fan article in *tho
Atlanta Constitution headed " Congress
ional Nominations,’’ in which groat joy is
expressed that tho Convention followed
tho wiso Counsel “ lirgotl by the Conttiilii
tion, ’’and “aolooted the candidat o whom
Hoomcd the ohoioo of the largest number
of tho pooplo." Tho assertion that Tram
mollis tho choice of the majority of the
pooplo in this district, is utterly without
foundation. Tho truth is, a more unpopu
lar man could not have boon put forward,
and tho great majority of tho good Demo
crats aro not only opposed to hit* oloction |
but are determined to vote against him
and do all in their power to defeat him.
Col. Trammell was nominated by tho worst
kind of trickery, the delegates themselves
acknowledging that they woro grossly de
ceived and " sold out," and some going so
far as to refuse to support him, allcdging
that ho was not oven the choice of the con
vention, much less tho people at large. The
above mentioned article goes on to say
that tho “ preacher, Felton, should he hus
tled roughly out of the race," and hints
that he, Felton, Is a radical cooperator.
Now the writer of that article knows, or
should know, that If the record, political or
other wine, of Trammell and Felton, woro
exhibited side by side, Trauioll would bo
made to blush with shame and suenk away
iuto some dark corner and there hide him
self forever from public notice. A u edito
rial iu the Commerolol, in commenting
upon tho nomination, states this as a “ co
gent " reason why tho Democratic parly
should give Col. Trammell thoir cordial and
undivided support: “Hois the chosen
standard bearer of the party, tho represen
tative ot' their principles, chosen by tho
representative men of this Congressional
District direct from the people. ' This l
deny. Trammell is not the chosen stand
ard bearer of the Democratic party, ho was
not tho choice of tno representative men
of this district. Tho Commercial says ••it
is not the man but the principle of the
party you advance aud give force to.” It
was just such principles ns these that caus
ed the Democratic party to run ort after
Greoly and came near spilling the party to
atoms and sculering it to the four winds.
How can we expect princi| le to be main
tained by nun who do not subscribe to
these principles. Away with the idea that
forced upon thorn by fraud, ^bribery and
trickery, even when they believe the man
to be uuuounu, unsafe itui without pr'.noi-
1 pW. The gt eat fuud •menial principle of
I Democracy, freedom, and it becomes ev-
j e v member of that , arty to see to it that
j this principle is maintained, and that it
| can never be (alien away by these disgrace
I ful, Bjissrullcd conventions.
Paioa’a Station, Qa., Ang. 28.
Editor Record:—I send yon for
publication the speach of GoL N. J.
Tomlin, delivered to tho Negroes at
this place last night. As we took no
note© at tho time, it may bo incorrect
to somo oxtent, bat this will bo under
stood by tho author, and proper allow-
anco made by him. Beforo submit
ting his remarks, wo will say that
they wero the embodiment of truth
and soberness, clothed iu plain, com
mon son so and forcible garb. The
negroes received it warmly and with
candor, showing very clearly tho hap
py effects of Colonel Tomlin's policy
towurds the colored race. If we ‘had
a man of similar tact, sentiment and
energy in evory district in tho county,
these renegade politicians, who take
advantage of tho ignorance of the col
ored race to elevate thomselves, would
vory soon seek another roost. But
wo will lot Mr. Tumliu speak for him
self in tho following address:
“My colored friends: My object in
coming hero, is to say something
that may prove of mutual bene fit to us
all, to you and to mo. What 1 sny
will be by way of reply to what one
of your own color said to you iu a
speech the other day. You had
speeches from two, Albert and Crum
ley. As for Albert, I don’t propose to
notice him at all, because you havo
sense enough to seo where his counsel
and advice lend to, and that all he
said eminated from a moan prejudice
for tho base pnrnoso of securing your
votes and thereby to fatton on your
ignornco. I don’t believo you are so
oastly duped, neither do I beliove you
placed any confident) in what he says.
Crumley, I givo credit of being an
honest negro, for I liuvo known him
a long time, and 1 am sorry to son
him so much in error, so wofully decei
ved. But Crumley is honest in it aud
ho is a fair fellow, aud I could con
vince him of his mistake if I could
talk with him awhile. Now ho told
you in tubstance tho Democratic
party and especially tho ,youth wero
iustrumeutul in bringing you here iu
to q state of boudugo aud away from
your native country. Now all this is
wrong, unjust and untrue in every par
ticular. No such a imrtj na the*dem
ocratic party, existed at tho timo sla
very was introduced into this country,
therefore it ts utterly impossible for
thorn ns n party to have had auy hand
in it. Tho yankees of the northern
states kidnaped you in Africa un i
brought you here and sold you to tho
southern white mon, for their hard
euruod dollars, for which they hud
spent a life tiuio of herd toil, aud
turned right round and liberated you,
after the} had got our money in thoir
pockotH. Thoy Imd just us well rob
bed us at first. Iu effect they robbed
you of liberty and us of money. Now
who is to blame ? They put you on
tho market us u thing of merchandise.
We had money and bought you at
their solicitation, aud us a goneral
thing treated you well, gnvo you plen
ty to oat and wear, good medical at
tention and church privluges and
thousands of you were hotter off than
you are to-day. I think Crumley
said somo truo things about itu being
provdoutial that you wero brought to
a oivilized country to bo christianized,
educated Au. I am of the opiniou
that it will result iu groat good both
hero, aud some day, iu Africa.
Certain it is you hme boon greatly
bonofilcd. There you wore ignorant
isolators, boro you aro christianized,
civilized and many of you educated.
'ibis much I havo said to show you
that the institution of slavery was a
blessing to your luce, for otherwise
you would bo wandering ovor tho hot
sands of Africa, onting up ono auoth-
or, falling down to worship idols of
stouo, nud casting your babes into
tho angry waves as a sttorafico to somo
immAginary god. Aud again, to show
you that whatever blame is attached
to tho origin of slavery, it belongs to
eastern yankocs, aud I will venture to
uuy thoy are all radicals aud not of tho
democratic party of tho south. These
carpet bag yankees, who eoino down
here, and iu dark corners whisper
groat pretentions of friendship aro
tho children of tho sarno old yankoo
kidnappers who stolo you iu Africa,
brought you ltoro and sold you to us.
Thoy havo made all tho rnouoy thoy
could out of you that way, now thoy
propose to speculate on your igurauce
And your owu color will do the same.
Grit inly told you if you could not got
your rights boro, and fairer contracts,
to pack up and leave. Now if you
want to go nobody will deter you, but
it is all nonsense.
If you aro bit in a contract it is
your own fault. It is on nccount of
your own carelessness in making con
tracts. Bo more careful, and you will
havo no trouble. You know ibis is
truo. # 4nd you know that somo spend
all thoy make during tho year, and
whon Christmas couios thoy complaiu
because thoy havo uo money. I ad
mit that that thoro are menu white
mon, but if thoy bito you onco, thoro
is no use to bo bittou tho second timo.
They toll you wo Southern Democrats
aro uot your friends, but your enemies.
Grout God! how it worries me.
These base, designiug, protended
friends ot yours deceiving you. What
evidence havo they furnished you of
thoir friendship? None under tho
sun. Dili ono ever givo you a ceut?
1 lasn't ho asked you for money, eat
ing your broad and meat. Have they
clothed and fed you ? What have wo
Democrats done to make you believe
we are your enemies ? Nothing that
, I cau see. Wo have furui&hod you
I with something to eat au l wear aud
land to cultivate, your churcl.03 an I
! school houses. Don’t trust them.
Don’t boliovo thorn, Thiuk for your
selves—havo tho manhood to think
i fur yourselves. You older ones have
seen too much of lib* to bo duped by
such uoubjnso. They make a grout
ado about civil rights bill. Why,
there is nothing in it that you waut
' that you bavu't already. Do you
want mixed schools. CCries of no 1 no!)
Do you waiit mixed congregations?
(not not) Do you want to ride in
same car with the whites? (No! noi)
Do you want to bury your dead ni
our grave yards? (NoI no!) Do
you want to cat at the sarno table at
tho hotels with tho whites. Then
what is there secured by tho civil
rights bill that you want, and bavu’t
tdreapy got. Nothing. No, it is all
a piece of doception, gotten up to ar
ray yon against the .Southern white
man, your only real, true friend, in
order to secure votir votes. Havo not
these pretended frionds deceived iu
evory instanoo ? They havo fed you
you false promises of forty acres uud
a mule aud the like, ever since the
war, and never ltuve they profited you
a cent. Thoy labor to teach you to
hnte your neighbor and friend, tbo
only ones who are able and willing to
help you, and will stick close to you
if you will stick to them. .
No, I repeat, don’t suffer these loaf
ing gus pipes to dictate to you. Show
your manhood by thinking for your
selves. They seek to stir up strifo bo-
twen us. There is do reason why wo
should bo enemies; we dosire to be
your friends. My advice to yon is to
stick to your business, and by indus
try and economy mnko money, edu
cate your children, and vory soon you
will begin to prosper, rnd every body
will respect you. You need to culti
vate habits of industry. If you do-
siro to vote, pick out some good, reli
able man you can trust, and havo him
to advise you how to voto, if yon can't
decido for yourself, then go and vote
peacably. Hold your political meet
ings in the day time, publicly, and
don’t be slipping round tho corners in
tho dark, to gratify these seditious,
groveling politicians who seek your
votes and not your welfare. Yes, cul
tivate relations of ponce with tho
Southern white poopfe, among whom
pou aro to live nud dio. Work aud
savo and accumulate property, and
yon will prosper; and wo all, black
and whito will, will) peace and pleas
ure, enjoy tho bounty of hor riches.
May God bless,- prosper and direct
yon, that you may do all things pru
dently, ami see and know for a truth
who aro your frieuds.
The Olitlloling in the Nomina*
ting Convention at Calhoun.
1st Ballot.—P. M. B. Young 0, J. D.
Waddell G, J.R. Brown 2, L. N. Tram-
moll 10, W. H. Dabney 4, D. 8. Prin-
tup 3, N. Bassl, J. Head 2.
2n Ballot.—Young 0, Waddell G,
Brown 2, Trammell 10, Dabuey 4,
Priutup 5, Bosh 1.
8i> Ballot.—Young G, Waddell G,
Trammell 12, Dapney 2, Priutup 5,
Bass 3.
4th Ballot.—Young G, Waddell G,
Brown 2, Trammell 10, Dabney 6,
Pi in top 5.
5th Ballot.—Young 0, Waddell 8,
Trammell 10, Dabney i, Priutup 5,
Bass 1.
Gtii Ballot.—Young 2, Waddell G,
Trammell 12 Dubuoy 2, Priutup 6,
Baas 7.
7tu Ballot.—Young 8, Waddell 4,
Trammell 12, Dabney 4, Priutup 11.
8th Ballot.—Young 7, Waddell G,
Tram moll 12, Dabney 4 Priutup 5.
9th Ballot.—Young 8, Waddell 9,
Trammell 10, Dabney 3, Priutnp 4.
10th Ballot.—Young G, Waddell
11, Trammell 12, Priutup 5.
IItii Ballot.—Young 4, Waddell 4.
Browa 1, Tramtuoll 13, Priutup 3,
Baas 9.
12tu Ballot.—Young 9, Waddll G,
Trammell 14, Dabuey 2, Piiutup3,
13th Ballot.—Young 9, Waddell G,
Trommoll 12, Dabney 2, Priutup 5.
14th Ballot.—Young G, Waddell G,
Browu 9, Trammell 12, Priutup 1.
16tii Ballot.—Young G, Waddell 2,
Brown 8, Trammell 12, Dabney 6,
IGth Ballot.—Young 9, Waddell 4,
Brown 3, Trammell 9, Dabney 4,
Priutup 5.
17th Ballot.—Youug 7, Waddell 6,
Trammell 18, Printup 3.
Thoro beiug thirty-four votes iu tho
Convention nud oighteeu boing nec
essary to nominate, Hon. L. N. Tram
mell, of Whitfield, was declared tho
There is a gentleman in Milledgo-
ville who was arrested in Massachu
setts, in 1858, for8tnoking n cigar on
0 *1 BORGIA, POLK COUNTY.*-Whereas
T l.eander J. Donproo. Administrator of
the estate of James M. Ware, deceased, line
made application, in duo form of law, for
leave to soil all tho roal estate of said dcc’d
lying in said county.
These are. therefore, to cite aud admon
ish all concerned to be and appear at the
next Court of Ordinary, to bo held in said
county on the first Monday in October
next, to show cause; if any they have, why
leave to sell said property should not bo
granted in terms of tho law. Given under
my hand aud official signature, this Sept.
7th, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y.
G eorgia, polk county.--whores
L. J. Deupree, administrator on tho
estate of Janies M.. Wans deceased, has
made application to mo for leave to sell, at
private sale, all the wild uncultivated lands
of said deceased, lying iu other counties
than this, in said State, to-wit: No. 590 iu
fid dist. and 8d section, 859 in 2d dist. fid
section, 490 17th diet fid section, fifiOin 19th
district aud fid section, 1106 in 20th district
fid section, 601 fid district fid section, 496
fid dist 17th section, 480 in fid dist 20th see,
1059 and 1102, 17th dist. fid section, 371 A
422 2d dist. fid sec., 873 19thdistrict fid seo,
1057 19th dist fid see., 89 in 19th district 8d
see., 784, 4th dist. 1st sec., 281, 10th dist.
4th seo., 490, 17th dist. 3d sec., 730. 201,
262, 263, in fid district and 4tii section.
These are, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, to bo and appear at tbe
next court of Ordinary to be held in said
county on the first Monday in October next
to show caus if any they have why leave to
sell said land at private sale, should not be
graunted in terms of law. Given under my
hand and official signature. This Sept. 7th
1874. JOEL BREWER Ord’y
* New- Advertisements.
Will furnish all Material at
A No. 1 Qrainer, Painter and Paper
Hanger. Reference, my work.
All Style# of Faney Sign Painting done.
Will refer to work done at Rome
Seven year* ago.
If you want painting done well and tery
cheap, give me a trial and I know I can
pleaae you all I don’t work any thing but
the best material, and will prove ita quali
ties. Apply at the
Opposite the Post-Office.
>Vinclow ShndflN
of the best manufacture, all sixes, and the
best Hhade in use. All slyles of
And Cushions of every description made
o order. Cain
IIouho Paintings
Contracts of every style in Town and
Country, taken at the above figures.
July 25 8m DAVID AXE.
FFER8 his profession to the citiicnn of
Painting lluHineMH
and all styles of Room Coloring and Fancy
Paintings. All work guaranteed or no
ohargt, at the annexed pricos. We furnish
the best stock.
Each Coal, for Stock and Work, 60 cents.
If furnished by other parties, per
Coat. - - 20 cents.
Or by Job at reasonable prices for cash,
•r half time till Christmas, on responsible
parties, (live me a call.
Shop No. 100, Main atreot, next door
o Barber Shop, CEDARTOWN, GA.
Fashionable Tailor,
Cedartown, Ca.
A LL orders in my liho promptly filled,
and in a style not to be excelled by the
best. Fits guarnateed, and all work war
ranted. Try me and he convinced. Espe
cial attention paid to renovating and r*.v
pairing; also cutting for ladies to make nfv
(Oldest Established ITouts in 7Wn.)
l*ryor Street, South tide Court Unute. Square
(Vtlnrtnwn, Ga.
General Merchandise.
Agent for
and other standard Fertilisers.
nnjfglng and Ties,
Virginia Salt and Plaster Company.
ITH increased facilities for doing
business and obtaining goods, tny long ex
perience in business, makes me confident
that my Stock, Terms and Prices, will com
pare favorably with thoso of any other
houso in Town. I defy good, healthy bus-
competition. An inspection of my
Goods and Prices is earnestly desired.
Grateful for paat favors, and the genorous
patronage of Polk and adjoining counties so
liberally bestowed for the past nine years,
1 shall strive to merit a continuance of the
N. IV— Liberal advances made on grow
ing crops. During the coming cotton sea
son I shall, as in the past, strive to huiM
up and increase a home cotton anil produce
market, having already perfected arrange
ment e for increasing my facilities for buy.
ing and storing cotton.
Marcellus M. Mauck,
Contractor & Painter,
ow permanently located, and is pre-
red to do House Painting, Graining,
Glsxiug and Paper Hanging with prornpt-
neatness and dispatch, and in the
t durable manner. Will furnish mate
rial of the best quality allow figures when-
ver desired. Perfect satisfaction guaran-
jed or no money required. Work solicited
t town and country. Reference: A. G
West, J. C. Allen, J. O. Waddell.
G eorgia, polk county—whereas,
M VV Gray having made application for
letters of administration on tue estate of
Euclitus Marbit, lato of said county, dec’d,
:se are, therefore, to oite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at
my office on the first Monday in September
next, to show cause, if any they have, why
said letters should uot be granted to appli-
t in said case. Given under my hand
and official signature, Ibis the 6th d&v of
August, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y
Small Instruments, String and Sheet Muaic, Ouitars. Agents for the Celebrated
Peters, Webb & Co., and Hardman Pianos.
Them* we claii
Terms apply to
the VERY REST, and Jfor Testimonials, Catalogues and spociS|
Winters Jk. Nelson, 014 Market street.
Old in.trumfn U l«k«n in eicbnngt for now ones. Special priceo lo Cash Ciutomer*.
•opt G.
Livery, Sale and Feed Stable,
Main Street, Cedartown, Ga-
P RICES down to suit the time*. Good
Stock, Vehicle*, and Careful Driver*
always on hand.
Special attention given to the care cf
Block left iu our charge.
lumpkin & McConnell*
Professional Cards.
Cherokee Iron Comp'y Store.
S II O E S ,
Or any article generally kept In
At Price* lo *uit the Closest Buyers, you
will make it greatly to your advantage by
calling at the above named Btore.
June 27-ly
R espectfully call the attontion of
‘ the public to the fact that we have in
Stock an t aro constantly receiving,
Bootg, Shoes,
NVool «te Fur Flats,
Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal,
Which we will soil a* cheap as any one in
town for the CASH. Call and examine
before purchasing. junc 20
13. C. Willies,
over Reese'* Drug Store,
Cedartown, Georgia.
A LL kind* of Pictures taken In the best
style of the art, and at the very lowest
prices. Copying old pictures a ialty.
Selma, Rome & Dalton R. R.
Traius on this Hoad will run as follows :
Leave Selma 7.25 a m
Arrive at Prior’s 6.48 p m
“ Dalton 9,45 p m
Making close connection at Dalton with
E T V A Ga R R., and W A A R R for all
Eastern aud \Vc3tern cities and the Vir
ginia Springs.
Leave Dalton 5.45 p m
Arrive at Prior's 10.12 p m
Arrive at Selma ts.30 a m
M. STANTON, Gen. Supt.
W. 8. MAYNARD, Asst. Supt.
RAY KNIGHT, (i. P. A T Agt.
cash; stork.
J. S. Stubbs & Co.,
J£EEP constantly on hntnl a full lino of
13oots anti Slioos ;
also a line of
Cash buyers will find it to their interest
to examine our goods ■and prices before
B9L- Sole agents for the sale of the cele
brated •• Watts Flows” and fixtures, in Polk
county. june 20—tf
J. U. BARB B H ,
Notary Public
Ceil nrt own, Ga.
J. A. Hi.ANTE, a. Hh'lf AHDBON.
'Oilarlo.v 11, Ga.
O FFICE iu Court lloune.
junr ‘JO
KING a janes,
t’eilartown, (in.
O FFICE in Court House.
june 20
W. F. T V U N E n,
Cedartown, (in,
O FFICE over Dr. Recce’s Drug Store.
June 20 •
Attorney ot Law,
O FFICE—East side Court House square.
june 20
Cartrntrille, Ga.
QFFIEE in Unttk Bulltling. 20
and Real Estate Agents.
O t FICE over Dr. Reese’s Drug Store.
june 20
Drs. Liddell & Richardson,
Cedartown, Ga.
M AY be found in their office at all hours
when not professionally engaged,
june 20
Physician and Surgeon,
Cedartown, Ga.
QPFICB at residence, on Pryor Mrcet.
O 1
iFFERS his professional
Q f (rgdartown n
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Cedartown, Ca.
TAT 0 ?,? donc P rora P l fy and sotisfactorily
» > All work warranted Twelve Months.
Repairing fine watches a specialty. Ali
kinds of Jewelry and Watches and' Clocks
kept for sale. june20-1y
T HE undersigned has located in Cedar
town for the purpose of carrying on
the business in all its branches. Ifyou want
a shampoo or hair cut, give me a call and I
will guarantee satisfaction.