The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, September 19, 1874, Image 2

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THE RECORD. IVY F. THOMPSON, Amocuti Kditok. CEDARTOWN, OA., SEPT, 10, 1874. FOR CONOHEHR, 7TU I)1HT. I>r. Wm. H. Felton, OF BARTOW COUNTY. Wm. )n lUU'IIKflllKTAITVK, M. Hutchlnw. We urn grntifioil to nnnouncn llmt wo havo Mcnrod tbo wrvlci 1 * of Col. Itjt P. Thompeon m oaeociato editor. We raiee to our meat bond lliia week tho name of Wm. M. Hiilckine, the Democratic candidate for Ilopro- eentatiro of this counter. Wo lmd in tended to do this laat week, but from the pressure of busincaa, ororlooko 1 it;.would havo dono it ovon sooner than last week, but there was no oppo- eition, and did not think it necessary. We know nothing of Judge Hutch ins personally, having novor met him until last week. Ho is, however, n citizen of starling worth, unquestioned integrity, and if circled will inako a true, able and faithful representative. We print a communication this week, from L. H. Walthall, bamching the lillle squad of Pelloniles in thin and other countios to coma back to tho fold—-Trammell fold —and threat ens, if we don’t, sba’ut havo nny office or anything clso at their hands in tho future. We aro of tho opiuion that it will tnko more bosoeching and threat ening than that to frighten tho lillle squad back to tho Trammell-Hing- Fold. The fact is, this liltllo squad is entiroly too large for thorn, and they are uneasy. CmABTOws, Ga., Sopt. 17, ’71. Mr. EdilotA oorrospondont of the Rome Courier, signing him self "Titus" proposes that you donato liis paper to some Felton man. As wo do not want tho supporters of Fel ton to ho nndor obligations to Tram mell followers, wo proposo Hint you call for “Titus'" roal name, and wo will refund his subscription. 0. Pmi.roT, Louis 8. LnnncTTKii, J. 8. Human. [If “Titus" is tho individual wo have "Kpoltod,” there will bo no re funding to do, as ho has uovor paid his ^ubsoription—hopo mono Tram- mellito will proposo to pay his back dues. Wo will havo somotblng to say ntu-.ut VUsa., aihI Rimm oibci UiUttU next weok.—Ed] civil War In Lotilnltmit. From Intent disputeltea wo loam that lighting 1b going on iu Now Or Ioqiib between tho t*o factious. On the 15th about 50 wore killed. Thu fight ia butween tho whites. Presi dent Grant has issued a proclamation ordering tho armod forces to disporso in five days. Admiral Summon, who won a world wide renown as tho commander of tho Gonfederato cruiser Alabama durirg tho late war, is nunoutioed as caudi- dato for Congress in nu Alabama dis- triot. His disabilities were removed last wlntor. “The Party Lash to Silence i Discontent.” Wo publish to-day, in another col umn, an article to lx» found nndor tho al>ovo caption, which wo clip from that fearless and independent Demo cratic journnl, tho Atlanta News. It is refreshing, at this time, when tho party lash is so vigorously applied, to road Btieh an article in ono of tho very ablest pnjHjrs in tho State. If tho News should succeed, by its boldness and truth, in bursting tho shackles of party intolerance that is attempted to bo riveted on the Democrats in this district, it will deserve tho gratitude and patronage of every ono who 1ms, liko tho immortal Jefferson, “sworn eternal hostility to every form of ty ranny ovor tho minds of men." Liko tho Nows—and wo boliovo a large ma jority of tho Democratic party of this Congressional district—wo a^o "sick and tired of this eternal lash which compels men to submit to wrong, and wo, for ono, defy it." A Card. John W. Wofford, of Cartersville Go, in tho Romo Commercial, states that I said to him on Saturday, btfore tho Convention at Calhoan, that I was not opposing Train moll personal ly—that I intended to run tho raco, “Let who might bo nominated at Cal houn. This statement in correct. (communicated) Mr. EditorA groat deal has been said pro and con about Col. Trammell taking a feo for the Brunswick A Al bany Railroad. Some persons, per haps, do not know the naturo of a fee in such cases. Every bill Introduced In the legislature on it* second reading is referred to Somo gentlemen in Rome state propriate commlittce and there investigated that I announced in Romo on Friday, after tho Convention, that if Dabney, Young, Printup, Lester or Bass had boon nominated, I would have retired, and havo left tho field to the uomineo. This statement is correct. Now hour me: On tbo Monday fol lowing this conversation with Wofford I spoke in Ringgold, and conversed with many citizens in Catoosa county. On Tuesday I spoke in LaFayotto, and heard tho opinions of many citi- of Walker county, and a number om Chattooga countv. On Wednesday, whon I reached homo, I found many lotters. On pass ing through Cartorsvillo I saw some friends from Cherokee, besides con versing with many in my own county aid, which he very successfully Tho Greensboro Herald publishes the following unique vordiot rendered iu a justice's court: We, 1 ho jury, find that H. T. Haile tore J. W. Jacks'coat uniutoutloimlly and wo agree that H. T. Hailes pay for mondiug said ooat, and havo said coat for his own, and J W Jacks pay for tho liuou coat bu bought and wear it for his own oont, and said decision bo published iu tbo Groousboro Her aid. Cartbdhvuxb, Ga., Sept. 9,1874. Editor Record: —According to pre vious announcement, Dr. Folton, tbo pooples Independent domocratlo can didate for Congress, addressed tho pooplo of this county boro to-day. Tho largo court room was crowded. Ho spoko about ono hour and a half. His address was well received, and I don’t boliovo I ovor saw au audience more delighted with a political spooch. He handled rings, cliquos, political hnoks and lobbyists with glovns off. His spooob was applauded throughout. His platform is tho good old Jefferson ian doctrino of honesty, economy and equal justice to all, of whatovor crood or party. I know of no man who has morn ’entirely tho confidence of those who know him best than Dr. Felton, both as to his integrity and ability, After bis spooob was concluded, Col. F. M. Ford aroso and road a resolu tion endorsing tho Doctor as tho can didate of tho democratic party of this county, which was received with such an outburst of applauso, that thoro was no necessity for putting it to a vote—it was sanctioned by almost a unanimous acclimation of approval. Suffice to say that a distinguished and honorod Democrat was hoard to say of tho addross, that it was tho ablest political spooch that ho ovor listonod to Dr. Folton nddrossed an immense crowd at Marietta oh yesterday, which am informod was rocoivod with un usual enthusiasm, and Cobb having uHHomblod in a mass mooting, Dr. Fol Ion was almost unanimously ratified uimlWluip *• I iU* |>arly at Ooli count}'. His friands any that ho will rociovo an immense majority in that county, nono putting it under one thousand. Ghorokco is said to bo for him, and his friends iu that county that thoy will give him such a majority that it will strike terror into tho rauks of the ring uinstors and political trick store. I havo never known a candi date for any position to inspire much onthuHinsm, so early in tho can vass, ns Dr. Folton has throughout this Congressional dostriot. Court is in sossiou hero this week. Judge Underwood of Romo presiding, lie presides with oaso and dignity. A primary oleclion was hold iu this couuty on last Saturday to soluot can didates for tho Legislature, but tho Exooutivo Committee declared it null and void ou tho ground of irregularity, and throws tho door open for every one who wants to booomo a candidate to "pitch in,’’ and a goodly uumbor seem disposed to avail thumseves tho opportunity, an.l tost their strength before tho sovorign people my mind, that if eithor of tho inch be- I than the opposing coumiol on the part of foro named were nominated, that it the Central Railroad, or is it became he la Would bo useless to continue tho raco. the Dcmodyatio nominee ? Ia he to be «tig- I found out, also, on that trip to | inatiaeil and ftURtraoiaed became has don lawyer* would have ? Think of it. Old i, ugrent and good ru»n, I heard eloquent apeechea l agriculture Internal improvement, of which I wi ember, and It was aald he wae feed; and 1 heard Col. Capers nake two or three he aame committee, and it waa aaid feed. Iain) heard lien Vancy make aeveral ipeeobea before the aaino conven tion, and a number of other distinguished tho upper part of tho Dostriot, that what a hundred otbi “'rammoll was vory weak, boforo tho been glad lo have dom plo. Old Democrats denounce |> r , Meant, a gi l an a ,l vorrujA lobbyistand called ),( m make two him an unscrupulous political advont- | beforo lhe c i m mlttee uror. Whon I reached homo at 12 o’clock, _ told my intimate friends that it would bo useless to continue tho raco certain parties woro nominated, but .. Trammell was nominated 1 should contest overy inch of tho ground with . . _ . . , l«™ until next Noyombar, boo«u«„ bin election would ruin tho Democratic party iu tho 7th District. If Colonel Trammell or his protege, J. W. Wof- I counsel ford, need further reasons why I con- n tiuuo this raco. let thorn meet mo iu publio dubato, boforo tho people. Aloo. Stephens was uominatod for Congress from tho eighth distriot last weok ou the lllth ballot. General Toombs, it iB thought, bo a candidate for G ovor nor at tho next election. Hon. Charles S. DuBosu has boon uominatod by tho Democrats of the ninteeuth district, Mr. Itavill, editor and proprietor of the Moriwether Yiudicator, has been nominated for tho Legislature from that oouuty. In Doan Stautloy’s groat Boriuon ou Dr. Livingston, delivered iu West ufiustor Abbey, there occurs the fol lowing passage: "Ho remained faithful to the gener ous motto of rhe society that suut hitu forth. ‘I never said—strange and rare confession,—'I never, as a mis sionary, felt myself to bo oithor Prus- byteriau, Episcopalian, Independent, or called upon in any way to love ono deuoiuiuntiou more than another. Plimouth Church has stood by its pastor through 'thick nud thin.’ 'lho thick was Moulton’s evidence, and the thiu was Beecher’s defence. —Nt \v York' llei'ald. d discussed by that committee; and all its friends and their connect for and against It be beard before (bat committee, and tbo recommendation to the bouee by that commhtee on its third reading it pataca without further investigation. Central Railroad of Ceorgia baa a powerful influence in the Georgia Legisla ture, and abe, wishing to control all the freight In Southern Georgia, attempted to repeal tho net granting State aid to the D. At A. It. R , which would atop the progress of the Road. She introduced her bill and employed her counsel—Judge Dougherty d others—and the stockholder and other parties at inferesl in the II A A R K, ployed Col. Trammell to prevent tho repeal Bartow. Tho conviction was irrunstably ( done, and the parlies paid him up for bis services. Is Trammell to blame any W .H. Fkltom. tec to which I belonged All the very portent eases wore usually represented by Democrats, come int* tho organisation, breakers are ahead, tie Radicals hi lied horse ho is in full keeping.ho is smart he is tbo bell wether in tho Dial, him a his friends will not say much for Folton, Trammell, but will pretend lobe divide-1 till about twenty days before the Election, and this tied out horse will p claiir Doos not tho Romo Commercial, u ^ which is usually very fair and tolerant, I ^ill' ho at bis post, certain, think that it did itsolf injustice iu its I collect that Floyd attacks on Dr. Folton, of Barlow, in majority, its issue of last Saturday? From all at ,h ® hour of this gentleman, bo i. A as sound a Domocrat as any in tho 1 district. In his spooch at Rome, ho ididate icalawagi must re ,nty gave Devcr 200 Young, last election. Look in Folk coiuty and only fire hundred majority in the district for nd In aoad is a friend in deed. I beseech you all to come pie, look nt the great Democratic party government, and this little (tind of Feltonites, in Folk llartow and ioyd outside of the fold, running off after strange gods, what tun you expect from tho Duuiourats hereafter, should you want IHce, orany thingelse nt their hand*, irdiei will stand against you. L. II. Walthall. placed himself squarely on tho | l it- from Maine to California working iu p form of tho Democracy, declared his foot order against tlrany and oppros opposition to tho civil righla bill, and, in overy roapeot, demonstrated that ho p] oy , was as truo and as thorough a beliov- 1 or in Democratic principles as any in Georgia. , But Dr. Folton offends whon ho | u, « exorcisos tho unquestionable right of becoming a candidate for office. Ho is called ward namos, hoo iuio not submit to tho dictation of others. When ho attacks political rings and Mlfttonl Wiio-workurs ho is told that to is making a "labored attack upon tho organization of tho Democratic party.’’ This iH not fair criticism. It simply intolerance. If there was Radical candidate running in t district wo could excuse it on I ground of necessity. But thoro is nono, and abuse Dr. Felton an we may, it is impossible to make tho con test other than ono botwoeu two Dom ocrats. New Advertisements. East End Wood Shop. BY •T. M. HARRIS. Repairs and Makes Wagons, Bedsteads, Tables etc And almost anything made of wood. WORK CHEAP FOR CASH. r IVu-l done according lo prom- I ■opt 19-ly W. S. DAVIS, OOTVTUAOTOH. —A HD— HOUSE BUILDER, Cedartown, - - Ceorgia. | W ILL do all kinds of work in bis lin in a good and substantial manner, guaranteeing satisfaction in work, and prices as cheap as can be done, for cash or any kind of produce. Furniture will be 1 iut np to order cheaper than it lought in this [place—bedsteads especially. References givsn when required. septlU THOMPSON A WIKLE, Real Estate Agents, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, i now offering the following desirable PROPERTY FOR SALE. 320 Aere Parm-A Bargain. Farm of 820 acres, 100 oleared and in cultivation, with good fences. New dwel ling, new smoke house and well of good water. Tho remainder of the land is well timbered. The grade of the North and South Railroad passes through this land. Located In Floyd county, ten miles from Cedartown, and about the same distance from Rome, on Silver Creek road. Terms very reasonable, in fact the cheapest place in North Georgia, location considered. H. D. Crlffln Residence. Good new house, containing five rooms, nicely plastered and finished, situated on Cedar street, within two hundred yards of I big spring, and less than 1-4 mile of Court | House. The house has three fire plac< and throe closets. About two acres in lo This place will be sold at a great bargain. Dr. Reese Residence, On Cedar street and near the spr This is the most desirably located, ami of the most beautiful resideneos in to- The house us two stories, Gothic style, bed.rooms, dining room, kitchen and pan try, all well finished. Five acres in lot. This is a rare opportunity for a great bar* gain. WINTERS & NELSON, WHOl.B8Al.12 DEALERS IN p I A N O S,^b R G A N S —AND— musical merchandise, 8m.ll Instrument., String Mid Slie.l, Agent, for tlio CelobrntrJ Peters, Webb & Co., and Hardman Pianos. AND THE GREAT NEW ENGLAND CO'S CABINET ORGANS. These we claiu Terms apply to , the VERY REST, and Jfor Testimonials, Catalogues and spcciaj Winters Sc .Nelson, 214 Market street, CHATTANOOGA, TEJSriar. Old instruments taken i Bftpt 5. Special prices lo Cssh Cqslomors; CEDARTOWN Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, Main Strerf, Cedartown, Ga always on hand. Special attention given to the care < stock left in our charge. .umpkin a McConnell* Professional Cards. Cherokee Iron Comp'y Store. IF YOU WANT ZDIRIT Q-OOIDS SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Or any article generally kept in A FIRST CLASS STORE It was ouco my nrivilago to visit an lnutlon held nt one of tho prcciuctn >f this county ; and I thoro buholt! a scene that suggested thought oil tho passod calamities and future welfare of our country. It was nothing more nor Iohh tbau tho Demijohn on tho Vo ting Table. While I looked upon it, tho following thoughts suggested thorn solvos: is it not this that has brought such groat calamities on our oouutry and its government? Alas! it is too It is equally imnossiblo to deny that j truo. The Demijohn on tho Voting thoro is gn at disaffection existing Table has boon tho moans of elovating throughout tho 7th district. Wo are i, llH0 ftn j nnprincipaled men to offico, raaelnper lottora from nil pnrtfl of tho , ( corrupting tho govern district giving uttoruneo to disappoint- . Editor Record;—Your pnpor is crea ling quite a seusatiou iu this oud tho couuty, by tho liboral spirit y havo shown in allowing its columus bo used so ns to let each sido be hoard without any loaning on your part eithor, and is quite a uovolty in uowepnpor line to somo of us. I soe our friend Tumlin lots off steam in a hurry, and I lonru that tho groos aro lenruing to bo sarcastic iu his part of tho county. Our friend Tuin- liu’s speech had u fiuo affect; toll him to vJntoh tho indicator well, for I do uot think his eugitio will boar much more prossure, yon, uot ovon another inch. Can’t wo get np another unanimous convention soon ? It won’t bo hard work for tho Judgo to carry two, as ho is an extraordinary man; although wo iu this oouutry think ho has about a load. Col. Butt Jones says ho wants to havo auothor unanimous conven tion so ns to learn how it is dono. district giving uttoranco to disappe inont and indignation. Our agents in tho sovoral countios write to us that tho fooling is general and widespread. Will tho Commercial vonluvo to deny this? Will it assert that tho people (and by tho people wo mean tho Dem ocrats, for wo recognize no others) aro united and enthusiastic? Tho Commercial commits a grave error whon it attempts to drown the uttoiauuoa of popular discontent by epithets. Before us lies a letter from ono of tho most distinguished men iu Georgia, who docs not reside iu either this or the Romo distriot, and who, refuting to a certain nomination, asks, "What chauco havo lliopiopU ?" The question is merely au expression of tho thoughts that crowd tho mind of every careful observer. What tho mnehinory by which our political matters aro directed to-day ? Have not conventions booomo tho un rest mockeries us indexes of tho popular tnent, and consequently corrupting tho people at huge. Tho election will soon bo ou hand, A. these things will present thoniscl and iittw candidates, if you want to be honest with yoursolvos and your oouutry, consider that if you aro not worthy tho office without tho whisky, that you aro far loss worthy with it A few words t > tho voters, and thon I will havo finished my reinniks, and hall loavo tho subject for somo abler nan to discuss Voters, you havo tho oiii8 of government in your hands, and how will you use thorn ? To your honor or dishonor ? Will you lota glass of whisky buy your birthright Or will you, liko honorable men, vote for tho man and not tho whisky ? If you do you will ho an honor to tho will? Do wo not soo doubtful mou country that you honor. Geutlemou Among the last words of Commodore M. F. Maury was t ho question, “Do 1 seem to drag my anchors!” Tho au- swor “Thev aro sure and steadfast," that death, it waa so triumphant. and pitiful mediocrity, character put aside? Tho adroit schomor aud wire puller inanouvors himself iuto a uomi- uation, and a subservient party press howls dowu evory man who raises a j ky for your vote, protesting voice agaiust him. Merit goes to tho wall, tho people aro led by tho uobo, and chicanery and hum- buggory flourish. No matter; for tho sake of tho party lot us submit to everything And wtiile we are submtting tho political sore is festering more and more, aud is bocommiug more offensive. Some day when, perhaps, wo need unity more bitterly than now, tho masses will turn from us, and then wo will ourso tho folly that prevented our ap plying tho remedy while wo could. Our Romo cotemporary cauuot quell tho discontent by denunciation; it cauuot remedy political ovils by ep ithets; and tho day is passing by when please tako a sober thought for the good of your country, and consider it insult to bo offered a glass of whis- Anti-Drinker. Fires iu the pines at Elwood, Now Jersy, have oxtendod to both side tho Atlantic railroad aud is spreading tuwarda tho Atlantic cranbery mead 0W8. Tho Supreme Court of California de cides that the State law agaiust lewd women is costitutionol, and twenty five Chiuese were recommitted to taken back to Cbiun. A groat national tournament, nn dor the auspices of tho Niagara Lalls Shooting olnb, begins to-day. Democrat Booms to bo kind o’ tardy j c, y "disorganize!: can influence Toll him we curry with soft brushes ovor our Way aud ho need uot flinch. Yours in a hurry, SimsoiLUR. Anything Midas touohod turned to gold. In those days touch a man with gold aud lie’ll turn to anything Tho New York Herald says that tho 'war of races’ iu tho south, is for futuro use iu Cougross. Evory Radical who is i boaton for office will contest tho seat u f human existence gave him great comfort “I wish’’ ono of the man elected, and then produce language applied by a South Cvroliun said "all tho world could have seen j tho ‘war of races’ iuovidono that there oxcliauge to a carpe-bag agitator of ' j was not a fair election. | civil rights. tho people. We are sick and tired of this eternal lash which compels mou to submit to wrung, and wo for one defy it The Press "Gaqqkr Gagcied.”—Re turns from the election in Second Con gressional dostriot of Vermont an nounce tho defeat of Judgo Poland, father of tho “press gag” law, passed at tho last sossiou of Congress. the potato vino tho exy “A Radical bug c Storo House and Lot, town ix* the H»-rs« Drug thirty frrl front, running »>«ok nd thirtj-two feel, on which it xm«<l store house. Good hnsiners loon in. Tho best bargain yet offered, ALSO, A stock of Drug* and Fixlurca. Slock E. CLEAVELAND, Fashionable Tailor, MAIN BTHKKT Cedartown, Ca. A LL order* iu iny line promptly filled, and in a style nut (o be cieeflea by the I Fit* guarnateed, and all xrork war- l. Try me and be convinced. Espe cial attention paid to renovating and re pairing; also cutting for ladies to make up. aug. 2'J At Trices to suit the Closes vil! make it greatly to your calling at the above named s< J. R. R A II B E It, IVotnry Public AMD ATTORNEY at law. C’ednrtown, On. P ARTICULAR .tlention ((Wen lo Diking Depositions and collection of claims. A. BLANCH, a. RICH A B DBO*. RDANCE L RICHARDSON) attorneys at law t'eiliirtowii, Ga. O FFICE In Court House. june 20 KING & JANES, ATT ORNEYS AT LAW Ccilnrlown, Ga. O FFICE in Court House. juno 20 W. F. T U It N E It , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cedartown, tin. O FFICE over Dr. Reece’s Drug Store. june 20 • IVV P. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, CEDARTOWN, GA. iFFICE— East side Court House square. 0 F (Oldest Ettablithtd Home in Town.) A. HUNTINGTON, Vryor Street, South tide Court Home Squat Cedartown, Ga. General Merchandise. JOHN MERRY MAN At CO S BARBER & WOOD Ch'DARn) Il’iV, GA. attention of . the publio to the fact that we have in I Stock and are canstantly receiving, DRY GOODS, ALL KINDS OP NOTIONS, Boots, Shoes, Wool &. Fur IlatB, | Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal FLOUR aud BACON. Which we will sell as cheap a* any one ii I town for the CASH. Call and examin beforo purchasing. june 20 30 WOFFORD & MILNER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Curtor.i ill, 1 , da. QFFIUE in Bunk Building. june 20 PICTURES! B. C. - PICTURES I "Willies, DIB80LVED BONES. Iphotographer oter Reete’t Drug Store, Cedartown, Ceorgia. personalty same at 11 o'clock, A. M„ on tho tiih d; of October next, at my office. This t 17th day of September 18*71. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. applied for Exemp Personalty aud I will pass upon the sum - at 11 o’clock, a. m , ou tho 29lh day of September, 1871, at my office, this 17th day of September, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. G EOR Hat arpor lias applied for exemption of personalty, ami 1 will pass upon tho s ame at 11 o’clock a. m. on the 1st day of Ootober 1874 at my office, this the 18th dav of Sep tember, 1874. JOEL BREWER Ord’y l’ATAPSCO GUANO CO. id other standard Fertilisers. Bagging and Ties, Virginia Salt and Plaster Company. W ITIl increased facilities for doing business and obtaining goods, my long ex perience in business, makes me confident that my Stock, Terms and Prices, will com pare favorably with those of any other house in Town. I defy good, healthy bus iness competition. An inspection of my Goods and Prices is earnestly desired. Grateful for paat favors, and the generous patronage of Polk and adjoining counties so liberally bestowed for the past nine years, 1 shall strive to merit a continuance of the same. N. B.— Liberal advances made on grow ing crops. During the coming cotton sea son 1 shall, as iu the past, strive to build up and increase a home cottou and produce market, having already perfected arrange ment e for increasing my facilities for buy ing aud storing cottou. June20-lv- Marcellus M. Mauck, Contractor & Painter, CEDARTOWN, CA. 1 8 noxr permanently located, and is pre pared to do House Painting, Graining, tilating and Paper Hanging with prompt ness, neatness and dispatch, and iu the most durable manner. Will furnish mate rial of the best quality at low figures when ever desired. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed or no money required. Work solicited in town and country. Reference : A. G. West, J. U. Allen, J. O. \\ addell. CASH STORE. J. S. Stubbs Jfc Co. CEDARTOWN, OA., K EEP constantly on hand a full li MMttY GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Boots and Slioos also a line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND FACTORY GOODS, Cash buyers will find it to their interest to examine our goods and prices before purchasing. tgL. Sole agents for tho sale of the cele brated “ Watts Plows’’ and fixtures, in Polk county. june 20—tf Selma, Rome It Dalton R. R Trains on this Road will run as follow: GOING NORTH. Leave Selma 7.25 Arrive at Prior’s 5.48 p “ Dalton 9.45 p Making close connection at Dalton with E T V 4 Ga R R., and W & A R R for Eastern and Western cities an-i the Vi ginia Springs GOING SOUTH Leave Dalton Arrive at Prior's Arrive at Selma 5’4o p 10.12 p 8.30 WOFFOIII) & WIKLE, TTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate Agents. CARTERSVILLE GA. R. II. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, CEDARTOWN, OA. QFFICE < Drs. Liddell 4 Richardson, PHYSICIANS 4 SURGEONS, Cedartown, Ga. Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, o Cedartowi FFICE at residence, Dr. L. S. LEDBETTER, SURGEON DENTIST Cedartown, Ga. A. L. DAVIS, Leaving Dalton ior Selma upon arrival of E T V fit Ga R R and W & A R R trains. M. STANTON, Gen. Supt. W. S. MAYNARD, Asst. Supt. RAY KNIGHT, G. P. & T- Agt. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Cedartown, Ca. Repairing fine watches a specialty. AU kinds of Jewelry aud Watches and Clocks kept for sale. june 20-ly NEW BARBER SHOP. T HE undersigned has located in Cedar town for the purpose of carrying on the business in all its branches. If you want “A CLOSE SHAVE” a shampoo or hair cut, give me a call and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. june 20 . 'ALFRED EVANS.