The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, September 19, 1874, Image 3

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THE RECORD. k Lit* Country Newspaper. Published Every Saturday Morning by W. S. t). WIKLE &> OO. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. On® copy, one year 92.00 One copy, aiz mouths 1.00 Ten copies* in clubs, one year, each 1.50 Singlo copies Sets All subscriptions invariably in advanco. No name entered upon the list until tlio subscrip tion is paid. RATES OP ADVERTISING. ftrxcE. I W. | 1 M. 3 M. 6 M. | 12 M. 1 Square... L Column. H Column. 1 Column.. # 1.00# 2.50 8.001 18.00 8 00 15.00 13 00i 25.00 # 5.00 20. H 25.00 45.00 # 8.00 # 12.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 05.00 65.00] 120.00 Ptofeeaional and Kindness Cards of one inch or lose, #12 per annum, payable quarterly in advance; six months, #8. All advertise ments due after first insertion. Mr. Ger. K. preen, of Cove Spring, is in towu, representing tho Cumber land Nurseries, Nashville. Our citizens who noeil fruit or ornamental trees cau now give orders. Wo aro glad to soo our frioud T. M Pace on tho streots agaiu. He has just returned from Alabama, and says crops aro good from hero down to Hamilton Ga., but from there down in to Macon county, Ala. they are poor or than they over havo been. Ho also says tho political oxcitemont is great, tho whites hopeful of carrying tho elec tion, aud negroes tuabulont. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Haptist Church.—Regular Services, 1st mill 3d Sundays in each month. Rev. Court ney Brown, Pastor. Sabbath-school at 9 o'clock, A. m. Methodist Church.—Services at 11 o'clock, a. m* and 8 o’clock, r. m. every Sabbath; Rev. Win. II. LaPrade, Pastor. Sabbath-school at 9 o’clock, A. u. I’ersiitteriar Church.—Services 1st and 3d Sabbath every month. Rev. It. V. Taylor, Pastor, Sabbath-school at 9 o’clock. lilnnonir. Caledonia Lodge, No. i;i, F. A A. M.— Regular communication, the 3d Friday night in cuoh month. J. S. 8TURDS, W. M. N. M. Wrioiit, Secretary. Good Templar*. Cedar Vallrt Lodok, No, 303. I. O. 0. T --Meets every Friday night (except 8d Friday,) J. E. HOUSE A L, W. C. T. J. A. Liddell, Secretary. Grange. CoiqciTT Orarok, No, 20-Regular meet ings Saturday before the third Sabbath in each month. Our Agent*. John S. Vann, Priors Station. E. P. Fcathorston, Lime Branch. R. 8 Pattillo, Taylorsville, qw. P. West, Etoin HilL SATURDAY •MORNING SEPT. 19, |874, LOCAL ITEMS. We uro nuthoiizcd to announce the name of Judge W. C. BAllBEll as at Independent Candidate for ltopresen talivo. Election first Wednesday it October. Wo are authorised to announce Ml W. F. TREAD A WAY as a candidate for Tax Collector of Polk county. Election 1st Wednesday in January next, td LunipkiucVMo Connell have just cioved and opened a fine lot of clothing, from tho cheapest to the finest, which cau bo bought cheap for cash. Dr. Felton will udJross tho pooplo at liockmart on Monday, 28th ioBtant and ut Buchanan next day, 20th. Hosiery, Notions aud Stationery —a fiuo assortment, just received by Barber &l Wood. Hon. L. N. Trammell will address the Citizens of this county at the court house on Tuesday next, 22 instant. Wc cull the attention of our readers to the card of W. S. Davis, Contractor and builder, in an other column. Ho is a good workman, and a steady sober geuelman, and deserves patronage. Wo are informed by Capt. Neil that the have again rnado their appearance on hiB cottou, but the season being bo far advanced, he thinks they will do but littlo damage. A white man working at tho furnace, stimulated by whisky, undertook to club and choke one Mr. Thompson, a moulder at the works—nobody hurt. The whisky man was sent by order of Mayor Reese to the calaboose for ten days. It will bo seen that Judge Barber has announced himself us an independ ent candidate for tho Legislature. The Judge is well known in this county, to be a man of good, sound, practical sanse, aud fine business qual ifications, and, if elected, would mako a good representative. Wo print elsewhere proceedings of tho colored nominating convention held here on last Saturday. Prince Albert expected tho nomination, hut Crumley rather weut back on him, by a "trick” and defeated him—conse quently his frieuda are dissatisfied. They are copying the whito trash in their conventions—"fixing up tricks,” "manipulation,” ect. Colonel T. S. Smith, Master of the State Grange, will address the citi zens of Polk county, at Cedartown, on the first Tuesday iu October next. All the people are invited to attend. Farmers especially aro earnestly re quested to come, as matters of vital importance to them will bo discussed. 3t Cheap Lands.—Thompson & Wiklo, Real Estuto Agonts, advertise this week a 320 ncro farm, in Floyd comi ty, ten miles from Oed&rtown, and about tho same distance from Romo. This is tho cheapest place in North Georgia, location considered. Furniture. — Wo caU tho ospecial attention of our readers to tho now advertisement of Mr. J. M. Harris. Ho is a citizen of our town, and a de serving man, nnd does good, honest work. Wo ask for him n libernl pat ronage lie manufactures Furniture, such as bodstends, tables aud wash stand; also makos and repairs wag ons. lu fact ho docs almosty au kind of wood work. Wo are dolightod with tho modo of saving corn aud foddor practised by Col. Vandovouder at Priors Station. Instead of pulling tho foddor, as soon ns it is sufficiently ripo he cuts down his corn, stalk and all, and shocks it like wheat, thereby curing the foddor and stalk. lie says it makes tho corn bettor, while his stock ut the stulk, besides tho increased quantity of litter left in his lot and stables for manuro and a groat snvo of labor. Everything quiet at Priors and Etna Wo mail a number of this week’s issuo of our paper to gentlemen in dif ferent counties of this Congressional District, ns specimen copies. Wo lmvo espoused tho oause of Dr. Felton, tho people’s candidato for Congress in tho present campaign, and it is our desiro to go our full length for him, and to put tho Record in tho hands of ovory Fulton sympathiser within tho District that all may know how universally popular ho is in this section. Lot those to whom wo Bond copies got up clubs for tho paper, if they want to help Dr. Felton. Wo want weekly correspondents from ovory county, so to give every week a true accouut of Dr. Felton’s strength ull dVer tbo District. To clubs of fivoorinoro, wo will send tho Record till the 1st of January, for 50 cents per copy. Go to work, friends, and assist us iu this good work. Sumer Machines.—W. W. Wells tho traveling agent for tho Singer Manufacturing Company’s Atlanta office, visited Cedartown and vicinity this week. Mr. Wells made Miss Vir gin Lumpkin, of this place, agent for those justly renowned muchinos, and parties wanting sewing machines, needles or accessories, can bo suppliod by calling on Miss Lumpkin ut Dr. Harris’ hotel. Two years past it was evident that sotno of tho many represented ma chines must have tho ascendancy in this country, and for some time it was nip and tuck between all machines represented; but merit’s dormancy is of short duration, and now tho "nip ping and tucking” is being dono by this littlo household gem. Lot all re member, "what is homo without a Singer ?” Next week wo will givo our readers further facts and figures about this machine. Pursuant to a call made by tho Chairman of tho coiluty Executive Committeo of the Republican party, tho convention for uomiuating a can didato for tho legislature, convouod at tho Court House ou last Saturday, 12th instant, at 11 o’clock, a. in. On motion, A. E. P. Albert was elected president of tho convention, and O. A. Waddell secretary. Tho Secretary appointed a commit teo to oxnmino tho credentials of dele gates. Tho convention having boon duly organized, tho object of tho moot ing was explained by tho president in a short but vivid speech, which was followed by a very lengthy speech by Rev. Robert Crumley, llo spoke mostly upon civil rights and his aver sion to treacherous white leaders. It was moved and seconded that A. E. P. Albert mako a speech to tho assem bly: wheroupon ho callod Mr. Banja- min Brown to tho chair and dolivorod one of his host, llis theme was ‘‘the duty of tho party to stand to tho nomination.’ llo also answered Col. Turalin's speooh in sotno vory ablo and torso language. After Mr. Albert’s speech tho delegates retired to mako tho nomination, with tho following result : “Wo, your delegates, submit Gcorgo Foster as tho party’s choice/ Said report was roocived amidst groat applause. Aftor a few speeches wore made by Mr. MoMookiu and others, tho convention adjourned nine die. A. E. P. ALBERT, Pros. O. A. Waddell, Sec. SUNDAY READING. Legal Advertisements. A. E. P. Albert, colored school teacher, requests us to state that the exercises of his school will closo on Tuesday afternoon next. On Wednes day evening a musical concert will be given, admission free to school, to oth ers ten cents each. Rockmart, Ga., Sept. 15. Editor Record: —Thorc is a gracious revival of religion going on lioro now, at tho Methodist church. Thirty two have joined the church, and tho moot ing is still going on, with great inter est. The power of tho Almighty is present, and many mourners throng the altar for prayer. The good Lord is doing great things for us, whereof wo are glad. To Him be all tho praise and glory. It pains our hearts to state to you that little Anna Jones, daughter of Col. Seaborn Jones, whoso mother died here twelve days ago, died this morning. Sho told her Pa and the weeping friends around her bed, that her Ma was calling her, and an being asked what she said to her, replied that hor Ma said, "come home, dar ling," and she affectionately placed her arms around her Pa’s neck and said, "Won’t you meet us in Heaven, Pa?’’ Muy the good Lord bless the bereaved husband and father, and help hie meet his loved ones in Heaven. Dr. Feltou will address the people at Rockmart on Monday, 28th iust., at 12 o’clock, M. Please notify the people, aud let them all come and hear tho wise, the great and the hon est and good statesman, tho peopleY candidate, Wm. H. Felton. We are expectiong the train to run in again in a day or t^o. We are regularly supplied with tho mail from Taylorsville by buggy. W. w. s. Trammell's Calhoun Speech. In bis speech at Calhoun tho othor day, Col. Trammell said that ho was no orator, that ho was "raised between tho plow-haudles," was still "a f irmer ou a small soalo," thought tho poor man with his singlo acre of land has as much to do with politics as tho man with his “largo landed identity" He alluded iu a fueling manner to the hurling of Bullock aud his gang of thieves from powor.nud iutimatod that ho noted a conspicuous part in the transaction, and said that Dr. Felton was at homo during tho time, taking enro of his farm! lie also oomplains that Dr. Felton said nothing in partic ular against tho llabiouls or any one else, and charges that Dr Felton, by bis course, would aid iu foisting tho Civil Bights bill upon tho people, while ho knows that not a singlo aero of hi* land would ho affected by it, ami that lie would not bo compelled to send his daughter Lo a mixed sohooll Ah the school girls say, “did you over!” Wan there over so many wiso and pa triotic things said boforo in so short r speech, by a man who is u more farm rr, nnd “no orator 1’’ From such t modest and unpretending man Buoh thunder Was a wonder! But when tho coutdhts of this won derful and "first gun of the campaign" aro analysed aud examined, what does it amount to? Powder und toad—most ly ixnrd>r !—"only this and uothing more." Many of us wore "raised between tho plow-handles," and still think it ry good place to ruis boys!—Thor is nothing strange about that 1 Many aro "poor men with small farms,’’ and we knew wc had unno righ.s bo fore our brothor famer enlightened upon the subject I Many of us far mers were at homo attending Lo our business, hko Dr. Felton, whon Bullock and his fellow thieves wort ou from power by farmor Tram inell and others; but Dr. Felton and tho rest of ns could not help not be- ubers of tho Legislature at tho time; but if wo bad been the probably would havo done tho very same thing—for tho same pay, or per haps loss. Our farming friend need not worry himself hoc .uso Dr. Felton has failed to abuse tho Radicals and Lhers: and wo predict that ho will ish Dr. Felton woro a Radical indeed before tho cumpaign is over, and will long for a man of that sort to enter the race! Yon can’t como iu at that door, thou tiller of tho soil! As regards the charge that Dr. Fol ton is helping to foist the Civil Bights bill upon tho country, it is "too thin” to reciove serious attention. The Col onel will understand the Doctor better than that before tho election in No vember. But the "unkindost cut of all” is the insinuation that Dr. Felton would not object to abominable Civil Rights hill, because "ho knows it would not affect a single acre of his laud,’’ and bocause he would not he compelled to send his daughter to a mixed school 1 Such logic for a fanner ! Why bless your life, tbou rural statesman, would not Dr. Felton’s upland farm, on the Ten nessee road, bo taxed to support the public schools under the Civil Rights bill the same as your small farm near Dalton ? And according to your own showing the meusnre would bo more abnoxious to tho Doctor than to your self, because ho would have to pay more to carry out its provisions, and reciove no benefit from it whatever. — CarlenvUle Sentinel. In the longevity of its inhabitants, Williston Vl. cluirns to he tho banner town of the State. It h is a popula tion of 1,441, of whom two hundred and one are GO years of ago and over; one hundred and forty-live, G5 aud over; ninety, 70 and over; sixty-one, 74 and over; twenty-nine, 80 and over; six, 85 aud over; und three, 00 and Jeplitliali’’* Daughter. It is moro horoic to onduro than to dftio. Norvod by groat uud immedi ate danger, or incited to notion by tho oou8eiousuos3 of boiug observed, or wild with tho oxcitomont of battlo, tunny havo wou lasting renown who, perhaps, possessed only »m avoi- ngo .courage. Many would havo back ed Iloratius at tho Bridge who would not havo gone with Stephen to martyr dom. It is not hard to do when tho only alternative is to die. Elijah was sublimo iu his courage while ho mocked tho false god of Jezebel, but whou tho excitement Wft9 over ho prayed to die. Ho could fight—but ho hud not fortitude to endure. His tory is full of tho praisos of Uioso who, iu moments of great peril, diuvd to faco death for their country’s snko ; but all uurcoordod is tho heroism of thoso who, through king years of watching, and waiting, and suffering oudurod for country or for oousciouoo' sake. Jeplithali, tho “mighty mau of valor,” who led Israel to battlo against Ammon, has his nioho in Fame’s Torn- plo ; but who has sung tho praiso of her who calmly stood and said, "it is well," whon her father’s eye was dim med and his spirit all.subdued. And yet it was a sublimor courage that di lated tho frail form aud tired tho dark oyo of tho Jewish maiden, than has won undying renown on many a bat tlo field. Hor father had rashly vowed hor young life to immolation. All tho fond hopes of maidenhood to dio. Tho glory of Israelitish motherhood was to bo deuiod hor. Sho was to perish from hor world of dreams and of joy, and livo a cloister ed exile. Behind her woro tho bright expectations of developing girlhood, ull looking to this hour, when sho should stop from a Father’s threshold a nation’s pride. Before hor woro tho gloomy walls of a life-long prison, ull hung with doadenod hones. What had she dono that sho should suffer thus? Why should hor parent throw away hor life V Why but hor Father "had vowed;” and shall a Jewish daughter do aught to stain hor Father's name? No, “do with mo according to thy vow,” and tho ropin- ings of her young heart all hushed by tbo voice of heroic resolve, tho maiden walked calmly to hor living death, a nobler example of self-saorilloing dovotion than over poet sung or chap- lot crowned. L. The period of tho 11 ldomption wll bo tho central point of tuiiversal His tory, aud all events will bo Sean iu its Might, it will abido forever in tho roc- Antis of tbo tiges ns God's brightest manifestation of himself. It will ov or more bo the great Horoic Period. It will givo tone to tho literature of Eternity. Thought will bo for evolving fresh plumes of truth from its events. Poetry will bo foruvori resorting to it for inspiration and for themes; and adoration will Kindle itself into fervor by perpetual recur ring to its facts. — Work of Christ. Christendom paid lust year to sup port hor war system, two thousand million of dollars. Christians- who profess and call themselves by that immo-paid for missions in tho time, five millions of dollars. Every man who is ‘‘diligent iu bus iness, sorving tho Lord,” is a sermon biimful of the energies of lifo and truth a witness to the comprehensiveness aud adaptability of Christ’s religion; a preacher of righteousness in scones where none can preach so effectively or so well.—Bayne. Cluing Clover. Clover is not a grass at all. It be longs to the same order of plants the pea, but, nevertheless, it is used as a forage crop and is treated as the grass crops uru; it is fed off, and is cut for hay to be stored as food for livo stock in the winter season. Owinj to its nature it is one of iho most ten dor plants to handle iu curing for hay It needs to be dried rather ii shade than in the sun, and tho tex ture of the hay should show a certain toughness rather than crispness. Then, again, it should bo so cured that even its color may ho retained, if possible. To do this it is important that it should be cut boforo the blos som has formed tho soed pods. G eorgia, polk county.—whore** Ii. J. Deilproo. udniiulstrutor oh Iho estate of James M. Wtiro, doconsml, has to Application to tho for loavo to hoU, tit private Halo, all tho wild uncultivated lands of Paid dooCAflod, lying in othor counties than thin, in paid State, to-wil: No. 590 In ltd dlst. nnd 3d scot ion, 069 in lid dint, ltd nootion, 490 17th dint 3d auction, 330 In 19th dint riot, nnd ltd poo! ion, 1100 in 20th dint riot fid sootion, fifil 3d district 3d section, 490 3d dist 17th Bcotion, 480 in 3d dint 20th hoc, 1069 and HO-’, 17th dist. ltd jaotlon, 371 «V 422 2d dist. 3d poo., 873 19thdistrict 8d poo, 1067 19th dial 3d pop., 39 in 19th diplriot 3d poo., 791, 4th dipt. 1st poo., 281, lOth dipt. 4th poo., 490, 17th dipt, ltd poo., 730, 201 j 202, 203, in lid diptriot and 4th pootiou. Thoso aro, theroforo, to oito all per sons concerned, to bo nnd appear at tho next court of Ordinary to ho hold in paid county on tho first Monday in Ootobcr next to allow onus if any they have why loavo to poll paid land at private hiiIo, pitouhl not lid gran nt oil in toruis of law. Glvon under my hand nnd official pignut uro, TIiIp Sept. 7th 1874. JOEL HR EWER Only G EORGIA, POLK BOUNTY — Wherenp Lenndor J. Uouproo, administrator of tho eHtato of Jamop M. Ware, deceased, has made application, in duo form of law, for loavo to soli all tho real estate of paid doo'd lying in Bald county. Thoso aro, theroforo, to oito aud ndihon ish all concerned to bo and appear at tho next Court of Ordinary, to bo hold in paid county on tho first Monday iu Oatohor next, to show cause; if any they have, why loavo to sell Paid proporty should granted in terms of iho law. Given under my hand nnd offioinl idgnntnra, tills Sop “ h, 1874. JOEL HUEWEll, Ord’y. GEORGIA, POLK COUNTY—George OTL, Drummond, Exooutorjon tho estate of Henry Drummond, deceased, hiving made application for loavo to poll the lands belong ing to tho said estate. Thoso aro therefore to oito and admonish all nnd singular, kin dred and creditors to bo and appear at tho next court of Ordinary to ho held in aud paid county on tho first Monday in Oct o ber next, to show oause, if any they have, why leavo should not bo grantod to paid O' L. Prumond to noil said land iu t law. Givnn under my hand and official signature, thin tho 6th day of September, 1874- JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. Marshal's Sales for October. tst !•/, (in., botwoon the legal hours of hiiIo, on tho first Tuesday in Outobor next, tho following proporty, levied on for town tax; town lot in Cedartown, No. not but kHown an tho old brick storo. nr of ptroot opposite Chorokno Iron Company's Storo, ae tno proporty of M A Ghisolm, to satisfy a tax 11 fa for town lax, Mayor aud Council, vs paid Chisolm. Wm. MEEKS, Marshal. August 17, 1874. Road IS ottce. 1 EOKOU, POl.K COUNTY—WliorOrts, 1 J. C. Utivin, .1 iiiiio. F. Ultohoook, Wm. M. Tripp aud others, have applied to tho ~ urt of Ordinary of paid county, for an dor establishing a private way up a Publio Road of Hooond grade, or 20 feet wide, leav ing tho Van Wort and Cnrtorpvillu Road Andy Davis’ repidenoo, iu tho 1073d dipt riot, G. M., aud running a South-East direction to the lino of Paulding county, and paid road having boon worked out aud ro- turnod under oath according to law, by Jiih Ultohoook, Wm. L. Grow and J. N. ok, and that Iho patno was of great pub- lie utility, etc. Theroforo all portions hav ing <>t>,iuuiwhip to puid private way bring OHtnhlinhod in* a Public Itoud, second grade, ir twenty font wide, will file iho sumo as lie law directs, at tho next term of lho court of Ordinary for said county for ooi ty purposes, to bo held on Iho third Mi day in September next, or forever after nped, &C. Given under iny hnnd BURBANK £ JONES, Cedartown, - * Georgia, DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VARNISHES, KEROSENE, L A If P S. Everything Fresh and Pure I A OOMPI.KTK AND OIIOU'H LINK OK P 13 R 1^ 1J M 13 RY« LILY WHITE, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. GENUINE GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE Always on hand. Tooth, Hair anil Nail Brushes, Combs, oto. FLOTTR. “Fancy," - - - $ 4 50 •’Oiioiob," - - - 4 00 "Extra Family," - - • 8 50 “Family," - 8 00 Corn Meal $1 35 por bushel. Road ’Notice. G \ EOltGIA. POLK GOIJNTY.- Whoroi « John T Prior, J. M. Prior,.L 11. Hie P. Vandevomlcr and others, have applied to t ho Court of Ordinary of paid county, for nn order ePtfiblisliing as a Public Road tho private way running along tho right of way of tha Heiina, Rome and Dalton Railroad, from whore tho publio rend leading from Cedartown to Jacksonville oroppop Haiti Railroad, to Priors Hint ion in said county, Therefore, all poisons concerned arc hereby notified to bo and appear at tho next term of Hie Court of Ordinary, of county, to bo hold on tho third Monday iu Soptoinbor next, to show aatiso, if any they havo, why said prlvato way should not ho made a Publio Road, or forever aft estopped, Ac. Given under my hand and official signa ture, Ibis August 17th, 1874. JOEL RUB VVER, Ord’y. Road Notice. G eorgia, polk county—whereas, .1 M Prior, W F Handers, P. Ul.mkin- ship and many oilier citizens, havo applied to iho Court of Ordinary of said county for nn order discontinuing tho publio road of twenty feet wide, or second grado, loading from Pledgors fi Mize’s mill, intersecting Hie Cedartown and Prior Station road nc the rcsidonoo of W F Handers, in said cot ty. Therefore all persons concerned r hereby required lo ho and appear at i next term of tho Court of Ordinary for hi county, foy county purposes, to ho held tho third Monday in Hoptoinhor next, to show cause, if any they have, why said pub lic road should not be discontinued us such, in terms of tho law, and iu default to after be estopped, Ac. Given under my hand and offioinl signa ture, this August tlio 17th, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y The Now York Herald predicts that Chief Justico Church will bo nomina ted by tho National Democracy for President in 1870; fi. J. Tildon will bo nominated by the Democrats for Governor of New York; Henry. It. Coldou by tho Liberals, nnd probably Judge Robertson by the Republicans. The Columbus cotton mills havo enough stock to keep them running until October 1st. The London Telegraph in speaking of Prcudont Grant, says; "The weigh ty question of his possible re-election is deeply hurried iu bis owu secretivo breast. Ho has won his way in a na tion of talkers by inscrutible reticence and iron aolf*controll. Sheriff Sale for October. W ILL bo sold, beforo tlio Court House door, in Cedartown, Polk County, Ga. on the first Tuesday in October next, within tbo legal hours of sale, the following properly; One Lathe Machine, as Hie property of J. M. bishop & Co., by virtue of one fi. fa. issued from Bartow Superior Court, in fa vor of Henry T. Jones, vs said J. M. bish op & Co. Also, at same lime and place, lots of land Nos. 1100 and 1191, in the 3d district and 4th sect ! on of Polk county, as the property of Jl. Lawson, by virtue of one fi. fa' issued from Polk Superior Court, in favor of Har vey bell, vs said H. Lawson, for purchase money. September 7, 1874. E W CLEMENTS, Sheriff Ifogo, excoutor of R. W. Hogo, deceased, has made application, iu due form of law, for letters of dismission fron liis executorship, representing in his poll lion that ho has fully executed his trust. Therefore all persons concerned will bo and appear a» a Court of Ordinary to bo held in and for said county, on tho first Monday in November next, to show oause, if any they havo, why letters of dismiss!* should not lie granted to said applicant, ai he bo fully discharged from his said trust. Given under my hand and official sigi turo, this 17th day of July, 1874. tnovl JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. Mulctia A. Adams, Administratrix < the estate of Temperance Silvy, dcc’d, b made application, in duo form of law, for dismission from said administration, repre senting in tier petition that sho has fully administered said estate. This is, therefore to cite and admon ish nil persons concerned, kindrod creditors, to appear at iny office ns required by law, to show cause if any they have, why sai<l administratrix should not reecivo let ters of dismission, on tho first Monday i October next. Given under my hand, this 4th day of July, 1874. July II JOEL BRKWRE, Ord’y. . school IVotice. A LL Teachers of Public Schools in Polk county are required to file their ac counts, proven according to law, by Mon day, the 12th day of October next, or the same will he barred. Said accounts will bo audited und ready for payment on Sutu day, October 17th. by order of the Hour board of Education. T. L. PITTMAN, Sept 12, 1874. County School Coin’r buying for Cash, wt low ns tho lowest. Bia?*' Givo us a call a s prepared, to soil so for yoursolvos juno 20-1y IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to the Whole Race of Women DR. BRADFIELD'8 Female Regulator I TT WILL U"TNO ON *1II10 MKNSF.B, relievo itnin et ilio nioiillily '• Period.' 1 cure ltlieu- mil' Ikiii iin.l^NtMirulKti or Reek and Uwru^ Vi'<> mve How. Mini correct all Irreiularitlca T * "n/v'ull Irrtla Ion of Kidneys a ml Bind. Ull THIS! Will furnish all Material at fid CENTS 1»BR SQUARE OF 100 FEET l8 YI3AHS EXPERIENCE. A No. i Orainor, Palnlor and Paper Hanger, llofot'once, my work. All Styles of Fancy Sign Painting dono. Will refer to work dorio til Itbtllo Seven yours ngo. CITIZENS OP CEDARTOWN ! tf you want painting dono woll nnd very cheap, givo me a trial and I know 1 end please you till 1 don’t work any thing but Hit) best material, lihd will prove ita quail* ■s. Apply nl tho Furniture house, Opposite tho Posl-Oifioo. Window 8hado» of tho best manufacture, nil sizos, ami tho best .Shade in tlso. All slylos of FURNITURE REPAIRED And Cushions of ovory description made order. Gain OH AIRS RESEATED IIoiiNO Painting. Contracts of every stylo in Town and Country) (niton at tlio uhovn figures. Respect fully j] July 26 3in DAVID AXE. Real Estate Agency. Tn to tho publio Hint thoy partnership under tlio firm name and stylo of THOMPSON & WIKLE, v tho purpose of transacting a general huaiiiosH in Real Estate in Polk ntul adjoiii ing counties. Wo will bay, Soli and Rent Farms. Wild Lands, ItoBldoucoB, Storas nnd all kind# of Realty. Proporty plnood in our hands will bo lib erally advortisod, and no chnrga will be mudo if wa fail todlsposo of it n.i stipulated but if tlio party placing proporty in our hands disposes of tho same beforo the exp'* ration of tho slipuiatod time, wo shall clinrgo the same as if wo hud disposed of tho proporty. Every ono having roalty to soil or ront, nnd all desiring to buy or ront roalty is ro- quest ml (o call upon or write to usnnd ibarn our torms IVY F. THOMPSON, W. 8. D. WIKLE. a dls. i miineilded by the bent phynlclnns nnd LAaitANtuc, On , March '.a, two. A Ou^ Minn »j jlH.t Jtrur Mil-1 hi,nun in Miller fur llm (IlmuiidH which 'll Ii* re- iMThot'll at» ITIiramhlon«r'of mndtclnu uiiiVTri diiiiiPiii'.ii iiriie. Id-, ami can hnncHlIy nay III >11 con sider It a noon In siiflurlnic I'emaicH. and nan hut lUh.ihnitholf _ • au»riVail‘.-ui , niHj" , ‘ lh W%!' vUlluilf"! Mexnm. FULTON HOUSE, T. M. ANDER80N, into of Romo, Ga. with F. CORJRA, Corner Loyd und Wall sIh. noar Union Pas- songor Depot, ATLANTA, :- s s GEORGIA. M EALS und Lodging por Day $2 00; ain- glu meal, 60 cunts, First-eliiBs table and good rooms, B6)u Saloon in busumont furnished with pure Liquors, Fiuo Winan, boor uno Hogurs, July li mx (Id H lota Ibund It Jill llo. 1 add a virtuo'. All wt aHk Is a For full particulars, history of dli IIIIoaten oT Its wonderlul or-- “ • irrud to U»o wrapper arouiu Hold by all ilruKUmts. fully. IlKV. H. B. JOHNSON, isand other nertllh nt«s, but jf of Its lindanes, and eer- .. urn reador is re- the bottle. CO,| Atlanta, On. JOHN C. AUBN, Practical Mechanic & Builder, C ED AUTO WiV, O A Erect BixiltUng-s of all sizes and grades, on short notice and after tho most approved plans. Particular attention given to making and trimming COFFIN'S, REPAIRING FURNITURE, &o. Those desiring work of any kind in his line would do well to oall on him at. tho 8t. Charles Hotel. 8hop fronting Court Houso Hqiiaro. juno 2J-ly W. C. Barber, REAL ESTATE AG’T Rockmart, Ga. war. nany years, r buy Wild or Improved rtny portion of tlio county, jitizcn of Polk county for rl being thoroughly posted in tlio Location, Value, oto , of Lands in t ery section, feel confident that it will bo the interest of parties having lands to sell, to plaoc them in my hands; and those wish ing to purchase Lands cun always bo r~ enmmodated. I will bo in Cedartown the 1st Tuesday in each month, for tho pi pose of transacting business in ray linn. Opened, A Boot and Shoe Shop, on the corner of Prior and College streets, near 8t Charles hotel. Our terms are Cauli, and no work shall bo delivered until paid for. Work done with dispntoh and at small cost. J'utronago solicited. Vory rospcctfully, J. W. IIOGB, Cedartown, Ga., Juno 2fith, 1874. W .. Wi lcle He Ho., Cnrteraville, - - Georgia DEM.KItH IN BOOKS AND STATU, NOTIONS, NOVELTIES, GAMES, FANCY CONFECTIONERIES. Ta ‘"Etc., J3to. AKE Subscription for any book or Pe riodical published in tho Unflod States, at Publishers lowest prices. N E ^ D L 13 Q For all kinds of Sowing Machines, also fur nish Attachments, Oils, oto. Will send Noodles by mail, lo any address, on roooipt of price. Singer, 76 oonts per dozen ; all others 90 coots. Parties would do woll to consult us boforo buying goods from ped dlers, or sending North to the various swindlers and humbugs. Any goods not in stock will bo furnished at short notloo. juno 20-tf TRAVELER’S GUIDE. Rome Railroad Company. OHANQB OF BCEDULE. this road and run as follows: DAlbY PAHSKNOKR Loavos Homo at 8.16am. ) . a , Arrivo at Romo 1.15 p. m } “«P‘ Sun<1 *J' s Leaves Romo at 6 80 p. tn,J „ n Arrivoat Homo at 10.10 p m) “ ^ Each traiu will mako oloso connection at Kingston with Western and Atlautio Railroad trains bound for Chattanooga and Atlanta. W. S. COTHRAN, Pros. JOHN C. PRINTUP, Ticket Agent. "THE KENNESAW ROUTE,” Western * Atlantic Railroad and Connections. SOimUIILE IN EFPECST MAY 25. NORTHWARD—NO. 1.) Loaves ATLANTA 10.30 p.m. Arrive at ('urtorsvillo 12 30 a. m. Arrive at Kingston ; 1.03 a. m. Arrive at Dalton 3.09 a. m. Arrive at CHATTANOOGA 6.00 a. m. numnun 3. Loavos ATLANTA 8.30 a. in. Arrives at Cartersviilo 11.03 a. tn. Arrives ut Kingston 11.45 a. in. Arrives at Dalton 2 01 p. in. Arrives at CHATTANOOGA 4.23 p. ra. NUMBER 11. Leaves ATLANTA 6.00 p. ra. Arrives at Oartorsviile 8; 15 p. ra. Arrives at Kingston 8 48 p.m. Arrives at DALTON 10.30 p. in. SOUTHWARD NO 2. Leaves CHATTANOOGA k 3.4G p. m Arrives at Dalton 16.86 p. m Arrives at Kingston 7.44 p. m Arrives at Oartorsvllle 8.16 p. ra Arrives at ATLANTA 19.45 p. m number 6. Leaves CHATTANOOGA 3.46 a m Arrives at Dalton 8.00 a m Arrives at Kingston 10.12 a m Arrives at Oartersville 10.61 a in Arrives at ATLANTA 1.43 p ra