Newspaper Page Text
wfi fsi D. WIKLE <fe CO., Proprietors.
Rev. Wesley Prottyman of the north
ern M. E. church and postmaster at Marietta,
Ga., has been arrested for embezzlement and
other ptaal violations of tho postofllco lavre.
Major General G. Penuypockor, colo
nel sixteenth U. B. infantry, has l>*on as
signed to tho command of tho Foderal troops
in Now Orleans, relieving Gen. Brooke, who
assumes command of his regimeut, the third
A southern Uouml train of aix cars on
the Selma, Home and Dalton road, wont through
a bridge on tho Wauhatchio creek, last week,
falling sixty feeL Tho engineer, flrenun and
sovcral passengers were killel, and nearly all
tho remaining passengers vrerowonndftd, many
dangerously. Among tho killed is Wm. Boyd.
ox-Judgo of the snpromo court of Alabama.
At Vicksburg, Miss., on the 22J, Al
derman It. K. Ryan, Thomas ltonavan and
Mr. Htnltb, a plastcror, woro suffocated by
foul air, in an old cistern, near Ityan's mill.
They entered tho cistern to examine it for ro*
pairs. Buiith enterod first. Not hoarlng from
him, Ryan entered. Not hoariug from Smith
and Ryan, Donavau entered to aco what wan
the matter. A negro gave the alarm, bnt all
three wero dea l before thoy oonld bo taken
from tlio cistern.
At Memphis, on tho 24th, tho right
fiuo of N. J. Bpoers' steam cotton-gin, situated
in the vicinity of Vane and Cousoy streets,
collapsed with torrihlo effect. The concussion
shook houses in the vicinity liko an earthquake.
Doth oiule of tho boiler wore blown out. U,
II. Rockard, tho euglueer, was blown out (if
tho cotton pen, in frjut of tho boiler, where
lie bad gone to sleep. lie was slightly burned
bv steam and hot water. A stable near tho
boiler was completely wrecked by tho pieces,
which wero hurled against it with great forco.
Paul A. Cionlla, of Memphis, alder
man of tho sixtli ward, and who acted as mayor
during tho yollow fever epidemic last .wear, has
Instil utod suit in the aoooud circuit court to
recover $50,000 damages against Col. Michao!
Magoveny. Rr., for uttering and causing to |>o
published In t!»o Appeal of November 4, 1878,
a defamatory and hbolous epeech and resolu
tions adopted op the zxbio date by tho citizens
of the relief committee of that city.* While
acting mayor Uiodla was charged with tho
forgery of an order f'r provisions, and Htral-
ing tlin same, which wero entrusted to him for
a widow ami eight fatherless children. At tho
time Cicalla was ox polled from tho board of
alderman, but was reinstated by process of
law. Ho now seeks to recover damages.
General Sherman linn sold his resi-
deuce on I street, Washington, to ex-Msyor
Tho will of Miss Mary D. Brown, of
Philadelphia, distributes $1211,000 to looal
charitablo institutions.
Two hundred Italians havo arrived at
Pittsburg to take the place of thnstriklng coal
miners along the Pan Handle railroad.
In a collision at.Hmithton, on the Bal-
tiraoit) and Ohio road, last week, a postal dork
was killed and a good deal of mail matter
The production of tho cotton and
woolen mills in Rcrknhiro county, Mss*., will
bo cut down twenty per cent, after tho 1st of
Advices from Full River report it is
almost decided to run the cotton mills on
short tlmo, some reducing it to one-half and
others to one-third.
A edr load of twonty-ono cattlo from
Ruffnlo wero attacked by a mysterious dir-
order at Washingtonvillo, N. Y. Eight sud
denly died and tho others will dio.
Tho representatives of the trans
Atlantio steamship companies having failed to
agree upon passenger rates, their-tato rivalries
aio renowod, and tickets to Kuropo are selling
at fifteen dollars each.
Tho recent experiments in tho uro of
st ram as a propelling power on tho Erio cmal
seem to have been satisfactory, an 1 it is ex
pected that noxt season there will be at least
twenty stesmboats on that canal. This will
effect practically a revolution in heavy freight
transportation, and be of vast advantage to
the pjodnying interests of tho country.
Representatives of ibe mqnnfnctur
ing corporations having their” headquarters ir.
Dost on,'havo Just voted that tho production ol
cotton mills of Now England should bo re-
ducod at least one-third, until the propor ro
lation between tho cost of production ami tho
market value pf goods shall bo ro-established,
and the trne relation between supply a id de
mand adjusted. A committee was appointed
to recommend tho mode in which this result
may he roached, the committeo to report
fntnro meeting. At a mooting of manufac
turers at Fall River it was voted expedient t<
Join tho manufacturers dsowhoro in running
on short timo.
Further advices from tho mill disns
tor at Fall River, Massachusetts, place the
total number of killed and injured at fifty-eight.
Tho calamity appears to have been tho result of
criminal carelessness and inefficiency. In the
first plscp tho mill employes attempted to
tinguish the fifowithout c tiling out tho depart
ment, ardso allowed the fiamee to obtain great
headway. When tho engines a rived al
scene there seemed a total lack of discipline,
and no attempt was made louse tho laddt
tho department for tho rescue of the roasting
operatives. The fire escape attached to the
mills did not reach tho sixth story, where i<
was tho most needed, and for this the propri
etors are censured. The deplorable loss of
life might havo been entirely prevented if
either of the three causes had been provided
The loss by the burning of the Gran
ite mill No. 1, at Fall Ri r er, Massachusetts,
last Wfcck, is reported at ©500,000. All
tho operatives In tho spooling room wore
lost. In the fifth story they wero panic-
stricken, and Jumped from tho windows oi
were sufTocated. About thirty persons were
killed artd injured, and tho dying number as
many more. Invectigation seems to prove
that the fire originated in the mule room, hiv
ing started in from unueed mule-heads in
ch; r, r e of a boy named Young. The rpinnors
in the room tried to check the spread of the
flames with boxes and sticks, which broke all
tho threads attached to the m&cjiino. Efforts
were made to snbdue the fire, but ineffectu
ally, aiiH when ft was at last found neceftsary
to sound the alarm, the flames 4iad gathered
such strength that they were darting from
the lower windows. Many of the girls be-
unconscious from fright oro the llatuca
reached tliom. Borne leaped from the win
dows, preferring to bo crushed and lualmod to
being bnrtied. Tho shocking, heartrending
sight (hat met the oyo on all aides was ago-
nixing. Tlio wailing of mothers and sisters
their dead was torrible to hoar, arauito
mills wero incorporated in lHfiil, and No. 1 had
00,000 spindles and 8,406 loom*, and employed
at’lesst 425 male and female operative*.
Uhioago now lifts u sever® pouolty for
v rame building
Tho Paris and Torre Hnute, tho Paris
id Decatur and tho Tooria, Atlanta and Pe-
tur railroads have boon consolidated into
io road under tbe presidency of U. Q. Haney,
id making a linn of one liuuJrod and eighty
miles between Torro Haute and l'eoria, the
last rail npou which will be laid within thirty
A military command, ofiiotally known
“ Tho Blg-Horti expedition," is being or
ganized at nawlins, on tho Union l'aciflo rail
road, to rid tho country of wandering Indians.
A regular camp Is to bo ostabllshod on the
Sweetwater, where the infantry aro to guard
tho supplies while the cavalry sweep the
country. Buffalo Bill will lead tlio scout*.
A dispatch from Prosoott, Arisons,
va tho Indians who uuirdorod a Mr. Roberta
»ro followed by a detachment or troops and
Apache Indian acdttta from Verde. Thoy wore
caught noar Head Oreok and a battle onaned.
Fourteen hostile Apache* wero killed and
eovoral captured. Tlio troops lost ono white
soout and ouo Ton to ucout killed, and two
Tho exeotitivo oommitteo of the na
tional fire underwriters resolved that the anthor-
ities of Chicago having failed to comply with
nggostlon put forth by tho national board
io 24th of July last, this committeo now
recommend that all coiupanios belonging to
itional board disconllnuo the businosn
of fire iiiHuranco, oithor by now polioion or ro-
wals, on and after tho first of October, 1874.
Tho laud department of tho Atchison,
Topeka and Hanla Fo railroad have Just made
salo of land along tho lino of thrir road io a
largo parly of Unseiau Monouitos, who havo
recently omne from Europe. This is the largest
land salo over made In tho wost to ono pnrty.
There are now haio about 1,QUO of them, oml
they aro going on their lands immediately, iii
Marion, Harvey, McPherson and Rono coun
ties, in tlio Arkansas valley. Tlio tract taken
is, in tlio aggregate, 150,000 aores.
Tho commissioners for tho improve
ment of tlio Ohio river havo odjournod to
meet In Washington, D. 0., on Octobor 10.
Resolutions wore adopted, asking congress to
tako decided action for tlio improvement of tho
month of tho Mississippi, so as k> moct tho
wants of tlio agricultural and other industries
of tho country, and appointing a oommittoo of
two from each of. tho commissions from Iowa,
Ohio, Indiana and lllinoU, to obtain from the
idatoa tlio passage of etiUftblo laws coding to
tlio Unitod Stales Jurisdiction over such small
tracts of land as my be ncoded for tho location
of locks, keepoi’s '.dwelling, abutments, olo.
proposition for tho construction of nu-
r bridge over tho Ohio at Cincinnati, n
l distanco below the presold bridge, was
Hanford wero wounded, the latter mortally.
Tho oflloors ostimalo the number of Indiana
killod at Afteeu, and tho wouuded as many
moro. Prlvato Pettijolm, of tho Bixth cavalry,
was killed near camp MeOlollan crook on tho
Utli. Iiiont. Baldwin will havo informed yon
of Ilia successful encounter with tho Indiana
wiiilo coining in as a’ bearer of diHpntohcs.
Part of tho fbfeb tha( attacked Major LyinHii
attacked a party of aix bearing dispatches,
who entroached themsolveH in tho sand, and
aftur a desperato fight all day, in which ono
courier ami four men wero wounded, they
compelled tho Indiana to rotlro, having killod
twelve. Whonovor wo havo fought thoy havo
boon aovoroly punished, with comparatively
small loss on our .side. Tho rivorn Io tho
south aro now’sd swollen as to bo Impassable
tor wagons. I am building a bridge across
the Waahita. Tho cavalry woro obliged to
swim their horses on returning. Tho march
back was oven moro exhausting than tho ad
vance, ovon with Indians In our front, owing
to tlio torrihlo and CotHltmons rains which
fioodod the streams and mado the roads
almost impassable, front which facts, ns woll
UcoaiiBO but half forage wan furnished and
the Indians have destroyed much grass, the
itmals havo coiuo in exhausted and worn
iwn. Ttiis command now occuplos tho val
leys of McClellan oreok, Swootwalor and tho
VTaohlta rivor. Maj. Trice's command is
camped near qs, acting indepondeully. Gen.
Pope, in a coimnuiontion inclosing Gol. Miles’
report, says: MUoh has forco enough to boat
any Indians that can bo met.
Elio Do Beaumont, tho ominont
ouch geologist. ia dead.
Charles Swain, the poet, diod in Lon
don last wook, aged 40.
Heavy rains havo fallon in India,
d tlio pi-impacts for oropa continuo most
A Osrlist dispatch from Solosa roports
that Brig. Gen. Potlla has carried tho village of
irun by storm, totally defeating leu bal
ls under Gen. Morlans, with heavy Iohh
to tho latter.
Tho postal congress has approved tho
plan for nn international postofilco. Tho con
gress lias resolved to mcot ovary throe years,
lias solcctod Paris as tlio placo for its
noxt session in 1877.
Mombors of tho Austrian polar oxpo-
ditioii declare explorations In tho dirootion of
tlio north polo hopeless of satisfactory result,
ami that roports of tho oxlatonoo of an opon
polar sea aro outrun.
Tho report which was originally pub
lished l»y tho l'all Mali Gazotto, that Prince
Bismarck had mado proposals for tho incorpo
ration of Donmark with tho Gorman etupiro, is
pmnouncod to bo abaolutoly false.
Tho National Gazotto says that while
tlio expulsion of the Danes from Hchleswolg
was legal, it wits unly adopted In a few isolated
Fuller and lator reports roooived iu-
dicato that tlio recont glowing accounts from
tho Black Hill* country aro entirely unreliable
aud confirm tlio opinion of Prof. Winchol that
there aro no valuabio mints in tho country.
Gob Frod Grant, who accompanied tho expe
dition under special instructions to roport up
on its geological character, says that tho rock
on which it is claimed gold was discovorod 1*
of a molamorphio character, in which no proc-
ions metals havo over boon found. Not over
three dollars' wortli was brought under IiIh ob
servation during tins entire expedition, and it
is a question whether this wan not imported
into that section. Tho timbor is spruoe and
yollow pino, and valueless for lumber. Tho
area of tillable lauds Is vory small, there not
hsing enough for a dozen good sizod farms.
The Hionx commission sont lo negotiate with
Red Cloud's and Kpottod Tail's bandH, wont in
thOlr explorations to the baso of tho Black
Hills, on tho south side, an 1 gavo substantially
tlio views of Orarlt regarding tho character of
the country anil tho absence of mlnorals.
Tho president is emphatic in Ills determina
tion to carry out tho ordors of Gon. .Sheridan
to prnvout all luvasiou of this country by in
truders, so long as by law and treaty it iH se
cured to tho Indians.
Roports from Davenport and Dubuque,
Iowa, and Rock Island, Illinois, givo accounts
of a torrihlo storm, rain and wind, |n thus
localities last week, hy which a groat amoun
of proporty was destroyed and damaged al al
these places. Houses wero unroofed, walls
blown down and fences scattered, while cellars
and basements woro filled with water. T!
whole surrounding country was lloodcd. j
Rock Inland tho first Proshytcrian church w
nearly dostroyod, a portion of tho root boiug
lifted up aud droppod through Into tho baso-
meut, carrying with it the organ, pulpit
floor, and upon tlieso a great portion of the
walls fell. It is impossible to estimate tho
amount of damage, but it will bo many ill
Hand doiiais. During the storm a freight
train on the Illinois Central railroad, when
three nnloa west of Duuleith, ran into a break
caused by tho flood. Tbe engine was com
pletely wrecked. Tho engineer, fireman and t
brakeman woro buried benoath tlio ruins
Thoy woro taken out horribly Braided am:
bruised. Tho brakoman died soon after, and
the other two aro lying in a critical condition.
Col. Miles, in a dispatch, dated 5th
inst., seventy miles south of Bed river/ ad
vises Gen. Popo that ho should fall hack for
Huppliea. His dispatch roceivod * by Gen.
Sheridan to-day is dated from camp on the
Wacbita river, Rept. 14, and came via Fort
Dodge, leaving there on the 17th inst. He
says : I find that after leaving tho Canadian
river, Maj. Lvxnan, commanding tho escort to
supply tbo train, was attacked by from 3,000
to 4,000 Indians. On tho morning of 4b
inst. tho Indians charged the train sovoral
times, and made every effort to capluro it.
fighting so determinedly as to detain it for
threo days. Tlio fight waa very close, and the
train completely surrounded. On tho third
day tho Indians abandoned tho attack,
tiring south-west. From all tho information I
can get hero since my arrival, I believe thoy
formed no part of the body wo drove off tlie
Staked Plains. They were behoved to have
boen led by Satanta and Rig Treo. During
tbe fight I.isnt. Lewis, of tbo fifth infantry-
was severely wounded in tho knee. HergoanI
Dearmont, Co. I, fifth infantry, was killed
Sergeant Single, of the sixtli cavalry, Private
Buck, of the fifth infantry, and wagon-master
It A AlOft.
U lle/utio Mine, Northern Mexico, 1874.
Drunk ami aeuasloas In Ills place.
Prone amt sprawling on his face,
p like Brute limn any man altvo or dead,—
Ity Uls
UU groat pqinn, out of »
Waking only Run to boar,
“ To the
ml waking,
11 hr
toff tntendant Harry
-j li-v, tin) P.ngllKh foreman of tl
I Will Rlvo lo liltn,” be said, ’
" Fifteen taumlml penot down,
Just to see tbo rascal’* Crown,
ernoatb this beet of mtno;
Htnoe tint death
iWervea the man whose deed,
Hjopt jjm pun
From tlio polsouod I
t glv;
tbe death
if tbo mine! "
d, for a cry
tbo shaft rose upon high:
‘ "ng. tumbling m
tween Germany and Donmark aro friondly.
Empress Augusta has called a meet
ing of delegates from all tho women’s associa
tions of Germany, to ho held in Berlin in Oc
tober. Tho queens of Wurtomlmrg and Hax-
ony, tbo grand duchess of Radon and tho
Princess Alice, of IIuhho, havo promised to
Tin boundary dispute hot ween Switz
erland and Italy, which was roforrod to Hon.
J. I'. Marsh, United Htatos minister at Rome,
for arbitration, has boon dcoidod in favor of
Italy, which thereby ocquiros 1,800 acres of
Gen. Concha, tho captain general of
Culm, had a narrow eioapo from assassination
the other day. His rigorous regulations re
garding tho taxation of proporty havo made
him extremely unpopular, uud some of his
personal adherents aro suspected of firing the
Tbo Russian government, ou account
of the extensive emigration of Monuoniteu,
proponos to exoinpt tho mombors of that soot
from actual military norvice, hut to hold them
liable to duty as hospital attendants. Tho
Mennonltos of the Volga district will proba
bly accept those conditions.
A Havana lottor states an attempt wftH
made a few nights ago to shoot Capt. Oou.
Concha whilo at his summer residence. Bin
volunteer guard is suspected. Tho same
letter also says that (ion. Garoia was captured
by ono Spanish officer while awaiting a
foronco with another for tho adjustment of
some disputed points.
Tho Mark Lano Express snys : “ Tlio
lino, summer-liko weather of the past week
waH favorable for potatoes, though rain would
have boon moro acceptable for other roots.”
With regard to wheat, tho Express says,
"The autumnal sowings aro certain of n
favorable commencement. We estimato that
Hungary has a million quarters to s
Prices in Germany, Russia and Franco havo
declined hoavily.”
A Havana letter states that the Official
Gazotto published, on tho 18th, artlolos o:
decree requiring tho inhabitants to contribute
lo tho govorumout four per cent, of thoir cap
ital for two yoars. It said there is an urgoncy
for tho collection of the first and second tri
monthly contribution on capital, in ordor that
tbo tro&sury may moot its obligations and
cover the deficits which monthly result between
income and outlay.
Tho French newspapers publish Bt.
Petersburg advicos confirming tho roport of
Rismarck's overtures to King Christian, of
Denmark, looking to the incorporation of that
country in tho Gorman confederation. Cor
respondents say that Russia is greatly irritated
at tho attempt and will nover permit Gormany
to hold tho keys to the Baltic sea. The same
papers say that tho opposition of Russia to
tbo Gorman policy iu Hpaln is due to this
Mrs. Barclay, the widow of President
Van Boren, died suddenly at Newport a fow
The assistant United States distriot
attorney, who wont to Europo last spring to
obtain evidence against importers in cases of
importations, as alleged, under violations, has
returned. Ho says ho found tbe German gov
ernment greatly incensed against this govern
ment because, as was thought, it had issued
commisBfoflH to its consuls in Europe, author
izing them to cite importer^ before them for
the purpose of extorting information respect
ing invoicos mado out in Europe. Acting upon
that supposition, tho German government had
informed the American legation at Berlin that
if the cousuls of this government attempted
to execute these commissions, their exeqqa-
i tors would bo revoked.
the minors caub, thn huhloi
Mnuutiuir on tlio wcakrr's shoulder,
Grappling! rUnglng to their hold or
LoMIDR go,
As (ho weaker Rasped and foil
From tho ladder to tho well—
To the pnWonod pit of lioll
Down bolow t
"To tho man who sols them froe,"
dried (ho foroman, Harry L*t\—
Harry I.00, (hn KiirIIsIi foroman of tho mine,—
II Rlvo I
" illi a repo
Face to faeo with Don
“ Hold your peace ! ” somo ono* replied,
KtnmltiiR by tho^foromnn’s side; ^ ^
Then they hold tlielr breath with awe,
0 the level Rnlnod,
•' fort of Harry T.00,—
■urge August ti* Main'* ICxperleiico as Mil
Ho many ladica ami gontlonion havo
mado “captivo" and "froo” balloon
asoontfl within tbo last fow years, that
it would simply he nn not of importi-
nonoe on my part to dcscribo minutely
tho phenomena of an ascent from tlio
neighborhood of Loudon: how you do
not at first appear to bo rising, -but
stationary, while the earth, on the other
hand, scorns to bo sinking bonoath yon;
hoW—if thoro uro any cloud8 In your
part, of the sky—when yon havo p.-umod
through tho lowormost banka at vmpor,
and look down on tlio fleecy, floating
masses beneath you, you exprfrienoo a
momentary fooling of pride—-sheer asi-
uino prido; or how, being free from
clouds, you look down and woo stretch
ing around you tho groat groon onrtli,
and immediately below, London, dim
inished to thn size of a model iu a mu
seum—8t. Paul’s sooming no bigpor
than a poa, and tho monumont looking
no longer than a pin, wiiilo tho smoko
of London seems stationary over it—a
thin, sleazy blue blnnkot in two strips,
one for tho Middlesex and one for tho
Burroy side, and out precisely to tho
slmpo of tho city and suburbs, through
tho wholo running tho glinting rivor,
liko a skoin of quicksilver. I must
mention that my view 01 tho wondrous
panorama around and benoath was some
what impodod by tho fact that wo woro
top-hampered hy a quantity of toy-bal
loons, moro inflated linen bags, fashion
ed ns lions, drngons, flsli, and othor
propostorous forms, and all emblazoned
witli tbo cognizance of tho Hymposium.
Tlieso wretched little trifles were in-
direotly tho oauso of our undoing. Tho
aeronaut had instructions to cut tho
wind-bags adrift when ho nsconded a
short distanco, in ordor that thoy might
amuse the gobn mouohen of Brompton
and tho Fulham road, and scatter ad
vert isomonts of tho Hymnosinm far and
wido. Tims tho little old man, during
tho fiist five minutes of his ascent, had
been so busy with his pocket-knife loos
ing these ridiculous impedimenta, that
ho had forgotten a pi ccaution vory no-
noaHary to our safety. While tho bal
loon is on tlio ground it is oustomnry to
oloso tlio nook of the machine by means
of a handkerchief tied in a slip-knot, in
order to prevent tho admixture of the
heavy lower stratum of atmospheric air
with tho moro buoyant oarburettod hy
drogen inside tho balloon. Direotly
tho balloon ascends, tho prndent aero
naut slips off the handkerchief. Onr
aeronaut, busied with his trnmpory
wind-bags, did no suoh thing. The
assistant may have been unaware that
tho thing ought to be done. Ho cried
out gleefully that wo had risen to the
altitude of ono mile—that wo wero just
over Fulham ohuroh, and that wo wore
abont to cross the Thames. Just then
I heard a sharp, oraoking report, pre
cisely liko that of a musket-shot, abovo
my head. The balloon had burst. It
could soarcely, nndor the circumstances,
have done any thing but burst. The
gas in the machine had become rarefied,
and had rapidly expanded. It could
not escape from above, tho vnlvo was
closed; it conld not esoape from bolow,
tho neok was closed. Bo it wont to
smash, just as an inflated air-light bag
of paper goes to smash between the
palms of a school-boy's hands.
Ho wo fell, as a stone falls, half a
mile. When we ascended, it had np-
peared to me that tho earth was sinking
beneath us. Now the globe—fields,
houses, lamp-posts, chimney-pots—
seemed to bo rushing up to us with
literally inconceivable rapidity. There
was in particular one tall church-steeple,
which, by the celerity of its approach,
appeared to be horribly anxious that I
should bo impaled on its apex. It could
not have been the Fulham ohuroh ; but,
whatever and wherever was the edifice,
it was thero rushing up at me ; aud I
declare that tho grotesqneness of the
position of impalement—all legs and
wings, liko a cockchafer—distinctly and
visibly occurred to me, I declare, also,
sunn phrases, that there aroso before
me no “ panorama” of my early life, or
of my by-gone aots and deeds, as suoh
panoramas are said to have arisen before
the eyes of persons rescued at the very
last instant from hanging or drowning.
Yet I do plainly and litorally romerabor
sovoral tliiugs : that I heard a voice
my, with nn oath, “Lot gol” aud “Ohtl
out!” and that a knifo was tlirnst into
my hand ; and it Boomed afterword that
tlio assistant and I had pitched out nil
tho bnllast in the balloon—bags and all
—and that I had out away tho grapnel
or nuolior from tho side of tho oar.
That I had dotio so was plain from two
of my fingers being jagged across by tho
knifo. What became of tlio grapnel wo
never know; but, if it bad fallon in ft
populous streot, it would in all proba
bility havo killod somobody. Tkohoavy
bags of ballastj too, must havo fallon
liko stonos. Tho final tiling I rotnombor
during our descent was drdll enough.
Just before tho balloon: left tho Pro
d’Ortny, my dear, kind brotlior had
thrown ovor my shonldors h light pate^
tot, observing, with a laugh, thftt J
might fool it rather cold “up thero.”
I donned this garment as wo nsoouded,
and I roraoraber saving ns we came
thundering down, “.Charley’s coat will
bo torn to ribbons,” Bo much for pano
ramic cflfcots wlion tho jaws of (loath
seemed to bo yawning for ns. To tho
possession of what, is ordinurily tormod
“presonoo of mind” on tho boonsion, I
disdainfully decline to lay claim. What
I did in tho matter of the grapnel and
tho ballast was dono mechanically and
wollnigh unonnsoiously ; and I was des
perately ami mortally terrified, A fow
days after tho aooidont I met tho aero
naut’s assistant, and I had tlio curiosity
to sonml him ns to my domoahor during
tho fall.
“ Sir,” ho vory oandidly replied, “you
kopt your mouth wido open, and yon
woro ns bluo ns your breeches.”
I had boot) clad at. tho timo in light
summor nttiro. “ And you ?” I con
“Woll out of it,” quoth tho aoro-
nnut’s assistant, who was seemingly a
philosopher; and so wont his way.
Moan whilo—tho term is wollnigh in
appropriate, sinoo thoro was soarooly
any “ whilo” to ho “ moan”—tho noro-
unut. who lookod liko a sailor, had not
lost his presonoo of miud, and had not
been idlo. Ho saw at a glnnoo, this
bravo little old man—although ho hnd
boen forgetful iu tho matter of tho slip-
knotted lmndkorohiof—whproln our siu-
glo olrnnoo of safety lay. Ho jumpod
up into the shrouds of tlio balloon, out
tho cords which attached tho nook of
tho maohino to tho hoop, and away to
tho very top of tho netting flow tho
wholo of tho exhausted silk body of tho
Huusagc. Then it formed a cupola of
tho approved umbrella pattern—it form
ed a parachute ! It steadied instantly.
Thoro was no collapse, and down wo
came swiftly, but easily, in a slanting
direction, alighting among the cabbages
in n market-garden, Fulham holds. Tlio
oar strnek tho oarth with vio
lence, and rebounded, clearing a hodgo,
u distnnoo of some twenty feet. Thou
the silk, and tho Dotting, and tho hoop,
aud the oar itsolf. fell atop ol us among
tho onhbngos. Wo woro draggod forth
from tho ruins of flio sausage, only to
ho hustled and robbod of all tho money
in our pookots by a ruffianly crow of
working mnrkol -gardeners ; and tho pro
prietor of tlio light cart, who consented
to drive mo from Fulham toKonsington
Goro, demanded a guinea ns bin fare, on
tho ground that “ balloons didn’t fall
every day.” Ho was far from compli
mentary, too, about tiro aooidont itsolf,
remarking ironically that this “ wos
cum of oarrvin’ tip a lot of dogs and
monkeys.” This ingonnous bnt morcon-
ary porson had mistaken our wind-bag
dragons aud fishes swuliug through the
air, wlion wo nsomulod, for living an
I will omit any account of tho con
gratulations which woro indulged in on
our return to Goro houso ; yot I cannot
oonclndo thin paper without noting a
pregnant but somewhat strongly-wordod"
remark mado by tho littlo old aoronaut.
Whilo everybody wos grasping his
hands, and paying him woll-doservod
compliments on his intropidity, ho sud
denly drow on ono side, folded his arms,
and sternly inquired, “Who tho ——
will any now that, yon oan't Come down
in a paraohuto?” Tho manner of put
ting tho qnorv was irrovoront, bnt the
matter thereof was cogent. Three-and-
twenty years aftor tlio ovont I havo nar
rated, I find myself forcibly imbued
with tho eonviotion that it is possible to
descend in safety from any height by
moans of a paraohuto, but that thoro
aro ton thousand ch ancon to ono against
tho man who trios the venture surviving
to toll tho tale. And please to romem-
her that I had no intention of coming
down in a paraohuto. I contracted to
oomo down in a sausage balloon ; but I
will do the inventor tho justioo to men
tion that I10 nnvor asked mo for my
share of tho expenses.
Chances of Living.
A modical writer of ominonco lias
boen collecting evidence as to tho
ohanccs of life whioh children have,
upon being born, in different countries.
Out of 10,000 ohildron born it is found
from official statistics that in Nor wav as
many os 7,415, or roughly spoaking,
three out of every fonr, live to be twen
ty years of age. In England only 0,027
so live, or 780 fewer than in Norway.
In the United States boys have nearly
ns goed a chance of life as in England,
while girls have not. But in Franco
only 5,022, or scarcely mo^o than ono
out of two, reaoli twenty. Whilo in
Ireland no moro than 4,855, or actually
less than ono out of two, attain that
age. More surprising still aro tho sta
tistics regarding old ago. Out of the
same 10,000, for example, wo learn that
in Norway 3,487, moro than ono ont of
three, roach seventy; in England almost
ono out of four ; in tho United States,
still men only, ono out of four—a trifle
higher than England ; in Franco, 1,770,
or about ono out of 8$ ; and in Ireland
only 801, or ono out of 111. If this
tablo is to bo depended upon, wo thus
learn that of all countries in tho world
Norway offers the now-born child tho
best chunoe of long life ; whilo Iroland
offerta th‘* worst. And France, univer
sally admitted to bo so far as soil and
climate aro concerned ono of tho most
favored regions of tho earth, offers but
little hotter chance than Ireland.
While a Chicago family woro absent
on a summer tour, burglars entered tho
house, sold ont all the cheats at auction,
E ocketod tho cash, and finally sold tho
Ouse itsolf, Chicago enterprise,
Wlmt tUe American I,nw Menu* Accord
ing to Judge IHntcliforil,
Now York Journal of (louminroo,
Thoro has gono abroad a groatly mis*
taken interpretation of Judgo Blatoh-
ford’o rooent decision regarding tho nor
cent, of a debtor’s obligation which
must bo paid iu ordor to entitlo him to
n disohargo. Wo find tho decision
broadly staiod to ho “that wlion the
assets of a bankrupt do not roach fifty
per oent. of claims proved against tho
ostato, ho onuuot havo a disohargo uu-
losH with tho nssont of a majority of tho
number and' valuo of his creditors, in
oooordanoo with tho law of 1808, a pro
vision whioh, in tho opinion of tho court,
has not been modiflod by snbnequont
legislation." What was in foot decided
was something very different, though
important to undiBohargod involuntary
bankrupts in whoso oases procoodings
wero begun after January 1, 1809. To
suoli oases tho fifty nor oent. obtuse was
applied prospootivoly, by tho not of July
27, 1808, and tho question is whethor
tho repeal of that ofauso by not of 1874
roloasos from tho operation pondiug
canon. Judge Blatohrord doolnros that
it does not. An intorprotod in tlio above
quotation the decision would flatly oon-
trndiot tho language of tho amondntory
not, whioh doolnres (section 0) that “ in
oasos of involnntnry or compulsory bank
ruptcy tlio provisions of said aot (tho
original bankruptcy aot of March 2,
1807), aud any amendments thereof, or
of any supplement thereto, requiring
tho payment of any proportion of tho
debts of tho bankrupt, or tho nssont of
any portion of his creditors, ns a con
dition of bin disohargo from his debts,
shall not apply; but ho may, if other
wise entitled tuoroto, bo disohnrgad by
tho court in tho same manner and with
tho samo offoot as if ho had paid suoh
por oent. of his debts, or if tho reqnirod
proportion of liis creditors hnd assented
Judgo Blatohford rtilos that oongress
meant, in tho first part of this quota
tion, oases of iuvoluufcnry or compulsory
bankruptcy whioh may horoafte#- bo
commonood, and that no roliof was in
tended for debtors already adjudicated
bankrupt, but remaining undischarged
for want of ability to pay fifty por cent.,
or to obtain tlio assent of u majority in
number and valuo of thoir oreditors. It
may bo so. Although it appears to us
no violonco would be done to tho lnn-
guago of tho amondraont hy a moro
liboral interpretation, yot tho district
courts appear thus far to have hold uni
formly that except wliero tho nmonda
tory aot is oxproflsly given a retroactive
offeot, its operation is confined to cases
whioh havo not yot reached tho point of
adjudication. Whore an ordor of adju
dication hail in fact been mndo bv tho
judge, but not formally ontored, Judgo
BlaWhfordhold tho opening largo enough
to lot in tho amondntory not, and in suob
a oftso roquirod tho petition terbo ■mend
ed so as to allege suspension of payment
of oommoroial papor for forty days, in
stead of tho fourteen whioh was enough
to nllego when tho proceedings woro bo-
gun. N0110 of tho othor decisions whioh
hnvo fallon under our notice bingo upon
quito so fine a point of timo ns this.
Judgments have boon rondorod, how
ever, limiting tho oxproBB rotrospeotivo
provisions of tho not of 1874, ono of
whioh, regulating tho number of credi
tors to ho joinod in a petition, it is on-
noted without qualification shall apply
to all oasos begun sinoo Deoombor 1,
1873. Tho oirduit court for tho eastern
distriot of Missouri, in ro Obonr, and in
ro Thomas, reversing tho order of tho
distriot court, restricts this general pro
vision as follows : “ Without entoring
upon tho inquiry as to tho competency
of oongroBB to anuul by moro logislativo
declaration prior adjudications of bank
ruptcy, regularly made, in pursuance of
laws in forco at tho timo, under tho con
veyance and aots tkorounder, I am of
tho opinion that congress did nob intend
by tho amendatory act to overturn or
disturb adjudications then already made
and in forco.” In another oaso, arising
iu Michigan, tho adjudication was mado
in April of tho present year, and tho po
rtioning creditors, supposing it neces
sary to amend thoir portion in accord
ant) with tho amondatory aot of Juno,
sought loavo of tho court to do so. Tlio
court, however, dcoidod that amendment
was noooRsiiry, saying: “ Tho deoree of
adjudication having boon rondorod prior
to tlio approval of tbo amondatory aot,
it will stand as tbo dooroo of tlio court.
It is not in tho power of tho legislative
department of tho government to so far
interfero with tho judicial department
as to vacate tho judgments and decrees
of the latter.” Tho United States dis
triot court for tho western distriot of
Wisconsin also says : “ It is not neces
sary to nmond tho petition when there
has boon an adjudication before tho
nmonded act took effect. An adjudica
tion removes tho cases beyond tho do
main of logislativo control.” (In ro
Raffauf, fl Legal News, 841.) The east
ern distriot court of Wisconsin has like
wise decided that tho amendment mak
ing it necessary in order to avoid sales
aliened to bo in fraud of the aot that tho
buyer must know, and not merely havo
“ reasonable ounso to believe,” that they
aro fraudulent, is not available in oases
begun before the lBtof Deoombor. 3873.
Under these decisions accordingly,
thoro is room for tho enactment of a sort
of general amnesty to relievo, debtors
who remain undischarged whilo other
debtors of the same class, nndor the
lator act, go froo of their obligations.
There is no justioo in maintaining this
ungenerous distinction.
Peter Lamb's Advcnturo.
I hog in a paragraph going around
tolling of a girl who foil out of a window
while listening to a serenade. This re
minds mo of Peter Lamb’s adventure
down onr way a year or two ago. He
was serenading ono of tho Metcalf girls,
nnd sho was loaning out of tho window,
with shutters bowed so that'ho oonld
not see hor. Lamb’s little tune con
tained one high noto, and ho struck it
suddenly, and with suoh torrible force
that it mado her jnmp. She lost her
foothold, foil ont, and described half a
somersault, one foot hitting Mr. Lamb
squarely in the face, and the other
smashing in tlio top of his guitar. Sim
ply ejaculating “Goshl” he leaped up
from the gutter and fled, under the im
pression that old Metcalf had thrown a
bedstead at him, while Luoretia pioked
tho ont-gut nnd bass-wood from lier toes,
twisted up hor back hair and went into
the houso. Lamb stopped vieiting her,
and last year lie marriod tho widow
Jouos, who has four children aud a oow-
liok.—A/oa) Adder.
Incidents of the Pall River Fire.
Inoidents of the fire aro narrated,
somo of them being of tbe meet
heartrending description, Dnring the
hoight of the exoitemeut a little girl,
Honroely in her toons, appeared at one
of tho upper windows gazing upon tho
horror-striokon pooplo below. All eyes
woro dirootod to hor, in the expootation
of sooiug hor follow tho oxamplo of
others who hnd jumped from tho win
dows at the risk of lifo nnd limb. Those
who woro holding bods beneath tho
windows grasped thorn more firmly to
reauivo hor, whilo sooroes of voices
shouted to hor to jnmp. The light
shono full upon hor faae, whioh won
wreathed with a beautiful smile, ns
though she bail oaught a gliinpso of tho
othor world already; as tho pooplo
gnzod sho slowly turned around and
disappeared forovor from mortal viow.
Whotuor sho bcenmo insonsiblo from
tho smoko or whethor tho terror of tho
moment had deprived tho poor ohild of
ronson, will navor be known until the
(load give up their sooro's. Another
inoidout that hus boon narrated as an
actual fact, but whioh I hnvo beon una
ble as yet to substantiate, is almost in
credible, though not beyond tho range
of possibility. It is said that a littlo
fellow, scarcely a dozon yoarHold, jump
od from ono of tlio tippor windows to
tho ground, and wlion the speotatoni
rushod forward to pick np the mangled
body, thoy woro astonished to see liim
spring to his foot, apparently uninjured,
aud Mart ou a run lor his homo. Burst
ing into tho houso in broathloss haste,
ho shouted to his mother, “ Tho mill is
all on liro I” and then ho suddenly drop-
pod to tho floor lifoloss, tho foarfnt
sixty-foot jump having resulted in fatal
intorunl iu juries whioh tho exoitomont
of the moment prevented his feeling.
It apponrs that many of tlio deaths and
sovoro injuries wero oausod by tho poo
plo striking upon tho lnddcrs whioh
woro ruu up to tho third and fourth
stories. Ono littlo'girl struok botwoon
two rounds in such a manner that her
baok was instantly brokon, and her
head hung down swaying baok and
forth, and whilo tho body roolined iu
that position a man and a woman in turn
struck against it, bounding off again to
the ground. All tbe persons who at
tempted to osonpo from tho attic did not
make a dean jump to tho ground. A.
ropo was thrown ont of tho window by
somebody, whioh reaohod a good port
of the way to tho ground, and quito a
number slid down this ropo as far art
possible, and then dropped tho rest of
tho way, thus escaping instant death;
though nil wore moro or less injured.
Two of the glrls^-Alioe Stafford and
Nancy Million, who woro among those
who used the rope—had thoir handrt
badly burned by tlio friction, and tho
former had hor baok Injured and both
ankles dislocated by tho fall. The per
sons who availed thomaolves of thin'
ropo would havo escaped serious injury
lmd not tho ropo oanght fire by the
flnmoB bursting ont of tho windows and
burned off somo forty foot from the
ground,—ZV. Y. Herald’# l'all Silver
Spcolal. ■
The Georgia Gold Region.
Tho Atlanta Nows has boon shown a
piooo of gold oro taken from the Vine
branch mines,'six miles from Dahlonegs.
worth about $10,000 por ton. Ho had
a small piooo weighing about ono-fourtH
of a pound, whioh oontnined six dollarH
worth -of tho preolous motal, tho ore
being worth $200,000 per ton. Mr.
Harrison says that thoro are now threo
mills in operation, ,two vory largo onert
building, and by next summer six or
eight mills will be running, employmg
nearly two thousand hands. Tho intnu
known os the Big Aoqueduot mino pur
chased by Mr. Hand, of Ohio, will be
ono of tbo largest in this sootiomof the
Country. Tlio aoquodnet alono cost
about $500,000. The power of the
mills will range from twenty to forty
stamps, and oaoli stamp can pound
twenty tons por day. Ono gentleman
has a mill that cost about $15,000, can
ponnd ono hundred ponndB of ore per
day, at a cost of twenty dollars. The ora
of this mino averages about ono dollar
por pound, leaving a not profit of eighty
dollars per day. Great preparation!!
aro being mado, and by noxt spring
Dahlonega will present as busy an ap-
pearanoo as our own city.
A Darkened Life.
In Nashua, N. 3L, resides a young
girl, whoso pitiful lot excites tho deep
est sympathy, yet for whom sympathy
can do but littlo in alleviation of her
sad misfortune. When a ohild she waa
terribly scalded about tho head and
faoo, and, although sho survived her in
juries, sho was thenceforth disfigured,
and tho rosy faoo of ohildhood wa»
changed to a mask—-a travesty on the
human countenance—absolutely fright
ful in its hideousnoss. In Lowell, Moss.,
whoro slio ouoo lived, so greet was the
horror exoited by her appearanoe that
she was forbidden by the authorities
to show horses! in tho streets. At
Nashua sho ventured out tho other day,
and several ladies fainted at sight of
her, and a call is now male upon the
authorities of tho place to forbid her
appearance on tho streets.
Opportunity to Try an Organ beforo
Many a porson is half’persuaded that
a Oabinet Organ would bo a capital
thing for his family ; worth muoh moro
than its cost. Yot they, aro not sure
that it would bo permanently valued,
but fear that after a fow months’ use the
family would tiro of it, and so it would
prove a poor investment. The Mason «
Hamlin Organ Oo. now offer their fa
mous Oabinet Organs on terms whioh
will satisfy all suoh. They will rent an
organ with privilege of purchase. The
party luring may try it as long as he
pleases, paying only tho rent for it while
so doing. If ho concludes to purchase
within a year, all tho rent ho has paid
is allowed and denoted from tho priqq
of tho organ.