The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 03, 1874, Image 3

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THE RECORD. 4 lit* Country Hewtpaper. Published Every Saturday Morning by W. S. r>. WIKLE Sc oo. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. On* copy, on* year 42.00 On* copy, aiz mouth* 1.00 Ten copies, in club*, one yew, each 1.50 Single copies fict* All aubeeriptioua invariably In advane*. Ho name entered upon the U*t until the aubeorip- tlon ia paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. arxea. 1 W. 1 M. sr 6 M. TOT 1 Square... V Column. H Column. 1 Column.. $ 1.00 6.00 800 18 00 • a. so ia.00 15.00 25.00{ t 5.00 20.00 25 00- 45.00 • 8.00 30.00 40 00 06.00 • 1X00 40.00 85.00 190.00 Piofeaaional and Duaineee Card* of one inch or leas, #12 per annum, payable quarterly In adranoe; nix mouths, #8. AU advertise ments dne after first Insertion. cmii» oiki:ctonv. UirTisy Cm ’.cm— Regular nc v'c^. 1st 1 S.tnd.v< <o celt, Coot i- *. o' . . i’li -o . "ibttili--c’iool si 9 .it: A Ret. U .. 1*1. ° En P. oCe^PuVo* ill- t .ioo' a- 9 0« oc'., A. N T ’o , I’k *. or Mntonlc. Cv.Ktioxit Loons. No. Ml. K. k A. W.— Itejnlnr commnn ? c»iJon, ihe fid Friday nigh. in each mon.b. J. 8. Srixcs, W. M. N. M. Wr.iOHT. Secretary. Good Templar*. Ccdae Vau.«t Louoa, No, COS. 1. 0. G. T.--Mecta every P'iday night (except fid Friday.) J. F.. HOUHBAL, W. C. T. J. A. I.iuna.Kecieisry. (iranp. Co’qtiirr tiBAxoa, A*. ‘JO—Regular treH- i 13s 8a 1* dny Wore the tblvd Srhbaih In each nion.h. Onr AjeuM. JobnS. Vann, r.iora Siaiion. E. P. Fenllicrsion, lime Branch. R. 8. r*l>'Ho, Tsy'o'svllle. W. f\ Went, e-obi Hill. SATURDAY .MORNING OCT. 8, 1874. local Items. Wo 8io anlboiijttul to nnnoonca the name of Jiulgo W. C. HARDER us an Independent Cundidulo for Represen tative. Election flint Weduesday in October. AVo are authorised to announce Mr. W. F. TREAD A WAY na a candidate for Tux Collector of Polk county. Election 1st. Wednesday in January next, td N. M. Wright ia receiving a large anil beautiful utock of goods, and of fers inducements to cash buyers. The Democratic Executive Com mi t- tio are requested to meet at Cedurtown on the 1st Tuesday in October next at 11 o’clock a. m. Business of impor tance will be before the conunittie. Requested Septembdr 29th, 1874. One day last week, a Mr Lang- stou and his wife woro traveling in a one horse wagon near Kirk Patrick’s store, in Cherokee Co., Alabama, and the animal ran away with them and throw them out, almost instantly kill iug Mis Lirgston, uud seriously inju - ing Mr. Lungston Fast Co.ton l’lcRrm.—Mr. E J. Dukes, son of Thos. A. Dukes, who lives near this place, picked, in 13\ hour , on last Tuesday, G12 pounds ofcdtoti Hn is under 17 years of age. If ho improves as ho grows older and ’.vrger, cottou-picking ma chines will ba of no si rvico to him. The time for candidates to an nounce their names for county offices has about arrived. We make such announcements through the columns of the Record for five dollars, in advance. Wo will vote for every one who announces his name, and try to influence others to do so. The “Domestic ’ Sewing Machine.— We are now using one of these Ma- cbiues, and can truthfully say that, in our opinion, it has no superior, and few equals. It has fewer parts, and consequently less friction, than any other machine. Runs as light as any, and does good work on all kinds of work, from the finest muslin to a pine plank. MesirfeLumpkin & Mc Connell have them for sale in Cedar- town, on very accommodating terms. Wm. M. Payne and brothers, deaf mutes, will give an exhibition of shad ow pantomime, at the Court House, oa M-mday aud Tuesday evenings, 12th aud 13th instant. One newspaper reporter, after witnessing one of their performances, says : "All enjoyed the exhibition very much, and were so much pleased that a general wish was expressed that it might be repeated.” A portion of the proceeds will bo appropriated toward buying a bell for the Presbyterian church. Admission 25 cents; children 15 cents. Perform ance commence at 8 o’clock. All are requested to ba present and seated before performance commences. We hope our citizens will all prtron- ize this show, as it is for a worthy ob ject, and is something novel. Our young friend, W. Ed. Wood, had his ankle badly sprained, on last Tuesday, at Cave Spring, by jumping from a buggy. Ho was an his way to Acworth, to attend the Grand Lodge of Good Templars. He is now swinging round on cratches. Wo sym pathise with him, and regret that ho felt, especially as was to have repre sented the Good Templars. Mcssr.-. Huntington & Noyes have returned from the Norhern and East ern market*, and are now receiving largo aud liaudsomo stocks of goods, of which they will say somotoing iu onr advertising columns next week. Ladies if you want a stylish bat, go to Wright's, he has them triined to order by Mrs. O’Connor, of Atlanta The prettiest liuo of prints to be found in town is at Wright’s. If you want to buy clothing and hat* cheap, give Wright a call. The choapest and boat assortment of lady’s and ghntlemou’s shoos and boots is at Wright's. Candidaies ! would you griud your axe ? if so, go over to Barber & Wood and buy a Griud Stone. Barber & Wood havo Saucage Cutters. Kip homo collars arc to bo fouud at Barber & Wood’s. N. M. Wright is determined to soil in futuro for cash only, offers his en tire stock of goods at excoedihgly low prices. Prints 10 cents, brown shirting 8$ to 10c, Bleached Domestic, from 8 to 13Jc, Brogan shoes $1.40 to $1.85, Boulevard skirt* $1 25 to $2.50, mon’s heavy, £ double sole boots $3.50. to $4.00. Remombo that ttieso are cash pricos only. Ckdaiitown, Polk County, Ga., October 2, 1874. News having reached this place this morning that the Executive Com- mittie had requested Dr. William H. l’elton to abandon the race for Con gress, and Dr. Felton having refored the matter to his friends; a meeting was called to tako action in the prom ises. Dr. M. F. Lidqell was called to the ohuir, aud Ivy F. Thompson elected s secret arv. The following resolutions woro adopted: Wucheah, We have been informed that the Democratic Executive Com mit tie, which met in Carters villa 30th u’t., rcqti ht d Dr. W. II Fel on to nbundon his candidacy for Congress, and whereas wo sicorely beliovo that Dr. Felton is the ehoico of a majority of the Democratic party; therefore be it llettolucd, That wo are utterly! op posed to uny proposition requesting Dr. Felton to abandon tlio race. /tcHolu-d, That wo havo the utmost confidence in the ability and patriot ism of Dr. Felton; and in him we trust with implicit faith, to lead us out of our present political troubles. llnuJccd) That the proceedings of this meeting bo publisnod iu the* Cedar- town Record, Romo Courier, Curlers- villo Sentinel and Atlanta NlWa AL F. Liddell Ch’m. Ivy F. Tiiomiwoh Sec. From Hock mart. Rockmabt, Sept. 29, 1874. Editor* Ih'cord:—The people assem bled iu 'urge crowd yesterduy, to hear Dr. Felton speak, but were sadly dis appointed when thoy were iuformed that he would not bo present. How ever, ihe people repaired to the acad emy, aud listened to a handsome ad dress by young Mr. Moon, of Carters- ville, in advocacy of Dr. Felton, which was woll rcceivod and greatly ap plauded. Cupt. T. W. Dodd repre sented the claims of Mr. Trammell, hut it was no go, and the peoplo were fully convinced that Capt. Dodd had a great deal of Iran* and energy, or he could not have stemed the Felton flood at alk He labored long and hard hut to no purpose. At the con clusion of the speaking, the people endorsed, by a large majority, Wm. H. Felton as their candidate for Congress. Hurrah for Felton, aud down with party rings and tricks 1 To this end our people are going for W. C. Bar ber, independent candidate, und in every way worthy and well qualified, notwithstanding the falshoods circu lated against him. We know that he is not surpassed by any man in the county, in uprightness, integrity, hon esty aud business qualification. We know that some of the designing ones willjcry out Radical! but we would ask all such, where was Democracy when you voted for Greeley ? Oh 1 consistency, consistency, thou art a jewel. W. C. Barber is as sound a man to-day, as to Southern interests, and the political issues that now agitate the country, as any man this side Mason and Dixon’s line. Let all the people who want a man to repre sent their interests faithfully in the legislature, vote for W. 0. Barber. The Methodist meeting closed with an addition of sixty-three members. | w. w. s. BEES* Thei-o are three varieties or species of Honoy Bees iu this county. Tbo little Black Bee is small with rings scarcely perceptible, they aro spiteful and very poor honoy gatherers. The Gray Boo is larged of brown color, has throo wbII defldod liugs on its body, is a good honey gathorer, stor* ing a considerable amount of honey uudor favorable circuuistnncep. The Italian Bee is still larger, of a bright yellow color, rings dear and distinct. It is cousiderod a suporior honey gather, having longer mandibles, ex tracts honoy from the rod clover bloom aud other flowers that the black and gray bees can not reach. Thoy aro hardy and very prolific, aud protect themselves woll against moths. Each hoalthy colony has throo distinct, or diffurent kinds of Boos, known ns Queen, Drones and Workors. Ouly one Quoou is found in each hive, oxcupt just at swarming time. She is the mother Boo; scorns to do nothing olse but keep the comb woll supplied with eggs, though the othors will settle around her when they swarm, and are always greatly disturbed when she is missing. The Queen is raised from n worker egg. and becomes fully devel oped by being furuishod a larger coll, more, and different kind of food. She flies out of tho hive, whou from throe to tcu days old, aud mooting a droiv , becomes fortillized. This iB for her lifo, or ouly nocossary once, then she lays one ooutiuuul lit tor of eggs, regu- latod by tho supply of food furnished for rearing tho youug boos. Queens nro said to livo from three to flvo yours. Thoy uro now carriod from one coun try to auothor, uud sent by mail nil over this country; aud being introdu ced iuto black or grey colouios, chang ing them iu a short tirno to their own progeny. Drones are tho male boos, aud their principle office in the colony is to mate with tho Quoou; though some say thoy curu for aud keep the brood warm, and abstract tho water from tho honey as it is brought iu. Thoro aro always some droues iu a hoalthy hive, aud hundreds duriug swarming season. Drones are much larger than workers» but thoy are not provided with Btings like the latter, consequently, cannot defend thomselvos. When- swraming season is over, and honey is scarce, workers frequently kill most of the drones out. Tho Workers make up tho larger portion of tho colony. They are the smallest and most active bees, and us their uutuo implies do nearly all tho work of the hive. Gathor hon oy, snereto the wax, construct tho comb store the pollen and prtect tho hive from moth and other intruders, aud in short, manage most of the affairs of l ho hive. Their working lifo is about sixty days iu summer, but they live longer iu winter. They aro constant ly dying out aud need a constant sup ply of young ones comiug ou to take their places, that the colony may bo strong, and iu working condition. Many of these facts aro proven beyond all question, by tho iutroduotiou of Italian queens into black colonics. Queens, drones und workers may bo readily distinguished from each oth er by their shape aud color. Iu some future number the writor will furnish somo short instructions on tho care and management of beos, and givo some of the benefits dorived from knowing the abovo facts. B. New Advertisements. NOTICE. A «lray black mare inulo was found Tuesday hint. Huddle marks on buck, luinc in Ihe right hind hock; supposed to bu about 16 years old, The owner cun get Iho mule by calling at tho Cherokee Iron Com pany’s Works, pnylng expenses of adver tising and keeping. The inulo is shod all round. October 2, 1884. J. W. BURKE & CO., WHOLES. Lg Booksellers and Stationers, AND DEALEUS IN Wrapping Papers, Twines, Notions, Fancy Goods, See. Cor. Alubama & Whitehall sts., ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA- oct 3-2m East End Wood Shop. DY •J. M. HARRIS. Repairs aud Mukcs Wagons, Bedsteads, Tables etc And almost anything made of wood. WORK CHEAP FOR CASH. tQf' Wo r k done according to prom ise. sept 19-ly W. S. DAVIS, CONTRACTOR —AND— HOUSE BUILDER, Cedartown, - - Ceorgia. W ILL do all kinds of work in his line, in a good and substantial manner, guaranteeing satisfaction in work, and prices as cheap os can be done, for cash or any kind of produce. Furniture will be put np to order cheaper than it can bo bought in this fplacc—bedsteads especially. References given when required, sept 19 Professional Cards. j. u. n a a n e k , Notary t*abHc AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. OilnKowil, On. taking J. A. uLANQIS, A. RICHARDSON. III,AMUR &. lUCHARnSON, ATTORNEYS ATLAW Cedurtown, Un. /"VFFICE in Court House. W Juno 20 KING 4 JANE8, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cedurtown, Ga. /"OFFICE in Court House. ^ Juno 20 W. K. T U Il N E U , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ccrinrtowitt On. /"VFFICE over Dr. Recce's Drttg Storo. Juno 20 IVY F. THOMPSON, Attorney n.t I.uav, CEDARTOWN, GA. /"V/FICE —East side Ooii.t Hon*osquare. U • |mu ’ 20 WOFFORD * MILNER, ATTORNEYS ATLAW C'urtersvISIo, G«. Q^MCll In nank Building. Juno 20 w. t. wot Koan, joiin n. wiki.k. WOFFORD fe WIKLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate Agents. CARTERSVftsLE GA. II. R. TIMM».»>ON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, CEDARTOWN,' G A. Q 'FtCE over Dr. Recso's D<ng c ,,0. Drs. Liddell & Richardson, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, CVtUiWown, 11 n. M AY ho too td in Iholr 0X100 rl nil hours wlion no. p.o «ion»l’v envied, ,i.'no“0 Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Cedurtown, On. /"VFFICE at residence, on I’i yor Hrcol. ^ juno 20. Dt . L. 6. LEDBETTER, SD JIG-EON DENTIST O Cedartown, tin. FFEJl8 Mm mi o'V-i'o'inl ovvloes fo tho Cherokee Iron Comp’y Store. IF YUU want IDIR/ST O-OOIDS S II O 13 S , CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Or any artlclo generally kept in A FIRST CLASS STORE At Prices to suit tho Closest Buyers, you will mukc it grcutly to your odvautagu by culling at the abovo named store. Juno 27-1 y CEDARTOWN Lively, Sale and Feed Stable Main Street, Cedartown, Ga- G01 always on baud. Special atten'ion given to (he care stock left In our charge. lumpkin & McConnell* CASH STORE. •T. S. Stubbs Ac Oo. CEDARTOWN, GA., J^BEP constantly on hand a full line of EAMItV GHOCEMES, HARDWARE, Boots ’ and Shoes ; also a line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND FACTORY GOODS. Sole agents for the sale of the cele brated “ Watt Plows” anti fixtures, in Polk county. June 20—tf NEW BARBER SHOP. f'l'MlE undersigned has located in Coda X town for the purpose of carrying < the business in all its branches. Ifyou wai “A CLOSE SHAVE” a shampoo or hair cut, give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction. june 20 ALFRED EVANS. Legal Advertisements. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE—Agrooablo to an order from tho Court of Ordina ry of Polk county. will ho sold bolbro Ihe Court House door, In Codarlowu, oa tho first Tuesday in November nett, between the legal hours of sale, tho plantation be longing to tho nstntu of James Carter, doc'd, situatad about four miles West of Codar- towu; about twenty-five acres of which is under cultivation, the balance uncleared, nsintlng of lots of land Nos. .188, 480 ami 411), iu the 2d district aud -i*h section of originally Cherokee, now Polk uounty. Sold for tho benefit of tho holra and cred itors of sai<l deceased. Terms, ouo half cash, tho balanco on 12 months time, small notes, with ton pur cent, interest aud ap proved Hocurity. Soptomlior 20, 1874. W. C. KNIGHT, Ad'mr. personalty aud 1 will pass upon tho sumo at 11 u'olook, A. M., ou tho Uth day of Uotobor next, at my ollioo. This tho 17th day of Soptombor 1874. JOF.l. 1)HEWER, Ordinary- /'i KORG1A, polk COUNTY.- JVhorei* AT L, J. Doupveo, administrator on the cstn^of .tamos M. Ware, deceased, has made application to mo for lonvo to soil, nt private sale, all the wild uncultivated lands of said deceased, lying In other counties than this, in said Slate, to-wit: No. 590 in fid dial, and 8d soniion, (169 in 2d (list, ild section, 400 17tli distlld section, 1)110in 10th district and lid sect ion. Hill! in 20th dlstriot fid section, UlH .Id district Ud sootion, 400 8d dial 17th section, 480 In 8d dist 20th hoc, 1060 and 1102, 17th di d. 8d sootion, 1171 »V 422 2d dist. 8d sec., 878 10t!» district lid see, 1057 10th dist fid boo., 80 in 10th dlstrlotSd hoc., 781, 4th dist. 1st sec., 281, lOtli diet. 4th hoo., 490, 17th d‘sf. 8d soo., 780, 201, 202, 208, In ild district and 4th sootion. Those nro, therefore, to olio all per ns concerned, to bo und appear nt tho •xt court of Ordinary to bo hold in said county on tho first Monday in October next 0 show onus if any they havo why leave to sell said land nt private Hale, should not bo grnnntod in terms of law. Given undor inv band and ollicial signature, This Sept. 7th 1874. JOEL BREWER Onl’y C 'lKORUIA, POLK COUNTY.— Whereas T 1,candor J. -Douproo, administrator of tho estate of .Tames M. Waro, doocased, has made application, in duo form of law, for leave to sell all tho real estate of sold dco’d lying iu said county. These aro, therefore, to cite aud admon ish all oonuernod to bo and appear nt tho next Court of Ordinary, to bo hold iu said county on tho first Monday in Ootobor next, to show oauso; if any thoy havo, why leave to boII said property should not ho granted in terms of tho law. Given under my hand and official signal uro, this Bopt 7lli, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. Shell If H»l* for October. W ILL bo sold, beforo tho Court House door, in Codarlowu, Polk County, Ga. on tbo first Tuesday in Ootobor next, within the legal hours of salo, tho following property: Ono Lathe Machine, as tho property of .1. M. Bishop & Co., by virtuo of 0110 fi. fa. issued from Bartow Suporior Court, in fa vor of Henry T. Jones, vs said J. M. Dish- Also, at same time and place, lots of land Nos. 1100 and 1101, in tho 8(1 district and 4tli soot'on of Polk county, ns tbo property of II. Lawson, by virtuo of ono fi. fa* issued from Polk Superior Court, in favor of Har vey Boll, vs said 11. Lnwsoti, for purohltBi money. Wept ’ - ' n -* G EORGIA, polk COUNTY—George 1.. Drummond, Exooutor'on flio estate of Henry Drummond, dcoousad, h ving umdo application for leave to will tho lands belong ing In I ho said e*’liito. Tlicsoiuo therefore to olio mid udmu dsh all mid singular, kin dred and orodilo s to bo und niipenr ut Iho next court of Ordinary to bo hold in and for said county on the first Mend v iu Octo- bor next, to show cuuho, if any • hoy havo, whylc.vo should not bo grunted to said (I- L. 1). >inioiid lo soil said laud in terms of law. Glvan under my hand and ollicial signature, this tho 61I1 day of Soptombor, 1874- JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. Marshal's Sales for October. W ILL be sold beforo f.10 Court Hoiihc door, iu Cednilown, I’o'k county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on Iho first Tuesday in Ootobor next, llic following properly, levied on for town lax. Also, town lot in Cedartown, No. not known, but known as the old brick store, on corner of shoot opposite Chorokoo Iron Company's Storo, us 1 ho properly of M A Chisolm, 10 satisfy a tax fi fa for town tax, Mayor and Council, vs said Chisolm. Wm. MEL KB, Marshal. August 17, 1874. G eorgia, polk county—whoreas, W. N. I logo, executor of R. W. Hogo, deocasod, bus undo application, in duo form of law, for loiters of dismission f.-mn his executo*ship, vonresonllng iu Ids put] lion that lie lies fu'ly executed his trust. Therefore till pc soiih concerned will bu and I'npeur ut a Court of Ordinary lo bo bold mi nod for se'd county, 0.1 Iho first Monday In November next, to show enuse, if any -hoy linvo. why letters of dismission should 001 be grouted to said applicant, and hoboibMy discharged orn bis said trust. Glvon under ray bund and official signa ture, this 17th day of July, 1871. tnovl JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. G 1 EORGIA. POLK COUNTY.—'Whoreus I" Holeli.i A. Adams, Adnd s nlrix on the cstato or Temperance Silvy, dco’d, lint made application, in due form of law, for dismission from said administration, repre senting in her petition Hint she has fully administered said estate. This is, Ibeioforo to olio and admon ish ail persons coucerncd, kindred und creditors, lo appeor at my office ns required by law, to show curse if miy they h .vo, why said administratrix < ’joukl not receive let ters of dismission, on iho first Monday in October next. Given undor my hand, this 4>li doy of July, 1874. July II ' JOEL BREWRE, Ord’y. hcIiooI Notice- A LL Teachers of Public Schools in Polk county are required to file tliolr ac counts, proven according to law, by Mon day, tho 12th day of October next, ortho same will he barred. Said ncoounts will be audited und ready for payment on Satur day, October 17th. By order of t ho County Board of Education. T. L. PITTMAN, Sept 12. 1874. County School Cora’r. O C, H* RANGER & GO. FFERS Ids profession to the citizens of CEDARTOWN Painting Business PAPER HANGING, CALCIMINING and all styles of Room Coloring and Fancy Paintings. All work guaranteed or no charge, at the annexed prices. Wc furnish the best stock. Each Coat, for Stock and Work, 00 cents. If furnished by other parties, per Coat 20 cents. Or by Job at reasonable prices for cash, or half t ime till Christmas, ou responsible parlies. Give me a call. Shop No. 100, Main stroet, next door to Barber Shop, CEDARTOWN, GA. sept 6-Gm BURDANK & JONES, Cedartown, * Georgia, DEALKltH IN Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VAltNISTIKS, KF.UOSHN E, LAMPS. Everything Fresh and Pure I A COMI’l.KTK AND CUOICR LINE OK P E R F II M E U Y, LILY WHITE, SOAPS, AND TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. GENUINE GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE Always on baud. Tooth, Hail’ aud Nail Brush oh, Combs, etc. ] FLOUR- ‘Fancy,” - - $ 4 50 "Cuoiou,” I 00 “Ext’iu Family,” 3 50 ’ Family,” ... j) 00 Flour 1-2 oonfc Iobh by tbo 100 lb.s. Cora Moul $L 25 por bushol. Buying for Cash, w« s low us Iho lowest. B65T Givo us a call a n prepared lo sell id for yourselves Jhifo 20 ly IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to tho Whole Raoe of Women DR. BRADFIELD'8 Female Regulator! TK WILT. B' INO ON THE MKNHK8, relieve eon lion or Wlilum, nmt partial ITnlft, nii» Utarl, elicos oxce siye It >w, und correct all lr.u*> b p.M-uilar o ladles. It will rum .v-all Irrlta tun or Kid nay* and Iliad- dur. rulhivo (JimIIvuiicnm, curiry tha llloml, k>vo t no i ni HiiU’iutli to • tin whol>- avatam, clnar dm skin, hnpurima a,r<wy lniu 10 Hie cheek, aud cheer- ( i tu'a^rumVru'n.^U tlie altovc Olaa-ca a i Quin- I. dli'ij "nJviiw?lni*tT,rl ° oom ^u3iUs MV ° ,,,,, I»?-iho>', whloii Ian waystuotth^i'iiu'io {lielr pride II la recouiinunded by the tiuai iihyalclnns uud L 0 ® rK> * LaQiiammb, Oa , Mup Ii VS, 1870. llu*Diriai.n A (Jo . Atlnu a. (iu.: Jtmr %i I lake |»l> an»re In at >ttnK that 1 have lined lo (tin l»ai twenty y>n I Ihe medicine yon are now put- iIiik ni), known un in. J. liradtluid'a Knmale Uo 4 U- lator. iv. d (Ninalili'r II the heat onniMnx Ion ever Kolten to^Ulicr for the (Usnaaea for which It 1h re- I >• M'IIimi i.oih HH |\ I'lijO' lilij ''I or nil lUHmJiiiii 1 ] In Nii^iTliiK In any way peculiar to theli aox?ju > *y ho aide to prcH)ure^h(jtu7^that their aumirli.KN may Vau?Treai)rctfuUy”* lli 'l wSaS' Nram MaIuktta (la., March W. 1870. Ion i _/Var A'trr-Homi ild'aFomali I-I nM.'ommeudi wlio have uho I your Jlcamntor are In perfect linalih, and are ante to attend to tlivtr houHuhold dullea, unit we cordially recommend It to the pub lic. Yours, respectfully. UKV. H. n JOJINHON. We could add a thotiaaml other cut till atea, hut wo cnnNlder the above amply auulcluut proof of its virtue. All we auk Is a trial. Por full particulars, hlatory or dlHoaaM, and cer* tlUoatea or tin wonderful cures, the render ti re ferred to the wrapper nrotind the bottle. ManuflMtup^jd wdiU)^ GQ AUnnUt Qfta Hold by nil drutciflau. JOHN C. AUEN, Practical Mechanic & Builder, CEDARTOWN, GA., W OULD rospoolfully asnouuoo to the public that ho is fully proparotl funiish Muioriul uud Erect Iluiltlinft-s of all sixes and grades, on short notice and nfior tbo most approved plans. I'urliotilur attention given lo making and trimming COFFINS, REPAIRING FURNITURE, A.c. Those desiring work of any kind in lib line would do woll to call on him at t he St. Charles Hotel. Shop fronting Court House Square. juno 2<)-ly W. C. Barber, REAL ESTATE AG’T Ilockmai t, Ga. WltA\ Having been a < many years, am in tbc Locution, cry section, feel Ihe in forest of in to place them in lug to nui'Chfl-.C com mods ted. ! the 1st Tuesday pose of triiusucii r buy Wild or Improved uny portion of tho county, jitizen of Folk county for I being thoroughly posted Voluo, dc , of Lands in ov confident that it will bu t art ies having lands to soil my hands; and those wish- Loads can always bo tie- will bo in Codarlowu on in each moulb, for tbo pur. rig business in my linn, June 20 Opened, A Boot and Shoe Shop, on the corner of Prior and College streets, near St Charles hotel. Our term! are Cash, and no work shall be delivers until puid for. Work done with dispatch and at small cost. Patronage solicited. Very respectfully, J. W. HOGE, Cedurtown, Ga., June 20th, 1871 Will furnish nil Material at HO'CENTS PUR SQUARE OF 100 FEEV Each ulrigli) Coat of host While Lead and Oil. 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE. A No. 1 Grulnor, Pulutor and Paper Hanger, llof'oronoo, my work. II Mtylos of Fancy .Sign PultlGtig done. Will refer to work done at Rumo S von years ago. CrriZENS OF CEDARTOWN ! Ifyou want palnlittg (lotto woll aud very flhonp, give mo a trial and I know I can please you nil I don't work any thing hut. tho best malarial, and will prove its qualL ‘‘w. Apply at tho FURNITURE HOUSli Oppusitotho PosLOMob. Window Slin,def*l f the boBt tnanufaoluro, all sixos, mid tho bust bhado In use. All slyles of ’URNITURE REPAIRED And Cushions of every description tna lo > ordor. Cain C H A t It ,S It K 8 E A T E D House I’iiintiny. Cuitlruoln of evory sljlo in Town mi l loiintry, Inliun ni iho nbuvo Ogurm. IlcpCOt full v, David ami. jnly 26 .In Real Estate Agency. T i HE undersigned rospool fully annoUiico to tlio public that they have formed non- partnership undor the firm name und ulylo ol’ THOMPSON & WIKLE, For the purpose of trammeling a general husincss iu Rout Estate in Folk and adjoin ing oou ut ies. Wo will Buy, Sell uud Rout Farms, Wild Lands, Rosldbiiuus, Slol'os and all klndB of Really. Property placed iu our hands will ho lib erally advertised, uud no oliargo will bo nmdo if wo fall lo dispose of it uh stipulated hut if I ho parly placing property in our hamlH disposes of tho same beforo Iho expi* ration of liio stipululud time., wo shall charge the sumo as if wo had disposed of tho propurly. Everyone having mnlly lo null or ronl. and all desiring lo buy or rout roully is ro- quoHiad to call upon or write to usnuil leant our tor ink IVY F. TUOMP.suN W. 8. D. WIKLE. FULTON HOUSE/* T. M. ANDKHSOiV, Inin nfllnmn, On. with I’\ C O It It A, Conner Lny.lunil Wall »ln. near Union l'as- senger Depot, ATI. ANT A, ! i , GEORGIA, IV1 K ‘, U,S 11,111 Du,Igliiu por Day i2 0J, nil.- monl, 60 ocnln, Wral-olaM Inblu jjondpnu.a, BMk.. Hnlnnn in hnaomont formal,nj will, porn I,i,Hon Winn.-. Doer mi. Mognrn, . jaly.u W.. Wi kle & Co., CiulorsviUc, ... - Caojsla f DKAUIIIS IN HOIS 110 STATIONEBT, NOTIONS, NOVKIjTtKH, GAMES, FANCY CONFECTIONERIES. Ta Efco.flBto. AKH SulHcriplioit for any Bonk or Pe riodical published in tho United 8UIoh, at Publishers lowest prices.” " N" "B 13 D L B 3 For all kinds of Bowing WuuliincH, also fur nish Attachments, Oils, oto. Will scud Needles by mail, to any address, on receipt, of prioe. Singer, 76 coats por doxon ; all olhors 00 conls. Partins would do woll to consult us beforo buying goods from ped dlers, or sending North lo tlio various swindlers and humbugs. Any goods not in stouk will bo furnished at short notion. juno 20-tf TIIA V15 L K rr s GUI Dig. Roma Railroad Company. CIIANUU OF SOKUULE. O N and after Monday, Juno 1st, 1871 double daily trains will bo rosutuod ou this road nud run as follows: Loaves IU Arrive at Rom Leaves R n hi V’p’ } » M4 1>( Sand iy», Leaves Romo at fi 80 p. m. ) „ ,, ArrlvouL Rmnu ill 10. DJ,, m | (- vcr y Day, Knob train will make olose connection nt Kingston with Wostorn and Atlantia Railroad trains bound for Chattanooga aud Atlanta. YV. 8. COTHRAN, Pros. JOHN C. PRINTUP, Ticket Agent. “THE KENNESAW ROUTE,” Western Si Atlantic Railroad and Connoctions. sciiBum.B in i;m;uT may 23. NOHTtl WAltn—NO. 1. Leaves ATLANTA Arrive at C.’iirtorsvillo Arrivo at Kingston Arrive at. Dalton Arrive at CHATTANOOG V NUMBER 8. Leaves ATI, \NTA Arrives at (,’irtursvlllo Arrives at Kingston Leaves ATLANTA Arrives at Gartorsviih Arrives at Hingston Arrives at DALTON 10.80 p. 12 8') a. ; 1.0J a. 2.00 a. 6.00 a. : 8.20 a. 1 11.0*3 n. 11.45 a. 2 01 p. 4.28 p. 8;18 p. 8 48 p. 10.30 p. Leaves OH ATT A NOOGA 8.16 j Arrives at Dalton 6.35 ; Arrivos at Kingston 7.44 | Arrives nt Cnrlersvillo 8.Ifi p. ATLANTA 19.45 p. Loaves CHAT PAN DOGA 3.46 a u Arrives at Dalton 8-OJ a u Arrives at Kingston 10.12 a i: Arrives at Cartorsvillo lo.fil an Arrives at ATI, ANTA 1.43 p 1