The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 10, 1874, Image 3
THE RECORD. A Lire Country Newspaper. Publ ihed Krery Saturday Morning by W. S. D. WIKLE & OO. TEltMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one yoar $2.00 One copy, six months.... 1.00 Ten copies, in clube, one year, each 1.50 Single copies Gets All subscriptions invariably In advance. No name ontered npon the list until the subscrip- tion is paid. HATES OP ADVERTISING. 3 M. I 6 M. I WW. $ 5.00 $ 8.00 $ 12.00 UO.tXJ 30.00 40.00 25.00 40.00 65.00 45.00 66.00 120.00 PiOfoaeione! and Busiuees Cards of one inch or less, $12 per annnm, payable quarterly In advance; six months, $8. All advertise ments dne after first insertion. 1 Square... I $ 1.00$ 2.50 k' Column. 6.00 12.00 X Column. 8 00 16.00 1 Column..! 18 00| 26.00 CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church.—Regular Services, 1st and 3d Sundays in ench month, Rev. Court ney Brown. Pastor. Sabbnth-school at 0 o’clock, A. M. Mr.THontST Church.—Servioea at 11 o’clock, a. u- and 8 o’clock, r. m. every Sabbath; Rev. Wm. H. l.aPrade, Pastor. Sabbath-school at 0 o’clock, a. m. Phrsbttkriam Church.—Services 1st and 3d Sabbath every month, Rev. II. F. Taylor, Pastor, Sabbath-school at 0 o'clock, Mnaonlc. Caledonia I.ono«, No. 121, F. k A. M.— Regular communication, the 3d Friday night in each month. J. S. Stubbs, yTTM. N. M. Wright, Secretary. (iootl To ill pi ft rs. Cedar Vallkt Lodok, No, 303. 1. O. (1. T.- Meets every Friday night (except 3d Friday,) J. F.. ROYBAL, W. C. T. .1. A. I.iddrm., Secretory. Grange. Cotqt’tTT Grange, No, 20— Regular meet ings Saturday before the third Sabbath In each month. Our Agents. John 8. Vann, Priors Station. E. P. Featheraton, Lime Branch. R. S. Pattillo, Taylorsville. W. P. West, Esom Hill. The following is tho vote cast at tho different prescinds in this county, on lost Wednesday, for representative : Hutchings. Foster. Cedartown, 446 First; 00 Hampton’s, 84 Young’s, 40 Fish Creek, 57 Van Wert, 140 Buncombe, 85 268 27 58 10 28 76 00 473 SATURDAY JMORNING OCT. 10, 1874. LOCAL ITEMS. We aro authorised to anuonneo Mr. W. F. TREAD A WAY as a candidate for Tux Collector of Polk county. Flection 1st Wednesday in January next, td A tremendous stock clothing, at very low figures, at tho “Wholesale Store.’' French Marinos, Alpacas, Delaines, Mohairs, Poplins, Diagonals, Silk Poregeos, &c., at very low prices, at the Wholesale Store. Tho cheapest place in ltomo for clothing is at tho “Wholesale Store.” The latest novelties in Dress Goods at tho “Wholesale Store.’’ Grangers, pr.e s goods at tho Whole sale Storo, before you spend your money. McWilliams & Co. keep a much larger Stock than any other House in Itomo. McWilliams & Co. buy goods choap- cr than any House in Home., because they buy in larger quantities. McWilliams & Co. can afford to sell goods cheaper than any House in ► Rome, because they buy them cheaper and srll for Cash. K W Clements brought to our office this week, a specimen of what isc llod “wool-cot ton,” grown on his place. It resembles wool very much, both in texture and general appearance, and 045 Hutchiuga majority, 472 40,000 yards of sideband and fancy Prints, of tho bed brands, at 0 cents per yard, at tho “Wholesale Store.” Go to the “Wholesale Storo" for a nice suit clothos. Go to tho "Wholesale Storo” for a handsome carpet. Wo publish tho action of tho Dom* ocratic committee, with their address. Wo think they have acted wisely iu ordering a primary election, ou the 1st Tuesday in November next, to decide who are tho choice of tho Democracy for county officers, to bo elected next January. This is fair and propor. Wo cannot see how any ono can ob ject to tho plan suggested. Tho poo- pie will then bo out and can express thoir preferences. Lot all who cx- poct to bo voted for iu this primary election, anuounco thoir names (in tho Record) so tho people will know who aro aspirants. Wm. M. Pay no and brothers, deaf mutes, will givo an exhibition of shad ow pantomime, at tho Court House, on Monday and Taosday ovonings, 12th and 13th instant. Ono newspaper reporter, after witnessing ono of thoir performances, says : “All enjoyed the exhibition very much, and wero so much pleased that a general wish was expressed that it might bo repeated." A portion of tho proceeds will bo appropriated toward buying a boll for tho Presbyterian church. Admission 25 ceuta; children 15 cents. Perform ance commence at 8 o’clock. All requested to bo present and seated before performance commences. Wo hope our citizens will all prtron- izo this show, as it is for a worthy ob ject, and is something novel. Ladies if you want, a stylish hat, go to Wright's, ho has I hem trirued to order by Mrp. O’Connor, of Atlanta Tho prettiest lino of prints to be found in town is at Wright’s. If you want to buy clothing in huts ohoap, give Wright a cull Tho cheapest and host assortrac of lady’s and ghutlomou’s shoes and boots is at Wright’s. Candidaies ! would you grind your axe? if so, go over to Barber & Wood and buy a Grind Stone. Barber & Wood havo Saucage Cutters. Kip horse collars are to bo found at Barber A Wood’s. Tho Polk county Farmers Club, at ita last regular mooting oleotod tho fol lowing officers for the next year: S. M. H. Byrd, President, T. M. Paco, 1st Vico President, Wm M. Hutchins, 2nd Vico President, Wm. P. Wood, 3d Vico President, Juo. O. Waddell, Secrotary. Tho Club was organized in 18G6 or 1867, has mot regularly since that time. Its object is to advanco tho in terests of farming by oxchanging op inions with ench other, and tho dis cussion of various subjects connected with agriculture. All who may feel an interest in farming aro invited to atteud their meeting*, or to join the Club. No fees required, and tho at tendance is not compulsory. Lnmpkiu & McConnell aro erecting a two-story storo room, noxt to thoir livery stable. Needles for nil kinds of Sowing aohines; Singer, 05 ots per dozen—nil oth- h 80 cents. Will send noodles by mail on oelpt of prico. W. II. W’lKI.E. Cartorsviilo, (In. Attention ! Democrats. Cedartown, Ga., Oct. 6, 1874. A mooting of tho Democratic Ex ecutive Committee was held at the Court House to-day. N. J. Tumlin was chosen ns temporary chairman, and L. B. Stone as secretary. J. A. Peek was elected permanent chairman of tho Committee. Tho Committoo unanimously de termined that tliero should bo a pri mary election on first Tuesday in November, for county officers. A committoo of threo wore appointed to address tho people. N. J. Tumlin, Tom. Oh’m. L. B. Stone, Seo’y. Professional Cards. .T. It. 1UKR K II, Notary Public AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Yilurlowu, Gtt. jpARTICULAR attention given lo Inking nope id collection of olnimn. A. 1II.AN0K, A. Hit'llAllimoN. BL A NCR & RICH ARDSON, ATTORNEYS AT LA W Cedartown, Go. ^“^FFICE In Court House, 5 20 KING & JANES, ATTORNEYS ATLAW Ccdurtown, (In, ^^FFICE In Court House. Juno 20 W. F. TURNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CtMltirtovrn, Gn. O FFICE over Dr. Rocoo’s Drug Storo. June 20 IVY F. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, CEDARTOWN, GA. East side Court. Ilottao square. j 20 Married.—On Wednesday evening, 7th inst., at tho residence of tho bridos’ father, by Rev. Courtney Brown, Mr. Joseph II. Dodds to Miss. C. A. Bunn. Also at same time nno place, and by tho same, Mr. W. N. Griffeth to Miss Dollio A. Bunn. Wo lenra tho young men—bachelors —of Cedartown had an “indignation meeting" last night, and cxpcllod Jos. H. Dodds and Wm. N Griffeth, from their club for violating their obli gation. Proceedings will be published next week. Wo have reciovcd tho printers por- could, no doubt, be cultivated profita- j ^ on »' W oddlng fixens” with compli- biy- The Cherokee Iron Company will pay the market prico for CORN. New Tin Shop.—Mr. Geo T. Harde man, of Cartersville, was in our town on last Friday, looking for a location for a tin shop. lie routed tho room next door to SLoufregan’s Bakery, and will retnrn and commence business next week. The election on Wednesday passed off quietly. No disturbance of nny kind. Our people wero “easy” ns to the result, the race being between Judge Hutchings and George Foster, negro. Judge Barber, fearing that if he continued tho race, Foster might possibly be elected, circulated the fol lowing card, declining thewace : TO THE WHITE VOTERS OP POLK COUNTY. From recent developments it ap pears that the “colored” voters moots, from Mr. Philpofc and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Griffeth. For theso to kens of rsgard, wo rot urn our thanks. Our young friend, E W. Thompson, was admitted to the bar at Buchanan Court, last week. We understand ho stood a very creditable examination, which is what we expected. We shall look forward to tho time when Eph will take rank with our best lawyers, The weather for tho pnst few days hns been quite cool. A little frost was seen in the country on Friday morning. Fellow Democrats, Your Executive Committoo, regularly appointed by tho Democrats of tho county in conven tion assembled, after carefully sidering tho host interest of the party, havo dotorniiued that wo hold a pri mary election for county officers; which eloction will take place on tho first Tuesday in November noxt, at tho samo timo and places that wo veto for members of Congress. Wo know, Fellow-citizens, tliero aro strong prej udices in the minds of tho people against conventions. Recognising this fact, but at tho snino time, believing that organization, thorough and complete, is the only way by which tho party c m bo held together without demoralization; wo select this mode by which to choose our candidates. At this timo, it will bo no trouble for ovory Democrat to vote for tho candidate of his choice, and in this way wo roach tho choioo of ovory member of the paly. Gpntlomon, this is fair. Thoro can i no cliunco of swiudlos hero; and it oins to us that every Democrat in tho county must bo satisfied with this mode. Wo havo at least done our duty, and if the pooplo whom wo rep resent do not abide by our action, (honestly and oonoionoionsly taken) our skirts aro clour. Wo direct that only Democrats bo allowed to vote; and Hint a separate box be kept by a separato sot of mana gers, be used to receive tho tickets. Tho mnnngers will count tho votes, and bring their talloy shoots with the tickets to tho court houso in Codar- town on tho day following tho election, when the committoo will examino them, and declare, then and tliero who are tho people’s choice as candi date. If tliero should arise any dis pute or dissatisfaction, tho committee will decide the matter promptly, accor ding to their best judgment, without favor or affection. Any throe Demo crats in each district aro coin potent to conduct tho election. We liopo that overy thinking Democrat in tho coun ty will givo us his support in our effort to sustain the party. Givo us your aid, not only by your vole, but use your influence with your neighbors anil friends. Unless wo uro united in this, as well as overy other contest, wo will bo defeated by an enemy who aro never divided. Julius A. Peek. Cum. Com. N. J. Tumlin. Darden. QFFICE WOFFORD & MILNER,' ATTORNEYSATLAW Cnrtcrsvillc, Ga. QFFIUB In Bank Building. Juno 20 gkn. w. t. worronn, John h. wiki.k. WOFFORD S. WIKLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate Agents. CARTERS VILER GA. It. It. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, CEDA ll to ir.v, a A. (yncB Drs. Liddell & Richardson, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, CtMlitrtown, Gn. Legal Advertisements, Slioi'lfT Snlc* for November. W ILL lio sold, before tho Court Hound door, in Codartown, Folk County, On. on tho first Tuesday In November noxt, within (bo lognl hours of aato, (ho following properly: Lois of land Nos. 8*7, 850, 855, 854, and ono half ltderoat in lota Nos. 848, 847, and 710 and 867, in (ho 21 hI diatrioi mid 3d sec- Mon of Polk county, oh tho property of Jaa. F. Dover, by virtue of a 0 f»i issued from Polk Superior Court In favor of Jane U. Eaves, vs. Bald Dover. Levy mado by for mer deputy Sheriff. AIho, at tho Humo timo mid plaoo. lot of land No. 048, in (ho 2d dial riot and 4th see- tion of Polk county, as tho properly of Dnlongor Gravelly, by virtue of two Juatloo Court ll fas In favor of Simon Marks, va. aaid Gravelly. October 0, 1874. E W CLEMENTS, Sheriff the ealato of Jane W* Childers, deceased, has mado application for leave to soil tho land in aaid county belonging to said oatato. Theso aro, (horoforo, to olio and admonlah all porsons oonoornod, to ho and appear at my ollloo on tho first Monday in November noxt, toahowoauRO, if any they hayo, why aaid application should not bo granted in terms of tho l.nw Given under my hand and official signature, this tho 0th day of (lot,, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y / 4 EORC1A, POLK COUNTY.—Whereas, vJ 8. M. H. Byrd, Exooutor on tho oatato of Roubon Wobstor, deceased, has applied to me for leave to Hell lot of land No. 1080, in tho 2d district and 4th seolion of Polk county, Ga., also a wild and uncultivated lot, lying in Walker oounty, Ga , belonging to saiil estate, either at public eutory or private sale, ns may soeiu to said exooutor moat convenient and to tho beat advantage and interest of aaid oatato. Therefore, all persona oonoornod aro hereby notified to bo and appear at. nty ollloo, within tho timo proscribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why leave to aell aaid land should net bo grautod. . Given under my hand and official signa ture, this Oct. Oth, 1871. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. BURBANK & JONES, Cedartown, • - Ceorgia, DEALERS IN rugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VARNISHES, KEROSENE, LAMPS. Everything Frosh and Pure! > COMPLETE ASH CHOICE LINK OF PERFUMER Y, LILY WHITE, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. GENUINE GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE Always on hand. Tooth, Hair and Nail BhibIio*, Combs, oto. ’ FLOTJB. Fancy," - - - M t>0 'Choice,” - - - 4 00 'Extra Family,” - - - 3 50 Family,” - 3 00 Flour 1-2 oont'loss by tho 100. lbs. Corn Maul $1 25 per bushel. Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Oilnrtown, Gn. O FFICE at residonoo, on Pryor rtroot. Juno 20. Dr. L. 8. LEDBETTER, SURGEON DENTIST Ccdurtown, Ga. A DMIN ISTRATOR’S SALE—Agroealdo to an ordor from tho Court of Ordina ry of Polk oounty, will bo sold bolbro tho Court House door, in Cedartown, on tho first Tuesday in November noxt, holwoon tho legal hours of sale, tho plantation be longing to tho oatato of Jamoa Carter, doo'd, situated about four milen West of Cudar- town; about twenty-live acres of which Is under cultivation, tho balanoo uncleared, consisting of lota of land Nos. 488, 481) and 4 lit, in I lie 2d district niul 4th section of originally Cherokee, now Polk county. .Sold for the benefit of tho heirs and cred itors of said doooascd. Terms, ono half cash, the balanoo ou 12 months timo, small notes, wiili ton pur cent, interest and ap proved soourity. September 21), 1874. W. C. KNIGHT, Ad’m fl F.OHUIA, POLK COUNTY.—Who vT W C Knight, administrator on th tale of Alfred Morrison, dooeased, has made application, in duo form of law, for dismission from his Haiti administration, ailedging in ills petition that, after his up plication as such administrator, Georgia Morrison, tho widow of sail.' doooascd, application and obtained homestead and exemption of personally, and in whioli included the wliolo of tho property belong ing lo tho eslalo of Haiti deceased, and that lie lias fully adininisturod suid estate, s " ns the law requires. Therefore, all persons oonoornod will lako not loo to be and appear at my ofliqo witliln u.u-tiitre prescrit/oh Tiy law, to show cause, if any I hoy have, why said W. C. Knight should not bo fully disci arged fr his said administration. Given under my baud and official signal uro, t his Dot. 1), 1874 JOEL BREWER Ord’y -Who tho Cherokee Iron Comp’y Store. IF YOU WANT 3DIR,Y GOODS SIIOK8, CLOTHING, IUTS, OATS, Or any article generally kept in A FIRST CLASS STORE At Prices to suit the Closcat Buyers, you ill make it. greatly to your advantage by calling at tlie above named storo. CEDARTOWN Lively, Sale and Feed Stable, Main Street, Cedartown, Oft. 1 )IUCE8 down to suit tho limns. Good Stock, Vehicles, and Careful Drivers always on hand. Special alien*ion given to tho caro cl slock left in our charge. lumpkin & McConnell* Sinobh Machines.—W. W. Well a tho traveling agent for tho Singer Manufacturing Company’s Atlanta office, visited Cedartown and vicinity this week. Air. Wells mado Miss Vir- ! gia Lumpkin, of this place, agent for i these justly renowned machines, and thoroughly organized, and determined ^ parties wanting sewing machines, to vote f»,r the man of their Color, j needles or accessories, can ho supplied predicating Heir hope of snccess on ; by Cll iling on Miss Lumpkin ut Dr. the division of tbewhite vole, thereby ; Harri „, hotel . making it a contest of races. I there- i ... , fore decline tbe candidacy for repre- Two years past it was evident that sentntive, and will vote for Judge j some of the many represented ma- Wiiliam M. Hutchings. Oct. 6, 1874. cDines must have the ascendancy iu W. C. Baudeb. j country, and for some time it was jlr, H. K. Godwin presented us \ nip and tuck between all machines with a specimen of Sorghum syrup, ■ represented; but merit’s dormancy is of this year’s crop, which is EUperior of short duration, and now tho “nip- to any Sorghum wo have seen in a ping and tucking” is being- done by long while. Tbe “Wholesale Store’ is the place for the Grangers to pay their goods, because they can buy cheaper there than anywhere else. this little household gem. Let all re member, “what is homo without Singer.” Fernniido Wood’s Opinion. Which is worth something, as lie is an old and deep bund at politics, is that Grant is not working fin- a Dem ocratic or any other nomination, but for the Radical nomination, and that he will get it too. He thinks Grant iH fixing things for that purpose now, and that by the timo the next cover.- tion meets he will lmvo whipped all his rivals into tho traces. Air. Wood also Rays tlmt iu his opinion ' Democrats will never go outside their own houshold for nuother Presidential candidute. They will run a dog be fore they will run Grant.” Amen and amen! The signs all point to a square fight between tho friends and enemies of tho country in 187G. And if tho former don’t win, they will at loast march back to their trenches, carrying tho old standard ready for another and still another battle untill victory is theirs at last. That is infinitely better than skulking through the woods without uniform or banner, and ashamed to look each Refrd Sheriff Sales and other legal I other in tho face, as was the case in advertisements in this paper. J 1872.—Macon Telegraph. J. Douprco, administrator oatato of James M. Warn, deceased, Iirh made application to mo for loavo to noil, at private Hale, all (lie wild uncultivated lamia of said deceased, lying in other aoiintic than tlda, in aaid Stale, to*wit: No. BOO in 3.1 dial, and 3d aoution, 1150 in 2d dial. >ld Mention, 49(1 17th dial fid aeoflon, 380in iOlli diatrioi and 3d flection, 1160 in 20th district 3d aeelion, 061 3d district 3d Hootloil, 490 3d dial. 17th auction, 480 In 3d dial 20th aoo, 1050 and 1102, 17tli dial. 3d section, 371 «V 422 2.1 dial. 3d aco., 873 10th district 3d aoo, 1057 10th dlat fid aco., 89 in 19th districtOd aeo., 731, 4th dlat. lataco., 281, 10th dial.. 4th BOO., 400,17thdial, fid aco., 730. 201 202, 208, in fid district and 4th section. Theso aro, therefore, to olio all por- sons concerned, to bo and appear at tho next court of Ordinary to lie hold In sal' comity on tho firat Monday in October next to allow oniiii if any they havo why loavo to aell aaid land at private Hale, alionld not ho grannted in terms of law. Given under my hand and official signature, Tills Hopt. 7th 1874. JOEL BREWER Ord’y pi BORGIA, POLK COUNTY.—Whoroas vT Leandor .1. Douprco, administrator of tho oatato of James M. Ware, deceased, has made application, in duo form of law, for leave to soil all thu real oatato of aaid dec' lying in aaid county. These aro, thorefovo, to olto and adrnon iah nil concerned to ho and appear at tin next Court of Ordinary, to ho held in aaid county on tho first Monday in October next, lo allow cause; if any they havo, why ionvo to aell aaid property should not be granted in terms of tho law. Given under my hand and offioial aLnature, this 8opt. 7th, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. Buying for Cash, wo ai i low aa the lowest. HOT Givo us a call and 3 prepared to aell io for youraolvos Juno 20-1 y IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to the Whole Race of Women DR. BRAOFIELD'8 Female Regulator I [ T WILL U'.INO ON THK MKNSI-H, relieve „li nnm ut lliu Humility • I’t.rlu.L" o ire llheu- nn'liun niul NHirnlalt or Suck anil Utoru>. Lou- •orrlicit or Wlilum, niul |mrtlnl l > rnln l .min Uteri, ilu-i'k ex re Hive It .w, ••ml comic t all Ir.o/iulnritlvs ' itwi'll rwW%|l Irrllii’tonofltljlneyaa^ Bjart* ik'MraU rtflUt Kw 'kiumoUio X«k,'MdehM * niitu-M to tt.e m'ml. it IN It H ruettre In nM UieMtK>vo<Un''* < «ManQutn- •— UloCliilUun ) Pev.r. \V>!ut revtmlini"tho!ir”opnipiiTlnla^to DiMirmn 4k Ou jMMrr* ting uj heir oumpiit wnjra lumtlr. Inn to ilielr prldo itulod Uy ttio boat phynlnUnn LaQuanov, Qn , Mnrcli ts, it Ou. Allan ». Cln.i Jtfiir M ■tullnii Him 1 have umil lo, he r ait tie <1 J. V. BURKE & OO., WtlOLRflALK Booksellers and Stationers, AND DKALKItR IN Wrapph g Pnpuffi, Twines, Notions, Fancy Gotnls, &o. Oor. Alabama & Whitehall sis.* A TLA XT A, - - - GEORGIA oat 3 2 m East End Wpod Shop. IIY •t. m:. Harris# Itepalra and Makes Wagons, Bedsteads, Tables etc And almost anything made of wood. WORK CHEAP FOR CASH. JWay* Wo*k done according to prom- e. sept 19-ly CASH STORE. .J. S. £4tu.l>bs Al O0-5 CEDARTOWN, GA., J^EEP constantly on hand a full lino of FAMILY GROCERIES, HARDWABE, IJootH and Shoos; alao a line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND FACTORY GOODS. (’aah buyers will find it to thoir interest to examine our goods and prices before purchasing. MOL, Sole agents for the salo of tho cclo- b rated 4 * Watt Plows” and fixtures, in Polk county. jiwio 20—If NEW BARBER SHOP. rrMIE undersigned has located in Cedar- i town for the purpose of carrying on tho business in all its brandies. If you want “A CLOSE SHAVE” a shampoo or hair cut, give rae a call and I will guarantee satisfaction. june 20 ALFKKD EVANS. Drummond, Exccutorjon tho estate of Henry Drummond, deceased, having mado application for loavo lo aell tho lands belong ing to tho said cat ate. These aro therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, kin dred and credit ora to bo and appenr at the next court of Ordinary to ho hold in and for said oounty on tho first Monday in Octo ber next, to allow causo, if any they have, why leave should not be granted to aaid O- L. Diamond to soil aaid land in forma of law. Givan under my hand and official signature, this tbe 6th day of September, 1874- JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. d onllSi to pi too* a ml'omllio'm-Hl i y'^ay 0 ! [1 ° tToo i alder It » noon autlcrlns loumfoa. and cut saffissi# ni t only lie relieved, but Hint they may berentored PHilfMJff.i Nkah M^hiktta (Ja.,*faroh20.1870. Mesara. wm *®<>t A t «oni bear .Ah;«-Honie R on Him Him I bouRlit a bottle of Brmllleld a Female miulaior from you,and have umhI It Inmy runpiy with tliu utnioatBMtlaractlon.and bave recomnieu- dr d It to two or three ollit r fiuulllea, and they bava fbnnd It Juat what It larecommemlad. Thefbmalea .K’kHaa's .ta, dutlM and we cordially recommend It to tbe pub. u„.^ny, H B virtue. All we auk laairal. lerml to the wrapper arouHd the bottle. Manufactured^!^ co## Atlanta, Ota. Bold by all UrugBiaU. JOHN C. AlLENt Practical Mechanic & Builder, CEDARTOir.V, GA., W OULD roHpootfiilly aanounoo to tho public Hint ho iu fully prepared to furnish Material and Erect Buildings of all aUcs and grades, on abort notico an nftor t.lio most approved plana. Partloula attention givon to making and trimming goffius IIEPAIIIINO FIJRNITTIRB, Slo. Thnso .limirlriK work of nn.v Vln-l in Ills lino wnnlil .In nrnll In call nn him at Iho 81. Olmrlc IIoloI. Hlmp fronting Cnnrt Hon,« Hfjimro. j""» 3 %ly W. S. DAVIS, CONTItACTOR —AND— HOUSE BUttOER, Codartown, - - Coorgla. guaranteeing antiafitotion in work, ami prices aa ohoap aa can bo done, for oaah or any kind of produce. Furnituro will bo ait up to ordor cheaper * bait it can bo uuiglit. in 1‘iia place—bodatoada especially. References givon whan ruquirod. aeptlO Real Estate Agenoy TlIE undci'Higucd roanoolfully nnnounoo to tbe public that they havo formed a co partnership under ( lie firm namoand style of THOMPSON & WIKLE, For tho purpoao of transaoting a general huaiucsH in Ron! Estate in I'olk and adjoin ing ooiintioa. Wo will Buy, Soil and Ron!. Farina. Wild Lauda, Residences, Storo-i and all kinds of Really, Proporty placed in our linnds will bo lib- orally advurtiaod, and no olinrgo will bo mado if wo fail to djapoao of it as stipulated hut. if tho parly placing property in our lianda disposes of tho samo before tho oxpl- rat inn of tho stipulated time., wo shall ohargo the aaino aa if we hod disposed of tho proporty. Evoryono having really Io sell or rent, and all desiring to buy or rent realty is re quested to call upon or writotousnud learn our forms IVY F. THOMPSON™ W. B. D. WIKLE. FULTON HOUSE, T. M. ANDERSON, late or Homo, Ga. with CORK A., orner Loyd and Wall sis. near Union Pas- Scuifur TLAiVTA, : : : GEORGIA. G eorgia, polk county—wherem, VV. H. Hogc, executor or R. W. Hoge, deceased, has made application, in due form of law, for letters of dismission from his executorship, representing in his peti tion that he has fully exeoutod his trust. Therefore all persons eoncerned will bo and appear at a Court of Ordinary to bo held in and for said county, on tho first Monday in November next, to nhow cause, if any they havo, why letters of dismission should not be granted to aaid applicant, and he be fully discharged from hiH said trust, 'iven under my hand and offioial signa- , this 17th day of July. 1874. ovl JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. J Moletia A. Adams, Administratrix the estate of Tomporunoo Silvy, deo'd, has made application, in duo form of law, for dismission from said administration, repre senting in her petition that she has fully administered said csialo. This is, therefore to cite and adrnon ish ail persons couccrned, kindred and creditors, to appenr at rny offico ns required by law, to show cause if any they have, why aaid administrat rix ahould not receive let ters of dismission, on the first Monday in October next. Given under my hand, this 4th day of July, 1874. July 11 * JOEL BREW RE, Ord’y. glo meal, 60 oouta, Firat-ulaas table and good rooms, Saloon in basement, furniahoi with pure Liqtiora, Fine Wines, Hour nue Segura, - July 11 W. H. Wikle & Co„ Ciirtenvillc, - - Georgia (I DKALESn8 IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, NOTIONS, NOVELTIES, GAMES, FANCY CONFECTIONERIES. T'-R.e., "F.fco. TaK„ Sult.orfnllon Or any Tlnak or Po- rlo.liojil piititfulic'l in ttio Hriitirl Hlutori, at Puhllaliors lowest prices.? " N T3 -0 D L E 3 For all kinds of Rowing Machines, also fur nish Attachments, Oils, etc. Will send Needles by mail, to any address, on reoeipt of prioo. Ringer, 76 cents por doxen; all others 00 oentH. Curtins would do woll to consult ns buforo buying goods from ped- dlors, or sending North to tho various nwindlorn and liiim)>iigs. Any goods not in atock will bo furnished at short notice. Juno 20-tf TIUVELEH’S GUIDE. Roma Railroad Company. CHANGE OF fJOEDULE. i follows: DAILY PASSBNOBH Leaves Roma at 8.15am at Rains 1.15 p. m Leaves Romo at 5 80 p. m Arrive at Rome at 10.10 p r Each train will make oloso oonnnotion at Kingston with Western and Atlantic Railroad trains bound for Chattanooga and Atlanta. W. 8. COTHRAN, Pros. JOHN C. PRINTUP, Tiokot Agent. t Every Day. ■\V. C. Harbor, REAL ESTATE AG’T llockmnrt, Ga. W ILL sell or buy Wild or Improved Lands in any portion of tho county, ng been a citixon of Polk county for y years, and being thoroughly posted in tho Location, Value, etc , of Landa in ev ery section, fool confident that it will bo to tho interest of parties having lands to sell, to place thorn in my hands; and those wish ing to purchase Lands can always he ac commodated. I will be in Codartown on the 1st Tuesday in caoli month, for the pur. pose of.transacting business in my line.^ “THE KENNERAW ROUTE,” —VIA— Western & Atlantic Railroad and Connections. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 25. Opened, A Boot and Shoe Shop, on tho corner of Prior and G'dlogo stroeta, near 8t Charles hotel. Our terms are C'ath, and no work shall bo delivorod until paid for. Work douo with dispatch and at small oost. Patronage solicitod. Very respectfully. J. W. HOGE, Cedartown, Ga., June 20th, 1374. XOaTIIWAKD— NO Leaves ATLANTA Arrivo at Cartorsville Arrive at Kingston Arrivo at Dalton Arrivo at ClIATTANOOG V KUMtiea 3. Leaves ATLANTA Arrives at Cartersvillo Arrives at Kingston Arrives at Dalton Arrives at ClIATTANOOG Ni/Mur.ii 1!’. Leaves ATLANTA Arriyos at Cartorsviilo Arrives at 8 ingston Arrives at DALTON SOUTHWARD N Leaves CHATTANOOGA Arrivos at Dalton Arrivos at Kingston Arrivos at Cartoravillo Arrivos at ATLANTA NUMTJEIl 5 Leavos CHAT PAN DOGA Arrivos at Dalton Arrivos at Kingston Arrives at Cartorsviilo Arrives at ATLANTA 10.30 p. m. 13 80 a. m. ; 1.03 a. m. Ii.ou a. m. 4 liO o.m. ir muz 0.00 p. ml 8; 15 p. ra. 8 43 p. m. 10.30 p. ra. 8.45 p. m 6.35 p. in 7.44 p. m 8.10 p. m 10.45 p. m 3.45 a m 800am 10.12 am 10.51 a m 1.13 p m