Newspaper Page Text
Im Pa tit tlioy oall gray bairn a *' lit*
tie dual from tbs road of Ufa."
A* oaaterti paper thinks women ought
•obe hotel clerk*. Probably because
they part their hair in the middle.
There la a stoum cremating eatab
liahment in Virginia Oity. Thor put
op the aahaa in yeaat boxoa, to atd the
Tim Jamen Lick monument in honor
of Franoia S. Key, author of the Htar
K ed Banner, will ooat 9150,000. It
of bronze, and located in one oi
Man Fraooiaoo'a parka.
Barky, after looking on while hie
new little alater cried at being wanked
and dreaoed tho other day, turned away,
laying, "If ahe acreamed like that In
heaven, 1 don’t wondor they aent her
Tim railroad oomtniaaionora of Mas
sachusetts hare hold a hearing on the
subject of stcam-whistlea on railroad*),
and bfiye recommended that they ahould
lie restricted in uao to 14 oases of danger
end the neocaaary management of
freight-tmina. ”
Several yoani ago a hopeful jrounft
minfater loft tho shores for tho Canni
bal ialanda aa n miaaionary. On arriv-
ing at tho end of hia journey the na
tlrea weighed him and out a sllvor ofl
hia log aa a aamplo. Ho camo homo by
tho neat boat, and ia now tho traveling
t jont of a oirona.
Staunton, Vo., ban a man who onta
gloss, not only withont injury, hut to
tho apparent bonoflt of hia digestion.
Ho expresses a preference for watch
oryalala, aa they are moro oaaily ohowod,
but will oat window-glass or oven thick
tumblera on a email wager. Thoro ia no
accounting for taaloa.
A Wonn poh tiir Mother.—
Hmid !»•© ofiiidrci, to ImmI with a kl«« and a
Hwool uniitiiiood will tarry al boat hut a while:
And eoon they will pi** from the pertain of
Tho wlldomofts way* of tholr llfo-work to roam.
Yoa, tnok them In liod with a gentle " good
night 1"
The mantle of shadow* is veiling tho light;
And mavl»e-Ood known -on thin nweoi littlo
May fall dnopor shadow* in llfo’n weary race.
Yen, nay It t “ Ood blew) my dear olilldron, I
. pray!"
r bo lh» lant you will nay it for ayo!
Tim oxperimont of lighting railway
cara with gaa hoa boon brought to a
more atiooMafnl aolution in Prnaaia than
evon in this moro rapidly progreeaive
country. On ono of tho railwaya the
oxperimont hna been ao auoooaflfnl that
thero ia littlo doubt of the uitimato ox-
cl union of all kinda of oil lampa on tho
railwaya of Oermany.
At tho National Moionce Oongroaa in
Breslau on September 22, a trial was
mado of Dr. Itcolaiu’a apparatus for tho
oromatlon ef tho human body. Tho ro-
onlt waa that half an hour aftor tho
corpao waa placed in tho ftiruaoo the
soft parts of tho body wero thoroughly
consumed, and in one hour too bones
wore rodnood to a flno whito aab.
A nonuRnpoNPENT deaoriben n now
kind of tablo decoration that ho wit
nessed in tho honso of a Husnian lady
in London. The tublo waa entirely oov
erod with moss, and tho only evidonoe
of n whito tabloolotii was neon . in that
portion which hangs at tho sides of tho
tablo, Flowers were profusely intro
duced, and tho effdal, of course, was
Lnt not sloop fall upon you oyoa till
you havo thrice reviewed tho transac
tions of tho past day. Where have I
turned aaido from rootitude? What
havo I boon doing ? What havo I loft
undone which I ought to huvo done?
Bo iu thus from the first not, and pro
ou d ; and, in conclusion, at tho ill
which you have dono, bo troublod, and
rejoioo for tho good.
Homh is not a name, nor a form, uor
n routine. It is a spirit, a presence, a
principle. Material ami method will
not, and cannot inuko it. It must gut
its light and nweetuosn from thono who
iuhabit it, from flowers ami sunshino,
from tho sympathetic natures which, in
their oxeroiso of sympathy, oau lay aside
the tyranny of tho broom, nnil tho awful
duty of endloss scrubbing.
In a great oity liko Loudon thoro are
always houses which, from some aooi
dental oause, pnss away from nuy rt ■
nponaiblo ownership. Bomotimen they
are oooup’ed by touanta who, in tho first
instance, pay no rents, and thou gradu
ally assume the rights of landlords. It
iN said there is a company iu Loudon
orgauiaed solely to make n profit by
taking possession of such property and
either holding it or finding owuors.
In viow of the foot that Watt's hymns
havo boon translated into tho Ohootaw
language, and have b oomo favorites of
tho braves, an admirer of tho noblo rod
men says it is very affecting to think of
n noblo rod man sitting upon a fence and
singing, "How doth tho little busy
boo," while ho wntoh<*t liis wifo currying
homo n oouplo of bushels of potatoes
upon each shoulder, and woiuloriug if
ho oonldu't swap thut squaw for a jug
of robust rum.
Mrs. Thompson, of Mohawk, New
York, loves chivalrous men. She want
ed ono for a son-in-law. Bho hud some
doubts about tho young mau who whs
engaged to hor daughter, soslio dressed
in men’s clothes and picked a quarrel
with him. Tho prospective son-in-law
took oft his ooat, jammed tho old lady’s
hat down over her eyes, tore hor collar
eff, broke hor nose, and wns about to
make oarpot-rags of her pautaloous,
when ho discovered that ho was fighting
u woman. Mrs. Thompson thinks ho
will do.
Recently two olderly Scotch maiden
ladies of a believing, faithful, and rather
superstitious turu, being from tho Heo-
lauds, wero startled out of their Bouses
owing to a revelation made to them by
aa old goat'enau traveling iu the samo
carriage, os to tho history of au air-
ou hion wkioli ho carried ou his lap
with tho utmost auxioty lest any one
should touch it. "That air-cushion,"
lio said to his fellow-passengers, iu a
voioo husky with emotion, "ooutaius
tho last bre.dh of my dead wife. She
expired iu a fit immediately after blow
ing it out. I beg, Indies, that you will
not meddlo with it."
Bomb curious statistics respecting the
duration of patents lmvo been recently
published in England. It is found that
above 79 pur cent, of the patents are
allowed to elnpso at tho end of the third
year, and 90 per cent, at the end of the
seventh. There are, therefore, only 10
per cent, which, iu tho opinion of the
mventors, arc worth A.T00 at tho end of
seven years’ trial. If thoso figures
nff .rd anything like a fair imlioation of
tho teal use o» patent a either to inven
tors or tho pnblio, then the r^borJ is a
melancholy one, and is marked by long
lines of failure and disappointment,
only relieved at wide intervius by occa
sional doubtful successes.
Th« Approved VatUliti for tho Santb,
• nd Hew la Grow Thom.
In reference to the beat varieties of
the grape for the south generally, we
have little to add to the nnmerona notes
>o that subject, whioh wo have pub
lished during the past year, but would
refer the reader particularly to an ar-
»iclo headed "Good Grapes for the
South," in the Rural Carolinian for Oo-
'ober, 1878, in whiob five or aix desir
able and well-teak d kinds are dcscribod,
tnd several others mentioned as promis
ing. Among the former are tbo Con
cord, Hartford Prolific, Delaware, Ives’
-Seedling, Norton’s* Virginia and Clin
*on (tbo two last only for wine), and
imong the latter, Walter, Maxatawny
tnd Perkins. A vino or two of the
Heupperneng ahould always lie nut in,
vhatever oilier varieties are planted,
tnd if wino is to lie made, it may per
haps be planted largely, with profit. As
a table grape, it ia not salablo, except ia
« small way in onr local markets.
Where only a fow vines aro to bo
planted, simply to produce fruit for
family uso, they will be naturally plan-
ted near the house, and littlo oholoe
will .lie afforded in tho selection of
toil and situation; but thero arc fow
plaoos fit for human habitation where
the gravo-vine, properly planted and
oared for, will not grow and produce
regular and satisfactory crops.
In oaso a vineyard is to be established,
forethought ana judgment should lie
exercised in its location. A good loam
is probably tho best soil, and if caloer
ous, so muoh tbo better ; but almost any
sandy pine land of good quality will
oroduoo lino crops of grapes. It must
have good drainsgo. oitlior natural or
artificial, as stagnant wAter is death to
grapo-vines. Iu a billy or rolling oonn-
try a gently sloping hillside, with an
eastern, southern or southwestern ex
posure is desirable. The land should,
if possible, bo freo from stumps end
other obstructions, and in suoh a con
dition of fertility as would procure a
good orop of corn or ootton without
further manuring.
Supposing tho ground to bo in tho
condition in which it was left by a pre
vious heavily manured orop, tlio first
step in tho vrotk of preparation is to
break it up thoroughly as for wheat.
Subsoiling will bo of great beuofit to
some soils, but whore tbo subsoil is
loose and well grained it is not nores-
n ry. Aftor breaking up tho land, lay
it off into olicoks eight feet each way.
We givo this as a good avorago distance,
for tho different varieties. For the'
strong growing kinds, liko thn Concord
and tho Clinton, ti n foot might possibly
bo hotter, and for tho Delaware six feet
would do very well. If tho location ia
a hill-side, the rows should bo horizon-
tslizod by running around it. At each
intersection of tho furrows, sot a stake
live or six feet in longtli. Around oaoh
stake dig tho hole for tho vino, eithor
with a shovel or with n hoo, as may bo
found most expeditious. Holes from
ten inches to one foot in doptli, and
from two to throo feet iu iliametor are
snflioient A good shovelful of surface
soil from tho woods, thrown into oaoh
hole, would bo benefloiul, bnt is not
ossontial, provided tho soil lie in the
condition wo havo indicated. If, how-
over, the subsoil has been laid bare in
diggiug tho hole, some of tho good stir-
faoo soil thrown out must be rotnrued
before plaeing tho vine in position,
The vines should bo pruned to throe
buds, and the roots clipped, if too long,
aud placed in tho hole so that tho top
will lean agAinnt or bo near the stake,
aud but slightly above tho general stir-
faoo oi the grouud. The roots must
uow bo spread out evenly, on all sides,
and tbo soil oraefully filled in ovor aud
around thorn, scattering in at tho same
time, so as to l>o well mixod throughout,
a liberal allowance (say a quart or moro
to eaoh vine) of bouo meal or orushod
bones, nml tho work of planting is done.
It if a vory important matter to got
good, wcll-rootod vines. Tliev should
bo thrifty ono yoar old vinos, of uniform
size. Avoid, as a general rule, tho " ex
tra largo, two yoar old vinos, for imme
diate bearing, advertised by nursery
men. Nothing is gained iu Uio end by
getting suoh vTuos, and they are goner-
ally sold at a double price.
Naming the Baby*
A payiug hoax was play oil a fow days
since, says a Clarksville coirespondent
of the Louisville Courier-Jouriia), upon
tho family rolativea of ono of our yotiug
married men who had the good fortune
(or bad fortune, whichever way tho
reader construes it) of having nn addi
tion to bin family in tho shape of a boy
woighing nine pouuds avoirdupois. A
friend of tho parents directed a postal
card to each one of tho uncles and aunts
of tho littlo aliap, bearing upon tho
baok thoro fow lines :
"G lias a now baby at bis Iioubo
named aftor you."
Iu a fow days letters of congratula
tion bogau to pour in. A gentleman
from our oity. ono of tbo mioles, sent
by express a bountiful silver cup, no
oompnuiod by tlieso words ; "I thank
yon for au honor that my ilnnnooe will
not permit mo to accept vory often from
my numerous relatives;" another, writ
ing from Faduoah, fools " highly grat
ified thnt you should name your boy
aftor mo, and if it bears in reality my
name, and is not named just forty-five
Years after me, you can draw upon me
for his first boots aud I will honor his
draft." no "sniolls a mice." An
aunt to tho infant, writing from Hop
kinsvillo, Ky., says : " Yon know* not
how gratified I atu that yon have named
your littlo girl after me. I am not well
now, but os soon ns I am able to ven
ture out upon tho streets I shall no-
knowledge tho honor in a more becom
ing manner." Au undo at Eriu, Tonn.,
writes: "Kiss the baby for mo. I do
not know liow to thank you. As soon as
I onn find time to dig several pounds of
giusong I will send my little namesake
a present." And thus they continued
to oomo from all sections, ns tho family
is quite numerous. The baby is yet
unuoruod, and if it receives tho name of
oaoh ono who has Beut a present thero is
a slim show for its future existence.
llow to Head the Army Worm.
The army worm has, iu California,
mot. an aotunl defeat. These creatures
appeared in vast numbers ou the boot
fields near Sacramento, and opposition
was utterly powerless by trenches or by
fire, but tho experiment of settiug tur
keys against them proved completely
successful. The birds rushed at them,
aud for several days lived upon no other
food, supplying themselves nlrnost to
surfeit with this delicious treat. For
awhile it wtui uncertain which party
would prevail, but latest accounts re
port a complete triumph for tho birds.
Tho turkey crop has disposed of the
worm and saved tho l>eet crop—and in
asmuch as tho beets wero iu hundreds
of acre*, cultivated for sugar, tho victo
ry saves nu important industry that wns
threatened with eutir.' destruction.
Somo of tho birds suffered. One, in
deed, died, and being dissected was
fouud to contain 1,432 worms, many of
which were still alive. Thero were
about 8,000 tnrkeya engaged, and the
total number of worms eaten may be
calculated at leisare. Tho method of
removing thn pests by pntting against
them their natural destroyers is emi
nently sensible, and there Is a lesson in
it all for moro osstern farmers.
Alaska as New Iceland.
The Icelanders havo recently cele
brated tho ono-thousandth anniversary
of the settlement of their remote anocs
tors in their l leak northern home, a
region of dreary wastes, volcanic moun
tains and vast fields of lava. In the in
terior aro extensive regions embracing
thousands of square miles whero noth
ing is to be seen bat tho vestiges of vol-
••unic destruction. Hinco the first settle-
merit tho ctimato and physical geography
of tho ootintry havo undergone a re
markable change, so that the country in
now scarcely habitable. For a long
period tbo moan annual temperature liss
neon steadily decreasing. Varieties of
grain and vegetables formerly raised in
comparative abundance will no longer
grow there. The anoient forests have
almost entirely disappeared. Tho rav
ages of famine and pastilenco have re-
ducod the population to some 70,000.
These foots have warned tlio Icelanders
that the timo is at hand when their
native land will cease to bo habitable by
man, and tlioy begun some years Ago to
look abroad in search of some region
to whioh tliev might emigrate. A fow
hundrod of them undertook to establish
a settlement in the highlands of Brazil,
but they found thcclimato uncoDgcniol,
and tho colony went to Canada, but
wero not satisfied in tboir now borne.
Others tried some of onr western states,
with no better result. Moro recently
some of their leading men have con
ceived tho idea that of all tho territory
of tho United States Alaska will suit
them best. In this belief they havo
petitioned tho president to furnish fa
cilities to a committee of Icelanders to
visit Alaska for the purposn of ascer
taining its suitableness as a home for
their countrymen. Tho president aud
his oabioet viowed the proposition with
favor, and the sloop»of-war Portsmouth,
at Mare Inland, was dotabod to tako the
oommittco on their expedition. On the
18Ui of the presont month tho committee
arrived in Han Francisco, and on Thurs
day of last week tlioy nailed for H tka,
on tho Portsmouth. Should tin y find
that Alaska in all thnt it Iioa been rep
resented, tiny will iHSiio a report, tlio
effoet of wliioli will undoubtedly bn to
prodtioo a steady and increasing tide of
emigration from tlio old Iceland to the
now, aud tho United States will roooive
the bonoflt of n large body of hardy, in
dustrious anil intelligent Bottlers.
Coal for I*lgs.
Thoro is no doubt iu our mind of tlio
bonoflt from feeding carbonaceous mut
ter to swino when they arc kept in oloso
pens. Tlio avidity with whioh tings eat
rotten wood is woll known. Oharooal
is but another form. The utility of
feeding wood has long been recognized.
Wo somo years sinoo substituted tho
ordinary western stono coni with the
boat results, whero from 200 to 500 hogs
wore kept in oloso pens r on the rofnse
of oity hotels. Something of tho kind
seems ns neoessnry to them as suit to
herbivorous animals. We havo known
them to consume a pound iu tbo oonrso
of a day, and again they would not seek
tho ooat for somo time. Just what the
pnrtioular uso coal is in tho uuirual
ooJnomy, is uot so ensy to answer.
Hwino aro especially liable to scrofulous
and inflammatory diseases. Carbon, iu
shape of coal, is an anteseptic, and the
probability in thnt it aols in this way in
purifying tlio blood. — Western Jtural.
Stealing Hkavkn’h Livery. — 1 Tho
great nlooiiolesB remedy, Vi nog nr Bit
ters, is overywboro driving pestiferous
rum potions out of tho market. That
famous combination of the finest medici
nal herbs ou tlio continent, of Aiucricn,
# is accomplishing suoh cures of diseases
which affect tlio stomach, tho liver, the
bowels, tlio kidnojn nml tho nervous
system, that tlio grateful masses have
adoptoil it ns their Standard Specific,
The various rum bitters havo gone down
boforo this pure vogotablo antidote liko
tenpins before a well-aimed ball. The
people have at length discovered that
all tlio spirituous excitants arc worse
than shams—thnt both morally mid
modioinally they aro inimical to the
well-being and safety of tho community.
It won’t do. The handwriting is on the
wall ! They aro weighed and found
wanting. Rum remedies aro ilefuuct,
and Viuognr Bitters, the m iversal anti
dote, reigns in their stead.
Illccdlng (
i Lungs, Cntnrrlt, llrnnelil-
V. Fierce. M IX, Buffalo, N. V.:
Dear .Sir—1 had auffurod from catarrh in a
Aggravated form for abou; twolvo years an
for Hovoral yours from bronchial troabli
Tried many doctors and things with no la-ting
bonoflt. In May, ’72, becoming nearly wor
out with oxcohhWo editorial labor** on a najx
in Now York city, 1 was attacked with Itroi
chilis in a uovero form, miffedug almost a t<
tal loss of voioo. I returned homo hero, hi
hud boon homo only two weeks whou J wi
completely proud ated with homorrhago froi
tho lungs,‘ having four h ’ ’—* —'
mirtlciontly to bo able to bo about, though iu i
vory feoblo otnto. My bronchial trouble ro
niainod and tho catarrh wa** tenfold worse than
boforo. Every effort for relief oeouiod fruit
'd to lw> liming ground daily. I
i bad i
coulined to tho houao. A frloud suggested
your romodioH. llut 1 wa» extremely skeptical
that they would do me good, aa l had lost all
heart .in romodiea, and began to look upon
medicine aud dootora with diHguat. However,
I obtained ouo of your circular#, and road it
earofully, from which I cam© to tbo oouoliudon
that you uudoretood your buoiiiOBH, at leant.
I Anally obtained a quantity of Dr. Sago’a Ca
tarrh Remedy, your uoldon Medical Dntcovory
and Polleto, and commenced their vigorous
uao according to directions. To my Burpneo.
I oooo began to improve. Tho Discovery and
Pellets, iu a abort time, brought out a revere
emotion, which continued for aoveral week**.
I felt much hotter, my appetite improved, aud
tho brouchitia had nearly disappeared: had
cough whatovor aud I had entirely coated to
raise blood; aud, coutraiv to tbo expectation
of aorno of my friend#, tuo euro baa remained
permanent. 1 havo bad no morehomorrhagi
from tbo lungs, and am entirely free from c
ivetl at your hand#, know
it*l*». I am thoroughly satiafled, from
ny experience, that your medicluea will master
f that odious diaoaae, e
tlio v
iarrh, as well aa throat aud lung diat
havo rooomnteuded them to very many am
ahall ovor apeak iu their praise.
Gratefully votira.
\Ym. II. SrnxeKH.
P. O. Box 507, Rochester, N. Y.
Thu groat central plaiu of California,
for six mouths of tho yoar, is a scorched
and dust-swept desert. In April it be
comes oue flower-bed nearly 400 miles
long and thirty wide, set under a range
of snow mountain. A traveler writes of
it : "JGo where 1 would, east, west,
north, south, I was still surrounded by
flowers, which closed over my feet nt
even step, as if T wore wading in wa
ter,’ 1
After a Kansas City man has sat by
his chamber window and fiddled "Old
Dog Tray " eighty or ninety times pa
tience closes to be a virtue and bricks
begin to lodge in hia hair.
To Correapondxnth.—In answer to
Heart* of loiters wo state; The Fifth Otft
Concert of tho Kentncky Public Library will
positively take place November 30, 1874, and
tbnro will l>e no iKMitpotiemeut. ih© capital
prize will bo tQSO.OOO. For information con
cerning thin matter drop a line to Gov. Thoe.
K. Bramletto, Louiavillo, Ky.
To have good health the liver mnst
be knpt In order. Hnnfontt JArer Invignrator
has become a staple family medicine. Purely
'getablo— Cathartic and Tonic—tar all do-
ugomente of livor, Htomach and bowela
ill cloar tlio complexion, euro Hick headache,
etc. Shun imitations. Try SanfonV* Liter
Thb Narrogansett Collar Company are
turning out from 75,000 to 100,0C0 Elmwood
and Warwick Collar** a day. Thta aliown their
immettHo popularity. If yon havo not wont
Italt’k finances aro in such a shape
that she cau’t get out of debt for 200
years, even with good management.
Go to Uivontido Water Gnro, Hamilton, Ill.
The People** Nlsnip of Value.—'The
'lovernBflbt cfnlorDi'tnMil, wiiloU li-gall/.** Ih© Male
*f Pi.AKT.vno* Ri-rmta, in not the only atemp »f-
lUed lo that famoua Vkoktahmc Tome. It l*©ar»,
n addition in that uncial (auction, the *tim. wonr.
How to Look Young -Nlxtcrii. -Don't
lint nr ii(o vile Jfalr R©otnr©n>, bnt (Imply apply
Hagair** M«Kiiolla Ralin upon yotir fee©, n©©k end
n>1 nee Lyon** Kethelron upon yonr hair,
n niebca your complexion )*©erly, eoft and
and yon can't tell what did II. It removes
freckle*, lan, ©all»wii©((, ring-mark*, motb-patrhea,
and in place of a red, ruatle face, yon have the
marhl* purity of an exipildto belle. It give* to
thn bloom of |*n>©lusl youth. Add
r prod n©ed by
iornmrnt’. * llroth*'^ *'
nrlten thceo artlcl©.
will h
flr. Dnn’l Weaver of lloilan, fell down
a mining ©baft near Denver, 7<’> feet. II© waa terri
bly brulpofl, llml*s broken, and (opposed to l*o dead.
Mexican MnaUng Liniment wa» freely need, non-
ecloiianeae restored, bla Ilf© saved, and he came
home In eight week*. This In the moat wonderful
article for Ilrti»*c(, Sprain*, llhonmatiam, Swelling©,
Hpavln,©, Bore*, or any fleah, or mu* -
He ailment upon man or bead, ©ter discovered. It
$b:$20 'jiis
#21* -K!, 1
pay II. Apply now. O.WeLberAX'rf, Marlon,O.
can nr M *ivkkk (
k* "P j l | '*p ,u *j jtKfcg A Nn'.^I 1 otM»k©'0.7*aw Jer?
Of Purliamontary Praotioo.
rarrolUon, Carroll mim
IIHKOUK hr list It till MG ^.rune month
^prolu.ely lllustraUHV rwljned. ahle. brlllant. ru-
to f ei*'• 111m "or'lher ©ei' i'h ^ll'^at "u' “
I.. IG BS, CUV ECU ES, It r KM. Hn M ES, / .V-
DISCO YE It ED. PA\l I'll I. E TS . I .V l> P (11.1.
CO.: ./• V. WILSON, PRES.. C. II. It A K Kit,
For Choir*, Sluglng-School*, Convention©, etc.
NOVEMBER 30, 1874.
Drawing Certain ft that Date.
and Cash (lift
and Cash *uft
and Cash Oift
and Cash (lift
"aMidlft©, DO.OtMj each.
!mU (lifts, ]«,((©* each.
7aah Gtfta, lO.Ouueach.
I* otft©,
i Cash OtfU,
1 toul 10,000 (i
4,000 ©
*Wlml© r ^ckeUfOT 00 .Moioo
I* Tick eta for 1,000.00
For tickets and Information, sddr©««
Agent and Manager,
Public Library Dulldlng, Loulsvtlle, Ky.
hand mmm
Masonic Relief Association
..X 1 : 1 ?*'2.‘® r F ri * r ,B ‘’oadno-ed by m© masonic
iinlsr Mlhmlty| ©r the Virginia legislature (act
k» we have 19 OOUD REASONS why thay wtU
do yoar work
IllTliry are Cheapait lo bay.
■“■They *rt belt to nu.
Tlioy bite evenly mil quietly.
D Their operation ii perfect.
They tlwayi have I (ood drill.
< Thry are made oi the beet material.
They roul perfretly.
O TItry require but Illllc fuel.
They art rtry low priced,
m Tliry are eauily maaagrd.
M The. are milrd lo all loealiUea.
Every Stove ruaranlevd lo give ulUfae't
Sold by Exoelalor Manufg Oov
«T. LOOM, MO., *©D Ot
RICE BROS, k OO., New Orlaana U.J
E. UMOOHART * OO. t Memnkta. Tann.;
pnfU.M’H UUTTORFF k 00., Naabvilla, Teua
;Celtbratrd Botary-llook lork-Sllltli
Dr. 4. Walker's rnliforulu Vin
egar Bitter* am a purely Vegetable
propnnitlon, undo chiefly from the nn-
| tivo herbs found on the lower ranges of
the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, the medicinal prnporti** of which
ire extracted therefrom without the uso
I >f Alcohol. The question is almost
i dally osketl, "What i- tho cause of llio
unparalleled succ< ss of Yiskoau Bit-
i i khsP Our answer is, that they remove
the cause of disease, and the patient re
covers his health. They aro the great
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator ami Jnvigomtor
of tho system. Never boforo in tho
! hlatory of* tin* world law a mctliciuo been
| comjHimub*l po**.-*d‘r*©ing the nuuarkablo
: lualltkn* of Yinkuak Hitters in healing tho
I <ick of every ili«-a©e uian in heir t«*. They
j m* a gentl© Purgutivi* a* well as a Tuuio,
Uio Li
nil Visceral Organ
The preportii*s of ])n. Walker’s
LVkwAit llrrrKRHam Ai><*ri<-nt. Dianlmretic,
lariuittakvc. Nutritiou-*, Lnxutivn, Diuretic,
•-Irritant, tjadorilio, Alters
i Hllloi
Ono (Iran.I Gault Gift of
Olio Grand I’aalt Gift of.,
Ono Grand Gaali Gift of..
On© Grand Caeli Gift of.,
One Grand Cash Olft of.
Ono Grand 0 ah (lift of.
Ono Grand Caait Oift of.
If) Caali Gift* of yi.omi
28 Caali OifU of 500
4 1 Caali (iifta of 950
71) Gift* of 150
950 Cash Glfta of 100
''“7 Caali Gifts of 50
5,000 Caah Gifts of 10
NEW No. 6
For Leather Mark ami Heavy Tailoiin*
0 (KN) CASH ritl/RH aggrt gating. ..$250,000 ! ©rain
"tI'i '?olcV?S(*mrig^n.r' n *"
•nuTprU©?'^ HOPSCr! 1 FmMani." 1
ad Irl* lltCNfl Vv” M It K,' Sfc rli Ur r' “no ”
Mo 03 mid OJ Church Street.
No. rt North Cherry Street.
The Ameriean Meal nml Vegetable Chopper.
Portable Family Sewing Machine,
of^maehlue w ltbln'tbe*ttoe P ape-
BcckxvKli Seulitjf jHachine Co.
Now York: 8G? Broodway.
Chicago: 231 Wabash Ave.
Sewing 1 Machine.
The “Medal for Progress,"
No Kewing Machine Rrrrivrd a Higher firdol.
A KKW CiltMtD It K ' MINS i
I.—A Sew Invention THoaouaRLr Tw*tki> an
(©rure-1 by l.©tt©ri Patent.
fitly \fnnao"l by
Armory, ll'ou.
No. O Mildlotii Nqunrr, iHnrti’i I
Chlcaffo, III.t
t , Buffalo, N. V
liinutl, II.t 33
334 Wa htrgtm at., Hoilon, .IU*©.; 81U
Cheat nut at., PhllikdrlphiM, Pa.. IU Sixth
•t., Plttabu* rIi. Pa.i 35H Wot Jeffersou
at., Lrulavllle, Ky; Oeulvea Open* llou.c
.Harriett* *t. Atlanta, Ga; 01? No. Fourth
at., St. haul*, Mo; Corn- r of North Pearl
and Steuben ate., Albany, New York.
Gratoftil Thousands proclaim Vin
egar Bitters the most wonderful In-
vigorant that ovur suatuinod tho sinking
N*Person cun tuko these Hitters
accorfllng to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones aro not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
moans, and vital organs wasted beyond
Bilious. KiMiiittont and Inter
mittent Fevers, which aro so preva
lent in tho valloys of our great rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Grande,
l’earl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ito-
nnoko, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout our
entiro country during tho Summer and
; Autumn, aud remarkably so during sen-
sous of unusual heat and dryness, tiro
invariably accompanied by oxtensivo de
rangements of tho stomach and livor,
j ana other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful infiueuco upon these various or-
' gnus, is essentially necessary. Thero
^ no cathartic for tho purpose equal to
ni:. j. Walker's Vinegar Bitters,
j as they will speedily rernovo tho dark-
colored viscid matter with which tho
i bowels aro loaded, at tho samo timo
stimulating tho secretions of tho liver,
1 and generally restoring tho healthy
; functions of tho digestivo organs.
Fortify tlio body against disease
! by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar
BITTERS. No epidemic rati tako hold
j of a system thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head
ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs,
! Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, .Sour
i Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita-
tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho
Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kkl-
j ucys, and a hundred other painful symp-
■ toms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia,
j Ono Dottlowill provo a bet ter guarantee
! of its merits than a lengthy advertise
Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito
Swellings, Uleors, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck,
Goitro, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent
! Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old
1 Sores, Eruptions of tbo Skin, Sorn Eyes, etc.
Iu those, ns in all other Constitutional Dis
eases, Walkrr’s Vixkoar Bitters havo
; shown their great curntivn powers in tho
: most obstinnto and intractablo coses.
For Inflammatory nml Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Itcmit-
t tent and Intermittent Fevers, Dlaenscsof
tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder,
j thoso Hitters havo no equal. Such Diseases
! aro caused by Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases.-Persons en-
I gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as
j Plumbers, Type-setter*, Gold-beaters, and
: Miners, ns they advance in life, aro subject
i to paralysis of tho Ilowcls. To guard
| against this, tako a dose of Walker’s Yik-
I KHAR Bittkrs occasionally.
ForSKIn Diseases, Eruptions, Tct-
I tor, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spoto, Pimples,
I Pustules, Boils, CaVbuucles, lung-worms,
I Scald-hoad, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch,
Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Humors
: and Diseases of tho Skin of whatovor name
or naturo, ore literally dug up and carried
out of tho system in a short timo by the uso
of thoso Bitters.
Pin, Tape, nml other Worms,
j lurking in tho 6rstein of so many thousands,
i aro effectually destroyed aud remoVod. Nr
, system of medicine, no vermifuges, bo on-
thelminitlca will freo tho system from worms
like theso Bitters.
i For Femnlo Complaints, in young
| or old, married or single, nt tho dawn of wo-
I manhood, or tho turn of life, theso Tonio
; Bitters display so decided an influenco that
improvement is soon perceptible.
I Cleanse tho Vitiated RInod when-
! ever you find its impurities bursting through
tho Bkin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores;
cleanso it when you find it obstructed and
sluggish in tho veins; elennso it when it is
foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep
tho blood pure, and tho health of the system
will follow.
R. ii. McDonald * co..
Druggists *nd Gen. Agt*., Francisco, California,
XDU ear. of Waxhlncton ami Charlton St*.. X. Y.
Hold by all UruggUl* and Dealer*.
P--crlpiiy© Pr/co' "I* nUKKAGFU ChcsF
id, Spare and Upwriglit Pianos,
!'iruL VlWV> 1 1iVm a 1 11 , s ' ''■"h'prio©
Sena stamp for circular, or call. Abdominal 8np-
portor*. fou>ulder Brae©*, Crutches ; all *-*nda ol
KSSS-. ItoW™’
JS7 Washington St., Chicago.
r e you wish to set a PRACTICAL BU8I-
NIC S3 KUUCATION, attend and graduate at
^pSreffrfMASCT.- OTjtagl Ch.rming? I *****
» v 4! '} V I
■* *’ 1 -• ' 1 T.'williams a cv, i-nb‘»,PhiUd.ijdii.* • paj>ers! and* eeUuate* ebowtng c«*t of adveitiWnj.
I t(^.4S-SCTh.ttfc:%nSS:
teed worth B*tuple Box br rnafl
«5. 617 St.
^^Ohjrla fftweCst, lards, Ks,.
!• " nlaiS! ‘ ' i ;■* ‘ £**-1^> • »•
> -<**• • bo-.k «tieh (tealJ l- rr»d br „
, ' . V’.-'".': '\ pll fv or V- raoM conirmplaUbx A.x*
p;; ‘V* S***• oSiSMatnSf Dr’li ’J
hr rs
^ 16,000.000 nine©,
’8,600 Trap Sold.
i TdSreae P UB! BE'lTi'* D/SFKNHAR 1 ?,''i?!ii
1 Eighth Street, s;. LouIb, Mo