The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, November 07, 1874, Image 3
THE RECORD. A Lire Country Newspaper. Published Every Saturday Morning by W. S. t). WIKLE & CO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION*. Ono copy, one year S2.00 One copy, aix mouths 1.00 Ton copies, In cluba, ouo year, each 1.50 Single copiee 5cla All eubecriptione invariably in advance. No name entered upon the Hat nuttl tho enbecrip* tion ie paid. RATE8 OF ADVERTIHINQ. ' •pack". I 1 W. I 1 M. I 3 M. | 6 M. | 12 M. 1 Square... U 1.00* 2.. r si!* 5.00if R.00* 12.00 }{ Column. 5.00j 12.00 20.1.0 SO.lKtj 40.00 s Column.! 8 00 15.00 26.00 40.00 05.00 1 Column..! 18 00 ; 25.00| 45.00| G6.00| 120.00 Piofcaeional aiul Business Cards of one Inch or lea*, S12 per annnm. payable quarterly In advance; aix mouths, *8. All advertise ments due after drat insertion. Notice to Presbyterians.-It is eat ncbtly desired that a full Hooting of all tbo members of Cedar Valley Presbyterian Church bo had next Sabbath afternoon, at 2 o’clotk, tbo 8th inslanti By the Sksoon. A Mr. Flint, who lived in tbocoun- try, was taken from towu on Thurs day last in a dying condition and died that night. Wo loaru tiat ho had bom in towu siueo Tnesdty, in a druukou condition. Wo loug to soo tho day when this terrible nonster, intemperance, shall bo put d»wn by tho strong arm of tho law. CHURCH DIRECTORY. 11 aptist CiU'BCU.—Regular Services. 1st and 3d Sundays in each month, Bov. Court ney Brown. Pastor. Sabbath-school at 9 o'clock, A. M. Mktiiodist Ciu-rch.—Services at 11 o'clock, a. u. and 7 1-4 o'clock, i\ m. every Sabbath; Rev. Wm. II. I.aPrade, Pastor. Sabbath-school at 9 o’clock, a. m. ParsnvTERiAM Cm rch —Services 1st nnd 3d Sabbath every month. Rev. R Taylor, Pi Sabbath-school at 9 o'clock, Mnnonic. - Calkdomia I,odoe, No. 121. F A A. M. Regular communication, the 3d Frida night in each month. J. 8. Sun N M. Wkioiit, Socretary. , W. M. Goo«l Templars. Cedar Valmy Lodor. No, 303. 1. O. O T - Meets every Friday night (except 3d Friday,) .1 E. HOUSE A I,, W. C. T. J, A. I.iddem., Secretary. ((range. r’CotqriTT Gbanok, No, 20 Regular meet ings Saturday before the third Sal^atli In cadi month. Our Agents. John 8. Vann, Priors Station. E. P. Feathers!on, I,imo Branch. ( R. S PattlUo, Taylorsville. W, P. West. Esom Hill. SATURDAY MORNING NOV. 7, 1874. Tj O C A L IT KM S Wo nro authorized to announce tho ntitno of Judge T. L. PIT I MAN as a candidate for roolection to tho ofllco of County Treasurer, at tho election to bo held on the first Wednesday in January next. Oct. 28, 74. We are authorised to announce Mr AY. F. TREAD A AY AY as a candidate for Tux Collector of Polk county. Election 1st Wednesday in January next, td - __ \ Boots nnd Shoes very cheap Oman's, Borne. Batchelor Brogans $1,50. fit Job Printin'**.—AVo have uindo ar rangements to have Job work of all kinds done, in the very beat stylo nnd at tho lowest prices. Send vour orders. Ijogal blanks furnished to order. Ladies if you want a stylish hat, go to Wright’s, ho has them triraod to order by Mrs. O’Connor, of Atlanta Tho prettiest lino of prints to bo found in town is at Wright's. If you want to buy clothing nnd hats cheap, give AVright a call. Tho cheapest and best assortment of Indy’s nnd ghntloraou’s shoes and boots is at AVright’s. Needles for all kiuds of Sowing machines; .Singer,05ct« per dozen—all Olli ers 80 cents. Will send needles by mail on receipt of price. W. H. WIKLE, Caricrsvillo, Oa. Dou’t fail to call at tlio Colartowu Furniture AVnrerooms. Tbo best bed-room fnrnitiro nud parlor suits, and the cheapest in the State, can bo bought at tho Colartowu Furuitur AYnrerootn. This can bo proven by calling and pricing. Makiued—At Priors Station, on tho 3d inst., by Rev. It. F. Taylor, Dr. M. F. Liddell to Miss Maggie Morrison Printer’s foo O. K. Wo wish tho Doctor ami his bride much happiness. AVo soo from tho returns of the pri mary election, that Mr. T. L. Pittman reciovod lfi votes. Mr. Pittman au thorizes us to stato that ho was not a candidate in that election. The following is tho vote polled in thin county for Congress, on Tuesday last : Fulton. Dabney. 350 220 Photographs Enlarged.—A\ f o have taken the agency of a Philadelphia houso to have photographs eulargod. Wo can havo tho work done at about half the price ohargod by traveling agonts. Samples can bo soon at tbo Record ofllco. New Advertisements. Public Sale. 14th i tho highest bidder, tho ft lag property Throe Mules, one Homo, fattening and stock Hogs, ono l.'ow and calf, ono two- Wagon, ono Buggy, Fuvming Tools, Three hundred bushels Corn, Shucks, 2000 bundles Fodder, 150 bushels cotton seed. JJ Cash. J. II. WALSTON. The Cheapest Furniture Houso in the State! Thoso who Purchase $1500 Worth of Furniture, a present of a niot ml useful piece of Furnituro will ho given t tho CEDARTOWN FURNITURE WARE-ROOM nov 7 - -ly BOUNTY, l. w. T the Professional Cards. Cedartown, Rock mart, 105 37 Buncomb, 70 26 17th district 54 22 Hill, 18 45 Filth Crock, 29 9 Foltou’s Majority, 314. At least five hundred voters iu this county stayed away from tho polls. A full vote would no doubt havo in creased Felton's majority to five or c hundred. Tho following is tho consolidated report of tho return of the primary lection, held in l’olk county, flu., Nov. 3d, 1874 ; Treasurer—J C Iteoao, 220 ; T L Pittman, lfi. Sheriff—E W Clements 105 ; P C Gordon 59 ; G C Green 21 ; Lump kin 1. Tax Collector.—John AVright 139 ; .1 R AYeat 77 ; John Carter 27 ; Troad- awuy 8; Edmondson 8; Stouo 5. Tax Receiver—Arrington, 195 ; Buckner, 26 ; R Whoelor2; Jenkins 2. Snrvoyor—hi. M. H. Byrd 5. J. A. Peek, Cbm. Ex Com. Only last week wn recorded that Air. Foathorstou had his hand badly cut and bruisod in a cotton gin, and wo nro called on to record an accident of tho snino kind, and in tho sumo gin, which happened to Air. J. D. Endlows on last Monday. His hand was badly cut, losing bis fore finger, and other wise badly hurt. Tho young Doctor of tho Cave Spring Enterprise, being fresh from between tho walls of a medical collcgo, where medical technicalities and Latin phrases aro spouted freely, notices critically a typographical error in tho Record, which makes tho name of ono of its correspondents Quid Nuc instead of Quid Nunc. AVhon tho Doctor learns to spoil tho headings of his own articles correctly written in plain En glish, thon let him play tho critic for other paperp. Soo article headed Courtship in England,.on first page of last number of tho Enterprise. il. .1, Hand, desensod, having made applica tion for loavo to soil sixty acres of land oil of ilie cast portion of tho plantation of snid deceased. Thoso aro, therefore, to cite nnd admon ish nil concerned to bo nnd spponr nl the next Court of Ordinary, to bo hold In said county on the first Monday in Dccombor noxl, to show cause; if any they havo, why leave to sell said land should not he grnutod in terms of tho law. (liven under my hand nnd ollicinl signature, this Oct. SOth, 1874. .101*1. Bit MW Kit, Ord’y. pKORUlA, Jl’Ol.K COUNTY;—(J. T. vT Parker has applied for exemption of personally nnd sotting apart nnd valua tion of Homestead, and l will pass upon tho sumo at 11 o’clock n. in. on tho Itlth day of December, lH7i at my ollioe, this the 31st dav of October, 1874, JO!:i., Ord’y. R. AV. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CEDARTOWN, (7.1. P ROMPT attention given to Claims. 081 co with Ivy F. Thompson, Hast aide Court Houso square. oot 17. 7 I Wm. M. SPARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cedartown, Ca. oot 17 '74. .1. It. if A It II E It , IVotary Public AND ATTORNEY AT IV AW, Cedurtown, Gti. P MVTICUl.AU nttohtion given to taking Depositions and collection of claims. KING k J \ si*>. ATIORNUVS AT LAW ('cdiirlowii, (In. O FFICM In Court Houso. jilno 20 w. r. T l It N E it, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ccdnrtowu, (in. O FFICM over Dr. Hooco’s Drug Store. juno 20 IVY l\ THOMPSON, iVttoi'no.v n.t, JAnw., CEDARTOWN, GA. ^‘^FFU'K —Mast side Court House square, WOFFORD 6c MILNER, ATTORNEA'S A r ULAW Cartcravlllo, Go. ^FFICK in Bank Building. juno 20 AVOFFOItl) & WIK LE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW nnd Real Estate Agonts 'Ann: ns vi lee It. It. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON c Ei) a nro ir.v, a a. O FFICM over Dr. ltecsu’s Drug Store. juno 20 Drs, Liddell & Richardson, hninhcrs Mclntire,* Jane lingers and K C Phillips, tho lawful heirs of Mrs. W. 1). Mclntire, latcofsaid county, deceased, hav ing made application lo have XV C Knight appointed administrator, with the will an nexed, on tho estate of anUl deceased. This is. thoroforo to otto and admon ish nil persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to appear at my ofllco as required by law, to hIiow cause if any they havo. why said application should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this litli day of November, 1874. JUKI. Bit MW Kit, Ord’y. COUNTY. —Whereas, i tho 0H- tnto of Alfred Morrison, deceased, has made application, In duo form of law, for dismission from his said administration, alledging in his petition that, after bin ap plication as such administrator, Georgia .Morrison, tho widow of Sal*.’ deceased, made application nnd obtained homestead and exemption of personally, and in which was included the whole oT • l»o properly belong ing to tho estate of Bald deceased, and Hint ho has fully administered said estato, ho far as the law requires. Therefore, all persons concerned will lake not loo to bo nnd appear nt my oflioo within the time proscribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said W. C. Knight should not be fully discharged from his said administration. Given under my hand and official signature, this Oot. I), 1874 .10Kl. BRKWKR Ord’y FOR SALE. I will «ell. nt prlvnto sale, the following property: Two-Milk Cows, eight head of Hogs, ono Mulnand Buggy,Farming Tools, Five Hun dred bushels of Cotton Hood, two thousand bundles of Fodder, one hundred and fifty bushels of Corn, one four-horse wagon, two young heifers. Apply CetlB rlnwi f A Y ho found In theii office nt all hour Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Unliiitown, (in. QFFICE »t residence, 1,000,000 Dry Hides; 100,000 Sheep Skins wanted by M. F. Govan & Co., Romo, Ga. Rubber over-shoes and boots at Cherokoo Iron Go’s. Storo. A largo stock of all kiuds of goods just recieved and opened at Cherokoo Iron Go’s. Storo. The largest and finest lot of Cali coes in Cedartown just reciovcd at tho Cherkee Iron Co. Store. Calicoes of extra width, something entirely new, just recieved at Cherokee Iron Co. Store. A large lot of ready-made Clothing, boots, shoes and hats at Cherokee Iron Co’s Store. A largo lot of Linsaya and Flannels in great variety at Cherokee Iron Co. Store. London skirts, and Hoop skirts in great variety, at Cherokee Iron Co Sotro. $15. Furniture given away at Cedartown Furnituro Ware rooms. Have your old Furnituro repaired at Cedartown Furnituro Warerooms Read advertisement of Mr. J. H. Walston, in another colnmn of this paper. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Walston contemplates emigrating to Texas soon, as we will loose a good citizen, and wo fear Texa3 will not be the country he expects to find. Wo know how it is ourself. Cedartown Furniture Sstore.—Wo call tho especial attention of our read ers to tho advortisomont of tho above store. Mr. Axo has a good stock, and sells cheap, and we think our pooplo should sustain him, and not run off to Romo and other places, when they can get tho same article as cheap, if not cheaper, at homo. Ho nrnkoa a speciality of ordering fino furniture. Capt. A. G. West, President of tho Cherokoo Iron Company, returned from New York, Friday morning. Ho says business of all kindH is very much depressed, and tho indications aro that next year will bo very bad on ull kiuds of business. Married.—Near Rock mart, in this county, Mr. Samuel Hagan to Miss. Naomi Thompson. Died—Of congestion, on tho 4th inst., in Cedartown, Mazon J., son of J. D. aud Elizabeth Compton, aged ten years. Preparation is being made to estab lish a new paper here, by Messrs T. W. Dodd and J. T. Gibson. Miss Lizzie McDowell of Atlanta, was run over and killed by a switch engine, at tho crossing of Whitehall street on tho 1st inst. idono Oct. 31 Dissolution Notice. FTXHE Firm of Fenthorslon & Phillips X was dissolved the 1st of February, for all other purposes except to wind up the business or tho old concern. Those who owe us must pay up right now, or wo will bo compelled to 6, W, FEATKTOII Continues to ileal in DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Hats, Groceries Ac., &c., &c., SURGEON DENTIST (’(Mlurtuwn, Gu. Legal Advertisements. Sheriff Sales for Dec’emhen YTTILL ho sold, before the Court Mouse \ \ door, in Cedartown, Polk Comity, Oa. on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property: nty tons of plgiron, as tho properly of the Etna Iron Company, by virtue of a tl fa from Polk Superior Court in favor of W, Brlaut, vs said Mina lrom Company. Also, at same time and place, lots of laud Nos. .138, 339 and one half of 161. iu the 21st district and 3d section of said bounty, oiilaiulng 100 noro*, more or less Also, lots of land Nos. 22d, 207, 2(11, 215, 20(1, 331, 340, 87, 477. 200, 2114, 330, 383, 187, 88 83 and 232, in the 21st district and 3d sec tion of said county. Also lots Nos, 283, 149, 507, 290, 187, (13, 092, 1142, 1012, 287, 1027, 950, 1023, 500, 3 nud 507 in the 18th district and 8d suction of said county; also, in tho south-west corner of lot 1005, in tho 18th district and 3d section of said county, Also lot No. 783, in tho l t district aud Ith section of said county; also lots Nos. 808 and 75, in the 2d district nnd Itli section of said county. Also, two lots In the town or Kookmin-.; lot, iu block A, fronting 31) feet on marble street, and -nulling lmok 126 foot; lot No. 7 in block A og 20 foot on marblo street, and run ning Imek 125 foot, ns tho property of .las. M. Ware, deceased, b,, virtue of live li fas issued from Polk Superior Court, ouo in fa- of UuHtnvus II. Bates, vs Pleassnl W- Ward, James M. Ware, and .lames F. Dover principals, aud Wm. M- Tumlin, John II. Erwin and Samuel Erwin endorsers; one favor of A. M. Sloan, vs J;\s. M. Ware and Emanuel Lyon; one in favor of Jacob "' so, vs P. W. Ward maker, .las. M. Wat-0 lorsor; also one in favor of G II Ward, vs G. lloylo, principal, .las. M Ware, seen- y\ ouo in favor of .Idlers, Uotlirah A Co. James M. Ware; one in favor of Joffor- i Johnson, vs James M. Ware mid Minium- -yon, and one in favor of Veal & Co., vs P W Ward, Jas M Ware, security. it sumo time and plnoo, ono sorrol no years old; ten bushels of corn, less, and ten ncros of cotton in the field, supposed to mako ouo thousand pounds; levied on as the properly of Bun nell Lawrence, by virtue of one mortgage 11 fa issued from Polk Superior Court, in favor of John A. Jones, vs said Lawrence. Property pointed out by 11 fa. Also, at satUo limo ami place, lot of land No. 18, In th 0 iKill district nud fid section of Polk county, as tho property of .1. M. Smith, for State and county taxes. Prop erly pointed out out by defendant. Levy made and returned to inn by constable. Also, at Hitiuo time and plnoo, lots of land Noh, 83(1 and 837, in the 21st district and 3d Heat ion of said county, as tho property of John L. Howe, by virtue of ono execution ixiumiI lYuin I'ulk’ Hu|inrlur Com I, in l.ivoi- ..r r:in,1,1. l.yoim, vk .lolm Itmvn, II C Wynn, nn,I H.ii'l John I,. Itmvn n'nl K I' lllglu. or. Tho nbnvo lnml Inlying honn wol.l llln llrnl Tunmlny In llntnlior, IH.'.I, nn.l Inti oiv liy (!«o W M'orgnn, nn.l h" hnving ftillo.1 In jniy si.i.l inonoy, ll.o snino In horoby ml- verlisod for sale at his risk Also, at same time and pbute, lot of land No. 291, in tlio 13!li district and 3d section *of Polk county, ns the property of M E. Lawrence, for Stale and oounly Property pointed out by defendant. Levy made and rolnrned to me by constable November 5, 1871. E W CLEMEN TS, Sheriff A, .1. GIIKSON, Dep ty BlilV, ,\i>(i<-<> lo DeliJois ,Vt Umlilors. A LL persons having olMms lignins! tlio estate of M. L. Marlin, deceusoil, aro hereby requested lo present them to the undersigned, in due form of law, for settle ment, nnd all parties indopted to said estate are notified to mnko immediate payment, nn the bunlnofls must ho wound up promptly. K W. W11 IT El I KA D. Oct, 19, 1871. Executor. AilminiHtintoi’H Sale. ( 1 EOUGI A, POLK (.JOHN I Y. -Agreeable 7 to an order of the court of Ordimuy ol said county, will ho sold before tho Court House door, in Oodarlojvii, said county, on tho first Tuesday in December next, be tween tho L ;;:t! lioilfH of sale, the following proporly. tn-wlt: Lots of land Nos- 333. fill') and ono half of lllf, iu the 21 st .list riel 3d seotion of said county, containing 100 acres, more BURBANK & JONES, Cedartown, Georgia, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VARNISHES, KEROSENE, LAMPS. Everything Fresh and Purol 1» E It 15" II M13 B Yj LILY WHITE, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. OKNUINW GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE Always on hand. Tooth, Hair ami ,Nail Drufihos, Combs, etc. ] PLOUR- "Fancy,” - - $ ‘i 69 "Ciioiok," - - - 4 00 "Extra Family," * - H 50 ‘Family," - 6 00 Flour 1-2 cont load by tbo 100 lb Corn Moal $1 15 por busbol. J. W. BURKE & CO., WHCLESALtt Booksellers and Stationers, AND DEALERS IN Wrapping Papora, Twiuoa, Notions, Fancy Gootls, &e. Cor. Alabama k Whitohall Hla., I TEA XT A, - - - GEORGIA oot 3 2m East End Wood Shop. liV •T. M. HARRIS. Roptilra and Makes Wagons, Bedsteads, Tables etc And tlmoBl any thing made of wood. WORK CHEAP FOR. CAS II. * UV* do)w according /<» prom- sopfc 19 ly Buying for Cash, wo a s low as the lowest. Utay- (Jive us a call and j prepared to sell oo for yourselve juno 20-1y IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to tlio wiiolo Rtico of Women DR. BRADFIELDS Female Regulator I MICNHItH, relievo , mlkiy " —• ** *“ , Ni imilKli, or - - WIiIiom, nn.l tmrllnl I'rolaiimiN i RhoU' nionlhl: nml Nimii m ivoaii irrua-io.. i - rulli-ve (JimllvonuM, purify Urn UIoimI. .a nt MiiO'mlh lo ilia wtioL- nyslqni, oloa. i.l.nimrilnan rojy hue lo UiooliOoU.iiml oheut- ’ all tbo above diseases as Quin- Isln CitiUfs 1 wl *l'inilt'Vovoa 111Jk Jiolr oompialhts person, wlilui ‘ mntlRni ^ r 'IiiidVorVoot uii irroiUlaritti-H will tom iVi.hU Irritation nriflitneysand ntmb ■jvO CoHtlvoiiesH, pnrlf - *— “ ““ Niio-mlli io 'bo who)' .mrlluua ro fuHum 10 n o inlncl. ’ oitircnH of Ccilarto Cherokoo Iron Comp’y Store. A! . lots ' land No: 231, 23" dli-s (un euro ilioiiiiiolvi-H of nil tho above * I limit rovoalnnr itielr opinplaliUs lo , whlon Isaiwayii mortify lug u, Uiulr pride lumondort hy tlio host pliystaluns and t,.u o org>. jjAaiiANoit, (la , March CR, Bbuumki.d A (Jo. Allan a, CIn.: Hrar ..... - take III HtatlliK tluu I have omul Id tlio IiihI iwenty yn « ihe inedlclno you lire now put- tluu on, known as Dr. .1. llrudllo d'H I-cmnle lUuu- lalor o' d cooHtdpr H (tin Iiphi uoioMiouloii e notion to. ether for the iIIhimihoh for which It In cgniiiteodcd. I have boon lumlllur w th the i ho. lotion liolh hh a praotltlooer or oo'dlclno mol domest'o praoilne.aod can honcHlIy sny Hi .11 o slder II a boon lo H'lllcrtiig IimiiuIi-h. mol omi too llial every lady in oar own land, win iTurlng In any way puuiiltur to Iholr sox do to prooure a boltle. llial their sulturl mil only lie rnllovod, toil Unit Ihey may liurostori to health and strength. Wlih inJ.bliniest rtwal-8 I mu, rispoctfiilly, VV. Ji. FUllllILL, M5 D. Nkaii MXiiiKTTA, Oa a Mnroh,20, lleunlntor from you,mm iikvo iih"«i n m my inmi j vv I (is I lie utmost nulfsraolloii.and liave roconuiieu- ■Ml It to two or three other fmnlllen, mid they hnvfc round It Just what It Urocoinnionuod. Tho rmnali'fl wlio have imoii your itogulator nro to porfool Hen and nro ulilo to attood to their hOliHohO d duties, and we cordially recoiumond It to tlio pu >• H, JOHNSON, Wn could add a thousand other cortllli-aloH, bL. we consider tlio above amply sufllolout proof of Its virtue. A It wo auk In a trial. For full particulars, history of dlnoasos, t Hold by all drugglHts. W. S. DAVIS, C ONTBACTOB —AND — HOUSE BUttDEB, Cedartown, - - Coorgla. W ILL do till kinds "f work In his lino, in a good and substantial manner, guaranteeing satisfaction In work, and prienty as cheap as can he done, for cash or any kind of produce. Furnituro will ho put up to order cheaper than it can bo bought in this place—hodslends especially. UelVri'iMM"* given when required, sept 19 C A Si t HtO RFi. •T. S. Stubbs A-, Clo.j CEDARTOWN, GA., !£EHP constantly on hand a full lino of FAMILY OROCEmES, HARDWARE, Hoots and Blioos t iiIho a line of READY-MADE CLOTHINGI AND FACTORY GOODS, Cash buyers will find it to Iholr interest i oxnmino our goods aud prices before purchasing. Hold agents for tho sale of tho cole- W. H. Wikle & CM CrtrlcrHvillc, DEALERS IN COL Atlanta, O*. IF YOU WANT DRY GOODS 8 II O E S , CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Or any articlo generally kept in A FIRST CLASS STORE At Prions to suit (lie Closest Buyers, you will make it greatly to your advantage by calling at the above named store. juno 27-1 y Co wli He hIbo buys r or J3n.rtei*. nd sells Cotton. Oct 2 f We aro authorized to announce tho name of J. M. ARRINGTON as a can didate for Tax Reciever at approach election. The repairs on the Baptist church are about completed. Tho walls of the now jail aro com pleted, and the wood work ia progress ing finely. W. M. PHILLIPS, Opposite old stand, Where ho will bo glad to sco his old friends and supply them with Goods. He keeps a lino of General Merchandise NEW BARBER SHOP. T HE undersigned has located in Cedar- town for the purpose of carrying on the business in all its branches. Ifyou want “A CLOSE SHAVE” a Bbampoo or hair cut, give ine a call and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. I june 20 ALFRED EVANS. CEDARTOWN Lively, Sale and Peed Stable, Main Street, Cedartown, Ga- always on hand. Spociui attention given to the care < stock left in our charge. lumi’kin & McConnell* FULTON HOUSE, T. M. ANDERSON, late of Rome, Ga. with Corner Loyd and Wall sts. near Union Pas senger Depot, ATLANTA, : s J GEORGIA, l\/I KA L8 and Lodging per Day $2 Of); sin- iVl gle meal, 60 cents, First-class tabic nnd good rooms, Rfl^. Saloon in basement furnished with pure Liquors, Fine Wines Beer nne Wegars, July H Do You Want PBOFITABLB EMPLOYMENT Ifso, write to Major It. O. RANDALL General jf-oiit of the Mobile Life In surance Company, <Ju<l»Uen. Alii, giving your references, with a view to ob taining an agency for that popular Company ,331.810,87, 477, 239. 231, 330, 283, 187,’ 88, 83. and 232, in the 21.1 district and 3d seution of said county. Also, Inis Nhh. 288, I 19. 697. 290 187. 38. 992, 1142, 1012, 287. 1027. 950, 1923, 699, 3 and 607, in Ihe |Hlh district fid section of said county; also live ncros iu tlio south-west corner of lot 1036, in the IBlh district of the fid section of said county. Also, lot No. 783, in th .j I mi district and -I I li section of said county. Also, lots Nos. »9H and 75, in tlio 23 dis trict and -Itli seotion of said county. Also, two lots iu the town of Rooktnnrl; lot No. 3 in block A, fronting 80 feet on marble street uniting back 125 fool; lot No. 7 in block \, fronting 20 fool on rnnrblo streot and running back 125 foot. Sold as the properly of James M. Ware, deceased, for tlio benefit of Ilia heirs nnd oroditor* of said docoused. Terms Gash Oot 20, 187-1. J. L. DUPREE, Admf. *i EOUGI A, POLK COUNTY—Whereas, Or Bailie A. C'liildors, administratrix on the estate of Jane W- Childers, deceased, nplloatlon for leave to sell tho land in said county belonging to said estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, lo he and appear at my office on tlio first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why said application should not he granted in terms of tho Law Given under my hand and official signature, this the fith day of Got., 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y (~\ EOJIGIA, POLK COUNTY.—Whereas, YJ S. M. H. Byrd, Executor on the estate of Reuben Webster, deceased, Inis applied to me for leave to sell lot of land No. 1080, In tho 2d district nnd 4th section of Polk county, Oa., also a wild and uncultivated lot, lying in Walker county, (in , belonging to said estate, either at public outcry or private sale, as may seem to said executor most convenient and to the best advantage and interest of said estate. Therefore, all persons concerned aro hereby notified to bo and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, lo show cause, if any they havo, why leave to sell said land should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this Oct. OLIi. 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. Notice to Debtors anil Creditors ( 1J50R0IA, Pot.k Bounty.—All persons J indebted to the estate of David A Hicks latcofsaid county, deceased, arc hereby notified to make immediate payment; and those having claims against said estate will present them properly made out, within tlio time prescribed by law, to the undersigned. This October 8, 1874. MARTHA A. HICKS, Adm’rx. JOHN C, Mim, Practical Mechanic & Builder, CEDARTOWN, GA., W OULD respectfully nsnounou to tho public that ho is fully prepared lo furnish Material and Erect Buildings of all sizes and grades, nn short notice and after tho most approved plans. Particular attention given to making and trimming OO F F I 2sT S , REPAIRING FURNITURE, Ate. Those desiring work of any kind in his line would do well to call on him at tlio St. Charles Hotel. Shop fronting Court Houso Square. juno 20-ly BOOR AND STATI01EM, NOTIONS. NOVELTIES, GAMES, FANCY CONFECTIONERIES IStc-., Etc. T- A KB Subscription for any Rook or Pe riodical publisiioil iu tlio United Statos, at Biihlisliors lowost prions. J " N E "9 D L 'B 8 For all kinds of Sowing Maolilrios, also fur nish Attachments, Oils, etc. Will send Needles hy mail, I" any address, on receipt, of prioo. Singer, 35 cents por dozon ; all others 80 cents. Parlies would do well to consult us Wore buying goods from ped dlers, or Bonding North lo tlio various swindlers and humbugs. Any goods not in slock will bo furnished at short notion. juno 2(Mf -Ellen KJ _ Reeves has upplied for Exemption of Personalty and 1 will pass upon the Ham.»at 11 o’clock, a. in , on tho 17tli day of November, 187 t, at my office, this Gth duy of November, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ordinary. EORG1A, POLK COUNTY —Whereas, J W. H. Hogo, executor of It. W. Hogc, deceased, has made application, in duo form or law, for letters of dismission from ids executorship, representing in his peti tion that ho lias fully executed his trust. Therefore all persons concerned will he and appear at a Court of Ordinary to lie held In and for said county, on the first Monday in November next, to show causa, if any they have, why letters of dismission should not be granted to said applicant, and lie bo fully discharged from his said trust. Given under my bund and official signa ture, this 17th (Jay of July, 1874. tnovl JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. \V . O. I3art>er, REAL ESTATE AG-’T ltockiiiurt, (Li. W ILL sell or buy Wild or Improved Lands in any portion of tho county. Having boon a citizen of Polk county for many years, and being thoroughly posted in the Location, Value, etc , of Lands in ev ery section, feel confident that it will bo to the interest of parties having lands to soli, to plaoo them in my hands; ami thoso wish ing to purchase Lands can always be ac commodated. I will be in Cedartown on tho 1st Tuesday in each month, for tho pur. pose of transacting business in my line. june 20 Opened, A Boot and Shoe Shop, on the corner of Prior and Collcgo streets, near St Charles hotel. Our terms are Oa*h, and no work sliall bo delivered until paid for. Work done with dispatch and at small cost. Patronage solicited. Very respectfully, .1. W. HOOB, Cedartown, Gu., June 23th, 1874.| T li A V JQ1jI3R\3 GITID12. oopl Sundays Romo Railroad Company. UIIANCIH OP BCI5DULE. O N and after Monday, Juno 1st, 187 4 double daily trains will bo resumed on this road and run as follows: UI.Y PASSKN(1 Elt Loavos Rome at. 8.15am. j at Rome 1.15 p. m J Leaves Romo at 6 30 p. m. ) R .) Arrivoat Rome at 10.10 p in \ ^ ^ Each train will mako oloso commotion at Kingston with Western and Atlantic Railroad trains bound for Oliatlauooga and Atlanta. W. S. COTHRAN, Pros. JOHN 0. PKINTUP, Ticket Agent. Salma, Romo 6c Dalton R. R* Trains on tills Road will run as follows: GOING NORTH. Leave Selma 7.25 a in Arrive at Prior’s 6.48 p m “ Dalton 9,45 p in Making oloso connection at Dalton with E T V & Oa R K., and W & A R It for all Eastern find Western cities and tlio Vir ginia .Springs. GOING SOUTH- Loavo Dalton Arrive at Prior’s Arrive at Hulmu 6*45 p ti 10.12 p i: 8 8) u i M. STANTON, Gen. Supt. W. 8. MAYNARD, Asst. Supt. RAY KNIGHT, G. P. & T- Agt. “THE KENNE4AW ROUTE,” Western & Atlantic Railroad and Connections. SUIIBUIILB IN liPFEOT M.VY 25. NORTHWARD Leaves ATLVNPA Arrive at Car tors villo Arrive nt Kingston HUMher fi. Loavos ATL-VNTA Arrives at G irtersvillo Arrives at Kingston Arrives at Dalton Arrives at CHATTANOOGA NUMDKR 11. Loaves ATL \NT \ Arrives at Cartorsviilo Arrives at Kingston Arrives at DALTON SOUTHWARD NO 2, Leaves CHATTANOOGA Arrives at Dalton Arrives at Kingston ni;Mintr Leaves CHAT TAN000A Arrives at Dalton Arrives at Kingston Arrives nt Cartcrsvilia Arrives at ATLANTA 10.3(1 p. r 12 3) ft. i ; 1.01 a. r 3.0) ft. l 5.0J a. i 8.30 a. m. 11.05ft. in. 11.45 a, m 2.01 p. in. 4.24 p. m 3.00 p. in 8;15 p. in 8 13 p. m 10.30 p. iu 3.45 p. m 8 J.35 p. m 7.44 p. m 8.13 p. m 19.45 p. m 8.45 n m 8 O’) a in 10.12 » m 10.51 am 1.43 pra