The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, November 28, 1874, Image 2

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    1 Q Q A JV Iff.’ll «f Tenor hiiiI AIoih
rJ’'^THOMPSON, Amooiatic Uditod
RDARTOWN, GA, NOV. 28, 1874.
^jiltoria (iramlla Imjrfnlljr in the ! W» rofcM in oat arliole to ho found . ... ._
\imiio Oiifiteru portion of Murray i u iinollior column, oonmi.iiig ||,„ i Nuw York during tbo inonlli of Bep-
«. «mlin portion.of Ollmor.nnd i o, . in..< u>ml»..r fruni llio ntcaamn Cambria,
TUm Mrn.alln.
From Topple a Commercial.]
Ooo of tho latpmt bona Jlde latul j
8«Um ovor njfula in Kansu*, perliftpa in
Amcric/i, imN ini>t boen concluded l»v !
the Atchison, TojHiku aud Hunta Vo |
rniliond company with a company of!
Kon-tinn Melton item, who lauded in'
nWd Pi portion* of Gilmer, nnd
itlio line in Ninth Carolina.
Sunday ni^ht, to n re|x>it that
Tnscaniblft, Ala,, hud suffered greatly.
Hinoe that was in type, wo havo ro-
tliya tehee. Waller
tt’Srhfed iu Lis gun
*irhbd iu Lis gun tiiel '*u*' Hhrim-j^ij-irfjl. Huott after l
Lire wait, trying to draw it onVlMP&winm*r, it wan re
di*ohm-ycd. Hhrop- j rj® ^ ru,n
>&. W. C. Knight, wlr alevcr and ,
. <8,:Ut Olork ol Ilia wort, returned c r ' l ,nl,n AUn,,u M ’ v, ‘ w,liul)
nl Wednetdar. with 1.1. family, from , t “' u • 11,0 Mlowin B : to North Aliibamo, Tuu«*m\, At.,, Niro ubir, 21
, f In the storm Sunday about 300 pi*r-
Frrerideut Grant is now very bony sons wero deprived of house*. Thu lo-
P™#rtoff lifts annual mesaago. As ho ; M 1°** )<> tho town nnd priv do indi-!
tldnUa aud writos very delilMiiutck. it! 1 ssstliuatod <t $500,000. Tho
* .uoojohis nnd Clmrhmton milrond
i mow worn. company loots $20,000. Tho storm
A Newton conni v divine, who has t*»iino on while tho people woroaupping
...pent tho boot ,o,it of o,trainer in 11 “T ’[“"'■‘"I? “"'"d".
lv*, . . . . . ’ , , , passed over iminodutoly. Honacs
■ilinataimaing a S» , though* ho I U,„ blown down i,i ruauy plneoa. tin.I
was gelling ulung nicely, until Frank lira atrimta nnd rimdn overywl.ero wine
► .undo it propoaition to him lira oilier j llllotl mil It crumbling wall i nnd fclmt-
■«.jr to "intliu" with him and blurt u } ,md ''n.b.ra, Tlm itnindinD-
f flo bank 111 Oarlngton. j „!^w^ ,?
IrjfcWa negroes, u annul Walker and [wiling lunb. ih, mid roeoveri g thu
Slirtn^ira, wont out bunting a '^bn'kilM menl.Tiiod iV'y'mmdaj'b
rararo4.IfdTJNnnlivilfo dispatch, thirty persuns were
tia.i-j o t. - t jJ u B t(i ni , had
mciuberod that
>i« could lie ex*
j discovered that the iron bridge over
Spring crei k, about n half mile from
, - town had been completely destroyed
.#*1 0,1 SOuday morning, while , No one seemed lo-kuow what to do.
Dr. Siiiikland was at church, a do:>| At h ugth a young man named Worn*
•note, about nine years old, outored 11 Luge stick of pino wood
kiiil slore, through a window which ! it iu hre m a house
, , , . net.r by, lie moved towards the broken
was left slightly ajar, and abstracted ; |, rl w WftV icg tho blazing wood over
airout eight dollars in fructionals, from . homl aa be went. Ho had ulmosl
ilie money drawer. Most of the uion- rouehrd the crock, when tho torch wna
»y was rcooverod. Tho Principal of ,,x l‘ ,1 K“*shed hy tho rain, which was
t v lmin rr i1 u
nfanng arguracut ognlnal n Wpolitiou t|,„ , oxl moimnit Ibo boail liglu Ib.uln .1
of .mill uouJuot. tlirongli lira ilnrkiirta. Tlio young
. VTiT i , . . IDiitt vnlk'tl, nlllt lilt bin .niglil, ImU io
. Otis of lira Import.,nt maatura. to nnglnoor licnrcl nolblng but lira .torn,
bo commU-rud ut the coiningccngross HU( | before warning could reach him,
ih thought to be too admission of Col- | the engine, hrigugo, ono pasHen-
|Muido as a stale into the Union. An j ger coach went ovor (ho oml.nnk
application will probably bo made * 1
(o form a now slate of East Tjihicmsoo
and western North Cirolina. The
# piostion has been ngilnlod before con
-ulernbly iu Hie two slates.
died IfPtantly.—//eturt Gtm\m*)vinl.
The Cftve Spring Enterprise, says
i'rt Hie C'lllr.eiiN of I'olk county.
’ty foot down iuto the Clcck. The
recr passuogor oars did not go 'tft’ the
truck, it being blocked up by the wreck
of ‘ho formoht Oars. Thu m gineor,
tlrcinuu end baggage master \\r it ovor
with the wreck. They were cut out
of the ruins, nfl. r two hours’ hard
work. They were very duugcrnosly
I pniKMinco myself as a Dutnoorutlo | burned and bruisid, but expected t-
mdidato for She!iiT, with W. G. Tay- j recover. .Several of Hie passerg< ri
Deputy. I ahull, if olnuluil, din '! cl '° " l: « l,IJ .V "ijoi td, but
I pm
chat go the ctu(ii n of the
lxji>t of my cbd.ty. I will neb uh
been charged, turn the oflleo uu
pih(i>, but will (' i lunge the dull
iltay devolve upon me prompt, f
fully and impartially.
As my D 'puly rcHdiM in the
(el'll part of lb < county, 1 elmll uxpccl ’ Joint Hmlgk
-ini to attend to much «.f Ibo 1.
iitml fro
•ding ,
uly d» lay
their w ty. '1 h
three hours. Tho
llrwt removed tho ruins of Statu Sena
tor Moore's house. Mis. Mooiu wun
found on a bed, with heuvy timbers
anions bar body, aud two children uu-
drr her, All cnitJiud out of shape.
.d hi
I served i.h H’.ieiilV i.i lb
f L'loypd. nod refir to tin
Home] aud to every judge who , . > -
di d during my turn. My motto hIiuII
1»i a couscioiitioii‘i discharge of!lie du-
i u h and burdocM of tho i
«'ut. any kind of Javoritia
II sports have gone out that 1 have
promised tho jail to different persons,
i have made no contract, or promise
iu lelciuiiou to the juii.
Nov, 20 ’74 H. V. Lumpkin.
Icing through till
liodgUiiis, his wife aud I
were uli found clashed-to do.itli. Tin-
mansion ol .Mrs. Window was blown
down down and uliu was fouml killed
by u heavy ivuiihobe and other furni
ture. Tue I it Ml hu wau valued at i vul 1
I With $10,0U0. ller sou-iu-law, ex (b.vcrmn
Jdndsay, occupying a port
liotinu was unhurt.
of the
113URMAIIT, Ga., )
Nov. 23id, 1874. J
Mu. Eoiron .—Wo oeo tliut Mr. 1*1
W. Clements iu announced in the Co-
dnitown Express, as
Ui iu mince for when it.
Tilt* ( altuu ( Inina *.
According loan oflloial ruport pre
pared lust February at the Trcusuey
department, the amount covered
thu Treasury arising from notion and
othi r captured and abandoned prop
erty, including the rcluniHof nmounts
expended for the purchase of produets
lira Di'iiioorat-; tl„, uul or Kubnnry, ISIM, mut
the pro lit h to thu government ari-ing
Jlr. CIciiioiiIh, bcfoio lira piliraiiy, tlra pmclinH,-„ml Ural,
.•kralion, auuouoMd liiuiaolf »h iippcm- ,„. ol i„,.| h $21,2:, 1,27(1, |..
<d to it—aul Hniil ho would not uuL- was added the prein ton on the e. in
mil tail. Wo ill c iiifumraU, Ural Ira |110l i ul .U of lira «.tl,«,
.,n lira VI ry day tlra primary iluollon Huvnnnli, Olinrlrali.n nral M„|.ilu
wna Ira),I, aaiil Hint Ira wnn irat run- „ m0 , mlillg , u -ilimviuK
nin R iu Ami aftorwnril., nlw bln- tlml tot „| fl ,, m lh „ al .
Ind, Ibnt bv .lidnot run iu lira prium- WUB pa,; ms,(ills. l).„| m .|ii, K
ry rlvotlon. Now, nn unut Mr. Civ- u.vards to dniuraiiiH, llu, iiimiunt -
tho TieaHUiy at lime
want M
omuls to explain. Ih he trying U> j umiutng
run on both Uues. If h« claims him
self as the uomiuiH*. then ho
c—<u.d not bo the tioiuinoo
wftll nomination men, ami tmli-pen
ilrnt when with iudcpuuduut toon.
Let Mr. Clcmeuta vzpluiu.
Tho Montgomery Advoi liner spouks
in high terms of lion. D. C Anderson,
of Mobile, who was uuanimoinly elect
ed speaker of the Alabama house of
vepresentativis. llo has horctofon
lamiHimn- W as $1 1,110,425). Sinoo then .-tlier
Inoo wlrau — '--K *10.
414,000 now on hand. There wen-
800 oluiumuts, of which awimls have
beeu made »:» 422 cuh.-h, a number
havo been dismtHNod ami 22^ are pouil-
'!'«• Tlioi-u mu uKi.-r u'.uinis iifftf,-. ,■ .(-
iu B »13,500,000 on iimraut „l llu ul-
lugvil bvi.uuu of HID, 000 bn), h of ,u|.
tou, whereas, the T easury has kmnvl-
otlgo of 50,000 bales having b • n .seized
erved as a Member of tho house, aud after Juno 30th 18(5.».
i expelieuou, ability and ufTubility
iv.lflio grout bom Ut to the Btutc iu his
new h ofhciul capacity.
ha Vi
There aro of governors and govern
«i.s elect, at present, tweutv demo- iJvaltisbo
cruts, fiiUsm republiciiUH. auu two iu- nut avail.d...
iVi>t*ndeota. Of h gislutunts, theit* troln n lu j
arc thiileeu republican, twenty-one
democratic and three independent.
rtnuKO Him toTibj.—That was u
tiaiil juke that some of thu deviliMh
t oys of Hawkinsvillc played ou tin iu-
•. xicitcil man ono night iu*^t week.—
was two “iK>oxy“ to know
A not hoi class of ulaimeiit;
prefei chI claims for millions more, ag
gregating about four times I ho amount
remaining in tin- Tr« asury on account
of captur.M ilhgully made. Should
f the pleH-
il ible amount an appropt iution
ill lu come nceos-
IUk Link.
Our fellow citizen, William Van Ull
rich, is iu luck iU eidt illy ui luck.
Wo CJkllcd on him yc>t» nlav and gat'.*
^ cred the following facts ooi.ccruiug
j is own bend from his mummy 's soup u*h giavl f u tunc:
gouid, and the buys took him in Mr \ .ui Ulrich's fa thus brother,
charge. They projHiscd to “pul him "L** hvc»l in tin* K»st Indies uc.uiuu-
«n his little bed 5 to keep the murshal lateil «r lsigc fortune, consisting of
.mm carrying him to the guard $3,000,000 in gold, tlnec huge steaiu-
houBo. The ** rip stav« rs ” prooceilod ships, aud a^ huge amount of real
with him to the rear of u suuuliou
\hcro they caino to a |
He die*! May
.it h
uubriid* d nil
nnd the door locked upon him.
s .old til <t it Was Ins hol» i, and
could take tho lirst bed hi
lino this >ug a.will. which w.
the 20.18751. he
d | >cc
•to. Some ljau? dutiug the i.ight u, ‘U
3, 1873. Tile who!, prop,. |\
the testator was left t-» tin bn..
and Ins two cluldu-n, in ctjual pi
e, Mr. Van Ullnch will got
and i
mde 1»
j-cHoti, and has not been seen iu H iw
i.msville since. — />!>;*»/< A
, Mntklhe results of advertising.—
A\ in. Wukcman, a California farmer,
iidvutibid for a wife and got our. S >
:.u DO Hut here he made Ins
'oj: t ukv. He stopped advertising, m.d
uw disastrous tuc ooiUrCtiucnce. The
vifc packed up all hifl money aud
me linen, and went uo man knows
• thud . f the
nil] leave in » few days for Ger-
, min re his fit her unit sister live,
. jiupiMi-t f ivcioving his for-
He wid l.-.vo his in Coat
ctu to locate
1'olite—“Uleusi, sir, i| you will get
ofl' ol my c.»ru lohj; enough, J’U kick
Teutonia and City of Richmond, and
moat u( whom h ive spent the last thir
ty days and a good many of their roub
les in lira city.
Tim Munouito imigrution into Kid-
mum btgiin shortly after tho return to
Russi i of the first delegation that had
boon vent to the United Hlalcs and
Gtuuda on an exploring expedition
about a year ago. A few single fami
lies of considerable wealth followed
Ibo advice of their delegates, who hud
«xliamined tho entire VVest, and so-
Icob d several sections of laud in tho
vicinity of Marion Centre, whorothey
mndu Mibiltiiitial improvements ut The initial step was followed
about Hie close of last year hy the pur
chase from tho Atchison Topeka end
Suita Fq railroad company of 48,000
acres of land in liarvy aud McUher
Hon counties ou the part of members
of tho Mciionito community of Sum-
mm field, St. Clair county III., who also
took a controlling interest in thu town
of Halsted, which will no doubt bo-
come tl»e trade cent ro of tho Monou-
| ite colonies in Kansas. Parlies of
! from live to forty familus havo since
i arrived from Russia, mostly from the
, Crimean pcnensula, Nome coming first
10 Jv insMH, but most of them not until
i they mid ex mieud other {States. All
j thu urn moth communities in thi* couu-
; t»y are becoming interested in thoset-
1 I lenient of Ibis people iu Kuusas, and
j the movement is rapidly gaining in
mugnitudo. Misouri, Iowa, Indiana,
i Poitiisylvania and Canada, have al
ready furnished largo numbors of laud
purchasers and s. tiers. Tho party
{ which has arrived in Topeka iu tho
I last thirty days, and who havo now
1 left their future homes, numbers 250
' families, tho majority of whom havo
' belong* d to thu celebrated Molotsoh-
I noi (Milk liver) colony in tho govern
ment district of Taurida, of which tho
Crimea is a pail. Tho colony ooinpri-
mch sixty-llvo villages, ami iu considered
! the of tho Gorman settle-
monte of south ltussia. Emigration
! from tln.t place Inis hut just set in, and
as fast us the people cau obtain their
I pass ports from the government, so fust
| will they loavo that country for Amer-
| ic.
Unci of tho most powerful induce
ments to bring Monouiles to Kansas
11 ih boon the passage of an act (luring
| the lust winter's session of tho Logis-
I future amending tho inillitia law of
18(58, so that alt persons who, ou or
before the first day of May, in cacti
year file with tho cluik of their county
an aili.luvit llmt they aro members of
; a religious organization whose articles
of faith prohibit the bating of arms
| Hindi lie exempt from militia duty,
j Nuxl ..uiurnor will show won drful ohun-
! gos in tho region between Cottonwood
and Little A.ikatiHOH rivers, till now
! almost, devoid of habitations. Evuu
now tlm busy bum bus begun. Long
Mini a of wagons with lumber, bouse
! hold goods and farm iinpliineiits are
piisaiiig out from the railroad stations.
I'ho c.irpohtorH aro busy putting up
tho lirsL temporary shelter. The Aleh
in m, Topuk and Hanta Fo railroau is
. erecting live immense emigraut houses
it. convenient places for the reception
ol new comers, Tho mowers that lmd
been I iid by for tho Reason arc brouglit
! into inquisition again to uut tho wav
ing grass for Lhe tliousanda of wotk-
| horses, oxoti ami milch cows to sub-
! nisi on during tlto short winter scutton;
: ear after car load *-f breaking plows
and other implimonts aro st'iit down
I the road, aud it sooiuh uh if the wotk-
' mg season for Mte farmer had begun.
A Romantic.—Fifty years ago a
, young English ofiloor named Hen
dricks was traveling with his Bister in
Italy, where ho uiot, wooed, won and
ran utT with tho charming duughttr
of a rich and proud uobleumti. Even
as the father of Desdeinona disowned
her, so tlm Italian Count sworo never
again to acknowledge his recreant
daughter. Nothingihulurbod thereat,
she accompanied her husband to thu
British dominions in North America,
thence to Now York, where, aftor giv
ing birth to a daughter, she died.
Hendrix, having thus lost his wife,
gave himself up to dissipation, but was
so far mindful of hist motherh as infai t
us to marry a Gorurnn woman who
had taken a fancy to tho child. Tlm
: girl grow to maidenhood, receiving
little education, for tlm family was
poor and whou still young was mar
ried at Vincennes, Indiana, to uuOliio
river mute named Hiram Titus. They
! lived happily onough until Titus lied,
when she rumovoa to Louisville, where
hIiu led if not a desolate still not a
virtuous life. Now tlm Count, her
grand-father, has yielded to lleaveu
ms \ital trust, and ns sole lineal heir
she has gone to Italy to eluiiu his title
aud Ins wealth. Tho fortuuo which
! thu# fulls to hor is estimated from
$200,000 to 800,000.
A WurutiiK to lloys.
A certain doctor, struck with the
largo number of boys under fifteen
years of ago who ho observed smoking
was led to enquire into tho effect tlm
habit had upon tho gouornl health.—
Uo took far his purposo thirty-eight
boys, aged from nine to fifteen, and
' carefully examined them.
]u twenty-seven of them ho dis
covered injurious truces of tho hubi..
In twenty-two there were disorders ol
the circulation and digestion, palpita
tion of tho heart, amt a more or less
marked tasto for drink. In twelve
there was frequent bleeding at the
nose ; they hud disturbed sleep ; and
twelve bad slight ulceration of tho
mucous membrane of tho mouth,
which disappear* d on ceasing from
the use of tubacco for u few days.—
'Hie doctor treated them all for weak
ness, but with but little effect until
smoking was discontinued, when
health aud strength were soon restat
ed. Now this is no ‘old vromnu’s tale,’
as those mv g»veu on anthoriay of the
‘ British Medical Journal.“
A traveler in Vermont, stoppiug at
a hotel recently, ordered suppet. The
meid was a very inferior one, aud at
its cotielusion, which was soou reaeh-
o*l, he stcpj>e*l up to settle for it.
"Well," said lionifaoe, with alacrity,
. •* l^hopo you had a good supper."
4 ‘ Yes," replied he, musingly, 14 the sup
per averaged first rate ; the butter
was Mroug and the tea was weak ’
Infernal Revenue Uepart.
llio report of tho commiiwioneni of
iutcrnal rorenne show* that the total
production of mannfaturod tobacco
during the last fiscal year was 118,548
GIB pounds. Tho collectidrin of tax
on tobatxxi was $5)32,428 75. Total
quantitymannfucttired during tho year
10,887,827 p iunds. Tho actual pro
duction of manufuctured tobaooo ex
ceeded that of the previous year by
oyer 2,000,000 pounds t aud the for
eign exportation exceeded that of the
previous year hy near 700,000 pounds.
The eominiasionur urges the contin
uation of tho leaf tobacco clausoa in i
tho not of June G, 1872, without nn i
amendment or alteration. Tuo results
of this great irado, so far os its rela
tion to the government aro concerned,
have been exceedingly satisfactory.
During the hist fiscal year 2,880 fruit
distilleries were registered and. 2,841
operated; 700 distileries other than
fruit were registered aud GG5 operated,
and there has l>eeu an increased activ
ity in all operations relating to boud-
od d inti I led spirits. The quantity pro
duced during tho year 1874, ns com
pared with that of 1878, is ruin lively
greater than tho quantiU withdrawn
for all pui |K>ses during 1874, as com
pared with the quantity withdrawn for
all p«rpoH<H during 1873, leaving u
balance of 158,177 00 gallons in ware
house, Juno 80,1874, which is 2,900,
247 more than jvus iu warehouse, June
30, 1873, the quantity in warehouse ut
time b mg 11,017,402 gallon". Dur
ing the first of thu presei.t
your the demand for distilled spirits
has boon active, and a quantity with
drawn from tho wurehousu upon tho
pnymont of u tax. Virginia exceeded
thu quaritily deposited so that tho bal
ance remaining iu thu warehouse Sep
tember 30 1874, bus been reduced to
12,577,006 gallons, or a decrease of
3,240,012 gallons ns compared with
thu quantity remaining iu the ware
house June 30.1874. Thu whole uum-
hor of oases compromised during the
past fiscul year wus 381, aud tho total
amount received hy compromise bus
been commenced, and 2,228 huvo been
settled it) favor of the United Stares
governmont, 527 agaiiiMt 1,055 suim
wore [Minding on 1st July, 1874, 1,240.
Tue iirgost amjunt collected in any
ono quarter frum tobuuoo was collect
ed during the first quarter of the cur-
rout fixes I year, which reaches the
sum of $10,102,054.
Should the corresponding collec
tions continue for the icmuiuiug three
quarters thu receipts for thu curruul
lineal year will Hggnguto thirty-six
A CurloiM Contest.
, Early mi Sunday tin •ruing n gontlo-
‘ man walked out, probably for tue pur
i pose of calling his sheep. After a few
; vigorous calls, the llock collected
i around him nnd clamored ns usual
; for their allowance. One old black
raiu, however, seemed to h ive soino-
j thing on his mind, nnd stood aloof.
I The owner, seeking to conciliate him,
| approached and laid Lis hand upon
| his head. This the rum resented with
a furious churge, which was repeated
until tho owner took to flight, lint
he was too far from the fence, and
the enemy literally hung u|K>u his
i rear with per*ovoriug obstanacy. A
I change of front was resolved upon
ami immediately »ff-otud, hut still
| tho buttery was played with undiiuio-
ibhed fervor. Soon tho parties diuoh-
! od, and after a vigorous scuflie, they
! c inro to the grouud. The rum could
| now do nothiiig, but Iris fleece protect-
! od his ribs from tho furious blows of
: Ins advoisuiy. Both seemed now
j pretty nuutly i xlmustod. The man
; was ou top, and seizing a stouo which
: lay near, oommeuced pounding tho
head of the sheep. Of course the
| ruck was soon roduced to frnginenta ;
i but the muri, having formerly driven
hogs, thought of the expedient of
throwing dust in tho eyes of the recu-
: sant ram, and incontinently filled his
' optics with clay, rubbing It iu. Uo
! then arose to enjoy thu sucockn of his
ruse ; but tho rum " tix “ too, paused
• a single inouiont, applied a km** to
; either eye, and runewtsl tho combat.
And now the fight was more desper
ate than before, and victory seemed
to porch above the shoep. Uut. us he
put all his power into one tiual blow,
; his almost tainting ant gonist succeed
od in avoiding the shock aud catch
ing tho rum by the tail ; and now the
tide of victory turned. A succession
of furious kicks, administered u
| riori, decided thu oontost. Thu ram
cried foul play, bui the adversary
fought for oonquest. At lung'll the
“tail-hold slipped," and both [mrtios
| tied in opposite directions. They will
probably “ fight another day.’’
SliidentH in Luck.
Tho Khedive of Egypt, who tins
! shown his ap|n > ociatiou of Am erica ui
by appointing ono to command Bis
army, aud several others iu subordi
nate positious, 1ms picked out three
of tho Dartmouth medical students—
Charles F. Brown, Frank A. Colby,
aud Charles W. Dustin—to superin
tend thu surgeou corps of his unu^
They start for Egypt early in Docs tu
ber, only a few weeks aftor graduation,
iimi expect to roach Cairo, their head
quarters, iu about six weeks. They
arc exooptiouubly ublu men, and are
very sunguiuo of success iu their ven
ture. Mr. Browu is to have a falary
of six ihousaud dollars iu gold, with
tho paymeut of expenses to Egypt
, and back, aud will rank as colonel.—
Ho is a native of Now York State and
a graduate of Union College. Ho
practiced law for two years, but, abau
douod his profess-ion, lie traveled iu
Egypt for souio time, and having stu
died medicine at Burlm and Viena, re
turned tv> this oountry. Ho was for a
time editor ou a paper iu Jamestown,
New York. Colby takes tho rank oi
lieutenant colouel, aud receives a suiu-
1 ry of $2,500 in gold, with his t-xi*euBes
p *id. Ho is a Laucastcr tuan, but a
graduate of Colby Univ* raity.iu Maine
aud was once associate editor of the
Bangor (Mo.) Wing, lie will rcsidu
permanently iu Egypt. Dustin will
rank as major, and have a salary of
$3,500 iu gold, expenses paid. Hw is
a Veruionier, and never saw a locomo
tive until he went to D o tm mth col
lege. The residence ol Brown aud
Dustin in Egypt is to be only teuipora
A Sunday-*chool teacher recently
told his class that Jeremiah was the
first priuce of Wails.
The hair of a lady in Moutpellfi,
Yu, turned white iu a single night
She fell into a flour barrel
There AreCrmel Wire* at well I
aa HoRbaiia.
Chancellor Runyan lrra. jart render- R©al Estate AffeiltS.
oil . rlocuion in one o( ibo moot re- w D v uu l
markoble euee ever brought before l CBDARTOWN, (IBORIIA
the New Jerney State conrta. It la a j
anit brought by one Jamea I’uraoua A ” now •■>• f.Rowla* d.rirabl. !
Sfbtn^T&te'Sorpr. property for sale.
sons who waa born in England in |
1778,traveled in early life over a large j 300 Acres Farming Lands,
part of the world. In 1838 be mar- w. off.r for ..I. sr.t urn or l.nJ. m
eleared and under good feacr, located five j
mllea east of Taylorsville, aix milas north i
of Rockmart, and one mile from Cochran’e t
mill. A bargain will he given. This is •
good upland.
ried, nnd subsequently discovering
that his wife already had a husband
living, traveled to St. Louis with her
in seurch of her husband, to whom
be surrendered her. Iu Eugland, in
1842, ho munied his present wife, and
finally decided to move to Patterson.
Providing his wife with $3,500 in cash
320 Aors Farm—A Bargain.
Farm of 320 acre*, 100 cleared and in
bo aunt-ber to parch.* In hi. name ‘
.. . , * 2! , ling, new unoke bouse and well of good
the property known as Nop. 51 aud . wnter . The remainder of the land ia well
GJKivrr street, in that city. Hho re- I limbered. The grade of the North and
paired to tho plnce designated aud i South Railroad pasties through this land,
uud tho deeds made out in ln*r mune. ! Located In Floyd county, ten mile* fr>m
In uttar ignorance , f thi. 'net, Irar |
husband, who is some twenty- Ive reasonable, in fact the cheap**! place
years her senior, afterwrid paid n in North Georgia, location conniderod.
small balance of tho purohnse money. !
Mr.. Panom tbon aturted u boardiug H. D. Crlffln Residence,
house, and among her guesta wms a „ ,. . . f
, n f « , uowl new house, containing fire rooms,
njuil named Ismc larlhlug, who wun ; nicely plastered and finished, situated on
Very near her own ng*\ An attach- j dedar street, within two hundred yards of
merit sprung up bet we*-U Mrs. P.itsons big spring, and less than M mile of Court
and this man,and iu proiwrtioli as the Bouse. The house has three fire place*
attachment grew, wua Ibo old bna- ’ J. 1 ."} Ih , r0 ' •'!?.•!*; lw * *' r '" ,D '? l -
band treated with cruelty. In Octo- 1 ' ,U ,,U " w ‘" h ‘ * * r ~‘ b * r '* 1 “'
ber, 1872, the pair took [(ossesiou of n * B
tlie house, Mrs. Parsons putt tug a silt- j "*• H0O#® Residence,
gie dollar iu tho hands of her hut- On Cedar street and near the spring
bund, uml turning him out on the , ^Lls I* the most desirably looilrd, and one
street. Beal down with years, and Thohouirfs f^osforl^^ oVhio 0 * ^ l ° WI '
unable t<j ut.gngn iu any uctivo bust- | »„Xrooms, dining room’, kitchei
i, ho threw himself U|m>d tho bos- try. nil well finished.
Tbla is a rare opportu
No. 71 Broad Street, Rome, Georgia.
W R are olTering this season J. Winship Cotton Gins at $t 00 per Stw: Pratt's Cot.
too gins at $4 00 per Haw; Pbmnix at f I 00 per saw: Rrown's at $1 f»0 per Saw-
Rrinlcy s Steel Plowe, Clipper Hteel Plow, Avery Steel Plow; Avery's Cast Plow,
Farmer’s Fritnd Cast Plew, Urinlny's Cast Plow. Wright’* anti-friotion Horse Power.
Grangers' Brook*, Kalipss and Hhearer'* Cotton Presses, and any Implement manu
factured in the United States, at Manufacturer's price*. Hardware, Gun*, aid Pistols,
at wholesale and retail. We are always pleased to show our goods and price them.
aept 20 AYER & MoDONVLD.
Is the Best of All.
pitality of some kind frteuds, nnd laid
tho cast* before a Patterson lawyer.
Suit was immediately instituted by
tho injured husband against his heurl-
Iuhs wife, iu the court of chancery, to
guiu the title to the nr |>ei ty purchaa-
ed with his money. Ghanoelloi Run
yon has just decreed that tite pt upci -
ty shall be turned over lo the husband.
And KfMl Alive.
llis name is Sessions, lie lives in
Twiggs courtly, and is by profession
an agriculturalist. He is nit ublu nmu
iu several respucts, nnd among other
, things has considerable ability for se-
I questering hash, ininwtm at or other
I matudinul sustenauce. He came into
; East Maoon and incidentally entering
j ‘‘store, he turned the (ouversation on
j thu subject i f sat diner, aud remarked
, that he could eat u certain f tbuloas
' a moil lit, whereat the | r>ipr.etor, who
is rather of an incredidjus, as w. II as
hoH|4tablu turn of mind, offured to
! give him all ho could eat. Twiggs
! county Miuil-d, he shucked hints* If uml
I went in, and in less than half of uo
time ho had fouldcd himself around
1 night boxes of miaows, two IhiUIcs
1 of neper s ince, two glasses of whisky,
j anu two [Kitinds of crackers, atul wept
a tear of tirnudy and water from tue
end of liis nose that there were uo
more worlds to conqttor. When Inst
seen, ho was coming over ou this side
I of tho riv r to get his dinner.
—Mornings ar
Thu Bishop of Lincoln, England,
evidently thinks the caro of souls ami:
the training of race-horses in consist* Flootn, SI
•lit, for he has addressed a sharpo re
buke to thu ILt. J. W. Kif g thn
owner of Apology, the winner < f the
St. Leger. .Mr. King owns two val
uable cures iu thu diocese of Lincoln,
and Bishop Wardsworth calls iqi
nim to givu up ins pastoral clmrgi
his lac*-horses. Mr. King’s nttitm
has lot hurl o been oue of defiance,
has refeued his diocesan to his soltc
itor, and intimated plainly that be in- FLOU a
tends to give up ucithor one nor
the other unless cninpclte I to do so.
To tho Bishop's lust letter ho hus
tuude uo reply.
nity foi
Store House and Lot,
Known as the R«m« Drug Htore. l.ot
thirty reel front, running hack one hundred
and thirty-two feet, on which is a two tlory
framed slore house. Good businees loca
tion. The best bargain yet offered,
A *to«k of Drugs and Fixtures. Stock
Fresh and pure.
Fashionable Tailor,
Cedartown, Ca.
A id. order* in my lino promptly filled,
and in a style not to lie excelled hy the
best. Filo guarnateed. and all work war '
ranted. Try mo and he convi iced. B«pc-
ciul attention paid to renovating and re
pairing; alao calling for ladie* lo make up.
H| 29
8 M. Agante
ltd "n't pay yon
to fight tke best
nacklnei prov*
ecr clximii get'
the agency tad
ic'.I It. Addrm
“DOMESTIC” 8.1. Ct. 50 dumbm SuX.T
(5 0 Points of Superiority,
1 "* Perfection of Stitch on all kinds of goods, without change of tension.
2 Great Hinge of Work—finest Muslin to coarse Reaver or Sole Leather.
3 Base of Operation.
4 Simplicity-— having one hundred less parts than some others.
6 SELF-ADJUSTING TEN8ION8—not found in any other
0 IJ*e* Silk, Linen Thread, or Glased Cotton, with facility.
7 Noiseless, or more nearly no than any others using a shuttle.
M Durability —few Hearing* - Kasy Motion —Hardened Parts.
'J Very large bobbin—two or three times a* large as Home other*.
10 Convenient Spooler and Durable—ready for use as soon as bobbin is inserted.
11 Convenience for Lengthening Stitch—on top, behind the arm.
12 Swing Pregser Foot—allowing work lo he easily removed.
18 Extra Sixe and Hoorn under Arm—permitting good* to pass through easily.
11 F.x
! 15
rider Pre
nd Needle—a dir
ling v
7 thick doth.
CAN NOT HE PUT OUT OF ‘•TIME 1 ’—has no Cams or Oei
17 Easily oiled without removing Machine—only seven oiling pit
Is L*stly Cleaned—*o few pieces, and those all large, cleaning not often i
10 C/lluderical hardened Hast Steel Shuttle, very durable.
20 Cannot Oil the Thread, because the shuttlo entirely enclose* the bobbin
21 Can not *oon wear out—ha* little friotion.
22 CAn not mins stitches— peculiar motion of neodlo bar and shuttle.
23 Not liable to break Needles.
24 Hnutlle cannot get out of order—ha* no screws or pieces soldered to It.
rhangejeugth of stitch when in use, as many others do.
lias no Tension ou bobbin, therefore stitch alike at all times.
Ha* straight needle—Sews very heavy goods with ease.
g Wheel on Top, avoiding trouble of reaching underneath.
minute*, ready fo,
R espectfully call the attention of
the public lo the fact that we have in
Stock and are caiiatantly receiving,
taken ap
1 31 Automatic take-up, making perfect stitch
32 Easily threaded, and alike at all limes,
1 33 Does not break threads, as many do.
34 Easy Motion-Short Crank-ea-y treadle
No shuttl*
■Her slide-
he operated hy
8ft Feed rod connected without shuttle lever, saving power, avoiding comp
37 Kasy method of raising or lowering the Feed.
XN Simple device for fastening, setting and removing noodle,
3ti Perfect action of Shuttle oarrier.
40 Feed always start* from noodle, whether regulated for long or sin
41 Table that cannot warp or split—7 layers wood— grains run both
42 Drop-leaf that nearly doubles sixe of table. ui*do same as table
shrink, because grains run
Embroider t
Working p
>e Mach.
about the
YMlTnv Unis
Coarse Silk, Ac-, making
nliar combination of Needle, Shuttle and
Part* inlercbangable. If any part breaks, a
Exi-khikncki* Oporator* best appreciate
“Domostio" Bowing M.*
and sew
ike-up motion,
r piece is easily substituted.
,o above advantages.
Line CompanY,
-;■£ Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal
New Advertisements.
J. S. NOYES & CO.,
Hats, caps, Boots and Shoes,
Customers will find our Slock complete,
comprising many article* it is impossible
here to enumerate, aud at moderate prices. 1
Particular attention paid to buying and
selling Cotton. bov 28-i»m
Which wo will sell as cheap a- any one in
town for the CASH. Call and examine
•for* purchasing /une 23
The Cheapest Furniture House
in the State!
it 11 o'clock, a m , on the fith day of De
cember, 1874. This November 22, 1874.
G eorgia,polk county—wum-**—
EHxabfih H. VanDeveudc* and M V B
Akc, having u,*«’e application for Lct<e r * of
Adm'.M'rtra.lon on the Ebialc of Peter Van i
Divaudc.- la'c of aoivl county decrurcd.
These arc, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, to be and appear at the
next court of Ordinary to be held iu said '
county on the first Monday in January next
to show cause if any they have, why mid .
Letters should not be grannled. ti.veu un
der my hand and official signature, This
Nov. 25th, 1874.
The firm of Wade A Co., in the Saw Mill '
business, was dissolved, hy niu'unl consent
on the 9th day of November instant, by the
withdrawal of W. L. McClain. The pres
ent firm of Wade A Co. are responsible for
the debts t of the old firm. Nov. 24, 2874.
W. L. MiOLAlN.
Bure aud
Silver Gloss Starch.
For the Laiiudiy.
Its great excellence has merited the com
mendation of Europe for American
Pulverized Corn Starch,
Exprsssly for food, when ii is properly i
made into puddings, is a dessert of great |
excellence For sale by all first-class Gro-
Those who Purchase
S 15 OO
l the
nov 7—ly
Dissolution Notice.
r HP. Firm of Featherston A Phillips
was dissolved the l*t of February, for
It other purposes except to wind up the
usiness of the old concern. Those who
we us must pay up right now. or we will
Continues to deal in
Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Hats, Groceries
&o., &o„, Ac.,
Cosh or Barter.
Ileslso buys aud sells Colton. Oct 24
Opposite old stand,
i Where he will be glad to see his old
| friends aud supply them with Good*. He
keeps a line of
General Merchandise
G eorgia, polk county.—l. c.
White has applied for Exemption of
Personalty and I will pass upon tho
same at 11 o'olock, a. m , on tho 2nd day of
December, 187 4, at n>y office, this 21st day
Mlss Virginia Lumpkin,
Local Agent, Cedartown, Ga.
Cor. Broad nnd Alabama Sts, AUantn, Ga.
Broadway, Corner 14th 8treet (Union Square, Now York.
"Domestic" Sowing Machine CompanY,
No. 4, DoCivos Opera House, Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ca.
For Hale I ■■ Cedartown by LUMPKIN A Mr CON NI-: I.h.
Small Instruments, String and Sheet Music, Guitars Agent* for tho Celebrated
Peters, Webb & Co., and Hardman Pianos.
These we claim arc the VERY BEST, and ’for Teftlmonials, C itrli; »«i an 1 spsola
Termsspply to
AX interw Jfe IVelson, Sl l NIni-lcet utreet,
Old inurnment, taken in for new one. Spaoi.i prion, lo c’i,h Cmtomsr,.
wpt 5.
"Tho number Bold in tho true eriterian of merit.’’
i. t T MVotn. or p^ w n i ; ! l?r s: IK up frora ,h ' " torn " ,uro< of se »-
232,444 MACHINES
Being a large increase over the previous year. In 1872 we sold 45,000 more Ma
chines than any other Company, whereas, in 1873, the sals* were
113,254 Machines in Excess of our Highess Competitors
P (. T cX^ -» - >- PHnoi.
Our Sales have Largely Increased!!
It will hardly be denied, therefore, that the Superiority of the Singer ; r n
A, WBolo.,1,, Prior, drO Cora- 'X Jea>on„r..od-.l all cvrn„ tha. Ihoir popaUrl.y In tho Honnhoff i. uni"„ioartU
peu,lo “' lerras Easy. Payments Light. Call on or address