Newspaper Page Text
4 Live Coi.try Hiwipupcr. Fibl .W
Utt|>7 Horning bj
W. S. D. WIKLE & OO.
On« oopy, on. jtmt 12.00
One copy, six months 1.00
Ten oopiee, In clubs, one yosr, each 1.80
Single oopiee Sets
All snbflcHpUone invariably in advanoe. No
name entered upon the list until the subscrip
tion is paid.
1 M.
3 M.
6 M.
1 Square...
hi Column.
H Column.
1 Column..
1 1.00
18 00
9 5.00
9 8.00
40 00
• 18.00
Piofeseional and Business Cards of one
inch or lees, $13 per •annum, payable quarterly
in advance; sis mouths, $8. All advertise
ments due after first insertion.
Baptist Ciiracu. — Regular Services, 1st
and 3d Sundays in each month. Rev. Court
ney Brown, Pastor. Sabbath-school at
o'clock, A. M.
Methodist Church.—Services at 11
o'clock, a. m. and 7 1-4 o’clock, r. m. every
Sabbath; llcv. Win. II. I.aPrado, Pastor.
Sabbath-school at 9 o’clock, A. M.
ParsBTTRRlAH Churcu.—-Services 1st
and 3d Sabbath every month, llev. R, F.
Taylor, Pastor, Sabbath-school alb o’clock,
" Cairdoxia I.odue. No. 121, F. A A. M.—
Regular communication, the 3d Friday
night in each month.
J. 8. 8tvbbs, W. M.
N. M. Wbioht, Secretary.
(Sood Templar*.
Cedar Valley Lodob, No, 803. I. 0. 0.
T.— Meets every Friday night (except 8d
A. Hood, Secretary.
CotqciTT Grange. >o, 20—Regular meet
ings Saturday before the third Sabbath In
each month,
Polk County Farmer’* Club.
Holds its regu'ar tneo'ings on Saturday
before the 4th Sun n each month
8. M. H. BYRD, President-
Jouji 0. Waddell, Secretary.
Our Agent*.
E. 1\ Featberston, Lime Branch.
| II. S. Pattillo, TaylonvUlc.
AV. P. West, Ksoin Hill.
To the Voter* of l»olU County.
Through the advice of sympathising
friends, 1 have been induced to place my
self before you as a candidate for Tax Re
ceiver. 1 have no claims upon any one for
their support. I can only ask your suffrage
provided you think I am a worthy object of
charity. I am one of the unfortunate crip- ;
pies for life, and have an aged mother uud
afflicted sister to cure for, and no means
with which to relieve their watjl*. 1 think
1 have sufficient education to fill the pusi
tioa, and will promise, if bo fortunate as to
be elected, to fill the office to the best of ray
ability, and ever be grateful to the good
people of Poik county. Nov. 24. 1874.
Wo ore authorized to aonounco the
name of W. A. Hnr is ns u coudid .lo
for Treasurer nl lho election iu Janu
ary. td
Mr. Editor,—Please announce the
name of H. P LUMPKIN ns a candi
date for Sheriff at approaching elec
tion iu January. With W. G. Tay-
i.ou as Deputy. Many Votkiw .
Wo ore authorized to announce the
name of Judge T. L. PITTMAN as ft
candidate for reelection to tho office of
County Treasurer, fit the election to
he held on tho first Wednesday iu
January next. Oct. 28, 74.
Wo tiro authorized to announce tho
name of J. M. McCURRY as a candi
date for County Treasurer, at the aj>-
pronching election iu January next.
We are authorised to anuouncu Mr.
W. F. TREAD A WAY os u candidate
for Tux Collector of Polk county.
Election 1st Wednesday in January
next, td
We are authorized to announce the
name of J. M. ARRINGTON as a can
didate for Tux Reciever at approacing
We are authorized to announce the
name of ROBT. H. WHEELER as a
candidate for Tax Reciever at election
to he held first Wednesday iu Junuary
Tint Storm Sunday Night.—On last
8unday night this section wn* visited with
the most severe storms, or cyclone, that has
been known for years. It traveled from
West to East, and the main track of tho
ojdlonc, for suoh wo believe it was, was
said to be about 200 yards wide, and filer-
ally twisted tree tops off aboveground.
It seems that trees were not blown up by
the roots, as in r.n ordinary huricane. We
have not yet learned where it started, but
learn that in Tuscumbia, Ala., great dam-
nge was done, and some eight or ten per
sons killed. We learn that three or four
tniles west of town it done oonsidouible
damage to outhouses and fences on several '
farms, Mr. W. P. Wood suffering severely,
In the loss of fences and outhouses. We are
told that in some places it literally sweept 1
tho loaves off the ground, and hurled great
si ones and logs from the ridges, and rifled
them lu ( heaps in the bottoms. Mr. M. V.
B. Akc’s place was damuged considerably, |
in fencing, and scattering his corn, which |
was cut and shocked in his fields.
The bridge across cedar creek, below Mr j
Akc’s place, was carried before the wind j
like cornstalks, the largo sills being car-
ried a considerable distance, and tho small
timber along tho creea being literally twis
ted off and hurled in every direction. Mr.
N. F. Cobb's fencing, and some of his out-
houses, were scattered like chaff. The
farm of the Cherokee Iron Contpatiy, and
Captain Griffeth's splendid residence sitf- i
fered most. Tho Ibueitig on the farms in I
the track of the furious wind, was nil blown !
down and scattered, even to the bottom
rai’s. Several outhouses were lltorally j
torn to pieces, even the brick pillais of one
were taken away to the very ground. Tho
eutiro roof, rafters and all, were lifted and I
curried away from Capt. Uriffeth’s rcsl- i
denec. Some of tho family were asleep in j
tho Hecond tloor when tho roof was blown j
off. Mr. \\ iu N. JGriffeth and lady occu
pied a room on second tloor, nnd when ho
was awakened by tho crash, ho carried his
wife down stairs In his arms, but in his
flight, was struck by a piece of timber on
the left temple, also, on ttio right hip, and
slightly bruised. H1h and wife’s clothing
w ere carried away,and some of them found
In the tho top of largo oak trees in theyard j
while others were curried some distance
nnd lodged in trees. The lesson this pluce j
will amount to near $3,000. On its course
it struck another house, near Captain Grit'-
feths, which was occupied by some negroes
and tore its roof away, theiioe it entered
the pine forest, amt was very destructive to
the timber. The wind was pretty strong
in town, but done no damage. During the
storm considerable ruin aud hail full, ac
companied by vivid Hushes of lightuiug aud
loud pculs of thunder. Altogether, it was
n terrible storm, and the like of which wo
hope will not visit us again soon. We have
no doubt a great dout more damage has
been Uotto lliun wo have hoard of. Wo fur,
with the exception of tlie report we have
from Tusoumbio, we have hoard of no iivns ;
being lost. Wo deeply ym,»athiso with
• hose who have suffered so severely in tho |
lose of properly.
Wince willing the above, wo have re- I
ceived u letter from Rev. V. A. Uilister,
who lives about five miles from town, stilt
ing that the storm dona considerable dam
age ou his place, tearing down about f»tK)
pimnels of fence, unrooting cribs, stables
and oilier oulhouso3, uud currying Ins bug
gy some distance and breuking it to pieces*
also, sea.tered liny and fodder stalks.
Tho finest potatoes we have hud
this season was left with us on Wednesday
—two bushels-by Copt. Nell. Also some
very fine turnips. Wo are fully convinced
the Captain knows howto raise M pota
toes and lurnins, as well as being a good
farmer and a clever man. Captuiu Nell
has n good place on the creek near town,
but we think lie plants too much cotton and
not unough grain, grass and potatoes, nnd
this Is the trouble with all the farmers iu
Cedar valley, and Polk county.
Mr. Samuel B. Johnson, nnuouncou
himself u candidate for Tax Receiver.—
This is the third cripple in tho field for the
same office, nnd all clever men, aud no
doubt competent for tho office, but they
can't all be elected. The one who gets the
most votes will probably fill the plnoe.
The repairs on tho Baptist Church
are about completed, and it presents quits
a neat appearuuce, in fact look* as good as
ucw. They ought to havj a good organ,
and we now propose to sell them one, and
contribute twrenty-five dollars towards pay-
To clubs of fivu, we will furiiiah tho '
Raman one year for $1 75, aud one extra
copy to goiter up of club. Now' is the timo
to make up clubs. To clubs of ten, $1 50
each, and au extra copy. Cash in advance.
Tho weather fur the past few days
has been quite cool—good hog killing wea
ther, if our people had any to kill.
Wo aro receiving orders for having
photographs enlarged. Our price is $! 50
for the first, and 75 cents for each subse
qnent, from same photograph. We furnish
pictures, ready framed, for $2 25 to $3 00
just half what traveling agents ask.
W ay don’t our country friends bring in
butter, ohickeas end eggs T We osm prob
ably answer the question by Raying they
aro scarce. It is s very rnro thing to find
s pound of butter in town for sale.
Griffin, Ga. f complains, of a scarcity of
small change. The trouble in Cednrlown
is tho scarcity of large, m well ns small, I
change. .The fact Is, wo can scarcely evor |
fed or see any cluing* at *11.
Mr. A. R. Jones, Ims, wo loaru, tin ;
dod his vulutblo mill property two miles
south of town, back to Judge V II Opport, !
for the plantation on tho Usrteravillo road
which he formerly owned.
It will be seen from his announce- j
men', that Mr. W. A. Harris is a candidate
for County Treasurer. Ho has boon a oil-
lien of Polk fur some lime, nnd no doubt
well known and quidlfied to fill the office.
He ts in very bad, in foot an Invalid.
Mr. Win. GriTath, in 8;><uking o
the storm Monday night, said that after it
was over, he looked up on tup of one of tho
chimneys, anil "by jingo, there hung my
wedding suit,right on top.” This was one
of the hardest trinls friend Grifl'eth Imd to
undorgo— trying to get them down.
Mr. John Whitehead loft in our of
fice, on last Monday, a half dozen of the
finest tu-nips, of the fiat Dutch variety, we
have had this season, one of them being un
usually largo Wo appreciate tho gift, as
wo ore very fond of pork and turnips.
Wo call attoution of our readers to
fhc advertisement of J. 8. Noyes «V <Jo.
This is one of tho substantial firms of Cednr
lown. They sell cheap, and consequently
do a large huvineHS.
If you have the headache, toothache or al 1
most any other kind of nti ache, go to Wnt. j
IlltUlips’ store nnd get a bottle of Van Al- |
stlno’s Magic Balsam. It is warranted to
relieve. If It fails, Mr. Phillips will give J
you a five dollar greenback, lie made us
a present of a bolllo, and we shuil give it a 1
fair Ir a 1 , nnd If it fuPs, will dcmuml tho I
The Cherokee Iron Co aro erecting and
will a. o:t liuvo in operation ono of the finest
corn and wheat mills iu the State The
building is of brick, four stories high and
is to be supplied with tho uiorI approved
machinery and conveniences of a city mill
We nrc always glad to note tho building
up of such enterprises This company cor-
talnly deserve of this community praise for
what they have dono in our midst
Hamilton ha* at last been hoard
from. The county gave Felton 11 majority,
only about COO votes wore pollrd. It is t o-
portpd that tho clerk oT court had looked
the returns up in his desk a: lliocour]
houso, nml gono home, a dw.r.nco of sever-1
nl miles. His lock’ng up tho returns nnd
going off witliout forwarding them to At- I
lain a was a gross neglect of duty.
On last Monday Morning a Btnall
house on Titos. West’s place, occupied by I
Catherine Gibson, colored, was burned I
down, nnd two of her children, twins, nul J
another child, nil about twoyenrs old, were !
consumed In the building It seems ll at
Catherine, the mother of the twins, was I
in the field nt work, and had loft the ubil- j
dren in cliurge of a girl who is u’tuopl an i
cdlot No one kliotvs how the fire origina- !
led. A few cliui rod bones were u!| that:
remained of the children.
AI r. .J. II WuIhIoii, ono of our boat
citizens nnd a good I,inner, left our town
on Tbur.Vity for Atlanta, for the purpose
of purchasing emigrant lioko’s for himsoli’
and funi'ly, un«l Mrs, Hicks'family,and Mr*
Galvin Ur abb. Mr. Walsluu ..ays they ex
pect to leave on next Tuesday for No;ilierii
Texas. We are always sorry to hear I
good cil'zens leaving tr section or the
West, ns wo believe this i•*«i best country
in tliu United Blnles, or could bo made so,
everything considered. If they will go, we
can otPy wish Ihein well— hope they may
be se ttled in their new homes in tho lone
No. 0, - - - Broad Street,
Ready-Made Clothing.
( 'IALL and price my goods, and I will
J convince you that I sell the best of Goods
cheap for Cash. Nov 14-2ui
Professional Cards.
1,000,000 Dry Hides; 100,000 Sheep
Ekina wuuted by M. F. Govau Ac Co.,
Rome, Go.
Photooiupha E.vlvboed —Wo hiv
taken the agency of a Philadelphia
hoaao to have photographs enlarged.
We can have the work done at about
half the price charged by traveling
agents. Samples can be seen at the
Record office.
Job Puintino.—We have made ar
rangements to have Job work of uJl
kinds done, in the very beet style
and at tho lowest prices. Send iu
your orders. L‘*gal blanks furnished
to order.
N-edles for all kinds of Sewing
machines; Singer,05cLs per dozen—all oth
ers 80 cents. Will seud needles by mail on
receipt of price. W. II. WIKLE.
Carteraville, Ga.
Boots aud Shots very cheap at
Govan’s, Rome. Batchelor Brogans
$1,50. C t
Iron aud Steel !
Plow Steel, Scooter B-r, Buggy
and Wagon Ttre Iron, for sale a
A. Huntington a
See dissolution notice of W. L_
We call the attention of the reader
; to sdvertuement of Coin Clover, Rome,
. dealer in Dry goods, Hals, Bools. Shoes anil
Ready-made clothing. Mr. Clover is pro- 1
I ty well known to our citizens as an honora-
I ble, reliable merchant, and we ask for him |
a liberal patronage.
We referred last summer, to a cottou j
i press that Mr. Mc.Meekin,of this place, had j
I invented, He has since made some iruprov- j
ment on it, and put it to a practical test,
and it works satisfactorily. It lias unques- j
j tionably the most powerful lever arrange-
1 ruent we ever saw, and we think will be a
j uccces, and be brought into general use.
We have received Patrick &. Ota-
i bergs Monthly Book Circular, of 8 large j
• pages, which comprises many very ralua- j
ble works, such as everybody needs. All
in need of anything in the book, statioKary i
or toy line, wi! 1 make it to their interest to
call on them when visaing Rome. They are j
honorable, fair dealing gentlemen, and sell
1 tueir goods reasonable.
The Cave Spriug Enterprise, says,
in gpouking of “Georgia Fanning," that a
Mr. Boynton, of Calhoun couuty, grew 97
bushels of prat and a great many other
th : ngs, wore raised ou one acre of land.—
He didn’t say what k.ud of pens, hut we
suppose it was pig pens.
! The cotton warehouses (front porches)
of most of our merchants are about full but
i still it comes, and they continue to buy
and ship. The best grades of cotton sell
for cts per r lb.
Mr. J. W. Lcverott nnd others will also
cave hooj, for T*'X i <.
Mr. F. L. Walthall, our clover nnd
jovial townsman, has just returned from a
visit to his place below Atlanta. He re
ports everything very dull down there—
hard times nnd worse coming. He says the
fanners arc generally iu debt, not having
mailo enough tills yenr to pay out, and ihe '
leiti luw repealed, which will make it hard ;
for them to mnko crops next year. far
as this Icin law is concerned, it will be j
belter for them in the end. Mr. Wulithall,
contemp’aicH commencing business iu his
brick store, opposite Cherokee Iron Com
pnny’H store, next week. Wo wish him
success in his business.
In tin nrticlo which np|)earod in
our columns last woe k in reference to t he
case iif Win. Wood, in which the jury could
not agree, we stated that it was generally
known over town, before the jury returned
a verdict, how they stood—eleven for ac
quittal, aud one for conviction, and we
asked the question, how the outsiders
knew anything about it. We have since
been informed that it got out by loud
speaking in the court house, and parties
standing outsido overheard spread thenews.
Ho far us the jnry being allowed to sca’-ier
over town was concerned, the report is
false, ns they were not out unless accotnpa.
nled by a proper officer.
We clip the following extract from
the Grand Jury presentments of Pulaski
county, as published in the Hawkinsville
Dispatch. We think it a wise recommen
dation, nnd should apply to all the counties
in the State. As the law now stands, we
bolievc the granting of license is left discre
tionary with the Ordinary :
“Inconsequence of troubles arising in
different neighborhoods and county locali
ties by retail groceries and whisky shops,
generally known as ‘dead falls,’ by offering
inducements to farm laborers and others to
rob our cotton houses, corn cribs and horse !
.roughs, we earnestly urge our representa
tives iu the General Assembly to pass an j
act to apply to Pulaski county, to prevent
license from being granted to sell whisky ;
or other intoxicating beverages outside of!
incorporated towns, unless by the written ’
consent of five of the ueurcHt freeholders
and residents to such place of business.” !
A in wi about two-third4 druuk, j
and bia buck covered with mud, atop-1
ped a policeman ou the street uud
ttbked to be lacked up. “ Why you j
tire able to walk home, aren't you ! ” I
asked the office . “ Yea, I could get 1
home all right, but I don’t w&n't to,
und you wouldn’t if you had my wife!
Take me dowu old feller, and if ehe j
cornea inquiring ’round juat say I’ve
gone to Tledo on ’portant businew.”
Cotton I Cotton 11 Cotton III
1 will *t all times pay the
Rome Full Market Price
Persona wli
payment of
will recoivo
Liberal Prices
Over the marked prlco, t during the month
of November. Parties having sold mo Cot
ton and to bo delivered this full, aro hereby
notified to bring iu the same at once, as it is
past due.
I AM now in receipt of one of tho largest
slocks of Goods over brought to Cedar-
town, which 1 am offering al extremely low
prices. I am determined that horeufter
goods shall be sold as low in Cedartown as
any lowu iu the State. Call and see mo and
Examine My Stock and Prices.
Don't listen to Croakers, but call and ex
amine for yourselves. Highest market price
paid for
Corn nml Wheat.
A. Huntington.
Ckdahtown, Nov. 12, 1874.
Thompson’s Liniment
Is one of the greatest discoveries of tho
nge. Nothing brings such speedy and sure
relief to those who suffer with tho numer
ous pains and aches common to tho liumnti
race. Do you want something that will
onse your head, your back, cure your rheu
matism nnd Neuralgia T Apply Thompson’*
Liniment and suffer no more.
For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises,
Sprains, Hurnn, and I'ains generally, |
mid you need fear no harm. Tills Modi-
rim* is pul up right hero in your midst,by
Dr It. 11. THOMPSON. Your neighbors
liiivc tried it, und it Iiiih never failed lo do
what it promises. Every family should
keep it on hand, and thereby Have many a
dollar. Often a long and expensive trip
for a physician might lie dispensed with,
simply by applying Thompson's Liniment;
then keep it on hand—it will cost you but
little. No physician call practice success
fully without a good Liniment—they know
its fmpnrlanoo—then keep it on hand. You
cun npply it yourself and save money.
Gall on DR. R. R. THOMPSON, over
Dr. Reese's Drug Store, gel u bottle, and
never be without it. It will do what it says,
and you'll never rogret. buying It. Got 24
For sale in Unokmnrt by K K Huge.
The Allen House,
Cedartown, Ceorgia.
T ill’. Proprietor announces to the public
that hehas opened u hotel in this place
under the name of The Allen House. He
proposes to entertain his guests iu a plain
count ay-like way, without any attempt at
style or fushioo. For tills lie asks suoh
compensation as any roaNunablM person will
cheerfully give, and no one complain nt.
County Clinton $1 per day; single meols;
CO cents; Board nnd Lodging, per mouth,
$20; Board and Lodging, per week, $7 00.
Lights and fuel extra. Hoard without lodg
ing, per month, $15; per week, $5 00.
Mingle meal*, 50 cents. Oct. li, 1871.
JB. T iii A BBITT*
Pure Concentrated Potash,
Of double the strength of any other
I have recently perfected u new method
of packing my Potash, or Lye, utid mu now
packing it. only in ISuIN, the coaling of
which will saponify, uud docs not injure
tho soap. It is packed in boxes containing
24 and 48 lit. one lb, balls, and in no other
wuy. Directions in Engl'ali and Gorman
for making hard and soft soap with this
Potash accompanying each package.
01 to 84 Washington 8t., N. Y.
oct. 17-3 m.
P ROMPT ntlcntlou given to Claims.
Office with Ivy F. Thompson, Fast side
Court House square. not 17, 74
Cedartown, Ca.
ofl l- rt.
.1. II. It A l< II K ll ,
Notary Public
Cedartown, 43a.
PARTICULAR attention given to Inking
J Depositions nml collection or claims,
KING At J v \ ns
CVdartown, (3».
O FFICE in Court Houso.
Juno 20
>v. I<\ T 11 ll N n ll ,
r«Mlurtow'ii, (3a.
O FFICB South of Court House, betwecu
Huntington nnd Wright’s stores.
Attorney nt Law,
O FFICB —East side Court House square.
Juno 20
Cnilemtlle, 43a.
^^FFICR iu Bunk Building. June 20
OKN. W. T. worroill), JOHN ||. WlKLB.
and Roal Estate Agents.
O FFICE over Dr. Reese's Drug Store.
jutie 20
Drs. Liddell it Richardson,
AY lie found in their office al all liourH
June 21
M when not profoHiiionnlly engaged.
Physician and Surgeon,
(Jrdurlowii, 43a.
"YFFICU at residence, on Pryor it reel.
J June 20.
vJ has applied for exemption of person
alty and I will pass upon the same nt ll
o'clock a. iu., on the 30th dny of Novem
ber, 1871. This Nov. 18, 1874.
WC Knight, administrator on the es
tate of Alfred Morrison, deceased, has
made application, in dne form of law, for
dismission from his said administration,
aliedging in his petition t It At, after his ap
plication as such administrator, Georgia
Morrison, the widow of Haiti deceased, made
application and obtained homestead and
exemption of personally, nml in which was
included the whole of the properly belong
ing to the estate of said deceased, and that
he has fully administered said estate, so far
as the law requires.
Therefore, all persons concerned will
take notice to be and appear nt my office
within the time prescribed by law, to show
cause, if any they have, why said W. C
Knight should not be fully discharged fn
Patrick & Omborg,
33 Broad 8t., Rome, Ca.
—AND —
3? JEt I Is! TBUS
Pianos, Cabinet Organs,
Plain und Fancy Printing Neat and Cheap
Paper Hacks and fine Wrapping Paper.
Picture Frames and Mouldings* Write
us ‘.tr catalogue ana Price List. sep201j
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Cedartown, Ca.
TT70KK done promptly and satisfactorily
VV All work warranted Twelve Months.
Repairing fine watches u specialty. All
kinds of Jewelry und and Clocks
kept for sale. .uno 2(;-ly
Cherokee Iron Comp’y Store.
Or any article generally kept in
At Prices to suit the Closest Buyers, you
will make it greatly to your advantage by
calling al the above named store.
June 27-ly
lively, Sale and Feed Stable,
Main Street, Cedartown, (da-
P RICES down to suit tho times. Good
Slock, Vehicles, and Careful Drivers
ulways on hand.
Special attention given lo the uurc rf
stock left in our ohnrge.
lumpkin a mcconnell*
T. M. ANDERSON, late of Rome, Ga. with
1<\ CORE A.,
Corner Loyd and Wall sis. near Union Pas
senger Depot,
| |WI KA I.H nnd Lodging per Dny $2 00; sin-
iVl glc meal, 60 cents, First-class table
arid gm.d rooms, B?9u Saloon iu basement
furnished wiili pure Liquors, Fine Wines,
Beer une Segal's, july JI
Do V mi Waul
i If w>, writ. t» Major II, O, IIA.N [)AI,I,,
| Ben.rai Aki-mi .r ih.: Mobile Life In
surance Company, uwi«ien, ai».
giving your references, wall a view to ob
mining an agency for I lint popular Company
Logal Advertisements.
Slirritl Hairs for December.
W ILL bo sold, lirforo the Court Houso
door, in Cedartown, Polk County, Ga.
on tho first Tuesday in Docombor next,
within tho legal hours of snlo, tho following
property s
tho Etna
from Polk Superior Court in favor of W,
O. Brisnt, vs said Etna Irom Company.
Also, at sumo timo nml plnoe, lots of laud
Nos. 338, 83U nnd ono half of Itli, in the
21st district nnd 3d soot ion of snld county,
containing 10'.)noro«, niuro oi less Alto,
lots of land Nos. 223, 257, 231, 235, 233
331, 340. 87, 477. 239. 234, 330, 383, 187, 88
83 nml 2 12, iu tho 21st district nml 3d sec
tion of said county. Also lot* Nos, 281,
149, 5 *7. 290, 187, 03, 092, 1142. 1012, 287,
1027, 950, 1023, 500, 3 ami 507 in tho 18th
district ami fid section of said county; also,
tlvo noru.1 in tho Boulh-wost corner of lot
1305, iu tho 18th district an 1 fid section of
said county, Also lot No. 733, la the 1st
distil 9 and 41 li section of said county; also
lots Nos. 398 aud 76, in tho 2d district aud
llli section of said county. Also, two lots
iu the town or ltooknmr ; lot No.G, in block
A, fronting 80 feet on marble street, ami
running ok 126 feet; lot No. 7 In block A
(Vontin . feet on marble street, nml run
ning b..c!i T25 feet, as tlm property of Jus.
M. Wm e, deceased, by virtue of five ll fas
Issued from Polk Superior Court, ono iii fa
vor of Gustavus II. Bate*, vs Pleasant W
Will'd, James M. Ware, nml James F. Dover
as principals, and Win. M' Tumlln, John
II. Erwili ami Samuel Erwin endorsers; one
in fovor of A. M. Sloan, vs .las. M. Ware
and Euianuol Lyon; one iu favor of Jacob
Wise, vs P. W. Ward maker, Jus. M. Ware
endorser; also one in favor of G U Ward, vs
K. G 1> >ylc, principal. Jus. M Ware, secu
rity; ono in favor of Jeffers, Cothran it Co.
vs James M. Ware; ono iu favor of Jeffer
son Johnson, v* James M. Wine ami Kiiiuuu-
el Lyon, and one in favor of Veal At Co., vs
1* W Ward, Jus M Ware, security.
Also, at same time and plnoo, ono sorrel
horse, nine years old; ten bushels of corn,
more or less, ami ten acres of action ill tho
field, supposed to mnko one thousand
pounds; levied on us the properly of lieu
licit Lawrence, by virtue of ono mortgage
tl fa Issued from Polk Huporlor Court, in
favor iff John A. Jones, vs said Lawrence.
Pronorly pointed out by li fa.
Aim, at sniiin timo ami place, lot of laud
No. 13, In tho 18lli district nml fid section
of Polk county, ns tho property of J. M.
Smith, for Slate nml county taxes. Prop
erty pointed out out by defendant. Levy
made ami relumed to mu by oonstable
Also, lit sumo time nml place, lots uf laud
Nos. 830 and 837, in tho 2lst district and
3d section of snid county, as the property
of John L. Rowo, by virtue of ono cxooutioii
issued from Polk Huporior Court, in favor
of Emma l.vons, vs John Rowe, It C Wynn,
and said Johu L. Itewo and E D Hightow
er. Tho nbovo laud liaviug been sold a
the first Tuesday in Oolobur, 1873, and Imi
off by Guo W Morgan, and lie having failed
to pay said money, tho sumo is hereby ad
vertised for sale at his risk.
Also, at same timo ami place, lot of land
No. 291, in the 1 HI li district mid fid section
of Polk county, as tho property u f Mrs. M
E. Lawrence, for State ami county taxes.
Property pointed out by dofemlair. Levy
made ami returned lo mu by constable.
November 5, 1874.
A. J. GIBSON, Uep ty Slitf
vX Hand, administrator on I ho estate of
i). .1, Hand,deseiiNod, having made applica
tion for leave to sell sixty times of land oil'
of the cast portion Of t bo plantation of Said
These am, therefore, to cite nml iidui'iii-
isli all concerned to ho ami appear nt (lie
next Court of Ordinary, to bo hold in said
coun'y on llio first Monday iu Dcocmhcr
next, to show cation; if any they luivo, why
leave to sell said land should not lie
granted in terms of the law. Given uiidor
my hand ami official signature, thin Out
fidtli, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord'y.
Nollm lo Debtors At Creditor*.
A Mi persons having claim* against the
estate uf M. L. Marlin, deceased, are
lierehy requested to prosoii! them to the
uiidnrsigmid, iu duo form of law, for soldo-
maul, and all panic* imlcptud lo said ostato
are notified lo make immediate pnymont, ns
the business must lie wound up promptly.
Got. 10, 1871. Executor.
AdiiiiniHtiutor’* Salt*.
0 1 EORG1A. POLK COUN I'Y.— Agrooablo
X to an order of the court of Ordinary ot
said county, will lie sold before tho Court
Houso door. In Cedartown, said comity, on
the first Tuesday In December next, he
I ween I lie logal hours of sale, the following
properly, lo-wlt:
Lots of land Niis- 338, 339 and one half
of 434, in the 21st district fid seel ion of said
county, containing 100 norus, more or loss.
Also, lots of land Nos. 923, 267, 231, 2(15,
2P0, 331. 340, 87. 477, 209, 234, 380. 283,
187, 88, 83 mid 2*12, in tho 21st district aud
fid sent ion of said oonuty. Also, lots Nos.
283. 149. 607, 290. 187, 33, 092, 1142, 1012,
287. 1027. 950, 1023, 600, 3 ami 607, in tlu*
IKth district fid section of said couuty; iiIho
five norus in the aouth-wost corner of lot
1015, iu the 18th district of tho fid section
of said county. Also, lot No. 784, in tlu
1st district and 4lh sooliou of said oonuty.
Also, lot* No*. 398 nnd 75, in the 2i dis
trict and 4lh Mention nl Maid county. Also,
two lot* in the town of Rookniart; lot No. 3
in block A, (Touting 30 feet on marble street
and running back 125 foci; lot. No. 7 iu
block A, fronting 20 feet on marble street
und running back 125 feet. Slid as Die
property of James M. Ware, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of *aid
ducoased. Terms Cash Dot 20, 1871.
J. L. DUPREE, Adtnr.
vX HallieA. Childers, administratrix oil
tho estuto of Jane W* Childers, deceased,
has made application for leave lo sell the
laud ill sain oonuty belonging lo said estate.
These aro, therefore, to cite and udimmiHh
all persons ermceruud, lo lie ami appear at
my office ou the first Monday in Novemhor
next, to show cause, if any they have, why
said application should not be granted in
terms ef the Law Given under m t v hand
aud offiaiul signature, this the Oili day of
Oct., 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord'y
G eorgia, polk county—whereas,
H. M. H. Byrd, Executor on llio estate
of Reuben Webster, deceased, bus applied
to rue for lonvo to sell lot of land No. 1080,
in the 2d district nnd 4th section of I'olk
county, (in., also n wild and imciiliivnled
lot, King in Walker county, (in , belonging
to said estate, either al public outcry or
private sale, as may seem to said oxeoiilor
most convenient and to the host advantage
and interest of hni<1 estate.
Therefore, all persons conoorncd are
hereby notified to ho and appear at my
office, within the timo proscribed by law,
to show cause, if any they have, why leuve
to sell said land should not be granted.
Given under my hum! ami official signa
ture, this Oct. 9th. 1874.
G eorgia, polk county-,—c. t.
Parker lias applied for exemption 1
of personalty and setting apart und valua
tion of Homestead, und I will pass upon j
the sumo at 11 o'clock ». in. on the 13th dny
of December, 1871 at my office, this the
31st duv of October, 1871,
G eorgia, polk county— Whereu*,
Chambers Mclnlire, Jane Rogers mid
K (J Phillips, the |auful heirs of Mrs. W. D
Mclnlire, htli-of said county, deceased, iiuv- i
ing made application to have W (J Knight
appointed administrator, with the will an
nexed, on the estate of snid deceased.
This is, therefore to cite and admon
ish nil persons concerned, kindred mid
creditors, to appear at my officoaa required
by law, to show cause if any they have, why
said application should not be granted. ,
Given under my tin nit ami official signu- i
tun*, this tit I* tiny of November, 1874.
Cedartown, - - Georgia,
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
H. .A. IVT IE 3 s.
Everything Fresh and Pure!
I* 13 R P IJ M 13 It Y.
Always uii hand.
Tooili, Hair uiul ,Nnil nrntthuR, I
Combs, ota.
J. W. BURKE & CO.,
Booksellers and Stationer?
AN1> DBA 1.338 IN
Wrapping Pnpein, Twines, Notion*,
Fnucy Guotls, &o.
Cor. Aliibam v Si Whitqlmll hIh., '
.4t/jAXTa, - - annual i
oot 2J -2m
East End Wood Shop,
•I . IU. I I All If IH.
Repairs and Make* ,
Wagons, Bedsteads, Tables etc
And almosl anythin,-; made of wm L
©or Il'o*’/’ dour, accordi/u/ lo /me
t*;. Klljlt ill lv
CONTR .V U r rO 14
•'Fancy,*’ - - $ I 50
•'Oit itui:" 1 00
"Rxtu.v Family," 0 50
1 Family," ... ;i oo
Flour 1 -2 (tout Iukh by tho 100 lb*.
Corn Muul $1 15 per bimbol.
> prepared to nail
Buying for Cush, w
is low as the lowest.
to#" Give us ii on.11
mo for yourHolv
j mo 20 I y
A Boon to the Whole Bnco of Women
Female Regulator!
i llio nit....
NcurnliiU '
rou ncii nr Willies, nml
cheek exes mvo tuw, nml correct all tr •i^ulnritlis
nuiiriu lo the
pfrann, wlilnii in a.wnya nioritfj iug^ie lliolr vik
rccniiiuioiidod by tho bust phynlolniiB ami
ii |ih RHoro Iii at tilna i
Holton to other fur tin* illimmum f>.r which i
commumlfd. I have tmon Inmlilur w tli the mi
to l|itlou both us a imnultlo u«r of mcdlclmi ami Ii
dnniPHi'o iirnrilcc, amt can ImncKtl^ nay Hi t I eon
ihnt their mifllirlnK'i
• •Ini' lltry may lie res
/I ll ni} liliiiiciitruKardi
1 am, rcBiHiutfuily, W. II. FJBRUIJjn, M. J),
Nkaii M Ahiktta. «».. March 20.18T0.
Msaarn. NN u. Moot A Hon: Vear #fr«-Hoii!« ,
inunlhu ago 1 buuulil a buttle or Brndflolri'a Konialn
Iteuulauir from you, and have umkI It In my I'umi y
with thu minimi natmianlloii.niid have reennimen-
did ll to iwoor threeoltur families,and they have
found It Juat what ll Isrecoiuninmled. The I'munlisi
wlio have use.i your Regulator are In perfect
health, and are able lu attend Ui their household
dutlee, nnd wn cordially rooomuiuml It to tho |inli-
lie. Yours, nMiimolnilly.
liny. H. D. JOHNSON.
Wn could mid a thousand other cai lilt ales, hut
we romldor the above amply sufficient proof uf He
virtue. All we ask Is a Ir a).
For full particulars, history of diseases, and cer
tificates or Its woudorlul cures, tho reader U re
ferred 10 the wrapper around the bottle.
Munufaciuri-d uud Mold hy
cftartowA, - - Coorg
W ill. <Li ..Ml, nl ' w..rk In-
ill ;i good mid substniiiinl innnri
guiirmitueiiig snlisfaetirui in work
prices ns cheap as can he done, for m
any kind nl pin.luce. I'urniluri* will In'
put up to order cheaper than ii run he
bought iu t. is place-bedstead"
Ruferenees given when required, sepi i'.i
1 'ASM NTniil-:,
• I. S. Slubbs ^ ( lo.,
i '/.'/> A /,’ 7Y> ir.Y, f/.L.
' ‘ onsl ' Ul, '- v 11 *"** line n|
HooIn nnd Shoes ;
Gusli buyers will tind it to llioir ini1
to examine our goods mid prices l.efore
H^.. Solo agents for the sale of the e de-
I liratud *• Wall i'l.iws" and lixlurus, in 1 ■ .,;
oiiunty. juiie 2(1 u
W. H. Wilde & 0j„
' CllHtTst illr, - - t«coj',;i }
Practical Mechanic & Builder
CKDAlirOM'.V, GA.,
Ei'out UulUliny^
of all sixes and grades, on short uni inn mid
lifter the most approved plans. Puriiculm-
attunlioii given to malting mid trimming J
Kle., Klc.
, I AKH S.ihscripllon far miv Hr!; or 1'
j I’or nil kinds of Sewing Muolilnot, also fur
j uish AtlneliMi'inls, Oils, etc. Will scipU
I Noodlor liy until, to any address, ou ruocipt
| of price. Singer, 36 oouls pur dozen ; all
| nl hers HO oents. Parlies would do well to
consult us boforo buying goods from pud-
ck will be fiirui*lud at short .
June 20-1 f
Rome Railroad Company.
Those desiring work of any kind iu hi*
lino would do well lo nail on him at llio Si.
Charles Hotel. Shop fronting Court House
Square. Juno 2 My
VV. CJ- Barber,
llockiimrt, 4*».
W ILL sell or buy Wild or Improved
Lands in any portion of tho county.
Having been a citizen of I'olk oounly for i
many years, and being thoroughly posted
in the Location, Value, etc , of Lands in ev
ery section, feel confident that it will be to
llio interest of parlies having lands to h«• 11.
to plnoe them in my hands; wish
ing to purchase Laii is uim always bo ac
commodated. 1 will bo iu Codartnwii on
the 1st Tuesday in uaoh month, for tho pur.
pose of Iraueaoliiig business in my liu«.
nui.v i*As*Kxoi;n
! f,eaves Rome at 8.15am.) . „ ,
Arrive al llama 1.11 p. m , o*oopl Su.lll r>-«
; Leave* Home at rtfiOp. m ) „ .
; Arrive at Rome at 10.10 p m \ ''‘'wy ,,:, y'
I Knob train will make close connection
! at Kingston with Western and Atlantic
.liiilroiid trains bound for Uhatlnuoogn and
' I Ill'll,i. W. H. GOTIIB AN, iTc*.
j JOHN G. PRINTIJP, Ticket. Agent.
Selma, Romo & Dalton R. R-
Trains on this Bond will run as follow.!.
I Leave Sulina 7.25 a l.
I Arrive at Prior’s 5.18 r, m
*' Dalton 9,1» p m ,
Making ulnae connection at Dalton with
: K T V A Ga U K, mid W St A K It for nil
Kasturn mid Western cities mi l the Vir
| gltiin .Springs.
! Leave D.illnu 6*15 p in
Arrive al Prior’s 10.12 p m
Vri'lvo at Selniit 8.39 am
M. STANTON, Gcu. Supt,
W. H. MAYNARD. Asst. Hupi.
KAY KNIGHT, 0. P. & T* Agt.
Western tk Atlantic Railro.ul
and Connoctlon3.
H.'ll•,:i)l• I.H IN KrTKCT MIV
.Mill Til Will II—No. I.
Loaves ATLANTA p. ia.
Arrive at Gnrtursvillc Ij.'lda. in
Arrive at Kingston \ 1.04 «. m
Opened, A Boot and Shoe
Whop, on the corner of Prior mid (J-dleg.*
strocts, near 8t Uhurlu* hotel. Our toriin
arc Oath, and no work shall be delivered
until paid for. Work done with iliap lfch
mid nl small cost.
Patronage solicited. V«rv reapcclfully.
j!w. lUGII,
Cedartown, (in , June 24th, 1871.
fTl|lB undersigned Ims located in 0«*-dar-
X town for the purpose of carrying on
the bu-iuoxH in ull its branches. Ifyou want
u shampoo
will guurai
Leaves ATI. \N PA
Arrive- m Cirtersvilte
Vrrivesat King-inn
Arrivmiit Dillon
Arrives at • ‘.1 \ f I'ANDOGA
M'illlrlR 11.
Arrives at I* lligHon
Leaves Oil ATfANOllii.
Arrives at Dalton
; Arrives at Kingston
Arrives at Gartorsvillu .
i aTwA.NTA
< at Kingston
t at Oar ter* vi lie
11.03 a.
11.45 a.
2.IM p i