The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, December 05, 1874, Image 3
THE RECORD. A Lite Country Newxpapcr. Publ *hed Every Saturday Morning by W. S. P. WIKLE eSc CO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ono oopy, one yoar $2.00 One copy, six months 1.00 Ton copies, in clubs, ono year, each Single copies All aubocriptiono invariably In advaneo. No name entered upou the list until the subscrip- tion is paid. We understand the matrimonial fever will c raging high iu these parts about Chris- Maiuuv.u—At the residence of the bride’s j .Iulitl8 ItOl’O V mother, in Cave Spring, Thursday, liec. 3d, by Jud-e A U Wright. Mr 1. B .ytssum around tho houso, JulitlB Whs Stone, of I’olk county, to Miss Pnttio | •• • - • •' I Wright. I Immediately after tho marriage, the hnp- ! pe groom and his charming young brldo j took the cars for Allendale, S. C, on a visit to. Mrs Willingham, tho bvldo’s sister, Professional Cards, Mr. N. M. Wright is miking an linprov ment on his store by the addition of a shed iu front Mr. Wright is an enterprising | P® 8™ om man and improvmcnt is his motto. lio’u dowu at tho old passing around tho scon through a wiudow. Tho brothers ATTORNEY AT ceda nrowx PROMPT attention given J. onieu u wore both arroated. Proceeding to tho old man’s houso on his mantel shelf was found u lorn, Gorman nowspnpor. To tlio rent in .. . , „ .. , - - --- -- , . - it waR nppliod tho pioco of gun wad, M inim jk—Ai the Residence of the (Uoir rcturn they will make Cedartown their procisoly. On rending the ides father, by Rev. 11. B- Quillian, Mr. ,, 0 no> LoIlR life RIul prosperity to them. Hluu ] 0 rod mutter now brought tog-th- W. T HOMPSON, . LAW, 150 J. II. Godwin 6cl “ j oounty Miss C. King, all of Polk j RATES OF ADVERTISING. ni’ACK. 1 NV. 1 M. 3 M. 10 if. I 12 M. 1 Square... Column. Columu. 1 Column.. f 1.00« 2.50 5.00 12.00 8 00 15.00 isn () f 6.00!* 8.00 $ 12.00 20.(0 30.00 40.00 25.00 40 (K)! 65.00 45.00 65.00) 120.00 Piofemdoual aud llusincH* Cards of one inch or less, $12 per anmiro, payable qnarteily in advauce; six months, $8. All advertise ments due after first insertion. cm iu ii mitr.i rniiv. and 3d Sundays iu each month, Re ney brown. Pastor. Sabbath-scl METiionisT Cnrncn.—Services o'clock, a. v. and 7 1-1 o’clock, r. Sabbath; Rev. \N in. II. I.aPrnde, Sabbath-school at 0 o'clock, a. w. Mr. Will Wright and Mr William King, j are two of the joviolist young men in town I this week. They have been to a wedding Mr. W. F Turner, is the owner of one of the neatest law offices in our town. It in sit uated between Wright and Huntington’s stores. We are requested to remind tho young , men, of the young men’s prayer mooting held every Thursday night. 10.0.T., Luilgc No., 303. Tho members of LodgO 803, 1. O. (J. T Cedarvaltey, are requested to bo present at the next meeting which will he on Fri day night, the 11th of December. J- M. HARRIS, W. C.T A BN Ell 1IOG, Seo. It will bo soon by rofforonco to now udvortiRomoutH, that our olever towns man, Mr. F. L. Walthall, has oponod brought or, to further tout tho connection prop er, it proved complete. Tho interpret er read a broken lino : "And ho raisod hit* pun to his face and shot him dead.” Most singular coincidence, though but part of a story iu tho paper. All tho family were brought, to town, and after a court of examina tion, Julius and Albert lvunda wore committed to prison, and tho old man and Frod Kunda hold to bail in the sum of $!i,000 onoh. All to. bo tried Oflieu with Ivy F. Thompson, Hast shirt Court House square. net 17, 7 I Wm. M. SPARKS, ,i r to a ne r a t la if, Oodartown, Cn. oot 17 71. .1. 11. II A It It F* It , Notnry lMiblio AND A'L-TORNEY ,YT LAW, (Vduifown, (iu. «he X nearly opposite tho post-office. His A coloroJ girl, 12 .vuvr. oM. Jnughtw of slock is now niul fresh, nml ho propoa- James Wilson, died, of diptheria, on Tu i day night last, at Mr .1 A Peek’s. Wo arc glud to see our friend J. D. Enl on our streets ngalu, his hand is improving his stock very fast. In fact he looks almost as if ho had never seen n gin. Clocks, tho best, i itdo by J. E. sell.—Servi nonth. Rev ■school at 0 r county lately, that there had t panic. Marrying will go t new Btoro in his brick building , ut the Deoomber court. Tho child is now dead. A man living in 1‘iko county, nays tho dogs of Georgia consume annual ly 300,000 bushels of grain, kill -10.000 sheep, km p eggs up double what they would ho if there were no suck-egg dogs, besides oth r devilment too nu merous to menti.'ij. id iu Lo Monde a lioins, of Gronin gen, on tho preparation of liiptid car bonic acid, aud tls use as a bouvco of motive power. l)r. Being asserts that ho has expor IMnscmic Cai.xdokia Lonor, Regular comtnunicat night in each month. 121, F. A \ M N. M. Wii Secretary. To clubs of live, wo Friday Record one year for $t copy to getter up of club to make up clubs. To c aach,:indan extra copy. to soli at short profits f< backs. lie will also purchase country produce, ’later* & \ Call and examine il prices. Polk (iMiuty On arils. There will be a regular mooting of the , ft j ; company on Saturday, (to-day). After tho no, Georgia* usuftl ‘trill, there will be a business meet- 1 ing held by the company. Those who ot marriages ! have been absent from former drills are cx- nover pected to ho present tlion. as they will ho if the tlncd according to tho rules unless they can give sufficient excuses for said absence wiii" fomi»h the >' '"T" 5, h01 ' There has uppi; paper by Dr KING Aw .11 NFS, ATT pRNKVS AT l, \AV (Vilnitimn, Go. O FFICE In Court House. June 20 \Y. F. T IT II N II II , ATTORNEY AT IT AAV, Ccdaiiowii) Gn. O FFICE South of Court House, between Huntington and Wright’s stores. I V \ 1\ THOMPSON, Attonio.y sit 1 jinv. JEDARTOWN, Legal Advertisements, COUNTY.—.lames ; J for o personalty, and l will pass upon tho sumo I at 11 o’clock, it. m., on tho fan day of De cember, 1871. This November 22, 187-1. JOEh BREW Eli, Onl y G eorgia,pouK county-whorewu— Eliz.ihetli II. VhitDovondor and M y R i Ake, having made.applioitlion for l.ettoi-H . f Administration on the Estate of Peter Van I Dovaiider lute of sai I county decease I. These are, therefore, to cite all per sens concerned, to ho and appear ut next ooifvt of Ordinary to bo held in said , i county on the tlrst Monday In January to show cause If any they have, why liOtturs should not he grunntod. Gi dec niv hand and official slgnatuv Nov. j .ill, 1874. JOEI. 11REWtill Ord’y Whereas, ' Knight, administrator on the es tate of Alfred Morrison, deceased, has ; made application, iu duo form of law, for (liHinisslon from his sai l admliiistraliun, nlloilging iu his petition that, after his up , plication as eneli admiuislrotor, Georgia Morrison, the widow of silt! deceased, made application and obtaim-d homestead and exemption cf personally, and in which included the whole of the property belong- i ing to ilie estate oCsald deceased, and that lie lias fully administered said estate, so far as the law requires. Therefore, all persons concerned will lake notice to be and appear ut my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said IV. C Knight should not lie fully discharged from his -aid administration. Given under my hand and official signature, this Oct. BURBANK & JONES, Codartown, - - Georgia, DEAU’.nS IN Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VARNISHKH, KKKOS13XR, .a. :m: I s s. Everything Fresh and Pure! .10151. 11 It 1; W' 15 R imouttilly proved tho outiro priicticn- /-vffiC15 -East side Court llo bility of operating an engino on this \ * W. M Good Templars. Cedar Valeev Lopor, No, 303. 1 O. O. T --Meets every Friday night (except 3d Friday,) J. M. HARRIS, W. C. T. A. Hour, Secretary. i the time • n, 81 50 ' ad s!i I am advised that members of Military Companies are excused from all jury duty, as well ns road and street tax. Captain. r tin Grange. Cotqcitt Gn ANOE, No, 20 —Regular meet- There are ings Saturday before the third Sabbath In Cedartown. •ach month. a ••Livery S' Polk County Fannci > regular meo'ings > tint 1 ich buildings f M H. BYRD, I’r before the 4th ; Joun O. Waddell, Secretary. Our A gout •«. E. P. Fcalheraton, Lime Branch, p R. S. Fattillo, Taylorsville. W. P. West, Esora Hill. ANNOI'NIEMENTS. To tlir Voters of Polk County. Through the advice of sympathising friends, I havo been induced to place my self before you ns a candidate for Tax Re- ceiver. I have no claims upon any one for their support- I enn only ask your suffrage provided you think 1 am n worthy object of charity. I am one of the unfortunate crip ples for life, and havo an aged mother and afflicted sister to care for, and no means with which lo relieve their wants. 1 think 1 have sufficient education to till the posi lion, and will promise, if so fortunate as to be elected, to fill the otlicc to the best of niv ability, and ever be grateful to the good people of Polk county. Nov. 2-1. 1874. SAMUEL 11. JOHNSON. We are authorized to announce the j uauio of W. A. Harris us a condidato j for Treasurer at the election iu Janu ary. td Mr. Editor,—Plonso announco the name of H. P LUMPKIN as a candi date for Sheriff at approaching elec tion in January, with H. K. llougo as Deputy. Many Voters Wo nro authorized lo announco tho name of Judge T. L. PITTMAN as a candidate for roelcction to tho office of County Treasurer, at tho election to be held on tho first Wednesday in January next. Oct. 28, 71. Wo aro authorized to announce the nuino of J. M. McCURRY ns a cundi- 7 Smith's Block. Rome not? churches, Mctlio- Proabytcrlan. Each ishing Sabbath school* olored people havo two wspapors publishod in lie office door of one is ign, and over theothor nvn Saloon." Rather such purposes >n last Sunday ! Wc learn that tho storm week did much dutnage to tho town of 1 MonlVklla, blowing down several dwelling , houses and wounding quite a number of 1 ; citizens, an<l killing two or throe negroea. For C’lti'lHtiitua. Mr. J. 15. Veal, tho popular dealer in watches and jewelry, has mw on exhibi tion ,at his now, spaoiom, admirably tlttod up store, No. 27, Smith's block, ono of the largest and most beautiful stooks of ladies watches and chains, Diamond, Pearl uud othor fine rings, Bracelets,Lookots, Chains, Sotts Pins ami Earrings, Sterling Silver, Spoons and Forks, .X<\, over exhibited in North Georgia, and those goods arc offering below their value in oonsequonco of ihe hard times. fy J j)*-.\ow is the time to buy. Mr. Veal cordially invites inspection. bility of operating an engine wi'.i , principle ; and he claims for it superi ority over tho steam ongiuo, not only on tho score of economy, but because of its safety (there being no datigei ol explosion,) and be use it. is still l- -s bulky anil le s heavy than the steam engine; properties which especially com mend it as a motor for ships. Whether wo havo here found the motive power which ia to lie the sue cossor of steam, as tho Abbe .Yloigno supposes, is for the future to deter cap Banjos. $1 Wv The new Go i..n by Mcosr .early comploi iow stock of g u by Mr. J. / Banjos, the finest c ry, worth from $2'i itrings at J. 15. Veal'? J at Veal': iimpkin & McConnol md before many day will he displayed th Georgia , Mr. J, M. onisli tho world at their trade. Whitfield lias penciled off the L-fl\ liest masons wo have with us Mr. J. H. I logo informs soon commence a large shoo shop room on tho oorncr north ofNoye? store It will be sixty-five fou thirty foot wide, he will have it . by Christinas. long by | liplotod Pure solid silver thimbles for 50 cent-' id name engraved on it free,by J. 15. Veal date fur County Treasurer, at tho np- lating A party left our oounty on laM Incsdny lor tho west. Among the number wa-< • ur townsinnu, Mr. Galnway (Jraldt. Mr Grahb is n clever young man and will find friends and employment wherever lie goon, llo has our best wishes that ho may do well |n his far western home. By nil means,call when you go to Borne. Ho takes plensun in showing goods whether you buy or not. flvy lie particularly request the ladies t< call. No. 27, Smith - him k, 4 •”». Tho young men of Cave Spring whil away their evenings with the Indies, by proaching election in January next. We nro authorised to announce Mr. W. F. TREAD A WAY ns a candidate for Tux Collector of Polk county. EloeDon 1 at Wednesday in January- next. td Wo nro authorized to announce the enrao of J. M. ARRINGTON as u can didate for Tax Becievcr at opproacing hand, election. "‘ e c We are authorized to announce tho unmo of ROBT. H. WHEELER us a candidate for Tax Iteciovor at election to be held first Wednesday in January next. uvcl* through Eu u, Nova Scotia, New Me Indies, together with v»ry alarm ing encounters with tlin Indians. 1 hey have made soino very narrow eBcapcs hut managed to keep their hair. There itT now a cotton patch in Tal bot county in full bloom. There was a little knife work in town week, between two colored women t IiriMmu-* Tr A Commit ten of thro Sunday school met at 10 o’clock, a m. Monday, Nov. JlOlh, for tho pnrpo:e j of making urrangemeutu for the on- : t' l'laiimient »>f the Sunday school pu- ; j ila of Cedartown, on Christmas night; On motion, tho following resolu- | tioi.H wore adopted, viz : ■on in this noun 1. That the Sunday $80; «1.0, rnio ! I'Ucu utiilo in luiving h CkriHtninB troo at tho Court houso on Christmas night. 2. Tlmt tho presouts be froo. :l. That each teacher of ull the Sun- bo r« (pleated to interest j bis grout procuring donations for , their respective elasuoH, and to so- that lie will that each member gets u present. 1. That wo havo small cornucopias , of confectioneries for the children. On motion, Mr. Jud Crahb was i unanimously requested to personate ; "Santa Claus,” in delivering tho pret- ! eats, fr mi tho tree. On motion, the following commit- j tees were appointed by tho Chairman: ^ Committoo to got the troe—Messrs. Ned, 11 oit it'll I and Ed. Wood. Committee to furnishing ligVtp— j Messrs. T. F. Rurlmnk, N M. Wright and Daniel Harrison, Commit tee to get funds to procuro retahliHhir.cnt | lights and confectioneries for the oc casion--Musstv. Aim, Huntington,and Ryland Bowles. Committee to receive presents and arrnngo them on tho (roe—Miss Flo ra Melvor, Mrs. Ake, Miss V. Lump kin, Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. Trawick, Miss d Ella Vann, Mrs. Dodds, Miss Octaviu Cobb, Miss lfuttie Hurst, and Messrs- Joe Lumpkin, Win. Featlb rston and W. N. Griff !h. Cummitreo to get permisbion to mo tho Court bouho and put it in or der—Messrs. J. O. Waddell, M. V. JJ. Ake, L. S. Ludbetter, J. Jj. Branch, There is a strange rumor lo the ef fect that when a gentleman by tho ! name of Perry was in his lot recently, [ ho saw one ol his horses standing out | and ho nttompied to tirivo him into I tho stable. There is nothing hi range j about tliis, but it is almost incredible | that the animal was stone dead, til- j though standing on his feet. •. lutohration among thoso who can't from eacli go profusely about freedom. Tim col- j clock, a ni. oretl president. < I' tho colored Young | Men’s Christian A .suoiatioti, has been 1 invited to resign bis official d gnity, 1 In-cau e he voted for Phil. Cook. Tho furmors of Houston county are In Cuming somewhat alive to their ti ll- j est inter? .4, since they are going to , ■ crops of grain, instead ol I l'm y have found Unit, n ! king " ut all, lie is a fuar- wlieu allowed unlimited WOFFORD & MILNER, ATTOb’NKYS AT I,A W Chi Horsy itlo. Gn. ^ y-'FIOR ill Bank Building. jnne 20 (iK\. w. r. won-ond, joiin u. wiki.k. WOFFORD WIKLF, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estato Agents. ('AUTEllSVll.I.E (,'A. IL IL THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, JOUNTY — Whoroim, UliildevH, itooousod, I 1 j i I50RGIA, l’GI.I' I v;r 8a|lio A. Uliihl the 1‘hIiiIo of .lain* V I ban nuulo nppliimtion for luavi l imnt in Haiti ooiiuly huloiiging to Haiti estato. Those are, therefore, to oito anil admonish all peraoiis oonoernod, to bo mnl appear at my oilier on tho lira! Monday in Novomher next, to show cause, if any they have, why Haiti application shotihl not bo grmite.l in torus of tho Law Given under my hand mol ollleiul signature, HiIh the Util day of iu-t., IS. I. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y I» 1*: H l' 1 1 I M K K Vi LILY WHITE, SOU’S, TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. GENUINE GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE Always on hand. Tooth, Hair and JNail Brushes, Combs, etc. F Xj 6 TT XL . j. tr. burke & co,, WIICLESALK Booksellers and Stationers, AND DEALERS IN Wrapping Papors, Twines, Notions, Fancy Goods, &o. Cor. Alabama & Whitehall sta, ATLANTA, * - « OEOIKJ/l out J 2m East End Wood Shop. 1JY .1. M. HARRIS. Hepalra amt Makes Wagons, Bedstoads, Tables ct:; Ami il in list anything mmlo of wood. WO R K (! M EAT F0It CAS , llo-/ sell the j ■1 00 | Inmglil 8 50 :i .oo / t I50RG1 \, vT s. M. II. ,0 'i>Aurn u .v, FFIGE ever Or. Re.-He’H Drug ; put iu lien p is all cotton. I cuuou i» ful tyrant powers. A colored worthy attempted Lo \ proach in a church without being ask- j ed so to do, and he was rewarded for : al by being led out by bis . ample ears to the air " How tedious ; and tasteless.” zYn Englishman who had been lloee- ud by niutiLo sharps on a Nevada rail way train went before Justice .Scott, of It tilde Al Jimtuiu, tu enter a complaint, but bu : oro the papers could bu drawn up tho shurpur uppoai'ud aud rofuml- eil. Anxious to continue on his jour ney, the Englishman declined to enter the complaint, when .Scott exclaimed: "I’ll have you know, sir, that no sub ject of CL oat Britain, or any of the crowned heads of Europo, shall brow beat this court with impunity. I line you fifty <lt.liars, sir, for contempt of court! " Tho fine was nuid. New Advertisements^ JUST OPENED. F. L. WALTHALL H AS just oponod, oppoulto pout oflioo u . now Htock of guotlH, oonBlHtlng of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Confectioneries and Groceries, Hardware, (.'rockery, Etc. I)rs. Liddell & Richardson, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, CEDAR TOWN, ti \., 1\/| AN' In- found in tlieie ollltio at all lioura I. who ii n a profoHiiiotinlly ongngo I. Dr. C. H. HARR8S, Physician and Surgeon, llyvd, Exucutor mi tho oatato of lloul.on Webster, deooiiHotl, Ims applied to mo for leave to hoII lot of laud No. 1080, in the 2d district mid till section of Folk county, Gu., nlno o wllil mid uncultivated lot, lying in NValkor oounty, Ga , belonging to Haiti cstatu, either nt pulilio outory or priviUo Halo, an may hociii to Haiti exooutor most coiivciilont mid to tho host advantage mnl iu/k o-1 of said out at o. TI••'**'.'ore, ull porsoiiH coiicorucd arc liort l.y notified lo he mid appear at my oflioo, within the lime pronorlbcd by law. to h’low outiHO, if any they have, why leave I., sell said laud Hli.nihl nol be grant ml. Given under my limid mid ollloilil bigiui- l ore, (tils Oot. lit ii, 1871. JOEL BREWER, Only. j / ‘ HG.'i’GIA, I’OI * 1 Clinnihui'H Mo O' Inti re, Jane RogeiH and jps, the lawful lieirHof Mrs. \V. 1> late of Haiti county, tleooased, hav- upplitmllon to have NY (' Knight I atln i the i Dr. L. S. LEDBETTER 'ore to cite mnl minion isli nil pvi'HoiiH ooucorned, Itiinlrod mnl oreditors, to appear al my olllee u.i required by law, lo hIiow oatiHo if any they have, why Haiti application (should not be granted. Given under my limul mid official signa- JOEL BREWER, Ord'y. FOLK Ol NTY A. u. N.u. il for oxoinplion of porKon- 1 pass upon I lie hiiiiio at 11 Flour 1-2 cent lass by tho 100 Ib.i. Corn Meal if>L 15 per bushel. Buying for CiihIi, wo are prepared to sell as low as the lowest. fliay Give us a call and hoc for yourselves June 20-ty IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to the Whole Raco of Wornon DR. BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator! J r VVII.1. UIM Nil ON TIMO MKNHHH, roly VO 111 n' i It ii! A |tVi i S 1 N i ■ utiUk Is o/llaokSiml Uiorin l.oa- chi lira or Wl.ltoH, amt |iAttliil I'rola.imit IJlorl, olo'oli oxoo hivo II nv, Hint corrout ull Irio.tuInntliH It will rom v.-all Irrllu Ion of Klilnoynnnit Illntl- ,l. i. iiin.vo (.'.mltvniiUHH, oorliy (ho Hlutitl, «lvo Itl.'i i/la'umliniK It Itity Imo iu lloteliook, Ami elioor- il In a h roouro In' nil tho nhovc (IIh nvn us Qotii- loo In >n Chlltn mnl Foyer. I, illt n o in oaro tlioumolvon of nil tho nbovo tlln- on oi vl lit*iit rovoitlinn tholr oompiulnln lo uny l>i im.ii, wliloo In u.wuyn murllfj Iiik m tholr prltlu "'it in'reeuaimondort by.the hont phynlclnon mnl o i. *•’ • i.aOiianok, Ua , Mnrolt •..V, into. limiu iKi.i) A I'n. Allan Uj (In.: iinir .Vlri| I llimllloal'a I'Vmnlo Ito.u- (iCCorditiy lo prom iin. sopfc |'.l-ly W. fS. DAVIS, CON r I 1 R ACT OH —AND — HOUSE SUItOER, Codartown, - - Ceorgic. W ILL do all kinds of work in Mu lit . in a gootl mnl HiiliHtmitial maun •• guarmiteolug Hathfautloii in work, m prioeti as ehonp iih uau bu doue, fur onHli , [ any kind of produce. Furniture will pul up In order cheaper cun ‘ inmglil iu tuplace—hodHtomts especial llufereiieeH given when roipiired. sept IF CASH STORK. • I. S. Stubbs cA Co.. CM DA It TO IILV, (/.I., |^EEF coiistiuitly on linud a full line t FAMILY OROCERtES, HARDWARE, ltoots iiml Shoes : also a Hue of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND FACTORY OlOODH. Gash buyers will find it to their iutero- lo examine our goods mnl prices hut", purchasing. 8‘drt tigouls for the snlo of tho 0*-l hratetl “ NVatl Flowa" and tixturcH, in l‘o. county. juuo 20—tf W. H. Wikle &Co., Curtcrsville, - - j Geor.i mi lI'U'ui both a i lioooHtly iay in it hone (lint every Indy In our own Irnni. who uiny ho Hon'. rliiK In nay way peeul'nr to their nox, may Ini I le In pioutoe a haul • Unit I heir HiiUVniiifH i ..ot only lie reltovod, hot iloil they may he ruiUt lo heiilih anil HtrciiKlIi. With on s limesl retcnrili, thu 30th tlay TIiIh Nov. IS. 187-I. JOEL BRENVER, Ord’y DHhoIiiI I t||C I Mill SURGEON DENTIST |« CtitlHi'luwii, O l’FERS his prol'cHHional citizens of t 'et lari own a v it h dissolved, by mill mil ooiisent i the tllli day of Novomher instant, by tin* illitlrawnl of W. L. iMcUlain. Tho pros- it firm of Winlo .St Uo. are respniiHil.l" for lint doblH of the old firm. Nov. 24, 2874 NV. L. MeCl.AI N. • or med lulou it ml lually an; • lo thelr'nex tholr aalferi _ not only lie reltovoil, hot that they may he rualoretl • • ' ■ mill KtrriiKth. With mi kimlua* reinilly, VV. It. I'JOUltILli NkihMHiiktta (la„ March 20. IB70, luonlha nro I hmiKltl n 'lollliiof llrmlllelrt'H Kemiile Uerolnnir limn ytoi.nml have OHetl II In my lhml:y will: the otimiHl (mllHlimtion, ami have reeoinmeii* (I, rt II lo two or three olio r I'uuilllni, ii ml they havo haiml II Jottl wlotl It Is reeonnmmtleil. Thu lemalisi who have nan I your Keen uiur are In perreol health, ami are uhle to alleml lo tlmlr hotineho|rt dill It's, ami we coirtlally reuoimueml It to Iho pul*. He. Youih, reniieuunlly, HIlV. II. 11. JOHNSON. We could mhl a IhotiHaml other certllh atea, hut we eon.Ider the above amply nufllolaut proof or lui virtue. All we ask la n for foil purllculAva, hlntory ol' dlsenuro, and ter- llllcutes or Iim wondcrlul c “ •erred in the wrapper aroun Manuluelured ami sold by "‘"AllFlKLr * (IrtiKHlHta. JOHM C, ALIEN, BOOKS AND STATIONER! NOl’IONS, NOVELTIES FANCY CONFECTIONERIES T A K15 R'il)sorlnlJoii for miy Book r rlmlldul pnlilislioti in the Unito'l Him. PuI)1Ih1ioi’h lowost. prions. N E 2 D L E 8! For all kin Is of Hewing Machlnea. also fu • x. Watchmaker and Jowelor, Codartown, Ca. j done promptly mnl HntlHfaotorily Ilroitd SlioH OA.. . Practical Mechanic & Builder, i .*«• wm alios by mail, to any address, of prion. Singer, 0f> cents per dozon ; a 1 others 80 oonts. Parties would do well) (•'insult ns before buying goods from pe 1 tilers, or sending North to Llio variivt swindlers mnl humbugs. Any goods not ii BOOTH, SHOES, HATH, Ready-Made Clothing. W C furnish Mat d ial ami 1A LI. mnl prion my goods, mid I will i J ooiiviiico you that I sell tho best ol Goods heap for Cash. Nov l I-2m T II A V K L n IFS GU ID E. Rome Railroad Company. ClIANfli: OF 80EDHLK. ; • » ■ i work wnrrmited Twelve MoiiIIih. 1 . , , ! lli.,.niriiiK n„,. H|".olnt(y. All CottOH I CottOtl I I CottOll I I I ■I ltiiil,liii< Chcrokeo Iron Comp’y Store. STor AN.11 KEA I > ! 1 will "I nil Hum I'"? O'" Romo Full Market Price of all Mixes mid grades, on Hlinrl notice after I ho most, approved plans. Particular j Loaves Homo 1 iillonlion given to making mid trimming 4 mpt Sunclu, (, l ad a little blood drawn from the left ; Will Wright, ftlltl Job. H. Dutltln. llo proposes to exchange goods, at very ■1 tho other gave bond to appear term of the county court of repairing waiclu s and jewelry 1 f to anil the times, at Veals, Romo. I . Cornmitteo to decorate tho hoaso low figu • G It 1515NBACKH. dco f> CAKTEU, IF YOU WANT ID Slit goods Persons wishing t payment of their will rooeivo follows: lUlliY I’ASHHXOKIl I,eaves Romo lit. 8. Ifia Arrive at. Homo 1.16 p. » 30 p. til ) Arrive at Itmnuiit 10.10 p in S y Hanli train will make oloso oonnocti • at Kingston with Western and Atlani Railroad trains hound for Gluittnuoogn nn Day OOPFIlsr 3 , —Mrs Crahb, Miss Lula JLirrie, Mies JJ, Dodds, Miss Emma Edwards, dealer in* Jennie Harrison, Miss P.zrcia ~ r . . shall Bum., Miss Mary Ward. Mrs. W. N. FUmitUTe anCl UarpOlS Ii i b c‘ i* a 1 No sheriff, coroner, or other offi change the advertising connected with his Griffith, Mrs. J. O. Waddell, L office from one paper to another, without first giving notice of his intenti SATURDAY MORNING DU 1874. L O C A L I T K M j in tho paper in which his ndvertiiomen I may have been published.—3C50fA .S'- RtrueJ Code Geo. Ledbetter, and ull who feel deposed, aro respectfully requested to moot for that purpose, on the 2-lth December. Il inlaid, That wo present uiir com pliments to tho Editors of tho Record No. MMi, Empire Block, I BROAD 8TKEJ5T, ROME, GEORGIA EORGIA, FOLK COUNTY.- Win IL Morgan lias applied for Exemption of Konnity and I will pass upon tlio '' ' lock, a. m , on tho lfitli day of (i 1,000,000 Dry Hides; 100,000 Sheep Skins wanted by M. F. Govan Ac Co., Rome, Go. PiiorjaiuiNH Exlvrjed. —Wo hav taken the agency of a Philadelphia bouse to have photographs enlarged. We can have the work done at about half the price charged by traveling agents. Samples can be seen at the Record office. Job Printing.—Wo have rnado ar rangements to have Job work of all kinds done, iu the very beat style and at tho lowest prices, your orders, to order. Needles for all kinds of Sewing machines; Singer,65 cts per doxen—all oth ers 80 cents. Will send needles by mail on receipt of price. W. II. NNIKLE. Carteraville, Un. A very religiously incRnod negro was engaged at the iron works, tho o day, in puling up a large iron flue, and elevated some distance ubove ground, when j tive papers. J.VJ 1 he got uneasy about his “elevated" position, and told Capt. 'Vest he wanted lo come down. Capt. \\ eat asked him if he was afraid to die and meet his Ood. He replied “no, it is Ihe other gentleman Urn afraid CLOTHING, HAL’S, CAPS, Or any article generally kept in A F I R S T C LASS STOIt E s to suit the Closest Bnyoi l* V l ii OB ! Over Hie market pi ioo, during the month ' of November. Fnrli-H having Hold me Cot- | ton and to he delivered thin fall, aro hereby [ notified to bring in the same nt once, riH it is HI*.FA.!RING FURNITURE, An FBWGOODS c ms a i ms I f. ON ISS! of the largest pltmenis lo lUO jviuoim oi mu xwujuiuj , «»•» 11 • '2', ’ " " • At Prices to Hint the Closest. Buyers, you . AM ll()W in rocc i,,t „f oneof the lnruesl and Express, and request them to pub \ ‘ nj 'clrnber ^aft y ’ will make it greatly to your advantage by | ] , )tocUH „r Goo.Ih ever brougl.l to (jedar- «* tlL„ proccli,,, j ° JOB,! I!UKIVKit, 0,„in,, y . « «•* 27 , y j „ — | goods shall be sold oh low in Cedai lowit a> CEDA.BTOWN j I"IJ l»wn ill tlio Blnle. Call «».I ioa in" Will Liver), Sale and Feed Stable, Examine My Slock and Prices ’ Job. H. D. Secretary BRANCH, Chairman. Gi The race for county offieers at approach ing election is getting lively. Messrs Lumpkin ami Clements are the only can didates in the field for Sheriff, Fowlei favor of Lumpkin, Mr NV lor, who was announced Iasi '”‘ viua wiLw*ui of s«. Remarkable Cane of Circum stantial Evidence. [Gnuduliipe, Texas Times.] One of the most fiendlike —no it were a blander to say Satan would do such work—nets was perpetrated on last Monday night, tho 2Uth ult. ( at tho Cottonwood bchoolhouBe at 10 o’clock A. M., on camber, 1874, at my oill of November, 1874. JO 15 L DRI5NVEH, Ord’y i■ Exumplioii of | 10th day of Do- i li in the 28th day j t EORGIA. FOI.K COILNTY.- (s applied for Exempt nd I will pitH.M upon the h C'OL'NTY. —A. J. Me i Tay On this i “ht about 10 o’clock, .Mr. Job Drennau, bia wife and daughter, a child of ton / 1 EORGIA, FOLK ' J Curley, lias applied for Excni|. Personaliiy, and setting apart and vulua Main Street, Cedartown, Ga IJitllJI-.s down *o hiiiL tho limns. f»oc 1 Block, Vohiolos, and Guroful Drive always on hand. Hpcoial attention given to the care of I ntock left in our charge. lumfkin Ac mcconnell* Don’t, listen to Uroukcrs, hut cull and ox- i aminc for yourH^lvcH. IIigliusl inurket price paid for j(Joi*n and “Wliosxt. A. Huntington. i Ckdautown, Nov. 12, 1874. didatt for deputy sheriff, on Mr. Lumpkin s yanrh, on returning homo from meet- day of December, 1874 at my office, thin the £oal blonks furnished t" 1 ". of hl ” ‘ nl ' r - mg ° ..wt. .Ii-rlruil run. but will use hit lnH'i- | Boots and Shoes vory cheap at fcavan’s, Home. Batchelor Brogans J 1,50. G t Iron and Steel ! Plow Steel, Scooter Bur, Buggy and Wagon Tire Iron, for sale a A. Huntington’s. Hoe dissolution notice of "W. L- MeC’biii. by wayside assassins. Drenon was killed; his diuglitor rid- >Ir 8 K Huge, of Rock- j Dg behind him on the same horse, ro- didate for deputy with j ceiving five wou vl ; and .Mrs. Dco - en by announcement in non rect i /ed one severe wound. The der “announcements." • laughter alone saw a man crouched ! j own j r , n f.-rice corner. Next morning Judge Moor held an I learn of the midden i fJ q nf . H t otl the b >dy of Mr. Dremion. Among the evidence a piece of gu j adding was found, but partailly Wc are pained death, on yesterday, Friday, morning, oi i the infant child of Rev. Wm. H. Lapradc, of the Methodist church at this j burned. On opening it, it proved to place. Mr l.aprade was in Carteraville, b j a_ piec:i of n attendance on the Annual Conference. The stricken parents have our warmest sympathies in this bereavement and loss of their first-born We know how to syrnpa- Ii > )t tracks lo tding dirsctly man Kunda and his sou Fred. These bouses were already strongly guard 30th day of November, 1871, J OI5L BREWER, Ord’y. JPu-iriclt Ac Ombcrg, 33 Broad St., Romo, Ca. BOOKSELLEnS, STATIONERS INTERS Pianos, Cabinet Organs, HMAI.I. I.NSTIll.’MENTS. HHKET FULTON HOUSE, T. M. ANDER80N, late of Home, Ga. with F. C O H U A, 1 follows l the homes J>f old MUSIC AND MUSICAL r;; ^ ^ -• i ^ same affliction* *>o often, and once fell ! ^ waiting the officers’ arrival. At Fred Ktiuda’-s house it was asked, “Is INSTRUCTION BOOKS plain and Fancy Printing Neat and Cheap Paper Sacks and fine Wrapping Paper. Picture Freraen and Mouldings - Write ■ for catalogue and Price List. sep261y ATLANTA, : : : l\/I KAI.H mill Lodging pi iY I gle meal, 60 oeiitH, and good room-, Saloon in bicmrnent fnrnislicd with pure Liquors, Fine Wines, Be r une 8egars, 1 Do You Waut PRO/ITABLE EMPLOYMENT j If so, write Lo .Major R. r >. RANDALL, j General Agent of the Mobile Lif© ln- suranco Company, uadsaeu, Aia- giving your references, with n view to ob 3. r r. BABBITT'^ Pure Concentrated Potash, OR LYE, Of double the strength of any other SAPONIFYING SUBSTANCE I eve repent!y perfected a now method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing it only in Balls, ihe coating of which will saponify, an I does not injure Those desiring work of line would do well lo call on him at the Hi. J Charles Hotel. Hliop fronting Court House ; Sijuiiru. juuo 2J-Iy ! I ' ' ;—i -VV. C. Darber, REAL ESTATE AG’T RoclimmL Git. W ILL Hell or buy Wild or Improved I Lands in any portion of the county, I Having been a citizen of Polk county for many years, and being thoroughly posted | in the Locution, Value, etc , of Lands in ev ery section, feel confident that it will he t-> the interest of parties having lands to soil, to place them in my hands; and those wish ing to purchase Lands oan always be ue- ; commodated. I will bu in Codartown on j the | hi Tuosday in each month, for t he pur. j iioso of lii'.riHootiilg business in my line. junc 20 Oponed, A Boot and Shoo Shop, on flic corner of Prior and fJdlogo streets, near St Charles hotol. Our terms arc CW», and no work shall bo delivorod until paid for. Work done with dispatch and at small cost. Patronage solicit otl Solma, Romo 6c Dalton R. R Trains on Huh Road will rim as follow- GOING NORTH. Leave .Selma 7.25 a 1 I Arrive at Prior's 6-48 p > Dalton 0,45 p . Making close commotion at Dalton wii | E 1 V Ac Ga R It., ami NV & A It It for - I,i H , Eastern and Western cities and the Vu •SpriiigM, GOING SOUTH' I,rave Dalton Arrive at Prior's Arrive at Hulinu M. STANTON, Gon. Supt. VV. S. MAYNARD. Asst. Supt. RAY KNIGHT, G. P. & T* Agt. “THE KENNESAW ROU I’E,” Western & Atlantic Raiiroa.l and Connections. SOIIKUin.K IN' Kfl-RCT MAY 20. (i BO ltd I 03; udurto , Gn., .Iu orv respectfully, ] .l! W. II )GE, ( hitli, 1874. MOUTHW.MIO—NO. I Leaves ATLAS' PA Arrive at Cartorsvillo Arrlvn at Kingston Arrive at Dallou Arrive at CHATTANOOGA NUMIIUU 3. Leaves ATI* \ NT A Arrives at CartersviUo \rrivnsai Kingston Dalton i i!ilATTAiNOOGA NUMlilllt 11. PL\NTA t Gartovsviilo A rr Arrives i 1 A ri ot her I German soap with tliiB each package. . T. li.VBBITT, hinglon 8t., N. Y. NEW BARBER SHOP. rpiIE unde: d lias located iu Ccdur- iown .u. ...» purpose of carrying on Al . rlV08 ai , vlllgB ,u.. the business in all Its branches. If you waul : ^ rr } V os ut Gactersvillo Arrives at DALTON SOUTHWARD Ml Loaves CHATTANOOGA Arrives at Dalton Arrives at Kingston tuining an ngenry for I hat popular Company tw ,- rn tho Inga! hou jiinty, will be sohl before tlio Court on so door, in Cedirtown, said county , 011 be first Tuesday in Dot.ember “A CLOSE SHAVE” a call uml I hair out, give r. B satisfaction. ALFRED EVANS Arrives at ATLANTA NOtriiBU 5. Leaves CHAT I'AN JOQA Arrivos at Dalton rrivos at Kingston rrivtM at Cartersville 10.30 p. 11. 12 8') a. iu J 1.03 a. 11. 3.00 a m 5.00 a. im 8.30 a. 11 ll.Oti a. n, 11.45 a. m 2.01 p. in. 4.28 p. 0.. 0.00 p. iu 8;15 p. i" 8.48 p. c. 10.80 p. ... 5.86 pi i 7.44 p. 8.1(1 p. 1 10.45 p. , 3.4ft -