The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, December 12, 1874, Image 2

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    the record.ut£i*
n \ P. THOMPSON, AnaociAm Knit or:
I laymen. Among the laym
'1 Ifdlfft office for four year*,
of nine preacher* nnti nine 1
ilia folli wing Atlanta MHliodiri, rii
0 T Dod.l, Cl W V Oook nnd .1 (J llrmlrix
Planting Our Olcliardi.
As this i« the Benson for planting
of thin Board I . t .. 1 ,
Hlioillii, Ti.: 1 0Bt youn ® • rlllt tieca, n paragraph
Fuel* For the Married.
. < JttT > n II been married some
weeks, it enme into tho hood of a
; out young :rii!l liofti, n paragraph on came into the head of a
: that subject limy interest tbe renders J , ol,ng l,u “| ,w11 ' ‘. n «f*T. »■'“ Snn-
h ' «f II* Item,,,. In the first U,e'■ W 1 “ lo *?. ““WJ“*
rKl».U,T„A : ly K f. U. ,«V, J M ,V.. ^ Caring, i I-V* ' '.Ml* Ikn* In .he
The,,t. Me.,,,nr. - “■ *"**•.'* m* bodeOI, state tl/e
i; npol for (bo civlintd is very itnpor-
Tim President* MmtRc.
President GTfnul'd annual tuottflgo »*f the Board. The fipmlnrinm! meeting (aid. In these Anvn ot tno maroen
is out, and a pretty longlhy one it j* — 1 -‘ »•
—too long for our column*. We will
giro a few extracts* In r< gad to the |„')! *
linnncy^, he nays: ■'•’ut,*
Tlw ftist great rrqtiisite in a rc turn Tola*! chinch building
to pruspuily is, the legal tender clause Incrcmnc
the Jr— • * # v “ , ““
p lalil !u Atlanta next Huy.
■ Total white infwnber*
and free privilege a ubout our form*, it
is almost an ubHoluto uoceHsity that
the orchard Ihj near the house, where
eye of (ho owner eon reeeh it For
should plainly and honestly state the
faults that each had discovered in the
other since lh»y line] been man utid j
wifo. After home hesitation the wife !
agreed to the proposition, but stipu* |
latod that the rehearsui should bo
rnado in nil sincerity and with an
honest view to the bettering of each i
* * »»»»* w uni oeuenng oi er
njiplos, grey or ft it land is tho best, wl ber, as otherwise it would be of
• w lavrin in^ in, Hit it (’ou muun i linihl mcrmT.
lo (be law iiuthoiiKing theisNUeof cur- '*bi*>
1 miev by tho national government ! L noreM ®
nlioiild bo rcpoaled, to take effect ns to ! v!™ n * gC *
nil contracts after a day fixed in re- other proparfy
jiealiug the Hot, put to apply to pay- Rained for building pnrp
inents c f salaries by tbe gorcnimcnt 1 ?or ministry
or for other expenditures now provid- „ ,
<dbr| u w to bo,mid in erronk. I,i V» SV.
<lio interval pending between tlio ro-
tf*’."P? #»*l rroainplion provision
ftuovild bo tnnde by which the Hecreta-
JJ Of U»« treasury can obtain gold iw 1
it may become neecssary from time to
time, from the date when snrrio re-
jjj peiicbes and pours should l>o on liigh-
time, from the date when spreio , v -
dtrrption eonimences. 'Jo this might ! II I Adams
ond should be nddral a ri venue sulli- j Anbury, F A Kimball
rionlljr in excesn of oxj>miM*H to insure ! ftlehtnontl, R F F<
• n acoumulation of gold in lUetrcaiu-j Bril Air Minion
i t T. I annmcbd this i.nbkrt to your j Appling, K I' IIrown
™ w;ful ooo«d»r<>I ion, belloAlng that a i Thonpaon, W T llatnlltou
favoreble ndulivn is attainable, aud if | Warrs. iiin. J Lowis. <1 w Ihinlawny
,e»cbcd by tlii. ODDRrqM, Unit th„ a « wimio,
CTlKK's:, rr u ^ *» «•-<
mo rmmininiiura. WUeu
A ”„Vb!;.! R,,;T " ,MV <0 filled ont in
Aiiguwi«, Hi Johns, CA HririB,
bakuH Miimfon, C W K«y.
««»• to spenl: of the faults to which 1
marriage Into opened their eyes. The
husband was of tbe same mind, and j
his wife jsaked him to begin with her J
faiilM. ||e wns somewhat reluctant. !
but im wife insisted that he was the '
first to projiose tho matter, and as he |
> land i. ^U»great an ilnrn wid-! ,,d, |„ U«.n tho reoiUl. Ho i
"My door one of tho fl,*t faulh, I
uhoorved in y.m after onr iniimnn., i
waa that yott , goo,] deal ne^iooted
u,.„, wl < ir lend., with a (loop, rich loom. A
I oontliorn rrpoaiiro i» proforod. Brook
*7.i'lpi U 1,10 we,l > ' ll0 <lc«pcr tho Iwttor,
47I0111 mi | ll>eu clioek off with a plow not Irm
*[’ '1*110 twenty-lire foot for atandard.
MHO ”, l>alf the
7,»iw »<i I ho land
or rowo nro rooonnondrd.
No. 71 Ilroad Street, Home, Goodin. ]
W E xrr otferinx Ih»a season J. Winnhip Cotton Gins 1
ton xln* *t $1 0*) per Haw ; Phu-nix nt $1 00 p<*r ■
♦ I 00 per S»4t; Prntt’s Col.
n -• *— •— i • — 7* w !»•-* «■•*'v; Brown’s si $3 50 per Si<r.
Brlnlcy s 8lecl Plows, Clipper Steel Plow, Avery Htce! Plow; Avery's Cast Plur
’urmer's Friend Cast Plow, llrtnley s Cast Plow. Wright*S anli-frlrtion Horst- Power
Cran*ers’ Brooks, Eulipss ant! Hhearrr's Cotlon Presses, anti any Implement innnu.
fact tired In the United Htntee, at Manufacturer's prices. Hardware, Guns, and Pistols
•• wholesale and retail. We are always pleased lo show our goods and price ihein. ’
ayeu & McDonald.
hi pi 26
orchordo already growing, tho land y0 '\, * ,h ’ a
Bell Air Mission, Supplied by K P B »
mattock. When tho young treia are ther* ahruyo kiok , ^-ont ^prideV,
n u ivpd from the nutnery, cover the j tinware, and kept it at, bright uu a
Joseph L. Yeal, Rome, Georgia,
‘>*V .m.nnij, Ull< ! llllWIir
root# and part of tho to»> well with dollar. 1
ouitb, until tho prepared apot Lin • J , '.^ uln that you have njonlion-
good condition to work. Tuke a com f, ,.* * , r *, aii<J U>® wHb, biuMhing a
.non HmirJlUUfdMl ahovnl ‘.Uk; horeafteryoa ahall H^ck
2r™aaaLT22Z;“i ,7 .. , , fuppiied by j p gr ris
*7 a< 1 r dU ;J j I. ricro., J Ao/.ll, „ T ply
w*"" ,,Ui Ai - •
bui.king may bo aathoriml with anfu
ty giving („f| protection Sblllholdero, Ithksr 1 ''r r
which U»v have under cxiatim, l,.u-« ATHBNB m * 1 n,(;T * T B
j Craw fordvlllc, *P J Adams
Milltdgtvillo, w W Wad*worth
Bnldwin, Vt I. Vm brongli
which U:«y bavo under cxiating 1»wh.
Indeed, 1 would regunrd free banking
iih It W’ould gi\o propci
i'laaticity io tbe cnireucy. A« mere ! ’^ v ” ,vu nmmrwu» w wihmuhs
cut run cy ahotild bo r.t]uired for tie, I ' nc,0, 7 Mission, To he suppllod
i rmmnetion of legilinirto boeiuoM, new I Ww ' kI iii V nis, w W Osllu, w 11 Ti
” » ••***w»*wi juII nimii N il no
cun or pan. Fray proceed.”
‘ I uuve uIho observed ” nai
H|M.*ck Itvsds, Piano nnd Dulcimer Wire. Psujo Ifi-nds
il the
Imabniid, “ that you nm yoar duh-jaga t o TVTrvT/ po t> nt\
o without wnnhing them, j J • O. i\ U JL DO OC .V 1 ''
filinllv (Innvw lli..... .........
Athens, W H Potior ; p A Ifenrtl, sup; Y.
W Npet-r, Prdf III Hlnlfl Unlvurspy
Ocoonco HI, Ameilotin W Williiuiis
long time rmmm . „ BWJ1U8 IMOUI
and (lion finally thiow them aw|\y.
Now, when at homo, I roraetnber that
my mother alwuya unfed to w.wh out
hor dish-ruga when aim was done uk- j I ^ fl> \T / U
tng thorn, and then hang them up J M-WmM/ JL w_JI
— bEKir.UH IN-
■ i.w i,ii i.ijunti jtir u.u
inuifioction of Icgitimrte biisiuomt, new ,
banks would bo nturted, nnd, in turn, * Madison, A T Mann
t’Hi'Mii wuuiu i« murieii, nnn, in turn,' * » n • biiwiu
banka would wind on Ihcir bu«lucH» Sorgaa, A I. I.upe, ll ilumr, mipply
—-»»i* lueir i
wIiph it wan found that khcro won
fciipci ubm.dumso of aurrono}'.
Tire stbro bemro of Mcmux. Lumj -
Greonsboro, F (i liuglirs
White Plains, W V Sniiih
Lexington, W It Pool, Jr
kill A McOumell n]ipror.chcr crinplc- WJfitorvllle, V A Conaway
Tho firat wiiito ohad of the .sonnon
wan tolcd in Savnnnh, on hint Friday.
It brought $6 fit).
Washington, Jcsila Boring'
| Broad Hirer, VV F'yrtllHnn
| Little ttivor, W W Lumpkin
, Laluulon, J locals, Jr
I Pulnsin, B J Johnso
The Huvnn'm Nr ir« boa win of having KLBKKTON DIHTllIOT,
*** * Presiding Elder.
J ElhnHou, \\ P Blvers 1 J IT Giognn, snjijdy
Klbcit, 1» K cl-iey
lolu, ll A Gruj
. man .
around Havana)’, you Imvo to
mon lotig-1l!iudlHj above), throw out
tlic dirt fop enough lo put | n the roohi
1.0 Hint tlicym.iljr oprond ont freely,
and no lliat,'llfti youug troo will .tund
about 08 deep ao it wan iu tho nursery
llwnifs Hliuutd bo put In docp
enough for tlio nuirioo root at tlio »u. .nMj-rrgs wuen olio was done ue-
grafl to ho about two inches below i H1 i. thorn, aud thou hang thorn up
tlio surface. Cut off all liruined or t ’ lc l - C “"M lIr J'. 'oody for tlio
broken rnoU amoutblr with a sbarp I“ T* U ^
o.,r. uu . . 1 Blilsljiug as boforo, the young ivifo i
kmfo. Held Ilia treo in an upright proruisod Ur nmond the fault. ■
Tram,noil pciHiioti, aud press the oartb well j The husband oontinnod with a moot u„,„ . pl„„„
; about tho roots, ns it ie thrown in. II loriuidnhlo list of similar faults, ruuny *■ ulS, Caps, DOOtS anfl onOBS,
tlio planting is dono in oarly winter 1 l 'i° ro ,^* n *« (jAvo spneo to cinnni r-
j the tup. of tho trees need not ho cut j ^."’‘oTnotUngto™
’ U Murroh, mo ' f unl " “ >wnr ^ npf»ng. Do not dig | thy of mention.
I l»ig holes for tho troea, nn this i« worse i 1 Haiti ho, 14 my tloa* 1 , you bo- f >mp ! ' nff "'""f '
! than woik thrown away. , V » ^d toll mo all the fuultn you huvo ptJu "
Now Ihnt tlio troos aro planted ro- ^aTricd 1 " * U ' U ° 8i " C ° ' v# buTB U "" 1 .ollh'gt
imunhor that tho work for tho orchard The young bonsowifeaat In „i|„ UC( ..
Inis just brgnn. How to prnuo, ctilli- ( lior fuoo flushed to the toiuplui, ami a
| vide mid nmotiru tlio trees, must soon lu ‘"P enmo in hor throat, which
<1 Worley I learned. | sho seemed to bo striving hard to
■ ; swallow.
'llioOunri haw. | " Proceed, my dour ; tell mo all the
While sumo of Ilia Uoorgi i journals *’“ vo “^-sorvod in um, spin-
nra urging a roaotinont if tlio usury 1 ,inil,l„„lv M»M'r*iTnu:'i nv
*'"'*7 W«. A., urging | little wif® T. KINGSFORD & SON
tl ropcii! of their lawn of that natnro. j l,, tf bo h arma about hor bn abend*
Evidently Homebody inistakaH tho true ! net ’^’ ° 4 ^*
Violins, flnilars, Mnsio-boxen. Banjos, Tamborinrs, Bonca, Tr|angl»H. (,'asljncts. Ac
corileons, Flulinas, Conoertiuas, Plates, Fifes, Picolos, Clalroncls, Flagolcts llarr.a
Tuning Forks, i Itch Pipes, Hormonicutis.
Itosln, French, Gorman nn*l Ilnlinn Htring*.' Violin nn-1 Guitar rases, of wood anti
paper; extra Bows, Bow-Ilalr, Tail-pl-raa, Brilg
“ r, Tatnborii
Mnalcnl Inatrnmcnta Hcfinircri In Best Style. «irr
Hoar')*, Claimant TO SELL
&c , Ac
Ctislorners will find our Slock complete,
•mprlfling many artic!ea it is ImposaibL
Pnrtlctilnr allcnlion paid to buying nntl
nor !!3-5in
Real Estate Agents
Are now offering the following 'let-irabl'
sell it. Addrets w
“I8IE8TIC" 8. M. Co, 86 Chambon fl, X. T.
o f
Is the Best of All.
360 Acros Farming Lands
M> ofTer for nale SflO acres of land, 150
cleared and tinder good few, locat'd fire
miles east r.f Taylorsville, * s milna north
of Bockmari, and one mile from Cochran'"
mill. A bargain will be given
good upland.
P oint
1 Perfection of Stitch on all kinds of goods, without change of tension.
2 Great Range of Work—finest Muslin to coarse Beavoi or Sole Leather
3 Ease of Operation.
4 Simplicity— having one hundred less parts than some otb-r*
5 SELF-ADJUSTING TENSIONS—not found in any other
<) I sea Hilk, Linen Thread, or Glased Colton, with facility.
7 Noiseless, or more-nearly so than any other* uaiog a shuttle.
8 Durability —few Bearings - Easy Motion-Hardened Part*.
9 Very large Bobbin- two or three time* a* large a* some other.
, ]0 Cont.nlvnl Spooler ond Dursblo-roady for um m .000 a. bobUa Is i...ort-I
This is *• Canreniencs for I.engthenirig Stitch— n top, bel, '
11 largo potato given them. Wo have
hud several thin notinou.
Mr. Bron, of Bavmmli, will shortly
givu ud exftirhiuu to Moulgomory anti JoflVrson, w A Hum..
tho Itlo of hope. Ho invites the prefts Mulberry, /. L Andora
ofUouTglafotakoa trip will, ...... j A H o,n nobody misUkos U.o Hue I ' 1 , ,
V\ hou you call a mnu a iloalor |„»|.,, 11 h„, i „ i |<J piluniplosof politloitl ooonomy; nnd U. |< ™ r b, " ,l ” in ' , i. y»« l " ,v " not
> explain Homer, J IV (I Walk!,,. 1 “ iJ «“f i» W'taluiog who is j oron one, my oy’osXvo bin rollimb ""
mintakun and who iu not, wo ruproduoo , cd by my luvo for you tbat ho long at
tho following article, taken from tho UH w * been married 1 Imvonuvor
KING3FOH 33*^4
Piiii* mill
Gloss Starch.
<laa* Latimlry.
320 Aero Farm-*A Bargain.
Farm of 320 acre*. 100 cleared nnd ir
cultivation, with good fences. New dwe)
ling, new amoke house and well of go(
water. The remainder of the land ia well '■
timbered. The grade of tho North and ‘-C
Hotilh Hailro.ul through thin land, 21
Located In Floyd county, ten miles from 22
Cedartown, nnd about the name dist-"'-- 2d
from Horne, on Silver Creek road. T
very reasonable, in fact the cheap™! |
in North Georgia, lunation considered.
12 Swing Preiser Foot—allowing work to be easily remoud
1.1 Kx.r. Sl.c .ml lloom unjvr Arm -p.r,iitlln« juo I- pa„ tbrcuili w,
1 Kiln llvom an.lrr IWor I not .„•! N .■vdl.-sUniillla* very Ihmk clot f.
15 Needle U*n ho easily *Jet.
17 Easily oiled without removing Machine— only
,| 1H Easily Cleaned—so few pieces,
(’ylindfrical hardsnetl Ibui Steel Shuttle, very d
Cam* or Gear Wheel*
—j -> -50 oiling plnoe*.
d iho*c all large, cleaning not often r<
or place* soldored to it.
: many others do.
>vlmt ho tluaht in- - hii hays tho 2\
Wo direct niton!ion of tux piyoi-H
to tho following coirt upotitlcnoo be- |.> u ,!
I MAM.. XI t. T..I HI. I-1.1 1 I • .V
Bellini Misrtion, Hupplied by L D Pc
lliirtwoll, W T Normatt
Clinkivillc, W F butyls
i Clr *Y Min«, G I-* Bo;
kor, P.
twoon Mr. John Wright, uud hia H
eolleucy, Prouidcnt arnnt. Il will bu
won that Mr. Wright's ltd (or butini' Dalonega A Jones Chapel, M I, Had
ditto of Dl’P. *IHl, till'I Pro'Hidonl, 8 Jlla/tj Bajipli" I by H I. fcUl'pl
Qrout's Doc. Gib :
j Opoliku Daily Tiinnw: <»nc« obHcrvcu if. Iu my eyas yon mu
|*oi fret, and all that you ilo aouum !o
viral effort a havo boon imtdo • »"i T" T 7?"",' uw
wit Hill Iht. Iasi f. w years, to secure a 1 ™ n l “ bu , d ?"°i'.' .'“““"f U1,l)
• "I’-l of If"’ laws aLhSl unuTy, hn, - £** " ho . nUI (*'
fitch hftft t o fur failed. At the litat
C.'in.MIT un. (I I
Doc., Itli, 74. )
'Jit t \ S. tuanl, Prcnidcnt if Dir. I
ted Stah 4, WadtwtjUtHy 1). (J.
uuv.illa, C L.I’otllUo
Cum tiling, L P Neuir
Alj'liuretin, J H Kn.bry
CnutOii, W G llmiHon
Cltoiokio, J N.^ori
l-’lyvidutid, |JI| Kp^h
' ! But my duur,” Haiti tho htuband,
* I* 1 * 1 *hw rppduuing ana bit voico gro
exo. lleucn has morited the com-
dution of Europe for American
Pulverized Com Starch,
Eiprsasly for food, when it I* properly
made Into puildiiigs, i* a dessert of great
eioelloucc. For *Mle by all flirt-e*n«*t Gro*
H. D. Crlfflrt Rosidonco.
Good now In.n containing five room*,
Iiieriy ploelcr.* ! on I flninlicd, alliia'od on
Cedar street, within two hundred yards of
j' 1 * -I'rln*. »»'l Ir- Ilian I I -nil- ..I ( o„rl
House. Tim house ltna three fire place*
and throe closets. About two acre* in lot
This place will be sold at a great bargain.
Dr. Rooso Residence,
Thi* la the t
of the most
'('lie house is
Was, ibvMibj.-vt'was"jU.ily oV.nlii- 1 JfN will ‘ "jnw iU"»k.
a thla'tha'lZ^r’rS; Th0 Cheapest Furniture House
"ww'si'yiwiij * . ; v ivrviau'i, tail npyjn
t)m Buiit um now canviiHing^ ■ ^aoooobim", \\ h Uruoitnm, Jr
• that tho fltutunry
j mait’b burrowing mouuy
dihaolvod; but not «o; tho ’repot t waa I ‘
j a versa to rcpOiil, and the subject wuh 1
j Jipnpcd, Wo Uoiio tho pri wuut Li
, 7‘ ! "f ,n y '“"lb.; I know I liiivu
would bo | tou tiinoH os many as y
’ I.
i the Statu!
Um county of Polk,
Lot mo hoar them.' ,
Indwd, ImHbund, U i*U* 1 toll yon
Siore House and Lot,
Known a* the Reese Drug Hi ore.
thirty foci front, running back me hun
now niiiviising vne«"Minee, u urnniium, jr , .titippivi, uu Uopo tho prctuait Lt-i?- ‘ i- i • ’ ^
for tlio ofllcu oft 1 pl*h‘«vlUe, T .1 tt£UV»rdn ; Morgniilon, sup- j iHltiluro will rtipoal tho UMUry laws; ftu* “yin w that' 1
tho «ivmil nf in. w ! GuliicavilU', .1 >i wiintovor theorioHjuny urgo, tho nrnc-1 ^ "^tovor y^u do beema right
tlio mmil of «l} W«»«y i H.wn>l#vs««b, -v li 8l...cki. 1 lira I , ITod of »,«nl, »l,I. •'.«>" i «"<l now that I k.idw
Tax Oull^hu-, aud iu out of m, KvjT I UoId'X^Z.ZZ'^ 11 I»r" *^7.*"*.^ U.Tr iX
ulaotioo, I waul to know if I may up- [“ l i R I’ Mur Huiioruuma' VI Hall, J ■ ll |„ | v nvrsof tl,.. ii„lf “ What « good-fer-nothim: littlu wrolih
f al to your Ex.ollonay, with 1 ,V &W il SZ ! M" A I “f »
; . ' • ’ n llope, ll IS JolinMini; lingAiiavlllu, .
foot, to Bimpoud tlio oollootiun of ull ’ly; Duluili, Mil Eak.e; Ellljay, Muppli
taxes for the jicxt two yonm, my (orni ' * ** *'* , * ul1 ’ ’’“’T' 1 '. •• J llau.a.
of oftice. I Imvo boon a cil'E.'ii of thin
county for thirty-fivo yoarn, and bavo
usvor aeon n limo dm lug thbnoiiod L’,""''"' v ,n °, lr
il. | , i i 1# * Tliotna* i Rmggald, J I' Richard*
that would bo bulf ko distibtroiib to morv’"
Iho proj.lo ns thin will ho should your 1 J]"]'
D .1 M VR1UK, Presiding Elder
Dnlfoa, 'J* A Heal* t Dalton Circuit, U W
IiogAiiaviUu, J 11 Ih'ii) | ,,M ** x0 ,‘T t thu r,ch - ~ I ““i".* «*«* WO work
. Il * l,11 « oonnootion, wo call attontioti 1 worll . „ » ud tr ^ lu umko
lo a vory praulioul viuw of tho miliioot 1 k..
...i..*..i. it. .1 At . . Nonomnoc, uiy dour, you know
Those who Purchase
J MePnrlnud
j which wo find iu tho columna of ihu 1 ..» .
Orooushoro U,noon. SaysllwBrncou; „*! l ‘"‘ l l "“ vu without any
Tho law n« il now atauds, siraiiiBt .. ? 11 "F l "' ,n " lion 1
| hliunld ho ronoulod. Ii n man ’ l v t .° ftt lm,nu I 1 “iwud my
"mob that ho auul.1 m.v in „r monoj for drinks aud oigars whon i
to? w
t : l.nFayi'tic, P G Reynolda , | l>or 00nt mtcrowt for niuuoy. and bone- 0U ffS 1 1,1 u>B >t homo to you ; J
Cove if (J Christian ; Bpring | Ut UiinBolf poouniurily, by so doing ho * t i . dou l . ©nod hiu wifo ;
plymt by IN Bulltvan ; Hu.uooa, H hmilil hi. nllmv...l t„ .U it m...* .. J im ^ UOthlUg of tho kind. 1 liko
Worth >f Furniture, a priaent of a :
ud useful piece of Furniture ni l be gii
.ISxoslIouoy I'ufnso togruut u lost so ^ ,“° ^oy ‘^^i^
groat and importnul, Iho shortuoss i «"l'I'H«d 4 J I A C , |iu 0 ooUun or otl ! to boo you onj iy yoursolf; I should ho
of tho cotton crop this year nnd tho j B.!5r**, 1 ', p n,“ E ' Mmriy J Ch"t '.rMl,“«m ®? l'*^>"oo, or any nrtido of morchnn- .. y . u “_ tu . *, lo „<’ lllu ' « iso
ptico of bn mo for pnut two yoortt being ! ""P 4 0»i* ; t Dnltou Fcuinle College, w
M. nnd latlnw. Ilm nnln«l o.vut ..I ...... ! H'lget'S,
Rogers, President
of prodUM, or any artido of morohkn- t ,,„ u .V,; t 01 "g /n8 you , K ,.,
tithe, ih worth, iih n gnucnU rule.
I bring. Uaury lawh aru
I unwiao. Tltoy foil, moat signally, to
, promote tho inforost of the dans—tho
Ciod blt MH you littlu wifo,” cried
tho now thoroughly subjugated hun
hand ; “from this momoutyou Iihvo 1
not a fault in this world ! Inch id you
M, nnd below, tho notun I cost of pro
duction, hoi certainly loft them in
t.uch n depressed stale
that it would bn very b
tlmy wero forced to pny the perenn- i.''ungTiilis"'/h"K'«v««ii , . , '7p I natural, will bo iikoly to icud.'or oth- J 10 " ranondwr a word 1 said I ’’ and
logo tin l has beau Invji-d foi- Urn last ‘I"""". .-‘‘I’l'b-• Whi'mssllle. IT I,,,,. ; ' orwisn invest, his money where ho oun . "fj" n«»yllio tears Ihut slili
, „ Iiw.tIII. smi l.lnl.y. .1 n Haile, , ill,sir- -In it lo tho host advantage If Ihu I 11Pl s ,bl8d ln U, ° littlu woman s eyes.
^ I khju tht people. Walk fcp'lops, J;.» Janes i (Iran t r I tie. (v laws , f Alabama prohibit ns Ihev uuw : Novor again did Iho I u baud sei
two jonrs. " I brsfur
yours lospootfidly,
John wiuairr.
fl*. ii»auJally,;J‘^J"^'.r^ . p I not a hmlt in thto world?
y hurd, nsomo ir „' v ,* \ N “ A k A " I Tim oapitulist, us isperfcotly 1 5“^. r ,* 1: 1 w “8. Ult J ,li ) l . ,l K
pay till! ptronn- I. Ifowo i Long riilie, .) R Mnyann. j p HtttUrttl, will bo Iikoly to lend, or oth- I 0,1 J r0n J° ni M '‘ H woul 1 Maul | nut
'Vied for Ihu last !‘ T .'.TV" ’ Vt*. f"“ niouey where ho can
CUDAHTO ir.v, a A.
* ‘ • i Atuimma prohibit, natliov now 1 - . Nt,v « r n e ,lin did the I u band scrut
& ! , '¥! J". ‘h* ‘«ktug of P n,oro than 'S por I U “;"“ ru “ or . ,s " ,u '" u !•>"
E K Atkin, Hup; Pnliuotto nml Jones* , ‘’““t ‘utmest, and those Of MtHsissippi 1 ! . K ° \ > " H U,u,)t,ou
pot, J 8 ltrynn: Fuirburti, .1 Iff Itowilim: Ooorifi'l. or llliv othur atjitn nil.i.w it... , 0,10 t* 10 folllla ho hud
R ESPECTFULLY call llio alionlion of
tlic public to the fact (bat wn have iu
Block ami are canitautly receiving,
11 cm
Wasiiiiiuti s. i>. C., I
Dec. Olli '71. )
Jfr. John lli ijhl, ( V-dbWoma, (/n.
I'l-Mi Sin Your jxtfnufi'r loiter
orcrwheltua me. Tho strict letter of
i'.k law lotoses a «u»|*mi.m of the , ,,„
collection of l.'iXOH, but I ratinot riHist ®up«numiorn
* mon*Trinity
l - -"'Pi ' aiuiouo anu Jones ;**'*'-“*, mv w ut iutahiKHippl 1
j Chapel, J S Dry nip Falrbuin, J ^r Botvilcn; Qoorgia, or any other Btato, allow Ihu 1 i ? , >
Onrroltou, j w Stipe: Kowtlcn, stippUH borrower to pay aa much iih lie olotia- 80<,u u * tor “ i0 neighbor women
bv A C Hni'Nii: Fintiklin. W II Nm..u • . .. it,, ii.i. 1 •' > , *
-has little fri.:
-- <;»n >]"1 ml».-ll'ol.i- pscullsr mollon of neclle »nj ihulllo.
21 Not liable fo break Nc-tlc*.
21 Hii ut tic cannot get out of or«ler—ha* no
23 Dor* not change length oi ntitch whoa i
20 Cannot change Tension. T
j 27 Ha* no Ten mon on bobbin, Ihcrnfora Milcli alrttc at alt liine.a.
28 Ha* straight newllc Bcws very henrv good* with cj ..
2 » marling W heat on Top. avoiding trouble of reaching underneath.
.10 tan be tn.trn apart and put aogelher in ton tnlnntc*, ready for u*r
' '* FMnJ ,, IiireJIiV» ,, ! , . , |!d-J f P f r u C ‘ 8 ' i,rh Wil ll U " cve "m ibin or thick work.
. y nA , h » W , k " ; u }'"**' ' rittll,yt WK**--! »» of thread.
"■» IJoes not break thread*, a* many do.
.1 Eaay Motion Short Crank —easy treadle —can ba operated by an irvalid.
- ) No* to oonsuruo power, and rerpiiro freptont oiling.
• . fed . u I connect o | ailhout • huulolev. r. savingnower, avoiding oumplioated tn’chm’ry
■ 7 Laay method of rinsing or lowering the Feed. * y
t*' Biuiplc device fur fastening, netting and reinjving needle.
•'- 1 Perfect action of Bliuttle carricr.
hi PeeJ «U.y. .i.rl. fro,,, nM.ll*. whdlier r*guW,J for !on s or .Sort .tilcho*.
I Tsbl. II,.I cnnitnl rrorp or .nhl - 7 Uy.r. wool - p r.i,„ n.D boll, wsys
Drop leaf that nearly double* mi« of table, made aam.i as table
!; ( . '" ‘k** 1 * v,lr lb crack nor alirink. because grains run both ivivs
I Sewing Drawer that cannot drop or break dmn, a , others aro apt to do.'
15 ( astor* fur easny moving the Muchiuo about tho room.
(latheror that makes any fulloesa even between two other piece*.
. hmbro.drr that use' Chenille or Connie Silk, Ac , makln ; au ! »ewiux on at oncu
»h Working part* thoroughly hardened. * *
R' [’ ••• iliar i- nubiimtioii „f Ne Bbuttle an I Take up motion,
5»J I at ta interohniigablo. If any part breaks, a new piece ii easily substituted.
hxraniRNUKD Opciatora best ap|ir«oiate the above alvanlnges.
"Domi'kii,-' Howinar Muchiuo Oompu-nY
Broadway, Corner 14th Street (Union Square, Now York.
IJoiiii-stio" Sewing Maclitne i. Join pan Y,
No. 4, DoCivos Opera House, Mariotta Street, Atlanta, Ca.
For Sale in Ceilurtonu k) l.l .Ul'KI.N ^ AIcUO.V\ Kl.L.
Fashionable Tailor,
Codartown, Ca.
\ 1.1. orders in my lino promptly filled,
and iu a stylo not lo h- cii'«lled by the
hot. Fits gunrnalfrd, and alt work war '
rnnted. Try me and bo eouvi iced. Espe
cial attention paid to renovating and re- ;
pairing; also cutting Tor Ivlioa to make up. 1
aug. 29
Diaaolulioii Notice.
fpiIE Firm of Featharston A I’billip*
A was di**olvrd the 1st of February, fur '
at! other purposes except lo wind up the
business of tho old concern. Those who
owe ns must pay up right now, or wo will
be compelled to sue.
0. W. FKATItKRHTl>.\,
W, M PUILl.ll’B.
Sm.ll loairunnits, String naj Music, Qalesr., AgcnU for Ih. C.I.braloJ
Peters, Webb & Co., and Hardman Pianos,
. - Franklin, W H . ,.v« i , : ( . H (U ,
oai d MUhIoii, supplied l>y Thomas Titr I
...m : Missionary to tJltlna, 3 J Allen ; H m J \ n ‘. ^ * Jo no
of Bible aocicty, W A Parks plot! l
t'H, the Altibttmi'tu who has money to
were wotit to i^y
' It is womlei fnl ho
. cur nppoal, Ft'ornplutl,
liy tfisttiUrttli il jtalviofinn. _ , w
ecmpuMipn for the i^ooplo, nml
vosjH'ct for Uife utttn, who “ ltty if or Ui
ATLANTA liaitviur.
Flint ch ti roll W p llnrriaott; A Mon
Pny no’s riittpid, T II Tl
W -1 Uwn : J M Pinker,
, . - upon tho mi in e priuci- 1 ,. 11 ,K ' von jJ e,fnl ma } M«.
plea that control thu ooutiuot of 90 I nT' «vciytuinj{ About- her houttc.
v huudrud. will Hiuiil it i . or tin-ware ia iih bright a.s a now dol
Hoots, She
mou out of ivory lmu.lroJ, will somlit! , ll,,r ,i "-"' r ; 10 ““ aa a uow iloi
Ueyoud the limits of Alabama for iu- * :,r » , an , * . l '° boliovo sbu not only
vestment—Atlanta (Jonstitulion. wiishoa but irons hor dish rag*! ” Aud
tho neighbor mon were hentd to any :
“what it steady follow M has got
to bo of Into. Ho don’t spend u dune
vestment.—Atlanta Constitution.
Tub Dki'ahtmknt
Wool vV K
of your election, thoiv ».haJI bu no lux
s collected in the county of Folk dur
I , ... muiiih; Trinity, W .1 Belt; J M Phi kor, ! . A,,K oepautmunt of Jostici:. — A . , , , ni imu got
i Know ii. iu Mipcrntnm rary ; Kvnns amt Oakland, J li Wasliington (lisputob says: There will *', 0 01 ,u to. ilo don t spend a dune
'• 1 have jtiirvlH; city MIhiIod, \v g Dunlap; St undoubtedly bo a inovo imtdo oarly in wUoru '* t, ns<K * to spend dollars, and
I topple, aud i’.'u 1 '."' ! I , J u!‘ h , 1,10 to 1 ivo printm! tho tosti- ? aU nov . or ***. ko P l fr,tu half an
vj tukon^SWn last spring in r,. '‘ Ullr
o. Flat riuiniH, J F England; i M l ) ‘‘ l ‘t to Attorney Uenu|al Williams'
i>Lain*! t:»n, w a' i'-i.i expoudtituroB, eiitbriiCBJR the landau-
lot matter aud other tmusuetiona. Thu
I’tmlV, \\ A Dodge ; Edgowntul, II J 'eIHh
Fulton, NV 1) ilunili, East Point, W J
. . w- -• NV«nlntiNW. A 0 Dempsey, supply; Doctv
enplv't when I am satisfird it ia uot 'V r u J lMur0 °•' ‘
. ii- « . , iNororuH*. \\ !'• I,aim-; Tony r», NV T C»1>1
kept ftt
-O is uot. at work Ho
seems to worship that wifo of his.”
Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal
•lc'clioucaiing Aifu', lu tlio cvcut 2»u° r “avliijtt,
Bmnhani; Ni
'and Ml hie
, J NV Vi
imam, VV R lubuiutiw HIU1 OinoC UltUBUOUOnS. The j
■krougUrOi D.'partiuuut ofJuotioo will bo gouorat —
ISwiv. Iw m<>rlmnl...1 lu- lt>.> 1 tin .. i!
’■* TO,I “- Ul ’ lb « «°n»ty Ofltolk dur-! ££ Mas,Lu‘ Vl ‘V 'J "v-'rbnulud by.lio Otiu^r;
ii g your term of sjpjci*. •* Lot us Imvo tWiulkcc Vlrctftf*TmiI Mlulon, J It NVa.h'- ‘V 1 “PProprmtioua for it carefully &
peace..; • - R*«pt utfuily, 'b j'i M^ni-tns J II Mixon; Emory (N.l- tmiwid. '(C>J
* IJM o ni».vrm ) g'. At t at ^0.^ 4 1 ’' BcltOld . . -“•••-
H. LiRAN F, Fcctttary, A C5 , MMgoM't‘«npcrintondant A lU NV freak.of.Jiuamlity waa un
I S'. 1.1 ..f I • li **1 Olpliau.i Ilumr, JiiM-tib Carr: Amin nf isetl ut WiiultSimKm in
ly overhauled by,Uto DhiuooraU, aud ‘
.. ! 1 ' geru.
New Advertisements,
Ponco Do Loon
r JL.OTJ ia and BA.OON.
j NVIiich wo will aril a*
lowu fur tho CASH,
"fore parch using.
a any one In
ud examine
iuue 2D' .
,1'istiiki l uf tho ll. S.
TUc North (ieotgitt rouierenrc
The tewrion wn* opened by religion* tn-r
v coti conductt'il by L llinli’ Bi$hop Wight
tuna, being in the cuuJr.
The commit tec appolnivd to iiujiurc Jnii
iio ullioiul adutiuiitli aliuu of ii« v It li Rig
-am, reported that they havo found no fault gjfjj'
The oontmitlee on the Bible cattee report
l litrorgli Col Pottle, their chairman,
”•« repi-r' on the Bunday eohool cause wa*
•ud by N\ A I arka. A lorui of coustitu
an lor fiuuday-school »*.*ooiutiona win
NV R Era til) am
elect the place where tbe lieu »cs*u u ..haR
no held. Gridin, Rome and Bj ar a, were
ut in nomination.
llui Grilhn received a large majority on
-‘ie first vole, and the vote was then u;ado
<«rillin. I. J Davie.* ; /eliulon, D Nulnr.
Flint River Miarion. W II Graham: Fa
ettevillo, 0 F Gardner; Jonesboro; J R i'a*
.MuDonough, A \> Rowland; Hampton, J
(.my . t , •'mu j v\ "it Octmilgee NUmIoi
' I Me.Michael , P|, ; ,m H.Tl, Sup hy J P a,Ut,a - All
Rrilon ; UmanivBle aud Salem, li G OOUmieiKX'd.
Milner Sig. by J K Smith. t'uUodeii
; Agent of ised uL Wusbiugfon, in oomnclion
n\iih the tuHtriitgo of Oim. Sheriunu’d
dnughtcr. So vent 1 hundred ticket*
of iuviUtiob, dupohittn) iu tho post of-
lico, novel* reached tlio ihisous to *„ vi . ,
whom they ,voro uAln-sswI, amt it is ' S '‘ ,n '' 1, ' r ‘T*™ ll »“ f »f *«"
supposed that they wore stolen by tho
ontriurs or clotks hihI sold to other
parties. Au invustigniiou bus boeu
Thompson's Liniment
and thi; great new England cos
Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Hats, Groceries
Ac., .Vo., Ac.,
The** w* ol.laiar. tb. VERY BEST. »u-l ;for T*,lian a i.l,, OaUlo.ji
•fc Nelson,
!1 1 >Ijil-l£Ot hi tl-oot,
Cnwli or Harter.
Ho ri*o buys and sells Cotton Oot2l
Old instruments taken in exchange for t
S'-pl 5.
Special pric n to < a*h C.
Opposite old stand,
“Tho number sold ia tho true criteriau of merit.
Thomas R Kendall . County Lino, C A
,1 MilchcU ; Thoinaatnn and K’t-eh, J R Puvne
» tj|»son. B A Mitchell. Kur.-yih, D 1)
ForSvth Circuit
»up by J w Knight. June
K 11
no of the greatest disccvories of the
Nothing brings such speedy and sun
relief to those who suffer with tho nuiner
ous paius and aches common to the human
race. Do you want something that will
ease your head, your buck, cure your rheu
matism aud Neuralgia 1 Apply Thcm[
Rome, u M Crutnly. r ome Circuit and
Do Soto Mission, F* Reynolds. F-nesi
ville, D J weems. Ccdarluwu, w 11 f*
dar^ Valley Circuit, supplied by
Headache, Heartburn,
Tlio report of the Board of Trustee* of the by^^SiripUn T
ii phan's Home wo* pre~*enteil by Ulcux
.vans. There a ro thirty I wo orpliaus pro.
ided for iu this Asylum W R Foote **ns
iuuted Agent, uud Joseph Carr tSupeiiu-
cudeut aud teacher. Mrs Garr ji Matron
.o other employees ore to be rhoseu.
The Committee on the Count itu ion of
..o next Board of Mission*, reported
arough C A Evans, the Chairman. This
To Dcaik.—Men of tiuo mnuly grit
■u not to be fonud every day; but
v U • i'' -oc of ibis kind died nt his post iu
i«a^ > .ik«u.a. sl.l.'™; Cbl'yeuilQ tbe othnr day. Ho was a a
■ engineer on Uio Uuiou l'ncilio Kiil-
mad. Coming -vest, bnuglng iho ims-
eengor tram, he was suddenly taken
,„ a . seriously ill, hut rather Ihnu shrink
from duly l>« inareasod Iho sijeed uf
ilie engine to furly miles an hour and
reached Choyonuo ahead of time. As
the mnneter niaahino oamu to a halt _
Mir* “ uJ '!*« enginesr who was to relivu AeiditV Ol' tlie
j jarrell, * 1,ui “l®Pl-eil into the pilo -house, he
F ttlrna. “aul fsuitly, “Take thu engiu; 1
“ ' ready to die now," uud iu tire
tiles he was s ooriwe.
I.iuiuu-ut sud sutler u
For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises,
Sprains, Burns,
s generally,
and you need fear no hartti.
cine is put up right hare in v
oBaring, R E L’l'imuiom.
II-.tiulion .Mission 5ii|
sileraville, A J Jarrell,
-• i Aorm, iUtpr. .Marirtta w F Glenn
Acwurth, TS I. liar well and K li Jouus
RowwcU, supplied by » .VIuunltig and out
to be supplied. Powder Bp ring, B Leake.
Kt i 'eSLk ~^""(Vashiugton dispatch says it is
0 K beuiman u ...t m Hicks i niiiaferrod to P l0, . v ill sot tied that the Republicans ‘
C h Do m ncult
Florida CcnfvroncjA.
trunaferrctl to Bouth
A Odou trunatci red
This Modi.
; - r-- --r •-e- ••• ..»'Ur midst, hv
Dr- R. R. THOMPSON. Your neighbors
have tricl it, and it has never failed to do
what it promises. Every family should
ctomacll. keep it on hand, and thereby save many a
dollar. Often a long and expensive trip
for a physician might bo dispensed with,
*»** As a Tonic In low forms of Fever s ' m P , £ by applying Thompson s Liniment;
aud to persons recovering from Siflkue», Jhcn keep it on hand—it will cost you but
tbeso Bitters aro highly beneficial and ,,, phystcieii can practice success,
gently stintulnlihg. r,l,lT
l than w Noil-
Georgia Canfeyouee,
o thy Pacific Confer.
a bo'.lv, tho attomLYt to 1
1 it... I-.... SI 4
ro-ettuci tho hiNv rwiuiriug Cougiths
- " •I'juiniig V-Alllg ■. .....
to otgiuiko on Iho 4ih of Usroh. For WHOLESALE DRUC.CIST,
onco lliey havo onr bo$t trisbir “—* * - -
fully without a good Liniment—they kn
tit? importance—then keep it on hand,
can apply it yourself aud save money.
Call on DR. li. II. THOMPSON,
Pr. Reese's Drug Store, got a bottle
never be without it. It will do w hat
l'enchtree St.. Atlanta, Un.
buying it. Oct 24
For sale iu Kockuiart by K K*Hoge.
■o he wiU be glad to see hi
and supply- them with Goods.
General Merchandise
The total of Sewing Machit
ing Machine patents, show ut
UPr “ m r ' lUr ”* ufS "
At M’ficlcsale orRolail. Prices defy Com-
232,444 MAGHIFES
The Allen House,
Codartown, Coorgia.
Bring a large increase over the previous year. In 1872 we sold 45,000 r
chines than any other Company, whereas, ia 1873, the salsa were
r PlIE Proprietor announces to the public
X that he has opened a hotel in this place
under the name of The Allen House. H»
proposes tu entertain his guests in a plain
countay-likc way, without any attempt at
stylo or fashion. For this he asks such
compensation as any reasonable person will
cheerfully give, and uo one comolain at.
County fusion $1 per day; single meola;
v cents; Board and Lodging, per mouth,
<20: Hoard ami Lodging, per week, 87 00
Lights and fuel—*— •* J ■ •
113,254 Machines in Excess of our Highess Competitors
Our Sales have Largely Increased!!
•ingle meals.
c-l.-.vrf lioir i iviiw < ’| u ,ic- , 11 -i 11 kwlly be denied, therefore, th.l tht 8ap»rioriij of the SIb.,, „
'"!■ .l"' r Jla per week. IS* ly dMoonrsieU—si sIIstmiu ,h.i ihdrpopalsriip In the Hnawhol*^is'lsauauiLlls '
5'J ceuis. Ocu e. 1B-4. Terms Easy, l’ajmeuts LigbL Call on or address
Parker hr..* applied for exemption •
ot personalty and setting apart and valua-
Homestead, and I will pass upon
.. - clock a. m. on the 10th day :
of December, 1874 at my office, this the,
dav of October, lb74,J
Miss 'Virginia. Lumpkin,
Local Agent. Cedartowa. Gs.
Cor. Broad and Alabama Sts., Atlanta, Ga.