The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, December 12, 1874, Image 3
THE RECORD. I Mr. \V. T. Gibson killed a wild tur* j In passing through town with ray I | key within the incorporate limits of Uttlo girl the other day she was aux- A Lire Country Newxpaper. Pnbl Aed Xnry ! Cedartown lastThursday. Saturday Morning by j Mr. Alex. Dougherty has a porker ^ 1^* WlKLE CO. be says will weigh 400 pinnule. We ~ think that a good sizo pig. Two colored individuals shot and killed u wild turkey, this week, near town, which it is said weighed *25 lbs. Stun Clary and Joo Harper killed on last Saturday 21 birds, of the Par- trage spocius, and they say they also killed u hair. Clocks, the best, are made by J. K. Veal, who made the city clock in Home, Georgia. A pair of mules attached to a wagou belonging to Mr. Chas. H. Wood, ran away with his son Charlie, last Mon day, but nro glad to report without any damage being done. TK1UI8 OF 8UU8UH1PT10N. One copy, one year *2.00 One copy, nix month* 1.00 Ton copies, in clubs, one year, each 1.60 Single oopics 6ota A11 aultecriptions Invariably in advauco. No name entered upon Uie list until the subeorip- tlon is paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Hrxcx. 1 W. 1 1 M - 3 M. r M. | ii M. 1 Square... If Oohunn. % Column. Column.. « 1.00# 2.60 6.(KW 12.00 8 00 16.00 18 00; 25.00 t 5.00 20.(H 25.00 45.00 # 8.00($ 12.00 30.00 40.00 40 00 65.00 65.001 120.00 Piwfeeeional and Ruaiuese Garde of one inohor leas, *12 per annum, payable quarterly in adranco; nix mouths, *8. All adveitiee- mant* due aftei first insertion. CHITKCH 1)1 It IH'TORY. IIai-tist Ciiuuctt.—Regular Services, 1 and 3d Sundays in euoh month, Kcv. Oou nry Urown.. Pastor. Babbath-scbool at Mithomst Citracn.—Services at O’clock. A. m. and 7 1-4 o’clock, v. n. eve Sabbnlh; Rev. Win. H. l.aProdo, Paste Sabbath-school at 9 o'clock, a. m. HI nsonic. Calxdoma Lonan, No. 121, F k A. M.— Regular communication, the 8il Friday night in each month. Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Onions am Cabbage for sale by JOHN 1.. BRANCH • $1 20 to $60, and strings i Smith’s lllock, Home l Veal’s. J. 8. Stro . M. N M. Wn Good Templars r Lo Cm a a Val T Meets eve*-/ Friday Friday,) J. M. HARRIp A. Hour, Secretary. o, 803. 1. 0 gbt (except Cheap Banjos. $1 60, to $5, Read tuif.— By the first day of Jan uary, 1875, the notes aud accoutits of pefHona owing lho Cherokee Iron Co. will bo given out for collection. The only way to provent being troubled is to come and settle before that timo. banjos, the iiucsl ever scon in this coun try, worth from $23 to $30 ; also, fine strings at J. K. Veal’s, Home, Georgia., i»oiu Co Holds its before the 4t John O. Wa (■range. pt Gkaxije, Ao, 20 — Regular meel- rday before Ihc third Sabbath in i'.. Farmer’s Club. nee ings on Saturday Our Affeitls. F P. Featherston, Lime Branch, f R. S. Pattillo, Taylorsville. W. 1’. West, Knout llill. A N NOC NCKM ENTS. To flic I nter* of Polk Con Through rielidj, 1 have elf before you oiver. I have the ) otu 1 :e of sympathising nduood to place ...y- ndidate for Tax Re- i upo ilieir support. I can only ask your sufTiag* provided you think l urn a worthy object o! charity. I sm one of the unfortunate crip pics tor life, and have an aged mother aud tllO hotwo of CoWOU, McClung & Co., affliclcil sister to care for, and no means importers mid wholutmltt doiilorH ill 1 ha e sufficient education to fill the pusi lion, and will promise, if so fortunate us lo be elected, to till the otiioe to lho best of luv ability, mid ever bs gruleful to the good )>« uple of Polk county. Nov. 24. 1874. MANUEL W. JOHNSON. Wo nro authorized to nunounco the rtaino of W. A. Harris au a coudidatu fot Ttvofeiiver ut the eloctiou in Junu- »i r v. td Mr. IM.tor,— Plunno nttnonneo the ; name of li. P LUMPKIN m> ncandi- .lalo for Sheriff ut approaching also- p rioc , j„. clrr lion 111 January, with W. U, Taylor rcduccJ l0 Iull ih. lime, at VaaU, ttoiuo. and S. K. Hogue as Deputun. Manv Voteiw . While iu Route, on lust Tudklay, we viaiUxl the new furuituro establieh- Wo are authorized to auno.incc the m01lt uf Mr E u . Cortcri Empiril name of Judge T. L. PITTMAN oh a n mn ri vt. « candidate for redaction to the office of pluuaanl| dever g eoUeman, aud hoe a County Treasurer, at the elect,ou to BU)ok a , faridtnl0 . Ho beheld ou the firat \\eduea.iay iu buys exclusively for cash, aud oelle for January next. Oct. JH, 74. coali, hence, can afford to sell at small Wo uro authorized to announce the profits. Wo priced acvcrul piccea of name of J. M. MoCUUIIY aa a candi- f «r>iiture, and can any, if we are any .... . ... ... judge, ho dots boll extrouioly low. Wo ditto for County Iroiumrer, ut tho op- - • * • proaching election in Juuuury uext. ious for me to stop aud let her seo the jail. Aftor looking at it awhile she said “ Why, papa, that ia too nice a house to put moan people, who steal, in. It ia lho nicest house iu town except the Methodist church. That is jnRt (he prettiest because it has a Bteoplo. The jail is built out of brick, covered with slate, aud has green bliuds so that you can’t seo the irou bars iu tho wiu- dows. Aiut it a nice house papa.” Now, won't friend Giles feel proud when ho opens his now hotel ? II. Notwithstanding Lho iuclutneucv of tho weather, lho party given at Mr. Runn’s on Thursday night was a suc cess—all onjoyed themselves finely. Wo flunouned last week that the tnotubors of Lodge No 30.1 of tho I. O. G. T. woro requested to moot at the Hall ou the night of the 11th iust.; ... . , * . , wonder how many mot V glad to weleomo back into .... our midst, Messrs J tines Hill & Hub- The timo f tr tho election of Mayor bard Broom, who three years ago re- and Councilmon draws nigh, but wo moved from this county to the State have heard no rumors as to who are of Arkamas. Tho far west won’t do to be candidates for those lucrvtioti of- rnuoh for wo tried it some ourselves, It is timo a good tiokot was 1 decided on. j Hereafter thero will be two cotpmp- nications held at Caladonia Lodge No. 1*21, of F. A. Massons,viz : on the 1st and 3rd Friday night in each mouth. Wo learn that Col. R. H. Jones, of Cartorsvillo, was elected Mayor of that city at an election hold ou last Wednesday. Col. J. was run on tho "dry” ticket—opposd to retail li cence in opposition to J. A. Thomp son, who was ou tho "wot’’ tiokot. Wo are 11ways glad to learn of a triumph for temperance. We hope tho good work will go on until tho cui bo is abol ished front our land. Boast Butler accounts for his defeat, by saying tho Republican vote fell oil less iu his district limn any other in MnHucliUHotth; that there was 10,000 men in it out of employment, and lie he thinks that Grant,h veto of thoou;- ronoy bill did the woik. TEMPTATION. Tho following is a condensed report of a sermon, delivered on last Sunday morning in the First Presbyterian church, by tho pastor, Rev. J. II. Mar tin, on the temptalious that beset tho Christian. Tho text was Hebrews IV, 15: " But was tempted iu till points like as wo nro, yet without sin.’’ Christ was assailed by satin with pow erful temptations, but lie resisted tho cut icemen Is, defeated the tempter aud gained a glorious victory over him. llis followers are also tomntod by tho same evil spirit, hut their duty is imi tation of Jesus aud in the strength of divine grace, to staud fast, put the ad- vorsaty to flight, aud triumph over him. The great lesson which wo are to learn aud practice is, conformity to Christ in holiness and virtue, aud iu resisting aud overcoming .temptation. A common form of tunptaLion pre sented to the mind of the Christian is, to distrust tho ettro and go tduess of God, inurmor ut his providence, bu- como dissatisfied with their lot, and try to procure subsistence bysiuful moans, pursuits and occupations. Mill- lit tides of the ungodly seek a support by unlawful methods, aud profossors of roligiou are tempted to do the same thing. But let no child of God cease to trust iu his fatherly lovo or turn ft out tho way of rightoousuesH, in ortlor to obtain food, raimout and other com forts. Mathew Henry observes, '* It is better to starve to death than live and thrive bv sin.” Tho psalmist says “ Trust iu the Lord and do good ; so shalt thou dwell in tho laud, and veri ly thou shall bo fed.” Christ taught his disciples to sta ve God faithfuLy, and to feel (insured that lie will pro vide for them. Ho feeds the birds and beautifies the lillies. “ Shull Ho not much more feed and clothe you, O, ye of little faith V ” Their duty is Lo seek first the kingdom of God, and his j Wo learn that while returning | home from this place on lust Monday afternoon, Mr. James Casey was thrown from the mule which he was riding and had his collar bone brokou. Mr. Casey has onr sitnpatbics and wo hopo that he will soon recover from his injurii s. Tun Homo olid silver • engraved i t ft oo,by J. E. Veal, Veals Jewelry Store, Rome, is one of Lite extensive institutions of ; the kind in tho state. Mr Veal isouo 1 of tl •' best jewelers and watchmakers anywhere lobe found; and lie super intends aud orders all work turned out. llis atoek of watches is complete, comprising tho best makes of watches and finoat jewelry. Thomas, w ho represents fancy aud domestic dry goods, boots, shoes and notions, hardware and clothing, Knoxville, Tonn., was iu ou- 1 town last week iu the interest of the ; ubovo house. Mr. Thomas will visit 1 our town ngaiu soon, uud we hope 1 our citizens cau make it to their iu- 1 lores! to give him their orders. By nil means,call at Veals establishment when you go lo Borne. Ho taken pleasure ' in ^bowing good* whether you buy or not. “He particularly request (he ladies lo . No. 27, Smith's block, 4-6. Block, Broud street. Mr. Carter is a : our readors iu need of furniture they visit Romo, to visit Mr. of tho church are overcome by touipt- atiou to strong driuk.^Thoy are the victims aud slaves to intompornneo aud suffer lho woes aud evils of that hideous vice. Church members are exposed to tho same temptation. But do not yield to it. Your duly is to practice self-denial, moderation, tem perance, to live soberly, righteously and Godly iu this present world. Thero is another class of worldly and satauic alluremouts and solcira- tions, that ought to bo resisted by the followers of Christ, boonuso yioloing to them, and complying to them, is tempting God, which wo uro comman ded not to do. A Christian may al ways roly on the spirit of God to bo with him, uphold, strengthen, keep, guard aud protect him, when he is walking iu tuc path of God’s com mandments. But if ho go iuto scenes, places, companies, participate iu exhi bitions, spurts aud nmuBemonts that uro incompatible with the nnturo of his calling. Ho is trending ou dan gerous ground, tempting (lou, queuoh lug the holy spirit, puling iu peril uis Christian fidelity aud tho purity and safety uf his soul. Quotations woro made from N candors church history, showing that the early church con demned the gladiatorial combat, theut- riaoal ontortaiumeuts and otherworld ly pomps aud amusements, us being inconsistent with true religion and ho liness of life. This censure it is rela ted, extended to every kind of spec tacle exhibited iu thoso days, to the pantomimic shows, the tragedies, and comedies, tho chariot and foot racos— in short, Lo all the amusements of the thoutro and tho circus. {Such was the prevailing aud passionate fondness of tho Romans at that timo for theatri cal entertainments, that many were known to bo Christiana, simply from tho fact that they wholly absented themselves from the theatre. No ono who visitod plays was to remain in church communion. Thu Christians considered tlioinselves ns priests, con- seortud to God for their whole life, ns temples of the Holy Ghost; all, there fore, which was foreign to that spirit was to bo kept away from them. The true doctrine, then, is to shun the world’s bewitching snares, and avoid nil things that are positively sin ful, for of doubtful morality, for it is written, ‘ Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” Another class of temptations in clude the offer and attractions of worldly good to draw tho heart away from the love aud service of God. The devil proposed to give to OarisL all lho kingdoms of the world, aud tho glory of them, on condition lhat he would fall dowu and worship him. Satan tries to seduce tho followers of Christ with similar lures, bales and bribes. .Some who make a profession, yield to these temptations, aud return to their former course and manner of living. Paul says, “ Dennis hath forsaken me, having loved this present world." But to buuh as resist the seductions of the tempter, there iu promised a guest, glorious, and eternal reward. They shall live and reign with Christ, pos sess a kingdom, sit ou thrones, wear crowns, aud ho clothod'hi royal robes. Jet ns says lo uauh of his tempted, struggling disciples, " Bo thou faith ful unto death aud I will give thee a crown of life." Like our Master, there fore, wo are to resist the temptations uf Hulun, repel his attacks, and come off victorious iu tho conflict. Wo uro to put on the whole armor of God, lhat we tuay be able lo stand against tho wiles of tho devil. Stand, there fore, having your loins girt about with trull), und having ou tho breastplate of righteousness, aud your foot shod with tho preparation of the gospel of peace, and take the lielmit. of salva tion, and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God ; above all, taking lho shield of faith, wherewith ye shall bo ublu to quench all the fiery darts of tho wicked." Professional Cards, We b authorised to announce Mr, XV nq. U n ( niWiV 7 i f U«, that h 0 dotH Sell chi Op. M. F. TREADAWAY as a candidate ‘ for Tux Collector of Polk county. ElocPon 1st Wednesday ir. January next, t-u public Mpriug. Tho rock dai We are authorized to announce the | front of ihe spring baa council the water to nnmo of J. M. ARRINGTON OS a can- back and force un outlet on the south Hide, didnte for Tax Reciever at upproacing , wb,oh wl11 d «ubt|t*« change the bed of the . . spring, if not attended to. Would not the election. j rcwoYtt i of ,i, c obHl , ucl j on remedy the evil ? We are authorized to announce tho 1 The spring water is also unfit for use when nnmo of ROBT. H. WHEELER as a it rnina; cannot the lime-sink that lets in candidate for Tax Reciever at election walur ,J0 wwr ked upon as to to be held first Wednesday in January kecp ll,c -’T ,in gclear • A., "ant clearwatcr. Dext - Notice. SATURDAY MORNING. DEC.12 ‘ 1874. 1 Rev. T. E. Smith wi'l preachat r^rrr-—- - - j The Presbyterian church on next Bub- LOCA J-, I T E JM. S. L*uth, the 13th mat, at which time it ■ .--tzs=-=i:-jL—. is hoped all the members of that 1,000,000 Dry Hides; 100,000 Sheep church, eyjx‘dally t will be present. Skins wanted by M. F. Govan & Co., Rev. Mr. Milner huving declined to Rome, Go. i accept tho cull made him, makes it ; oecesoary that some action should be PaoToau-vrui Enlvbged. We hav ba j ien ^ h ttV0 tjj e pulpit filled another year. Bv thk Session. Carter, wo believe they will ugroo with . righteousness, aud all those things 1 shall bo added unto thorn. .w,. ^ < i The righteous ate ftometimea tempt- Tl ,c 1 ub,,c j od ^ dou b ht tlm j„ Blioo aIld t(]uUv of We respectfully cnll ihe attention of our i Providunco in the government of tho (own authorities to tho condition of tho world, when they compare their own public spring. Tho rock darn placed in condition of hardship utnl poverty -We hav taken the agency of a Philadelphia house to have photographs enlarged. We can have the work done at about half the price charged by traveling agents. Samples can be seen at the Recobo office. Not Then. A certain sewing machine agent, who&e name is of a watery nature, either spring, Rivers, Brooke or Wtllt, had a dream, to wit : Having cunvoseed all Georgia over, was desirous of ^'hanging territory, aud in search thereof, taken an upward road, with machines, Ac. Several days, an upward Job PairnNO.—We have made ar rangements to have Job work of all kinds done, in the very best style , , , , ., , . o i • journey, und terra nrron faded from vision and at the lowest prices. Send in J , _ . . , . Nothing surrounding the territory bi.t tin your orders. Legal blanks furnished to order. N»o>le3 for all kinds of Sewing machines; Singer, GO eta per doien—*1! oth ers 80 .-ents. Will send needles by mail on receipt of price. W. H. WIKLE, Carleraville, Ga Boots and Shoes very cheap at Govan’s, Rome. Batchelor Brogans $1,50. fit Bril and Trover is a foiin of actio at law th at’s very ftthunable lowi dava JjJJKii.g Cotton, thou art a great I the agent returned, ^jranl ! next? tho Apace between celestial aud terrestial worlds, and no connection with either worlds, eaw the narrow strip of track, which alone seemed to conneot with both worlds, and to streak upward and onward before him. At last after ever so long journeying the rout hia only guide, terminated at a large gate, of indescribable architecture, and lock of nntold deminsions, with office on the right. Hallo, you want a sewing machine. A gentlemanly looking fellow with wings, and a large book, opened the office, end looking through his volume, re plied : No Sewing Machine agents in the kiugdotn of heaven. Slowly and gladly Where will he go ith tbe flutnihhitig estate of ibo wick ed. Tho ungodly prosper and in crease iu riches, while tho pious and upright nro pinched by nocosity and want. But the Bible reveals tho dreadful end of binnors, however pow erful and prosperous in this life, and discloses (be ful ire happiness and glory of lho saints, however poor, low ly and obf cure. Ungodly Dives shall bo t ormeut -d iu tuo flames of hell, while the pious beggar Lazarus shall be coinfoited wilb tho rest, and felici ty of heuvtu. This view of the sub ject should reconcile us to the Idiviue udm'oijtration, and produce content ment with our lot and poriiou in this world. While satin thus makes use of want and poverty to tempt eome i-tlo dis content and dial iust of God’s good ness, he eraj lays riches aud plenty as a means of reducing others into sin against Him. Hu pcifeuades them that, with their largo estates, treas ures, aud enjoyments, they have an all-sufficient portion W'lnoub God. They do not need His grace, mercy and salvation, for they can live iudo- pendently of him. Temptations thus beset AI.IKE THE RICH AND IOC It to go astray from God, and cist off submission und ullegiaur j to Him. Hence the prayer of Agur, " Give me neither poveity end riches ; feed me with food convenient for me, lest I be full, aud deny thee, aud say, who is the Lord ? or lest I be poor and steal, and take the name of my God in vuiu. Resist, then, the seductions of wealth and the temptutious of pov erty, aud continue steadfast and im movable in your love, devotion and obedience to Christ. Christians of all classes are tempted to commit excesses in eutiug and drinking, to surpass th bounds of moderation, temperance and virtue iu the gratification of their bodily apo- tites. The Bible, heretofore, warns against gluttony, and drunkenness und requires ns to abstain from those sins. We see that multitudes outside JUST OPENED. F. L. WALTHALL H AS jast opemod, o|i|»OHil« poal office u now a lock of gooiln, coiiHiHting of DRYGOODS, NOTIONS, Confectioneries and Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Etc. II« propoHQS to etclifinfjc gooilw, nl very low figure*, for 0RBKNUACKH. dec 6 IS. 13. CARTEtt, —DPILeu IN— Furniture and Carpets No. I OH, Em pile Block, BROAD STREET, ROME, GEORGIA G eorgia, polk county.—Wm »i. Mo '«» him applied for Exemption of I 1 Parson ally E. W. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CRDAHTOWX, GA, P HOMl’T attention given lo Claim*. Office with Ivy l\ Thompson, Hunt side Court House square. cot 17, 71 Wm. M. 8PARK8, ATTORNEY AT EAW, .1. It. II A It II Bit, Notary I’ulilic ' AND ATTORN13Y AT LAW, Cednrtown, Ga. P ARTICULAR attention given to taking Depositions and collect ion of claims, KING A JANES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Toilnrtown, Ga. O FFICE In Court llouso. Juno 20 W. F. T IT U N E It, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cedarfovvn, Ga. South of Court Hqiihc, between u'lon und Wright’s stores. IY'Y F. THOMPSON, Attorney nt Law, GEDARTOWN. GA. O FFICE —Hast side Court llouso square. Juno 20 WOFFORD A MILNER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW CnrtcrHvllle, (in. QFFHJK in Hank Hullding. Juno 20 WOFFORD K WIKLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate Agents. CAHTRRSVir.r.t! 0.1. It. It. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, CKOAirrowx, ga. Legal Advertisements. sonulty and 10 o’clock a. m., on tho 22ml day of De cember, 1874. This Deo. 1 1, 1874.1 JOEL 11REWBU, Ord’y C lhOHGlA l’Ol.K COUNTY."’*M. "Tl. 1 Fletcher, has applied for Exemption of Personalty and setting apart and valua tion of Homestead, and I will paas upon tho sumo at 11 o’clock, a. m., on tho 22ml day of Decomber 1874, at my office. Till* December 11th, 1874. JOEL It It V’.WF.R, Ord’y. Slicriir Salon for January. be fore tho Court llouso tloor, in Cednrtown, Polk ooun. ! eorgin, on first Tuorsdny iu January, t, within tho legal hours of sale, tho fol- W Drs, Liddell & Richardson, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, UKDIRTOWN, <1 \. # Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Ceiliiiinwii, Ga. O FFICE nt residence, on Pryor rtrocl. June 20. Dr. L. 8. LEDBETTER, SURGEON DENTIST C«<larl»w», Ga. O FFERS Ills professional services to tho oilixeiiH of Codariowu and vicinity. -A.. L. DAVIS, will pi bs upon th sain • at 11 o'clock, r. m , ou tho loili day of December, 1871, ai my office, this 4th day of December, 1874. JOEL E7EWER, Ordinary. G ~kTTr(;IA. FOLK COUNTY. Uhum Haywood has npnllcd for Excmp ion of Personally and I will piss upon the s.irno nt 10 o’clock A. M., on the lOL.i day of Do- ceiubnr, 1874, at. my office,ibis lho 2."tli day of November, 137'*. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. EUKgTa. POLK COUNTY.-Levi Du- p-ee has npplir.l for Exemption of Per- Ben lily and I will pass upo i the same at 11 o'clock, A. M., on Ihe lOlh day of De cember, 1874. JOEL BREWER. Ord’y. ley, bus applied for Exemption Personally, and se.llng apart und valua tion of Homestead, and I Will piiHB upon ihe same at II o’clock, A M., on the IMtli day of December, 1874 at my office, this the .'.(Jill day of November, 187_4 : Watchmaker and Jeweler, Codnrtown, Ca. W ORK done promptly and saliflfaolvrlly All work warranted Twelve Month*. Repairing fine watches a specially. All kinds of Jewelry und Watohos and Clocks kepi for salo. ,uue 20-ly Cherokee Iron Comp’y Store. IF YOV WANT IDRY C3-003DS K UOICS, CLOTHING, HATH, CAI'H, Or any arlielo generally kept in A FIRST CLASS STORE At Prions to suit tho Closost Buyers, you will make it greatly to your advantage by calling at the above uumod store. Juno 27-ly J OKL BREWER, Ord’y. Patrick & Omberg, 33 Broad 8t., Rome, Ca. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS — ASD— pkintebb Pianos, Cabinet Organs, HMAI.I. lNSTiUIMENTB. SHEET MU! CJ AND MUBIDAI. INSTRUCTION BOOKS. Plain and Fancy I’riuiing Neat and Cheap Paper Sacks and fine Wrapping Paper. Picture Frames and Mouldings- Write as ler catalogue aud Price List. eep2 , JJ/ GEDARTOWN Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. Mala Street, Cedartown, Ga T)RICE8 down to suiL tho times. Good JL Htook, Vehicles, aud Careful Drivers always on hand. Special attention given to the oare cf stock left in our oliargo. lijmpkin a McConnell* FULTON HOUSE, T. M. ANDERSON, late of Home, Go. with f. cortiiA, Corner Loyd and Wall sis. near Union Pas senger Depot, ATLANTA, : : : GEORGIA. M E A L8 and Lodging per Day $2 O'); sin gle meal, 6U cents, First-does table I and go«d rooms, Halotn iu basement I furnished with pure Liquors, Fine Wines, Beer une rtegurs, July 11 j HTo 21st district aud 3rd soot ion of Folk county, Ga., also, number 220 257 201 206 200 331 840 87 477 200 204 880 283 187 88 HI mid 202 in the 21 dint riot and 3rd sec tion uf said county, also number 280 140 507 200 187 08 003 1142 1012 287 1027 060 1020 600 8 and 607 iu tho 18th district and 3rd section of said county, also IIvo acres iu Ihc south west corner of 14.01 In the 18th district aud 3rd section of said county, also lot number 788 in lho Ih( dictriot and 4tli Heel ion of said county, nlso lot* number 308 aud 75, in the 2ml dim riot uud 4th section of said ominty, also, two lots iu tho (own of Huokinnrt, lot number 0 in block (\) fronting HO feet on imuhlo street, and running InOk 126 feet, and lol number 7 in block (A) fronting 20 foot on murhlu street, running hack 125 feet, us tho properly of Janies M HVartoi dbeonsed, By virtue vLpuo fifn from court of Ordinary l’olk county |u favor of Murthn Ann Ware vs Lcandor J J Daprco, Ailtnlnlslratot oi tho Estate uf JntnuH M Ware, deceased This 10th day of December, 1874. K. W. ULEMENTH, Sheriff Ailnilnftfiti ntor < ’M Sale. Will ho sold agreeable to an order from tho Court of Ordinary, of Polk county, Goorgia, on Wednesday tho 28dinul,ul the late resideno ot Mrs. 1)- W, McIntyre, Into of Polk County, Georgia, iIoooohimI, all the perishable property belonging lo said deceased, oousisiing of four head of homos, one yoko of oxen, one wagon, two oowb, two vcurlings, fourteen head of sheep,uighl head of pork hog®, eight head of stock hogs two (200) hundred bushels of corn, more or less, fodder, whent, oats, farming tools, a lot of turkeys and other poultry, aud other nrtiolos too tedious lo mention, sold for lho benefit of the heirs nud creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on ll day of sale- This 7th tiny of I) .•combe 1871. W. C. KNIGHT, Temporary Administrator. mzm & joneg, Codnrtown, - - Georgia, DKAI.PJIS IN Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VARNISHES, KEROSENE, LAMPS. Everything Fresh and Pure I A 00MPLKTK AND OIIOICK LINK OV PERFUMERY, LILY WHITE, SUAPd, * TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. GENUINE GOLDEN BELL COLOCNK Always on hand. Tooth, Hair ami JNuil Brushop k ” Combs, oto. nr 3L 6~tt :R,. "Fancy,” - - $ 4 50 *'Choice," - - - 4 00 "Extiu Family," • - H 50 ‘ Family,” ... 3 00 Flour 1-2 cont Ioks by tho 100 lb*. Corn Meal $i 15 por bushel. ) prepared to Hell jo for yourselves Juno 20-ly Buying for Cash, wo nr B low u* the lowest. HaY* Give us aoall und f G eorgia,polk county—wiiomns. Klixaheth II, VnnDovender and M V II Ake, having inailo application for Letter* <,f Administration on the Estate of Poier Van Duvaudur Into td' std 1 county doociiHu I. Thoso are, therefore, to cite all pnr- hoiih oououruud, to lie and appear nt the next court of Ordinary to ho hold in said county on the first Monday in January next to show anuno if any they have, why said Lo tiers should not ho grnnntud. Given un der my linnd nud olliciul signature, This Nov. 26th, 1874. JOEL BREWER Ord’y G eorgia, polk county.—whorens, W G Knight, administrator on lho es tate of Alfred Morrison, duounsed, has mudo application, in duo form of law, for dismission from IiIh Haid administration, ifllodgiiig in his petition that, after his ap plication as Fitch nilmiiiistrator, Georgia MoitIhoi), the widow of sail.' deuoasud, made application nud obtained homestead and exemption of personally, aud in wliiolt was innhided tho whulo of lho property belong ing In the estate of said deceased, and that lie lias fully administered said estate, so fur as the law requiros. Therefore, all persons oonoernod will take mitieo to bo und appear at my oflioo within tho time pnwuribud by law, to show cause, if any tiny have, why stud W. C Knight should not bo fully disohai'g'nl from Ills said administration. Given iiudor my bund aud official signature, this Out. U, 1874 JOEL BREWER Ord’y G EORGIA, POLK GOUNTY—Whereas, NitllioA. Gliililurs, administratrix ou the estate of Jane W' Ghildors, deceased, has made application for leave lo Roll the land iu said county holongiiig lo Haiti estate. These uro, therefore, to oito and admonish all persons coneornod, to bn anil nppeur nt my office on the first Monday in November next, lo show cause, if any tlioy have, why said application should not bo granted in terms of the Law Given undur my hand mid official signal uro, this the Dth day of Got., 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y order of the oour(. of Ordinary of said county, will ho sola buforo Ihe Court ouso door, in ('edarlgwu, said county, on lie first Tuesday in' December next, be tween the legal hours of sale, tho following IMhhoIuGoii. Tho firm of Wudu & Co., in the Saw Mill business, was dissolved, by mutual coiihkiiL on tho Uth day of Novuinhor iuslunt, by the withdrawal of W. L. MoOluin. Tho pros- onL firm of Wade & Co. are responsible for tho debts of the old firm. Nov. 24, 1874. W. L. MoOLAIN. cam ctovEB, No. f), - - - Uroud Street, ROME, GkA.. DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Ready-Made Clothing. C ALL lih'd price my goods, and I will convince ydUlhnt I sell the best of Goods aheap fot Cish; Nov l4-2m Cotton. Uhotton 11 Cotton!!! ii il 1 STOP AND READ ! .til will at .11 time, pa; the Rome full Market Price For Cotton., Persons wishing to deliver me cotton ip payment of their accounts, will receive Liberal PricoB Over the market price, during the month of Novomber. Parties hnving sold rao Cot ton mid to be delivered ibis fall, are hereby notified to briug In the same at once, as It is past due. lETIBW GOODS CHEAPER ONES! AM now in receipt of one of the largest stocks of Goods ever brought to Ceuar- wn, which L nm offering at extremely low IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boos to the Whole Race of Women DR. BRADFIELD8 Female Regulator I I T WILL BritNCI ON THK M ICNSI- H, Mltfve pain at Itin mi.nlh'y • INirlid." c ire li Vu- ina'iMii aml^NijiiralBU^oM’ark ana Uisro ^l eu- p n ll \v*l rrm^V^tlIrrtla Ion nrKIdaejrapmt BlaiW d.-r, raliHVo eoallvani-M, • urfy the lllo».1, give t ni>a-<it Niie mth to <he wtiol • ai'slam, cti>ar itin akin, Imparling a rosy Imo .o lUenhaek, aud eli«i-r- ( ^ l In • ».reiiure to\u the abova (tin a .ea as Quin- L itii'M o m mire themnelVca of atl ibo above itin- ea «« v | hint revfMlina thnlr nompiatuia to any p< rao". wliluu !■ a.way* moiilf. lag w Ibelr prlila amt inoilri.ty. It la reauiumemiiMl by tlie best physicians and er«y. LaO«awok, Ga . March IS70. Ha nrrxLn A Oo . Allan a. (la.: iVor Mrs—I lake phasi rein Bt-itlns tbai I have used lo ibo It at twenty y<a t ihe meiticlne you aro now put iatcr'a’lVoorishh r > U^be r SMi*(»mbl' m * !e ll " u ‘ ■otteiim ether Air the diseases ri.r'wbleft u'tff Vrc domestic prsoi toe, and can honi'Htly say th 11 omi- slder It a l oon to suRirlns leu,ales and cm but hone that every lady In our own lai.d. who may he sunerliiR Iu any way pecul'ar to thi lr aox, muy ha able lo procure a holll • that lltelr eufrerit s* may not only lie relieved, but ilia* they may he restored 1 auirrr«t»« , otruily, IKl *W. 4. 1 vIJrATlE, Nkan MXkirrTA Ga., March 20. 1870. Moaere. VA»f. Hoot A Bon: J?«ir AVrs-Hom* mouth* hko 1 bought a bottle or BmOllold’s Vumalo lleaulaior from you.and have used Itin my tkml y with the utmost satisfaction,and have recommeu- d« d It to two or three other famines, and they have round It Just what Itlsrecommnnded. The females heal: h, U |»nd are'afi{e* to m’/elid tRalr homlehohl duties, and we ounllall^reoomtnend It to tho pub. n. oure. reeoeal ^ ^ B> joHRBUN. and othar car tin alee, but proof of lie * CO., Atlanta, a. 40H« C. ALLHN,] Practical Mechanic & Builder, CKDARTOWX, GA., W OULD rMpeolfiilly asnounoo to lho public that he is fully prepared to furnish Material and Eroct nuildingH of all sixes and grades, on short notion and after the most approved plan*. Particular attention given to making aud trimming ) OOFFINSt REPAIRING FURNITURE, dto. Thoso desiring work of any kind in his line would do woll to onll on him at the 8t. Charles Hotel. Shop fronting Court House Hqunre. June 2'J-ly J. \V. BURKE & CO., WHCLE8ALK Booksellers and StationorsT AND DEALERS IN Wrapping Papers, Twines, Notion#, Fancy GooJr, Sets. Cor. Alabama & Whitehall sts., .1TLAXTA, - - GEORGIA oct B -2m East End Wood Shop. JJY J. M. IIARUIS. Repairs and Makes Wagons, Bedsteads, Tables etc And almost anything mndo of wood. WORK CHEAP FOR 0 ASII.. ter- tiW; June (icmnllmj lo /irnw- *«’• Boptlil-ly W. S. DAVIS, CONTBACTOB 7—AND — HOUSEBUILDER, Cedartoiwri; ffl;*' - Coorgia. W ll.L'ilo (illkiujl* jof work In hia linn, itt a ghua* iviVd siihatantinl nutnner, gmiranteein^riimltWfrtoHon hi work, and prices n« bo done, for onxli or auy kind of pi*hduc,*. Kurniluro will he pul up lo order olieapnr tlmn it can 1m bought iu t :1s place—hudsloadH especially. Rcfercuee* given'when require 1. sepllfi w. C. Barber, REAL ESTATE AG’T Ilockmart, Ga. W ILL sell or buy Wild or Improved Lands in any portion of the county. Having been a oitixen of Polk county for many years, and being thoroughly posted in the Location, Value, eto , of Laud* in ev ery sootion, feel oonfideut that It will be to the interest of parties having lauds to sell, to plaoe them in my hands; aod those wish • ing to purohase Lands oan always bo ac commodated. I will be in Cednrtown on the 1st Tuesday in eaoh mouth, for tho pur. pose of transacting business iu my line. June 20 Du You Want PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT If ho, wrilo lo Mujor B. •). HA.NDAU,, (Jcnei-al Agent of th« Mobile Life ln- 1 surance Company, u<««. Alu J giving your retereucen, wuH a view to ob j mining au agency for that popular Compauy ninrd that hcreafier | goo,is shall be sold as low in Cedartown as ; uuy town iu the Hi ale. Call and see me uud j Examine My Stock and Prices. ’ Don't listen to L'nmkcrs, but call and ex amine for yourselves. Highest market price paid for Opened, A Boot and Shoe 8hop, on the corner of Piior and College streets, near Ht Charles hotel. Our terms arc Cath, aud no work shall be delivered until paid for. Work done with dispatch and at small oost. Patronage solioited. Very respectfully, J. W. HJGB, Cednrtown, Ga., June 2:Jth, 1874. NEW BARBER SHOP. T HE undersigned has looated in Cedar- town for the purpose of onrryiug on the business in all its brunohes. If you want a ncl Wheat. “A CLOSE SHAVE” Corn A. Huntington. Obdartowv, Nov. 12, 1874. [ a shampoo or hair out, giv« me a call and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. June 30 ALFRED EVANS CASH 'STORK. •T. S. Ntnbb8 Sc Co., GEDARTOWN, GA., J£EEP constantly on lmnd a full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Hoots and 81ioor ; also a line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND FACTORY GOOD?. Gash buyers w to exitiiiina our purchasing. m,. Sole agents for the salo of the cele brated •• Watt Flows” and fixture*, in Folk county. June 20—if W. M. Wikle & Oo7 Gartsrsvllb, XC-TBBG G?or,i". "h..*, iDEALEUS^IN BOOIUIIISTITIOIEU NOTIONS, NOVELTIES, GAMES, FANCY CONFECTIONERIES Eto.. Eto. TaKH 8'ih*erlplloii for any Rook or P» nodical published iu tho United State*, Publishers lowest, price*. N E H D L T3 S! For all kinds of Sowing Maeldnes. also fur nish Attachments, Oils, etc. Will send Noodles by mall, to any nddross, on receipt of prion. Singer, (16 cents per doxon; all others 80 cents. Parties would do well to consult us before buying goods from ped dlers, or sending North to tho ynrioiri swindlers and humbugs. Any goods n TRAVELER’^ GUII)R Romo Railroad Company. Olf.VNOB OF BOEDULK. O N and after Monday. June 1st, 1874 .double daily trains will be resumed ou this road aud run us follows: DAILY PASSKNOKR Loaves Home at 8.10am. 1 Arrl.o at Hernia 1.13 ,i m } oto<l P l Suodajr. Leaves Rome nt 5 30 p. m. ) n Arrive at Romo at 10.10 p m \ Eaoh train will maki close oonneotion at Kingston with Western and Atlantlo Railroad trains bound for Chattanooga and Ulanto. W. R. COTHRAN, Pres. JOHN C. PRINTUP, Tiokot Agont. Selma, Roma *' Dalton R. R* Trains on this Rond will run ns follows : GOING 'NORTH. Leave bolm/i 7.25 a m Arrivo at Prior's 5.48 p m “ Dalton 0,45 p m Making close connection nl D ilton with B TV 4 Ga R JL, and W St A R R for nil Eastern anil Wusturu oilius aud the Vir i ginia Hpriugs. GOING SOUTH- Leave Dalton .5-45 pm Arrivo at Prior's 10.12 p m Arrive at Melma 8.80 a m Leaving Drtlton lor Solma upon arrival of ET V A Gv4l ! K and W & A K K trains. M. STANTON, Gen. Supt. W. S. MAYNARD. Asst. Hupt. RAY KNIGHT, G. P. A T- Agt. “THE KENNE8AW ROUTE,” Western It Atlantic Railroad and Conneotioni, SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 25.“ Leaves ATLANTA Arrive at Gurtersvillo Arrive at Kingston Arrive at Datum Arrivo at CHATTANOOGA MUMoen 3. Loaves ATLANTA Arrives at Cnrtersvillo Arrives ut Kiugstou Arrives at Dalton Arrives at CHATTANOOGA NUMIIEK 11. Leaves ATLANTA Arrives ut Uartersviile Arrives at hiugslou Arrives at DAL TON SOUTHWARD XO 2 Leaves Oil.ATTANOOOA Arrives at Dalton Arrives at Kingston Arrives at Cnrtersvillo Arrives at ATLANTA XUMHKU 5. Leaves CHAT TAN 10 JA Arrives at Daltou rrives at Kingston rrlves at UarterseL V rivrs at ATHvi 10.30 p. r 12 8 J a. i: ; 1.04 a. n 8.30 a. m 11.0 J a. in 11.45 a. iu 2.01 p. in. 4.28 p. w. 0.00 p. ra 8; 16 p. iu 8.43 p. m 10.30 p. tu