The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, December 12, 1874, Image 4
fur four ymm. pallfnl containing fonr gallon* tnay b purified by a single tcaspoonful. Nil Id «*• Hm. A French chemist, M. Nadlc, Iihh •cn making a thoronph examination of >®nII water of different ooeans, ospe- Iwly in reference to thA amount of blonde of aodinm (oomnon sail) in 2?* obtained the following rn- ilta: Tta Mediterranean sea contains r aalt S 710 per cent.; the Atlantic **•*»» 8,789 per oont.; tho English tune), 3.595 per cent: the Pacific wan, 2,588 nor cent,; the LakoOrniinh, i Perafa, 1.905 per ©ent. The apccifl- Ity of the wafer waa fonnd to range on 1,029 to 1,080 per cant. Te Pnwrv* WswIiii Tr«« l.abaU. Thoroughly aoak the picoes of wood _• atrong nolntton of copperas, then them, after they arc dry, in lime w. This ofcnses the formation of ~ of lime, a very inaolnhic salt typanm), In the wool. Tho rapid do- traotion of label* by the weather ia hna prevented. Ncta, twine and other Bbatanoea need in tying np or covering reea and planta, when treated in the me manner, are similarly preaerved. A a recent meeting of the Hortimiltur- I society, in Berlin, wooden lnhelathiiH Mated were ahown which bad been eon- kantly exposed to the weather during ro years without being affrotod thereby. T\HF T?rpno i\ l|lsblYI KIH-E, CaHOiNR Want, orally known that pound* m«i tho property of puri iter. A tabloNpnonful of pul- alum sprinkled into a hogshead the water stirred at the time, r the lapse* of a few hours, by ... ‘ting to the bottom tho impure inlee, eo purify it that it will l>o ii»d to poaaeea nearly all tho freshness clearness of tho finest spring water. Dataering ratlnln* in Wins. The extent to which fnohsine lias late- K ‘»een used in eoloring wines, candles, , renders it a matter of some im portance to detect the existence of this oiaon-prinnipln. According to a recent l renon writer, the aimplest method of Ding thia ia to place a portion of the laneoted liquid in a tent*lube, and to it id Aral 150 graina aubnoento of h ad, ad then 200 graina of amyl in alcohol, f, after agitation of the mixtnre, tho mylio alcohol, on separating, appears dorlrns, it ahowa that fuehsine has not sen naed j if, on the contrary, it ex- ihlta a red tint, it indicate* that the Diaonoua anbatanco 1ms hnen added. f Nr* Throni NIrIiI Collar*. Bays au exchange : " An eminent hysician, who dnvotea Ida whole uttun- ion to di«ea a osof the lliront and lungs, >ld na the other day, that about, throe- ourtha of all throat diseases would got “fell l>y wearing very looso collars, and io neoktio at all. Ho said that often ingera would oome to him for throat Urease and loaa of voice, and lie would ear open their cravats and euro them ritti no oilier treatment whatever. Tho preasuro of the collar on tho ar- ariea of the neck ia very bad for the lealih/ said he. Ho also addod : * If on have a disease of the throat lot na- nro do the ourlnv, and the physician u»t aa little as possible.'” ■lnguUr. If a pall of water bo placed within six iohea of oitlier side of tlio stem of a inmpkin or vegetable marrow, it will, a tho eourao of the night, approaoh it, and will bo found in thu morning with one of tho loaves on the water. If a »rop bo plaoed wittdn six inohes of a nnvolviilus, or soarlot runner, it will Ind it. nlthongti tlio prop may be shift- ad daily. If after it lias twi some liatanoo tip tho prop, it be unwound ad twined in tho opposite direction, it will unwind and return to ita original •Mltion, or die in tho attempt; yet not- rithstanding, if two of the plants grow Boar each other, nud have no stake round which they oau entwine, one of hem will alter the direction of tlio spi ral, and they will twine around cacti other. Hot* to rix Ute Cl'>rli. When tho olook atopa, do not take it. o tho repair aliop till you lmvo tried au ollowa : Take off the pointers and tho face; take off tlio pendulum and its wire. Remove tho ratchet from the tick" wheel, and tho clock will run down with great velocity; lot it go ; tho increasing speed wears awav the gum and dust from the pluiouH—the olook oloona itaelf. If yon hove any ipormoll. put tho least hit on the ax les. Put tho nmohine together, and niue times iu ton it will mu Just as well ia if it had boon taken to the shop. In Faot, tliia ia the way moat shopmen edean cloaks. If, instead of a pendu lum, tho olook Una a watoli eaca|>ement, this latter can be taken out iu an in stant, without tskiug tho works apart, and tho result is tlio same. It takus about twenty minutes to clean a brass olook, and saves a dollar. To Make ll«nl H The following is a hard soap which is nominal : Nearly every family noouiuu- latea through the winter drippings from beef and muttou. These oau be util* issed for the grease by boiling in water, allowing it to oool, t uon'removing from the water and tailing it till all the water is ex|N*llod. Of eoimtc the the grease tho nicer tho soap. Take six pounds of sal soda, six pc grease, threo and a half pounds atone lime, four gallons soft water, half pouud borax. Put soda, lime aud wat luto an iron boiler ; tail till all is dis solved. When well settled pour oil the clear lyo, wash out the kettle and put in tho lye, grease the tarsx ; tail till it comes to soap, pour into a cup to oool, and when auffimoutly bard cut into bars aud put on boards to dry. This is very nice for washing white ilauucl null oalioo. Nitrous Oxld* Cm ri. Chloroform i very extraordinary ease of death by use of nitrons oxide gas, nmv so largely employed by dentists instead of ohloroforw ou aooount of its alleged au* perior safety, is related iu the London Time* as having occurred iu the prac iuq.oftiu.l n-isrd iioMt rfR c < in the evening, when my English friend called for salt, stating that he knew of a ease of a woman o ting lienrtily of nuts in the evening who was taken violently ill. The celebrated Dr. Abernathy was sent for. hnt it waa after be hod become too fond of his orr\ and ho wss not in condition to go. lie muttored, " Bilt 1 salt!" of whloh no notice was taken. Nex* morning ho went to the place and she was a corpse. Bo said had they given her salt it would have relieved her ; If they would allow him to make IMantlnr> wionr.ifoitM. ruination ho would convince them. On or ruing tho stomach the nuts were found tn a mass. Ho sprinkled salt on this and it immediately dissolved. I have known of a sudden death myaolf which appeared^ to bn from tlio same cause. I generally eat salt with nuts, and J consider that it improvoa them. The Veritable Lexington. A Brief History of fhla Mn parlor lira ad of Co il', From various historical son roes, snob os Berry. Yonat-t, Martin and Allen, wo gather the following facts concerning the origin, progres and present condi tion of BhorUliorn onttle: Those cattlo, at tho present time, pos sess in an eminent degree finalities which can so them to taoomo objects of great interest and admiration, on ac count of thoir splendid frames, beauti ful ly varied oolora, and their remarka ble aptitude to take on flesh ou those particular parts which aro "0 attiaotive to tlio butcher, A period of moro than one hundred years has now elapsed since the Short horns, on tho tanks of the river Tees, iu England, and called the Teeswater brood, had ananmod a very fine and at tractive color, which rcsomblod the nolle* T'«ier'InT ol II... feme... j SboiMtorni ol tlio pro»ont dor. l.oino kj linr.n Iu-Engtnn, remind, me , ^eMl.innHy rod, red nn.l wl.lto, nn. Your Kentucky of an anecdote respecting him. which ia at yonr soryico if yon down it worth anything r In 1Rfl3, or early in ’54, largo numbers of condemned army horses were oceo- sionallv must*-red and sold nt auction In Nashville, Tennessee. On ono ooea- sitin a string of one hundred or so were hitched to a fence to he sold nt twelve o’clock. A gentleman wanted to buy three or fonr, and not being a judge of horsed, got nu expert to point out a fow that would do to recuperate. Of course they were all in a sad lookitif plight; condemned sure enough Tho expert psssod along flown the line mntking such as would do to bid on. In passing down lie paused at a very shabby-look- ing frnmo of tanes, eyeing him for a mlnuto with apparent’ interest. After roan, though tho last not aa prevalent aa unw. They also possessed a fine nioflow akin and flesh, good hair, and light offal, particularly wide carcars* s, and foroouarters of extraordinary depth and cavity. When slaughtered thoir net weight was extraordinary, and many instances are recorded of the wonderful weight of thoir inside fat. About thia time Hir William Ht. Q iin- ton, of Hnampton, imported tails and cows from Holland, which wore crossed with the at ok of the country. Mr, M'lhnnk, of Birmingham, bred nn>l slaughtered an ox which, at five years old, the four quarters weighed 2.114 pounds, and a cow bred from his own sto*k, at twolvo yeara old, who* slaugh tered, 1.640 pounds. From Mr. Mil- bank’s tlm “ *" iii>vi the Teeswater cattle con tin innkinu till.' V-nd'of'lhiilliVo7biromiiritofl I *“ , tb " | f MMllimcp nml lo 1,1. friend, ••Tl.oroV n lmr.o l.nok ™ l,,ll , rll 3’ In.vnrloo, Imn.ln, nntil Mr. vnndor I wont In look nt no..In." Ho lie OhMle. ColllnR adopted tl.oro. In tin- hofrinn ,R,lo to .tir.oy ll.o mdio nl.l °f Mr. Oolllng IboMMItlo booaroo horse. greatly improved, and it is believed “Thoroiisomethingromnrkatdcabout | funded from a well the horse," said the examiner. “Hurolv oomriderod plan. lie found tho Tees water large cattlo of loose make and imiiuuhhii •utxo n i disiuoiiorUon : and wua aensiblo of tho something remarkable about him I don’t I ^reeding, with anything you would not have me to bid on him V said the pnrobaser. “ No, but there’) understand," aud continued to exaialne very minutely. " This," snid ho, " Is u higli-hlooded horse, nud worth more monoy, five tiroes over, than all tlio troop beside. Htill, ha is a mystery to me. no is certainly a Lexington horse, and yet is too old for any of Lexiugton’n eolts. I don’t understand it. There's sometidng strange nbont him. There fs no mieh horse iu tliia country, aod yet here ho is." The man had never keen Lexington, and was not dreaming of him. This led to inquiry where the horse name from. It proved to he tho vefitublo Lexington himself. Ho had been eap- tnrod in Kcutuoky, thrown into a lot of others, and, after tnnntta of “hard sor* vice," turns up in a crowd of “ con demned horses" in Nashville. Too man went info eoataey over him—hugged and almost kissed him. Tho case was re ported at headquarters, and orders woro immediately given to have tho old Ken liko certainty, large, good animals; through tho progress of his practice, ho showed a resolution to reduce the sir.o of the breed, and at the same time, and by til at moans, to improve the form. This he is supposed to have effected through tho medium of a bull called Hubbneh, an animal which, it appears probable, possessed Pn one aide tlio im ported blood. The possessor of his ’ a person In iudigent eirrum- largo number of the children were ta ken to the Orenaby Mill, in the Parish of Malew, three miles from Oaatletown, in order to bo subjected to the 'charm.' Two hoppers of the mill worn crammed full of children, and s« soon ns they were comfortably and safely settled the miller caused the wheel to revolvo three times, the parents of the oliildn n being present at tho time. In order to be efficacious, tho ceremony mnat bo gone through at a time when the minis ters of tlio district are engaged in preaching in their pulpits. For this reason about noon on Hundavs is gene rally the time oho*eu for tho perfor mance of this curious rite." Flsli Catching and Fish Culture. Ono of the fish commissioners of the state of Ohio has written an interesting letter to the Cincinnati Gazette in re gard to the Hmidusky fisheries And arti ficial flrii breeding in tho Michigan hateherif-s, from which wo have con densed the material for this artiolo. Hnndusky ia tlio commercial Center of the fisheries of the southwestern portion of Lake Erie. These are rated us tho most extensive fresh water fisheries in tho world. Fonr hundred fish pounds send thoir products to Hsndusky. The pounds cost from ono thousand to seve ral thousands each, They are stationary nets attached to permanent fixtures in tlio lake, and these nets remain in tho water from tho commencement to tho close of tho season. A short time since one pound drew over four tons and a neighboring pound drew over fivo tons of fish, chiefly whiteflsh. The product of white fish, the most delicious fish caught in tho lake, wns tho heaviest this year of nny during tlio past sixteen years. This In accounted for by tho fact that unusual hauls have been made of sturgeon, pike, ronnoa- lougo, various species of ba^s, perch and oilier nutural enemies of tho whiUe " 1 1 - -J Bo-OEi GRANUE-WORK. AhuukI Motion of Iht Alabama Mla'o The first annual session of the Ala bama state grange met at Montgomery 1 sat week. Fifty counties of the sixty- five were represented bv one bnndrod delegates. Each oonnty with twelve granges or less sent ono delegate, and thoso with more sent two. The state officers were present. The address of Mr. Chambers was very elaborate and able. Flo advised prompt action on tho constitutioral amendments submitted by tlio national grange; opposed the plan of representation based on nnmer- leal strength, and advised the rejection of the amendment providing therefor ; recommended that a committee memo rialize congress on the subjeot of cotton tux ; tho apointmont of an agent in Washington to represent theinterests of planters ; recommended a memorial to tho state ‘legislature for a geological survey of tho state with a view of an official promulgation of its advantages in minerals, that immigration may be thereby induoed, and promising the co operation of tho state grango in tho work ; roviowed what is known as tho dead-fall system ; that- is, small whisky shops established near large plantations, where the fretdmen trade stolon pro duce for rum, to the ruin of themselves mid the planters, and recommended that the legislature bo memorialized to put an end to said traffic; recom mended a change in tho register of tho deputies by substituting a oonnty dep- Kirn yor.r g. rtth pin. general overseer of granges each" oonnty, who shall represent tho county in the state grange and ant as delegate to its annual session ; acknowl edged the obligation of the grange to the national body fortlierelief furnished sufferers last spring, and addressed a suitable acknowledgment therefor. He also recommended tho establish- llBli, »hioh lmvo cimblet! tlio lotto, to ! «"nt of » Rroogfl organ at oomo «■ increase and multiply in comparative point, to serve ns a mode of coin- seonrity. Tlio sturgeon, especially, is mnnioation between the officers of tho on oueniy of tho whllodoh, and until ; onler ; nn.l proponed tho holding of n within a fow years has been considered K rn, *d state fair next fall nnder grange u valueless fish, unworthy the raolesta auspices, and ingested the pronuety of lion of the fishermen; but at present 1 attempting Homo reformation- of abuses every portion of them is utilized. The in the matter of commercial fertilizers, sturgeon roe is manufactured into “oa- | ancli ns the erection of n home mnnn- j vinr, a d.licary much iu usu on the factory nnder the supervision of iesi continent of Europe and on board tho j ovot chemists, supplied with cheaper xx Atlantic sb ament. Tho flesh in dri d, ! articles, fn conclusion, he j "smoked," and shipped "west" (from reviewed tho agency and cooperative ( ookn. New York) as smoked halibut, etc. ' system, aud advised sb tlio best means paw . Thus the permanent depletion f u< 'of getting the aid of middle men in the ] least ono of tho enemies of the whiteflsh provision business, that more attention btun is assured, bn paid to the raising of auppliee at Tho autumn flshingnyield moro slrict--j tame. Much of disappointment arie- v,amis^«,su cauxlng hiirk xclio. dragging down sensalionx, nervous and general debility, it is a novereign remedy. Ita soothing and healing properties render it of the utmoet value to lxdiee suffer ing from internal fever, congestion. Inflamma tion or uloerxtlon, and its strengthening ef foots tend to correct displacement* of internal r Oar Id Uadn'l without competitor!. 'Bo determined are t Landrothn to secure, as tunal, a Urge share the approaching year's hueiness, that they lit o/ Met irork, printing I This has n of their ho is furnished will nine of the fn/ it Knotty, ilillgentli " Jtural Hcgistcr" tor 1875. bofor* occurred In thi The "Rural Register charge to at* ‘ who do uot,?- PROUAnnr no one disease is the cause of so mucli ts>dily misery and unhappiness (and the disease Is almost universal among the Americau poopl*) as dyspepsia. Its causes are many and various, lying chiefly in the haMt* of our people. The retnedv is simple and effectual ('so Dr Wisiiatt's Great Arner Iran Djspepsla Pill*. They never fail to cure. CoLi.'Mnrii discovered America, but it haa Irfwm fonnd tiiat the only economical shoes for children are the celebrated HI LYE It Til* 1'KD. Never wear out at tho toe. and are woitli two pairs without Tip*. All dealera sell the tiros to bur presents for Oimhinn beautv and ntllltv, arid entlemau friends a carton ronUin- idrol Elmwood Collars They will some tun**, and he will think of you • II rtrylh Hivemide Water Cure, flamiltou, IU MARKET REPORTS. stances, nud grnznd his cow in tho high- , ....... . - , , ways. When afterward she was Vn- I ly lake or deep water fish than the J ing from the system as practically , 1 Hirr-rvii moved to good land, near Darlington, 1 spring; in tho spring time the pond and •’ateu, ho tracisi to imperfect orgamza- sho heeomu ao fat that she did not again j marsh fish are most abundantly taken | Hon snd the neoessury friction in ajnat- oinheni brood ; nud her sou Hiibhoek having j in the pounds. The spring flshingr _ 1 mn n,,Tnr ' nn D ‘ ® r ’' 1 "' ,n ' f cod ing pro , iponsity in a liigli I turn to Hundnn|iy from 1,200 to 2,000 I southern farmors shall degree woh useful ns n bull during n 1 bum of ff&h, whilo tho full fishings fsrnis solf-siistnining, the very short period. Tlio quality of his 1 runge from about 0,000 to 4,000 tour. j complaint of middlemen, supposed to' The prepnrntion of white flab ft When J WOOI^-Un' make thei: will be lesi tuoky veteruu kindly and flesh, hido and hair have been seldom equaled; arid an lm { market is thuu described ; who smaller than the Teeswater cattle Whiteflsh and " herring"—n species ho was eminently calculated to forward 1 of white IIhIi — when landed in tlio wnro- Mr. (killing's views. There are no su house are laid side by side to the rr^r.r.r.'rrfi yi j- H ' "’ ,J '' u r^iu^'*^ MUSICAL GIFT BOOKS ! J DST PUBLISHED! PIANO AT HOME ! lh\ Walker’s Calilorniii Viu- ;»irar Hillers nro a purely Vegetable prepa on, m.u’.e cjliiclly IVom the tm- tlve lierta fuiUKl on the lower ranges ol the Sierra Nevada inoiintniinj of Califor nia. tlio medicinal Properties of whieu mo extracted thoremnu without tho use of Alentml. Tlio question is almost daily asked; "U liul is tin* cause of tho unparalleled auceesa ef Vinedaii Bit- TBiwr’ Our answer is, that they remove the cause of dlser.rc. and tlm patient re covers his health. They we-the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, per ct ih of the history of thu i compounded !>• qualities of \ IKK 1 Wai.KXIc’8 . D'a|ihnretiy, DON’T BUY idsois.hi h.,- 30 e, r.i u r ** urn NKW TrniiHpnrtntlmi of (!nsl Oil on Steam Imats. ' Natihirilla Man" fn IFfisA- fully ' P«rior Hliort-horns whloh do not claim j bor of thirty or forty on rack Kggs vs. Went. Would it not bo wise to substitute morn eggs for moat in our daily diet? About oiie lhird of tho weight of an egg is nolid nutriment. This ia more Hi an can 1m said of meat. There nro no b .lies and tough piocua that have to he laid aside. A good egg is made up of ten parts shell, sixty purtu white and thirty parts yelk. Tho white uf an egg contain* eighty-six pnr oont. wator ; tlio yelk fifty-two por cent. Tho avoruge weight of an egg is about two ounces. Practically an egg iu animal (oral, and yet there ia nono of tlio disagreeable, work of tlio butcher iieeosrary to obtain it. Thu vugutiuiiiun of England uao eggs freely, and many of thoso men aro eighty and ninety yeara old, and have been re iff nr k bly freefrmn'illttega. Egga are boat when cooked four minutes. Tilts takes away tho animal taste that is offensive to sonic, lint does u»»t harden tlio wllito or y©lk aa to rtuke?the|n hard to iliaest. An egg if cooked'Very liahi is difficult of digestion, except by those with stout stemachs ; such eggs should bo eaten with bread and luastii descent nearly or remotely to Huhbiick. j pinned ia n freezing auparntus which After tho uao of this hull Mr. Oharlea made on a acaie sufllcieidly l»rg Dolling proceeded with siiooesn to pro- freeze several tons »t once. duo«' superior animals; nud the number ! four hours are required to frr of hulls which ho disposed of at high , as hard aa ice itself; at tlio expiration prices was truly onoournging. , of that time they are taken out, of the Tliu prevalouno of these cal tic aroused ! refrigerator and stored away iu rooms tho atteutiou of breeders to their roor- . kept below Uio freezing point until w in ita, nml rained Charles Colling, us their . ter ami early spring, aim arc shipped to breeder, to a condition of groat dintimv j supply inland markets tion, nml, ia tlio domnuii arented for his stock, soon gavo him a largo for tune. Under this stimulus other breed ers wore soou awakened to a slate of na tivity and noon brought up their herds to a quality perhaps equal to tlmt * tho Oollinge. It might be of to* to folh „ int rest > persona, lint not to tho masses, ’ tliis subject to a much greater ate. The freezing apparatus in ffa tented, I am told. A largo proportion of the llsh landed at Hamlnsky nro pack ed iu ico nml ahipfied at ouco to inland market a—a portion arc plnopd in the refrigerator; Imt tlio largest, cnpcciully tho Whitehall, aro eviscerated, suited ami ahipped na salt flsh. Ou tlm correspondent's wav to Detroit Mention 4 of the steamboat In' oording to a recent decision of the I ary of the treasury, forbids the trans portation of cost oil, ernde or reflued Twenty-1 petroleum, or other like explosive burn- zo thorn ! uig-flnida, on passenger steamers, • x- ' eejit as provided iu rule 11th, etiactod by tho hoard of supervising inspectors. The rule say a : " Refined petroleum, which will not ignite at a temperatur- loan than one hundred and ten degioea Fahrenhail, may, upon routes where there 1m no other practicable mode of trans|>orting it, he curried a r stofl i tho length, by dincusning the future program 1 to iuspeot tho Michigan hatcheries, he of the English Hhort-liorns, down tn a 1 found a half-acre reserve, in the Detroit late day. Suffice it to nay that, tlio j river, iuto which Mr. J. l\ Clark, of Short liorna now ataml in tlm front rank | Detroit, empties the catch of sevend of all tho breeds in Great Britain, and seines, and thus has live and fresh fh<h in aoino portious of tlio oontineut adju- J at command nny day iu tho year, oout, nml iu the Australian nml Canadi an colonies, whero tho soil and oiiuuitu I Yon Mottko’s lluldts of Life, are adapted to thoir support, 4 „ 4 rding to tho lustorv, after tho | A iTonch toun d in.(loriaiHiy givj s — t-deok tho distance* from any flr^; ul nt termination of tlio revolutionary fow cattlo, supposed lobe imre’Bliort- ; A French touri >t i account of Von Molt lies I tlm country. daily life id villuge icub'd k°riis, ware brought into Virginia by a J belonging to the oKl marshal arc situ very finely. An Cgg inroad ou txmst is ! Miller. Iu the year 170ff nil Eng ! in Silesia whore they 1m amid food I" ** ilauman numnd Heaton brnnarht two nr I fertile lands diversified by pleasant 1 stud I hi metallic cans m packed in boxes, or in iron-bound cask* or barrels plainly mnrkcd upon the heads thereof with the manufacturer’s name, tho name of thu artiolo, and the degree of temperature (Fahrenheit) at which tho petroleum will iguitc ; and all such boxoa, casks, or barrels shall bo placed nud carried only upon the outer wipe of the guards ami decks o* afore mentioned. Any oil which will a’atid a fire-test of throe hundred degrees Fah renheit may he carried as freight, nr tis4d as stores, on passenger steamers,” < hlcngo’s Geiittcuinuly Thief fltfnr a king/W k'itt^MidejMkfvo any j Balilnan uamod Qeotou brought two or I l, ‘V,V, H < V v, Tu IU \ l "* v Chicago is rather proud of bettor food than anybody olso, whioh is ; Blicrt-horn cattlo from tho north 11,0 «''veiling-house is more | ftC nttemanty thief who is now working doubtful. Fried eggs are lore whole- °* I'mglaud to Now York. Iu 1B15-Iff "pnmmm than elegant, da whito-washcal . tfiy fasliiouablo residences of city. He some than boiled ones. An egg drop- “ ^ ox * ftU °^ Englishman, iinporto . j J?, ' *} m * 8 rc, ’ n "hntUura making it look j rt u young man of dandy out, polished nod into hot. wator is not. only a clean 11 , ' ul1 ftU ‘ l lwo heifers into Ronasa^r , * k 1 ° ll, “ property 0 * w,n,M |M>naaut growu j manners aud a glib tongue. Ho has and handsome, but delicious morsel. 1 ®P un A7* , N « W Tojk. In 1H1B Mr. Curue- | r, 0»« I,M u J ,l '‘ r ris«;s regularly taim «‘*«n aoveral times iu tku houaua ho Moat people spoil the taste of their eggs t'lsCooledge, of Boston, Miwancliunclts, ! ut ». warms Ins coffee, winch is pro i m „ harvested of money and jewelry, ^ vricu xviiilki m ii.-m. i.M,r by lulditig pepper amt salt. A Hi lo I imported a bull and a heifer into that P^od over night, on hli lump fed by ; , mt K uspeoted too l«tc to be caught. I -V K . K .!i:r‘:. r J n.’:" sircot tnitter is tho bast dressing. EtffP* fr «ra the herd of Mr. Mason, of "! >lr f ' of mit im- n« meets ono lady at her own front i lKoch «"* r ' * noniainplioaplitmia, which iaaupposmi to . OWlton, in tho contdry of Durham, | medlntoly into tlio park. Im irn dds doer returning homo, and politely npol tic useful to those who uaa their brains I Euglaud. Freouent import ut ions have u yo air as Jie walks up nml down ’h'', ugiaos for imviug made a uiatako in piuch. sumo linen nuuro, np to^ 1852--fl-i, when ®''eys, his nuiaely shaven fund, wall- . (ho house. Shu soon tlnds out that her Ided, tho ly put up in good ! POTATO H ^ ,rUh ' ¥ Ih, nml car. fully i cotton- Miasuair. Oood OrUlui Dr. L. Q. C, WISHAKT’S Office, No. 213 N. Sfwml-.\t, Pliiladflphia, l*a r 5'?-5i®£SriS% d n' $72 ^ r, ’ " r ' u ^ 1 1 ■ Mcknnmed ( huichCH. w t ni|uu . . his olnsel v shaven m era! spirited compauicH in Ohio ami hirrowed with wiinkles, his stiff, black chamber has been invaded 325! Kent ucky made importations of tho beat ?™ VRt , lo V^ | cattle to be found iu the English lierdi 1 slouch list, giv Id Lutheran ra There aro a great many churohes in ! The American Ilord Book of eight vol .preparing his Sunday serai) thin city that arc knowu bettor by thoir i dm on descrihes more than 7,400 bulls ' ” the mnrslinl commences a gone slang nnines than by any other. First over 12,000 cows. These cattlo are . ro «'“l of inspection through tho stabl ami foremost is "The Little Church mw to ho found, either as thorough Hf-mary, mills, and distillery, until Arouml the Corner," that is n-ver called broils or grades, through the uortlicrn ll ^' Uio orchard, whore ho loves dunly finds that ho has mistak. by nny oilier name. Before it reoeivod and middle states, all over the west, | *° linger, knife in hand, now prut ieg house of bin lady friend, who livi that name, howi'ver, it wss called the I hayo^taeu driven, over the plains into j '!1;V. ° r « ,ui “, u f ronioviug thu next block, su«l after many cxi lrv is gono. Another lady amt finds a stranger iti her parlor fixing his hair nml viewiug himself iu n glnss, us though he had just made a cail and wished to get bin appearance up to tlio mark before anybody came ‘ EPILEPSYsatVTE! 1 Ohurch of the Holy Cucumber," from California, into Oregon, in the valley of the way in whioh it covert tho ground, The present name linn become so popu lar that few know it by any other, ami I eotibl not now toll you what i's mil name is. WflOU tho exoltoment about this church waa nt its height, 1 used to see a drayman’a cart about town with "The Liltlu Church Arouml the Cor ner" painted in big letters on the dash- Tho Rev. Dr. Bellows' church, tho Willinmctto and the Columbia; destined to go iuto every plan > cattlo are mioooosfnll >od lo rbnge nbomids, - /, i (Ac Ohio J , \iruuir. tired r. trapes, hand, now pi ily branch, or nmm ron id twigs. At 10 he breakfasts bowl of soup or glass of wine, with islicc of bread and butter. Then h ugh Inn correspond fticc I for hit jIndies have to 1 intrusion taws himself out. The f that house find that they will stock of jo Horsc-Tlilem on tho Plnlm rOei Walking foil some neighbor, and tho return does not take place until 8 o’clock for terc Ou Sundays alouo he slistains from work, but after going to church he spends the ,rnl Hboriiliui loft Ihhur wiiohr ii „( I I hio » “K.'l ; a bund of ho i, heailod by tlio notorious dea- perado, .Tack Dunnigan, invaded the pia.'o and HuccecdiMl in runuiug off eov- enty-Uvo head of fine Imliun ponira be longing to tho agency. Sheridan heard of tho bold exploit the next moruiug. id latm; civ cligio ailing*, for he is s. Oltcn at- niwht he tomb, winch ia o«>u- Not A1 heists at All. tic© of the well-known Dr. Mason, appears that tho patient, a Miss Wyud hum, aooompa-uicd by lmr rntdiosJ at tend ant, went to have her Ueth exam ined. l)r. M. advised her to have * largo upper tooth druwu, nn 1 at hei urgent request ndmiuisturod uitrous ox idugttn. After a few respirations it war,, , , ... nottevd that tho pulse was beoocaiog ! ' T h° bolioVod tlist l.e did not bo rather weak, aud tlio inhalation stopped. , > n Gt>d, and who nocepted hiB snp- Tho patient had not become iuteunbl., . P 08 * 4 ” , ^! u *^ T ^°, r Bulr however, and endeavors were made i °’ r l 1 . lu * r " ’ l.'i'daU has re- extract the tooth, but tho pain was B0 ; podibted thu.oo.uatraot' which is built of alternate layers marble nml brick, is kuown as th "Holy Zebra," or the "Beefsteak. There ia a church further up town o the Dolly Vardeu stylo of arohltcctnr tiiat goes by tho name of the " Hoi., . Oil cloth.” S.. Alliatik ia tydled the 1 end sout ordura to Fork-Dodge to p " Holy Candlestick," from its very high | *»no tho thieves aa soon ns possible, and church tendencies and there i* another ’ ^hei \ found "to plant them ou the kuown as the "Great Tea Warehouse i prairio" without uny further ado. Act , of Prayer." An EpiaeoWl chmeh on *>»K muh r these orders, two detaohiro nt* Fifth avenue, in tlio neighborhood of started out from Dodge hard on thn Murray Hill, whoso rector and curate I trail of tlio flying thieves, who. bur- have each ttuv uneviwblo reputation of) duned by the unmanageable herd of v v M ,• , v , being cruel flirts, ia known as the iwuitw woro making slow progn sa to- r afford to^nSv «80for a atiorNhom ImB " Otmroli of the Holy Jilt a.’,’. There ward the northeast. About eighty * to P'D t<>r a Short-Uorn bull «w other olmnhM «i)h ln« U.IZ, mil* uorUi o) I> 0 ,' w o. on .he | ^•? but tiicao arc among the beat kuuwu.— . lorji of the Pawms*, the military came , • ^ * ■ • 01 rntUf upou the thieves, who, seeing Hurt their r,.. 1 ,, in , time had evidently oome, prepared to 1 L; 11 , r '* 8 ' fll < ^ m0 ^ t,mn I ♦!... II.; * ... 1 froO. All good datrvmei) visits his coaled by ook in tho park. She died on Christmas night of lSOfi. Sho young and charming, aud they npy to have been temleily attaohed to each : general debility, as wo bear of from all other, ultlicugb he might havo becu her : quarters, us the results of this famous father. Whenever he arrives at his { vegetable spuoifla No true philan liro- sear, his first care, prior to entering his pist will regret to seo spirituous liqi to go nml pray nt her grav »•--»»— **--• * ** He tliss robs his victims before tli very eyes, nml his genteel sppt nr and charming nddrea i help lorn in out of people's homes at his will pleasure. ThbLathkt Tinruvn oy Tuupkhanpi, Wc congratulate the temperance worh on the ancoosa everywhere attending the use of Vinegar Bitters. Curtail preparation oontainiiig aloohdl hi eomplished such cures of malariona fever, bilinusuess, dyspepsia, rhenrna- i, lung complaints, constipation VENTRILOQUISM, ^'ASTHMA CATARRH. V. iLi.WI.IX,' .IrpU t'rMk. Okl*.l tnud ing tl,f ii ml,!," m'i.,“ibTTS: Vi, W. H. NI0DL8 * CO., CUMBERLAND UNIVERSITY, Cellogo and Imtltnte, MSHVILI.H ItKUVT k STRUT#* BUSINESS C0LLE0B, TEEEORAPII INSTITUTE, Xo. . Oorlh I I,.r, | Htre.l. THE EEADINO COLLEOEB. a, Oak; ,J 00 111 UEAS0S3 why th.y *U1 dj yonr work QUICK and EASY, CHEAP and CLEAN. |g| Flit) urr Chtiijiotl lo buy. Tbr) an 1 best lo ute. (0 nicy bukf rvfilly an.! qnifkly. 1 litir oprrallon it prrfrrt. Tliry always hate a enoil draft. Ihr> arc mailr of the beat innltrial Tin') hmi.iI prrfrdly. O Tliry require bill lilllt furl Thr> arr vrry low priced, mthry arr rniily nuioagnl. M Hu rirr snilrd U- nil loraUlirx. LU Kvrtj Slave cnarnntrrd to ci>r xalUfae'n Sold by Excelsior Manufg Co st. I>lUia, MO., AND 1IT RICK HBOS. » OO., N-w Opreo*. fa.j K. angiTHAnT k OO.. MwnpUl*. T*nn.; rHiLLtiauinTonr* flHIGflGO j EDGER THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PAPER IN THE COUNTRY. C*rsi.5Q A-VNUM Uiexceilod by any Weekly Literary Publication, East or West. CASYASSKHS VYASTFD IV EVERT TOWN IN TUE UNITED STATES. Value or Blood. York l.< ltt\r. tight the thing out to the bitter end. There wore only three of them- .. The lOMulnlom to ),«to .wrnig t V < '' . 1 ‘!’l K ' or " t ’ Ki lia,-k .gain, ,'otm Htn.rt Mil), 1'i iiig P,, * U . U , * [ f - 1 1 K do.#, haa .pokon of ro!igimi in a ni.n- ^'f 1 ,^ 11 u - n.T which haa shocked these of hi* dis- r al,u !>’ down 1 g tho pel of, suppose from vour thirty cows mmtnrv with itarL of jjie lumii's •• ■"* tiiise ten lirifrr os)\pr orthedaiYy. tho,- Sought S of '.urrondor ~aud " f "Ir't'T.r'T' ..alralv laid down in tlm " butTaln wol. ‘ |mi»-.d ll.ol, oioolloid liolh for with Umar riflo. lo «eo tho thing lk - ^ “ " l ? not. Pnr noarl.v an hour tho .kiruX .... , .... llll( gnat that, iigam at tlm lad/a j !mjTLTc?«v"d lln" ,! |m , ^i,“ 1 nnt n,“n ' l , .\* > 1 mid litondfr •• flaul.d " ilm * m,, ° ’ i t.v .iiKoa tk.l *1..... .. . n » Villi •xix'lled from medical use, if th be safely dispensed with ; and that they are not necessary in auy case of sickness, whatever its character, appears at last to have been demonstrated. If public opinion is capable of making any im pression upon tho minds of the faculty, • . , „ they wi‘ l ere long introduce the most. ^ ! ' Vor .* h ?. u! - y I of modern medicines iuto the * liospitnl*, and prescribe it in their prao- tic»‘. The milliona have given the nr- \ tfelo a fair trial ; it ha* more than an- j swored their expeetutions, ami no theo I retie;il iimposition can slmke their faith | THE WEEKuY SUN. racing their t it. |()N K . IKK OK LIV J^K,‘ ° r U Wile . Buffsle. NY.; | 3 * walking adrertirement for j j-h," Portative j that he in of tho epiuion that the weight i of evidenoo i* In favor of the hypdtn&ia , that there is a G >d, who is v«vrv wise i i end exceedingly owerful, but ’ iho gas was given a second time. The . l4 . ..... _ . operation appeared to be perfectly sue- ' ° either that there was no G.>d oessful and tho tooth had been drawn, or that G *«l if he fisted «t all, wn* when suddenly tho patient’s features ' only molecule. Mr. Fitrjamo* Rtepbrn t>ecame livid, nud it was nt once rent that something wa« wrong. Ass; tanec wasiramtutiutely obtained and uv ery thing done to restore oonscionsncp*, >tit death ensued in a few minute*. . Cue evidence at the inquest showed that ,. r * Fnajame* oteptien « taller, np to the day of her death she enjoyed » ]<'B»*ttu r ht-tievoleut, Aud to cjvwii { sxoelleut health, and that neither before | , Buxley, to the infinite grief >r after death were auy symptoms of «dmirera, haa com* for-, rganie disease observable. , ar ^, ° Ha - V that ho must u«»t ta num- WfM among ** fatalistic, inatcriHluUo, Ownier fiout Kattug Nan. or atheistic philoroplnT*." As thia is tho season for drii kiug ci- p* it and anting nuts, it may not be amiss t Tub L»l>.uion Shaker*, new in o give a hint which may ta usefal. in convention at New York, are ledical men advise that ult should be | spoken set. When at toed tf tti taken with nuts, especially when they ; Irinas, carried out, would no| dej^ pn- jmt of » mill. '*TOoopiug cottfehi toe eaten at night. One time, says a lau* the earth in a Trry brief ptri>d, aays the Manx Tittos, •• is at the prer 5jter, while enjoyinu n visit from an they reply: "Certainly, tLat m pro- cut time exceedingly prevalent in th E^hshman, hickory nuU were eomd , citnJy what we are driving at." south q! the Uiuid, ‘uud on S.rndav i IWLIV. s quite i • Urrh Heuiody, tin iliatlgured medicines 3 poundA and f caUitH ef . ' bad tli illains. Meantime another party nuder f a * v 'cl'n'' nt . on ^ the direction of Ageut Miles m>rt ,, "°«hl t»o worth t?10 per hoavl w ■w«- .i-u«... oir-ttdM». ttrkta sr'tes) z’v l-Ld. tz't i r r ' to Hiitohiusoti and tl,„n<v the ' . ty , U b ". l 1 f* oountrv to o„me point tj«r A d.irvmau (vrtajuly wot tli, but ho ftuectodod iu e.,-oiling , 1 h “ csplure, and .orn-tioi .omowLi-to 1 s ” “ 'f Retlero for tho iu I’l.tto euuatv, Mi«wuri. Dunnigiui r-’U .te,'!. fi,r theliutohor. Hah.d is the moat canning and deliberate horse-thief on the frontier, and SW0 will roadil. ta given for his capture. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. i AN ELEGANTLY BOUND CANVASSING BOOK , better pay double Urn sum that F. ; Hops for a bull of milking Short horns i o • Avshire or Jersey blood - AVn* York i The abovei which mger doubt that tlio Bocu^ra in<Uicm io worst c»iea of chronic catarrh ? d flf;ecn | idled and I health than J ''L'iv js-y. fair aatuplo of hu-.drod* AV. i received by Dr. Pierce, V Ih tharlona Snperstltlons I'ked, Josh Billings was ; , .. .. , j >8 sound travel ?” .v cnrunie supt-ratit ion nreyailp on tho , depends a co ml dost on tlio .l.m uttlo or Site. It to IHd , ff.-rt that «ro t.lhiug »hjnf. " Th. , out- m»,v Iv- pr.s, rvi'd from whoop- d inu-r liofii. tor, tr„ ,!,'<•■ iog-oough l|^M | ^ In tho J».p- mil- iu » s.u.u.d; u-Ulo uu t'3 gft UP to be three-quarters of an h »ur going up two pair ol stairs, and th n u.vt have , strength euouga left to ta heard," u. Forsyth, Bynum & Son, druggiats, cf Oak. Florida, write. Sept. 16, IS74, fol- Pr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y.-Vonr ‘ 7. „ ss Duuihers of <nir oiutiot , , friend«testify- with i loasute. Yeur Favorite 18 halt a Prescription i* indeed the great favoiite with ilHltufiyu the.Wli. aud numWe o*u say with joy that Low fast low < that it , Golden Medical I)i* iso yon -«* very largely and ad of a j complete GODEY’S^ LADY’S BOOK Peb ! im?aSiuo^^Vtta'fl" advai,C * ' Ur ^ A. Copy or *• THE HE8CUK," ur mi; keys To .AOHIJCK. n is SIM ri E /.V COM "TH VC IIUX, SAFE l.\ 01 ERA TfOM. ASb CEUTA IS IS NFS Cl 7,v FOR VILLAGES. CHURCHES, RURAL HUMES. ISSTITUT1 OSS. ETC K A YS TOS E A PPAIIA TUS At . ... THE MOST PERFECT MKASS OF JLLU MIS'A T/OS YET /) '>'/?<) VER *'/> PA M PHI. NTS ASb FLU. IS FORM ATI OS O applica nor <7 AS MACH! PRES., a H. HAA Kit, SEC-: th .v.t.v ST.. PHILADELPHIA: lto It BERT Y SEW YORK. t ha* “ health Tl; m-Rjids of women blt-es the day on which Dr. Tiarve'a Favorite Fretcription waa first j nd haj»t‘i i whh to m I’ltACTICA L Bl'SI- * KUL'CATIUN, attend aod svedoam M k Uniee: and dm; ihorcotibljr manac«d JONES’ CO.nwEliriAL. AND IAPH C I KLKU It A PH CULLKGiC, OPTICS MAGAZINE, 1875 of ICO pafet oc»ta!aia* Usu oV'sjVn.w* papery ud anlmnea aaawiaa owl al MiwttUi. STEINWAY j Grand, Sqnare an! | Superior to all oiben. K valuable informal! m -or tbo' -i- '. *^55 j maU? n ad«/r«a e DM^Blfrr-: « btreet, Ht. Loit*, fiat,-.