The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, January 02, 1875, Image 3

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THE KECOllD. A Lire Country Novrspapor. Publ »hod Every Saturday Morning by W. S. D. WIKLE & OO. I Tiif. Christmas Thee—At u littlo nf- tor eovou o’clock, on Thursday night, i tho court houso was. literally packed I witji men, womou and children, to ' witness tho distribution of presents, _ | when it was announced that the iloor } was giving way. A panic and stamp- $2.00 edo was tho result of this nnuounce- 100 ! ment, and tho court room was soon rjJ! i pretty well cleared. disgrace upon the institution ho had sworn deserted his cobles in tho hour of Whnt is Time. ‘Time is tho warp of life,” said ho; peril,but is nctnnlly loading tlio( j rl '“ u ‘" ll "> *»». 10 11 of tho onouiy, therefore bo it it* , i nskod tho nnoiont, votiornblo dead, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ono copy, ono vow One copy, six nioulhe Ton copies, in clulw, one year, each.. Single copica All eubecriptiona invariably in advance. No i Slink OOVertll inches ... , name entered upon the liat until tho Bubacriiv | ter tho lloor was braced, by placing ‘ ‘ . ‘ * I props underneath, what remained of 1 * nA Th,,f ,n n ‘ 1 ‘ 1,,,on to tbo RATES OF ADVERTISING. j the crowd again solved v 1st, That wo in solemn council at - scmbled, aummariily expel W. Ed Wood, whoso patriotism dwindles inti) The Iloor ImO i iusigniaoauco in oompnrmon with n tho coulre. At-' Itouadiot Arnolil, with tho usual An- 15.00 25.00| 40.00) 05.00 25.0o| 4i Piofeaaionai and llutnflo inch or lean, $12 per annum, In advance; aix month*, $S. All advcrtiBO' meats due after first insertion. CHUllCII DIRECTORY. 2ud, That in addition to the above, mble.l, "ntHl tho 1 wo thiuk, tlmt, having lillool the high- . .ist oflioo8 of trust in our l.odgo, ha j n..'y ro ’’ morits the fate of tho Spartan ambat-1 Andrade ! adors, tho ostracism that was visited | 1 A„ upon tralorious leaders of tho C who wrote and warriors who blod. From tho cold g’-avo u hollow manner Uuwcd, "Time sowed tho good wo reap in this I nskinl n dying sinner, oro the title Of life luid left his veins: “Time! "ho replied; o lost it ! nh, the treasure! ”—and lie died. 1 asked tho golden sun ami silver spheres, Those bright chronometers of days and 6 M.~) "l2 M. i distribution of presents commenced, * 1.00* a.50|t a.oo!«~w«iai ! was gone Utrough with hurrMly iio.oo 40.00 The pleasure of tho evening was do .u.ra,, 40 00 05.00 i , , .1 ... \ isoo 25.oo| 45.00 06.00 i20.oo troyod by tuo UQor giving «nj. a.. . , ... . .rbrs ~ «•«“■ '•»"»« 10 i w >- > “ rm v’ V i ; * p.y.l,,. qu.ri.tlr ; vinlu the entire, and » feeling r - v llf ““ , ... -i .... .... .. , * .. 1 lied Tn if. tn cmismtumec of relief was manifested wliou it nnuounced that tho yielded its last present, when tho largo audicnoo quietly dispersed, not very but Professional Cards. E. W. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CKO AH TOWN, O A. T^HOMPT nttontion given to Claims. J Ofllco with Ivy F. Thoutpson, Knst side Court Houso square. out 17, 71 Wm. M. SPARKS, .t tto it ne y at law, Codartown, Cn. ocI 17 7 I. ,1. It. It A It It E It , IVolatr.y T*iil>lie jh d, That in consequence of our re* troo had : P°&tod failures, tho destitution of our forces, together with many o.her tul- for ytornlty prepare, iked the sensbits in tlicit* amtunl round, Which beautify or desolate tho ground ; And they replied (no oritolc more wise), ••Tim Folly's blank, and wisdoms high eat 1 asked it spirit lost—but O, tint shrieko That j ierued my aottl! 1 slimlder while I It cried, “A particle! a spook; a mile Of entiles? years, duration infinite! ” ATTORN K Y Crtliti'lnwi AT Is AW, , (in. KING ^ sIA; A TOIvNEYS / Crilnitoivii, < ^AFFICH in Court House. W.V Biptist Clinton.—Regular 8ortice», mi. „ , . , . and :id Sundays in each month. Rev. Court well plonsou with tho evenings ontot nry Brown, Pastor. Sabbath-school wisdom to accept tho terms of stir I render offered by our victorious ono ott: 1 :: aml"7 Nnbbnth; Rev. Wi Sabbatli-sehool at ' "l "o'clock,T M." «. H. I .a Pi ado, IV 11 tninmont. Tho troo was a native — ...., ami was literally loaded with | '“'“W T 1 MK flu ‘ t!eS3 Bl ™8- i glo for indepoudot! 4th, That PhI.SHYTKUI\S ChI'Ki’II —Serv and 8d Sabbath every month, Rev Taylor, Pastor, Habbath-school all) .Musoiiir. C.\t.r.Doxi \ I.odok, No. 1111. V. fc Y M Regular communication, the Gil Frid night in each month. J. S. Stcbus, YV. M N. M. \V incur, Secretory. Good Triiiplnrs. T.--Mods every Friday night (except Friday,) J. M. HARRIS, W. C. T A. Iloor., Secretory. Grunge. Coiqcitt flRAKUK, No, 20- Regular m< ings Saturilay heforo the third Sabbath each month. Polk rounly Fuinirr’s ( It Holds its rcgu’nr meeting* on Katun before the 4th .» John 0. IVa all kinds of littlo Christmas tricif star, j Mr. J.S. Stubbs got tho prettiest prc~ ... i . i boom linmodiatt ly l I ent wo saw—a largo, nuo two-story I t h f J 'p' cako, tho lower story lined with rod look, apples, and tho upper ono with can- j dies. Afto'* making a careful culouln- tion, our presents niuouuted, in r<nunl M 1 numbers, to 00000, and wo felt happy. •Time in thcMutiMon fair of living wml, Flto path of glory or ttio path id Hell." I asketl my Bible, ami mutllinkH it .said, ••Time is tho present hour, the past hustled, Live! live to day ! to-morrow never yet (.);» any lutniuit being rose or set I nukcil Obi I'ltihcr unto Imnself at lust; >t in to with Mut in a moment lie Hew swiftly, d every member tho enomy, ! nei"fov both l\, in order suit able 'i fc ~n“'- SSSu .nr C«. M. W. C. and \. i.ohtml that the hitter nnimrsi- j ties ouigondcrcd by tho tong and ten i- blo war through which wo have just passed may bo tho more readily recon ciled. Thiso resolution being passed with- •Mortitl! • wind angel wtio sltall stand unit tut solid land : I, “the mystery now is , but Time shall be no ClUUHTOW.N, C i A., Doc. 25,1374. • Editor lltvord :—I notice in the E: ■ press of the 23d, my nnme suggested out a dissenting voice' the club as a suitable ono to be run in the next journed sinr die. election for town councilman; ami as ] that paper will not be published again ! until after tho oloction, 1 desire, thro’ i your paper, to oxpross my thanks to j those parties suggesting my name, for tho confidenco reposed, and to de- • clino, unconditionally, to outer the ; 11 canvass for municipal honors. Wife, Children, and Cr When tho black lottrrud list to tlto ^ ..Is V li H. LiimiErrEit, Sec. \Y. 1). WmctiiT, (5. M. \Y. \V. M. Sr.uuis, Y. P. pro 21. l<Milo\ . M. II. MV KM. l'r Our Agent?. E. V. Fcallu'fsiott, l.iuio Branch. It. S. I’rtttillo, Taylorsville. W. |'. West, Ksom Hill. <A’ll I I»A V .N < l.MMi .' AN - LCX’ATi 1 i: M i John E Huani.h If You Waul Factory Thread at $1.25, A Good Wool Hat at 75 cent -, j Good Pleaching 10 cents, j Whole Stock lh ogans 1 50, Tobacco sound ami tine 155 cents po Good llark llorso Collar 50 cents, (.)/• any uthn’ arlirla loir dm ni, ’ Call on J. S. Si?J ’• 1 A C etiildre If lilt' : 1 Tho f Hit'll, To Ai. for all kinds of Sewing \v. ||. WIKI.i:. , Whom r Mv medical i isted to ct: an uo Ion work fo l"uless s i(|U i I < id board iug of the Farmers Club, I the following doleg.ites to th ltnal meeting of tlm State Ag • nothing •ttlenient is nvido, my sorvi •ertainly bo discontinuoil.. \l R. THOMPSON, . at Tho (ho — of February m \t, were m l. clod : T. M. Paco and Muj. S. M. II. Hyid, with JC. W. Everett and J. O. Waddel, nltornates. li* t «»f P. C. II . Ei. -Don't forget that next Tlmrsdty, J.ui. 7th 1 is tho day for election of Mayor ami Councilman. Wo present below a ticket which has boon agreed upon, and who have all consented to serve if elected. They nro all goodfmen—* j not l<v> ijuewj and ii.r.rjxTinirid—but all old enough to take euro of them selves ami the interest of tho town: run m a volt, IVY F. THOMPSON, L. S. LKDBK1T KU. AI.DKJtMKN, j. p. McCnXNBLI.. J. n. WaDDBI.L, E H. STONE, I>. II. WALTHALL, Wm. H. PHILLIPS. :ck, tho bull enli ;< r and coming She wound is ccideiilly shot no night lust w Ito middle Fin; ear tho wrist, ory serious, ami will soon bo wel MaudIKD.— At tho residence o \ Turm r, Esq., on 22ml of Deeeii lr. W. Ed Wood, to Miss Ella'S her, Mr. W. -I. lb. to Miss Kate Ho To tho few O. O. II. In pursuance of i o<-ln mitt Ion. Kurviving memh r- olat ions her unto appended, adopted at our last pot KMAHT, t •(/.•—Editors of papers claim to mould public opinion, ami in somo cases propose to bo gun tliai s of the poor. I have a question or two that inloteslu especially tho poor men of our country, to which tho people of this part of tho country want tin honest and candid reply, from all editors disposed to give an answer. Hm After tho close of tho war, whou ; , the nigro was freo, cities and towns b trnl to ashes, Fields ami property all ! Th over this country laid waste and ties- j troyod, Bullock and his horde of ofli- (vis, wire in authority in this State. Well, the people complained groally, (and some of us thought very justly), of our great burden of taxation, and | the answer by editors and others to j our complaint, was that Bullock and 1 hii crowd was stealing the money. Well, time brought about a change. We got a Democratic L-gidulure, and j Governor Smith ami his crowd got in nlll v, and tho year 1871 (lads us taxed about three times as much on j tho same property, nfl we paid under j the Bullock thieving administration. Ami all this after tho recuperation I of tho country, tho accumulation of hone property, and tho taxing the last bed- ! quilt the poor man has to keep his .porn wif., mid children (ruin freezing. Thu ' The question is, who gets tho money now '! I low in tho govorunieiit to Jf 1 ' 1 '! 1 ! ; learn economy,* and curtail expenses in its adiniiiistrotiou if tho people don't demand it at the bauds of ovory man who shall ask the people for an I ofllco in the government? 'The poor : lab uer is foieed to curtail hi i expon- 1 soft and deprive himself of some of the necessaries of life that ho may live ; an l pay his tux, and at. the Hamo time the t.dicers of the government are 1 growing fat and rich by taxing his i labor, and wo see no disposition in tilers to reduce salaries, (Tho list of what futo for tueli luortn intomls) At Hit) long string of ills u kiml goddes rolciilcd, And slipped in tiiroo bloss li ;••, wilY, anil friends. In vain surely l'luto maintained he wi cheated, j For justice divine could not can puss i ends. L’ho Holiomo of m .u's ponmioo he swore tv defeat etl, For earth Imoontes heavon with wit etuis. k of 1 ill scoured, oft in bankruptcy a'ltrl issues bills which nro never ! ted. wife, olii 1- I W. 1\ T HUN E U , ATTORNEY A’F RAW Fnlitilnwn, tin. O FFICE South of Court House, hot wot Huntington and Wright’s stores. IVY l\ THOMPSON, Attorn «\v nt Law, OEDAItTOWN, CA. ^"^FFVCE —East side Court House square. WOFFORD & MILNER, j ATT.»1 J.N KYS AT LAW Cai'torsville, till, ^AFFH3E in Hank Building. Juno 20 WOE FOR I) & WIKLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Roai Estato Agents. CMITEUSV1I.LK (> A, U. U. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, CKDAUTO ir.v, a A. ^ y'FlCE over Mr. Reese’s l)ru,( Store. Legal Advertisements, pKORGIX 1*<)1 .K COUNTY.— \\. Al Dai of personally, same lit 10 o'clock of Jiuuinry, 187a, this the8Uih of Duccm- b r 187'. ’ JOEL BREWER, Onl’y. pEORtilA, I'OI.K COUNTY. -Win K.j VJ Richnou has applied for oxcinptlon of personally, and 1 will pass upon the same it 11 (.’cloak, a. in., on the nth day td’ January, 1875. This December 122, 187 '. i JOEL BREWER, Onl y Slkcrill Sales I'm* Jniiiutry. ho sold ho foro the Court e door, in Codartmvn, Folk conn, ty, door gill, on tlrsl Tttersday in January, next, within t Ito legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property: Lois of land mintboi'H SUB, 8510 and do I, in the Hist district and llrd soOtloit of Folk oottnly, da., also, nuinbor '2‘2l', ‘257 2.11 255 2tKl 51111 5140 87 d?7 2H1) *20 1 51510 2851 18/ 88 81 and 202 in the 21 district and ilrd sec tion of said county, also number 280 Mil 507 200 187 08 UOJ 11 12 1012 -87 1027 050 | 1020 500 51 and 607 in the 18th district and Urd section of said oottnly, also live acres ! in i It u south west corner of I MB in tho 18th I (list idol and Jlrd section of said oottnly, also oil number 7!lil in the 1st district and lilt ; section of said county, also lots number 5108 j and 75, in the 2nd district and lilt scoliott ! of Hitld county, also, two Inis in the ! town of Ruokmavt, lot number 0 in block (A) fronting 80 feet on marble street, THOMPSON fc WIK LI. BURBANK & 40NE8, Estate Ager iotlartawn, - - Georgia Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VARNISHES, KEROSENE, T_, _A_ _L\£ 2? S* 1,'KDARTOW.V, asonni.t, Arc now ofToriug the following doV <■- PROPERTY FOR SALE. 300 Acroa Farming La:-. We offer for sale flfi) acres of Ian !, cleared and tin lev good I'o.ion, locate . miles cast of'J'aylorsvillo, six niilasi. of Rockmart, and ono milo from Coco I mill, A bargain will ho given. T... j good upland. Everything Fresh and Pure! 320 Aero Farm--A Barg-' Farm of 1120 ncros, 100 olearod it • ' ” | cultivation, with good fonocs. Now . ling, now smoke home and well of a ooMi’t.r.rn and cttoin: link or water. Tim remainder of llio Inml i- limhurud. The grade of tho North South Railroad passes through litis •• Loi'iilcd In Floyd oottnly, tmi mile* ; Codartown', and about the. mum di-‘ ! from Remo, on Silver Crock road. I very reaMotmhlo, in fuel tho olmapusl ; in North (Jonrgla, local ion oonsidere . Dr. Rooso Residence Drs, Liddoll &. Richardson, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, id friends. lotulod day-spring of youth still by sorrow, Al'ine on itself for onjoyiuonl depend Mut dronris tho twilight of ago if it horn: No warmth from the smile of—wit children, and friends. F.DARTOWN, < 1A., AY he found in their olliee >1 1YTV Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, running hick 125 feel, and lot number 7 in block (A) fronting 20 foot on miirblo street, running buck 125 foot, as the properly of James M Wnro, deceased, By virtue of one tll'n from court of Orilinary Folk county in favor of Mart Ini Ann Ware, vs 1.candor .1 Dupree, Adnilulst rulor on the Etlalo of James at Ware, tleoeased, This lOtlt day of December, 1871. E. W, CLEMENTH, SltorllV ; & EDR(IL\,l’t)LK COUNTY Whereas - Elizabeth II, YatiMovoiidcr anti ,\l V ]i i Ako, having made application for Letters of I Administration on the Estato of Motor Van ! Mcvander Into of sai l county deceased. ; These lire, therefore, to olio nil por- I sons concerned, to bo and appear at lint next court of Ordinary to bo hold in said j oottnly on tlm Hist Monday in January next | to show cause if any they have, why said j Letters should not lie granntud. (Jivon tin der my hand and official signature, This I Nov. 25th, 1871. JOEL BREWER Onl’y I vX W t: Knight, administrator on Ihu es- I Into of Alfred Morrison, decease I, has , made application, in dim form of law, for ' dismission from his said administration, . alledging in Itis petition that, after his np- 1 plication as such administrator, L'oorgiu Morrison, tho widow of suit,' deceased, made application and obtained homestead and | exemption of personally, and in which w h included the whole of the properly bolon, - ing to the estato of said deceased, and Hint I he has fully administered said estate, so fur ' as the law requires. j Therefore, all persons oottoornod will lake notice to ho and appear at my 0IIK10 within the time prescribed by law, to show on ho, If any they have, why said W. C Knight should not he fully discharged from : his said administration. (Jivon tinder my hand and official signature, this Oat. 'J, 187‘1 JOEL BREWER Onl’y I » E H U NI E W. Y LILY WHITE, BOAIV), | TOILET AimCLES (JENBUALLY. U ENL'INE GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE Always on hand. Tooth, llnir tuul JNail BitihIiuh, Couibs, oto. the l^oi* ( ’lirislm;is. A Ftno lot of (htmlioH tin.I Fiuicy j lllll ,' l Y Goods, just rocoivod. On (Jodnr si rue! 1 This is tho most desirably loo'itcd, 11 »i• of tho most boaiitiful rosideucos In ■ The houso is two stories, Ootliio sty! bod-rooms,dining room, kitchen nit 1 try, all well IlniHhod. Five acres i This is a rare opportunity for a grot, gain. Store Houso and Lo. Known as the Rcvsci Drug Slo 'rout, running' 1 t liirt vt Buying fo is low as I It #*'" Uiv ” 0 prepared to so ice for yoursolve Juno ‘20 ly IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to tho WI10I0 Raco of Womon DR. BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator! I I’ XVII.I, U It I NO ON Till'! MKNHPH, tel'pvo „li pain ill Jli" monltil^Y^l’erltHlj’Mvmi,Jlj.eii- cor i Ill'll or" Will las, amt ii.wtl'itl' l‘ , rotiv i .mi t Uteri, eiireii exec Hive llow, mat correct nlrTriu/itunrilliii . , .V..l l V!. 1 '.“j| irrlta'lmi of 1Cl.lary 11 nml ttlml- ■inby ltin lUomh^Blvn lo'lla)elieek, uad uliccr* ' "it Is is’ ri'ei'iroVa all llio nl)ova iIIh. n chus data- Inc Is la IMiIIIh an t Kevi r. , , „ I, iIIhh 0.1a osre IhoaiHulveii or nil ttia nlmvo iuh- i n ,h wi la at revenllau (ticli enm|iailalH la nay Ihthoii, w tile a Ih hi ways mortlL Him to ttiolr prlito u, it iH'riroiiiinomlcil l*y llio host pliyslolnns 10 c erg). i,a(1 a A no 1.', IlHADKIKI.I) A ()') . Alloa lake itlinmii'u la HtjiilaiMmy tialr mikmiwi^as llr. 'J'.'liiniiHoTif'iiKohialelte Inter, ant eoanlilcr It llio tiesl oomljlpiilU uellea to etlier for Hie (lliieaHc'i r.>r Wliieli I i iiatinaaileii. I laivo laiea lamlllar w til t Ipilon liolli as a jiraotlllcjaor ol ausMeme ing hack 0 11 which is a Iiv . lion.l lmsilice. lion. Tho best bargain yet offered. ALSO, A stock of Drugs and Fixtures Fresh and pure. K CLF. AY BLAND, Fashionable Tail : Ccdartown, Ca. A 1,1. oi'ilerh in my lino prompt!/. 1 V and in a stylo not lo 1>" excelled best. Fits guarnilk'od, and all wor , ranted. Try me and ho convinced. L'ial nltenlion paid lo renovating a pairing: also cutting for 1 idles tom. nog. ‘2b W. IT. Wikle & C, i, iv lie tuny im child 1 Th.' suppli- llliooling beside his uplifled hands together ; His rosy olioelt spoko 0! iiealtli, and his mild blue eyes was upturn cd with tho expreesion of devotion peace The port rate of young Ruporl much prized by the painter, who hung his study wall, and called it ••Iniioeono Y'ear* passed away, and tho artist he an old null. Still the picture tiling t lie had often thought of making a found the opportunity, his purpose l.y paying II visit Ion ixdglileii'- iug gaol. On the damp Iloor of ills coll lay a wretched culprit named Randall, heavily iron oil. Wasted was Ins'body and hollow was Ids eye; vice was visible in his face. The painter succeeded admirably, and the portrait) of young Rupert mid Randal were by side, for "luiiooonoc" and (Midi. ” But who was young Rupert. Alas! llio two we ns young Rupert led astray had companions, and ending Ids lifts in 1 damp and shameful dungeon. Truth will never die; thu stars will gri dim, the hiiii will pale Ids glory ; but tin will ho over young. Integrity, uprlghtinn honesty, love, goodness, lliuso arc all i K 1 O p Dr. L. S. LEDBETTER. " “ 'm Dissolui hm. The linn of Wade X Co., in Hi" Saw Mill huainesR, was dissolved, by mill 11 til consent mi the '.Mb day of November instant, by the withdrawal ol W. I,. McClain. The pres ent linn ol Wude.VCo. nro responsible for the debts of the old linn. Nov. 21, 18/1 \V. L. MrtJLAlN. JD- BELLS Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits, modlelno ‘ ■' ttllltU... n best cooilitnitilon lines Tor wliloli It liiailllur w tti tlie iv ,u .nor of medicine iinO ilninesi'd priua lee, nml call lioaoHtl^’ MHy III fame 1 hut every InUy In oar mva Imni. who Hiin'erliiR la any vvuy pccal'ar to tin lr sux, iiiiln toiiroome a bold • Unit lliolr sunurhiffs nmy ant only Im relbiviel, tint ilia' tliey may ImroHtoreil • * sit lb mat HtriiUKt h. WI h ni v kin 'tost re«iir.M. ,ii»puotnilly, W. II. FlCnilll.b, M. !». Nicaii M aIiiicita (lii.^Muroh ya. | aiViiiUouiMO nimm'bta boll le III' llrnillb'ltl’H I'eamln ! Hnuoimor 110111 yon.nail have mil'll ll la my laml'y vvltli 1 In* alanmt Hnlliiriu'ttoa.aail have reeoaimea- ib .1 It lo two 01 tbreeollu r lun.llleH,nml they Imvo foaml ll JuHt whnt It wroeoniiaonitcil. I hofemiili'ii wtio have asm your Ueaiilntor are la portent Iiealtli, unit are nhle in alli'iiil to lliolr hntiHoliolil M OMO'H. ill tutor froiii yoti.nnii ii’uvo used It In my lainl'y li ibe olnnmt imlmtaettna.aail have recoaia ib il It to two or (bn eotla r ruiiilltrH.nnit tliey I • ’• "hut It Isroconiniomle " 1 your Hegiilutor i nolo to uttoial to ll... •orillallv rnoommoml It to tbo put). Me. Vouru. ru»„.™,n.ljv, n „ jnnNHON, Wo could add a thouiinnd oilier cortllb-nton, hut wo roa-diler tbo nlmvo amply milllolout proof or Its virtue. All \vn ante til a lr al. For rail tmrtloularo, history of (IIhoiuumi, nud ror- tilt on to* of IUi vvoudurltil eiireii, tbo romler Is rm lerri'il to the wrapper moiiail llio boltlo. Mnaursolureil and wild hy lilt A ill' 110ial> dfc CO., Atlanta, On Bold by all <lruKUl"tu. BOOH m STATION NOTION’S, NOVELTIK , OAMKS, FANCY CONFECTIONE, hi.1 r (f ||( SURGEON DENTIST OtliiilniviL Gti. O FFERS li Ih profeHslonnl services to llio uitizeus of (b'durlowu and vicinity. A. E. I > A V I S, / LIBRARIES BOOK OASES —AN I:— Counting-House Desks, Tho lulost Bfcyluu of Furniture choupor Limn any houso in U10 South. My fill'll it nro in matin by ono of the nioHt popular IMaiinfacttiriiij JOHK 0, AU9K, ■ Practical Mechanic & Builder, these immortal priuciph in prison, hut they h before ; those who have their hearts have boon 1 1 tho lKtnember tbnt next Thursday is llio day for election of Mayor and Councilman. Clocks, the best, are in; ide by J. E. Veal, who made th* city clock in ltoine, Georgia. meeting, I, W. D. IVtighl, GrttiKl M gttl and Worthy Chief I O. O. B. W. Etl Wood, deposed, do isBtio rny 15rat prochunation. Bo it known unto tin valiant, bat- tied Beared votorans, who have bo 1ou<. rosifitod tbo encroachment of tho llio day will h >on plo will demand pay of ofli* this ... , ernmont. Wo h >po living truth when tho poo luctioil in tho tho president to the bailiff. Another question: Would it not bo riyht for tho leginhi- turo pay itn obligations in tho way of Kpociu paying bonds, for which ito They have been been freer than shrined them in cd al tin’ slake; r witnesses Imvu wi can Hivullow up the ever- IJml. Yen kill good Hi, mi.) iiu,«rily, in ill, the way that- ih consistent it bo u way everJusting. Watchmakor and Codartown, iw ORK done | tho North-wost. 1 defy 1 in quality and price. 0 11 1 yoursoIvcH if you moan lmniuo don’t allow any houso in Goor undora. ll mo CEDARTOWN g llOllSUQ mi potion OH DA U TO ll r .\ r , LM., I ARE S i'» script ion for any Boo! rlodieal published in tho Unite IN Buhlishcrs lowest prices.] " XT E 2 D L B For all kin Is of Sawing M.ioliluos. F uIhIi Atlaohmonts, Oils, etc. YV.i Needles by mail, to aay addross, on 1 of price. Singer, 115 cants por ilo< others 8‘) cents. Martics wotlhl do consult us heforo buying goo Is fro dlers, or Handing North to tho v Hwitnllors and humbugs. Any good TH A Y IdLKIDS GBl I) Romo Railroad Comp j CUANMK OF B'JUUULL’. Jowder, Ca. FUKNITUKH nov 7—ly WABK-KOOM 1 5 nil cl in«*M I 1,01 I Uo 5 til 8.15 Pianos and Ouoa.nh.—Wo nro agent for two rolinble houses, for tho salo of Pianos and Organs, or any other mus ical instrument, and will sell as cheap ns can bo bought from manufactures, T , ' . . ,at repudiation, ngimst Bach fearful odds, and i)m . „ n;H(;ltt ,. tl still remain trim to tlm principles of our )• hived institution; tbut, owing to tho fact that our ling, our amuniliou bcin; 1 our supplies, together with tli i paid full value, nud not tqmnt belief What Hiibliinnity dec: vine guidance give us me Inn soldiers had the could die until their ti should die just as soon i family as in tho army, this thought of di The old Muhnm ilea that they nevej -that they mplly and Halisfaclori ly j nulled Twelve Months. Repairing fine watches a specially. All I kinds of Jewelry and and (.’locks kepi, for sale. ,une 20-iy j C/UN GtOVER, No. !>, - - Itrmul Hliecf, BOMB, OA.. 'li,. 1 . „ni„.,v Cherokee Iron Comp'y Store Whnt soldiers Ibis rlora! iio lio 11 as to demand present enormous taxes from its And would it not be well for the j dwiud- people il the governor would adjourn lmuetud, 11,0 , co !" in K ' L, « isl “ ll,rti 0 w '°." ! gani/.ed, and not meet again in live of tho peoplo would cull and got catalogue ami piico ^• 1 **" . evidence Lliat tho all wise disposer of like to liavo thoso qiK stions fairly 20 to $50, and strings human nlF r Smith's Block, IF cal's Cheap Banjos. $1 Premiums ! Premiums 1 :—To all new subscribers who pay $2 in ad vance for tho Record, one year, we will give a now years present of a fine ongraviug, 10X21. Tho retail price of these engravings, at any book store would not be less than one dollar. We have ft few sample pietpres at our of fice. “ A Landscape Study,” “ Far from Home,” “ Aurora," “ Mothers Joy,” Death of Antony,” etc., etc. The new jail pied by two or three boarders. Friend Miuck bus douo somo of the fiucst painting and graining on ! long, tho new juii doors wo have is frowning upon as He did in ancient days upon tho Corsican when lio commissioned tho strong winds and blast to fight against him; it is madness for us to attempt to hold out longer against the inexaustible resources of our ene mies. Therefore, By tho authority vested, and terms offered by our couquerers, I Bworod. TAX PAYER Music. Music lias been said by an intoxication, an enchantment world in which to livo, to combat f tho All tho dilfoioiice, they boliovod, if they did at homo they diial cowards ami irjitorx, wlillo if they did in the army they did ih saint,h and an inurtyrH, and went direct lo a world of glory. YY hat it. gave Ilium I Oh! if am I the full fore oil watchch ovc idler wo livo or die p.ll in \\ ilayH curlier or later inakes no dlll'or, j; t hat wo are for heaven, for glory king while (Jod Iota iih work, and re jjoicing when (Jod givcM iih to rejoice—lion irrcKiiUablo would ho thin power, and how l„ | Je ll»|l|lj would wo I,cl j I livo you tllis 11 n |. |' i JlirintiaiiH, ihoiighL that of the I nit, and i ull—llmt „ ! IP YOU WANT TDttST GOODS SHOES, CTjOT HI NO, HATH, CAES, my article generally kept in i thin morning! Do y i (RirisJ, to dio 1,1 gain ! ml Fttihor.oft A FIRST CLASS STORE BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, j Ready-Made Clothing. C 1ALL and price my goods, and I will! J convince you that I hcII llio best ol Good) J cheap for (Juttli. Nov M-2m Cotton I Cotton! I Cotton 111 STOP ANU RJ'-AJJ! 1 will at all liuicH pay llio Rome Full Market Price For Colton. Foi'hoiih wishing to deliver nic cytton iu payment of their ncoouutH, will reucivo COFFINS, UEFA till NO I’UR.N ITUIIE, \o 1 Arrive at Rome 1.15 p. in [ i IiO.tvch Rnmn al 6 80 p. in, ; Arrive nL Homo at 10.10 p in ' I ico and Eaoh train will nnlco closa co!u a. Fiirlioulai' at Kingdon with YVeilorn and A id Irhnmiiig i; Railroad trains hound for Cliallanoa Atlanta. YV. S. COTHRAN, I i JOHN FRfNTHF, Ticket, Agent. Selma, Romo & Dalton ! Trains on thin Road will run ns I . (JOIN'D NORTH. Leave feolma 7.: Those desiring lino would ilo well to oa Charles I Intel. Whop fr It of any kind in bin cull on him at tlie Hi. ting Court House june 2')-ly “ Dalton II, .Making connection at D ill' | E T V tV Ua R IY., and YV & A It R Eastern and YVoaturii oitios and l.i 1 giniu .Springs. CJOINU SOUTH’ i Leave Dalton 6 Arr t Midi Arrive at Selina li* epose soft of painful delight, ; you may know it--you may know Mint you j ucoiupruhcnHiblo and bonndl itornity.” This sootiiH to ho an just a \ lofinition as possible of tho power of iweot sounds over tho emotions of accordance with the tho human heart. And what is not music? All tbo ! , , , , , sounds of summer, from the sweet bevel,y declare peace, umtenal peace, chirpipg of tho tiuios . I)ird or u,c ! for all timo to Como, and order every faintest colic that sweeps miirmuriug ( "“t r ,i',’V,7.i'jb'eeil/' fa 11 Imrinony with (Jo<i. 'J'o he such to tlie foot of the cross. Feel the sprinkled will make blood—feel tlie joys of pardoned sin; he-j calling at come a child of (J01I ; enter on life with higher aspirations and higher uims ; and : . thus your times shall he iu Mod's hand, and to all eternity you shall be heforo tho throne, j h to suit tho Closest Buyers, you j it greatly to your advantage by the above named store, i June 27-1y ! Jj i 1) st 1 1* 1 « : <3 m monlli subject iu rny kingdom to do all iu power to gain Hie confidence of at verboratiou of tho tlmndor-ponl, plated and «cu loaBt ono mombtr from lbo cncrny'B j" " thousand varied ton,« U evident iriftrilcrH. . ... . , • . “O LHC I have hoard a loving mother oak her will ing little boy to bring her a slick of wood from tlie yard, and directly he came slag- ‘ goring back, both arms piled full, the great " 1 nine veins standing out on face and ry fibre quiverin natural to sup- ! ° r his he nl valley, lo tho solemn ranks, with the view to entering into po30 ,. vcrJ . j„ irl of tho c ., ]u „|. caaKkt .1*1., of Ws with the tension ; the instant she burdened oh dionoe, j hiu relief, snatched his load, : CEDA UTOYVN liveif. Sale and Feed Stable, Miiin Street, Cedartovvn, Gu. I Over the market price, during Hi of November. Marties having sold mo Mot ion and lo he delivered this fall, are hereby notified lo bring in the sumo nt once, as it is past duo. \V. O. Bmdim', REAL ESTATE AG’T Hoekuiurt, Gu. NEW GOODS C M 1.EAFKR ON ES JIFFS down lo suit tho 1 Slock, Vehicles, and (5. always oil hand. Eorno time. Though that of work Mauck does. have peace.” D die at our carnival place, this the 27ih ; the kind j Jay of December, 187-1. elevating thought that tho stars cf y„u r heaven are continually moving on to music, and that tho sounds wo daily listen to are but a part of a melody cast thorn upon stock left in i town, which I I goods shall he sold ! any town ' m offering at determined lliat horoufi Codartown tho Htulo. Call and of Folk county many years, and being thoroughly posted in tlie Location, Value, etc , of Lands in ev ery section, fool confident that it will he to llio InloroMl of parlies having lands to sell, to place them in my hands; and those wish ing to purchase Lands can always bo no- commodatcd. I will bo in Codartown on J . , iho 1st Tuesday in each monlli, for tho pur. I ly'low l ,0ri0 of Irausaoling business in-my line. : The following are tho resolutions n m t reaches to the very centre of At the annual election of officers of Caledonia Lodge, No. 121, held on above alluded to Whereon, Only elapsed siuce we were compelled to j indeed outstretched arms. “ Casting all your I care,'' etc. Ho wants to relieve you of lifo’s j load, tlmt you may engage more heartily and successfully in its oontlicis. C0URA(1KJIKNT.—Thcro will always ho God’s illimitable sphere ^ few months have ! inspiring to think of this grand uni ,,2,/g 1/ i„ iho events wliieli her,,11 versal anthem arising in its majesty : lax tlie spring of our resolutions, and sublimity from all tho countless Friday night, Dec. 180, 1874. tho fo.-, lw0 ofour roember9 , and it doth *!£, “LJX .Log “ lowing omeers were electe . j appear from well grounded authority and thanksgiving to Him whoso mercy J. S. Stubbs, W. M. ; A. Hunting- ton, S. W.; J. G Alien, J. W.; \Y. E l Wood, Treasurer; N. M. Wright, Sec retary; J. II. Barber, S. D.; W. A. Bcek, J. D.; E. Howard, Tyler. that several jnore are uow holding i and beneficiouco sustaiu all things. I w t ... n clandestine meetings with the enemy, There is music in every kind thought, gloomy vaticinations w hen wo should incite derate our beat aims Why aliould 1 enervate ono another by silence when ) should apeak, by disparagement when \ shouhl praise, by shaking of the heipl whyn ' should be patting u - 1 the shoulder, by enterprise, by pbxtitudinizing about tlie J-Vl. glo meal, - •• -* • - ---• '■-•••t-i •■■mI good rooms, [shed with p unpardonahlo offcaco of mutfiuiony, 8trillgs / j/ ge utly touched, give forth ! ‘ “iufamnoJ“f Be™ «lg! j strains of surpassing sweetness to rc r ]ifo MJMI’KIN A Me CONN ELf. 1 FULTON HOUSE, 'J'. M. ANDEJISON, late of Homo, (Ja. with F. <J O R R A-j Corner Loyd and Wall sfs. neAr I/nion Fas- Btngcr Depot, ATLANTA, : ; : fJ I{ (J R U IA . • Day $2 (J ); siri- oents, First.:,*lass table KSaloon iu bq-mmcnl tro liiquorH, Fine Wines, july 11 By all mean., cull at Vest's e.uMul, ment i H7i-; rean, Terrible iuroada are being ward tho player '! lSat if fitiprn tilde ..... . „ ‘ ' ,, , , in nnr ranks bv tho fro- and auskdlful tottou tho corns, mhar- UirocicU—mat 'fa iuHubuc. wlnoh ny.icmiu , abea you go ,o Dome. II. .akc. pl.«ur. , dafiy laado m oar ranba by t C c #ud digeord aro thn , , CBU|t ..| Ml | y Icavor.i .ho action or life oaa only, he [ i showing goods ivhetlior you fay or not. ; iiuent, deteiUliaed 0USfaU o ht Ot tht | s . '.. , ,, tmlclj iniscldovous. Briglltnoss l» ho yjf He particularly request the ladies call. No. 27, Smith’s block, 4 Frices of repairing watches and jewelry J M. AY. 0., of reduced to suit the times, at Veals, Rome- j treacherous conduct, bronj enemy, and Whereae } W. Ed. Wood, former G. 1 Should wo not then refrain from touch iug with us, as wo remember that we .• answerable, to a grout degree, for J gPuiVicM Do You Want ?RO FITAB L.3E3 EMPLOYMENT order has by his ; the melody or inhurmony of their be- more like, or c. , bronght etorau 1 in B? 1 t Ue ) r al, " u1,1 pleasant; and whatever imparts; If so, write to Major R. O. RANDALL, infplulso to the current of hope and , General Agent of tho IVlobilO Lif© In- soul tends to make them | surance Company, GaUsden, Ala- orc likely to come, what giving your references, wan u view to oh u | uininp an agency for that popular Company Examine My Slock and Prices, Don't listen to Croakers, hut call and ex amine for yourselves. Highest market price . paid for Corn nu«l Wheat. A. Huntington, Ckdabtown, Nov.. 12. 1874. J. W, BURKE & OOi WIICLKHALE Booksellers and Stationers, AND UEAI.KIiS IN Wrapping Fapere, Twines, Notions, 1/ancy Goods, 4 fJ - Cor. Alabarn t Whitehall sis,, ATLANTA, - oct 3 .2:il Opened, A Boot and Shoe Shop, on tho corner of Prior and College streets, near Ht- Charles hotel. Our terms are CWi, and no work shall lie delivered until paid for. Work dono with dispatch and at siiuMl east. Patronage solicited. Codartown, Oa., Ju Very respect fully, \. W. ILOOE, i(! 2 Uh, 187 I- T | Ar NEW BARBER SHOP. "3JIE undersigned Inis located in C'edar- i. town for the purpose of carrying on the business in oil its branches. Ifyou want “A CLOSE SHAVE” a shampoo or hair out, givo mo a call and I will guarantee satisfaction. june 20 ALFRED EVANS. * ^ho bequest of tlm Into John S. Hopkins, of Baltimore, for thu found- Arrive at Kookmart M. STANTON, Oen. 8. MAYNARD, Asst. Hupt. RAY KNIGHT, U. F. fc T- A^ “ THE KENNE8AYV 110IJTI V/ostorn fit Atlantic Raii and Connections, DAY I’ASSENOBIV -—OU rWAUD Leave Atlanta 8 Arrive at Uhatfanooga •! DAY PA8SENOHH — INWAUD Leave Chattanooga 5 Arrive at Atlanta j NIOHT PAH iCNanit—INYVATH I r.'iAye Chattanooga 5 I Arrive at Atlanta 1*2 ACCOMODATION TRAIN, j Leave Atlanta 8 ! Arrive at Dalton !J j Leave Dalton ]2 Arrive at Atlanta it NEW SCHEDULE. Chorolceo Iiailia From and after November 1st, l! following sohoiliilo will bo run on th ukco Railroad ; i Leave Uockmart 7 i Arrive at Taylorsville 8 Leave Taylorsville. 8 it Mtilcsboro Mtilusboro 5) Arrive at Cartersvillo lb Keturuing. _jst Leave Cartorsvillo |2 Arrive at Siilesboro i* Leave Stilusboro 55 Arrive at Taylorsville 8 Taylorsville 4 0HUH (U4 ing of a university, amounts to three million. D. YV. K. PE At CaidprsvilloOot. 20, 1874.