The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, January 16, 1875, Image 3

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THE RECORD. A Live Country Newtpaper. Publiihed Every Saturday Morning by W. S. D. WIKLE «&> CO. TERMS OP BUR80RIPTI0N. One copy, ouo year $2.00 Ouo copy, uix montlia 1.00 Ton copies, in clubti, ouo year, oach 1.60 Singlo copies Sets All subscriptions invariably in advanco. No name cutored upon tbo list until tbo anbecrip- tion Is paid. RATES OP ADVEllTiaiNO. 1 W. I 1 M. :l M. 0 M. I U M 1 Sqnaro... $ 1.00 $ 2.60 t 6.00 X Column. 5.00| 12.00 20.00 H Column Profossionul and Duslnoss Cards of ouo inch or less, $12 per annum, payable quarterly In advance; aix mouths, $8. All adrertiee- mentn dne after first insertion. Our offleo is now looatod in Lump kin & McConnell’s now building, ovor J. A. Wynn's storo—front room. Wo loam tlmt Copt. Thomas. W. Dodd, of onr oonnly, was ono of tho defeated candidates for door-koopor of tho Senate. We call tho attention of tho public to tho advertisement of J. P. Johnson. Wu havo known him for near twenty yonre, and can recommend him as a gentleman, nud ho knows bow to keep n hotel nud run n livery stable. Tho Rev. A. O. Borden, of the Christian denomination, will pronclt nt tho Presbyterian church on Sunday, tho 2-llh instant, nt 11 o'clock, a. in. CIIl'RCH DIllKt TORY. On last Sunday morning tho cloth ing of n little girl of Cyrus Richardson, oolorored, nccidontly caught on fire, and bo badly burned her that sho ! died iu n few hours. [7i t Messrs W. L. McClniu and J. D. ■ri i Enlows nro making preparations to !l j establish a Restaurant, in tho building j j I occupied until recently by tho Rnconi) tv ; office. Wo wish thum sueeess; and they will succeed if thoy advortiso ill tbo Record, Wo havo boeu engaged this wook in moving our office to moro comfort able quarters, consequently havo de voted but lit tlo timo to our local de partment; but if wo bad, tboro is notbing trauspiriug in our town to muko an item of. Wo bad a plousnut cull this wock C«oo<l Templars. from Mr. Cummings, traveling agout Ceiuu valley Loixik, No, non. I. O. O.' for tbo Sunny South, a now literary T.--Mecta every Friday uighi (except 8*1 | journal, just cstablifibod in Atlauta Friday,) j by J. II Seals. This is purely a 1 ' j Southern enterprise, supported by | Southern capital, and we hopo Mr. (.■ range. ; Cummings will meet with ouoourngo- Dai-tist Cnmcii.—Regular Service.* and 8d Sundays in each month, Rev. ( ncy Brown, I'astor. Sabbath-school o’clock, A. N. Methodist Clinton.—Services ni o’clock, a. m. nnd 7 1-1 o’clock, i*. >i. every Hnbbath; Rev. Win. II.’radc, I’nstor. Sabbath-school at 9 o’clock, a. m. PnK«nTTKUMS Church.—Services 1st nnd 8d Sabbath every month, ltcv. U. F. Taylor, l’nstov, Sabbath-school at 9 o'clock, Masonic. Caledonia Lomus, No. 121, F. k A. M Regular communication, the 3d Frid night in each month. .1. 8. 8n;nns, W. M N. M. Wnioirr, Secretary. of the poor Bad fortuuo of marrying- tbo most illfaYorod, homely, “bolatod’ sistor known to this country ? I boar no censuro for tbo young gontlc- mon of our country nmvryiug, if they tunind to risk it aud tttko tho cbaucos of a atomy lifo, only from tbo sourco before moutioued. Tbo improssious of tbo good, pious, and afliietod Job, wero correct wbou ho askod “ Doth tbo wild ass bray wbou bo hath grass ; or lowoth tbo ox ovor bis fodder ? " Now that is tbo solo nud ouly cause tbo seoiotnry bus for murmuring nt and censuring tbo moro fortunnto of bis sex. Ho has neither grass nor fodder, and bo can't toll whoro bo can got oitlior, and bis 'most knowing friends" nro unable to inform him, nnd bonce bo is ot\- ragod. Could it not bo tbo ditUoul- ty under which bo has boon laboring and thus causing bis lenglhy delay, that bo has boon unable to determine which was most adapted to bis nature tbo grass or t bo fodder. I expoot Ed Wood thinks tbo first commodity tbu most suitable. It is thoMpiniou of somo (perhaps), that tbo secretary has not folt very kiud to mo, aud other very young gentlemen, especially thoso who aro much younger tluiu bo, sinco bo committod tbo groat blunder, in ourly manhood, in trying to sing and bum "Tbo Prairie Flower." And somo may think bo has boon very much oxasporated with us for saying auytbiug about that "vail.” Well wo won’t say anything ubuut tbo "v iiP Mr. secretary, so let us shako bands across tbo bloody okasw, ami fool kiud to us youug aud thoughtless (yott might say boys) mom But 1 am four to oleot a republican president in 1870. Our party iu tbo north is an intclligout and well-meaning party. Ii wants to do rigid f aud when it sots tbo way will do it. But Ibis support by a military forco of a government which onnnot live an hour on its own resources, a government whioh is op posed by tbo combiuod wonlth and in telligence of tbo wbolo state, is killing it slowly and surely." Professional Cards. E. >V. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CEDAKTOWN, OA. P ROMPT nttontlon given to Claims. Offloo with Ivy F. Thompson,' Bant h do Legal Advertisements. W. Court Houao square. eot 17, 7^1 Wm. M. SPARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, of II. n. Hand dooeasod, having implied for loavo to soil (no town lot belonging to f id oBlato,containing BOYcn-olght.of an acre, lying in the nouth west oornor nt' what In known as the gin house held, between I lie Chlsolom place, and tho rosldenoo J. M. HARRIS, W. . 11 ooo, Secretory. CoiqrrrT OiiAStox, No, ‘JO-Regular meet- | mout w l 10 rovor bo may go. log* Saturday before tho third Sabbath In each month, . Polk County Farmer's Club. Holds Its regular meat logs on Saturday beforo the 4th Sunday in each month 8. M. if. RVRl), I’rcoideut- Jons 0. Waddell, Sccrotury. Elections aro bo common that our boys havo gouo iuto tbo business. Au election was bold by them on last Thursday for Tax Receiver, Tax Col lector aud Sborift\ Tbo canvass was short and spirited—a good deal of fronting done on ’Iuhhoh candy. High Lumpkin and Paul Reeso, aged about sovcii years, wore tbo most industri ous cloctionoerors. Tommy llooso aud Billie young were tbo candidates for Tax Collector. received GO votes and Young 17. For Tax Re ceiver Johnio Harrison recoivod 72 NiKDLOi for all kinds of Sowing ‘ V0 ( 09 Alex. Dougherty 5. For Our A pent a. E. P. Feathers!on, Lime branch, U. 8. PatUllo, Taylorsville. W. P. West, Esom Hill. 8A11’Hl) AY JUNING JAN. 10, IK Ii o O a Ij 1 T K machines; Singer,06otB per dozen—all Mb , y| 10r jQ* XIibIi Lumpkin and Paul Reeso cm SO non!,. Will send n, odlvs by moil ou l ocoiv ,, t , ottc j, r,0 votes. Wo hour no receipt of prioo. a ' talk of liny of llm defeat*,1 candidates • (Vniching tbo election, Clocks, tho befit, are mado by J. E. Veal, who mado tho city clock in Rome, Georgia. Obituary. Mattie Alva, second daughter of J 8. and Mrs. M. A. Stubbs, was born April 1th, 1870, and diod January 7th, 1875. I foci that I am on tho border-land of Honvon when I am with little chil dren. If I did not love thorn for their own sakes I would, I think, because Jesus loves them. ‘'Stiller thorn to come,’’ Ho said, and sinco that timo lie bus boruoull of them in His arms 1 lo never tires of childron. Cod forgive us that wbou wo wero older wo grow tired of Him, and left llis arms for. tbo embraces of t-in 1 There are those who have novel* left llis bosom.Mlush- ing them into that sleep which wo call death, Ho boro thorn fondly away to His own glorious homo, while yet. their souls aro unstained by conscious sin. Ho ho did by Alva. Sho wan truly a promising child. Tbo llowor is but tho bud unfolded— wo saw already, in Alva those traits which, developed, combine to beautify uiul onnoblo womanhood. Her heart scorned over ovcrllowing with lovo for all, and site scorned always to crave the a flection of others. Tokens of lovo, a word or a kiss, she would treas nro iu hot* memory as most children would tbo gift of a toy. Amid tho grief at her separation from us it. is a pleasant thought to tbo writer that when sho last incut ionod bis name it was to say "bo loves mo so much." As sho loved much sho trusted much Codnrtown, Ga. oot 17 ’74. ,?. 11, II A It II Hit, Notary Public ATTOltSJ EY AT LAW, Coitnvtowu, Ga. PARTICULAR attention glvon to Inking X Depositions anil collection of claims. KING & JANES, A r I ORjN EYS AT LAW OcHartowu, On ^FFICE iiyCourt House.' for Lovo never double Her soft by scorned tho homo of Faith. 1 think fuLhVwiiiTdt Tloso, "ter 1 mot him I 1 “'‘“'J »* JV '“t* 1 nil UU Will UOl IIU tiU, IUI J. UlUU U1U1 . , . • 1,1- . . ...... <IT mg oalmuess and pure lov.tlnmss. to-day ou tho stroot, nud bo said : ‘ 1 | Alv;l hiu j boon taught by her undorstaud you aro going to answer . mother lo repeat ottRy portions of »gard to tbo ‘‘Proclamation’’ Scripture. Tbo last abo ropbntud wne issucKl Insl wook iuthoRamo? 1 J "Suiter litllo clfiklra. lo somo uutc lol.l him I ,lid not know that 1 would. | A , V;1 nulll n, m , g l,thow Boot! d: "I just daro you to, and 1 j jf 0 wott | ( | tako you uuto Ilimaolf- will skin you." That, forcibly remin- that llo was asking for oui 1 dour ouo dod mo bow Grant did us a few years through hor own sweet lips! sinco, bo, Grant, would do, or cause to ! ', VUH n * c ^ c a hours, and . , ... . , ... ... unconscious much of that tune, bu done, som«thin B lo ns, whmh dul Am , )UR w ,., k1 „ waM tl.o quos- provoke us to say a few things, ami | .. j s iL Uoi p H dny? " "No, Alva,” think much that wo did not Bay, ow- hor mother answered, nor was it; but ing to our church relations, and wlmt to Alva ’twas tho ovo of God s day was saitl, wo got "skiuuod" for it, aud 1 tbo next she was with llim. thou bo would say "lot ua havo poacn" I Vi o mourn hor, gone, fn wo o ot J 1 hor mufcli, but wo would not recall ViollncB, from $1 20 to $60, and atringH j at J. E. Veal®, No. 27 Stnllh'B IUock Now,tbo Eocretnry signed my nnuio as vice president to tb;it "Proclamatiou’ without my knowledgo or con-cut and booauso I want tboso who may havo road tbo "Rosolutioim" and "Proclamation" lo know that I do not nor do I iulcuil to belong to that list of worthies, and because 1 propose to tako and mo tbo sumo moans to do- fund niysolf with,.that in used against mo in tbo unprovoked attack. 1 urn threatened to bo “.Jiined" by tliu sccrotary. Well, wo will havo an in- terouting,"bki«uing. ’ Both of its have -our advantages aud diauilvaulugou. I am larger tbiln bo is and there is moro of mo lo (skin. Y’ut being much youn ger tliau bo,my ukin of course is much tbo moro tender. While lie, being much smallorthan I, yet bis "skiu" is her her, if wo could, for God lov moro. Our star has moved fr but, like tho star of the Nativity, it has stopped wbc easurer’s Itepm’l. Juno 20 F. T U n N HII , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Delia'.low ii, On. met: HJoutli of Court Itonao, liolwoon IVY T. THOMPSON, Attoi-noy at Law, "ta’CAfiTOWN, (i,t. O FFICE —Eu*l nido Court IIoiiro Bquivro. Juno 20 WOfVoRD & MILNER, ATTORN 10 Y S AT LAW Cartel's, ill*, ('.a. QFFIOB hi Ilnuk Dullding. Juno 20 8, A. Uordoi'H, in tho Inoorporuto limits of (Jodurtown in Bald oounty. Tills is, Uforbforo to citu nnd admon ish nil persons oouoernod, klmlrod and orodltoi’B, to appear at my otlioo iih required by law, to bIiow ciiubo if any they havo, why saitl npplionilon Bhoulil not ho gran tod. (liven under my hand and oltlolal higim- luro, this Bill day of January, 1876. JOEL UHEWER, Or.l’y. t. f. HimnAMK, zumm & J0NE$ t Coorgla, Codartown, - - DliAL'.'IW IS WhoroiiK nppUontlon for lottoiH of (luardlaiiHhlp for tho poi-BonB aud |>ro|iorty of Cora Thouip ii, minor ohildro and Hiohoy Thoiap of I*. T. Rlohey, dooeauea Thoso are, therofare, to oilo and adnum inh nil oonoorned to bo and appear at tin next Court of Ordinary, to bo Hold in Hiild oounty on ,tho first Monday in Fobruiiry next, to show oausot it' any they havo, why oaid lot turn of (InurdiaiiMoip ahould not he grnnlod in lor mu of the law. Given unuer Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils VARNISHES, KEROSENE, LAMPS Everything Fresh and Puro! 1» 1.0 II IT 8 1 M 1'S U Y- LILY WHITE, SOU’S. G " EC Daniel luiH of porBounlty. — W. applied for Exemption •l 1 will pus.i upon Urn nt It) 'o'clock a. m., on the 11th day of January, 1876, thin tho 3(U1i of Decem ber 1874. JOEL DREW lilt, Ord’y. .V. T. worvoni), JOHN H. Wild.I’. WOFFORD K WIKLE, A TTO ENKY S A T LA W nnd Ron! EBtato Agents. a t. II. II. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN anti SURGEON, ch'ji.urrowiV, a a. OFFICE UiOUdlA, 1*1 l/lv COUNTY.-Wm. It Kiohaou lus applied for exemption of povBonuliy, and L will parts upon ihc Baino -it 11 o'clock. January, 1876 tlie 6th day Thh Dooember 22, 1871. JOEL 11 ItliWEll, Ord’y Whereas— anil M V It r Lotlei-H of ( T EOUUlA.l'Ol.K COUNTY TElixabolh 11, YaiiDevomlui Ako, having made nppliealiou Adnihilfitvallon oil tho liatato oi roier Van Dovandor late of Hiiid county deoeiiHnd. Thoso are, Ihercfuro, to oilo all per- hoiib concerned, lo ho and appear at (lie next court of Ordinary to bo buhl in Huid oounty on tho Hint Monday in January next to bIiow oiinao if any thoy have, why said l.ettorw Hliouhl not ho gramited. Glvon un- dor my haivl and ollieial iiigimliu-e, 'This Nov. 26th, 187-1. JOEL 1HIEWElt Ord’y i I lie e Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, (Vilurtow’n, G O FFICE at roshlonoo, on l’ryor f I root Juno 20. Dr. L. 8. LEDBETTER. ptf-llc particularly request the ladies t call. No. 27, Smith’s block, 1 1H74 aro requested to come fonvard and settle. Me mean it. JanDit BARBE/i & WOOD. Ci.duit.j'.vn', Ga., Jan. Gtb, 1875. Editor Record—l sou in your pa- Piasos AND OiiUANB.—Wo aro agptot! pu r ot last wook a " l’l'nolamation for two reliable boasoa, for tho uuto of j SU rinR tram tbo Indopondont Order Pianos aud Orgaus, or any othor nmu of Old Batchelors," declaring W. Ed ical instrument, and will .soli as cheap Wood excluded from that fraternity au can bo bought from monufacUircH, • tor loading tlm van of the enemy .Ac- cell and get catuloguo and price bat. I And I notico my namo signed to nnid Proclamation" aB vice president, i suppose tboso ; ersonally acqnainlod I with mo, know, that from my young Cheap Uaujo.. $1 60, to $6, at Veal's. ftm i tender years, I am not of Hufii- PnmtiuMS ! Pnom'Mi! To all i eicnt ago, to bo of that olasa of *uufor j j ortll an ,| J r y and will Ijo difficult to now nubscriboru who pay $2 iu ad- lunalos" commonly known M "°'d movo ( ronl tu 0 flesh. I can Bay this— rnneo for tbo Ri:.:oiid, ono. year, we j batclmlors,” much l.m»loboa ' 1C ° if tbo ooorotary nbould bo deprived of will give a now years presoiit of a flue j P l c : ‘id°nt ” of a regular organized I ],[„ H <-i u tb cr0 will bo nolltiug elso to ongraviog, 111X21. The retail price baud: ooiopoaed of such soaly fish, of these engravings, at any book store *<» 1 lrouWe yol ‘' , or . “ k would not be loss than ono dollar. We »l>aco in paper to correct tho impu- bavoatew sample piolpres at our of-1 douce thus used to me. But beliov- fioe. A Lamlbcapw Study,” “ Far ing tl.o " Proclamation ’ will ho aeon from Home," “Aurora,” •• Mothers I by some who aro unacquainted with Joy," Death of Antony,” etc., oto. ; my ago prompts mo Lo ask you a suf- ; ijoiout uso of your columns to dcfoncl By all nt Veal’a cutabUihment i tn yg e lf. when you go to Home, lie taken pleasure j j canno i account for tho liborly In showing R «»odB whothor you buy or not. j Lodgo has taken in Riving mo : tho oflico of "vie.) prosidont,’’ wbon I _ j a in not oven a mombor of their organ- TricoR of repairing watches and jcwelr J i za i,i 0 u, nor neither iudcod can bo for reduced to xuit the times, at Yvitls, Homo- i fK)VQra j yoars> f or tho want of HufQ- Notice.—All persona indebted to us j c j on t 0 g,». I aoo that tho Lodgt on either note or account for tho year j neatly urges ita "each and every her to bogiu immediately to negotiate with tho onemy for a suitablo copart nor for both our G. M. W. C. aud V. I\, in order that the bitter animosities engendered by tho long and terrible war through which we havo just pass- j H j 10 w ill discard thorn. I cd may ho made readily reconciled." | «« w ip take” with the secrotiuy. if Now I want it generally, specially | ^ i W uuld like to get a mutual Annual S lltcnunl tj /„ 1‘iUman, County Ti'tatt.rc.r vf Polk County, (Jroryia. Vilefl with the Ordinary, on the Second Month in January, 1876. To amount on han*! for Oounty Furpoami 2d Monday Jan, ’71 : Uccuivcl uf J. R. Went for lux 1873, t() l 66 Hon'd of .1 It WobI for lax of 1874, lloccivcd of Goiiipirollcr Gimci al Tux ou-wild limit,.- «■ Ifocolvod of Ordlifary for rolult 1,572 1,370 014 GO CO 100 00 il 00 y amount paid out. from tho fiodoml Monday in January, i" February Huporior Court, 1871, By amount paid out from Fob. of him. Bunco I holiovo I will Superior Court, to the fli’Ht not skin him, but would only anggoat „ y w “^,•j.kY.'JI“"rji’n ”I:!i’ that Mr. W. 1>. Wiiglit, who ho, lho| iot'1 w,,i. Anp. i.'umi, IH7I, secretary, says in llio G. M. W. C., by ‘'T"!" will see that ho is put “in hw little bod.” of Alfred MOitIhoii, iIoociihoiI, Iiiih mailo appiioation, iu duo form of law, foi dimulBsUm from his naid mluilnhlralion, allodghig in lii.M petition Unit, nl’lor hiu up plloiitiou iih Htich iidmiiii.-ili-ator, Georgia TOILET ARTIOL1SS CIENKUALLY. UDNUINI'i GOLDEN DELL COLOGNE Always on Iniml. ^ THOMPSON & WIKLE, Real Estate Agents (JEDARTOWN, GEOUOIA, Aro now otrorlng tho following dorir.lilo PROPERTY FOR SALE. 300 Acres Farming Lands. Wo offer for snlO'flSO aoros of land; 16) olonrod nnd under good fu.voc, localod live iniloB oiiBt of Taylorsville, b!x mlliin no.•!It of llooktnnrl, and ono milo from CoShfaii’n mill. A bargain will bo given. This U good upland. 320 Acre Farm--A Bargain. Farm of 320 ncrofi, 100 cleared nnd In cultivation, with good fences. New dwel ling, now Htuoko house nnd well of giod water. Tin* remainder of tho land is well tlmbero--1. Tho grado of tho North and South Railroad pnasoH through tlii.s land, Located In Floyd county, ton mllci from Oediirtoivn, ami about tho Ramo dlutanoe from Rome, on Silver Crock road. Term« vory reiisonalde,’in fact tho ohonpest pi ice iu North Georgia, location uonsiderod.jjB Dr. Ftooso Rouidonco, Tooth, llaii' and JNuil Bmahos, Uotnbs, oto. For C3 liriHtmixs- A lino lot of O indiou and Fancy Goods, just roooivoil. Huylng for Cash, wo in s low as the lowest. Give u-i aoatl ami j prepared to Boll no for yoitfHo.v Juno 20-1y IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to tho Whole Ilaco of Womon DR. BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator! On Cedar Btroot and near tho spring Thll Ih tho ino.’l deHirably located, ami one ofllio most honutiful rofildonuos In town. Tho houBO In two stoi'los, Golhio Btylo, six bod-rooms,dining room, kltohon and pan try, nil woll flulBliod. Fivo aoros in lot. This Ih a rare opportunity for a groit bar gain. Store Houso and Lot, Known ns the Reeso Drug 8tore. Lot- lhlrty foot front, running buck ono hundred and thirty-two foot, on whioh Is a two story framed ntoro houso. Good hmuiioeq loca tion. Tho host bargain yot otforod, ALSO, A slock of Drugs and Fixtures. Stock Fi-osli and puro, widow of Haiti doooiiHod, made Licallon and oblalnod homontead and aptiou of poruonnlty, ami in whloli included the whole of tho property belong ing to tho oHtnto of Hiiid deooasoil, and that iio has fully administered Haiti estate, ho far iih tlio law requires. Therefore, all penman oouoernod will tako notice to bo and appear at my otlioo within (ho timo proimribod by law, to nliow eaiiHO, if any they havo, why Hind W. (J Knight Hhould not lie fully discharged from under my , 187-1 JO El. II RE VVER ( Dissolution. Tho firm of Wade & On., in the Saw Mill bunlnoBH, was (Unsolved, by mutual ooiihouL on tlie 9lh day of November iutuaiit, by tho withdrawal of W. L. MoUlaln. Tho pros- 11 rm <*l Wado&Oo. are rcHpoiiHthln for the dohU ofllio old llrm. Nov. 21, 1871. W. J,. McULAlN. SURGEON DENTIST Ocdailoivn, Gn. f \FKERH hi« profoimional narvioen to the Y_/ olLUmna of ('- 5 4NE.""rJ. BA.V1H, XD- :m:. JL2L'El. SELLS LIBRARIES book oases Counting-House Desks, Kl Watcliinaker anil Jeweler, Codartown, Ga. iimilHin Tilt Irrltu* .-..Mt'' | ami Htinautli ,lai|it ' rm m in to imViuU oT Illicit ami Ulorm l ea* wm'on, uiul imrtlnl Prolnimim Utorl, bivo llnw, wml correct alt IrrozUlaritlcs Vcflnvo t'l'mUvciH-iw, i jniry In’nil lho abovo dlH.'a*iOH as Quin- iIi'i'h c.ui tniro tl>on»««l*voi» of all tlin abovo din- , „l |,, ut rcvotlnu! tbi-lr omu'lulnln to any _ wiilcn In a.wayn munlfjliiH m their pride UI H iBProuommomtod by tbo bout physicians and tbo o er«y. 11UADVIKL , March 18, II iAUIIANIIK, Iu HlAtlnif iiiig iip, known aVilr. jl'lj'ru7lYtoTd'*« Koinalo lltKii- later,aV>d conildi-r It tbo bent coinblnaiIon over collcn torclbcr r.>r tUiMllBoaMW for wblcb It Ih ro- i immtcmtcd. I have boeu lanililar w tb tbo pm- lo'liiilon both as a praoilllniinr or inrdlclno anil In dmnoHl'.n praoilcn*,and own honestly nuy th-jt I con- Piopo Umt every Vudymour own'iViul'wliO l&ay’bo IVI'b my kIndentrneardn . II. It’lfiUUrLL, Ml 1>. ..March 20.1B70. wkYi'uio ulniimlMiilInmclion,and[have reconinion- 'lYdlt to two or three otlu r thnililes.and theyhave found It Just what HJn r 4'{' l 0, '!!"^ , r "«Vn 1 { n ^orfoot boalll| l , l 'and nro wtibt to atlcnd to R | , Sl r l jt | 91*J*®j|9l, ,lnt Ion, and wo cnnllally rootmunond tt to tbo pub- „o. Vour.,renpoo,futo |f B Jon virtue. All we null In a of dtrtOMOH, and cor- E. OLEAVELAND, FashionablG Tailor, MAIN BTUEUT Codartown, Ca. A LL ortloi-H In my lino promptly tilled, and in a stylo not to ho oxoollod by Ih • gunrnttteod, and all work war anted. Try mo and ho aonvlnood, olal altonlioti paid lo ronovating andn pairing; iiIho culling for ladies lo make up W. H. Wikle & Co., Inrtcravillo, - Grorgi riEALnns^iN ? OQKS ANDSTm NOTIONS, NOVELTIES, O AMES, “““"Sffl.Wi'ifS. CO., AU..U, O. Hold by alt dcuRHinta. __ mu Or mm Practical Mechanic & Builder, If tkci'Q i t anything in this au my dofonco, tlmt is not true, tho public will find it out, providi.-dcd it. iu not known, aud should it *oonlaiu unj- th'ng that will partako of any seni- blanoo of uukinunosH, i'_ is not bo in- tondod, for I dont want that hkiuning. IL is said tho way to got a "bolatod sister" in a good humor with you, is, to tell her that sho is prolty, graceful, aud domestic, and that sho looks "younger now,” than most of tho girls who are only thirty. And Lull her that you know of half a dozen young gentlemen who adniiro her vuy much but are afraid to address her, for hair llnianco on hand, Dr. If You >Vaut Factory Thread at $1.25, A Good Wool Hat at 75 cents, Good Bleaching 10 cents, M>° a cc<f^MaTfiuoTOMnU per lb “ nd univoraally unJcrstood that I do I friona „f oars, whoso contdonoo i: C d B rk Hor■*0 Collar 50 conts 1 not consider the ladies iny enomies, | rnnrn r.) lu< Lifi than tell him sho Or any other arlicit low down, Call on J. S. STUBBx C). fundfl on hand Jatiury, 1874, 1,120 97 ,| of J It Weill 708 13 ccoivod of J R Wont for 187 4( • 1,100 09 To amount of Jui j t he 2d Monday | To amount lU-coi *(i amount rfcocived of W Kuight for jury focfl, R opal ring lino walohcii a Hpocially. A1 kimln ol'.lnwolry and WatoliCH and Clocki kept for Halo. ,,unc 20-1 y Chcrokco Iron Cornp’y Store, Thankful lo tho oitizona of l’olk oonnly for I hull* liberal palronago,; I will mill and atwoya expect lo aoll tho o’.ieapOBt and beat quality of Funiiluro in tho Slain, and 1 do- ly uompoUt ion. My Furniluro in all wal nut and poplar, llulaheil up by tho bout (Jon,ion ami French mcohanicH iu I lie Norl wuHt. Look at thin, for examplo: Ouo mag. nillcont Walnut Rodateud, of the IuIomI ami imiHt, approved alylo, Onu lino full marblo ton ll ireau, height from top of ghun to the lloor, 8 foot 9 InchoH, One li ie full Marhlo- WimliHlnnd, with all the lut< improvemcntB, Ono httiidHomo marble-top lablo; One line full covered Fifih-Avonuo lluokar, I tine oano heavy Walnut Engllal Doll Rack Urauo Arm Uhait-H, for tjU-ID ‘ • Hairtplon on band. You ean Have «ixl*> t" eighty dollai-n I,y buying from mo. Wil. no delivered to any part of North Georgia at tho above price FANCY CONFECTIONERIES Etc., Etc. 13 SubHorlnl riodioal publiHhuii ia the Uuitod Stvtoa, Bubliahura pricoa.] jj nbbdl b:s; cisD.iiiToiry, oa., For allTtl tufs o f So^ I ng^f dolt I ifwj.'al ho fuV-7 iilali AttaohmenlH, Oila, oto. Will son I NootlloH by mall, to any adilro.w, on rooolpt of prioo. Singer, 05 cents per doion ; all othera 80 oenlH. Partios would do well to oonuult ub beforo buying gooda from pod- dlora, or aomliitg North to tho various Hwlmllora and humbugs. Any goods not in atook will bo furnished at short notioo. jnno 20-tf IF YOU WANT 89 Ot) j».. mi,,Mint | a d out from Fot). Court lu first wcck'of Aug. Court. 1871. Ry amount paid out. from first lomil pitid on* from 2ml k of August Court '71 to 2nd idjy in January, JH73, DBY GOODS Caali. Ju»t reooived a tine aimort- of aheap Rosewood lledstoiid.i, prlct $•) 69. Finn nhiiLra at ono dollar lo ono did lar and. twonty-livy ootUh. Don't fail K write or oatl at tho (JEDARTOWN W' public that"iio IT fully proporod I furniah Material mi l ISroct U’nil clings of all and grades, on abort notioo and after tho innaf iq,proved planrt. Partiouhir ftilontion glvori i making ami I rimming'3 S 1 i < > X-I 8 , CLOTHING, HATS, CATS, Or .my article generally kept in A FIRST CLASH STORK not consider the ladies iny c-nomies, j j rioro elastic than mine,to tell b and I want it equally understood that j lH j u j ovo w itli him. But I believe that I am their friend. I suppose tho sec- j caD B1 y of him, that lie will j To amount, rotary of tho lodge is tho father of anydady as good u husband $ I,(! 16 22 S 1,8-13 88 At Prices to ault the Gloaosl will muko it greatly to your i calling at the above named at' FU UN ITUllK WARE- ROOM nov 7—ly cam clover* No. !), - Broad Street, COFFIN'S, TRAVELER’S GUIDE. Rome Railroad Company. CHANGE OF BOEDULE. ltd and run as follows: DAILY I’AflSIlNaKtt Loaves Romo at 6.80 p. m. ) Rvcrv n... Arrivoatllomo at 10.10 p m S y J Eaoh train will tnako oloso oonneotlon at Kingston with Wostorn and Atlantia Railroad trains hound for Chattanooga Atlanta. W. 8. (JOTIJItAN, 1‘roa. JOHN C. PR IN TUP, Tiokot Agent. REPAIRING FURNITURE, &.o. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Ready-Made Clothing, j To All Whom i can ho found in tho state, unto some j lady should happen to marry me, and I thiuk any ouo of thorn, or the best j ouo of them, would do well to “nego- j 1J y liuto" with him "at once,” Ladies— t you need not be afraid of him. I toll ; you ho is afraid of a broom stick, j n tout's, shovel or hot water, or any ' To amount r<-oe .c...i„ ,teJ r\n tax of 1878 f< union ii t received of J It We: tho resolutions or "Proclamation.’’ May Concern.— j Well I suppose he, his relatives and All persons owing mo for medical ser- friends, should, and v. ill, bo proud of vices, arc earnestly requested to come , hig Jittlo offspring, aud it should bo forward and settle, as I can no longer j fostered with great caro, for bis namo work for nothing aud board myself. | (by him) will never bo perpetuated, or Unless settlement is made, my servi- j transmitted otherwise. My opinion ces will certainly be discontinued. j in, that a motive other than tho ouo K. R. THOMPSON, j assigned, moves tho secretary to urgo :—:. tho members of that uncomfortable “*0^ frutornity, to negotiate for a otrings at J Y.. Veal'., Kama, Oeargia., sailablo copartner ter both our O. M. . I w. C., ami V. P., bhould tboir nego- Puro eoli'l silver iliimblc for 50 cent■■, provo a success—I then can't ami name eDgraiod oa it free,by J. U. Veal, : wherain it wcm lJ pl . ovo benefit I ing wero elected : llomn, Georgia. I {q t * be diminutivo aud frosty secretary j For Clerk Superior c.urt, T. A. Now I know that Ihero is not a lady : Word; sheriff, A M. Franklin; treas- his onomy, even though he bo juror, H. W. Cobb; receiver, A. M for I do ' Fouto ; collector, William F. Corbin ; f.l it Wc 71, 187-1, amount paid out. from 2nd Ion<lny in .January, 187«l, o 2d Monday in Jan., 1876, JJalancc on hand, f:<l of .1 It Went other weapon so frequently used husbands. I hopo somo one of you will “negotiate at oneo” with him. W. M. S. At tho late elections for county of ficers for Bartow county tho follow- tax of 1874, January, * 187-1, iu Jan. 1876, i hand, To amount of bridge fu on hand 2nd Monday in . 187-1 By account paid t To Whom it May Concern About eighteen months ago, I got who tho idea of raising water hj a simple their most “hitter" onomy, ^ contrivance which is to do its own know they, the iad.ea, are a very sym- ; coroner, D. L. Mull , ourroyor, H. construct 1 J pUy Urn unttunTte andTdpte-" ^ j ^',7k cTu^l Doid, Dave contrivance is so siuqdo that any hoy But why does tho sccretaty censure ] btokley, Jno. Aycoek. twelve years old can understand it. Mr. Wood for doing tho only Benmblo ^ of Ohio, chairman o ! 00 „ nllsB ,„„ or ..... I have explained the principle to my thing that ho has been guilty oi 81 “ C0 c h 0 congressional committee recently | Rc ,.,. ivo ,i „\- ». H. Reck, road earten familv nnd two others, (in whom | ho connected himself with that order. on g, t gi Q taking testimony in New j commissioner I have implicit confidence) aud all say Mr. Wood is denounced as a traitor | Orleans, is reported^having a dd to ] v '' r "“'‘ « from 2nd Monday in January 187-1 To 2nd Monday in Jan. 1876 Balance on hand To r.mount of road fund ou lmrtd 2nd Monday in January 1874 Received of Wuab pock road cosmiiHHioncr " it will do.” and dwsertcr. A deserter from : Mr. Morey, (.republican ooug;ossm..u . -- what, hut from a clan of; f~m Louisiana: “I presume the pros-, Main Strecl, CcilaUown, Gi noFH down to iiuil tbo timc.H. ( Block, Vehicles, and Careful Driver* ulwaya on hand. Special attention given to the caro Block left in our charge. lumpkin McConnell* PULTON HOUSE, T. M. ANDERSON, late of Rome, Ga. with F. (J <> It R A, A T L A N T A , 'PI,oho doairing work of any kind In his , would do well to call on hint at the Ht. ! (BiurlcH Hotel. Whop fronting Court Houao j x T mro. JunoSWy^ VV'. C. lliirbo)-. Solma, Romo & Dalton R. R' Tralna on this Road will run as follows GOING NORTH. Loavo Selma 7.25 a nt Arrlvo at Prior’* 6.48 pm «• Dalton 9,46 p r,i Making oloso connection at Dalton with I T V & Ga U R., and W & A U It for all laatorn and Weatoru oltics and tho Vir_ glttla tipringa. GOING SOUTH- Lcnvo Dalton C-46 p m Arrive at Prior’* 10.12 p in Arrive at Beluta 8.80 a ui r 'tALL nnd prioo my goods, and l will ».j convince you that I Hell tho bent of Uoodrt heap for CuhIi. m '"’ Nov f-l Cotton I Cotton 11 Cotton III STOP AND REAP! I will at all tintOB pay tho Romo Full Market Price REAL ESTATE AG’T Hoclunml, Gn. Improved M. STANTON, Gen. Supt. W. S. MAYNARD, Asst. Supt. KAY KNIGHT, G. P. & T- Agt. "THE KBNNESAW ROUTE,’ Western & Atlantic Railroad and Connections. Having boon a citizen of l’olk county fo many yearn, and being thoroughly poBtod .iiy yuui.i, ini-* tew...^, •• * * the Location, Value, oto , of Land* m cry Hcolion, ruel confident that it will bo to tlio Interest of parties having lands to aoll, ,1,1,1,, to deliver ; lo pfnoo thorn In ray Iran-h, ' -- of their eooountB, l"K ,0 purolmso^ ii will reeoivo DAY PA08BHCIEH—OUTWARD. Loavo Atlanta 8 30 a puymcii I , i ]> o r u, 1 X’ l" I <’ • dthoso wish- always bo ao ooTiimo'datcd. I will bo in Oedartown oi ! the 1 «t. Tuoaday in oach month, for tho pur ,K,HU of imneiwllng buslnuas ill my lin«. | juno 20 jutio Over the market price, during the month i of November. Parlies having Hold mo (,ut- ) (on and to lie delivered IhiH fall, aroIiOroUy , . notified to bring in tlio flame at once, a* ills bIioji, on tho corner of Prior and GoHogo past duo. I HtreetH, Opened, A Boot and Shoe Arrive ut Ghattaoooga 4 28 p , DAV PASSENOElt—ISWARD Loavo Chattanooga 6 45 a n Arrive at Atlanta 1 16 p m NIGHT P.VS3BNOEB—IKWAUD. Leave Chattanooga 5 29 p m Arrivo at Atlanta 12 45 p iuj ACCOMODATION TILUN. Atlanta [8 45 p iu; IsTEW C3-003DS AND CHEAPER ONES! pt of one of the largest hotel. Our terms work shall ho delivered Work dono with dispatch , u ... Hiuull coat. Patronage Bolloltod. Very ro3pcclfully, St Char! Oath, until paid for Arrivo al Dalton Loave Dalton Arrivo at Atlanta I 50 o J. W. 1IOGE, Codartown, Ga., Juno 2filh, 187 L M EALS and Lodging per Day $2 09; glo meal, 60 cent a, Firat-olaaa table T AM no' . X Blocks of Gooda ever brought lo town, which I am oH’criugat extremely low 1 prices. I a in determined that hereafter \ goods uliall be Bold os low in (/odartown as any town in tho State. Call and boo me and NEW BARBER SHOP. riMIE undersigned has located in Collar- .1. iown for tlio purpose of carrying — tho business ' " ‘ il good rooms, Bf-$u Saloon In base furnished wit It pare Liquors, Fine Win Beer one Hcgar July II : i Examine My Stock and Prices, 17 20 2nd Mon- , JWW... — - - - . V.4mj ... ^ .... > 16 65 : ligious Bet of beioga, whose future is , tenda, I presume he will do it. But j Balance on hand §1,65 | dreary dark and mournfully gloomy, j you may rest assured that if Ire docs, Examined and approved, this the 11th who have lo at ai hope, even tho hop j it will he utterly out ul tho question j ,1ay ot Jam, 1875. Jeer Baswea, Ord'y I have not tho meaus to test its ; whom, or wuab, j ifitot »n" keep this'thing up tei-two | .j out nractie-ability. Who will furnish tho dissatisGed, onviooa, jealous and irro j yearB more> an( ] as ho evidently bo iu- , , Jay nj .j un „ !ir y ih money and take au interest» I ligions set of beings, whose future is j tendHi j presume ho will do it. But ( J. M. HAKIUS, Codartown, Ga. Do You Want PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT fan, wrilolo Major II. O. ii.VNDAU,, enemlAgcotortlio WlobllO UfO ln- mranco Company, 'ja.n.i™, Ala ving you references, with a view to o ning an ug ncy for that popular Company ull its branches. Ifyou want “A CLOSE SHAVE" a slimiipoo or bftir out, givu m« a oall and I Don't listen In hroalcra, but call . umincl'vryourHolvcs. iiiBlicat marltvi price will guaranioe nntlui'aotlon. I.oi<J for , juao JO Al.FitBU EVANS. Corn ivncl ' NEW SCHEDULE. Cherokee Railroad From and after November 1st, 1874, 16 following flohedulo will be run on tho Caer ■ okoo Railroad; A. Huntington. Oedartown, Nov. 12,1874. Tho boquobt uf tlio Into John S. Hi pklufj, uf Bultitnoro, fur tho found ing of a university, amounts to three mi. lion. Loavo Rook mart 7 45 n »n Arrivo at Tayloravillo 8 89 n t.t Leave Tayloravillo 8 60 a. Arrive at Stilcsboro 9 10 a i Leave Ktilosboro 9 20 a i Arrivo at Cartorsville 10 03 a;.. Returning. Lcavo Cartersvillo 2 30 p :u Arrivo at Stileflboro 3 15 p ; i Leave Stilesboro 8 25 ]i nj Arrivo at Taylorsville 8 45 p «i Loavo Tayloravillo 4 05-y ih A rrivo at Itookmart 4 59 . n) d. w k. rjBAcar j CarlovsvilloOct. 29, 18