The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, January 23, 1875, Image 3

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—thekecord; A Live Country Newspaper. Publ shod Erory Saturday Morning by w. S. I). WIKLE & CO. .13.00 TERMS OF BUB80RIPTION. One copy, one year One copy, six mouths Ten copies, in olube, one yoar, each 1.60 Singlo copies fate All anbecriptione invariably in ad-tnec. No name eutoied upon tbo Hat until tbo aubacrip- tion is paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Column. V Column. town. Tlio best gmluu or cotton lms boon Rolling in Romo this wook nt 14 8-8. One of the enginos on tho Cherokee Railroad was attalchod for tho pur* elmso money last woelt, ami Binoo Friday week has been no train on tho road. We hear that threo applications for tho county Jndgsbip have gone up to tho Govoruor. Who tho f a tuuato, or j unfortuuato, will t>j wo nvo uu tblu to 113 mi j 8a y* * B.onj# H oo'e 13.00 Captain Grifloth has w li otit and t'SSj ”:a Ml «.»■ »•«« aou-rmiuoa to g o to t,x«. w. 45.00| 66.00) lao.oo ; regret this, as ho is ono of our best Wish him success. 18 00) 36.00 M. : 0 M- Piofoesional and Unsineee Cards of ono | cilizeUB. Inob or lose, (13 pe r annum, payable quarterly in advance; six month*, $H. All adveitW- •aenta duo after first insertion. CIintCH lURKCTORY. Canned Frni% Ooufootionerios and other slrelf goods, at McClain & Co’s Wo regret to learn that Mr. W. Ed. Wood has bcou confiuod to his room Baptist Chubcii.—Regular Services, 1st for tovoral days, with Catarrhal fovor and fid Suudays in cncli month, ltcv. Or—* ney Brown, Pastor. Sabbath-school i o'clock, A. M. | Wo hopo to seo him out again soon. For tho host Cove Oysters, go to Methodist Cuprcii.—Services at 11 , r ™ • t .... dock. A. «. .ml 7 1-4 o'clock, ». rrcrv , Medium A Con Eutility Grocery. Sabbath; Rev. W in. II. LaPrndo, Pastor Sabbath-school al l* o'clock, Wo see from his advertisement in Pbksuytkuiam Ciiruc cit .—Services 1st Express, that Ellis Clomonts takes Masonic* Calkdonia Loihik, No. 121, Vk A. M.— Regular communication, the 3d Friday night in each month. J. 8. 8tcbbs, W. M. N. M. Weight, Secretary. Rood Templars. Cedau Valley Lodgk, No, 800. I. O. fl. T.--Meets every Friday uigbt (except 3d Friday,) J. M. HARRIS, W. C. T. A. Hoou, Secretnr.v. Grange. CotQCiTT CluAXiiK, No, 20— Regular meet ings Saturday before tbo third Sabbath In tach month. l*»lk County Faliner's Club. Holds its regular meetings on Saturday before the 4th Sunday in each month Our Agents Fcntheratou, l.imo ! . Puttillo, Tayloravilb sihle view of tho situation, and lms gone into tho borso doctoring business. Wo wish him success. If yon want a good sqiiaro moil, go to McClain & Co’s restaurant On lust Wednesday night a thief or thioves, broke intoG. W. Foatherston’s store, and abstracted a few dollars in small chango. They attempted the same night to break iuto tho store of F. L. Walthall. They used two axes nnd n stick .4 wood to pry dpon tho tho d -or, but weio frightened off by soma means and left tho axes stand ing by tho door. MaClnin A: Co. are now blunt, with their Family Grown ft ctiom ry and Restaurant. M. li. B. Stom r.en of tho valley jui-ition to have lomitable energy nth of the again become It is no sine of such f»r I h< ing tho different tables contained in this report Of tho common schools ho has this to say : The report of tho school commis sioner shows that there is a school or ganization in every comity in tho state, aud that public schools have boon in nolunl operation in one hundred and twouly-ilvo counties the ptst yoar. A growing iu(crest in the schools is manifested, aud there has boon a marked chango iu public opin ion in favor of tho present system. Tho commissioner directs attention to tho fact thoro uro $850,000 of school bonds now in tho hands of tho secre tary of state, and claims that tho in terest on these bonds from October 13, 1870, to October tho 1, 1881, amount ing to $84,000, is a debt due from tho stuto to his department; aud ho luk that tho logisilaturo take some action recognizing tho validity of tho claim. Tho not amount of tho school fund collected from nil sources, from tho adoption of tho present constitution down to December tho first 1873, was $489,7*22 42. Tho sums collected siuco tho last mentioned date amount to $186,183 90, and tho disburse ments to $169,081 84. Tbo whole amount of poll tax ns-1 8cssed for tho year 1874, and which i by act of Fob. 28, 1874, is retained in j tho counties, was $199,550. Of this j amount tho comptrollergonoral esti mates that tho sum of $133,009 has boon collected. 1 concur iu tho opinion expressed by tho commissioner, that tho act of tho last general assembly, providing for tho payment of tho school debt of 1871, ought to bo repealed. I also suggest that tho law proscribing the full mode in which tho school fund shall ^ A)t> ~ I bo paid overt) county school tom- | uiissionors bo amended as is r oom- »citi- tnendod in tho loporfc. Hum pay 1 uc* incuts aro at tho present required to be made at tho state irouMuy By tho plo to amoudmeut rcoommondod, th oonwauilg ‘ 01 nvu iiimmiom Ui tui? houso bo appointed who shall bo re quired to take tho abovo matter int > consideration and report by bill as early ns practicable. Air. Furlow asked a suspension of tho rules for passage of tho resolu tion, supporting tho sauio in uu ear nest ami able effort. Messrs. McKinley and Warner sup ported the resolutions. Tho rules were suspended and the resolution agreed to. Tho Speaker appointed as said com initlco, M ssrs. Furlow, McKinley^ Warner, Julius of Burke, and Culver.’ Sni'EN K\ Tho dwolling houso of Robfc. Young of Eaton ton, was destroyed by fuv last Sunday morning. J. N. Meriaiu, Esq., a wealthy cap ilidist from Boston, is iu Rome look ng after his iutorcst in the Tecumseh iron works, of which ho is tho largest stockholder. There was an altoroatiou at Eve's Station, Friday night, botwoon St Hiudmnud and Willi uu Hiokot, in which Hackot struod Hindman, it is supposod with a pa«r of brass knuckles and fi’ftcturod his skull. Wodnosday morning last, the guest in tho. Brooks House, at Culhhort, woro alarmed by tho cry of tiro, givou by ono of tho lady boarders, who occu pied a room immediately over tho of fice. It appears that tho uegroos hud left tho tiro iu tho office in a aaroloss condition, aud tii it a chunk had fal len against tho mantl >, which soon Income ignited, and tho llamos pro ceeded up botwoon tho walls of tho building to tho llu.ning of tho room overhead. A few buckets of water put tho tiro out K tester Insbeoq nomi- ted as Mayor of Savannah. Thoro will I n a eontest over tho 1 ilo election for conuly oli- Daugherty conuly. A negro man named Dii k Wagonor living near tho stoain saw mill of Means A Bro's, about two and a half miles from Covington, lay down by HA11'lil) AY ILNIMJ JAN. ID, I«7: LOCAL IT KMS. Our office is now located iu Luiiq kin McCounoil's new building, ovt J. A. Wyun’s store-—front room. Tbo firm of Liddell A* Richardson having boon dissolved, Dr. Kiel son cun bo found at present at tho law office of Capt. W. F. Ti mer, in the day, und at the residence of G. W. Fcalhiibtun at night, jun 16. for all kinds of Sewing machines; Singer,Goc(s per dozen — all oth ers 80 ccuix. Will seii.l noedlos by mall cm receipt ui price. NV. II. U'lKLL' itiy. I'ni'iuing j duo to cncli auunty wuiilil lio paid I Uiu ll|,J imoomfurtutilu shanty «•.« n HUOC.M will'll Mr. aumo liv, .r over ilircotly by tho Inx collect ir to I tj 1,1Ht Snliirilay night. Wjillo li in liiifon-, uii.l wo luipo lii'will f> ! -: tbr county sohool o.miiui'nionor Bv 'ylng thoro Iw nociiloiilnlly ilropiwil a .rc it to it* former l„;i»l>onty. , bu Bmngulu ,., lt lilu , ol | octi „ lm : ..O’to sloop, nml mis awakened by tbo l’or n po,,,1 Miioki 1 , try McClain .V i tbo county reboot coiiiiiiiii.iunurn \ ^ 11008 licit oncirelotl liim, 1 lia cluLli- - tlol.l 11 mil" lliivnnji a*-i-:irn. j would ho much Himplifloil, mij tbo nll . ou hofuro it oonM M\iu:ii:ii -At tho rosiilonco ot Mr. ' cunt of trauaiuiltiog tho money to uml I 1,0 exliiUjnishcil lie was f.ilully liunioil. ,1. A. l*i'i li, on tbo ovening o^f tho 20tb J frnui tbo stuto Ireiiuury \vuu!il lie! Mr. Turnbull, uf llmiliM, has propur- siivotl. t il u bill proposing tlmt tbu rout 1 of iLo Western and All mtio nt, bj tlm Bov. A. ,1 ,'h F. Buiiuank to Miss E. W.\im, all of C< dartown. Wo acknowledge tho rocoipt of '"""■ .--i-. " • " 1 12. W. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CEDAU TO MW, <?A. P ROMPT nttontlon given to Olnhus. Otilne with Ivy F. ThonipBon, Fast Bide Court lloaso Hqanro. oot 17, 71 ~ Wm. M. SPARKS, A T TO R NEY A T LA IF, Cedartowrt, Cn. oot 17 '71. 3t El b a r b e u * Notnr.v Public AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Vila it own, Ga. i)AUTlClJLAR attention given to taking 1. Depositions and collection of olnlms, W. h\ T IT 11 N 12 II, ATTORNEY AT LAWi Coilaidowu, Ga. IVY F. THOMPSON, Attorney nt Law, OKI)All TOWN, GA. WOFFORD A MILNER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cartorsvillc, tin. QFFICE in Bank Building. Juno 20 iikIi. w. t. woi i'oud, joiin it. wiki.k. WOFFOM l> & vn li L12, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Roai Estate Agents. CAUTEUSV/U.E GA. It. H. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, o 1 ' I'KDAHTO 1IW, • Dr. Koph'j'h Drug Rto Dr. C. H. HARRIS, uf Physician and Surgeon, Coiliu'towii, (la. QPI'ICE at rosidonou, on I'ryor it root. Juno 20. Dr. L. S. LEDBETTER, ‘ ===s ~ G koroia polk county—j. w. T- Hunit, Adiiitnlstr-itnr on tho o'lnlo of R. G. 11 uu«l drcoiHOil, having iiiiplled for loavo to soil tno town lot holoti.itiig to s lift oh!air,containing seven oightof an aoro, lying In the south ivost oornor of whni is known as tho gin huiiHO Hold, but worn tho Hhisoluiu plnoo, uml tho rusidonoo of Dr. 8, A. UordorH, iu tho inoorporato HiiiIIh of (Ji'tliirlowu in said enmity. Tills is, therefore to oilu and admon ish nil persons oouoorncd, kindred and creditors, to appear at my oftloona required hy low, to show onusu if any they have, why said application should not he granted. Given under my liund and signa ture, this Hill day of January, 1875. JOKI. UUHWRU, Ord’y. nppllcqtlou for letters of Uuivraltiuship for tho portions and nroporty of Oorn Thomp son ami Rlchcy Thompson, minor ohlldren of 1*. T. Klohey, ilooeAHvd These are, therefore, to oito und admon ish all oouuerned to hu and appear at tho next Court of Ordinary, to hu hold in said county on the first Monday in February neat, to show oauso; if any they have, why said loiters of Guardianmip should not ho granted iu terms of the law. Given under my hand and ollioiul signal lire, (Ids Jan Sih, 1875. JOEI. iFlllJWUlt, Ord'y. G KORtllX I’OI.K COUNTY— W. O. Daniel has applied for Kxeinption of pursonalty, and 1 will pass upon the sumo at IU o’clock a. in., on tho 11th day of January, 1875, this tho 30th of Doooni- bor 1871. JOBL URUWKU, Ord’y. -Win." |{ tho 5th day of January, 1875. This December 22, 1874. .10151, UIU5WEU, Ord'y n KOKH I A, 1M)LK COUNT Y—Whereas— VTUlixaboth II, VanDovondor uml M V II Ako, having made application for bettors of Administration on the Kstale of Pol or Van Dcvamler late of sai I conuly decease I. These are, therefore, In cite all por- sotis jjonoorned, to bo uml appear at the next court of Ordinary to be bold iu said county on tho first Monday in January next to show cause if any they have, why Haiti I,utters shuuld not he grannlud. Given un der my hand uml ollioiul signature, This Nov. 25th, 1874. JOKI. HU 15\V 1511 Ord'y uummoMv ot wvi*«t> t Codar.tawn, - - Coorgln, Keal Estate Ap GEDARTOWN, OBOROrA, Aro now ortoring the folloa-lng d: PROPERTY FOR SALE. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VA RNIS a R8, K E tlOSENE, L A “TV/r “CD C3 I mlbw oust of* Taylorsvlllo, b?x m'l -J- CD • j of lloakinart, ami ono milo from 0 380 A^ros Farming Ln* 1 Wo offer for salo 300 noros of Inn olnaroil and undor good fence, Lea Everything Fresh an J Purelioso Aero rarm-ilBar,, 1 “ of 820 aoro ,, { 100 oloarod 1* IS R F IJ At E R y, LILY Will PH, NOV P-4,J TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. (JKNUlNK GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE Always on hand. Tooth,"JH tit* ntul JN til ^B.mshoi, Oombs, oto. For (Mipistinm. A lino lot of (Junliud mi I Fancy Good4, just rouoivod. Huylng for Cash, wo uro prepared to sell i low as tlie lowest. Itui 1 " Give in uoiill a G 15Q l(G I. W G I i the t knight, administrat late of Alfred Morriso i, doueiisutl, has made application, in due form of law, for dismlssum from his said administration, nllodgiug iu his pclltion ‘that, lift or Ids np- pUcntion ns such mlm uistrator, G.mrglii Morrison, the widow of t id-.' deceased, made application uml obliii tod homestead and exemption of personalty, ami in wliioli was Inolmleil tho whole of t'io properly belong ing to the estate of said deceased, and I lint be tins fully administered said estate, so far ns the law requires. Therefore, nil persons ooiioonie 1 will lake net loo to lie ami appear lit mj' olllou within the time preset Died hy law, to show oauso, if any they have, why Bind; W. C Knight should not bo fully discharged from Ids said administration. Given under my hand uml ollioiul signature, this Oot. it, 1871 JOKI. HR 15W15It Ord'y Dissolution. Tho firm of Wa-lo Co., in the Saw Mill am fNTTTv /"N natvt ~r\n—iiiTfTiT/-uIiuhIiiohh, iviiH iliHsolvod, hy mutual consent in- 1 S U KCtEOJN DENTIST ,,n 11,0 Ulh ll, ‘y November i.iHtaut, hy the x/ajiixxkjx wllhdrilWftl of w . b. McClain. Tho pres ent firm of Wndo & Co. uro responsible lor tlio debts of tbo old firm. Nov. 24, 1H74. W. 1.. MuCl.AlN. w ^Y. r_i. DAVIS, Cnriorsvillt, Oft Clocks, tho best, aro male by J. K. Veal, who made the city clock in Rome, Georgia. Pianos and Ohoans.—Wo uro agent for two reliable bouses, for the sulo of Pianos ntul Organs, or any other mus ical instrument, and wilUtll as cheap ns can be bought from manufactures, call and get catalogue and price list. Deutli of I Ion. Guructl Mr.Mil- ,, . . .. . , I j Road Shull bo tiRcu in pnyiu; pics of "b:end” served ou tho ocoiaion. 1 It is with inoro than o d : i iry sor-1 0,1 tl)0 Nutting bomls, iiihload Cciliulowii, (In. Wo wish for thorn u hanuv and nros- row » wu announce, this morning, ‘>f behig applied to educational pur- j /~vFF15118 bis professional servicos to tho “ 11 * ; ... 1 , I tho dentil of tho Hon. Gurnet McMil- 1 poses. citizens of (Jo.lurtown aud vicinity. porous v.yngo over the sea of aud L m . ral)or elect ,«» Congress from ) Tho a Ut , M BlirH m.IC.l' a siifc aiichorago boyoud. tlio Ninth district. Born at Elborton, L ,■ * , v , * . . On the evening after tlio wedding, i in Ibis State, on tho 8th of May, IS 12, ■'" on ’ " 1 " ( wn ’ l l, "l ,UH( H 0 ,, *“ Mrs. A R Jones gave Mr. Burbank j ho received a good education at L n- I '‘‘ duco u bid which shall provide, und hi ide a ion lory and Henry college, where he wu.-i that when a man issued and jiulj^. ai< ’ ‘ g ndudled in 1861. Ho then engug.'d ,nont in ublninoU nguiiist him in a Murrietl, nt tlio rooidouco of J. M ] m tlio study law, lull 1 L . lHll ,| f 10I „ ‘ w lii u li iuditiiiuut lm lliuriH, Cudu., Gu., on tlio 1811. '» Mureli, 18I1J wl.ou lio,;m,d . , , . . , , , „ .iu tbo Ooufudtra 08oi'vica,'.a am-vuto I llL8llLa 10 ' , l l ,u ". bo .i„m not no .nut, by Judge Jool Urowor, Mr. T. O'., o Quorgia remt Walker, to llury b. llulea, all of Ina „ hy | lis fu ;| 10ri A r ,, lv mcnt | lH SKI. 1.8 Polk county. Council Meeting. Council met Jau. 21th 1875. Inter lio was elected a lieutenant of his company, and tho following year became captain of company B, Third Imttalliou of Georgia sharp-shooters. Motion, That tho council proceed lu this capacity ho servo l with gul- lo investigate, aud decide who uro tho . Inn try in Virginia, receiving w. uiuls comicibucii rb.ct for tbu yenr 1H75. 1 llt Frudoricksburg und Spultsylriuii.i On inotiou it w,.« agreed tlmt tbo Oo«.Ibo.’Ho .mil tliHp'uy in- tbrougb- ° I out tlio Coulhot tho most ardent uml five persons receiving the highest ohjvulriodovotion to the Sou'll. Watchmaker lowed to do so until helms given t plaintiff :m indemnifying bond for full umoiiut in suit. This iu only one fea ture of Mr. Livingston's law, tho whole purport of which 5s to render easy and certain the collodion of mon ny Hint bus been loaned. Jl’liis Mr. Livingston believes, is tho host wny to 1 m'l*'of reduce the rate of interest. kept for salo. Mr. J. (». Parks lms becomo assooi-; id. Pcfloi Suits, Bedroom Suits, LIBRARIES BOOK OASES .Counting-House Desks, Thankful to tho citizens of Polkoounty for tliuir Uborul palronago,! I will still ntul ulways uxpool In Hull tlio ofuaposl ami bust I mil ft y of Furnituro iu tbo Statu, ami I do- Cedartown, Ca. W ORK douo promptly nml Hiillsfoctorily . -- . ..... < ,, , All work wiirranlod Twolvo Montlis. I i’y oompotllleu. My r urniliiro ih all will- Kupalrliq? film walolios n spooialty. All | nut uml poplar, finished up by tbo^ bosi ulry and Wntalics und Clooks juno 20-1 y Violincfl, from $1 20 to $*s nt J. E. Veals, No. 27 Smith's Hloek, Koiuo Cheap lJonjos. $1 GO, to $5, at V cal s. Pukmiums ! Premiums! :— 1 To all new subscribers who pay $2 iu ad- vunco for tlio Record, one year, wo will givo a now years proseut of a fine j I string* number of votes ou Saturday, the 2d lU-suming his legal Hind os after the j rt to oditor of the Duwi on Jaurnal. I day of January ho declared tho Com- surrondor, lio was udmitlod to the bar l f| ,, ., !f , . f.,r rjodartown for the vear in October, 1865. Hn iito eng iq. d iho Atlanta Herald anys that air. ' m • i i I activoly iu politics, aud became prom j Graham, of Dade, has a bill for early lS.S. Motion unanimously earned, ioont J 80 r U d l y |a„,t in !80a I,a w.uh i„tro.l.wtio„, vvl.icl, r-p-mla tbo lm M w.ltbi.t tho Stnyor ( wbo ,.i )o80 „ Bu Altnimlo Uloctor for ll.ii. | oxompti.iy from taxation curtain oot- ,.ro tlio flxa Unit rccu.ved tbo b.glioa ; stuto on tlio daainaralio tick ,1. Two j t f , lolori ^ luao | liu „ w „ kl , e to. Mr. vote. Adopted. years later captain McMillan wan . . . , Mayor It, a dyolarcd L F. Tbomp-' tbo domocracy of Hub j Graham propoaos to try to distribute By all means,call at Veal's establishment when you ga to Home. He lakes pleasure in showing goods whether you buy or not. He particularly request the ladies to call. No. 27, Smith's block, 4-6. Cherokee Iron Comp'y Store, IF YOU WANT ZDIR/X" 0003DS engraving, 1'JXM. Tbo rotuil price ’ B0U Muy0 , L. S . “Xtt W 'iJZZ. I mu!! ^ of tbuaa engravings, nt uny book store For Co.iiiniB»ionor», A. Huntington, jority, bis onraor iu tbo A'lacmbly wus 1 f , , . ,, would not bo less than ouo dollar. Wo N. M. Wright, P. 0. Harris, A. Dough- most successful. Ou every important! 10 ° 1,1,1 ,,l, t inquirer says m buvaufow sample plntprcu at our of- ur ty and J. P. McConnell (pieetiou I... stood mpurly with llu. 11,11 ptOBpoete m Unit willf the oaily See. “A Landscape .Study," “Far Moved that tbo new Col mnissionors f'8 h J- ani1 '*« °’\ U ' u 'rniiduloa spruig tin, diigmcor corps of the Sa- , .. ,i \r ji.nru i i * bonds, against tho stato road louse, vauiifth and Momp ns Railroad will bo from Home, “Aurora Sollies be sworn m. The Mayor adimmstor- , u virlonoocf L ia derotioa to Georgia. 1 .mUnal ahead to Cbildersbum on the Joy,' Death of Antony, etc., ole. 0( , tho ontll lo afaompsoo, Mayor, Evan Ibon the baud of death win, P” bed alie.,..Uo (.! Idereburg, on »e lluntiiigtoii, Wright, Harris and Mo- Upon him. Years before, eonsuinp-> 3ulto I,,,ltrm l>o«d, uad Council. tion bad fastened itself upon him and tliouoo to Corinth, Mississippi, vvbon A true extract from tho minutes. has slowly distrojed hi.s life, i I is j thoro will ho a grand trunk lino bo- 1‘. C. Hariub, Recorder. | groat ambition was to servo Georgia tween Savannah and St. Louis, with From Governor Smith’s message to ' I°„Cho»o 1 tb“y mid ' well “S™ ^ , U ° “ l, “5 °" n ~-IH.le. rutt'to j -««-« • 1 • - ■ tlio lutorost of tlio Georgia Control oxtrocts. Iu rogard to tho fiuuuMH, 1 aliaation of his asperutioiis, and nil i liis friends looked forward with pride tlio lichoHt ooul, iron, marble and gen- F‘ ETJ'KUH of n»l min I strati on having boon . . .. V1 ar Tbo balance iu tbo treasury on the S £,,^7,''ijmsotf “and tfb£ ' T\ l "° of" «!!.'“ on either note or account for tho year . . lu71 4 ,. l>9 rtpuiauou i nimbcii auu ut ins Xixunu nro now running sixty mdos county, (loooasud, nil persons indebted , ri i 1st day of January, ISM, was , state. This was not t > bo however. # ... . . •• ■ • • • 1874 aro requested to eomo forward ^ ^ t|jo ln)0UIlt rect i ve j i] ar . j Osptaiu McMillan wan a man of f "> : “ 0 P thli, ‘- Tho wl '° l " lv " and settle. Wo menu it. i inrr the lust fiscal year wus $1 895 11G I oxteusivo culture and of fine mental j put their money m the road cannot J audit BAHUE/f A WOOD. , 8 •. (be agrogato amount I ““Pioity. »»J »n orator of power. F, i- ' afford to let it stop whore it is. They — -7— ,, ’ , " Isonallybo wnB one of the most umm- ari) forcodto muko c-juusetioiis to pe- To All \\ u .m it May Cosckkn. . charged uguinst tbo tn usuier l-mt: bio of moil. A d< vout Christian, bis All persons owing me for medieul sur- year, $11,817,7211 11. Tbo disburse-1 wa fk i n life was marked by gentleness vices, ore earnestly requested to come ments for tbo same period amounted and purity but fuw of us possess. forward and settle, as I can no longer I to 11,814,51)4 21), which, deducted | There SUOKH, CLOTHING, HATH, OAFS, Dr uny urticlo generally kept in A FIRST GLASS STORE At Prices to suit Iho Closest Buyers, you will iiinltn it groutly to your udvuntugo by tlio above named store. Juno 27-ly , i r * tho loginlaturo, wo muko tho following oloction laat Novcmbor Hocmod tho . , or repairing wuicues biiu jo 4 t _ T .. i i„ n... r. nnnn ^, I nlirntmn nf l»i« nuiif-nit ioiiM nnrl nil I Ruilroail, nod travorMlDg diagonally, Allan iii ihtrulor^H Notice. reduced to suit the times, ut Veals, U- vs... r:, ; L them, duly nut hunt iuutod, for Hctlle- Jaiiuury 4, IH75. M. V. li. AK15, Admr. euro their intostmouts. ^ The Columbus Enquirer soya : Otii cotton mauufiiotorioH show a» follows | Eiglo and Phunix Mills, 22,000 npin- (Hub and 700 loomn ; Btoam rnilla, con- OEDAliTOWN Lively, Sale and Feed Stable, most approved Mlylo, Ono lino full marble top Bureau, hoiglit from top of glass to the floor,B foot 0 inches, Ono lino full Murhlo- WasliHtnnd, with nil tho lu’o Improvomoiils. Ouo hatidsotno murblo-top tiblo; Ono Hue full oarvod Flfth-Avonuo Hooker, 4 lino anno heavy Walnut Kiiglisb Roll Back Ilruoo Arm Ohali-H, for #140 00. Wamplos or hand. You onu savo Hixly to eighty dollar, by buying from mo. WUi do delivered to any part of North Georgia at tho abovi price, for Cash. Just roooTvod a fiuo assort moiit of cheap Rosewood Bcdstoads, prioo It). Fine chairs at ouo dollar to ono if ’ lur and twonty-firo oouts. Don’t fall writo or call at Iho Extra and very liberal induce mo itn oflbi'od to dculoiH. CEDARTOWN FURNITURE WARE-ROOM nov 7—ly cam clover. No. 9, - - Broad Street OA.. DRV GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Ready-Made Clothing. QAM cheap f Cotton 1 Cotton 11 Cotton 111 STOP ANT) BEAD'! I will at all times pay Iho Romo Full Market Price r yoursolvo .. 2d-ly IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to tlio Whole Raco of Women DR. BRTdFIELD'8 Female Regulator! I T Nv11.1. U MNO ON Tint MWNHHH, rol'fvo lint wuii uml Ni'iirulgU ol^ lliu'k nml Uinru* l.oii- uM.ii.m. Mini imrttnl I'rola, huh Ulorl, mid curroct nil'H m'iVji irrltn Ion of Kidneys nni] lllnd- •lluv'a UoHiivuiiojtH, i jiriiy i*I»mi-tIiik it rosy 1,no ,n iiiiii.'ii(Hilc,nnd oliour- a h rerun'I.mill thunbovodlstn usaiQuin- lil'h' lit ruvuiliiiB llidr ruiii|iiuliilfi lo nuy , wlilu.i tn u tvuyN nun nf tug lu tlurir |irldo lull'd liy Ilia lionl pliyHlolnim und TiAQlUNan, On . Murrli ‘.3, IM7U, tiir o orgy. 1iK*nrnii. inko |diHH iwniity rniitildi' „ jlli iimniiMidiHi. i luiHlu'lun you « - ’ “ Aid's j i, biiuwu mi Dr. .1. Ilindllu d'n Ki'iimlo Ilo ...lid consider ll llu- bum combliiu. f goliiui to I'llwr for llu 1 dlm'uM'M f r whluli iHiniuidrd. I have burn litinl lur w lb tbo itro- ,„ liiilun bulb uu n piuuililo >«<r uf lie dlrlnu mid III dnuu'Hi'.u iinunliii', nud enn biinri.i.y any ill 11 nun- nl-li-r ll n I unu lu nnlb i Iuk it-ii.uli'n und a in lull liuno Hint overy Indy in our own bind, w bo uiuy bo milYi i!mi In nny way iiccul nr to tlu-lr sox, limy bo lo lu proouro u lintll • ilml llinlr siifniriiiBi* I nnlv lm rulluvod, but ilui< limy limy liunm bi'iilib nud HtroiiKtli Wl b mv l IimichI rognrd.i, rliiK In nny wny urcul nr In tli.-lr sox, to proouro n lioltl-* tlmt llinlr RiillVrii _ , nut unlv lm ri'lluvod, but ilui< limy tuny imruHluri'd - ' 'iilili mid Hlri'iiKlb Wl b mi HiiiU*-* -*•- , icHiicctI'll11> , W 11. TKilHIDi N k a li 11 a li l kitA (Jn.^M llrcl^ 20.1870. iiionllm iw:<11 bungbi n bnlllouf llnullli-ld’HToiniilo lliv.iilnioi ft mu you, Hint bnvo nanl ll III my In ml y wKli ilm iitiuiMt HiillNiimllou, nud bnvo rorumtnoii- d< d ll to t wo or tlirriinib. r ruiiilllf'H,uiul limy bnvo found It JiiHl w bin II I. ri-roiiiiimmli'd. Tlio fOniiilns wlin bnvo uml i your Ucfcii.utor uro In imrfiml Imnlib, mid nro nblo lo ullni;d to llmlr boiiMibald • ■ i, mid wo cordially oulllviitlon, with good fences. Now ling, now smoko house nn4 well o wnior. Tim runiainrlor oftlio land I- timbered. Tho grade of, the Nor i South Railroad passes through this Leantod In Floyd oounly, ton tnllm Uudarlown, and about th’a s-imi d: from HoniO, on Silvor Crook road. T very roasonablo, in faot tlm cheap h' lu North Georgia, looatiotr'Consldoro Dr. Rooso ResIdbncA' On (Jodqr si root nud near tlio - Tills is tlio mostdofilrnbly locitod, n • of tlio most boautiful rosIdenAod'In • Tlio houso is two stories, Gothic ' sV bod-roomi.dining room, kltolibn'ii, try, nil woll fiiiishod. Flvo aoro-* This l mi rnro opportunity for n'grr 1 ' Rain. Store House and LrP- Known as tbo Rooso Drug Stov thirty foot front, running Imok ono In ami thirty-two foot, on which is a tw ■ • * framod storo houso. Good businim. lion. Tho host bargain yot offered. ALSO, A stock of Drugs aud Fixtures. ? Frosli nml pare’. E. CLEAVELAND, Fashionable Tail).’ MAIN STIlKltr Cedartown, Ca. A LL orders ill my lino proiup'ly ' and in a stylo nut to 1)3 oxcoll'' ! best. Fits gunrnalood, and nil w. rautod. Try mo and bo convl'ioad oiul ait out Ion paid to renovating pairing; also out ting for 1 idles Ly m ting. 211 W. H. Wikle & C , Cni'lei'Avillc, - (In 00KS AND STATION"' NOTIONS, NOVELTIi:', GAMES, FANCY CONFECTIONE I S i, r,'spool f ii'Ouimiiund it lo lim pub- II. II JOnNH'IN. lumeUmt 1 'prooTof Re For full partloulurs, history or dlsonsen. and car- llllimUiH or Its uoiidnrliil cures, llm rtiudor Is re* lurmd lo tlio wrappi'i' mound tbo boiile. Mmiufnciur.'d nod sold liy IIUADI IIDI.U Si. CO.* Atlanta, Qm Hold by ull driiKKi-U. K. R. THOMPSON, Banjos, the finest ever s try, worth from $2-5 to strings at J. E. Veal’s, R also, fine . a 8weotucH3 about bin din .li.. « i position, united to tho unflinching ud- work for uoLliing and buurd tnyself. from tbo amount received, leaves u ! Lorenoo t.. what lie believed wim Unless settlement is made, my servi- balance of $1,003,128 88 on bund r] (rhi that made iiim beloved by all I trollt-il by E. anil I'., 2,000 spiudlls ; cos will certainly bo discontinued. January I, 1875. iho particular . who knew him. Wo laid antieiimted j (j| 8 f„ ( .t 0 ry, SB Icmms ; Muscogee j iHuin Street, Cednrtown, Oa- a bright futuro for our doud frieud— ! . ,, , • : a future that would liavu placed bis factory, 1,000 spindles nud 80 looiH; j awn to. H ult tl>. timoa. flood narno high ou tho role of thoHo who ; Columbua factory, 5,000 spindlca and L Stock, Vehiolos, uml Careful Drlvora uro numbered among tho ciiHtinguinli- 116 looms—total, 33,000 spindles and always on hand. 931 looms. Iu 1805 all of thoaa man Special attention given to the euro cf ufactorios were reduced to ashes by j ntook left in our charge. ( tho torch of tho Federal soldiers. All | LH.Ml’KIN & McCONNELL* Tho following resolution was intro-i l‘-ivo been rebuilt sinco Iho war with dticod by Air. Furlow. We hope a I^outlirrn capital, ilardly $200,000 is i proper law will be made in icgard to held iu tho north of tho throe millions j eferred to in tho res invested here, und that by parties | t. M. ANDERSON, late of Romo, Go. with who huvfl spent the greater portion of. > 17 1 * /v 3r I>3 a simple very giuiuyiuy | tl / • r • I . • T I 1'1'nn w I nvn ! -*- • **•9 contrivance, which is to do its own reported increase iu the value of turn- | Whereas, There exists in various hupr. IJo,,,w W “" *'*• '"”‘ r P “ work. Iu other words, I propose to hie property for the year 1814, is more purls of this, state a largo number of construct a self-acting pump. The than 30,000,000 over aud ubovo the j cross roads and wuystds groceries -' j' v construct, a v t I r>ofnn 0 ;i,l« (in sin arm i« lawful $16,690 to Opi: «‘ | ,./r K year { and yet this is 1VL glo nioal, 60 contiT,* First.ela«H tablg uny town in the State. Cull ami 'alow town ou the Cliutta- i^ood roorriH, Saloon in busomont sources from which tho receipts were , derived, and tho various purposes for which the disbursements were mado, > staled in tho comptroller general h j gj men. All who know him loved report aud need not be specially sot . him, and mourned his death with the Pure eolitl e'llver thimbles for 60 cent*, ' fortU iu this communication. I most sincere sorrow.—AlluiUa New*. and name engraved on it free,by J. K. \ enl, reference to tho increase of the Jtome, Georgia. value of property the governor suys ; The steady growth in tho wealth To Whom it May Concern. of the state, us shown by tho comptrol About cighteeu mouths ogo, I got ler general’s report, cannot fail to he j this “nuisance " ioferi [water hy a simple very gratifying to tho people. The \ o.utiou: FULTON HOUSE, ihe idea of raising . t titl mi . , . uw . UV[U , " *“ ‘ ' ; (Joruor Loyd and Wall ste. neriger Depot, ivoeks Columbus pays out ! \ r ■, ; : agoROIA, contrivance is*U simple "that any boy value reported for the previous year.; whose o^nmFto huTuoss is lawful ™ to opirutivesus wages/ or! 1V/[BA ,, H u ,,„ wrfn, par l).y 00; — • • merchantdiso, but many of them real- the purchase of trailed 11« own unu wu .uu uui**» furnished with pure Eiquora, Fine Wines ^ ^ 1 ~ " July 11 11. 4 4- „f tor mnkinrx full allow time, and at merely nominal prices, more money th in nuy other id tbo I have implicit confidence) and all say luxation. But after making full nU And wberea3j Suc-li ure great nni- state, no mutt, r wlpit may he tbo “it will do." aucu for Ujc tepeal o t us ejemp ion, Bnuc(;li an( j detriraontul to tlio morolu immhor of itsiubuhitauls. X have not the means to test its it appears that tbp not increase in the I ^ pommunity iu which they ex- ., , . practicability. Who will furujsh the value of taxable properly returned ocoo9ionin g groat l 038 to Al u “ °‘°“ °* U,e money and take an interest! was $13,700,376. I may here he aL- ^ 6un -onudiug' planters, and cannot ) “ ,l JL - ’- LU uu 8° J. M, HARRJ»S, lowed to not©, for commendation, tho j \j e Burpiessed or controled ly exist-, 111 mofte y matters. Don t wo need ^Cedartown, Ga. thoroughness aad WJuracy exhibited j ing laws. I nflutiou of the currency ? /JOHN C. AUeEN/j Practical Mechanic & Builder, c ED auto fr.v, o.i., Ll) respectfully nanoun Idle tlmt In iri fully pi fatoi'lul mi I Erect 1 Xnll<lintV>->l3 of all hIzoh and grndos, on aliort nolloo ami aflor tlio iiiohL approved plans. Particular attention givou to making nml li'lmnilng COFFIN’S, REPAIRING FURNITURE, Ac. TIioho dofllring work of any kind in bin lino would do woll to call on lilm at Iho St. Glmrioa Hotel. Shop fronting Court Homie Hquaro. Juno ED-ly AV. O. Barber, REAL ESTATE AG-’T Itockmmt, Gu. W ILL Hull or buy Wild or Improved Liimlri in any portion of tho county. Having boon a citizen of Polk conuly for many yearn, and being thoroughly posted in illo Location, Value, oto , of Lamia in ev ery neelion, fool confident that iL will bo to tlio lutorcHt of parties having landn to hoII, in my liamla; “ Ta riodieuf publiMlimi in tho United St i PubllHhors lowest priooH.J J N B B D L B’ 1 For nil kinds of Sowing Maohimw •’ nlsh Atlftolunonts, Oils, oto. W NoodloH by mull, to any address, «u of price. Hingor, 08 cents por do olhorH HO centh. PartloB would d-> coiiHiilt us bofoi'o buying goods fn dlors, or sending North to the Hwindlors and humbugs. Any goo I Hlook will hu furnished nt short noli Jun • TRAVELER’S GUI!) Rome Railroad Comp t t • OII.VNOE OF BOBDULE. O N and nftor Monday, Juno lm. ' double daily trains will bo run i.n i this road nud run as follows: DAILY PASSRNUr.Il Loaves Home at. H.15aiu. 7 u i Arrive at Romo 1.15 p. m }Moept H-.-1 Loaves Koine at 6 80 p. m. > P Arrive at Romo at 10.10 p m ) ‘ 1 Knoll train will mako oloso • - at Kingsion with Western and \ it Railroad trains bouml for Ghaltuu mm Atlauta. W. 8. UOTHHAN. V JOHN 0. PRINT UP, Ticket Agon Solma, Rome 4i Dalton . Trains qu this Rond will run an . . GOING NORTH, Loavo boliun 7 ’ Arrive ut Prior's *> “ Dalton b Making oloso connection ntDil'o B TV&Ua It It., aud W St A ll . Eastorn aud Wostoru oitios and . . giuia Springs. GOING SOUTH* Loavo Dalton 5 Arrive at Prior's 1 Arrive at Solma t • M. STANTON, Ge.. W. 8. MAYNARD, Asst. Supt. RAY KNIGHT, G. P. to T- ; d those wish I'eVHima wl.Ma||[la dollva'' i wl'u 'ba°Ta (iKowa wi payment of their accounts, lj|fl 1| ( olvo !i month, for tlio pur, peso ot'transaoting business in mv lino. twelve years old can understand it j This increase was produced, iu part, ’-oSSTjeass rrss:™- For Cotton mo oolton i will receive Liberal I’ricow Over tho market price, during tho month of November. Parties having Hold mo Cot ton and to bo delivered this fall, aro hereby notified to bring In tho sumo ut ouco, as it is past duo. NBWaOODS AND OIIK A.3PE R O N JUS! I am now iu receipt of ono of tho largest stocks of Goods cyan brought lo Cedar- town, which L am offering at extremely low prices. I am determined that hereafter i/<iiiiIh shall be sold as low ill CodttrtOWIl as ) uml "■ j Examine Mj Stock and Pfices. Do You Want I Don’t listen to Croakers, but call and ox- PROFITABLE amine for yourselves. Highest market, prioo EMPLOYMENT L n "a'Vwt so, write to Major R. O. RANDALL, vOPR anti VY Iieai. neral Agent of the Mobile Life Ifl- A TTlTn't'i'nCPi’nTl rpncG Company, g u'lsdon, Aia i ix* JHUUuiiAJ^UUU* '»* r mnt : v “". u ! cbdabtowx, not. 12, unt Opened, A Boot and Shoo Shop, on tho corner of Prior au l College si roots, near St Charles hotel. Our terms are Oath, and no work shall bo delivered until paid for. Work done with dispatch and at small cost. Patronage solicited. Very ^rMpootfhlly, Codartown, Ga., Juno 20th, 1871. NEW BARBER SHOP. rnllE undersigned has locatid in Cedar- I town Tor tho purpose of carrying on 1 bo business in all its branches. Ifyou wsut “A CLOSE SHAVE” a shampoo or hair out, givo mo a call and I will guuranteo satisfaction. tune 20 ALFRED EVANS, “THE KENNESAW ROli. Western & Atlantic Ra ! and Conneotionj. DAY PA98KNGEU —OUTWAU • Loavo Atlanta n Arrive ul Chattanooga -1 DAY l'.VS3ENGKtt—ISW.VUJ Loavo Chattanooga • 6 Arrive at Atlanta 1 NIOUT Pits 1EMQ E a—INWAH ACCOMODATION TUAI>. Loavo Atlanta l" I Arrive ut Dalton Loavo Daltou 1 Arrive at Atlanta T:n Ijociiisiit ol tfis Into John S. II Mjkiiii, uf B illimoie, for the fuuucl- ing uf a university, nmeuutn to throe million. NEW SCHEDULE. Choroltoe Rail! - From and aflor Noverabor 1st. !• . following sohedulo will bo run ou t..«- • okoo Railroad; Loavo Rookmart,...^. r Arrive at Taylorsville... Loavo Taylorsville V * Arrive nt Stilesboro Loavo Stilesboro “ Arrive at CartersviUo i >. lletiiruln,. Leave Car tors villo Ari'ivo ut Stilesboro » Leavo Stilosboro V Arrive at Taylorsville o . Loavo Taylorsville . •: A rrive at itookmart ' s D. wk. Fi: it* rtersvilleOot, 29, 18