The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, January 30, 1875, Image 3

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A Lire Country Newspaper. Published Every Saturday Morning by W. S. D. WIKLE & OO. having a X mark opposite thoir panics are reminded that they havo not paid their subscription, or tho tinio for which they havo pni«l 1ms expired, and TEBMB OP SUBSCRIPTION. One oopy, ono year S3.00 One copy, six months 1.00 Ton copies, in clubs, ono year, each 1.60 ; unless thov pay tip, or renew, tho |vv Single copies Sets 1 1 " All subscriptions invariably in advance. No P* r wiM »» stoppo»l. name entorod upon tho list until tho labacrip- tion is paid. BATES OF ADVERTISING. Dr. Richardson has tho foundation laid for a now office ou Maiu sti out. 18 00] 25.00 ! Tho building will be 18x21. * 6.00 $ 8.001 11.00 M. | 6 If. , CoRntcrioN.—In Treasurer Pilt- un*8 report, published in tho Rec- JaooJ O5.oo| 120.00 j oni) of the 16th iustaut, wo made a P.»f<v»lon«i Ud Bu.lnou c.rd. of ono i mistake ill ouo name. Wlioro tho uunio Inch or lots, (12 per annum, payable quarterly * R. 11. Peel: OCCUl'8, ns road COmiuis- in advance; six months, (8. All adrertiee- ments due after first insertion. Wheel or. and looked musingly ou, while tho '•dovol" goathorod it togothor and shoved it iuto “ hell." Perhaps, says wo, absontlv, that “lender” was in tended to injure groat and good uion, aud principles. Soo its fate. Oar rev elry was broken by hen ring from tho printer, sir. ’’ Wo looked at him, put our hands behiud us, and slowly wended our way down stairs, while lie whistlod " little brown jug how I lovo l hoe.” Dr. Felton's Speech. Wo take tho following synopsis of Dr. Felton’.! great speech, delivered in Atlanta on tho 10th, tutiou : power pivots ou thoir roduotion of tho public expenditures. History repents itsolf. Tho story of Prido3 purgo in 1047 of tho English parliament was roonaotod in Louisi ana by Lieutenant General Sheridan tho illustrious barn bnrnor,(applause) for ho reports 2,000 bar us filled with grain burned in tho valley cf Virginia; the hero of grist mills, (applause) for ho burned sovonty mills stored with graiu ; tho groat cattle drover, for ho reported 4,000 cattlo aud 11,000 sheep distroyod; tho groat ornitheologist, for ho boosted that ho loft the valley so poor that a crow would bo too iwwii , u l )0 °r to Ay over it; tho grout hero ; w ii 0 carries tho scalps of Iudiuu wo- ■ f,oul 11,0 CuU8 "-1 men ami children - ho it ia who is ! tho unchallenged dictator of a once l\. 11. icon occurs, as r*mu cumuiia- ... . TT ... .. i . hnvA ,. nM1 1> H I Ike Iinuonncoment that Hon. W.H.proml commonwealth. .btouer, it should ha\o beou K. Felton Congressman olect from tho 7th Tho state governin' Cl 11 HCII Dill ECTOR V. district, would spouk at tho hall of the liouso of representatives last night, Baptist Cum and 3d Sundays ney llrown, I'm o'clock, A. M. Ed Wood says lie would hko to seo ( j l t)W 0 ni a largo nudianco. msn who has no wife havo a spoil of j Hon. 11. H. Hill introduced tho ora- fevor and get well in three days. tor of tho evening iu tho following griuoful manner ; .—Regular Service*, 1st each month, llev. Court r. Sabbath-school at 0 lluy a pair of Brazilian Pebble .’“’".STm 7*2% «.*U” i SpocUdo. from Void, iu Homo. They Sabbath; Rev. Wm. 11. LaPrado, Pastor. ' will last ft lifu time. Only $3 n pair. Sabbat h»school at 9 o'clock, a. u. — — „ .. ... Mr. Hari>or and Judge Wm. M. Prkbdttirian CnrniMi.—Services 1 «t ■ * ” and 3d Sabbath every inontli. Rev. R. F. Sparks havo been trying their luck Taylor, Pastor, Sabbath school at 'J o'clock, ^ml hunting this week. Up to tlirco Ouviug that timo I lmvo not kuowu • - a bettor man, a purer Christian “>• n Fellow-Citizens : In the charming, sweet college days, whon affeotions are sincere and natures truo, 1 formed the acquaintance of our distinguished friend. This was thirty-throe years ago—tho period allotted to government is tho surest bulwark against anti-republican ten dencies. Tho states aro tho castles of American liberties, and no outside party should enter except by duo pro cess of law. (applauso.jAmerican lib erty .has no towor cxcopt tho reserved rights of tho state. Tho advocates of centralism and aspirants of despot ism will novel* roach thoir purpose un til tho rights of tho states are annihi lated. They are barriers, though not impregnable, but when maned by a uatiou of froomou, cousocrated in pur pose and hoart, it is invincible to tho Masonic. Caledonia Lodge, No. 121, F. k A. M Regular communication, the 3d Friday night in each month. J. S. Stcuds, W. M. N. M. Wriout, Secretary. Good Templars. Cbdau Vallkt Louok, No, 303. 1 T.--Mects every Friday Friday,) J. M. HARRIS, W A. Boon, Bccrelnry. lira nue. ColQCITT GHANOI ings Saturday bofoi •ach month. Polk County Farmer's C Hold* it* regular nice*Inga on Sal before tho -4th .Sunday in each month S. M. II. llVKD, l’rosid John O. Waddell, Secretary. Our A Rents. E. P. Fealherston, Lime Branch. R. 8. Pattillo, Tnylotsvllle. W. P. West, Esom llill. SATURDAY MORNING. JAN. 80 o’clock Friday thov had not killed a ! l t,ulu ‘ r “ u . u * n T purer UUrwtiau or a poso and hoart, it is invincible to th ... tiuer patriot. I havo tau honor of iu- euoroaohmouts of despotism. Aj single bud, owing to the fact tHut ^ tro a uciug to you llou. Wm. U. Ftilton. nlause.1 Gooririatis. romomber will shots 1 [ApplatifcO.] j With self-possession, and yet with uo ostoutntiou, Mr. Felton bogtiu by III* y had only had thirty- 1 each. Tho young folks of Oedartowu ! 8U yj„, havo gatherings they call “soerot i 1 thank my friund for tho kind parlies.” They mo gotten up ou short: words iu his introduction. It is truo, . i n n notice aud lmvo but few in attendance, j rta *j° wtldt!a .» that our friendship was ..(U. *• g* G. . .. i, . n : contracted m boyhood. 1 havo only e w (««,.. : .l Dan llamsonnnd Jin. Hamnaay they ! Roow lhnt ^ J„, 0 mJ . 8()hoo , mal i LOCAL ITEMS. Our office is now located in Lump kin A. McConnell's new building, over J. A. Wynn's store—front room. Tho firm of Liddell &. Richardson having been dissolved, Dr. Richard son cun l>o found at present at tho law office of Capt. W. F. Turner, in the day, and at tho rcridcnco of G. W. Feu theft, tou at uiglit. jan 16. d Eph Thump don’t object to ’em. At an election for marshal, by tho now council, last week, Mr. B. G. Wilkes was re-elected. Mr. AVilkcs makes a good marshal, aud wo aro glad they havj continued him iu office At tho colored church not long since, u sister got very happy, and rc- inntked that it she “had the wings of a Juno bug, sho could lly to heaven.' Auothor sister near by coolly ubsorvod that “she would'nt gut twenty feet be fore she would bo gobbled up by a wood-packer.” Cur young townsman, Charley Junes, has been appointed county Judge, in place of his father, who 1ms resigned on account of ill houltli. Wo havo a fo.v uumos ou our sub- •ription book who havo never paid says ho j alu j f,i ml of my boyhood is “one oftlio few, tho immortal names that wore not boru to die. [Immense applause.) At tho request of friends, ho said, ho hail consented to address them to night, and ho considered the preseueu of so many an omen of good. The demand upon our spaco aro imperative that wo aro forced to plauso.] Georgians, romoiuber with shunto wlion a federal satrap was iu thoso halls, clothed with authority to organize the gonoral assembly of door gia. Ho who cohquors Baris rul.s Franco. Nuvor, I hopo, will Wash- ingtou hold iu its bauds the reserved rights of Goorgia. Wlmt out tho south to do ? Put ion!- ly and quietly submit. Whatever tho heart may respond this is tho dictate of a sound judgmont. Lot tho help less and outraged condition of Louis iuua go up as a silent nppoul to lire tho nation's heart. There is power iu uurosistud wrongs ; t here is omnipo tence in outrages socking redress. Louis! ilia lies cold uud stift', her hands rosling pleadingly on tho door- TTT uitWr p TT , TM l ??7 CEDARTOWN, GA. P ROMPT ntlontlon Riven to (Maims. Ollloo with Ivy l\ Thompson, East sttlo Court House Square. out 17, 71 “ Wm. M. SPARKS, AT TO !i NEY AT LAW, Codartowri, Ca. oot. 17 *74. *57it. uTrbbrT Notary Public AN1> ATTOnNEY AT LAW, ('rdiiilnwn, (hi. P AUTICULAR aitontion given to taking Depositions and collection of claims. W. F. TURNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cetlin-town, Gn. ^FFIOE South of Court Ilonso, betwoon IVY F. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, CEDARTOWN. GA. for loavo to soil I no towu lot belonging to s \ld estate,oontnlnlngsovcn-olght of an acre, lying in ilio south \vo|(. om-nor of what is known ns tho gin house Hold, between Ilio Glilaotom plnoo, and tho rosldonoo of Dr. S. A. Borders, In tho Inuorporato limits of Ccdarlown in aaid oounty. This la, therefore to eito and admon ish nil poraons concerned, kindred and creditors, to appear at my ollloo as required by law, to show cause if any they havo, why said application should not he gruntod. Given under my hand and olllulal signa ture, this 8th day of January, 1873. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y. application for letters of Guardianship for tho persons and property of ('ora 'I'homp* eon aud Riclicy Thompson, minor ohildren of P. T. Riolioy, deoeased These are, therefore, to olio and admon ish all concerned to lie aud appear at tho next Court of Ordinary, to he hold In said county on,tho first Monday iu February next, to show cause; if any they havo, why Baid letters of Guurdlnnsoip should not bo groutod in terms of the law. Given under my hand uud otlieial signature, (Ids Jan 8th, 1876. .10131. BUEWER, Ord’y. WOFFORD & MILNER, content ourselves with a synopsis of j B iH of American froodotu. Lot the his effort. | story of her wrongs go up to overy state, hor outrages to tho national heart, and it will bring tho overthrow Apathy and indiftVouco, ho said, since the war were cousuvablo. That nation is free who is bent on froodom. Ho asked pardon for a brief person al allusion lo himself. At the roquost of friends ho uunouncod himself as an indepeudent candidate for congress iu the 7th district, ilis opinions were thoroughougly understood by every voter, for nover was a c indidato subjected to a moro rigid criticism tlian ho. His staulus was analyzed in every crucible of tho political labor atory. The enthusiasm of the people iuteuso, aud they put the their subscription, and wuu pruiuiauu j p)^ U80 j to pay "in u few weeks, or "Olirist- The question in tho canvass was mas.'* Unless these littlo bills nro I uot paid soon, wo will ho forced, iu self- | erncy d fence, to drop them from Knight, administrator on (In* es tate of Alfred Morrison, doooasol, lias muMo application, In duo form of law, for dismission from Ills said administration, allodjrlng in his petition that, after Ills np- F , ., u ,i U)| as p|| 0 | t ndmiuislrntor, Georgia ATTORNEYS ATIqAW i Morrison, tho widow of said (loooasod, made CnriersviUe. Du. ; application and ohtalnod homoslea l and , a ,\ I exemption of porsouully, and iu which was / in Bank Building. Juno -0 isoluded the whole oftlio property bolong- j lug to tlie osiuto of said deoousoil, and that ! ho Inis fully administered said estate, so far itkn. w. r. wovkowd, Jons ii. wnci.ii. , us the law requires. il \ir■ i.-, i Therefore, all persons oonoarno 1 will " rU.tiJ M. n l IV LL) I take notice to bo and appear at my oiliee A TT O It N E X S AT LA W within tho time prescribed by law, to show , _ , _ . . _ . oauso, If any they have, why said W, O and Real Estato Agents. Knight should not bo fully discharged from CARWRSVMM! GA, II. It. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, - Coorgla, is Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VARNISHES, KEROSENE, L A. im: IF s. Everything Fresh and Pure I 1* 12 XL F IJ M 12 It Y» lily warns, so u’s,] TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. U1SNUIN1S GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE I Always ou hand. Tooth,J' Mail* and JNiil gBi'ualio*, Ootubs, oto. For Glii'lstina«t. A lino lot of Otutlios Fancy Goods, just roooivud. Buying for Oasli, wo nro proparod to soil ns low as the lowosl. floy- Give us ao.vll aud soo for yourselvoj juno20-ly OKI) All TOWN, GA. QFFICE < lid administralioii. Given under my hand and otliuiul signature, this Out. U, 1871 JOEL 11 It EWER Ord'y A«l ill I u 1st 1-11(01-^ Suit*. G \ EORG1A, l’Ol.K COUNTY.—On the I first 'i'uesdnv hi February next, will I ho sold, before the Court House door, in Cedartown, said county, within the legal j ' I -I"". CEDARTOWN, G!3 Aro now offorlng tho follo vlng dosirahl.) PROPERTY FOR SALE.' 330 Aorss Farming Landg. Wo ofi’er for snlo !lfit noroi of land, J.jt oloarod and undor good f.i.ieo, located five milos amt of Taylorsville, s\x milasnorth of ItocUmnrt, and ono mile from Cochran’s mill. A bargain will be given. This is gojd upland. 320 Aero Farm--A Bargain. Farm of 820 aoro < ', 100 cloarod and in jultivation, with good fotioos. Now dwel ling, new smoko house and well of go...I water. Tho remainder of tho land is well tlmh.n-nd. Tho grade of tho North and South Railroad passes through this land Located In Floyd oounty, ton miles from Cedartown, and about Ilio Mm-) distance from Rorno, on Silver Crook road. Tornn very reasonable, inflict tho ohonpest pi ion in North Georgia, location ooiuldurod. JJJ | Dr. Roose Rosidonso, On Cedar Blroot and near tho Bpring This is t ho moat desirably loo tied, and one oftlio most beautiful rosidonoos ia town. Tho liouso Is two storios, Gothio siylo, hix bid-rooms, dining room, kitoinn and pan. try, all woll finished. Fivo aoros in lot. This is a raro opportunity for a groit bar- gain. * Storo Hauso and Lot, ICiiown as tho Uoosn Drug Storo. I.' 1 thirty foot front, running hick ono Imndiv aud thirty-two foot, on which is a two stor - framed storo house. Gao l businoos loc -• lion. Tho best bargain yet oITored. ALSO, dock of Drugs and Fixttiros. Stock of hor violators. Two years banco wo will lmvo a political Philippi for those men who outraged the liberties of sovereign states. [Appluuso.] Tho preservatiou of tho general government iu its whole constitution al vigor is auothor truth. Wo want a union of hearts as woll as of states.— While ovory state sustains tho general government, tho general government must rospool ovory right of its croator, the states. Let no retaliatory legislation mark the return of domoci nay to power.— Lot tho Bastile and the column vau- domo stand, but overshadow them Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Ctwlurtowii, Gn. O FFICE at rosldonoo, on Pryor rtract. juno 20. Dr. L. 8. LEDBETTER, laud Noh. n-jit about 30 norvs i SURGEON DENTIST I wto proiniBCil I , X>; i r “ v ) ' , ‘ U P°“ bis l>* O.ciploH. [Ap .Tie question in tho canvass wai ono of political faith, for hisdomo- with wisdom, justico and moderation. TAPPERS IiIh profoHHlonal Horvioos to cy was conceded by every speaker j [Appluuso.] w olllsotm of Codartown and vicinity. I the executive committor. The) Homo ru!o aud local self govorn- aud N. for all kinds of Sowing machine* 1 ; Singer, •»'» ers SO cents. Will k receipt of price. »P»do: . govorn ... , ,, ,i,-. t.nt .vo mo mm- . 1 ><30 P'>° 1^° district lmd bocome mout iu what wo uoed in tho spilth.— ‘ 1 ,s 1 ’ . ... alarmed at tho growing tendency to Lot us uot roopon quostiouu settled by r paper Dills uiooiniy, | oontrali/.o political power in the liamls tho war, but say to our brethren ol ollcct enough subscrip- of a few men—assuming power novor | tho north j’ i polled to pi: and unlu.'S Clock*!. I bo b«*-t, me male l>y J. K. N e who made tho city clock in ltomc, Geo.j Pianos and Ouoans.—Wo tiro agent for two roliublo houses, for tho sale of Pianos and Organs, or any other mus ical instrument, and will hell as cheap us can bo bought from niaiiuf lulure call and got cut ilogno and price list. Violines, from $1 20 t<» J.60, mi at J. E. Veals, No. L’T Smith’s Bloc „ . , — ,, giving homo rule i ,!| i ti"iistoi’iv t'.ioni, wo must cut them j delegated. The result of tho olcotion I qnd local self government’, aud wo uu * i w,lH Iko protest if tho people ugainst. j pludgo the preservation of the fruits i the nBKtiuiptiou (-1 undeli gated power; j of the war to you; with hands joined, j it wrenched tLo management of the hearts united, aud shields locked, we i democratic narty from tho Imnds of will march t oother and pluoo some j the few, and rested it where it lugiti-1 civillian like Thurman in the presided 1 mutely belongs—iu tho hands of the chair (continuous applause.) majority. [Appluuso.] I am a dom-1 Madison, was approhansivo that ail Cheap Banjos. $1 60, to $'•, nt Puemilms 1 PkkmilMs ! :—To all new subscribers who pay *2 in ad- vauco for tho Blooku, one year, wt will give a now years present of a tine engraving, lt)X2i. Tho retail prico ] ,u j . (Tie;; j»! < t»*.*p c! Cheupc If you wish to buy Good Linsay at 20 conts, Good red 1* lunnol at 40 conts. \ tuujorlLy. Good .Shawls from 60 to 76 conts. j ocrut [Applause] uoi, becauso it is I H tato sovereignty would absorb tho Cl ,k11;ouLi:uA BliirlH III $1 GO. popular. I wuul.l licit lionitnlo_ to rights of tliu gcnoml govoniuiout. ilouil Ov 'ihkiitH nt $1 ul’iuulou it if I Lund it uutngouiific | |l uw mihtikcui. liuvo wo uutHooii , • u'ii„„ n„„. to tlio iimtoiinl growl U of any stuto in tho rights of tho sUtciu nbambcid bv (,,,„J Uiil.lic ."oollciii Huso ISO th0 Ulliou . JJomocrttcy, liko all Until; U „, goucrul gcvunimuutV Let u, UU h- il sound Iobacco ut OU conts. j in ns fresh and vigorous among mod-; tain, protect and defeud the general ( ^,..,1 a i- bulstonr, an Oven and Pot, or ideas, as in tho primitive days of goverumont in all its constitutional li.rM Steel I Mown, or sny other i tho republic. JJomocruoy moans gov- limito. .. , . enrnment by the people, controlled lopul) .i a once j yhajiod by established principles. u light lo tho oppressod of every laud (ftpplauso.) the republic. Democracy moans gov- limits. Then wo shall lmvo a fed; rul pi k i Pnmrdu Qfnra enrnment by the people, controlled rojmblio chorished by hor citizens, and k/llbl LM\bb Hull wlM 11 |J y OLUIb. i.i im.i i> t urnnn ' i 1 ! 11 ' #kapod l*y established principles. IV light lo tho oppressod of every land BALtul'ilt cc wuuu. j Mon may ohaug.i, but priciuplos novor , 1 They never adjust themselves to our utihil mnnlel eloeks, strikes nuu 0 .’ 0r . fl ()r »j f »ocinnq. lmt mlharenco to | I*oni'M of Hale, lots ; 733, 731 anil 735. . I loin Nob 738, 781 *nml Yfil,) in tlio iliBli’iol ami Bvution uf Maid county. Said tract of about 17U aoro», containing about !(•") a or ob of bottom land, about toll j acres of good upland, about 16 acres of tol ! crably good upland, all under cultivation 1 ami well watued; fifteen or twenty acres 1 of upland to olear; dwelling and outhouses ; beautiful location for rouidonoo, plumy of timber, ,j-u., three miles from Rookmiiri. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs of .1. A. Thompson, deeeased. Terms: four uintiiul payments, first, Jan. 1, 1878; seooml, Jan. 1, 1877, and so on. Further Information on day of sale. Jan. 2, 1875. T. .1. THOMPSON, Adin’r JD. 2v£. AXB £ SELLS Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits, LIBRARIES BOOK O^V.S£3£| Counting-House Desks, Tlmnhfiil to tlio eitizeas of l’ollc oounty for their liberal patronage,* 1 will still and always expool to sell thu ohoupuHt and best quality of Furniture iu the Hiuto, ami I de fy ooinpodtiou. My Furulluio is all wal nut and poplar, finished up by tlio best Gurmuii aud Freueh iiiooli udes in tlio Nort- west. Look at tliis, for example: Ouo mag. nifioont Walnut’Bedstead, of tlio latest ami most approved style, One fine full marble toy 11 ireau, height from lop of glass lo the Hour,8 feet 0 inoltos, Ouo lino fall Murblo- WasliHlami, with all tho Info iniprovomeniH, Ouo haiidsomo marble-top tilde; One fine full curved Fifth-Avenue Hooker, I fine oaiio heavy Walnut English Bell Baokllrnoo Arm (Hiairs, for IgU-lo 0(*. Samples on hand. You can save sixty lo eighty dollars MV.Y m.„u prui.ip.iy iiiin hy | M ,ylnir IVotn mo. WII! bo delivered lo All wui-U wnvrnntml 1 ,v»lvo Manilla. ; N „,|, (luo,- u i,> nt Ilia ulravo foe, for (hub. Just rcoolvod a lino assort- cheap RobowooU lledsleadi, price Flue elialrii at 1 ‘ 1 ’ Til W MltNSfS, ret two ti'y • Perleit," e iro Hum or Itnck nail Uicriu l.mi- ' pan tut Prolii . a |,,, UU1NO Of Ni’iiralK'a .Vlitiea, mu. hi vo Itow, mid eoiroct all IrroAUlaritliH i vo alt trrtta'lon orKlitnrynnmt ninrt- ... L'oHilvuiit’HN, partly Ilia Hlooil, «Ivb NiiniiHlIi lo ilio whole Hyntom, clear ilio ('(tthu lowtb Ua. services to tlio A. 1^. DAVIS, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Codartown, Ca. Yy-OltK done promptly and satlsfi H e pa I r IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to tho Wliolo Baco of Women DR. BRADFIELD'8 Female eVorlit'll or Wtitles, rln ek exco mvo II,iw p M iiilivr to hutlos.^ ^ dor, relieve I.'ohiIviiiii’nh,'piiiliy lliti'lilomi, t no a nt Htioaulh lo Hie whole system, ctei nklu, liii|inriliiK a rosy line lo Ilio eliottk, and choer- DilniHt to tie m'lid. .... „ _ . it In a s’ reetireln nil tlio ahovo dhra-ionas Quin ine In In (.'hills mi l l' , evi r. 1, dim tun care thotimelveii or all tho above din enMis wl hint revesliiiK Ilitlr eompluliilH to any pernon, widen In mways iiitnllL Ills lo Ihelr pride mid modvNiy. . II In rcnimmended by the host physicians and 0, ’" w ' I.AaiiANdK,„|, . M.ri'h '.a, IB7I1. IIIIAIIFIKI.II A Co. Allan a. pa.i J>nir Nirt-i take plriiNiire In sl'illnv Ihm 1 have um a lo l I* mi twenty yari (lie medicine yon are now p 11mi: up, known ns l>r, J. ilradlleoPN Feinalo He later, m d eoimlder It tlio hest coinlilimilon o iiolleii lo oilier for U»o dlsoiiBon ftir which It In commended. 1 have boen Inmlllar w ill tlio r ie> I ill Ion I mt li on a pimilll Inner oT mcdh’lne mill diiiiieni'.ii prum lee, aiid can honmU^y sny^th hono that every lady in our own land, who limy ho MumtrliiK la ony way i«>cuUar to their sox, may bo hMo to procure a bottls. Unit lliolr mincrlngii may mil only lie relieved, hut that they inay he restored to health mid strongth. With n»» H'l'J®? 1 I am, rcapuotfuily, W. il. FKIUIILL, M. D, NMAlt.MXiiiKTTA. Oa.^ViirchUO. tBTO. _ limit llol IHCHl It 111 ......ul havot-j ...... di d It to two or three other lum I Itrn, mid they havo round It Just what It U rocommomted. Tho remiihw who have OHo.l your llcmiiuUir sro In perfOnl lioalih. und are Hide lo atlund to thoir houMiholil duties, mid we cordially recommend It lo tho pub- \ »->»»i .iiiv ^ n JOIINBON, i lliolr household am. nuw.HWMi ..on in mi • " “ Yours, rcMpeolfiiU, Wo could add a thoiiNaiiti otiioTcoi ttU r ato«, liut vn consider tlio above amply huHit lent proof or Its rlrtuo. All we ask hi u For full imrtlculam, hlatory or dlNoases, and .. tllh-nles or iIn wonderful cures, the rOAtlur la r»- erred lo the wrnpper arount Mmiufneiiiri'd mid Held by Hit AUD'IUL n Bold by ell tlrugglhta. 40HW 0, ALIEN* Practical Mechanic & Builder, CRDAllTOWX, GA., E. CLEAVELVND, Fashionable Tailor, MAIN 8TIIKBT Codartown, Ca. A LLordorsin my lino promptly fillet. anil iu a Hlylo not lo bo oioadod by l!i linst. Fits guuniilooJ, and all work w.i vantod. Try mo and Iu oonviuoad. Esp t oliil nltoiilion paid to rouovating nudr* pull ing! iiIho citUing for lidioa lx utako u , aug. 21) W. li. Wikle & Oo„ OOKS 11SHTIOIES! NOTIONS, NOVELTIF.3,1 GAMES, FANCY CONFECTIONERS ipli lodionl puiilisliod in Mio IJnftod Stato.o, PubliHltoru lowoHt prioos.] " X<T "El T1 XD L UET 4 Fur nil kinds of Sawing MaolilntH. al to f v nidi Allaohincuits, Oils, olo. Will h NcoiIIch by Hmll, to any address, oa race* of prico. Siugor, 85 oenis per dozou ; ■> olliers 80 conts. Parties would do woll ,< consult us boforo buying- goods from p • dlors, or Bonding Noriit to Iho vari • i swindlers and Immbuga. Any goods not i slock will bo furuisUod at short notion. June 20-1T specially. ’looks 1 11 june 2b- v call ul ilio IF YOU WANT ororra or passions, but uilliurotico to warranto*! good timo koopors, for only j thorn illustrates a nation's happiness fivtMlollai-s, for sale by Jos. E. Voal, | ami prosperity. [Applause.] Thoui-1 dofoutod ”tho roj Clockin iker It.nne, Ga. Also, cheap- i ns Jbfforsoa iu his flint inaugural, laid I |ato elections. . .. ' ’ i ’ (i.ron nn<i fmii- dow, ‘ tho crood of our political faith.. rights bill, but thoindiffurono to tho * ’ . „ . .. 1 Wo havo wandered from thoio prin- fm,mciul embarrassments of tko labor- jan .JO it j ciples, honco our losses. Ho then iug cla«S2B. Auothor priuoiplo is : Economy iu public expenditures tlmt labor may I L,o_ lightly burdened. Exlmvngnnee ' GOODS ropubheau party in the i. It was not il ... .1 .• „ i j <,ruW a graphic picture of a vessel at Tho democratic party is now on '• md ,° r °>“V . ueu in a liorea nlurm. riding in safety, trial. The people iro oppressed nud lew. W. I*. McClain & to. antici- , w hilo sho had four anchors out. The , ftr0 dolormiuod to havo relief. ibdj id, wo (J| u|iw uut [jarted and sunk. This country had j cratio party iu poivor pivots , « wu u * *• cut loose from her anchors, drifted to reduction of tho public expenditure. • K i vcd with i lute oi as mrgp, i w hero? to tho seas of northern and Wo need a party strong in purpose, juicy oyst' r«, and as well pro par- son thorn sectionalism. The | voliliou aud intellect. With that in lasted, of those engravings, at any book storo would not bo less than ono dollar. W havo a fow sample piclprcs at our of- sic fico. “ A Landscape Study,” " Fur puling this, invited us to call at thoir moment tho anchors wore removed, Kxtrivaganco prevails nil over tho from Homo,” '‘Aurora,” " Mothers restaurant, on yesterday, and try a , t-ko vessel camo whero two soas met, land. Tho contiuuuuco of tho doino- Joy,’’ Death of Antony,” etc., etc. 1 p | ftt0| w hi c h wo^ of course did, Wo P artod and HU,ik - Tll ‘« country had j crutio party iu power pivots on thoir By all at Veal s csiablishmcul when you go to Homo. Ho lakes pleasure iu showing goods whether you buy or uot. jfcff-He particularly request Iho ladies to call- No. 27, Smith's block, 4 5. Trices of repairing watches and jowelr reduced to suit the limes, al Veals, Rome* Notice.—All persons indebted to us on cither noto or accouut fur tho y 1874 aro and settle. Jau‘J4t havo de- ! ic platform lmd ton or twelve anchors | powor let us legislato for tho good of voured a good many. They havo suro and steadfast entering into tho 1 tho country, giving equal juBWCO to all „., t (hin-„ nrotty Roll fixed np, mid pujilical wavo of Bnfoly. uoctions, but demaadug tho last fur iu*u n N [iivttj The L'rottfc barrier to SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Or any nrllolo gonorully kopl ia A FIRST CLASS STORE At Trices to suit tho Closest Buyers, you will muko it greatly to your advantage by calling lit Ihu above named store. juno 27-1 y A<11»»inih(mtor’s Notice. f ETTEIIH of ftdinlnistrntlon having been JLi griinlotl lo Iho undersigned cm iho , , - ... | , ^ . i oHluto of I*. Vim Dovonder, Into of said . . . i x iho groat bariaor to prosperity is a i thing that is duo to our own. Legis- county, deccasoii, all poraons indebted to can turn mu as gsoa a inoai, anu as ; B0n80 0 f insecurity, a want of conli-j hito irrespoctivo of party or section, I said ndaic arc nollfiod to mako ..immediuio cheap, as can bo lmd anywhere. Give dcnco. Agrarianism, communism, so- hocauso representing tlio American ’ pnyineni, and those having claimi will pro- thorn a call. oial oquality, ooLlralism—nil tlicao . pooplo. [Applause'] Clcorj’ia w j||! »onl iltcm, ,luljf iniilioaiiooM, fui-»otilo- —;—. . political fungua, aru ovidoncoa of Uio 1 iicncoforlh huuw uo-section or party i II1C " ' "" lu| y . • . . Uov. James, Hillsoe bu boon soul ’ |i oe , iy i ng co.Tdilica of tho country.- ' - -• 3 M. V. n. AKb, AJ,„r. iionccforth know no soction or party i but tlio eternal principles of Joflurso- j ioto or accouui iur luo jchi uocaying conuuiun oi me couutiy.— buttuo etorual pnucinlgs ot dollu request .1 to corno forward ; to Cedartown by tho North Georgia ; Stringency,embarrassments, joalousios 1 niaa democracy. [Applauso.] xx’ cf.!.»rod i Conference, in nhtco of, cuntroverHies and violunco prevail. i for national mon to fill our natii Wo mean it. BAR BE A’ & WOOD. colored) Conference, in placo of | controversies and violenco pitvail. Rubt. Crumley, who goei to South- j ! W r est Georgia. Oh | for national mon to fill our national Why lias not tho country prospered? I offices. Haynos and Webster, who, Tho truth has been viulutod. Tin: whilo eulogizing tbeir states, claimed CEDAUTOWN To All Whom it May Concehn.— All persons owing mo for medical ser vices. aro earnestly requested to come Jos. E. Veal, of Homo, forward und Bettle, a .h I can no longer work for nothing n ud bourd myself. Unless settlement ia made, my servi- ces will certainly bo du*eouliuued. | It. It THOMPSON, Banjos, the finest CV' cr seen in this coun- try, worth from $2* to ^30 ; also, fine si rings at J. E. Veal’s , Rome, Georgia., Ture soliil silver thimbles for 50 cents, and name engraved on i it free,by J. K. Veal, Rome, Georgia. party lms been organized around ques ft common inhoritanco in both. Oh ! tionsof expediency, policy, party sue- | for Wcbstors, Clays und CaubouiiH! rr 11 cess—tlmt puilizans may maiutuiu whoso hearts tookinallthugoveru- iry largo stock of 1 islnng lacklc. i tbeir places for plunder. For years i mon t und looked with oyes single to , , , - . i ! wo lmvo felt that thu wliolo questi* ' Wo havo boon house build,ug and hlw be0 „ 0 , 8 , )oila lllia [)U / ade)r . j | Livery, Sale and Peed Stable, i>1 a In Street, Cedartown, Ga* Extia and very liber d iudaueinunts ollured to doulors. CEDAUTOWN j FURNITURE WARE-ROOM nov 7—-ly ; cam ctovEB* No. (), - - - Broad Street, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, IIATS, Ready-Made Clothing. ( 'IALL anil prico my gcmls, and I will J convince you that 1 sell iho bosL ol Goods cheap for Gusli. N»v 11 2oi Cotton I Cotton! I Cotton! 11 STOP AND BEAD ! I will at all limes pay Iho Romo Full Market Price For Got (on. Persons wishing lo deliver me cotton in payment of their accounts, will rcooivo the happiness of every cilizon. Georgia’s reeord is crowned with I always on hand. Special attention given to the well digging for tbo last week propar- plot forma havu boon shaped accord- j glory. Iter Gilmors, Troops, Craw- ..... atory to “ living under our own vino i iug to tho tests of availobility. fords, Lumpkius, Borrions, Barlows ^ ' "I ['["uiq/lTj and fig treo. Wo, knowing a bo out a good portion of ( instructed our printer that ir : would A3 physical disease , Lumpkius, Benions, Barlows i cured by a , and Cobbs, all aro illustrious. Her timo, 'restoration of the infracted law of i dead and living havo illustrated Gear case he ^&‘ no * H0 P°^ticul disouso can be j g'm’H glory on every fiold of strife, cured by a restoration of infracted j j Applauso.J Ilor sons aro her jewels, should get out ot coppy (luring our democratic truths. j These old rod hills lmvo given birth absence, to “clip” some and keep at I do not disparage progress, but j to meu. Mon muko states—not cities work. He got cut, assumed editori- , lmvo wo uot under tho plea of advanc-' or towns, or navies, or courts whore ■d char ' - aud with a great flourish, cd Btutcsmausliip boon steudily on-1 low boru baseness wafts perfumes to 1 , t ’ gaged iu pulling down tho very pillars greatness—but men who, knowing tiucetl a luaucr, instcaa f , 0 j r0 publicau government? Those tlicir riehts daro maiutuiu them. proui of republican goverumont? Tnoso ubout the political truths havo boon submerged To Whom it May Concern, , I got Commercial, and its editor. Wo happened time he had finished n (would be) ! for years under the Hoods of passion plimentnry notice of tho Romo anil vindictive hate. Wo Tho speaker ullnded to tho cry for uimi'Kin &. McConnell* FULTON HOUSE, T. M. ANDEItSON, lato of Romo, Ga. with F. COR R A, Erect BiiildingslS of all hIzoh ami grndcH, on short nolioo and nfl.01* llm iiiohI approved plans. Partloiihir nitonlioti given lo making and trimming OOFFilNS REPAIRINQ FURNITURE, *5lo. TIiobo desiring work of any kind in his line would do well lo call on him nt tho St. (Jlnirlos Hotel. Simp fronting Court Hoiho Square. Juno 2J-ly ■\Y. O. Barber, REAL ESTATE AG’T TltAVm.KR’N Rome Railroad Company. OIIAXOH oil- hubdum;. DAILY PASflBXflEH l.oavos Romo at 8.16am. \ „ vnnn , Rl ,„ ., Arrive 1.15 p. m) 1 ” 100 !’ 1 Sun -' Loaves Romo lit 5 30 p. m •Arrive at Romo ut 10.10 p n Enoh train will muko oloso connoo;>i at Kingrtion with V/oslorn and Allan * Railroad trains hound for Chultnnoogn •• , Atlanta. W. H. GOTH II AN, Pro* JOHN 0. PRINTUT, 'J'iokot Agont. [ Every la Solma, Rome & Dalton 52. u. Trains on this Hoad will run ns folio.. GOING NORTH. Loavo Solma 7.2 > a ■, Arrivo at Prior's 6.48 )• “ Dalton 0,46 p Making oloso connection at Dalton w R T V &, Ga R Ik., ami W & A R R t'o Elision* and Wodtorn cities and tho • glnia Springs. GOING SOUTH* Louvo Dalton 5*45 : Arrive at Trior's 10,12. Arrivo al Sohua 8.3 > • i upon arrival - & A R R tv.i. M. STANTON, Qon. 8.i. . W. 8. MAYNARD, Asst. Supt. JlAY KNIGHT, G. P. &. T* Agt. Ilocknini't, Ga. of November. Turlies having sobl mu Col- -i'T7|LL Bell or buy Wild or Improved and Connections. lids fall, aro hereby y V bands iu uny portion of tho county. —_ Liberal Pricos Over Iho market prico, during the month November. Turlies having sold tno Cui- bo dolivo notified to bring in tho sumo at onco, us *us | Jllv j llg j, punt duo. many year", »•••• »»•••» — -;••»» ■ - . in tlio Looation, Value, olo , ol l.aiuM In - ___—.- TT cry hooUoo, fool confident, that it will ho to UNTIEj vv ||,0 interest or parties having lands to so I, .... nhioo them in my hands; and thoso wish- . ^ ^ , i > r I,, purohaso Lands can always ho uo- OHEAP33K* coinmodali'd. F will ho in Godartowu on I AM now in receipt of oneof tho largest ; l0 ] H l Tuesday in euoh mouth, for tho pur. stocks of Goods over brought to Gedur- poso of transacting basilican in mv llu«. town, which I am offering nt extremely low J tlt, ° ~ u prices. I am dptormined that horoalt goods shiill he sold as low in Codartown tiny town in tlio Hiuto. Gail aud sco mo ar “THE ICENNE3AYV ROUTE,” Western Si Atlantic Rallro j A T I. A N T A , fi E 0 R GIA. their rights dare maiutuiu them- j [Applause.] ! Georgia with hor varied landscape | and beautiful scenery is tho joy of the | rnrnfnhcd with pure Liquors, Fine Winns, whole earth, and her citizenship is ; Boor aue Sugars, j“ly ll HALS and Lodging per Day $2 00; sin gle meal, 60 cents, Flrsl-olass table il good rooms, Haloo About eighteen months . r.kinrr wili-r bv a simple teed that, aud turned to the* form help, coming up from earth s toilers, j abreast with the whole world, I havo I 1 .° a , . , . . . i to see vvint lie had ’clipped.” We TuxaLion had become intolerable. I seen Georgia when deep called unto I-*atl'iclt Sc Ombergj contrivance, which is r0 ad his M leader ” slowly and sadly, Poverty had to send up its quota to j deep, uud sho wont down in defeat, _ _ ... R work. In other words, I propose lo lbinkiug w bat might have been bad furnish lor needless expenditure. The i but the star of her honor sparkled un-' t * roaa or, » 110 » " constnict a self-acting pump. The w0 not happened np. Ho started | treasury was considered a carcass j dimed in her diadem, tho embryo of BOOKSELLERSj STATION ERS mn*rivance is so simple that any boy off on Felton’s speech, wrung in j where every comorant fed to surfeit-! an illustrious futuro. To you, fellow ,, understand it- McConnel's livery stable, MeC'-inuel’s ing. Congress was plied with schemes citizens, is intrusted tho guardianship ! twelve years o t -*• . . , “new house,’’ and McConnel’s this, ! of every kind, and private enterprise j and protection of that honor. Guard { I have explained tho principle ° J that and the other, winding up by wouldn’t move without a subsidy. If it with your lifo blood and with the own family and two others, (in whom gj v j n g ‘ iudependeuth” and all their enterprise would not stand on its own 1 same devotion that Napoleon’s “Old ! I have implicit confidence) and uli say ^\ n f dr y. I forg*-t whether ho called morit let it die. Every dollar paid as 1 Guard" did their badges at Waterloo. ... , .. flu. i til McGonuL j or no. Wo reach- taxes was so much blotted out. The Wherever dutv culls vou. even unto i PBINTBRS Pianos, Cabinet Organs, SJIALi. INSTRUMENTS. SHEET Opened, A Boot and Shos , in' 1 Shop, on Iho corner of Trior anil Gollogo Examine My Slock and Pnces.; ivtsut Don’t Helen lo Croakers, but call nn«l ox- arninc foryouriiolvon. lliglicst murkoi prico paid fur Corn and "Whoal:. A. Huntington. Ckuaiitow Nov. 12, 1874. East End Wood Shop. BY J. M. HARRIS. Repairs and Makes Wagons, Bedsteads,Tables etc Aud almost buything made of wood. Chariot* hotel. Our turm-j me- - —I work shall ho delivered j until pal’d for. Workdouo with dtspalok und at Hinall oojt. J’atronagO solloitod. Very respectfully, J. W. 1IGGE, Ccdarlown, Ga., Juno 23th, 1871- NEW BARBER SHOP. rrMIE umlorulfCiotl In’ 1 ’ located in (Jodar- X town for Ilio piirpoHo of carrying on , Ilio lni»inos» iu all tin lirouchcn. Ifyoll want "A CLOSE SHAYE” DAY PASSUNOEa—OUriVAUD. Loavo Atlanta 8 3 ' . Arrivo at Chattanooga 4 2’, DAY PAS3ENaER —1NWAUD 6 4' t 1 1 - , Ntairr pa33engea—iit.vaud. Leave Chattanooga 5 20 • Arrivo at Atlanta 12 -1j ■ ACCOMODATION TRAIN. Loavo Atlanta 3 •’ Arrivo at D. !ton 0 1 Leave 12 i Arrive at AG E i U . NliW SCHEDULE. Oliorolroo Railrc;' From and afior Novombor 1st, 18?-. following soiled.lie will bo run on the t okoo Railroad ; Leave Ruokmart Arrivo at Taylorsville. Lcavo Tuylorsvillo Arrive at Slllcflboro i‘Leave Stileaboro I Arrivo at Curtoravillo a shampoo or hair out, givo mo a call and I i Detuming. will guarantee Haiisfuction. j Leave Cartersvlllo juno 20 Al.FRED EVANS- Arrivo at Siilosboro 4 ,.. ■, .. tho jail'McConnel’s or no. Wo reach- taxen was so much blotted out. Tho Wherever duty calls you, even unto it wmu . Jta fur a •vale,” “shoved down," clamp federal taxes, state, county und muni-. death, with all you physical and men- MUSIC AND MUBIUAI. I have not tno m . , , ed oar bauds over said “ loader,” and cipal taxes, blotted out $100,000 00,- tal powers protect the honor of your | INSTRUCTION BOOKS ““’* “ M *' " | hoauost of the lato Jehu S. practicability. Who will fniai. exuUingly raised it oat of there. It 000 annoally. .native state. [Long aud coutiuucd n„i„ 0 „a Fancy Printing Heat awl Ohup WO 11K CHE Al’FOR CASU.' H ki ,„ if Jidiiiajre.for tho feuad- monoy and take an interest: being a bad ■'jnslificaUoii and wo.a ; Hei alluded in a scarthing manner applause.] ,’.p.r B«.k. .»d Wmppi.g ik..-/. awduui lo prom- mjut a university, amnnuts to three J. 5L HAUBI&. j Uttle nervous, the typo began to fat , to tho various Facihc railroad prop In conclusion ho thanked the audi- . ic ' lare p„ rae , nnd Montiing.- Writ, i , > * W ' ' t0 pt l'J ly million. Cedartown, Ga. as wo began to raise. Imglo, tinglo . ects, m which Peonsylvama and \\ uil; once for their kmduoau. £ 11.* catalogue and Trice IAh*. sopTHy 4 * *■ 3 8 Siilosboro Arrive at Taylorsville 3 Louvo Tuylorsvillo 4 •' Arrivo at ltookmart 4 D. W K. F3.VC ; tj.*;/.'.!3)AD, 13