The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, February 06, 1875, Image 3

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■ ami Trior . his now house, oornor | soribora who rocoivu o pnpnr tins week j Btroeta Tbo bou , ro vvill j, e ooottpio.l j having n X nmrk opposite thoir names ; by Mrs. Waters, of Rome, ns a board- nro romimlol that ll.ov lmvo not p»ul 1 iu B hou90 ' Sb< * is ? !' 10Ht . e8tiul '.', bl ? >l "" ‘ " Indy, and wo nro glad to kuow that THE IJii’COllD. A Lira Connttr Xow»p»per. Pnbl lhcd Evtr; Saturday Morning by w. e. r>. wikle oo. TEHS1S OP SUBSCRIPTION. Ouo " |ii ’ ,|itl -. vli, ‘ TC i mii1 »«»j SpftvU8 ^ii^Th7i^. u 0 «»>i Ton copioa, in dubs, oue yoar, each j unless they pay up, or renew, the pa I Ilnrpor killed no birds, they had a ngio copies Bets crazy young man along with thorn All subscriptions invariably iu lulrnuco. j P«r will be Btoppod. j i ti name entered upon tho lint until tho aubsarip | their subscription, or tho timo for j 8ll0 * wi q ma k 0 Cednrtown her homo. tion is paid. HATES OP ADVERTISING. SPACE. 1 K. I 1 M. 18 M. I e tt. 1 flTir l Square... Column. 1 Column.. • !*S?it 2-fio » 5.00I# g.ooj# iaToo 6. no 12.00 20. (H) so.nn 40.00 H Ooj 16.00 23.00 40 00 05.00 18 00] 2S.00| 45.<)<l| r.5.00| 120.00 j aud ho kept up bitolt We would caution our citizens to talking that ho frightened tho bird t ) overy luoaus they may to prevent. 0 g* t “Food the Hungry,” is tho motto of cClain & Co. Call at their Rostau* the occurrence of a tiro. Au imperfect j tiro might bo tho means, if neglected,; thoy do’nt feed you. homul .*88 and Inch or loss, f la per annum, parabio quarterly in advance; six mouths, *3. All advertise- ments duo after first insertion. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Ciiiiuii.-- Kegular S.ivir. s, ]si and «d Sundays in enoh month, Itw p n ..v* ney Brown, Pastor. Mbtuodist CmiRt o’clock. Sabbath Sabhalh-Hchool at honselei Who does our young friend, Thompson, intend to name “llulda. ’ Mr. H. P. bumpkin was qualified as ■ jj u i| c Motts, Sugar, Coffoe, Choeso, sheriff, on last Tuesday. Wo predict Hams, Oysters, and everything, at that ho will discharge tho important McClain A Cos. 1* utnilv t 8abbnth-school ti 17 1-4 o'clock, trust with fidelity aud promptness. Jos. E. Veal, of Rome, is ruuuiug in a very largo stock of Fishing Tackle. Mr. Wm. Mocks lias suoooodod Mr. Giles na jailor. If Bill makes as good j au r fUocr as Mr. Giles made, ho tho people may bo satisfied. Wo learn that tho present general Wo wore told a low u i\a ugo by a reliable man, that ho know of two boys iu our town, aged respectively fifteen and sovoutoou years, who had, during tho last two years, by their own exertions, m \do money enough * , to buy thoir own clothes, p ty thoir I own board and hive about two lmn- 1 dollars each, left. This is tho ro- dornto bill: 11ST 3VCT3M10 RTA.TVH. TO Tin; IIOI.ltKI1S OK CONFKDKaATH NOT Representing nothing on God’s earth iu And nouhgl In tho waters below U, As a plodgo of a nation that’s dead n gone Keep ittlour friond and show it. Show to those who will iond an car, To tho talc that this paper can loll, Of liberty born, of tho patriot’s dri idled i t pot And too much a Wo Issued to day our p And hoped to redeem o Tho days rolled by i that foil, he pveoiouB ores, ngor to borrow; ].ron>lHo to pny oks bo tvyM lint onroofTers wore empty still, Coin was so rare that tho Tr quake If a dollar should drop In tin till, lint the faith that was iu us was strong udood Hir pov 8 gold I led ill 0 -aoh pa disci ed ; rd tho pay l. in gold, loldior behoved it. mbly has amended the county 1 HU ^ Goso attention to business t to allow a solicitor for j l ho example is worthy of ciuuUti Popular communication, night in each month. Ciooil Templars t Valley Lodck, No, 8t ts every Friday night court act, ( : this county. Wo havo heard of two j ^ero un . aspirants to tho offioo, but nro no prepared to 3ay who will get the up I poiiitinent. or boys unywhor C.’darlown boys, boat ■phan boys, having ither futhor nor mother, and wo i writo this without thoir knowledge, Efforts are being mund to havo a hoping that it may load them to still postal money office established at g rort ter oxer lions, and that others J M. IIAKIlls lugs Saturday before the third Sabbath li place. Wo nood such an addi- luft y ituitato tl tion aud believe that tho growth of nhoad, : tlio town demands it. Polk Couuly Fa H. M. II. BYRD, l’r Superior Court convenes horo on next Monday. Wo would suggest that owing to tho tightness u matters that b t ono week’s held at this term. What J that favor retrenchment ? ; Now, Johuoy, quick, who , most patient man V . That is right boys, raring that "nothing groat is lightly won,” and you will ho men florae day. u ueooiumodat- lti> i», V i lfcllfi. 1>1 i ml-Ilea iling. . correspondent of tho Tuscol noor flays of “miud-mtdiug : ” tr. Albert Leavitt, of Tuscola, wh the past, year has made it ins stu- ‘Don’t ki • 1 kn w. r. ivhi, k Next b( A friend left at tliii Mr. Axe 3 ATT KD AY MOB! L O O A L 1 T K M S. Our otfico is now located iu Lump kin &. MoCoutudl’s new building, over J. A. Wynn’s store—front room. The firm of Liddell & Richardson Laving boon dissolved, Dr. Hichard- bou can bo found at present at tho law office of Capt. W. F. Turner, in the day, and at the residence of G. W. Featherston at night, inn 10. i office a bottle 1 of curiosities preserved in cologne.— 1 Owner cun got tho sumo by calling at ; this oflioo aud describing contents. A few i with hoard and Ihdging, during Cour ;,ni - v at Mr. J. D. Endlows. t be | -r— Next week is court week, and i ^ ’ : groat number of our country frieudi | will be in town, and th -y of course ; deem t| l0 I will want a "bite’ to eat. McClain »Sr. panel I Co., have made special aiTiUigments ted si i for thoir accommodation at tln-ir Res- erete ' tan runt, near Fn.ithornt.un’* store. j onoo ! Wo take the liberty of suggesting to | j 1 ^ 1 Judge Brower, our worthy ordinary, ty of having the new jail 1 his lh>t les Brown, the well known tn about ono year ago, when e cos afforded him a two with that geiitloman. Tin long tho fen uing pu 5iis from id-reiuler, oumstan- ks trip following •ormed at nee. Wo id the rt In ed, of Sev would bo consi risks by insurance and consequently tho n Any ono wanting a cook call on 1\ low and would cost tl: C. Harris Barber, l£sq., and I little, compared to tho loss it would tboso in nood of fiuo blooded do g s! oliould they K«t destroyed. ° | Other couuties havo tlunr public build- cull ou Judge Sparks^ lings insured. Why not ours? It If yon wiaii to know now to snoooed ! “Wj'l , bu buHl fl,r “'W 1 ', 1 ' j" ry ; . , „ , . , ,, ,, woek, to recommend that these build- With fine chickens, nco Dr. 11 It. h b ’ 0 iliffl)r0( |. | Thompsou. He has made it a success i „ . . , , , , • i • .. Fresh Oysters will bo kdpt on hand *'•' uke l >1 ™" uro in > -0 “ I during Court, nt MoDlnin & Co’ii. i round his poultry yard. His Buff Co- j china nro flue indoed. Boo amunnoomout in another col- umn of Meears & llimdoraou. A mule on main street runaway | qi| |0 j r HG i, ou i w jn bo of a high f npanios, vould be uly but Will ti a«l ncoillus \,y mail . W. II. WIKI.K, Carter*vllle, Ua mine on mam Biroei runaway , 'p| 10 i r H choul will bo of a high grade, i a buggy on last Wednesday, do- j offering facilities for the children and ing but little or no damage. | youth of our town to obtain a thor lough education at homo. J hoy and Messrs JloClain A: Co., lmvo a now , their assistant, Miss Fouuho, have h id aigu, painted by our townsman, Mr 1 considerable experience, and nro in Clooks. tho best, are made hjr J. K. Veal, David Axe. It ifl the beflt Mpocimou ; every way competent. _ who made the cily dock in ltoiuo, Georgia. of H j gn painting ill town; oil iu want j It is the custom of McClain & Co., Pianos and Ojuianh.—Wo aro agent of a real noul sign, had better con-. at thoir restaurant, to keep the clmirs for two reliable houses, for tho sale of suit with Mr. Axo on tho subject | pushed well under thoir tables. It is bad to As h Pianos and Orgaus, or any other liras ical instrument, and will sell as cheap ns can bo bought from manufactures, call and got catalogue and price list. (’heap Utiiiji.H. $1 f*0, to $ii, at Veal’s. Premiums ! Prruiums! *To all new subscribers who pay $2 in ad vance for tho Itr.ooiiD, ono year, wo will give a now years present of a fine engraving, 19X24. The retail price iug a warohouso of these engravings, at aDy book sto would not be lean than ono dollar. V liavo a fow sample pietpres at our c lice. “ A Landscape Study," " F from Home," " Aurora,” " Mothe Joy," Death of Antony,” etc., etc. By all mcan.i.i waiters that I by uf mention in your : He loft the room and roques- uno person in his absence to Bo nn article. Returning, lie gave id of a rope six foot in length to arty who hid the article, and himself held the other cud, and through this rope read the niiml of tho party, and immediately found the article. This was npealed, using a rod of iron, then ono of wood, and last a small halter chain,ouch of about tho sumo length as the rope mention ed. Mr. Louvitt at another timo road tho mind of a person to tho satisfa tion of nil prosont with tho rod of iron aud another person, who knew noth ing of the object sought for, between him and tho one whoso mind read, the distance between them be ing not less than ten foot, and at tho uiune time he and tho intervening pc son wore blindfolded. By the aid an alphabet of large letters ho spoiled the thoughtlia of several p ily. For example, a young man in formed him that an aoqu liiitauoo of hi; had met with an injury. Would the mind reader teli the name of that person, what the injury consisted of, and on wlmt part of his person it located? Thu was spelled. Tho injury proved to be a cut, and ils lo cation tho knee. Those tests wore each given oovornl times with perfect success. Mr. Leavitt states that 1: opofttodly tried to read with a i and makes ! strip of gloss as a medium of thought, H. W. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GUDARTOWV, GA. TJUOMPT attention Riven to Claims. X Ofllna with Ivy F. Thompson, Hast slilo Court llouso square. not 1", 71 Wm. M. 8PARK8, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Codartown, Ca. oo117 *74. B A It It i: It , Notary X*iiblio AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, bciliutown, (la. P AUTIClIbAH altontlon plvon lo Inking Hopusilions ami collection of olniins, AV. F. TURNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CtMlarlown, Ga. O FFICE South of Court llouso, botwoon lliintlngtoii ami Wright’s stores. IVY l\ THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, OHDAKTOWN, GA. QFPlOE-lhe WOFFORD & MILNER, ATTORNEYSATLAW Cartcrnvtllu, Ga. ^FFICH iu Hank lhiihllng. juno 20 WOFFORD .S, WIKLE, A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W and Real Estate Agents. CA 11TJM8 VILL K GA. It. It. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, CKI) A It TOWN, GA. O FFICE over l)r. Hocso’s Drug Storo. juno 20 Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Coilitclown, Ga. O FFICE at rcshlonoo, on Pryor Rroot. juno 20. Dr. L. S. LEDBETTER, SURaEON DENTIST C’oiliirlowu, Gn. A. T^. I>AY1S, Nuoo for a looal adllor lo attempt ; u-toloml by writ,, about the woothor. IU too j b „‘™. 1 R < J !‘ b i‘ 1 “ tiol , wbur0 | 10 „i fljee | ““empt lua proted /millers : ‘ n ’■ b“fliY U u meeo^ i K* »t table, the polite waiter untie j ^.Jomfaeto 1 ipalos his drawing his chair out, and : i.onclml with f.dlur . His theory, the. o thu times aro Codartown ,j 001J f or l,i, U| polilely waiting until j foro, is this: All our actions aro gov- is gradually building up. Soverul now : tll0 CU8 t 0 mor stops up to tho table, ho oruod by tho will comiuuuieating its houses are now in oourso of orootiou. L|j on pushos tho chair up to him uml j P°, wtr olootrioity, and Stubbs k Co., ere malm,,; uu ; bo takra „ Bc at. It didn't work well 'tb^ndud- Itlitien lo their store room, by build-, tbo olbor .u,., w l,on n gontlnman of | by v .lmtover manna, place. the rear. J tho independent state of Haralson himself bo uh to partake of this oleo- r r , , . Y'C stoped in to got kifl dinner. Tho waiter trinity, his mind will bo inlluoncud, Beautiful mantel clocks, strikes and | \ ubout t « tim „ llliralH()lv roft chcd ! an I will cq.erato in harmony with the warranted good time keepers, for only j <jr ft 0 bair, anticipated tho move by j will of the person ho reads, and thus fivo dollars, for sale by Jos. E. Veal, i Cll tehing said chair and drawing it 1 bo guided by it. Olockmnkur, Rome, Ga. Also, cheap -1 out himself. Haralson di 1 not under- j __ __ Watchmaker and Jewelon Codartown, Ca. lU’jMilring Hud watches a H|)coinlty. kiiiils of Jewelry uml Witlulius ami Clocks kept for snlo. ^unc 20-ly Chorokeo Iron Comp’y Storo. [>.ls whelb when you go t in showing go particularly call. No. 27, Sujilh’s al's cstahlishu He takes pies or you buy or dollars. a, two, threo and four | «taud that juu 80-4t 3ort bue Plic Next Wi educed the , Koi Notick.—All persons indebted to us on either uoto or account for tho year 1874 arc requested to come forward and settle. We mean it. JanOlt BARBE/f vV WOOD. To All Whom it May Conckun— All persons owing mo for medical ser vices, aro earnestly requested to come forward and settle, as I can no longer work for nothing and board myself. Unless settlement is made, my servi ces will certainly bo discontinued. R. li THOMPSON, Banjos, the fi grubbed a f >rk and proposed to "fetch some blood from thu ’turnol fool.” lie 1 from shodiug blood by tbo timely aud quick spring of ono of tho proprietors, who held Hands, n aud lot him rant. Matters were ex plained up. If iralsou would not bo satisfied "until ho treated the crowd. W„ got e very flee ci«ar, end pro- J ' L , posed to Puff it. this di o City,! r °w of the Wyoni ing, concerning thu benefits re sulting from giving the elective frau-; ,l t the determination of the committee chiso to women in that Territory,aays: ( of course preparing an energetic Nothing in the daily routine of bus- j opposition to it. There is no doubt loess or Boeial life would indicate to v. | ‘Gitt tho Reiebstag will reject tho roso- stranger that woman was a power in ! lotion of tbo committee, for it will un ospondee of tin The Paris correspondent of the London Tiraos linn received tho fol lowing letter from Berlin : ! The committoo of the Reichstag, nf- I tor a prolonged discussion of tho ; Landstrum bill, lias como to a dolin- I ite resolution rejecting 3, which i tho government to incorporate buttullions into the | laudvvehr. If tho Reiehetag adopts it will destroy the mur- ichemc, and the Govorn- l-1 morit, surprised and a little irritated try, worth fro strings t J. K.Ye Koi ; also, fi: Georgia., To Whom it May Concern. About eighteen mouths ago, I got rt* Next Monday is tho day not apart ^' a | ,l for the final decision of tho Ghorokoe 10 i Railroad caso, which has boon so nm- ; ny times postponed. Captain Went is ; r ' ready and waiting to go to work on ic- tho track when it is decided. Capt. MeCIatehey has returned, aud wo un derstand will superintend thu survey ing department Cheap ! Cheaper ! Cheapest.! If yon wish to buy Good Linsay at 20 conts, Good red Flannel at 30 cents. Good Shawls from 60 to 76 cents, j tj 10 i aU{ ], but let him happen to be j derate.ud that thin would bo almost hero on election day and bo would | tantamount to tho rejection of tho ou- thon feel and know tbo fact. Un such j tiro bill. It will bo remembered that a day he might see numbers of fine 100,000,000 of the indemnity wore re- carriages rolling to and fro through | nerved for the restoration cf tho war the streets, thu rival political leaders | material disorganized during tho cum- vioing with each other in collecting j !>“!«'». It was necessary to provide for tho requirements of 303 butteries and 177 columns of munitions, I'ro- nrobublo effect of giving tho ballot to | visions ban been mode in tho course women ; but Ml such misgivings are ! of this your for 190 batteries and 118 Mr. Wiley Hand, Administrator of j gone since my stay in this pi ace.^ I j columns of munitions ; 3 48 light field B. J. Hand, deceased, sold at admin- j believed that her judg istrutors sale on last Tuesday, to Mr aB 8‘ JCK 1 a . 1 ,, T . . , . . . what would be the Alex Dougherty, sixteen acres of ( . burftctor of * thc what is known as tbo giuhousc field, j troubled me. in tho incorporate limits, belonging ; Tbo Indies are formost in every of fifteen ; good cause in this City, and those j whose names have been moot conspic- ; jjous in politics aro still recognized and W. N. Griffith, with i , M pure and higl.-toued ChriRiuu la- Good Boulevard Bkirts at $1 60. Good Overskirts at $1. Good. Children’s Woollen Hobo 16 Good sound Tobacco at (50 cents. A Grindstone, an Oven and Pot, c Avery’s light steel Plows, or any other j tho fair voter.-, article, at close figures. Call at once j 1 oucc ^ud my doubts wto on BARBER A WOOD. Ibe idea of raising water by a eimplo ^ cttaU)j for tbo contrivance, which is to do its own bundred do || arB . work. In other worda, I propose to construct a Belt-acting pomp- ?he lfa J‘ , famUie9( , oft „ town on blBt j uies ; contrivance is 60 simple UmtftDJ y ^ ^ thoir iotondod homo in i I have not time to notice all who twelve years old can understand it. j have been prominent, but tho names I have explained tho principle to Sherman leraa. We arc loth to g,v ; Qf ^ ^ Boyd ’ alld Mr« Bole „ , ir .ilv and two others, (iu whom up «uch oncrgetic citiams, and feci , arG fami |i iar Uj the country at large ; ND 1 ' y - cit cou |irj eace ) aud all say our lo8a » Texas’ gain. I and to satisfy tho thousands who, like ould bo ! guns havo been ordered of Jvrupp, u voting, hut ; Slid I,8iJ0 ixoivy guns, 2,flii8 gun oar- iiI1;i''Ucj upon tlio I ihigeu, 8.C30 limbers, 1,015 wagons themselves ! for96 columns of artillery munitions, ! 4,350 wagons for 353 batteries, 77,213 chests for projectiles, 85,317 coses for cartridges, c.c. The munitions requir ed for 278 field batteries for tho re serve for the park of munitions is esti mated at 325,000 shrapnel shells, 50,- 000,000 ovalry balls to Hill these sheila 468,072 cartridges, 814,000 grenades, 2,308*310 kilogrammes of course pow der, and 384,470 metros of silk. All this has been manufactured during Q Mr. Hogue’s new and commodious ; their myself, have no doubt wondered tho present year. Forty gnus of 12 coutromotroB diameters have also boon inds how they lived at ! cast, 40 shot guns of 16 centimetres, I have implicit " it will do." I have not the means to tost jta Buop la ummug «»■ I “TLuthem'" "““ J """'I ri»g« have been'adapted for aaigo practicability. Mho will fnirnah tho . warda completion slowly. He bus it w , ^ nersonally ncqnaiutcd with gOM, and 137 atcci guns of 12 and money and take au interest. weatherboarded and tho roof ou, how- jj n( j tLem good mo- \ 15 ceutiinetrs have been trunsforraod. J. M. HARRIS, tv ^ r _ oud ;t will bo completed eoun.— i tbe .. s , lt bfJInCi uu j t hut they hear u I It is probable, that ^activity compara- Cedartown, Ga. How about that eight days, Mr. H. | good Chriatian char.cttr among their . Wo to that of Germany _haa houu no Bheriff sales and other legal, —•- . ,'neighbors; ftdvcrtiseraents iu this paper. Thursday last was about the cold-: u iy Bufe ^ Bay that the healtny | uauu«uiu» «« imuhsus* n.tu cquui advertisemen i_i cat a»y of the season. ' tone of society iu Laramie to-day w vigor tlm entire restoration of her Buy a pair of Brazilian RebUe Honsettr8 Mh ool bocse will be | du0 , in a great degree, to tho efforts | way. maten d w.l ho an accompliahoi t inpetacles from Y t a!, in Rome, luej nfimmci; I fact by the end of 1875. wm to a life time. Only *3 a pair. : completed soon. OTmul - IF YOU WANT IDIR/ST O-OOIDS SHOES, OLOTHINO, HATH, OAI’S, Or nny iirllolo gonorally kept In A FIIIBT GLASS STORE At Prlooii to suit tlio (lIonoHt Huyorsj yo will inako It groatly to your adnintagu by calling at tlio abovo uiunod Btoro. juno 27-ly A<liai Iiiltdrulor’s Nolicc. T KTTKUH of ndininistrntion having boon 1.J giiLiilod lo tlio undoriiignod on tbo ostuto of F. VanDovomlor, Into of said county, dooounod, nil porsoiiH Indobt imid ostuto aro notified t<> mnko luimediiito paymoiit, arid Ihoso having nhiiuiH will pri uoi'it them, duly nutbontiontod, for sotlb in out, Jiuiunry 4, 1876. M. V. I». AKF„ Adinr. 'CEDAUTOWN Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, Main Street, Cedurtown, Clu Hpoolal altontlon given to tho euro stock loft In our obargo. lumfkin & McConnell* FULTON house; T; M. ANDEKHON, Into of Homo, Ga. with ii 1 . con.ii a, Coruor Loyd and Wall ills, near Union I' nciiger Depot, ATLANTA, : : : GEORGI M KALH and Lodging por Day $2 00; sin glo meal, 60 cents, Firsl-obiss table and good rooms, 1U&,. Haloon In basement furnished with pure Liquors, Fine Wines, Doer ano Hogars, July 11 G eorgia polk county—j. w. T* Hand, Admln’slrator on tho ostato of H. O. Hand doooisod, having anpllod for loavo to soil tno town lot belonging lo H:\ld os'ult),oontnlnlngsovou-oighCof an aoro, lying In tho south west oornor of what Is known as tho gin house field, botwoon the Chlsolom plaoo, end tho rosldonoo of Dr 8. A. lloid u s, iu tho Inoorporato limit* of Codartown in said oounty. Tliirt in, thoroforo lo olto and admon ish nil porsoiiH ooiioovnod, kindred and creditors, to appear at my otlloo ns roi|iiirod by law, to show onuso If any they havo, why said application should not bo grunted. Given under my hand and otlicinl signa* turo, this 8th day of January, 1876. JOEL HUE WE R, Ord’y. Elitabuth Flanagan, having made application for lottora of Guardianship for tho persons and property of Cora Tliomp- boh and Riolicy Thompson, minor children of l\ T. Ulolioy, doooasod Those aro, thoroforo, to olio and admon ish all oouaornod to bo and upnour at the next Court of Ordinary, to bo bold In said oounty on;tho first Monday In February next, to show oauso; if any they havo, why said lot tors of Gunrdiansolp should not bo grantod iu terms of tlio law. Given iindor my hand aud ollloiul signature, this Jan 8th, 1876. JOEL 1HIEWEll, Ord’y. Whoroi on tlio I Mi made applloalion, iu duo form of law, for dismission from Ids said administration, ullodgiug iu Ids potitiou that, after his ap plication as such administrator, Georgia Morrison, tho widow of sal.' dcuoasod, made application aud obtained homestead and oxomntion of personalty, and in which was included tho whole of the properly belong ing to the ostuto of said douoiiHod, uml that ho has fully udiididtilorod sold ostuto, so far as tho law requires. Thoroforo, all porsons concerned will uku notice (o l>o and uppour at my otlioo .'itbin tlio timo proscribed by law, to show HUSO, if any they have, why said W. 0 Knight should not bo fully discharged from Ids said administration. Given under my hund and ollloiul signature, this Oct. l>, 1874 JOEL HUE WER Ord’y ID. Is,di. .A-iXlEh BELLS arlor - Siils, Bedroom Suits, LIBRARIES BOOK OASES Counting-House Desks, Thankful to tlio clt"it.ouh of Folk oounty >r iheir liberal patronage,]) I will still ami twayu expect lo sell tlio uliuupout and boHt nunllty of Furniture in tho Dtato, and I do- oomputitioil. My Furnilitro is all will* it and poplar, finisliud up by tlio besl urmuii and French moohanios iu tlio Norl- est. Lock at lids, for oxamplo: One mag. fiouul Walnut lledstuad, of tlio lalust ami ohI- approved stylo, Ono tine full marble ip Hurcau, holght from top of glass to the jor,8 foot IMnuhos, Ono line full Marblo- WasliBtnnd, with all tlio late improvements, Ono handsome miirbla.lop tilde; Guo lino carved Fifili-Avonuo llookor, 4 fine heavy Walnut English Roll Kaok Hraao Chairs, for Jfli io OF. Hamplos ou hand. You can save sixty lo eighty dollars by buying from mo. Will no delivered to my part of North Georgia at tho above |iriao, for (Jusli. Just received a fine assort- HohuwooiI livdstuiids, price $0 60. Fine oludrii at ouo dollar to one del- very liberai imliloementH offered to deal- ” •*- r call at tho FURNITURE WARE-ROOM nov 7—ly CAIN CLOVER, No. 1), - - Ha'oud Street, El03yXCEl, GKfe.. DRY GOODS, BOOTH, SHOES, HATH, Ready-Made Clothing. £4ALL and prloo my goods, and I wHl cheap Cotton I Cotton 11 Cotton 111 STOP AND BEAD ! I will at nil tl in cm pay tho Romo Full Market Price For Cotton. Pomona wishing to dollyor mo cotton iu payment of thoir accounts, will rcoolvo Liberal Prices Over tho market price, during tho month of Novombor. Parlies having sold mo Got- ton and to bo delivered lids fall, arc hereby notified to bring in tbo same at onoo, au ills NB'WQOODS AND OHEAPER ONES! X AM now in receipt of ono of tbo largest stocks of Goods over brought to Gedi town, which I am offering at extremely 1 prloou. I am determined that hcrcufi goods shall be sold au low in Codartown « X^atriclt & Omberg, 33 Broad 8t. f Rome, Ca BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS PRINTEK8 Pianos, Cabinet Organs, SMALL INSTRUMENTS. WJIEET MliSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUCTION BOO KB m Codartown, DiuLuna in - Coorgln, I inrawf VAHNISHES, KEROSENE, L A Ivl IP S. Everything Fresh and Puro! A COMI’J.KTK AND OIIOIUK UNK OV P ERFUMER Y s LILY WHITE, S0AP8.J. TOILET ARTICLES GENERAI.LY, GENUINE GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE Always o.i hand. Tooth,£Hatr and ;N iil j,Biushos,^| Go libs, oto. For ,0* A fine lot of G nulio i uiul Fancy GooiL, just roe ilvoil. Haying for Omh, wo aro prepared to soli as low as tlio lowest. fik*jy“ Give us au huo for yoursolvos juno 20-1 y IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to tho Whole Race of Womon DR. BRADFIELD’8 Female Regulator! piMVlI.Ii UamO ON T'MC MH5N8RH,^rj|y^n enooVuxco (ovll Itow^hi!cl’eorroet aU ir'oiularjhts ^ lUvil^rem .^i wjl IrraaMin^o^ljldey^iinij BlRd- ,a?s‘aKBR * runvrri havo a srai 11 nfc r up: t H^n ’jir^ (limii-m'e praeileii, anil can lioaoNlly nay th - tlooii- Hl'lor It a icon to mUliTlng riMimfcn. and nnn Imt Iioiik Unit every lady In oiirown land, who uiuy lie millrilnii In any way noaullur In thnlr mix, may bo at lo to procure a holtld^thaMhalr sumirlnKn may i »iiiJ l rMi!i! , oifuuy , , ,,, ' l,, \^ji! 1 vl^uitlira, wU’d'! 8 ' Nkar MXniK-rrA. Ua.. Mnroh 20. IH70. MPMirn. WM. Hoot dk Boat Dear Sira-Sonin nionlhH ago 1 bought a bolttu of nradllnld’n Fainalu Heuulator from you. and havo mind It In my Ihmliy with the utmost natmraollnn.itnd havo rooommon- di d It to two or tlirmiother ruiuilleg.aml they havo ftauid Itjunt what It iNrocommondod. The females raair.tffto® ® a wsa jjulloa, and wo eiinllaU^rooommoud It to tha pub- o. ours, n.jonNBow. HI Estate UBDARTOWN, G30RQM, Aro now ofTorlng tho folD ving desira'ls PROPERTY FOR SALE.3 360 Aorea Farming Land.- Wo offer for salo 00') noroa df land, 1 : * alonrod and midor good foaon, located fi ‘ miles oast of Taylorsville, six milasnor . of llookmart, and ono mllo from Cbohran'* mill. A bargain Will bo glvon. Tbh is good upland. 320 Aoro Farm—A Sargalrtv Farm of 820 noros, 100 oloarod and 11 cultivation, with good fenoos. Now dwtil> ling, now smoko house and well of good wator. Tho romaindor of tho land is wolf timbered. Tlio grado of tlio North an I South llnilroad passes through this lan I Located In Floyd county, ton milos in .■ Gcdartown, and about tlio samo dlstanc- from Romo, on Silvor Greek road. Term vory roasonablo, iu fact tho clioapost pl.,i^ In North Georgia, location considered.\ Dr. Roose Residsrrao, On Oodaf Btroot and near tho spr’ui r This Is tho most desirably loaitod, and o , of tho most beautiful rusldeneon in to.v.i Tho Iioubo is two stories, Odllilo stylo, s', bod-rooms, dining room, kllchbn and pa > try, all wall finished. Fivo nores iu lo This is a raro opportunity for a groit bar • gain. Store House and Lot. Known ns tho Huoso Drug 8toro. I. >: thirty foul front, running back ouo hundiv . and thlrljr-t wo foof, on whloh Is a two gtor/ framod storo iiouso. Good Imslnoos lou . tion. Tlio boat bargain yet offered. ALSO, A stock of Drugs aud Flxturos. Stock Fresh and puro. E. OLEAVEL.IND, Fashionable Tailor, MAIM HTIIKtfr Codartown, Ca. A LL orders in my lino promptly flllu I uml in a stylo nut to be oxooilod by t , best. Fits giinrnatood, and all work w .r ran tod. Try mu aud be convinced. Gqi. oiul attention paid Lo roimvatlng and r • pairing; also ouUiug for 1 vdios to make in For full imrllculnrii, history of dlnoMOB, and rc tllhiaUiN or I In wonderful euros, tho reador in r lerriMl lo tho wrapper around tho bottlo. ManuhmtnrjHl^dju) djjr Bold by all drag LD ft CO., Atlanta, Qa any t Hu in tlio State. Gall and s Examine My Stock and Prices. Don’t listen to Groakors. but call an amino for yourselves. Highest uiurkel price paid for Oom n.n<l Wheat, A. Huntington. Oedaiitown, Nov. 12,1874. East End Wood Shop, 112 •T. M. HARRIS. Repairs and Makes Wagons, Bedsteads, Tables etc Aud almost anything made of wood. WORK a HEAP FOR GASH tsr Wu r k dona according lo prom- ite. sept 10--ly A «lsisiis ih( Tutor’s Bull 1 G BORGIA, FOLK COUNTY.—On tho first Tuesday in February next, will bo sold, beforo tlio Court llouso door, iu Cvdurtown, said oounty, within the legal hours of sale, lots of laud Nos. 781, 7 ; Fi, 788, 784 and 786, (except about 80 acres oi lots Nos 738, 784 and 734.) in tho th distriot and section of said oounty. Said tract of about 170 acres, containing ubout 36 acres of bottom laud, about ton acres of good upland, about 16 erubly good upland, all undor cultivation and well watered; fifteen or twenty acres of upland to oleur; dwelling and outhouses EJOHN C. Practical Mechanic & Builder, CRD AUTO irw, GA., f,I) rospoolfiilly asnounoi •lie: that ho is fully pro [aterinl and ^ Erect Balldingfn of all hIxoii and grades, on short notion and after tho most approved plans. Particular attention glvon to making and trimming OOFFJN3, REPAIRING FURNITURE, Ac. Those desiring work of nny kind In IiIh line would do woll to call on him at tlio St. (Diaries Hotel. Hhop fronting Court House Huiiuro. J'«n« 23-ly W. H. Wikle & Oo„ Cartei’Hville, UNO STAIiOffll NOTIONS, NOVELTIES, GAMES, FANCY CONFECTIONERIES Tak H Hubsorinl riodicnl puhlishod iu thu Uuiiod 8 Publishers lowest prioos.J J NE a DL HJS For all kinds of Sowing Machinos. also fu- nish Allaohmouts, Oils, oto. Will son 1 Noodles by mail, to nny nddross, on reoel ' of prion. Singer, 06 cents por doxen •, all othors 80 oonts. Parties would do-woll u- consult us boforo buying goods from po l* dlers, or Bonding North to tho variou swindlers and humbugs. Any goods not iu TRAVELER’S GUIDE. ^ Wold for tho benefit of tbo heirs of J- A. m . . 0 Y *T' 7T»r rT I Thompsou, deceased. Torins; four annual PUni aad Fanoy Printing Ntatau'J Cheap | |ia , m0 ‘ lltl ; firal , j,,,,. j, W7U . B00 „„d, Jan. Paper Backs aud flno Wrapping Paper, h 1877, and ho on. Further Information Picture Frames and Mouldings* Writo on day of sale. Jan. 2, 187fi. for catalogue and Price List. sepS'Jly T. J. THOMPSON, Adm’r W. O* Barber, REAL ESTATE AG-’T llockniart, Ga. W ILL soil or buy Wild or Improved Lands in anv portion of the oounty. Having boon a oitixou of Polk county for many years, and being thoroughly posted in tbo Location, Value, oto , of Land* in ov ery section, foul oonfldont that it will bo to the intorest of parties having lands lo sell, to place them in my hands; and those wish ing lo purchase Lands can always bo ao- ooiiiiuodatod. I will bo In Cudartown on I ho 1st Tuesday in each mouth, for tho pur. peso of transacting business in mjr llno.^ Opened, A Boot and Shoe Hhop, on the oornor of Prior and Oollego streets, near HL Gharles hold. Our torms are Cuih, and no work shall bo doliverad until paid for. Work done with dispatch and at small cost. Putronugo solioitod. Very respectfully J. W. HOOIS, Codartown, Ga., June 28th, 1874. NEW BARBER SHOP. T IIB undorsignod has looated in Oodar- town for the purpose of carrying on tho business in all ItsbruuoUes. If you want “A CLOSE SHAVE” u shampoo or hair out, give me a oall and I will guarantee satisfaction. June 20 ALFRED EVANS. Rome Railroad Company. CU.VNQS OF SOEDULB. this road and run as follows: DAILY PASSENGER Loaves Romo at 8.16am. *1 Arrive at Homo 1.15 p. m Buna-aj. Loaves Homo at fi 30 p. m. ) „ n Arrive at Romo at 10.10 p n:) B,rer y Da Bach trr.iu will make oloso oonneot! > at Kingston'with Western aud Atlanti Railroad trains bound for Chattanooga an i Atlanta. W. 8. COTHRAN, Pres. JOHN 0. PHINTUP, Ticket Agent. Selma, Rome b Dalton R. R Trains on tliis Hoad will run asfollov.s GOING NORTH. oavo bulma 7.23 a m Arrive at Prior’s 6.48p iu 41 Dalton \ 0,46 p • Making oIoho oonnoolion at Dalton wit • E T V & Ga It R., and W & A R R for a . EaBlorn and Western attics aud the Vi ginia Springs. GOING SOUTH* Loavo Dalton 6*46 p m vo at Prior’s 10.12 p .a vo at Helma 8.80 a in M. 8TANTON, den. 8upt. VV. 8. MAYNARD, Asst. 8npt. RAY KNIGHT, G. P. & T* Aft. “THE KKNNESAW ROUTE,’’ Wostorn <t Atlantic Railroad and Conneotlona. :iav lussExaia—ootiv.uid. Loavo Atlanta g 83 a m Arrive at Chattanooga 4 28 p ,.i DAY PA8SENOBO —INWABD Loavo Chattanooga 6 46 a a Arrive at Atlanta 1 16 p n NIGHT I’ASSENUEU—INWABD. Loavo Chattanooga 6 23 p • • Arrlvo at .Atlanta 12 46 p , ACCOMODATION TUAIN. Loavo Atlanta g 45 •, Arrivo at Dalton 0 16 p . Tho boquoHt of tho lato John S. Ilopkius, of Jiultiinoro, for the found ing of a university, amounts to three million. NEW SCHEDULE. Cherokee Railroad From and aftor Novombor 1st, 1874, tbs following schedule will bo run on the Cher - okoo Railroad; Loavo Rookmart. 7 42 a Arrivo nt Taylorsvillo 8 8J - Loavo Taylorsville - 8 60 .1 • i Arrivo at Htilesboro 9 10 a , Loavo Dtilosboro 9 20 1. Arrivo at Cartorsvillo la Oi.. . lie turn ing. Loavo Cartorsvillo 2 8C pm Arrivo at Slilesboro 8 16 Leave 8tilosboro 8 26 j. Arrive at Taylorsvillo 3 46 p . Loovo Taylorsville 4 03 y u. Arrive at Rookmart 4 69 ’ j, D. WK. FEACOf o:i/ It’))it. !), U