The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, February 20, 1875, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN RECORD. W. S. D. WIKLE & 00., Propriotor8. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY *20, 1875. VOLUME I. NUMBER 36. TIMELY TOPICS. Tub exhilarating mining-stock gamb ling ou California street, Fan Fran* ciaoo, which for several week* has been upcotting the brains of paroxysmal citi- zeus, experienced n distressing douche of oold water the other day, and bonanza stocks, which hod bom selling like wild firo at frc m $500 to $800, fell down to $200 and $300. So it hnppcucd tlmt on tho brokers'board hundreds had any quantity of atook to sell, but there was nobody to bur. On ono day last week th# favorite Ophir stock declined $37 per share, and consolidated Virginia doolined $108. Them was n good deal of ntn«3n among tie gamblers, of course, ft ud the panic was attributed to a favorite rose nf the boars in spread ing tho fal*o report that the tumors had struck porphyry and the bonanza of silver had gono up. This question is asked by tho New England Farmer, "Can we drive a unil legally ? " It i-tatcs that it has received a copy of n patent granted to a man iu Indiana for secur'ng a grspo vino to a stake by driving iu a nail. Pomona re ceiving the circular are granted per mission to drive ono rail, just to seo how the thing works ; but they are re minded that they will bo liable to dam ages for infringement if they drive more than ono. There is absolute danger at tho present timo of a farmer’s being rnado to pay damages for building u panel of fence to keep cattle ont of bis garden. Every farm operation from plowing the soil to putting grain iu n bag is done by means of sumo patented tool or appliance. Tiik general government, at its sal mon breeding establishment on tho McCloud livor, California, lias collected, the present season, .3,752,f>00 salmon spawn, which has been distributed as follows: Maine, 100,090; Massachusetts, 200,000; Rhode Island, 100.000; Con necticut, 300,000 ; New York, 625,000 ; New Jersey, 225,000; PounBylvunin, 450,0(10 ; Muryhind, 375,000 ; Michigan, 750,000; Wisconsin, 100,000; Miumv sot a, 250,IRK); Iowa, 800,000; Utah, 150,000; Colorado, 25,000; Illinois, 60,000; Virginia, 60,000; Canada, 25,- 000; New Zealand, 25,000. The bal anco were hntohed and returned to McCloud riv*»r. A Dispatch from New York to tho Cnstclar, and tho diotatnro of Borranr. There is uo reason why a fourth should give me any nneasinosa. I have got el to it by Ibis time. The legitimacy a rock against which these ephemeral governments are power less, nguinst which tho waves of revolution will dash vain.” By tho provisions of tho new Ilawai- n treaty, now made public, the Sand wich Island people will be permitted to introduce their sugars and syrups iuto the United States without duty. In tarn, the producers of our country will be permitted to export to tho domain of Kalakaus nearly ovory namsblo article of manufacture and growth. Tho treaty to extoud through a period of soven years. Wisconsin proposes to Have sovoral thousand dollars by converting the Soldiers' Orphan Home into an institu tion for the blind. Ten yearn after tho war, but few of tho soldiers’ orphans are left, mo.t of them being appren ticed out at an early age, aud tho Home h is beoorno littlo more than a salary eating nflair. An oduoational reform bill, more val uable for its tmggrstivmicss than any thing else, is pending before the Illi nois legislature. It prohibits the teach ing of any except plain English branches “with uo nousciiHo about them," and forbids tho building of school-houses costing mure than $2,000. Two hundred horses sre in course of training nt Now York stables for tho Fpring races. This number is to l o largely re-enforced by southern stables, < specially many from Kentucky. Jerome Park, it is said, will wiluoss a larger uumbfcr of horses at llio approaching races than over before. Tint tiunices of the Cincinnati South ern railroad havo dually closed a con tract with ths Cltveluml rolling mill company for 11,000 tons of steel rail, at $70.75 per ton, and 12,000 tons iron rails at $52.75 per ton the total amount of the contract being $1,603,025. Tin: female operatives, on ths strike at Fall River, Mats., had a mass meet ing last San.Iny night, iu which they resolved to hold out a year, or longer, if need bo, to nmko tho manufacturers accede to their terma. A mono tho institutions of Milwaukee a a Mutual Hail Insurance company, Chicago Tribnno says: In tho trial of j which paid farmers lust year $2,400 tho smuggling ease to-day it was sworn ! for dam agon to orops from hail-storms, in the United States oonrt that II, II. | ~ TIIK HKW HKfcKNl K DILL. Claflin .V Co., tho heavy dry goods house, had bought smuggled silks, knowing them to bo smuggled, and had •old them. A Tribune reporter who applied to Mr. IL B. Claflin for an ex planation, was told that tho report wns true, and tlmt on tho advice of a reve nue < flicinl ho had bought goods know- ii(i o u| mju |IIinnf%hU ilig that they had l>cen smuggled. IIo Lvuvl and collected on all distilled spirits m*„i, (1 flirt!ii r all l.roi. ,1rv i which tlio tax proscribed by law shall not havo H.auu inriner.ilist all largo dry goods | ^ a.,«l wliotlier die said spirits shall I’ I in rrnar »l III* T»i on Wlilukyi | Tolisrro Mini Mugnr l(«|ienl of III* Tin im ftlwIrlii'N. Tho text of iho rovenuo hill entilled, “ A | l.ill to further proloct tho Milking fund and t« I provide for the oxigenoiesof the government,” re|>ortnd to die bouse uf roprescutallvii* by Mr. Danes, in a* follows : | Do it onaatnd, etc., tl.nt from and after tho | date nf tho passage of this act, tlmro shall hn LATE NEWS SUMMARY. of section 8,261 of the revised statute* of tho United Htates a* ia incuiiaLtent herewith is hereby repealed ; Provided, that iu addition to tho tut of aovenly cents pm gallon Imposed hy tho law now existing, there shall ho levied and oolleoted 16 cents, being nne-half of the increase of tho tax. under this act, on eacii and every proof gallon or wine gallon when Irolow proof, nf domestic distilled spirits man ufactured and placed in bonded warehouse prior to tho day when this act shall take effect. flora or wholesale dealers, having in thoir pos session, or under their control, Jietlllod spirits or stamp* d packages, and any person who shall sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any such distilled spirits after tills act lakes effect, ini'll an addiliniial stamp, to he especially printed for this puipoM hy (lie commissioner of internal revenue, denoting the pa)iuent of the additional tax of 15* outs per gallon here in imposed, is purchased and attached to tho package or packages containing the name, in such manner as the commlsaioner of internal revenue shall prescribe, shall he subject to und pay a penalty of ono dollar for each and every gallon so removed, ami the spirits so re moved shall he forfeited to the United Htates, and provided further, that on all brandy, gin. duty as llxod iu the reviacd statutes is two dollars per gallon, the duty hereafter to he levied, collected and pai l shall l»o t2.6« i>er proof gallon. ' That section 8.108 of hoiuoH hail to do tho same, and named houses which so smuggled goods. Ac cording to Mr. Claflin tho silk trado is largoly in smuggled goods. Hbnator Qoiiixjn, of Georgia, has an- nounoed his intention to wiito a letter to Weudell Phillips, inviting him per sonally to nmko an extended tour throughout tho mnthtra Ftates, and give the public the bsnrflt of Lis views concerning their o indiii in, partioulaily with respect to tht-ir government. Ho sxya ho hav abundant faith in Mr. Pail- lips’ integrity of purpose and ability to correctly itato tho impremionB tho re- anlt of a trip of this kind might hove upon his mind. Ho baa not yet con cluded whether ho will make the letter s confidential communication, or give it publicly sffer it shall have been written. Tub national grange, in session at Charleston, S. C., authorized the exoc- nt vs oommiltco to select a location for oflicea of I lie liody and to lease tho ueooavaiy buildings. Tho action with reference to a loan of money by the - national grange to stato grotigis was so amended as to make the loan free of int rest. Two members of tho executive committee wore elected, viz : D. F. Chase, of New Hampshire, and John T. Jones, of Arkansas, for three years eseb. D. W. Aikeu, of South Carolina, wns re elected for threo years, and Wm, Handers, of Washing- tan, and E. B. Shmklsni, of Iowa, held over, making tho committee five in all. Tub completion of tho great Hoof no tuncol is an event c-f almost national importance. It is a work that has cost tho labor of ar imminre number of men j since 1852, the expenditure of $13,000,-1 imposed in schedule O, hoc. 2504 of tho (K.0, .u ? 11... Hacrifioe of 113 live. Tho ^^“J‘S® , 5S!.“ i a p 5S!li tunnel is nearly four miles long, and it | grades thereindeaigr.ated. ia stated that it will tuke a loaded i 8 c. 5. That ao much of saction 2603 of tbe J 1 U I revised statute* an provides that only 90 per might tram lorty minutes to paas e^t. of the several duties and rate* of duly tLruv.^Tv it. Transportation oomptnio. I m! and Fhippers are eager to nvaii them- ! a „,] the name is hereby repealed, and adves of its facilities for shortening the ! the several duties and rates of ,. . . . v . w . » in said section 2804, shall bo and remain as distance between New England cities | that section, levied without tbe abatement of aud the west, and great expectations of I 10 P« r cent., an provided in soction 2500. , . - ■ . , ,, ! fiec. 6. That the increase of duties provided increesa of bu.-ino.sf-: are bated thereon. , by thiH *1*11 no t apply to any good-, ware* j or merchandiao on board and bound to tho Don Carlos is somc-ibingof a wit. United Htates on the 10th day of February, vr., i . ■ , rr ,, , 1875, nor ou any such goods, wares or mer- Wutle taikmg to a Uerfld correspond* n‘.: 0 haSdiee ...» deposit in warehouses ».r public about “ Mv poor little cousin Alfonso," at the -late of the passage of this a/:t. , * , .... ... , The committee agreed ve-terday to favor he r^rau'hed . On, won Ihru . huco the *.f that part of tlie prevent l«w f have taken t : -.- field I liavs seen threo which r«*pilres t-Umpn on Lank checks, et<- . , ,. , , .« „ but this morning the? struck out lha rontern- g •venimeiits ciumble Iisfore me the jciealmg section before reporting the monarchy of Auudeo, the republic of * bill to tho house. EAST. Tho first Irnin passed through noosne tunnel on tho 9th lust. Tiro passage was made in thirty-flvo minutes. Dnriug tlio month of January 1,094 emigrants landed at Caatle Garden, being 624 loss than in Jauuary, 1874 ; of those 973 had been in the United Htatoa before. Tlio operatives in throe of tho 1 argon I cotton mills at Fall River, Mass., havo struck hccauao their wages woro reduced, aud ono thousand of tho woa#rra are going back to F.nro|>e at tho ex|Hur*e of the other workmen, on the supposition that they can got work there. In thia they will ho mistaken, us ttiou sands of workmen are out of employment in England. At the reduced wages they would have twon aide to keep the wolf from the door, but they want to Ikj independent and— starve. WEST. The Cincinnati tobaoco board of trndc havo adopted a series of resolutions express ing tlio belief that any advance of tho existing tax on tobaooo would prove Injurious to all branches of tho tobacco trado that any ail ditional tax would ho unjust to both tho pro ducer and consumer, and that as a measure to increase tho revenue, it would fail of its pur pose. Thoy also request all members of con gress in sympathy with tho tobaoco Interests to prevent, if |xtesihlo, any incroaso in the rate of taxation on tobacco. SOUTH. Tho Austin, Toxus, Hbooniukcru havo struck for specie payment. Tho Arkansas hoiisn of representatives lias passed a Joint resolution for adjournment sino die on the 10th of March. Ono bnndrod uml fifteen residents of Do Wilt county, Texas, havo boon Indicted for carrying ooticoalod weapons. Tho wheat crop ia of more noreoge iu northern Tex a* than ovor before. Tlio hopes of heavy harvests are Indulged In. A two-thmisand-ton bnik in to lo loaded at Port Royal. H. G., with cotton seed for Euro|Kt, to 1st manufactured into lablo oil and oil cake for feeding cattle. 0. II. Zimmotmuu, u well kuowu jowilry merchant of New OiIohiih, suicided last weak hy blowing hia brains out with a pistol. Oauao, pecuniary ouiharrasamuut. Tho aalo of tho Alabama and Chatta nooga railioad hy tho commissioner under tlio derive of tho court at Mobile, has been post poned until Monday, March H. A bill has posted both houses of tho Arkansas legislature exempting mines and manufacturing establishments from taxation for a number of yoara. Fatty McGtnbis, a noted rough i f Memphis, recently pardoned out of tho peni tentiary, assaulted James A. Ginattier, of Helena, Ark., aud was shot in the ahouldor hy Oreauiar. Thu wound ia not daiiaoroiu. Johu Wood*, alisa Hall, alias Riski ly, and Henry Johnson, colored, two r.f the tuen who robbed the express messenger at Memphis, a few days einco, have been arrrost- o*l. and have divulged the names of their as- BOOlatOB. Oanoral William Johnson, n votornn of tlio w ar of 1812, a former member of the Kontucky legislature, and father of Col. T. J1Ve.ii and Allierl W. Jobiieou, of Louisville, Kentucky, (lied at Ilia home iu Hootl county, Kontucky, Friday. Tho board of tbroilora gf tlio mer- cltant*' exchange. Ht. Louis, have unanimously loptod a memorial to congress Molting forth i strong terms why, In the improvement of the mouth uf tlio blisaisaippi rivoi^tho south- west pass should bo iucd instead of tho south pass. It nrgeH Jetties for its Improvoiaont, aud tlio adoption of Capt. Eads' plan. The south pass wi I provo totally iiiado.piato for tlio coiumorco of tlio Mississippi valley, and wliilo a question of economy should be re garded in the matter, it is believed the differ ence in tho cost * f ths works, as hot ween fhn passes, when compared with tlio mognitiulo of the Interests involved, is hardly worthy of consideration. Tho following resolution was also adopted: Resolved, that the merchants' exchange of Ht. I<oni* rospeotfuUv asks the chambers nf ooinuiorco, hoards of trade, and kindred hoards in other cities, especially oli the Mississippi and its tributaries, to join without delay in our appeal lo congress for the construction of permanent work* for the improvement of tho mouth of the Mississippi river at tho southwest pass, as being on all sides acknowledged to he the largest, safest and heat natural outlet. FROM WAHHINGTON. Tho boaso committeo on iqqiropria- I paid shall Hec. 2," That section 3.1G8 of tho revised statutes he, and the safho is hereby, amended hy striking out the words "twenty conta per pound" and inserting In lieu thereof tho words • twei.ty-fonr cents per pound;” pro- ... much of section 3 37 poses a stamp tax ou friction matches, lucifor matches or oilier articles made in part of wood and need for like purposes, le and the same in hereby rej ea’ed, to take effect on and after the first day of July, 1870. Hfc. 4. That on all rnolasnes. not Including tank bottom syrup of sugarcane Jnioe, molado or concentrated molado, and on sugars accord ing to the standard in color, imported from I foreign countries, thero shall Ikj levied, col- d paid In addition to the duties lions lias agreed to recommend hii nppiopriH- lion of t600,000 to defray the exponses attend ing a display of the several departments of tlio government at the centennial exposition. Tlio Htipreme court of Mnssnclmsotls has rendered a decision in tlio caso of Jrss.o II. l'omoroy, the Iroymurderer, overruling tho exceptions and rendering Judgment verdict. 1'omeroy will therefore l>o sentenced to death. Tho senate has confirmed the follow ing nominations : Juo. M. Thayer, Nebraska, govomor of Wyoming territoiyj Charles K. Dims, judge of the oastem district of Wiscon sin ; Wm. II. Clayton, United Htates attorney for th* western district of Arkansan ; Jan. F. Fagan, United Htatoa marshal, ditto; TJioh. Reynolds, pension agent, Wisconsin. Post masters—Alex. F. Heymour, Pino Illnff, Ark.; Charles Phillips, Watervllle, Kansas; Charles Wears, Cedar flapida, Iowa. Oov. Campbell, of Wyoming territory, Just appointed third assistant secretary of stale, was formerly on tho staff of Gon. Hchoflold, and tho office to which he is now appointed was a voluntary tender to him hy the president. A general ordtr from tho wnr depart ment, witli rofererico to carrying out the pro visions of tlio act of congress approved Febru ary 10,1875, to provido for the relief of persons suffering from the ravages of grasshoppern pon tho western frontiers, sayn it is ordered hy tho president thrt tho commanders of tho departments of tho Platte, tho Missouri and Dakota, shall causo to ho made practicable an enrollment of tho inhabitants of tho states and territories within those paitmeuts who have been rendored ihstitnlo by the ravages aforesaid, which enrollment xxill, a« fsr an pr»rti.:.iblo, group families to gether, giving tlio name of each person enti tled to lelief; children under PJyeaistobo »rated xepara'.elj. Applicant* for auppUes should tunlin a statomonl on blanks furnished them, of thoir rcsourcca oonvartlbln with safe ty to thoir fainlllra iuto a supply of food, and tho namra of such persons as may ho found to havo resources an convertible, shall not be plaood on tho rolls until such resources are exhausted. The committee on ways and mentis havo agrood upon tho draft of a tariff and tax bill. It projH)sos to raiso about 830,000,000 should uo modification of it take place hi fore it Is reported. The ton per cent, taken from tho dutioH under tho second section of tlio act of June, 1872, will be roatorod. Tho articles thus to be affected aro manufactured cotton, wool, iron and steel, paper, ftooka, India rub ber, gutta porcliF, gloss, leather, etc. Tea and coffee aro to remain free of duty, hut HUg&ra of all kinds aro to lien* an additional duty. Tlio tax ou whisky apd tobacco will also bo increaaod. Tho oouiiuittoo will hold another meeting to perfoot tho Nil. The ma jority of tho conmilttoo decided that sugar and molasses can boar an additional dn'y nf twenty-live per cent., and tobaooo an ineroaso of four cents per pound ; that matches should bo lelieved from tax, and that tho tax on spirits should bo increased fifteen conta a gal lon, operating upon nil nmv on hand, hut that thirty por emit, should be Imposed on all spirits manufactured after the fiassaga of tho hill; aud stampa cu bad chocks to cease at the end of Ibis year. These changes will ho In corporated In I lie hill. MlflOELLANEOUB. The proiqmots nro Hint the depositors iu the Freodmen'sHavingabniik will not locoivo ovor 111 or 45 coots on tlio dollar. Tho btutu supremo court of Illinois Iiah decided that the practice kuowu as cham perty. *Jio legal practice or taking a case aud dividing the profits with the client, i* ill*w“h amt u imi.uksi.iu %'j am* and imprisonment. FOREIGN. Count Valmaeodn ia to bo appointed raplain-gennral of Cuba. Tolcgiuuis from Chinn my tx civil wnt is Inuninoul. Tho cold woatkor iu England thia year has largoly increaaod the death rato average. -* TrlegrnniH from Spain nay thoAlfons- luts lout 50(1 killed and |wouudod Slid three pieces of artillery iu the recent check they received near Kslollu. DnloBscpH, of Htioz ciiual\ has written a letter favoring the Nlcaraugiiau route for tlio Inter-Oooanio canal) in case it Is found imposHihln to construct a canal through the Isthmus ef Darien. King Alfonso has maned a dcoreo rail ing out 70,000 uien for the army, 16,000 of tin se to ho sent to Cuba. Exemption may lie procured by the payment of sightltinnsand reals ($1,000). The (tank of Hpain ha-* ad vanced the government 100,000,000 reals ($12,- 600,000!. An nflloiHl dispatch admits that, tho advance guard, now tho extreme left ef the troops operating against tlio Carlists iu Na varro, lias si.tiered a cheek owing to ths over- conlhlciico of its commander. Tho Carlist cliloftaiu, Mendiri, was arrested for treason a id shot by order of Don Carlos. Tho Hpauish fleet at thn present time consists of 122 ship* of war, via : 7 armor- plated frigates of llrst-cla*s, 10 screw frigates, 6 screw corvettes, 21 dispatch l*oala armed with 61 guns, of a total steam powor of 2,310 horses ; 48 screw gunboats, each of which carries ono big gun, with a total nf 4.040 horse (tower, and 28 pad.IIo strainers of 5.600 Imran (s)wer, carrying 109 gima. (Ion. Murioucs iiiinomioes thn relief of ]'aiii|ioluiiH. Tho CarlinlH in an ongign- mont at Oleiaa, have Ihicii defeated. It is reported tho pope ha* writUm to Don Gailoa expressing sympathy, but advising Id consider his detoiumiallon to contiuno the war, as tho dignity of tho Catholic church lias been vindicated and tho lights of the clergy recognized hy Alfonso. Gen. Loom 'isa de feated and captured tho CarliaAMder, Gon, Agan« Tho British parliament ronsnemblrd on the 5th. The queen in her apecch saysi My Lords aud Gentlemen-My relations with all foreign powers aro friendly. Tho peacn of Europe continues unbroken, and I I rust it wi I roniain so. I shall do my endeavors thoromi- to," The ronfayanco at IJrusHols ou tlio usages of war has boon concluded. My government has carefully examined the reports of It* tft- liljrrations, hut coiiHidering the linpovtanen of the principles Involved and the avldnly diver gent opinions therein expressed, and the im probability of thoir reconciliation, I have re fused proposal* for further negotiations. The Horrauo government In Hpaiu has ceased to oxiat, aud Prince Alfonso lias been railed the llirouo. Tho question of recognizing him in concorl with other powers Is now before my government, and a decision will not ho long delayed. I earnestly hope that peace will he speedily restored to that groat and uufortu nste country. Exertions for thn eupprenaion of tlio East African slavo trado have not boon rciuxod. I confidently expect they will sottlo in the complete abolition of that traffic, which is tqiully repugnant to humanity and injuri ous to logitirnato commerce. Tlio differenena between China and Japan, once threatening war, are now happily adjusted. I have learned with pleasure that OUrminlator nt Pekin largely instrumental hi effecting this, past year has been one of general prosperity and progreas throughout the colonies. ' Gold Coast shows a steady advanco in tlio labllshment of civil government. Peace lias boon maintained and slavery abolished. Hence forward thero will lie freedom thero an oho- wlicro. I t-hall doubtleoa havo your concur rence in any mc-asiires which it shall ho my duly to adopt, allowing a who administration iu national nffars. An amplo harvest has restored prosperity hi India. Ily tho hlenaing of Providenco I was able to entirely avert the loss of lifo which was apprehended from famine. Gontleinen of tho House of Com mons—Tho finances are in a satisfactory condition. The trado of tlio country lias somewhat fallen short, hut thero has been .prosperity. Reductions of taxation have Jo-11 j a steady Increase in the consumption of tho i occKhilicH of life, and such articles as contribute to the rovenuo. The queen rocorn- moods the repeal of exceptional kUtutoa In relation to tho peacoof Ireland, and the enact ment of lav/s for lire transfer of land and tho r» construction of Judicature. Hho also recom mend* the pannage of acts for the improve ment of the dwellings of tho working clatHOs, for tlio consolidation of sanitary laws, audio pi event tho |K>Uution of riveia, and tho estab lishment of the office of publio proaecutor. Mr. Cameron moved that the senate procooil to the consideration of oxocutivo busInesH.... Tho ohalr laid hoforo the Hoirato a number of hills from thn house, among them tlio civil- hut at the request of Mr. Edmunds, withdrew tho objection Mint the hill might nc Tend a aoooiiil lime uml referred lo the judiciary com mittee. It was so rufoircd. The seuato then iroceodod to tlio consideration of oxocutivo juaineu and soon after adjournod. Ill tho ETOUSO. on tlio fltli, Mr. Under, of Massachusetts, introduced a resolution calling upon tho secretary of the treasury for iuformaUttu as to whethor tlio portraits of liv ing porsoua havo boon engraved for the pur pose of printing them on the notes or currency of tho United Htatos Mr. Poland made a majority report from the committoo appointed to Investigate affairs in Arkansas, recommend ing Hint no action ho taken iu tlio ease. Tho committee conclude thoir report ns follows; The new constitution we regard as republican ill form, and iu many respects hii itnpiovomoiit tlint of 1*118. The committee aro eatlrilo I tliHt the eon volition to frnmo the constitution aud the constitution itself, woro voted for aud aro satisfactory to a majority of the voters anil people In tlio Htate. The state officers wero certainly olrrtod hy a majority of the rotes oast, and wo think hy a majority of tlio CONGRESSIONAL. In tlio Houftto, on tho Otb, Mr. Clay- n, from tlio committee on territories, re ported hack tho bill to organize tho territory of Oldalianin, with a roooimnondation that its fin tlior consideration he postponed till the second Monday in December next. It wns so ordered....Mr. Morton, from tho comnulteo privilege* and oleotiona, reported hack senate hiU to rcguluto tho counting of the for president uml vice-proaideni, and also tho concurrent resolution to amend tlio 22d Joint rule, aud asked that tho committee l»o discharged from their further coiisider- It was so ordered. Mr. Morton also reported from the same committee a hill to provide for and regulate the counting of the votes for president and vloo-presldont, and u decision «f tho questions arising tluuefroui. *" ’ '* ' Auiossagewasre- roprorontatlvos an nouncing the iioneoiiourrcnco of that body in tho amendments to tlio roualo hill amending thn national hank act, and fixing compensation of national hank examiners, i goomponn ill asking a mittoo of oouforoneo thereon. Tim rcimost agreed to, and Messrs. Heott, Merrill, of Vermont, and llayard were appointed mom- bora of tho conference roniiuittro on the ('art of, tlio senate... .Mr. Chandler moved to take up houso hill to revise, amend and consolidate tho laws relating to the security of lire on board of vessel* pronolloil In whole or iu part by stoa >' aud for oilier purposes. Agreed to yeas, 27; nays, 10. Tho reading of the bill, i Inaugurated „ him hunn The innss of the people oil both sides are in clined to peace aud good government, and lo allow all tlio oujoyiunnt of their legal rights, hut there is a class of men, the outgrowth of thn former state of society, who delight in disturbing and depriving tlio colored people and iiurtlinrii pimple uf tlinlv. rights. These are young men who onumit ho restrained. This class of men, together with tho gonoial custom of carrying doadiy wosjioiih - another legacy of barbarism- nro tho rrnl causes of violence sml bloodshed. The changes caused hy tliu war of giving freedom and political mnlilv to the colored people, are not woll dialled by the southern people, hut most of them would do nothing to disturb them. Hilt the class to which we have alluded, feel Hint they may invade the rights of colored the true prosperity of tho southern de pends more upon just and stern dealing with this lawless clat-s of men, than nuy other causo*. Arkansas probably present* l in harmony with thn constitution uf tlio llnilod Hiatus, and tlio national government, linn no authority to deprive them of that rigid. Tlio election held for tlio ratification of the con stitution was under tlio form of law, an I tlio officers wlio conducted it acted under appoint ment and under official oaths; and although wo uiav regard all asdufontlvo, however, being jirescmiea hy the convention instead of tho legislature, still wo believe they are entitled to he regarded difforontly from more voluntary mootings hold under no pretuiiso of legal au thority. ’Jho committee do not recommend any action hy congress or hy uny department of tlio general government In regard to thn stato government iu Arkansas. Tills report Is signed bv Messrs. Poland, Hcmldnr, Haylor and opposition to tho report, and proposing the following rcsolutio brooks having boon hy tho people of Aikaiisas elected to tho nffico of governor of said stato under the constitution of IHOH, for the period of four years ending In January, snid constitution never having hi oveilhrown, and being still In force, he Ih irwt'il governor of said stato of Arkansns.... In the debate on the lloniiopiii canal hill, tty , . . . whole or iu part by steam, it being the utiflu- LI mil Inislnoss from Saturday... .Mr. Morion, from the committee oil privilege* anil elec tions, Hulnnittod a report in tlio case of P. 11. H. Pinclihack, and a resolution declaring him entitled to a seat us senator from Lo usiann Iroiii March I, 187:1. Ordered printed and laid ou tho table Ponding discussion on tho Htcaniboal lull, the sounto went into oxocutivo seshion and soon uflor ndjburned. In tho Houso, on tlio Htli, Mr. Kelley introduced a bill to luorooso tho public revo* and decrease the interest on llio public debt....Mr. CroasUnd introduced a bill pro viding for a tax on Inootnoa above $2,000 Tim bill of Mr. Ward, of Illinois, giving boun ties to tlio hoirs of sold lore who served less than one year iu the army, canto up os nnfln- for the modification, suspension or repeal of section 25 nf tlm revised statutes, regulating tlio time for holding olootlons for representa tives iti coiigrots. lie stated that In order to make thw timo uniform, as tliu law required, v<yal stato constitutions would havo to he changed between now and 187(1. Motion was agreed to—yeas, Kit; nays, 04. ...Mr. Bavlor, of Indiana, from the committoo ou patouts, made an adverse report on the application for tlio extension of the Wilson sewing tutchlno talents. Tho report shows that tho patouts jtavo been in oxislenoe twenty-one years; that combinations of sowing maoldno companies which own tlio patents havo received $2,0!H),- 000 from them, and that tho public lias, there fore, (taid heavily f»>r tho invention. Tlio report was laid on tho tnhlo. Adjoin lied. In tho Honnto, on tho 9th, tho vioo- president annonnood ns tho oouforoneo com mittee on tho purl of tho seuato on tlio legis lative, Judicial and oxocul vo appropriation hill, Massrs. Morrill, of Malno. Hargont and Davis... .Oil motion of Mr. Jolmaou, llio veto l»V which (tie hill referring to th* mmrt of claims the claim of (I. W. Guslis Loo, for tlio Arlington ostato, was indefinitely poxtpouud yuslerday, was reconsidered und (hohill placed on the calendar with llio aMrorsoreport... .Mr. Cameron, from tlio oommittoo on foreign re lations, reported favorably oil llio Joint reso lution authorizing the president to.appoint ported favorably on tho house hill to reduco and fix tho adjutant-goneral’s department of to idd tho*settlors on the western froi-llor pureliase seed, and for thoir smiport during llio entiling year. Referred... .Mr. Degy pre sented a UK-morinl of the Hi. Louis chamber of cnmtnorco, In favor of opening tho south west pass or tlio Mississippi, and remonstra ting against the opoulng of the aoutli pass iliuroaH Roforred,’.. .Mr, Ferry,"of Oonrioct lout, moved tint tlio senate adjourn legally in Ih the Heualo nmeiidiiiHiits i 1 lawns opposed it. At tlio oloso of the (llsoil si«n, Mr. (luiicklo moved to lay tliu hill Oil ll table. Fending llio motion, thn apt-uker u nounccd tho ap(>oiulmniiL of Mossrs. Gartlold, ‘ “ ... commit' khi; fees of Unltod Htates clerks, marshals and at torneys, were acted on, and the committee of conference appointed Mr. Darker intro duced a bill for tlio transmission of corre spondence hy telegraph. Tills is the postal telegraph bill of last session....Mr. Williams offered a resolution directing the committee on expenditures in thowlopartmont of Justice to inquire Into tho exjiendliiircs in tho western judicial district of North Carolina since 1872, with (tower to send for poisons and papeis. Adopted. Adjourned. In tho Honnte, on llio Htli, Mr. Hoolt, from llio committee on railroads, reported ad versely on the hill to aid tlm Washington, Cincinnati and Ht. Louis railroad company to construct a narrow gaugo railroad from tido- water to thn cities of Ht. Lou's and Chicago. Placed on thn calendar with tho advorao re port. .. .Mr. Heott. of the same committee, re ported adversely on the hill to incorporate llio Dakota aud Montana railroad company, and tho hill to chartering thn Forty-first Parallel Company of tho Uni tod Htato*, from Luke Erie to thn Mississippi river, Slid to limit the rates of freight thereon, and they definitely postponed Mr. Conkling. from tno judiciary committee, reported advorsolr nn the bill to give jurhdictlon to the court claims to hear tho claim of O. W. Custis I. for Arlington, and »t was indefinitely post poned.... Dy a vote of 23 nays to 13 yeas, houso hill for the relief of John W. Marsh was rejected. This wr** tho sowing machine jiatent hill... .Tho chair laid hoforo the a message from the president regarding ill Aikaiit-a**. Ordered printed and laid table Mr. Helium presented a memorial from citizens of tho United Htatos praying an amendment of thn constitution to abolish the offices of presld- nt and vIco president, and vesting powers now belonging to them In a council »* “ tho hoitf they shall ... —. Feiry presented th«> resolutions of tho legisla te re of Michigan favoring tho psnsrigo of a hill granting I fid arms of government Juud murk of respect to ids lato oollonguo, Mr. Rucklnghntu, whoso funeral took place to-day. Agreed to, and the reuato adjourned. Iii tho Houso, on tho 9fcb, nftor tho pro-restoration of a memorial praying (or the rest m at Inn of tho tax on sugar—thq repeal of which had rosnllod Iii tho loss of fourteen million dollars iu gold to thn govnrnmont, without any reduction In tho prion to tho con sumer Mr. O’Neil, from the committee ou appropriations, reported thn pension appro priation hill, which was made tlio siiouial order For to-morrow. It appropriates thirty million do'lars... .Tho Indian npprn| rlatlon hill was thou taken up as in enminitteo of tlio wliolo, nn11 nil parts of tho hill, except the Choctaw Mini ChlchitHuw amendments wero eonsldored as agreed to. After a lengthy discussion tho Mil wsh pitsHod — ayiu*, 102, noon, 02—and the house ndjuurned. Iii (lio Hon ate, on tho HKIi, llio stsam- hoivt hill was recommitted lo thonommittoo nil ommierce, with the undorstniidliig that it should ho roporityd back Saturday ar Monday noxt... .Tho soiinlo then took up the hill to pruviiio a govoriimonl for the District of Co lumbia, reported hy tho special committee.... Mr. Hitchcock callod up house bill lo pnrfoct tlio United HtniOH government's guarantee of District of Columbia 3-05 bonds, and to authorize them to lie registered at the United Htates treasury. I’asHiid... .Tlio vice-presi dent then callod for llio business ou tho cal- qpdur. Tlio committee on puhlin buildings ami gri uuds being cutitlod to tho floor. Mr. Morri I, of Vormnnt, from that oommittoo ealled up senate hill to tnnkn nn appropria'loii for the public buildings lit Covington, Ken tucky. Passed... .Mouse hill for the protec tion of tho United Htatos custom-linuso at Louisville, Ky , was passod... .Henatn hill to grant a site for the Peabody school In Ht. Au gustine, Fla., was taken up, lo which there .. mini... color tho site shall revert lo the Uniteddlates, and it whs rejected -yeas. 28: nays, 24. Tlio Afler nn excciitiui session, thn Honalo ad journed. In llio Houso, on tho 10th, Mr. Myors introduced a hill supplementary to thn acts iu relation to immigration. Roforred to the com mittee ou foreign affairs. Tlio bill lias refer- ipecially lo tlio ooolio trade. It pro vides that when immigrants have entered into a contract or agreement for a term of service within llio United Htatos, cither for labor or for lowd and Impropor purposes, such Immi gration shall not ho deemed voluntary, und the United Htates consul shall not deliver tho required permit or certificate. It makes It a penal offense for Americans to he ongsged In houso bill authorizing thopronidont to appoint a commissioner lo attend the international ponltontlary oongroRS, to ho hold In Remo next year. Paused....Henatn bill granting the right of way to tho soa to tho Uto ana Walla Walla railroad and transportation *om- pany, and for other purposes, was dlsoitssod and rejected—yeas 15, nays 23....Tho senate then resinned consideration nf unfinished bus iness, being tlio bill to provido a government for tho District of Columbia. Ponding dis cussion thn seuato adjourned. Iu tho IIouso, on tho 11th, tho con sideration of tho post-office appropriation bill was resumed In commit tea of tho wliolo, tho question being nn tho amoudmont to allow tho transmission of publio documents and snodn from tho sgrionltural department to pass free through tho mails. Tho Amendment was agrood to ayes 1)7, noos 75. The amendment lo post-ofilco hill, canceling the Pacific Mail oouiiAcl of 1872. as agreed to In oommittoo of tho wliolo, has boon unanimously passod by tho houso. A aoparatn voto was demanded on tho amoudmont agrood to in oommittoo of tho wliolo, on thn hill looking to a paitial restora tion or tlio franking privilege, ami the amend ment was rejected ayes DM, iiooh 125. The house thou went into o'lmmltinn of tliif whole. Mr. Halo, of Malno, In thn choir, on tho tariff bill, oiitltlod "a bill further to protoot tho Hhiklng fund and to provido for tho exigencies of the government." Mr. DnwoH. ohnlrtnau of tho committoo on way-H nml mnmiH, ad dressed tho houso In support of tho hill. Ho made a statement of tho uomparaUvn receipts and expenses ef tho government sltno 1870, as follows: 1870 -Receipts $411,000,000 Expenditures 809,000,000 1871- Receipts Expenditures,.. 1H72 -Rooolpls Expenditures.., 1873— Rooolpls Expenditures,.. 1874— Receipts Expenditures., .$383,000,000 ... 277,000,(MM) ...$383,000,000 ... 290,000,000 ,, ,$280,000,009 , 287,000,000 Tlio receipts for tlio first soven riiontlis of the last (Leal voir wore $108,000,000, and for the corresponding hovpu mouths of this yoar, $106,000,000, bolng a falling off of threo mil lions. Mr. Dawes wont on to give statistics nn to tho manufacture of whiaky, and tho sleek ou hand In diaUUerios and hondod ware houses, nml to defend and advocate the reoom inundation of tho uommittoo of ways ami moans in regard to tho taxation of whisky, II* estimated tho Increased rovonuo which thn govemmout would dorivo from tho bill as J KOI . ... In all about $87,760,000, From this was to ho deducted about two ami a half million losa hy the repeal of the tax on matches, loavlng a net Increase of $85,487,000, which would Just about meet tho estimated requirement of tlio government. Without action on tho bill, tlio iioiiso adjuiirnod. In tho Honnto, on tho 12th, tho vioo president laid hoforo llio soualo llio report of the ongluqpr In regard to tho annoy and coat of extending tlio Ohosapoako and Ohio oaual from Cumberland, Md., lo Pittsburgh. Or- dored printod and referred to tho committoo third reading the Portland, Dallas and Halt Lako railroad hill... .The sounto resumed con sideration nf tho bill to provide a government for tho District of. Columbia, tlio pending amendment bolng that of Mr. Bargent, to pro vido for tho oloolion of a delegate to congress, llojeotod 21 to 29. Aftor dobalo, Mr. Bar- gout’s nmomhnout to provido for ( exenmivo hchhIoii, and shortly afterwards ad journed. In tho IToiiso, on tho 12th, aftor tho reading of tho Journal, on motion of Mr. Dnwos, tho houso wont Into oommittoo of the wliolo on tho rovenuo bill. Mr. K. 11. lloborts obtained tho Hour and made an elaborate speech. Tlio furthor consideration of tho revenue hill was postponed, nml tho house — 1 bill, but irntior ' ...WM..., - , - vr h tn ii|i nml a number of private lillla acted on. A bill for tlio relief of cortaiu loyal creditors, wiioso moneys woro oenfisoxtod by tho confed erate congress iu Louisiana, providing for tho distribution of $203,334 pro rata, was reported bv the oommittoo of llio whole. - Miioh opno- Bilten was mnnlfoslod to It, Anu finally, with out taking a voto on it. the houso adjourned. gration ef tlio following classes unlawful Persons who aro undergoing sentence * felonies tlid crimen other than political, whoso lontonco has been commuted o unit of their immigration, and women brought for purposes of prostitution....Tho houso then went into committoo of ths whole, Mr. McCrary in tlio chair, on tho jiost-offico anpropriation bill. Tlio amount recommondod io be appropriated by thin bill is as follows i For the general service of tho post-ofilco cle- parlmnnt, $3(1.0(10.8(11; for steamships service. $537,500; for official stamps for tlio uso of tlio ponl-ofHco department, $980,000 total $37,- 524,301; lobe provided for as follows; reve nues of the (lcpartinoat, estimated at $29,- 148,160 by appropriation for deficiency oot of tlio treasury. $0,862,705; by direct appropria tion out of lbe treasury, $1,623,500. Tlio total amount rooommomlod by this bill Is loss than nsMinato*... .Mr. Hixiith, of Ohio, raovod an amendment repealing the law of 1872 for additional mall stioinslilp sorvico to Japan and China, and annulling tlio contract made under I*. Agreed to without discussion.... Mr. Coburn moved hii ninendiiK-nt requiring public documents and needs root by members r.f congress to bo sent through the malls freo. Pending action on it, tho committoo rose ■ ml the Iioiiso took a recess till half-post 7, tho evening nesaiou being for debate only. In the Boimto, on Iho 11 ih, Mr, Mo- Oroory introduced a bill netting forth that it had boon noticed iu liin medi-al Journals of the United states that the Asiatic cholera was spreading westward, and now raged on tho |>ord«r of Mexico, nml directing tliu secretary i t wnr to detail competent medical officers of llio army to invostignte tho report and give duo notice of the sprond of the diaaanc. 'J ho Dili itli-o proposes the appropriation of llvo thou sand dollars to defray tbe expenses of such iB%enligatlon....ftIr. Cameron called up the FApTrf AND FANCIES. —According to a French journal, thoro arc still living in Franco and its colonics twon’y-flvo tboasacd men who havo fought under the first Napoleon. —Eugenio is said lo bn wnsliog away with consumption, nml her friends nr.i anxious that she should truvol. Hho is said lo havo "ngod” very much tho lust fow mouths. —A thousand years hence, Bumsldo will bo kuowu to tho student of history, not us a Btalosmnn of tho nineteenth century, but as Iho inventor of sido- whiskers. —Texan pnlinonlologists aro positive ... to tho human origin of a skeleton, twenty odd Lot long, ono of whoso knee-pans fills a largo oarpot-bng, while a molnr tooth measures eleven iuolics iu length and six inches acrosH the surface. —Of ono hundred aud six deaths from delirium tremens iu the English army in India, eighty-six victims were sergeants, and only twonty privates. Hd they propoFO to investigate how it is that so'goants can get liquor so much more freely. -Napoleon alwoys carried with him .. u omerald of groat value which be longed to tho crown jowols. IIo lost it at Waterloo. It was found by a Prus sian eoldier, and has ainco been num bered among tho Prussian crown jowols. Queen Victoria, on recommenda tion of her prime minister, has grantod a pension of $250 a year to tho widow of Oiovani Daotista Faloierf, the ser vant of Byron, who is celebrated in tlio writings of bis master, as woll ns tn those of Mooro, Rogers and Bholloy, by tho name of “Tito." —Thoy wav that their armies aro on a “ peace fooling V in Europe when Uioy have 250,000 mon in tho Austro-Hun garian arrnv, 750,000 in llio Russian army, 500,000 iu the Fronch urmy. If it lakes such orraies to doolate peaco it is somowhat alarming to ponder^ tho probabilities of tho “war-footing. Who wouldn't ho a podagogun, With moral force and vim. To tronneo all port, unruly boys— That fail to wallop him ? Who wouldn't be a pedagogue, Love’s gauntlet grand to run. And win all aclioolma'am’s witching ziniloa— Until ho marrloa ono ? —Tha total quantity of authraeite coal mined in Peun.ylveuia, in 1874. wns twenty-one millions atx hundred thousand tons, or over flvo hundred and sixty millions of cubic foot. Plaood in ono mass, Ibis would form a tolia wall one bundled feet high, one hundred feet wide, and nearly eleven miles iq length.