The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 13, 1875, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN RECORD. W, S, D. WIKLE & 00,, Proprietors, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1875. VOLUME 1. NUMBER 39. TIMELY TOPICS. Mr. Hai.r, of Now York, who hits cot boon able to attend the sitting* of the honso for tbo past four weeks on Account of illness, has written Mr. Crittenden, of Missouri, expressing his regret that his illness lmd prevented him from taking any part in correcting tho injustice which was dono to Crown, of Kentucky, in the resolution of oou- sure moved by himself and ndoptod by the house in tho earlier part of tho ses sion. He repeats his oooviotion that bo far as tho resolution imputed to Brown any intention of prevarication or double dealing in his response to the speaker, himself and a majority of the house had been misled, and hnd dono injus tice to Brown. lie adds: "A careful examination of tho record siuce, quali- fying'it by my own distinct recollootion, satisfies mo that I did wrong to Brown in imputing this intuit to him. aud that there was nothing in his r< spouse to the speaker inconsistent with good faith or integrity of an upright and honorable raau. I shall ufver hositato to express freely the conviction that I bavo above expressed to you, and if anything con tained in this lettor within your judg ment be of Rfrvico to Mr. Brown, 1 beg you to consider tho lettor entirely at your service, for any use whatever that you or other friends of *Mr. Brown may think proper to inako of it.” Tin: Chicago Tribune would not be surprised if the first test ease on the constitutionality of tho civil rights bill should come from tho north, assigning as its roosoa that while tho number of pooplo in tho north who now deny any of tho political rights of tho uegro is very small; the number of those who entertain social prt jndiors is still very large. Tho practice of excluding ne groes from tbo public dining-rooms of first-clnss hotels aud the choice seats in first-class theatres and operas is oh gen eral in tho north ns in tho south, and a test case is »s likely to go to the supremo court on ono of these points fr. in Chicago, Boston or New York, ns it is from Now Orleans, Louisville or Rich* In twenty-one counties in Georgia, voryoarefnl agricultural statistics were collected last year, in complinneo with a stato law. In thoso counties the whites bail 85,G97 aheap; tho mgroes barely 205. They owned 4,211 dogs, or about twenty times as many dogs as slioep to supply them with wool for clothing and mutton. It in difficult to discover any way in which sonthrtn agrioultuio may prosper while a savage taste for dogs and guns are so powerful, cot only with persons of co'or, but with some millions of the whito race. In the twenfy-one, the counties referred to, the whites keep seventee n thousand six hundred and ninety-seven dogs. Tub real strength of tho United Slates navy is 01 vessels, which com prise 15 iro^i cliels. Toero aro 22 ves sels building, and 85 laid up for repairs. Those, if necessity required, wonld in crease tho number to 11R Tho officers are 1 admiral, 1 vice-admiral, 12 rear admirals, 25 commodores, 50 captains, 00 command ore, llOliout. commanders, 252 lieutenants, and 15 medical direct* ors. Tins forro is scattered all over the Nmtb and South Pacific, North At lantic, and along tho borders of Ah and this country. LATE NEWS SUMMARY. EAST. Owing to a strike among the opora- ;ivoa, six mills st Fall river. Mm*., have boon •topped, tho monthly pay-roll of which mounted to botwosn *90,000 to *100,090. Tho aiso'siuonts upon tho oporativos at work have boon doubhut. WEST. A bond of ono hundred and forty lvlowa Indians surrendered to a scouting party oij Salt Fort. Fob. 23. The Ohio houso of representatives has adopted a resolution requesting congress to reduce tho president's salary to *25.000. An attachment has been lovied on a largo amount of real ei-tato belonging to Wm. H. King, near Rt. Paul, to recover *125,000 paid him hy Irwin on account of procuring tho Pacific Mail subsidy. A dispatch from Pt. Paul says, tlie Smithsonian Institute records, show tbo mean tomperaturo of tho winter to have boon two dogroos colder than that of any previous record In forty-two years, since tho rogular observations at Fort Reolling wero instituted Tho nnnual report of the Illinois Central railroad shows tho following earnings for the year: For freight. *5.700.572; for passengers. *1,079,457; total earnings, *7,- 917,855; decreaso from last year, *380.738: operating oxponsos for tho year. *1,030,150; deoroaHo from last year. *509.958. Tho longtli of road oporatod was 1,107 miles. The puddlers of Pittsburg, wbostitiok against a reduction of wages last Dceomher, aro still idle, aud express a dotorminalb hold out for a long tiaio yet. Tho Pittsburg Dolt Company, a few days since, made a con tract with a gang of colored pnddlers, sufficient In numbor to run their furnaces, and one-half of them have arrived, tho others having missod connection. Two membors of tbo Sioux Blsob Hills’ expedition have returned to Fort Lara mie. Their transportation consisted of » small sled drawn by one ox, and they bad boon two days without food. They report that they left Hioux Oct. 27, reached a point in the black Hills, six milna from Harney’s Peak on Christmas, and immediately erected'huts, for shelter, and built a large stookado. TWn mombnrs of the expedition had returned to Hioux City and ono died. They report the finding of gold, but say tho woathor was too novero to do much prospecting. The distance from Ciioyeuuo to tho Dlack Hills is 180 miles good travelod romIh to lied Cloud agm • 'hloli is 40 miles from tho diggings. The government won’t allow miners to outer (he i ilia. SOUTH. In oonsequonco of tho civil rights •ill, and fearing trouble, both tlio principal hotels of Alexandria, V*., havo cancollod their (•uses anil closed. Tho Galveston municipal oloction used off quietly. It. L. Fulton, demoorat, ji elected mayor by 3,000 majority. All mocratio nominees for aldermen woro olool- od by overwhelming majorities. Tho Alabama Houso of roprosonta- tho eouato conferees, and striokon out of the bill. Tito proceedings of tho Senate show that tho bill for equalising bounties was not in proper shape for tho signatures of tho speaker aud of the vico-prisidont, it being held hy old aud oxporionood senators that tho motion to lay tho roport on tho table, which was agreed to by a veto of 30 to 21, was un deniably a refusal on tho part of tho senate to aooopt tho roport. Much surprUo was ex pressed that tho bill, tlinufch not finally agreed to by tbo sonato, should find its way to tho president,signed by tho presiding officer of each houso. The president was informed of theso facts and ho withhold his aignaturo ; but if tho lull had oorno before him in an unques tionable manner, ho would havo returned it for tho reason, first, that tho bill appropriated from tho treasury a largo sum of money at a time when tlio revenue is insufficient for the enrront wants; second, ho did not believe that any eonsidorahlo portion of tho ox-sqjdlers who woro supposed would ho bonodtttid by this appropriation, wero applicants for it, but rather that it wonld result more In a meas ure for the relief of claim agents aud mid dle mon, who intervene or would Intervene to collect or discount tlio bounties granted by It. Tho public dobt statement, for March 1st shows a decrease in tho public dobt during February of *(1,(180,183: Homls at fi per cont *1,151,992,500 Bonds at 5 per cent 572,137,750 CONGRESSIONAL. In tlio Somite, on tbo 27th, tho vice- president appointed as a ooramittoo nndor tlio resolution to oxamlno tho several branches of tho civil service during tlio reeoss, Messrs. Allison, Doutwnll, Gonkling, Mnrrimou and Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, called up lotion requesting tho president to In- nqulrion as to tho proper place for tho imont of tho branch mint at some tho western states or tho Mississippi n'd roport at tho commencement of tho of oongress.' Agreod tho i apply to stale yobs, 2fi; nays, third Tub P« iia legislature bus almost unanimously passed a law, im posing a fine of 810,000 and fiftcon years’ imprisonment on eaoh and every person who shall continue to conceal Chat lie Boss. This is not rx pout facto, as further concealment and not that of the past, is punishable nndor it. special olaure is added which will ope rate to free the original kidnsppore present holders of the child, if they store him within thirty days from the passage of tho net. Mr Tiiounr, n momoer of the North Carolina legislature, has been expelled from that bjdy becaaso ho did not be lieve in “the G >d of their state consti tution,” though ho believed in a su preme 1> ing. A convention of citizens of nppci Michigan, n called to meet at Jshpen ning, with a view to petitioning tho legislature and congress to alios upper peninsula to lapse into n territory entitled “Superior.” A son of Alexander Hamilton, living in New York, at tho age of 90, claims that his father wrote the whole of Washington’s farewell address, with the exception of the first three lin Capt. Eugene Morris, an old steam- boatman, recently secret.ry of the Good Intent towboat company, of N Orleans, is dead. Georgia has 8-8,319 negroes who o property. They nave 323,769 acres of hnd, and their property is valued at $6,000,000. Vice-President Wilson contemplates a trip to Ihe tooth, and will probably leave Washington for that pm pore next week. The Arkansas house of representa tives his pa-sed a bill apj ropriating 85.0CO for tho centennial exhibition at Philadelphia. livci isly ■ xpel ;clty fn lair named Gankon for t in things in hia logislatl *800. Ou tho night of the 27th, at Capo Girarrtoau, Mo., iletootive William A. 1’ir /in succoodod in arresting Ed. Johnston, alias Proctor, alias Parker, tho leader of tho parly alio robbed Brady, tlio south •ongor. at Mnmpliis four \ Johnston has already been indictod by the crand Jury, and the ofTenso is punishable witli death, tho probabilities aro that he will hang. Pinkerton first struck his trail at Metropolis, 111., whero lie had purchased a wagon and team in order to travel evor land, d after fo’lowlng him 200 miles scoured him abovo stated. Johnston robhod tbo United ties express company in Ht. Louis olvo yearn since, for which ho sorved six ars in tho Missouri ponitnntlnry, after which he became a pirate on tho Miasissippi river, nd has committed many during robhories no. Woods and Dill Johnson, colored, hh mi federates, are in Jail awaiting trial. FROM WASHINGTON. Tlio senate confirmed tho appoint- . T. ( Total.. Legal tender notes Gerlificates of deposit.... Fractional currency Coin certificates Total without interest.. ..*1,724,130,25(1 22,209,100 495,101,511 Bpooiai deposit hold for redemp tion Of certificates of deposit, as provided by law 45,855,000 Total In treasury * 131,800,181 DKIIT LESS CASH IN TIIKAHUHY Debt loss cash In treasury *2,137,318,989 •ann of the debt during the utmost paid by lit crest repaid tion of mails, inlanoo of intoi United States. 04,023,512 ^United Htutes. 20,204,102 34 20,539,088 05 40. Tho bill wai I passed — 'V*aa, m till half pa wsombllng at night session, Mr. Mi rill, of Vermont, who had chiirge of tho lax d tariff hill, yielded the floor tQ Mr. lUrasoy, who called up the Annual post rOnto hill, anil s ptHHOd. Mr. Logan, front the commit- report. whloli was agreed Aftor an executive session, the senate ad journed till Monday, when the tariff bill will mo up as unfinished business. In tho Honso, on tho 27th. Tlio houso adjourned Inst night at the conclusion of Mr. Blery’s speech. Mr. Kansan submitted a report from tho ways and moans committoo in regard to tho l’acifio Mail Investigation, ao lompanlod hy resolutions. Tho resolutions inn roport. woro ordered printed and recoin* nitted. Maturity and minority reports from lie Holoot committoo on Mississippi affairs, vero laid boforo tho house. The consideration if tho force hill was thou resumed. Mr. Co* mm, who had oliargo of tlio hill, then called ho provlous quostion. Tellors wore ordorod in the mn'lnn to second the demand for the irevloiiH question. Mr. G. F. Hoar, of Mah- lodlflcation. Tlio provlous quostion was seconded hy 185 to 49, and tlio iimiii question was then ordered—yeas, HU); iiRVH. 105. Tho IrhI speech on tho hill was hy Mr. White, of Alabama, in support of It. hut hn had not made much progress boforo the limn for closing tlio dohalo expirod. The houso ihen proooodod to voto on. tlio hill and amendmontH. Tlio first Amendment votod on was that offered hy Mr. Dut- lor, of Massachusetts, modified at the suggestion of G. F. Hoar, limiting (ho ud Mississippi, and limiting Uh t evening session, tho tax and tariff hill boiu • unfinished husinoss, was thou road a third time and passed, without a motion—yeas, 30; 29. Mr. Frolinghnysoit oaUou up tho portod from tho coiumitton on foreign relations a few days ago, In rogard to tlio hhI- •ios of certain diplomatic officers of tlio Uni- ilvil appropriation hills, with < "aood on tho calendar. Mr. Biowun-, mini o committoo on railroads, roportod back hill abi in thn construction of tlio Texas Pacific d Northern Pacific railroads, and several other subsidy bills, without reoonimondation placod on tlio calondar. Ho also roport oil back various petitions in rogard to tho same d tlio oommittoo was discharged from further consideration. Mr. Bcntl, from committoo on claims, loportod favor ably on tho house bill to pay certain awards made by tho secretary of tho treasury for quartormaHtors and commissary stores. Place l on tho calendar. Mr. Sargent moved to tako up sundry civil appropriation bills. Agreod to, anil at 1:39 a. m, tho sonato proceeded to consider that kill. In tho Houso, on tho 2d, tho houso continued tho cnuHlde^tion of tho sundry civil appropriation hill last night. Tho coin- mlttoo ioho and roportod It to tho house. The bill was passed'at 3:50, and tlio houso adjourn od. Immediately aftor tho houso mot this morning tlio rules wero suspended and tho hill for tlio govoriiniont of tlio District of Jolnmhla was takon up and ronsiderod in •utnmlUoo of Uio whole. Bovoral amend ments worn agreed to, tlio principal of which fixing thn rato of taxation nt ono dollar and a half on tho hundred, exempting church property and impoHlng a tax on per sonal property, which lias liitlioiio boon ex empt in tho district. Tho bill for tho govorn- ont of tho District of Columbia was then iHsod. Mr. Tyner, from thn appropriation imnilttoo, roportod tho postolfioo nppropria- mi hill, with sonato amnnduiontH. Mr. Gar field moved to nonconcur in tho amendment providing for the froo transmission thmugh the mails of documents printed during this of oongress. Tellors being ordorod , d (15 in tho alllrinatlvo and 1 l.’l in tho ncgatlvo. Tho vena and nays woro thou do lled and refused, and tho motion to ro- idor and lav on tho tablo was carried— nvos 127, noos 103. Aftor further considera tion of tho bill tho houso agreed i taken OUUhoYnth noot’lon, "i’ll suspension of tlio luihon a good deal of oxcitemont Finally, tho voto was oonolndcd, v mmneud as yeas 121, nays 130 Ho Hi Iding for [’hero was MISCELLANEOUS. Tho customs receipts for tlio wook ending Fob. 27, nt ports below mentioned were as follows : Now York, *2,013,507; Bos ton, *373,580; Philadelphia, *1(19,308; Haiti more, *130,010. Tho Pennsylvania railroad reduced its faro for passengers from Daltlmoro, a lows: To Pittsburg, *5; to Wheeling, *5.50 ; to Cincinnati, *0; to Indianapolis, *7; Louisville, *3 ; to Chicago, *8; to Ht. 1,01 *10. FOREIGN. * Tho Onrlists under Mirel have be defeated by tho national troops. Tho Marquis of llurtington supported tho hill, which pnssod its first reading. A decree has boon issued by Emperor William prohibiting thn exportation of hors Tho Italian bark Giovunun, has be wrecked in Gape God, and all on hoard, except tho steward, fifteen pornons, perished. Advices fiom Buenos Ayroa statu (hat the palace of tlio Galholic archbishop in that city was sackod, and tho houses of Jesuits sot on fire. A London dispatch sajs John Mitch ell is utterly prostrated and lias frequent fainting ilia. It is thought ho will Do com pelled to withdraw fiom tlio election contost in Tlpporary. A dispatch from Berlin siys it is re ported that thn Gorman government liaa de manded the dismissal of tho Papal Nunoift at Munich, and tlio cessation of relations be tween tlio Vatican and DovarU. Tho North Gorman Gazette says tho French government has ordorod the purchase of 10,(KX) cavalry horses In Germany. Tho Gazette hopes tho Gorman authorities will lako steps to prevent such purchases. A dispatch from Aden announces that tho missing boat’s crow of oigliloon portions from tho steamor Hong Kong, which foun- dorod in tlio Indian ocean, havo airived thorn. Hix more livos are known to havo beou lost by the diaaatcr. In consequence of tho lost encyclical of tlio 1’opo, the government lias introduced in tlio Prnaniaii chamber of deputies a hill withdrawing stato endowments from Gatholio clergy, and providing for their restoration only to those Dishops who will bind them selves by a formal document to obey tlio laws. The steamer Gothenburg hat bo<n wrecked on one of the Fourneaux Islands, in Doss’ Htralt, between Van Doim&n’s Land and Australia. Hlio had on board 85 passengers K. It. Hoar, I fourth Hcotlo «d — yeas 120, nays opoHod to ho struck was Hint offered hy Mr. ml tho first, second ami amendment u rojoot; 20. nays 125. The hooIIoh » v r °P° provide again for violation of duty, T|in"vo|e itaken s pa the passage of tho hill, and it the In tho Senate, on tho 1st. At the plrullou of tho morning hour, tho sonato suiiiod the consideration of tho tax and tariff hill. Mr. Johiihoii submitted nil amendn so ns to provide that tho increase of the on tobaooo shall only apply to tobacco a thn passago of this act. Agreod to. Will taking doflnlto aciion on the bill, tlio sou aL 12:30 a. in., adjourned. In tho Houso, on tho 1st, in accord ance witli an agroomont made Saturday nlgli tlio reading of tho journal was dispensed witli. After tlio passago, by unanimous oouhohI, two unimportant hills, Mr. Hoar moved suspend llm rules to tako up mid agree to thn roHolutioiis of tho Louisiana select commis sioners, recommending tho house to^tak legislature. Tho Iioiiho reflated to susnon tho rules—ayes, 184; noos, 85. Mr. lion then moved to suspend tho rnhm so ah t dlvido tlio resolution, and lako a soparat voto on each. Carried—ayes, 172; hops, HI 'J ho resolution in regard to remiHling tli members of tho legislature was then Hgroe to without division. Mr. Hoar then move tlio adoption of tho resolution snataining the Kellogg government. Carried—ayi of 35; of the 'IIIv foi oga, Tran. Tho president has appointed II. It. iasc. United Htaten senator from Mississippi, lose terra ins oxpirod, poatmaster at Vioks- bnrg. Tho comptroller of currency has called upon the national hanks for a roport of tlioir condition at the close of b 1st illHt. The president 1ms sent tho following nominations to the aenato : William J. Hrnilli, surveyor of customs, Memphis, Term.; col loctor of customs, John I’. Sanborn, Huron Michigan. The final report of tho honso com mittoe on oxpondituren in the depat$pient of Justice, rocotncnends the discontinuance of many assiatatit district attorneys, and tho con solidation of the two districts of North Caro lina, tho two of Virginia, tho two of Michi gan, and tho two of Wisconsin. Tho president has signed the bill for the relief ef Gen. Crawford and for other purposes The effect will bo to retain Gen. Mickies on the retired lint witli tho rank of major-general, and, also, Gen. Dadoau, who was rotirod on full rank of captain, and rend ers retired officers eligible to diplomatic and consular po-dtiona. The bill reduces in rank and pay a large number of officers, and Gen. Crawford is the only officer promoted hy the bill. The deficiency bill appropriates 81,- 760,000. Of this sum, *3,771 is to defray the expenses of Speaker Blaine in resisting tlio false imprisonment suit of James B. Htewart, a witness in the Credit Mobilier case; *250,- 000 i« conditionally appropriated for tho pay ment of postoffice clerks, etc.; *300,000 for tho adjustment of tbo salaries of postmasters un der the act of 1574, and tho remainder of the appropriation is divided among many otbei objects. The river and harbor appropriation bill, now a law, contains all the provisions pissed by the house, except the following itoins, which bad been increased: For im proving the Great Kanawha river, *300,(XX); the appropriation for the Tennessee ri' fixed at *100,000. Several sonato amend- j can wonde r at the number of pale- i, except tbo one providing for the im- young men that throw away their aro known to be saved. Three boats filled with pasif tigers and crow aro yet to ho hoard from. Tlio steamer had a largo cargo, which inclndod 3,000 ounces of gold. In the English houso of commons Sir M. H. Hooch, chief secretary for Ireland, Intro duced a bill lessening tbo penalties for un lawful possession of arms in Ireland, repeal ing tlio law wbicli authorizes tbo closing of public houses and arrest of all persons found out of doors after night in proclaimed dis tricts. The chief sccrelary stated that Hie government iutended to ro-onact laws against Itibboriism in Westmeath as it had been as sured that the itibbon conspiracy existed as strong ai evor there. Ho pointed to the fact that Jno. Mitchell was elected to parlia ment because he had declared ho would novel consent to bo at peace witli England. He alluded to tho return of emigrants from Atnorica, who, ho said, had acquired western vicos and forgotten their Irish vir.ties. 'J wore reasons for not wholly removing tbo restrictions on the possession of fire in Ireland. —When a girl crops her front hair and pulls it down over her forehead like a Mexican Mustang, and then tics •oh j piece of red velvet round her neck, who id-, can wonder at the number of pale-faced ement of the mouth of the Mississippi bition aDd poss sleepless mghts in try by the Eads project, were abandoned by 1 ing to raise down on their upper lips? s 89. i’lio lie I till! of tlm who. . deration of the sundry civil a hill, tho ponding quostion bo Into . I offer n claim against tho Ni iy. Tho Ainondmont was adopted mmilteo rose without making f:u , regress oil the hill, and then afte the delivery of onlogios on the late Donator Buckingham hy Mosers. Hi ark weather, Kol ” mocliciit, Wilson of , (onforonon oommittoo upon thn dlsaKrooliig votoH of tlio two houses, in tlio ovonhig sohh'oii tlio houso rosumod con sidoration of tho Arkansas question. Thn iiurstiou was on tlio roHolutiou roportod hy tlio committoo, that no lutorforoiico With tho yoas, 149 nays 80 Thn houso thou wont Into lommllloo (if thn win lo, on tho doficlonoy till. Aftor disposing of only throo pagos of thn hill tlio oouunittco roao and tho houso ad journed. Upon tlio assembling of tho Bonnto tho 3rd, tho call for morning business dispousod witli, and hy unanimous con niHldoratlon of tlio sundry olvil appro priation bill wns rosumod. Tlio oIbuho in tlio ilinout of tlio oommittoo on appropria te tlio sundry civil hill making tlio prin cipal and intorost of thn 3-05 bonds, iisnod nndor thn act of Juno 20, 1874, for tlio gov- orumont of tho District of Golumhia. payable in gold, wns striokon out, tho quostion thou being on tho ailo| tion of tho nninndnionl no amondod. It was laid asldo at tho request of Mr. Dhormnii. Tlio anioudniont of tho onm- miltoo directing tnlograph companies having ofllors ill thn otpilol to tako from tho oiipltol grounds and strnots around tho aamo all tnlo- a ih polos, and connect thoir linnn with tho tul hy moans of oahloH, laid under ground, was agreod to. Also, tho amondmonts impro priating *125,000 for tlio oxtoiiHlnn of tlio building fur the gnvormnont hospital for tlio liisann. Thn cninmitloo roportod in favor of striking out tlio oilman appropriating *50,000 to onahlo Uio snorotary of war to ptirohoao Galling guns for tlio army and navy, but tlio Hoiintn rofueod to striko ltout—yoas, 10; nays, 21. Tho conimillon roportod an lunnndmnnt striking out tho olauso appropriating *60,000 fur publishing tho official records of tlio war of tho rebellion, both of tho union and confeder ate armies, nut withdrew tlio amendment a< quest of Mr. Logan. An amendment priations for tho Atlantic ooaat harbors main- Tho bill was road a third tiiuoand pavsod. Mr. Bargont oallod up tho doficlonoy appropri ation bill, and aovoral of tho amondmonts roportod bv (ho oommittoo woro agreed to, Including tlio following: Tlio authorised trana mission of such public dooumouts as are pro vided for distribution to tlio governors of states froo through tlio mails; striking out tho appropriations to pay various contestants for seats in tlio houso of roprosonlatlv preprinting *55,000 for tho expenses ‘ -uthoriz'.np tli >11 bonda hold in trust for t|tOChoctaw Indians, loan amount not exceeding *200,000, and pay tho proceeds over to tho roprosontatlvo of tho Choctaw nation; appropriating *1(12,000 for tho sub sist <moo of Hioux Indians, who havo boon col lected on Red Cloud and Whetstone agencies; authorizing tho socrotary of state to pay *600 lo oaoh of tho fiftoon commissioners to tho Vienna exhibition, who reported noon apodal subjects, sorvod on international Jurios, or woro dotaiuod at Vionna on public business, providing that hereafter thn commissions of nil oflloors nndor thn control of the socrotary of tlio interior shall ho modo out and seconded at tlio interior dopartmont; allowing any In dians horn in tho United Htates, and who abandon thoir tribal rolatlnns, tho bonollt of tlio hoinostoiid law of May 20, 1872, and allow ing it to such Indians ns hooomo oltlzons of tlio United SlatoH aftor fivo years. Tho sev eral a > omhnonts wero submitted hut ruled out on a point of order. They had novor boon roportod favorably by any oommittoo. Tho hill was then ropnrlod to tho sonato, and amendments in committoo of tho wliolo wore agreod in. Tho bill wan then road a third Unto and passed. Mr. Hoott called up liouao bill limiting appropriations to pay awards made hy tlio gnitlhcrn claims ooraraisnlon. Aftor Homo dismission tho amondmonts of tho com- miitnn woro agrood to, whon tlio hill was ro portod to tho sonato, road a third time and passed yoas, 811; nays, 12. Mr. llowo called up tho hill to aid in tho improvoroonl of tho Fox and Wisconsin rivers in Wisconsin. Pass ed. Mr. Bohurz oallod up honso hill amend atory of tho act of March 8, 1873, authorizing tlio 'construction of a bridgo across tho Mis sissippi rivor at Ht. Louis. Passed. Mr. Fro- iinghiivBon oallod up sonato bill roiatirg to the Hot Springs reservation in Arkansas. Passed. Messrs. Gonkling and Thurman woro appointed a oommittoo on tho part of iho senate, to wait on (ho president and notify him that oongross had finlslind its huslnois, and was ready to adjourn. At noon tlioy reported they had discharged tho duty, and tlio president ro- pliod ho lmd no further communion! Ion to mako. Vloo-Proaidont Wilson thou dcolarod tlio senate adjourned, without a day. In tho Houso, on tho 4th, Mr. Gar- field, reported Imok tho sonato nmondmonta to tho sundry olvil appropriation bill, and tbo honso thou proooodod to act upon thorn. Tho amendments being oil disposod of at 4:30, woro Hont to tlio conforouon oommittoo. At 5 a. m. tho sonato amondmonts to tlio river and harbor appropriation bill wcio roonlvod. •od in withe to a conference commit! rellof of thn Terra Hauto railroad oompauv, wax, l>a again v hoinp ml si i '1 ho hum thn i hills .... d of: To nuthorlzo tho purchase alto of a iv.ibllo building al Topeka, Kansas, ■’assod. Appropriating *250.000 for public inildings at Covington, Konluoky. I’nsBsd. Ainonding tho o’lartor of tlio 1> roodnion n Having's and i rust company, llojootod. aftor diHCusaion, in which Mr. MOrrlmon said tho dopoMlI (its would i minivo t>0 per oeilt of tho dividend. To amend sootimi 3312 of tho vised hi alutes, In rotation to alllxiug stamps *• —>tlon of for I he AtViaTf piist 7 Mr. (larfiold, from the com mittoo on appropriations, roportod hack senate amendments to tlio deficiency bill and various appropriations for Indian dofiolonoloH. Non- agrood to authorising tlio soorotary of > detail n medical cfllcor of tlio hills. In tlio evening sossir.ii tlio li t into a committoo of tlio whole dry civil appropriation bill. Adjourned at 12.30 a. m. In tho Brimto, on tho 2nd, tho road- Ing of tlio Journal of yoatorday’s proceedings HpouHOil with, and a numbor of bills re- I by tho committee on pensions p&Hsod. dll to provide agaiutt tlio invasion of . known bh tho force bill, was road h rl time, by tho title. Mr. Bayard ob jected to tho third reading, and it was laid over, no motion having boon n ado to refer It to any committoo, by a voto of 31 yens to 22 najH. Mr. Stewart, from tlio conference com mittee on bill to provido for incorporation and regulation of railroad cases In tho territories of tlio United Htates, made a report which was agreed to. Mr. Chandler, from committoo on commerce, roportod hack the rivor and harbor bill without amendment, and without recom mendation. He said tho committee innde this report on account of tlio action of tlio senate* last nig lit in laying tho tariff bill on tho tablo. 'Uio sonato thon proceeded with tho bill to oqualizo counties, etc. Mr. Ferry, of Con necticut, moved to strike out tho words, “or state,” in tho second and fifth sections, winch for tho deduction for bounty already paid by tho United Htates, >f tho light-house service in tho United Htates. It was indefinitely postponed. Also, favor- aid v on the houso bill amendatory of Uio act of March 3,1873, authorizing tho construction of a bridge across tho Mississippi at rtt. Louis. Placed on tho calondar. Mr. Cameron, from tho committee on foreign relations, reported unfavorably on innate resolution recognizing independence of Cuba, and tbo committoo were discharged from further consideration, The senate (lien rcMtirnod thn consideration of bounty bill. The question being upon ... .... .. \ „ woro ys, 30. the vice-president votod in tlio aifirraativo. and the bill was passed. Mr. Gonkling called up house bill to prevent cntel- invoHtigato and report upon tlio epn inf of opldoinio cholera westward, sml appropriating *5,000 for that purnoBO. Tho bill was thon road a third time anil passed. Mr. Edmunds, from tlio jndloiary committee, roportod ad versely on the hill to rollovo tlio political dis abilities of Itaphao! Homines, of Alabama, and it was indefinitely postponed, Mr. Edmunds East and Wont To Jackson, in said state. Pussod. moved to iuoroiiHii tlio improvement of tho T Chattanooga, from *4(10,000 Agreed In—yeas, 20; navs, 1(1. Mr. Alnorn submitted an amendment .appropriating *3, • ■120.000 for tlio repairs of too loveoa of tho Misslsiippi river fn tho atates of Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. Agreod to—yeas, 20 ; nays, 14. Adjourned. Immediately aftor tho meeting of tho houso, on tlio 3rd, it wont into oommittoo of tho wholo on the deficiency bill, tho first item reachod in tlio bill boing oortain appropria tions for tho District of Columbia. An amend ment to pay tho exponsos of certain oontostod elections in former years |was finally adoptod. On motion of Mr. Butlor, of Massachusetts, an Horn of *250,000 dollars was inHortod for i soldiers’ national assyluin. Tho hill finally passed, and tho conunlltno Amondod and vido for deductions for b United Htatos prisi District of Columbia. the bill to p i of sentences Passed. Mr. Mor- ved t hat the senate take up the bill to ruri her protect tho sinking fund, and to provido to tho exigencies of tho gov ernment, known as tax and tariff bill. Agreed to. The senate then took recess until eight o’clock, when the tariff bill came up. At called up tho resolutions of tlio committoo ci olootioi •- i L "* elections declaring Pinohhaok i lattor, who is the sitting inomb Tho r olutio. il Geo. A. Hlioridan oioctcd and entitled the seat. Tlio resolutions woro agreod to 123 to 20 -and Hlioridan took tho oathoi ofiioo, in which lie lias barely 15 hours to si ' '"do, called up a like i of Hyphor, doclaring the ember, not olootod oulsiana, and titlnd to the seat, passed,’84 to 87, and Mr. Law- renco came Forward and whs sworn in, taking the ironclad oath. Ho has about fourteen hours as representative to serve, 'i’lio houso then proceeded to the husinoss ou (ho spoak- oi’h table and disposed of a number of bills. Tho next two hills on tho calondar woro thoso for the admission of Colorado and New Mox- ico as statos. Tho voto on tho first was, yeas 104, nays 70, so the bill was passed by tho necessary two thirds voto, and now goes to tlio president for approval. The eieotion for delegates to framo a constitution is to bo hold under proclamation of Uio territorial govern ment, to bo issued within ninety days from the 1st of Heptemher, 1875, and the constitu- sultod yea* — two-thirds in tho affirmative, tlio hill foatod. Tbo senate amondmonts to tlio fol- jentenoe of United Htates prisoners, amend act of 18th June, 1838, and renn judges of district courts of East and Wi Tennessoo to hold court at Jackson. Honalo bill on tho Hpcakor's tablo was takon disponed of hs follows in session i port of tho committee o dry civil bill and from l r the : committee of feronco on the legislative bill. In tho Benate, ou tho 4th, connidora- tiou of tho rivor and harbor appropriation bill was resumed, the question being on concur ring in the amondmonts niado in committee of the whole, other than those already disposed of by separate votes. They wero all no curred in with the exception of a few appro- rrod in. Likewise llm . The Dolman Riiiiinrlzliur a pontoon wagon bridge nr tbo Mississippi river at Dubuquo was im Tlio house, at 3 a. in . took a rnooss till I list 9. At tlio end of tho recess the li outliorii claims Hcores of resolutions and lulls of a private character wore then rushed through, tho area in front of Uio speaker’s chair boing occupied hy tnemhors having propositions to got before tlio house For tho last hour of Die session tli ore was llttlo dono, oxoopt the passage of a ii making somo special allowance to clerks and omployos. At ono minute Were 12. Mr. Dawes, from Uio committee to wait on tlio president, roportod tlio committoo hud performed that duty, and had boon informed that tho president hail no further communica tion to make to oongross. Tlio final report of mo house oommittoo on expenditures in the dopartmont of justloo recommends the (liHconllunnuce of .many assistant district at torneys, and tlio consolidation of tho two (Uh- trloln nf Nnrtli Oarolllin, two nf Virgllil* tw.i f Michigan, and two of Wisconsin. J ho last ot on rolled and signed was one for the bonollt f William Union, and boforo tlio moreougor hearing it lo tho president hod got out of tho hull, tho speaker's Qavol foil, and ho took his farowoll of tlio houso in a short addroas after which tlm great crowd (llsporsod, and Urn omliors hade oaoh otlior good-bye. EXTllA HJ58HION. Oil tlio Bill, Vico-ProHlcl'mfc Wil»on lied Uio sonato to order at 12 o’clock, and aftor tlio reading of tho proclamation of tlio proa.dont, tlio oath was admlnistoroi onators. As Mr. Johnson advanood to tho clerk’s (leak te lake tlio oath, there was groat applause in tbo gallorioH, which was soon ohorknd hy Uio vloo-prosldont. After he was sworn in, a largo bouquet wns handed him by a page, and ho was oaoortod to Ilia soat hy Mr. Bogy. AH tlio now senators having been sworn in, Mr. Morton offered a resolution ac knowledging tlio Kellogg government In Lou isiana, which was laid over at Ills roquost. Mr. Morton thon (ffored Pinohhaok gavo Morton thon i ffored a resolution to admit *rom Louisian** and aid ask its eonsidora- , .leriiaps Monday at 12:20. On motion of Mr. Frellngliuyaon, iho senate took a reeoss till ono o'olook. Messrs Oaporton, C'ookorill, J Olios of Florida, Maxoy and Withers, took the modified oath, having boon engaged in Uio rebellion on tbo confederate rido. Upon the resumption of btiainoss. Mosers. Edmunds and Stevenson, Uio committoo appointed to wait on tlio provident, roportod tiiat ho would communicate with tho sonato on Monday, till which time Uio sonato adjourned. —Not a hearthstone Hhall you Hud which Horne shadow has not faliou, or i about to fall. Furthor than this, yon will probably find that there arc few household!) which do not cherish some sorrow not known to tho world ; who havo not sonic trial which is their pecu liar messenger, and which they do not tuik about, except among themselves ; some hope that lias bt-en blastt d ; some expectation dashed down ; some wrong, roal or supposed, which somo member of tho ) oiiHoboid bus suffered : tremb ling anxieties lest that other membor will net succeed ; trials from the pecu liar temperament of somobody in the house, or some environment that touches it sharply from without; some thorn in the flesh ; somo physical disa bility that cripples cur energies when wo want to use them the most; some spot in the houso whtro death has left ’ his track, or painful listenings to hear his stealthy footsteps oomiug on,— Dr. Sears, FACTS AND FANCIES. -Bed used on a railroad signifies danger, and says stop. It in tho sumo thing displayed on a man’s none. A. trnok on “Tho Wickedness of Gluttonv" is said to have been found among tho good things sotit to tlioKan- h grasshoppor sufferers. —A man uk“El Paso, Mexico, has put _ a claim against the United States government for ninoohiokens destroyed hy oovotos from tho American side. —A lamp ohimnoy may he mndo al most indestiuotable hy putting it over tho flro in a vossel of hot water and lot ting it remain until the water boils. It will bo found that boiling toughons in this ease. Alexander Dumas, it is said, novor skotolicH a scheme for any of his pieces. He takes for a four-ant pieeo reventy- sovon big pngos of blue paper. Tie devotes twenty pagos oaoh to the first, second aud third acts, and seventeen to tho lOHt. —Sentiment is nothing but senti ment. An ox-army captain, in Col orado, when dying, asked tho boys to wrap the old Hag around him. They had no flag, and so they wrapped him in a coffee-suck, and he oxolnimed: “ Ah! may you all dio as proudly 1 ” —Mr. George Smith has discovered among tho Assyrian tablets in tint Brit ish muBonm tho legend <>f the building of the Tower of Babel. Tho discovery is quite sh important us that cf the tablet roluling to tho deluge, made known by tho samo gentleman. —A dry goods clerk lately droppod-< senseless behind tho counter while waiting on customers. 'I lie fotnalo cus tomer for whom ho had pulled down ovory bolt of calico on Iho sliolves quietly requested tho proprietor lo re move the inoumbranoo and Bond on an other olork. —Anybody who wants a young Eng lishman who parts his luiir in tho mid dle can got one in Groooo cheap. Ho is hold by Greek brigands’ who only ask twelvo shillings for him. At last ac counts there wero no takers at thoso figures. Persons who aro wailing to gut a little ono for a cent may slip in. —“Yes, sir,” yelled a preacher in a Dakota church one Sunday morning, “tin re’s more lying aud swearing aud stealing and general dovibry to the square inch it) Ibis hero town than all tho rest ot tho American country,” and then tho congregation got up and dumped the preacher out of tho win dow. —The Troy Times soys : At a party on Fourth strt ot the* otlior night a young gentlomun tried lo coax a young indy to play on the piano. She said couldn't. “Why" raid lie, “yon can play tho ' Blue Danube’ waltz, can’t you ?” “No,” said she, “but I can play penny ante just liko a little man.” Hho is beautiful und accomplished. — One of tho boj s just before return ing lo Cornell, tho other day, sent a voting huly friend of his a cake of Lukin's finest variety cf toilet soap, with tho request that, she would draw no inference on receiving such a gilt. The next day thn young man was somo- whnt astonished when lie received a let ter from tho young lady containing Iho present of a lino tooth comb, with tho request that ho would draw no infer ences therefrom. — Tho best mode of getting rid of bod-bugs is to fumigate them with brimetono. Honso* standing long and empty which have swarmed with them have hy this means been effectually freed from them. Place in_ the center of tlio room a dish containing about four ouucos of brimstone ; remove from tho room suoh metallic surfaces as might bn affected by tho fumes; close ovory aperture, oven to tho key hole, and light the brimstone. After four or five hours outer tho room and open the window for a thorough niriug. A correspondent of tho Now York Tribune gives an exceedingly simple precaution in tlio ubo of ktroseno or any otbor cheap oil. His plan is to fill tho lamp lightly with jeweler’s cot- ton before pourii g in tho oil. Tho cot ton absorbs a groat deal of tho oil, and in case of accident tho luttir dees not (low about, and can thus bo extin guished. Ou ono occasion his kerosene lamp hurst, and a maFBof flame jumpr d out; but, being in a compact body, ho covered it instantly with a bucket, and with tho ho p of a wator-pitoher and a few wet towels extinguished it before tho slightest damage wus (lone. Had it not been for tho cotton the flaming oil would havo flowed in all directions. Sheep on a Farm. Sheep are undervalued by Iho mass land-holders as a means of keeping up tho fertility of tlio soil and putting money iuto tho pockets of farmers. The moment ono begins to talk of siieep husbandry, the listener or reader begins to look for wool quotations, as if wool was all that yields profit from sheep. One might as well look for wheat quotations alone when there is talk about Iho profit of farming. Sheep on a farm yield both wool and mutton. They multiply with great rapidity. Tlioy aro tho best of form tcav.ngtrs, “cleaning a field” ns no other class of animals will. They givo hack to the farm more in proportion to what they take from it than any other animal, and distribute it hotter with a view to tho futnro fertility of the soil, Provo this V There is uo need of proof to thoso who have kent sheep, and know their habits and the profits they yield. To prove it to thoso who havo not the experience, it is noccssory they should try the experiment or accept tho testimony of an experienced shephord. But the livo stock of a farm should not, necessarily, bo_ sheep, exclusively. Cattle, horses, swine, have their re spective places in the farm economy. How many of ouch to keep is a tinet- tic n that locality, character of markots, adaptation of soil, predisposition, tasto and skill of tho hnsbaudmnn must de cide. But one thing ought not to be forgotten, that the more stook a man keeps on his farm the mor* gruss and it ought to, and, if properly managed, it will grow. Tho rutes of increase will correspond with the business tact, technical aud practical knowledge, end skill of the bUBbiiucUoan,—Now York World.