The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 20, 1875, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN RECORD. W. S, D. WIKLE & 00., Proprietors. CEDARTOAYN, GEORGIA, SA'l’URDAY, MARCH ‘20, 1875. VOLUME I. NUMBER 40. TIMELY TOPICS. Fon the amount of fighting they do, tho armioa of the SpaniBh Amoricau states are romorkably small. Hondo- ran musters only BOO men ; San Halva dor and Costa Rica 1,000 each, and Gautomalu 3,200. Across the isthmus, Columbia supports 1,420 ; Vom zuela, 3.000; Ecuador, 1,500; Peru, 1.670; Uruguay, 2,500 ; Bolivia, 2,000; Chili. 3,512, and tho Argentine Republic C.4S2. Thus those twelve republics manage to get along and l;oep up their «Verlastiug scrimmuges on a total of 110,884 soldiers, while the X T nited States army last year numbered only 30,670. Tho empire of Brazil is tho only South American state that supports an army approximating our*, its number being 25,282, whilo our neighbor Mexico mus ters 18,200. GiiKATNKHS does not bring content. Bismarck, fur from being tho lisppiost, is really one of tho most wretchedly unhappy of men. Tho correspondent of an English paper describes him as being perpetually annoyed by threaten ing letters, and warnings of the police to guard his life with especial care. It is scarcely a your since ho escaped by the strangest of fortunate accidents, coming to his death by an assassin’s bullet. IIis devoted family are nearly distracted by tho peipetual danger he runs, whether he Htiis abroad or ro- maius at home, and their gloomy fore bodings can but uffVet his own spirits. Tiikur is iu Virgiua a British asso ciation which is desigut'd to promote tho settlement of that state by English* men. It ban pi fronted a memorial to tho legislature suggesting that Gov. Kemper be sout to tbb old oountry to make a slutumeut of tho ease before tho yeomuury. Tlio governor iB a suave, affable man, and a good speaker. Clothed with thu authority and dignity of his ofllce, he would doubtless make a strong impression upon the laboring elnnsos iu England. Tho idea is favor ably entertained by the newnpupers «f Virginia. Tfin Fruodmun's bunk is in a worse condition than heretoforo supposed, and, therefore, tho oommisslonorH, Cress well, Leopold and Purvis, have asked to bo relieved for any further re sponsibility for or on account of said trust, provided their bond may bo re leased from liability after their retire ment, and new commissioners substi luted iu their places. They re sign as the cause of their action, the failure to obtain from congress such legislation us ttioy deemed essential to the proper and speedy execution of the trust re- phlot, in which ho advises the Austrian government to arm and fortify at once against the aggressions of Prussia, lie says tho conflict is inevitable, and advises the concentration of 5,115 pieces of cannon around Vienna. This looks like war. Minister Cusimnu is at last enabled to inform the government that its draft on Spain for $84,000 will bo promptly honored. Ho has succeeded in having Alphonso agree to pay $2,000 for each life taken by Burriel, but nothing is charged for tlio iudiguity offered the Amei i Its A oiiANur. in Fulton eouuty, Mo., has a standing committee on horse-stealing. It is made the duty of tho committee to pursue nil horse-thieves in their bail iwiek, and bring them to condign pun ishment. All the expenses are paid by the grango. Bmoii.ur Yoono's uufaitbful wife has rooovored $12,501) from the prophot, and will soon hnvo a divorco in her pocket. Brigham is a wealthy mnu, hut if the remaining eighteen commence on'him ho is a Imnkmpt institution. Tujcuk is a postmaster in Illinois whose salary amounts to but one dol lar a year. Yet, to convince that man that the post of honor is tho private stution would exhaust tho eloquence of the whole state. Thu franking privilege has boon re- stored so far as seeds, public documents and congressional records are e Hi ed. Bpeoobes delivered by con gressmen outside of congress are not included. This is too bad. The discovery of gold and silver around the sleepy ohl town of Ngw- Iniryport, Muss., lias increased tho duo of land from $8 per acre to $2,000 pur acre. Tnu Italian government having re fused to permit tho coining of any more money Inuring the cfllgy of tin* pope, the Pupal coins will be in future struck at the Brussels mint. Anciinisiio]’ MoCloskev, «.f New York, and Archbishop Manning, of Wcfctmiunler, are to be cardinals. The other vacancies are to bo filled by Itul- A New York boot-black lias been sent to the penitentiary for one year for picking a nickel from the pocket of a Mr. Woodworth. Tint Bau Francisco hoard of brokers lm« subscribed $10,000 for tho relief of the Kansas ami Nebraska sufferers. id in thor The New York Evening Post main tains that the last cotton crop was not a largo une, after ull, and tbut if tho southern pi an tors bad taken its advice and not marketed their staple so soon they would have got two cents n pound more, amounting to soma millions of dollars. The post thinks that the crop will not go over 3,750,000 bales, and claims that u larger portion of it than usual was marketed early. On the other bund, tins Financial Chronicle shows that the proportion of the crop marketed by March 1 for tho past years lias averaged 77 per cent., never gone over 81 per cent. A letter from Loudon says : banquet to tho prince imperial at W wich has given rise to a good deal criticism, both hero Mid in Era 'L’lis commander of the garrison, who presided, mods au exceedingly full speech in praise of the prince, and wont so far us to express tho hope that the sw-.rds of English officers might one day he at Lis service. It is under stood that the i r.nco is to ha attached to the sUiT of the duke of Cambridge, Tt«n ex Empress Eugenio tins, it is said, just contracted another private loan. The project of opening up in Ala bama ami Mississippi fields for the im migration of English laborers appears to he assuming a shape that promises a speedy consummation. Tho Mobile umi Ohio rail way company has now a representative* in England engaged in the work of procuring settlers for large tracts of the company's lands in Ala bama, and is offering such inducements as hns alroidy insured a measure of Bnooess lor the enterpri-o. A Utah judge has decided to allow Mrs. Ann Eliza Young $500 per month alimony during tho pendency of her suit for divorco against Brother Brig ham, with buck rations at the same rate frem tbo commencement of the suit, tventy months sgo. With $10,000 in cash and au income of $500 a month, Ann Eliza doisn’t care a continental whether tliat suit ends now or stretches out till the crack of doom. They have got a good thing in Michi gsn, if the experiments result eatirfac torily. Illuminating gas of sixteen candle power is obtaimd from the burning of wood, or rather the gar made in the manufacture of charcoal h LATK NKWtf SUMMARY. WEST - The Great Halt Luke has been frozen over this winter for tlio fln<t time within tlio memory of man. M. J. Muiphy, a planter on Rod rivor, near Pulton, Ark., was shot anil killoil hy a man named Joiioh, on Thursday, and robbed of ? 1,000 in gold and currency. Tho niur.loror osoapod. Rome, On., was almost entirely under water Inst week. Tho citizens woro ooin- pollod to u»o boats in going from place to place. Depositors in tho Homo hanlt puddled up to tho door and bunded their money through to tho toller. to circmnstaiici I -hall ho fore. Atlanta saloon: “Owing which I need not recount, to adopt iu tho futurn tho following rates: Boor, by tho glass, ton dol lars : whisky toddy, flftoon dollars: brandy straight, twelve dollars- and so on in proper lion. To rogular customers 1 will make u liberal discount. O J. Weinmelator." Hpringville grango, of Puttownttainio countv, Iowa, lias declared thenisolvos free and Independent from r*!l authority of tho national and state granges, and that their connection therewith is diaaolvnd. Tlio griev ance alleged was tliat tho 0Moor8 of those Icy. Ord has instructed Col. Brad- mandant at Fort Lanunlo, to send on I .o bring in tho romainder of the Hionx )f tho I Miffering condition, if the two men who came from tho hills will guide tin. command, Orders i have been issued to prevent any one else from j going into that country, and any ono trying, will undoubtedly ls> followed and driven out by tho military. , ; Forty-nine of tho principal mercantile firms of Han Francisco hnvo telegraphed to tho California senators, loqiicating them to sup port the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, staling that Han Froncioco refineries, while advocating protection, are endeavoring to make a contract with the Hawaiian planters, whh a view of defeating tho treaty and establishing a mon opoly, to crush eastern competition and ad vance priced hero. SOUTH. A bill to protect temping linn passed its third reading in tho North Carolina senate. The Texas senate has passed a bill repealing all laws requiting hotels to procure licanacH. Frank Learner, tho carpenter of I lie steamer H. B. Turner, wijj drowned at Cairo The total loss by the Into fire atSher- mao, Texas, is estimated at $100,000. Tlio lire is supposed to he tlio work of incendiaries. The Alabama Homo of representa tives unanimously voted to expel a negr.; member named Gaskon for proponing to dr. certain things in Ins legislative capacity for A Hionx City special says many h*.rangers have arrived to go in Gordon’s Great numl.ors arc leaving Sonora for South ern California and Arizona, some tluough fear of Apaches, and others attracted by rooont rich mineral discoveries in Arizona. Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines holds a judgment nqaiinit tho city «f Now Orleans for about $140,000. Sim has horn trying tu exe cute this judgment for some time past, tho hatlnre property In front of the city - that l»o- nvoen Canal and St. Joseph stroot<- -being levied upon that purpose. Tho plaintitT, iu execution, has tsken step., to bring about a Hide of tho hntturo some lime iu tho present month Unless Homo arrangement can bo made, a l irgo sacrifice of tho In tores ts of tho city is Inevitable. Tho supremo ooutt of tho state of Tenncssoo rendered a decision 8alnrdny in tho o iso of tho holders of tlio notoa of tho now issue of tho hunk of Tonncsioo, deciding it n legal issue and a preferred claim against ill tho asset;, of tho bank. It is considered tliat this decision virtually makes tlio stato liable. Extract from report of Text's legisla ture proceedings: Htoroy presented a petition of citizens of I.uHug, slating that the town was infested with lawless and dosporato char acters, Hint the mayor was in jail, and nobody lo try drunks and downs, etc., and asking the legislature to help them out ami to send a supernumerary from tho legislature over, lto- for rod. Mr. Gib.; in, of Richmond, Vn., has Introduced a b Bin tho house of delogntos to punish pavtioa creating disturbances nt holds, the,litres and otlior places of nnmsoment. It provides that persons who crcnto disturbances In hotels l.y boisterous deiunuds for accommo dations after the proprietor or his agent has declined to mitcrtniu for want of room or other reasonable specified onuses, shall Tie punished by fine ami imprisonment. In ratio of theatres, managers are to hnvo tlio right to Imhiio to served scat tickets H illiquid “not transfer able," and when a party not tho uriginnl pur chaser demands admittance the door-keeper can rofitso him. but tho prico of tho ticket must ho refunded, and If he rofusos to tako the money and thereby create a disturbance, ho is liable to at rest and film ill both cases; half the fine goos to tlm hotel-hooper or man ager, as tho case may ho. There are similar provisions regarding slcnmhoatH and railroads. THOM WASHINGTON. Tbo president liah nominated J. Burn ham Kinsman for United States district judge for tho western district (if Arkansas. Thu president linn sent to tho sonate the nomination of Don A. Purdoo, for ('lifted ntch district judge for Louisiana. A London dispatch sujs .John Mitch ell is utterly prostrated and lias frequent fainting fits. It is thought ho will ho com pelled lo withdraw from tho eloclion content n Tipperary. Tho aggregate Hum ill tvrolvo gonornl appropria'ion hills nasaed during tho late mis sion of congress is about $175,0011,000, apart finm other bills containing appropriations. A dinpatoh from Berlin says it in re ported tliat tlio Gorman government, lias clo- uianilod tho dismissal of tin. Papa! Niincia id Munich, and the eoH-allon of relations be tween tho Vatican and llovaria. Tho North Gorman G.izolto ft ay a tho French govortimont lias drdorod tho purolniHo of 10,000 cavalry Im.ihoh in Gormany. Tho Gazelle hopes the Geiliian uilthoritio will take steps to prevent Hiioh purchases. H?nate in executive HOfisiou confirmed tho following nominations: Godlovo H. Orth, «.f Indiana, lo ho onvoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Austria and Hun gary; Horace Maynard, of Toiiiiohhoo, to ho minister resident of tho United Hinton nt Con stantinople ; Robert Love, posliicister nt Trenton, Toni). Tho departments lmvn issued circu lars announcing the abolition of tlio civil service reform rules governing tholr rospoo- live (lopartmoilla, wherever operative, and un- Mouncing tlio return to tho former method of the appointment of employes, as provided for by Mention 101 of tlm revised statutes, enacted June 22. 187-1, which is that no clerk shall he appointed lo any department in either of tho four classes, until ho Jins boon examined and found qualified by a board of throo ex aminers, to consist of the c'l.lof of tho bureau or ofiico into which such dork is to ho ap pointed and two othnr clerks, to ho selected hy tho head of tho department. All sub- hoards of the civil service reform throughout tho country are aholiahod by these orders. The president did not, uh has baon slated, veto tho bill for tho equalization of bounties, except in withholding his signature, lie had, however, prepared tho draft of a mes sage in pencil, but it was thrown aside without being copied for transmission to tlio house, where the bill originate d. Tho draft is as fel lows : Hom o hill No. — Is herewith" returned without my approval, for tho reasons-— first, that it appropriates from tho treasury n revenue is iiiNUflicient for the current wards ; and, second, I do not believe ^IimL any con- siderablo portion of tho ox-soldiers, who it is supposed will ho tho beneficiaries of this ap propriation, are applicants for it, hut rather it would result iu a mea-uie for tlm relief of iru agents and middle-men who intervene would intervene to collect or discount tlm bounties granted hy it. MISCELLANEOUS. Tho Union Pacific railroad company Iihh declared a dividend of six per cent, per annum out of tho surplus earnings, payable quarterly, beginning July 1. J -75. Dispatches from Ht. Johns, N. F., say the bodies of over forty persons, who died at Hr. Johns this winter, have boon tempora rily interred in the snow, which lies in such im mense quantities in the corcelories aH to pre vent the opening of graves. An advance of five dollars on their H'eerago pi sen go rates have been made by all the English steamship lines, as result of con ference between their representatives. Tho advance will affect those taking Hteorago pas sage from either side. Tho fast lines will charge $25 and the slow lines $23. A loiter from London states that l)r. onoaly has given notice that on the Kith of March lie will call attention to tho Tlchborno Advicos from Asia Minor stato that ono district alone, out of a population of 62,000, no less than 20,000 have died since tlio beginning of Hie famine. Many women and children wore drowned by the wrecking of tho steamship Gattlenburg In ltois Strait, between Australia and Van Domna's land. Tlio total number saved, hs far ns known, is 22. Tho Humid's spooinl culdo dispatch from Paris says there is great diMculty In pre venting young King Alphonso from abdicating tn favor of Duke do Moutpousier. Tlm Her ald's correspondent In Spain voports tills as an Alptionsisl rumor. Don Francisco d’AssiscH, tho husband of Isabella and putative father of Alphonso, gave n dinner party in Paris lately, at which lm said tie hIiouM stay In .Paris and not niako any effort to tako charge jf tho Hpnutsh na tion. Tlio passion for gambling was too strong in Nevada, mid the anti-ganihling bill failed to pass, owing to a lengthy protest lo tlm legislature from buainoi'S men and proper ly- holders in Virginia Oily, who map an bu rnouse profit from the thirty or forty faro dons there. Tlio act to correct errors nnd supply omissions iu tlm rovlsod statutes of tlm United Hlntcs, provided that tho jurisdiction of tho court of claims shall not oxtend to any claim against tho United Blatos growing out of the destruction, or appropriation of or dnningo to property hy the army or navy engaged tn the siipprcDsiuu of tho rebellion. It was reported in Vienna, not. long ago that tlm empress Eugenie and her sou the Prince Imperial, had borrowed $18,000,- 000, from some Loudon hankers, and that Quoen Victoria had guaranteed tho payment of the loan. Upon this Htory hns boon based a prediction that nolivo efforts will shortly h made by tlm thronoloHs prince and Ids iiiolhc to re-establish tlm empire iu France. tore nro rumors of complications i Europe. Wo had it, tlm other day, that lh ich government ordered tlm purchaso i thousand cavalry horses, and Its agents . instructed lo obtain them all from Ger many. And now wo have it that orders have linon received hy tlm Indian govoniniont, from England, lo hold all regiments on duly m that country in initnodiale •roadlnoHH for active service. Tlm supposition is that these regi ments will he noodod ill Europe, not ill India. Tho presentation speech of Minister 'iishiiig to King Alphonso will contain only tlm iiiHloumry formal expression of friendship on the pnrl of the United Slates for Spain. He, however, has tho specific liiBtrunllciiH lo gov ern him in tho tiogntiaCloOH which were nego tiated under tho late republican government and are now to he consiunmnled. These ne gotiations contemplate a full eottlnumnt of all questions pending between the two govern ments. Minister Gushing, like his predeces sors. will also exert himself to negotiate u new treaty of oonmmrco and navigation, none of that character having been made with Spain since 17H5. Homo favorable rmvngQtnohfc re- spooling pur trade with Oubanvill continue to ho pressed hy our government. THE KINO OF THE CANNIBAL ISLANDS. (I'uiie—“ Mtlhrouk.") The Klim of the Oniililbal Islands th elded to oonipit r Homo dry lands, "ii ho marched ovi lilghlandn With two ileKgji moii-i'ottiig knaves, All liiuiurv as so many iii-aviw, skirmished through oarllilands nnd skylnmU With twenty-i With two All juniurv irnilahnd .■flout of wTutticr Atlantis tlio ltidy. Amt tnngeld In fnsting and prayers! They fnnled while sicptug. like I And prayed tn their Vanity Fairs And walked tn tlio narrow way slowlj Mneli ottnibcred with RolaMmb'H Then followed a w onderful ball to; nidldroii, (lie rattle desperate si rile; carrtod the war to tho knife Hlauehtor A About Is the Muses will prnllte ronton, mo eldtdreii! , || H pari In the desperate t hey carried I lie war to With slanchter Atlantia >\ lit in tile Muses will pralt While Providence gnintelli then The Cannibals turned out tho winners, They made twenty-live hearty dinners, They gobbled Hie saints nnd '.tie Htiim r.i Amt pul a t Atlnutls Id sack ; They swallowed white, yellow and blank, and plotters nnd ekliuinra •oforlh they eg ton to i ohh fs of the nation, (tslatlon; for eotlntion i dally Inureiiaed; While intlrnndh and sleam nnvigatlni 1 rC ~AI(mh. They served up n And fattened a la ud strain navlgntlo Hearco furnished tlio Joints for a fea i .1 ami i id. Quo rd of x ; Hill-, expedition, which is to hlart April f- will make. 35,000 cuhio feet of good gar. I 5- I" FOREIGN. Alphonsists and C'arlihts are exohang- g prffionerH. Tho canon between Bpain and the nileil States for tho settlomofit of tho Vii- Tho Italian hark Oiovanno, has 1 UNITED STATES SENATE. EXTRA HUSSION. March 8fch,—Tmmodialoly aftor rnad- ing tlm Journal, Mr. Gfaylou nibtiiilled a reso lution providing for tlm appointment of four nminhoi's of tlm ooinmllluo on Indian affairs and throo members of the rnmiuiltco on lor* rilorloH, tn procnod lo tlm liidiiin li rrltorlos ilnring tlm iccukh, with iiullmrity to Inquiro _ . ,;iomm. Mr. Ferry oh loot od to tho roHohilion on the ground Hint tins lin ing a speeiid Hosnian, no hiisiiiiss of legiahi- tlvo elm rector, or loiddlig to h gislntinn, could ho coiiHldorod. On motion of Air. Edmunds, tho subject was laid over till to morrow. On motion of Mr. Morton, tlio senato took up nddroMHod tlm HOUR seating I’iitohbaok. eluded Ids argumen . tlve HOiedon. After a short time spout in ex- 001)11 vo hohhIoii, tlm sonatu adjourned. March tl.--Oil motion of Mr. An- thony, tho senate proceeded to the plootton of the standing commitleos, having Hot hiih- poudod tho rules, the chairman of each coni? elected hy Imllot. A list of tho standing commi'tocH whs then road hy Hocro lary Gorham. The senate then resumed the niHliloration of tho rosnliitiou for the ii'lmiM- snoke aguiiist iho nmolulioii. Jloforo ho con cluded, ho yielded for ft motion frr executive hcshIoii, and tlm simato proceeded looonaldnr- aliou of oxeentivo hiifiinnHH. After a short time, tlm doors were reopened and the HOtialo adjourned. March 10. - Immodiutoly aftor tho reading oft tho Journal tho oomiidonitioii of tlm resolution for tlio admission of Finch- hack was resumed, and Air. Aforrimnn con tinued bin argument it] opposition. Air. AK-r- rirnoii eonoluded his argument at 2 o’clock, when Mr. AleCreory, of Kentucky, obtained tho floor, hut yielded for an executive session. Doom wore soon rooponod, and IhoMOlinto ad journed. March 11.—Mr. Olay ton, of Arkansas, askoiLfor a decision on tho point of ordo tlm resolution for tho appointment of a ■ niittoii tu visit tlio Indian territory during Iho recess. Messrs. Clayton, Morton, Howo and Hlmnnsn argued that tho resolution w ordo- and Messrs Hamlin, of Maine, and Thu nan eontondod that it wrh not. Finally Mr. Anthony moved to lay the whole HUhjo' session, Iho senate adjourned, March 12—Tho vice president pre sented a memorial of the heirs of Wrn. K. Sebastian, senator from Arkunsas in 18fil asking that a roHoliition expelling him from tho senate ho roaemded. It was referred to the committee on privileges and oloclio Tlio vice president laid before Iho scnat( report of Surgeon Frank W. Reilly, of the marine hospital service, in regard to tlio yel low fever opidomicof 1873, which whs ordered to ho printed and laid on tho table, sideration Of tho resolution for the admission of I'inchhack was resumed, and Mr. AleCreory, of Kentucky, spoke in oppe ' * >n 1 K ; iteports from Urces, Honors, sny tho all e The Archduko John Salvator, of Tuscany, Uaa written a striking pam-1 >arty near Carnpas recently, killing • three The following in tho Vote ca>.t in d wounding another. Alany similar attacks parliamentary election in Tipperary: John o reported. The people are terror-stricken. | Mitcholl, 3,111; Moore, conservative, 746. ■ , the ropoi I. made USsryl hy Messi lelawiiro. and ChriHlianey latter epoke in opposilion to the , enato hy l he Into Minin, .Mr. Carpenter. When senate proceeded to tho consnloralioi ecu live l)ii»incs;i. At 3:40 tho doors opened and the senate adjourned, Tho Orcvillo Memoirs. Grovilln, whoso momoii'h of Goorgo r\ r . and William IV. hnvo orontod such a fionsittion in tho literary world, was grout, grandson of tho onrl of Warwick nml gmiulson of tlio third duko of Fortluml. His family oonnoction in sured him tho post of clerk of council, which ofllco ho filled nearly forty yours. The position brought, him in close con tact with tlio nobility and tlio royal family, and tho pen-pictures ho gives of tho o\cry-day life of those person ages has cun Hod tho greatest oxoitomont throughout England. aisoitni: iv. Of tho greater vioos of Goorgo the Fourth the world Inis heard enough ; hut it scums incredible that any king of England should hnvo boon such a small ereaturo as this man was. Inordinately vain of bin person, he had a perfect mania for buying clothes iu great cpmn- titioH, the IuIIh for which lie invariably left to bo paid by the nation (tlirougli the master of tlm lobes); yothonovor forgot or gave away an urtiolo, and would from time to time require bin vulotu to produea some garments whioli had boon out of use for some years. When bodied it was said of his ward- robe t hat it was huge enough lo fill Mon mouth street, and gorgeous enough for Drury Lane theutor. Another of tho king’s peculiarities is that he always professed lo have > money about him, yet left on his death no less than ' Iho hundred pocket-hooks of various dates, each of which contained a number of gninoui T bunk notes. Ills ON 13 HOOD (gJALITV. Mr. Grcvillo reflates many incidents .ml anecdotes illustrating tlio king's . Imraeter, and very admirably sums it up, indicating at tlio same timu tho one good quitlity tho fourth Goorgo nos- ssod, and which oeoa-ionally led him act like a gentleman nnd a prince. Alluding to corlain discreditable stories, Mr. Grcvillo says : This account corresponds with all I i before hoard, and confirms tho opinion I have long had that a more contemptible, cowardly, selfish, unfutfl ing dog does not exist than this king, oi whom such flattory is constantly lav ished. Jlo has a sort of capriciousgoml nature, arising, however, out of no good principle or good fooling, but which of use lo him, as it cancels in a moment and at small cost a long nooro of solid not. Urinous have only to bohavo with common decency and prudonco, and they uro sure to ho popular, for there is a great and general disposition to pay couit to thorn. + * * There have been goml nnd wise kings, but not many of I bom. Tako thorn ono with another they uro of an inferior charac ter, and this 1 believe to bo ono of tho worst of the kind. Tho littlouess of his Ammeter prevents his displaying tho # latjgorouH fuulis that holongs to great 1 minds, hut with tho vices and weak nesses of tho lowest uml most contempt ible ardor it would bo diflloalt to find disposition more abundantly fur uiskod.” IDS 1MCRKONAL IIAIMTH. i'lio statement of tho king’s personal habits certainly justifies the author’i opinion : "lie leads a most cxtraordinary life ivor gets up till six in the afternoon They come to him nnd open the win dow curtains at six or seven o’clock ii tho morning; he breakfasts in bod, does whatever business ho can b< brought to transact in bod, too; In roads every newspaper quite through, dozes three or four hours, gets up h time for dinner, and goes to bed be tween ton and eleven. He sleeps very ill, nnd rings his hell forty times ' night; if lie wants to know the hour, though a watch hangs close to him, ho will have his raid Ur. c. ham I> re, down rather than turn liin head to look at it. Tho same thing if ho wants a glass water ; he won’t, stretch out his hand to got it. His valets are nearly destroyed and at last Lady Conynglmm provailod on him to agree to an arrangement by which they wait on him on alternate days. The service is still most severe as on the days they are in waiting thoi labors are incopsaut, and they eunnot tako off their cl ethos ut night, and hardly lift down.” WILLIAM IV. was a man who, corning to the throne .at the mature ago of sixty-five, exoitod hy the exaltation that ho nearly wont mail, and cflstiuguished himself hy a thousand extravagances of lan guage and conduct, to tho alarm and umufcomcnt of all who witnessed his strange freaku ; and though lie shortly aftoiward sobered down into more becoming habits, ho always con tinned t:> be something of a black guard and something more of a hufloon, Jt is but lair to Ins memory at Iho same time to say that lie was a good natiirod, kind-henrtod and well iiienir ing man, and ho always acted uu hon orahlo and straightforward, if not ul .ways a sound nml discreet part. • QtmiON VICTORIA. Of Queen Victoria tho presold vol umes hnvo but. little to say, tliouoh Hint little is pleasant. Tho account the author gives of the young qneou’s first mooting with her enunoil, a few hour’s aftor her uncle King Wllliam’H death, onnnot fail to make upon tho vendor, as it did upon her people, a most favorable impression : June 21st.—Tho king dfoil at twenty minutes after two yesterday morning, and tho young quoen mot tho council at Kensington palace at cloven. Never was anything like tho first, impression she produced, or the chorus of praise and admiration which is raised about lior manner and behavior, nml certainly not without justice, The queen entered the oounoil chamber, accompanied by her two uuolts, who ndvnneed to moot her. Bho bowed to the lords, took her seat, nml then read her speech iu a clear, distinct nnd audible voice, and without any nppenrnnoa of fear or em barrassment. Bho was quite plainly dressed and in mourning. After shn had read her speech aud taken and signed the onth for the security of the church of Bontland, Die privy council- lore were sworn, tho two royal dnkos first, by thomnolvcs ; nnd as those two old men, her unales, knelt boforo her, hwearing allegiance and kissing her hand, I saw her blush up to tho eyes, ns if she felt tho contrast between thoir civil and their natural relations ; and this was the only sign of emotion which she ovineod. Her manner to thorn was very graceful nnd ongoging ; she kissed them both, nml rose from her chair and moved toward tho ilukc of Hussex, who fiuthost from her, and too infirm to reach her. Spring Fashions. Lucy Hooper has taken an early look some specimens of a new nml beauti ful fabric just. dosiguoil for spring wear. In her lust, letter from Paris she tells all about it. It consists of a light-col ored silk hronafle, with a rain'd urn- liesque pattern iu velvet of a shade darker than tho hue of tlio ground work. This sounds rather heavy and unspriug-liko, says Lucy, tint tho tints arc so delicate and’ the patterns so light and open iu effect, that, the niate- ' d looks thoroughly suited to tho hoa- ii. Two shales of green (dark velvet light green silk), two of pale cafe* -lait, anil a lace-like pattern in hluok a wlflto silk ground, wore among the styles looked at. A very new and of- feelive material for spring caps is com posed of bluok cashmere, cut. out in llower-like patterns and applique on strong black silk net, the oilgas of the ilowors and loavos being finished off with a narrow silk braid. Tho not of the ground work is specially manufac tured lor thiH purpose, and is remark ably solid and onpablo of enduring much wear. The garments are finished off with hluok tape fringe laid over an other fringe of sewing-silk. Dolman’s, sacquGH, slcovoless jackets, nnd uproif ovoiskirls are to ho -made of this mate- .al, which is rich-looking, effective, durable, and not specially costly. It is thus far tho great, novelty of tho season. material for evening dressi s iti also just out; it is a silvery looking white gauze, with a surface crinkled like that of Canton crape ; it is soft in texture, and has boon brought out to replace tlio over-popular crepe do Ohino. Truo Elory” of Goorgo Washington. About 130 years ago he was a little hoy and used to go round hunting for wasps’nests. It was tho oxporicnoo ho gained when the wasps used to go hunting around for him, that enabled Goorgo to endure without flinching tho hardships of his future life. He horn of rich parents, imd the fact has commonly boon supposed to Account for his possession of a hatchet, but tho truth is that his father kept a hardware store. It was tho detention of George, tlio not of chopping wator-molon vines with thiH hatchet, that laid tho foundation of all his subsequent great ness. Convinced that it would lift use less to attempt to prove an alibi, Goorgo lirl: “Father you know you stole those vinos—tliov never grow thoro of thoir vn accord." Blushing deeply, his parent replied : Goorgo, if you won’t say a word about it to your mother, I’ll forgive you.” George hold up hia right hand, aud, latching upon his palo high brow tho IuhL rays of the setting sun, exclaimed, “ father, I cannot toll a lie, hut for your salto I will not toll tho truth. Here after mum’s the word." Thereupon they both knelt down upon the long wet grass, and solemnly dedicated to thoir country their “ lives, thoir forltiBOH and thoir sacred honor.” Then George arose, out off tho daws of tho British Hon with ono stroke of his sword, and expired, at an advanced age, of a fatal attack of diphtheria. Cattle T rade between Texas and London. Thoro will soon ho live cattle trade between Galveston and London. A company hint recently boon formed in the groat English capital, of which Hir Howard Epperson is president (Job R. M. Graham proposes to represent, it in Galveston. According to tlio News, of that city, the plans of this company are hosed on u capital of flvo million pounds, and contemplate tho establish ment of a rogtilur line of steamers be tween Galveston and London, especially to the business of currying live oattlo to England and bring immigrants to Texas. Col. Graham informs the Nows that tho chief peculiarity of these vessels will 1)0 the application of Ralph's patent for scouring cuttle on voyages hy a fiories of connected haiumncka. It is asserted that with tho usoof this patent as many as 1,500 catllo can bo safely transported ’ in a direct trip of about sixteen days. Tlio company also de signs to establish a stud farm in tho in terior of Texas for tho improvement of stock. A pionoor steamer, tho Finis- torre, chartered hy tho company, has left Glasgow and her arrival is daily looked for iu Galveston. -Homo of tho colon (I folks of Cleve land thought civil rights meant free rides on tho strict ears, and tjioy hud to lio stood on their heads and argued with. FACTS AND FANCIES. Tf women aro nmrols, what's all this talk about a penitentiary for fe males in Indiana ? Tho correspondent who anxiously in- os ronoorning Bnnsorit, is informed that it is the language which tho Ban ner itters usod to talk. Tho Han Francisco Bulletin notos that nt. one of tlio Chinese theaters in tliat city “ tho power of tho orohostra has boon increased by sovoral now gongs.” -Tliis more like spring, says Quill), when Mrs. Qnilp prosonted him tho bill for her now bonnet. —Homo ono sout a Dolnwaro man by express a paving-stone weighing thirty- six pounds, and as ho oponod tho box, after paying $11 charges his voioo was heard iplear ovor in tho next county. \ ladv nt Memphis says she doesn’t want any jowolry, hasn’t, a looking-glass in tho house, and wouldn't tako a silk dress as a gift. Memphis has auothor living curiosity—a cross-eyed oat. Our life 1h hut a wintcr'a (lav ; Homo only bronkfaat, ami away ! Others to dinner slay, anil aro full fed; Tlio oldest man but hiiph anil poos to hod ! l.arpo is his dobt who liugorn through tho day; Who goes tho hoouchL has tho Icaat to pay! Tlio sudden eruption of tho small pox in China, simultaneously with tho transit of Venus, has solved tlio prob- Tho Heathou snys there was no transit. Tho sun had tho small-pox that day. Soionoo must defend its claim. —The city of Now York has a charm ing municipal dobt. It amounts to $115 for every man, woman nnd child in tho city. Think of tho number of people m ho haven’t got $115 wliero they lay thoir hundH on it! •Hohoolinnpootor(tonrohin) “Now, Johnny, how many cm jou count? Johnny—“ Ono, two, throo, four, flvo, ‘ , seven, eight, nine, ton." Inspector 'Good, Johnny, go on.” Johnny (after a moment's thought.)—“Jack, queen, king, noo,” —The contractors who have under taken to furnish 240,000 homlstonos for tho nutiounl cemeteries, out tho nnmes iu thoir works at Rutland, Vt., by moans of tho Hand blast. This outs a noron in four minutes, and they com- ploto 500 stouos daily. Bovoral passengers on tho lower Mississippi were nttraotod l>y tho alli gators husking in tho sunshine. “ Aro they amphibious, captain?” asked a lookoroa. “Amphibious, thunder?” answervd tho enthusiast io officer, “ they’ll oat a hog a minute." —A lady semis us somo lines com mencing : “ A bird ii Hinging lit my Iioart." And asks that they ho published. If she takes our advice slio will wring that bird's neck, cook it and sorvo it up on toast for somo siok friend.— JJrooklyn Argus. —A corps commander in tho French army hns notified tho soldiers who nro ho unfortunate as to have to servo under him that thoso of them who commit Htiioido shall ho buried at night, with out military honors. It must bo very trying to a corpse to ho buried without military honors. —Simplicity of purposo begets sim plicity of life. This is manifested not in ono way moroly, but in every way. There is no doublo doaling in business. Thoro is no praying for tho snlvatiou of souls, nml then, for tho sako of making money, helping them down to boll in tho ordinary nvoontions of life. • —Austria scorns to load tlio world in recognizing tho rights of women. Tho omploymont of women in tho Austrian telegraph service having given satisfac tory results, tho minister of cominerco has adopted tho system in tho postoflloe, and tbo railway boards liavo boon asked to report on its oxtonsion to rail ways. —Among tho peasantry in Russia tho bride always presents a whip to tho bridegroom. It is hung at tlio foot of ♦ lie bod, aud not infrequently usod. Unfortunately, in thoeasoof small men with big wives, tho wrong person some times applies tho whip. Thoro is no custom in tho world, yonng men, which u ho a comfort to pH of you. —A mother-in-law has sent a commu nication to a Milwaukee magazine, de nouncing “the vilo rabble of coarse, low bred journalists,” who make para graphs about men’s wives’ mothers. We'll hot that woman keeps her son-in- law within tho traces. Perhaps Bho even stood ovor tho poor dovil and raiulo him write her communication for lior, —They’re having a delightful little disoiiHRiou in the oast as to who wrote “No Beets in Heaven.” Wo cannot undertake to dooido botweon tho con tending authors, but wish to remark in a general way that tho other place doHon’t discriminate between sects, either, nnd thut somo of tho disu^ pointed claimants might time their harps to that grand theme.—Chicago Times, —Ordinary mixed pntty has been found hy Mr. Courvall to ho tlio softest and most utoful medium for treating excrosconces of tumors of various kinds wliero compression is dopirod, as it moulds itself so neatly to tho skin. Ho believes it to bo superior to dextrine, silicate of soda, or plaster bandages, ft is a cltoap and always attainable ma terial. —If tho Bonaparte Prinoe Imperial sltould marry tho Danish princess, it would ho a groat stroke, as it is in “ grand alliances’' that French states men put their trust for tbo future of thoir country. But ho will hardly get her. Probably tho ompress of Russia will bo an insuperable obstacle. Her objection to “cnmnaillcrait" horsolf was made against this family. Our revolutionary fathers need to hpo tough times. An old Virginia book tells how two of them reoeived fifty lushes each for being ah lent from roll- ohII, and it spoaks of another who re ceived ono lmnurod lashes for “misbe havior." For ono month’s pav a soldier of tho patriot army received $83,000, hut ho had to pay $2,000 a yard for cloth enough to make a ooat, and bi® buttons cost him ?1,000.