The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 20, 1875, Image 2

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THE RECORD. CBDAKTOWN, OA., CAltCIl. 20* 1*7/5. A Uigto barber ctiiiiimlluU auioiUu, iu Atlanta, a few dujts biuco, by Hbuul- ing hiuiHulf. Ho wun ouu of tliu part)* who had tried to ^ot tboir civil light- u few dnyo bofoio, at bar rooruH unci billiun! hiiIojdh. It i» mippoHeil that llio Iokh of wbito ptttrormgo on account liiu conduct, 1ml to tbo ruab act. Ilia uutuo wuh ltobort Samuel Sml b. Tbo boavioKt snow it tor m for u num ber of yenra prevailed iu Cincinnati all day Sunday, and about eight ineboH of niiow 011 Lhu level fell. Tbo Htoim extended •outbwcHt an far »i« Jackson, Mias., tbrougb West Tomiot- aoo, Kentucky, Soutbern Illiuoin, In diana, Ohio, and into Went Virginia mid PontcHylvaniu. A midden tbuw inuHt onuso iimnciiHO HjocIm in tbo Ohio river and ita tributarieu. Tbo llawkiuMvillo Dinpatcb wip tbe people in tbut aoctioii are buying gu ano inoro extensively than for many year*. Tbe late heavy ruins and bad c.oudiliou of tbo rouda have prevented them from taking it away aa flint ua they desired it. Those who bavo it sell on time, and they are ns numer ous aa (loan on n sow cat—and are willing to sell it loin or no loin. Tbo Tboiunsvillu Herald anya Hint a few day a ago, on tbo road loading from that place to Mr. F. C. Rawlings, and nour a deep gully, tbe ground, to tbo extent < f about one-half acre, sunk to tbo depth of two feet below tbo mufaoo. it waa not a eavo in, but an absolute) aottling of tbo earth, extend ing across tbe road for some distance. It is a rcronrkublo occurrence. Tbo result of tbo olootiou in New Hampshire shown that iu federal poli tico the Democrats nro in a mojority. Although there baa been no choice for Govornor, on the Congressional vuto tbo Democrat a have a majority, olocltng two congressmen out of threo and perhaps all. This result indicates a swooping Democratic victory in Con necticut on tbo Jat Tuesday in April. Even the most hurduued Radical siu- nor must pcicoivo that tbo parly is dead—laid out flat and almost roady for builul.—At Mm "Bub, did you ever atop to think," auid a Michigan nvouuo grocor yester day, us be iuoasurod out a peck of |>o- tatocs, "that those potatoes oontnin sugar, wixtor and alarcb?" "Noah 1 didn.t," replied tbo boy, "but I board mother say tbut you put and beans in your coifed, and about a pint of water iu evory quart of milk you Hold." The imbjoot of natural philos ophy waa dropped right tborc.—Dr- frail Frrr I'rrs.i A grand gift concert tnkos place in Romo on tbo 80th instant, for tbo bounlTt of tbo Ladies Confederate Memorial Atwoci Uion. $1,425 will bo dibtributad iu prizes. Tbo capital prize Is $500 in gold. Tickets only one dollar. This promises to be ouu of tbo greatest tioats over ollhrod to tbo pooplo of North Georgia, besides aiding iu tbo crcctiou of u monument to tbo momory of our (load horoos. For tickets addsoas R. Y Mitchell, Romo, Ga. It la simply aiLurd to talk a woman being qualified to till ovury position in life that a man tills. For iustuuco, what woman could lounge around tlm stove iu n country grocery ami lie about tlm number of ti th alio oought Inst summer. According to tbo st.itemont of the Wasbiugotu oorroapondout of tbo Bal timore Sun, Senator U maom, of North Carolina, iu tbe closing hours of tbo Into Congress—-whon tko almost riot ous haste atul confusion favored the smuggling of obnoxious imasuros tbrougb tlm forms of legislation—per formed a virtue which entitles him to the grateful aclikowledgmouts of tbo pooplo of tbo South. It seems that a bill had passed both bouses of Con gress without uotico, authorising a writ of nmndiunus issued by any cir cuit court of tbe United States against any Stato officer, to remain of full ef fect, notwithstanding tbo death or re signation of such officer. Tbe effect of tbo bill, as was ascertained, would bo to compel tbo payment of all tbe bogus bonds, Stato and municipal, is sued during tbo radical nud carpet bag rule in several of tbo Southern States, which would bankrupt North Carolina, Georgia, and perhaps sumo other tyates. It is believed that tbo holdora of some six millions of bogus Railroad bonds issued by tlm North Carolina Radical authorities iuspired this bill, and tlm common rumor is that Genera 1 Butler "worked up” tlm bill in bis ingenious style, by which suspicion as to its true intent was not nroused. The bill bad already been enrolled, and was ready for tbe signa tures of tbo presiding officers, whou, tbrougb tbe watchfuluess and prompt efforts of General Ruusoiu, it was ar rested in tbe last stage befuro bccom- 5* 1 * J'uiuvov Is i. a no, Fla., Feb. 2V, 75 Mil Recjud Ah some of your readers may fed homo iuterest iu the Semi-Annual Convention of the Statu Agricultural Society, held at 'iboinufc- villo, I will drop you a few lines con cerning it. Tbo writor left Romo on Saturday evening, at 5 o’clook, and after a very pleiwmut trip through Atlanta, Macon ami Albany, reached XliomAHvilloSun day night at l) o’clock. Being ono day ahead of time I did not Htop, but went on to Niddostu, a thriving town on tlm A. A. G. railroad, where I apent Monday with aomo relative nud fiienda. After getting below Macon, vtgota- liou signs of npring. FurmnrH are at work repairing fencing, breaking land, and romo bad planted corn. Tbo old dilapidated fencing aoens to bo receiv ing an unusual amount of '.'tearing out upsetting nud repairing. Guano doeH not appear iu such largo piles, ami send forth such u btroug odor about the depots ah it has done at this sea son on former years. At Anderson- villa the stars and stripes were Hold ing over tbo 14,000 Yankee dead lying there. Tbo " best govormuout tbo would ever saw" still bolds old Mr. Dykes’ lands, because thu Confederacy used it to confine funeral prisoners of war. Thoughts of G'atnp Dougl Elmi 111 and Johnson's Island would not down as I thought of tlm thousand lies that bavo boou told about tbo cru elty of poor Worts, and other Confed erates, to Union aoldiora. I would lmvo takou Audursouviilo iu rniito Mr. Dykes says it is tbo most boaltby plnoo in Georgia, and judging by bis looks, I believe him. Tlm convention was oponod Tuos- lay morning by prayer, by Dr. Means and an address of welcoino by tlm Mayor of Tbomusvillo. Tbo good poo plo throw open tboir doors to tbo del- gules, with a generous hospitality vorthy of all praise. Ool. Tom How ard, of Delialb, ropliod to tlm Mayor just as lm alone can do, and when wo wore leaving wo fult bow apt was bis closing Hcutimou 1 , whou bo said, like old Bimoon, "iiuno demrli*, now lotest thou thy servants depart, for we bavo boon cared for like stall-foil cattle.’ Tbo Prosidout, (Ion. Colquolt, made us a good spoooh. Then cuiua Mm es says and speeches of Dr. Pondletor, Prof. White, Dr. Jones, Dr. Hood amt Prof. Broun, Mr. Hardaway and oth- ors, ou tbo subjects assigned them. They wore full of information to tbo farmor. I will not attempt to skolch them, ah they will bo published iu full Tbo night sessions woro devoted to 1 poriuuco mootings, when tbo homc- npnns bad a showing. They were in teresting and very profitable. It will bo a long timo boforo tbo delegates will forget "Jiiu Comicbncl, ’ of Cow eta. Colonel Hardaway told 11s, nud sbowd ns, (for we wont to bis place), bow be farmed on tlm intensive (high juvasuro) system. I am bound to try it a little this year, lie ruus off bis corn rows six feet apart with two turn plow furrows, puts iu cotton seed at, tbo rule of 100 bushels to tbe aero, Throws up a bod over them with two furrows on each Bide,lets it stand until bo is ready to plant, Ikon opens a row on each side of tbo soed, about twenty iuobsa apart, puli in two grains of corn for ovory two foot. Woiks tbo bed lightly with tlm plow when tbo corn iu young, uud keeps tbo middles well worked, nud has made 1PJ buak- els to tbo acre. Prof, lLouu gave tho moon fiU—- says it don’t givo much light, and that’s borrowed. Its heat never get., to tlm earth; novor nnulo a seed germ inate, grow or bear fruit; 1ms no intlu- cuco ou tbo body; don’t make meet draw up, nud vows it will not make soap. Says wo farmers must pay uo attention to tbo moon, but bo more diligent with our few acres of earth. Tbo convention adjourned on Tburs day, with nil well pleased. On Friday I took a boo lino South, through Moutioollo, Fla., to this placo Farmers wore busy planting coru ou almost every farm. Oats arc putting up smartly. En glish peas are in bloom, nud spriug seems to have opened in ournost. In Montccello nud below tbo orange trees wore full of their rich golden fruit, making homes look beautiful ami at tractive. After getting below Mouti- cello, while nature bus been lavish iu her gifts, that is most that can now bo said. Farms do not show their former thrift and tillage. I rodo thirteen miles, part of tbo way through largo farms, without siting a bog. Gates woro wide open, with corn plan ted. Houses ami fencing rickety and decaying; negroes* sittiug about their bouses as happy as could bo, beating rice, muuchiug sugar cane or roasting ; potatoes. Occasionally some fellow ! would be up a tio-tio bush, with gun or flkkiug polo iu band with intent ou ; a trout or pike. Here it may truly be said Yankee missrulo has made a waste uud called it peace. Many of 1 tbe whites bavo left tbo country and : gouo to tbo towus or moved away, and : thrift seems to have left with them. I Hero any of tbo good binds will niuko fuoro corn or cotton than ours, if it could on 1 }' bo wtJrkod, and guauojins novor been nsod. Many of the farm ers nro behind. Tboir rich lands would not bring any thing on tin market, as there are 1 o btijrm. Per haps a oliungo may take placo somo day Unto and ill will may bo sated, and tbo intelligence of tbo country may control; Imt not until then will this country take position its natural advantages would authorize. Yours truly. B. Notice. TT IS hereby ordered by the Town Coun- J. oil of (Jednrtown t hat n ti election beheld at the Court H unc, on Iho 20th of April, 487f), uh required by the local option law I‘for oik and other Counties, to decide Whether or not Kj.irUuoitn, Vinous or Malt liquors shall be sold in 1 Jm incorporate lim its of said town. Those who favor restriction shall have written or printed on their tick els, “For Reiiti lotion," and those opposing, “Against Itcstrlclion." IVV F. THOMPSON, Mayor. I. H l.i 11 Kirin, I{* oor 1I11, I J.YMI > AX I House, Sign and Ornamental PAIMTEB Furniluro mode look liko new. Re pairing of ovory description c having work in the ahovo line can mchlO be suited al liberal Prigei Legal Advertisements. 1 npplied for exemption of personally ami I will pass upon the samp at 11 o'clock a. in , on the 20th day of March, 1875, at my office. Tills March the KWh |#7f. JUKI. JIlfKWKR, Ordy. ( 1KORGIA, POLK COtJ.NTV’. --\V boron-, ’ J C. (1. Jsncs has applied for adminis tration on the . -tote of W. P Janes, bite of sni i county, deceased. Therefore, all persons concerned will lake net ice to be and appear at my offleo within tin* lime prescribed by law, t<> show an use. If any they have, why said appli cation should not b« granted. (liven under my hand and official signature, tide March the Htli, 1875. . JOB!. nitBWBR Ord'y / 1EOHOI n POLK COl '• H " Fanny Msson has i. ide application for loiters of administration on die eNt iia of John A. Mu-on, lata of said county deceased. J This is, thoreforo to cite and admon ish nil persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to appear at nty offloo n.s required by law, to show if nay they have, why said application ■liould not be granted. (liven under my hand and official -ignv lure, this Dith day of February, 1875 JOKI. BREWER, Ord’y. \»l ice. (1 Konoi.v, POl.K rnil.NTV My order VI of the court of Ordinary of • t. I . .iinty for county pm poses, will be sold before tbe Court lions* door, in Ccdarluwn. on (be ftl-t Tuesday in April nevi, helwoeii I lie legal hours of sale, tho old Jail and the |„t upon which It stands. (liven under mv linnil andoflicial signature. thi* March i. 1*7*'- JOKI, DKKWKR, Ord y FOLK sheriff s hales. Will bo sold before the court house I „ r in the town or (Vdartown, on the first Tu- • day In April next, within the legal hours of salo, the following proporly to wit : Ono portable steam saw mill, with mjinc boiler and fixtures complete, ns tho propci iy of John It, Russell, to satisfy two fi fn iu my hands issued from August term, IS7 ,, Suporlor Court, in favor of David Gai ri-on, ts said John II. Russell Proporly potato 1 out l»y plalnlifT■ attorney. Also, at Hamo time and place, | ol(l n f ] n(l ,| Noh. UO, 170 and 18 and 111 threahing nrichtn tho properly vf David 1 W* U ndo o ,d sepn I (loo. I John II. Russell, parnisho ; by vi’ tuo of a Superior Court A fa issued nt August term Nuporioi ('ourt, in favor of (i. T. Walls, A S For I et al. Tru-tees Cave Spring circuit. North Georgia Con ference, M. F. Churoh, South, against tlio said David A. Garrison and George W. NN ado and Jolm II Uussell, gurnis'iee. Proporly pointed out by plalnttll s atloiney Also, at same time and place, lots of land Nos. 110. 170, 1 HI, 1st, 111. 180, 18-’. 181. in Iho 10th district nud itIt section of Folk county, as the properly of \ M. Tutnlin, to satisfy ono lax h la, V* said Tumlin. Proporly pointed out by tax collector. I.evy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, at Iho same time and place, one tot of land No v | n the 311st .li>:ru t an I id H-ction of Folk county, us she property «>f M. M. Sc .11, agent, fur State and comity tax for the year 1H7I Levy made and 1 of land of land New Advertisements, 4th section of Folk county, as the Of Howell Law 'on, to satisfy one 1 against the said Lawson. Levy u returned to me by a con-sable. Also, at same lime and place, h No IPS, in 2d dir.trict aud -Ith section of Folk county, as the pcoporty of Joe Ilurge. to satisfy one tax ti la for ’State and county • ax. vs said 11 urge. J March G, 1870 H. P. LUMPKIN, Sheriff. CJKOlttJlA FOLK COI N 1 \- Charles Q. Janes, liaving applied to bo Appointed guardian of the persons and property of Willie M. Lula. Julius It . Wil- liam aud Ulaud Janes, minor children resi dents of said county. Those arc, therefore, to cite and adman- ish nil concerned to bound appear mtlu next Court of Ordinary, to be held in said county on the first Monday iu April next, to show cause; if any they have, why said letters of (luardianscip should not be granted in terms of the fuw. Given under my hand aud offialnl signature, this Feb. 6UIMS7.K JOEL HIIKW FR, Ord'y. / GEORGIA. FOLK COIN IV. Whereas vX Thomas C. Hampton, administrator on tho estate ot |)r»vib A. Hampton, deceased having mode npnlicattou lor letters ut di>' mission from said admlnisi ation, alleging in his petition that be has fully administer ed said estate and disbursed the same uo- i cording to law These are, therefore, to cite all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my ! olhee, within the timo prescribed bv law*, 1 to show cause if any they have, why said ' Letters should not be graunted. Given un- 1 dcr my hand and oflicial signature. This Fob. 2d, 1875. JOEL BREWER, Ordy. Administrator'* Sale. OEORQU, POLK COUNTY. O tho VI first Tuesday in April next, well bo be •‘obi, before the Court House door, in « idartowu, buid county, within the legal h- ur« of sale, lot of land N > 1210, iu the - 1 district and Ith section of Folh county. S^. l as the property of Dalton Burge, deceased, for benefit of heirs and creditors pf '» d deceased Said lot of land held and •old Ullber a quit claim title. Feb, 12, 1ST • W. T 111'KG 1.. Adm’r I1T3TJE.E MOBILE LIFE iHSURANCE CO., Of’ MOBILE, ALA.. This Company 1ms promptly pniil every dentil loss sustained, and with out litignt.’oj or dispute. Over #100,000! Paid in Iho last throe years to Wid ows and Orphans. The Important Subject Of Lifo Insonruco is gradually and doservidly gaining public attention by the forco of its own merits. Tho time is not fur distant whon the (loath uf a man leaving bin family unprovided for by a policy of Life Assurance, will Ionvc the stain of neglected duty upon his character. It is a duty which 1 r- cry one owes to bio own dependents and to tho community. Ho who neg lects it is not a good husband, fathei or citizen. He I as mo right even to risk the chance «-f throwing tho future support of his faatiiy, iu lmho of his death, on thu community ut large, or on relatives and friends, whou it iH iu his power bo easily to provide against such contingent! h. The Mobile Life Issues policies on all tho appro veil plans of Insurance. In tho middle rands of life few bavo nuch capital to leave f.u thu hi nofit J tboir families, in thu event of their inrly do cun sc, but most have incomes. By devoting a portion of the litter in the way of Life Assurance, the bead of a family can muko stiro that, die wli-11 he may, even on the day after thu litst annual payment, Ins widow and children will ho endowed with a certain nrnouul < f mum-y. Taku an Endowment Policy, and thu . provide for your i unily iu Lhu (Went ut early death, aud for your own ohi age, should you live out tho stipulated lime. Ono ought to ho satisfied if he gets, at the end «.f twenty yours, all tlm money ho has invested, with more than seven per cent, interest, nr..I has lmd tho assurance, all Enough those twen ty years that, iu enso he dial, the full amount of tho policy would at ouco bo payable to tho boneficiury under tho same. It ic.ns too g.*>d to be truo, but it c m be proved if you will take tho trouble to inquire. "I tun suti-hi d," said Uencral Dear born, “that am >ug ono hundred* mer chants and trade in, not more thau throe over acquire iudcpendsncc.’’ Kvory iVlci’chuiit .jhould t ko an Endowment Policy or Limited Puymout Policy iu tho MOBILE LIFE. A g rl of sevi ntcon, in Schoharie, N Y , was asked, a few days ago, by a small young mail who had*uo moans but bis salary, to Income his spouse. "Is your lifo insured V" m-kod she. "N >, said tho Mvain. "Then yon must have it insured, for J’m not go ing to marry you and have you die amt leave me to beg for a living." The Life Endowment By which a Fash Endowment cm he secured during lifo, at life rates of premium, is u s[cciul feature of tho Mobile L'fu FOK young mln Pooplo sometiim s object that they cannot "utlbrd” to assure. Such an nrgumedt should rather tench a man the imperative nccosity for ussneiug ut once. If /it feels so much diffeulty in withdrawing such a trifle of hi* in come, lot him reflect on the ivightful condition mto which his death would plunge his family. Insure in the Mobile Lifo at once. To-morrow 1$ not your own. Delays breed remorse. How many estates have been t-acrificed and families left penniless, because tho father put off insuring till a more convenient season, till he was hotter able. OSS1AN III*lid INS. Agent, ( eilartow 11, Ua. Dissolution Notice. rpiIE Firm of Lumpkin A McConnell lias. -L t»y mutual consent, been dissolve I Ibis day. by the withdrawal of J. F. McConnell. Thu books of the firm nro In the hands of II. I’. Lumpkin, ni;d nil indebted will please cnli and settle, oil her by rash or note, as the business of the firm must be settled. March I, 1875. II. P. LUMPKIN, J. l* M gONNl I L Graded High School. (Tdartown, Uu. fpilE Exrrehos of till- Institution will b<- J- open 22d February. The pupils will bo instructed in all the branches usually taught in high schools and colleges, also in the primary branches. Wo request nil persons intend! ng •• patronise this school to enti r 1 heir c - dri n and w # rds on the hrst day, so the progress of the scholars may not be larded b* a new clasificntion. Day session will begin 7.45 a, m. J F. IlOtSEAL, Rev C. K. HENDERSON, A-*ociolo Frineipali. Miss MKTELLA FOUClIE, E. II. CARTER, — DIALER IN — Furniture and Carpets No. IOH, I'm|iire Block, BID)\D STREET, ROME, GEORG J. S." NOYES & CO., — DEALERS IN— l)UX l.OODS OBOCEIUES, HAltOWAltE, Medicines. Hats, caps, Boots and Shoes, READY MADE CLOTHING. Custodiers will find our Stock complete, comprising many articles it is impossible hero to enumerate, ami at moderate prices. Particular attention paid to buying nnd esllin uCott'Ui. nov 2> dm Diminution Notlrc. rpHK Firm of IVnO.urMn & Phillips L was dltsolted the 1st of February, for all other purpttto except to wind up the hiuinrs* of ihe old concern. Those w ho owe us n.ti-l pay up right now, or wc will bo coinpttllcd to she. G. V. FKATIIBRSTGN, W, M. I’lilLLU'H. fi, l FEATHERS10N DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Hats, Groceries Xr., &e„ nt the ol.l stan I. whe. he will sell at. Low as the lowest, for <7;ik1i or Harter. lb- buys and -oils Coftoii Oct L'l W. M. PHILLIPS, Opposite old stand, Where ho will bo e l».l lo loo I,U old friend, nnd supply them with (iood». II. kpop, n line of General Merchandise .'I Wfiolcrnlf nr Itstnil. I’rljM defy Corn- petition. ( A.SI 1 ST( )RK. .!. S. Slnl)l)^A: Co., CEDAHTOWS, C.\ % , I^F.KF ooi^inntly <>n hand a full line 1 f FAMILY GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ISoot M unci ShocN ; also a line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND I'AOTOBY QOODS. purchasing. C»n. Sola agents for the sale of the cele brated •* Watt Flows'’ and fixluics. in Folk county. June 20— if Ponco Do Leon BIT T £ RS An F.lrgant and Pleasant Preparation for DYSPEPSIA, FEVEl? ana AQUF, IlcavlacUi.'. lloavtbui'n, LOSS OF APPKTITE, Ac-iJitv ox tho Stomach. STANDARD FERTILIZERS. JOHN MBEBYMAN COMPANY'S IATED Ill 9 Standing Number 1 in Aanalysis an 1 Commercial Value. The Celebrated EUREKA, jbojste- Superphosphate of Lime, “GRANGE MIXTURE” AND PATAFSOO' a-TJ^VlSTO. 1 mu sole Agent in this place for the sale of Hie ahovo Fertilisers, all of which arc reliable, uniform in quality, and high in grade. 8)ld for Cash and on time with Cotton Option. Prices same aa iu Atlanta and Rome. nich 20 lm A. HUNTINGTON. Joseph E. Veal, Rome, Georgia. \ 1 lin«, Guitars, Mu n* boxes. Il uTamhorlnc-, Hones, Triangles, Cnstineis, Ac- : "• KGitinxxw. (’oncer:;firm, I'iut.-s. F„-Fic.lns, Clair. 11-ts, Flng.d.-is, Harps, • • I ' lU-in. French, (/oruian an.I Italian Htrings \ i-.lin an I Guitar Cases, of wood nnd paper. extra Rows, llow-llair. i’;iil-piec*-*. Keys, Bridges, Finger-Hoards, Clai. onct Reeds, I'iano and Dulcimer Win . I’.urfio Heads, Tainborino Ginglers, kc , Ac. ] Muticnl !ii>:iuuic‘ii(s Itcimiicil in He*t Style. dec .5 'INTERS & NELSON, wholehale dealers in PIANOS, ORGANS -AND— MUSICAL MEHCIl A V I > IS 1C, Small Instrument,, Siring nnd Slier! Music, Ouilar,. Agent, for Iho Celebrated Peers, Webb & Co., and Hardman Pianos. AND THE GHEAT NEW ENGLAND CD'S CABINET ORGANS. Thc«e we claimarc tho VERY BEST, and ‘for Testimonials, CaUIomm Termsxpply to Wlntci-H A INi-Inoii, 211 Mai-lfot h(.i C HATTANOOG A., TKXSTXsT. Old inetrumcnle taken Incichange fur aonr one.. .Special prior, lo Ca.h D*jT As a Tonic in low forms of Fever, mid to persons recovering from Sickness, i tbust* Bitters are highly beneficial aud ! gently stimulatihg. HBEFACED BY GEO. J. HOWARD, WHOLESALE DKUCCIST, I'e-achtroc Si Atlanta. On. A GREAT DISCOVERY! Thompson's Liniment Is one of the greatest diiccvorics of tho age Nothing bring- «ucb • eu'lv and sure relief to those who suffer with tho numer ous pains an.I aches common to the human race. Do you want something thai will ease your head, your back, cure your rheu matism and Neuralgia 7 Apply Thump.> u'a Liniment and suffer no more. For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, and f ins general!e, THOMPSON’S LINIMENT, This Modi-j . , c your midst,by i Dr- K. R. THOMPSON. Your neighbors have tried it. and it has never failed to du what it promises. Every family should j keep it on hand, and thereby save many a dollar. Often n long end expens vo trip | for a physician might be dispensed with, : simply by applying Thompson's Liniment; then keep it on hand—ii will cost you but little. No physician can practi.e success- | fully without a good Liniment—they know its imporinnee—then keep it on hand. You j can apply it yourself and saTe money. Call on DR. R. It THOMPSON, o- . Dr. Reese's Drug Store, get a bottl-, and , never be without it. It will do what it say*, j and you'll never regret buying it. Oct 24 ! For sulc in Rc mart by E K Iloge. G. P McCONNEl.L, Agent, Acwortb.Ga I Cherokee Iron Comp'y Store. IF YOU WANT IDIolT Q-OOIDS SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS, Or any article generally kept in A FIUST CLASS STORE At Prices to suit the Closest Buyers, you will make ii greatly to your advantage by calling at the above named store. l**iti*ic’lc Oniberg, 33 Broad St., Romo, Ca. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS iisr t e r a Pianos, Cabinet Organs, small instruments. SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUCTION BOOKS Plain and Pane? Printing Neat and Cltea]. ”*per Packs and fine Wrapping Paper. Write 4'ily