The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 20, 1875, Image 4

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-i Wound throngli IU tnaadowa grenn: A low, blue lino of mountains ahowoa The open pinna betweeu. One sharp, tail pnaV above them all (Hear Into sunlight sprang; I saw the river of mr <lroatn", The moatilalna that I sang! No elna of memory lad mo on, lint well ttio wav* I know ; A fooling of familiar thing* With ovory footatep grow. Not otherwise almve lie crag flniMloan tho bias'll trine: Not otliorwiae the maple hold Aloft Ita rod otialgn. Ho up the long ami sham foot-hill* Ita red-haired kino asleep. Never before mine eyes hail <-r<m*n 1 That broken monntain linn A presonoo, otrango at one© ami known, Walkn I with nm as my guide Tim oklrta of some forgotten llfo Trailed nolaeleoo at my atdo. The soerot wliioii (tin mountains knpt, Tin* rivor never told, llut from the vision. ero it paused, A tender hnpo I drew, And, pleasant so a dawn of Hpring, Tim thought within me grow.— ■otild tompor every oliango, hi all surpriso, And. misty wllli tho dream* of earth, The hllla of heaven ariaw. REDEEMED. Tho fact in. wo woro both too young to tnarry. Hlio wno eighteen, I tnw baroly in my majority ; bat hIio whs a poor (lrnolnto littlo orphan rent out into tho (Mild world to do tin* boat nlio nwild for hcraolf nn n governess; T was nmdly in lovb with her, nnd I was my own matter; wo had no wiser heads to ad vino tin and no more experienced hands to gold* UN—no wo took Our own way, im waa but natural, nnd married on tny clerkship of throo liundrod n yoar. I need scarcely nay wo woro Imppy. For tho first twoyolra, indeed, it scorned to mo as if I had novor roally lived until now. Onr pretty littlo homo at Kll- lmrn waa bright anil ahoorftil, Edith waa nl way h affectionate, always good* tempered, and, like Annabel .Lfo, seem ed to llvo " with no other thought than to loro and he loved by me." My work aat on mo easily ; and being young poo* plo of inoilornto tnatea, wo # bud money enough for nil wo wanted. * There wa* not a /law anywhere, and the days were (ciarnnlv long enough for tho joy that filled tliem with aunahino from begin* ning to nnd. Ail thin continued for two yearn, and then my wife became a mother. Thin wuh the first break in cur man- ner of life-—tlio flrat shadow east over tho brightness of onr happy love. It changed tbs whole order of things, and tho change told heavily against me. Edith was no longer my companion as alio had boon. The baby was delionte, and her henlth also gave way. She was obliged to go to her own room quite curly in the evening, nomotimeant aeveii o'oloek or so, and even when she wa* well she was up in the morning with the child, and tho evenings hung on me heavy nnd long. I wan no student in those days, i waa social, and if not in ordinately, yet undoubtedly fond of amusement; hence, aiding alone for all these hours after my military dinner— for Edith dined early by tfie doctor's orders—waa weary work for me, mid I grew daily maro fretted by the dulIncHit of uiy 01)06 Hunahiny homo. T tell the story just na it was ; not to nxonno myself, hut to explain. Also, too, the desire for more expo- ricnoo natural to my nge began to make itself felt, and more than onoo l found myaelf confessing, " Wo married too .young," Yet I did not wish for dissi pation ; T was not conscious of arosorve of wild oats tlmt I waa longing to sow, but 1 did want a little ebiiuge from the monotony of my spoiled homo. 1 was yearning for the society of men of my own ago and standing, and naturally tho l*oy, though 1 loved hint had spent I It makos the contrast be tween llfo inside Nnd outside tho home too sharp, and only sends him further off insUml of drawing him nearer. However, tears were too scarce yet for ms to disregard or withstand them, so I kissel my wife and did my best to sootho hor, and by degrees brought her round ho fur tlmt ahu left off crying and bo^an to kiss tho baby, as if it waa something quite now and she had never kisii-d it before. Though I wav sorry to sec her ory thin vexed mo again. Hbo had not aeon inn all the day, ami alio had had the boy. T thought she might have a little attention to tho one who had been ab sent, to pnt it on no other ground. Hut when I remonslratod aho only answered, "I know, George, you do not care for baby. You never have oared for him, nml if It were not for mo he would dio of noglnot." I began to laugh nt this. It struck me ua too comical that a wife should reproach her husband for not taking care of tho baby : for surely if there is such a thing as “woman's work" in tho world, nnd they aro not meant by na ture nm) the eternal fitness of thingi to be robbers and sailors nnd lawyers and doctors, and the Lord knows what lie- aides, that work is to !>o found in the home and nuraery. Hntshe wni angry when I laughed, nnd mining herself on her elbow (ires’ a picture of (he infamy, ruin, degradntion that waa to follow on my taking to Imd course*, founded on my not caring for the baby nnd iny hav bought my nxporieneo of life, nnd 1 find tho tnnto too hitter in my mouth. A man may bo a man. an 1 yot not he ashamed to think of his wife ns well as of his pleasures, and I will think of you now." Hhnnighod and then she fin lei. T" You ennn hack to what vou left, ' aho Haul, in a tender, caressing kind t f way that seemed ns if it buried now forever all that had gone wrong between Of course the struggle ww a tre mendous one, I loit my clorkihip and overv sixpence I poueued, both In goods and money. My wife bad to give Ichsoiih and I hail to accept inytlilnp that would keep us from ataivatlon ; lmt we pulled through in tine*, ami the suffering We had encountered was per hapa a good thiug in the end. It Utiglit us to vnino each other in a deepor and truer manner than ovor before ; and it gaveusa friend. For dear old.Tank’s look turned with hia unde's death, and he used hia influence to get mo a situation tlmt began st five hundred n year, and has ntepa upward in the future. Things Imre gone well with mn since then. Edith’s health has come back, boy in nt the head of Ilia duna. T Imvc traveled a good deal, ami lately I have taken up nlw mistry aa i study. E litli declares I will blow IhnhoiiHe up s< me day, but I have not done no yet, m l I think I am on tho track of a discovr ry Cuban Affairs. Tho Havana correspondent of the Now York Times, in a recent letter to that paper, says: The present atate of affairs in the island, the raid of the insurgents in the Oinoo Villas, and their destruction of vabmblo plantations unmolested and unhindered by the Hpanish forte* ; the verr unsatisfactory state of tho finan cial question ; tho offortn of the govern ment to enforoo tho payment of taxes duo on previous decrees; tho knowl edge that Captain General Concha's resignation has been accepted by tho homo government, nnd that Valmaseda is to replace him, and tho dispiriting accounts of the military operations of the Spaniards against the insurgents, who are at present so actively engaged in this bfllf Of Uto island—all these circumstances give rise to a most alarm ing and deplorable state of things. The Vor. do Cuba shows the unsatis factory outlook in tho following plain luuguagu: Gold and exchange have risen, but this tiino we can to a certain degree ex plain the rise. The call to arms of .?«• 1 70,000 men in Hpnin, an announce ! to " U " ’ us by the aasocinted press telegram, cun not, however, be considered satis factory. And it is diflirnlt to arrive at u favorkhlo solution in Cuba, when the ohief authority changes every six months, 1 above nil when these changes obey listening not tho Edith I Imd left in tlm tnornini and had loved for no long. Perhaps I was too impatient, and ought to have dull hers was not too gar ; I ought to . . . have made allowance for tho morbid . I * , n, nml l.rooJInK fund.™ of n I jh "PP'"' woman left alone for the whole day; 1 roventlog, but I waa yonnger than I nm now. nml I the thing endod lif our having grave quarrel, wherein wo wore both ailly, nnd both unjust, and neither of us would givo way. Tho bad blood mado botwoe Nil DRHpgiuwnrM.—A real healthy man or woman, is a rarity ; and wlmt wonder? when we realizo that it is the enftom to overload tlm stomach, and then prod nee chronic djaeaae bribe use of spiritnonn liqnory, “ tonics," “appe tizers," " restoratives," etc. Hnving first produced disease hr indiscretion, the victim wonders why “ nothing does him good." Just to : nnd the reason is that they all, or nearly all. find a basin in alcohol—or poison. To all thus dis couraged, we can rooneien’ionsly say, “ make one rooro trial." Discard spfr- itnons medicines, and give nature a ohanen, aiding hor in the struggle bv using one of hor own pure and unadul terated herb remedies, in the shape of Vinegsr Hitters. Tho discoverer, Dr. J. Walker*, of California, is no pretender, biN an honorable practicing physician, arid his discovery is the result of years of labor and study. The wonderful cures effect©-! bv them of dyspepsia, fevers, rhonmnfciam, and many other terrible disc isos, are almost incredible. Ills*! Nuililrnljr of lltarl UImsu. Mow common l« tin* announroninnt Thou- . ootids are saddntdy •wept into eternity by tins j Unless 0,000 are sent at once, to arrive j fatal malady. This disease generally haa u» The emperor of China being dead, at the latent by the last of next j origin in Impure blood filled with IrriUttnjj, . 1 I r I I l»IIU IIIJWVI* ‘III ** Ill'll bliuno UHIIIIK" "* IIIIUJ '“"""‘I dc.l of goocl—muliti n lu 0 „ llutlon , „ r politic „„ lb,. '"r I MI"., »D‘l ,,r| ", ", .lot "f annoy. p,,u| CM ,|,. The And IImImori,growl oldw w>.rk i. " f„ rn i.h«l by Uin MMri.led |.rr«. II..I „r» - 1 " 300 man would U. »ut to 0,1.1.I.nJ, not either bo considered satisfactory until we rooeivo full particulars. How h/gwooA r ponnS .M f. D«b/. th.t , tl,i “* f *}“ RMn L •». • io7l k 0 °ut’ l ±.%§^ sa h ^ h “.,;?;|=sr‘ Infill.a.!.. I. IfnnUMt vt.lhly | ^ whrt“cl t , onm»Uniw will exerted, ami that wlitu a woman uhim ■Ubona rimt'if l foiioil my lib.! tho ,ar ""* h ' ,ri . r I bitivo ootnmund those l. r >,000 men come ? Will they be drawn from the rankn of the army, oallcd Ui arms? Of tho two sources, the latter nppeurs most likely to bo chosen, al though » part may comofrom the rauks ami | | of the urmy. Again, how and when ,lrHt ' Mourning for tho Emperor of Obion. men riacl * Cu,,ft m,l fuud.rao.. fur lU, (ro||l , l„ r puwur »„d unly , rm ,, of th. two k>ui aho almi nt Ltvinostonk’h tombstone in Wostmin- r p atnr Abbey is black marble, inscribed with golden character*—as may bo tho heroes in tho liock of life. Tho in scription reads : Brought by faithful hands over land and seo, hero rests David Livingstone, missionary, traveler, philanthropist. Born. March 19, lHl.'J, at Bl an tyre. Lanarkshire Diod, May l. 1R73, at ChittnmlKi's Village, Ulala. For thirty years his life waa spent in unwoiried efforts to evangelize ihc na tive race, to explore tho und'aoovcrod secrets, and almlish tho iniquitous slave trade of Control Africa Where, with bis last words, he wrote : “All I can do in my solitude is to pray, roar heave n's rich blciwings como u|>on every ono—American, English nr Turk, who will help to heal this open sore of the world." tnpero I hiijh tho Londc 1(| p } . i his subjects, according to their rank, night grow worse aa time went on ; and 1 JT'**.J* 6 ro ‘l ,, j r ' ^ b* moiirn Ins doc* use. the eirelo wo woro in was n vloioos one. t * 10 pr«»claniauon of tho governor of I kept away more and more from homo, t, »" Province tl.o mandarin* under t in. hoonmomv wife made it too i.iiaorablo n,, f ‘ ,nl ? l ,ut . on n»»«r»iinK, but paint follow, by’her colduoas, her tears, her ".it tho deeorationaon their house walls • • • iii.i.« ma .. „...i it.. ► «'-•••* -**•■— «'*•(•* “• loth. kly Dispatch, all month, aud lake advantage of ibo I |s'»7«i°nsmaterial*.whl.-h.^^.ig ■ . . .1 .. i Yi. i»( r,t the beort. irritate ils delicate Hmum. Ttiougb raontlin of April and May, tho last of tb e IrrlUUoo may at Aral la* only alight, pro- what is known here as the winter cam-' • paign, it is like doing nothing nt nil. Other accounts in tho same strain The oniciul Guzettu : flnrliitf a little palpitation or irregular action, the complaints, her ill-humor; and the tnor* I kept away tho morn she rrsnntod it. Hhe look nil almost insane hatred ami simpleton of my friends and my notions, and did not scruple to nomisn him ami them of vices ami eriiuca because I wn> often late, from no worac cause than playing pool and billiards, proaches firatawearied and tin oned mo; aud by degrees a Huron fooling took possession of iue u kind ef revengeful determination that I would bo wlmt aim imagined iue to bo, and give her otuvo to denounce me she did. The common people have to ; gun /.one, compost d of foroer of shave their heads, nml also perb certain cereraoiiies preserihod especial ly for them ; but as for the mandarins and local gentry, on a second proclama tion front the governor of the province, they meet together on eortaiu uppoiuted >ii* hard- j ,,a J fH ' “ particular temple, t<* “lilt cuttle farm, near Mauaoaa. kind of U P their lamentations" for the departed numbered 100 mounted match whom moat of llmse muuruurs mandod by Gonzales, f tlila kind. t'nnatnral llin>t>Ung • >r pain in tbs region of the h"»rt should ad muni«h one that all la not right, and if yos HIS pap"f la pnntMl with Ink furnahad by charip* Kiiku Jnhnao* * On ,H*i. I«*h HI- lla>1i*i|>liia ani)Wlli.M hltsit. f»ew York, for l r«n* by MM THEKN KK**B . Naahvliia. Trnn. r fl PI rtirrwl by lb* oar <-f Or. U—' ILF.PSY RpUapUr K-mr*ii««. " “ ' no. P»*r « ir. ul»r..a»M"nr^ «»• ai Bl ■U » Hpaetaltjr US loalralrd Catalogya Fraa. aOWBiW .Y. TEAS it CO. RtctonenO, lad. rrttful rimtdr of the pr*«ant a <lar. R»nd f.-r P«i>*r on Opium Baltag. P.O. Boa ITS, LaPOETI, 1KD. AGENTS WANTED ■ mar* and <Mir "lira Itrirm •>> Aimi*. NATION A.ii*r* Wtxnn l.vnr«irin -Th" ^ < ho Ira* I I n i hr world - Import*"*' prlraa^- SHOT (.1'K I'lsTQl-*^ MyVOl.TKHg. of any v dtttryklaS. Srad •••nip ” •«i rnui *»..»•. p i paara. conlaliiing HOTfH' IUHPKNHARY. ItUMh tlr.t-i HI UMk. Mia. 50 a I'ratllaat I aula you aver »• nur ramp lia* d«nmely prlnl"d < •"ill, poa|.|i«ld. ujMin ^r"*-"lpl of y.*iir* Ad.lrpia, W. C. CAN NO ■ a. Kntwland Ht . ii- COTTON!COTTON! f|*li • >rllH*t anti nio*t l*r<illltn rolliil In On I VahH. f ‘ JUST BOOK CAN SELL prW • pit in lid *'in*w I f A I TV W.llb at tla.C THE FAVORITES. r.i MU. V FA roK! rn._ _ _ ) TIip • ln- )ih# wcUng o*Ml MAKUrACTrUKHV FA VOU IT*. > Indlrae- tirn i llarlf'.rd. C'oni."riirul. t SENT FREE aitillury, and part of the Cardi nos but tallou, Cunisuayragiia GuerriD, Guincr (|| cavalry, volunteers from Hsgus, and j * r „ llir( |y ('amarrouea (I nor ri la, in all a force of | trouble U, encountered the insurgents j Diaenvery bafnra the dlacaae baa lieeome alKiut the 2d iost.,) nt the Quino J. and it will, by it" great Mood purifying The rebels 1 never unco bnhubl. Thu modu of thuir j f< pMoeediug* is in this wist); The dnriiiH, gentry, nnd othorn entitle*! t after an energetic ruaistaue ma*le by tho artillery, the Cardenas 1 ('unmuayrngua Gnerril*, during infantry 1 Imart. liriuglng at*>>it a haatihy action. by all firnt-cla«* drugglaU. It*M take part in tho ceremonial, having which tho column lost 160 11nrmloss amusement bceame itmtito- I r V, u "\ <, , r0 ? the temple, slowly and commanding Offlcor was obliged Inant not ho hiirmlnsfi. pettv little atakew | Hllonl 7 bike up each one the position order a retreat, although it is belli of half a-orowu and a shilling grow to I protonto*d for him, aeoerdmg to hi* that on aocount of the severity of the | gold; tlm ginsn uf beer became tlmg of brandy—nnd more (ban one; nml th< faoilin dc*ctnaH» Imd one more soil directed victim on ita slippery rank, on a ruined platform previously ! prepared. This done, a professor of j ceremony uppesrs upon the sccue. J Work wim Inlalonbln to \m. Wlmt' i l ,r, ' ,u11 '" 1 ""• 'J'"'. ' ilbl I did Imdly, nnd I Hbirkml nil I «'U»u.ndln* Inun. Ku.-fl duwnI Im - - * Ineuiatelv olio buudrisl moro or less, lining the highest in 1 power in the province, siinull Than the next lor ooniUM : “ Knock your heads once the ground," which the company •diately do. Again uni aguiu aaly, 1|l|l. I wu* often lute, I ll« often left too early; and my employers worn rosily ? ood and looinnt. As it wns, however, , - , „ wi aiiod out their pationoe, nnd they i ou "v l ,r " Htr "b- rcinouslratcd with nm firmly but , * ri ' ,,r ,umwm ’ kiiullf, □counter the enemy must also have fierod eonsidcrabty. The enemy, di loit nt limns into tonsil parties, bsv. • ~ ** * rersl ; » ,ow K«xl iugc 1 OratefuBy yon; , but owing to the activity of the ooi- lividual*, iiuius in their pursuit, have be«n uu- k [ able to fully carry out their work of i'- j dcHtruntion." . N. Y „ . waa afilicted with a ili"ua«o of IIm* Imart, wliioii a* limea rreativl a iresaiire arouml It, alin"«t caiialtis "iifTocaiion a<lv«>rti"cmi'iii of your OoMau Mn.ll- »nry, rne'imoiPli'liiiR tin* "am** a« a liaeaae «f tl*a heart. I Him* txmxbt ything being reudy, tin* profoasor, j H»-t lire to tho oane-fields of states, causing considerable dun. Povrrorani tati. liicni'i -Owing to llis Uivarn if |K>alpoiiiiiir ilrawi!i|(a, tl**» pntihi emu'* out ut tho other siilo I must go The furluno which had so long be friended Jack Langhorno dcsortod him until 1 foreheads tap the th third time th nml knock. Tho professor, while they arc nt ill on tlieir hunds and kuocs, now uommanils tliem to “ begin their bum il lations;" whereupon those adult, ration al being* com me 11 re to moan and we» p in a simpering, subdued tone of voice. This having been kept, up for a minute or so, all urn ordered to “stop their crying," “rim*up.” nml “ from tludr places," wuioli, by this time, th pilto all tin-, tiokots. Owing to Ihn above i‘auae. toifethar will) the unprecedented raina amt IIimmIs llirnil2liout the eiiltre Hontli. A" well aa Texas, and an we are determined to r.lly rcRMili-l ill this wnrk n .Uj •'•*•• v “ ■ - j aatiafaction to all ticket-boldW". we Itave j |»M>t|*oniHt our drawiiiK to May LUh al*out now burl.i*l wildly, reeklesskv, and tin* more ho lost the more rfekliiHsly he staki d. Ills fortune seemed to iiitlu once mine. Hitherto 1 hud been im- imuisely successful ; now the luok run (lend siMiuet me, ami 1 lout more thiui 1 could nffonl, and soon iuoic than 1 could pay, and ho anno face to f»oe witli ruin*. During all this time Ihc estrangement ' ofliciaUy iiuih between Edith and iu)hp1( grew daily wider. 8ho took the wrong method mill ImlllB II womilll Bill, kepi I i.rovTliiiii''Iiiiik 'iii'fi The Abuse of Appotito The sp|Hditc is one of tho least ii| preciatod ol nstore’s gifts to in generally regsidi'd in tiiis v required to kijeel ( world n* something to bo either starved or h! iifi'(*il to be got rid of at all events with the least inconvenience possible. There ure people who sro not only glud that they have Iweii endowed witli ^ sound, healthy ImkIics, for which nature tcrprtm* demand* refroeluuont and replenish- iui,|„ mi nt, lmt they urn actually ashamed to they will htvo it known that they uro eustoinrd in the usual manner. Tho reason of this we are ut a loss to conoeive. paid ilxiy days, when ovary nrixa nil aninmiting to over rAOofl acr*** of .-lioir* and rcutrally leealiHl, near railroad*, 17 Inuaea, fiold Coin prise*, antui k ih*n» Cidonwxl liy lie* ( iikl umTl. lie lit* waul•< l Send for Circular" . convince you, wo ari* l*otli rAtialdo I r«**(>on*iMo. in- i**rar Hitters arc n purely VogetaWt preparu. ion, mado chiefly from the na tive heri... found on tho lower rnngoa of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Uullfor- j ilia, tho inodiclmu nnqartios of whicn ^ro extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. Tli© question Is almost daily asked. “What is the CftUSO of tho uupiiralleled succe.-s of Vinkijau Hrr- tkum f" Our answer is, that they romovo the cnuM> ofdlse;.fAj, and the patient rc- c4ivcrs hia health. They arc the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a jH’iioct Hcuovator nml Invlgorator if tho system. Never before in the hinUiry of'the world bos a inudieini* l"H*n roiniMiimdc*! pi —mg the rcniirkuble quuhtic* of ViNko in Iiittfr.** in healing the uck of even di»ea<m man i» heir to. They are a gentli* Purgative as well n- u Tunic, relieving Conge*tiun er Inflaminatlen ol tho Liver and Visceral Organs, in Uilious Disaasoa. Thi* nroperlloH of Db. Walkkk’s VisK'iAR itiTTKKssn* AjMTient. IMunhnretift Carminulive, Nutrition" Lixatlve. Oiurotio SmUtive. 1'ounter-Irritant, Sudorific, AI lex a live, aud Anti Itilioi «. it. n. McDonald ik * «».. Dngglat" * d(»*•** Art- m" Fniu Won CJIferttU, •nJ « <*r <<f \\' »» ct**n %nd Charit 1 . *••• " • • iH.ltl by all Di ug«I.U ntnl l»r*lrr*. ORGANS For Home Use, and fbr Churches and Hall*. NEW AND IMPROVED STYLES. in Bcanty of Eitcrior. The Smith American Organ Co. OF BOSTON, MASS., 0»llyli"..iii n tnlhr'r N«W l.i»T. with • Iict^vlnsa liwM'flSeOi'whlrlMhi'r have m*1" In lliclr l**. ni> - «V* frar* of eiiwrlvinw. Noothor Htxtroim-iil *0 *i*ctly ImliaU a the IM|>" Ora** Ton*- I'll |( K* TO St'IT Til 1C TIM KB. HOTELS, BAKERS, r,^.FOR 8R00ERS, HOUSEKEEPERS, ALili BOARDING HOUSES, AND PRIVATE FAMILIES, IMHIIOVMi liB* KIIT »f msklne KINO or y KA*T IDWUK" "|U»I to willing to do. Thus ends Lvcryluxly admires henuty, and there , egular i to it. Him thought to dragix to tlm quiet of my former muds my private back life, and | ||i,nigh ti onglt- for all that l thought him th# i herself; nveking to fi ugliest and oldest little imp 1 had scon—was not to me wlmt he wits to hir* mother. To hor, indeed, ho wsii every thing. Tho mother had superseded the wife, siul tho husband was nowhere in comparison, with tlm child Edilh wu* angry too that L did not, ns she iilirnmd it, “take to him more," nml 1 was angry Hint slio took to him an much. May be that I was jealous. On looking back 1 should say that I was. Just when Bertie was three mouths old a fellow in our office introduced me to Jack Langliorue. Ilnudaome, wdl- tuauuorod, rich, gay, gooil-tomper^d, generous, Jack wn* just the man ro fas einstc n comparatively raw bid, ns 1 st,ill wns. Ho know everything, being one of the kind who start nt scvoutceii ns men, imd “ice Ufa" syatematlonlly from tlmt time. There was not an an iMniplishmcut in which ho was not a pro ilcknt ; not a game lie could not piny, giving long odds and winning, lie waa lavish of bin money, aud n gambler by inbred instinct, llo wo* id way a sinking his fate on chance, nnd hitherto chniire 'motion, uo angry expression, into had boon his fricud. He used often to say Hint lie Imd been tint lucky, and tlmt lie should have to pay for it before In had doue. Novortholc-ia tho day of nuy meat gsvo no sign of dawuiug, and Jack went on at liking aud lending, backing ttio right color nml the winning horse us if im had a private NostrodniuuH nt his elbow*, and could lead tho future a* other men could road tho past. I dare say many of my render* will laugh id me for the confer ion, but 1 had cover noon a race until Jack Long borne took me down to the Derby on his drag. It was a day both of great enjoyment and great excitement to me, for under his auspices 1 was wild with pleasure; perhaps, too, the champagne counted for eomethiug iu my hilarity, ns 1 took homo to EJith a sixth of my yearly income, made iu fewer hour's than it took m« to earn my paltry diur nal guinea. Yimous of foitune. «bb*t> aud bright, pissed In fer • my eye-*, and already I saw Edith queening it in the park with her high-"tipping bays nnd faulilc-s tnro-cui. Sh - should have everything money could command. Whatever ell© mv visions ihi dering an account of nil my duiugs, nml , of every item of rxpendituie, then ink- 1 j|„, ., OVt . iny it iih an affront when 1 refused to ! answer question;. Hut now there wan no hope for it. I must perforce con* fo*a. With that writ out iigiiiust me il wim unele-H to attempt ooiieeidincnt. nnd if ninrringo in not fumiuiuc superi ority, yet it in partnership. You may ho sure it was a hitter mo ment for mo when I had to tell my wife that all her worst anticipation* were ; that she had been right throughout, nml I wrong; nnd tlud the destruction aho Im l prophesied had overtaken ua. In her temper of s.» many mouth* uor, it was doubly hard. ! hsrv But it norms that I kuow ns fltUe of ! or n women aa she of men. and luul miscnl culuted ttio depth of her goodness un derneath all her wrong hesdednesa, jnst tin* oeretnouy of “three laming* and nine knocking*," The funniest thing health ; connected witli the whole business is, that until tie* emperor’s dentil lma been nneed from IVkiu, nobody is supposed to be sorry. A steamer 'omiuotdy brings tlm nrwa down to a ‘ governor's lllolal despaloh arrives, uml thus, liougli tin* eiyperor's deCeatO is perfiH't- ly well known, everybody surprisingly eomiuaiida hia feelings, uud goes ah is* na usual. nor Hciid* forth his public nouuoomeiit that the laud i* couvu with sudden nml universal s<*n Happy is the iDomircli wh< delight to honor. true beauty without goi*l ltd no good health wtihout * i ol unvarying nppetito We lined to let appetite take any ! responsibility on itself. If we hap|*cu to oonvider it Uh» deliesUi wc Iry to ' coax it, perhaps stunulnto it with highly ; seasoned or fancifully prepared food, i'iiere uro times when this may ikwu j necessary, as iu the ease of a person so j debilitated s* to dc|»eiid for daily . .urvngth on wbut lie esls. But usually •uhv when | the cajoling proooss is a mistake. If j the iq*|>etite of an individual iu fair | amt PMi bodily condition Is* oco*s*onally slen- t sorrow, d.-r, it is no CMMO t"r aUrn, Md it his pfojtlo | should be allowed to rrguluto itself. > It iuav safely be considered nature-'* | protest against soine traimgrcsHiou, uud I it i* wise uot to attempt coercion. At certain t-eosons, u* in the spriug and summer, the appetite of even the robust is apt to fail, and the relish for iie'iiU and heavy (imhI t<* wane. Thi* is idl right enough, for animal diet in warm weather beat* the hi***!, tend* to hcMiluchca nnd is generally unwhole some, unless sparingly used. Ou tlm get able*, lierrios, fruit uud bread arc cooling, oorreetiv l jj* | and wlmt the palate SHARPS RIFLE CO., —It is osti- railed I *iim|illon. Wli«n rouauaip >|i|*'»ni th*>rn la pxin in tlio clir*t a Fanner's Wives. A very sensible remark it was, that whs made lately hr nn old mm, tlmt many a farmer's wife i* literally worked tod«sth in nn inadvertent manner from want «*f reflootion or consideration ou the p ut of her husbaud. None can understand better than he, in plowing or sowing, or •t time, that if n hor*© get* sick, ,, , , , . h iiwuv, nr is 6lo!«.n, nnotlu.r uili.l [‘“J' 1 ' he nroeurt'd tlmt very day, or the work will iuovitnhly go helundlinud. practical a* die jrcsr'v St iroBBiuu, aitemlo«l with diftlcntly of lirratlmig. loon t*»(*-«* will Ik* a oongh, if tliia irritation i" ml liotliMl, and tin' pilott to rai"i< will Mill i Id foul lo tho lire Alien'* I.ung llal"«in will t mui allay tho pain and irritale*! part", atop In' • «*ugh, and prevent what would bo con- iimptlon. It la maku*K hum ef du>«*a**d nogs whirh wore considered incnrable. Tor aalo by all iUP<Ucii)P doalprs. Diamond C itton Chopper, Cultivator d Planter, and Oom Planter are K'lsrantted to kI*p "atiafartion bv a aoutl.i-rti company whoa* character at*d recpon*it*lity are voweh- p*t f< r bv the loaili'o; bank officer* of North ('•r.diua. Till* r/.dd waa awanledit at tin* l leorgin State Fair. See a<lvcrtiamiient elanwlierc. Hciul f"r circular to .1 \V. Hiss- UA1.K, Hocrelary. I'aycltevtlle. N 0. M*w l hr »m-*I In Hi, 'cotToN nd CHOPPER * ?sT***U *•lenler.*. i various pn- We have sfcn it stateil (•era tlirousbout the country, that agrut* for ; the aalo of Sheridan'* I’avalry (londition l*o I den* were anthori/ed t«» refund the money I any person who nhonld n*e them and aim luul miscalculated mv power of into the kitulmu, when the lme<l help will and truth of lovo whtu fairly pulled | loaves without warning, or become* up. dissbletl, although be kuows ns well a* Him heard mo out to the Olid without ,U |Y ,u,m <MU, 1 know that “tlm hands' will expect their meals with the same regularity, with tho emu© promptin'** ith the same pro|ier mod© of pro- instead of p'oenring the instant, lie allow* | himself to be persuaded, if the “ help" fill lock. I miw the hand with which bIic held the ohilil lighten louud In* : pefaHon body; the one playing with his cnrls M’tlmr “ helj tremble. Hut tlmt was all. When I b-»d finished she looked up, nml esid quietly : “ It is Imtter to know tho worst, Geotge, for then it. Now that ‘ wlmt to do." "And you do uot reproach mo, I only to attend to h. Edith?*' I asked. be afraid to go without or so ; sud if you like, live » vegetable rogimeu. We v that you will lo&o no more strength thun is common to the time, nnd that you will not suffer from protracted ! heat as when dining toast—Good Health l’l.itoTBioirv is Lick.—All noivonsdis- onter*. ohronie illacaai*" of the choul, head, Ht'oTawT Ooii't! amt bloo«1, B' urctl after ilrng* fail l»y wearing l Itaude. Yainable book , ('iucmnaU, Ohio. JohtiJHin'a Anodyne Linimmt is, with- doubt, the nali'il. "nro*t. ami lawt remedy been invented iulernal and sick, she will get well * u n w cek lit faitheet, nml that it meet harJly worth while to got auutln rfor ^ Au Odd Old DXnce. In n book called “ The Danoiug Mas- J ter,” published iu 172s, appears the f*»l- j lowing description of a lance called “Lonewaya." to be danced by “aa many i lieu i* tin* best ami cheap- . Hamilton, IU. uow tho worst 1 kuow | *bort a time. Menuwhile the wife ordinary duties a other ti spar usual, but She roae from her neat and came over I the time to ilo uli that tlx* Li me. Hor eyes were fuit of tears, i washerwoman wu* accustomed to de that in, to do tho full work of two per each of whom had already quit per hum as she could J • had i her lips wen* quivering, and yet the was more love, more softnes* face thtough its sorrow than Ihc been for all tlnv months, pissing now into, She *1 id the boy from her i pressed them round my ucek. “ Why should 1 reproach v said. “ I* not your hunlc onongh without that ? While 1 thought utld help to keep you straight l is nnd well. | hitch in the i ?" she and heeuus" *• thinks that e out au effort, finite much labor t The wife att all goes oil The farmer perceives no jar, nc i the working of the mnohin-ry, o complaint i* uttered, hing is going on with M while, t une on home of the to calculate how much 1 1 from lervante* wages, n I how much less food has been eaten j and, because still uo complaint is mad “Note Eich strain to bo ' «* kh-vUm .ir.n, ; playeil twice over. The first wo. (short "' ~ .*'*!? v.V*! 1 f° r 'romau) buldb her handkerchief ou her face, aud goes ou the outside below the third wo., uud comes up the middle t i ht r face ; first mao follows her (at ih same time pointing nml smiling at lux i up t«* hi* place. First man do the only lieckous his wo. to him. wo. makes a motion of drying first ono eye, then the other, and claspa her hands one vftcr another cn her aides i the first wan looking enrprisodly at her at the same time) aud turn her parlm r Fiiat cn. (.couple!) move with step* down >n, Ma*»., will I.* rr<-ni|.il) H'lrnllonaiy ftll"»l. Sre aUverilfviueut. Hr. Tint'" Hair Off null© l mtn ilil; ara old lo-k a* if h" «u hnt thirty. Il can’t b* she tried—if clumsily and to no gtx><J, yet i they la g loyally. Now 1 know that nit i* over I j bee have only t<> try and help you, both by my work and my love Something f^ctued to choke me while j the resolution quietlv f< feremoNi in my thoiK'hts | she si**ke. I cinild have h,-» n hard j to do nothing until alio »uoogh if she hud been angry, but this sudden return to the old love—this un expected mn rniumnity—wss In much for me. Still, 1 am thankful to say 1 did n >t break down. I was man t nough for that 1 “ Will you trust me. Edith f" said 1, iu a tone so rough and husky 1 soaiooIv rccoguixiil it s-. my own. “ Love me hs von used, lx* t > me what yen woio, and* I swear you shall never Lave cause to repri'och me again. 1 am youug, 1 |farimr's rasies, back scam. The first on. s-=it and r 1 • i tT.” Moot men would now look “ t s ■ pribodly at any ‘'wo." doing thi* i * I figure, without rtceiviug any order from “ The Dancing Mas er.” and highest iu tny ho| But when I gave her the money kho tnru. d away fnmi me o *ldly, and a nr.n uto after had buried her face in the pillow of the sofa where she wa* lying and was sobbing. 1 am a good deal burpriaetl, a little sDockcJ, and greatly hurl—1 had belter mo the hsr.lrer word uud tny v d - s’, thi* ontmiut. I did not »-«» the go d of it, nud 1 did n*>t understand it. llesidoi, it ohills a man so painfully to be iivnvel with polduees aud tear# alter such A dav as 1 the mind I mptain ; hut, before that take.* place, she tails n ! victim to her over ex<rli'>ns, in having ii laid the foundation for weeks and e mouths of illuets, if not of a prem.*tnr<' 1 ii decline a’id death. Sincerely it i-. l»c- | lu-vcd tlist tlnae etatementN ought to be 1 written ill large letters above the n. n ! . tela of half the m work, 1 cau b© reooluto, I have l.buim? Jiojittr. Tiie Mason St Hamliu Organ C*>. have completed and new occupy their | ui'W f udones in Cambrid^ej'mt, Mss*., \ in which they have introduced inaohin- i cry to tu extent never before employed ; in tlu* manufacture of organs. By the f this they not only produce the i org ius, but with greatest ccon- j Twice as many organs can be , farmers in flu- lo.mtrv j pnxluccd, in preporlion to the number j other ha-f aho. it would men employed, a* would be possible i d il I i.. .:iy » ' h oidinory facilities, and tlim is the iuu a .-*1 ( rraaoa out only for such admirable m- i and daughter.— /V* [ *trum©u|a but also (>*r such low prices, i «^st sl^bi^ Nksmtt as SlO&SSlVf !T^{i.; - ricasr $20# 2.**. b yoS r, 1 N.tKR IT nampl" )KeCu.,Hi Louis. k» ^* Kuraka '!<•<*. H.ii-hanan Mlrh.' $6.$20 T.srssisni'jss: .*?(>!) VuTnw: fcOnn •* ,l “' n, t* l" M'"-»''var-whan*. A«l<lr»-i* ** ‘-UU l . II §R>r>ss!t v';. w - • c or tsu a waai IMI 1 "111 MflNPY ’ "l* r ,?n * '*’ tJ n*' 1 k"ycvrk lrtUllU 1 "fit*, cm,.•**»•..ani|'l«a and full (>artlc- ularairce h. M ^|»•'ncrl, 11* llanov"! al.. Ho*l«u 0)'U/.i»/ K’-ptOf-men/ A l* » w«K-k a-arranif.1 N witr»a.-, return stamp.C. H ■V*. .* .11 ■aui»i»url-h?N r v\ 550 m rs Hlrimaa lo all AilkN N 2 bk.V Vn'v*icTu^i $2511' ATLANTIC WKKKLY. I. IT K II * • V JOT It N a I# FOH TH K FAMILY. NO • ufl l I Nl’KO SIOHIK- . r J, ^ |f| (INK I K 1II, Svj.XI | ( n y O.VI M* , f 1.43.’ I'MUq* NEEDLES SEWING MACHINES «> tlr.^.lKar, N"w York. PORTABLE rSoda Fountains. MQ. >)0. $7i* k $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP. *htpp"«I llrtily lor Um. Maaorociurnt h* i'|| i i*m a N A CO.. ’Irrrluiul it.irk. Su|m- rl.*r Mill Sluur* of all »!«*“*. I.mnliif l>al«-h In- BoHInc ('InIH. Mill A Creat Book for Agents A FORTUNE FOR SI. Wyoming Monthly LOTTERY. iy A •tkrrity •/«■ •<« »/tk* LlgxiUtwr*. TlektU sstk. Six far $5 Oat franca « avarj I. Fifth Extraorilsxry Drawing, 1 Cash I*rla:e of §100,000 1 Cash Prize or 30.000 1 Cash Prize of JA.OOO 1 Cash Prize of 61,025 Cash Prizes amounting t S360.000 ^rxsa rv,.*., n.*i.MK .... *7 cat •—M TWrl *T n.1.1 n. 4m ra« IkwU W, u hMiiiatiwtu xanaiarr I0b«fi. DR. WHITTIER, ha. ol7 St. Chxr’.ei Street, St. Lexis, Uo,, ioa ( taA i f**i‘*» U*»' •»* tarn.,I la iTii.-TL, m.’ZSTS s.":; 1 .".-' 1 ''," MARRIAGE GUIDE, • i , 1 > **. ’ awa* £*£ ©*)/\ Hally to Agrata -*> n-w art-.- ami ih. O — v » i'«wl Family Caprr Iu Am-rim. wtm t— Hctnvno#. ftw. aui. urn Com BroaUssy, N. DO YOUR OWN PRINTINC! MOVELTY 11 PRINTING PRESS. A uk - n TH WANTK1>—Mi-n an<l women, a3« a ■tx. WM rk or fin. fnrfelu-<l. • Tfvt »/«-*« trt*. Wrtt« it oaee to ww*>* 4 LO., Sib street, hew York.