The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 27, 1875, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN RECORD. W. t S. D,. WIKLFi & GO., Proprietors. CEDARTOWN. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1875. VOLUME I. NUMBER 41. TIMELY TOPICS. Tnn railroad war iB spreading, the Miohignn Central anil Michigan Houth- em having begun to cut passenger faro in order to catch nomc of the spring travel now nbont opening. The Indi anapolis aud Bt. Louis road also reduced its faro to Now York. W. H. Vanderbilt, being interviewed a days since on the subject, is reported as sayiug that there were very few j congers traveling at tho present season, and the roads wore, liko Kilkenny cats, toaring each other to pieces for the purpose of focuring them. When the passenger business became brisk ho predicted this kiud of couilict would cease, and the rates become firm again, as had been the case during former eensouB of railroad strife. 3f the post-office department wero an institution gotten up expressly for the annoy ace of the public, it could hardly bo more cnioient ns a nuisance than it is. The repoatod changes in the rates of postngo on printed mutter are enough to distract statesmen themselves, let alone ordinary men, and it is no wonder that the public, always stupid in mat ters that most oouoern it, should fail to keep informed of all tiro little postal revolutions that tako place in thooourso of a year. By the recent change in postal rates probably half the news- papers mailed by individuals will bo held for postage and sold for wrapping l»aj»or. Sailing vessels have been decreasing in number for the last four joars. In 1H«0 the total of registered sailing vessels iu fbo world was 50,518. In 1871 tho number lntd decreased to 545,2811, At tho same lima the avorage >49.4 of the ships had also deeroased froi 58 to do- plnco crease in both principally iu the Hoots of Amo Kuglaud, France, and Germany, where rteamers arc rapidly supplanting sail ing ships, and this deoroaso has boon suHieient to more than counterbalance the inen ate of tho number of nailing ahipB belonging to Grecco, Portugal, and Norway. A from Plorenoo, Arizona, to murderer. He oonfeaaea that ha is John Bonder, bat states that ho did not commit the murders, but Hint John and - Kate, his aon and daughter, did. He declines to state the whereabouts of his fnmily. Ho snyH they went from Kansas to Toxas, and there separated, he com mg to New Mexico and subsequently to Arizona. Ho left John an 1 Ktto with tin* old womuu. A requisition from the governor of Kansas is daily ojrpoctod, when ho will be taken there. Him. Beam and Wagner, tho German statisticians, estimate tho total popula tion of the globe at 1,891,082,004) souls. Asia contains over «»7 per cent.; Europe less than 22; Africa less than 15, und America buroly G per cent. Tho uation wf China alone embtnocs 125,500,000, or nearly ono4liird of the whole world. Hindoostan isjjreditod with 210,000,- OIK), so that these two oountriea contain nearly half of the human race. Dn. DbKoven, a High Churchman, has been rejected, and Dr. Jaggers, a Low Churchman, whose indorsement of Binhop Cheney's pout ion before ho seceded created considerable excitomont, lias received votes enough to make his confirmation as bishop of Southern Ohio certain beyond any doubt. Tin- result in these two cases settles tho status of the laity as between High Church ami Low Church. New Yowc city penalty of a fiuo of 820, and a further sum of 810 for each day of tho contin uation of tho violation of tho or dinance. Gi:v. Onn has been oflleially notitied to preveut parties going into tho Black nills country. There is but littlo oredonoo placed in tho stories of miners arriving at Omaha from the Black Hills. Tnr. Into decision of tho United States Supreme court affirming tho right of the state to tax lands granted to railroads, throws open t> taxation 120,000 acres iu onooonutyin Michigan alone. The loan provided for by the lato legislature of Georgia to the amount of about 8800,000, it it< said, will ho taken at home, as the credit of the state is good among its citizens. Ti five states in the union whose governors recuivo salaries of only 81,000. These are Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Khodo Island aud Vermont. A hill has beou introduced in tho Ohio legislature forbidding muungers of ciroueos, menageries or shows to ad vertise any animal, performance or p formor thoy do not iutoud to exhibit Tn has bet l>ostngi nowspapor that you mailed yes- is lying iu the postofllco, and "old for wrapping paper. Thoro *n another change iu tho raft's of LATE NEWS SUMMARY. HAST. painters n.lf'J n day, to ton liomo and *-3.60 a day, tho workmen wont nu a ntriko. WEST Gov. Garland, i f Arkansas, has is- fd a proclamation revoking tho jnoclama- n horotoforo laimed, offering a reward of ♦ 1,000 for tho arrost of V. V. Bmith, and *500 f Ed. Whoolor, Hmlth's aocro- tary of atato. from Fort Gibion, in the In- y, eayit Henry Navos, while r«|Ut£ rur tbe hands of United HUten Deputy Uarabat Walkor • few dajs ago, was ' 'Ufltfa-AMVOf*tns'rWfWii- Yo'nr more of tho Bloek hills’ mil have arrived at Fort Laramie. Thoy bring fine Mpecimone of gold dnat with them. Tho railroads have roducod tho faro ono-third from to parties going to tho Itlack hills. Portion just in from the Indian agencies ntato that tho Indiana are anxloui to tlio govornmont their right to tlio Blank hills country, hut don’t propose to give It up pay. General Onl ban ordorod « y of cavalry to ntart from Fort I.ara- HOUTH. Gen. John C. Broekoi aiigoroualv nick at bin horn. iridge ia again > in Kontuoky. hoop perished Great nuuibi from cold In Wenti A bill has boon introduced Doloworo loginlatum tn offaot tho of tho civil righto act iu that ntato. Two sons of .T. U. Black, aged re spectively twolvo and Ilf toon yoars, wero killed by lightning at Barnonvillo, (la., last lion embracing tho Black hills country, with a view to opening up tho same for eottlomont. It is tlio determination of the gov ernment to aoenro to tho Rloux Indians all lio ir treaty rlghta with roforonoo to tho Black hRI» country, and tlioroforo all poreons will ho prohibited from g» Ing there, and tbcwo now thoro will l»o required to rnnovo until tho In dian titlo ia extinguished. Tlio government will ondoavor to oxtinguiah tho Indian titlo at tho earlioat praotioahlo moment. The scorotnry of war haa addressed a communication to Gen. Bhornun, Having all expeditions Into that portion of tho Indian territory known rh tlio Black hills country, inuHt ho prevented rh long hh tho pronont troaty existed. Efforta aro being mado for tho extinguishment of the Indian titlo, and all proper means will bo usod to aocomplisli (Ids. Meantime, those persons at prosont witliln that torrllory without authority must lie oxpollod. Oommitslonor Douglnsshas addressed a circular to supervisors and collectors of in ternal rovonuo. lie says tlio reeout advanco in tho rate of taxation on distilled spirits will bo «n additional inoontlvo to fraud*, which must ho prevented by an adequate iiioreaso of vigilance outlie part of tho officers Intnistod with tlio collection of tho rovonuo. Officers aro called upon not to disappoint tho commiti- sionor’s hopes, and tho oxpootations of tho country, that tho Ineroaso of rovonuo will oor- rospond with tlio Ineroaso of tho tax. Tlio secretary of war has addressed i letter to tho secretary of tho interior convoy ing tho prosidnnt'H instructions regarding th< disposition to ho mado of tho rooonlly cap tured Cheyonno Indians. Tlio ringleaders and hucIi as have boon guilty of criinos, aro to ho sent to military posts, and will not lto accom panied by thoir families. Tho rouiahtdor of tin. captured Indians, with tho oxooptlon of the two chiefs guilty of outraging Gorman girls, are to ho turned over to the Indian do- at thoir respective agencies. Tho two chiefs are to ho hold in couflnomont in such plaoe as the commanding gouoral of tlio military division of tho Missouri may dlrool. Tho nomination of ex-Congressman Barker, of Missouri, to ho chief Justico of tho supremo court of Utah involves the removal of JtldgO J. I). McKean, hut does not indicate any ohnngo In tlio policy of tho administration regarding tho question of polygamy. His re moval, and ilia*, of tho prosont registor of tho land ofllco iu Hall I.ako City, aro caused by what tho proaldent dooms tlio fanatical and extreme conduct on tho part of tho officers ns nvidonood by thoir violent iittacUa upon Gov. Axllll and certain senators who rooomruondod his appoiutmnut, anil by several actH of Molvoau, which aro considered ili-advisod, ty- rauuioal, and in oaoestt of lus powuis as judge. T|to secretary of tho troasnry haa registered *5,0941,250. Tiiey are tinder tho act of February 20, 1R02. Tlie oottpon bond* are of Urn fourth series. The nail matures throe mouths from to-day, when intoroHl will ceaso. Tho bonds will ho paid on presentation at any time provious to tho maturity of tho call, olther at tlio troasnry boro or by tho trot surer at Now York, with lute .SION A TO llXTHA RKBSION. MAnou 18.—The unfinished business being tlio resolution for the aduln^Jon of B B. 8. Binclibacli aa senator from Louisiana, was called up immediately aftor tho rending of tho Journal. Mr. F.dmunds, of Vormont, movod to amend Bio resolution by Inserting tho word " not” before th©>vord adiuiltod.’’ so it would road, - Resolved, that 1‘. B. S. I iuohhnck bo not admittod rb senator from Louisiana.” etc. Mr. Thurman. of Ohio, then took tho tloor and apnkft in opposition (o tho ad.iii'*slon of tho applicant. Mr. Whyte, of Maryland, followed U» favor of Mr. Edmunds’ nniondnieiit, and on concmdlng his tho Henato wont into oxocutlvo si soon afterward ndjoumod till Mom Maupii 15.—Mr. Ingalls introduced a resolution roquosUng tho president to trans mit to tho senate, If not incouipatlblo with tlm pnblio intorost, any information in his posnessiou in roganl to tbo promisod ouilgra- lion to tho Black hl)|a country hold hr the Sioux Indians under tho treaty of Feb. 21, IMV.t: whothor said oralgratimi i« with tho * of tho Iudiaiiffl lioldinu said country, nnd if not, what roforonoo to tlio m sideratlon of tho i ill ho taken iu amo. Sgrcod to. Tho con- rotfoltytlnn for tho admlHsion then reHnnind. and Mr. •licit*, addroHsod tho senate -ating Plnchbnck. Upon tho n opposltlc.n b oiiolusion of tho romarks or Mr. 1- , look tho floor and spoke ilato of | It is i lortaiuod that Hoorotniy Bristow has all nlong onnsldorod himself without disorotion in Ihn matter of tlio call, and bound by law to call In tlio bonds in order of thoir issue. Tho act of March II, 1875, which authorizes this call, providos that it shall ho inado in compliance with section r the id tlm Kit io: . bonds Baltimo ing i city-hall is appro ost of *2,500,000. oofli.piod in tho mir tho point of try- ndergronnd tole- vonttire is creat- n that u hill has introduced by tho state assembly ding that within six months after as*mgo all telegraphic wires in •ities of tho state containing over 200,- KX) inhnhitanta shall ho laid under tho mg a new system of graph wires. Tho nt ing so much onthnsi; be Fl it. Btreet c idownlk. o hundred nglcd him, and thou hie palace is to grith imposing eoromonles. Gen. Sheldon, appointed iiHsistaut oonnsel for tb« United BtatW before the court of commissioners for Alabama claims, will proceed to Now Orleans to tako charge of tho hiisinoHs of that part of tho country. A tiro ut Now Orleans on tho 18th destroyod tho front of the squaro on Dolord itreot, between Rampart and Dryado, including Thompson's stable and about twenty animals. *100,04)0; mostly insured in local lies. Several firemen wore injured, icgro nd a wl.ii I ho- ievod to In Tho Hteamor rom Vicksburg fo ioaling at ChoMtoi junied to the wato lurnod to doath. 7m. J. Lewis, bound HI. Louis, took tiro while III., on tlio 10th, and ' edge. David Warfrier nd thr Dd, and A bkvknteen-thah*old bo; recently induced a compauio years of ago to stoal nin francs in gold, and then atra throw him into tho Seine, walked off with tho money. Ho was sentenced to twenty years in tho gal leys, “ having escaped tho death pen alty, ” wo aro told, “on account of his yonth.” A Chicago reporter, having been in structed to write up tho oounty poor- houso of Cook county, clothed himself in raggnd and filthy garments, rubbed mad on his face and got a permit to the institution, where ho remained as a panper for four days. Ho then slipped away and wrote it up with all its hor rors. He depicts it ns a perfect hell. These ar« G00,4)00 common drunk- nrds iu tho United States ; of th® 10,- 000 idiots in this country three-fourths are the ohildren of drunken parents. Ninety-nine-hnndrtdths of the crimi nals and pauj»erB wero fonnd to l>e in temperate. Tho liqnor annually sold amounts to 8150,000,000. The Baltimore council has forbidden the construction of Mansard roofs of combustible material in that city under ono pilot Tlio boat was ow»o«l by tho Missouri Bivor Baokfit Company, and wa*» valuod at *60,000, and insnriwl for *38,04)0. A dispatch from St. Louis Bays on tho 23d of Hfcptomhor last, while several hove were playing on the streets, a little son oi Robert M. Boatright was killed by a brick, supposod to have been thrown by a hoy named Charles Woodson. This afternoon, while Woodson was bring tried In tho criminal court, and while the counsel wero arguing a legal point, another son of Mr. Boatright, about Iff yoars old, stopped up to Woodson and said, “You killed my brother. I will kill you," and plunged a butcher knife into his abdomen to the handle. Young Woodson fell to the floor, his Lowels protruding in a terrible manner. Tlio wound Ih mortal. Young Boat- right was immediately seized by the deputy marshal and placed In jail. FROM WASHINGTON The senate committee on foreign re- hall ho called and issuo. rOREION. Tho specie of the Bank of Franco hits increased 10,000,0(8) francs the past week Tlio bullion in tho Bank of England increased £228,000 last week. The General South American Hanking Company of London lias suspended, with lia bilities amounting to *1,600,0(81. Tho Spanish government has request ed Austria not to penult Don Alfonso lo rosldo in Austrian territory. Among the crimes of which lie is accused Rtid on which Hpnin Iihhoo for his extradition, are )f Louisian , in favor of tho admlssii 'Mien lie had concludod, on Motion of Mr. Morton, tho senate proeoodod to tho consid eration of executive business. At 2:10 p. m. JournoT" ' T ° r ° ro,, Ponod and tho eonato ad- Mauoh 10.—Tho vloo-presidout laid boforo tho senate tbft report of tho commis sioner of agriculture for 1874, and, on motion of Mr. Anthony, it was ordorod that 12,500 additional copioa ho printoil for tho uso of tlio eonato. Tho oouftidorstion of I ho resolution for tho nihiiisHion of- Biuohhnok was then ro- stuned, nnd Mr. Aloorn. of Mississippi, ad dressed tho senato. Mr. Edmunds, of Vnr- "V’VE T’ 1 ' 0 111 loHJJth against tho admission °* } jnohbaok, and ifouiod Hint tho legislature Which elected him was tho legal one of Louisi ana. Mr. lloivo argued that tho legislature vhlch oIootod Binchhaok was tho true logisla- n tho eonalileration of i ho doors wore ro-opon rdorod until 7i30 p, m. Up< ila spot .. ... [UOHtlou being concludod ids speech in favor o Mr. II. Binchhaok. Tho (juostlon bniug on tho idmont of Mr. Edmunds, to insort tho word ’•not” before tho word ''admitted;” en t int tho resolution would roRd-“lloBolvotl l that B. B. 11. Plnohlmok ho not admittod as senator from Loulaian^. ,, olo., Mr. Woat moved to itoslpono oonsiiieratlon of tho reso lution until the second Monday in Docnmhor, hloli was Hgreod to- johm 33, nays 30-iim fnl- Aloorn, Allison, Bout- Uatneron, of Bounsyl- Ian, Mitohnll, Morrill, of Maino. Morrill, of Vormont, Morton, Oglesby, Baddock. I’allor- son, Bargoant, Hhernnm, B|iencor, West and Wluilom 33. Nays Messrs. Ilaynrd, Bogy. Booth, OAporlon, OhrlHtlanoy, Goekoroll, Cooper, Davis, Eaton, Goldlhwalto. Gordon, Hiteheock, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, of Florida, Holly, Homan, MoOroory. MoDonald, Matey, Monlimm, Norwood, Randolph, Ran- sum, Haulshury, Htovonson, Thunuan, Wal lace, White nnd Withers 30. Mr. Frilling* hnyson offorod tho following: “Rosolvod, that tlio Mimalo upproveH tho notion horotoforo taken by the incident of tho United Hinton in protecting Louisiana from domestic vlo- loiieo, and nro of opinion that lio should con tinue lo rooogni/.n iu that stnto tlio existing government. Objection was iinido by snvornl domocrnlic HonntorH to it " OMpp hip I Ami thoro they lived on. nnd they never paid rent- Ch1pi>oroo, chipporoo, chip I Thoir parlor was lined with the softest o v J’hlpperco, ohlpporeo, chip I lliolr kltclion was warm, and thotr pantry was full— . Olilpporec, ehlpprroo, ohlp l , mdpjwro ‘qtilmloro ihlpp , chipporoo, chip I a with it ol.lppoi sky- . hip I •tty and sliy- wrsppoei *iu th'otr furs, they nil lay down to PhlplHroe.chipporoo, ohlpl nil, In tho spring how thoir bright eyes will ml It v r till The time knot cold we&lhc j», tbo Amorinm consul ut to the pr 'clock, lull. Maiuii 17.—Immediately after tho reading of the Journal of yoalorday’a proeood- ings, the Hoiinto, on motion of Mr. Hamlin, wont Jnto oxooulivo sosslon. Just aftor tin* souato wont Into oxocutlvo hohhIoii, tho follow ing rosolnliou was submitted by Mr. Boutwoll il laid over till to-inorrow: Rosolvod, That n special oommlttoO app ornl hr lo the ho autli oocss of tho senato. to adiiiiniHtor ml pa The His. u r ley a ston lollllioi tlio do* ml for as sub- bring latlons have reported tho Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, with an amendment providing that per mission shall not he given to any other nation to acquire any naval or coaling station in those islands, and recommended for ratification as The secretary of the treasury has de cided to return to tbo old method of redoern- ng mutilated Untied Hlatcs currency, under which a deduction wss made proportioned to the portion of the notes missing. The change will tako effect on Bio 1st of April. Secretary Delano has taken steps to bring to this city a delegation of Bionx In dians, for the porpose of negotiating for the extinguishment of their right to the reserva- Arabs, having never soon ico before, completely puzzled and could not under stand " why water should change Into glass.’’ Corrospondonco from Uuudulojuracon- tains an account of an oarlhquako of more than usual force, which, on the 11 lit of Feb ruary, shook a largo portion of Northern Mex ico. Tho littlo town of Han Cristobol was almost destroyed, and seventy dead bodies were taken from tho ruins. Tlio centre of this disturbance appears to have boon tho volcano of Ceboruce. Tho earthquake oc curred at night, and the torror of tho ]iooplo was increased by the darkness. A Calcutta dispatch says : “ Tho In dian government expedition, sent out to sur vey Western China, a member of which was recently murdered, has arrived at Rangoon. An attack wns mado on it by Chinese frontier officials, and in the light twenty Chinamen were killed and many wounded. All commu nication with China on the frontier has boon stopped hv large hands of armed men. Thoro are strong suspicions as to the instigators of tho attack, but the proofs are at present in sufficient." Bkeh in thk United States.—Thor® nro two million bee hives iu the United States. Every hive yields, on an aver- littlo over twenty pounds of honoy, The average price ut which honey is Hold is twenty-live cents n mnd. So that, after paying thoir vn board, our been present us with a venue of over $8,800,000. To reckon it another way, they make a clear ^gift of over a pound of pure honey to ovory man, woman, and child in the vast do main of the United States, Over twenty-three and ono-third million pounds of wax are made and given to us by these industrious workers. Tho keeping of bees is one of tho most profitable investments that our people can make of their money. The profits arising from the sale of surplus honey nverage from fifty to two hundred p cent, of tho capitol invented. public IiiihI considered us constructively open. * no "<>n- nln thou look lip tho Hawaiian roolprorily troaty. Mr. Morrill, of Vormont, being en titled lo the floor. Ho argued that It was un constitutional first, bocaiiHn il affects the rovonuo, and all such matters should originate in tin house of reproHoiitalivoH ; and, second ly, bocaiiHO II fixes cortaln customs duties for power to regulate them (luring that tlmo. He furthor opposed its ratification upon oommor- oi • 1 grounds, ho * the legislator!) o condemning all iriallv. public policy. M: soil resolutions •oatloH as con- Hamlin ropllod tutors Mitchell voring ratlllca- lufurrod until to-mcj^ Thu doh row, and the MAiu’n IH.—Mr. Boutwoll called up tho resolution submitted by him yesterday, authorizing the spools! committee appointed lo examine tho sovoral branches of th^jKVil service with a view to the ro-orgnnlzaffin^f the sovoral departments thereof, oto., lo sit daring tho rocoas, and to send for persomflind Mr. Btevonson raised tho point inking to leginla- !Xu, that it J therofi tho <Us: f the >oint rder. Bonding lotion, Mr. Hal , who i’s civil service i lie movod ilia u-ssioii, said it p,”suid a wenry-looking mu: ur, to au individual by hii uldn't marry ti*o best ’ well understood that an sgreeinont had boon made to vote on tlio Hawaiian treaty at 3 p. and all tho time provious to that hour aid bo roquirod for the discussion of tlio treaty. At 4:80 tho doors worn opened. Mr. Thurman submitted tho following : llosolyod, That at noon on Haturday, tho 20th Inst,, tho senate will adjourn sine die. Laid over. Mr. Tho tho ng the d|ouniod till to- Marcr 19.—'Tho resolution submit- tod by Mr. Boutwoll Tuesday, authorizing tho npocial oommittoe appointed to inquiro Into tho several branches of civil service, with a view to thq reorganization of tho sovoral de partments thereof, to sit during tlio recess and send for persons, papers, etc., was agreed to, and the senato wont into exocutivo session. After confirming a oumbi the senate took up tl: be United Htatos dls' and i doors till to deha ■e-ope f Don A. Pardeo, I ... .udgofor Louisiani I. At four o’clock tl. and tho sonate adjournr —A Brazilian lady is creating a groat sensation in Paris, Him ban a yellow oartiage, and tho wheel hubs urn of solid gold. Tho servant!* connected with tho turn-out number fourteen iu the box nnd two in the rumblo. The muu alive, I’ve been a dry goods clerk I harness is gold-tipped, and the horses too long for that,” 1 are thoroughbreds. THE HAUNTED SHIP. I shipped in tho Norway, for tho pnssngu from Oronstndt to Hull, nnd another Englishman who wont by tho nurno of Jack Hustings, joinod Itor i\t tho sumo timo. Ito was a man of oon- aidorablo information, and from his talk had soon his share of tho world, but was not much of a sailor, as I had already surmised from tho out of hia jib. Wo round Captain Phelps of tho Norway, a Tartar in the worst houso of tho word ; and tlid voyago wai anything hut a plonsnnt ono, especially to Hunt ing". Ho had shipped for ablo hou- ’h wages, and his dofloionoioH woro i apparent, especially to tho cap tain who hud a hawk’s oyo for tho weak points iu a man, that ho might como down to him. As I hud a strong fool ing of rospoot for tho young man. I stood bin friend whonovor I could, by trying to do moro than my own sharo of duty and oovor tip his shortcomings; but I couldn’t always bo on hand, of oourso. Ono night, when it was blowing quito fresh, nml I was at tho whool, the upturn was up aud all haudH putting oofs in tho topsails. Tho men hail lain down on dock, and wero manning the halyards to hoist away, when poor Hastings, instead of tho roof-taoklo, lot go tho weather foro-topsuil bract', aud away wont tho yard foro and aft. However, 1 by lnfllng up smartly, wo managed to got it ohookod in again without currying away anything. But Oupt. Pholps, frothing at tho mouth, vowed ho would tan tho clumsy lub ber's hido that did it, ami would “ride him down liko n main-tuck.” Ho rushed at Hustings with a piece' of ratline stuff and (nought it down ouoo, with a tevriflo onL over -luV blow, tflillo all hands stood looking on, lmshod into silence, a voice from aloft roared out, “ Hold your hand I ’ Tho sound, Which was wonderfully loud clear, seemed to come down out of ' top. Tlio oaptaiu loll back aft, so as to look up, but could sco nothing. “ Aloft thoro !" lie yollod in a rago. No answer. “ Maintop thoro 1” “ Halloa ! ” was answered spitefully. “ Oomo down on (leek ! ” “ Como up h®re, and soo how you like it!” The captain’s rage was now fearful to behold, “ Who’s aloft thoro? Who is it, Mr. Hay nor?" ho doinamlod of tlio mate. “ Nobody that J know of sir,” an swered the officer. “They'ro sll horo in sight." Tlio men looked from one to another, but the number was eorroct. Tito sec ond mate, without waiting for orders, sprang up aloft and lookod over the top-rim and mnd(S the •circuit of it. looking all around the masthead, and reported himself alone. The captain dropped his rope’s end and wont below, his mind i n a strail go oIiuoh of rago and four, aud Hastings oscuped furthor besting for that night. But a few days were sufficient for the captain to forget, his fours, and 1 myself whs the next vintun of Ins wrath. Ho had ordered me to muko a lanyurd-knot in the end of an old fnggod rope, to he used for a lushing somewhere. I did so and returned it to him, telling him I had mado tho best job of it thfft I could. . “Well, if that’s your befit, you’] much of a lubber as your partner, Hast ings. I’ll dock you both to or’nory Heilman's pay,” said lie. In vuin 1 remonstrated, saying that tho ropo was two much worn and fagged to make a nice piece of work. “Fogged is it? Well, I’ll Jjiiish it up over your lubberly back I” J “ No you won’t 1” tfupg out a voice from buliind tho He rushed YoaHrl lu ine direction of tho Hounrtpmit Tltoro wus no one thoro. “ Who was that that snoko?" ho oriod. “ If I know who it was I’d cut his heart out I” “Ha! ha! would yo? ’ was answered derisively—from tho main-top, It was broad daylight, and nil could see that thoro was no ono up thoro. J fjuito on much startled and mysfi lied as my tyrant could possibly be, but the diversion served as good a purpose uh on tho previous occasion, for ho did not attack mo ngnin. Had lio dono so, I meant to resist, and g/applo with him, if it cost mo my life, That night the captain’s slumbers wero disturbed by a fiorco cry, which appeared to como iu at tho side-light in his state room, left open for fresh air. Tho cry had been hoard by tho rnato on tlio qiiartor-dojk, and by Hastings at the wheel, who could give no explana tion of it, aud seemed to shuro his as tonishment and fear, when ho rushed on tho deck und looked vainly ovor tho quarter in search of tho cause. From that day ho was harassed and persecuted at every turn by an invisi ble presence which gave him no peace of his life. Whether on deck or below, ho found no escape from it, and 'espe cially when ho began to abuse any of the ship's company the voico of the hidden champion invariably took their part. Tho insolent laugh that rang in his ears on every such occasion seemed to como from overhead. But no manifestations ever troubled ns in the forecastle, nor did tho un earthly voico ovor address any ono on board but Capt. Phelps. Tho most Buperstitious part of the crow would rather have homo his tyrauuical treat ment tlmn have livoil in a hauutod ship, while Fomo of us welcomed a firm friend in thin unncoonntablo spiritual prosonoo, or whatever it might bo. Tho captain’s angry passions wore to some extent checked by it; though now nnd then, they broke forth so sud denly that tho objoot. of his fury ro- ooivod a blow boforo it could intorforo. Wo had arrived within a couple of day*’ sail of tho Enodiali const, when, becoming exasporatod at some blunder of IlaBting’s ho hurled a bolayiug-pin, which struck him in the head. The poor follow suddenly clapped both nnnds to tho spot, with a wild yell, and rtiBhod in to tho forooastlc. Tlio cap tain, after haviug thrown th® missile, apprarod, as l thought-, surprised at not hearing anything, and I noticed him glnuoo norvouslj aloft.. But, still hour- ng nothing, ho reoovorod his courage, md orderod Mr. ltaynor to “call that man to deck ngein.” Tho mate getting an answor to his cull, wont below, and fouud Hastings delirious. Ho reported that he boliovod tho man to bo in a critical condition, and tho captain directed him to do whatever ho thought host for hiH re lief. I think Captain Pholps, liko some other hard cases that I have suited with, did not dare to venture into tho forooastte himself, for fear ho might never got out again alive. That night it booarno neoossary to call all hands out to roof again ; and while woro on tlio yards, a thrilling cry io from tho bows, such ns well might have boon raised by a maniac. A human form was soon by sovoral of croot on tlio rail, noar tho foro- swifter, and thou a loml splash was hoard in tho water muter tho loo. Mr. Ituynor and tho captain, who woro on tho dock, rushod to tho side, a hat was seen for a moment, bobbing up on tho crest of tho sea, aud tho sumo dreadful yell of insanity was repeated, ovon moro shrill than boforo. Captain Pholps echoed tlio ory, but faintly, and fell insensible to tlio dock. Mr. ltaynor baited us on tho top sail yard with a voice liko a trumpet-blast — “Laydown from aloft I Clear away tho small boat I ” Wo thought I ho mate was quite as miul us tho poor suioide, aud so ho was, for tho moment. By tho timo wo ronohod tho dock ho was roady to coun termand tho order. Everything was hlddou iu darkness, tho wind and sea fast inoroasing. and it was impossible FACTS AND FANCIES. —In Germany it is considered a per sonal insult, to dun a debtor by means of postal cards, and tho law affords a remedy. —An Oregon papor offers llftcnn cent® a bushel for manuscript pooms—if thoy aro on good paper and written on ouo side of tho shoot. —Ono of tho four infants who rooont.- ly camo into tho world at a singlo birth in Baltimore died on tho 8th inst. Tho othors aro roportod to bo thriviug. Yes, she’s got a lovoly oar,” said a Milwaukee blade, in roply to a oom- plimontary remnrk about a lady friend, ■' but yon ought to boo it whon slio lots . ..'il then for tlio clumsy littlo \)oat to live. Tho captain, still unconscious, was carried below, with many a mut- torod wish that ho might novor oomo up again, and bitter wero tho ontha of, oie during ttio^tor^Sy.* H ‘ When tho Hull pilot boarded ua, forty-eight hours . afterward, Captain Phelps was at his post trying to look liko hiujuolf, but still pale and Hum bling. Tho mnto told us that ho should havo him arrested as soon as wo arrived in port. But I think lio must havo relented, and connived at his escape, for ho was missing boforo tho ship was fairly scoured. I don't think lio was ovor brought, to justice, though I did n.>t wait to hoc. I was glad enough to shako tho dust of tho Norway off my foot, aud to forgot, if possible, tho his tory of tho voyage. HI rolling along the strootrt at. early r ening, ready for anything in tho way of amuHomont that might turn up, my attention wus caught by a poHtor an nouncing tho porformanoo of Prof. Holbrook, tho unrivaled and world-ro- nownod vontrilnquiHt. I had never seen a performance of that sort, but aftor reading tho bill I resolved to go. J was just iu timo whon 1 roaohod tho Ball of exhibition, nnd taking a ticket I onterod and took a sout. 1 thought tho entertainment tho most wonderful I had ever witnessed or heard. After a variety of sounds and voices hud beou imitated with marvelous skill, ho informed us that ho wauld hold a con versation with an ordinary person Up the chimney. When tho responsive hit, hal oamo down, I wns startled to such a degree as to rise from my scat. It was tlio same voico in precisely tho sumo peculiar tones that I hoard so many times from the Norway’s main-top. A minute later tho professor, having finished his part, oamo forwurd to tho foot of the stngo ; and spite of Ills flowing board and other disguises, I recognized ono whom J had supposed to be dead five years boforo. “Jack Hastings, suid I aloud, for getting in my excitement where I was. “ Hit down. Put him out, cried a dozen voices at once. I subsided, of oourso, but not boforo I had aeon a sign of recollection from tho vontriloquist. Whon tho perform ance was over he beekonod to mo, and, iu tlio privacy of his own room, grospod my hand with a hearty pressurn. “Hastings,” I asked, “how in tho name of miracles were you saved?” “Saved? Whoro?” “ When you jumped ovorboard, rav ing mad.” “I never jumped ovorboard, Ashton, said ho, “and I was no more mad than I. am now. It was only a plan to frighten old Pholps, und l think it succeeded hut too well. If ho had boon tired of life, and hud thought him in dangor, I could havo ajipeured in court and fright ened him again to savo his life. But lie could not bo found, and J never heard ol him sinco. My madness was all a sham, and the man ovorboard was only a bundle of old dtuls surmounted by my old hat. I slipped down in tho fore-peak, and lay ooncoalod till tho night aftor tlio ship arrived, when I stole out and went ashore. Of course you understood tho cries you hoard. “ Cortainly; and tho other strange sounds on board. Your ventriloquism explains tbo whole matter.” “ I porformed in most of tho cities and largo towns in England boforo I knew you, but I was thou dissipated in my hubits und squandered all that I made. While on ono of my sprees, I shipped nnd wont to sea, and that is how you found me in Cronstadt. But I was never stock to make a sailor of. Sinco I havo roturned I have done woll and saved monoy, and you must allow that I acquit myself bettor on tho stage than I did on board the Norway." And that’s the only haunted shin I was ever in. I’vo hoard of others, unt probably those oases might be explained iu Horae similar way. it out in fly-timo —When Brigham Young was in jail tho other day for contempt of court, thoro wero live of his wives weeping at each window of that institution aud twolvo at tho door. — may bo pardonod for romarking “ Which ?’’ it is whon he has , list road, from Harriot l’rosoott Spof- ord: “Theroaro sumo men born to rulo with a haughty, cnroloBBHweotnoHH, nnd others born to dio for thorn with atom and dogged dovotiou.” Tho dislirng plant is ono of tho many produots of tho fortilo soil of Texas, and is used by the housewives of that remote rogion for domoHtio pur poses. It grows to a oousidornblo size, nnd its slmpo is that of tha cucumber. When dry tho out-siilo oovoriDg is re moved, and tlio heart, whioh lias cer tain properties of tho sponge, is us«d above montionod. —How long will a looomotivo lust and bo serviceable ? Au ongino on tho 1 lending road lias boon cm duty since 1857, and lias run in that timo 475,788 fniles, or an average of nearly 17,000 per year for twenty-eight years. Prob ably thoro is very littlo of the original ongino remaining, oxoopfc tlio frame nml minor parts. Another ongino, mado in London, England, in 1888, is still doing duty. A city elmp visited tho Shokors at Lebanon soino timo ninno, nnd nH lie wnniloring through tho village en countered a stout, hearty speofmeu of tho soot, and thus accosted him; “ Woll, Broadbrim, aro yon muoh of » Shaker ?” “ Nay," said tho otlior, “iiot overmuch, Ipit i 011,1 d° a littlo that way.” Ho ho soizod tho astonished man •y the collar and nearly shook him out f his boots. Onk Dkkd ok Good.— If I might do ouo dodd CT Mod, One utUd deed boforo 1 din, Or think ono noble thought that ahould 1-iIPnW ')?* <OT,ol.un Hi, Upon tbo oaraloaa wind to earlirr Of Ita abort life haa only meod To And tho germ lit plooo for birth; For ono swift moment of delight It whlrlH, then withers out of Bight. —Tlio English and Amorlonu system of publishing books are very different iu ono particular. In England not ono book in ton, if ono in a hundred is stereotyped. Here a book printed di- roetly from tho typo is tlio oxooption. This differouoo is brought about by throe causes ; tho yqungor oouutr.y has not so muoh capital in typo ; tho higher price of labor makes it moro costly to rosot if further editions are called for. Tlio English publisher rarely permits a now edition to go out of his Htoro with out tlio most thorough revision, not only for errors, but that tho book may bo kept, in lino with tho advanco sohol- arship Hinoo its previous publication. —A gentleman owned a farm in Now Jersey. It had been long in tlio family. EmbarriiHsmonts compelled him to soil, and tho farm was put up at ftuotion. Ho felt so bad about tho salo that ho could not attend it, but ho sent ovoi his head servant. On Lis return tlio mus ter said : “ Woll, John, was tho farm •old?" " Y™, nir." ‘'Did It mil well?” “It went very low. “Who bought it?” “I did/’ “You, John: where did you get yotir money “I laid up my wagos sinco I worked for you " “ Well, John, I’ll toll you what 1 will do. As soon as you got tho title to your property I’ll oomo and work for you, and buy tho furra back. —Tho latest ceusns returns show tho existence of moro trades ami pro- fosHions among women than ouo would HtippoHO possible. Besido womou fann ers, thoro aro forty-five female stock breeders, live barbers, twenty-four dentists, live hostlers, three profession al hunters and trappers, five lawyers, llvo hundred aud twouty flvo physi cian, ninoty-sevon elorgy-womon, seven sextons, ton canal women, ouo hundred and llfty-nino dray women, one pilot, four gas stokors, thirty-throo gunsmiths, seven gunpowder makora, sixteen ship riggors, with a largo num ber of artisans, moohauics, inventors, telegraph operators, urnl teachers of navigation. Striking in Wales. Tho great look-out in South Wales is >w iu tho third month of its progress, and both siilos aro represouted us firm us ovor. Tho English papers teem with accounts of distress in tho mining dis tricts. Thousands aro on tho vorgo of starvation, but aro just saved from it by tho contributions of trudos unions all ovor tlio kingdom. When those fail thcro is a terrible state of things. The London Illustrated Nows gives a foro- tasto of what is to haj>pon, in a pain ful illustration of soenes about a pawn broker’s shop in Merthyr. A hundred mon, women and ohildrou are jostling each other in tho attempt to got tci> the shop and pledge thoir effects. I hoy carry tho family pots, kettles, wash- stands, feather beds, crockery, cooking utonsils and other urtioles of domestic uso, down to the humblest. Aud still tho men rofuso all terms of compro mise. Thoy have rejocted tho ofloraof tho clergy and all overtures looking to arbitration. Homo of the men, if « Mid, would bo hnppy to stop the quar rel, but they four punishment t^omjhe more ferocious of their nssoomtee m the union. Tho proprietors oven show moro signs of Brumous, and it is be lieved they will curry thoir point, whioh demands u reduction from the rate of wages forced upon thorn by formor strikes. In tho meantime business is prostrated, and groat privation expe rienced throughout alf the classes in fchp affected district,