The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, April 17, 1875, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN RECORD. W. S. D. WIKLE & 00,, Proprietors, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1S75. VOLUME I. NUMBER 44. TIMELY TOPICS. ANOTnRu unit baa been entered against Boas Tneod, this time for the little matter of $6,000,000. Tiie announcement in Paris that the emperor of Brazil intended to nbdioato ia contradictod in diplomatic circles at Washington. Tnn oolleotor at Koy West telegraphs there have been only three sporadic oases of yellow fever. , No other cases, and no real oause for alarm. The court of ofaims at Washington bos decided that the president’s procla mation of amnesty of Deo. 25, 18(18, does not rostoro confiscated propeity. Count Malyabu, of Italy, has in vented an earthquake indicator to give warning of coming shocks. The instant that a trembling of the oarth occurs the mechanism fires off a gun. The senatorial excursion to Mexico is abandoned. Advices from Wishing U n are that fear of the yellow fever and tho illness of Mrs. Morton are among tho causes alleged for tho change of front. The total coinage for March amounted to $3,060,330. Of this amount $2,881,- 000 was in donhlo eagles ; $'10,200 in trade dollars; $.'113,500 in qnartors ; $•'113,020 in dimes; $730,170 in subsidi ary ocinsge. Tnn interior department is ndvisod that tlio Sioux Indians will take $1,000,- 000 and relinquish their title to their lands in tho Black hills. A delegation of thoao Indians will shortly visit Washington. Notes of tho denomination of $5 of the I railers’, First Nntioual, Third Nation*! and Merchants’ Nntioual bnnks, of Chicago, nro being redeemed rapidly, owing to tho existence of well oxocuted counterfeits of that denomina tion on these banks. T«k coinage of silver, for fractional resumption is now progressing rapidly, and it is thought tho two and a half million of bullion on hand will ho worked up by tho middle of Juno, when tho redemption of shinplaaters will begin. Mexico is wuking efforts to raise coffee, and tho statu of Colima has ex empted from taxes for the next ten years all young plantations, besidos offoring u premium of $500 to the planter who first harvests 500 quintals of the aromatic berry. It is estimated by Pennsylvania coal men that tho minors will be starved into submission by tho first of July. • I hey tiavo tho Philadelphia and Bead ing coni and iron company to light, a concern which has a cool $133,000,000 invested in tho business. In tho month of Juno another Eng- lish polar expedition will attempt to nnvail the mystery of tho Arctic regions. Three vessels, one of them fitted out, in part, by tho iudefatigaldo Lady Franklin, will constitute tho Hoot. They will proceed ns far ns possible bo- foro winter, and next year tho party will leavo ou slodgo* for tho polo. Tmp. Loudon Times snys in an article on Uiv. Tilden’s mossage concerning the caunl frauds : We well know that at heart tho American nntion is ns sound as our own, and equally oapablo of noble impulses. The raalpraotioea thu.i exposed are inexcusable, hut the corruption is not deep.seated, an l by no means characteristic of tho American people. A ..bolookjal expedition to tho Black Ilills has been ordered by tho govern ment. in order to determine whether gold exists there or not. The authori ties not only desire to sottlo that dis- put d point for tho benefit of gold- hunters, but in order to find the real value of tho territory. Tho Indians aro reported to bi favorable to tho ob jects of tho expedition, ndd will aid it. The United States treasury ut Wnali- ington now holds $380,810,600 in United States bond" to tenure national bank circulation, and $10,302,200 to secure public deposit. The national bank circulation outstanding amounts to $340,659,276, of which S2,389,500 nro notes issued to gold hanks. Adding the greenbacks outstanding—$369,229 - 000- ve have a paper circulation of $728,888 376. France, Prussia an 1 Austria politely inform us that they don't want our potatoes. They aro afraid that the mysterioui Colorado beetle may bo se creted in them. England is a little afraid of our beetle, too, and has al most made np her mind to put the Americin potato on the index expurga- torioui. Americans aro not troubled with tho beetle terror, and potatoes will doubtlo >8 be cheaper this year. Commissioner Watts, of tho Agri cultural Bureau, claims to have been prospecting the conntry in some unex plained manner, and aavs he has every reason to think that the crops this year will be unusually fine. Ho is at pres ent engaged in investigating a now proces-. of milling ppring wheat, from which he expects great results in the shape of increasing the qnantity and quality of the flour. The California pooplo thought they had succeeded in gittiug rid of tho banditti when Tibnroio Vasquez was lmug, but that monster throw his man tle over an accomplished desporado uamod Chavez, who iunugurated his career the other day by attnokiug a vil lage with his men, aud stealing every thing that oonld bo found. Chavez frequents tho stago routes in California, and has inspired terror by his bold nots. The Philadelphia Times Allows how gentlomon of that city defraud tho gov- meat annually out of $200,000 customs dues ou ready-mado olothiug, which they smuggle over from tho shops of their London tailors. It scorns those Loudon tailors deliver suits of excel lent material at prices fifty per cent, below these charged iu Philadelphia ; but the goods havo to bo rfhmggled, ns tho duty on ready-made clothing is equal to that on raw material. It seems that Bonnpartists in Paris are bold enough to wear the imperial symbol, tho purplo violet. On tho 16th of March, tho florists of Paris sold nil their stocks of this emblematic flower, because it was an anniversary of tho birth of Prince Louis Nnpoleon. The adherents of his family wore bunches of violets in their button holes, the ladies making the most formidable dis play. Evon workipgmeu pinned the purple blossoms to their coats, much to the horror of tho rndionl republicans. PnoFiisson 'lion, the meteorologist, states that from tho 5th of June noxt until about tho middle of July will be a season of high oleotrio tension in the atmosphere, many and severe t hunder storms, possibly heavy rainfalls aud cyclones, such as water-spouts and tor nadoes. Again, in October a like con dition of the wealhor will occur. The professor maintains that the equinox of Venus will produco these disturb ances, nml that they may bo looked for either twenty or twenty five days pre ceding that event. Mn. James Li> ic, hi giving his reasons for revoking his deed of tniBt, stated to a reporter of tho Ban Francisoo Chroni cle that a strong inducement was the torture ho suffered from tho agents of benevolent societies to which lie hud not mado benefactions. They were contiuualiy at his bedside importuning him to amend the deed so as to include them. Another reason wuh an evi dent determination on tho part of his relatives to test tho validity of the deed in tho courts. A nephew bad already brought a suit for $10,000 for services which he claimed to hare rendered. LATE NEWS SUMMARY. EAST Tho Spanish and Cuban cigar makers iu Now York are on a striko. Tho Catholics of New Hampshire are making strong n(Torts to soouro tlm ropn&l of ttio datum in tlm stnto constitution which <li*- qttaliflcH thorn from holding tlm ofilco of gov ernor or legislator. Tho law, so fur hm it ro utes to inemhors of tho legislature, has boon Inoperative for many years. SOUTH. The southern Blind fisheries have boon unproductive so far this soshoii. LoBollo insurance company of Wheel ing, West Virginia, a wildcat institution, Iihh boon sold out by tho constable. Tho steamer Bruno was fined recently in tho Uuttod Htatos conrt, I.ittlo Rock, Ark., $800 for violating tlm navigation laws in not Hying tlm United Htatos (lag. Qov. Porter has pardoned cx-stat Honator Robt. McKonna, sontencod to tlm penitentiary for five years for marrying bis former wilVs granddaughter. Atlanta Herald : The killing of Col. Holland, in Columbus, Or., on Monday malms tho sovnnth man who Iihh been murderod in that usually quint place eitico GliriHtni&s day last. The president hat mado tho appoint ment of John O. Pa-knr, postmaster at Now Orleans, vico C. W, Ringgold, suspended, iiunjamiu Conley, jmstmaster at Atlanta, vice Samuel Hard, suspended. A verdict was obtained in tho federal court at Memphis last week against Frank Travis and Ida securities, for $20,000. Travis, who was a citizen of Huntingdon, was internal revenue collector for that district, and bin de falcation occurred in 1872. A now trial lias boon grantor]. On the 6th fust, tlio steamer Paragon, lying at KotintH 1 lino wharf, Ht. Louis, tool fire in tlm hold. Efforts wore made to snbdm tlm llaums by closing tlm hatches and eleva tors and scuttling the boat, but the fire liar gained ten much headway. Hire whs then towed across the river, where she .burn the water's edge The boat was ownr Jan. Ilocs, of Pittsburgh. Loss, $70,000 sured for $20,000 in Pittsburgh companies. Him had about 1.500 tons of cargo on board, valued at $125,000 ; insurance unknown. Among the incidents of llie Georg: deidmciion of a house, oi Inmate of which was a little child, who wi | blown Into a cupboard. Of all Dm furniture in tlio house tint was the only piece broken into kindling wood. A gin honso wheel, weighing four hundred pounds, carried half a mile. In McDuffie county- face of every person who came in actual tact with the cloud was blackened. The house of Mrs. Watson. In that comity, wan in the direct centro of the track. The storm ap proached within one hundred yards, destroying every tree in its wake. There it Jumped over her house and came again to the eartii twenty- five steps tho other side and recommenced its work of demolition. Tho monthly report of the Memphis cotton exchange for March from West Ten nessee, North Alabama, North Mississippi and Arkansas north of the Arkansas river, shows of 184 responses, that 32 3-10 per cent, less number of bales of cotton were produced In this district than in 1873. The facilities finan cially furnished in aid of producing tho crop 20 per cent, leas than for 1873. It is es timated that per cent, only of tlio crop anained unmarketed on tho 23d nit. There lias boon an increase of laborers in tills district Jtf per cent, slnco tlio consummation of yoar’s crop. Tlio preparations for crop planting are 8 por omt. in advanced condition ns compared with the spring of 1874. Tlio in- 'roaso of acrongA by tho new cleared lands is l per cent, over 1*74. Tlio prospective de crease in tho aoroago of cotton planting from that of 1874, is estimated lit 6 4-5 por cent. Laborers aro accepting of work with alacrity at 30 per cent, for wagoH, 45 per cant, for shares of crop, and 111 per coni, for renting lauds. The general tone of compensation to laborers indicates a decline of about 15 por cent, as compared with tlm past two seasons. There is indicated an Increase of acreago in small grains over tho avorngo of the past two sea sons of OS per cent. There is a prospective inoroRsoof tho acrcngo in corn planting over tlio average of tho past two sonsons of 12 per cent. Of 188correspondents, 05 per cent, ro- jvort great iniprovomeiil in fences, 17 per cent, moderate improvement, and 18 per cent none. Fifty por cent, report material improve ment in outbuildings, and 40 per cont. report improvement of homes. WEST Tlio trial of John D. Loo and others at Leaver, Utah, charged with participation iu the Mountain Meadow massacre, lias been postponed. ho onno of Geo. Q. Cannon for polygamy was appoalod bv tlm prosecution to territorial supremo court, ami bonds for $5,000 given for ids appearance. MISCELLANEOUS. Tho ooroptrollor of tho currency has declared a dividend of ton percent., pay able on tho 14th inst,, to tho creditors of tlm first national bank of Washington. The postollioo department him infor mation that nine of tho fifteen countries rep resented ut thcinlcnmtioua! postal convention havo fulillnd tho international postal tronty. Tho commission of John O. Now, of Indiana., to ho treasurer of tho Unitod HtulCH, to take effect from June 30 noxt, lias been signed by tho president and forwarded to Mr. Now, at riKlIitnapolis. The steamship ftovioro Iiuh arrived at New York. Among tho passongors nro Count Marofocski, who will mnha olllciu! annouucn- iimiit to Archbishop MeClosky of Ids elevation to tlm enrdinuhite, and Mans. Rmieotti, tlm ab-logato, who boars from tho pppo tlio borolln or imdgidn of Die cardlnalato. Conclusive proof him been obfaitlod that four or flvo dorks in Dm postofllco de partment, and Hovoral persons outside, havo Hoourtd a number of contracts for mnll service iu tlm southern Htatos by means of a counter foil of tlm stnmp containing tlm initials of tlm Hist and second post muster generals, which is placed ou tho bids when opened in order to show they have boon received in time. Tills connlorfidt stamp lias been usnd to give ap parent validity to strnw bids made at tlm low est figures, tlm lower IlguroH really opened at the advertised lines. Among the itnplioalod contractors is II. A. Haynes, recently ap pointed United Htatos marshal for Alabama. The contracts thus secured will lie annulled and all tlm cleiks implicated dismissed. Tlm fnel that Haynes is implicated in these frauds was communicated to Attorney General Wil- Hams, who immediately procured Ida removal by tlm president iih United Hiatus marshal for Alabama, The president is reported to have stated, in relation to tho rocont outrages by armed bauds of Mexicans invading tlio Texas frontier, that lie had not expressed Ids views to any puraon, not even tlio secretary of slate, wlio, liko himself, had been absent from (lie city. Orders had boon issued to tlm military for tlm protection of our citizoiiH on tlm fron tier, but nothing also had boon done. Tlm goveinment was not yet fully advised of Dm extent of outrages, though it Imd been official ly informed of tlio arrest of a mail carrier and Dm burning of u postolllco by tlm invaders. Tlm Mexican government had repeatedly been remindod of tlm outrages heretofore commit ted by Mexicans upon oltizoiiH of tho United Htates, both in Mexico and on United Hi ales soil, and would hear from this government in a abort time, concerning those more roconlly committed, through tho department of state. There would bo r consultation with tlio secro- tRry of stato on this subject, and prohuhly It would bo brought to tlm attention of tho cab inet. Wo must determine hereafter what is proper to ho dono In tlm promises. He could seo no reason for apprehension of a war be tween Die two countrioH, but of connm no rum could tell what might tuko place iu tlm future. Nothing, however, would be dorm by this gov ernment to provoke such a result. rOREIGN. A-.lvicoi from Spain represent the pros pects for peace as increasing dally. One Inin dred and eighty Garlist officers have already given in tlmir vuhrdlftslop to AlphooHO. By the ml vico of his physicians, Bm p' ror William lias uhandoned bis proposed Journey to Italy to visit King Victor Emanuel. i will i instead. The Chinese have been badly whipped r,y tho natives on tho island of Form080, where they bad established themselves after paying Japan $5,0(0,000 indemnity money for tho massacre of seamen. The emporor of Japan is going to visit France iu August, with all tho pomp and circumstance of his exalted rank. Mutsolfito i * twenty-three years old, and has been emperor for eight years. Ho is progresf and liberal, although tho embodiment of Chamfort's definition of absolutism : “ I—ray self." Tlio Times’ correspondent nt Berlin telegraphs that it is aaticipated that old laws forbidding intercourse between lira pope an Catholic clergy of Prussia, except through tli government, will bo ro-on&etod arnl measures introduced wholly suspending papal authority in Prussia, till tho popo abandons his preten sion to cancel laws of tho kingdi —In n murder trial ut. Bangor, Maine, the other day, the skull of tho victim wiui brought into conrt, where the lic ensed caused u profound sensation by taking it into his hands, and moralizing thus : “This skull had a fongne once ! I wish it had now ! for, if it could speak, it would toll a different story from what some of those witnesses told, It would say I never so much as in jured a hair of his head, by any word or any deed of mine," IF WE KNEW. If w»> knew tlio woo amt heart-aoho, WnltliiK for iih ilowu tlio road, If our lips Could UMo tlio wormwood, If our baoka could fool tlio load, Would wo wusto one day lu wlMllug For a timo Unit tio’or can bn? Would wo watt with Hindi linptitlonoo For out ships to como from soa ? If wo know tho baby ntigorH Prorsod aitalust tho wlndow-pnno Would ho cold and stilT to-morrow— Novor trnuHo uh analn-- Woiihl tho bright oyo* of onr darili Catch tho frown upon onr brow Would tlio print of r Ah ' those ljttlo loo-cold ftiigorn, llow they point our luninorlos hack To tho banty words and notions llow thoao little hnudii remind u For our reaping by and by. Btnuigo, wo novor prlao tlio music Till tho Hivrot-volooil bird iiaa Mown ; Hirango, that wo should alight tho vioirtH HttniiKO, that summer skips ami Hitiiahtiio Novor hooiii half no fair Am when winter's snowy pinion* Hhako tliolr white down lu tho nlr' Lips, from which tlio s«al of atlenoo None tuil Oml can roll away r tdoHsomod lu snob tioauty As ndoriiH tho mouth of day J And swoot words that frolitht out Willi their beautiful perfume, riirough lho pnrtnlR of tlio tomb, Isd us gather up tho sunbeams Lying all nmund our path ; l.ot us hoop tlio w heat nud roses, Iu tho lilosslngs of lo-dny, iVttlj a pat lout hand removing MARY MILTON. In all the confusion of the inn at Bouillon, George Dickson could not help noticing Unit wherever ho wont, one pair of eyes followed him, an if to gain his attention. Mo, however, said to himself, “ You have a tongue, my French mend, and can speak if you ohooRo and then ho thought nothing more about tho matter, but gazed on the extraordinary scone before him. Tho people were eating oil tlio floor, on tho liourthstoueH, on tho beds, and on tho hillurd table. They were eating indiscriminately everything they could get hold of, aud drinking everything which was liquid. Some were still asleep whoro they hail fallen down the night before, and thorn was a gliiiHtly hilarity about tho whole thing which disgusted George, and made his two companions eagerly aoquioeoo in imme diate departure, “ Lot us got on aud get over," lie re marked; "anything is hotter than these oxoitod, boozing wrotehos." Then tho Fioaolinmn who had watched (1 forgo como up, and, taking him abide, said, iu perfect good English : "Sir, I am going to ask you for a great favor. Will you allow me to aeoompany you " Boldly, sir," said George, "our ex pedition is nono tho most pleasant or safe," " Exactly ; hut you have two passes, while I have actually no papers at all," " l cannot reoommerid your going forward, sir." " No ; I would uot recommend it my self. I only link it us a favor. My si’s ter is i>t school in town, which yours, Mr. Dickson, in safe in London, Come, sir, go hail for mo and let me go with you. If London was sacked I would do tlio same by you." • " You Boom to know me, sir," said George, very much surprised. " If you know much about me, you must he aware that I trusted a stranger once ton often in my life, and am uot prepared to trust another.” " Don't say that,” says tho French man. " I know that you are only hero as a nowspupor correspondent. Bo- cause you trusted a Frenchman who was false to you, I will not ho ho. I pray you most earnestly to let mo go to the front vfltli you and get news of my sister. Surely you cannot refuse,” " But, my dear sir, you may be a spy, for anything I know," said George. " Well, I am," was the startling re ply ; " but not lie.o, or in this matter, flad T been acting an a spy I should have had papers ; as it is I have none, f am only a Jesuit, and we are getting much the worse of it. I will swear to you that my only object in going to the front iH to see after tho safoty of my nistor. Gome your puss from Bern- storin’ in t ignod for yourself and ono friend. Make mo that friend. I am only a Jesuit,” " You seem to know a groal deni about me," said George. " J do,” was the answer. "My cous in, Aime Herbert, was at one time your friend. You were together at Dieppe. You know him when he got older, and you trusted him. He de ceived you for a time—and you had to pay some money for him." " One hundred and eighty pounds,” said GoOrge, ruefully. " Yes, 1 thought it win two hundred. I can get that all back for you. He will bo able to pay soon, and he will pay. tie is a very honest fellow." " Is he a Jesuit?" asked George. "A Jesuit,? What arc you talking of? No, ho is, like myself, a Free Mu- “ But you said you were a Jesuit," said George. “ I don't think I said that," said the Frenchman. "Yon certainly did," said George. “ I am so worried that I don’t know what I did say,”'said the yonng French man. " What on earth could have in duced mo to say that?” " I do not know," said George. " Do yon know that I do uot oven know your name?" " Delaval. Your mother was a Dela ys!, you know.” "That is certainly true. Do,'you claim relationship ?" "Not for the world. I know nothing of you savo thin, that you went security for your follow-student, Aime Herbert, who is rny cousin. In consequence of his failing, you have come here as a correspondent to a daily paper. Her bert can pay now, and for your kind ness to day I will make him. Tn oar society we have power which you do not dream of." "The Jesuits aro powerful," said George. " 1 have told you cnee boforo that I was not a Jesuit,” said Dolaval. "And once that you were," said Goorge, laughing. " Woll, wo nood not talk any more. You are something, and you nood not ohooao to toll what. I shall find out Homo day or other.” "Yes, I suppose so. Meanwhile, I have a groat friendship for you, and I should liko to bo reoiprooatod. Wo might both of us do ono another sonio good.” Goorgo Diokson had a good lock at tho man, and, sharp young lawyer that ho was, could not make him out ut all. Tie wns vory baud so mo, shaved liko a genf loman, with no lmir ou his face ex cept tho mouHtnoho ; and yet ho did not look liko a Frenchman, llo said that ho was a spy, a Jesuit, and a Free Mason, all in tho Hiimo breath. What was ho ? Tie appeared to Goorgo Diok son something between a Greek and a Jew when ho examined him more nearly. " You aro a vory agreeable compan ion," said George Diokson ; “ but to toll you tho truth, 1 am in no humor to talk business. What has lmpponod is so ghastly and horrible that 1 oau thiuk of nothing exoept tho awful misfor tunes.” They had crossed tho frontier for some time now. Tho road through tho forest continued to bo very bountiful, and the weather heavenly. But iu a turn of tho road, at n place whoro two officers had paused, there was the first sigtiH of war -eight doad horses, a lum bering van standing across tho road, on which seme German wag had ohalkod "via Berlin.” Then they walked together. The road still wound up tho hillsido, nbovo a flashing trout stream, soon far below thorn in tho valley, through trembling loaves. Then there onmo a turn in tho right, and they pasROtl through tho sol itary street of La Ohupollo. George Diokson stood among tho dead, and looked round him. Tho place must have boon beautiful at ono time, and later travelers have told us that it is niton more beautiful by nature, though to our eyes it will remain a hor rible obarnol lumso until death. Tho 17th of tho French lino lay in ruinw, motionless, except where they were be ing dragged to tho Ironohos by Gorman soldiers. Why dons Goil allow snob things," ho said aloud. "There spoke a villain," said tho Bengal officer. " I hot you ton rupees that you non somo nature ennoble 1 by thin horrible business before tlio day is over. What, do you fool youraolf ? " "I fed a horrblo, iueonooivablopity. 1 fool as if 1 could lay down my own life to mend theirs." " Than hand mo over toil rupees," said tho Bengal oflleor, " for your na ture linn been ennobled. War is uttorly evil, but God brings good out of it somehow. Look at that, man 1 Micro is a woman on the field, looking at tho dead men’s faces." " And t here is that Fronobman, Dole- val, with her," said George. "That must bo a sister. Ho said she was in town ; but ho told mo more in ono week titan I would boliovo in a twolvo month." " Beally," said tho Bnngal officer. " And yet he does not look liko a liar." " No liar over dees, my dear soldior," said Goorgo. "If you wore a lawyer you would know that.” “ I found my sister at Fonda do Givonne," said Doloval, approaching Goorgo. " Him is looking for somo ono whose death might ho important to you, Aimo Herbert." "But you said ho could pay mo,” said George, astonished. " My dour sir, T required assistance iu getting on, and I forgot what I told you. If any part of it was trim. I must havo been a great fool. My object was to docoivo you. Do me tho compliment to nay that I succeeded, or I snail bo oxlromoly angry with you.” Goorgo felt oxtromoly inclined to kick tlm man, hut it was not tho place for any demonstration of tho kind. Ho said, " T. novor know boforo a French man to toll such falsehoods as you havo done, sir.” " But, my dear sir, I am not a Frenchman," said Deloval. Him oamo toward them and raised her veil. In one instant tlm great passage iu Goorgo Dickson’s life was over. Amidst tho horrible ruin and desolation ho saw tho only woman ho had over eared for ; tlm woman ho had so seldom seen in his lift!, but so many thou sand times in his dreams. Miss Milton, of Mifiold Lane. No other person iu tho world. Ho had mot her twice at parties at Highgato, and about thoro, and had fallen in love with her. Ho had also dared to walk with her in Milfleld Lane, but she lind boon cold, almost rude to him. He had tried to forgot her, but it had been useless. For tlm timo, as ho behoved, ho bad met hr r in Milford Lano, and laid his lovo before her. 81m told tho plain truth. All her pooplo wore Fronoh, exoept her father, whoso name Gin boro. Hho was ufll- nneed to Aimo Herbert, and could not listen to him. IIo then committed an awful aoc of folly ; ho made tho ac quaintance of that young Frenchman, so that, ho might see her sometimes, oven when another’s arm was round her waist. Ho followed Aimo Herbert about, and at last wont security for him ; a debt which Herbert nogfectod to pay, and which for a time nearly mined Goorgo. He would not be rich before his fath cr’s (loath. His father was penurious and meat), keeping him poor and telling him that lie must muko his own way in life. That does not do a man any harm if he can ho got to believe it; and if George's father had stopped there all would havo been well. But the old man thought it would ho a fine thing for George to marry well. Ho proposed to match him with a rich young lady, older than hiraSilf. Him was very pood, and ho in a stato of infuriated disappoint ment. Goorge told her tho lio that ho loved her ; ho know it to bo a lie, but ho told it. 8ho believed him and was gr atly gratified. In tho meantime her fathor decided that they must wait for three years and that ho must make his way in tho world. So ho went to the bar, and so natu rally lie went to literature ; so ho natn rally cumo to tho field of Bcdau, that Aceidama of so many hopes; and so on that field he met his old. his only love, only to find that tho chum of honor dragged her away from him forevor. Would he not havo changed places with tho dead whon sho told him tho truth ?—whou she looked into his oyes with hors, and said softly, " This is a strange place to moot you, nml this a strange plaoo for you to tlml me in. I was in town tho whole of tho horrible day. Tho German soldiers wore very kind to us, but tho town was so horrl- blo that I oamo out and oropt into a house nt Fommo do Givonne. I have oomo norosH tho field whoro tho 17th do la Li guy perished, booauso I wanted to see if I could rooognizo tho body of ono of my cousins." " Your nows is good," said Goorgo. You lookod coolly for tho body of your lover." "I do not understand you,” sho said. " You aro as rmlo to mo as I used to bo to yon; but in this ruin wo must forgot all. My norvo is good, beeauso alter tho broach botwoen myself and Aime Herbert, who grossly deceived you, T have entered a nursing sisterhood, and have taken my first vows, aud I shall tnko tlio veil in throe months. My fathor sent Mr. Doloval after mo ; but I think among those kindly Gormans I could havo done without his assist- "Mr. Dolaval said ho was your brother I" " Mr. Dolaval my brother 1" said sho. "Mr. Dolaval is a Polo; I boliovo known to most polioo courts in Europo. Ho is a splendid spy, and my fathor employed him, but o.mld got him no papers ; ho is too woll known. Aro you married yot ?’’ " No, not yot.” "It is delicious to meet you boro, after all. Look around at these poor innooont young men, lying so quiot; in tho presence of death one scorns to ho almost with God. Wo loved oaoh other moo, now your heart has gone to an chor human buing, aud inino is givou to heavon.” They stood looking at ono another. Their interview had boon short, but thoy had found out something in it; thoy hail found that thoy oared for ono anothor. Still tho man had oast away his heart on tho altar of avarico, and woman, us women will, had dedi cated hers to religion. A loud noisoof talking disturbed thorn. Thoy retired unto thoirisolvos. Tlm Bengal oflleor oamo uj) and said : "Ono of thoao abominations of percussion shells is lying hero unoxplndod. Oomo up, Diokson, and look at it." She took his arm aud wont with him. Ono gontlo proBsnro told him tho truth. Sho loved him still. Dolaval had tho shell in his hand. As thoy advanced ho was discoursing about it, and holding it aloft. "Tho permis sion fuse in this ono Iiuh gone wrong," ho said. “ Seo, I will throw it down among us, and you shall sou that it will not explode.” Boforo any ono oould stop tho mad man ho hud dono it. Thoro was a great blue flame, and a sound totally different from tho report of a cannon. A shat tering, hrokon noise, thou smoko and an instant’s silonoo, Dolaval was pros trate aud horribly injured about tho head, and Goorgo Diokson had his loft arm torn away Mid w is oryiug out for water. Thoro was a burying party uoar, aoroas tho road, composed mainly of tho oitizons of tho town, who Hoomod to prefer this droadful occupation to watching tho ruins of tliolr own homes. Thoy canto and helped tho two wound ed men ; but a London doctor who was thoro said thoro was no help for either of thorn. Thoy carried thorn to Givonne, and laid them in a burn, in tho straw, sido by sido. Tho English doctor attended to Goorgo, and ho tried to sloop ; but tho man on tho loft of him was roBt- Icss, aud iu trying to soothe him lie found that it was Dolaval, groaning heavily. "Why, aro you hurt, too, said George, "I am vory sorry for that. Wind, a fool you wore to play with that shell." "I did it on purpose,” said Dolaval. " I saw Mint she oared for you still. I wished to destroy you. Aro you badly hurt ?” "lam a miserable cripple for lifo,” said George. "But God knows T for give you. Why did you do it?" " I toll you that I saw sho eared for you. I lovo her and site hates mo. I wanted to kill you and her too. Is sho doad ?” "No, sho was not injured,” said Goorge. "1 wish sho was. But now that you aro uttorly ruinod it does not so much matter. One comfort is, that sho will never look ut you now." Dolaval died that night, but Goorgo was delirious, and did not know it. His head was confused for a long time, and ho oamo to himself very slowly. The first person lie knew wns his fath er ; ho fancied ho must bo in London, hocuuno his father never went out of London on any pretext whatever, and lie would never take tho trouble to come ten miles to see him, though he might spend a hundred pounds in sending him a doctor, and scold him violently for tho expense afterward, Whon lie saw his father at his bedside, he concluded that ho must bo in Lou don. But only at first the walls were not London walls, so bright and so oloan, and those loaves tapping at tho windows were vino loavos, which certainly grow in London, but in a most dingy state. Tho first information that his father gave him was that he was still at Givonne, and that Paris was besieged. Thoro was an intonso tenderness his father’s manner, which ho hud never noticed before. Ho made a guess at the reason of this tfhen his mind fully returned to him. He know that lie had lost his left arm. "And my fathor, he argued, "thinks that T havo forgot ten it in my delirium, and hesitates to toll mo of it." Tho next timo that tho immovable old face oamo near him, ho threw his mainiug arm around the old man’s neck, and suid: "If I had two arms, father, I would put them both round your neck. Forgive your poor oripplo for any u row lie has caused you." "My own hoy, you havo caused *: no sorrow, I am going to causo you some. Aro you strong onough to bear it.” "Is Elizabeth doad?" " Your faithful nurse? God forbid that such a thing should happen. She close by. But tho match between you aud Ada is broken off, Sho lias be haved more heartless than I oould havo oonoeivod. Sho lias rofusod, do you uudorstand, to marry you after your aooidont. It is all over, my poor boy.” " Thank God !’’ said Goorgo. "Aro you ghul, then?” said his fathor. " 1 don’t know yot, Did you say that Elizabeth was boro ? Send lior to mo. And, doar father, go away.” Whon tho fathor oamo book, a boauti- ful woman had thrown off her wimple, and had disolosod tlio magnificent ra diance of hor hair, which ono month aftorward would have boon cut away. Sho said: "I am going to rnnrry your ipplod sou, sir. I will bo a good daughter to you. Try to ho a good lather to mo.” So thoy took hands and wont, down tho stream of lifo together, aud novor soparatod in thought, mind, or deed. FACTS AND FANCIES. Baby Thoy oallotl him tidily toklo sing, Yot Inndor did lio bawl. llounatli his potticoatH liin fool, Liko liltlo inloo who purnty moot, 1)1(1 twist and twirl about; And, oh! lio roarod iu such a way No oostnrd Holler blitiio and guy <tivort half ho loud u shout. „ HOllt , Homo lloa had lilt him badly. Poor pit, ho Duos up in fro, Strong argument duos him insplro— Things nud for baby sadly. —Fun. —Gen* Ouster says it takes an Indian four minutes to sculp a victim. Bismatok was sixty years old on April 1. IIo is no fool, oithor. —Go and buy a cow rigl^t away. A Wisconsin now cumo homo tho other night with a bag of gold ou hor horn. Ohio has a now religious soot.oallod tho Eternalists, and thoy aro eternally fighting to boo who shall load thorn. —A postal card picked up on tho street at Norwich, (Joint., tho othor day, boro this solemn appeal: "Door marv for luv of God solid mo a pare of pants.”, —" Don’t call on mo for tliroo days," what an Ashland girl posted on tho front gate, aud she further added : " I'm going to oat some onions thin week if I novor havo another beau." A wonderful exhibition has been oponofl at Brussels. It is a collection of about 100 hindsoivpoH of groat, merit, painted by a hoy named Fritz Kor- ohovo, of Bruges, who died an idiot, at eleven yoare of ago. -Dark colors nnd quiet, neutral tints becoming tho regulation style for street wear, all tho year round. Black grouedino for summer wear, and black silk for winter uso, aro to bo found in tho wardrobe of almost ovory lady. —Hats aro flaring, with bread brims turned up, or turned down, or raised, so ns to display branches of trimming under tho brim on ono sido. They nro nioturosquo and pretty, and tiro vastly becoming to young faces. —A Missourian who comes homo after abaonou of a week and finds that his wife has been knitting n tidy instond of splitting wood 1ms a right to toll hor that her folks always did havo tho name of biing tho laziest pooplo iu tho state. —Groal, preparations aro afloat at Trieste for tho unveiling tho statue orootod to tho memory of Maximilian. Invitations havo boon sent, to all tho companies who serrod under the em poror in Mexico. —That mysterious muttering which of ton comes to us on a southern broozo has been finally explained. It is tho awful blasphemy of the Louisiana our- drivers when tho native hollo plants her majnstioNo. 14 on his toon,—Cincinnati Times, —Arizona lions aro accustomed to lay ing eggs worth $tadozen; and the gontlo Susan B., inclining hor bond a little to ono side, and argumentatively flour ishing hor right arm. oxolaims : "Seo what oven tho hens oan do when thoy have thoir rights!” —A gigantic swimming bath, com posed of iron slid roofed in with plato glass, bus been moored in tho Thames at London. Tho water that is admitted to it, flows through a thick bod of char coal, and is so offeotually filtered that it sparkles and glistens as if it wore drawn from an urtosiun well. —Cardinal Manning, in accordance with a usual custom, will tuko his title from some church in Borne, and has selected tho church of St. Gregory, after whom ho will bo called, if by any possibility ho should be elevated to tho papacy, ho would therefore become Popo Gregory XVII. —Tho following harmless fif hard) hit wo find in ono of our English exchanges. The " doctor'’ referred to, it will bo porcoivod, is a reverend doctor : “ 1 cannot praiso tho doctor’s oyow, [ novor saw his glance divine; IIo always shuts them whon lie prayw, And whon ho proooliQH ho shuts mine.’’ —A largo, heavy-set man who resided near Indianapolis died recently from a disorder which no Indian doctor could make out. At tho timo of his death ho was little more than a skeleton, liis flesh having wasted away. A post mor tem examination showed that his liver was full of abscesses, so that his food had not been properly absorbed, aud that ho had actually starved to death. —Johnny saved himself trouble but lout marks in liis definition exoroise the othor day. Ho got bravely through "presbyter,” which he found, by look ing it out, to bo one who hail had tho laying-on of hands by tho presbytery. Tiie noxt word was "dissenter,” and m an ovil moment Johnny, without turn ing a leaf in liis dictionary, wrote, " ono who has had tho dysentery. —Tho present programme of the Brit ish orctio expedition proposes that tho , i_ «i.,.tl Lx.un T’nrfcHmonfcli two vessels shall leave Portsmouth about tho latter end of May, and taking the usual route to Baffin's Bay, en deavor to pass uj) Smith’s Sound. In 81 degieos or 82 degrees north latitude thoy will probably separate, and while ono will oxploro the northern oou9t of Greenland, tho othey will posh still further northward-