The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, April 24, 1875, Image 2

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•I THE RECORD. CKDAIVTOWN, OA.. APRIL 24; 1K7G. Tim nominating convention for the Nil; h district hnn co no to u dead lock. Tho voto standi*, Hell 85, Hill ‘2(1. About 500 bnUotingfl up lo tho 20th, rind both partita standing firm. 1 ho indications arc that they intend to fight it out on that lino if it taken all hummer. Tho convention lmd batter adjourn and go homo and at tend to their private business affairs, and lot the pooplo decide who they want for their representative. Tho debt of tho city of Savannah in $8,000,110, tho annual intercut on whiob amounts to $251,011. A cor respondent cf tho Nowh regards this as burdensome, :.nd fears financial embarrassment in tho fuluro. Tho profits of iutaruno in that city aro $200,000 a year. That would pny tho whole debt in fifteen years. Mr. Pullman, of the Pullman Sleep ing Car notoriety, proposes to meet the civil rights issue squarely, by al lowing colored people to occupy berths in common with tho whites, Wo say that if hin inclinations lead him to such a course, tho whiles of the south ought not to patronizo him. A Swindle. We received a falter a few weeks since, making propositions for adver tising, from J. Thompson, llanna A Co., 907 Hroadway, Nov/ York. They sent us a blank contract for ten inches space, oik year, promising fo pay one half of hr tho expiration of the first quarter. They proposed in their advertisement to "Make Homo Hap py” by si lling a first-clans sewing raA- chino for $20. Belloviiig it to he a swindling concern, wo asked one of our merehants to writo to a reliable gnu in Now York concerning these fallows, and tho following is their re- ply: Nr.w Yojik, April 18, 75. Mows :—(JenIs;—Yours in quiring mi to standing of tho parties named on enclosed letter head aiul circular at hand. Wo find that it is a cov/ulcnrcJinn, connected with several others under different names, and all engaged in regular swindling operations. Tho police are watching thou). Yours Truly, Tfion Factory, in Chattooga county was completely destroyed by fire on last Saturday night. It wan tho work of an incendiary. Tho factory was a live story building, tho first story was brick nud tho other four wooden. Tho • fifth story was what is called tho picking room, and tho room being ftdl of lint was almost as inflamulilo as powder. An iron ladder extended from the ground lo the lop of tho building, and was connected by a platform with each story, thus afford ing moans of escape in timo of a fire. Every half hour during tho night the watchman inspected the whole build ing. It was after his eight o'clock round that tho incendiary did his di abolical work, by climbing the ladder nud, it is supposed, throwing a match into the lint cotton in the fifth story. The property burnt was inq red for thirty-five thousand dollars. The loss sustained was about $150,000, which falls equally upon Judge Allgood nud his father-in-law, Mr. Marsh. There were employed in the factory three hundred and fifty workmen, whose families made a population of about seven hundred and fifty souls, who were cut in ly dependent on the factory for a support. Wo take tho following particulars of the Ourlorsvillo duel, from the Romo Commercial: Mr. Moon, a young lawyer of (butoraville, and Dr. Hakor hud for each other an unehris- tain sort of feeling, which t ventilated in a "battle of fists." The next move in tho drama was made by Mr. Moon, who sent by his friend, Mr. liray, a challenge to Dr. Ihiker. The Dr. in fused to uciv. t the challenge, claiin- i >g that Moon was not a gentleman. Upon this, Mr. (i:ay, in accordance with tho code duello, challenged Dr. Baker himself. In tho meantime, Mr. Miluor, a young lawyer from Calhoun, who was to have been Mr. Qray’s m'lviuI. oanui to C.irteroville, and on inci ting Dr. Hukor on the street, some abusive and severe language passed between them. This quarrel resulted in Milner challenging Baker to a pis tol tus el, which ho arc-pled. The battle ground sehiulod was just across the Alabama line. They started hither cud hud gotten as far as Cave Spring, where tho strong baud of the law, typified by Yqniro llumil, was laid upon them. Tho laying on of the le gal hand was caused by the father of Mr. Miluor, who had heard of the im pending crisis. All parties returned home yesterday ^Tuesday), in a safer condition tuan had matters terminated otherwise. Tho diliiculty between Gray and Baker had boon, pro.* to tho second affair, retort d to a I o ird of hotio**! composed of Gem.J Young and Wolford, and C -1. Ford. Tile * Pi Ice of Colton anil the Coming Crop. Wo print tho following extract from a very sensible editorial in tho Havannah News, of tho HJtb, under tho above caption : Our * tes* reports from tho planting rrgiom would Boom to indicate a de termination on tho part A tho farm ers to at least incrcaso tho ereft of land devoted to grain, even if they do not dccronso tho number of acres usually set aside for cotton. Thus wo hear from nil quartors that an extra ordinarily largo extent of land has been sowed in wheat, o»la and bar ley, while unusual attention has been given to the preparation of t iie ground for corn. On tho other hand, there nro Homo who are pawning both credit an^ reputation to scrape together supplies enough to cuubly thorn to make another crop of cotton. Tho advance in prices has boon too groat a temptation, and they hnvo staked eveiylhing upon a contingency that is weil-nigh hopeless. This clans is composed of I ho very men who will reap tho biltoroat disappointment. They will bo compelled to put their crops on tho market early in the sea son, no mailer what prices rule, and this will result in a sacrifice. For it must he confessed that tho New York Hpeculutors have immense!) tho nd- vnntngo of tho .Southern planters. The more fact that the crop is either more or I cm than average is of no weigh! whatever. The ap« culutnra have in their power, through I he me dium offing estimates, to convince spinners that an extraordinary yield has boon obtained, and pricus will straightway become depi cesed, ns I hey dd in the opening of every notion year. Then tho tiofoituualo planter finds that his cotton money will just about pay him out of debt, and lie is obliged, if Ini cultivates his laud to again depend on his credit. 'Jims year by year lie grows poorer and poorer, tmlil at l ist, shutting h.s eyes to the real facts, ho fal!*i into the linmla of a voluble emigration agent, and is hustled oil' to Georgius Windurn cemetery- Texas. I.mlv Fm mol'* in Giorgio. The idea of "wontan's rights" in the Stanton- Intliony sense novi r has ta ken much root in tho South, hut a truer type, less talked in tho news papers, is becoming common thoie, and Thomas county, Ga., claims the imdul at present. Mia. Julia .Milch- ell, and, bo it ove r remembered, whose husband died in 18(18, leaving h r with a legacy of six daughters and a debt of $1,000, that sin has paid it all and lias $800 in bank. Slio did it from a farm too, and never has bought any fertile ■re. Slio Ecorucd all lieu (Hid homestead laws and fought out the butt with their own hands ami head. She has fattened and aold the past year sixty-thieo hogu, and also two horses which she and her two oldest daughtera raised. But young nu n need not be taking tlioC. L. ami S. truins so hurriedly, for rumor says that tho handsoiiio Judge who told tins true, tale to the farmers’ conven tion at Thomasville hath < I. ims there; yet they need not stop, for Thomas has other fair and skillful daughters equally worthy, sotno nearer the judges' home, it is also on record that Misses Joatm nm> Margaret Bow man made last year with their own bauds five bales of N •. I cotton, be sides keeping house and gar li ning in first class style. 'They failed, not for want of merit, in getting the premi um at the State Fair, hut purpose this year to tiy lignin. Cun any slate fail to bo independent with snob w nien V Tho convention gave them a rising and unanimous vote of honor. 11. K. C. in Now York Tribune. A special from Brownsville, Texas, to the Gulvcstoii News, num u: « s the capture at Cumiirgo, of eight of the Mixican raiders who depredated in and about Corpus Cinisti. They are held by the M xicuu au.horiiies for identiti at ion, and will doubtless bo punish d. Tin- same dbpatch says that other Mt xiciiu raiding parties aro in tho saddle, 'and that 11:ifively express their intention tj make tho valley of the Rio Grande, mi either side of tho liver, too hot to hold any Auk. l it an. The words of the ilisp itch ate. Udders arc lntrodiuing men inti' lhownsvillu to fno In us.-.s ami emnuiit robberies. Tho feeling here is light, leave or have your throat cut. It is a inch- question of time as to the in8iH.-iuatn>n of tho few of the Aineri- cans living iu the valley in' tho Rio Grande.” Ono Profil er Fioo ms written a letter tvi tho Yuk.-vburg Herald pie- dieting tho most voiU nt storms in j tlml section between th ^ 5th i f Juno and the 15th of July. He predicates his conclusions uj »ur the IvsuU of ticiviiititio deductions, and his theory ! has lias obtained sin*'. cn-lejicu with | Bishop Elder, of MW A;.; that tho j latter has dinetod that tliu praytr or- d.oned by the eluuvli for proUd fan ! against storms shu!I l»o recite l until ' tho close of July. Havannah Advertiser says 20,084 tons of fertilizers liavo passed through Havannah thn year, en routo to the farmers of tho State. At fifty dollars a t ii, this amounts to a tax upon the planters of $1,819,200, Enough more eiuno into tho Htulo through l’ort ami Charleston, to mako the entire bill for shipments up to tho first of this month, two million dollars. Counting in all sorts to the eh tn of the season, tho Advertiser estimates that Georgia will pay three and a-half million dollars thin year for fertilizers, or one hale of cotton out of every seven that slio ordinarily produces. Tho Tribune says tho demand for I’resident Grant to speak out on tho third to?m subject is becoming loud and threnlniug. It comes new from faithful party organs, and it is jx tir ing into'Washington in such volume thut the liou.a hold organs must grind a good deal louder than they over liuVo before if they expect to keep it from penetrating tho White House. It may not ho gonorally known that Indians haw tho privilege of be coming Amaiicun citizens upon compliance with certain conditions, and theca provide simply that they shall dissolve their tribi! rohitffmfi. A lute Washington telegram slates that a party of Winnebago chiefs from Wisconsin recently, for the pur pose of ascertaining whether they Ci nld become citizens of the great and gl. rioim American r.publ c, and upon being assured that the way was open intimated Bier tho members of ihe entire tribe wou'i. at once enter upon the enjoyment of tho ihetivo fran chise. rii'niujiA, I’oi.k county -w. r. * I Kai,(li', a<1 iniiii-iio>i<• i- mt tliu r«i#le nf J unto- It an u|i|)li.'<l fur let t.-to of (lintiiinniiiii llaiffi otu Tllori-forw, (ill pPiHnrii onncorntxl will np- jx-rir at n court of Ordinary, (.< I>« Itelil in nnttl county un I In* tlr-t Monday ill August next. In -Imw cntinr, If any (liny Itnve, wily sold I -iin* alioul'l not be granted. (liven under toy mnl mid ofliciul xigna- llln*, lltln A writ I el It. Im7/», jni:i. imi:wi;rt, ord’y. Tax Receiver's Notice I \\ 11,1. If -il II e fi.lliiv. ii>;r tin in • I | il'i' i- . 1 f«.! (In- |.i-i | ' id !(• • • iviug T i\ II • turn of all tnxnbh* property for I In* year 1H7A. fo wit : Huncomhe, ffii(:it Iny, April iTili. Pitili (triik, Mi.ii Uiy, April Dili. <.'I'ditt (own, Tin -dv, Apr 11 MIt. 11 nm |*( on’ **, Wilm lav, April l*|nl. i: till Hill, TIilirMp*) . April 221 Yin ng’(, Prillny. April 2Id. Hoc!: mini, Saturday. April 2 till. J. M. MtlUMiToV, T. !{. I? I .A. JNT O S O R G- A N S. W. S. D, Wiklc & Co., Cetlurtowii mnl CartriM illc, Side Aijenii for l‘ dk mid Harlow couniiec, for Wat ei’s' (. !i*i( *1 »rat<*i 1 Pianos and Organs- r JAH i M.. Instntnt iit- h.t\ nud n »teady growing pi-pulartly ii (lie re sult. The i iun\ hi d valuabii' iinpiovr. incuts reerully tutvuduie i in tin* Mu.-ionl pol'liiiU i ! tho Org-iti.- I mo added largi-iy lo (heir Mtcce*!*, to. ' llu-y are colditleully pre- rented as Absolutely V. ithout any Equals A splendiil Stool ii boxed with each Organ free of clnuge. j l ash Brices (iii'iub llcdiictd ! For ihe accommodation of (ho*o w!io can’t pay till at once, will sell for one fourth down aiul bulaiue in FIKTFKN MOM Hi.V INSTAl.I.MKSTS, Which will emille h’i.iosi any ono lopur- cbus-c un Iustruuicnt uud pay lor it with case The lo,lowing i* what Wood's Household Mngtwino s-vs of tho manufacturers and Instrument*; “Hovk-vy is mt HtsT I'oi.icy.’'— Hon iinptosivcly is this old maxim demonstrat ed in llio extraordinary success , t tho great Mii'itfal liisit umciil I ■ . i Horace Waters - ^ »• Adopliug l.o m I ho first a rigid rule i tlml every instrument should prove all, j and possibly mouk, thnn their warnimec , called lor, the firm has built up a business lar iu advance « ( their contemporaries, and from Maine to the Uull the name f Horace "at. ; - i> as lamilmr as iio..-ehold words. 1 he New York Kxpress says, “Waters’ I l’iaaos aiy piouounced by Musical amateurs , rt ' “ decidedly superior article in u// the i 1 t‘iuisiiea of this instrument, , ;nd it is fast superceding those of other manufacturers.” New Advertisements. IN THE MOBILE LIFE U'UBHCE CO., 07 MOBILE, ALA.. This Company has promptly paid every death loss sustained, and with out litigation or dispute Over #100,000! Paid in lho lust throe years to Wid ows and Orphans. .The Important Subject Of Life Insnarnco is gradually and deservedly gaining public attention by flm ft,ire of its own merits. The time is not far distant when the death of a man leuving his family uiq rovided for by a policy of Life Assurance, will leave tbs stain of neglected duly upon his character. It is a duty which < v- ery one owes to his own dej endents and tu tho community. Ib win neg lects it is not a good husband, f i t or citizen. He has no right even to risk the chance of throwing the future support of his famiiy, in case of nis death, on the community at large, or on relatives and friends, when it is in bis power so easily to provide against such contingencies. Tho Mobile Life Issues policies on nil tho approved plans of Insurance. In Ihe middle lands of iii’.j few lif e much cauital to h ave h r tho b« unfit of their familn*, in the event of t ir • ally decease, hut most liavo income*. By devoting a portion of tLo lutti i in tin* way of Life Assure: :t», the head of a family t in make sure Hint, die when hr n ay, even on tho day after tin* first annual payment, Ins widow and children will ho endowed with u certain amount of money. Take an Endowmefit Policy, and thus provido for your family iu tho evt nt of early death, and for your own old age, should you live out tho stipulated time. One ought to ho satisfied if hr gets, at llie end of twenty years, all tho money ho Iiun iuvesttd, with more than seven percent, interest, and has lmd the as. uranee, all through those twen ty years that, in ease he died, the full amount of tho policy would at once bo payable to tho beneficiary under Uni same. It seems loo good to hr inn*, but it can bo proved if you will tako tho trouble to inquire. “I am satisfied,” said General Dear born, “tlmt among ono huudr« 1 mer chants nud traders, not mure than three ever acquire iudopcudance.’’ lSvei\y Mortduint Should take an Endowment Policy or Limited Payment Policy iu tho MOBILE LIFE. A g-il of seventeen, in Schoharie, N. 1was asked, a few dnv - ago, by ! a smart young umn who had no menus lnt his salary, to become Ins spouse. "Is your life insured?" tufad she. ; "No," said tho swain. 'Then you 1 must have it insured, for I'm not go- j ing to marry you and have y ai die j and leave mo to beg for a living." The Life Endowment] By which a Cash Endowment cm bo secured during life, at life rates of ! pn n.ium. is a special feature of tho Mobile Life FOR ^TOXJISTO MEN People s- nu tiuHS object that they cannot "afford" to assure. Such uu urgumedt should rather touch a man tho imperative necessity for nssueing at once. It hr feels so much diffculty in withdrawing such a trille of his iu- comc, let him relit et on the nightful condition into which his death would plunge his family. Insure in the Mobile Lift* at once. To-morrow is not your owu. Delu breed remorse. How many estates have been sacrificed and families left penniless, because the father put utY insuring till u more convenient season, till he was better able. OSSIA.N III CiGINS, Agent, Cedartowu, (la. Office in rear of Record office. |rach 20—lj t Georgia Soap Factory HITCHCOCK a CO, ATLANTA, GA., Manufacturers of tho R. E. Lee, Groi>Bor’p Poor Man’s, Honey Toilet, Family, Chemical Olive, Olysereno Toilet, and No. 1 Detersive Soaps. Special inducements to merchants. Send orders to Hitchcock & Co., 31 Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. apr 17 E. 15. CARTER, M1AI.KU IN—■ Furniture and Carpets No. I (HR Empire HI ck, BltO \ l> HTREKT, ROM I ORORQ J. S. NOYES & CO., — DLALCKS IN — imv GOODS. GnOCEKIIiS, HAHDWARE, Modiclnos, Hats, caps, Boots and Shoes, HEADY MADE CI.OTIIIN(L Oii.-lonwr* Mill f,tel our Kinek nonipMr, comprising ninny artlolaa it is Imi ^-ib!" | hero lo t*numrrat(*, ami at moderate * -ices. ] I’arlici ' .r atteiiii .n paid t<» tmyiug and esllin Mon. nov 28-am ( L\S11 STORE. .r. s. hi iii»i>.-< cV Co., CKit.\UT<> IF.V, GA., I^EEH coiiHlnntly on hand a full line ■ f FAMILY GROCEMEC, HARDWARE, Hoots Shoes : aim) a line of RTADY-MADE CLOTHING AM) l AC'TOUy GOODS. On«ti Imvoix will find il In r?i*-ir in(rrc»( • o exninhio our goods mi l prices licforc putclinsing. Hole agents for the rale of the eeh l»i 'ited •* WiiU 1Moi\> ' and fixture-, in county. June 20—if Ponco De. Leon BITTERS An Elegant and Pleasant Preparation for HYSS’EPSIA, FEVER and AGUE, I loacl.K’lu*. I loarlbtini, LOSS OF APPETITE, Aviditx of ili«- stomacli. C-i*" Ae n Tonic in l.-w i rmn > f Fever, mid to ; r, .-.a M. • fr m Si- kro* these lUllers nro liighljr beneficial and gently atimulntihg. irnri'AitKD nv GEO. J. HOWARD, WHOLESALE DRUG CIST, I’enelidrt* St., Mlantli. (in. T. r. .rxHA.XK. a.:. sv.i. BURBAKK a JOKES, Codartown, - - Coorgia, DEALHLS in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, VAHXISHF.S, KKKOSKXE, 3L -A. F S! Everythin7 Fresh and Pure! x» i: itFuviE it y, LILY WHITE, bOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES GENERALLY. UEMINE COLDEN BELL COLOGNE Always on band. Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes, Combs, etc. For G- hristmas. A tine lot of L audits and- Fancy Goods, just received. Buying for Cash, wc are prepared to sel low a- the lowe.-t. liiTc us a call and see for yourselves* *juno,20-ly; DON’T READ THIS ! PHILPOT &c XJOIDIDS, At their old Stand, havo open oil a Magnificent Stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, And nro Selling them at remarkably low prices. Sugar, Collee, Cheese, Fish HARDWARE. CROCKERY A full Line of Notions, Trimmings, Ribbons, White Goods, Domestics, HATS. BOOTS, SHOES. READY-MADE CLOTHING And in fact a General Assortment of Merchandise, all nt Greatly Koduced Prices. Being fixed tip in good style, no rents to pay, and having paid Cash for their floods, they aro able to Compote successfully with any one. Call and be convinced. apr 17 STANDARD FERTILIZER . • fOliX MKItliVMA N Jc COM 1*A NY’S .r Jin- Number 1 in ARualyais and Curmuercial Value*. The Celebrated E U R E K A , A.X/I^LO^TIA.’X’^lID BOPTB. Superphosphate of Lime, ‘C)JI§am;e CO ' C3-XJ .X InTO. r*A. I am in tl»i- place fur min of tho ah^vo P-rliKr nr<> ralinMo, uiiiform in quality. nu>l hich in grvl-*. 8 dd f-ir C-»-li t'oiloq Upliun, l‘ii» i - Minin* ii- in Allanin ;ui<| Home A I 11 ’NTINGTON Joseph E, Veal, Rome, Georgia. V ' , l ‘ns, O.iitar*. Mu.:r hox*w Bar.jn**. Tamborin*-. llone*. Triangle. CuMneli. Ao- Flut'i.a* ( i'U, »timn«. Flutes l it -. Pi,,,!-, t !-,ironc(Flagelels, Harps, mng Jorks. ! itch Pip-i, llnrmnnionri-. 1 Ho-in. French, fimnan mi l Ilnlinn Strings. Violin and Oi.iinr r ;i . of wood and pnpi r; exiri, H.iivi*. Hc v.llnir, Tmi-[ i.',v^. K-y-. Mridrea. Finger-Board", Clairouet | W'l.iral Instmmrnts llcimirc.l in llesl Stile. iler n WINTERS & NELSON, WHOLESA X DEALERS IN PIANOS, ORGANS —AND— MCSICAI . AIERCIIANDISr., Small Instrument* String nn.l Sheet Music,’ Guitars. Agents fur the Celebrate! Peters, Webb & Co, and Hardman Pianos. AND TUE CHEAT NEW ENGLAND COS Thtfe wo claim are the VKItV BEST, ami TestimenUh", C.ti'o i :i aai opera Term«ipp!y to & Nelson, ’-il l Market street, CHATTANOOGA, TENN, 01J instruments taken in eiehangc for note ones. Speeiai prices to Cash Cu-tomer- sept 0.