The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, May 29, 1875, Image 3

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THE RECORD. t Live Country Howrptpor. Published Every Saturday Morning by W. S. r>. WIKLE Sc oo. TER MB OF SUBSCRIPTION. One oopy, om year t2.CO One copy, aix months 1-00 Ten eopiee, In elube. ouo year, each 1.50 Single cepiee Beta All anbeerlpUona invariably in advanoe. No name entered npou tho Hat until tlio subscrlp- iion ia paid. RATES OF ADVKRTIHINO. I Square... W Column. H Column, 1 Column. 1 W. | 1 M. | S M. * 1.00 ? 2.50 ? 5.00 8 00; 15.00 25.00 18 00. 25.00| 15.00 6S.OO) 120.00 40.00 05.00 Ptofoeeional and Uuaineee Carda of one inch or loan, ?19 per annum, payable quarterly fn advance; all raonlbe, #8. All advortiao* rnente due after flrat ineariion. ClIlUCll DIIIKCTOKY. (Iaptist ('m hcii.—Regular Services, 1st rtttd 3d Sundny-* in each month. Rev. (’. K Henderson, Pastor. Sabbath-school at 9 Mrthodist Ciirncit.—Sorrices at 11 o'clock. A. m. and S o'clock, v. m. every Sabbat it; Rev. Wni. II. l.uPradc, Poster. Pabhath»school nt 9 o’clock, a. u. . K» «1 \ TVHIAN Cin llCII.—Service* 2d and 4th Sabbath every month, Rev. James E. Jones, Pastor. Suhbitth school at o’clock, A. m, Masonic. Calsikikia Lopok, No. 121, F. k A. M. R gular coniThunication, night in each month. .1. S. STt'nns, \V. N. M. WniOBT, Secretary. Hood Templars. Cr.pAii Vauky Loimik. No. 308. 1 '1 Meets every Friday night (cxcc Friday.) tho 3d Friday \Y. H LaPllADK, W. Granec. CotgriTT Gbaxuk, No, 20 Regular meet ings Sntur.lny before tho thir-1 Sabbath in each mnnlk. l*nlk Count j Karim* Holds H<* regular lugs brfV.i a (lull. I Saturday • the 4th Sunday In each month esidon Our Agenth. E. P. Peatlierston, Rime Rrmneli. R. 8. Pattlllo, Taylorsville. W. P. Wrat, Esom 11 III. KATl'RDAY MORNING MAY 29. 1*7 local items. Our offico in now located in Lump kin *V McConnell's now building, over 1. A. Wytin’s htoro— front room. Nir.iu.FH for nil kinds <»f Sewing machines; Singer,00cls per dozen all oth rr« 75 cent*. WiM rend needle* by mail on r. ccipl of price. W. II WIKLE. t’nrtcrsville, On Pianos am. Dugans.- Wo nro ngent for two reliable houses, for tho sale of Pianos and Orgntis, or any other mus ical instrument, itml will sell ns cheap its cun ho bought from manufactures, cull and got catalogue) uud price list. Persons debiting to spend u fow months nt Cavo Spring during tho hout of Summer, will bo accommo dated, eithor nt tho Cavo Spring hotel or Judge T. J. Davis'. Como ye, and onjoy tho cool, refreshing water uud pure air of our village. J. p. JOHNSON, Prop. Cavo Spring Hotel. Attention, Lawks.—Patterns of all kinds, sizes and styles, for Ladies, Misses and Children, both Boys Girls, kept, constantly on hand, terns are nil cut and not hod, and crosses or maiks to show where to gather or ph ut, so that any lady con use them without any difficulty. Prices from 15 to .'15 cents. Call at Mrs. Endlows, or MUs Virgin Lump kin. iuH 4t L. G. RAY. Dr. K H. Richardson, Jr., lias moved into his new oflicc, beyond H .ury May’s shoe shop, on Main st., where ho uiav be found at all hours when not professionally absent, may 1 If A Bauoain.— 1 Two hundred and twenty five acres of land, ou Ealmrlcc creek, throo miles south of Itockmart, about fifty acres of good tillable land, under good fence. On this tract is one of tho best mill 1 “ " try good mill house, two sets of runners, one for corn and one f^r wheat, Tur bine wub r wheel, and all other nec essary fixtures. The j i • .rictor hav ing gone to Texas, a splendid bargain will be given. Cull on Thompson *v Wiki.k, Real Estate Agt’s, Cedartown. Marshal Wilkes is still engaged on Main street, and is putting it in ex cellent condition, and it is his inten tion to continue tho work all summer. Some of our streets aro needing re pairs badly, but unless all subject to street tnx assist our council by paying up promptly, tho work will bo stopped for tho luck of means to carry it ou. & C. Hunt is building himself a r®8- deuce on Main streot. The Gberokoo Iron Company’s nmg- nificout new mill will bo ready to con vert wheat into tho best grades of flour in tho early part of next woek. Mr. StofiVagon's now sto-story building will soon ho complotod. Mr. W. S. Davis, tho contractor, is making a good job of it, and lms not been long about it. Tho work on Joo Dodds’ and Dr. Ledbottor's residences is progressing rapidly. Mr. John C. Allen is tho contractor, which is as much as to say that tho work will l»c well done Any olio wanting an $80 Singer Sowing Machine, only used about three mouths, cheap, will please call at this ofiico for further information. may 27-tf Dr. C. H. Harris is expected to re turn homo to-day or the early part of next week. Wo shall bo happy to congratulate tho doctor on tho good nows wo hoar about him. Since tho abovo was in type Dr. Har ris has returned, but wo have not '‘interviewed’' him yet, and are, there* foto, not ftblo to stato tho extent ot his BiiecesH. Wo have now three beef markets in town. So no one need slitter for the lack of beef, if tho number of markets means anything. Tho one next tho old jail is fixing up a twelve foot Well to keep fresh meat cool. Local nows is about as scarce in tcwii as greenbacks. Wo spent about two hours yesterday afternoon in source of an item, but made ft com plete failure. Howovor, wo heard Knight toll his "calf story," but huvo no room for it in this paper. Wo regret to learn that lit tlu 1 y.iu Peek, daughter of Captain Julius Peek, has been very ill for a week past. Hope she may soon recover. | Wo also extend our sympathy to the family (of our aged townsman, Mr. Griflln, who is seriously ill of pnciuno- Notwithstanding tho depression aud hard times, aml dry, hot and windy weather, our town is gradually improving. There aro now soiuo six or eight resiliences in courso of erec tion, and three new store houses not yet completed, besides tho immonso amount of wo.k being done at tho Gberokoo Iron Works. Not many off-of tlie-railroad towns, tho size < f ( a dartowu, con boast of any improv* - mont. The i el llo Ring match Thursday night oil attended. .Judge Sp irks u Mills made up a small class aud Mr. llousonl acted as cuun- ciator. Tho first word, ‘j i,’ w is given to Homer, and h • went foot on it. Judge Sparks went foot on tho next word, *ccks.’ Notwithstanding tho small attendance, Judgo Sparks man aged to get up a laugh occasionally at his sayings and doings and bad spells, and ho aud tho other hoys on- joyed themselves. Wo copy tho following do ing par agraphs from lion. Ben Hill’s great speech, delivered in Atlanta on the 1 ‘2th instant: "Tho Southern extremists dreamed that they could destroy tho Union without wur. Alas, wlmt a dream ! And yet far more visionary aro Northern extremists who dronni that tho constitution can'bo destroyed without war. The Constitution and the Uuim! Would that patriots North aud South would wake up lo the fact that them two aro ouo. Tho lifo of the first is tho only hope of tho lust. Together both will live; divided both must die. In their life aro peace and freedom and glories over increas ing, and without cud. In their death m o strife and war aud despotism, and ! everlasting uud without hope. Folio v> eiti/.i ns, I urn charged with ; being ambitious. So / have. hum (tin- ' bitiona; but for what ? # To savo tho South from tho abyss of secession; - u fall of about fifteen feet. Also j tho Union from tho horrors of Liberty from tho perils of sectional hate, and my own roco from tho infa my of self degradation. 1 am ambi tious; hut for what V Simply to hold office V How I pity tho boor creature who could think so. I live high abovo the man who could find a gratifica tion of more personal vanity in the fact of holding an office. I am ambi tious once more to see Peuco between the States; peace between tho races, and peace, fraternal peace, between those who love tho constitution and thoso who lovo tho Union. And if, befor-. I die, J eau ho permitted to see States accordant, sections reconciled, tho rights of ull our people preserved, with the honor of none tarnished or Remember onr Tut Collector pays destroyed, and tho rich legacy of free our town another visis on Tuesday ; constitutional government bequeathed Married, nt tho rcsidonco of the bride’s fallior, near Roekiuhrt, on tho flOtli instant, Judgo Wiloy C. Barber, to Miss Lizzio Iloslip. Onr Arkansas Correspondence. Little Rook, Auk., May It), 187 Editor /{(foot'd:—Having seen but little of tho Stato of Arkansas, 1 am, of course, preparod to say but little, but in my roiuards I shall endeavor to speak alike of tho advantages and disadvantage?—to picture tho rough ns well as tho smotli side. Tho first towu I visited in tho Stato was Madison, situated forty niilos west of Memphis, on tho M. «& L. R. lb, just at tho western side of tho swamp and on tho St. Francis River. This was once a thriving town of sev eral handled inhabitants. Situated, as it were, on tho railroad and a nav igable liver, tho county seat of a liuo funning county, and a good distance from any city, one would suppose it t.i bo a place of considerable impor tance; but it is tho reverse. It is ouly a resort for such as aro not disposed to obey the ordinances of an incorpo rated town—such as love to drink, ami say ami do what they plcnso. "This was once a nice place, 0 said tho proprietor of a /<nV . v hoarding house, “hut a fow mon who cared nothing for their country aud wanted to increase the value of their property moved tho court lion : to Forest City." "How could a few moli nmvo tho court-house against the will of tho people," l asked. "Why, tho people kuowod if they didn't give way old useless would make 'em; so they just let it go." Tho old man really thought that the this nan of president Grant was pronounced hm/c.m. Forest City is just across tho ridge four miles west of Madison, on tho M. A L. R. R. It. Situated on tho table lands, it is bound to boooino a city of note. This tublo land iH ftvo or six miles wide, and a great many miles long, ami almost perfectly level. 1 spoilt an afternoon and night with a gentleman who lives five miles from Forest city, who owns a section (CIO acres) of Ibis iovol land, over throo hundred acres of which is m cultiva tion. Ho says it yields from thirteen to llftben hundred pounds of seed cut* ton to the aero. Ho says it clours two thousand dollars a year, and yot ho is borrowing money from a Mem phis bank with which to buy supplies to make his crop. Ho plants scarcely unylhidg but cotton, ami no wheat at all. lie has in one field one hundred and thirty acres, as level as the sur- f.uv i t water in a stock pjnd, that ho h *; cnltivati -1 thii ty- i.x years, aud him Dover seen a stalk of whoa!, or outs growing on it. Ho is paying,on time, twelve dull,us and fifty cents per bar rel for Hour, that ho could get for sev en and a half,cash. 1 am told by relia ble m. n that nine-tontliH of the farm ers through that section havo their stock mortgaged for supplies. I came to Littlo Ruck ou tho 15th. That was a big day hero. Over ono hundred cannon were tired iu the first a inal celebration of tho State’s inde pendence. They say tho 15th of May is to Aikunsaa what the •Rli of July is to the whole United Staton. All aoem well pleased with Governor Garland. I am iufoi mod that Brooks makes a good Post-master. Many of his for mer opponents say lie is tho right man iu tliO right l>hi*;e. A word to mechanics. Carpenters get from ouo dollar and fifty cents to two fifty. Master brick masons from throe to four dollars per day. Some Georgia boyo askod mo to sco what the clmn cos would be for them in Little Rock. I have made the liccos sary inquiry and find that mechanics have their city unions mid get only the above prices. L is almost im possible for a stranger to got work to do. Two or throb yours ago there were about forty master brick masons iu town, now there aro only six or seven, ami not vvoik enough to keep them ornph yed. Some of tho oldest carpenters of tho pi mo aro leaving uud working in little towns through the country. I advise tho young men of Georgia to stay whe io they are. OPENED AT LAST ! THE CHEROKEE IRON COMPANY’S NEW STORE! "With nfNow and Select Stock of Goods, tho largost oVor offered in Coder Valley, Iuoludiug PRINTS AND RADIKS DRESS WOODS, DROWN AND BLEACHED DOMESTICS, COTTON STRIPES AND PLAIDS, COTTON APRS LIN HNS AND CASSlMERS. A Seloot Slock of Family Groceries and Canned Goods, Ready - Made Clothing- a Specialty. HOOTS AXJ) SHOES AT HEDUCEl) raw US. GLASSWARE, CHE A l Having ndoptod the Gusli System and Ono Price only, and with tho ad vantage of Ifaving an oxporioucod Buyer in Now York, and receiving N> Goods at all timoH, wo would respectfully announco to our old patrons and tho l'uhlio generally, that wo aro prepared to sell ut tho most reasonable prices lfciX- The Highest Market Prices paid for Corn, AVhoat, Oats and Country Produce generally, in exchange for Goods or Cash. Now Advertisements. (i. W. VANCE, Saddle! and Harness Maker, CKDAItTOWN, (JA. my lino i (ho Pow (Ft ilisg. nmy H r.mulH For Sale. KK HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACHES Luml in Fluli limit <Uslilol, nboul !•(* cleared ami under pond reuse, i goa l bottom land. Dwel- TMimry ontbou*«*. and in I ho yard, arid a good place. A great bargain is ju ico and term*, jM'p'y and half tin* l ling ami all well nf good 8|)t illg Oil llll' offered, for (lie iirtniivwK, nr iiiomn*( 'edartuwa, Git. p. 8. A line Orchard, of Eleven Acres on the place. m »y H loot. Public School Notice. rpHK PublicSolimdHof Polk county, (ia. X will open on I ho First Monthly in •Inly, and conttnuo through »ho month* of July Angus! and September. All applicant!' for IIooiiho In tcnoli is I hi Public HoIiooIh for I be proHimt year, an hero by required I o meel the Hoard of Ed uealloii al I ho t-olirt IIoiiho ill Ccdurlowii oil I lie Find Tiuotday in Juno next, lb cxniiiluntioii. Teachers proriounly lioen*ad if *'N peel ing lo tern'll during I ho proHonl year, are rei|uirod lo pn.'Hiinl I hoi r lioonsoH at. the Hama (lino for npproval. All leaolmr* will bo required I" sign up conlrnot in tluplioalo with Pitlron* and with I ho County School GomnilHitlonorH, before Iho opening of tlielr rohool*. Ry oi der of till) Ihmrd. T 1, PITTMAN, County School Com’r Codarlown, May 4, 1874. FULTON HOUSE, T. M. ANDERSON, lain or Romo, (in. will F. CORUAj Professional Cards. . THOMt'SOH, «. It. WIKI.:* THOMPSON At NYllvhK, Real Estate Agents CKDART0WN, GEORGIA, I proporly, al i pilfS i« to notify tho public llial I huvo 1 dla.OQUuilued to do a general praolioo liioillolno, hut will in Iho I'ul lire eon lino inyHo’fto ollloo praolioo. April 17. 1875 It. R, THOMPSON. F. W. THOMPSON,- ATTORNEY AT LAW dEDA It TO MW, HI. GEORGIA. d Lodging per Day $2 00; gb; meal, 50 ooiiIh, PirHl-olan* lablo and I rooms, ||H>.. Haloen in ham niHhod with puru IJqUbr*, Pino V A T LAN T A, MX Elm. As n rule you can’t tell whether an ajipreutirr boy will havo an office) of his own soiuo day, or whether lie will lx. - come an out and out tramp, but when ho rollH a form with thu ink half distributed, and loaves tho roller on the cylinder vvhilo ho goes down to buy a cigar, you may as well buy him ii map and tell him about counting tho tiep. Tax Receiver's Notice T WII.I, ho III. tho following mimed place for Ilia purpose of Receiving Tax it I urn of all laxahlo properly for tlio yoi 1875, lo wit : Dunoomhc, (Saturday, May 2 'th. Fiali Crock, Mopilay, May Sint. Codarlown, 'J'uomlay, June IhL llamplon'H, Wedm-H'lay, Juno 2d. Khoiii Hill, Friday, June 4Hr, Young'*, Saturday, Juno 5th. Rook mart, Monday, Juno 7th. J. M. ARRINGTON, T. R. A GREAT DISUOVERT! Thompson's Liniment I* ono of iho gronloHl dlBeoverios of tho nge. Nothing bring!* wncli Hpooily and Mine relief lo IhoHC who miller with tlio nuiner oiih pain* ami acheH ootnmon to the human race. Do you want Hometbing llial will (•nno your bond, your back, cure your inntimn and Neuralgia ? Apply 'I hompao.. n Liniment and Bulfer no more. For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, Spruins, DurftB, and I'ain* gfiltorally, USB THOMPSON’S LINIMENT, A. OMB ERG, 3 5,31 J St., R a n a, C BOOKSELLER, STATIONER —AND — PRINTERS Pianos, Cabinet Organs, SMALL INSTRUMENTS. SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUCTION ROOK Plain and Fancy Print lug Neal and Cheap Paper Suokt* and lino Wrapping Paper. Pio turc Frame* and Mouldings* Write 'or catalogue and Price List, soppily JOHN C. AUfiii tactical Mechanic & Builder, \lOEDAItrO)VX, HA., ULI) roHpoolfull) .mblic that ho i« fuvnish Matorlal aud ^ o KpocI; 1 (u ilditi oM of all riioH and grades, on short nolloo ami uflor Iho moHt approved phuiB. Parliaular ill l out ion given lo making aud'I rim ml tig GOP.PIITS REPAIRING FURNITURE, \o’" Those dealriug work of any kind iu his line would do well lo call on him al Iho Ml. harlea Hotel. Shop front lug Conrl House Sqonro. Juno SJ-ly JKOMPT nllonlhm given Gllieo with Ivy F. Thomps Court IIoiiho aqunro. to Clnhun, m, East ai< ocl 17, 71 Wm. M. SPARKS, ATTOHNKY AT A A IF Codnrtown, Cn. )ol 17 '71. .1. 1C. II A k< It i: It , NoIhp.v I*ul>lic AND ATTORNEY AT LAW (VHitrlotvn, (<n. 1 )A11TICULAU alleulion given lo Inking 1 Doposllloiia and colluolion of claim IV. F. T U It N K It , ATTOIJNl'lY AT LAW ('<‘4lai'(0\VII, (ail. O FFICE Koulli of Court IIoiiho, bolwoon Huntington and W right'a alorea. IVY F. THOMPSON, Attorney sit Law CEDARTOWN. GA. Dr. C. H. HARRIS, Physician and Surgeon, Codnrtown, (In. O FFICE al ronidonoo, on Pryor Hroot. Juno 20. Dr. L. 8. LEDBETTER, SURGEON DENTIS rp Urilai'loAvn, Ua. O FFERS liin profoMlmial aorvloo* lo I oitizena of Codarlown and vioinily. A. la. DAVIS, Che NKVV SCHKDULE. I'olccc Railroad, next. Seo list of appointments iu another column. Rev. James K. Jones has been cho sen as pastor of the Presbyterian church in this place, and will preach the 2d and 1th Sundays iu each mouth fathers, transmitted | impaired to our children, I shall go to my grade with a comfort which tho ; diadems of kings could not confer; . and which the wealth and pov/or of ■ emperors could neither buy nor take away. From and afior November 1st, 1s7» the following achcdulc will bo run on tho Cbor- okco Railroad ; Leave Ubckmnrl " 15 a m Arrive al Taylorsville 8 30 a m Leave TaylorstlUc.■ •••• 8 50am Arrive at Htilesboro 9 10 a m Leave fctlilcuboro 9 20 a m Arrive at Uarterv/ille 10 Oj a rn Itol Uf 11 * I*K- j Leave Cartersvillc 2 HO pm Arrive at 8lile*bor0 3 15 p m Leave Blilciiboro 3 25 \> hi Arrive at Tnyloror •" 4} P u * Leavo Taylornvilli 4 05 ? ui Arrive al Roc!uji.r I 50 m D. \V ii. FKAC0( -K Watchmaker and Codartown, •WORK done promptly (lit* (rat cling Public. ARE uudralgaod is now ruuuing a 'I kly T Spring G, t FtATHERSTON ConlliuioH lo deal in DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Hats, Groceries &«., &c., 5tc., OohIi or Harter. ITohIho buy* and soil* Colton. Oot 24 BARBER & WOOD OH/)AUTO HW, (!A DRY GOODS ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS, liools, SllOOH, Wool Sc Fill’ l J :i t fAl.BOr, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, FLOUR mid BACON. Which we will Hell as town for tho CASH. ofdYo purchasing. cheap an any one in Call ami examine |unn]3Q < W ,|jL! VV I,ami I’uesdityH, Thursdays an l Stlurd tyi Good Hacks Fast Horses ami Oaroful Drivers. The Cave Spring Hotel Iiiih been lsnsod mid tilled up iu good atylo, The lablo will Im mipplicd with iho bcsl Unit can Im had. J. P. JOHNSON. ])AVll> yVX.10, House, Sign and Ornamental 3?A.inVCTB]3E^ Furnituro ntado lo ilc lika now. lto- pairing of ovory description Tlioiio having work in Iho above line can Im Bulled al liberal Prlona. mohld East End Wood Shop, f)V .T. M. IIAHiMS. Repairs ami Milken Wagons, Bedsteads, Tables etc Aud alinoHl nnylhing made of wood. Wagon Hubs or any other Turning Done to Ordor. ODD HUBS KF.L'T ON HAND. WORK 0HLU1’ FOR CASH. noi>l 10—ly Columbia House, ATLANTA, GA. Rooms largo and airy, newly liiiulshed, aud Hid labioH uiiHiirpiiHSod. .Snlinfaollou guaraiiloed or no pay required Hoard aud lodging per day $1 5). April 17 ml yo harm. Thin Mcdi- i up right bore in your })r R. *K. THOMPSON. Your m igl.borH l, u vc tried it, and i! lms never foiled lo do what it promise*. Every family nliould keep it on hand, and thereby huvo ninny a dollar. Often a long and expoiiHive trip f->r a physician might bo dispensed with, uimply by applying Thompson's Liniment; then keep it on hand—it will cost you but little. jNn physician can practice hiicochm. fully without a good Liniment.—they know ils importance—then keep it on hand. You can uoply it yourself and save money. /Jail on DR. R. H. THOMPSON, over J'r. Reese's Drug Store, get it hot lie, and never be without it. It will do what it say/, and you’ll never regret buying il. Oct 21 Jeweler, Cn. I HidlHfaclorily wolvo Month*. Repairing fine watches a apocialty. All kinds of Jewelry and Watched and Clock* kept fur sale. dine 20-ly i ;. clfavkLan'u, Fashionable Tailor, MAIN HTIII’.liT Codartown, Cn. A LL or dor b in my lino promptly tilled, and in a stylo nolto ho cxcollod by I lie best. Fits guarnateci, aud all work war rani ml. Try mo ami be convinced. Espo cial attention paid to renovating and re pairing; also culling for Iodic* to make up r \ KOROIA, POLK COUNT Y. -Wiioroa*, ' % Fannie Mnion, administratrix on Ibu estate of John A. Mason, deeoasel, has ap plied for leave to sell Iho land belonging lo to estate of the estate of Bald deceased. These are, therefore, to oilc all persona concerned, kindred and creditor*, to ho and a[iear al a court of ordinary to bo held ou the first iy in,May next, to allow Clitic, if any they have, why Raid applica tion should not bo granted. Given under my baud and olboial *igua litre, this April 5, 1875, JOEL HUE WE It, Orly LiAery, Sale and Feed Stable Main Street, (Jetlartowu,U«. KICKS down lo suit tlio limes. Omul Stock, Vehicles, mid (Jareful Drivers always on hand. Special attention given to the care cf Hiock loft iu our charge. lumpkin a McConnell* IT LEADS TO HAPPINESS A Boon to tho Wholo Rnco of Women DR. BRADFIELD'8 Female Regulator! IT WIM. UUINC* ON 'IHK MKNSHH, B r ji ; ^Vl niatV«in*»nuV* ,, ur£?*i» 01^llni k^aiid IJturn. I.*'ij- gEKS?SJS i3i"i?S3SiSSfi: *’ rtwuf rinnWHUll Irrlln* Ion or 1C Id n*jr**nil der, rollpvn (JoHlIviiin-H'i, t-itriry llm ll , o<*l, t nil nml NtiQMKtli lo Hi" wIioIm ny8l«m, cl"i nit in, |fii|inrtfnKnrosy lieu to ttiocneck.mtil i nuni'Si to too mind. M It Is a si'ro ruri< In hII In I im It I n Oli ) l Ubm d £**£1 complnlnl* A\ . <J. 1 turbo,-, REAL ESTATE AG’T ltopkniai't, (Ut. buy Wild 1 or Improved Land* in any port ion of I lie county, Having boon a citizen of Polk ooiinly for many year*, and being thoroughly poalod iu llic Lneation, Valim, do , of Lauda in ev ery Hendon, feet oonl)dotil that it will bo to tho iulorcHL of parlies having lands to soli, In place them in my hands; andUiohowish ing lo purchase Land* cun always ho no- ooinimidulod. I will lie iu (’odarlowu on Iho 1*1 Tuesday hi each month, for tlio pur. peso of (raiieaoling buninon* iu my line. fmio 20 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO -$20- Wild. IIUV A First Mortgage Premium Bond N. Y. Industrial Exhibition Oo. Don’t enmparo it with a Lottery; hour mind llial llm capital invoiled is always HOOIII'Oll. This Loan ia iamiud on u novel plan, and authorized by Hpooinl Act of Ilm Legiala- Inro of Iho Stato of New York. Every bomlhoMor must rocoivo at least $21.01), hut lie nmy rocoivo (£100*000 J Dr $85,0(H), or $10,000, or $5,OUO, or $8,000. ko., ko. Premium Allotment, Juuo 7,1875 5Lh Snrion Drawing, July (l, 1875. (Jiroulur* giving full explanation, will ho soul, froo of charge, on application. Address, for lloiidn and full mforniulioit,*] J Wiorgonthau, Bruno A Co- Finanoiai. Aoknt*, 2‘.t Park Row, N. Y. Post Office Drawer 2f>. Remit by Draft on N. V. (’.ly Hanks, Registered Loiter or P. O. Mon Order. i! i i—Dm CASH sToim;. .F. H- Stubbs Sc Co., VEDA It TO 1FA', HA.. EEP con*laii(ly ou hand a lull lino of lira In all llm aliovo diseases as Quin- fllt-ii oaii oar*' tlio'inwifvwi of all tlio nbovo dls- \ | |„,„t rovoiiliiiff thnlr complaints m any ja-rson. wliloli Is mwnys mortifying w lliclr pride “Tt Is°rnr<ia!111ondod Uy Ui« bont physician* nml thuo.orKy* i.aUiianok, (Jh , Man I, 41), IH70. , IlKAi.KiKi.n A Co. Atlaii'a, (Is.: l>"tr A/m I ink*- pbiisurB In statlnic tliui I have useil 10 me irsiV5:x*. : , J!?. y.-aiasar-ws BTnfflrw?";- IsUir. arid consider It lb* best corntdiiij.loii «vs. gotten lo^ellier f.»r the diseases for which II I* rs i f>iiiineii(li >, i. I have been laminar w III tho pi" - iu. Ipilon both as a practitioner oMnedhiijio Slld^ln ■Jderlt’a^boon'io’*ullerlnK females, and c*n hut hope Hint every la»ly in onr own land, who may l-» fttmerlnK In any way peculiar to their sex, niay bn abln lo procure a hotlb> llial lliclr miIT.-riuk** may not only bn relieved, but (but they may bn restored 10 health and stren«lh. Wl'h ni> klnuesl regard*, J am, respectfully, , W. It. KKHHIXil., M. I). N n a a MXriktta. (Ja.^JJaroh aojSTOj^^ nmi?tb« H aKO^ njought* boUleof nrodS eld'si KiKiaio Keuulator from you,and have nsn*l II Iri iny fanii y with llm Utmost satisfaction, urjd have rmsirnmen- d«d It to iwo or three oilier families,and theyJJ*v« found It Just what It U rwommunded. I ho fomaU* who havo used your HeKiiiator are In perfril health, and aru afiln lo aimed to their household • - - -..coiumtod it to the puL- K 1 FaiVUtY CROCERlESt HAKDWAHE, IJoot.M suul Slioes; also a lino of READY-MADE CLOTHING AMD FACTORY GOODS, Cftili buyers will And il lo llioli* inlorcst In examine our good* nml prides boforo purohiiHing. Sold figcnl* for Iho mile of I lie colc- braled “ Wall Plows’' and flxttirv*, in Polk county. juuo 20—If J. K. NOYES & CO., He Yours, respectful^ (f n Wo could add a thousand other wjlttcaus, bo. we consider l lie above amply suOtclent proof of Its virtue. All we Is a • ask bia ir, For full particular*, history of diseases, till cut"* or Us wonderful cures, lue re ferred lo the wrapper around the Dome. ““'■S'SXi CO.,> a. H.M I.y .It OilOCERIliS, HARDWARE, Medicines. Hats, caps, Boots and Shoos, READY-MADE CLOTH I NIL Cmdnmci** will find our Stock complete, compri»lng many nrtiolos il i* impossible here in cMiimtTult', and nt inoilarntprices. Puriiciilnr iiiicutidi) paid lo buying and cifllln ./.Colion. nov 28 -'bn