The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, May 29, 1875, Image 4

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HBDOCTIO AD AB«URI)OM. I bad e i <!'»••< eonnlry plsre e from the dly eerly mat rfaiurday afternoon: I mI with Ikatrlt under the Ire** In llm tmioav orchard ; t*»r» golden |>mm llurred over rtnvnnioi*, pink ■"'1 ; 1 »m al peer*, and Inclined to *|ioon. « slnptdng a while with i Brought in my n>*morymanyanothar In 1h« happy lime when I won her gra<* I»aya In Ihe bright spring weather, When lli» IwIMe.l, rough util Iree thowered down a| That swing In her H»M waa her face a And dainty the kl»»«i rny love Raw* ini'. " Dear low, are yon recalling The old day* loo?*• I raid. Har «ti»l ay> a flllrd, and wllh lendor grace Hhe I nr m.I and rested her hhteh'ng faro Against my shoulder : a minlmim railing Through I ho laarm above na, crowned liar head. And an I hold her, (mating That imna waa by to are ; A aad mlalako-fnr low, bill ulnar, Hindi art Inna-and, . I, thoy’irn got our Iran SILK SMUGGLING. CJIvll Hull A|galn*t Ulina. I., I.awmiir for Mura Thau • I,<1110,0110. (From the Now York Tribune. | Tho rat« of duly to which lioainrjaml other cotton ffooibi nro Hiibjoct wub paid upon tho nilkn nllrffoil to havo boon nmtigglod through the apnraifinr’H oflloc »t an undorvn I tuition by Chou. T$. Law rence. Tho ilifforenoo between tho duly which should havo boon paid on thoHn Nilkn end that which wan paid is, it 1h claimed, $I,U;if),100, and a miit wan bu ff tin yentordny in tho [Jnitcd Hinton dia- triot court to rocovor that amount from Lawrence, Tho dotcctiviH received their first intimation of tho trno Htato of facta in Ootobor loot, when they began an in* voaligalion hi dim-over, if poaniblc, how allka and iacon could he nohl in this market at au undorvaluation, Thoy wore aHhiatod in thnir queat by doalora in thin city who had boon loacra by Hitch HfcloH. Hhortlv after tho beginning of tho invoatigation tho detcotivea found that what purported to bo cotton gooda wore, delivered to a laoo hoiuio, and were conaignod to Homo fictitious conaigncn, tho ontrlon being made by Oliarlea Jj. Lawrence, who Hignod the henda for the withdrawal of tho goodN, Luwrenoe claimed to havo a power of attorney from tho ilotitinun eouaigneen, The deteotiven watched Lawrenoe night and day, aud Golloelor Arthur detailed Doputy Oollootora PholpH and Bnuloh to ARHiat them. Tho wntohing of the HiiHDootod person* oontinued until curly in January withont any important re* anlt. At that time dray Ilrothora, ohm- tom-hoiino brokora, made an entry of night oiuioh of what purported to bn cotton gooda, conaignod to Freeman A Powell. Tho entry won made hoforo Ool. Don Augea, Lawrenoe aigniug tho bond for tho withdrawal of the gooda. I tea Augoa, ai< usual. nolootod one of tho oanea for examination and appraisal. Tho detective* watched Lawrence while he waa aigniug the bend aud making tho entry. A low minutoM after Deputy Oollootor Jlnuloli made inquiry of Don AugoH oh to what bond Lawrouoo had •dgtiod. At this Don AngeH beonnio miapieiotiH and alarmed, and gave an order countermanding tho withdrawal permit. Thin order wiih aent to Mr. Mooney, Olio of the deteetivea who waa in Hobo ken watching the diHohurgo of the cargo of tho Pontmuranin. on which the oaann of gooda were. Tlio oofloa were the romoved U> the wnrolioudo on the dock, aud an examination of thuir oouteuta, a few daya afterward, allowed that they contained silks. The gooda woro nciy.cil and placed in the noi/, tire-room of tho diatom-house. One of tho cams--tho one ehoaeii for examination by Col. Don Augea -contained cotton gooda, Tho indictment of Lawrenoe anil Dea Augea followed. Lawrenoe tied to Canada, whither ho waa purauml by the detect* ivon. While iu Montreal, he reeeivod it (olographic diapateh from a confederate in this oity, informing him that tho deteetivea were on bin traok. lie im mediately left Montreal iu a aleigh, on February 12, and pursued Ilia journey toward Ht. .lobna and Halifax, while tho thermometer waa forty degrot a lie- low sr.ero, Ho afterward Nailed for England under tho name of G. Cl. Gor don. Ho was nrreHted on hia arrival at Quoonatowu by a ietcotivo from Hoot- land Yard. Lawrence took hia urreat very ooolly, not auppoaiug Hint lie could week, one farmer reported that he had ditohod and deatroyod one hundred and twenty buahola of graaahoppora in throe days’ work, but tho war has noapparont effect upon the conntleaa awarmn, and thoy seem to inerenso in diaoouratriDg projiorlion to tho doatrnction, Man) of the farmera in the atrioken counties are utterly bopclCM. The cattle and horaea are oolleotcd in hordn and drove and driven aouthweat to Arkanaos and Indian nation for pasturage. Missouri ia likely to fool tho neocaaity of going •Pep into tho state treasury to keep her unfortnnnto people from starvation, long hoforo cold weather comes. There Aonras now no other prospect than that tho atnto will ho completely overrun, and tho awnrmH may bo expected to reach Southern Illinois botween the 20th and 80th of July. What are Jetties? Tho Hoientiflo American givea a familiar description of the jetty system which is to he applied in the improve ments at tho mouth of tho MiHHissippi, as fellows: Tho long dfsonaaion rolativo to the most practicable method of improving the mouth of tho M ississippi, so as to ren der tho same passable to vessels of deep draft and thus to open the river ports to diroot ocean traffic, was virtually terminated by the granting of an ap propriation by oongrcNH, for tho con strnotion of a system of jetties, at one of tlio riaaacn throngh which the stream enters tho Gulf. The plans involving canals, whioh havo been strenuonHly advocated by many eminent engineers, are therefore for tho time at least set asido, aud to (Japt. J. L. Eads, an on gineer now widely celebrated for his successful construction of tho Ht. Lonla bridge, has boon entrusted the task of causing the mighty current of the father of waters literally to undo its own work and to break down the hnrrior whioh itself has aroatod. Tho delta of the Mississippi is formed of narrow strips of land, mostly low lying banks, through whioh tho rfvor winds till it makes its oxit to the gnlf by a number of unrrow pnsseH. In Home of tlioho channels, previous utteinpls have been made to deepen them by dredging, witli but partial success, however, as a single flood has been known to carry down suffleifiit sediment to fill them to their original dopth ; and the ourront besides, emptying into tho open water at tlio month*, speedily left at that point bars of blue clay, surmountable only by light draft ships. Tho gist of Oapt. Eads’ plan will now be readily appre hended when it is regarded as shifting the point of deposit of these barriers from tiio shoal water at tho enlrauee of ooo pass, out into the deep water whore titling up by nulural onuses is imporsi bio. liy this means the river ourront ii to bo made to cut out und noour its owi oliunnol across the present bar. To do this, it is obvious t lint the banks of the pass must ho oxtondod, so as to lead the stream far enough out; another section of conduit, as it were, must he added, and tills in now to be formed of tlio Htibmariuo dykes or jettioH, The materials of whioh these struc tures arc to be composed are will nv twigs bound iu bundles, termed by en gineers “ faoiuofl," eight or ten foot in length, and about as many inches iu diameter. A large number of faoinos will bo lashed together to form rafts. Tho rafts will be from seventy-live to two thousand foot in width, tho largest being nutik in the deepest wntor, rafts will next bo towed to the proper |« iut, there loaded with stones and submerged, aud thus the work will continue, one raft being sunk above another until the surface is readied. Each lino of the rafts will be narrower than the low it until tho upper course will not bo more than ten feet wide. The two whioh will thus be constructed will be prolongations of the banka, and be tween them will form a channel with sloping aides, In the eourso of time, the interstices of twigs and atones will till with sued and mud, so that eventu ally two solid submarine loveea will bo produced. Very little pile work, it iH said, will bo required except, perhaps, at the head of Hntith 1'ass, which is the outlet at which the jetties nro to be built, iu order to provide for the proper iemulation of tho volume of water iu tho new ohtiunel at various stages of the t' Captain Eads has already begun his surveys, in whioh work, together with lm Mlrmlfti.1. lift i* 10 mitkiiiK of tliu mw»H„rv IMIlyMMl.t™", HI, Tliomtut ITonry, """""" anil he was defended by Judah 1*. Hen- j ami u, the former secretary of tho federate treasury. The magistrate or- doted Lawrence's extradition, and tho prisoner was then placed in the (Jlork- enwell detention house. While there Lawrence had convoyed to him a new dirk-knife nearly a foot in length. When thin wiih found upon his person he was confined in a dark cell. Efforts ) then made to bribe tlio dotectivoa, will bo consumed. The llrst raft, it in expected, will be sunk by tho beginning of October next. Shoriuan on tho Capture or Fort Pillow. Hhortly after Sherman's taking com mand, Gen. Forrest made that famous raid whioh resulted in the capture of >u „.. ul) , uouovmM ,oo Fort Pillow. The question us to at least to rescue the prisoner from I '^Imtlror the troops of Forrest mussa- itody. None of these attempts were ! nogro garrison at Fort Pillow, sueoessful, ami Lawrence was Hi m u v 1»‘ R '""'ays been one of the problems of put on board the Boylhia and brought tho wur -, ,u to it, Gen. Hlior- to this oity. He had about £1 f>00 in m,ui UH that he lmd intended money on hin person when arrested the vacation of Fort Pillow, and had so The detectives connected with the ' stored ‘t I l»»t that Gun. Hurlbort had capture suy that the oombinatiou to rctainod n small garrison “to ouoour defraud the revenue was one of the n ? p enlistment of the blacks as sol- grcntesl eouapiraeiea ever formed. It whioh “ favorite political muulmrvtl about 500 members many of I P oli °y “t that time." Consequently, them being men of wealth and position tho exposure of a small garrison iu an both hero and abroad. Tho most ex- i onsupportwl, outlying fort, and tho tensive rutuitloations of thesyNtem wero ' tDWHaoro that followed, are not to bo in England and on theeontiuout. agents 1 n P° n Oonoral Sberiuan. Ah to being kept in nearly every largo port, 1 tUa “ **-* Doomed Missouri. the massuore, the general now says that I no doubt the troops of Forrest “ acted like a set of barbarians, shooting down I tho helpless negro garrison niter tho Tho state entomologist of Missouri ! wnH * u ptisseesion." Ho gives and other seicntlflo men who have Fomurt the credit of stopping the sinditsl the grasshopper hnve prodiotod I ih'iuR O” soon as he could, and bears that uotliirg but a late, ooUl, wet spring testimony to the fact that when Forrest could save that state from devastation i federal soldiers prisoners ho was this year by the plague whioh reached ' usually very kind to them. But “he the extreme western counties last fall, had a desperate set of fellows under During April and the early part of May ■ him," aud at that time there is no it seemed ns if providential interference : doubt the feeling of the southern people was backing the scientists, but a week "‘is fearfully savage on tins very point of dry, hot weather has let loose the | our making soldiers out of their scourge, and every train and mail brings “duves, and Forrest may have shared additional intelligence of the work of ‘his finding, ruin which is pregroasitig witli terrible rapidity throughout almost the entire Hopkviu. Pnosmcrs or ti western half of the slate. In Clinton, InhvnoKSTtt. A geutlemau recently l’latte, Play, Jackson, Gass, Lafayette, from Havana informs us that the Span- and Johusou counties, where the swarms iards iu that oity are less hopeful than coming eastward from Kansas arrive I they wero a year ago of putting down just in time to lay their egg® and be the insurrection The devastation of out down by the fall frosts, they have the sugar plantations during tho past hatched out iu incomprehensible* qnnn winter has oonviuood them that it is the titles, and are sprowling all over the - purpose of the insurrectionists to oou- state, literally devouring every green vert the island into a desert and render thing in their way. Wheat flulda an* it no longer profitable as a pocsessiou left bare as a plowed field. The gar- of tho crown, if they cannot otherwise dens are Gripped of everything. Even gain their independence. They are re- tho blue-grass pastures are go e over ' ported to havo recently received conoid- aud cropped even witli the ground. able snpplieis of arms and munitions of Heporta from some of the Kansas war, and t«> Ik* in n ls*tter defensive con- oouutte.H -av that the grasshoppers have 1 dill on than iu the fall, though neither begun on the fruit vonring leaves, blossoms aud buds. Tlio fartueia of the sUickeu oouuti< iu Missouri have fought the p<*st every way. At u meeting held southern part of Jacksou county, last j 8p:unali liue j ui sufficient force nor so eqniped as to tike the defensive. Himply hold their ground among the monnUina, ami make | iKHMaioual forays with various results upon uuguanled poiuta within the USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. To PnxvKNT InouowivoToe-Naim.— Thin very ptinful discam of the great toes may bo obviated by the very sim ple expedient of trimming the nails perfectly square like the edge of a chisel or plane-bit, being careful never to leave any ragged edges, and lot them grow long. When thus trimmed and kept so, tho edges grow square and smooth, and can not inflame and foster. This complaint is frequently so severe that sufferers havo had their too-nails taken out by the roots while under tho infinenoo of chloroform. A Few Hints on Wahiuno.—Evory woman shonld havo a bottle of ammo nia, plenty of borax and a good wring- <>r: soap the clothes well and put on to l»oil in cold water, with two tablospoon- fuls of liquid ammonia to each boiler of clothes ; boil hard one hour (do this on Saturday morning); ringthom out of the suds and spread on the grass. On Mon day morning mnko a snds, putting in two tablospoonfnla of pulverized borax; scald the clothes, wring out and rinse. Any ono who mnv try the abovo will be grateful to find their olotlios much nicer than they would havo been if they had rubbed them for hours. It is well, first, that all young men remember that nothing will do them so muoh injury as quick and easy suooess, and nothing will do them so much good as a struggle which teaches them exact ly what there is in them, educates them gradually t i its use, instructs thorn in personal economy, drills them into a patient ond persistent habit of work, and keeps them at the foot of the lad der until they beoorao strong enough to hold evory stop they are enabled to gain. The first years of every man’s business or professional lifonro years of eduoatiem. Hki.ativk Cost ov liurrKit and Beep. —•Did it ever occur to any of your renders that it tukcH moro feed to make a pound of boot than a pound of but ter ? A good cow in milk well cared for, will make 200 tho. of butter iu a season, worth from $00 to $70 ; but a dry oow, with tho same feed/ will not gain as much in weight in tho same time, nor will she be worth ns much as the butter from the dairy oow, and tho miloli <x>w is left. An acquaintance of mine iH fattening an ox, and in sixty days he had fed him 1)00 lbs. of neal, at a oust of $15, with only 100 libs, gain in weight. Cor. Country (Jnntlcman, Cuttino Flowkns,—Never out flowers during intense sunshine, nor keen them exposed to tho sun or wind. Do not ooiloot them in largo Imndlos, or tie Uiom together, ns this Hastens their de- ooy*. Do not pull thorn, but out them cloauly off the plant with a sharp knife, not witli scissors. When taken in-doors, place them in tho nhodo, ami mlnco them to tlio required length of stalk with a sharp knifo, by which tlio tubes, through which thoy draw up the wuter, is permitted to ascend free ly ; whereas, if the steins aro bruised or lacerated, tho {Hires are closed up. Use puro water to sot them in, or pure white saml iu a state of saturation, slicking tho ends of the stalks into it, but not in a crowded manner, if in water alone it ought to bo changed daily, ami a thin slice should be out off flic ends of the stalks at ovory change of wator. Uemkdy i on Biiokhn Knees. - To avoid the ugly uinrkH of broken knees, it is reoommemlod that when the horse falls the wound Hliould lie washed by throwing a bucket of wator upon it, and never irritating it by any friction ; dry the wound then with a very soft cloth, and place over it a layer of dry cotton, a fingor length iu thickness, covering witli a band of flannel, and the latter with the usual leather knen-oap. not lm) tightly ntrapped. Let the horse repose three or fonr days without touching tho band ago; at the expiration of this period take off tho bandage very delicately ami without touching the crust or the sore, ami walk the horse for a little, but very slow, then re place the bnmlage sh before. Iu tliir toon days the crust will fall, the wound will not only havo a now skin, but xvill ho recovered with hair, mid no change in color will be prcoeptiblo. Keki* the K» < iim'h. - Every house keeper should have her own rooipe- book— a book of her own creation, ol general growth and proven! excellence— and we propose to show our lady readers how to make one. Iu tho first place huv a blank book and write your nume aud date on the first leaf. Divide the book into as many different departments ns you wish, heading each page with tho department to whioh it belougH, us follows : Hecipes for cleaning ; recipes for sonps ; recipes for cooking meats ; recipes for cake, and so on through family oookinv. Then comes cooking for the sick, cure for the sick, and all the various things that are a part of woman's duty, nnd for which, unfortunately, there is no sehool but experience. Number your pages if they are not numbered in the beginning, aud make an index, leaving blank spaces in the index to correspond with blank pages between departments which yon do not expect to fill immediately. Write down under these different heads every recipe which you havo actually tried, or the result of whioh you have seen iu the houses of your friends, and enter the page in the index. GO LOUR I) OoNKKOTIONRRT.-- It 111 ay UOt be uniutoroating to some of our readers to aoo what kind of poisons nro admm- interod iu the form of oolorod candy to the young Hungarians at home. Pro- feasor Dullo of Postil, who Inis been analyzing them, reports that, in thirteen specimens of rod candy which he tested, he found that eleven wero colored with cochineal and two with fuohsin. Of twelve bines, two wore ultramarine, cue indigo-carmine, two auiliuo blue, amt eight Prussian blue. Of eighty-three yellows, thirty-one woro ohrome yellow, forty-nine were Dutch pink, and three n salt of hiuitm-nnphthul. Of eighteen greens four were Paris green, eight chrome green, two ultra-marine green and two sup green. Tho so-called iron yellows were chrome yellows and the so- called substitute for carmine was an arsonious fuohsin. Of theso colors the Paris green, chrome greou and ohrome yellows are poisonous, and their use should be prohibited, and so should that of fuohsin, for only tho cheaper and arsonious sorts are used. The action of binitro-naphthal salts is en tirely uukuowu, aud hence their use should not yet In* permitted. To make the oonfootionery cheaper, its weight is increased by sulphate of baryta and other ndultoratious. — Scientific Anu r~ The Comino Gkassuou ku.—In some portions of Kansas ami Missouri the inevitable grasshopper has appeared iu vast numlx-iv. This year he cornea, no te the diminutive proportions of tho flea, and ranging from that t«. the sue ot a common liouao tty. His number does not seem to havo been diminished, but, on the contrary, h>* is as solid to the square foot as during their raid of last loguo and oliromo oircnlar fr<*« on application. Tbla company want a f«*w more good agents. Parson'll Puryatlve Pills, which are now being extensively sold In this Htato, are purely vegn'ablo, "* “ J * If yon would enjojr life mm Tatt'« Till". They pr-slm* a go«*<l apprttt*, a»ancl •ngMlmu au-l Impart vigor to body an-1 mind. A MAN OV A THOUSAND. lamra cured hU only child with a preparation Ila now givea redige free ooraealpt ‘ two damp* to pay e*|Mn»«w. Thrr- la not a at»Kl« iiitiyti that It d<>M not d<Mi|*t« - ,»Ion of the Nervra, IMfflrult K» ■harp I’alna In the l.nnga, Nao*** at th* Avmptoraof no" Nlfht Hwraia. * IF . Mturlw. AddrcM CltADDCN.'R MARKET REPORTS. season, and hin capaoity for destruction is fnlly as groat ss when hia bodily bulk accorded with the general idea of tho average ’hopper. Dispatches report this troublesome pout os already swarm ing and increasing from Missouri totbo Kooky monntAin*i. If these reports are true, tho devastation of last summer will likely be repeated, and a new terri tory ravaged ana robbed of its human sustenance. Farther north, in Nebraska and Minnesota, it is thought that the mission of tho grasshopper is finished, and that tho farmers will have an oppor tunity to recover their lost ground. In Search of a Good Room. Mr. John Higgins, of Sucker Flat. California, sayH the Ht. Lonis Republi can, paid a visit to Han Francisco re cently, and created a sensation. lie strolfed ioto a hotel, laid down his car pet bag, Hung a twenty-dollar gold- piece down before the clerk, and said ho wanted n “good room." Tho olerk, as hotel ckrkn generally do in tho c®so of n man whose "tyln is far from loud, gave Mr. John Higgins a room beneath tho mansard, and put the wayfarer in charge of a bell-boy. The bell-boy conducted Mr. Higgins to the elovator and left him. Tho boy who ran the ••levator waa absent, and the gentleman from Hunker Flat, thinking he had reached his room, began to nndress. When the olevator lioy came back, Mr. Higgins was wearing a pair of drawers, and abused the boy for tximing in with out knocking. Homo ladies were (join ing, and the boy, in terror, started tlio rn’iobino. The moment the olevator shot upward Higgins begau bounding about like a royal Bengal tiger in hin flrit cage. The boy was frightened nearly into spasms. Finally the eleva tor reached the roof, and Higgins made ii spring for lilierty, landing with a v 0 l| among a group of cliambormaids. They fled and filled the corridors with sounds „ WUI unwBBUB c of terror, while Higgins bounded from TnW washed hall to hall, evidently meaning to never j WHISKY-Common stop until he bad reached Hucker Flat | ltols)rt»on County THowaUen to the hotel ware | KEcto^:.'.' summoned to tho rescue, and Higgins) niOHWlNKS was captured after a deeperato struggle, COTTON confined to hia room and his clothea Ordinary thrown into him. He finnlly compre hended the situation, but wouldn't got into tho elevator again. There hadn't been such an excitement iu that Han Francisco hotel, they%*y, sinoe the last earthquake. This same Higgins once resided in Memphis, and wav noted for his freaks of fun and folly while “under the infill- HUTTKK— Choice once." In the servioo of a gentleman i -Timothy residing In the suburbs, raiSESpp^aV^ situation end surroundings on one ocoa-, lemons, jsir box aion, nnd in tlio airy costume of the 1 Orange* father of our rnoo insisted upon an PORK— M«a» m/rre to tlio parlor, whioh cleaned the ! '' ui i house amid roars of laughter. Ho had StSoIoS 1 *"’ a penchant for looaenoas in dress, and whenever fuddled became utterly obliv ious of what strong-minded women call sexhood. Ho knew no difference, llis ingenioUaness at such times made him tho terror of tlio household,and although a good servant, tho family, after endur ing him for years, was obliged to part with him. will be Higgins still. A oliiinuoy sweep, hearing it was {imposed to have separate street Tub Family Bewiuo Machine.—The invention of the Wilson shuttle eewing ma chine exerts au influence over domestic co™* fort nneqnaled by any Invention of tho Jest hundred years. As an economical arrange ment it enables one parson to do the work of ten in a superior manner, and with nnspeak' Inaction of tbs Hm«U. anS Waatingof the CORN MEAL « (GIN OATH WHEAT HAY—Bast IlIlAN PEANUTS IIAOON —Olaar Hides.. HAMS—Sugar Cured.. LAUD. 1 26 » l ? . 94 00 ® 97 f UI ori r* 88 ( BUTTER... EOOH OINHKNO., WOOL Unwashed. 1 9A fe* 1 80 17S ft 8 80 SEEDS—Olovar Timothy 8 25 Orohard Orasa 2 40 Blue Orass 1 15 LOUI8VI1.LK. WnEAT-Ued and Amber, tl 25 CORN-Backed HI OATH ) 21 00 > 1 50 > 8 60 PLOUK-—Hnperflne 4 00 (&• Kxthi Vamily 6 50 rtH Fanny 0 25 Or WOO!.- Tub washed 50 r<»> IJn washed 88 (ft POTATOE8 -Irisli per bbl. 2 00 «» COTTON -Middling . 15\;(^ Good Ordinary l4,V<y M KM I'll IN. 6 00 <* FLOUR. CORN OATH... LARI). . BACON l.’lnar Hides. for women, said he didn’t see any noe«l FI.OUjt—Extra. of it, he’d no objection to riding in tlio Hume cur with women. Dn. Walk i’ll tried various extracts from herbs and roots, without benefit. Ho noticed, however, that A Loo hoi, that bnno of the litiman race, was used in their preparation, aud he determined to exoluiio the |>oisoR entirely from bis own praotino, so Hint the Hin of making men drunkards, while pretending to cure thorn, Hliould never lie at his door, Tho Almighty blessed his experiments, , WHEAT and in tho Vinegar Bittern lie has pro-1 corn duood a pure, health restoring agent, ; (JAW whioh bauishos disease in every form, re i J^RK-Mo**. ■ hifJgornUM the »ml rMlores j strength to the feeblest Bull err NKW Oill,KANH. XXX. CORN OATH HAY PORK -Moss BACON HAMS LARD BUOAR Fair to Primo. .. WHISKY- I emsiana ('iunin'iaU COTTON Good Ordinary. Ix)W Middling CINUINNAI FLOUR- Family i ... & 22 60 14' 4 iW 14^ part- of life’s citadel where the en emy can make a lodgment, that tho Vin egar Bitters will not find him, and put him to tho rout. Impurity of blood, is the parent of disease; the liver, tlio stomaoli, the lungs, tho nerved, every vital organ is affected primarily, from | As thMwvsral costings l< this cause, and in this direction the Vin egar Bitters acts with magical infinenoo. SI LVER TIPPED SHOES Tn tiavi- tbs tuonsy i|w-nui-i«l Dr. V Pi tlDOKT " tli* UrptliK ol the ll*art." Lorain Co., o., Aug. 24,1874. RiiITaIii, N. Y. •Your modl^luoa, Gnldeu Medical imo though that I could po*m- | • -■ ■ ■ lily Iivo long. 1 had * coinpIloaUon .if ^li«- . outflti»c. GABLE SCREW WIRE Discovery. !*r. Sago’s Catarrh Rvmmly provnd of tlio greatest ookos,—scrofula; manlfosting ilsolf in oriq>-1 ^ Ilona, and groat blotches on my head that gic p gOo per daf at nom*. Term* ftys. AdUrass " .... .» , i mv hair “ lu 4« ilao. HTisaow A Oo.. EortlanA. Malna •iOLU CKSl'IL Kit KK. ado - » tliat I could not have my hair | sulTcring : coinlied witlumt causing t also raualug swollen glam oiilargi-d or “thick nock." and large and morouH Dolls, t also sufforotl from a terrible ■ Clironio Catarrh, and in fact i was a-, diseased | Hint life was a bunion to mo. I had tuclmany j a / \ t„ doctor* with no benefit- I finally procured one- *7* 1 VJ <•» half diiwm Isittlos of your Golden Medical ; Dlecovenr and onodoaon Hago’e Catarrh Home- JKII ' dv aud oomtnenoed their u*o. At tlrat l wa-* w badlv di*courage«l. but aftor taking four bottle* ; ■ mmioha: of tho Discovery I began to improve, aud when I had taken tho remaining 1 wa* • - i In addition to the us© of Discovery 1 apphe 1 Torino* naolulion of Iodine to the Goitre or thick | JONK* A • advise in pamphlet wrapping, k in.null la aaeuiA rrarywiiara jSotd bjr a«enia. Aldresa b E'in-ka XIfg.«\)., lnirhanan. Mi ll entirely diaappeared. Your Dlsoove . reriainly tlio most wonderful blood medicine ever invent**!. I thank lion and you, fmm tho depths of my heart, for the groat good it ban done um Very gratefully. 5Ir*. L. CxtrrKK. Most medicine* which are odrertieod a* blood purifier* ami liver medicine* contain either mercury, in some form, or notasaium ami liidinn varloualy cotnldned. All of thoee agent* have atrong tendency to break down the blood corpuscle*, nnd debilitate and other wise permanently injure the human system, and should therefore l»o discarded. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. _ other hand, being oomposed « ‘ llrst Unlit Prill For fl.J.Vi SAMPLE Free ami lll« Pay •-- Male ami 12 n of ) , tiark* ami ’ the tluid t . will ^ ^ effects lieing BtrougUieiilng snd curative only. Sarsaparilla, which used to enjoy quite a reputation a* a blood purifier, i* a lemedy of thirty years and may well give place more positive a . r King’s Kvil. While SnelUng. Ulcers. Ery sipelas, Swelled Neck. Goitre. Scrofulous. In* fiammatious, ludnlent Inflammation. Mercn rial affections. Old Sore-*. Eruption* of thoSkin and Sol e Eye* »* in s'I other blood disease* Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ho* •liowu it* great remedial |>ower*, curing the Usrsrvi Gt’AUAjrriK! Col. -I. K manager of tho Texas Real Estate , Drawing, make* this minimal and mo proposition to purchasers of tickets: he certificate instead of monev, and tickets nil be issued to all sending snob certificate*, riiis plan tceps the ticket-holder’s monev at ionic, till the management faithfully complies rith tho advertisement. Without doubt buudrtHls of people • ho will read this item are suffering with kid- ley disease in some form, which might bo Working Class n-iT.i. Hk-jpiKKo Bampts 1 It FF.MAI.K, • gnaraolee*!. --i-T FREE." fclCU. 1*1*1 AC . lM»t « EP1LEFST Sa1v«> or Olntnii'ii*. Hay * ('bimuey G*iup Darner, on t mo tint itl ready for rramlnit. ent poaloald for own r.JLl.Aa. <)r»niie*l chancsever oflVred to Agenia. Pi r peit'ctrara aenC stamp A*Ioreos CfU yiniGvyor sainjle. Truiaca. ‘-upp*irter ■ and Ptle Pipes. llard Rubber |M-rfi rti'jr iai* ami oom^rtabls, •j.»* from nil mur, rusir. nliaf- - '"'f.s'rsi'P «K or pou llrc Ilk* anpleMintn*aa;u*eillti bataitiR I into rasa or the |ir-,(.—ilon, iiiiik teeud always rsllalil*. ; •>r Imitation* Uenulne siain|ie4 "I. B. rteelsy, I Ksialitl-hiu'-iit<. I2«7 UbeUnOiat Philadelphia sod 727 Bread way. N. V. Hem by mall on-« press ■ and mi d liy I end i n k ilro|(lHi. send for eaialuf u* m H i i;:,v T MFi. t r;oV4BM.»v.iF Xj JL .VJUN’OST OND. By Hev. J K. • ii-miiijw who fr.»ru In*>>»» ••— •f-rl/inpt Inc'iidlnt llie LssrJ lUlki vlrUUp hi* Uaasu A III IK v > M SMTa s»v • I»so.. *r. NIIA i-moi Hlch III INI ski rerythlo* 3UUO iuivam ' gmfblda usu sis ■» oMTa. a I" • an it id of that PORTABLE ^-rSoda Fountains. $40, 150, $75 h $100, | GOOD DURABLE AND CHEAP. Shipped Heady for Uoe. Klaittn Trims Co. I Uroailway. Y ° rk *d*Wcorwr nKVT *1041 lc TrUM, wllhrrm meUl^prlli^* pal- hlahe * I n ve>> live skill.a nil work in a nohl p. U rent by r suy other makers, C IIKMT In Ilia World. WONOKIt KUL Keoiaom>•. MAVKS WIiTA', Kiiti'a 4lli. NO bull►*si'll”: 11 Hit KAO. Whiter, llrhler *weeter richer. KVKKTHOOY Praises 11. The ladle* are all In love wllh It. Mtl.l.s ilk* nor UAKkw, UKII. K. (lit AVI'/ A IO., 170 Una*e Hi., ®r» Tork. PI U M IIA HIT I I It K11. A Certain and Snrc Cure, It Costs you NOTHINC for a Trial! JWn vi78. MRS. J A. 0R0LLINCER. LaPoHe. Ind. Dr. J. Walker’s ( alifornla Vln ptrar Hitters nro a purely VeffobthU {inqiarutlon, mado chiolly from tlio na tive herbs found on tho lower range* d the Sierra Nevada mountains of L'alifo.- nia, tho niediniiial i)m|Hirties «<f whir!, nro ex true tod thenfium without the um uf Alcohol Tho question is alne’d daily asked, “What is the cause of the unparalleled success of V inegar Biv i eksT" Ot.r answer is, ihat they renu v * the *‘ause of diRoaoe, aisl the [mtiout re niters his ftealth. They are the great blond {lunfier and a lifo-giving principle, a perfect Keiioxator and Invigoratoi of the system Never before in the h»*t«iry of the world has a rncdlcilio l*eer ciniqHiuiidisI possessing the reniarkabl* qualities of Vikkoar Bi rTKHs in heuling the nick of every ili'*^•« man is heir to. They are n gentle Porgative as well a* ii Tunic, relieving Congestion or [nflammatK ol ihe Liver aud Visceral Org" '-. in Biliout Diseaaee Tin* pro|M8rtit*s of D. nvaijckk’# Yikkoak HITTKIIR arc Apenuit. Disphoretin, I'nlritiim* Laxative, Diuretic ter Irrinuit. .Sudorifio, Alter* PllinU). MCDONALD 170.. n. Art*.. Ran Kmnciaoc.OaSIfornta, inrton anti l.’tnirtwin Si*. N. \. I llruKgl.i* and Dcnlrra. NICHOLS, 8HEPARD 5 C0.'8 “VIBRATOR" THRESHER. The BlllliM ANT NtlOCKNN of thta drain-* Having, Time-Having TIIIKKHIIKH, la unprecedented In the annala of Farm Machinery. In a brief period It ha* become widely knows and mLY RNTABLIHHBD, a* the “Lkaiiingtiiiiknimm; HAiruiNB." DrrijrglM* » CHAIN HAINF.1IN IIRFI'NB to aubmlt to the waileful and Imperfect work of other Threnhera, when polled on the vait luturiorUt of thl* one, for oaring grain, oaring time, and doing faal, thorough ami economical work. THRESHERMEN FIRO IT highly od vantagenn* to run a machine thmtba* D" "BeAters" ,, l*icker^•' or " Apron," that handle* Damn Grain, Long Straw. I leading*. Flax, Timothy. Willett and all ■iichdinicull grain an-t *rr.|*. wllh KNT1IIR KANIC AND KFFKCTIVKNKSH. CIomii to perlectlon; oavea the farmer hia threah Mil liy extra oaring of grain; make* no ••Litter ing.*/’ require* LESS THAN 0NE-HALF the uaual Belt*, Boxen, Journal*, and Gear*; ranter man age* I ; lr*» repair* ; one that grain raiser* prefer In employ an-l wait for, even nt ndvuiiceti price*, while oilier machined nre “ontof Jobo." Four nlaen made avllli G, 8, 10 Mild III tiorio “ mounted** Power*, alio « npe- rlnlt y of Nejiaratorn “nlone^’t ezprenal^ |4 LANE & BODLEY, John .V XVnti-r St*.. Cincinnati. Manufacturer! of PL1HTITI0H l&CIIIERT for Saw Mlll«.Url«l Mill*.Uotion Gin*. Sugar Mills. JOHN I*. BALE, Agi. NhuHvIIIh. himinss^ lv of S I 1C A .VI I'OWKII, other llor*e Power*. If Intrreated in grain raising, ofthreahlng, write for Illustrated Circular* (tenlfrt*) with full particularanf »ltea, *tylea, price*, term*,eto. NICHOLS, SIIKPAHD 4c CO., Haiti* IYmA, Mithljtm. THE Irllrr* Innil I •eripVh.’n’d’lfw’mViwa »nd Otutilry \<J llUt kwdUnd M dhle?" DraaSbUnlan „l ilw finr*eTur"Swteri|'» ofhr l»'tl)|t|0.>y , nl> relL*l-le tll«l> of Hie Bl»ek^1 lUI* errr p»i THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PAPER IN THE COUNTRY. HnrSI.50 ANNUM A Great Offer! Unsicolled by any Weekly Literary Publication, East or West. j CANVASSERS WANTED IN EVERT TOWN IN THE UNITED STATES. Sn«ctm*n copt»* I’h/' KH |t*r c.aali, Ut’ltlNO i II is V08TH WATERS’ Now Scale Pianos .»r* '••#• t»e*t made | thr (oiit-n elastic, on t „ Due slitulng lonr,|mwerlnl.pure tnwlevel». WATERS' Concerto Organs rain.. Vr.wnlf.l lour ln-aUt) | (’T. defy rnmpetition. T'.' i'onrerlo •' DR. WHITTIER, *‘*ier— ('ll ii t rhr *. ortiueJ*, l.odgr* tnled UaV■ l'-*>uli*c• .Vtatlrd Tcarjirr*. !*llnl*- ii enlahlhlirO It r FITS eared by the uae of Dr. Roaa EplMptfc Be rued lea. Trial parkAge iw Broth an* Rlrhmona. Ind )R>TR’ KMPOKlON so; AGENTS WANTED $10 to $500. ci plaining ererythlng, ! mid cqir ••( the all Street He* lev* 8ENt FREE. J t s m || Geo, p. Riiweii a C^l HOW tM$l o 212 Broadway,N.Y, Hckry $200XKH^/g^v^ /kiUbm. /In SiMvnt 11 . 11 Horsi..-. .!i\r jhHh. Ilia lirat drairuv waa couJiiouhI to ihe aatiefaction of every One, and many were llie pruee drawn by Mie- Biwiippuuui—y^rtou (Aft*.*.) Udjtr, TOrmntrnrrrt: OPIUM CURES tag. Fref. D. 21e*tier. V. O. box t'L Loporte. UA- SMITH ORGAN CO., BOSTON. MASS. These Standard Instruments Soli by Music Dialers Everywlicre. Agonts Wanted In Every Town. Hold throughout the United Hialea on the INSTALLMENT IM.ANi That i«. ou a system of Monthly Paynienu. Pmrhaecr* should a*k for theHaiTH Amkhi. ah Oihin. Oalalogurai and full particular* on appll- MARRIAGE GUIDE, Wh*l xrryonr Nymptonitl Are lb*-V l’**n in Ihe right aide, yellowne** of ihe eye,. nau»>-!i. debility, irregularity of the howel* and hea.lju-he . give tone and vigor to your system, the one thing ier Ap DHUGGISTS. Iii Actual Use: MORE THAN 55,000 Estey Organs! MANUFACTURED BY J. ESTEY & CO., IIOKO. VT. bv Dealer* erl^heX*" PrVs''f- METALLIC PAINT CO- Manuft'rer*. 96Ce«!ar Si New Y-rk. tyCAUTION. -Purchaser* will plea*- see that onr name t are on each and DO YOUR OWN PRINTINC! jijPYELTY CH) to S 160.00 . ..... iS OC BENJ. O. WOODS A CO , ?t* kiadicf Printing.Material, 5cudtumpLrCata^>gnc) 49Pode* ' 1 *li Joha bUetl*