The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, June 12, 1875, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN RECORD. W, S, D. WIKLE & 00., Proprietors. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1875. VOLUME 1. NUMBER 52. TIMELY TOPICS. CmoAoo has overdone the rebuilding business. Last year more than three thousand now bonnes were erected, half of which staud tenantlosa to-day, Tub project for draining ltoolfoot Lake is said to be impracticable, as the bottom of the lake is lower than the bottom of the Mississippi. Judicial investigation shows that the offer of Weiaeogor to assassinate Bis marck, was merely part of an attempt, to extort money, and the man lmd no oceomplioe«. Tobacco raising 1ms proved the finan cial ruin of Noitli Hadley, Mass. Re cent failure» foot up $225,000; real estate has fallen one-third iu the town, nud business is almost liopeleasly stag nant. The treasury department ia in receipt of advices from Europe that silver 1 declined iu Europe over a dollar on I pound, iu conscqnenoo of which tin is talk again of issuing the fractional specio provides! for by the last Congress Tiie Now York World thiuks that " i in averngo yield is obtained from tin oropH planted throughout the south thi spring, it should place tho people of that sectn dition than they havo enjoyed since reconstruction began. Reports received from the south eastern portion of Nebraska, which have been severely affected by grass- hoppers this spring, show that they are faat taking (light, going northwest. Im mense clouds of them are seen daily very high iu the air. PoHTMAHTRn GENERAL JEWELL, 0C- compunied by ono of bin trusted special agents and his private secretary, will leave Washington in a day or two on a tour of iuspeotion. He will visit all the prominent postofilees in the south and west. Mrs. Rohm, the fat womifn of Bar- mini's show, died at her residence iu int Baltimore last week, aged 2D. Her deficits. Treasury officers say that such discoveries have boon rare and the donee is conclusive that tho banks had made a miscount. LATE NEWS SUMMARY. EAST The funeral of forty-eight of the victims of tbo disaster at llolyoko took plaoo on tho 29th In tho hasomonlof tho now Oatho lie church. An iminonao crowd w s in nt- udano OlfillH l diai in tho center of tho room, and after eomi thirty-live colYuis had boon thus arranged, tin platform g&vo wav' causing n momentar; panic. Ono woman shiicUrd and fainted niu was carried out, hut tho excitement Boon sub ideal. Funoral oratioi tho lie' Fathc prououi of Woi ltd Gagnior, of thin city. Tho pr * tlin mile ml followed wains to tho French Catliollo comotary tenth Hadley Falls. Forest fires havo again broke cut lie mountains of Delaware and Sullivan co ios, Now York, doing much daiungo. ' ullage of fiotlifl inlod by lire t i days, onlv i aftoi hard llglit. A od \Yn v fire wliile fighting the ilameH in liis w< ml burned t«> doath. Two other men airnil ngnged wore badly burned and narrowly a] e 1 with life. Near ManajunU Valley, ml Mnmakaliug the THE MIRACLE. height 0 feet il around tho waist i born in Lioking inideii name wus E weight was 583 pou •1 iuches. and spaunc 72 inches. She win county, O. Hor n Haunah Jane Duck. A olahh hot tie contnining r. small rattlesnake, neatly done up in a strong paper wiappor, and addre.-sed to "The Grand Duke Alexis, Ht. Petersburg, Russia," was receive] at, tho doad-lottor oflloo as tiumailablo material. Tho package had oomu safely through tho mails from Yellville, Ark. whitened with sugar thebouus of compatriots, is a novel and perhaps economical way of doing things, but such seems t»* be the practice in France. They hove formed a factory for the manufacture of animal charcoal at Meta, which is supplied with bones from the adjacent battle fields, product is used in refining sugar. The experience of New York busi ness men goes to indicate that iron shutters increase tho danger of loss from tiro rather than decrease it. This is attributtd partly to tho faot that fire in houses so furnished is seldom or WEST ough of Lesuei nuts worn appreciably reduced. Great fires are still raging i tMinnylvrtiiia. In tho northorn pa through tho foi SOUTH Tho prosident has signed tho i..n pf Urn RllzaB. PIiUIIm M po The Memphis heal crop thin ,o « largo .T. Halo Bypht reB». and A. J. Hyptior, planters, of Ht. Mary' arlnh, La,, iiavo gone into hankruptoy. The laitnorahlp UabllUifs are over §140,000. an l, 0 afinetfi loss tlinn §25,000. Tlioir indlvidiu abtbtlM are also heavy. A shooting affray oconrred nt a err THE BOORN AFFAIR. On the morning of the 20th of No- number. 1810, I rend in the Rutland (Vt.) Herald tho following u< " MURDER 1” " Printers of uewspapors throughout the United Btatos are desired to pub lish that Stephen Bourn, of Manches ter, in Vermont, is sentenced to bo i coated for the inurdor of Russel Colvin, who has been absent about seven years. Any person who can give information of Haiti Colvin may save tho life of the in nocent, by making immediate commu nication. Colvin is about five foot five iuc.hoH high, light, complexion, light hair, blue eyes, and about forty years old. Manchester, Vt., November, 2(1, 1819.” This communication was copied very generally by newspapers, and created a great deal of interest,. Befcro describ ing events that followed, let us go back to the year 1812 and to the littlo town ot Manchester, V< Barney Bo. old ■ Droni , Ky., I hi John Hp« orgo OlsU and Llgi Minded. Hnvoral otliors tool uglil tlml Glfili will not rc I’Hi only filiglilly wounded nvillo Jail. ■ok on. Noi iindod. of tho othc ul partly to the groat difficulty that i in forcing iron shut- Mr often bln Reports of great destitution maty any* that tho pooplo am mi i« very nocofifiaricH of life, and ol given, many will dio of starval rop» iiavo failed for Uirco bomohm on, and tho cattlo aro dying foi their politics, hut scientists have dis covered that politics is often a matter of temperameut. Octavo Fuullet, in " Ciimors,” says : “ In politics wo take our principles from temperament; tho bilious aro demagogues ; the sanguine, democrats ; tho norvous, aristocrats. Ono both nervous and sanguine may tnko choice ; he may be an aristocrat in regard to himself and a democrat in re lations to others." The total number of Sunday-schools in the United States is given at 68,200 ; teachers and officers, 740,970; Sunday- school scholars, 5,637,8(17; total Sunday- school membership, embracing teachers, officers and scholars, 6,573j346. Iu Canada the number of schools is 4,401; teachers and officers 4,401 ; teachers and officers, 85,745, Sunday-school scholars, 271,381 ; total Sunday-school membership, 807,126. Cait. Cjiah. N. Brockett, special agent of the treasury department, captured in Now York awhite lace dross valued at 810,000, a white lace shawl worth ?T,,000, and other laces valued at $5,000, at a pawn shop, where they had been pawned for $185. The dress and laces formerly belonged to the Empress Eugenie, and were among the richest in the world. They were sold at tho time of the h-»Io of her diamonds and jewelry in England, and were smuggled into this oouutry, by Joseph Horaclis, in October, 1873. , Stephen and Jesse, and a daughter, Sarah, wifo of Russell Col vin, a half crazed, half-witted day la borer. They were n bud lot, poor, ignorant* ami hi doubtful remits for honesty. Two miserable hovels served them for shelter, and n few sores of pine barrens constituted nil their pos session. They raised a few potatoes and garden vegetables, and eked put a scanty livelihood by day’s work for the neighboring farmers. In May, 1812, Colvin was at home. Juno ho was missing. At first this lasionod no remark. Ho was always rump, absent from home sometimes weeks together. But this time he 1 not come back. As weeks grew into nths inquires began to bo nmdo ong the neighbors about tho missing n. There aro no tongues for gossip like those which wag in a Yankee vil lage. Ono spoke to nnothor. Excite ment grow. Wonder, like a contagious disease, affected everybody. It was known that there had long isted between the old man and boys u grudge against Colvin ; it was iu proof that the last time the missing man was io was nt work with the Booms g stones from a field, and that a dispute was going on ; and Lewis Col vin, u hoy, ton of Russel, had slated that liiH father had struck his uncle Btephon, and that tho other roturnod the blow, and that then, ho tho boy, be coming frightened, ran away. Again, a *, Baldwin had heard Btephen Bourn, answer to the inquiry us to where Ivin was, say, " Jlo’s gone to hell, I hope.” Is ho dead, Stephen? pursued Mr. Baldwin. " I tell you again," replied the man, that Colvin bus gouo where potatoes MISCELL dispatch from excitement ovor nd foai nd Mcx tNEOUS. Hau Di<w> tho Mexican r be i the Ui The secretary of tho treasury has in Btructod tho f aviatant troasnror at Now Yor to soil §500,000 in gold on each Thursday dm big t!■ o month of Juno. Tho total amount t be Hold ia §2.000,000. Tho commissioner of pensions ha written a letter to tiio oecrotary of tbo IriLorio Maying that on account of tho limited appre {■nation at his dispoHal, he ban selected tli hm of nearly fifty nualo and female clerk *© services will bo difiporifiod with on tli 30th of June. Becretary Delano has concluded to spend tho sale of Indian lands iu Karma* till Jan. 1, 1876. This action is*aken npoi imendations of (ion. Ingalls, Com Smith and other prominent pereoni jcnce of the suffering of settlors bj the drouth and grasshoppers. A general order issued from the wai department annonncoH that tbo appropriatioi marie by tbo laHt congress for pay of the arm; for tbo fiscal year ending Juno 80, 1875, ii nino hundred thousand dollars short of tin The thief who stole the package of bills from tho treasury department e few davs ago remains undiscovered. Gen. Spinner Beeros worn oat with anxb ety. Charges have been marie that sev eral bankB which sent packages of money to the treasury havo been reported short in their lemittauces, and the banks j Mtimated for the t the appropr tbo present indications i lion will prove deficient The following 5-€0 coupon bonds, known as tho fourth moHob, act of Fob. 25, 1862, dated May 1, 1862, havo been called by the secretary of the treasury, and madi payable on and after Sept. 1. interest o which will cease after that date: §50, Nci 20,201 to 24,000, indneiro; §100, Nos. 51,Of to 69.100, incltifiive. §500, Nos. 27,501 to 31. 900, inclusive; §1,000, Nos. 80.651 to 91,500, inclusive; total §10,000.000. The call cates an additional subscription to that an by the syndicate. FOREIGN. Further detail* of enrthqmdira tsia Minor, show that several villages we have been required to make up the j destroyed and 2,000 persons lost their lives. prisoners, and they wove sentoucod to bo hung on January 28, 1820. Aud now tho men came to tlioir souses. They assorted tlioir innocence. Tlmy d that thoy had confessed hh tlioir last hope Some oompasBiou began to to bo felt for them. They might, after all, bo innooout. A polition for their ntod to tho Legislature. But it availed only to obtain oommuta- i of Je^ae’s sentence to imprisonment life. No more. Stephen was to be hnugod. Lot tho reader now turn to auothor ohnptor of this strange history. In April, 1813, there lived in Dover, Monmouth county, N. .1., a Mr. James PolhnmuB. During that month a way farer, begging food, stopped at his door. Being hamly, a good liutnred, quiet and obedient, homolostf, and weak of intel lect too, ho wai allowed to stay. He sniil his name was Russell Colvin, and that ho came from Mauohestor. Vt. Not, far from Dover lies tho littlo town of Shrewsbury, then a quiet ham let, now invaded by the cottages and villas of Long Bran hit pleasure-seekers, lloro lived Taber•Olmdwiclc, brother-in law to Mr. Folhamus, and intimate with the family. Accidentally vending tho New York Evening Pont, ho met, not with tho uotioo of the Rutland Herald, but with an account of the trial of tho Booms. Convinced that the Russell Colvin, alleged to have been nmdored, was the very man thou living witn Mr. PolhnmuB, he wrote to the Evening Post a letter, which was published Dooom her 0,1810, Upon tho arrival of this paper at Manchester it excited but little atten tion. The let ter was believed to bo a forgery or a fraud. Had not tho host people in the town long believed tho Booms to bo guilty? Mad not one, perhaps both of them, made full con- fossiou ? Tho bones of tno murdered man, a button of bin coat, his jack knife—hud thoy not nil been found? Had not an upright judge made solemn iliargo that the evidence was conclusive, and an intelligent, jury found them guilty, and tho legislature sanctioned the findings? Tliero was no doubt of guilt--none whntovor ; and there fore no benefit of a doubt, had been given by jury, chief justice or court of appeal. Air. Ohndwiok’a letter was, nevorthe- Stophen's cell and road aloud. The news was so overwhelming that nature could scarcely nurvive tho shook. Tho poor fellow dropped in a fainting tit to tho floor, and had to be rtoovoiod by daHhos of cold water. Intelligence enmo next day from a Air. Wholploy, formoly a resident of Manohester, that ho humidf hud been t i Now Jersey and semi Russell Colvin. Tho members of the jury which had oonviotod tho Booms, however, hesitat ed to accept anything short*#? tho man’s presence, and ‘Judge Chase, who hud sentenced thorn, pointed, to Btephon Boom's confession. Tho third day came another lottor. "lliave Russell Colvin with me." wrote Mr.-Wholploy. "1 personally know Russell Colvin," swore John Rorapton. " ho now stands boforo mo." " It is tho same Russell Colvin who married Ann Boom, of Manchester. Vtq- nnulo affidavit Mrs. Jones of Brooklyn. But it would not answer. Pride of opinion is stubborn. Doubt of opinion THE CAKTE DE VI81TE. Niagara’s Temptations. tiles hard. Manohoste not to say pioty, the grov in's ghost haunted every house Bennington county. Tliero wus no own proof that the Booms were guilty, d yet everybody believed it. A batten and jack-knife were found, which O. believed to have belonged to Russell; dreams, thrice repented, wore had by old women and kitchen girls— eu thousand stories wero in circu lation. to years after Colvin was missed, lion Boom removed to Denmark, N. diilo .Jesse remained ut homo. Af- ho former hud loft, some bones uceidently found in the decayo i trunk of u tree near his house, and, though all surgeons said to the contra ry, it was universally believed that they : part of a human Bkeleton. Of so, then, they must be Colvin’s ;h, Jesse was arrested, Btephon brought bnok from Denmark, and both were hold for examination, though all the testimony when sifted found to be worthless, yet the two brothers were remanded buck to jail, 1 Jesse was worked upon to make him turn state’a evidence. Tbo jailer tor mented him with suggestions, which his wife followed up with womanly adroit- . Neighbors helped. Beset with preaching aud jjruyerH, traotH mons. religious conversation pud pious directions—told that there was no doubt in any one’s mind but thatBtepnen mitt* d tho murder—urged to make a cleun breast of it tmd thus save both his body amt soul, what wouder that the man confessed, or was alleged to havo cou- fessed, that Btephon Boom did rnurdof Russell Colvin? On Btptember 3, 1810, tho grand jury found a bill of indictment against Btephen and Jesse Boon* for the miir’-' dor of Itusscll Colvin. William Farns worth testified that Btephen confessed that he did it, and that Jesse helped him; that they Lid the body in tho bu>hes, then buried it, then dug i f up and burned it, und then scraped the few remains and hid them in a stump. Upon this unsupported evidence the jar? i returned a verdict of guilty against both intelligi v , - - „ trial, aim it behooved all good residents to hold out against conviction to the last. However, Colvin, or Colvin's double, wua on his way. As he passed through Poughkeepsie tho streets wore.thronged to soo him. His story was printed in every newspaper and told at every Arc ade. At Hudson cannon wero tired ; in •Albany ho was shown to the crowd from u platform; and all along the road to Troy bands of music wore pluying and banners wero flaunting and choc given as Colvin passed by. Hoi become fimioiiH from having been mur- dured. Russell Colvin was famous bo- cause ho was alivo. Toward evening of Friday, December 22, 1810, a double sleigh was driven furiously down the main street of Man oho&tor to the tavern door. It contained Wholploy, Kompton, Chadwick and the bewildered Russell Colvin. Iramo diutely a crowd of men, womoq and children gathorod around, and uh tho sleigh unloaded its oeoupantu and they took tlioir plnoe on the piazza, exhibiting the Inst man to view, " That’s Rnssell Colvin, suro enough 1 There’s no doubt about it!” came from the lips of scores of tho gazers. Ho embraced his two children, naked after the Booms, and started for the jail. The prison doors wero unbolted and told to Btephen Boom. The Bombro nspocts of tho Niagara oh arm all young and sentimental hearts, a tender and romantic melan choly being the chosen property of youth. Niagara is the pilgrimage of love, as Htratford-on-Avon is the pil- grimugo of geuius, Mount Vornon the pilgrimage of patriotism, and Santiago the pilgrimage of superstition. At Niagara tho happy lovers breathe tlioir vows and pledge tlioir troth, yoking tho lonely woods, tho lashing water and rising clouds of spray, as witnesses of their burning love and steadfast truth. At Niagara hapless swains and maidous, crossed in their affeotiouB, blighted in their prospects, wander by ttio isles aud banks for one last half honr of bliss, aud then, with arms entwined and hearts inseparable go headlong over. DISAPPOINTMENT IN LOVE. Not long age a young man came ...irons from the American side accom panied by a pretty girl, and by a littlo child, lie hired a boat not fur nbovo phis, put tho lady aud the child into the stern, and throwing his oars into tho boat, miHliod oil’ into the Au old boatman warned him of going out too far. Tho young man smiled and nodded, but pushed out into the Hood. At oiioo tho boatman saw that- lie lost control of liis littlo cruft, and shouted to him to edge as in tho rush. The oar iu unswer to liis s tho shaft was snapped across—but whether done by uodidont or design, the pld man could not sav. "(led help you I" sighed tho boat man ; in a few more momenta thoy wore gone. Whan friends oumo to soo the bodies it was found to bo u ease of pus- despair. Loving onoh other madly, they nud fled from homo and parents who opposed tlioir union ; they had nought Niagara, the cure of disap pointed love ; and in these waters they had found their everlasting rost. A WIFE THAT WAS NKVBll FOUND. From Table Rock towards Lake On tario sweeps a chasm tor many miles through which tho rapids race with a velocity to make the cddioH of tho Danube at tho Iron Gates seem tamo, tho whirlpools of the Nova round tho absorbed and gravo, as though her hoart was boating with an iuartieulato prayer RETWREN LIFE AND DEATH. Too often, it is thought, tho motive of Biiicido is little more than the woird and solemn tempting of the fall itaolf. A lady oumo ono day to Clifton from a town on Lake Ontario, aooompaniod by her mothor and her ohild. oho stood on tho Tablo Rook, listened to tho boom, ndmired tho buffaloes and fed the boars like other idlers on tho spot, and eoomod as her ohild, to whom those) sights and sounds were now. As they wore lookiug at a shop window, she. turned toward tho water, gazed at tho falling sheet an instant, slipped away from her companion, ran to tho water's edgo at Cedar place and sprang into the flood. A cry of help was raised. Home guides were near at hand with ropos an-1 other gear, and one of them, grap pled safely by the waist, plunged after lior, and by a daring effort caught her as sho rolled among tho rooks, and car ried hor bAok to land unhurt. FKOM MISERY TO BTBUNAL REST. Another ease of suicide attempted by a fomalo uiulor nervous irritation, was less fortunate. A woman, living on tho spot, became afflicted with a malady ns oommon and in fatal as consumption— four of penury. That she had no good reason for this fear hor neighbors know, but it possessed her like a acorot aud iuourablo disoaso. "I can't boar it," sho used to say, " and Homo day you will see mo go ovor the fall." Her neighbors lnughod, saying pooplo who talk of suioidos aro iu for length of life. But one day she li apod ovor the rook at Cedar place. A bravo young fellow named Davis saw tier slip in, but too far away to oateh and draw her buck. Tho lad was used io smokies, as every ono becomes by living at tho falls, no saw that- she would pitch against the ravine wall, some ton or twelve foot under tho rook ou which he stood. Peering ovor tho bank, he saw a little sholf of earth just hroud onough foM» man to light on, aud no more. ” scrambled down a moment ere tlic man eamo rolling on, put out liis hand toward hor, caught her shawl and tore it from hor body as sho floated down, nud started in horror as tho woolen rag hung dangling iu bin grasp. Tho bui- oido had kept hor promise, and escaped from hor imaginary poverty into eternal sleep. FIGHTING JOE HOOKER. about, "Colvin has come, Btephon,’ the Rev. Lemuel Haynes. "Has lie?" asked tho prisoner. "Where is he." . " Here I am, Btephen," said ins brother-in-law " What’s them on your logs?” “Bhackles !” replied Boorn. "Wlmt for?" "Because thoy said I murdered you. " You i.ovor hurt mo in your life," replied Colvin. Tho sequel is soon told. Btephon Boorn was released from prison, an was Jesse also. Russell Colvin roturnod to New Jersey. But tho judge who suf fered an innocent man to bo oonviotod of murder by the admission of extra judicial oonfossionB—the members of the jury who deliberated but one hour before agreeing upon a verdict guilty upon evidence that should riot hang a dog—tho deaonn and church members who urged confession and preached re pentance—and the ninety-seven mem ber#’ of the legislators, sitting as a court of appeals, who refused re-hearing of evidence— what became of them ? —The shall of Persiu has profited lathing by his visit to Europe, so far as economy end civilization am concerned. He has Just been marrying his daughter, and the affair bus cost him £60,000. He has also been reorganizing his arrny, and has borrowed £18,000 to do it. lie ifl.uko going in largely tor tho purchase af‘ arms. Lately he has received o ghastly present-2,500 human heads out from Turkomans. In this matter some economy was practised, for, in order to save the cost of transport, the skulls wen cut out, and only the tanned skins were sent. jok of Bohlnssel ooramouplaoo. This chasm is the favorite grave of hapless lovers and despairing maids. The mighty fissure lias eaten it out, tho teeth gnawiug deeper in the rook from age to age. No man has yet surveyed this hod and told us how far ilowu into tho earth thoHo volumes of descending water plntigo. You dare not push your boat into tho foam. But on tho outer edge of those great circles you may drop your lino, a hundred foot two hundred foot and find no bottom. Many persons drive into the deep, but never rise ugain to tell tho tale. Their dive is taken onoo for all, Tho bodies aro rarely found. Homo months ago a lady came alone to a hotel on tho Amer ican side—a pretty woman, young and well attired, who gave her name f.s tho wifo of a Chicago uiorolmnt. For a day or two sho roamed about the fulls, the oataraots und the river banks. No one noticed her, for pretty women are seen at every turn, and ut Niagara every ono roams about tho falls, tho oataraots, and tho river. In the evening of the third day she was missing at her hotel. A guide had soon u woman fling herself from tho hridgo on one of tho sister isles, but whether uho was drowned or not he eonld not say. A telegram was ueut, to Chicago ; and by noon on tho second . ay a man arrived who said ho wns the lady’s hus band. Tho guide could not a sure him that the lady misBing from the hotel was tho woman seen spring from tho bridge. Ho had never noticed her be fore The lady from Chicago rai^lit have crossed the brigo. When high rewurds wore offorod for her hotly, who knew every stone aud gully in the ravine as they knew tho logs and ladders of tlioir own shanties, seurehed evory crovico in tho rooks, but not a truce of her could bo found, aud the disconsolate widower hud to lonvo Ni agara without securing legal evidence that his wifo wns dead. For somo timo sho was speechless, but, on coming to hor senses sho told her mothor that her husband had been cross with her that morning, wanting her to take a holiday when she had no mind for it; that she was a littlo fidgety; und that on seoing the wutor (low smoothly down, and lookiug so lovely, she saw u pleasant way to end all hor worries. The water tempted tier. JJnt hho was glnd thoy caught her in the rapids. For, from tho moment she be gan to glide a helpless waif, tho water* lost power, the romance of her life flu died upon her brain—her hus band’s trust, her happy homo,^ hor parent's doting Tl Like ii llrlfiniul. Your correspondent called on Maj. Gen. .Tosopli Hooker yostorday, and found him hale nud hearty. Upon tno introduction of tho subject of Bher- man’s Memoirs, ho gravely eondomued tho manner iu wliioh some of tho coun try's best-kuown generals had boon spoken of in thorn. Buid lie : "1 lmd rather bo among those maligned by tho Memoirs than among those oommoud- od." In his esteem Gen. Thomas was tho grout gcnorul of tho army, Blior- maii's suporior as a soldier in ovory sense, Farragut was tho lioro of tho He then made iho following criticism of tho Memoirs and thoir author : "I havo no objection iu thowoildto stil ting to you briefly my opinions iu re gard to the extraordinary publication of Gen. Bhernmn's Memoirs. I think it is tho llrst instance recorded where a eom- raandor oast aspersions iu this manuer on his wholo command. I Iiavo no taste for responding to Gen. Bhermau’s slan ders, but may do so, nevertheless, at tho prouor time. Indeed, my own com mand almost roquires all of this of mo, und I shall not shrink from the respon sibility, no matter whether thoso slan ders emanate from tho commander of tho army or any other functionary of tho government. I feel indignant at the desecration of tho honored names of Thomas, Farrogut, MoPliorson and a host of otliors I might mention. I do not envy tho man who had it in his na ture to do so, as it seems Gin, Sliormnn had. His inarch to tho sea, in my judgment, is not properly uudorstood yet. Fiirragut’s conception and oxoou- tion of tiie groat capture of tho Lower Mississippi had much more influence on tho close of tno war than any tiling that Gen. Bhermau’s army did. But people must not bo surprised at his ‘ slopping oyer,’ for ho haz boon doing this all his life. This is enough, I trust, to give the people an index of my opinion of tiie 'Memoirs' und their author. Ap parently ho is impatient for advance ment, when, I think, lie should bo well satisfied with what ho lias already ob tained. Ho mado war like a brigand, while many other gonorals never forgot that thoy wore making war on their countrymen. Gen. Grant loarnod tho olmraotor of his lieutenant lorifj; boforo var was ended, aud now, if Bher- is ignored by tho administration. d her children's love. (The hoart cried out for life—for one rnoto trial of her duty. Bne v»m» waved. Next year she came to Cliiten with her child "to look at the ledge from which she had sprung, and thank the guidos once mere for having saved her life. Bho never spoke of the affair again, but every summer she returns to Niaga- a, and those who know her notice that she lingers for a moment [ut the ledge, aorcs. only thank himself for it. Tho oh to the sea up to Atlauta was well done, but beyond that tho enomy disap peared from before Bhermau’s army, and followed Thomas, who demolished them at Nashville. It is ridiculous to talk of Bhermau’s having ended the put up iho price of gold, or takon Rioh mond. Ho had no rnoro to do with any of thoso than tho roan in the moon. He did, howevor, leave a black streak in liis roar, for which, no doubt, somo of his countrymen justified him. I think, I however, that it will, some time or! othor, bo considered disgraceful by tho great Christian world. Whim tho press recovers from tho shook it and tho coun try received on tho appoarancc of the Memoirs, I take it for granted that it will show less indulgence and loniouoy toward tho uathor than it has done thus far. It appears to have been appalled, like all others, by the magnitude of tho outrage perpetrated on those whom the nation honors as its best dofondors, and who, being dead, aro silent."—N. Y. Times. Larof. and Small Farms.—By the census of 1870 tho farms of tho united States aro divided as to size ns follows, the .wholo number being 2,650,985: Under 5 acres, 6,875; 5 acres and under 10. 172,021; 10 aoroa and under 20, 391,607 ; 20 ocros and under 50, 847- 614 ; 50 acres and under 100, 754,221 ; 100 acres und under 500, 605,054 ; 600 ucres and under 1,000, 1,683 cores and , 3,720. Average size of farm, 153 FAOTB AND FANCIES, —Malw yourself au honest man, and thou you may In smo that thore is ouo rascal loss in the world.—Carlyle,, Tliero are few wild boasts moro to bo dronded than a communicative man with nothing to communicate.—M, do lion aid, —-Philadelphia givos employment to > less than sixty thousand womon— chiefly in exhibiting thoir spring bon nets ou Ohostnut street. Ho leaned on tho fonen pouring out warm vowh of love and admiratiou to tiio lovely lioing on tho other side. It was dark. Wo could not see hor faco ; but she said : " Fray desist. You are too vacillating. Only a wook ago you told that same story throe doors below lioro.” Thoy parted. —Colored waiter in a lagor boor saloon up town bawls out his orders iu stentorian voioo as follows: "Ono pair" (2 glasses); "two pair" (4 glasses); "full hand" (5 glasses). Thou for a change he culls: "Ono team" (2 glasses); "tandem" (8 glassoH); "four iu-lmud” (4 ehisses); "four in-baud, with a footmnn” (5 glasses), —Tho PrinooBH do Conti, a daughter of Louis XIV., exprespiug boforo the Moorish ambassador, hor dislike of polygamy, tho latter ropliod : " Mnd- plurallty of wives is allowed among us bocauso, in our oonntry, wo must seek in several women tho olmrm- ing qualities which aro hero to bo found in one." This exools Bpanish polito- U — Apropos of tho growiug rage for tiglit-laoing in Paris, Emily Faitlifull’s pupor says tho wholo tondonoy of mod ern fomalo fashion is to render tho form of a woman uh nearly approaching to that of a tightly-strapped umbrolla as possible. A well-dressed young woman iu tho pronoiit day is a ilguro laughable enough far a Christmas pantomime of " Strand” oxtravaganza. —Tho latest invention in tho life-boat lino is a boat with a broad lino of oorfc at, tiio load-line, so constructed that it sails equally well cither side up. It will not upset oasily; but, if it does upset, the bottom and keel fall right down through tho centre, and there it is, just as it, was boforo, a perfect boat, only whut was tho bottom lias become the* top. —AHHooiiaHthobahy’steothingbeginH, tho romance of married lifo ooiihch. No woman oau fool any sentiment, for a man who travolH around iu his night shirt of a hot summer'll ovo, with a squalling infnnt dsngling over his shoulder. It is t,bon that sho stopH calling him "Darling," and dosoomlH to such com monplace observations as " John Cain- flro, bo ouroful how you hold that baby.” -AvMt-'**' wu» onoo asking her elder sister about, bruveu. "Do they play in heaven ?" she inquired. "No; thoy do not play tliero." "What do thoy do "They sing aud aro good. ' Are tliero no toys then? "No ; not atiy." "No dolls, nor balls, nor Noah s arks?” "Oil no I” Then," said tho littlo ono, "I shall tako my doll and go to hell.” —Tho manufacture of perouBflioii powder is ono of tho most dangerous occupations in tho world. It is usually mado in some isolated building, re moved a good distance) from all othor buildings. Recontly, John Donahue, employed to make this powder for the Wiuchestor arms company in New Ha ven, was blown into shreds. In a week or two thore wore ten applicants for liis plnoe. —"You see," said Thiers, " aphaol oamo from Paradise, and Mielmol An gelo came from tho Inferno, to prove that the genius of man partakes of every char no ter. Note tiio contrast I M. Tillers, “ Raphael, coming from Paradise, livod like a nagnu, while Michael Augolo, coming from tho In- foruo, lived like a suint, hearing in hm lionit a divino love for tho marchioness of PoBoaru.” -In Paris they make two oggs out of v... v by outt ng tho shell with a glnzior s diamond and thou slicing the ogg quickly witli an oiloil knife. Iho two halves uro deftly dropped into boiling butter on tiio pinto, which ‘ Axes them, making them look like two, ami for which tho customer—who lifts not tho performance—pays withont suspicion. Who couldn't pay the Ger mans tlioir indemnity aud get back to specie payments iu throe years with such gains ? —Tho Ohineeo government 1ms for some time past, .been making arrange ments in Europe with a view to tho de fense of the coast and principal rivers of the empire. Engineering works oil an extensive sonic, and supplied with formidable artillery, aro about to bo constructed at various strategic points, amt tiie geuoral system of dofeimo has been oonfidod to Maj. Gen. Ripley, formorly of the United Slates arrny, but who woiit over to tho confederates at tho outbreak of tho civil lliploy was in oommund at Charleston when hostilities commemiod. Ho in now in England, but will sail for Chi in a few days, proceeded by othor artillery ofllcerH whoso sorviooa the government of China has scoured. —A school tooeher in Mississippi used liis li-oility in short-hand to make a vorbatim repbrt of r. nogro clergy man's prayor, and ho sends it to the Educational Monthly as follows: O Lord God of dis glorious uuiverse, wilt dou look down iu do omnipresence of dy eye upon dese dy oollard children bowed upon do knuckle bone di night. Take a solemn poop upon us aud lot a heap o’light in. Dou kuoweat what deso dy poor darkies need. On every sido dou knowst, O Lord, is do ovicleuoa of do dislocation and distraction of do humun family. Dere bo lightiug among one auothor and natural disease. But wo dio to live again as Biunts or evil spirits. Doro ho discushion and doc trines, elooHbion, before ordination, perfection and sioh liko, confuse the intellects of both block meu and white. But good Lord, dou knowst dot dese aro vain allusions, splittin’ and dividm dy creatures into Boxes without mercy. Wboover will oan go to glory. Many der o will be with slick countenance, white collars, and fine clothes who will find tho gates shut against them, while de blind old woman site go straight, Amen.”