The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, July 17, 1875, Image 2

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THE RECORD. CBDARTOWN, OA., JULY .7, JB75. Morriwothcr oounty la said to bo unanimous for Jmlgo Hiram Warner of tho Sopromo Bench, for govoraqr. In point of legal ability fnd sforttg integjity, Judgo Warotr lin# no nupc- rior in tho btato. Tbo supromo court reports of Goorgia, inako him a umuo and cbaractor full of glory and re nown. Ho has withstood every or deal, powers nor prinoipalitiou, thiuga prcoout, things to como, uor anything else, baa boon nblo to rnovo him from bis bouenty of purpose. We print tbo following aoctlonn of an act paasod at tbo last ncHiiion of tbo legislature creating a Hoard of Ueallb. It inny bo of interest to our physicians, •specially. Boo. 11. Ho It further enacted, That all physicians in tbo practico of medicine in this otnto shall bo requir ed, under ponalty of ton dollars, to bo recovered in any Court of oompotont jutisdictiou in the Btato, at tbo suit of tbo Ordinary, (tbo amount bo recov ered to bo appropiated to tbo special fund for tbo carrying out of tho objects of this law,) to report to tho Ordinary in tho forms to bo provided, all dcatlw and births which may como unde:* bis supervision, with a certificate of tbo oauMo of doatli, ole. Bee. 12. Ho it further enacted, That wboro any birth or death ahull ialro place, no physician being iu at tendance, tbo same shall bo roporlcd to tho Ordinary, with tbo supposed cntiBo of death, by tbo parents, at tho suit of tbo Ordinary, as provided in section 11 of this Act. Bee. 13. Ho It further enacted, That tbo Coroners of tbo several couu- tics Shall bo required to report to tbo Ordinary all canon of deaths which may como under their supervision, with tbo canso and tnodo of death, etc., under tbo penalty of ten dollars tho uaino to bo recovered, and tho proceeds applied as iu section 11 of this Act Bee. 14. Ho it further enacted, That the Ordinaries of tbo soveral counties in tbo Btato shall bo required to keep soparato books to record tdl births, marriages and doatbs which tako plnco iu their couulics. Said books shall always bo kept qpon to tbo inspection of tho public without foo. And tho said Ordinaries shall bo requirod to render n full and com plete report of nit such births, mar riages and dontiiH to tho Sccrotnry of tbo said Hoad of 1 lonltli, at such linto or times as tbo said Hoard may direct. -* Antioch DoUIukh. Conmiunlcutcil. Mr. Editor:—There has boon much written, and moro said rolativo to tbo propor propotions of tbo various crops natural fo this section. A very largo does condemn tbo syutom of cotton planting n/most to it* exclusion. Of this class a largo majority aro con- Utimers who aro Interested in largo grain crops, and of consoquonco low prices. Wo roadily admit this is host fur non producers. j&uolhdr class, uot so uumorous, contond that as cotton fa tho prineiptd money crop, moro money can bo raado by planting all colfon-aud buying all itupplico. In fanning, as in almost overy thing ol«o, tbero is a middle ground, and in tins, wo thir k, Is to bo found tbo only safety for tbo southorn fanner and planter. It is this; Itaiwo all tho corn, whoat, oats, potatoos, liogn, cattlo and m tiles, nccossary for homo consumption and uso, but uot to soil; then raloo all tho cotton poa- siblo. Now for tho reasons* 1st We cannot successfully compote with tho Groat West in tho ruising of any of tho grain crops, and concc- quotilly in stock raining, for it is a no torious fact that they can mala and ship grain to tho south for loos than its production coats us. 2d. Corn impoverishes land morn than cotton. It will not bo douied that more is added to tho laud from the stalk, hulls, seed and leaves of cotton, than there from tho stalk iu Mhtfr. Editor:—Our oootlon within tbo past two woeks, has boon blessed with rain; somo places loo much, otb era hardly enough, but all groatly bonofltod. Crops havo improved con siderably aud with uo further disaster will mako a fair average. Cotton is brauohiug fiuoly, and heavily loaded with forms. Corn iu small but hns a good color and is growing finely. Our whout has all bcou threshed and hous ed in good condition. Tho quality is oxoolont, aud tho yield wo thiuk, rath er moro than an avorngo; somo of our (armors making as high as fourtcou buuhclo to ono sowing, aud that, too, without fertilizers, and by simply scratching iu tho seed iu lho old way, What could wo mako by proper prop- oration aud aliboral uaa of fortillzois ? Our Bnbbath Bchool and woekly pruyor mooting utill continues with uuabatod iu forest, A deep religious feeling seems to porvado our whole comtnuuily, aud much good iu expect oil to result thorofrom. A series of religious mootiugu will oommonco at Autioch Church on Fr day night boforo next 4tli Bubbnth. Tho Habbath School, Qraugors and citizous gouornly, purposo having n oolobratiou and basket dinner somo timo during next month, of which your roadoiu will be advised in duo timo. Wo think that tho “Record” man must bo getting rich, cluo iu backed by a heavy capital, for tho reason that ho proposoa to ftuuish so much n ail ing matter for such a email amount of wheat, and for tho farther roason that ho proposes to do tho county ad vertising for nothing. Conductors of nowspaporo, wo prccoivo aro not free from tho iutirmitio* of their fellow in on. If tho proprietor should hap pen to "mu aground" in his very uu- efforts to maintain a news- papor without expense to its patrons, and a saving to tho lax payers of tho county of such a huyc amount of money which tho printers would oth- orwiso get, for in luting tho oounty advertisements, toll him not to "go west" but to “coiuo oast" wboro ho can at loast Loop himself and family in “hog and hominy," and not bo sub- joctod to HO many of tho petty annoy ances ol ucuvspapordom. As biographical skotches of nninvn living men booms to ho tho order of the day, wo propose . to furnish your readers at somo fuluro d vy, u sketch of the life of a very noted cilueti ol this county, viz, Cm* ' lUt* . • That's All 3d. An aero of land that will prodco twoufcy bushels of corn, will yield ono half bale of cotton. Tut tho corn ut soventy-fivo cents, (aud wo vonluro to say it will not bring fifty coats por bushel, if our fannors generally mako it to soli) and wo havo fifteen dollars por aero. Two hundred and fifty lbs of lint cotton, at ten conlo per lb will mako twenly-fivo dollars. It in said this incrcaso of vnluo of cotton over jru, la overbalanced by tho increas ed cost of its production. Wboro tbero is an equal division of tho crops between land lord uiln tmaut, tho for mer purchasihg laud, slock and food for tho steel;, tho landowner pays no moro for tho cultivation of an aero of cotton than for ono of corn. But you ask how about tho renter? Wo nu- nwor that in a largo majority of in stances ho dooo uot pay out ono cent for labor, which is dono by himsolf and family; .that there is not so much diflorcnco iu tho cost of tho produc tion of tho two, and that as renters seldom romnin at ono plaoo long, should tho crop of corn bo largo, tho cost of transportation would bo sufil- ciontly grout, if moved any distauco, to “oat up" tho profits. 4th. Wlmt would bo tho vnluo of corn, wheat, oats, hogs aud slock l ovory farmer wero to prcduco and raico them to soil? Wo off r tho fol lowing figures, behoving they aro not underestimated. Corn 50 clu por bushel. Whoat 75 cIb; oats 40 ctn; bacon 8 ots por lb; inulos and horses from fifty to seventy- five dollars oaoli. Proof: Whit is tho prioo of whoat w w, that fanners have just harvested ? Ono dollar por bushel, and that loo, when tho avorngo of tbo couuty will not o.xoood threo bushels per aero. Last win tor, wbon most farmers batl somo stock to soil, mules wore a drug. Why lay all our liunuei d troubles to tho production of cotton? Who is making urjuoy ? The morohant, law yer or doctor V Ono probably, in ton. There aro fully nu many farmers mako monoy. Wlmt is tho causoof this stringency in money matters all over tho union f Wo will not attempt to answer for tho Gcction north id Mnuoua and Dixooii lino. But for our own section wo an swer; a corrupt government, misguid ed legislation, lie extensive uso of high priced fertilisers, c.rjtenmcnts ii free labor, for which wo pay highc than almost any eouulry, aud great oat of all, reckless uubridolod oxtrav ngnnee. Loft by tho vioisitudea ui‘ tho war well nigh bankrupt, labor doiuoi alined, corrupted and controlled by unprincipled adventurers, our people plunged into oxtravaganqes tho most suicidal. Lot us all lonru lcssoua of economy from tho oad oxporii tho past few years, and whatever tho crop may bo, this southern land of ours, will soon flourish aud prosper with abundance and content, may it be. Fame could visit tho town now bo would not rccognizo it. Thcro is not a bettor business town of its size in Georgia, Tbo history of Forsyth is tho history of every town whero tho pooplo havo stood squarely up to their pnper." Dentil of General Henning. Ocn. Henry L. Henning, the war rior, tho jurist aud advocato, is no more. Tho telegraphic wires brought sad nows indeed yestorday at noon when it auuouncod tho death of this distinguished son of Goorgin. On Friday morning Gou. Henning was noticed to fall on a barrel at tho drug store of F, L. Brooks iu Colum bus. Thursday night ho sat up until two o’clock and worked. Friday ho complained of being cold. Ho gradu ally sank and at tlnoo o’clock Satur day morning expirod. Oc-u. Donning was boro iu Colilmbi couuty in 1813, and was nearly 02 old. ilo belonged to ono of tho best families in tho state, aud was connec ted with tho families of lion. Hugh A. Haralson and Hon. II. G. Lamar. Soon after his admission to tho bar ho exhibited trails of professional ox- celonco and few men evor showed more real ability. Ho removed to Columbus where ho married tho daughlor of Seaborn Jones. Colonel Jones was then the leading member of the bar tbero, ami young Donning became associated with him iu tho practico of tho law. Tho great bank cine developed his strength ns u lawyer. Ho was elected ono of tho judges of tho supremo court of Georgia Du ring his term of ofilco his career ns a jurist was marked with brilliauco aud power. Ilo wont to llio Into war as colonel of tho 17th Georgia, but was noon e!- ovated to tho position of brigadier gonoral of tho historic Bonuiug’s brig ade. Ho participated iu every battle of tho army of tho army’ of northern Virginia, until i-truck down at tho bat tle of tho wilderness. His bravery, coolness and indopondouoo gavo him tho sobriquet of “Old ltock.’’ Tho closo of tho war left him with shatter- ed lot Linos, but umlitmuishcd cuorgy. Ho resumed tho practico of tho law, and showed bis original aud striking powers by speedily rising to tho hood ot tho bar. Iu politics ho belonged to tho strictest sect of tho stales right school. General Hoiiuing loaves a wifo and live daughters to mourn hit loss. Threo of them aro single'. Ono of them, Mrs Hocso Crawford, resides in 'oluiubUs, and another, Mrs. Bam Spencer, iu Bnltimoro. His only eon died about throo montli3 ago. Gonoral Bouniug’s death was caused by dlarrhcoa, with blight symptoms of holers. His loss will bo regretted all tho Blale, for thoro who fuw such 03 he. POLK SHERIFF S BALES. W ILL bo told, before tho Court IIouso door, in llio town of Codartown, Polk county, G& , between tlic legal houipfef bb1<J on tho first Tnesduy in August next, the fal lowing property, lo-wlt: One jtbuao and lot in the town of ltock- mnrt, fronting 82 1-2 foot on Cherry street find running haok 100 feel, in block A, on lot of laud No. 13, and ono lotand bualnaio house and ton-pin alley and atahle, lot No 2 n block A, fronting 30 feet on marble «t., ,inning hack 126 '.feet, in Rflcknmrl, >uo bmiiions house nnd lot in Van Worf, No 0, nnd ono vacant lit No. 7, fronting 25 feel, nnd running hack 125 ft.; fronting on Main street. Levied on ns tho proputy of of John Smith, to sail*fy two fl fas in my hands ono in favor of Chafeo Kt. Amand and Craft against A J Hobbs nnd John Htniih, and ono iu favor of Hutch Ison, Pritchett & Co. agniuHl John Hmitli and James Dean and John L. Dodds and oilier fi fan in my hands. Levy made by pcciul bailiff deputised to mako said levy. POSTPONED SALE, o, at the name time and place, lota of land Non. 133, 161 nnd 20tJ, in tho 18th diet. 3d poo. of Polk county, a« tho property of A. H. McGregor, to satisfy one 11 fa in may hands in favor of fttokely At Williams and other fi fas in my hands, vs said Mc Gregor. Levy mod o and returned to me by a constable. July 10, 1875. Ii. P. LUMPKIN, Sheriff. DEPUTY SIIESIFF SALE. # Ono half interest in lot of land No. 131, in tho 18th district aud 3d section, as tho perty r4 W. J. Hummervillc, to satisfy justice court ll fa issued from 1072 diet. (1 M., In favor of Ell C. Bavin, vs tho raid Hummervillc and YV B H Davis, security. Levy made and returned to me by a con stable. July 6, 1876. W.Cl. TAYLOR, Dept. Hh'ff. The oxoroiscs of Codurtown Acad ctuy will bo resumed on first Monday July, instant, tho beginning of tbo Public School Term. All persons not at present patronizing Ilia Bchool, callod upon to tunko such supplomontul contracts as may bo agreed upon botweeu tbcmcelvss and touchers, they wish to rccoivo tho benefit of tho public school fund. Ho UREAL A fIl..NDK!l30N. Legal Advertisements. I GREAT DISCOVER!! Thompson’s Linimont 3iic of the greatest dlsccTcrici of tho Nothing brings Much speedy nnd sure 'to those who gaffer with tho numer- ains nnd aches common to the human Do you want something that will your head, your back, euro your rheu- in ami Neuralgia ? Apply-Thompson's For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, THOM P SOma LINIMENT, d you nood fear no harm. This Medi- io is put up right hero In your midst, by Dr 11. K. THOMPSON. Your neighbors tried it, and it hns never failed to do it promised. Every family nboiilil keep it on Imml, and thereby hi dollar. Often a long and exj for a physician might ho disji simply by applying Thompson then keep it on hand—it will cost yon nut little. No physician can practice hucccii.i- y without a good I.lnlment—-they know importance—then keep ll on hand. \ on i apply it yourself and Bavomonry. •nalvo trip CIIHCd with, I Liniment; bit. It. It. THOM Pc Pr. Reese's Drug Hlore, get a bottle, r never bo without it. It will do what It im and you'll never regret buying it.. Notice, p ROR0IA, POI.K COUNTY. vX perior Court, Augu l Term, n. Means, J .11 ...I : Actlou Ol Notice i 1 ' hereby gr ere of Hntd Oredell Ir< piiuv. and all whom i tho above Mated c»*e nd nrovided. July 12. 187 o August >urL T1 uiatuto in Mich c Citation. 0ROlA, F"l K COUNTY. Oredell Iron m Coinpsny—Action on Account,- fendaut ia hereby requirod, pe r t KOI » Me ? Cou id nppe oho held in id for Bnid in August ■ tlio plain Witness the Honorable Judge ourt, this 16th day of July, 1875. W* V. KNIGHT, alt|, and I » at my otllco. ■ill pn ., on the StUh day of July, 18’ This July 15, 1S75. JOEL HUE\YLit, Or\l*y. Tho Sparta Times aud Planter moro than half right when it says tli interests of any community haug moro upou tho success of itu local paper, which ia its moulh-pioeo and :ulvocal so far as tho rest of the world ia con cerned, than upou any other ono en terprise. To prove this it cites For syth, which Siuiri Rose pronounced tho deadest town ho had over teen. “About tho same timo," says tho Times aud Planter, “Mr. J. P. Harri son took control of tho local paper, aud called it the Monroe Advertiser. Iio built up the | aper, aud tho people ndliid to his support, and the town tCok ou now life, aud Mr. ltcic FULTON HOUSE, T. M. ANDEU80.N, late of Rome, Ga. will I", CORUA, Corner Loyd and Wall st:«. near Union Pa: eongcr Depot, ATLANTA, : : : GEORGIA glo meal, 60 aud good rooms*, Saloon in lutsonice ftivnihhcd with puro Lujuors, Fiuo NViuc Uccr uuo 8ogars, july 11 Now Photograph Gallery ! E. L., UESTEKEY M'U.WK 1 kind. goo. Cetltirlow E who dedi from the l- my ORGAN W, S. D. Wiklo &. Co, ,iu<l ratters'! ilie Pianos and Organs ri 'lir.i t: Mnaulflcrot Instruments have ! now been many years before tho p»lbllo and a -toady growfug popularity is tho re sult. Tho many and valuable Improve ments recently introduced in tho Musical portion of tho Organs have added largely to their eucccss, nud they arc confidently pre- Absolutely Without any Equals A splendid Stool iu lx>xed with each Organ free of chat go. C'nsli Prices Oveatly Reduced FIFTEEN MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS The folloving i Magaxiuc s43 of Instruments: "llONKSTY IS TIIH llRST PoLlCV.’’— II imrrcsaivelyia tliis old maxim demonstrat ed tu the extraordinary succoss of tho great Musical lustmmcut house of Horaco W iX Son. Adopting from the first a rigid rule that every instrument should p and possibly MoitH, than their warrantee called for, the firm has built up a business far iu advanci of their contemporaries, and from Maine to the Gulf tho name of Horace Waters ia as familiar n.s household word-. Tho New jurk Express .says. ••Water ' Pianos aro pidtouucod by Musical amateurs a* a decided^ supe MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO, OF XVT033I3L.E1, This Company 1ms promptly paid every death lon3 sustained, and with out litigation or dispute. Over #100,000 ! Paid iu tbo last threo years to Wid ows and Orphans. The Important Subject Of Life Insunrnco ia gradually nnd doscrvodly gaining public attention by tho far CO of its own merits. The timo is not far distant wltou tho doatli of a man leaving his family unprovided for by a policy of Lifo Assurance, will leave tho staiu of neglected duty upon his character. It is a duty which ov ory ono owes to his owti dependents and to tho community. Uo who neg lects it is not a good husband, fathor or citizen. Ho has no right even to risk tho chance of tbrowiug tho futuro support of his farniiy, iu caso of his death, on tho community at large, on relatives and frionds, whon it is in his power so easily to provido against such contingencies. The Mobile Lifo Issues policies on nil the approved plans of Insurance. Iu tho middlo rands of lifo fow have much capital to loavo for tho benefit of their families, iu tho event of tho’ early dcccnso, but most havo incomos. By dovoling a portion of tbo hitter iu the way of Lifo Assurance, tho head of a family can mnko sure Hint, din when ho may, even on tho day after tho first nuuuul payment, Ins widow aud children will bo endowed with a certain amount of money. Take an Endowment Policy and thus provido for your family iu tho event of early death, and for your own old age, should you live out tho stipulated time. Ono ought to bo satisfied if he goto, at tho end of twenty years, all tho money ho has invested, with moro than Boven per cent, iu forest, and has tho assurance, nil through those twen ly years that, in caso ho died, the full amount of tho j>olicy would at once ho payable to tho boncticiary under tho same. It seems too good to bo true, but it can bo proved if you will lake tho trouble to inquire. “1 am satisfied," said Gonoral Dear boru, “tlmt among ono hundred mer chants nnd traders, not moro thou threo over acquiro iudepoudsnoc.’’ Every Merchant Should Inko nu Eudowmout Policy or Limited Paymeut Policy iu tho MOBILE LIFE A girl of seventeen, iu Schoharie, N. Y., was asked, a few days ngo, by a smart young man who had no means but his salary, to bccomo his spouse. “Is your lifo insured asked she. “No,” raid tho swain. “Thou you must havo it insured, for I'm not go ing to marry you aud havo. you dio and leave mo to big for a living.” THE SINGER AGAIN TRIUMPHANT J41,070 Sinscr Machines sold In IS 1 ?-* 0,33^. more than we sold in I87U, nnd t»l,J»SS1 more tlmn sold in XSSTSJ. Our sales exceed llioso of nny other company for tho period uamod (1871) tho number of 118,H."1 Machines, or ucarly 'hree times those of any other Company. Teat tho SINGER beforo purchasing nnjr other. Terms oa easy iui l payments ai light ua ore offered by any other company. BUY THE DEBT. Good ugenta wanted, The Singer' Manufacturing Company, 0. W. LEONARD, Gonoml Agont, Cor. Broad and Alabama sis., Atlanta, Ua. UNTON O. HAY, Canvassing Agent for Polk County. Kami your oil.IrcM Co tho above office, or to I., (i. IlAY, Codirtown, for a Catalogue of the celebrate! DAZAAI1 OLOVIJ-PIITINO PATTEIt.NH. They arc tbo best, tbo cheapest auil tnoit etyliah pattern, in the market. jnne l-~ Im. pied I v Mr Jehu C. Atics nstnunc • fA.-l | iiipcrccding tl> eo f other usacti The Life Endowment By which a Gash Eudowiuont c bo secured during lifo, at life rales pretninm, is a social feature of tho Mobile Life for ^roxjisra People sometimes object that the cannot “afford” to auiaurc. Buch on arguiucdt should rather teach a man the imperative necessity for asancin^ at once. If he feels so much diffcuUy in withdrawing such a tritlu of his come, let him rcllcct on tho iiightful condition into which his death wouli* plunge bis family. Insure iu tho Mobile Life at oucc. To-morrow is not your own. Delay breed remorse. How many estates have becu sacrificed and families left peuuiless, bccauso the father put off insuring till a moro convenient season, till ho was better able. OSSIAN HUGGINS, Agent, NEW CASH STORE ! PHILPOT &c IDOIDIDS, At their old Stand, havo opened a Magnificcut Stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, And aro Selling themjat remarkably low prices. Sugn Coflee, Cheese, FIhIi HARDWARE, CROCKERY A full Lino of Notions, Trimmings, Ribbons, White Goods, Domestics, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES. READY-MADE CLOTHING And in fact a Goucrnl Assortment of Merchandise, all at Groatly RoducoJ Pricoa Being fixed up in good style, no rents lo pay, and htiviug paid Canh for their Goods, they aro able to Compote successfully with any oua Call aud bo convinced. apr 17 II* You A\ r n.nt tv First class lustrum nt, WJLTJSP^S’ NEW SCALE PIANO 1 S T 1J E O N I: T O L L Y For Illustrated Catalogue, Prioo Li d, Recommendations, Ac. f ”call on < address W. S. 1). WIKLE & C()„ AGENTS, Cedartown or Cartcrsville. Georgia. togr A Liberal Discount for Cash. Joseph E, Veal, Rome, Georgia. c«. Triangle:?, Cuatlncta, Ae* Picolos, Clalroncls, Flagclets, Harps' Ofiice’ia rear of id office. ,ch 20—ly Violins, Cuitars, Music-boxes Banjo-. Ta rdcons. Flutinas, Concertinas, Flutes, Fifes, ning Forks, l'itch Pipes, Ilormonicans. Hosin, French. German xml Italian Mtringj. anti Guitar Cases, of wood r.n»l l«l>er. .lira Uow.llair. i . K.j:. . Fiu„-or-It-.irit, Clalrourt Reeds, Piano au>l Dulcimer Hire. Banjo Heals, Tauthorine Ginglers, kc , dee. »M«f Mu.icul ln.trurjicntt HopoiretLiu-Best Style. ! tlec S j