The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, August 21, 1875, Image 2

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THE RECORD. OEDAUTOWN, OA., AUO. 21, 'ftif. Orcrirll Item*. Wo h:.vo lind lino rains recently, ttntl crops nro looking well. A protract oil mooting was hold at Mountain Spiitigs lust week, and a considerable revival was inuoifostcd. Eleven j inod tho church, and (hero wero many other oonvei/tions. Mr. Anbury J. Enin, ono of our no- bloat and best young men, died on Monday lUh instant. Ho had beou sick lwo weeks with bruin fever. A protracted mooting will corn* tuenco at Jackson's Chapel on Fi relay next. Mr. E. F. King is progressing finely with his several singing classes. Wo will all ho ht Shiloh again on the first Sunday in September. Tho Mount Hope, Mountain Homo and Jackson's chapel schools will all meet in a mass singiug on that day. Mr. J. H. Wimberly and Mr. Har din have bought Mr. King’s lcru:o on tho Orodell ore batik and have opened for a full blast. Tho Mountain Homo school has th<Tty*flvo scholars in regular utloud- men now. Mr. Wm. Maloy, seclion boss of this section of tho railroad, Imu ex changed with Mr. Oirviug, whoaoBco- tion was on tho lower end of tho road. OIJU CITIS5KNH— I CONriNUI I). J Mr. M 11 Wiggins, 1 believe, wan origiually from Randolph county, Ala. Ho has boon in this oounty about, four yearn, and i.-iuco he cainohe Imn made himself quite popular, by attending to Mack's business and lolling other people’s alone. J. F. Millicau is a imtivo of old l’olk—has lived hero over ftjnco he was born, fought all of his big * list and skulls" boro, eat most of his broad a'ml meal hero, and married j >ul be low hero. Ho lives hero now, and will, 1 reckon, until ho dies. Undo Joulhun Hopper is our old est citizen. He came to this county from Putnam county, thirty or (hirty- ilvo'ycara ago, uutij during all timo ho has lived uhovo reproach. Ho boasts building a rough piuo fthdtoi’ in Cavo Spring thirty years ago to or ganize Hio first Baptist church instituted at that place. Hu is a farm er, and always makes his corn and meat at home, and never goes in dobt, novor buys guano, and is uh in dependent as a wood-sawyer. Wo would have a much better country if wo bad more Joathan Hoppers. Mr. M A Wright in a son of Judge X It Wright, and has lived in Polk about three yours. Ho is a good citizen, ft good farmer, and an excel lent gontloumti. He, unlike his father, choso retirement and private farm life rather than the bar and the hon ors of political eminence, for which he was well prepared. I will spunk of others next week, and not intrude too much on your apuoo this week. (1. I). F. Faiiy History of Folk County. iiv One or the mar nirrrum CONTINUE!*. Tho summer and fill of 1831 ra rather rcmarknblo for tho Imppanii;.; of important incidonls. The Pony Club was run off fixm tho country; tho Democrats were all i looted at tho fall election; friendship, goodwill, passing and rcpntuiug with Codurtown and Olonutown; all parts of tho cum- ty came together for honesty and go.-d government, each for his respective party—-Whig or Democrat. The val ley was full of land buyers, and large number of good citizens moved into tho county tint fall and winter. Among thorn wero John Koarloy , who settled near where Ah n aider llrooks now lives; Wilson Whatlv, who let- tluil whom Mr. Trawick now lives; John Pollard, who settled near Mr. Young’s; It. W. Pollard, who nettled on Tallapoosa, and Augustus Y mug, who rot lined on the place ho settled until his death. Hut few men in tho county but what k m*v Augustus Young. To know him was to respect him. Perhaps no man in the county knew him better than myself; ho was tny neighbor and friend, both morally and politically. Ho, like myself, was a imtivo Georgian. 11" removed from DcKnlb county in tho fall of 1831, and accumulated a considerable prop erty, which was distributed among his children with discrete judgment, llis love of right and devotion to principle was cover questioned. Conceding to all men tho full measure of what was their due, he was also punctual in tho exaction of what was due to himself In.all those more intimate relations which bound him to his friends, kin dred and his servants, ho was all that friendship could ask, or nlVeetiou end kindness claim. While in that higher Hud mom solemn relations which ho bore to tho author of us all, he was exact in all th>>>e duties enjoined. Uts religious sentiments were peculiar j to himself. !!■• was a Univciualiou 'from principle, without faltering or | doubting, to the da of his doatb. 1 WOO with him, ami by bin bedside I many times daring hia fdckn?8V, and never hoard ono word fall from his lips that 1 could detect apart from his principles I was with him all tiro day on which ho died. Early at night ho nat up in a chair and talk d more flaunt, and hi» mi ml hoc hi ml to bo hotter than at any timo during bin B.cknoHH, but at Ilia same timo I. could «:ie indications of dccp-Boatod trouble. His wife, a noble woman, wuh then a corpus in tho houuo—lmd died that morning about daylight. Ho wan greatly troubled about his lonely con dition, and tho manner in which he had made his will, thinking that he would din first, and lmd impressed it upon her not to livo with her children, but to koop house, uh ho had made ample moans in his will for her com fort during her life. Hut now alio was gone and ho loft alone. Oora io - ally a lour wool 1 tricklo down liiu chock. Ho said ho could not keep house; that ho would have to do what ho had charged his wife not to do— ho would have to livo with hi i chil- dred. Ho was anxious to have a srnull alteration in his will, and rcqno’itod mo to come over next morning and fix it up. I told him I would come over in a day or two. ‘'No,” ho said, “you in list come soon in tho morning, (Sun day), for J shall not livo but a very short timo." 1 told him 1 thought ho wan bettor than 1 had soon him in a month, and that perhaps ho would got well. “No, no, no," shaking his head, "I am going, to die very wool know it; I can see it; I feel if, and If you don’t coma to-morrow you will not hco ma alive." About throo o’clock in the evening ho suddenly become a little hoarse, and remarked that it was a little singular, and that he had not taken cold, and would talk on awhile, and inked mo what I thought of that lioarstiosH, looking wild out of his oy I told him 1 thought ho would get over it directly. No, he said, it is not l.ko anything I over had before, but kept constantly talking about his fairs, requesting me to assist his son in winding up his estate, and not let tho lawyers get hold of it, ns though ho was in a hurry to start on a long joUrnoy and was giving directions wlmt to do while ho was gone. In the eourso of a half hour his hoaraitoss turned to a rattle, and every breath was a ra'tlo in his throat, but koj t constantly talking until about half hour boforo sundown, bo became chil ly and said ho was cold, nn 1 lmd a huiil chill. Wo put him to bed and all wo could do wo could not got him warm; hut family his chill wore off, and after ho got warn ho bccamo al most a raving maniac, and died about 1) o’clock that night. Mr. Young was a largo, finally man, about six foot high, and his common weight was about two hundred and twenty-five pouuds, and was about sixty right years old when ho died Ho never had tho advantages of a pol ished education, and while I would not claim for him the eloquonoo of a Clay or tho d Uteri min lion of a Cal houn, yet in tfio various positions ho fd’od in life, wo 11 id developed tho true i limolds of moral greatness. Its di-.cruet judgment in alt matters tlmt ho controlled or had knowledge of, coni'l not bo surpassed by any ouo. llis wife, who was a corpso at tho same timo, and only ubjut for.rteon hours botwuon their death, wai per haps one of tho noblest spceinuiVB of her six. ttho was truly u kind and devoted wife, and possessed all tho idements of a lady. In his long pro truded mi km i-a her dovotion to him was untiring—would never suffer any other person to wait on him; cold or hot sho was always ready at liio com mand. She was ouo or two years his senior, which would make .her m xty- eiitv. | TO CONTINUED] The lutost thing in front door locks -night keys. (•rami duty I’rcmtitiiiciita, 1st Meek, A mills! Term, 1K75. We, tho Grand Jury chosen a id sworn for tho first week Folk Supe rior C a t, August T\rm, 187.'), m k tho following General Presentment:! We have exumiuod, through com petent commit toes, tno books of tho Ordinary, Clerk Superior Court and tho Treasurer, and find them neatly and correetly kept. Upon examine tiou of Treasurer's book*, wo find amount on hand at tho lYbiuoky Torch, 1875, as follows ; Jounty Purposes, Jury run I, llrutgo Punll,' 8,I'M 37 ^ To 1111 U'lt m\ ivc.l ..ineo February Term, 1875, os follows : For County purpose*, 102 00 Roxdfiur*, ; $7, HI 80 To amount paid oat since the Feb ruary Term, 1875, as f Tows : County Purpo.- o \ $1,188 >7 Jury purpa-os. ♦ 71 lH> Pauper purpose*, -120 0 • Leaving balance on hand and dis tributed nn follows ; For County purpoi Jury Fund. Pauper fund, Bridge tmi'l, .luil fund, Road finch, $ 081 18 .1,470 87 183 07 lit! 81 89 85 2 80 $5,881 08 tho Grand Jury, after a care ful and thorough examination of the )uupor list, recommend that tho fol* owing names bo striokou from tho same; Ha inn cl H'eo, Mins Nancy Lock tier, J W Hamilton, Rosetta Benson, Litl- dy ChiHolm, Nancy Morris, W H lted, ding, Mitchcl Gnlohn, Ezekiel Guncin, Hu urn Itichnrdsou. Wo nlvo recommend that tho names f Miss Julia May Mrs Mary Scott be added to tho Pauper list. We IVrlher recommend that Mr. E B Bucket bo paid tbreo dollars per month, and Mrs Itulha Alexander bo paid-five dollars per month. Wo have also examined tho tax digest of 1875, and find a small falling off from tho return*i of last jour; yet wo think tho property has boon returned at a fair valuation. Upon inquiry wo find tho public ro dsof tho county in good condition, but would recommend tlmt ditches of sufficient sizo to carry off tho water bo cut on each side of tho road lending from C durtomi to Op* pert'a mill, Ixginning at tho ditch be yond the ilimm Phillips house, to the fork of tho roads, and that tho dirt ho thrown to tho middle of said road. Wo further recommend that places on the road between John Wright's and Jiiukmi Yeung's bo tundo of nutty* cicnt width between the ditches ; irnt wagons may pass and re pass. Wo have <xamiuod tho records of tho (./entity Court, and find them cor rectly kept. Several of tin Justices nf tho Peace have handed in their dockets, and we find them kept in the usual style. We have examined tho public buildings of I ho county. Wo find the i lops of the Court House in bad condition, and some lights broken out. Upon examination of the jail we find tho building in good condi tion, < x opt one lock which is in sufficient to iiuBwnr tho purpose for vliioli it was intended, and recom mend that the Ordinary havo these repairs made. Wo rccommond tlmt the Hlu rififnnd hi* two deputies and each bailiff* he allowed two dollars per day for their attendance at this term of tho court, and that f uTy cunts per day bo allow ed the j dlor for IV ding prisoners, and that, wo roccntimond no i xtia pay. Wo recommend that thoHhenlVbo allowed livo dollars for nwi.t ping out and putting i-aw dust in tho con it house, and legal fooH fur summoning twojuiiui’. We recommend that tho lii'Miai mid he allowed livo dollars each for publishing theso pro- Tlie l.anu'sl and UrantlcMil NATIONAL EXPOSITION Agriculture, Horticulture, MECHANISM, MINERAL & ART ROME, GA-., THE ObD FA III G HOUNDS, OCT 4th, AND CONTINUING UNTIE OCT. Otii, 1876. Como one met nil to roc the Dig Shows. Exhibitors nro Earnestly requested lo com iiicnco preparations now ami bring lo Die Fulr all their fmo Stock, Mechanical In ventions, Minerals, Art anil Products oftlio Moil, not alone for tlio Premium, but lo gain reputation for intelligence, skillful workmanship, Ac. No entry fee will be charged for articles on Exhibition. A great many of tbo most noted and prom inent men of the United Slates are invited and promised to be present, It will bo a great treat to everybody who attends, J. J. COHEN, Manager. T. J. PEHHV, Heoroinry. A M 1: It 1 O A N W AH II JI I j U E, For Laundry & Household Use, Manufactured at tho American UllrtiamaHno Works, Newark, N. J. O UIt Wash llltio is the boil in the world ll docs not slrenk; contains nothing injurious to health or fabric, and used hy all the large laundries on account ut il* pleasing effect and cheapness. Superior for Whitewashing. Put up in packagi * enient for family ti*e. Price 10 cents For rnlo by grocers everywhere Always ask for Amk.ud Wash, if you wadt tho cheapest and best American Ultramarine Works, nine.-, vi wmiiiin hi., m:\\ vouk. July 31 -iim New Photograph Gallery I M. 1/. lIIiHTlIHI.V (/Cilni'town, (hi, ri" 1108E who desire go I plclnfen, of any JL kind, from tho smallest (lein In die largest Life -i*e Portrait, please call and cxainlau my work. Itonin recently eceu- plod l.y Mr. John <7. Alien ns n work-ahop. lv I ?s « : t-7 1 ■'< > It I >-M < > S W K (i ( ) PURE AM) Silver Glo.ts Starch, entimmtB. i Buclm 1 Solicitor- Genoral Llrinentu wo l'oluin our thiiiil.a for ki'iduom to this body. C'iiai.i ! ; 11. W'ood, Foreman, J.ih. B. • N »yes, .1 linos \\ 11 m is, J is. K JI • . i.rG, ( imi le.’iG Knight, Mat .hew Ecult, Moses T Bowel 1, Alfred J .Shonill, Ed. P Foathorjton, Auhnrn A Canqi, ll A IMmondsjn, DA Whitehead, ’J has. (J Funs, Janie i i'-nuln, James L JenkiuB, J.i . 0 Clu ok, '1 homos Moore, John M Kto'wurt, Walton V Douproo, Vincont Ohnudler, Win. S Hogue, Julni O Peek, I-.lmin Dean. Ordetvd and mljmlgod by tho Court llpit tho i.btv - and fore going present inonl* bo publishad as roeimnuondod by tho Gruud Jury. August 1 I, 1875. iliaui lh >' wan, J. S. ( ’. C. C. A into extract from tho minutes of Court. W. U. Kniuut, Clerk. H GREAT DISCOVERY! Thompson’s Liniment Ih ono of the greatest discoveries of I lie ng". Nothing brings such speedy and sure relief to those who miller with tho numer ous pains and aches common to tho human : enso your I.o ml, your back, cure your rliou- matiam and Neuralgia ? Apply 'Jdiomp l.iniment and tiufVerno more. For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises THOMPSON'S LINIMENT, and you need fear no harm. Thl« Modi cl uo is pul up right here in your laidat, by Dr* It. It THOMPNON. Your i. .ghhors have Ivied it, and it lm < never failed to do whnt ii promises. Every family- should keep it on hand, and thereby save many dollar, lift on a long mid expensive tr I'm* n physician might be dispensed wit l imply by applying Thompson's Uni men llun keen it on band—il will cost you b little. No physician can practice suceo; fully without a good l.inimout—they km ii- iiuportanci—tlu it keep it on hand. You can apply it yourself and save money. '.'nil on 1>K. H. K. TI1(>Ml*St)X, over l‘r, Itecsc's Drug Store, got a bottle, aud never bo without it. It will dovrhut i* says, d you'll never regret buying il. Hot 24 For rule I!. I*. MoCO.NN El! Agent, A. worth, ti tuaVei.eips guide. Romo Railroad C ompany. OF 8CI£t> t’l it. ler Monday. June 1st, 1ST- O \„o. ltailroad i i joiiN a c. •LHP- will l ike close connootio: ritU Wosteru and AUauti - bound for t'h;Utauoo;:v au< W. S. UOTHUAN. Pres. For the MANt'J 1 hnimBi'v iu:d iiy T. KINGSFORD & SON. The Best Starch in the World Gives a Beautiful Finish to tho Linen ii iid I lie diHYrt i'i in C"-t between il and common Mnrch is scarcely half a cent for un ordinary washing. Ask your Grocer for il. F«r *a!o ill Cedartown by J 8. Noyes .X Co. KINGMOKir.S OSWEGO CORN STARCH, For Puddings, Blanc Mnugo, loo Cream, etc. la tho Original— Kstaldi.ihcJ in lsjs, and preserves Ha reputation ns Purer, Stronger, and more Deiiniio than uiiy other article cl the kind eirorcd, cither wirf« t!ie same nnme or with other tiites Stophcn.on, Macadam, Ph. D., ^ic., the highost tdicmienl authority of Europe, care fully nnalyiod this (’jru Starch, uud x.»ys il is a most excellent arffole of diet and ia chemical and feeding properties i* fully equal to the best arrow root, Directlon.i for miking Puddings, Cns- tnrds, A • , accompany each ono pound l>»ok«K»; l'*or Hull! by nil Fii^l-aln.. Clrocors. jol) 81-Hm, JY. SLOBXISr WHEAT FANS, UnTSTTE; MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO, O? MOBILE, -A.T.A.. This Company has promptly paid every death loss sustained, ami with out litigation or (Impute. <>vor *$100,000 ! Paid in the last three years lo Wid ows and Orphans. The Important Subject Of Lifo InBuarnco h gradually and do 1 vodly gaining public attention by the force of its own merits. The time is not far distant when the death of a man leaving his family unprovided for bv a policy of Life Assurance, will leave tbo t.taiu of neglected duty upon his character. II. is a duty which ev ery one owes to hi j own dependents and to the community. IIo who neg lects it is not a good husband, father or citizen. Ho has no right even to risk the chance of throwing tho future support of his family, in case of bis death, on the community ut large, or on relatives and friends, when it ia in his power so easily to provide against such contingencies. The Mobile Life I mos policies on all tho approved plans of Insurance. In tho middle rands of life few lmvc much capital to leave for tho benefit of thoir mmili< s, in tho ovoid of their early dec, ,-t: <•, but most have iucomos. By devoting a portion of the Utter in the way of Li fa Assurance, tho head of a family can muko sure Dint T dio when ho may, even on tho day after the first annual payment, his widow and children will be endowed with a certain amount of money. Take an Endowment Policy, and thus provide for your in:, v in tho event of early death, and fir your own old age, should you livo out the stipulated time. Ono ought to In- mtisth d if ho gets, at tho olid of twenty years, all tho money he has invested, with more than ►Avon per cent, interest, and has had tho assurance, all through those twen ty years tlmt, in case ho di; d, the fall amount of tho policy w Mild at onco ho payable to tho beneficiary under the sumo. 1 , .i.a too good to bo true, but il can bo proved i* you will take the trouble to inquire. “I am satisfied,” mid uetu ral Dear born, “dmt among ono hundred mor- chunts and traders, nut more than three ©vt r acquire independence.'* livery .Morelmnf Should t .kv‘ nn Endowment Policy or 1 limited Payment 1\ lu*y in the MOBILE LIFE. (darters* ill©, (« 11! t IwcntyJlvo ycnr«, 1 fool confident that an give* ** iti.-l'uction. W. 8. 1*. Wikle, my authorised agent at Cedartown. /~ir.OHG!.v. poi.ii ror\ i x _when*^, AJ II T llatllc mid W s Haiilo. adiuinis trators on tho citato oT Ln. itu W Dm tie. Into of said county, doci*a*cd, has made ap plication for dbaiitfbion from their said nd- cftnsc, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my l and and official signa ture, this July 2'.', 1875, .1081. BIDDY Ell, Ord. /'ikoiWIA, POLK rot NTV — J w vJ T. Uimd 1ms applied for excniption of personally and setting apart anil valua 6, II, FEATHERSTOH, Continues to deni in DRY GOODS, Boots and Slices, Hardware, Hats, Groceries &C., «!tc., &C., Cnsh or Darter. Hr also buys and sells Cotton. Oct 21 BARBER & WOOD CEDAUTOWX, C l. J ) ESPECTFULI.Y call tho attention of I V tho public to the* fact that wo have in Hiock and nre oanstantly receiving, DRY GOODS Abb KINDS OF NOTIONS, I *< >ot .-.NShoe?*, Wool.TSclFui* I labs Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Mea FLOUR, and 13 (YCON. Which wo will sell as cheap as any one in town for the CASH. Call and examine : purchasing. juuc J > CASH STOUR -1. Si - Stubbs Sc Co., (JED A II TO lb A. C A., J^EUP constantly on hand a full line - t FAMILY GBOCHRIES, HARDWARE, Hoots mill Shoes , also a lino of READY-MADE CLOTHING AMD FACTORY GOODS. C i'di buyers will find ii 1 ■ lh<*ir infere-( lo examine our goods n. ' prices before purchasing. Sola agents for tho -ale of tho cob-, brnted •* Watt Flows" and fixtures, in Folk county. june 20—tf VV. C. Kili-IXM-, REAL ESTATE ACI’T i*m hmail. (i AVM. ( booi id bu of Polk o , of Land in the I.ootttloti, Vab cry section, fool oonfulont tlio interest of parties having hand' 1° place them in my hands; and those wish ing lo purchase bands can always boa:- commodated. I tho 1st Tuesday in each monih. forthoparj pose of transacting bu mr line. J. S. NOYES A CO., GROt’KKIKS, HARDWAltK, J Modicincs, Hats, caps, Boots anJ Shoes BBADY-MADK CLOTHING. (’ust.uncrs will find our Slock complete, comprising many articles it is impossible hero to enumerate, and at moderate prices. Particular attention paid to buying and DAVID AXM. A g.rl of wm ntcen, in Schoharie, .. o- i , n v.asio.i,t. „ .in, h y House, Sign and Ornamental nitnro m:ub look like new. ID of homestead, and 1 will p .* at 11 o 'clock, n. in., on tlio 23d dav of ust, 1ST, ...23d day This Aug. 11, 1J 70. JOEL BREWER, Ord'y. Selma, Romo & Dalton R. R* Trains on this Road will run a? follows GOING NORTH. I.eavo Selma 7.25 a m Arrive at Prior’s 6.48 p m *’ Daltou 9,45 p m Mnkiag close conncotlou at Dalton with 17 I VAi . K IA., and W c A K Ii t r all Kastern and Western oiti .- anl the Vir ginia Springs. GOING SOU • Dalto S lo p r •p r 8.30 arrival of wing Dalton ior So' V Da Ii U .ml W \ A R K trains M. STANTON. Gen. Supt . MA \ N VK!). - Supt. "Ai KNIGHT. G. P A T Agt. a smart young man who ha l no means but his salary, to ..*omo his spouse ‘‘Is your life insured V she. “No,” s.iid tho fcw.iin, “Ti;eti you must have it insured, for I’m uot go ing to marry y» u and hav-* yon die and leave mo to beg for a living.” The Life Endowment By which a Cash Endowment cm bo secured daring life, at life rales of premium, is a special feature of tho Mobile Life FOR '!TOUIs t G JNdi-TNr Pooplo somolimcs object that they cannot “afford" to assure. Such an urguwedt should rat hr r teach a man tbo imperative necessity lor ussueiug | tit once. If Ai finis so much difloulty ! in witlulrawit g such a trill© t'f his iu- • come, let him retliet t :i the frightful | condition mto which his death would ‘ pl-uigo his family. Insure in the Mobile Life u( once. ; I To-morrow is not your own. Delays I [breed iemoi.->. How many estates j havu been sacrificed and families left ! | penniless, because the father put off j j insuring till a more convenient season, | till ho was better able. OSMAN HUGGINS. Age ill. (niattawu. (<a. i ^Oflico'iu rear of lUcord ofiie.'. TjE^ pairing of t Tie ... baving work ii bo fuiitod al liberal Pri< cry description i tho abovo lin W. 11. Wilde & Co., Carl. rs> ill©, Legal Advertisements, Road No -e. p KORGIA, POLK COIIFTY —Whereas, VJ (j w Watt?. John Simmons, W II Mc Whorter and others, have applied for a new from Priors Station to tlio comity lino I county, in the direction of Newt on c h. on tho Ala. ro.vl leading from Cnyc Spring to Centre. Ala,, and J \V watts John Simmons and John 8 Prior, tho duly appointed Commission■•rs, have made their report under oath that tiny find said pro posed road to to of Public necessity, and would bo of great utility to that portion of that portion of tho countv, and that thoy have proceeded to *.-, irk ont tho same con formably to law. Therefore all persons concerned will tako nolico to file their objections, if any, it ct urt of Ordinary fur county pm ■ poses, to bo held on third Monday in Sep. temher next, why said petition should not be gianted. Given under my hand and official signature, this August 1:1, 1875. JUKI. UtlEWKIt, Jrd'y No 1 : <’o. KORGIA, POLK COUNTY.—Whereas, VJI Jamai F Dover, G W Morgan, Wm llubbard and others, have applied for a road commencing at tho Jacksonville near ihe residence of G \V Eorgan fi running hy the residence of Wm Hubbard through tlio lands of J F Dover, Kockmarf, >.* to tho junction of Cartersvillo ami a roads in said couniy, and J F Dover, U \\ Morgan ami Win. Hubbard, the regu lar appointed commissioners, haring mado their leport under oath that they have cx- amiiud said rout and find Unit it’ would ho eat public! utility, and that they have worked out the same conformably to law. These are, therefore, to cite all cenocrn- ed to appear all persons concerned to np* at a court of Ordinary to be held in said couuty on the third Monday in Sep tember next, to show cause, if any th *y have, why said road should nut be por- manci. / established. Given under my and official signature, this August 18, 1875. JOLL BREWER, Ord'y Road Notice, p KORGIA POLK CG! NTV.—Whereas, 'J Charles Dougherty, T J McClain, J I, Jcukina aud others have ma le application new road loading from Cedartown to Mpring. comm -noing and.leaving tho public road »t a point oposito Mr. 8 a well’d cedar orcok, turning to the left slight ly, passing Dr Watts’ farm, and through lands of Mrs. Smith and by Mr. Dougherty Paine » to the couniy line; and M l Mo- Wburton, W W Hunt and W R Brock, tho Inly appointed commissioner*, havipg mado the r report under oath, that said prop ved road Is a public necessity and would t/o of great utility te the community gcuorally, unit tint they have proceeded to work out the same conformably to law. Thcreforo all persons concerned will tako notice to bo and appear ut the next court of Jrditiinary for comity purposes lo be held in s .id oounty ou the third Monday in acp- iember next, to i-.iow c.itno, if any they have why said rout tdi-nild not bo made a public road in terms ol tlio law. Given under my hand and offici .l signature, this August 18th, 18* •» JOEL BF.EWKU, Ord’y. Road Notice. p KORGIA, POLK (NH NTV.-Whereas vj.1 P M>*Wbarter, J F Millicau, Tho*. Edge ami others, have matle application for a public road leading from t!ie cross roads near Middleton Prior’s to -nako pind in said county, to bo changed A>’. and Joshua G Morhnt,* Thomas Edge aud Galvin Edge, tho duly appointed commissioners, having r porU' 1 ', under oath, that said proposed change is uecojsary, an>l that they havo lo cate! or marked out thosamo. The > appeu iro io c alio .September next, to «hu ca :«.i, if any ox- isi. ii hy sni I petition h!j .nl,l not !).* granted Given under my hand and offlolnt tdgna- tuco, tills Augiui 18, 1-75. JOEL BIJKWEB, Ord'y. ( IKOHOIA POLK OOUNTY. — Wherco** *7 L II Walthall, adininistrai >r mi the es- tato of F U Diamond, of said county, de ceased, has applied for letters of dismia- st-'ii from hia said nd*4ilnbtration. These arc, therefore, to cito mid admon ish al! persons concerned, kindred amf creditors, to be mid appear at the court of Ordinary to bo hold in paid county t, to rhow cause d letters should the law, l»-r my hand and official signa- 1 »IttilA, FOLK Col YI’V —Silllo A. :hi!d. it 1 ., administratrix on tho eslato *ne W- ChiM-i '. of said county, do- I. has applied f r pave to sell at pr‘ land lying in other Lot No - 517, in 20th district -id acctict ind 3 -0 in 1-t ■! i - *. ■: Cid -I • h section, Hu ilson couniy, 401 in Ditli (list, aud 4ill re. plovd county; 85 and l 1c in Oth diet. 1: 'cctlon, and 171 in thu 8th district of tfc 1st section <-f Fannin couuty, These are, therefore, to otto and admoi sh all persons concerned, kindred an creditors, to b‘* and appear ut a court « Ordinary, lobe held in said comity on th FirHi Monday iu September next, to sho :au«c, if any they have, why leave to se at private sale should not be granted. Given under my hand and oifioiai sign; lure, this the 2‘Hii day of July, 1876. BOOKS MO STATIOKERf, NOTIONS, NOVF.LTI F,S, OAMES, FANCY CONFECTIONERIS, -L AKE Subscription for ay Book, viodical published in the i Stall Publishers lowest prices. NE a DLE S For all kinds of Sewing Machines, »v 1 ^•> uish Attachments, Oils, eto. Will Needles by mail, to any address, on rci of price. Singer. 50 cents per dozen others 75 cents. Forties would do wc consult u3 before buying goods from dlcrs, or sending North to the var swindlers and humbugs. Any goods m stock will be furnished at short notice. ONLY ONE DOLLAR! Savannah Weekly Morning News. Will be sent to any address : ix months r One Dollar. This is one of tho cheau- «“-t week lie* published. .It is not a blanket sheet iu wliieh all sorts of matter Is pro miscuously thrown. It is a neatly printed f.<«ir-page paper, compactly made up, and edited with groat care. Nothing of a duff or heavy character Is admitted into tho c-ilumas of the weekly. It is nn elaborate ly compiled cotnpendinm of the best things •iuai appear iu tn.> Daily News, The tcle- graphie dispatches of the week are rc-cdit- ed and carefully weeded of everything that is no! strictly of a news character. It also contains full reports of tho markets; thns, those who have not the advantage of a daily mail, can get all the news, for six month-, by sending one dollar to the pub lisher ; or f»r one year by sending Two dollcrs. The Daily Morning News is tho same reliable organ of public opinion it has al ways been—vigorous, thoughtful and con servative in the disco ,,f the issues of the day, and lively, sparkling and enter taining in it* pres ut.ition ■ f the news. In gathering aud publishing i..e latest infor mation and in discussing tpiestions of pub lic p the Morning News is fully abreast • i the most enterprising journal- :-iii -f the lime*, l’ricc. £10 for 12 mouths; $8 for 0 months The Tri-Weekly News has the same ; 5 : 12 months: $3 for (imonths. S' M .ney for either paper can be ~tnt by F. O. ‘. i-dcr, registered letter qv express, at publisher's risk. AJJrc- nil Utters. J. II. E8TILI.,