The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, August 28, 1875, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN RECORD. W, S, D. WIKLE & CO., Proprietors. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1875. VOLUME II. NUMBER 11. TIMELY TOPICS. Tint mystery of the missing aeronauts is solved at last. Tho body of young Grimwood, the companion of Prof. Doualdsou, was found laal week on.tho shores of Lake Michigan, rendering it quite certain that both were lost iu tho fearful galo which swopt over tho luko on the night of their ill-starred as cension. OABtrrn, tho Vineland editorial oelob- rity with a bullet iu his bruin, is getting along an well as usual. II half blind, uud has to bo lod about. Hauders, who shot Carnth, wants to pcttlo with him, but he does not put up enough m ney. Caruth wauts not Iobb than $50,000. Saudfers 1ms separated from his wife since tho shooting affair, and both moil by that fatal pistol shot h&vo been made about as miserable as mortals can become. LATE NEWS SUMMARY. WEST In Townsend township, Ilnrou oouuty, Ohio, rosidoH Mra. Elizaboth Tiimuior, who was born on tho very day on winch wan Hignod tho .Declaration of Indopoiuloneo. Bho was bom in Washington township, Morris county- Now Jorsoy, about oixty miles from Philadel phia. on July 1, 1770. Kansas is rej Dicing over tho largost and flnCMt crops over producod in tho Btato, All tho grain Ih ooenrod, and threshing out n larger avorago yield than was estimated. The corn oropwill bo enormous, tho stalks aver aging from twelve to oovontoon foot in height and from two to throo largo, well-flllod ours t( ovory stalk. BOUTH Alox n. Stophons deolinos to rim for tho Goorgia Governorship. An agent of tho Russiau govornmout is now traveling in the South to mako a study of cotton culturo, which that government con templates attempting to Introdnoo into Turk islan. MOODY AND 8 AN KEY. appoaranoo Mr. Sankoy scarcely fills olio’s idea of an Evangelist, nor indeed that of a sweet singer of Israel, Mr. Sankoy'fl portion of tho great re vival lying iu his silvery throat. But tho throat bolongs to a largo mau—a man upon whom tho good things of this life sooniB to set well—apparently thirty-five years old, with a clear, gray eye, and woariug dark Burnside whis kers of rather spares growth. Ho is simple in his manner, ready to oonvorso, but with the air of a man who speaks of that which has no connection with him self. Ooneoruiug their work ho said : “ Of course wo had no anticipation of its magnitude. Our ohnroh was bnruod in Chicago, and whilo it was rebuilding wo determined to go abroad, possibly for four months, in rosponso to an ii vitation of Mr. Ponnifnllior and anotlu woman ; and that her beauty unadorned would bo adorned the most—when she all this and wins a husbaud by sailing under falso colors, then reoourso can bo had to this decision as a prec edent for tho adjudication of wrongs to confiding hearts. It would havo boon well, however, had this decision boon rendered beforo tho summer season at tho lending matrimonial markets of tho laud had boon inaug urated. It might liavo saved tho hnppinoHs of many a poor follow who in the next six months will havo learned the bitter lesson that all is not gold that glittors. A Mastodon Fourteen Poet High. From tho Iltlbnquo 'tews. Prof, Woodman has now in his pos session and is arranging tho bones of a spooimon of tho extiuot mastodon fam ily, which aro worthy of examination by nil who havo any curiosity or interest in naltiro’fl wonderful productions. Wo have all rend of tho mastodon, and havo Tin; little mare Lulu, that onmo bo close upou Goldsmith Maid’s fastest time at Buffalo, has shown astonishing speed and on durance at tho raoos at Itoohostor. She won tho froo-for-all race, after a horoia contest, in vory fast timo, making three heats in 2:10), and 2:17, tho fastest threo consecutive heats over trottod. Goldsmith Maid, in tho first heat of tho race, mado 2:151, under a strong pull from tho distanco pole. Speak i no of tho Dunoon it Sherman failure, tho United Htato Economist Bays : The long delay in oovoring tho let ters of credits issued to American trav elers struck a blow at tho financial reputation of our banks from which thoy will bo slow to recover. There a general conviction that tho timo haB at length arrived for a departure from (ho present nsago on this subjoot. These bills should bo covered by ootton and grain, tbo samo ns other kinds of drafts. As matters uow stand tho holders of Amorioan letters of credit aro wholly at tho mercy of tho bankers. In England and tho continent of Europe thoro is onoh a hostile feeling to Americau firms that they will no longer touch any of their securities. Preparations for the issno of silver coin in place of fractional currency aro in sotivo progress at tho treasury de partment. Secretary Bristow thinks it ■will be neoeesary to sell two hundred and fifty millions of llvo por cent, bonds for the pnrehaso of currency, in additiou to ono hundred millions already sold. This will add materially to tho interest- bearing debt, but it will give tho pnblio something tangible in tho way of money —something that has not been known for fifteen years. Thoro is, however, some doubt as to tho authority of Boo- Totary Bristow to soli those bonds, Ho claims the right to do ho, and is sup ported by Senator Sherman, but there aro other good lawyers who hold that he has no power to sell more five per oont.s than enough to mako up tho amount of tho issno proscribed by law—$500,000,- 000. As thoro are only $07,000,000 of tho amount issuod, thoro may be somo trouble over tho matter. TllH Hermann monument festival commenced at Detmoid, Aug. 10, with tho reception of Kaiser Wilholm, tho Crown 1’rinco of Germany, and Prince Carl, of Prussia, who were attended by a nnmoious suite. During tho day thoro also arrived tho Dnko of Saxo Meuingen, Prince Frederick Foonthor, of Bchwarzburg Rudolstadt, representa tives bearing colors of all tho Gorman states, and many bauds of music. There was a grent procession all day long of peasants, ministers and students. Fifty thousand pooplo wero without beds, and slept us best thoy could. Tho streets were beautifully draped with flags and evergreens. The collosal statue of Hermann was unveiled befo mense concourse of people. The Em- * peror William and other distinguished visitors proceeded at noon to Mount Grothenburg, where tho monument to Hermann is erected, when the ceremony of unveiling was performed, in presence of 15,000 spectators. The Superintend ent, Gen. Hoppen, delivered a historical addrcfs, and Privy Councillor, PreusH made tho inaugural oration. Mr. GEonoE Hilliard, of Boston, gives ub words of gold in the following extract: “ I confess,” says ho, “ that increasing years brings with them an increasing respect for men who do not succeed in life, ns those words are com monly used. Heaven has been said to be a place for those who do not sueoeed upon earth ; and it is surely true that celestial graces do not best thrive and bloom in the hot blaze of worldly pros perity. Ill success sometimes arises from a superabundance of qualities in thorns elves good—from a conscience too sensitive, a taste too fastidious, a self- forgetfulness too romantic, a modesty too retiring. I do not go so far as to say with a living poet that ‘ the world knows nothing of its greatest men,’ but there are forms of greatness, or at least of excellence, which ’die and make no sign ;’ there are martyrs that miss the palm but hot the stake ; heroes without the laurel, and conquerers without the crown.” —In clearing away tho refuse from the ancient silver mines of Lanrinm, in Greece, a large number of seeds were found unknown to modern science, but described in the writings of Pliny. The seeds took root, budded and blos somed, hewing beautiful yellcfw flowers, sifter a burial of at least 1,500 years, Tho explosion of a keroseno lamp in sloro at Harnett, Ga.. a few days since, igni ted lift eon pounds of powdor. Tho timbers oonteuts of tho store wore scattered to tho four winds, ontaillng a loss ef #8,000. 1). M. Key, Esq., of Eastern Tonnes. hop, lias boon appointed Honutor by Governor Porter in tbo late ox-Prosidont Johnson’s place. Mr. Key is Gbanoollor of tho t’hata- nooga district, a lawyor of flno ability, and very popular In bis section of country’. MISCELLANEOUS. Immigration in tho United Btatos i doorcase of 80,000 for tbo yoi i, 1871. ndtiii gontloman. Wo found both dead. Wo f n uoiod him to bo a mythical animal, didn’t want to go about hunting otlior | p )ll t now , U1 opportunity is presented to -xamiuo bones that will not only put Mr. Dunoon, of Duncan, Bherman, k Co., wants to settle with tbo orodltors of tbo 11 rm at SS\ cents on tbo dollar. Tho Prc sidont lias oonutormnudod for tbo proaont tbo order allowing tho wlvei tbo Indian prisoners nt Fort Marion, Fla. bo sent them from Fort Bill. A Lowell maohine shop is now filling orders for full machinery for an 8,000 ephidlo mill at Homo, Ga.; a 6,000 spindle mill at Groonvillo, H. O., and a 4,000 spindlo mill In Western Mississippi. Guio V. Fisher, a oolorod school toaobor of Mississippi, has brought a suit against tbo Pullman Gar Company, claiming 110,000 damages for refusal to allow her to travel on a palace car from Cincinnati to Wash ington. A Carmolito convent is Boon to bo es tablished at Paterson, N. J., by a community of father* recently oxlloi They havo purchased eighteen city lots, at purpose of erecting a monastery, church and Tho Government lias appealed to tho Bnpromo Court from tbo docislon of tbo Court of Claims which award #480,000 in gold to tbo Stalo National Hank of Boston, and has also appoalcd from tbo doolslon of tbo Court of Claims iu seventeen cotton awards, Involving Ibreoorfour hundred thousand dollars. Tbo tulo to tbo llot Springs property having boon doDlded by tbo samo court to bo in tho Unitod Htatos, tbo claimants havo appealed to tbo Sup f dotormiued to commence oursolvoa, and wont first to York, a little, cold, cathedral town. Wo didn’t do much at llrBt. Pooplo thought wo just two Americans hunting a sou- n. It was not until they finally began to havo frith in us that wo began to succeed ; after that it was all oasy, and from tho timo we went to New castle our meetings wero like a rolling w-bail, always increasing. Of eourso London was tho culmination.” “ What do you think of them yonr- solf, Mr. Sankoy?” t . “ It is tho spirit of the Lord, that is all I can say. Snob tliiugs wore in timos past, why not now V Pooplo explain them diflorently. Home H»y magnetism, and some one thing and somo another. Tho only explanation wo onn give is that it comes from tho Lord. Men couldn’t do it. Just lot them try it if to rest any doubts as to the existence of tho giant boast-, but will g’ito something like an idea of what his monstrous size must havo boon. Tho professor has sixty-eight bones in all. and is making search for tho remaining ones, whioh will oonstitnto tho whole' skeleton. In purchasing what ho now has, ho also purchased tho oxolusivo right to dig in tlio ground for tho rest, so that thoro is but little donbt in a short timo our en ergetic professor will lrnvo all tho bones of tho largest animal‘over found in the bosom of mothor earth. About a yiyir ago a German farmor, living at Wolton, twonty-fivo miles west of Davenport, on tho Chicago, Hook •lslaiifl and Pacific railroad, in crossing a small stream, no ticed something projecting from tlio bonk of the stream which oxoitod his • t ii i curiosity. IIo procured a spado and they think they oould. But with tho orm menoed to unearth it, and disoov- Lord it is just tlio easiest thing. ored, when ho had it out. that it was a “Your labors don’t soem to havo j ) lU g 0 ^ ono 0 j» Bomo hind, but what, kind woariod largo ulat, ooi <st Framon, for tbo sprouting. A telegram received at tho Navy Do' partmont, from Oapt. Simpson, commanding United Htalos stoamor O mail a, announces doatb of Hoar Admiral Napoleon Collins, c roanding tbo Hontb 1‘aoilla Hoot, whloli ac rod at Calloo, on tbo Utb Inst. Ho dio. erysipelas, aftor an Illness of three days, was burled with military honors In tbo 1 oatant comotory at Hollo Kuala, near Ca Hoar Admiral Hood Wordon baa boon or dorod to tbo command of tbo Bontb l'acillo station in place of Hoar Admiral Collins, and until bis arrival tboro tlio command will do- volvo upon Oapt. Bimpeon. Tlio doatb of Hear Admiral Collins promoted Commodore Ktopbon I). Trenchant, but does not effect any officer below that grade, as there lias boon an ono in tbo list of Commodores for iths past, on acconnt of tbo rein - of Commodoro Jon. C. Hcaumont by Congress last session. Tbo law allows but wonty-flvo officers or tho grade of Coinmo* FOREIGN. Tho Mark Lane Express in its oxliibt ibo crops says: Tho unsettled weather has on vory unfavorable for harvest work, licit is everywhere in progross, and high has put wheat in somo danger of Whilo its condition must iiocob- pfttisfactory, tho London market, m constant arrival of foreign grain, has not .‘shown activity, or a tondoncy upwards. Tho Paris market has felt some inaction and rates have given away ono shilling to one shil ling six pence por quarter. It now scorns oonflrmoJ thoro, as well os boro, that noitl.or in aamplo or quantity will it como up to last year. In Austria and Hungary tbo same sort of roan It is lookod upon as certain, and North- Karopo has had much tbo same sort of woathcr. Thoroforo samples must bo ef- foctod. Hunsia reports vory nnoqual growth, being most effected by drowth, tbo damage from which subsequent rain could not ropair. Belgium and Holland havo been much inter fered with in their harvest, and spread of tbo potato disease is no longor denblfal. Gustave Dork.—Dore, tho world-fa mous artist, whoso brush and pencil have realized for him a magnifleant for tune, lives very simply in a retired street of Paris, with a studio of one story occupied entirely as his artist workshop, but furnished with a plain ness in striking oontraat with the Pom peian magnifioenco displayed in the London residence of his rival, Alma Tadoma. Visitors find him busy with his pencil or absorbed in creative rev- er jo—wearing, instead of tho orthodox artist robe of black velvet and tasseled cap, a closely bnttoned-np blue coat, with his long locks disheveled and a chronic appearance of dust and careless ness. When a friend remonstrated with him* upon this, and declared that he looked as though he lived on paint and it had mildewed on his exterior, ho re plied : “ Ah ! when I am at my work, I am a mason.” Though an elegant man of the world, ho is singularly pretending and even child-like in intercourse with his friends. Thai's auothor evidonoo, Only look: Both of us in robust health, constantly speaking and singing, and not au ailment to Uindor us.” (JURAT llKhlOIOUS INTEREST. “As for what wo’vo dono, we know nothing but that thoro haB been a great roligious interest. Otlior pooplo try to sum up tho rosults. Wc know bottor than to do that. Wo don’t say a soul has boon oonvertod. You may mako professions. How do I know thoy nro ti-iio ? Wo only know that the interest incroanod until the last day, that it por- vaded all classes of pooplo, from tho royal princes to the hod curriers. 'I ho Duohoss of Sutherland oamo almost evory day. Wo know that oxoitomont had nothing to do with it. Everybody gavo that up in accounting for our numbers. Wo do not believe in it. Mr. Moody always disoourngod it. Our meotiugs were as quiot us thoso of uuy well ordered church hero or thoro—as quite as our conversation. No, it was tlio Lord working through us as instru ments, by tho foolishness of pronohing, as tho Bjblo Buys; mind, not foolish preaching. , T , ,. “ Tho interest was universal. I don t believe there was a hamlet in England to which wo wero not invited. Wo had an invitation from Oxford, signed by throo hundred students, but wo oouhln t accept. Wo wont to Eton bocuuso wo could got back. And, by tho way, »t was Eton that sought us, not wo Eton. Eton students and tho members of Par liament oskod us to go. Wo went and lmd a quiet, impressive mooting, and I lmd a quiet, improMHivo believe did a groat deal of good. “ But what will become of all your work uow?" .. .. “Now, if it is of a man it will die, but it is left in tho hands of tho local committee.” “ But what evidonoo did yon havo or its value?” . “ Nothing, only a groat religious terest, unaccountable if it * not from - It is a wise provision of nature that men without brains never feel the need of them. tbo Lord. Wo had not much inter course with individuals, although we received lottors from somo and hoard from others, uud through tho inquiry meetings.” "You propose holding meetings boro?” . “Not until October. Mr. Moody lias gone to his homo to rest, and will then go to Chicago. 1 start Tuesday for my homo in Pennsylvania. Then 1 will meet Mr. Moody in Chicago. Wo haven’t decided yet what wo will do, Wo want to look about first. I Hud already in two years this country is much changed. New York, Chicago, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, any of these pluoes may bo our starting point. Marrying Under Falso Pretenses. A judge in a certain county in Now York has recently ronderod a dooision that commends itself to the notice of mutch-making mammas and matrimo nial speculators of both sexes. A man applied for a divorce from his wifo on tlio gronud that ho had been deceived into tho belief that she was a healthy woman, and not the vory fragile and neuralgic creature that she wuh. It was proven that tho reluctant bachelor, for whom single life had its blessing which ho was loth to risk upon matrimonial venture, hod been cajoled into tho belief by tbo friends of tho young lady that slie was a paragon of virtues and, physi cally, a model of a Greek Venus. When tho doctor’s bill bogan to pour in upon the husband, ho saw that ho had made a mistake, and he implored tho oourt to grant him u dissolution of tho connubial knot. The bencu sympathized with the applicant for a divorce, but instead of granting a formal decree of complete sepration declared that the marriage wus no marriugo at all, that as murringo is a civil contract under tho law, fraud in either party mode the covenant of no effect. The husband was, therefore, released absolutely, and went his way seeking anothor mate. Now, while u decision of this Bort is no unusual thing, its point in this instance, is Capt. Jinnsby would obsorve, “lies in tho application on it.” It is a warning to both sexes that everything is not fair in the race for a husband or info. If a woman beforo marriage begnilos a man iuto the belief that her cheeks are flushed with mounting huos of health, when the color is artificial; that her teeth are her own, when they are hers only by purchase ; that her hair was not once the crowning glory of another beyond his kon. rfis curiosity was fully exoitod, for ho felt that ho lmd struck a bonanza of somo kind; perhaps tho gravoyard of some pro-Ad- arnio giants. Ho oontinued his explora tions, n»d within a fow foot of, -whom ho found tho first relic of somo departed mountain of nuinml life, ho found a number of other hones similar portions to tho first. Tho discovery oamo to tho cars of our Woodman, who is olivo to anything that may reveal tho wonders of nuturo, particularly if it oomos from our own stato, and lid opened negotiations with the old farmor, which resulted in his boooroiug the owner of tho bonea tho right to soaroh for more. Among those ho now has aro many of the prominent ones, which will give an idea of tho sizo of tho animal to whioh thoy bolongod. The shouldorblado, whioh appears us perfect ns if it oamo from tho nuimal yesterday, is throe and a half, feot long by threo feet wido, and when turned up presents a snrfaoo largo enough for an or.linary-sizod family to flino on. Tlio lower bono of the hind leg, join ing tho knoo with tho foot, called by naturalists tlio tibia, is ab^ut thirty three inches long, about thirty-two inches around its iurgofct cud, and is heavy enough to load an ordinary man. Tho parts of the backbone forming the joints are from ton to twelve inches across ; and one bono alone, belonging to the foot, is twenty«oight inches around. All tho other bones aro of like tromendous proportions. When tlio bones forming the pelvis aroli nro placed in position they form niu>pouing from two and ono-half to three feot high, which would easily admit tho passugo of a barrel. Tho bones aro all in a mag nificent stato of preservation. Tho sockets in some of them are large onoiigh for a wash bowl, and the small est portiou of the collection is sufficient to convoy an idea of tho grest size of tlio animal. It would bo difficult just oportions, but a comparison with bones fouud in otlior places will enable us to judge. Iho ROYALTY RIDES BY. /Ym-AVImi'm of fiWtora/V. Reigning i’umi/v. Thoro is a general nuivomont among tho loungers in tho park, oml au unos- toututiouB carriage with servautB iu rod livery goos slowly by. Thoro aro two ladies in it, and there are two ourly- hairod dogR on tho peat boforo thorn. Tho ladies aro attirod very uonrly alike, in blaok and wliito stripod silks, i a pink, tho other in a blue bonnet. They nro not so bountiful ns rmuor would mako us bcliovo. Thoy oval fnood, high-brod looking women, tlio ono whom tho English call “our priuooHs’’ boing oldor looking, loss blooming than lior sister Dagmar. Tlio ozurovua is like a girlish edition of hor sistor, but though nor brown eyes havo n dtoper luster, her oliook a rinor bloom, and hor mouth and pretty chin a moro piquant nir, thoro is a sweetness, a gentlo dignity, a grace about Alexan dra which mako hor loveliness moro porfoot, yet its olmrm impoBBiblo to do- soribo. Bho leauB forward as tlio oar- riago passes, bows and amiles cordially. “Ah,” said n lady of tlio quoon's household to us ono ovoning, “she is siioh a real prinooHH !” And this mention of r Dynlty brings mo buck to a twilight hour when from a torraoo on tho high streot of old Kensington wo watolied tho royal family returning from Chis wick. It was u foto day; tho Rtroots gaily dooorotod, a crowd assembled in the* terraced gardens, shop windows, and on tho pavement. Tho onrringes mtuining royaltv rodo by with unusual state, outriders iu gay livorios procml- iug them. First tho “Christians’ (as wo might say noo Frinocss Helona), a fair, placid-looking young woman in a white tnllo hat, and a middlo-agod, soldiery man, iu uniform; then r. “ trap,” driven tandem by a linndsomo young man with a full, brown board, a rosebud iu his buttonhole, a any, do- bonair manuev, (“tho dnko’ ho is callud, just ns his oldor brother is al ways “ tho prince”); and thou a second park carriage, with a bonny young Beotolr chieftain iu highland droBB, and a vory pretty, halo, brown-haired young woman ir a pink dross, with some spray ‘ shoulder-blade of Dr. Warrants masto non, found noar Nowburg, N. Y., does not appear as largo as this ono whioh Prof. Woodman uow has; and tlio length of Dr. Warren’s animal is ascer tained to havo been fcliixtc i foot. That white lilosBoms, gatliorod doubtless at tiro foto, in lior hands. A shout goes up ns thoy drivo by, tho good-looking young nighlandor dolling his Hootch cap uirily, tho young princess with tho wistful eyes smiling gently. Thoso sro tho Lorries, about whoso do- mostio life rumor is over busy. But it iu said, on good authority, that tlioy nro fairly woll oontont with thoir aomo- wlint unequal murringo. Tho priuoosH is vory intellectual and aooompliBhod, and is by far tho ImndsomoBt of tho quoen’s daughters. Hor husband has tunny Irlonds ; ho is young and has a 11 no disposition, and, after all, his fam ily is near enough tho tlirouo to silenoo contemptuous gossip. Just as tho pa- tionco of tho crowd is giving out, thoro goes up a ory of “ Tho Prinoo I” Ah 1 what a passport to favor is this diviuo right of kings and princes 1 When thoso pooplo say “Tho Prinoo, it is, with an air of “ Long live tho King ! Horn comes tho Mulborough house liv eries, and such a onrriago load of roy alty ! tho Princess of Wales and her sistor Dugmnr, thoir wliito droHsos and pink hats looking pret-ty in tho ovonlng light; opposite! thorn tho Prinoo of Wales, who, in spito of rumor and lir- oroasiug weight, is yet fine-looking, and tlio tall, broad-shouldered, good look ing Ozarovitoh ; and then emnos a last earriago, out of whioh littlo sleepy looking ohildron, in brown holland elouks and straw bats, with fluttering wliito ribbons, appoar to bo rolling. Thoro aro iu truth three of- thorn on ono sent, and opposite a stout, gracious- looking lady, of whom wo roraorabor ohiofly hor brilliant smilo and pleasant salutation. Hor husband, handsomer in his dark, graud way than any of tho Guolphs, sits bosido her. “ llroso nro tho T'eoks,” says somebody, earnestly ; “ tlivy nro so kind and simplo. Thoir home is in Kensington Pahioo, wlioro the queen was born, wlioro olio hold hor first council. Tho Duke of Oambridgo, tho quoon’s uncle, rides Wy, unattended, in a severely simple way. It is said that tho simplicity of tho “ Cambridge annoys hor majesty immensely. I lie old duko detests formulity. Ho is greatly beloved by all tho people^ especially would mako tho length of Prof. Wood- son’s fully equal, and its height would ho about fourteen foot. Now that will ho considered n protty fair sized nm- mol, and will rather oclipso nil our fancy stock of tho present day for size. But what will bo said when it is stated that this animnl, whoso skeleton is now under investigation, woo only u calf? Yet this is u fact which is established by tho wunt of perfect osi-ification in tho joints, and at tho ond of tho scap ula or shouldor blado. Thoro is no question that it was a vory youuganimal. What it might ho at its maturity wo may guess, but can never know. It was found about four feot from the surface, in what geologists call the drift. From all appeurunoeH the locality was tho bed of a stream, and to tlio lino sand in whioh they wero imbedded, no doubt is attributable tho splendid stato of pres ervation in which tho bones wore found, _ Cardinals’ Incomes. Tho Fanfulla of Naples gives tho fol lowing information rolativo to tho an nual revenues of some Itulian cardinals: Each of tho princes of tbo church has an annual income of 80,000 francs. In addition, Cardinal Patrizi has 40,000 francs as Cardinal-Vicar of Homo, and an equal sum from his benefices, with out speaking of liis largo P riva J® tune. Cardinal Amnfc draws 110,000 francs from his enormous benofices ; ho possesses bosidos enormous estates. Cardinal di Piotro receives 00,000 francs as Bishop of Albuno, ond au equal sum is allowed him from Portugal. Cardi : nal Baoconi has a similar revenue to di Pietro. Do Luca possesses an annual revenue of 150,000 francs. Tho casual dues alone 40,000 francs to Car dinal Bigarri. Borardi touches 500,000 a year. Ghigi belongs to a very rich- family. Franchi has a stipend of 00,000 francs, bosidos a largo pension from Spain. _ —Tennessee has given her conntry tho army, whioh ho commands. A thus royalty rides by.—’Ihe Galaxy, A THRILLING NOENE. A Fulher Jlcir.uei hi* Child /m i A Ilia IlaiidHboro (MI*h.) Democrat, J illy » Last Saturday, about sundown, four miles east of this place on Biloxi hay, occurred a soono calculated to send a thrill of horror through every human heart, and to mako even tho boldest tromblo witli four. Two littlo girls, dunghtors of Mr. Elam R. Bluokwoll, living on tho Blaok hay of Biloxi, whilo bathiug in tho boy imraodiatoly in front of his dwelling, wore attacked by enormous alligator. Tho oldest, a girl of about sovon years of ngo, was hold ing tho youngest, au infant of two years, in hor hands, and wus quietly enjoying her bath, when suddenly hor littlo sistor was snatched from hor and borno swiftly from tho shoro, Torriflod beyond measure, and unable to render any assistance to lior unfortunate sister, tho fatlior scomod to reulizo that tbo doop water immediately in front of thorn onoo reached, pursuit aud rooov- ory would bo oliko impossible ; both, thoroforo, rodoublod thoir oflorts, tho ouo to reach tlio poiut, tho other to prevent it. Iu this strugglo, although sinking to liis waist in tlio soft mud nt tho bottom at onob bouud, tlio fatlior successful. Ho sucooedod iu grasp- bis child by tlio arm about ton foot from (loop wator. Tbo alligator, which all tlio whilo bold tbo child's foot in its mouth, perooiving itsolf overtaken, and alarmed aud oonfusod by tbo liolduoss of tho assault, roleasod its hold and nmdo its way rapidly iuto tho doop wator in front of it. Tho father, oom- plotoly exhaustod, ralHod bin ohlld out of tho water, and porcoiving that it still lived, by doBporato offort sue- ooedod in regaining Iho shore and de positing tho ohiM safely iu tlio arms of its mother. Tho littlo girl is unhurt with tlio oxooption of a couple of bruisos on its foot, made by tho tooth of tho moiiBtor. Remarkable Effects of Arctic Cold on Mail. Lieutenant, Payer, tho Austrian orotio oxploror, has boon laying some of tho results of his explorations beforo tlio geographical sooioty of Vienna. Refer ring to tho influenco of oxtromo oold on tlio human organism, ho related that on March 11, 1871, ho and his companions mado a sledge journoy over tho Borui- klar glaoior, in ordor to mako observa tions of Frnuois Josoph land. On that, day tho oold mnrkcd 58 deg. Fall, bo low zero. Notwithstanding this intonso cold, M. Payor and a Tyrolese weut out boforo suuriso to mako observations aud sketch. Tho sunriso was magnitticout; thoBuu appeared snrroundod, as it does at a high degree of mid, by small suns, and its light appeared moro dazzling from tho contrast with tho oxtromo oold. Tho travelers wore obliged to pour rum down their throats so as not to tduoh tho edgo of tho motal oups, which would havo been as dangerous as if thoy lmd boon red hot; lint tho rum hall lost its strength aud liquidity, and fiat and ns thick as oil. ‘ s impossible to smoko oithor ci gars or tobuooo in-short pipos, for vory soon nothing but apieooof ioo remained the mouth. Tho motal of tho instruments was just like rod hot irou to tho touch, as wore some lookots, whioh somo of tho travel- ors, romantically but imprudently, con tinued to wear next tho skin. M. Payor says that so groat an amount cold parnlyzes tho will, and that, uu- dor its influence, men, from tho nnstoad- Incss of thoir gait, thoir stommoriug talk, and tho slowness of thoir moutai operations, Boom ns if thoy wore intoxi cated. Another effect of cold is a tormenting thirst, whioh is duo to tho evaporation of tho moisture of tho body. It is unwholosomo to use snow tc quonoli tho thiyst; it brings on infiam- motion of tho throat, palate, and tonguo. Bosidos, enough can novor bo taken to quench tho thirst, ns a tomporatnro of 85 j dog. to 58 dog. bolow zero Full, makes it taste like molten motal. Bnow enters in tho north arc considorod as loblo and effeminate, in tho same way is an opium outer in tho oast. Tho group of trnvolors who travorsod tho snow Holds woro surrounded by thick vapors formod by tho omnuatiouB from thoir bodies, which beoamo con densed, notwithstanding tlio furs in whioh tho trr.volors woro enveloped. Thoso vapors foil to tho ground, with a slight noise, frozen into tho form of small crystals, and rendered tho atmos phere tliiok, imponotrublo, and dark. Notwithstanding tho humidity of tho air, a disugrooablo sensation of dryness was folt. Bound diffused itsolf to a vory long dis tance, au ordinary conversation oould bo hoard ai a hundred paoos off, whilo the roport of guns from tho tops of high mountains oould scarooly bo hoard. M. Puyor explains this phouomonon by tho largo quantity of moisture in tho ; rotio atmosphoro. M«at oould loo chopped, and moroury used in tho shape of balls. Both smell and lasto become groatlv enfeebled in those latitudes ; _ strength gives way under tho paralyzing infill once of tho oold ; tho oyes involuntarily oloso and beoomo frozen. Whou locomotion stops, tho solo of tho foot becomes insonsiblo, It is somowhut curious that tlio beard does froezo ; but this is explained from tho air expired, falling, boing immedi ately transformed into snow. Tho cold causes dark beards to become lightor ; tho secretions of tho oyes and nose at ways increases, whilo tho formation of tho perspiration altogether ceases. Tho only possible protection against tho oold is to bo vory warmly clothed, and to endeavor as much as possible to prevent tbo condensation of tho atmos phere, whilo tho much vauuted plans of anointing and blackening tho body aro pronounced to havo no real vuluo. “ Shooting Niagara.” Tho trustees of Harvard rocontly undertook to confer on the redoubtable Thos. Oarlylo tho honorary degreo of LL. D. Tho rooluso of Chelsea flouts the proffer in suoh ohoioo English as ho alone dares to indulge. Amorioan universities ho pronounces “ som blanoos” and thoir degrees tho silliest sham of feathers." “ Do you expect mo,” ho asks, “to join you in heading your long lino of D. D.’s and LL. D. s, as thoy pasH ono by ono into tlio oblivion of all universities and small potatoes ? A lino of pompous littlo follows hob bling down to postority on tho orutches of two or threo lottors of tho alphabet —and I at the head of tliom! Why, you aro more luvisli ond Indiscriminate and preposterous iu conferring titles after a while. FACTS AND FANCIES. A defeotivo memory [overlooks n multitude of sins. —When a man tolls tho nakod truth ho must givo tlio bnro fnots. —Dan ltlco sayshooan fall iu business overy four weeks Tor n year moro and still bo happy. In n Bootoli court a witnoss swore to tho identity of a ohiohou “ from its ro- Bomblnnoo to its mothor. ” —Porkins says a loufj yarn from tlio pulpit has a Hympntliotio offoot in pro voking long yawns in tho congregation. —Bay wlmt you will against narrow skirts, it is easier for a lady and gentle man to walk undor ono umbrella than it tiBod to bo. —Novor waste a 11 y in lffiokloborry season. Ono fly in a plato of huoklo- borrios contains moro nutrimont than tliroo borrios. —Anna Dickinson says “ tlmtuothing is so possiblo as impossibilities. Wo know that oatmeal and fish would not on hor in that way. —Oomo, oomo! this sorvaut girl ljoir- css business is getting tirosomo. Tbo last onoo is in Philadelphia. Amount, $00,000. Btopit. —“Six loot in his stockings!” ox- elnimod Mrs. Partington. “ Why, Ike only has two iu his, and lonnnover koop 'ora durnod nt that?” - Now potatoes nro selling at 40 eonts a busiiol at various poluts in Pennsyl vania. The supply of potatoes and corft novor was so good ob now. •The man who took along his over coat ns ho jotirnoyod to Saratoga is a happy man. Streaks of oold call for woolen olotlica ovorjr dny or two. -Vl’ho following tonBt wan given nt a Concord cattle allow in 1840: Old Buoholorn. I.ilio aonr oilier, tlioy grow moro orntibod tlio longor lliey nro kept; and when tlioy boo n littlo mothor, tlioy turn to vinogar at ouco.” To-day you will plonno nudorstand that on tho outside of tho lJInok Hills is htiuR a pluoaril similar to tho ono that adorns a woll-regulntod billiard saloon. "Nominors allowed in hero.” —A Bootoh granito monument atOam- hridgo City, fnd., was recently,struck by lightning, tho current following the abaft to tho limestone base, taking out ovory particlo of red color, and lonving n wliito zig zag strip about an inch 111 width. Tho monument was not injured. lir hor name wasn’t Angolioa, it ought to havo boon. Bho waB ns sweet as they make ’om, and olio soemod about ready to float away in tho blue oloud of hor own flounoos. Wio swept up to tbo muter, behind which smirked that highly porfumod ornaraont, Au gustus Prig, Esq., who koops ftbookto ohroniole Ins lady conquests. He smiled and bowed till his coat-tai stuck out like a llogor-post; then l»o ran his fingers through his ourlod looks to show his seal ring uud display tho whiteness of his hands. Png s hand s soft, though mot ns muchly so ns ins bond. Bho prattled sweetly : “My number is will boar‘squeezing. n “Aw! it will? Givo it to mo a uiinuto, miss, and let mo see how much, so I can got au oxact fit,’ said Augus tus with his blandest smilo, whioh ho thought porfootly killing, and a sly wink at tho gent ovor tho othor snlo. Hor ruby lips partod onoo moro and tho innsio that issuod from tliom was to tho following tuno: “Oh, no, sir; 1 will not put yon to so much trouble. My husband will bo hero directly, and he’ll show you. Piig suddenly romombored that it as his dinner hour. but my hand tlio older girl uttered n soroam, whioh was quickly caught by tho oar of tho father,who happened, aooidontily, to bo passing within thirty or forty yards of tho spot where Ins daughters woro bathiug. Realizing, instantly from Jtbo tone of tho voice, that his ohildron were in some peril, but nnablo to conjecture its exact nature Mr. Blackwoll, who is an activo and athletic man, rushed rapidly to thoir assistance, and arrived at tho spot just in timo to discover his littlo duughtor being borne ont into Bim „ tho bay by an alligator. Oomprohond- ^ ' country in tho world of Qnaoks nl nnrl r,n I - - xr .lin.nnil ing tho sconce at onco, and nnjwod to ftnd j}i 0 okj ie adB. Your greatest divines offort hv tho des- y OUr feeblest proaohers aro Doctors of Divinity ; your most famous lawyers and most insignificant attorneys aro almost superhuman offort by tho des porato situation of bis child, tho ago nized father leaped madly into the water in pursuit of tho would-be do stroyer of bis daughter, whioh was then some ve or thirty yards from shoro. The water for a distance of forty or fifty yards out into tho bay from tho point where the children wore bathing, ranges iu depth from one und a half to two feet, and then suddenly attains a depth of forty or fifty feet, they “e«7S bom m ieroUne. I «»• bed diocovered the pursuit) end rUTTINO ailU.B IN TUB BTOIIHK - Ooloiiol David E. liiithr, bo well end favorably known in Georgia for hie Biilondid off hand humor and praotioal good boubo, overpowered tlio recent largo agricultural convention, nt Dal ton, with a onddeu burst of oloquonoo on odnoation and among otlior things, lie iB reported to havo mado tlie folios ing BonBiblo and happy hit. In Bponk- ing of the education of onr girlo, lie Ba '“ North Carolina iB aliCBil of ub in this respect. While our Btato iB edu cating boys, I want tbo denominational oolleges to pursue this noble work as woll as tho other. In fact, I want to soo everybody educated. I want to boo tbo negro educated—and let him pav for it himself. (Laughter and ap plauso.) I want tho boys mad. into sturdy, honcBt fai mora to a great or tent. 1 1 want to go into tho stores and coiintiug-lioiiBOH of tlio cities and take every nice yonng mon who raises a bed of down on Doctors of Law. Do you supposo—you thoro at Harvard University, of Arkan sas, or wherever it is—do you suppose that I want to be leveled down to tho common level of all the titled niucom* poopos that swarm ovor your country as the grasshoppers I understand to swarm in the streets of Besting ?” ^ —Mosquitoes must bo happy, for they always sing when at work, Vui“perfumes id. pocket bandkerchief «ith tho oBsenoo of roses (laughter), mid sports his little osno and tenderly buttons on bis white hands his soft kid gloves (laughter), aud makoB blB boots so bright that a poodle dog can see him self iu them (bursts of laughter snd applause), and turn him out from be hind tho counter or from keeping books, nnd send bim to work like a man in Bold or fuotory, and put our educated i girls in hie plaoe,” (Loud applause.)