The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, September 18, 1875, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN RECORD. W. S, D. WIKLE & 00., Proprietors, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1875. VOLUME II. NUMBER 14. AN E&R1Y POEM BY KDQAR A POE. rh* following tmct l*fnn< pnblUhed, » of U», shortly after h Tt-et in my childhood ■ Tin* mywtorjr which bind. Some Saratoga Vanities. Now York Herald S«r*t,^» Leller. In n previous letter I have already alluded to tho prevalent fondneas for painting—I mean painting on that nat ural canvaa of fair, aoft cheeks and rosy lipa, whioh I think were never intended to t)« touched with artificial color*. This habit haa no donbt given riao to n great industry whioh ia now flourishing in Saratoga, aud whioh iH by far tho moat important and oztenaivo I have yot observed hero. My attention to this groat Saratoga industry was called by tho remarkable labela on oortain elo- gant caaea displayed at tho most hand* some shops and which nro to this effect (listen, oh gentle ahenherd longing for tho Haratogn aliepbtraces I) : solves in sufficiently gorgeous maguifl oenoe in tho abort time claiming until breakfast. Would that I oonld reform theao indolont young women. How much linppior and hoalthior they would bo if they would limit themselvoB to only two elaborate dressos per day, for dinner and for supper, and forget thiB baneful “dress" before broHi’fast. TUB EXPENDITURE ON DRESS. How mnoh is there spent on dress iu a season at Haratoga? It would bo a on- rions puzzle to solvo. At a rough guess at least 100,000 peoplo visit this village every yoar. Two thirds of these are wo. men, or say, at a round flgurc, 60,000. The average number of dresset and, for convenience’s sake, wo'll leavo out such trifles ns bonnets, gloves, ponoils, etc , brought by eaoh of these 60,000 fair ones may l»o safely set down at ton, nnd of theso one-half are cor thinly now. Two hntulrcd dollars for an average Saratoga drees in a pretty low computa tion ; but le£„it pane let us be gener ous and not swell their husbands’ bills to more than they already are. That wonld give nB 810,000 spout by eaoh fair visitor, nnd, ns a total, tho round sum of 860,000,000! How many aohools and hospitals could bo founded with thin amount ? Onuses of tho Degeneracy of the Teeth. Prof. Chase asserts that fifty years ago, when he was a boy, tbo profession of dentistry was unknown iu Amorioa, nnd there were not more than half a dozen dentists in tho United States. Toothache was not common, aud sound teeth, oven in very aged pooplc, was tho rule and not the exception. Tho * reasons for tho change in tho character I’onolU for tho eyelids! of tho tenth of the present generation he asserts are to bo fouud in tho nature of the food wo oat, particularly in tho bread, whioh popular prejudice demands should l>o perfectly white, and to soonre this tho millers aro forced to carefully holt out tho gluten cells of the wheat, tho groat mngnziuos of phosphates for Urn graiu. Tho point is one of snob importance that wo quote from tho artiolo as follows : To supply tbo daily loss of tho limo salts from an adult body weighing ono hundred and forty pounds, fifty grains of tho salte of limo would ho required. Thia is found in about twenty onnoea .. | of unbolted wheat flour, or ono hundred o there any for the j omjCoa G f gnpcrflno flour. From twonty y.» 1 M to thirty onnoos of unbolted wheat may bo taken ns a representative of tho value of tho food whioh is daily eaten by a healthy perse n of one hundred nnd forty pounds weight. It is simply ridi culous to suppose a person of that weight could eat nnd digest ono hun dred ounces of flour ! Consequently, those who do make superfine wheat portont faotor iu the uutri- The pencil trade is flourishing ao vig orously that theso pencil canon, with the above significant labels, aro displayed almost everywhere. Wherever yon oast your oyo you are reminded by thorn of the deceptive character of mnoh of Sar atoga’s Iwmuty. Far bo it from mo to Hay that thero aro no women bore who doapiso theso repulsivo, these sickoning devious of morbid vanity. Thero aro many of these wornou who depend for thoir roses on unturo nlouo and honltli- fill activity, and rational modes of life. I must add, in justice to tho Hnratogi pencil trade, that thero are no pencili lor tho nails, nor are “■ ears. This deficiency, soon to bo supplied’by an enterprising jK iicil manufacturer. A CHAPTER ON llAIIt. Ono of the inoat curious features about Saratoga beauty iH its wonderful mutability. You have tho honor of Miss Kona Snooks’ ScquainUnoo. Very well. Miss llosa Snooks is in tbo habit of coming to Saratoga every season. East yonr she wan tho rage on nooonnt of her beautiful gohleu tropseH. Oh, what a lovoly golden hue I how many melting glances were cast on thorn— shall I say, what loving hands smoothed them tremblingly? lint, whether it was smoothed or not, tho fact remninn that tho hair was o! an oxquisito light blonde, of that line which poets have immortalized by calling it golden. Such it was, and it dwells fresh and fragrant in your memorv. Next season you corno to Saratoga. Yon seo Miss Huooks, but you do not recognize her. “ Why, there's Miss Snooks," n friend saja. i tlioy imrely tantod in their nati You look at tho young lady who is ,, onnt ' An American dentist who vi pointed out to yon ; you see a decided ri .. tion of their bodies, fail in gottiug the nocessary amount of limo salts. Now, this is trno of thousands and hundreds of thousands in tho United States. Tho teeth of theso fluo-flonr eaters aro de fective ; thoir ohildrcn inherit thoir de fective dental organization, nnd so tho mischiof spreads. Irish girls who come to this country for service usually lmvo good teeth, but in two or throe years their teeth decay surprisingly. This is easily accounted for, when it is noto rious that they ont largo quantities of food made trom snporflno flour, brunette, and you doolnro, “ Nonsenso l Miss Snooks’ hair is as light as this la dy’s is dnrk. It cannot be she 1" But it is, see ! You liavo forgotten, my friond, that women In Saratoga aro ns changeable aa chameleons. To day they aro fair, to-morrow they nro dark ;• to day they are blondes, to-morrow they nro brunettes. I know quite a number of young belles who were brunettes last aeason and are blondes this ; and vice versa. How this marvelous and rapid transmogrification is accomplished it wonld be indelicate for mo to any. Next season they will, probably, return to their color of two years ago. This soems very odd ; but, as tho human heart craves variety, and os 1 think it rather tiresome for a woman to have tho snmo color of hair all tho time, it is, no doubt,w«*ry nine—very ! DIAMONDS ON CHILDREN. The remembrance of Saratoga bh I am about to leave it will always bo a sparkling one. Whenever I think of thin little village, with its three mon ster hotels and their thousands of happy and gay visitois, tho dazzlo and glitter of a million diamonds will naturally flash bfforo mv eyes. It was laughable to think of tho heart-rending cry of " hard times ’’ in all tho newspapers and in everybody’s mouth, and to follow tho hlaziug procession of diamonds down tho Congress Hall piazza. If they were pebbles they could scarcely bo more abundant. Hero is one, yon ■iza of a small window-pano. ments the ueck of a little school girl of sixteen. Do you see those little girls of six and seven frolicking in tho drawing room, upsetting the chairs and chasing each other up and down tho ooetly vel vet carpet? They all wear diamonds. There aro people hero who say it is bad taste to spoil tho sweot innocence of children by such abowy pampering of vanity; but I suppose they are laughed at. The very next thing out will no donbt bo diamond ear rings, riDgs, and necklaces for newborn pulpy infants. HARATOOA INDOLENCE. I have already spoken of the delicious indolence of this place. Do not too many carry it too far ? What can there bo healthier than to take the short walk to ono of tho numerous springs in the morning before breakfast * Baden-Baden the music begins at six, ttverybodr is at the springs at that hour, and all tho women walk till eight. Here the vast majority of the fair sox oertainly do walk the fifty or a hundred steps to the Hathorn of Congress spriDg the Hathorn bears the name of the proprietor of Congress Hall, who is also a member of congress from Sara toga—bat there is actually a small ma jority of women, particularly young la dies, who have the spring water aent in pitchers to their room?. These aro not invalids, but healthy yonng devotees of fashion, who simply will not go out so early in the morning for two potent reasons. Listen ! The first is that they *‘do not like to take the trouble” (or, in other words, are too lazy), and the seoond, that they cannot dress them- ited Germany said that ho visited children's school whoro there were ovor two hundred pupils, and made un ex amination of thoir tcotli, and moreover failed to find oven ono deoayed. Those children used black bread. The first settlers of Ohie, Kentucky and Vormout gave good teeth to tho generation sue coeding them, because their food oon listed of meets, vegetables, beans, peas and maize in largo proportion. Hnpor- flne flour was a luxury unknown to thorn. They were glad to get wheat pounded iu mortars, or coarsely ground between stones, without bolting. 1 very well rooolloct that tho people of Vermont, n thirty years ago. did not average i barrel of superfino llonr for every persons. Thus not more than one- twelfth of thoir food was mado up of this flour. How to Make Marriage Beautiful. In tho first place, lot tho peoplo defer to tho laws of health, of sanity, heredi tary soundness ; lot them obey restric tions, consult wholesome seasons, re spect the limits sot up by the common sense of nature. Mutual ignorunco on theso points is filling marriage with un necessary evils ; they not only spoil tho well-being of a family, but spoil its dis position. Lot the work in every houso bo reduced, by a reduction of its ambi tious, till all jits parlors,, all it s tables, nil the clothes exactly represent tho current condition of every family ; uot a brackot nor a ribbon for exogerution, not (i single room for parade, neither sewing, washing, eating, scouring, com pany-giving beyond actual needs, and all done by the feast elaborate meth ods. Then, in tho second place, reduce to tho lowest possible point tbo dis turbances which arise from ignoranco and vanity, from artificial training; you simply liberate marriage for the more effective discharge of its spiritual pnrposo. The men and women might suspect that they are ill-mated till life itself pronounced the banns. Teach children that ngarringo only prolongs their school hours into the future of sterner discipline and leas perishable attainments. Warn them against those affectionate extravagances whioh under mine respect, against tho physical rora which to sap the will that it bumbled and enslaved by annoyance which health and freshness langh at. And teach them simplicity, make vul gar habits and ambitions appear odious to thorn, ply their imagination with austere and noble forms, tempt them to fall in love first with spiritual boaoty, whose service makes them free, then they will be better prepared to discover that marriage withholds felicity until it haa been earned. Stories from the Postoffice. . The postoffioo department had n case the other day that is an example of thousands tliat are continually making the department trouble. A merchant in the west demanded a thorough investi gation and the arrest of certain em ployee of the postal service, whom ho claimed had given him good grouuds to suspect them of tho theft of n letter ued by him to n bank in tho cant containing 82,100 in oheeks. Tho case was given to a special agout to work up, but the letter containing tbo ebooks came to light iu tho dead-lotter office tho othor day, tho aondor who lind mado so much trouble about it having ueg- looted to put on a stamp before it was mailed. Tho onvolopo was directed properly, but boro no indication what ever of hnviug over been stamped. Snob carelessness us this is very oomrnon, and costs tho government annually a largo expense. Forty-two blank entries, without either address or postago, wore received at tho dead-letter oliloo last week. Last year 400,000 uiistampcd letiers were reooivod at tho jHistoffieo department, and tho most of them re turned to tlio writers, nn nvorago of over 12,IKK) a day. TliiB does uot iuoludo tlioso that wore improperly addressod, or thoso remaining uncalled for at tho difleront postoffioes in the oonutry.— Washington J/ctter. Scientific Memoranda. Experiments in Germany ou frozon potatoes provo that tho freezing in no wise alters tho ohomicnl composition of tho tubers. Tho clinngo is simply phy sical, aud, even if frozon hard, they uro still fit for distillation, or thoy may be pressed to got rid of the water and then ground into a good moal adapted to foeding cattle. The sand-blast llmls a new applica tion iu tho manufacture of silver-iilatod ware. PortH of tho ware aro iluisliod iu stippling work—a dulled surface, Homo- times known as “satin finish." This work has been dono by rotating iron wire brushes, but n flue thread of sand, driven by coniprossod nir, is said to do tho work much more quickly and effect ually. Patterns out out of thin shoot rubber aro used to givo any desired markings or urnanionutions, amt tho slightest exposure to tho blafat perforins tho work instantly. A new process in the manufacture of plaster of Paris is announced, that is said to givo exeoilout oasts, that sot slowly, and aro of a pure white color, instead of the usual grayish-wliito. Tho unburnt gypsum is first immorsod for fifteen minutes in water containing ton per oont. of sulphuric acid, aud then oaloitied. An apparatus rosombliag tho type writer in design, rnd intended to bo used sh a stenographic reporting-maoliino, has been brought out in Franco. It con sists of keys uud a lover very much liko the desk of tho typo-writer, and a long roll of paper that'automatically unwinds as tho keys nro touched. Eaoh key makes dots or dashes, nnd tho lover spaces off tho words ami lines. The ro- port, in Morso’s alphabet, is tlniH read ily written out ns fast oh tho keys can bo touohod, and may bo copied or sot up iu type without difficulty. Hix months pruotieo will enable a good oporator to follow tho most rapid speaker. Iu electro-mechanics a now magnet, aud a method of softeniug iron for mag nets, are offered. A Blonder copper pipe, 0.12 of an inoli in diamotor, is wjund in a spiral round a soft iron cyl inder. Htonm, nt a pressure of llvo atmospheres, driven through tho pipe, causes tho iron cylinder to booomo strongly magnetized, and this condition will bo maintained so long as tho stoam flows through the pipo. To obtain good soft iron maguotH for oloctro motors, it is ri'oomraemled lo flic or machine-face the iron till it is free from scales, atul then to heat it to an evenly distributed dull red. ’."hen it is rehoatod to nn evon, but faint rod, and bnriod in pul verized limo. When oold it will bo quite soft, and greatly improved ai magnet, A wind turbine lifts boon patented Denmark. It is said to work in a mnoh lighter broozo than tho ordinary stylo of wind-mind, and to bo well suited to varioty of industrial uses. Hydraulic machinery is being applied to the handling and loading of largo some of tho ships of the Eng lish navy. Tho gun iu recoiling is partly upset, nnd lifting ranohinory raises tho charge to tho gnu and places it in posi tion, and a hydraulic piston risen from tho dock and rams it homo. Tho propellers put into tho new circu lar ironclads building for tho Russian navy present some features of intercut* Thero are six screws in all, nnd tho two in tho center are mnoh larger than tho others, and are so plaood ns to sink deeper in tho water and below the ship’i bottom. Theso screws have only three wings, and in shallow water they are stopped in a position that louvos neither wing below the bottom. Deep-sunk screws have been nsod with hiiooobh bo- fore ; and to enable tlio ships to enter shallows, the shall is in two parts, united by a universal joint, no that tho screw can be raised nnd still kept in tion. In deop water tho two parts of tho shaft aro in line and work together. A box for transporting eggs is oflerod, having light iron-wire springs bo- tween each of tlio trays in which the eggs aro placed. Tho box cover, when pat on, oompressos all the springs, of tho various trays, and holds tho load firm without injuring the elastic cush ions on whioh it rests. Recent experiments with ozone prove it to have some commercial valno as a bleaching agent. Applied direotly to animal or vegetable matter, it is claimed that it Rots as an oxidizing agent, and abstracts the hydrogen of the substance, and thereby causes a loss of color. Dominica, which was formerly one of tho chief coffee-producing oonntries, has Of late years almost entirely oeasod to grow the plant. Tho capabilities of tlio island, however, ore apparently so great, not only for tho cultivation of coffee, but also for many other food- products, that the attention of tho authorities has been directed to th6 matter, and the result is that Mr Prestoe, of the botanio gardens, Trinidad, has been commissioned to examine and report on tho prospects of the island generally, nnd the best means of developing its resources. We anxionsly await tho details of Mr. Prestoo’s report upon an island so fer tile and beautiful as Domiuica, but whioh has, no doubt, through want of European capital and energy, been allowed to drift almost into aq unprofit able waste. Uorrlblo Scenes Following tho Oon- tral Ainoricnn Earthquako. Tho Tradioionista, of Bogota (Cen tral Amorioa) publishes an aooount of tho destruction of tho city of Gtionta, l»y nn earthquake, by an eye-witness, in whoso unrrativo tho following shook- ’ a iuoidouts are described : The day after tliia torriblo sceno, peoplo flookod in on all sides, armed with implements for digging nnd mules to oarry the plunder away. Merchants who attempted to find and recover their Hafes had to proceed revolver in baud. The pillage of tho ruins went on for five days, during whioh timo those bandits sent away somo fifty mule loads of goods of tlio nnfortuuntcB that lay buried under the ruins ol whatlmd been tbo fine oity of Onouta in the Republic of Columbia. Tho streets and lanes among tho rninn were oovorod with all kinds of goods nnd nierehandiso. In ouo pi noo boxes of wino had been opened, the oontenva drunk aud tho bottlos scattered around; in othor plnoos, olinndoliers, silks, trimmings, nnd furniture. In nnothor wore to ion tins of sardines, salmon, oystors, etc., all iu confusion, and all more or loss covered with mud. In tho midst of nil this there wore somo of tho peo plo of this unfortunate oity, ovon from tlio outsot, setting off Chinese eraokers, drinking wine, surrounded by deed bodies, aud shouting out, “Now tho rich nro poor and tlio poor rich.” All this was accompanied with the clamors of tho living, tlio groans of tho woundod and tho cries of tlioso buried alivo, who begged to bo liolpod out from under tho ruins of thoir fallen houses. To tho latter tlioso worso tliau savagoH turnod a deaf onr nnd would* uot cense thoir pillngo to save life. Homo pious old woman would oomo into viow with lior lap full of Btolen articles, murmuring “Quo dosgracia tan grando I"—wlint a torriblo misfortune—nnd thou hasten homo to count tho bends of her roBary uud tako an inventory of the valuables that tho grand “dosgraoia" hud plaood in her possession. The whole soono smelt of tho infernal regions and sootnod a forolasto of tho day of judgment. And so passod several days; those who could loft, and those who oonld uot did tho best tliat was possible under tho oiroumstanocH. The robbors demanded to share tho food of any ono who oonld proauro it, ns well bh the money thoy oonld save. Tho vory aid sont to tho unfortunate the robbors managed to share, and littln of it fell to tho lot of tho really deserving. In tho midst of nil this ooufusion, terror, suffering and despuir, in no way did the authorities oomo up to tho mark. Tho oliiof of tho nntioual force stationed . thero aban doned his post Tho Oolutubfa Guard, as it was called, mutinied, nud, after rubbing what it could, dissolved and dosortod. Evon tho Alcaldo, whoso mime deserves tho fnrno of Judas, took to flight and loft tho robbers mnstorn of tlio lives and goods of thoir unfortuuato follow oitizous. In fine, says M. do lu Rosa, Cuonta, is now only a uiuno for a horrible heap of ruins, with its dond inhabitants putrefying under them. Tho OhlnoHO Modlcal System. Tho modioal treatment of a sick Chinaman in Chinatown morits tho at tention of all “ Molicnn" doctors, with or without a diploma. Ho had recently recovered from a sovero lovor, and, whilo hardly convalescent, had gorged himself liberally with the premature inolons, nliortivo apples and mildewed grapes, which aro so plentiful nnd “rea sonable” in tho Mongolian shops on Olay stroot. This diet did not aoom to strengthen him, and in a few days he was ourlrd up in his bunk with a torri blo attack of cholera morbus. A great Celestial physioinu and astrologer wns called, and tlio usnnl amount of broth from tho eight rib of a black pig re quired to bo applied to tho patient’s about, but, strongo to say, this did not sooni to ctrnighton him out, ns did not the customary draught of Honp from tlio entrnils of a dried serpent With grout pomp tho second Galen was sum moned ; but a twig of Acadia, plucked when tho moon was full, placed ucuontli the sick man's pillow, failed to revive him, and both from tho fourth Auger of the hand of a mftti was decapitated, ap plied to the solo of his font had no ton- donoy to ease his bowols. Tho doctors said that thoir skill was in vain, as a god wli' ra the man had offended had sent devils to torraont. Ho, after securing the customary fees, they retired from tlio field. Tlio evil spirits must be driven out, and to this end the pagan relatives seized ovorv available weapon, from n tin pan to a blunderbuss. They raised tho most frnn'io and discordant cries, ond the most terrible din with their weapons, thoy boat tlio empty air in hope of wringing o dovil; nil of which tho suffering msn muttered without ofleofc. Tho joss-sticks i then lighted in all quarters of tho house, and tho household god offered ft good square meal. Tlio sick msu did somo tall chow-cliowing, for his bowels yet yearned, but his moans grow feebler and his friends began to caloulato the weight and compass of bis bonos, when in camo a German butcher, attracted, no doubt, by the pow-wow. lie saw tho situation at a glace, aud scattering the joss sticks riglit uni loft grabber! tlio invalid by the collar and poured seven spoonsful of whisky into his throat, rubbed him down with u brick, and in jess than four minutes tho doarl man arose, cursing vociforously, and was able to tako up hia bed and walk.—&an Francisco Bulletin. Courtship in Greenland; Thero is something exceedingly mel ancholy in the accounts which aro given of tho custom of courtshio in Greenland. Generally womon enter upon tho blessed estate with more willingness ond less solicitude than men. The women of Greenland nro an exception to this rule. A Greenlander, having fixed his affec tions upon some female, acquaints his parents with the stato of his heart. They apply to the parents of the girl, and if tho parents are thus far agreed, the next proceeding is to appoint two female negotiators, whose duty it is to broach tho subject to tho young lady. This is a matter of groat tnot and do i- oaoy. Tho Indy ambassadors do not shook the young lady to whom thoy are sent by any sudden or abrupt avowal of the awful subject of their mission. In stead of doing this, they Uunch out in praises of tho gentloman who socks her iinud. They spoak of tlio splendor of bin houso, Iho sumptuonsnoas of his furniture, of his courage and skill iu oatoliing seals, and othor accomplish ments. Tho lady, pretouding to bo af fronted, ovon at thoso romoto hints, turns away, tearing tho rlnglots of her hair nn sho retires, whilo the ombossn- dresses, having got tho consont of her parents, pursno lior, tako lior by foroo to tlio house of lior destined husband, and there lonvo her. Compelled to re main thero, sho sits for days with dis hevelled hair, silent and dejootel, re fusing evory kind of sustonanoe, till nt last, if kind ontronties do uot prevail, sho is compelled by foroo, and ovon by blows, to submit to tlio detested union. In somo oases, Greenland womon faint at tho proposals of mnrringo, in others thoy fly to tlio mountains, and only re turn when compelled to do so by tho hunger and oold. If ouo outs off lior hair it is a sign sho is determined to re sist to tho death, Tho Greenland wifo is tlio slave of her husband, doomed to life of toil, drudgery nud privation. Shakespearian with a Vongonnco. Mrs. Koinhlo tells the following Hlinkospearlnn ntorioa : A friond of mine nt a dinner party boing asked if slio had seen Mr. Fotohor in “namlot" replied in tho nogativo, adding that sho did not think she should rolisli Hhakospoaro de claimed with a foreign aooont. Tho gon- Homan who had questioned hor said, “ Ah, very true inueoil—perhaps not then, looking attentively at his plate, from which I suppose ho drow tlio in spiration of what followed, ho addod. ■' And yot after all, yon know. Hamlet ns n foreigner.” This viow of tho oaso had probably not snggostod itself to John Komblo, nud so ho dissundod Talma from tho oxporimont. While re ferring to Mr. Fotolior’s personification of namlet, nnd the gront simoons whioh it obtained iu tlio fnshionablo world, I wish to proservo a oliarniing instance of univo ignornnoo in a young gunrdnmnn, soduood by tho enthusiasm of tho gay society of London into going for once to noo a play of Hhnkospoaro’n. Aftor sitting dutifully through somo booiicob in silonoo ho turned to a follow guards man, who was painfully looking and listening by his side, with tho grnvo re mark, “ I any. Ooorgo, doocod odd play this ; it’s all full of quotations.” Tlio young military gentleman had occasion ally, it scorns, hoard Hhakospoaro nuotod, nnd romomhorod it. Ho did not tlio snmo vory nrainble, oxtromoly hand some, but not very intelligent yonng horo romombor liis English history, if ovor ho had henrd that quoted ; fur be ing honored with n command to attend a fancy ball at tho palace, ho onnaultod a cousin of his and friond of mino us to liis contumo ou tho occasion. “ Go as tho Blnok Prlnoe, dear Fountain ” (Fountain wns liis namo—I always onllod him Pump, for short), said she ; “yon will look so lovoly in armor.” “ Oh hang it, Polly,thougu; I shouldn't liko to blnok my fuoc,” was tho ingo- nions reply, A Cure for Bunstroko and Apoplexy. A Now York physioinu writos : “ I boliovo sunstroke and apoploxy can lio cured almost surely if tukon in uny kind of timo. First, rub powerfully on tho back nnd nook, making horizon tal and downward movements. Thia drawn tho blood away from tbo front brain nml vitalizes tlio Involuntary uorvos. Beoond, whilo rubbing, call for oold water immediately, whioh ap ply to tho fnoo and hair on tlio top nud aide of tlio head. Third, oall for a bucket of water ns hot ah enn bo borne, and pour it by dippurfuls on tho back of tho bond and nook for several min utes. Tho effect will bo wonderful for vitalizing tho moduli'* oblongata; it vitalizes tho whole body, aud tho pa- tiont will generally start into full oon- scions lifo in a very short timo. Per sons of largo nctivo brains and weak bodies will no more liable to sunstroko or apoploxy, and should wear light- oolorod oool hats in summor, wot tho hair occasionally, and if they fool a bruin pressure coming on, should rut) briskly on tlio back of thu nook, nud put oold water on the front and top of the head. Those remarks, if hooded, will prevent groat Miifforing. I have novor kuown this method to fail,” A Brave Step-Mother.—Ah a class, stop mothers have tho reputation of not oaring greatly for tho unfortunato children whom thoy are expeotod to lovo “for their father's sako.” Tho following incident, related of tho wifo of tho French ambassador nt Constan tinople, M. do Voguo, will servo to die Bipate nemo of tho misapprehensions surrounding stop-mothers: Mmu, do Voguo is the stop mother of two young girls. On a bountiful dav under ouo of those eastern skiou which soom liko tlio gates of Paradise, tho stop mother and tho two girls wont to batho In tho Bloch hob, near tlio rocks on tho Asiatic side. Tho son was calm, scarcoly wrinklod by the breeze. Bat suddenly ono of tho young swim mers was seized byadnngorons ourrent; she struggled and grow faint. A ory of anguish was heard ; sho was about to sink. But tho step- mother saw tho danger, and although she was a hun dred yards away, and sho saw that tho attempt would put hor lifo in danger, she rushed to tho snot, plunged in uftor tho young girl, who had disappeared from sight. Bho seized her under tbo wavos, enmoup with her, but nas again drawn down by tho ourrent. It was a fearful but admirable night. Ovor and over’, thoy went down and reappeared, always in each other’s arms. The other young girl wishing also to flee herself was within ono stop of tho current. At tho last moment a boat arrived. Tho Countess do Voguo had not only saved tho first young girl, but the second also, for she seized her and dragged her from tho ourrent toward the boat. It was heroic, but tho good stop mother thought it tho simplest thing in the woild. —“Window gardens” aro what tho poetical people oall tho rows of flower pots that tho poor girl keeps in tho window of her hall room ; but the per son who has no pootioal fancies ou the H ubjeet is the man who had his skull cracked the other day when one of the heaviest df these pots came down, CURIOUS AND SCIENTIFIC. Artificial grnpos are blown from molted roain, nud afterward dusted with a oolorod powder. A Match Unuru the Microscope.— A correspondent of the Hoiotitiflo Amer ican writes ns follows : “ Thoso who are fond of investigations with tho micro- soope will find a beautiful objoot in the bond of a parlor mntoli. Htriko tho mntoli and blow it out ns soou as the bond hnB fused sufficiently to cause protnboranoes to form on it. On tho pnrt of tlio bond whioh took first will lio found a white, spongy formation, whioh, timlor tho mioroRoopc, ami with a bright light upon it, has tlio upponr unco of diamonds, Crystals, snow, froHt ioo, silver, nnd jot, no two matches giving tho samo combination or nrraugo- mout,” And now tlio tlioory is startod that tho nnuHual disturbances of tlio nt- mosplioro this sonson nro duo to tho iu ilaonoo of tho plnnot Jupiter. Tho ns- tronomors say that Jupiter now pro sonts a straugo npponrnnco in the heavens, and it is supposed that tho big plauot iB passing through the snmo stupendous changes whioh our own earth saw before man appeared on it; nud it is oortain/ that its raovomonts may and do considerably affect onr own. ThiH has certainly boon a notable yoar iu tho way of floods, onrtliquakos and hurricnnoH, whatever tho cause. But tho rainbow still apponrs in tlio sky after each storm, ns tlio sign of assur ance that tho course of the sonaons and of tho plnnots, is to go on, iih usnnl, despite those temporary disfurbnuoos of tho elomonts. A Vkiiy Delicate Barometer.—An iugonioiiH dovioo has boon oonstruotod by Momlolof, whioh shows tho slightest variations of pressure by monns of n small U-slinpou tube containing notro- lonm oil. Ono ond of this tune is closed, nml oontnins n cortain volume of dry nir mnjutninod nt a constant toraporaturo, while tlio othor oml is open to tho nir. Tho instrument boing aouratoly adjusted by means of a mer curial plunger oon noo tod with tho bot tom of tlio U-shaped tubo, so that tho potroloum Is oxnotly on n lovol in tho branches of tho tubo, it is found to bo so oxtromoly sensitive that tho slightest variation of atmosphorio pressure is shown by tho alteration of tho lovol, nnd tho amount of this alter ation can bo measured with tho greatest precision. Tins CoKHTiuJcrrioN of Winding Htaiii- (’Asks.—In Major Elliott’s report on Europoau lighthouses, ho notes tlmt iu auvornl oases tho stairs aro circular, ppuroutly self-supporting, one ly being built iu wall, aa in tlio treasury nt Wailiingt n. This molhod of stair-building ir, ho ob- serves, universal in Europe, both in pri vate and public buildings. Tho most reoont lighthouso towers of tho Amori- cun system nro oonstriiotod with oonionl walls and iron staircases winding around tho interior of tho oono. European towers aro generally oonstruotod with an exterior oonionl, nml an interior oyliu- drionl wall, loaving nn uuneoesarily largo unnsod space botwoon tho two. Tho amount of masonry in tho Aniori- systom is tho same ns iu tlio European, nml ia hotter calculated to resist tho overturning effoot of tho sovorost gales, Deposition of Fink Sediments. —Dr. T. Hcoiry Hunt states, in reference to tho question of fine mud iu tho Miasisaipjii, that tho deposited matter requires from ten to fourteen daya to stibHido: but that if sea-water or Halt or sulphuric acid bo added to tho turbid water it becomes clear in from twolvo to eighteen hours. Thus is explained tho rapid precipitation that occurs when tho river water mixes with tho salt waters of the Gulf of Moxioo. The cohesion of water diminishes when it holds saline matter In solution, as was said by Guthrie and was verified by Dr. Hunt. Ho found that tho addition of eight parts of chloride of calcium to 1,000 parts of water reduces tho sizo of drops to ouo-ninth, and tho proolpita- tion of suspended clay ia mado vory rapid when a strong solution of salt is employed. Mesmerizing a Cook—An oxporimont which it may amuse tho boys to repent has been described by sevoral corre spondents of a popular soionco journal. Place tlio cock upon n table or board, and, holding liis wings oloso down to liis Hides, lot a seoond person hold down his head until his beak touches tho board ou whioh ho lies, nnd draw a line with white olmlk straight out from tho point of his beak. This done, tho tho bird may bo released from all re straint, aud ho will not stir ho much ns a foathor. “ Nay, further,” wrltoaouo, “you may clap your hands or shout oloso to him, without raising him from lethargy, from whioh, howovor, ho will ultimately rooovor.” Another oxpori- moutor writes : “I liavo seen a row of fowls rendered quite senseless by draw ing a chalk lino (beginning at tho top of tho bo&k) slowly aoross a table, and I have myself successfully performed tho oxporimont. Tho birds aro simply mesmerized.” How the Sun Moved a Bridge. During the recent building of a bridge in Holland, one of the traversers, 460 feet long, was mispluoed on thosuports. It wsh an inoli out of tho line, and the problem was how to roplaco it. Exper iments proved that the iron work ex panded a small fraction of an inch to every dogreo of heat received. It wo# noticed that tho night and day tom- poraturo differed by abont twonty-fivo degrei s, and it was thought this might bo made to move the bridgo. In the morning one of the pieces was bolted down securely nnd tho othor end left free. In tho heat of the sun tho iron expanded, and toward night the free end was loosened. Tho contraction then dragged the whole moss tho other way. For two days this experiment was repeated, ond tho dosirod place renobc-d. The contraction nnd expan sion of iron bars by fire boat bus fre quently beon used to move heavy woights over short distances. Broken walls nnd strained roofs and arobon have beon brought into dIuco by simplv heatiDg iron roda until they expand, then taking tho slack by sorews and nuts and allowing contraction by oold to pull the wall or roof into place. FACTS AND FANCIES. —A oooklo -flail may as soon crowd tho ocean into its narrow shell, nR a vain man ovor understand tho decroos of God.— Bishop Beveridge. I declare ! ” said a man down nt Shoals, Indiana, aftor standing on n oonl for two or throe minutes ; “ I do- olnro I if I don't smell woolen burning somewhere,” —Bnrnum lias just paid twonty thou sand dollars for a baby hippotamus, while there nro millions of hontliens iu Africa who haven’t a testament or a clinngo of shirts. —Tho man who blushes when a lady noqunintnuoo soon him ooming out of n saloon, is not entirely lost—ho mny bo found most any timo afterwards going into tho back door. —Tlje Wisconsin man who had to pay twonty dollars to provo liis right to fourteon of his own oluokeiis desires tho address of tho person who says this is tho host Govornrasift tho world ovor saw) —Victor Hugo says that “man was tho conundrnm of tho oiglitoon oontnry; women ta tho oonundrum of the nine teenth oontnry.” Wo oan’t gnoss her, but wo'll nover givo her up—no novor. —Would yon think that Gideon Wol- Ioh, when you stand and look nt him, over ourriod oamly mot toes iu his pookot or ever sat on tho stile with his girl nt twilight and ohowotl gum ? —Offonbaoh (bought so muob of his daughter that ho wonld not allow her to witness a porformauoo of any of his operas. Isu’t it a pity lio had not tho same kind of regard for tho rest of hu manity ? —An American harvester won tho prize at tho recent oontost in Gormany, and there isn’t a reaping machine m tho United States but what elnims tho prize, or had tho modal to show for it a iltii ago. -A little girl up in Gnllion, O., lias dovolopod parts ns a dentist. Bho tiod a string to hor little brother’s tooth, tied tlio othor end of tho string to tho stovo-log, and thon touched a red-hot coal to tho little victim's noso. Tho tooth came out. —Mount Holyoke Hominary has sup plied ono hundred and fifteen wivos for foreign missionaries, the last two grad uating olasRos furnishing oighteen. Thoy usually go abroad first as toaoh- ors, nnd nro speedily mairied by tho missionaries, —Novor bo oast down by trifles. If a spider breaks liis wob twonty times, twenty times will bo mend it again. Mako up your minds to do a thing and you will do it. Fear not, if trouble conies upon you ; kenp up your spirits, though tho day bo a dark ono. —A Cincinnati rovilor of Louisvillo says: “Lonisvillo oar drivors are an omnointod sot, from oxocasive blas phemy. It is raroly that n Louisville girl drops hor foot on tho tail-board of a bobtail oar without lifting tho front whools off tho track ; and this wonrs ou tho driver!” —It haa beon ascertained that the groat decrease in oodfishory on onr Eastern oonst is duo to the obstructions placed In our streams aud rlvors, snob as mill-dams, pollution of water, oto.. thus preventing ascent of alowives ana other small fish to spawn, tboBo small fish being tho natural food for tho ood. —When somo adventurous marinors wore cruising about in tho Caribboau sea and discovered a uow poninsnla, they undertook to hold a conversation with tho natives, but tbo nativos only yelled book at them, “ Yucatan ? Yucatan?” (“Wlint do yon say?”) Aud that peninsula has ever sinoo been known as Yucatan. —The New England factory peoplo have an interesting timo of it. Borne of them got five dollars a wook for work ing fifteen hours a day, and whon tho eleotioil comos thoy have to vote with thoir employers or lose thoir plaoes. If thoy tako a nowspaper they must take ono whioh is in harmony with tho views of tho mon thoy work for; but fortunately many of them oan’t road. —Bbo’d boon so potulout anil cross for sovoral days that he flually thought of a devioe to soothe her, nnd acoord- remnrkod, in • soft, velvety “My lovo, don’t yon think you’d liko to go down to tho seaside nnd tako tho fresh air ?” “ Don’t bo n fool,” was tbo sharp reply, “the air at tho sanside isn’t fresh ; it’s salt." — rooklyn Argus. —In London birds are tho fashion for deooration, both for table center piece and for tlio wall among pioturos. Staffed birds, and monkeys, are being used as stems for lamps, a boar oven serving as n dum-waiter, perched on his hind logs; and now nnd thon a swan, its wings sot and its gracoful neck curved naturally, will form tho exterior of a drawing-room seat, a sat in-covored stool being introduced be- tweqn tho wings and behind the neck. —The people at Cope May have timo to spend iu childish amusements. At tho residence of a reverend doctor there, tho other day, a Jnpaneso ten sot was spread upon the floor, and the guests, attired in Japanese costume, squatted on tho floor and took tea oh thoy supposed the Japanese take it. This idiotio performance is called, by a Washington paper, “a very novel en tertainment.” —A citizen of Brattleboro, Vt, de posited with tho oashior of the national punk of that oity somo two thousand four hundred dollars in flvo twenties. These were stolon from tho bank, anil suit was brought to recover. The lower oourt decided for tho plaintiff, bnt tho Hupromo Court of tho State has re versed tlio decision upon the gronnd that the cashier had no power to bind tho bank, except as lo regular deposits whioh entered into the ourrent aooount of tbo depositor. —Many peoplo will bo grieved to loam that tuo montol oondition of Mrs. Lincoln has not really improved, not withstanding the representations re cently made by Mrs. Myra Brad well and her husband. The story of con spiracy aud outrago has oertainly been exploded, nnd it appears that the ex citement occasioned by the agitation of tlio subject has had an injurious effect upon the unfortunate lady, as her mind is more perturbed than when the phy sician in oharge of the Bellevue Asylum made the hopeful statement whioh was so widely the press.