The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, October 02, 1875, Image 2

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THE RECORD. oi'YlCIM. QHUAX of VOLK COL’STY JhiiUla HiCt itnly (Uvadtttiim of any iVrr jxijx i' - Drfuu Iff u'oJion ! CP.lMllTQWN, net. 878, Wo aro iudubtod t<> Cqitain J. A. pQfk for for ix circular from Urn Statu dopuitmeul of Agriculture, giving u con olidalcd report of the crop# of the State, Wo nnko tho following in fracts : It will bo win llmt Georgia will gnleor only a litllo morn limn two* thiids of a full crop of cotton, and fifteen per ecu!. Ions coin tlnxn last year. Then facts, taken in connection with I lie Very low price itL which cotton is Dow Belling, nro indeed discoimigiffg, and should iiUmulato plan let h i. > tlio uceonsary steps to fortify thciuBelvc.'i against the etmoq nonces of this double dittos ter, by planting supplementary crops to supply tho deficiency of the corn crop, mid avoid llio ncccsaity of buying an fur un possible. A d« lieinncy of 17pcv cent, orabout 2,(100,OUO b unbolt] of corn, must lm Blip- plied either by purchasing from otlici Stales, or <pv plnntiug barley, tyo, oats only pea crops, ami early variotis of corn, GO per cent, of tho corenpon* denla l’Oport a tleiiciency of long foj- ngo. This defioioney own, and should bo supplied. Farmers ure, Iboroforo, urged to nave all tho n olive gram and poavino buy possible; t» now rye and barley lots for cmly tpiir.g mo, and particularly to reed very largely of onto this fall. They very wisely increased their grain orops last full and spting; but tho disastrous dioulhs and heated terms during tho past snuuuor, Imvo caused uuutbor deilcioueX, wliioh must bo supplied, if possible, without pur chasing at tho ruinous rules of inti r cat shown in tho August repoi !.. Tlio answer lo llio question, "Will fanners sow an inuroasod area of out*, t his fall'(is very encouraging G7por cent, answering yes. Thoro is no crop moro certuiu, or moro cheaply raised in Georgia, limn onto sown early In loo fall. Tlio nnt proof variotio, sown in tho fall, arc po - itivcly certain lo yield remunerative hui vest. Now tlmt tho plica of cation is be low llio average cunt, of production, self pronoun lion donuinda tlmt fanners should raiso their own supplies, since, at tho present ptico 11 jotlun, there will bo no money with which lo buy, after paying tho cost of ilo produel ion. Indeed, tho lime Into come when pian ino must bo farmer . Tlio production of.Jiomo supplies must be tho loading object, moro stock must b » ruined, loss land cultivated, less labor employed, that employ ,1 nmdu mure ifinieul, and cotton nuuluu submliiwy iusload of a loading crop Thoro can ho no prspority until our agricultural policy if out fill that the cotton crop of Georgia bIuiII bo llio property of tho producer, and n it pledged for supplies advanced to make it. Tlio Bullimoro Mun is iiukbteil to Edward V. Valentino, J. q., of Rich mond, tlio distinguishul \higiuia sculptor, for on eligunlly ixeuUtod photograph of his celebrated reoum bent statue of tier,oral Lee. Tho statue, which has been gw ally admir ed as u work of art, ns well as an ue- curuta representation of tho illustri ous chieflian, is jiow in tho iuuumi- loum containing his remaiua at Wash* iuglon and Leo University, of which lm was jrosidint during tho last years of his life. This is ouo of many works of Mr Valentino which nltesl hit* marked g nitis ns n renlplor, and give promise of his career in Lin pro fession which will reflect credit on hiiuself and his nutiv>• 1 1 do. The Chicago Tribune thinks that il would have a Bixlulary eli' on tlx. ir own condition if Ihu negrotH in tho South, tho m*\t time there it a mas ncree, would lake u hand in il theni- Helvrr. “Jess so,” :,aya llxc Nashville Amorican, "and the nest time linns’ ix Fim damn's 1! ink lulils d, it would be well for tho 'mgs' to have U-ih hands in—xxp to t\u» elbow • And now t i. n. IV. \.i -h L o pro - u'ouuoBs his invitation to tuko cotuluiid of lie* Egyptian Mame!uk< s a can id. Who is it that gets up ali lla.-e Joe Johnson*? [Richmond Enquirer. Tin elections y ! t.» I xk place this your, will occur as f illows Ohio and Iowa, Tuc.m1.iv, Ov-'.u!>er 12 ;Y;; git;ii, Kaunas, Maryland, M i auehua tts, Misrinbippi, Minn* i-utc, Miasm i, New York, New La mv. lY-.nsylKama, and Texas, Tuesday, November 2 When a man g < ^ to a quill ua; par ty about tea lime, ami sits down on a ball of wick lug with ;x long darning :ic- die i:i it, be will think **f nioxv things iu connection with darning in n min ute than be can mention in two hours. A Mount LV.Ial township furmor cut open an ohl hoi in la Host, just to examine tlu.-inside amugemont. Ho bays ho thiuUs h*» will be able lo eo bis baru in about two weeks The N« \v York Join mil of commerce presontfl its yearly reviow of llio cotton crop, hr ginning with the lstof Septem ber an tho commercial year. Tho fig ures show that 3,500j00J halos have been received at tlio ports, 101/J0-1 bales amt overland, nml 12 n ,550 con- mimed at tlio South, making a total crop up to the beginning of tho month of 3,827,8lo bales. Tlio exports to foreign potts Imvo boon 2,074,448 bales ngainnt 2,840,681 Inst yenr—u falling oft* of 100,588, mid,5,008 less than in 1872-U. Too total homo consntnp- lion of cotton Ibis year Is estimated at. 1,200,47;* bales, ngaints 1,5121,089 last Ir. I lie year ending August 81, 1871, the highest price of mulling up land in Now York market was 20 0 8 Conte, and the lowest l!l C- <. For tho year ending upon the same da to of tho present season the extremes of price wer 17 3*8 and 14 .'1-8 which showed h sh fluctuation in tho market. Of course I ho record of scales and produo- lien, as hero given, includes mucliof the year’s crop, and cannot bo taken os uti exhibit of wlmt tho present yerii M production will be. This name authorly, however, the estimate fur tin' new year rang.; from lour to h ur and a half million hales, tho av er go of exportation resting upon four ami a quarter million, will leave ns on a bin in ofcornrin rcial security as far as cotton can do it. Warmolb and Kellogg, of Louisiana, uio isported by tho Now Orleans times to Imvo compromised, ft assets that Warmolh lias lately deemed "I Ik re is nothing for him aud Kellogg lo quarrel uboul now; tint) there plcn- ly of tliii gs in sibht for thorn both them, aud that wlmt ho wants is not tlio same tiling tlmt Kellogg wants, Meantime, tho people of Louisiana wauls nothing bettor than to boo both those plundering Bcouudralsoon signed to speedy perdition. A mercantile; liouuo in John Mroef, New York, ndvcrti.v.d Iasi week for a shipping ulnk - salary, $15 per wo-k. In one i,luy tboy received ivplieu from from six hundred rind four applicant*-, many of thorn stating their m eesilii b, education and previous superior po- silions at salnritiB ranging up lo st,- OOU per annum. This incident indi- a not only (he pressure of tho limes in tho commercial metropolis of fhu e <untry, but also tlio utility of ad vertising. Tlioy had imolher hard frost out west on ThuiHclay, and now tho Nash- villo American wanla to knowhow the p* <»plo out there nro lo raise enough gPiisfilioppci-H fo live on if thin thiii" goes on When you hoar a man pntbolienlly murmur that Ufu in "hut an empty droani, just (road on his favorite ooru and wake him up. Tho following is tlio heading ef on article iu llio Brooklyn Argus, in which tlio editor nets forth tho condi tion of iiltiirfl in tho city of Churches: " Al ti ming—Tho rer.ult of Ring Rule - Murmuring# Among tho^Pco- plo—Honest Men Begging for Em- ployment, While OfllciulHj nro H liviiig iu Luxury—15,000 lots confiscated —Out of Money- Alarming condition of tho City Treasury—Taxes Uucol- lecU-'l £fu,dj Drficicucca to bo made up-$15,000,000 Expended in a Sin gle Year—Reform or Bankruptcy." Tlio Aiguu compluins that while the city debt has been increased in ton yearn from seven million to forty-two million, four bundled thousand, with u total aocf.sed vuldo of property of only one hundred and ninclceno mil lion, tho lusts uro exorbitant, bimi- ncss prostrated, IhouBixnds (f people of all classes unemployed, over tiftcon thousand lion bob and loin advertised for Hide for non payment of tuxes, and largo numbers of laboring people arc nwailing llio approach of winter on tho verge of starvation. Whilo thi-i is tho case, llio Radical ring, by wcich tho city is governed, nro indul ging in llio most extravagant expen ditures, and reveling in luxury at en ormous salaries. Tho Argus gives tlio salaries and amount of fees received by tlio city and county < tlicors from which wo ex tract llio following : Mayor, (cm Ihoimml ; City Comptroller, ten thousand ; Corporation Counsel, ton thousand ; Auditor, live thousin l ; Collector of tuxes, soven thousand ; nine AsHesjors, each four thousand ; Pn .'iident of Bonn!, fivo thousand ; two Police Commissioners, fivo thous and each ; President of Board, seven thousand ; two Commissioners Eire Department, four thousand oach ; Registrar of Arrears, five thousand; three City Judgos, ton thousand ; two .Suprorno Judgos, six thousand ; ouo County Judge, (en thousand ; fivo Polieo e. urt JubIices, fifteen hundred Gutinly Cleik, fees fifteen thousand ; Surrogate, ton thousand ; with some fifteen or twenty other officials with imlniies ranging from four to rix thousand dollars each. Hail .lift’ Davis at one of tho fairs in Mississippi tlio otherday: "Itglad- dmed my heart ns I drove to tin - grounds to see the number of sidesad dles on the liorwcB hitched along the way. 1 had almost began to fear tlmt my American countrywomen had lost the nrt of riding at least tho art of ri ding on hoiKchnek. Thank yon, ladies, for coming on sidetiuldliH- (1. vernor Ames, so-called, of Mis sissippi, in of tho opinion that govern ment supported by negro militia, arm ed with Remington rifles, is tho best in tlio world. New Advertisements. S tvi g. ; 8. £ © s i s 3 it 8 io ? | siow to say:s nvroisrET. 2 ^ r. ^ Irj L O £ o 6 cL \ bd P C3 C ^ G tr g q o t-J 3 03 r: 0 ’ ; g U) i if b] i j <h i \ w w w 8P Q 0 Legal Advertisements. l*olk Mieiiir Sale-*. Will lie mlJ licforo I lie (Jourt House Door in (Jcdartown, Polk county, (Ja., on *l*o lirHt Tuci-alny in October next, between • ho legal hours of sale, tlio following prop erly, fo-wit: Hols of land .Non. JJ21, 622.623, 610,68!'. 688, 687, 697, 6f8, (H'J, C0I. C'i6, 070. — “ ‘ “ 14, 746 nml f I’olk coonly, 7K-. in llic 2lHtdi.-t 'minor, « t l oll known as the Wimoorly plnntai occupied by tlio Mow Title, aiid claimed by Af \ il A ku, ud'riir of Mr. Vandrvr t. i. r docenpcd. I.CTiod on u tho properly < l li D Cotlirnii, lo naiiefy rt li f., i-Mii. d f, 0 i,i Floyd superior Conrl, in favor of XVlIliuu,-, Ili-Miii- d (.'o. ng.iioel Ilenj. F pi in. cipal, Ilugli 1) Col broil an.I (.' 1! amiili -c curity. Properly pointed out by plfr 8 u l- lornpy, Also at toe sumo time nnd place, lots of hir'd Nob ‘ ‘J 226, 2-7. 22-i, an I half of lot No. 223, in llic IM ilietticl nnd lib : < c- lion, fli llio pr. perly of T A Duke, l« .* - fy one ii fa in n y bands in favor of A M Moan, v <i snid T A Duke; cue i„ f„v. r . r Musnti Harper, one in favor of .1 K Uerry, i favo Duke: llio said properly lying in Folk county, and now claimed by llarvy 1’elfir, tenant in possession, known as the Tho in no A Duke plantation. The i,i,.,ve property pointed out or. I levy made by a former Sheriff; Also, at ibo sntne lime and place, one Ino-horao buggy uml one brown horse about eight years old, of tnodiuui -ire, lev, led on by urine of one county court fl fa «: Harrow county, in favor of Jones, Itogeis \ Co . agail.~i W (, an.l U If fU-ed. I be lior-e point fl cut in lhefifam.1 the buggy by plaintiff. A iso, i lot an Hi.,. and place. ‘ in bloi 20 feet on depot , . town o! Ito.'kmarl, on which is a hiw m.v. m ;ipirt| by A T. Williamson, I roperty of \. T. Williamsnn, u, eni fi f.t -'.i<<l lion, | .il, Supi-rinr Cou favor of tjow er, J :<i <s ,V tv. Williams • n. Also, at Hie same time uni i.l„, i laud ! dlslrli lb«- pr ?3. in the 1 "t!i its. to ealiafy"' ourt, in favor of '■"•I •> y l-inl- . ENGLAND, and Physician, •I1UV iINK OF Bean’s Double-Acting Stone Force Fnmps rnhiB dohi:’ slnlicnnvy Firo Fng'mc, nlway.'i nl oa*io in water, nnd s ibo dc nuke Imli'pomU'iit of tho l’i:o King nml EnuhJoH you to SaVi: the large aniauntsyi ii pay out annually for iiiMirnnco, ‘•Money Faved i Money Mndo” .veil lnow. Ill case of long Continued ilroiiglils v ben your gal'ti ll is 111.'Iiiv;;; up Mid your llowern arc histroless f«ir luck of rniu, you can, by vising the sprinkler mtacit* liient, 1 Toil two a Shower an Geutlo nml I'enulifnl r.s Hint Which Falls from Nul urn’s Heiivuxs. Tills Pump p« - many ;<.<inis of sup rloril.v over tiny pum p in use, and will lost a Ivvays. Ho if yeti want to ativo your house from dljtruollon by fire, IF YOU WANT TO SAVE THE INSURANCE YOU MOW PAY burgeon * (HD Mi TO If .V, a A. Ofliee rorncr College nml 1* ri. r slrei m. "line he limy bo at all hours when not prolV•'ionnlly ahsenl. p j JAMES GLENN, ATTORNEY AT IN AW, 'irnunowx, Otbee rear of Hcrord i Hire, up.Mails, rep. I Adliiinlhfmliii'h Salr. / n:ulu;iA, I’OIK COYNTV -On o , v 1 lire! Ti .-.daj in ('. !«bir l.< xl, a,.; | ‘ 11 1 s* the t Mill ID use door.iu Cediiitowu in said county, within ibo lawful hours of rale, < no toirv l, n,e fiaihor I.. !. “•I*' t < -blend, one .;ui!t uml one sber>. | os (be propel ly id'll. W. Flynl, deren Tl IDls Cahii. Ibis Fepl. L2d. 1876 .1 II. DAltllKU, Admr. .Notice. A pro-Mis having Wntclu - < r Cl. . i V in my slit j• lor repnii are ii '|u -m .| to cmiio nnd lake them out by llic .‘ill d.v, of October i ext, nml pay cl.'.rge. ;i If mu iqUcii «ui and cliurgia paid by I bat time they will be >wbl rit piitdic sale lo snt- t-dy charges. 'J bis is fair warning to all. ■ | •. 18* ,i. a. I.. DAMN. son; levied on n» Hie pioperlg of sai l |.ow son; pointed out by J S Noyes. Hold prop ®rty I'J be mold al llic risk of J N Noyes, lie baring bid • II ibo some „t gberifl sale on the 1st Ttiwtay in duly Inst, and lias Illlb'J lo i in ply wilt, 11, i, ten Also, al Hitt same lime and place, one iidailo loundci Adininistralor’ft Sail**. \ (HlKKADhi: lo nn order of llio Court ii of Ordinary of Polk county, On,, will be sold at the Court House -lour, in Cedar- town, said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, lots of land Nos. 1*128, 1160, 1202, 1203.1239,1240, 1278, It20, 1106, 120-1, and west half of l'2"j, 1237, 1238, nnd 1279 in the 21M district nnd 3d section of origin ally Cherokee, Paulding, now Polk county. •Said land lo be anld ns llio properly o Joseph l). Morgan, dicenred, contesting of all said dccrnse<l‘.< lauds, except the v. d- .w'h dower, for Hie benefit of 11 c 1 oiis at d rrcdilM.s <1 * id -Irceaeed. Hnid land will I e bj1(1 in i v» j ui'ti mhnli, ccnsisling of the lirM -even above named lots in one settle- merit, nml Hir!nst«ix and one half in HiG other. Terms, onc-third cash, tlicimlnnco on iivelre months trtdlt, with small notes, nml if not paid piouiptly at maturity, law ful Interest from date. Bond for title will be given upon first payment; aud title deed* ictnintd until last payment is made. Hai l premises lies on Kuhnrlec creek, five miles f Itookmart, in said cflunly. This the blh day of Sept G lliOlUilA, POl.K CtiCN’l'Y —Wheu-as. T •'’-lues It. Barber has aj-pbo 1 fur k-llers of adiiiinistration on the cituto of (J. W. Flint, late ol said county, deceased. These uro, therefore, to cite and admon ish all persons concerned, kiudred uml creditors, to be and appear ul a court of Ordinary, lobe held in said county on the Grit Monday in October n^xt, to show cause, if any they have, why sail ietiers Mil l I l be i iveii under my bund and oflicisi sigtm- , this the 3d day or Hcptemher, ib7•'». JODI. BKEWKR, Ordy IUSUE.E MOBILE LIFE IN:URASCE C0„ OF MOBILE, ALA, This Company has promptly paid (•very death loss sustained, nnd with out litigation or dispute. Over $100,000! (ho Inst three years to Wid ows nnd Orphaus. Thu Important Subject id leg. id David Untilti, has made up nd ape d ap- j ir.g lo i •leased. Theso are, therefore, lo cite al j, kindrcl and creditor r at a court «f ordinary t r*t Moadiy in October show cause, if any they have, wl y plication should uol be granted. Hiven under my hand and official signa ture, ibis September 3d, 1876, JUKI. BltnWKB, Ordy. POLK col N n a.-uii, udminislralrix on the c*mi>ito (,| Joliii A Mason, deccaM.I, ban unute npi.licntion for letters of dismission from amd udiuinisiration. These arc, iborefore, to cite nil persons n * arj ‘l«y Of Life ItiHUfirnco ia gradually and guir- desf ivkUv gaining public attention by • riftin the force - fits own merits. The time is not far distant when tbo death of a leaving his family unprovided O'fb be held i il l i*i•,.i (inii!n 1- : f,i ‘ '*> !l I'"h«;y of Life Assurance, will : leave th stain of neglected duty upon pu-suns | bin character. It is a duty which ev- ! . I- cry one to Lis own depeudants 1,0 '" ! 1 : nnd to tho community. He who neg- lects it is not ix good husband, father or oil i/.-m. He lms no right oven to risk the elmncoof throwing tho futuro support of Lis family, in caso of his d'-ath, on the community at large, or on relatives and friends, when it is in his power so easily to provide against such contingencies. I I) c I .sop Hu ( V * It T Dm tin nml W irdcii to bloom uml flourish when all arouiulyo t your wife to smile moro sweetly on \ou thnti i nmninlly, If you want yoi idu'd nml w It he i oil, If you vo, in fact. If you AYitnt to bo a Happy Man, CALL OX DR. LEDBETTER, 'ihg stonn Force Pumps. * Double Ciit ii •, Mcnngei le, and 11 i i> jtodrotixe. Borne, T!»insd«\, Oct. At least five iliomaud people i tlio exliibitii'ii if Howes’ (treat m tended l.ondon Cirous-llippodremo yesterday nfternoim nml night. Tlio attractions prom.s d xvero such ns to excite general curiosity, nnd everybody went prepared to be disip- polnvld lucnko everything was not of .nope- rior ov coll once. The porform.xuee and ex- liil-ilioiia over, the liiana;ors wore a •nee l by live many expressions of favor thill tb-Jr o. ml it.»! .-'U of ealivu'>e ! e.-\eied wonders was not only above tho average, but far ahead of any show of the kind that bus pitched tents in these parts for many n day. Tho street parade was really gorge ous. The six golden chariots ns they moved through tho throughfnrcs drawn by cavalcades of richly caparisoned horses, presented un imposing architectural spec- taelo or fantastic threc-dcckcd magnlfi- ceiiee en wheels that nt once indrrsod the high ..natter of the show of which this lenturo fniuc>l only n minor incidental. pavUiona, howeve ptcal ehaUei the : cities ortho ohl id, Bless Utock; the of mustangs, nnd i ami Africa, fine, representatives of alnioi part me n I <>!' natural history. Tho e’ueus oxeeled. The artists gave tliolr res pective specialties without n .balk. The leapors und tiinihlers of the company wcie cipmlly goodwill! the rest. One of them made a double revolution in mid lur over too tlephnnis. Five performing elephants were brouget into the ring together, with tbeir keener, und eotmUly pet firmed tlio pyramid illustrated upon the posters, much to the surprise of the skeptical. .These " ere only a few features of u long nml absorbingly i ;tcresting entertainment Ibo clowns, tour in number, made abun dant merriment for the spectators. Tbo lu'oomiuodationa for the throng were first, class. In tlio reserved quarter the scats provided with backs, wldoh added occupying * tho comfort of thos a ho i • do* 'IN I V — When- is. S Battle, ndntini I.asnius \\ Bullle, i u-eil, bus made ap- i from l lit ir said ad- plieation ler <1U& ministration. Therefore, nt! persons concerned "ill ap pear at a court of Ordinary, to be held in -aid nullity on the Itisl Monday in .V v nevi, ii. show cause, if any they have, why *uid letters should not be grnntoi], (11 Veil under my l and and official signa ture, this July 29, 1ft76, J01il.DKKWKK.0rd. Ordinary to be held fi'ft Monday in Nov . if any they have, why Diamond, of said applied for lattci t administration. * concerned, kindred nmi nml appear o property of He II P. I.IMPK1N, Mh'fl'. folk < Horfgu{.to S!n-ri Njifo for .\oxciiiIh-i'. f >i:t\\ i; i n - h - : -• hi,. , of Alfred id Couipa- Kibtu Jule, Bet, Sal, p*.: :i named Colic, .\, !| „ mined Bell ami iiameil Pete; 6 »ix i three sets oflinrnoc 2 two-homo 2 leaf wagons; » tie consisting >ws, UriMs- laid county on the first M< wliy^ahncttcm ah terms oft he law. r my Lund ami ofliciul slgrt.a- ifiiih r 21. lrtTO. JUKI. BUKWEB, Orly. POLK CO UN TV.—\\ herons <bxrd, Kxooulo < f \V ... 1 ion mulled, has applied for letters at a Com i of Ordinary to bo »'<ninty i.n the first Mou-lay iu JUKI, BKKIVKU, Ord’y. Awiir.lctl the H.-h. -t M-.UnUt Vicna E & H. T. ANTHCNY & CO,, 601 liromlw.i'T, N,r.» V-,k. (0|.|.o»il« M**l r. ■ J.c.1 it.... i|i,tel, ) M nmfueturu , Inip iters ,v Denier , in chRomos nnd framee, Steroscopics and Views Album,, (lr., l ,l,o»r.,,.M un i .„h»b PHOTOGRAPHIC MATER MS The Mobile Life Polio pi» s on nil the npprovetl i of Iusurnnoc. Strrcotif icr n ;L- anfci ix - Being M. i fuciur. rs of tbo MICUO SC I I N I IUC LAN FERN, STi:»E()-VANOmC')N. I NIVKILSITV STKBKOPTlcon. A!>VE UTISKK'8 S 1'JH; KnpTICO.X, AUTOPTICUN. >'11001.1 vntkhn,family lantern PKUPU. S KANT KILN. Each stylo belli j tho best -f it, -1 - in I be Market. Ia llio ini'lillo rnudfi of life few Imvo much capital to lonvo for tho benefit > f their families, in tho event of their » arly (, but most Imvo incomes. By devoting a portion of tbo latter in tli- way of Life Assurauco, tho head of a family ran mnko auro that, tlio when lm may, even on tho day after th»* liiat annual payment, bis widow and children will lm endowed with tx certain amount of money, Take an Endowment Policy, and thus provide for your family in Urn i vent of early death, and for your own old no'*, should you live out tho stipulated lime. One on-lit to bo satisfied if ho gets, at the i ml of twenty yenra, nil tho money he hn« invested, with more than -• ven per cent, interest, nnd has had the a.-Mitanea, all through thost: twen ty years lliat, in case ho died, tho full am.amt ol the policy would nt once I • payable In tbo beneficiary under • 1 ' : r ’> ■ R lt»<» good to bo ‘ 1 • • but i! can b.‘ proved if you will t ike the I rouble to inquire. “1 mi iti ti.d,’ said General Dear- b i “that among ouo hundred mer- > !aiiis and traders, not moro than tin ee ever acquire independauce. ,, i;^ •l»n u(. r i.m with a Magio c, Hi i tbo In respotico to inquiry of a nows-' lux per report or, reojutly, ns to his opiu ' ion of what is tho true secret of sue- ' cess in business in making money, \ mderbil: says Stxvo what you have and live witbiu your income. Avoid till mvculati **.i. No matter what 1 was making l always mndo it ' tx rule to save something; and this can. .', if pxvsisted in. is sure to succeed. | The money will pile up in ‘.'mo. Li Mmo sections of tho north-west i they have had killing frosts, and con : fiidorul !e d uuago done to corn and | other crops. Babies are disevibud as couponsta- taohed to tho bonds of matrimouv. t-ueu under n y hand nnd official signa ture, this July 2'J, 1876. JOEL BltKWKH, Only. Tlio Largest and Grandest NATIONAL EXPOSITION Agriculture, Horticulture, MECHANISM, .MlMUiAI. A ART JE ' Elt l , .d in tl;*..' 'coticn, wi.' coia- A-J rnencc &t T-l OTv(Iir t Q A., : OLD FAIR GROI'.MiS, OCT •5th, AM) (ONTINl lNt; I N riL OCT. Ptii, 1875. Ci» - n c cne and all to see the Big Shows. Exhibitors ait Earnestly requested to com luence \ rcparntions now ami biing to the Fair all their ino Stock, . Mechanical . ventious, Minerals, Ait and Products of the Soil, not alone l'or tie Premium, but to gain reputation for intelligence, skillful workmanship, Ac. No entry :«c will bo charged for u-tides on Fxhibiticn. ,\ great many of tho most noted and prom inent men of the United States arc invited and promised to be present. It will be a great treat to everybody who attends. * J. J. COHEN. Manager, T. J. PERRY, Secretary. J GREAT DISCOVERY! Thompson's Liniment q.iMc a splti ommedated. *cctio:i by all who «i mules and worksi d lot of working unit II. P. LUMPKIN, Deputy Slieiill Stiles. l.K 8U1.1*. the \\ H. t dart own, Polk 1020. 1021, 11G8, •t and 3d section aud and 4t!i section, and and 4th section of age. Nothing brings such speedy nnd sure relief to thosewho suffer with the numer- ru 1 pains nnd aches common to the human r.i<‘c. Do you want something that will niMi'-i und Neuralgia ? Apply Tdioinrsoii'B Liniment nnd sufler no more. For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, nnd Pains generally, THOMPSON’S LINIMENT .Should f k<' nn Hud iwuxcnt Policy or l.iiiiitcd Payment IVlicy in tho MOBILE LIFE. A g tl of m.*v t.tocm, iu Schoharie, N. \ was asked, a few days ago, by a smart young im.n who hud*no means but his salary, to become his spouse. M' ; life insured?” asked she. ’• , s:il “Thon you mw-d luiveit itiSYircd, for I’m not go- wig to marry y,,u and have you die au.i Icaxo mo to beg for a living.' 1 id you need fear no br.rm. tie o> put up right here in * • • H. H. THOMPSON. vhat i-l it baa r foilc. eighboi The Life Endowment i>v wliirh a t’usl, Endowment can b,: '> cured during life, nt life rates of I’lL'inium, is a 8|,ccinl feature of tho Mobile Life -2-OX/lsr(3' I^tAAlsr proml , V'l' 11 011 »'«1 ‘huruty BBn , „ ' “ iir - <"*ra a lone and .ipcnsiTo trip dispensed with, Liniment; physician might h. ply by applying Theiup then keep it on band litUc. No physician can its importance—then keep People sometimes object that they will c : you tmt cannot “iitTont to assure. Knclx ! Vail on DIE It j Fr. Kccse’s Drug ; and you'll never n it Thompson' vv. For sale in ltockmartby K K lL*.w - F. McConnell, Agcm, Acworth, C Stepbe L» :iado iti.'ty one Superior Court Stmth W. Houghton, u» l’i' A! CO hl.d 8. \V. Dr y *i lc'imer 81u-ritt', b. (.. 1AV LOK, Dop't Sh’ff. / a LuuTa.T 1*0l.K VJT J. Meek?, wife i. applied fer exemption "ill puss upon the same ui 11 o'clock - a t!.-. iTr:. day .... ofllc.'. 1 hi - bcpi cuiber I -1th, 1873. .‘OKI. DREW Kit, Old' j urgumedt should rather teach a man j the imperative necessity for ossueing ; i.t oikv. ir /. feels so much difficulty : m Withdrawing such ;x trillo of his in- I.; him i,;Lct on the nightful co::diti..'ij in. j 'vmch his death would ] plunge bis family. i Insure in the Mobile Life at once, i Iu-morrow is not your owu. Delays | I ri d remorse. How many estates 1,: ‘ Vu H;eu eacnficed and families left penniless, because tho father put off i * U5UriR = 15,1 :l wore convenient season^ fa j following is the retail prices j the leading articles of Groceries : Dry Salt C. L. Sidef, Lb,’ ; Baa f • li. llj ; Shouidors, 12] ; Lard, ! till he was better able, choice leat, ISA ; Fleur, 3 to S.\ ; Coru j $1 35 ; Syrup, 00 to .-1 00 ; Sugar II to 13 ; j 15 ; Chickens, 15 j rail personalty, and 1 | Choice Coffee, ' | Butter, 25 ; Ej ! to : R. O. RANDALL, General Agent and Manager, 'Al DSD EX, ALA. 'inch 20—ly