The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 06, 1876, Image 2

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Til 12 RECORD. CKDARTOWN, (IA., MARCH 0, l*7'i. If 4* I It 1111 J> ('llllgllL Tho latest sensation from Waahing- ton is Iho proof of high crimes mid misdemeanors when in oflhc, against .Secretary Belknap, and Ihm n aignution Tho oommitteo on cxjienBcs in tli'; war department, have evidence of a Mr. MnrHh tlinl ho pud Mr*. B Ihnap ten thousand dollars cash and nix lli mih- nnd dollar* per year f*i • three years, for post tradoihliip nt Fori Sill. Belk* UOp appeared bo fore thu commilt'M*, but rnado no defense. Ho b g'cd mercy nt the bunds of tho oornmitlno, and to bo allowed to ronig i. 1’Im president i.r-optid llo mg mliou of Jblbimp. N (with standing (hi*, tholowi i hows, of L'on- gru h aro proceeding willi (ho testi mony nnd punned r- solution!* appoint* mg » committee to proceed l<» tho bar of tho Sonuto nnd imponch Win. W. Belknap, lute Bocrotnry of War, in tho am mo of tho pcoplo of tho United Slates, of higli crimen and miadi inoiu.* orn when in oflier. Tho roBoliilions wore piumed unanimously. Thoquii- tion was rained by Kumsom, of I ova, whether nn officer could ho impeach- ed lift or hi* resignation hud boon ao- eoptod by tho president. No doubt Hint tho acceptance of tho roHigualion by Ornnt was a dodgo to shield Bel knap from punishment. Tho Soon la- ry of tho navy lms boon appointed to fill tho vacancy. Figures Novel- hie. According to the LnGrange Report - cr n forty days’ session of tho Georgia Legislature couIh tho people $112,-107* 77. To t hin enoiniou.i amount in add ed $n,, for legal services, mid several thousand for "ooutingoncies. ’ Tho Reporter Remarks : Lot our rondoru look at those fig ure*, tho cost of olio session of llio Legihlal urn ; and thou r< lb at on llio elm racier of tho Work done by llio Lcgiol/duro, at tho al»ovo cost, and they cannot full to agree with iih, that inch n body in a grand imposition on Iho tux-payers. J'liHiding Coi>illy New s. Court ended in Dulliui leaving on docket only fifty two Imu bills, A aplcndid Hnblmlh school in now in progroKu at Fulrmount. Col. Lyle* lias erected a blaekmuilh abop at Vmblown, and iu now mash ing iron. Tho lichool at l''.di'tnnunl iu now in fmo condition, c .nuideiing tin* inclem ency of tho wculler. . Tho gold nnd copper mines are do” ii g a good huuineea now, wo suppose, iih wo hear no com plaint. Every one that taken tho Ri< oim in thin country arc much gratiliod at its extraordinary iuiprov ment. Juo Yolk in building a in w bouse now, which promis n to add gieatly to tho general appear-men of Yorktown. A piooo of grain quart/. wa pielo-d up by little Rufus West, on lust Sun day, about one bundled yardH from York's store, that w e-very richly im pregnated with g ild. Uuv. Mr. Simpson • y■* Hindi n county bm. been u ollv mi in pi -•nlrd. Ho says bn has lit \ r, on any work bail hotter mivtiiigN and bettor cou* gregtttioUH. 1 r\]-net the Haralson county people are f ir ahead of those who male fun of lli m. The Baptist State Convention meets in Thomnsvillo on the 20th of April. Thu pei11 lo of that v.t urn b.i .pitul, ami llio Baptist chuteli there have al ready nppointid a committee of ar rangements, with tho vein-ruble S. Alexander Smith ut its bead. Tho way they weigh Ii - in Kan sas i* as follow • They first tie the hog to one m 1 of a rail, balaiic the rail i ll a fence with loci;--, tied to tho other end, and then guess h >\v much the inks wiigh. Wo al< glad to k w, - iys thi l'e lumbuH Tuiii i ti.iit the b g .tu.. h e. passed the bill author*. ng Mem • grophera to be npp iuted by tin judges of the supni' r courts. Their compcns ition in t iki- testimony is tho a; me as now giver, but they charge llu ir own pi a > i i t .-iking t - limOliY, eh I - .*, a-., ill* s. They are colli t o.'.ie is, nnd sworu in ns other.-. ihi.l v actually sav huiuliids of dollars annually to the county, in the sp .iiy ti.inaction of business. I’udi i our old system tho witness wa. ■;•;•* I at the end i-f i very half dusn u words lo allow the reporter to catch up. We think it will bu a rcmuueralive oflhv, for aside from that compensation allow *1 by the county, tho lawyers will pay hand aomely for correct report-. ol tho Ls- timoiiy and the judge's chatge. Aside from expediting business, it will save thooourt and law,.i is a vast deal of nunoyance, wlien tiny disagive. The great e.-lutes of English 1 aid ed propiietoi-b have been chi llv form* c l by the gradual aggregation of pur chased lands rouud an origiual nucle us i f j ntrimonial pro\ orty. (Danger Speer HKK1UII NO. 1. Ill- A him to Arl|imt the Itiutif* «»t Paitii-H wlicic llontcht curls Ii a v c been >ohl. - - i Ailmta i’ iiniiiuiluti ] II wM iny good fnrllliH oik; IjrigM | J |, 0 ri .ient (Iccii.iOD of lh«. i.uprotno K 1,11,1 '.v inoriiiiiB lo m.„ n lar K .. j ,. opr |, j„ „ oertnin hpmcklool ense, cowl uii mb). I uiiil. i nprOTnof mik Uvlii.-h wmi nn .:!irllit|iiiik'j lo n vm,l 1° B' jt information on fnnnin;: , mimlrer of tltlm in lliin ntutn, Bprnng A wnrlliy can ■ lintl < lint rtonttof j tm iinpi-rtttivn duly upon llio Irninln In,I lo^elln r. Tiny entno with Imnkulit! t Mro |„ "provido for Hu, 1 djon of full of oookod pitt, oliitlo n mnl B in B tr 11| 10 rlglitu of pnrliitH in huuIi ™„ „, utltn. Aflor dlnnnr llin crowd 1 Hormtnr JIcD.tninl iulroduc, I ,i lull bind in n ItirKo ItotiBo in order (o ho j which ln» pn«si d both lmuaoH, boon poolod on mihuoiling, out Bowing and Ki^tuol by llio governor, nnd in now n direct trude. Thcro worn two npouk- j luw. At tho rcqoonl of iimnMOun pnr- for tho occuttioD, Iho Ii rot won n ii,« und fur gonornl iufornmtioij, wu Sheriffs Mortgage Sale for iVlay, TI/IUi Is- null] before llio ('-mil lion- • »» in Oilartown, I’ulk counly, ' "illiin 11>o li-^ul liourti nf mlr <>n tiio Fimi Tuea.lny in .May next, Hit- following prdp- «*■•/ ‘o-wii: I. of tv of Innd. number j 92, 121, 122, lit. !"». I-HJ, 1CH, I.VJ, 11.0, 101. 102. 103, I I. 1C1, 10*1, Ifltl, I'll}, 15)7, 198, 199. 200, 201, 203, 20|, 220, 221, 22-1, 228, 229, », 2 -1, i, 260 91, 2 Ilian who bad farmed one year or ho and bad not huccccdod; llio other a man who called liimadf a doctor. 'J bo first Kpoakcr cirno out, as be Huid, to inuko lii* flint Rpcoob. I for get bin prulimiunrioR, but tbo last part was not on subsoiliiig, but coiiBiaU-d of Homo nice little poetry about a spoon, as well u» 1 romomber. What a matt could nay in hi t lirsl npecch about a Hpoon lo granger., and in po etry, too, I leave your readers to im agine. Tbo next Hponkcr, however, was a regular built granger Hpo kor, a man with long Imlr bobind, but oft* pretty wliort in front ; a nancy look, long legs, and a Hwiuging air. His attitudo was copvincing, hi* npeeeb was not. He commenced by saying that ho was a pretty good physician, a Christian gen- tlcmaii, and a man that was well thought of where lie lived. Tho farm ers now prepuro tliumsolvon to lu-ur Homethiug on mibHoiling or direct trade. Ho raid : Ladies and Gentlemen :—Tho last ■■]- uki-i- in a furirior. f saw- him one day aotunlly in the field under the shade of a tree. As lie has not been long iu I be f -rraing bu«iucii , i lie re minds mo of an Irishman who had been raised on tho sea. Tho Irish man concluded at last that bn would l)>. j re-produco it : ' A BILL, to be entitled an act to provide foi llio adjustment to the rights of parlies in c ues where propoiU which Iiiih been set apart under the Loim .T ml and ex emption laws of this State, baa here tofore boon sold. Section I. Bo it enacted by the gen eral assembly of the State of Georgia, That from and after tho passage of Ibis aet, courts of equity alone ohall have jurisdiction of suits for tho re covery of property which lias bci-n set apart under tho homestead and < x- j in 3 I I 1 - 1 '.y. ompliou laws of this Htute, and which has bcou heretofore sold, or for tho re covery of any interest therein, and that it shall be lawful for any party to prove that Hie purehm.o money of such propelly, or any part thereof, lias boon invested in other property, or has been applied to the benefit of the family for whom such property had been set apart as aforesaid. Sro. 2. Bo it further enacted, That incases where tbo proceeds of jr j- crly sold as aforesaid, Inis been invi .1- ed in oilier property of equal value and for tbo benefit of -aid family, tho court shall confirm tin- sale and tbo purchase, and therefore tho property so purchased shall be hi 1.1 by tlm fant- ly as a homestead and exemption in . JO8, 301, 310, 317, oil hi lag in 1 Till .li-iricl mil 1.1. Bortimi «f Polk i county, (Sc"i gi'i i ii*i.l h!bo I hr- f.llmvlng la - | lo wit: tininlicr* 17. 23, 28, IB, 17, I-. 49 H9! 90.’ 9l", 92, 9::! Vi, 99.’ II '. 120 i'jI.Vj'.! 120, J27, 12H, 181, 13.;, |;;;, ll\ I.VJ, 1.1, Hi9, |(|0, |Si, 112, Ifl'l, 107. II’.'*, I7|, 17y, 193, 191, 201), 201, 20|, 20',, 228, 231, 22'*, I 30h’ , ir.i, : 11 * 813,' 37s. 1. j. ; •’99, 10*, in. ur» 12a. i o. uii h. a.: -1 j lying in 2nd<li"iriot nnd 4ili -«j '*i >n of Polk Polk ( 01111Iv SlicrifT Sale (or Mai-i ll. Will Iip void before 1 *. *• r’«>»i rt 11 »>n - o Door in f.'cdnrliiivn. on ilia fir.-t Tu - I.y in March next, witilth iho lrgol hmim of a.-»1p, llic follouing properly* to-ivll: K glii li.-iid of cattle, one a red nnd while •{iwklnl two r<4 nii-nly cow,, on. mciily b>iH yenrling. four hend of vlicep, nnd iaip light hug of eon 11. Levied upon hy virtue of n mortgage fl fn U«upd from Polk fiiM-rior court in favor of H. 1*. .Smith. Klin-* I*. AS II STOKE. M.Cnmp. Pro Ii fn. ' Jan. 3, 1 -73. II. P. M’MPKIV, Buid -J. S. STUBBS & CO. CedttPtown, Cjtxi. A WE -YOW HKOBIVINU A .SPLENDID STOCK OF Dry Goods. Notions, Boots and Shoes, (i'i* KOROIA, I’of.K l OIIOCKIIIKS, HARDWARE, | IlEADY-lIADE CLOTHING HATS AND SADDLES, I Ronght for Cash, nt I 1 SOLI). Cull nnd pxm I Celehrated -Waif Plo r> '* ''tH bu Hull's Patent Rotary I7nrrow—WARRANTED. » figures, nnd we nr.- dploruiin.-d NOT TO RK I'NDEU- i- ".-1 Price s. .Sole Agent« in Polk county for the .. mor. 5 ',. K , m ti HVr.iVd from'i’olk Hup 1 : court in favor of Alfred Hhorler, ngu iho «»id l-ilna Iron compnny, log. iher nil iip|iurlt-iiiiiiottv nnd llxlurc* then- properly | ctuh d out in 1 full privileges *kitidrH f °and * II. P. LI.MI'KIN, Wli’ff. Murc-li I, 187ij. folk Sliei ifl' Sul<-*» for Ash it. I LL he Bold, on Iho Pint Tuesday ii April next, ln-foro tho Conn M'u- door in O'lhrlo" c, Poll, i.oiinfy, («,... • , . Dei EL RltliWKR, Loie of Innd Nos. 1. 2, 3. d. f,, (*,, 7, g o, I S'., *-0. 87. > 89. "0. 1. 92, I I 1*3. ’il l'll. 190, 189. 188, Jb7. II , ,. 1 ■ .1. I,},}. I 107, 108, IO'*, 170. 171, 1,3 173, 171, IT.'., 211, 213, 212. 211 and 240, nil lying and . p LOIKJIA P< >LK <9)1 N I’V. M II. ' R nn, (’ 1 . Rum , (i. <J Orm nnd ! ether* having made application to have the 1 rivule way now in umc, i -lnhliiihcd a- <> ; public road of second Cln-s or twenty f.o: wide, commencing and leaving the Prior's .‘-l.ii.uii Road n curl lie old hvi-ige over (Jc- superior eoiirl, ngninil the »n:• Properly point laud No. 1**11 notion of Polk f II. J. Taylor Lev; rd ILL RRKWKR, Or,I AcIiiiiiiis(iti(oi- <, H Sale. MURDER I $10,000 00 REWARD ! Everybody run here and 1 urn bow to g.-t rich. Tho wheel of fortuno ia turning, and “THERE’S MILLIONS IN IT.” PHILPOT &c DODDS, Have murdered tho old plan of high prices and big pi r cent, nnd uro OI ViNG AWAY Q O O JD S At Buell Low Friers ns Defy Competition. People who go to Home! sell their Cotton and come back to buy goods from PHILPOT k DODDS’ NEW CASH STORE Como and Buy Almost \\ 1 r r II 01 T MO .N E Y - And you will go homo and drruiq of peaco and plenty. DRY G00BS & GROCERIES, And tiro Selling thorn -at remarkably low prices. Sut»:ii*, { *oIl<*€*, C1h*<‘k<*, I 'InIi i IA IlD\Y\ RE, CROCKER Y lourn lo f.iriu, ».I ko wont nut 1111J 0|) liuu <,f llio pio|>, iAy „ ,M wliioh I'milionl bi.11 ill Id u flinnor to limn, j „| m || bo iliwibnrgoU <>( Inc ptuiiculur II.C trmlc. Ho did not know tb<-) unl.ito vcHcdhy ...d.l b<i. ml ■ i.d immoH of tho farming implements even. : exemption lawn in mud I'm,,I The farmer put tbs Irishman to plow- j ,4, { ., g, )j„ j) furthor enact* d "I ^ l "" 11 rocky bill nblo with u yk. j j„ w |„. r0 „|| lll0 of ..sol. niul n Ally iu front nnraod Ji n ( M ,d„ „f o|,<. ly Imvo l„ , i, up,.In d t„ nil'. Tho Irinb..111.1 plowed ,m, und j u,,, l„.-,„iii „f i,.,id llio i linully K «.t into n yellow jnck-.-t, mud. s |,„n , n„, t |, u ,p , Tim oxou plunged about iiwbilo und | tbo properly w,.. Id hIc.II In> di-cli... >propel id of the p u l ii 1 Hec. -J. P»o it ftirlln 1 csitiil. That up in the rigging, and (bey a ing to destruction as fast ns ON DIUIXTT TltADE. Tho spenker thou udvisotl t grangers which he called sor turned the yoke, and the filly tangb-d heicolf iu tho gear. ’J bo Irishm .11 nlooil und looked on nwhiln, thou bull j„ ,. 1WB wlioro u parly only of II,. (d for tbo liomie. “ A11-. I 1 ! luint r! i procttodri of propotly, Hold m, n f >r. you holler count down yonder, the H„id, |„, H been it-tltvenlod kh nft.r. ttd, birbunrd ttitlo of tbo yoku in on lit. „ 0Hrl „u a || |„k 0 „„ uee..u,n of Ibe starboard tide, nnd Jcqnlo in Iuik|i.1 , propotlion (but tho am. tint to inve»l- rt ’ drift- , ,i 1 eat to tbo outlie vidnu - f the they can , pfopeety sold, und shall eotillrtu It j sulu aa lo that proportioiialo [ olof ; tbo ptopeity, nnd oonilttu tint j tt- 1 tilium or ; elttiBo, niul Ihotouflor tbo pn peity ho edtoaded , pntelimted sltull ho held hy mi I f.tnt - (mo or Sant Hard’ll Wot da;. Tllese | y „„ „ p„,l of their limn ,d a. d wein sneli iih lm.l quit the noeinty b<>- j ixompUe,.,, in lieu of tl.u pr. p.iiitoa eaiiso they did mil K el us rauoli coin j llto p» r t aforiwid ,.f the prop, nv , r "" n 11 tboy , spouted au Kl, w biab shall ho di ‘ ft 11.. 1 woro iikn nn old woinnu who bud pnrtiaulur oatato uforosnid, 111 v " Sbo plndid (jco. 6. Bo it fmtlurounoted, •bat llio Aral elmuoe, that aho-would I j„ C „„,. H „|, or „ „ , ml , ,„,| v „f ,p hnvu ono. Him took a trip Boy CO odn Bold an nfoie add been „p. eon,on around with orau B e». 'Have p| iui | to tho laun lit of: aid llv, th- an oranpe, main "(lie as I will."- I L . olll . t „ lull | | a p„, 1M ,., v „„ llt „r t|„'., , 1’i.ya for il ; pools it; thrown lie pulp p ini: , m Uiat llio ., applied v. Stranger Hiltii, K by, b. n.u to tho onlii value of lb, , ,. r - bk« ora.ijfen, nun, r I, Id, and shall o .niirin ih. . ale tlial I love them, they (! ol j that piopovlionale p ,vt of ' ” Soro headod Kran- p,. 0 p 01 . t y, v,Liob shall he (-era had not staid in tho society long of , llu p :ll iUula r . Male af.o, „,i.l. , nongb to not tbo gulp, bod only got | Sll , 0- f lrl ,,, p .,. |l (t ,,lc l 111,1 in oases wli.'ii any portion of tbo pr •lie Ii' ir/und credit■ rs .f said .), |). M« r ! I'd*. 7. ii. 1). moin ou UR. Aliin’r. A full Lina of Notions, Trimmings, Ribbons, White Goods, Domestics, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES. READV-5!ADE CLOTHING Uid in fact a General Assortment of M*, all at Greatly Reduced 1’iii-i . Being fix**1 up in good sty! ', no routs lo pay, nnd having paid (' i h f' i their floods they uro able to Compete successfully with any oue. Cull and he convinced. apr 17 • ’.lilt Mii iltr iifor Mimli. \\ 1 /■.if..' 1T FOH THE GEM rpm; M.I.KN llOt'SK O ■ IT. r. d fur H (l |, PARIOR i y.f;.' ( II ORGANS Hg.iiiMi Janie* 1 R, Morgan/land now in !”■ --ion ■ ! T O sum oi. I.ery male .Inn 10 t ednitown, Ua. r. the i i st i s rsi: and war- rafted FOR 11VE VEAUS. <>ut tho wiiuio too l>ig a her LIVERY STABLE. : opposiloH yt’s Drug Slot 1 1 1 ' '' 1 '' - .... tv-t: - V.. a 1 I ' \ w a/ . . V .,1 ii, , i * i • > i, will, . .■m l ui-iHi t>.y vlrluo of u ^tables, wlu-ro lho [if ON lOMMI lltT. Tho fanners Imil been si\imlleil so much by tho merchants that they huil gotten u i ll to ii. Liko a family that usoil to skin els for a living. A man on mu along one iliiy anil saw tho man and his sons skinning cols. “You ought not to skin llumo eels," nays Iho uuin, “it’s cruel.” "O, they don't mind it; they arc usod to it,”said tho old f How. So the farmers have bum skinned so i"Ueh tln-v hi a* u -ed to it. i M*H The speak i tho enihusinatio—he was loud. "Mv fnemls, we liu\. a grand society. Wo arc grangers. Our banners now wave over the West and North ; s • in they will be in all tho south. Wo have great Huron to be encouraged. You must do your best in this community. Bo liko tho little boy whoso mu told him to set a hen. "Son go out yon der and set that hen, put lot- of tggs under her too." Little boy goes out ; sets the hen ; comes back. “.Son, did you sot that hen?'' “Yts mum."— "llow many eggs dal wu put under her?" "Five huinhvd." "Why son, she cau't cover tivo hundred iggs!"— “l rerkou she cau tun, 1 told hor to spread herself." So you grangu.- must spread yoursolws. P. D. L. f property sold has neither h on invested in . t!;• i property, nor applied to th hen* Hi e; said family, tho com! shall uscertuiu tho ninount thereof and tho i tio .-t of said family, therein, and ahull mould u decieo to protect the rights and in terest of said family iu tho property so sold, und at tho same time to pr, - tect tho rights and inten ts of tho purchases in tho r«-\Lion of .-uch pi up. orty after tho particular e.- iatu ;.i u said, shall require [ a. ties , .mphiinan.; to do complete equ ly in the premises Ivforo obtaining equity, Sec. 7. Be il further enacted, That in casus where a portion or alt of th* purchase money of property so sold has uot boon paid, the court may c in firm tho salo and order tho ro-mw-t- ment of the proceeds, or umy cancel and set aside tho sale, and compel the restoration of any part of tho pur chase money which may have been paid and may giant relief to lie par ties accordiu: S, P. SA EPARD, Family Grcccries, at»; ki :cti* >x Kit 1 KK. CANNED GOODS, AC. Cave Spring Tannery, j Tf. N. PEARSON vV CO., j HIV;. . ' LEATHER I'."* ■••* Ihj'- >2 ""“In 600 ACRES j Cedar Valley Land TWO PLANTATIONS *•’<>*? S A I, 1 IV (I fAlthOH i.ltltAN, por- .ut.l iit» I... puliral.r lo K vl llio THE ' RLOR ORGAN ill style of fini-'.i. ilurubilfiy and musical qu.lihv. Ii.. no superior. The Caccs are of Solid Walnut " l! " “ :!r Mn l I'-.- t c l'il\ -Lilli 1 worknien, uml !•; " 1 liuu.I w,in'ly 10 bo an ORNAMENT TO ANY PARLOR is a list of styles : " KB, Two anti one half •-.•d. rct>«i.-*: -ix slops — lliapason, Principal, Flute, DuloUnm, Forte, ’l l. K„,.,. Swell; Puiont Mu se Ru'-k; Soli 1 Walnut L’anet*. The folUtwing . No. f.0 - Five ()<t ith of ii l J 1‘ and M .1 Dei -Five Octavrn, Two and ono half .1 and undi i-~ liMii o, .i li" dii eiliiij:, | s- i- *.f r.-.-*U. l ight Htops-Uia- ouve*. oreharil. \r I I"*"on, Flute, Duloiana, \ t.x Celeste, Treinolo. Principal, Forte, Treble Forte; Knee Swell; 2 4 0 ACRES. I' l t'. Wpfl limiH I, i, 1-lH of l «M-E,^llitle >l„p - ._l)irt|, rtS . t.' is u,li! ( . j n : . 1 Prinvij-til, Fc'ite, Treble Forte; Kn*-e Swell; patent music rack; 12, 18 PHILPOT A. 1)01)1) Und Nob. 9.11, 1031. l-’OIf SALK. I A bon nitv. ♦See. 8. I -* it furt In r enact* nil suits herciu provided for, brought within six months ; •iph-. d, That i shall bo ' party * for ih ■ .■ti force incut nnd £ amt lull bo vd, That A now story of NYashingtou has ro- ‘ ,! i cently eemo to light. His poreounl ; friend, Ciouvcruuur Moms, was ab.-ut in going to Europe, nnd Washington, iu along with several letters of iutroduc- co tion, g nu him this elmigo : ‘To buy ti*. him at Paris a flat, gold watch; uot dt the watch of a fool, or of a man who for iu this desires io wuko a show, but of which Sea 10. Be it further cuacted, That the interior construction shall bo ex- all laws aud parts of laws iu conflict tnmiely woll cared for, and tho exto- with tho provisions of this act bo nnd nor air very simple ' tho same are lurch* repealed.; c-c. 9. Be it ftu th uses where suits are now pending ?ourts of law or equity for the n- ty of prop* r:y sold nfor.said, p.u- di fetulauts shall bo entitled to tho IUSCS anil equitable relief p..tided 'Feb. 7, 1876. H. !*. U MI'KIN. Sh Mortgage Slicriir Sale. \V T 1 could I j black Thompson’s Liniment luatiBiti and Neuralgia T A,.ply Thonq -on’s For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, THOMPSON’S LI IMENT and you need f.-nr no harm. This then keep il on hand—it will cost you but little. N<> physician can practice •‘uccc'.-- its uupunance—-then keep it on band^Vou ‘-'ull on 1»R. R. K. TllOMl'^oN, .ver I l'r. Reese's Drug Store, get u hottle, and For >;i]e iu Rock mart by L K Iloge. | (i. P. McPu.NNELL, Agent, Acw.mli. ti.* j VALLEY HOUSE! ^Formerly Edmondson House.) CEDARTOWN, CA. KEWI.V FURNISHED 1 BOARD CHEAP\ GOOD Ft : Octavks. Two and one half • • <«'« '-pf- Diapason It,-. I,.I, Flui f, Puiciana, Vox ( • . t.., Snli Octavo Coup- : Tr.-nu.lo, Principal Forte, T. ■ * P m, Knee Swell, patent V Su)>-I’at •. ( lurionet, Octavo . Principal Forte The Patent Music Rack on the ♦ JlOAl OUGAIV TESTIMONIALS. Em H. Rowland, musical instruc- - " ‘i-hingtou M. E. Church choir, *tylo of case aud bauds* e without an equal. ' Washington War: •tore is nn improved^ ay lured hy (lie (i-iu Organ Coimlany; of U u«hiugton. I’he case.-* are of solid walnut irtistioslly finis *ed and joined together in he in -t thorough manner. The wood 1 rx evidently shows • i.o master hand of hcskillevl mechanic. The musical qnali- ,M " { V' H ; or 1 g ' in ’ "° wcarc i,,forrne ' 1 h y ao iCLuinpii.-hed musician, are not exceeded ■y the he si in-truiuents of the kind in use. t is furnished with eight stops, which gives » full ,'ct pe in themo-t difiliult pieces of lit ?«-ti of reeds, so arranged that the "• 1 -lire i. The organ i- al-o supplied with * patent music rack, which, besides being tonus accomuiuuaiing. For further in- ■ ... - - * THOMPSON ,v VYIKLE, fob. 21. Heal Estate Agents. L. uk to your interest aud call aud Cower \ Jones’ make, as iho properly of I W m O. - d and INiUie ii. I,',,. I. to »*,!-. ; fy a mortgage ti fa from ,Polk superior o nn. ... lavvr of J -ha J. Howard against bOO 118. 'S:A'!A:‘U . . O. R. FLOURNOY, n. P. LUMPKIN. Sheriff. | jau Id Proprietor. putw-i’mer. Iti conclusion, we cau say Witlio-.ii prejudice, that me (Jem Organ for beauty of style, handsome finish and exccl- li-nt musical qualities, has no superior. ra.r A WRITTEN WARRANTEE FOR ii\r. YEARS ACCOMPANIES EVERY OEM PARLOR OKUAN SOLD. Address for terms, GEM ORGAN COMPANY, P. O. BOX lo7, WASHINGTON, ' jan. 3 NEW JERSEY.