The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, March 13, 1876, Image 2

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THE RECORD. CKDAKTOWN, GA., MARCH |3, 1*76. Wo agree with our qptTPftpondoiit, “Dotter," that if our fiii iuIh would tuko aorno iotorent in writing for out paper, on any subject, il would not ( nly tnnko tint pnpor inoro inter. Mil g, but would benefit tbo community.-— On (ukiiqfu ft ieinl of aunt to write for tbo paper, bo replied that lie did not know wlmt subject to cbooRo. No rnnttor wlmt subject. Kve-y one him roiijo “bobby," ho to speak—ttotnoHUb* ject tipporinoHl in liin mind. Write something about il, nnd Unit will cull out otberR. Put the bull in motion, nt.d it will bo cosy to keep it rolling. Jlrnnch out on agriculture—give your ( xporionco on the bent method of cul tivating corn, outa, wbout, cotton, or other produce, nnd aonio one oluo will do thn Rinno. ]ty adopting such n pinii, all w ill be benefited. Our col* nnniH are nlwnyn open for anything “for tho good of the order," the coin inun.ty. Our hint grand jury appoint od acoramitlco to inventiguto Ilm pro priety of OHtnbliNliiug itti ahuiiH house for the poor of the county. It. would not bo nmiaH for our citizen** to give their viewa on that subject, pro and con. Let’s hear from you, friends. An excursion of North Western nu n will visit Atlanta on tho 1/itli. Tim Constitution thinks il will be number ed by tho thousands. The party will bo composed principally of capitalists who are seeking a proper plnco to in vest their money, some in lands, oth ers in uiuuufuctorioH. HcvcnJ cities in tho 8tut* are holding out induce- Hunts to the excursionists. We boo that Rome papers are asking tin city council to make an (flbrt to induce I be-in tovihil Home nnd Floyd county. Cot Id not some nrraiigeimints bu made to induce, at least somo of tho parly, to visit Cedar Valley ? Those of tho excursionists who wish to purchase farming lands, should by nil mentis pay our beautiful valley a visit. Our town authorities should take some nc t : on in the matter, in I lie i vent they pay Homo a visit. No l’ I’niNii a. Ah i.luted pre viously in our columns, tho public printer was notillcd l<> give a new bond. Last wee k ho otiered one sign ed by good nniiics, but as the signa tures wore not. attested according to tho requirements of tho law, the (b>v- ornor roturnod tbo bond to l>o per- feok'W? As Col Alston did not again present if ho iiiiihI have concluded to resign, as his resignation was yester day sent in and accept< d. So at pres ent there is no Public Printer. (,'unatituliuii. KdItou Hkcoiih: — In your i*>uu of tho (Hli instaul, wo see quite a m ally written oomiuunioation under (ho head of “A fow Dots from tho Backwoods," which wo do not quito midt r itand. llow it is that a IhicI'iishhIh neighbor hood can sustain tlm only live (Irmigo in tlm county, have flourishing Sab bath and literary eoliools, ami a now church odilleo in process of creation, iH past our comprehension. Will “(.iilinlimm" please rise and » xpluiu ? > Wo can probably Uml.mUiiil why his ooiiininniontion was da!..! from “Hard .Scrabble." It certainly iH a ivery hart l nrobblv for the p. uplu of any section of country to live and keep out of debt, AVo trust that as theso aro ‘Gwliol- 111118* ” first dottings, they will not be his last. Lot US bear from him often. We would like to see your columns ••ilottod" from every station t ,f the County. 'J’liCBo little it*m< mo of iu- t« iv' s t to all your romlura. 1 would like, too, to hear tho views of durei - izeus on various subjects —agricultu ral, religions. political, etc., whether applicable to our state, county or fed- i ra) a (Tail s. It ii only by an inter change of views that the wishes of the masses can be rt celled. Stir up your readers. L t all woik, not only to benefit cacti other, but nLo to make your already lively piper the Inrhvs! in North Georgia. I tom a." Tight Livin'. March 11, 1870. AN All'. Tho investigations in Washington are implicating almost every mo nbor of Grant's cabinet in some rascality, and it is thought that Grant cannot escape much longer. A Washington correspondent of tho Atlanta Consti tution says ma/iy of (Jrant's political opponents who bavo heretofore refus ed to believe him personally corrupt, are now coming to the opinion that he in little or no better than I ho thieves who have surrounded him. Judge Tuft has been appointed Hue- rotary of War by Grant to fill the va- cacy occasioned l>y the resignation of Belknap. He in thought to ho honest. Wnsliiuiiion .News. Wahiiinoton, March II.—The cabinet met at noon to day, with all tho mem bers present, nnd remained in session until after throe o’clock. In the after noon tho subject that roeeived consid- ation was tho institution of criminal proceedings against ox-Sccretary Bel knap and those who were associated with him in the practices of b ibery and corruption that have just h en oflleiully disclosed, and the selection of a now Secretary of War. Tho president stated to tho cuhinet that while ho could lake no steps which might look to the persecution of 1114’ one, ho had. determined to shrink from no responsibility that r» st eal upon him, and lie then foro asked the attorney general to take immedi ate slops to proceed with tho criminal charges against Gen. Belknap and Messrs. Marsh and Tomlinson, and all others shown by any ovidonco that shall he adduced to have held part the painful transactions that were the subject of attention. Upon I liis determination of I he pres ident thire wire full and thorough <x- prussioiis of opinion favoring such ac tion as tho president had determined Upon without delay. The peculiar character of the case of Gun. Belknap's offence differs in many respects ns it does from hi ordinary ease of bribery. Ir wuh a mibjtct of comment and dis cussion, tho result of which was the reference of the en tin* matter to the attorney general, who will take the ncoehMiry steps to enter criminal pro ceedings just so soon ns the turns cun be pul in Hlmpn to be sw orn. As 11 part of the disc m sion it is men tioned that there should ho no delay in tho proceedings because) of tho pro gress of an impeachment trial. The two trials will ho entirely independ ent i f the otln r. Wabiiinoivn, March 7 -TI10 evi dence of I’ieiTcpont's interference in fuver of Belknap in the luuuls of (ho judiciary committee of the house is nl- most conclusive. Ilii imposeInuont is possible (Communicated.) To sum it up, two hundrcT! and fif- It has been truthfully said that “for ty-tlu eo w hisky sharps have been in- natural woilth, inexhnustablo r« - dieted, of which sixty-nine have plead- sources, s ill, climate, water, and di- ! ed guilty, thirteen been convicted and versified products, tho blue grass re- three acquitted, and levies made on gion of Kentucky, tho valley of Vir- prope rty to the amount of $3,865,295. ginin, and Cedar Valley, Polk county. The actual sum covered into the Irena* Georgin, aro not equalled by any sec- ury so far, however, is only $195,503. lion of country 011 tho globe. It ought, to bo a silencer to croakers Of tho hitter, we would specially | |« know that bu-ines, is at least biisk speak. Cedar Valley is situated in in some qnm tors. Tho ruining stock the 34 degree of north latitude in the business in our foreign consular de blue limestone region. Tho water is part men t; tlm pos'-tudersiiip line in impure, tho climate us healthful, tho the cabinet; tlm dislillciy hiiHinessin land as productive ns any lu the world; tlm white house; tho street improve noted especially lor tho ahund .nt ment hiisiuess in Washing on, etc. N K W ADVERTISE MEN TS. S. P. SHEPARD, UEIJARTOWN, — DEAJ.F.Il IN — Family Groceries, CJONFKCJTK JN KRrids, • CANNED GOODS, AC. r AM now lncttle'l in 1 i.a Main ‘•tm-i, a in lIi0 now uiorc house next dour to hr. I.. I pcct fully »-k a share of trading |.uh)io, promi**- yioldsof cotton, corn, wheat, oats, clo ver, and all the grasses. Vicing suc cessfully witn the South-west in tho production of cotton, and with the N n th-west in tho abundant yield of all the grain crops. Almost in tlm centre « f Cedar Val ley ar«) found immonsu iron deposit etc., nil seem t-> he panning out go d profits. A Now Yolk loth r of Saturday say “Southern vegetables ii* d fruits are beginning to crowd tbo city markets. Green peas from Florida me ‘-t ilingat $4 60 to $5 per crate, and cucumber,, ut from $5 to $6 per dozen; lettuce 60 to :n pita lists, $5 per quirt. Bermuda potato beginning to make their nppeu: . Cave Spring Tannery. R. N. PE-ARSON *V CO., H WK Mabli*hed an Agency In Cedar* I'twn with J S Htubbw «V Co , who will keep cormlanlJ/ ou hand h full supply of LEATHER, wnicb have attracted tboso indoinitii- 7/3 cents per dozen; strawhi rrios $4 to i ** t H*« “ ;u, “* l ,ri, ' ,, “ as nt Tannery, and die In wye id for. veil IM K H nmiKAT. Rchouok ivim recalled on express demand from 1-2iiglntid. Thu tluhiy in tho ollioiol action wuh to lot him Hiifi-ly t<> sea, A prumlncat member of lliu l.onwt* mid member of 0110 of tho In'voNiignltii^ ooinmii loi'H Ih111 kh tliruo inviabi'iH ,,| tho cabinet will ho impeached. Ilcriba- <'ly mi-r ■- quoted that ev. ry tbli.R in tho war depart- moat \\ 11 h hiiInt.In. Ilolkiuip oven sold Whnrling privilege* \\'n»hia«toii. V.\-Seori'lnry Doluno nml lib m.» .lohn, will lie lip lirforo tho Iiouho oomtnii too for Hi lling liailera stations in ladiun U'li ito Gideon WvIIh will ho boforo tin* naval commit too .m Thursday 11 -*xi, to testily about tho Hccor claim. AN OTIIKII INVrSTlUATIoN. I’ll 1*i 1.i'll 1 a, .March 7. Tlm liomm na val coiiiinil loo is at I ho l.oapm Inlaml Yard to day. Tao coiumittvo will roiimia hero several days. Tltoir proccoding.i aocrot. v i; r a noth mi. Wm. I. rurmnii, momhor of emigre** from l‘'lori«la, is under qiumliun nboul poll ing oodctihips mid ollicos. lldwnrd 1‘ Donghoriy, who hud tho eon- I»net for tbo .‘■oblmifT giavo hIoiioh nl Fred 01 i.'knhurg, Yirgniia. nay* ho nvior promi-. od or paid mmioy ii> any oflicor of tiio gov- cniniciit for tho oontrnct. Tho task of providing for the queens children and tho Duke of Cambridge, uot including salaries drawn by any of them beomiHu of of* tici'H they hold in the civil, military or naval aorvieo, has alromly cost, the lbitish public 673,000. There is still one prince to provide for, mid then the chest will have an ‘Opportunity to grow full again before the children of tin lVinoe of Wales begin to mako de mand upon it. Ivitouton M. -M tigcr : Mr. W. burner, of this .Mindy, 1ms in his | » Alter and An,end an Act b> 1., u- Sp«il»i»«». '•>»««» 1 M . s>U)n s. v. u.l UW.-Iooiuh Ki,y,i. e.,,1.,. (VII., IllU»u>.... 1 ptber couutua. [chest, eontaining one d> z 11 nquaro t,.,ll.ylhoOon- . u.-li 0:., al.l..... lu.l.lii.- ' a gallon and a halt. It lias a spring Section J Bi end Asm mbly of the State of Georgia, Tliat tlm sale of tdoohulio bitters or medicated liquors of any kind or ttanio whatever lobe used othorwiao than for medical purposes, on tho prescrip tion of a physicinu in regular practice, shall he doomed a violation of the pro visions of the aforesaid Act, and tho p.rson or persons so violating shall be j>uuinlied as proscribed in section 4310 of the Code of Georgi i, published m 1873. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by tbo authority aforesaid, That all laws and pu ts of laws in contlict with this Act, jje and the same ate hereby repealed. T110& Hahiuaian, jr., Speaker House Hop’s id ire f-.iniliuiity i f BuLc. ck's with the whole case of the i )ti from the outset m accuiu.t- t» Dyur reported to the attorney vrl / 1 g' lieml. Th Utormg'-nend inno cently, of course, comtuuniotied ev erything to tho while house, mid the white house is quite an old mid rickety - and con>i«pio«itly lii.blo t»i" fid bt.ildings will. - Cbicag • j <• A Credit Mobilior vi.m pi esidenl, an Emrna mine minister to England, a croukud private Hocretuy, a bnisted l'i ecu man’s tmnk, a spotted semtiiry of tho navy, a plitmleiiug buss of the (listriel, and now a trading secretary .if war! As live qiuutioiiA of tbo hour, what ere "tho 1'opo of H im. ,’’ or “Jefi* Davis of And. ihonville," to this j [! delightful picture fur the c-1.ten., in inspec ion of foreign imtion*? The reduction in ( >ugr<MHioaal sal niieH agreed on hy tho c imaiitteea ol both housm will net a savin;; of $200 • 000 bio energetic men and Messrs. A. G. West, and J. If. Brown ing, of New York, Who have erected the largest, most oxtousivo iron fur nace in the South, at a cost of already over one-third (£) of 11 million dollars. Two railroads tiro contemplated, which wi'.l intersect at Cedi.rtown, tho centre of Odar Valley. The one from Onrtersvillti to Prior's .Station, inter secting with tho St do road at tbo former place, and tho Selma, Homo A 1 concern Dalton road at Prior’s, in all graded, 1 ^ j. and running to within eight miles of '| M|U , M Cedartowu. Thn railroad running from Columbus to Home, Ga., w ill p inn iiamodiat.-ly through the town. It i. partly graded, and trains running. Throe chut dies,, M< tli- o.list and R .plist for whites, and Meth odist nnd II.plist for colored, are pr> sided over hy curliest Christian p .stois; and as good schools as can ho d<■•■ired, can ho found hero. The cipitiuist, tlm skilled, tho planter; all who are s« eking goon Is iiuh, where labor is rewarded, nnd where money pays a hiiud.s ime pr. et. are \vi Icomcd and made to ftci uthntne here; section'd animosilieH h< rm to |>u fuigotten, ami if out01 tniued at all, hy those only win “got mad after tho light was over." In thn pi at few years the populnli. n has doubled, attracting emigration from tlm fei tile State of Pom. .ylvut.iu. Them is iu .111 for inoro. No ostr.i- ci •in. No renewal of old uuiuiositicb need bu feared. Tho citizenship is more than ordi narily intelligent l'Yoin (lie last, till and Iiciiutiftll homes olio Mi's passing tin-, ugh, w«u Id not think that a lorn hie final.ciid crisis was Wo understand that rm 1 t ho liuvu not escaped the results of tl.o money crash, hut we am much mistak- rvatioiiH, if tlm people of Ihiu section do not rise far superior to this crash, and am not inoro pro.-pci a in two years, than they have ev< 1 TRAVELER. ALL SORTS rim Black Hills over an area of aonio 8,000 square miles. Their lung! h 120 mil. a about, tho width about 80 miles. C.'.ingit'ssiiiiin Piper, of California, i* a butolielor and worth u million. (' .n't tho treasury department spare another femnlo elm k? By imperial decree the cdticilion of the young emperor of China, a . d six years, commences next summer with impositig eer.monies. Mom than six and a half million d.'lhirs in niitimml bank-uoten wen withdrawn from ciroul.itiou in the, nonths of January and February. The fact is that tho w st is the Wrongest section, and will havo n con- tiding intluenco in national uftairs hereafter. Really the west is in a fair way of becoming the union, with X w Fiiiglnud ns a local uttnehmunt. And, like an overgrown cult not quito broke to harness, she feds her oats consider ably, and is likely to cut up antics 1 then. N. iv York Graphic, ieits as Babcock is of tho ree- t it into of his intontious in the mutt.a 'Jj'" Vw'o and V'! tlf n!c ' v t - r i'^ ' thoao oyphor di \ nervous that the V. ry sight of II tel- c b'ir.-h the tialance «ott mth n 1 , , vuripty of irroivili. It ooutAin* a frumrd (graph-pole makes hts conscience | luU8t ., wi u, ,i irot . room--., firopiao.. ... each room, somo out buildings, and an Slid ill's loilgauc Sale for May. *‘»ld beforf 1 In* ('curl llnu*- 1 t'.dart '»ii, I’olk county, I ]c f land, number* MJ. 121. !22. lit, 184, lull. 168. i.vj, i<O, id. i»;j. |».a. i*j 1. Kl'l. ley, ItllJ, 107, It'S l!M), 200, 201, 20|. 220. 221. 22'.. 22H, 22U, 2 JM. 2:«2, 2.1 I. 2M, 2"H. 21'.*, 260. 267. I'M. '. 2*15. 2.1'.. 2C7. 277, 2so -jh6. . 292, 229s, .:ol, ;UU. HI7, all b.Jag 17ih di-tii.i nnd 41 )i vert ion of i *. Ik unity, Cleorgia ; and al-.. tL*• f ,1 It.v» Jng J-ita CASH N T O XI K . X S. STUBBS & CO. Co.lartowii, Ga. ^Y 11K N0W aMEIVINO A 8IM.ENUID STOCK OP Dry Goods. Notions, Boots and Shoes, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, | READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS AND SADDLES, nought r. FOLD, t Olchrated “Watt 1*1. Cuh, at the rlo*p«t figure*, nnd I pxatnino Goods mid Prices I fixtures. Au. ids f.,i Hull's Patent Rotary Harrow—WARRANTED, t- determined NOT TO IJK L’NDER- ole Agents in J’olk county for the MURDER ! $10,000 00 REWARD ! Everybody run hero nnd Ion i how to get rich, turning, and Tho wheel of fortuno THERE’S MILLIONS IN IT.” PHILPOT (5c DODDS, Havo murdered tho old plan of high prices GlV.'Na A.W\A-^5T At hucIi Low Prices ns Dofv Competifh thoi " nd big per cent, and aro GOODS 4a. 17. .**. 61.51. 68, ra, 72. ?a. 79. HO, hi, si, ■'*, '•<». 1*1. 92, art, 94. 09, I IN. 120, 121. 126, 26,’ ! 27. 128, in*. I.a;, 1 ::7. 116, 162. ] . ft. 69, d; i. id. ir.jf, 16a, l«7. ir.o, 171. 172, 9:i, ] ill, iMiO, 201. 2*H. 206, ‘J2.i, 221. 229, 80S, ;;t/9, ill, , .'IH4, 892. 89 •'99, 408, III. Ilf,. 42*). I D, all being ar lying in 2nd district and Ith -eelInn ot I' - county, (;••« 1 tria. n* the |ir<q>'-riy of the K im Iron conqinny, levied iijmii by virtue 1 »•* ti fa issued from Polk Super < favor of Alfred shorter, again iitlin Iron com|>uny, together nil I npjiurlftiancr* and Astuni ll.creuul 'ric.M as Defy Competition. People who go to Rome, sell • Cotton and come bnck to buy goods from PHILPOT & DODDS’ NEW CASH STORK Como nnd Buy Almost A\ ITH OF T M < > N E Y • And you will go homo and drenin of ponce ami plenty. DRY GOODS Sc CR0CERIES, And are Selling them at retnnrknblv low prices. Sli{JUP, Collet*, Clicesc, l<'isli 11A K DBA Bi IL CHOCK EIIV A full Linn of Notions, Trimmings, Ribboim, White Goods, Domestics, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES. READY-MADE CLOTHING ail at < J really Reduced pay, and having paid sful!y with any one. ••ad can nCord can I>«| boiighi ii 1 a turn- kind ot Jot, *vk. ■ lll't hllld. *•'I’ing lioiiMea in III Person*, ceive full inforu F.UIIEK \ W ANTKI* in 1 lie Pulled Stale*. I. I,oral the trade. Orders by mail will nipt attention. Terms t asii - James II. Pnce, Ii ta is*ue.| frmii Polk Superior or i f W C. Kuiglu, Adni’r. *le bonis non uf the e*tato of Henry*)- Silvey, deceased, ) against Thomas *5. W . McMeekin and Jas 1 It. Price security on appeal. Mat , 1876 ii P. I.I MPKIN, sh if. relief to those who stiffer with the nu ou» pains And aches common to the human i laov Ho you want something that will , ease yur head, year bark, cure yur rlieu- 1 Neuralgia ! Apply Thonipaon's ind sutfer no more. 600 ACRES Cedar Valley Laud W FOR SAMI. \ It*) A \ a BOUT v Cedar • ’ m nk«*. f) fa > K. He Polk super., f John J. Howard again I W K lloed. Propel 1 •id ft fa Jan. 29, 1876. P. LUMPKIN. Sheriff. abumlaul apply of water. 'This •me of the best land in this fn- . situated in Noril -N\o-i tL-or- It I. lock, and tho lock aud kc\ arc both queer'-looking cvneeritw. Tlm history of this relic is a little singular. B< - foro tlm reviiluttoiiftry war, the great grandfather of Wm. lumcr, Joseph Turner, then rebi.ling in Virginia, had a neighbor who was a Royalist, or To ly. Seeing trouble at hand, this • neighbor came to Mr. Turner and ! said: 1 tun going homo till this j little fuss is over, amt 1 want you to ! take care of my liquor case rill 1 come j hack.’’ Accordingly, bo sailed for England, but the little fuss uot turn- | ing out exactly as I10 expected, he nev er returned. After the war was over, Mr. Turner emigrated to Georgia with Ins son, who was also named Joseph. ! Tho chest of bottles bus been handed j down from father to son till it reach ed tho hands of its present owner to tho growth of all the ind tho gra*>e*. \< t 1 cotton, 11 is safe to *av liter, with a little help f an average crop year, Tlio republican "organs" might well drop the epithet of "the eonfodor- "»««**. V, GU’; ales" ns applied to the democratic L-Vl adapt house. It doesn't stop the iuvestiga- ; n,!i * lions nmlusu clonk to hi,l« the ini- unities « t the "Clod and .Morality par- fertiluers, tv,” ifa too thill. ' m.k. ,0 ,n..on - 1 ho mine, and pleuiv » William Welsh, of 1\ il.ulelphia, w ho v;""* » » has for scuie years been nu.k ng reto- *1*'».%•* U*i•',.'i' * lute war on thu Indian bureau, stand mw* year ,••» adj, iuii before the house military couiuiilt.o IVniev.''.^r n on Saturday, that “two-thirds of the wuh one muieLt.aal, appropriation for the Indian serviceb ^"• I V ''jop <u uf^'ii is expended for tho election, f United q-i. us States senators." As >" price, thisi land nc;>t be m-ou * bo appreciated. 1 ho owner being deter* The Henderson Reporter says:—- mined *•• '*■•'•• "l take !,-> :,i* •‘Tho true voice ot Kentnckv is for * 1,e • ,1, ‘ ...... .. • ts no bettor, intuis nomtus vallov, within Hendricks for pio>:dcnt. Su it is of ti> ; ,-i few wm* j : u * i, l . luili.iuu nud Ibo Brest west, llernl- lm» >»• ,!,r« *.««, uim- , , , , . , Terms .ot.'iumoa.lio,-, 1 r furl) 1 ieks 1 . il tllO Mill in our \ictories of t\*ms Iiion app > tu the uader.'igiu 1.1', i \r- l'ist year, and there could uot ho a fit- '• T ,:k c>,m ". v ' l,: » • -r t- L. il. Kioh* . , , . , ardson, i*r.. near the premises, ter man to lead % our columns iu tho Thompson ,x WIKLE cnujptuga of 1876." tVb. 21. Real Estate Agent*. I’flk ( )|.irtc;w.> Sheri >ule for Hay. " ill he sold before the Court House Do, in Cedartowu. on the first Tuesday May next, within the legal hours of sal the following property, to-wit: Lot* of land N y63. 9SS. 981, 10? and half of 961. and all that lie* on tl somli side • f <V I if crook of two other !•>• nunih.-r* n t kti,.wn. oontaini-ig two !.u dro*t r 4th 2 ! dis f cotton nnd e to the mule, ! ed tenant the j of the be* ml H. P. LUMPKIN, 8h ff. Postpone.! Sherif! Sale. A\’ILI. 1. n the first Tuesday i * * A nr 11 next, bet : th. . I h u< prop-o poik! nd lot t tho t i Wen . as the j r ] er:\ of S li. Mad eupi.d t\ Hugh Jones, bound ed u* follows: Fronting on the Rome ron, '-)*' feet east, running back 10t* feet to th, laud of John A June*, and the Dodds plac. id south by the old hotel lot less. hah •d upon by virtue of a justice e, art ii fa in tnvor of A Vi. Williamson against said .Madden. Levy made and re turned to me by a bailiff, and notice given possession. H. r. LUMPKIN. Sh-ff. j Liniment For Toothache, Cuts, Bruises, j | Sprains, Hunts, and Pains generally, THOMPSON'S LI IMENT , and you need fear nu harm. This Modi cine is put up right here in your midst,by : Id It. It. THUMPS. iN. Vour rs have tried it. and it ha- never failed to do wlmt it promises. Every family should k -. p it on hand, and thereby save many u j dollar. Often a long and expensive trip ' for a physician might be dispensed with, i j simply by applying Thompson's Liniment; ! then keep it on hand—it will cost you but littl* 1 .No physician can practice succe<-<. j fully without a good Liniment—they know- ! i its importance—then keep it ou baud. Von j , can apply it yourself and save money. | *'••11 • n l'R. It. R. THUMP-''.\ over 1'r. Iteeso * Drug Store, get a bottle, and • never be without it. It willdowhai it *av». ' and you'll never regret buying it. Oct 24 For sale in Hocktnart by L K !I(,ge. ii. P. Mct'U.N N ELL, Agent, Acworth, (ia VALLEY HOI SE Formerly Edmondson H >use. CEDARTOWN, CA. NEWLY FURNISHED I BOARD CHEAP \ GOOD FARE! Look to your iu teres t and call auil see us. O. R FLOURNOY, jau 10 Proprietor. ruck; solid walnut case tavbs, Three sets of reeds, stops—Diapason, Principal Flute, Lulcinnn, Vox Uele-i-, Hub-Ha*'*. ('lurionet, Octave Coupler,Tremolo, Principal Forte Treble Forte; Knee swell; patent music rack; solid walnut case. The Patent Music Rack on the <»i:m OltGAN • - by far the greatest convenience toj -- formers that bus yet been invented. Ua- s; le* it* use while playing, it i* arranged testimonials. n H. Rowland, musical instruc tor ot the Washington M. E. Church choir. 1 The Parlor Organs manufactured by the t*em Organ Company, of this place, aro among the sw eete-t" in lone I have ever heard. In stylo of owe an<l handsome tin- I i“h they are without an e<iual. From the Washington Htar : On exhibition in one of the large sli r.v window* of Cummins, Cole Thompson's store is an improved style of organ manu facture 1 by ike firm Organ CornJanv; : " H«biugton. i'hc cases arc of solid walnut djoined together in the mo«t thorough manner, work evidently shows the master hand the skil.ei mechanic. The musical qna! ties of the organ, so we arc informed by a by t truments of the kind in u t stops, which git difflcult pi i furnished with ! it full scope in the r | rauxte. The tetion consists of two and • j half sets of reeds, so arranged that tho idighieet defect can be easily reached and i repaired. The organ is also supplied wish a patent ausic tack, which, besides beiug ' taainciital, j- > great coureuienc** I" rlormer. In conclusion, we can -ay without prejudice, that the Gera Organ: r beauty of style, handsome finish an 1 excel lent musical qualities, has no superior. fcxT A WRITTEN WARRANTEE FOR fi\l years accompanies every OEM PARLOR ORGAN SOLD. Address for terms, GEM ORGAN COMPANY, P. O. BOX' 157, WASHINGTON, jin. •".. NEW JERSEY