The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, April 03, 1876, Image 2

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THE RECORD. I'KDARTOWJV, OA., APRIL 3, 1H70. Tlic lilii' U llllln. Pupor# como to ub daily with count# of crowd# of people that ImHtoning to the Black hill# in Menrcli of gold. Many of tin ho who g totally m.lilted for tho work before them, and will poi i-di by score# for wit id, hardship# and cold. liulOHt accounts describe these Hills as steiilo, barren, dor.olato, with snow thirty feet (loop, and constant danger lawleMtuoHH and llio war parties who oro desperately defending their pos sessions. Tho hardhliipn to bo borne are in audible, all the more when there i# no need of going to the black IIill# for gold, when the LouiHiunu Slate Lot tery Coinpuny offers $502,500 in Gold in their second golden drawing. What nood to spend time, money And risk ouo’h life, when, for $50. any person can purchuHo a whole fu:k<4 iu the Louibiaua Stale Lottery, halve#, quartorn, etc., in proportion. That is a good enough ‘‘131 tek Hills" for us, and it would he much more sensible, if all who were rushing to tho burton wilderness to try their luck/hero instead of venturing where, if Fortune in against them, they can nover return, boar Ihcae facia iu mind and act upon thorn promptly. Ticketw and circulars relative to the drawing, which taken place on the 2911), positively, without wealing or postponement, can bo obtained by writing to the main office of the Com pany, box 092, New OrlcuiiH. aprilt. Mr. David F. Mills, one of tho pro prietors and editors of tho Toccou ]fir aid, died on tho 28d ult., of plour: - pnuomonin, Tho Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel was cslablished in 1785—ninoty-ono years ago—but is still vigorous. Tho Common wealth newspaper, of Atlata, has been rn-estiibl shod as an ovoning daily, published by tho "Com monwealth Publishing Company.” The cili/.ens of Atlanta have pro s tiled a petition to Min president, ask ing him to pardon those who lmvn been convicted of violations of the rov- onue laws. By those petitions and tho e(Torts of Hon. bon Hill, it is thought tho pardons will ho grantod. Judge Erskino and Altornel-General Furrow signed tho petition. Wo hope tho pardons will be granted. Wo rocoivod a postal card a few weeks Riiico, from F. 10 O. Lindsoy, proposing to in die a contract with us, at regular rates, to udvertiso birds, pigs, feuthorless chickens, etc. Wo Hot him down then as a swindler, and paid no attention to his proposition. Hero is what brother Morfiohalk, of tho Cartorsvillo Adm'alc, lias to say about him : A SwiNDim—Having scon lately, iu a number of our exchanges, an ad vertisement purporting to oomo from F. E. G. Lindsey, of Abingdon, Vn., Betting forth that In- would furnish Fine Canary birds, Peacock’s, Guinea Pigs, otc., etc., wo felt disposed to in vest iu some of those novelties. With that viow, wo wrote to brother Free man of tho Calhoun 7b/e . j , who was publishing the advertisement—-al though wc saw it in half a dozen Geor gia pupors—to know what terms Mr. Lindsey oflerod, and when ho replied that Mi. L. agreed to take advertis ing at publishers rates, and pay one- half cash, and ouo-lmlf iu birds, etc., wo thought there was something wrong about it, as those people, like fyic advertisers of Pianos, Organs, etc., visually require cash themselves, and generally an amount equal in value to the article to be advertised, but Mr. Freeman nssurod us Ibis was Mr. Lindsey's proposition. Wo thought this was a good lliii g, and wrote to Mr. Lindsey, to procure an advert is muut. for tho Anvoc.wi;. At tin* same time, liowtvo', wo wrote to n reliable citizen of Adingdon, to got tho status of Mr. Lindsoy, and to know if it was a fact that lie was deal ing in Fancy birds, S3 took, etc., iu that city. Tho following is the answer re ceived: Auinoion, V s., U, 18, ’76. /)rdr Sir;—la roply to your caul of (lie 16Ui, 1 would adviio you ll.ut if you udvor tiM> anything for F. li. U. l.indm*y lot it bo tlmt bo inn Notorious Humbug uud Swintl lor. Mr. Lludsoy is* Into of Albany, N. \ wh err ho aiyourucd for n short timo at tbr rxj.cnso of tho l’ S.. for having robbed the l’. 8. Mail. Very Respectfully, J. M. It. Treasurer Now has resiguod, ami 1:is resignation ha3 been accepted, to idee Gleet April 1st. His successor : :v- beeuseloctod, but will be withheld from the public at present. Mr. New says lie regrets hoover left l is private business to come here, and lo think of ruuniug tho iffieo wi h tho reduced force and reduced salaiies contemplal- o.l by lt iudall’s bill s. tiled his deter mination to quit atnl go homo at once. Atlanta Constitution. f Tho excursionist s wero not hot-pit t- bly received at Port Royal, S. C. pulg- u g from lute nceouut. History of CVilartonn, Mu. Editor:—I have just been thinking that a hitttoiy of Ci <hit town for (he Inst thirty-five years, I hough imported, might he of iuteiest to some of your readers. In tho year 1811 I bccuinc acquaint- od with Cedartown, at which lime it had but little ex dept tho name. At that lime the whole •>( what is now Cedartown, north of the bip'ii'. church, was owned by the late Asa Prior, and If I. mint • k" n it Mr. Prior was tho only citizen. J lo owned two dwellings, the ono now occupied by Dr. borders, aud the other stood on or near tho spot now occupied by Dr. branch's residence. y There was an old store Iioiiko about where Mr. FfuLhcrslou's stahlo now stands. This house was vacant until tho latter part of that your (1811), or some lime the next your, when Mr. it. H. .Simmons put up a stock of good* iu it. At that time there win no railroad nearer than Madison, G.u, and coiiht qtiently goods wore very high. Calico sold us high as forty cents per yard. Factory thread $1 75 to $2 50 per bunch, according lo No. Salt $2 50 per bushel of 50 lbs. but at that time bread and meat were plentiful aud cheap. (Join 15 lo 20 cents per bushel; beef 1^ to .*} cents per pound; pork 2.J to 5 cents, often on time. Money was plentiful for a hack woods country; hut iri tho same timo some of it was very much depreciated. A good deal of "City domicil” and "Railroad” money afloat that was * be low par," but was lukun f m goods by Mi. H. at par. Tho 5 and 10 cent piect s wero then being introduced, and were taken for goods at (1J und P2A cents, there be ing a good deal of money of these de nominations in ii’io and cm rout at that timo. ‘ ■ Wo then had a uorfioimiil from Van Wert, 1 think, to Cave {Spring and back, ouco a week. Pontage in (leoryiu, at that time, was very high, compared to presold rates. I have known as high as lit , eolith paid for a t ingle letter. Mr. Simmon* was posl-master while he remained hero. I think ho left hero some time in tho year 1811 und went to Cave Spring. Mr. 15. F, Bigelow was the next merchant, who came tho sumo year that Mr. S. left. lie remained (a part of the time Bigelow A Wein er)‘tho solo merchant for perhaps eight or ten years. In fact hut few others tried it (und all of them short lived) till ttfior the late war. I have heard that prior to tho time of the coinni nccincnt of this history, Mr. L II. Walthall sold goods hero, AIR LINE HOUSE, -1 9 1-2 tVior Street, ATLANTA, GA. i Single Meal or Lodging.. . . 50 ' Transient,, per day $2 00 id It ties for a longer time. East End Wtrd Shop HARRIS, Mb. Editor:—As "Subscriber” dees not scorn to think his corn sum cor-1 rcotly solved, asks why R. W. E mu'- tiplics by (10 and divides by 1 00; and | as the sum has just been It jitiupliaut-; ly handed mo as a jjowir tied cm he solved on any iirithmefical rule principal, I send you a solution. R. j Sj \V. K. Wiu.c-Ili.iuly n.rnrt in IU„ m- I J. KKITII, Proprietor lotion of the sum us at first stated, il j npr.Btf. there was an on or iu his iimltipliea- | tion. At first tho sum was so worded as lo mean that tho pay was to be taken at 00 cents per net 100 lbs for hauling; and tho corn at $1 per net 100 IbH., not 81 per bushel. Tho sec ond sum is stated lo mean that the corn should he priced at $1 per bush Tho same solution applies to hi t sec ond min, by converting cents ji::» equivalent pounds, and that makes tho sum seem puzzling. Now as A gets 00 cents tor hauling 100 lbs «»f corn, and takes his pay in corn at $1 ptu- bushel, he gt ts 0-10 of 50 lbs. not 0 of 100 lbs. Six-tenths <>t 50 is 89.0. When 100 lbs islanded for b. II.o hauler gets 88.0 pounds of corn and both get 188.0 ](jh when 00 cent* worth q( hauling is done. Now w». 1 . have the proposition:—189 0 :14028 00 : 08 00 uumvi r iu dollars aud runt -Hi,l, iwdtSli lmnln-1 in w,mil $1, .-Hi - copper copper. ■STiJSWKlWSr 1 1 'HKSSSr '•> '■ - 1H7.00 bu.liok JH7.5II miiliipli, .1 I,, i _____ no :;ivc* 10,0(111, B» purl in puumlh -L J JST—^AA-A H. J . t-! 10000 multiplioil by .til) uiv. « (id.dO.OII; out off two for (hlf-Argiiiii.l IK) „ ni | “" ,l '■»" "O-rJ <« "<-0 It »« re».r.nol,lc «. 'll U 1 ""''T'i WI nave $(».} "l fill hlisnels A h pay foi ! irnng Iiouxrs in tfio m.,«t (111ruhlc my!.- _ hauling 10600 pounds of coin. Anti | All kimlH «f hIovc io.| b!mh iron »v,V,k. "gain, 03 nmlliplit (1 by 50 gives 3528 i < ' ,, l’l ,, * r , "" 1 >" a-;, "" StlinK imihreltii ) I and 3528 added to 10500 given 14.028 I ,i v ’V" -c, ,lll *. v •"lUoits Ujo irmlo of niBrcliniilH. whole numlicr of pounds B. h..d ...I r ." k * P f o‘hico j^KKPs hkahv-.madk COFFINS & CASES. Makes and repairs WAGONS and FI'RNITLRE. Wagon hubs nlwayn on ImmJ. V«ii can lii ut. ■ iiiumu mi i oiiaiii 15. j order on the flinrl^et ir, (Tnano Strcwvcrs made i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S. P. SHEPARD, CEDARTOWN, Family Groceries, OONFKt (TI ONE It IKS, CANNED GOODS, AC. I now located in tko now store house Main Hired, next dour lo Dr. Lid- dell’a office, and respect fully itnk a ahare of patronage frow the trading public, promis ing to noil an low as any one. Give me u trial. inch *». Cave Spring Tannery. R. N. PEARSON .V CO., H AVE»lir<t an Agency in Cedar town with J. 8. Stubbx A Co., who will keep conslandy on hand a full supply of LEATHER al Ihe some prices ns at Tannery, and Lite earnc prices paid for Hide*. Hatixfaction guaranteed both in price and quality of (.father. Feb. 28, 187fi. Sheriff 1 # Moi'lHuge Mile for >luj. "Ilf ILL be Nobl before the Court House * » door in Cedartown, Polk county, within the legal ‘ * . ... Tuesday in erly to-wlt: Loft of land, numbers I, 122, 121, ifc 1'JSjU! « Antioch, I'oi.k C!.\ ) MAlien 27 rn, 187(1. j l'M>r limn'dI Mouse allow mu t< Hiihmit I !k following lo tho gontlemai nrttfpundii g I lie "corn problem." : It Is given that 11028 lb# of corn art hauled at (»() con Is per hundred ll>- tho laborer taking his pay in corn a $1 per bushel, but receives no j my f.» hauling his c r \ Oi'KIiation: 1.00 :11028 :: (JO : 81 MHO. brforo the legitimate n -ov c tion of $s 1.1(180 can bo shown thedis- crepai'cy between amount duo hundred pounds, htiMhol inm-t be c done a# .89(50. This decimal add- d I gives 1 ,8800. and dividi d into divided by I 8800 giv... 03 huHl.ela re tailied by laborer. It h iinnee-t. n v to speak of the rule employed in this solution, ns it hi shown Miflluiently in the solution. But I would roniaik TWO PLANTATIONS i Hock ^ - s. MO rd and under fence, with dwelling, iiie»rn, orchard, Ac. . xituatod about live miles south of i t own, containing 340 ACRES, or Icsh, with suilnlde houses, M ing of | < and but of the particular kind, or of the prices, I have never been inlonncd. Perhaps he cun toil, us he is still here, In the year 1842 a behind was com* inonoed in tho "old Academy," as it is Ntill known, by Col J5. T. Mosoly, from 1‘enliidd, Gn. Mr. Mosely taught in the Raniu house, six years, 1 think in succession. After which h- taught near Mr. William Peek’s for sound years. This Bchool was patreniz d by all the surrounding citizens who lmd children. Many young men from other counties. Several follow ed Mr. M. from Green couuty, in or der to uv.dl themselves of hi, supciior abilities ns a leachor. Mr. Mosely wjh not a fast man, but he It id the reputation of being a thonnujh teach er. lie began with Webster's spelling book, and although ho tMight all tin branches of an English education and tho classics thoroughly, ho did not neglect to touch tho Spelling book thoroughly, also. In 1842, und for several years after, there wuh but ono church house, and but ono organized oliurch (Baptist) that 1 remember in the whole valley. Tho "old Academy'’ was the church then, and 1 think Rev. John Holmes, or Hampton Whatley, was the pastor in charge. Cedartown then had no physician, oxoupt E. II. Richardson, Sr., who' lived then where ho does Then there was no lawyer, except John l\ Colquitt, who though modi >7 and nmissimiifij/, did sometime prac tice in tho Jowei courts. At out 1852 or '53 Pols county was made fiom Floyd, Paulding and Car- roll and Cedartown became the coun ty cite. Since that tune the popula tion has gradually increased. Tuo town now has nine (Cherokee Iron Company's store not excluded) dry goods stores, four family groceries, two Drug stores, and ouo book store, wild iu these stores are from onu to ; tl\o male persons. There mo eight practicing physicians, and nine law yers, with edict's hi tow n. Two of the doctors and two of the lawyers are na tives of the valley. There are at pres ent three chinches tor whiles, and two for blacks. before the war, there were no col ored churches, but the whites uud l lacks occupied the same house, and each church counted its while and col* j ored m cm Luis, but simv tho blacks have been made ‘free uud equal" they arc not admitted in the white churches. A few of the ei.izous of ihirty-tivo ■ yt ata ago, arc still m the valley. Some have gouo to the far West, uud then ! longed lor the Ilesh pots of God tr Valley. Some ln\\e gone to that bourne from whence no ti veier it- turus. {’M. that : and bushelH, mislod, faking ih that of the other lu pe the gentleman will not inakii g it. phiiucr i x I ability in inatlu inaticH. Oln dientlv, Hi n s WTuoiit. for Ma«. of Olartow Pc Ik Slirriir Safe YV’ll.b be iu.1.1 ticfuro 1 » » dour in lIto enmity, (»cni'id a, on l tio I ii't Tiit-'l.iy in; May noxt wi'litn the h^n! hourn of sale, | tlio following propi'i'iy, lo wii: One d-tytiiUik In r -•* an I ono 1 u :#>• an the ; propoily of Stephen^ V^ll.mtoito snllsfv j favor of Tbii l.i'i' l.oii compMiiy, against It- ary May piinctj :il, and Bliqdicn A. Uor- I Also, lots'..! I and No* 12*1, 111.. Ill: . 12P1, 1UH7. 111 1 '-. U-V.i, in. i. 1217, 12is. 1212, and I2:’.ii in tho 2nd dialiict anil -lilt ! Hocllon nf folk county, as ih«* proiicriv t.f: M. K. West In sal.sly a folk 8ti|ieri<>r c-.iiH Ufa in l'avi-1- of Juir.cs IS. A'oy cs, aguiii-i die *uid M I'. West, properly pointed out j hy I'laimitV. Also, al I ho *nMA (into and place dirr«* dark brawn .vr black mare mules, an the properly of Hr. F. II. Kioh JAMES BOYS UUANTUEl. L. Arm "'ITS C Al'l'LKIi. HNT8 AVANTGD In ot rj oily und county in tlm Doited »de Orders by limit will l'e proin|-l ulieiiiiu: ions desiring to net as Agp ) full Informal Ion by nddrei MORGAN, THOMAS & CO. ILK DK.Vl.KltM 1 Mr tisfy A! ho, the i fa iu I tho dd R WIiriE GOODS, Ribbons and Notions, A,,. II Cm II, ru. IIi.o, k, 134, 160, 1.58, 169, K-O. 10) !00, 201, 2iM,.220, 221, 22'), 228, 229, 280, 231, 282, 233, 234, 288, 249, 250, 266, 257, 25S, 259, 265, 206, 267, 277, 280, 285, 286, 290, 291, 292, 293, 298, 301, 310, 317, alt being in iilti district aud 4th section of Polk couAty, (uorgia; and also the following lots lo wit : number a 17, 23, 28, 45, IT. 18, 49 60, 61,51, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73. 79. 80, 81. 81, 89, 90, 91, 92. 98, 94. 99, 118, 120, 121, 125, 126, 127. 128, 131, 186, 187, 146, 162, 151, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 167. 169, 171, 172, 193, 191, 200, 201, 201, 205, 223, 221, 229, •267! 271.' 272.' 273! 27 l! 280, 295. 802. 30L 308. 309. :;::0, 341, 848, 37M, 3H4. 392. 394, :;99, low, ill. 416, 126. 160, all being and lying in 2nd district nn-1 4th section of Polk county, Georgia, ns the properly of the Et na Iron company, levied upon by virtue of a mortgage Ii fa issued from Polk Superior court in luvor of Alfred Hki-rter, against the flin-1 Etna Iron company, logellier with nil appurtenance* uid fixture,? thereunto properly piloted out in said mortgage. II. P. LI'MPKIN, Mi'll. March I, 1876. Polk Slari ill' Sales for April. U rU h • ® s.)ld, on the First Tuesday in April next, before (he Court House door in Cedar town, Polk county. Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing properly, to-wit: Lot* of land No-. |, •_>, n. 4, 5, c, 7, 8. 9. 82. HI, HO, 79. 78. 77, 76. 75, 74. 7 5. 8't. 81’. s '• •‘•'6 88. 89. 90. 91. 92, 164, 163. 162, 161. 160, 189, 188. 187. 156, 165, 166. 166, 171. 172. 173. 17 1. 176, *a-l 210, nil lying and .'44, 243,242, 211 ngninel (lie said Tecuinxeli Iron - Properly pointed out in -ni-l fi fa Also, al Iiiu same lime nuij plac lun-l No. I"t I in 1110 2d district section of Polk countv, ah the pr- rom Polk I. Taylor -ouipany. CASH S T O B E.” -J. S. STUBBS & CJO. Cedartown, Ga. TJAVE just received their Spring Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS &Cx These goods were bought at the closest figures, and having secured Cash and Cask discounts, they arc able to offer them at prices which defy competition. Call and be convinced. A Complete assortment of Leather. Hoots and shoes manufactured to order. Wo call special attention lo our stock of LAUD, coffee.KICK. ‘Famil-TT H-rnopripq 3A.NVA88ED hams> HI OAK, BACON. SALT, 1 dlilily U\L UUtJI it/b, 8YRUP, 8OAP, STARCH CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, FLOUR and MEAL. Sole Agents in Polk county for the Celebrated "Watt Plows” and fixtures. Agents for Hall’s Patent Rotary Harrow—WARRANTED. Polk i>4 lot iniarto lla., kuawi sluie lioufe and stable called the Powell lul, bounded <ni till east by Main street, on the north by Lumpkin street, on the west hy an alley running north and south, and smith by Lumpkin - wooden store house, an the property of .1.0. Merrill, to -aiisfy a state and county lax Ii la against the said Merritt. Levy made uud returned touic by it bailiff. Also, lotm nf land Now. 225, 226, 227,228, one liulf of lot 221, one half of lot’183,' and one hull of lot 221, lying In the 1st district and til, section of Polk county, Ga . ns the property of Thomas A Duke. Levied upon by virtue of a Polk superior id lot, and 011 the g a t an esl^ . Ron south by by Mr- 1 the We may have Mentioned it Before. But it will hear repeating; and to muko a suro thing, wo wi 1 say that tho MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF MOBILE, ALABAMA,, Ih tlio Lending Life Company in tlie South, And under its present excellent management is doing more New buaiuoss iu the Southern States than any other Life Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. OTJti B P BC I A. T I E S : 'I'lio 1,iIV' Endowment JPlnn, by which you necuro an l-.udowment in iiftcon yonrs, ut tho into of uu ordinary I.ifu Policy, 'rile Yenrly Renewable r lVi-iii l'lrvn, tho chmip- c#t plan of Insuranco now workod. M M CAKTV, H. M. FRIEND, SHEPPARD HOMANS, Presided, Secrotnry. Actnury, R. 0. RANDALL, General Agent and Manager, GADSDEN, ALABAMA. ST-ATJEILZCBjiTT FOR THE YEAR ENDINC DECEMBER 31st, 1875. Ni t A-msis Ds'coinbor Hist, 1874 $110 809 13 i vco >i i:. Received for I’reniitiuts and interest 300,975 99 $750,785 12 WISH! KSEM ENTS. Losses hy Death Dividends, Commissions, l'u) $74,254 00 , and other expenses. . 73,859 02 148,113 G 1 $602* G71 & "I Cue tiottflo xml lot known lot, bounded on tho north by ll< n lot, on tho h-uitli by liurrid Duko .- tho onht hy street running north am -ffont's lire wt by He ip properly nf E. Uolg. pourt li In’ in favor of .1. fv A-\. \ - i'oig. l.evv mnde and fedurmd lo me instttble. It P. LUMPKIN. Sheriff, wit 3, 1S70. iHiiratinlN Su Irs. ILL bo sold before the court house door, in (Vdurtown, 1'olk county, between tho legal hours of sale, on irst Tuesday iu May next, the follow- properly, to-wit j o lot and c 600 ACRES •Cedar Valley Land l oft SAI.10. vd the old jail ext corner of said lot containing lore or less as the properly of rice, lo saii-fy a Superior court Tom Polk Superior court in fav or - t W. ('. Knight, Aiim'r. de bonis non of tho estate of Henry O. silvey, deceased, against Thomas (1. \X. MoMeekiu and Jas It. Price security on appeHl. H. P. LUMPKIN, s|, ff. March t. 1876. Mortgage Minin' Mile. \\ T ILL !-e -old. on Ihe First Tuesday in >V April next. Ill tho re-ilem-e of*W G lUe-t, in folk county, wit hiu legal hours of.“ate, the following proper! v to-wit: t ivc mutes, one a targe block mnro mule, one a bay mare mule, one a black horse mule, on® Wnek mure mule and one bay wagon, of the property of >f G. \Y. Chisolm, sit uated on Main si reel, number net known, mlj lining idd jail lot, levied on by virtue of a oity tax ti fa in favor of the mayor and council of Cedartown, \.- said Chisolm. Said lax lining for the year 1875. so, at the same time slid place, cue t nut oil on Main at reel, num ber not known, bounded tho property of Tho.-. Griffin, the property of the Hand esla by virtue of a oily lax ii fa in Mayor and Council It. Price ulodon tho « A BOUT - x hundred acres choice Cedar IX Valley land, (well known a- the gar den spot of Georgia) in Polk eounty, Geor gia, two Mint a half miles from Cedartown, ! the county die- About half of this tract is cleared, ihe balance well timbered with a ! variety of growth, Ii contain* a framed j house, with three rooms—a fireplace to each room, some out building*, and an Also, at the same time aud place, me abundant supply of water. This tract id lot situated on Main street, mini- embraces some of the best laud iu tins fa- , the -.utli by mous valley, situated in Non Ii- West ticor- ind east by gia, in latitude !l degrees north. Ii is , lev ied on well adapted to the growth of all the cero- a in favor of the *ls, clover ami the grasses. As to its dartowu, vs Jas. adaptation to cotton, it is safe to say that T(i. j any good farmer, with a lilt tv* help from Also, at the same time and place, one ferlUiiers, of nu average crop year, can td lot situated on Main street, J make twelve to fifteen bates » f cotton to the mute, aud plenty of grain. It cun be proven that eighteen bales of cotton and plenty of grain has been made to the mute, both by a white aud n colored tenant the same year uu adjoining land*—thirty-six bales tor two mules. Auotber colored ten ant the same year made fourteen bales, with one mule—total, kiktv u.xlus with tuher Milas! There is atso on this tract u largo deposit of irou ore of the best Mrs. Saruh quality. fi fa iu fav- As to price, this land must be seeu to s mid Mrs be appreciated. The owner beiug deter- 75. mined to sell, will take less than half the price that has been paid for land, which is no better, in this famous volley, within tho past tew years. Kills tract could be divided in o. two or three desirable farms Terms accommodating. For further in formation apply to the undersigned, Oedar- toivu, Polk couuty, Ga., or to L. li. Rich ardson, i*r.. near the premises. THOMPSON \ W1KLE, . GIBSON. Marshal. fd>2l. Red Estate Agents mule; nlst G. Reed and Willie K. R mortgage fi fa from Polk superior in tavor of John J. Howard against Property an.1 \Y E He- > sai-i fi fa. Jan. 29, 1876. II. I*. LUMPKIN. Sheriff. mint9 Along; Mile lor liny. -old before the Court Houi Slier iff Door id No 984, nl. by Ur. Lid- t present by S is the property dell's property, occupied P. Shi | at d, uud levied ot Win. Meeks, by virtue of in favor ot tin Mavoi and Couucil of t’e- dartovvn, vs said Meek*. Tax due for 1875. Also, al the same time and place, one ud lot situated on Spring street, di- and half of 961, und all that lies ou the south side of Cedar creek of two other lots, numbers not known, containing two hun dred acres, more or less, in 2 t district and 4t i section of Polk couuty. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Polk Superior court, in favor of Camp and Clark, against Martin A. Chisolm. Property pointed out in *aid fi fa, us tho property of $ 17,185 40 70,270 30 49,032 12 26,695 0G 1,425 00 ASSETS. G«hIi in Rank U. S. Government nml other Bonds Donna on Mortgage, First Lions Loans on Bonds nnd Storks Insurance Stocks. Rt :tl Estate nnd nrnonnt duo by other Companies f->r Rc-Iusnrunco 95,085 74 Bills Receivable, secured, and Stock Bonds 299,238 4(5 Premiums in hands of Agents and iu course of Collection 40,993 45 Office nnd Agency Furniture... 2,745 88 Add Accrued Interest and Deferred Premiums Assets December 31st, 1875 .$624,495 9i MURDER ! $10,000 00 REWARD ! Martha . in 13. t'hifc II. P. LUMPKIN, Sh’ff. \Y 1*0*1 polled Sheriff Sale. Id, i the sday i cctly the vf Fe icnpied by Mr. Kimball. - tho property Shumate, l or vf the Mu, Shumate. Tax tor the ye Abo, at the same time aud place, house uud lot situated ou Spring mi bounded - by vncaui Mr- FraucU aud T. G. \\ Mc.Mivkini by May ei ami Council of CmUrtown vs saiil Mrs. Francis and T. U.W. McMeekin. 'fax April next, before the court hou*e j door, in Cedartown, Polk County, Ga., be j 1 ween the legal hours of sale, the following 1 property, to-wit: imr tiouse and l it in the town of Van Wert, lVIk couuty, as the properly ot rS li. Mad den, now occupied by Hugh Jones, bound ed us follows; Fronting on the Rome road 240 feet cast, running back IOC feet to the land of John A Jouc-, and (he Dodds place wsst, und south by the old hotel lot, con taining oue and one h ill acres, more or less. Levied upon by virtue of a justice court ti fa in lavor of A. ti. Williamson against said Madden. Levy made and re turned to me by a bailiff, und notice given tenant in possession. H. P LUMPKIN. Sb ff Everybody run here anil learn how to gel rich. Tho wheel of fortune is turning, aud “THERE’S MILLIONS IN IT.” PHILPOT So IDOIDIDS, Have murdered tho old plan of high prices uud big per cent, and are GIV J JNT G -A.'W-A.'y GOODS At such Low Prices as Defy Competition. Peoplo who go to Rome, sell their Cotton and come back to buy goods from PHILPOT & DODDS’ NEW CASH STORE Couio and Buy Almost \V 1 T HOUT MONEY! And you will go homo and dream of peace and plenty. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES And are Selling them at remarkably low prices. Su«;ar, Collee, Clieese, J^isli HARDWARE, CROCKERY A full Line of Motions, Trimmings, Eibbons, White Goods, Domestics, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES. READY-MADE CLOTHING knd in fact a General Assortment of Merchandise, all at Greatly Reduced Prices. Being fixed up in good style, no rents to pay, and haviug paid Cosh for their Goods, they are able to Compete successfully with any one. Call and be convinced. ft p r 17