The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, April 10, 1876, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN RECORD. W, S. D. WIKLE & 00., Proprietors. CEDAItTOWN, GEORGIA, MONDAY, APRIL U), 1876. VOL. II. NO. 43. TIMELY TOPICS. Ah execution quite out of the usual order of legal destruction in thin try in announced to Jake place at Salt Lake on the 22d of June. A murderer in to lw idiot inMend of hanged, the laws of the territory |rarmitting the ghantly choice between these methods of making hin exit. Tho rille team may yet dis play* the rope, anil with marksmen who understand their business we shall not be under the necessity of adopting Mr. Murwood’n horihle improvement in Tin: French hygiene commission has made a report to the Paris municipality in iexpect to cremations The report sets forth that if the system of common craves is lobe continued cremation would offer grrat sanitary advantage, com mission foresees, however, that legis* lalive olwtacles would arise, its the do slruction of Ixxlies would prevent the detection of certain crimes. If adopted, the commission thinks cremation should Is* made optional, and nil autopsy should ls> made in every case where it is sorted to. Tiip. first pun* glucose made in this country is being manufactured at the glucose works in this city. The demand for the article by confectioners nlohe, in the United States, is immense sources of supply heretofore have lieen l'ranee and Germany, where glucose made from potatoes. Here it is the |i duct of corn wlndly. It is pleasing to the taste as honey. The product!' grajs’! sugar and glucose o|rans a lie partment for Iowa corn. The capacity of the works here is MM) bushels per day. This branch of manufacture bids fair to become of iinmeiiHc inijsirtaiieo to the state nnd country.—/favfn/*trt (fuwa) ( iazctle. Tiip. French miniatcruf marine rejsirta a gradual falling off in (lie sardine fishe ries, owing to the inadequate sujqily of bait, tho roe of codfish fmfli the A inert can fishorio* having heretofore lraen retted on for that purposo. it has been found, however, that grnssliojqters jioiiiiilcd into a pnsto imitate the roe so cxnetly that tho most knowing of the sardines cannot distinguish the difference; and accord ingly the FreuPh government has im ported large quantities «f ihe insects from Algeria iif.jvrdvr to try the^ngw ball off a largo scale. Should the exper iment prove an ton l try success the grass hojqicr jinddem which has so puzzled the western agrieiilturisl may Ik* coiishl ered solved. Tiik I/oiidon Daily (News jiuhlislu^ the following synopsis of tho annual pro duce of gold and silver from all sources for the bust twenty-five years quinquennial average |>rod nation of gold from 1852 to 1850 wns £29,»00,(KM) j from 1 W»7 to 18(11, £2-1,<100,000; from 1802 to 1800, £22,700,000; from 1807 to 1871, £28,000,0(8); and from 1871 to 1870. £20,- 100,(MM), thus showing a steady decrease, whilo the opposite i« the case with silver, viz.: 1802-’50, £8,100,(MM); I857-T»l, £8,. 2(M),(MM); 1802-’00, £9,9(M),(HH); 1807-71, £10,000,000; and 1871 70, £18,IKK),000. The News attributes the groat fall in silver, which amounts to thrcc|rancQ in the nipee, or aliout twelve jrar cent, in India, to its increasing •lisiise, while the reverse holds giswl for gold. Mn. Disraeli, who is admitted hy Englishmen to Ira one of the most effec tive parliamentary s|*eakers of the last two generations, has one |>eruliarily that might Is* imitated with advantage by the legislators of this country. Hy far the larger projmrtion of his sjiccchcx, includ ing many of the more brilliant, have not exceeded twenty minutes' duration. It has lraen ascertained that, the Old Testa ment was written with 5,012 words, that Milton used only 8,(MM) words for the making of his poems, and that Slinks pearo employed only 15,000. Tho moral of these figures is that if there are, com paratively speaking, ho few words in the Fnglish language, a man who talks for two hours on a single subject falls under the grave suspicion of vain rejictition, not to say causeless rankling. North Carolina claims not only that a jxirtion of her people adopted the first declaration of independence of Great Britain, over a year lraforc the famous declaration of the colonial congress, hut that the first victorious fight of the revo lution was fought ami won by North Carolinians on North Carolina soil. This was the battle of Moore’s creek, fought on the 27th of February, 177(1. The royal forces engaged in this battle were mostly Scotch Highlanders who hail set tled in North Carolina, ami who had for their leaders chieftains who fought in the bloody battle of Culloden. They were commissioned by Jonah Martin, the royal governor of North Carolina, and directed to put down the “rebels nnd traitors" who had raised the standard of revolt. They numbered about 1,600, while the whigs numbered 1,000. The tones were utterly routed. In 18/>7 the anniversary of this battle was celebrated. In 1850 a monument was erected; and this year the centennial was celebrated withnpjiro- printe ceremonies. LATEST NEWS. NOI'TM ANII WIST. Additional telegnuna from Fort Fet- lerinnn state that General ('rook's vl over Cruiy Horse was a complete one tlmt ninny of the Indinns who escaped starve, ns nlMhcir provisions, ammunition etc., were destroyed. The im|NMtcbincnt articles preferred against Governor Ames in thu Mississippi legislature have been withdrawn, Ante signed his office nnd U mice more a private citizen. President Stone of thu senate has been recognized ns acting governor. Columbus, Ga., claims the jiosition of the I SI well of thu south. She is now ■ling 55,000 spindles nnd 1,000 looms, besides ninny iron nud other industrial enterprise Thu city wiih destroyed in 1850, nnd all the! have hccu replaced siuce with souther Money. The hog cholera is In coming a matter of serious concern out west, thu terrlldu ages of tliu disensu rendering it a subject of grave consideration alike for produce consumer. The Illinois state hoard of ngri- enlture has just taken steps to gather nil the information possUde as to the nature and noises of the disease, and the various : ods of Ircnting it, for the information of breeder* and others who are experimenting the hope of finding a remedy for the mal ady, or a preventive. General Merritt, just returned from his cnvu’ry rninmnnd in the lllaek Hills, has been interviewed,nnd says, iu brief, that the gold exeitemeut is nil awful delusion; people are there already than could find remunerative digging under any cironm- stances; that In-yond l/irnmic thu ndvciltiir- ; on an Indian reservation, have no protection; that produce is high and hun dreds w ill lie very likely to starve to dentil this very spring; that the snow is still dr the ground and the streams frozen oi with ice so thick that they wilt not tlmw till June; that going to the lllaek Hills at nil is u preposterous folly, and that the working up of the excitement iu order !o tempt peo ple w ho have failed in cities to go into it ns a forlorn hope is “nil Infamous trafllc." General Merritt nays he met ns many return- going—miserable, hungry, disap pointed creatures. KANT. 11. I*. lingers, receiving teller of the Fulton bank, Brooklyn, linsabsconded, being a defaulter to tho extent of twenty-five thou sand dollars. Thomas W. l'ijicr, formerly sexton of Die Warren street church, Boston, nnd eon- ■d“Of the murder of Mabel fining, hi -tmlMIng «>n the lIHd of May Iasi, bun been soulAUM-d to be hanged. , llywlcck's famous stallion, llumole- loilian, died at Chester, N. J., Sunday night, d about 28 years, lie was nlre of the st noted and rnliinhlo trotting stock in the roitKION. Fifty thousand dollars covered from the wreck iir Heldller. d Die German Customer—* 1 What did yon think of the bishop’s sermon on Sunday, Mr Wigs by • Hairdresser—“Well, really, sir, then* was a gent a -citin’ in fron to’ me as ’nd ins ’air parted that crooked that I couldn’t 'car a word !” Many lives were loftt hy a recent ter- rilde railroad calamity nt III, France, caused hy the breaking of a bridge. Thirty bodies have already been recovered. The I/mdon Times’ Berlin Hjicciul says it two mure HI. Petersburg journals—the (Joins and Dm Vrdonioiti—assure Die n Helavoniaiis that although Russia is hardly ii position to succor them immediately, she will neither coerce hy violent in ensures, low another power to coerce them, neournged by this, the smith Helavoninns is expected, keep up the existing rev- olulionnry spirit until it ends iu Dll) annihi lation of the sick man. Telegrnphid advices from Mexico indi te a crisis lit Malninorns. The Mexican ucrnl summoned the iin-rclmiitx of that ity to liis office and gavo them to understand that they would lie forced to cmuc down ith $.'100,000, to put the city in a state of dc- against tho revolutionists, who lire ap proaching it, ten thousand strong. One chant was thrown into prison for non- pliiuice. American merchants there e been so enormously taxed Dint they have been compelled to resort to an appeal o the I’nilcd States consul for protection. The siuation in Mexico is becoming seriously interesting. Amid the Herzegovina l mu hies, a new complication has arisen in Turkey. Hith erto Die Christian subjects of the hiiILuii have been exempt from militury duty, hut required to pay a special tux iih an equivalent* The war spirit is up among tiie Christians, nud they now refuse to pay the tn/, offering their military services in lien. The patri arch of Constanlinople is reprdsanled iu en couraging this change of front on Die part of his spiritual (lock, who l»rt«e their demand on a recent proclamation of the porta, prom ising (Item perfect equality with Mohamme dans. The Turkish government will not listen to the change, because it dare not trust Christians iu the army, and the latter w ill have a chance to fight the tax-colletorv, if not the rebels, The I/mdon Times hopes that the ministry may yet he better advised than to persist in recommending to the queen the assumption of empress of India. It de clares it inis been unfcigiiedly alarmed by the rapid decline in the authority and repu tation of the government since the begin ning of the present session. It does' not pretend to any special affection for the min istry, hut it cannot help seeing that the op position is thoroughly disorganized, and that the energies of the other members are ex hausted, while the younger men are chiefly remarkable for an immaturity of mind which threatens never to ripen, and Die attempt to form a government out of such materials would threaten mischief to the country. Even those who think its fears fanciful nnd overstrained must hesitate to push this new title forward when they understand that it does in fact provoke discontent. niMRLLAXRora. Gen. Sherman has made up hi« mind to return to Washington, and make it the nrmy headquarters. -Secretary of war, Judge Tuft, bus rcqiisted this, and Sherman plies. O’Donovan Busan informs a reporter that there is now no Fenian iiiovemeiit « foot, hut that money is rained to keep up system of *• skirmishing.’’ "It would be in teresting,” says the New York Herald, know what share of this 'skirmish’ fund goes to Mr. Uclmunico.” CO N G11E88IONAL NMNATK In the senate, on tho‘27th, Mr. Hpo ccr, from the committee on District of (’ lutnhia, reported hack the petition of c< ored citizens, praying that Die 1-lth of April he set opart as a holiday for government ployes, favorably, accompanied with a joint resolution providing that all persons employ ed iu the various departments in Washing ton ho granted a holiday oil the 1-lth of April, 187t), to attend to the unveiling of the Lincoln monument, in l.iuenln park, Wash ington. Passed. The senate then proceeded to thu consideration of the consular and di plomatic bill. The question was taken the first amendment proposed by the sen nmuiUtco,nn follows: For salaries of cnvi xtraordiunry and ministers plenipotenlii.. . to Great Britain, France. Germany and Bus sin, fixed hy the house at $14,050, committee moved to strike out “$11,050” and insert $17,570,” and the senate ngreed It. * — - jsloi adjourned lii the senate, on tho 28th, Mr. Ed munda called up Die hill Hholfon, of Mississippi, of political disabili ties imposed hy the fourteenth aiurndment Die constitution. Passed. Mr. Frcllug- huysen called up Die senate hill of the IJltli lo amend the Hlh section of Ihe net to e tahlisli judicial courts of the United State approved September 24. 1"81». A debate ensued, lint the morning hour expiring, Die hill w ent over, nud tilts glialr laid before Ihe senate Ihe consular and diplomatic Mil ns Die regular order. The question recurring restoring Italy, which was stricken out hy the house, on a nay and yea vote It was stored. The next HiiiQiiuincut, restoring vcrul ports which had been stricken out hy the house, was taken up. Messrs. Slier- man and Hamlin urged Die necessity of forming to existing litw, nud spoke ngaiusl nil principle of engrafting new laws upon appropriation hills; pending which t into session, and >u adjourned. In.tho* Minnie, on tho 2S)th, Mr. Alli- ii,|rnni Die committee on Indian allairs, reported favorably nil senate hill In author- tnry of the interior to deposit iu |hu Uliilod Slates treasury all sums now held by him, or which ho may hereafter reee trustee of tho various Indian tribes ■otiiit of Die redemption ef United Stales bonds or other stock and securities belong ing to the Indian trust funds. The hill also provides that Dio United Ala tea shall puy five per cent, per annum interest ^Spirals*di I‘mined, Ttv» scii ronslderntion of the consular nnd liplmnntic hill. Mr. Wallace spoke in op. position to Dm restoration rtf appropriations cut down hy the house. Tho soiinle then proceeded to ronsider the ainendinenls pro posed hy the ooiniiiltleo oil approprinlions, ere agreed lo. The hill wan i a yea and nay vote—85 to 17. (In i ;p< . h-ged frauds in the recent elections of Mississippi wns taken up, and inndc the un finished business. The senate went into ex- utivc session, and adjourned. In tin* Honntrt, on tho 80th, Mr. Hto- ‘■twin presented a memorial from (he legis lature of Kentucky, asking congress to Like setion in -relation to the rase of K. 0. mden. Referred. Mr. Stevenson pro fited a inciunrinl from citizens asking that Newport, Ky Du-barracks and which it is proposed to move to ('nluinhiis! Ohio, he restored to Newport, Ky. Ilufc Afte- “ ’ ' '- ■* . . , (I. the morning hiisine lor k up Mr. Morion's Mississippi resolutions and Mr. Bayard spoke in opposition. Other remarks were made, nnd without action the senate adjourned. In the senate, oil the -'llHt, hills, jieli- Dolls, elo., having hern ‘presented and re ferred, the senate look up the Mississippi resolution of Mr. Morion and Mr. Ilrucc began Ills speech. He said Dint iu 1M7.1 Ihe repub licans curried Mississippi hy twenty thousand majority, and last fall the democrats claimed to have carried the state hy thirty thousand, a reputed gain of fifty thousand. Why this change in the popular vote? The evidence will show that iu ninny parts of the stale violence ami intimidation were used,and wlmt was known as the White league were instru mental in much of this class of outrage. Mr. Key was glad the late war was fought out ami over with. He spoke highly of Die col ored people, and their fidelity to the whites during tiic war, mid the people of hin state was willing to protect them and aid them. Mr. Freliugliuyseii said when the right of suffrage had been conferred on mi individual, he ought to have that right guaranteed to him, mnl should be protected in the right, lie claimed that in this country, of all others, Die voter should he protected in his right to vote, mid that congress had Dm power to protect him nnd to pnss this resolution and raise this committee for this purpose. Mr. Bayard further opposed the appointment of Ihe committee. The question recurred on the adoption of the preamble, and it wns adopted—27 to ID. The senate then adjourned till Monday. IfOUNK. Iii the house, on the 27lh, Mr. Pnyira moved to stipend the rules mid pass his hill to provide for the gradual resumption of specie payment. The first section of the hill directs the secretary of the treasury to set aside nnd retain in coin each year, until United States notes shall he appreciated to par with gold, an amount equal to .1 per cent, u! outstanding legal tenders or legal tender notes, to he held as a resumption fund for the redemption of such legal tender notes, provided that such coin set aside and retained shall he counted as part of the sink ing fund. The second section requires na tional banks to set aside mid retain from coin received by them ns interest on bonds deposited as security for their circulation, amount equal to .1 per lion, such coin to he co jegal money reserve. The third section . peals so much of the resumption net of Jan uary 1 1. 1875, as provides for the redemption of legal tender notes to the amount of 80 n The motion was defeated—81 to 150. The house then went into committee of the whole on the hill providing for the deficiency the bill and amendments, with the unde, standing that n five minutes’ debate will he allowed iu the house nnd a vote taken oil earth amendment. IIousu then adjourned. In the house, on the 28th. Mr. Holman offered a resolution fixing the compensation of witnesses summoned hcfni'O the Iioiihc committee nt two dollars per day nud milg age of five rents per mile. Referred. Mr, Hoar introduced a bill to permit the impor tation, free of duly, of hooks printed In :«nv foreign language.' Referred. Mr. Gordon offered n resolution directing the judiciary committee to inquire into the expedience of preventing the use of the United States mails in earryiug lottery advertisements. Adopted. Mr. Atkins, from thu conference committee on the hill In supply the defi ciency nt the Red Cloud (monk) agency, made a report Dint the house should concur in the senate amendment increasing the a m on ill from $100,000 lo $150,0(10. Agreed to. The house then took up Ihe hill re ported from the committee on commerce to •"liond Dip law for Die regulation of steam ssels. The hill went over. Adjourned. In tho house, on tho 2'.)th, Mr. Banks from tho committee mi rules, nqmrted a olution fixing tho compensation m wlliuw - sumnionrd to appear before Die committee of Die house at three dollars per day, and allowing five cents per mile mileage. Adopt- " Hr. Thomas, from Die committee on •••»>•» '"“I means, reported a bill providing Dint nil unused stnmpH shall Do redeemed when properly presented. Passed. Iliieluinl, from (he committee on wavi means, reported a hill niiDiorizhig tho retnn of the treasury lo convert into pons the five percent, registered bonds neces sary to puy the judgments of Die Alabama elniniN commission. Passed. -The house then,ns regular order of business, consld ered the hill regulating the pnv and allow nnccH «if "Hirers of Die army. Hie hill is ake effect on Die 1st of July’,next, Mr. Garfield sent to th-i clerk’s desk, and had rend an extract from Die testimony of Majm General Hancock before the eommitloo ad verse to the proposed reductions, nml with- out any further debate tho hill passed—1 11 In til. Ihe house then proceed to the con sideration of the hill appropriating $1(1.1,000 tor Ihe Iniieau of printing and ingruving of the treasury, and providing for the issue of silver colli in the place of fractional cur rency. \urinus propositions were made in regard to mileage. Mr. Foster moved lo abolish It altogether. In.the course ol (lie discussion mi the mileage question, in which many members Joined, Mr. Page moved an amendment providing * Die pay of any member elected U> till a vn- curacy shall begin from the dato.of his eloo- Don. Agreed lo. The house then went into committee of Ihu tho legislative !""' Ju.ll.Unl ii|>|>r«.|.riiilInn I,ill, III,, ,,ut'»lI,,11 being on several nmeiidinenls to the Item of salary of senators. The first tuite w Die amendment reducing Die salary of tors to $.1,000. Rejected, All the amend ments to the mileage Rem were rejected, iu- eluding Mr. Foster’s. Without disposing of •he hill tho committee - * ■' • djourned. In lira limiHO, on the JJOth, Mr. Bur It'lgli, from the committee <m naval iiflHIrs, reported a hill directing lira nnvnl estimates to he tirade hi detail, under Die various heads of expenditure. After discussion Die hill passed. Mr. Faulkner, f om tho cnmmiltc on foreign affairs, reported u resolution d. reeling Ura eommlllcc on fnruMfi affairs to Inquire if there was uny conllirMf construe- Don- between Groat DritniuL.njtihu United Slates in regard lo the axtradlfifeu treaty of ■18-12, nud what Jgxjidatjpji, if ail 1 ,- to remove any dUTiouflJnp tinrWffi said treaty. Adopted. Mr. Kid Jit presented articles !<» be adopted and presented to ||u senate in maintenance and support of Dir impeachment, for high crimes and inisdo- meniiors In office, of Win. W. Belknap, bite secretory of war, which were recommitted and ordered printed, with the umlerstading they would be called for on Saturday next The impeachment articles lire five In' mini her, and arc worded iu usual legal phrase ology, olio being largely a repetition of thi mlmr. The committed also report the fol O lowing resolution: That seven managers he appointed, hy hullo!, lo eotiduel the im peaehinent exhibited against Win. W. Bel knnp, Into secretary of war of the United States. The house then resumed eonsideni- Don of the Mil appropriating $1(1.1,000 for deficiency iu the printing mpl engraving ireau of the Iressurv department, ami for e issue of silver coin in plncu of fractional irrenev. The nineudineiil of Mr. Willis, to ...Jd to Mr. Holman's amendment a proviso that if silver bullion is not presented for coinage in sufficient quantity to meet tho de mand, tho treasury may purchase silver Mil lion for purposes of coinage, was agreed to. Mr. Reagan again ollercd his aiiiciidiiiciil milking silver a legal tender lo the amount of fiftv •lollura. It was adopted; and with out disposing of tho hill, the house ad journed. In the Iioiihc, on tho 31hI, Mr. Wood, from lira commilUiu of ways and means, re ported a hill for the sepnrntc entry of express pmkngen contained iu one importation, ssed. Mr. Morrison, from tho committee ways and ineaiis, reported a lull to define lax on fermented or limit liquors. It provides that nothing contained in section .I.127 of the revised statutes shall he strued to authorize mnowmieiit on the quality of the material used far the purpose of producing fermented or malt liquors, nnd that Die quail- Dty of the material used shall not he evi- for the purpose of taxalion; hut Dial .... ,.ix on all beer, lager beer, ale, porter nnd other similar fermented liquors shall be paid os provided iu Unit section, and not otherwise, provided Dial lira net shall not apply to eases of frninh IWcd. Mr.Tucker, from the same committee, reported a hill to authorize the commissioner of internal rev- in designate and fix points at which - tors and supervisors of revenue shall hold their office, rarae.l. The. house then proceeded to take n vote on the Mil impro priating $15.1,000 for the deficiency in the treasury printing bureau, and for lira issue of subsidiary silver coin. The hill was passed — 122 to 100. The following is the text of the bill: There be and hereby isappropi iab d out of any money in the treasury not other wise appropriated, Die sum of $163,000 to provide for engraving, printing and other rases of making ami issuing United States That (he secretary of I In; treasury is hereby directed lo issue* silver coins of thc Unlted States of the denomination of ten, twenty, twenty-five and fifty cents of stand ard value in redemption of an equal amount ■of fractional currency, whether Ihe same he now iu the treasury awaiting redemption, or whether it may he presented for redemption ; nnd the secretary of the treasury may, under the regulations of Do; treasury department, provided for such redemption, i*sue, hy sub stitution at the regular sub-treasury and pub lic depositories of the United Stales, until the whole amount of fractional currency out standing shall he redeemed. That the silver eoiiu of the United States of the denomina tion of one dollar shall he a legal-lender at their nominal value for any amount not ex ceeding fifty dollars in any one payment, and silver coins of the United States of de nominations of less than one dcdlar shall he a legal-tender nt their nominal value for any amount not exceeding twenty-five dollars in payment. Adjourned. ire glad to silenco one: slander igainst Gen. Hchenck. It is thix Htory tliat Ira came away from England with out wailing upon tin- queen and making his official adicttH. He mot her majesty while he waH Htrcaking it down to tb"e iliij>. “ By-by, Vicky,” lie said, cliceri- y. “ I’m o. j). h. “ Well, so long, iMibby," tho dear old girl replied, and they parted friendn. b u layer for each day, Before me now. 1 hey. ns I turn tticm Idly o'er, display A rlldiou lii’iv. nnd there u flower, amt—I A broken row. •TIs -tnld Dint, In the early year* of Earth, Era mini had weigh'd the worth of iiiiin.n Of wondrous light In gentler kind hud hi ..innr so (lore* a glare t... Were lost from sight. Hut, niter mini laid drunk the draft ot pnln, Amt (ell (lie |iiik>Ioii at a aew-lsiru woe, The slur went oat. l-ueh ray Hint luul Is on hid itoln forth lignin, Amt Isniit)- more than one enn over know Hlione round atsiut. Within the sky n slur like tills hns died, Whose glenni hud plert-cd Ihe very soul of i And It wus thou : Uni II llitx |•emu unto thy loss replied— 11 (lam eiihnm-ed Die loro 1 hut wns to tm - TIIK BRITISH 1>KAll. •I 'tin l*itnl Amo i'x lira Tomim nl We«l ■•ilnnlci* Ablra.r. John Until writ cm front London to the New York Tribune : 1 do nut remember who it in lliitldefiiu'Hglory iih being killed in buttle and having oiic’h name niiH- Hpelled iu the nexvH|m|K. , rH, Worst: still to bnvo it miss) ’lied on a monument! Bliigllold, and not Bringlield, as (lie in scription lias it, was tho'name of tho gal lant colonel: “ Equerry to bis Koval lliulmesao Prince George of Denmark, nide-tie-enmp and geiilloniini of tho Horse to bis Grace ye Duke of Marlborough (yo vlotoriotiH general of her in'ijesty'H forces beyond ye Hen) who. while Ito was liemounting liis Isinl, u|xm a fresh Horse, bis former fuyliog under hint, bad liis bead fatally shot! by u Cannon Ball in yc Battell of ItnmolicHou Wednesday ye 12th day of May in ye year of our I<ortl 170(1 anil of bin Age 50." It may jilensc the Hmitlis (lie world er to know Mint the Bight Honorable Anne, countess dowager of Glnurieknrd, was once a Smith—“oldOBt daughter of John Smltli, J'ktq.," even, who 1ms a lK'iuitiful monument all lo himself over in Hie south aisle. • Iusno Newton's monument occupicH a loll compartment of lira orgnu-Hurcon— that of Stanho|H! occupying another oi (lie right, ill Hie nave. The pliilosophe presented ine.umhpnt, slightly rained no arm, as he muy have lain under the tree when watching the fall of tho apple which—if there ho anything in tho |Hqmlar account ol the discovery of grav itation—wiih indeed “the fruit ot the tree of knowledge." All tho UovIcoh (lie monument do not please me,illustra tive though (hey urn meant to hn of his discoveries and achievements. Weighing the sun hy a steel-yard strikoH me ns neither “ Uijd" nor “ striking." That he never did, and what he really did wnH much mure difficult. He got at the heavenlv bodies without stairs, and wulgiiod them in hand without the ah! of halances! No feeling of 'levity conitJM over you as 7011 stand by fcbo grave of fm' Who discovered the MW b And Ihe grave Is immediately inTronto? the luomitnont, n conspicuous sisit, ro- jM'atedly rofttsed to different norilemen, who had asked for it. On tho stone alsive is written : “ Hie ilejHiHittim qnod morlalo fnit Isaacl Nowloni.” Near to Newton’s grave lie two Hcotsinen, Robert Htepbcnsoii—to whose memory a window of stained glass lias lately been given: and L'olln Gmupbell (Lonl L'lyde). Amt yet anotlier Hoot, who went where en gineering lias not to lltiH |»criod petto- trated, and carried peace into Africa further than Olydc did war into India, rests near. “ Brought by faithful hands land and sea," after years of weary travel, undertaken to “evangelize tho na tive races, to exnlnru tho undiscovered eciets, to alHilish the desolating slave trade of central Africa,” David Living stone, “missionary, traveler, philaulhron- ist," sleeps lieneath this black marble slab: bis tqiilajili closes with lira last words lie wrote—a quotation from bis Master: “ Other sheep 1 have which are not of this fold ; them also I must bring, and they shall bear my voice." The accompanying Latin verses front Lucan, though written to describe the desire of Julius Ltesar to penetrate one vail which then, as now, bung over lira sources of tho Nile, accurately cmlxxiicH tiie aspirations of the later Livingstone: “ Ho great is my love of truth Unit ere is nothing I would rather know than tho causes of tho river that have laid itid through so many ages." This insignificant tablet, whereon a simple name and dales only are written, is to Henry Wharton, an eminent then logian, who died in 1019, age 31—the most voluminous writer of liis years in the world. Ho it gin’s. Hu who writes the most is the least written about. Tho monument to lira “most valuable memory ” of William Longrovo, “sett iiji by Henrietta, Dutchess of Marl borolijijj, as a mark how dearly she re- mlx’rs the happiness, and honor site njoyed in the sincere frieiidshiji of so worthy and honest a man," caused a g(xxl (leal of talk at one time. Harah, mother of llcnrittlla, uncoiiijiromising dowager that she was. made no irancs of letting off her opinion of it. “ Ifnjqii- iickh, perluipH; honor she can not say." There was no need of jierpctiinting such scandal in stone, mid considering the niitoriousncsH of the alliance, tin: ill- rijition had more ajqirojirialcly been written iu brass. The first wife of Hir Haniucl Marland lias two inscriptions 0)1 her back, one in Hebrew, anotlier for tlra benefit, proba bly, of those who do not read Hebrew fluently—in Greek. Not lobe jinrtial, the same widower a few years after fires both barrels of ids (or some one else’s) erudition over a second wife (who lias ly brought to bay near by), giving tho parting shots this time in Hebrew and Ethiopia. All may not lx: 111>in Hebrew, lie reasoned, perliaji.s; some may not rend Greek, but surely none can ignorant of Ethiopia. Now you see our country on the walls for the first time, 'l ira province of Mas- liusetts bay erects, by order of general court, a memorial to I/m 1 Howe, who b march to Ticonderogn in 1758. the century this same Massa il usetts, then a state, wns imlorluiialely II as unwisely called upon to furnish material lor monuments. And a re miniscence of our great struggle with tlra mother country we find in this monu ment to Andre, “ beloved nnd esteemed by the army in which be served and la men ted even by bis foes." It has a mournful interest to many, for all are retirement ns gavo hor great opportuiiilys for Bending and Botiection which she made use of to tho Wisest purposes ol Improvement in Knowledge and Bo ligion. Djxm other subjects she ventured far out of tho common way of thinking, bat in Beligious matters she made the lloiv Hcriplttres, in which she was well Skilled, the Buie and Guidoofhor Faith and Action, Esteeming it more safe to rely ti|H)ii the jilaiti word of God Hutu to in into any freedoms of thought up void'd Truths. The great share of T11 allowed to the Llosot xvnH not perceived in her (economy, for hIio luul always a well ordered nnd well instructed family from tho happy Influence ns well of her t«inpor and conduct as of her uniform and Exemplary Christian life, it pleased (hid to bless Iter with 11 considerable es tate, which with a liberal hand, guided by Wisdom nud Piety, she imployed to bis glory and the good of her mdgiilxirs. Her domestic expenses were numnged with a decency nnd Dignity suitaiilo to her Fortuno, but with a Frugality that made her Iiicomo abound to all projicr objects of Charity, to the relief of Ihe necessitous, the iueouragumeut of lira I ml uni rimis, and Instruction of tiie Igno rant. Hlio distributed not only with chonrftilncHH but with Joy, which upon some occasions of raising and refreshing the spirit of the Alllicted she could nut refrain from breaking forth into tears flowing from a heart thoroughly elleeled with comjmsslon ami Bcnvvolcucc: Thus did many of hor good works whilo slra lived go up as a memorial before God, and some she left to follow her. She dy'd Ian 2.1, J72I17, in tho 57th year ol Age." Tills monument explains why people ride so much iu hansoms nowa days instead of driving about in their carriages. In K;82 Thomas Thymic, Esq, was shot in Ids own coach hy three him. assassins, while driving through l»nll Mall. Tho rttory is (aid with every ef cumstniitinlity in sculpture. Tho jxior gentleman flits in liis coach, nnd you see tho nssasiins firing their bluuderbusscM iu ut tho window, whilo tho conclmtan whips up bin horses. The murder was ho grave of trnc «l homo— tho instigation of it—to ot' gravity. jxflo ho familiar with tho story. Many wantu mo- mento, too, and the head of Washington, broken oil' and carried away hy visitors, lias been three limes renewed. Boys of the nation find it easier to get abend of Washington now limn did tho men of 1770. All my life long I've keen looking for a jHirfect woman ; now when I find one she’s dead. Just my luck I But tho brief and feeble tribute to the departed worth which I find on hor tomb shall go imperishably on reeonl in these classic columns: “To the Memory of Mrs. ICathariun Bovey, Whose Person and Understanding won't! have lieeoino Lite highest Banke in Female Life, and whose vivacity wou’d have recommended Her in our Ix'st conversation, But hy judgment as well as hy Inclination she obese such a I don't know hut ho is buried in Hie ab bey, teo. Anotlier reminder of our rebellious country. “William Wragg, Esq.,” of Boutli Carolina, when tlra colonies re volted, took part with good King George, and sailed lor England, but was wrecked and lost off tlra coast of Holland. It couldn’t have gone inttcli woiso with him bad Ira stayed in Hontli Carolina till now—unless, indeed, Ira bad bought tho Ixmds of lira slate; Janiinrysaud Jitlys, for intance. FACTS AND FANCIES. “PM too jxior to take a imfer.” If you are, you should be indicted by the grand jury for obtaining n family under false jircU'iiHcs. Tiikrr is n town in Maine whrei, after three days’ hard work, tlra citizens raised soventy-two cents for tlra widow of a man who was accidentally killed. Tiik kangaroo has been Introduced on several large estates in France, nnd Ih now hunted in Unit country nit game. It readily mlnjibt itself to the climate. Turkey 1ms fit teen immense ships of war which exist, nearly two millions of dollars apiece. Their solo duty is to fire salutes when tlra Sultan goes to tho most] no. Can you sec mo,'dearest?" said a Chicago man to his dying wife. “Tell me, cati you see me?” “ No," rho faintly whiHjxjrcd, “but I can smell your breath." While nu Iown woman was struggling in the water, and likely lo drown, Iter husband veiled out: “New iHinnet— swim for life I" and slra kicked out and safely readied the shore. WnAT Is editorial courtesy ? is when an editor is caught stealing cliickeitH nt midnight and Ids brother editora kindly ulludo to lira matter nH a strange freak of a somnambulist. Charlotte, North Carolina, Iihh bad an olopoment, in which the bridegroom was sixty and tho bride thirty. 'J lie fa ther of tho bride tried tods: presenl. at the ceremony with a pitchfork, but took (lie wrong road. The peculiar bent of tlra German mind is shown by tlra fact Mint out of tho twelve thousand five hundred nnd sixteen hooks jmhlished in Germany in 1875, only nine hundred wore devoted to fiction and tlra drama. h lightning into (he i , they It deed I it's nloel" Lenllet after lunflet vanished in a trice. By Bit* Unto lira sun came, to chase away tlra shower. There were ull the fourteen hugs, hut who could find Ihe flower? Into it Die arenlnres went: now it wns in (fir w—' Fourteen little fat htign sitting 011 a stein! Tiik debating societies of Hontli Caro lina have been offered tho following pro- idem hy tlra Abbeville Press: “Which S llie best wav to got news—by lxirrow- g your neighbor's paper, or subscribing on timo without any intention of paying for it?" Molikre was asked tiie reason-why, in ccrtuin countries, tlra king may .ajK — sumo the crown at fourteen yearn of iwe nd cag pot marry before eighteen# “It wnyf.fniWrryln,. g« if 2 dom.” Judge Uttild’H ( barge to the Grand Jury. Wo givo below an extract from the charge of ids honor, .fudge Guild, to the grand jury of tho present term of the circuit wm rt: to charge you upon a high misdemeanor which is so common in lira land, and which it is now your high duty to notice, and bring tlra oflendcrH In jus tice, .Whosoever they may^io. I allude lo lira vicious linhil of carrying about lira jtorson concealed wcnjHinH. Moro than half lira linmicidcH which occur grow out of this debased practice. When I was a Ixiy, lira “ bullies " of ono creek would meet those of another creek iijxiii the muster ground, a ring would be formed, and a fair light was luul; no con cealed weapon was drawn and a citizen slain ; all lueir inusoles were brought into jilay, which ended in a knock-down and occasional bile—no ono slain. But, .V, tbo desjierndo, with his pistols buckled around him, seeks Ids victim, in stills an unarmed man sensitive of his honor, and if he make an effort lo rcqiel tlra insult, lira jdslol is drawn, a new grave is made and a helpless widow and orjdianH arc left lo mourn the loss of hus band and father. This evil practice is of lira off-shoots of laziness, and in- lisjxisition lo jmrsiic some virlttotiH nud lattdabie emjdoyinent which xvill always secure a reasonable living and bring home to a young man an honest reputa tion. WJtenovor young men depart from this laudable course, jmt on and wear broad-cloth, silks, kid-gloves and “ pru nellas," attend it|X)n gambling houses and sahxmH nnd idle away their precious time, v arc sure to fall into vicious habits: It characters as those who loiter about whisky shops and attend regularly tt|xm gambling graced if t they have never “ killed their they arm themselves with the deadly jilstol and seek an occasion iu which to use it, that they may Ihj lion ized by lira gentler sex, thinking it will give them jxxdtlon or caste with them, wlio in every ago have appreciated bravery—but tiie bravery displayed by men should lie courage exhibited in de fense of their country and not tlra bully- ism of the murderer. Wo arc fallen ujxm «»il times—carrying pistols—dress and parade—giving entertainments attended with the extraordinary exjrandilures, such as no honest calling can afford. Too much extravagance and too. little work are the, fruitful causes of most of the evils of our time. Genuine mirth and virtue are undergoing a decay; in the cities especially, they are stifled and lie- coming extinct. In this train of vicious habits is this disreputable practice of carrying concealed weapons. Tlra juries of the country and a virtuous public 11 tiincut should banish this habit from ie land ns they have driven dueling and tlra bowio knife beyond the borders civilization. Tiik Kearney (Nebraska) Press argues in favor of domesticating tlra buffalo, and says: “Tito animal can easily lie tamed nnd made to do good servieo in the harness ; that while his tail is not so bandy to twist, in every other reaped, size, strength, get-up and style, Ira is vastly sujierior to the domestic ox." “Children.” said a country minister, ddrcssiiig u oununy-schoot, “ why nro wo like flower!? What do we have that llowers bnvo? M And 11 small boy in tlra infants’ class, whose breath smelled of vermifuge, rose up and made reply, “ Worms," and lira minister crept under lira |iu1|dl chair to hide bis emotion. When tlra great Mohammed found a poet of tliat day making rhymes upon him, be said to Ali, tiie first of the faith ful, “Take tbo rascal away and cut out bis tongue." Tlra wise Ali handed lira 1 >oot it purse of gold. “This," said Ira “<), thou rogue who mockest tlra |iro|ih- et, this is the only way to cut out thy tongue I" Till! latest tiling in soap for use in hotel lavatories is to grind it to powder and jdace it in a small metal urn with a perforated bottom. To do this you first wot your hands, move a slide in lira bot tom of lira urn, when down comes it shower of soiiji sufficient in quantity to cleanse the bauds of any one, except a cabinet officer. The Black Hillh Htory, Briefly Told.—Unless emigrants tiro jirepared to go to work cutting timlier and tilling tlra ground, and to assume lira other trials and pains of a pioneer life to eke out an existence, they should take warn ing from tlra experience of a man writ ing from Luster Lity, in the Black Hills. Ho finds that claim owners are anxious lo trade off their claims for flour and bacon, and tliat the miners were earning at most from fifty cents to one dollar a day.—Chicago Tribune., The Centennial Show. The New York Mail says of the com ing Philadelphia exposition: (July a fifty cent note will Ira received for admission. No change will lx* re ccivcd, made or given by tlra holiest men at lira door. The queen’s picttires aro to bo guard ed day and night by a squad o jxilicc- men. They are said to lx*, heavily in sured in eight different English com panies. Tho parties who got lira catalogue have a big bonanza. Tlra advertise ments will pay nearly seventy-four Mum- sand dollars, and tliis is exclusive of tlra sale of the book «it lira grounds. There nro now some doubts ns to whether everything will Ira ready at lira ajipointed timo. These doubts are al most Wholly confined to disinterested spectators. It is feared that there will Ira too many Ices exacted on the grounds, nnd Mint foreigners will have barely enough left to pay their hotel bills nnd get home. A Philadelphia paper says “a jxilito justice will sit on the grounds continu ally." Why not let him up now and then to exercise his legs and relieve tho grounds? # Givo tbo hotel keejrars n wide berth. They have made up their mind to swindle you. and they will if they pos sible can. Go to a hording house, or, better still, visit some relative.