The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, April 10, 1876, Image 2

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THE RECORD CEDARTOWN, GA., APRIL 10,1876. Wo lourn from Iho Cfifftersvillo K.r- ]>rc*a that tho call of John W. Wof ford, chairman of Dofnocrutio Execu tive Committoo, to moot on tbo 30th ult., wan not hooded by a singlo ni bor. Col. Wofford met, and took tbo roBpouNibility of calling a convention of tbo dittlricl, to moot in (Jartemillo on tbo 20tb iuntant. Tbo object of ibitt convontion is to appoint dob gate n to tbo HI. Lon in convention for tbo purpose of nominating a candidate for President. It is important Unit tliin convention bo iillondod, and it is time delegates were appointed. A Washington dispatch says : "Hoc rotary Robeson has boon bombarded again, and this time by a regular bo nanza of alleged corruption develop moots. Among tbo charges brought against him is onu accusing him of be ing accessory to a fraud involving at toast twenty millions of dollars, youd that allegation, comes tbo inoro startling ono that among the alleged participants in this swiudlo, besides Robeson, arc President Grunt and an cx-Becrelary of tbo Treasuiy. Tbo details of tbo investigation in this mat ter, and tbo productions in the way of evidence, aro jealousy guarded in so- crot at present, but it has been prom ised that (ho whole affair will bo mado public within a few days. Prom tbo present outlook it seems that the Pres ident has boon caught in an immense swindle. It is likely that before tbo close of tbo wook tbo country will know whether those surmises will take uuuU definite shape ns to leave no room for furlhor conjecture." Blacker, tbo rovenuo agent, is suing Hem Hina 11, of Atlanta, for libol. In-’ iluauced by tbo pangs of jocosity, wo muy bitvo intimate d that the aforesaid was Blacker than most rovenuo offi cials, but we bavo never hinted that ho wus anything < Iho but a Christian and a stub sin on--and, oh matters stand, wo never will.—Savannah Ntm At the Into election in Connecticut, Gov. IngcrBoll, Democrat is elected for the fourth time, by a majority of about 11,000. Tbo Republicans car ried the fourth, Hixth, fourteenth and night cm 111 districts, and the Demo crat h Hie roHt. Tho llmu o in Demo cratic by 4 mnjoriy. m Another uow daily paper has just bcou started in Atlanta, tho Timed,, edited by Jos. D. Waddell. Wo publish tho following act iu re lotion to recording mortgages, passed at tbo last session of tbo legislature : AN ACT To amend Hcotiomi lOfiC and 1050 of tbo Code of Georgia of 18711, ho as to alter tho time for recording mort gage on real and personal proper ty, and prescribing tbo pluco of rec ord of mortgages on personalty. Suction 1. He it enacted by the Gen eral Amnnltly of the Slate of Gearyia, That “throe months" in Iho last lino of Hiiid Boatiou 1955 of tl\o Oodo of Geor gia of 1878, bo stricken out, and “thir ty days” inserted in lion thereof. Hko. 2. He it further enacted, That wootion 1050 bo nmouded ns follows: Thai all chattel mortgages of stocks of goods, wares and morohaudiso, or other personal property, shall ho re corded in caso the same is upon prop erly or goods located iu hoiiio other county than that of mortgagee's resi dence, in tho county wlioro said goods or personal property is located at the time of the execution of said mortgage, in addition to the record of said mortgage in the county of tho mortgagor’s residence: Provided, That this Act shall not go into effoot until July 1st, 1870. Sko. 8. Repeals ooutliotiug laws. In 1875, Georgia bought and paid for (in ono way anil another) sixty- seven thousand toiiB of guano—total cost $4,020,000. Tho Nashville Amcrii\in says that part of tbo Pennsylvania Republican platform, touching recent disclosures at Washington, recalls to mind tbo ac tion of a frontier convontion away out in tbo Northwest, to-wit: “ifcwo/tvd That wo don't oaro a - what lmp- pous bo long's it don't happen to us. 1 According to the Now York 2tet<> it torus out that tho presentations and honors conferred on Charles O’Con nor, the famous lawyer, for bis sup posed kindness iu conducting tho caso of Mrs. Forrest iu her suit for divi without feo, were uumeritod. Out of the $84,000 alimouy granted by tho court it seems uow that Mrs. Hiuclair received but$5,000, Mr. O’Connor re ceiving $10,000, anil Mr. Chase, his associate, $10,000. Mr. Metcalf, of Pittsburg, a manu facturer of cutlery, said to tho Ways and Means Committee on Thursday, that tho ores of northern Georgia and Alabama, hud turned out equally as valuable for the manufacture of tine cutlery as tho Swedish ore, hitheito exclusively used. This is very strong t alimony and means a great doul, so far as the future of iron manufacture iu the South is concerned. Wo publish for tho information of our roaders, nt Iho r«quest of our ’J’nx Receiver, tho following circular from Hon. Tbos. P. .Janos, Commissioner of Agriculture. It contains consul or al)!® information for tux payers, uud by heeding its Instructions, will snvu time to themselves and Receiver: Static or Qeoboia, Dktahtment or Aomcuim'ite Atlanta, Feb. 20, 1870. To Tax Receiver Polk county : Tho Act of March 2, 1875, requires Receivers of Tax Returns, each your, to collect tho “ucrcngo planted foi tbo preceding year.'’ With this, you will receive tbo*two blank digcHts for this year's work, namely, "Crop Produced” for this year PIcuno use nil diligence to secure full mid reliable returns, so that your work will be a fair exhibit of wlmt tho farmers of your county made last year. Kuo that every person who made a crop last year, and every ono who is cultivating ono this year, is properly returned. Let no case es cape your notice. If any person fiils or refuses to miiko a return ut once sot down his name, and raako a re turn for him, and write "Def.” iu tho margin against his name, to signify that you have made the returns for him, and that he did not make it. Lot every word on tho book bo written in a very plain hand, so that ovary name and every figure can bo easily road. The returns must bo en tered on the Digests according to tbo militiu districts, and tho names alpha- botiaally arranged. Kovory page must bo footed up; uud the pages of every district consolidated; ami then and then the digests must all bn con solidated into cno "Gouoral Aggro- grutn.” Tbo whites and negroes must be entered in separato portions of tim Digests, and tbo negroes kept entirely soparuto from whites. Their returns must bo entered by districts, and the districts consoldutcd into ono ' General Aggregate,'' tho same us for tho whites. T hen these two aggre gates must he added together for tho 'Total iu the county.” * * * * It is particularly desirable that you be careful iu collecting statistics of in grace who are f inning on their own account, as well us whites. It is im port,till. to know fully tnd correctly wlmt this class of our population ;s doing in the lino of agriculture. Tho act of March 2, 1876, requires you to collect Uioko statistics by tho lath of July, and forward Urn com pleted work ,to this ^Department by tha first day of August. List year tho work of preparing this digest and blanks after tho approval of tbo Act 2d March—caused thoir delivery to receivers before the 1st of April i ni possible, and thus prevented hiiid from collecting us full returns as they othorwiso would. (Jonsidoni)g this and other circumstances more or lo*s unfavorable, most oi tho returns were very well mado. This year everything supplied iu aitiplo time, uud I trust 1 shall have full uud ample returns from every county, bo that 1 can make an exhibit to the world of the State of Georgia. When the ho Digests aro tilled up, they must, iu every instaueo, bo re turned to mo by express, or by private hands, unless you prefer to send by mail and prepay full postngo ut the rate of threo cents for every half ounce. Very Respectfully, • Tuomas 1*. Jams, Com. cf Agriculture. Tin* Black Mills. Papers come to us daily with ac counts of crowds of pooplo that aro hastening to the Black hills in search of gold. Many of those who go aro totally unfitted for tho work before them, aud will perish by scores for went, hardships and cold. Latest accounts describe these Hills ns sterile, barran, desolate, with snow thirty feet deep, aud constant danger lawlessness and tho war parties who are desperately defending their pos sessions. The hardships to bo borne aro in audible, all the more when tluro is no ueed of going to tho Black llills for gold, when tbo Iiouisiunu .State Lot tery Company offers $502,500 in Gold in their seooud golden drawing. Wlmt need to speud time, money and risk one's life, when, for $50, any person can purchase a wbolo ticket in the LouLiana State Lottery, halves, quarters, etc., in proportion. That is a good enough ‘ Blick llills” for us, and it would bo much more sensible, if all who were rushing to tbo barren wilderness to try their luck hero instead of venturing where, it' Fortuno is against them, they can never return. Hour these facts in mind and not upon them promptly. Tickets and circulars relative to the drawing, which takes place on tho 20th, positively, without scaling or postponement, can be obtained by writing to tbo main office of tbo Com pany, Box 092, Ntw Orlcuus. aprfft. A Boston journal says that New Yutk spends $2,000,000 n year for flowers alone, and for plants and fi nits $3,000,000 more. Supreme Court IJerMoii Hen* Mortenkc Hlicrifr Sale ilerril at Atlanta, tin., iuon*aK* niierur nan . Man'll i£8, 1870. "1A7ILL bo sold before the Court Homo • ; vv door, in fJoduilown, l’olk ,coun»y, Simmons vs. Anderson. Homestead, • (,n » 0,1 Die first Tuesday In Juno nex', bo- from Mon 100. 1 iween Hie legal boars of sale, the following properly, to-wit: m WARNER, J. G. Five cottage hiMlntoadv,two common hed- Tbis was a claim caso, which was t stow!*, five rmitra**es, ono fiatwrbcd, nix to tho dtchdon of the court, without the intervention of a jury, on | ono safe, two washpan*, ono ijrrup pitcher, tbo following ngroed statement of hugar dishes, one sol ooup plate*, four , , - , , , . . . „ # i window curtain*, one net knifes and fork®*, facts; 'lluit tbo defondant in h fa* j seven yard* oil cloth, ono dinner bell, one JiimcH M. Himmona, on tlio 271 b iluj wwJuuml, un« bureau an.l larijc (!k™, lounge, iwo tea set«f one red and white spotted cow and coif, two lea kettle.*, four IriinpH, one lot crockery, one Move nnd fu ture*, one bureau, two boxen and content.., one hewing machine, one rag carpet, one bedfltend, four plnin chair.*, one rocking clinir, one baby cradlo and tick, one fold ing leaf table, ono trunk, ono matrass, three iniri'ors, one fealherbedH, « no wash- stand nnd miheII table, four dining chairs, one rocking clinir, one water bucket, one barrel and contenlH, one candlcxtand, one lowol rack. 0110 lamp, one silver pitcher, one small trunk. AIho, one red speckled cow, levied on by L. Hamll, deputy hberiiT Floyd county, of Mitral), 1873, executed to tbo plain tiff’, W. W. Andorsou, a mortgage up on ono litihdrod aerts of laud ; that snid instrument was signed, sealed Mid delivered with all the solemnity necessary under tho law, and is in ull respects a valid morlguge; that iu said instrument, tho said Simmons waived for himself nnd family, all right to a homestead, to or out of said bargain ed and dosolibed premises; that said mortgage bus foreclosed, and fi fa is- fitiod against tlio defendant, and levi ed on said laud; that the defendant, as tho head of a family, 1ms since Raid foroclotmro and levy of said fi fa, ap plied for, and obtained a homestead on said land according to tho require ment of tho law, nnd 1ms, as agent for his wife, filial his claim thereto.” Up on thin statement, of facts the court decided tlmt the land was M)hj< et to the mortgage li fa lovi d (hoieou ; whereupon tho claimant excepted. Tho only question inudo hero on thu foiegoing statement of fails, was whether Simmon* 1 , tlio defendant in! Also, lots of Land Nos HMi, ilia, iiio, .. . , .. i 1201, 1087, 1140, 1159, 1100, 1J17, 1218, the mortgage It fa, could waive Lm 1232, and 1236 in iho 2nd dtelriol iuel 1th right, as tho head of u family, to claim l "vetion of Polk county, a* the property of .. baiiicHlaiul in Iho propnrly .1.--crib-1 hV'I "rjiir “rta S! ' ‘»V»“n lit' ed in tlio moitgugo, so as to prevent iho said M. K. Went, property pointed out by plalnLiff and turned l.cvied upon by virtue of a mortgage Ufa from Polk Huperior court, in favor of A. Huntington ugninHl t). K Flournoy, a* the property of Ba iil O. It. Flournoy April 7th, 18711. " apr. 10. Polk* Sheriff Hales for May. county, Georgia, on tho First Tuesday in Muy next within tho legal lioura of wate, the following properly, to-wit: Ono claybunk homo and ono buggy an the properly of Stephen A. Hordern, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Polk Suporicr court iu favor of ('herokeo Iron company, ngainst Henry .May principal, and .Stephen A. IJor- AIho, property satisfy him from afterwards obtaining homestead on tho specific proporiy mortgaged, Mid to claim tho same us a homestead exemption, as llto agent t f his wifi*, from being subject to that mortgage fi fa. The 1753 section of tho Oodo declares that "in this State, tho husband is tbo bead of tbo fami ly, uud tbo wife is subject to him ; her legal civil existence is merged iu tbo busbuud, except so far as tbo law re cognizes her separately, either for her own protection, or for her Inmofit, or for tbo presci Viilion of public order.’’ Tlio constitution of 1808 declares, that each bead <>f a family, or guardian, or trustco of a family of minor children, shrill be entitled to a huineste id of really to the vnluo of two thousand dollars in specie, &o., which, when sot apart, is exempt fiom levy nnd sale, except fur taxes, money borrowed and expended iu the improvement of the homestead, or for the purclmso mon ey of tbo same, and for labor done theteou, or material furnished there for, or removal of iucutubranacs there on. When the ooimtilntion declare# that each head of :i family shall bo outillnd Lj a homestead in realty to tho value of two thousand dollars in Bpccio, it was not intended that it should I) OMnpulfcory on o.icb bead of a family to \r.ko on* a homestend in his land, whether lie desired to do so or not. The obivious nnd fair con struction of this clause of the consti tution is, that each bond of u family should ho entitled to a homobtvud us tbeiviu provided, if ho desired to have one, aud not otherwise. When Mi. Siluiuous borrow, d tlm money and ex ecuted his moitgago deed to 8( euro j a;ij, 2: 40me time 11ml place three n or Mack innro uiulco, no tho of Hr. K. II. Uichnriloon, Hr., to Huperior court li fa in favor of Mrs. A. H. Kwanoon. agiiinal tbo Hnhl K. II. Hiclinr<loon, Hr., ns die property of snid Richardson. Also, nt tbo tamo time and place, one houHfi and lot known nntlic Hoig house and lot, bounded on the north by Hen Brown's lot, on tho south by Hum I Duke'* lot, on tbo cunt by street running north and south from Van Wort road t" Wofford s brick yard, nnd on tbo wont by Hcrhrrt * land, a* tlio property of H< lJoig, to satisfy a jus tice uourt II fa in favor of J. H. Noyes, vh ■aid l»olg. Levy made ami returned to mo by constable. AUo, IoIk of land No*. 225, 220, 227,228, one half of lot 221. ono half of lot IH:t, find out* half of lot 221, lying in the 1-t district and -IIli section of Pidk county, tin., n* tlio property of Thomas .V Duke. Levied upon by virtue of a Folk superior court fi ta in favor of A M 8loan, against the naiil Duke, also to satisfy orber ti fns in my linrids ngainnl said Duke. II F. LUMPKIN. Sheriff April 3, 1870. l*olk f utility Morfgngi* .Slid id bait* for Muy. Will \j4 sold bofaro tbo Court ltouvo Door iu OtH^vtown, the flr#t Tuesday in May ami, within tho legAl bourn of «al«, ill* following property, to-wit: Lots of land No*. U68, OKS, DAI, 1034. and half of Ddt, and all that lira on the smith id lie of Cedar crook of two other lot*, uumbcri* not known, containing two hun dred acres, inoro or ions, in 2d district and •Itii Huotion of Folk county. Levied on by virtue of a inertgago fi fa issued front Folk Superior court, in favor of Camp ami (.'lark. ugnin*t .Martlit A. (.'Iiiselm. Property pointed out iu snid IWn, ns the property of .Martha A. Chisolm. in 13. H. F. LUMPKIN, Hh II. Slid ilf* Mori unco Sale for May. re tbo Court House own, Folk county, of sale, on tho Fit si tho following prop- ita payment, ho etipulaltil uutli-r his hand and stud, that lx* waived for himself uud family, all right tu a homestend iu the mortgaged premises, iu other words, ho declared that, as thu bond of a family, ho did 1 ot desire to bavo a bomchtcad ou that laud so Lois of land, numbers 92, 121. 122, 121, 13 I, lot;, ir>8, 1A0, 1 SO, 141, 162, lt»3, 161, iflo, 1 lift, 169, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 201, 220, 291, 226, 228, 229 , 230, 281, 291. 238, 2 49, 250, 25C, 257, 25M. 150, 265, 266, 267, 277, 280, 285, 286, 2**0, 291, 292, 293, 20^. 301, 810, 317, all being in 171li district and Ith section of Folk county, Georgia : and also tlio following lots 50, 51.64, 55, 58, 50, 72, 73, 79. 80, 81. Hi, 89, 00, 91, 92, 93, 94. 90, 118, 120,121, 125, 126, 127. 128, 181, 136, 137, 146, 152, 164, 169, 160. nil, 162. llJH, 167. 169, 171, 172. 193, 191, 2(H), 201. 201, 205, 223, 224. 929, mortgaged by him. As tho head' of I-jjj* -JJ* “'.‘IJ* g’JJ,' * 7^,' ^j' bis family, aud owtu r of tho land, ho go*. '!09. h«o', 341' 343, 378, 384, 592, 394. COUld have mudo UU absoluto salo of i 5{ ®* , » 4®8, It L 415, 426. 1>.»0. all being aud l4 . . 1 - « a, | . lying in 2lut district and 4U> section of Folk it, aud thus halo dofoutid all olailus ; county, Georgia, as the property of the 1.1 - i>f his fumilv to a liornosloud ou tho an Iron company, levied upon by virtue of Wby, us tho horn) of his fumi-! ly aud owner of iho laud, could ho uot ' the snid Ktun Iron company, together with nil appurtenance.** and Oxturea thercuni stipulate that ho would not claim a 1 homestead on it, the mot o especially | if ho did not desire to have ono? Be sides, it does not appear from tlio rec ord iu this tiaso, but that tho dofoud- properlv p>.itiled out in said mortgage. 11. 1‘. LUMPKIN, Mb'IT. March I, 1876. Marshal's Sales. AIR LINE HOUSE, 49 1-2 .Prior Sti'oot, ATLANTA, GA. Single Meal or Lodging...... 50 Transient, per day $2 00 Special Rates for a longer time. J. L. KEITH, Proprietor. apr.3tf. MORGAN, THOMAS & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WHITE GOODS, Ribbons and Notions, No. 3 City Hotel Block, ■ TWO PLANTATIONS P O 31 SAL 1: . O NE situated about ono niiio from Hock mart, containing about 240 acres, 140 eleured and under fence, with dwelling, out houses, orchard, Ac. One situated about five niiies south of Ccdurtown, containing 240 ACRES, more or .less, with suitable houses, good Peach Orchard, good fence, &c. Either of the above places enn be bought on very reasonable terms by applying to PHILPOT A D01)DS. Nov. 12, 1875.—tf COPPER COPPER. I KEEP constantly on hand a good assort meat of ready made TIN-WARE, afford sell i reasonable as ran bo bought in any market. Also do all kind of job work, such as roofing nnd gut tering bouses in the most durable style.— All kinds of stove nnd sheet-iron work, copper and brass, mending umbrellas. I respectfully solicits the trade of merchants. Take all kinds of country produce in ex change for Tin. (iuuno Btrewera made to order on tho shortest notice. 1. T. MKE, nil3, Ccdartown, Ga. East End Wood Shop 1 than that mortgaged, on which | Ga.. between the legal hour* ho conhl Iwvo token a homoatoail , \ Iir '' *«'• ">• *»«•»- i ing property, to-wit: omption ns tho head of a family. Tho j Tho lot and office of G. W., sit- obtaining auil claiming a homoslca.l »" •' , *!° D " n, . 1,cr .. ... , adjoining old jail lot, levied on by virtue of exemption m tlio mortgaged property : „ ,, u r, f„ p, „ r ,i„. mayor an.l by Mr. Kimmons, na tho agent of his commit of (Y.Urnmti, >- ,«iil Cbisolm. wife, after stipulating in the mort I gage, ns tlm lieml of liis family. Hint mmdlTyiZ ho waived for himself and family, all , bor uot known, bounded on the south by right to a homestead in tho mortgag- tlio property of Tho*. Griffin, and east by od premises, docs not, WO regret to ' die property of the Hand estate, levied on snv, n verv high stnhdnrd of 1 if of a it f. m faror of t!.o •,i, i ; l i * iir. . Mayor and Louncil ot l edartown, vs Jus. either Ins legal or moral oblignturn to | „ T „ , lu0 for pay an honest debt. In view of the 1 Also, at the -.imo time and place, one facts as disclosed in tho record, wo »f- j store house and lot situated on Main sired, firm tho judgment of tho court below, bounded ou the east an.l north by Dr. Judgmotit affirmed. EEPS READV-MADB COFFINS & CASES. Maken and repair* WAGONS art) l-'URNITtTRE. Wagon hubs always on hand. You can buy one or a dozen. Wong chiai* for fAtii. mcli27tf. eoo ACRES Cedar Valley Land FOB SAI.i;. tley land, (well known a* the gar den -pot of Georgia) in Folk county, Geor gia, two ami a half miles from (’edartown, the county cite- About half of this tract ia cleared, the balance well timbered with a variety of growth, it contain* a framed houae, with three rooms—a fireplace to each room, some out buildings, and an abundant supply of water. This tract embraces some of the best land in this fa mous valley, situated in North-West Geor gia, in latitude 31 degrees north. It is well adapted to tlio growth of all the cere al*, clover and the grasses. As to it.* adaptation to cotton, it is safe to say that any good farmer, with a little help from fertilizers, of an average crop year, can make twelve to fifteen bale* of cotton to the mule, and plenty of grain. It can bo proven that eighteen bale* of cotton and plenty of grain has been made to the mule, both by a white ami a colore-1 tenant the same year on adjoining lands—thirty-six bales lor two mules. Another colored ten ant the ha me year made fourteen bales, with one mule—total, fifty balks with thhi.f hulks ! There is ulso on this tract a largo deposit of iron ore of the best As to price, this laud must bo seen to bo appreciated. The owner being deter mined to sell, will takti less thau half the price that has been paid for land, which I is no better, in this famous valley, within tho past fow years. This tract could be divided into two or three desirable farms ! Terms accommodating. For further in formation apply to the undersigned, Cedar- | town, Folk county, Ga., or to E. II. Rich- dson, Sr., near the premises. THOMPSON \ W1KLE, fob. 21. Heal Estate Agents Huumiotul Bo error, J. S. Pincknnl, for ilefendunt dell's proporiy. occupied at present by tor plaintiff in MTS in favor of the Mayor ami Council ot Co- dartown, vs said Meeks. Tax due for 1876. Also, at the sumo time and place, one house and lot situated on Spring street, di- j rectly iu tho rear of Keatherslon Ac Co.'s store, recently occupied by .Mr. Kimball. ; Levied on as the property of Mrs. Sarah Shumate, by virtue of - G. W. VANCE, Saddler and Harness Maker, CEDARTOWN, GA. TIATOSE wanting work done iu my line -L are respectfully asked to give me a tri al. My Shop is on the corner, in the Pow ell obi Livery Stable bunding. may 8 i t CASH STORE. J-. S. STUBBS Sc OO. Codartown, Ga. JJAVE juat received their Spring Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS &C. These good* were bought at the close*! figures, and baring secured Cash and Case discounts, they are able to offer them at prices which defy competition. Call and bo convinced. A Complete assortment of Leather. Boots and shoes manufacture^ tg order. Wc call Hpecial attention to our stock of i.r, Family Groceries, 8^’RUPJ30AP, STARCH CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, FLOUR and MEAL. Sole Agents in Polk county for the Celebrated “Watt Plows” and fixture*. Agents for Hall's Patent Rotary Harrow—WARRANTED. We may have Mentioned it Before, But it will bear repeating; ami to make a sure tiling, wo wi 1 say that tho MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF MOBILE, ALABAMA,, Ih tho Leading Life Company in the South, And under its present excellent management is doing more Now Business iu the Southern Stateft than uny other Lifo Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. OUR a F B O I A. L T I E S = Tho I-iiie Endowment Plan, by which you securo an Endowment in fifteen years, nt tho rnto of an ordinary Lifo Policy. The Yearly Renewable Term Plan, tho chonp- oat plan of Insurance now worked. m. McCarty, ii. m. friend, sheppard homans. President. Secretary. Actuary. R. 0, RANDALL, General Agent rfsd Manager, GADSDEN, ALABAMA. FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31st, I87B. Not An8otH December 31st, 1874 $119 809 13 INCOM K. Received for‘Premiums and iutorost 9 DISBURSEMENTS. mTT2 Losses by Death $71,254 00 Dividends, Commissions, Taxes, and other exponses.. 73,859 62 148 113 62 $602,671 50 ASSETS. Cash in Bank U. S. Government and other Bonds Loans on Mortgage, First Liens LoanB on Bonds and Stocks Insurance Stocks Real Estate and amount duo by othor Companies for Re-Insurance * Bills Receivable, secured, and Stock Bonds Premiums in hands of Agents and iu course of Collection Office ami Agency Furniture.. Add Accrued Interest nnd Deferred Premiums.. Assets December 31st, 1875 $ 17,185 40 70,270 30 49.032 12 26,695 06 1,425 00 95,085 74 299,238 46 40,993 45 2,745 88 602,671 5( 21,824 4( MURDER ! $10,000 00 REWARD ! Etorjbody run hero and lenru how to got rich. Tho wheel of fortune is turning, and “THERE’S MILLIONS IN IT.” PHILPOT Sc IOOIDDS, Hnvo murdered tho old plan of high prices aud big per cent, and are a-I-VI JXTG4 AWA.-Z- GOODS At such Low Prices ns Defy Competition. People who go to Rome 8(fll their Cotton and como back to buy goods from PHILPOT k DODDS' NEW CASH STORE Come aud Buy Almost W I T II O UT NI O N' E Y ! And you will go homo aud dream of peace and plenty. . s p shepard,' DRY GOODS & GROCERIES CEDARTOWN, - - GEORGIA, j Special Deputy Sheriff Sale. AY 7 ILL bo sohl before tho Court House tloor, in Ciilartowii, Folk county, Ga., on the fir*i Tuesday in May next, be tween t ho legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit : Half interest in lots of land No. 1215, in 3rd district and 4tli section of Folk county, us the property of L. Dougherty t by tuo of one justice court ' Kirkpatrick Co., \> Property pointed by plaintiff'* attorney, virtue of two city tax ti fas iu favor l.p\y made and returned to me by a con- Mayor ami Couucil of Co i.irtowu vs said stable. C. F. GORDON, Mrs. Francis and Y. O.W. .Mc.Mcekin. Tax Special Deputy Sheriff", ■ for the year 18’ — DEALER IN And are Selling them at remarkably low prices. Sugar, Collee, Cheese, FMsh the .Mayor and Couucil vs said Mrs. Shumate. Tax for the year 1875. Also, at the same time and place, ono house and lot situated on Spring street, bounded west by Church street, aud cast favor of I), by vacant lot, levied on as the property of aid Doughtcrty. Mrs. Francis and T. G. W. Mc.Mcekin, by Family Groceries, HARDWARE, CROCKERY :,|.r 10. 1IBSON. Marshal. CON FRICTION KRI US, CANNED GOODS. AC. T AM now located in the new store house on Main street, next door to Dr. Lid dell's office, and respectfully ask a share of patrohage frown the trading public, promis ing to sell as low as any one. Give me a A full Line of Notions, Trimmings, Ribbona, White Goods, Domestics, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES. BEnOY-MADE CLOTHING V.ud iu fact a General Assortment of Merchandise, all at Greatly Reduced Prices. Being fixed np iu good style, no rents to pay, and having paid Cush for their Goods, they are able to Compete successfully with any oue» Call and be convinced. ’ npr 17