The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, April 17, 1876, Image 2

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THE RECORD. C'BDAHTOWN, HA., AVHIL 17. 1H70. lu ii dignified loiter uddrcsfiod to a number of proniimmt citizens of Co* hitubm', Oovornor Hniitli has formally withdrawn from the gubernatorial rare. While Gov. B mil IPs administra tion hit* not alwayn received tbounan- imouH support of the people, it will, in the main, compare favorably with that of tunny of his prodreotsorp. The .Stub: lii*is pr< Hj en d, and the people w ill doubtless accord him much of the honor for briugiug order out of con fusion, and rcHtoring I ho credit of tho bt.. te. For the iv>foi nmtioii of orr roudera we givo below a few important cluing- or made by the hint legislature in ref erence to certain laws: Just icon of the Pence have no lon ger the jfghl by law to award cohIh iigniiihl the accused or the prosecutor, at discretion. In all cases of forcible enlry and detainer tr’ed by Juslicf s of tiic Pence the jury is miuircd to be drawn from nil the persons in the district subject to jury duty. Tax ItcciiveiH nro required hereaf ter to enter on their digests the first name in full of tax payers. The only change made in the i-choo] law was to empower county school commissioners and members of the bontd of education to lulinluisler oaths when ncCesanry. The section requiring the fund to bo distributed on 1 ho basis of school j > pulation in the i.nb districts, was repenlid and the fund will hi leafier bo distributed on tl.o burls < f population in Hie entire county. The Columbus Enquirer slat os on high authniily that ix-Piovisionnl Governor Janies Johnson will not run for governor on a Republican ticket, if lm inns at all for the position it will be iim an independent OOtididate. Tinir will dctiirnino \n1ii tlior hi runs at all. 'i hero is, and lias been since our ei i lie Bt i cooUoation, a difluronl < pin ion among farmers as to what pro duces chess in win at, some contending that it is 'produced by wheat, while i tin is say it is productd front its own ned. Wo publish I ho following com munication on the subject from an Ohio fanner, published in the Atmii- cuii Put it n : ‘In a newer to an artiulo published in the Patron, in which it is assorted that wheat docs turn to chess, and in which the question in ashed, “Did any one ever know any one to sow chess and ol tain a crop?" 1 ray yea- lmve done it myself. The people in thin vicinity sow moro or Ivbs of it every v. v with tin ii wheat, and uovot fail to rait'O a good crop of chcm at least, if not much wheat. Tho idea that oh ebb will ii"t grow from its own r.oid L orroneoiiH. Thoro in this diiVereuco bolwuuu it and wheat when growing: the blades of chess nro coV** 1 * d with a downy frtr.z, vvliilu the blades of wheat are nmooth: any person can tue the b< tween them, and that they nru two distinct plunts. N -w if, as ho says, the wheat that is winter hilled until life is almost extinct (thoroby putting it back behiud its proper tin.o for maturing), uml tUm produces chons, why is it that pitch hnncli i f chess is entirely iftpftnito frem tho wheat? Why arc not some bm.oUofl part wheat and part chews ? iib often theio pro huiulus of wheat which are only partly killed by win ter. Now, ncoeud'VK 10 this theo ry, tho portion partly killed would bo eh© bp, ai d thu oilier part wheat, hut it never is so. If our fiioudly cot roapundont will take tho trouble to get three or four hernia of pure wheat, iub out tho grains carefully and sow tin in in his garden or huiuo place Which ho knows to ho free from chess, and let them grow until next June (or tho time when lu« says if it is out otV it will produce chess), cut i: elV, and my word for it, it will produce wheat if it produces anything. Also tuko BOlUO chess and sow it in some place where you know it will not b dis turbed, ami you will have a Wop of chebs without fail. I have known it to grow for yean* in meadows which havl fom.nly Ison wheat fields, the chess having boou tin own on tho ground iu l:..tve*»t time ami left there, where it would grow and pioduw chits each yuui. A miuistei residing in our midst, was coliipclLd to give tip his hoi so ami walk to Ins npj ointments, because the members failed to furnish corn to foid it. They sing beautifully : "I want to go to heaven, when 1 die, wi.oii 1 did" Jtt»t imagine how N. l\ter will look when on© of thus •oosti "k. g ate up ybndii ? it i' . > hut he will hit that .’outI van pyoh .v- i . f ivligi* imleMlm ear. It iv.nb him, f > i*e » u.-i ed. Minay Courier. Foster filoiti«>l(, This noloiious scnlnwag, who fig ured so conspicuously iu G tnrgia pol itics during thn Bullock region', was arrested iu Augusta on tho il l lmt*nt and takem to Atlanta, where he is held to answer four indictment'' found against him at various t imes by grand juries of Fulton county. Tim first in dictment was made at tho October term of Fulton superior court in lt>70, and charges him with larceny after trust, in that ho appropriated 980,000 belonging to llm Mtale, which paused through his hands as Miporinteiulent of the Stale road. The sefiouci indictment was issued at tho April term in 1871, and clmrgid Blodgett with embezzling $16,000 of tlm proceed.! of tho State road. The third indict merit was iusued nl the same time and charges him With being a common cheat, and swindler, iu that he represented himself to he president of tho Touuohhco Car Com pany, and sold a largo number pf cars to tho road, for which ho was paid and which ho failed to deliver. It is alleged that no tuch company as he, claimed to represent was then in ex istence* Tho funrth indictment charges him with forgery. Blodgett has given a $5,000 bond fui bis appiuruhcu at court. To protect cabbage and other plants from cut worms, inako a ring of salt around each plant about an iiuih from it. The worms will not pais over this, and when tho rain dissolvta it tho savor in tho soil will drive tin in off. Another plan is to pour strong tobacco water around the iooIh. To keep bugs from vines, simply Imllow out the hilis f r emumbor, and melon vims and put in a p nt or so of I en manure. Cover with earth and plant the seed. While the vi• •«• • glow luxuriantly, it will bo loo un- palalablo for the bugs. An ,ther is to sow a few reed with the above n ( nt imi d in < d. Bugs an* so fond of raddish plants that they will eat tin m in preference to tho young vinca, and thus enable Hum to get u good atari ai d out of dm g< r from insects. Dull Tow ns. t’ndi r tin ala ve til- the M u on Teh graph explains why some I >\vi • uio mo dull, ami how the establishment of factories and workshops would pro duct) a wondrous and gratifying change. We give ith aitiel" on this interesting oubjeol : Interior no i la depending fur their hade on the circumjacent agricultural districts, are bound to bo dull, iu the matter of trade activity, at linns and seasons When farmers and laborers are particularly busy, they do not c/uno to town often, and they tiro alw pnrticulaily busy when preparing gn in d for, and sowing tho sad—in the earlier otngra of tho crops, and at the gathering of tho hai vest. All tho <■ make dull times for trades and yi I that the times aro dull is Hllggostivi. of favorablo lUtgnricH for tho common welfare. The more onorgi tioally tho planter pmsiUH his calling, the bettei f. r town correspondents. Th 1 f« w. i idle farm laborers b> b. : (■•• I tho stroot corners, thu greater piom- iio of Im.iue H prosperity. We lmve never seen tho streets of Mmimu hi comparatively free of <•« 1 ued Imiugors us jn t now, and it Is a good sign. It promises more work and l m mischief. It hIiowh that the argument of necessi ty is being felt and appreciated by the colored brethren. But the time is now, and coining still stronger, when tho town whites night to ho doing a great deal mom to rnuody “dull liuife." ’there are many imtustiial nits and asoouiioi.a which ought to be pm mu d in our towns to H,ivn the enormous waste of time by our nmniplo.ved whi >If “time is money,” what a capital is ev ery year auiik i:: these towns all b\ sheer idleness. Now, "Bemo was not built in a day," and it will take a good while yet for our people to realize that r\. ry man ought to bo employed lmnself in something inoful. And the means of cm ploy moot, too, must ho elaborated by the co-operation of labor amt cap ital. Capital, since the opportunity lo invest it in negroes was 1 ,t by tlm war, has been to cumulating and soek- i: g investment, mainly in our towns. 1;, litst directuui it look was in banks and money h tiding, but lliis avenue is well nigh blocked by various obstacles. Then it sought r« al estate until this field Menu d to have been Mltlieiently occupied for tiie pit scut ; and now a new one must bo sought This ought to l>e found in some ittw enterpriMs in the uit-ehauies art something which will utilize our idle time, mind and muscle, and bring in to contribution to the gtmral wealth, this vast fund which is now not lying merely unproductive, but is nbs.JiUc b adding to the common poverty by the consumption o( wealth, and the thousuml and OUO costly aud evil re sults vf n\li ness. Tht iegmuity and lUterpiise of our men ot capital and cunning sin uld be directed to thu profitable employment of this large usource, which is us much lllidcwlopud wealt:. as a c .1 Us r» ltlUce chi.-lpm ss, bo wielded in piotitableeouipi iiliiiu with the er way. MannfuH tiring and mechan ic l industry will yet achieve grand ru in i h n in Georgia; hut when slnll begin? When shall wo aff .nl our la-1 On, bar a fair chance for omployn .MortKiiKd Sheriff Sale. AX/lbbbH Hold before the (fourt II • ! y V «lf,-»r, in Cell Polk county, on the fir*! Tuesday in Juno nexi, be-' n ihr- lognl boars of nele. the followinj properly. The Illack Hills. Papers homo to us daily with ac counts of crowds of people that are hastening to the Biaek hills in search of gold. Many of these who go are totally unfitted for tho work before them, and will pcin h by scores for went, hardships and cold. L itest accounts describe these Hill - as stprilo, barren, dciolate, with snow thirty feot deep, and constant danger lavvlessnosH and tho war parties who j Jh? C e'’'inirrori^ are disperatrly defending their pos- Hossions. Tho hardships to be homo aie in audible, all the moro when there is no need of going lo the Black Hills Tor gold, when the Louisiana Slate Lot tery Company offers $502,500 in Gold in their second golden drawing. What need to spend time, rnone) and risk cue’s life, when, for $50, any person can puichi-Mi a whole ticket in the Louisiana State Lottery, halves, quarters, etc , iu proportion. That is a good enough “Bl ick Five cottage licif^ti'aJ#, two connioi bed- Meft l*. five iifairaBHco, one fealiroirbeil, msj I'ftir btankeli*. four coltoii pill own, four is. blci, lliirfrcn chairs, one rocking cbnlr, one 1‘nfv, (wo wnnlipins, one syrup pileber, two sugar dislics, one set soap plates, four window curtains, one set knifes and forkes, sen a yards oil clot Ii, one dinner bell, one wasIiMand, one bureau and large glass, one lounge, lwo Isa seta, one red nnd White spoiled cow and calf, Iwo ten kellies, lour lumps, one lol crockery, one slote nod fi bureau, two boxei and contents, sewing machine, one mg carpet, one tend, four plain clmirs, one rocking baby cradle nnd tick, one fo'i|> ) trunk, one matrass, featherbeds, one wasli- ti small table, lour dining chairs, one rocking chair, one water bucket, one barrel nnd contents, one candleslnnd, one towel rock, one lamp, cno silver pitcher, one small trunk. Also, one red speckled cow, levied on by I'. L. Ilnmil, deputy sheriff Floyd county, and turned over to me. Levied upon by virtue of a mortgage flf/i from Polk Superior in favor A lluntinp’ion OLOinst (I. It Flournoy, ns the properly of said (). It. Flournoy April 7tii, 1876. f. p. (JORDON. Hpcclnl Deputy Sheriff. npr 10. for May. Id before the Court House of Odnrtown. Polk Bulk Shiiinr Sale W'dM.r i, Hills" for UH, audit would ho much vounty. (Jeorgin, on the First Tuesday in t ii . _ , ! -Hay next within the legal hours of snle, mote Ki'iiHihh*. if nil who were mulling 1 ,, M . fo i| owiMK ,. r op< n v. to-wii .- buggy to Hio liairou wildcrm-eH to try Mj' ir hick boro imtead i f venturing wherr, if Fortune is against them, tin y can never return. Bear ihene facia in miml and act upon them promptly. Tickets and cdculiWH n lative to tin drawing, which takes placo on the 2'.)th, positively, without scaling or poSlpoiicincnt, rail he obt'iilieil by writing to the main office of tlm Com* p my,' Box 002, N* w Orleans. upr.’P. CEDARTOWN DIRECTORY. (.1 NKIiAI. \l 1.1(4 II l.MIW'. p HILPOT iV D'diDS.WrM N h|e Mala loods, Crocki-ry, Ilardwn Hliocs, f addle ,, .\c. i I ■ M > n i- Leather ral liuplt She I'll HUSTON lock. Main st loihing, Office \ \ ' M. I’llII.LIP.' \ PU (; z Iteiulv Nollon.i, J\ ;.'n the following property One clnybnnk he property pf Stephen A. Hordern, to satisfy a li I i «- - ii oil from Polk Suporiir court in Poor of t'herokeo Iron company, agninst Henry May principal, nnd Stephen A. Hor- ders security Also, lots of Land Nos 1 *>'*.I, 11 1.'., 1I4'.». 12'IJ, 1087. IIP,. II.V.I, non, 1 .*17, 1218. IS'PJ, nnd 12Ri» in the 2nd dislrict and 4th section of P"Ik comity, as the property of M Ii. West lo satisfy a Polk Superior court ti la in favor of Jsiui-s H. Noyes, against tin* -uid M i:. West, properly pointed out by plaintiff. ‘.\ -o. at the same lime and place three ■lark brown or black mnre mules, ns the property of Hr. F. II Richardson, Hr., lo -nti-fy a Superior court tl fa in favor of Mr*. A. C. hwi.nson, against the -ail L II. Ilicbsrilson, Sr., ns the property of raid Richardson. Also, ai Iliu same lime and place, one bouse snd lot known ns the |)olg house and lot, hounded on the north by lien Drown’a lot, 'in the south by Hurrel Duke's lot. on l tho carl by street running .north nnd south I from Van W tit I to \\, lion I n brick yard, nnd oil the went by Berber' * land, : a- the properly of 1*. Uoig, lo satisfy a jus- ml n fa in favor ol J. H. Noy, ., vs l raid Hoig. Levy made and returned lo mo ! by constable. 1 Also, lot* of (arid No* 22\ 22(1, 227, 228, one hull Of lot 221. one half "f lol IK:, and on* 1 ball of lot 223. lying in tl..- I *t d.Mii.-i ninl lib section of Polk county, tJn.. a* tbe property of Thomas A. Duke. Levied upon by virtue of a Polk superior ci m l II la iu favor of A .M ftlunti, against tin «abl Puke, also Io satisfy orlicr ti fas ' in iii.v hand* ngaiii*i said Duke. II. P. Ll'.MPKlN, Sheriff. I April 3, 187''.. Polk ( oiuilv Morluagc Sliciiir Nal«* for May. \\ i I be sf.ld before the (’ntirt House Door in Oadnrtowu, on tho first Tuesilay in May neat, within the legal hours of sale, i I iu* following pioperty, to-wil: III .«Tl.\(t'l'u.\, id half of 061, mill side of (Via 003, ! SI, JO . I. I all that lie reek of two other lots, numbers not known, containing Iwo hun dred acres, more or less, in 2d district aud llh section of Polk county. Levied on by virtue of n mortgage II fa issued from Polk Stij crior court, in favor of Camp and Plark, Mai 111 . BOOKS mill ST \TlO\r.m . I > A. WItlli'll I a CO . Court H.m- I I Hntiare ll.u k*. Stutiomu v. Chrom«- II. P. LUMPKIN, Mh ff r May. l lion"O 2. I2l, 122, lit. 1C2, IC.8, KM, I0U, 200, 201. !Sl*ii 202, 203*. 2yV. Sol! 8lo! 3I7*. nil bring iu lTib disliicl and Db section of Polk niul also the following lots numbers l". 23, 28, 43, 47, 48, 4'.l 120, 327, 12$, 181, 13d, 13 IV, 160, Id, 162, 163, 16 103, 101. 200, 201, ‘201, 20. AIR LINE HOUSE, 40 1-2 Prior Street, ATLANTA, G A. Single Moul or Lodging.. . 50 Transient, per day $2 00 Special Rates for a longer time*. J. L. KEITH, Proprietor. npr.Btf. MORGAN, THOMAS & CO. WHOI.KSAI.F. DEALFIIS IS WHITE GOODS, Ribbons and Notions, No. M Crrv Hoto. Block. NiihIiv ille, - - Tenui'Mce. Feb. 14-3m TWO PLANTATIONS F O U S A L H . ^ j.N'Il situated about one mile from Rock dwelling, five miles south of Routed about or , containing nbn cleared and under fern out bouses, orchard, &c. i Inc situated ub' GVdartown, coniaining 240 ACRES, more or 'less, with suitable houses, good Peach Orchard, good fence, >tc. . Hither of the above places can be bought on very reasonable terms by applying lo PHILPOT «V DODDS. Nov. 12, 1875.—tf COPPER COPPER. I K kr I * P constantly on hand n good a •■■or! I ment of rea Jy made TXJST-'W^^oE!, kind or job 1 lerhig bouse All kinds ..I coppn unrk< ork. i reasonable ns i. Also do all oflng ami gut- in the most durable sty I rnss, mending umbrellas I pert fully solicits tin trade of insrcbantM. Take all kinds of country produce in ex change for T in. Guano Stiowi rs made lo i the shortest r i t. mi:j:. East End Wood Shop J. M. HARRIS. m dll I i IIEI'M Id'.APV-M VIII’. COFFINS & CASES. WAG! INS i <0 FURNITURE. t’agon bub* nlway- on hand. Vou cn 600 ACBE3 Cedar Valley Land FOll SALE. A 1 ■ Cud a “CASH STOR E.” vJ. S. STUBBS r&c CO. Ce(lart<)Vi - n, On. H AVE juet"rccelveil their Spring Slock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AC. 1 here goods were bought nt the closest figures, and having secured Cash and Case discounts, they are able to offer them at prices which defy competition. Call aud be convinced. A Complete assortment of Leather Roots and shoes manufactured to order. We call special attention to our stock of I.AHD, COFFI'E RIFF. T?Q»rvilTr (rPnOOPlflC! k'ANVASdKD HAMS, Ml 11 \ |{, RACON, SALT, ± alilliy UTUl/tJI itJb, 8VKUP. SOAP, STARCH CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, FLOUR and MEAL. Sole Agent'* in Polk county for the Celebrated "Watt Plows" ami fixtures. nn;u Agents for Hull's Patent Rotary Harrow—WARRANTED. 211. It AKHltA . •nolTUFGIN. « 300,' 4118. 111’. 415, 4I’ll', l.’.O. all being nn<i Tying in 2nd district and lib section of Polk county, Georgia, as the properly of the Li na Iron company, levied upon by virtue of a uioitgagc t\ la issuihI from Polk Superior ciurt in tiiv»r of Allred Mhorlcr, against i the said Kina Iron company, together with i all appurtenances and fixture* thereunto ! properly pointed out in suiid mortgage. March 4, 1876. H P. LUMPKIN, Mh'tf. II A 1% N ESS. T V ILOR. • AND, Maiu si.- \v Mimliul's Sale* be sold before the < .1 t.M LLF.U. \ L. DAVIS. M in *i - li. V Watch, and Jew C .. K. i Ua„ bet\vc i the first Tu j ‘"8 propel The lot a ualeil i*n M ile, on the follow- id otlice of G. W'. Chi* 'm, rit «iii street, number not kmwti, d jail lot, levied on by virtue of fa in favor of the mayor aud Ciiluttown, v* - .i-1 Chisolm, lug tor the year KST.'i. .1, me Valley land, (well know deli spot of Georgia i in IVdk county, Geor gia. l "° ami a half miles from Odartowi ill© cuuiity cjte- About half of this tract cleared, the halanco well timbered with variety rtf growth. It contains a framed house, with three moms—a fireplaci each room, some out building*, ami an ; abundant supply if water. This tract embraces some of tho host land in tills fa mous Valley, situated iu North-West Geor gia, in Itltitud.- 51 degrees north. It is well adapted to the growth of all the cere al*, clover and the grasses. Ah to its adaptation lo cotton, it is safe to aay I lint any good fnrntor, with a lilt to help from fertilisers, of an average crop year, con make twelve lo lift ecu bales .»f cotton to the mule, and plenty of grain. Ii can bo proven that eighteen bales of cotton and pleuty of grain has be.n ma le to the mule, both by a white uud o eolored lotianl tho same year on adjoining lauds—thirty-six bales tor two mule*. Another colored ten ant tbe same year made tour teen bales, with one mule-—total, tirvv n.tLts with THHKK Mf t.K* ! There is also on this tract a large deposit of irou ore of the best quality. As to price, this land must bo seen tb bo appreciated. The owner being deter mined to sell, will take less than half the price that has been paid for land, which is no better, in this famous valley, within tho past few years. This tract could be divid'd into two or three desirable farms Term* accommodating. For further in- forhiation Apply to the undersigned, Cedar- town, Polk county, lia,, or t.. K. 11. Rich- We may have Mentioned it Before. But it will bear repenting; and to make a suro thing, wo wi 1 any that tho MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OB MOBILE, ALABAMA,, Ik Hus Iioadinjv IAfe Company in llieNonth, And uudor it« presout oxciollunt umnageiaont i« doing moro Now Businoss in tiie Soutliern States than any other Life Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 1875. OUR S B 33 O I A. L T I E 1 : r l 1m* I^ilit* I -iidowmiMil Plan, by which you secure an Endowment in fifteen yours, ut tho rato of nn ordinary Lifu Policy. Tlu* Yenrl.v Krnoxvablo T’erm Plan, tho choni>- oat plan of Insurance now worked. M. M-CARTY. H. M. FRIEND, SHEPPARD HOMANS, President. Secretary. Actuary, R. 0. RANDALL, General Agent and Manager, GADSDFN, ALABAMA. ST A-T B UAL iSHSTT FOR THE YEAR ENDINC DECEMBER 31st, 1875. Nut Assets December Riot, 1ST I $149 809 13 IN COM i:. Ri tvivt d for Premiums and intorest 1 .'9 DISUIKSEMr.M'S. Fi.'O.iS.i 12 r,o«« a l.v Dontl,... $71,254 00 Dividemla, Commissions, Pax*-s, nnd other expenses.. 73,859 G2 148,113 (12 $002,071 50 ASSETS. Cash in Bank $ 17.185 40 U. S. Government and other Bonds 70,270 30 Loam* on Mortgage, First Liens . 49.03*2 12 Loans on Bunds nnd Stocks 26.095 06 Insurance Stocks . 1,425 00 Real Estate and amount due by other Companies fur Reinsurance * 95.085 74 Bills Receivable, secured, and Stock Bonds 299.238 46 Premiums in hands uf Agents and iu course of Collection 40,993 45 Oflic. and Agency Fprnilnr? 2,745 88 602.071 50 Add Accrued Interest aud Deferred Premiums 21,824 4G Assets December 31st, 1875 .$624,495 96 MURDER! $10,000 00 REWARD uar the prt THUMPSC Mr iuIihI riffin. nd « ‘by IF 1 y vifittQ of n city t TOSF.P1I THOMPbO «I kind.* if U»wa mivl S fiUpvrior tuauncr. O P. SHKPAUD, Kn> FN Family Gtocoru*. G. W. VANCE, Saddler and Harness Maker I uded oil tlu* i td lot sit imt c«i i id Ms '.DAItTOWN, li A. ray line the Pow- I orth by Dr. Lid- i prv.'ont by ti *i* the property Sju t inl Depttn Slid ill W a Id. All tliii gs imiat h ml rttiuUs aie mil luted iu any oth- „'J pv lo. ! tUdpa property, occupiml P. Shepard, and levied on V. in. Mi ik*. by virtue of out* city t.;v n ta in favor i>! tlu Mayor >uul Council of (*e- ilut town, v» said Mocks. Tux due lor 1875. Also, ni the same lime and place, one lpju>e turd lot situated on Spring street, di- i it. tl.v in the rear 4 f 1V..I .u r*i> n A t'o.'s sioiv, recently -coupled by Mr. Kimball. Levied oil a* the property of Mrs. Sarah Shumate, by virtue 4it one city fi fa in fav or the Major aud 1’oi.neil v- -aid Mrs. sliumnu*. Tax fur the veur 1875. Also, at the some lime and place, one h«Hi-o a:.d 1-t s.i lilt 1 , . Spring -treet, bounded west bv Church street, and east by vacant lot, levied on as the property of Mr- Francis and T. (. W. Mc.MveWui, by Mayor and Council ot Ceuariowu v a said M; s- Kittiivis and T. G.W. JicMetkin. Tax ter the year IsT.V apr.3. A. J. G1D80N, M arshal. Everybody run here an^l learn how to got rich. Tho wheel of fortune is turning, and “THERE’S MILLIONS IN IT.” PHILPOT & IDOIDJDS, Huvo murdered tlu* old plan t>f high prices and big per cent, nnd nro GIVING AWAY GOODS At such Low Prices ns Defy Competition. People who go to Rome, sell their Cotton and come buck to buy goods from 1 PHILPOT A DODDS’ NEW CASH STORE Como and Buy Almost av 1 r r 11 o u r r >1 o > e y : And you will go homo and dream of pence uud plenty. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES And are Selling them at remarkably low prices. —dealer in - Sugar, Coftee, Pish Family Groceries, HARDWARE, CROCKERY A full Lino of Notions, Trimmings, Ribbons, Whito Goods, Domestics, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES. HEADY-MHOE CLOTHING Vnd in fact a General .Assortment of Merchandise, all nt Greatly ReducSH Prices. Being fixed np in good style, no rents to pay, and having paidl Cash for their Goods, they are able to Compete successfully with auy one. Call nud be convinced. upr 17 I'M’OC'L v*anting n • - done are respect fully asked to g al My Shop i* on the corner, ell old Livery Stable bmiding. S. P. S H E P A R D, GEORGIA, IT. DAK TOM X CON FECTIOX EH 1 l-LS, CANNED GOODS, AC. T AM i). w located in the new store house 1 on Main street, next door to Dr. Lid dell's otlice, and respectfully a«k a share of patronage from the tradiug public, promts-