The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, May 01, 1876, Image 2

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THE RECORD. GBDARTbWN, OA., MAY 1. IH70. Tho Iron Ago My* n smooth pol- iiihod block of pure oilvor, weighing 4200' pound*, nnd worth $011,000 in gold, linn boon brought to Philndel- pbia in tbo steamer Citv of Havana It in a foot in thickne**, nnd him three lido*, on eh three foil in length. It belong* to Pio JiermijilloA Co., bank er* of the City of Mexico, who have consigned it lo Gomez, Riondn &■ Co . of No. 0 Old Hlip, to bo exhibited among (lie Mexican product* at the Centennial. Tbo old b dbug from Maine wnjit* to wipe cut a heavy rcoio by doubling the rale now paid by im wapaper pub lisher* on paper* mailed to regular subscriber*. Hu olainm that the pa per* aro now. carried at a lo** of $7,000,000 a year to the government. Ah no aeparale account i* kept of the newspaper mail, Mr. Hamlin of comae diuwa hugely on bin imagination in charging the entile d< ticicncy in the poal-ofliee depi.itmont to the i.uwapa- pur*.— Constitution. The following delegatea were ap pointed at Carti oavillo on the 20th to Kl. Louis : For the di*tiicl, W. W. Payjiu, P. M. Jl. Young. Alternate*: J. W. II. Underwood, Gon. llanaoll. For the Stuto at large—J. W. Wof ford, Gov. .Smith, Geo. 'J'. Bunion, It. E. Lebter. Wo acknowledge tho receipt of an invitation from tho .Savannah Newa, on an excursion to Tybeo, to bo given by tbo Morning New* to the member^ of the PrchH Absociulion on Thurtiday, May II. Major «). J. Gregg, a prominent cit izen of Augmtn, waa allot and killed a few dayw ago, in Oinnilovillc, H. (J., by Rebel t MoEvoy. About eight yen* ago, while Major Gregg wim «u* poriliteiidont i f the Graniteville fac tory, MeKvoy, then a youth, wim em ploye d an errand boy. In coiiihu of timo it was ft mid that there wiih real ly no in enmity for *ucb a person and tho poaition waa therefore abolished and young MeKvoy diam'iHHod. Tim boy appoarad to brood over thin iih mi injury and to resolve upon rovongo Homo two years ago lie w nt to Texaa, I ut returnod about throo week* ago, aul ut tacked Major Gregg in the *u- | flint undent’* effleo, almotiiig him thieo Sinn h, ouon tiirough tbo stora- noh, and ho died the next day. Mo- Kvcy waa arrested. A Virginia member of congioBa, who baa boon congrutulaling hiuibelf on gettii’g tho full quota of guidon heed* for bin district, found, to liiH umpiinM.n going homo, that, tlm lion. ilunicH G. Rluiiio bad aoiit fully three timoH iih many Hoods into hi* district, so that tho nogrooii wore disposing of hem for money. Grant wont money lo New York to control vote*, ami Hh.inu homl* need* to Virginia lo con trol delegate*, S) wo go.—Constitu tion. Tlic Next Governor of Geortiln. Tho following i* what tho editor of tin* (’I’.mlcHtoii New* any* in regard to tho next Governor of Georgia: Siitot) tho withdrawal of Governor Smith from the Held, tho number of conspicuous cuiididntoH for governor of Georgia ha* narrowed down to three* tu four, G<.n. Colquitt appears to have the best ohiineo of beouriiig the nomination. We hope that this will bo ho, for many reasons. Col quitt is no ordinary man. Before the war lie was a member of Congress from Georgia. From tho b»ginning lo tho end of tho war he was in tho Held, nnd served with distinction. For years ho has been ut t lor head of tbo agricultural society, and lie is closely identified with soul hern indus trial and agricultural interests. Pub lic offices, without stint, have been offered him and declined. Tho pop ularity ho oujoys is not that which is sought, but that which follows after. Brave as a Paladin, shunless as Bay ard. statesman, gentleman and pa triot, what son more worthy and tit ling can Georgia Hud in this trying aenson ? In what Georgia does, tho South has an interest, and went leasl,know ing her people and grateful to them watch thoir uteps with loving eyes. Colquitt belongs to tho south, and his name ami fume «»ro not Georgia's alone. For tli> reason and for the ptido we havo in him, we hope that the reports that oorno to us uro true, and that General Colquitt will as cer tainly be nominated as ho will stm ly l»o triumphantly t* looted if ho boo mica tbo standard bearer of tho democracy of the Shite. It is said tboro is imminct danger of dearth < f small change during the transition from shiuplusters to silver. It is istimulid that teu millions of tho coins will be absorbed by class of small s.vtiH who do their owu bank ing. The thrifty housewife ami the \ ooi vugow will stowe away duue af ter dime and quarter alter quarter un til the aggiegaiu kept oul ot ciioulti- tion is enormous. So far ns Codnr- Vnvn is concerned, it i* now out of Oak Level,^Ala., April 20, 1870. Editoii Recoiid:—Your ever wel come sheet comes regularly Dow, and i* read with much interest by my neighbors. People here say the times are very hard, und money ver) bard to get, which in very true. But there would be a sufficiency < f provisions here if the bog* bud not died out iu the lust two or three years. Farmer* uru very slow about plant ing Ibis year, owing lo the late cold weather. If tbi* prove* to be a good crop year, there will be au abundance of wheat and corn in our mountain* and Cleburne may rival the free State of Haralson in her supply of cereal*. Progress No. 2, iu the It-eord of Homo week* past, draws the attention of our Simon, and he proposes now to supply "P. D. L’s” four miles of table with guests by the following me.ius: I'm a gwitte to buv a band in that ar bigness my self. I'm a gwiuo to run a railroad from Baltimore to Han Francisco rite by that ar big hotel. Will lay a track of solid blocks of granite six feet sqar, the track rails to be 18 x 80 inches in size, and 00 feet Apart. On this track I will mount 12 ingipg of u million borne power each; each ingino will druw a largo lank set on wboils; each lank will be filled with sea water and marine animals, and ill be uv a size big anuff to bold a steam ship of the biggest kiud. At.ouch oond iiv this road will bo two big bisters to lift the ships in uml out uv Llio tanks. I'll- call it the "Overland Steamship Lino," and tho crows of tho vessels, passengers an all, shall take one meal at (lie big hotel when they pass. Now, I 'spent it’ul take a forty Iiuhm* at each switch, and a h n boss iugiu evry tank to pul oil the brains. 'Jim ships on thin route cun leave Baltimore on Monday and sail into port ut llong Kong Friday nite. I ’sped poopul with uo brains will laugh at my plan; but ibtr ain't nutbin American pro gress can't nuconq lisb. What does "1‘. D. h." say to that? Hcudd. Thirtcon of tlm fourteen deh gatoa lo the Cincinnati convention fn m H(»nth Carolina are ofllco holders, and eight of Ihtm aro | ersons of color. Only one ef them in for reform of any sort—Gov. Cluinibeilain—and lie, not enough to seriously affect his stand ing iu the republican party. Ex-Gov Archibald Dixon, who died last Holiday ut bis homo in Kentucky, waa the uuefetutor of Homy C'luy **» the senate in 1HG0. lb* was in l»is seventy-fifth year, and had lived in Hendorson, where lie died, since 1805 The April report from North Ala bama lo the Mtniphi* cotton exchange indicates that the preparations for crop planting are one and a half per cent better than tlm corresponding moiilb of last, year, owing to more fa vorable* weather, but the acreage in cotton will be two percent less. Great interest in pork raising iH reported, with nn estimated ii crease oveo last year of 115 per cent. r.xliuclN liom the Minute* of tlic lieu Ml of Kilucuttoii I’olk County. ifevo/m/, That tlm Board of Kduea- cafiou require a more rigid examina tion of teachers for the present year, and a higher standard of qualifica tion : ii each grade of license; und that all teachers, expecting to take schools under tho Public School Law, be re quited to meet the Board at the court house in Cedaitown, on the Hist Tues day in dune, at 10 o'clock a. in. All contiaets with teachers must be sigiu d before the opening of tlm schools—the first Monday in July. T. L. ITU M AN. County School Commissioner. A Montana justice doesn’t splurge any when he marries a couple. He sa)s : ‘Arise, grab hands—hitched— six ih liars 1" And that's all there is to it IV Ill AV BLACKSMITH & W00DSH0P GEO. 1\'LYNCH. S HOP next to Dr. Chisolm's office. All VituN of work, in Iron nml Wood, done in tho hr»l >tvio nnd on short notice. 11 1. ('nnihron, well known to most of our futuiers ns the Chtmqiiea plow smith, is in the shop hammering away. tiling in your Plows, old Uuggii-s nnd Wagons, or any other woik. guaranteed. I ciMUiows, 0a., May 1, 1S7(V. A G E NTS, make no engagements till you sec our ustew book;! W hich in thrilling interest, sterling merit elegance nnd cheapness, has absolutely •"> equal. It is ••Tits Thing" lor the Centen nial period takes on sight. The North American Review says it is “dfi erring of unqualified praise; we antic- ipaiv Air it an extensive popularity." The Dubuque Times says ••Just such a work as thousands of the American People will be glad lo possess the Detroit Advertiser calls it ‘•preferable lo any yet published." Any active Han oi Woman ol good address tusuivd large piofita and steady work lora year, lor lull particu lars addiss. J. R. KURD \ CO., 27 Park Place. N*« York max 1 2m WILI. GET THE Weekly Constitution 1 [ r S pohtaoH* free, till •X anuarv I, 1H77. ft in (he lending paper of she Boull . Red hot PrcMiilenllal and (Jiihcrnnlorial Campaign* opening. ! Every Ca.rgiun alioald lake the PEOPLE*8 PAPER Wcv- erol Hercal Htoms, by distingulHlicd au thor*, running all the time. Jlj|— The golfer up of a Club of Ten will receive tie Paper FREE. Daily $10 00 per annum; $6 SO for aix innnlhn; $2 05 for 8 inonlliM. 8und your Huhaeriplion for the Great Political und Family Journal, 1*11 IIIIhIkmI at lliti Capital. W. A HEMPHILL h CO.. Publishera, AI lan t u, (in CEDART0WN DIRECTORY. ii i:N Kit A L ill Kite I IAN 1)1 N J H. 81UURB& C(J*, Weal aide Main • at.- Dry (tumia, bhoea, Hat* Leather, Hardware, 'Tobacco, Agrioallurul Imple ment*, etc. BIioch, Notions, C A W. FEATIIBRHTON <V ([!(), Fcatli- 1 oral tin’s Itlook, Main at—Dry (Jnodv, Ready Clolhing, Groceries, etc. W M. PHILLIPS fi CO., Main street- Dry Cooda, Notions, Blioea, llats, Hardware, CJroccrlea, etc. I R IIA HIIKIt; (’"iirl Hooac Hquare-— •I Dry Goods, Hats. Hardware, Crockery, Notions, Fine Tobnroo, Cigar#, ate. N Mi WRIGHT, Court llouae Htianre— Dry Cooda. Bliocs, Hals, Nolions, Hardware, Cutlery, etc A HUNTINGTON, Court House bouare Drv Goods, Groceries, ftliooa, lints, Nolions, Hardware, Iron, Mi««L, etc. ( XHEROKEi: IRON GOBI PA NY. Store J ut tho Works— Dry floods, Notions. Hals, Hhocs, Hardwaie, firoeeries, eta. KA MILY (HtOCKIUKS. I A. WVNN. Weal side Main si.— Ample •I and Fancy Family Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Tobacco Cigars, do H P. LUMPKIN Main at Groceries, Confectioneries, ('aimed Goods, To Imcoo, Cigars, 8boot, Hardware, elo. B radford a court House Hqiiaro— Drugs, Medioinea, Painls, Oils, boaps, Perfumery, Garden Heeds, cie. H DRUANK fi JONES. Main Street Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Talltd Arti cles, Oils, Paints, Window Glass, ct*. hooks nuii fiT/ IT A. WRIGHT f, CO., Court House l\ Hqunre Hooks, Stationery, Chromes, Novelties, Garden Seeds, etc. KA K Ell Y. H A. HTOKFRKGKN, Court Hmiso Hqunre— Freali Dread, Cukes, Confec tinnrries, elu. Polk Slier HI Sale* for May. W ’ILL be sold before llie Court House door in the town of Cednrtown. Polk county, Georgia, on the First Tuesday in next within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One day hank horse andontPbuggy ns the operty of Stephen A. Borders, to satisfy fi fa issued from Polk Supericr court ir I fnvor of Cherokee Iron company, ngninet Henry May principal, and Stephen A. Bor ders security Also, lots of Land Nos Uffil, 1145, 114ft. 121*1, 1087. 114*5. 1150, IKi.l, 1217, 1218. )2i2, and 128*5 in the 2nd district and 4th section »f Polk county, as the properly of M. E. VVest to satisfy n Polk Supericr court fi fa in favor of Jsmes S. Nayes, against lho sai'l M. E. West, properly pointed oot hy plaintiff. Also, ut the same time nnd place three dark br)«n or black marc mules, ns the properly of Dr. E. H. Richardson, Hr., lo satisfy a Superior court fi fa in favor of Mrs. A Hwiinron, against the said K H.,Richardson, Sr., ns the property of raid Richardson. Also, at the same time and place, one house siul lot known as the Duig house and lot, bounded on the north hy Ben Brown'a lot, on the south hy Durrcl Duke'* lot, on tho cast by street miming north and south from Van Wert road to Wofford's brick yard, and on the west l.y Herbert's land, us the properly of K. Doig, to satisfy a jus tice court fi fa iu favor of J. S. Noyes, vs said Doig. Levy made und returned to mo by constable. Alsu, lots of land Nos. 225, 220, 227,228, otic hair or lot 221. one half of lot IHil, and ono halt of lot 22«'l. lying in the 1st district and lib section of Pulk county, Oa., us the property of Thomas A. Duke. Levied upon by virtue of a Polk superior court fi fa m favor of A M Sloan, ngninst the said Duke, also to satisfy or her li fas in my hands sgaiuat said Duke. II. P. LUMPKIN, Sheriff. April «, 1&7*5. I’olk Count)’ Mortgage Slierifl Halt* for May. Will he Mold before the Court House Door in Cedarlnwn, on tho first Tuesday in Mny next, within I lie legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lola of land Nos. 1*153. !*88, 1*81, 1084, and half of U<5|, and all that lies on liio south aide of (.Vlnr creek of two oilier lots, numbers uot known, containing two hun dred acres, more or lers, in 2d district and 4th section of I’olk county. Levied on hy virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Polk Superior court, in fnvor of Camp and Clark, against Martin A. Chisolm. Property pointed out in said fi fn, as tho property of Murilia A. Cliiuolin. inl8. II. P. LUMPKIN, Bli’IT. S|»rt ill's Mortgage Hale lor May. 'll J ILL lie sold before the Court House »v door in Ceduriowii, Polk county, within the legal hunrs of sale, on the Fitmt Tursday is May aext, the following prop erty lo-wit : Lots of land, numbers !<2, 12), 122, lit, 184., is*, ir,9. i«o, if.i. 102. Dig. in 1. 1*5, 1*15, I HU, MM, M*7. It'S 109, 200. 201, 2**8, 21*1, 220. T2\, 225, 228, 229. 280, 281. 282, 288, 284, 2 *8. 249, 250, 256, 257. 258. 26U, 26), 2*6, 267. 277, 880, 285, 286, 2'KI, 291. 292, 298, 2!>H. 801. 510, 817, all bring in 17i>1 district and 4ib section of Polk county, fienrgia ; and also the following lots to wit.- numbers 17. 28, 28, 45. 17, 18, It* 50, 51.51. 55x 58, 59. 72. 78. 7'.*. 80. 81. at. *9, 90, 9|, 92. 98. 91. 99. 118, 120, 121. 125. *28, 127, 178, 181, 18*5, 187. 145, 152, I >I. 159, 1*0, 101. 1*5?, 168, 167. 169, 171. 172. 198, 191, 200, 201, 201, 205, 228, 221. 229. 282. 288, 28ft, 289, 240. 241. 2158, 264. 205, 2*7. 371.-272, 278, 274, 2HO. 295. 302. 804. S' 488* Jn 1 ' Jli* 3 *4‘* 8W. lying in 2n<f district nnd III* section of Polk county, fSeorgia, as the properly of the Et na Iron oompuay, levied upon hy virtue of a mortgnge fi fa issiiexl from Polk H iper <>r court In favor of Alfred Hhorter, ngninst the said Etna lion eompnny, together with nil appurtenances nnd fixtures thereunto properly pointed oul in said inurigage AIR LINE HOUSE, 49 1-2 Prior Streot, ATLANTA, GA. Single Meal or Lodging 1...... 50 Trauinent, per titty $2 00 Special Rates for a longer time. J. L. KEITH, Proprietor. npr.3tf. MORGAN, THOMAS & CO. WIIOI.KHAI.E DEALERS IN WHITE GOODS, Ribbons and Notions, No. 3 Citv Hotel Block, NaHlivilhs - - Tennessee. Feb. 14—3m TWO PLANTATIONS P O Tt HALE. O NE situated about one mile from Rock mart, containing about 240 acres, 140 cleared nnd under fence, with dwelling, oul houses, orchard, &e. One situated about five miles south of Cednrtown, containing 240 acres, more or less, with suitable houses, good Pe*loh Orchard good fence, Ac. Either of the nbove places can he bought on very reasonable terms by applying to PIIILPOT A DODDS. Nor. 12, 1875.—if March 4, 1876. 11. P. LUMPKIN, ill'. r ' W. VANCM'm Main street —Harness, >T Bridles, etc., made to order on short Itilice and \\ an anted. L'LEV EL \ N R, Main st.—Cuts, makes ■J and repairs clothing in good style und 1 short notice. r of the .1 EWELER. A I.. D.T>\ IS. Main - id Jewelry. Keeps Jewelry 811 OK MAKERS IP I08F.P1I THOMPSON, Main si ,1 kinds of Boot nnd Shoo work doll superior manner. Spec ial Deputy Slu t ill Sale. "1 \ ’ ILL he sold before the Court House It door, in Cednrtown, Polk county, Oa., on tho first Tuenlay 111 May next, be tween the legal hours of sale, the following property, to w it: Half interest in lots of land No. 1215, in 3rd district and 4th section of Polk county, as the property o! G. L. Dougheity_ by vii- tuo of one justice court fi la in favor of D. Kirkpatrick A Uo., vs. said Doughtorty. Properly pointed hy plaintiff's attorney. Levy luado and returned t„ aie hy a con stable. U. P. GORDON. Spcoiai Deputy Sheriff. npr. K> NKNV SCHEDULE Cherolie Railrond From and after October 24th, 1875. the following schedule xxill be run on the Cher okee Railroad ; Leave Kook marl, 7:00 a in Arrive at T'rtylor.«aill«, 7:45 a m Leave Taylorsville, 8:00 a ui Arrive at Stilcrboro, 8:2t» a m Leave Stilesboro, 8:25 a m Arrive at UartevvviUe, 9:10 a m Ktfat sing;. Leave Cartersrille 2 tX* pm Arrive at Sulesbere i 45 p in Lea- e Siilesbar o 2 5<» 'p m Arrive at Taylorsv 3 19 p m Leave TaylorVvil'x 8 M) - tu Arrive at ReekmV 4 15 p m D. W K. FKAUOt K. /GEORGIA. FOLK COUNTY.—W. D. Crabb, has applied for exemption of personally and I will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock A. M.. on the 22nd day of April, IK6, at luv office, ibis the 24th day March, 1876. JOEL BREWER, Ord'y. illiiixliarx Sales. TT7 ILL he sold before the court homo YV door, in Cedarlnwn, : oik county, Gu.. between the legal hours of sale, »n tlm first Tuesday in May next, the follow ing property, to-wit : The lot uml office of ft. \V. Chisolm, sit uated on Main street, number »ot known, ndjlining obi jail lot, levied on by virtue of a city tux ti fa in fnvor of the mayor nnd council of Cedaitewn, vs said Chisolm. Said lax being for the year 187.5. Also, at the same tune und place, cno house and lot situated 011 Main street, num ber uot known, hounded on the south hy the propei ty of Tfcos. Griffin, and east by the property of the Hand t I. y Vlitue of a city tax fi fa Mayor and Council ef fed II. 1‘rlce Tax due for 187. Also, nt the sunk* time store house nnd lot situated bounded on the east nnd 11 ■ • r 1 Ii hy Dr. I dell'a proparty, occupied at present by IV Shepard, and let ied 01 Win. Meeks, hy virtue of in favor *f the Mayor an dattuwH, vs raid Meeks. Also, at the same tint house und 1 kit situated on rectly in the rear of l.alheisloii A Co.'s store, uvently occupied by Mr. Kimball. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Sarah Shumate, hy virtue ot one city ti fa in fav or cl 1 he Mayor and Council > * said Mrs Shumate. Tax for llie year 1875. Also, at the same time and place, dm house and lot situated oa Spring strew, bounded west V»v Church street, and cast hy vacant lot, levied on as the property of Mrs. Francis and T- G. "• Mc.Mcekin, hv virtue of two city tax ff fas in tavor of tho Mayor and Council of CeUartown vs said rs. Francis and T. G.W. Mc.Mcekin Tax npr.3. A. J. GIBSON, Marshal. p EORGlA. FOLK OOFNTY.- Lib rt U hatley, of the l(*75lh district, (!. M.. toled before me an oxtray heifer yearling, with rod sides and white hack and belly, unmarked, about two yeass old, appraised hy 1> A Whitehead and R Gammon, free holders of said district, to be worth five dollars, and it is ordered that the owner of said ostray come forward, prove prop- erty, pay charges and take her away, and in default thereof that the same be sold by the sheriff on the freehold cl said Whatley, near L» A Whitehead's residence, on the Uth day of May next, in terms of the law. Given under my hand' nnd official signa ture, tine April 24th, 187*5 JOEL BREWER, Ord'y id place, ‘he property Council of Ce il due for 1875 t at reel, d» COPPER COPPER. I TIN-WABB, and can afford to sell it n» reaxonoble aa can he bought in any market. Also do all kind of job work, such as roofing and gut tering houses in tho most durable style.— All kinds of stove and shed-iron work, copper and hrnss. mending unihrelUa I respect fully solicit* the trade of mnrehnnts. Take all kinds of country produce in ex change for Tin. Guano htrewera made to order on the shortest notice. 1. T MEK, miff. Cedartown, Gi East End Wood Shop J. m. HARRIS, EE I’M HEADY-MADE COFFINS & CASES Make* and repairs WAGONS am> FURNITURE. Wagon hobs always on hand. You cai buy one or a tloten. Won* ciikap roi 600 ACRES Cedar Valley Land FOK SAI.K. A 1 den spot of Georgia) in Folk county, gin. two und a half mile* tram Cedwrtawn. the coanly dll- About half of this 0le.1t*il, the biilniice well timberH with a variety of growth. It contain* a frnu house, with three room*—a fireplace each room, xnmc out building*, and nbunduut inppty of water. TKiv fr embracM same of.the tiesl lawd in thi* mouH valley, mutated in North-Weil Geor gia, in latitude 31 degree* north It in well adapted to the growth of all the a)*, clover nnd the grasses As l adaptation to cotton, it is safe lo say that anj goodfaiuier, with* little help tei lilixerx, of an nvciagu crop year, make twelve lo fifteen bale* of rotiou to the mule, and plenty of grain, it can ho proven that eighteen hales of cotton and plenty of grain has been made tu the mule, both by u white mid a colored tenant tho same year on iKljoining lauds—thirty-nix halts tor I wo uiult-s. Another colored leis- nnt the same year made tout teen bale*, with one mule--total, rurx iialkx witiv a laigo deposit of iron ore of the best As to price, thi* luml must he seen to be appreciated. The owner being deter mined to soil, will take less than bulf the price that bn* been paid for land,wUicb i* no better, iu this famous valley, witln* the past lew year*. This tract could he divkted in.o two or three desirable farm* Terms accommodating. For further in formation apply to the undt 1 signed, Cedar town. Folk uouuty, tin., or to K. li. Rich ardson, Sr., uear the premises, T HU Ml SUN \ WIWLE, feh 21. Real Estate Agents G. AY. VANCE, Saddler and Harness Maker, i EDVRTOW.V, Cl A. rpTOSE work ilffr hi my ?4we are respectfully asked'tv give me a tri al. My Shop i* on the corner, in the Fow- ell old Livery Stable building. may 8 /'l'.ORNl.V, FOLK COUNTY. —J I) VT Smith, administrator of Allen Math ew-. alia* Allen Bull, dec’d, haa applied for letters of dismisfion from said a<iimn.*- tration, aud »U persons having objections will file the >n»e in my office by lo o'clock a. m. on the first Monday in May next or said application will he granted. This the 19th day of April, 1876. JOEL BREWER, Ord'y VALUABLE IT RECEIPTS IT for 50 Cents . I'y w hich never fail to cure Dispei'si a, Ho w CnoLKB.v and Dots in Horses, sent ^ any address for 50 cents Ingrediei can be found at any Drug Store. Add ret DAVID FRAZER, Rockmart, fi* A FAFER FOR THE FARMER, AMEBIC A N P ATRO N, A large eight pnge Faper, Fublished ev ery Saturday, nt the very lew price of SI 25 PER YEAR, with reduction to clubs. Handsome pre mium* to Hie getters up of club*. Th* American Fatrou is without a rival as a ORANGE and FARM l'APER. being replete with matter of interest ta every per son engag.d iu agricultural pursuits, con taining lutl department* pertaining to eve ry branch of tunning. As a Grange Faper it stands withou a single rival, a* it reuches rabseviberi in every Stale and Territory, sud throughout the Dominion of Cauada, anti has corres pondent* at over 1 000 uitlerent post oAees One month, ou trial, for 10 cewio. Send for free samples to J K. BARND, Fublisher, Findlay, Ohio. “CASH STORE.” J". S. STUBBS Sc OO. Cedartown, On. JJAYE just received their Spring 8tock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AC. These good* were bought at the closest figure*, and having secured Cain and Casr distounln, they arc able to offer them at price* which defy competition. Call aud bo convinced. A Complete aeeortment of Leather. Boot* and shoe* manufactured to order. Wo call special attention to aur stock of ..Ann, coffke, R.CF, Groceries, HI GAR, BACON, SAL’I CANVASSED HAM8,. SYRUP. SOAP, STARCH CANNED GOODS, TICKLES, FLOUR and MEAL. Sole Agents in Polk county for the Celebrated “Watt How*” and fixtures. Mt. Agent* for Hull'* Patent Rotary i I arrow—WARRANTED* We may have Mentioned it Before. But it will bear rcpeatiug; and to make a sure tiling, wo wi 1 aav that tho MOBILE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OjF MOBILE, ALABAMA., Im IUe li( k ndin|r T^ile Company in the Eolith*. Atul under it* present excellent munnguuieut i* doing more New Bu*ine*s iu the Southern States than nny other Life Company, North or South. Over 2000 Policies Issued in 187& OUR 8 P BO I A. L T I B 1 s Tin* I^iie Endowment Plan, hj which yon secure air Endowment iu fifteen year*, nt the rate of an ordinary Life Policy. r Tli«; Yearly Renewable TTei’m Plan, the cheap- ont plan of Insurance now worked. M. MrCARTY. If. M. FRIEND, SHEPPARD HOMANS, President. Secretary. Actuary. R. 0. RANDALL, General Agent and Manager, GADSDFN, ALABAMA. BTATIT:TVT TU T^TO? FOR THE YEAR ENDINC DECEMBER 3fst, 1876. Not Angola December 31*t, 1871 $110 800 13 l.Vt'OM K, Received for Premicins and interest IHSIir USE M ENTS. $750,785 1*2 Losses by Death ^ j 254 ()0 DiTidetui*, ( "tmuisMiouH, Taxe*, and other expenses. . 73,850 (52 1 18 113 (5^ ♦G02.C71 50 ASSETS. Cush in Bank 4; 17.1,85 40 U. S. Government nnd other Bond* 70,270 30 Loans on Mortgnge. First Liens . 40 032 12 Loans on Bonds and Stock* 25.605 0(5 Insurance Stock* 1,425 00 Real Estate and amount due by other Companies for Re-TiiHurnnco 05 085 74 Bill* Receivable*secured, and Stock Bonds 200,238 4(5 Premium* in hand* of Agent* and in course of Collection *10,903 45 Office nnd Agency Furniture 2,715 88 Add Accrued Interest and Deferred Premiums 602.671 r,a 21.824 4(7 Asset* Decern I >er 31 si, 1875 $624,405 96 MURDER! $10,000 00 REWARD ! 0 Everybody ran bare ami V>aru bow to gut rich.. Tho wheel of fortune is turning, nud “THERE’S MILLIONS IN IT." PHILPOT & DODDS, Have murdered the old plan of high prices nnd big per cent, and are GU Nr 11ST Gf- -A.'W .A.'y GOODS At *Ttch Low Prices a* Defy Competition. People who go to Rome sell their Cotton nnd come buck lo buy good* from PHILPOT k DODDS' NEW CASH STORE Com# and Buy Almost W I r V H O U T MONhYi Aud you will go homo and dream of peace and plenty. DRY GOODS 8c GROCERIES And are Selling them at remarkably low prices. Su^ar, Coflee, Cheese, Fish HARDWARE, CROCKERY j A fall Line of Notion*. Trimmings, Ribbons, White Goods, Domestics,’ HATS, BOOTS, SHOES. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING And iu fact a General Assortment of Merchandise, all *t Greatly Reduced Prices. Being fixed up in good style, uo rt-nta lo pay, and having paid l Cash (or their Goods, they are able to Compete sncceaaColly with any oobf Call and be convinced- yj